#Online Kundali
blessed1neha · 1 year
11th house in Astrology
The Eleventh House is the home of aspiration, wealth, gratification of desires, friendship, and abundance.
Any planet in it is seen to be strong and favourable, and its potential is fully manifested here. It is protected from pests because it is also the home of upachaya, thus it keeps becoming better over time. Malefics in the eleventh house provide people the ability to overcome challenges and exhibit their greatest traits. It displays the results of our labours and brings dreams to life because it is the second house from the tenth.
This is the place where one can express themselves and achieve their goals. At a high level, he is connected to spiritual development and contribution to society via his gifts and prowess. It is especially advantageous if Leo or Pisces, Jupiter, the Sun, or any of their aspects to this house are present.
A strong position, though, also betrays a desire for notoriety and recognition. If the Sun is in the autumn, it may be a sign of a willingness to use dubious methods to achieve fame in any way. The placement of Mars in the 11th house is also advantageous.
Undoubtedly, such a person will be able to reach a high financial position. He will do everything it takes to achieve his goals. Wealth is also frequently indicated when the 11th house is connected to the 10th or 9th. Any planets in the 11th house, in general, represent the potential for realisation in that field.
Venus, for instance, speaks of artistic expression, whilst Saturn is favourable for politicians. By the way, Saturn does best in the 11th house. With this position, the native can start from extremely humble beginnings and go on to achieve great success in life and their careers.
A person with Ketu in the 11th house has good organisational abilities, optimism, and fortitude. They can solve any problem and find a way around any obstacle. Rahu is in a pretty fortunate situation at the moment.
Typically, these people are well respected in society, are friendly and outgoing, are strong leaders, and achieve great things in life. Nevertheless, despite all the blessings, the 11th house has its drawbacks. Being the sixth house from the sixth, it occasionally portends illness, challenges, and hurdles.
They will particularly show up at times when planets connected to the 11th house are afflicted by PAC.
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jeevanjali · 9 days
Kuber Yog in Kundali: कुंडली में कैसे बनता है कुबेर योग? जानिए जीवन पर क्या होता है इसका प्रभावKuber Yog in Kundali: कुबेर योग एक विशेष योग है जो ज्योतिष शास्त्र में धन और सम्पत्ति के लिए महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। इस योग का निर्माण कुंडली में लग्नेश (अष्टम भाव के स्वामी) और द्वादश भाव के स्वामी (बारहवें भाव के स्वामी) के बीच होता है।
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devvaani · 13 days
Online Kundali
Dev Vaani is an App designed to provide guidance and advice from spiritual gurus to help people make important life decisions and achieve success. It focuses on education, profession, life partner selection, and understanding one’s circumstances. If you have any specific questions or need more information about yourself please feel free to contact Dev Vaani.
What is Astrology
Astrology is the ancient science dealing with the analysis of the in-born personality traits of the native, strengths and weaknesses, and prediction of what lies in store for him in life based on the placement of various planets in different houses of his birth chart, which is commonly referred to as his Horoscope or janm-kundali. Though the science of astrology was invented in various parts of the world during human civilization, it attained its highest glory in India in the hands of such legends as Maharishi Bhrigu, Maharishi Parashar, Maharishi Jamini, and others. The most widely practiced system of astrology in north India is the Vedic astrology. A slightly modified version of north Indian Vedic astrology is in vogue in the Southern part of the country, whereas the Western system is practiced in Western countries.
Online Kundali, also known as a birth chart or horoscope is a personalized astrological map based on the time, date, and place of an individual’s birth. This chart provides insights into various aspects of one’s life, including personality traits, career paths, and relationships. Online platforms now offer convenient ways to generate and interpret Kundalis, making it accessible for individuals to explore their astrological profiles and seek guidance in different aspects of life. While Kundali readings are rooted in ancient astrological traditions, it’s important to note that they are not scientifically proven and are embraced more as a cultural and spiritual practice for self-reflection and guidance.
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Astrology can aid in our understanding of past occurrences. Astrology not only assists in avoiding conflicts in marriage relationships, and commercial, and professional matters, but it also supports excellent health, wealth, and spiritual growth. Astrology is a useful tool for advising people going through difficult times and predicting when good times will come in all facets of life.
Importance of Astrology
In today’s modern and materialistic world, with so much technical advancement, we human beings feel trapped in a rat race to achieve material success. All of us at one point in time, face the following question: -
How to live life? How to face life? and finally, How to conquer life?
Astrology is a ray of light, for those who are groping in the dark, struggling to find answers to their own questions about life. Very few individuals struggle to achieve higher goals in life like [nirvana] or inner peace. And yet a few mortals still struggle with basic problems like family, unemployment, debt, disease, relationships, etc. For some individuals, to whom God has been kind, their basic needs fulfilled, the question of name, fame, power, and position become more important
Astrology is useful in innumerable ways. Some of them are listed below:-
1) It can be used to predict mundane events.
2) An astrologer can give guidance and to counseling to young students regarding which vocation to choose and also bring harmony in what one loves to do and what one is actually doing.
3) Astrologers guide parents in the upbringing of children in the complexities of the present world.
4) Astrologers can give guidance to professionals, in choosing a correct line of work, pointing out periods of rise and fall, and also pinpoint when an individual will receive his or her first salary.
5) Astrologers can time a marriage correctly for a happy life ahead and also for parents to plan the marriage ahead.
(6) An Astrologer can guide an individual, who is a seeker of spiritual life, when the time is suitable so that one has enough savings, for the times that are unfavorable.
It is true, that an honest astrologer can be of immense value to the changing society of our times. Most of the astrologers who study this great science of Jyotisha have only limited knowledge due to the vastness and great depth of this sacred knowledge. One reason can be that it was revealed by lord “Brahma” himself to the great Seers. And from there descends this divine knowledge to us.
Dev Vaani Astrolgers helps people in solving many problems in life.
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astrology-prediction · 2 months
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southindianastrologer · 3 months
Future Prediction by Date of Birth
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In the vast realm of astrology, your date of birth holds the key to unraveling the intricate tapestry of your life's journey. Through the ancient art of future prediction by date of birth, you can gain profound insights into the cosmic blueprint that shapes your destiny.
This comprehensive astrological analysis delves deep into the precise positions of celestial bodies at the moment you took your first breath. By meticulously examining the alignments of planets, stars, and lunar mansions, skilled astrologers can unveil the karmic imprints and divine influences that govern your life's path.
From career trajectories and financial fortunes to romantic relationships and spiritual growth, a future prediction by date of birth illuminates the challenges, opportunities, and turning points that lie ahead. Armed with this foresight, you can make informed decisions, capitalize on auspicious timings, and navigate life's ebbs and flows with greater wisdom and preparedness.
Moreover, this astrological reading doesn't just foretell the future but also provides invaluable guidance on remedial measures, such as gemstone recommendations, mantras, and rituals, to mitigate potential obstacles and attract abundance into your life.
Embrace the ancient wisdom of astrology and embark on a journey of self-discovery by exploring your future through the lens of your birth chart. Unlock the hidden potentials and tap into the cosmic forces that shape your destiny, empowering you to live your life to the fullest.
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astrolexaa · 4 months
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Welcome to the cosmic realm of Astrolexaa, where ancient wisdom meets modern insights to unlock the secrets of your destiny. As the best astrologer in Ahmedabad, Astrolexaa is your trusted companion on a journey of self-discovery. In this comprehensive blog, we explore the diverse services offered by Astrolexaa, ranging from online horoscopes to kundli readings, providing you with a glimpse into the profound world of Vedic astrology.
Astrolexaa: Your Trusted Astrologer in Ahmedabad
As the preferred astrologer in Ahmedabad, Astrolexaa has earned its reputation for delivering accurate and insightful predictions. The team at Astrolexaa combines traditional astrological knowledge with contemporary approaches, ensuring that clients receive personalized and reliable guidance tailored to their unique life situations.
Unveiling the Power of Vedic Astrology Predictions
Vedic astrology, deeply rooted in ancient Indian wisdom, serves as the cornerstone of Astrolexaa predictions. This time-honored tradition offers a holistic understanding of the cosmic influences that shape human life. Astrolexaa astrologers leverage vedic astrologer online principles to decode planetary positions, providing you with precise and meaningful predictions for your future.
Online Horoscope and Kundli Services: Bridging Tradition and Technology
In the digital era, Astrolexaa seamlessly integrates technology to offer online horoscope and kundli services. The online platform ensures accessibility to Vedic astrology insights from anywhere in the world. Discover the convenience of unraveling your celestial blueprint through Astrolexaa's user-friendly online interfaces.
My Future Prediction: A Personalized Glimpse into Tomorrow
Curiosity about the future is a universal trait, and Astrolexaa caters to this with personalized "My Future Prediction" services. By meticulously analyzing your birth chart, Astrolexaa's astrologers provide insights into various aspects of your life, including career, relationships, and health. Empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions as you navigate life's intricate pathways.
Kundli Online: Your Celestial Blueprint at Your Fingertips
Your kundli, or birth chart, serves as a celestial blueprint capturing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Astrolexaa's online kundli services bring this ancient wisdom to your fingertips, allowing you to explore your unique astrological profile. Gain deeper insights into the cosmic influences that have shaped your journey.
Free Horoscope Online: A Gateway to Astrological Enlightenment
Astrolexaa believes in making astrology accessible to all. Embrace the opportunity to explore your destiny with Astrolexaa's free horoscope online services. Whether you are a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer to astrology, these free readings offer a taste of the profound revelations that a comprehensive astrological analysis can provide.
FAQ - Your Astrological Queries Answered:
Q1: What sets Vedic astrology apart from other astrological systems?
A1: Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient Indian system that considers the positions of planets at the time of an individual's birth. It offers a holistic perspective, emphasizing lunar and solar calendars. This sets it apart from Western astrology, which is based on the tropical zodiac and focuses on the Sun's position.
Q2: How accurate are online horoscope and kundli readings from Astrolexaa?
A2: Astrolexaa's online horoscope and kundli readings combine the expertise of experienced astrologers with advanced algorithms. While no prediction can be guaranteed with absolute certainty, Astrolexaa strives for accuracy based on the principles of Vedic astrology.
Q3: Can astrology help me in making important life decisions?
A3: Absolutely. Astrology provides valuable insights into various aspects of life, aiding individuals in making informed decisions. Astrolexaa's astrologers offer guidance on career choices, relationships, health, and other significant life events.
Q4: Is there a specific age or time to consult an astrologer?
A4: Astrology is timeless and can be consulted at any stage of life. Whether you are facing challenges or simply seeking clarity, Astrolexaa's astrologers are ready to assist individuals of all ages.
Embark on a transformative journey with Astrolexaa, the best astrologer in Ahmedabad, and discover the profound insights that Vedic astrology can offer. From online horoscopes to personalized kundli readings, Astrolexaa brings the celestial wonders to your doorstep. Embrace the wisdom of the stars, navigate your destiny, and unlock the doors to a brighter future with Astrolexaa.
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astrology12 · 11 months
Marriage problems in Astrology & Remedies for All 12 Ascendant Signs
Unlock the celestial wisdom of astrology to solve marriage problems! Explore remedies designed for all 12 Ascendant Signs, fostering better communication and understanding in your relationship. Embrace the stars' guidance for a harmonious marriage.
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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futurepointpvt · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know about Online horoscope predictions
Horoscope predictions have been a part of human culture for centuries, with roots tracing back to ancient civilizations. The concept is based on the belief that the alignment of celestial bodies and their positions at the time of a person's birth can influence their life and future events.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Jupiter in various house
Jupiter in Hindi is called “Brihaspati”, with Brihat meaning large. Its the largest planet, in fact with 80 moons, Jupiter is a solar system in itself.
Also in mythology, known as Devguru, it shows presence of God in a horoscope.
We may also note, that presence of god is good, but not always comforting. Just imagine, God sitting in your bedroom, lot of things would get restricted, so, though, aspect of Jupiter is always good, presence in a materialistic house, like wealth may not be good.
In astrology, Jupiter is widely referred to as "the Great Benefic," meaning it holds an abundance of gifts and is always prepared to bestow its generosity onto us. Jupiter's energy is joyous and optimistic, and it's often responsible for showing us how to remain positive in difficult times.
Jupiter in the First House
Large in size, tall, you present a jovial, kind, altruistic manner to the world around you, generally beginning any new undertaking with optimism and faith.
Jupiter in the Second House
Others might think you are lucky with money, gifts, or personal possessions. In fact, you are extremely resourceful.
Jupiter in the Third House
Your presentation or communication to others, makes you appear like an expert, or a guru.
Jupiter in the Fourth House
Your strong instincts tend to guide you, particularly on a professional level. You readily make warm connections with others, particularly valuing your family and close loved ones. You likely feel that “happiness is home.”
Jupiter in the Fifth House
You are generous, playful, and warm, particularly with children and in your romantic life.
Jupiter in the Sixth House
You have high standards in your business dealings with others, believing that one should always treat others with respect and faith.
Jupiter in the Seventh House
Cultivating close, rewarding partnerships is important to you. You might naturally use charm and grace to reach your goals.
Jupiter in the Eighth House
You are talented at strategy, research, and investigation. Getting to the root of any problem is important to you as you instinctively feel that this is where the answer lies.
Jupiter in the Ninth House
You are always hungry for knowledge and wisdom. With your naturally philosophical nature, you enjoy sharing your opinions and knowledge with others. You can be a natural teacher, and you love the learning process.
Jupiter in the Tenth House
Others might see you as “lucky” when it comes to your career and business opportunities. It is natural for you to excel, and if others help you along the way, it is probably because of your winning attitude.
Jupiter in the Eleventh House
Your social life means a lot to you, and you take great pleasure in connecting with your friends as well as involvement in teams and groups or with your community. You display great tolerance and humanitarianism.
Jupiter in the Twelfth House
This position of Jupiter by house is often considered the guardian angel position — something seems to save you just in the nick of time, probably due to your inborn faith in the universe. Solitude, working alone, and meditation can bring you great pleasure and a sense of rejuvenation. You are merciful and generous, often anonymously.
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astronupur · 1 year
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pardumansuri · 1 year
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rodfuentes · 1 year
"Serpiente Kundalini" Es la enorme Fuerza Creativa sexual y de Supervivencia Humana
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¡El poder conocido, en la India, como "serpiente Kundalini", y en la tradición ancestral de los Andes -donde aprendí los 8 Códigos de la Vida- como "serpiente Amaru". Es la misma, que en la tradición ancestral mexicana es conocida como la "Serpiente emplumada".
No necesitas hacer nada para activarla y "elevarla" desde el centro inferior en el Cóccix. Ya está despierta, desde tu pubertad!. ¡Eso ya ocurrió!.
Esta es una Importante confusión aclarada aquí.
Lo que si debes hacer es controlar y canalizar este gigantesco poder creativo que está alimentando tu cerebro, día a día. Porque los centros superiores de tu mente, se alimentan de él y le atrapan.
Descontrolada, se transforma en algo MUY dañino, e incluso "maléfico", porque su fuerza atrapada por los bloqueos mentales, creencias limitantes, ideas erróneas sobre la vida y la realidad, se distorsiona y enrarece completamente. Aquello, nubla la visión mental y restringe totalmente nuestros logros y abundancia.
Por esa razón hay una relación directa entre sexo y éxito en la vida, que muy poco se entiende el día de hoy
Cuando DISOLVEMOS los bloqueos de estrechez mental, las creencias limitantes, los patrones de "distorsión mental" que señalan claramente la PNL (Programación Neurolinguística), claramente señalados por los Dres. Bandler y Grinder -descubridores de la PNL con quienes me formé algunas décadas atrás- dejan de atrapar y canalizar negativamente aquel gigantesco poder creativo. Y de arruinar una vida humana
Que tu jardín florezca
Rod Fuentes
¿Hacia adonde se dirige tu vida?
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yoganandarishikesh · 2 years
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training School India | Yogananda Rishikesh
Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training School in India! Yogananda Rishikesh We are excited to offer our highly acclaimed Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course in rishikesh india https://yoganandarishikesh.com
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futurepointindia11 · 2 years
Online Horoscope
Get free online horoscope by date of birth to get detailed information about one’s life. A birth chart is the first step to understand how our life will be in future? It helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses and we may always act wisely after getting deep understanding and self awareness.
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astrology12 · 1 year
What Does Your Online Horoscope Say About Your Future Career?
While online kundali can provide valuable insights, they should be used as a guide, not a rule. Ultimately, your career path is up to you, and you should follow your passions and interests rather than relying solely on astrological guidance.
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