#Online Hostel Booking
silvershoe · 10 months
silver lining is always always the people i meet when shit like this happens. thank god i'm in a big city with artists to help me if things go wrong
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letsvisitpersia · 7 months
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Whether you are looking for a 5-star luxury hotel, a comfortable downtown apartment, or a budget traditional hostel, we’ve got what you need.
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bignoseagenda · 1 year
There is a house in the woods...
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If you like grouchy witches and wayward little trans girls with magic,
If you're interested in robots discovering personhood and adults coming to term with their own lives,
If you're delighted by frogs that can cook and demon children with immaculate drip,
If you want to see a story that's a mirror for who you could be,
If you yearn for a story that will fill your heart and feed your soul,
If transformation, community, found family, and building adventures big and small is something you crave, check out Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast. I had the pleasure of writing for this incredible game, and I'm delighted to say it's been released.
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I was the main character writer for the robot housemaid Amelie, who's still discovering who it/he/she is, and one of my favorite chapters that I wrote was THE WITCH'S OLD HOSTEL, which is a dungeon crawl that touches on some very frightening things indeed: our imagination, and our history.
There are ways to play online with One More Multiverse, and physical books and tat to enhance your experience! Whether you're a tired angel, a prissy cat, an anxious robot housekeeper, a soggy businessman, a massive mountain troll, a sapient shrub, or something else entirely, you're bound to find a story to tell in Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast.
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All you have to do is open the book.
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I’m Ray! A girl on the east coast, lost in the world with a killer sidekick (my boyfrenn >:D)
Chronically online, lover of sims 4 and roblox x3
I also play choice-based games like LIS, along with horror games (Outlast is my favorite)
I enjoy reading! I’m currently working on American Psycho, and The Vampire Diaries. DNI if you like Colleen Hoover, or book-tok “novels”.
I live for trashy TV. Jerry Springer, Bad Girls Club, VH-1 “of love” shows, along with The Simple Life! I also really love Jackass, Wild Boyz, and Viva La Bam
For films, I’m a cinephile, I love movies ranging from Barbie, to Hostel xD! I’ve got a current fixation on movies such as Lolita, Precious, I Believe in Unicorns.
I’m always looking for friends, so don’t be afraid to text me!
DNI: Under the age of 15, DSMP mega fan, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss mega fans, Incels, and just generally bad beliefs LOL
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im-a-king-baby · 1 year
Hi! I cannot see this emoji because apparently I need to update several of my devices but I am going to ASSUME it is a flower. <3
Your snippet is about Laura (aka the fan who drove Simon to Bjarstad at the end of a very strange day)
Laura is pretty sure she’s dreaming. The entire night has had this air of unreality and now there’s this boy sitting in her passenger seat staring out the window in a white hoodie several sizes too big.
“What was your name?” he asks.
They’ve been driving for twenty minutes. This is the first thing he’s said since he offered to have sex with her and she said, “Um, no thank you?” like the most awkward person in history.
Google maps says it’s still nearly two hours to Bjarstad. And she can’t put on music because the car only has a CD player and the only CDs she has are Simme albums and Simme is sitting in her passenger seat. “Laura. Laura Andersson.”
He nods. “Hi.”
So fucking surreal. “Hi.”
“Were you looking for me?”
“Looking for me,” he repeats. “Like, did Twitter say where I was so you went to find me?”
For a second she’s insulted at the implication, but when she glances over he doesn’t look angry, just tired. Resigned. Like he expects her to say yes.
And she’s seen all the news footage of crowds around the Grand hotel. She was looking on Twitter after the show for other fans talking about the new song but instead it was all people asking where the crew had moved to, rumours about different hotels. “No,” she says. “I was -” she pauses, trying to plan the sentence and tripping up on several words. Funnily enough high school language classes never covered ‘adulterous asshole’. Or maybe they did, she wasn’t great at paying attention. “I don’t know how to say it in English.”
“Oh,” he sounds surprised, like he’d forgotten where he was in between playing the show and now, and switches. “Swedish is fine. Sorry.” His Swedish accent is a bit rough, just like on stage, but he speaks it easily enough. Of course he does, he grew up here.
“I know you don’t like it,” she says.
He laughs softly, at a joke he doesn’t bother to share, letting his head thud against the passenger window. “Did I say that?”
He’s still speaking Swedish, so she switches because translating everything at 3am while her ears are still ringing and she’s driving an unfamiliar route into the middle of nowhere is going to give her a headache. “You gave an interview once where you said you wish you could forget Swedish so that you could forget everything that happened in Sweden.”
“Oh.” He touches his hoodie pocket, like he needs to reassure himself that it’s still there. “I probably shouldn’t have said that.”
“Is it true?”
He glances sideways at her, possibly looking at her properly for the first time. “Sometimes,” he says. Whatever that means. “So where were you headed, before?”
“I was looking for a hostel. I was supposed to be staying with my boyfriend - I’m from Gothenburg and he’s from Stockholm but he comes over a lot for work. Then he texts me after the show started like ‘actually my wife has decided not to take the kids to her mother’s so you’ll have to get a hotel.’ And obviously I called him and he goes ‘I thought you knew I was married’ like obviously I did not. And the wife doesn’t know about me so all this time I’ve been a fucking homewrecker or something. Anyway all the hotels were booked out from the concert so I was looking for this hostel I saw online in the hope they might have a bed free and then I saw you.”
And she pulled over to check if he was alright and to ask if she could drive him somewhere - half wondering if she could maybe negotiate a room at his hotel, or at least a couch to crash on and somewhere to park overnight - and he’d climbed in and asked if she knew a town called Bjarstad.
It’s kind of on her way home, only adds an hour or so to the overall drive time. And when she’d unsubtly mentioned that she’d need to sleep at some point, he’d dropped that he owned a house there. In some middle-of-nowhere town in Sweden, a country he supposedly hasn’t been back to in nearly 3 years.
Then he’d offered her money, a photograph, and sex, in that order.
“Fuck,” Simme says, his voice is flat but she appreciates the sentiment. “Well. Sorry I fucked up the show for you as well.”
She glances sideways, but she can’t look long enough to get a good sense of his expression without taking her attention off the road. “It was fine. I mean who else can say they got to hear a Simme original song, live.” God, that makes it sound like she hated it. “I mean I loved the song, the song was great.” Or maybe that’s too much enthusiasm for a song he sang like his heart was fucking breaking. “I mean, it was sad. But really pretty.”
She takes her eyes off the road again, to see his mouth quirk into a tiny half smile. “You should send that to my PR team,” he says. “Sad But Pretty. There’s an album title right there.”
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chaletnz · 2 months
Medellín to Guatapé
I stored my big bag in the hostel luggage room, tucked on a shelf out of the way where hopefully no-one would touch it in the 3 days I’d be gone. I returned to Hija Mia again for a flat white and açai bowl which was great other than the unholy amount of peanut butter they drazzled on top that overpowered the flavour of everything. I took the metro to Caribe station where I walked a short distance to the bus station and redeemed my online order for the boarding ticket. It was about 12:50 by this point and the lady asked me if I wanted to take the 1pm bus instead of the 2pm that I’d booked. I said no as I was dying for the toilet and didn’t want to rush myself around in the boot. I paid 1400 pesos for a seatless toilet and then treated myself to a mango/strawberry/pineapple smoothie while I people watched and waited for the next bus. Luckily I went to board early enough to secure a window seat and then we were off to Guatapé. Just outside the bus station a random lady was picked up with a boom box who proceeded to torture us with her terrible freestyle rap and then expected us all to give her money! The driving was erratic and fast, he took the windy roads at high speeds and picked up and dropped off people all along the way. When we arrived the ground was wet so I must’ve just missed some rain but it wasn’t very hot then so the uphill walk to my hotel in the boot wasn’t too bad. The rain had turned some of the upper streets into clay though which was difficult to avoid. When I arrived at the hotel I rang the bell and someone across the road pointed for me to go to the next door which was also closed and locked. After the neighbours shouting a bit, they sent their children to help me open the latch and let me in. I walked in and to my surprise the host was in a towel, she asked me to come upstairs and have a seat while she quickly got dressed. Once I had paid and checked in, I took some time to refresh in my room and then I went back down to the town for a walk around. I picked up a pastry for tomorrow and a buñeulo for now as I checked out a few souvenir shops and bought some t-shirts. The nightlife seemed to be pretty good in Guatapé although there were not a lot of people around. I chose Peregrino for dinner and I was the only person there for the first 20 minutes until a couple showed up. During this trip I hadn’t really done any restaurant dinners except with the girls in Cartagena so this was my first one alone. I had the pechuga de pollo (grilled chicken with potatoes and salad) with a mango juice. Again, the meal didn’t impress too much but it was nice to eat out in a restaurant for a change instead of just doing street food or small snacks each night!
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citrusluvr · 4 months
wow. its been a while huh.
well ive started my a level exams. im also almost done with them i guess? i have three papers left across two days so thats something at least. i think ive done really well in psychology to be honest!! sociology has been going okay, im a bit worried about paper three though. it felt like we simultaneously rushed through and took too long on the crime and deviance topic. i have to be isolated during the day next week since two of my exams clash and i have to take one early. at least ill be done with sociology then! i have two maths papers left - i already know statistics and mechanics isnt going to go great so hopefully paper two goes well! i think paper one went okayish.
ive started collecting ceramics from charity shops which i love! ill try and put some photos up at some point. i want to get a cd player soon. i love cds! when i get a job after i go travelling i want to get a pc as well hopefully. ive never had a pc! i want to burn some cds but my laptop doesnt have a cd port.
speaking of travelling, i go really soon!! its only two and a half weeks away!!! im so excited!!!! i still need to pay some mandatory fees, but ive booked all my hostels and eurostar tickets, and got my interrail pass as well. i need to practice packing my backpack this weekend! hopefully everything fits.. i need to fix my camera as well! time to go find a tiny screwdriver.
i havent really been doing much else. ive gone out a few times with my friends which is nice! i have a nice small group of friends from college, and we all go to spoons every now and then which is fun :) im going to miss when they go off to uni :(
everything is a bit hectic at the moment with the upcoming genny lec (general election for non brits). everyone keeps talking about taccy vs (tactical voting) but i feel like people should just vote for who they want right? i like one of the minor parties more, and even though they are unlikely to win i still want to show that i support them and their policies. i get why people are saying to vote tactically but there is no doubt in my opinion that there will be a change in government. im tired of all the minor parties being ignored though. there was a tv debate the other day that literally only included the leaders of the two major parties.. which then led to the integrity of politics being questioned altogether. the first past the post system just doesnt work in this country anymore (not sure that it ever worked anyway).
i should do this more often. ive been writing and deleting for a while, since some of the stuff felt a bit too personal to post online publicly. it still felt good to get it out though! helps me reflect a bit. i like speaking out into the void. its not like anyone reads this anyway :)
by the time i make another blog post it will probably be after the election. see u on the other side!
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alexiusgoesrogue · 8 months
Status update: Jan 22nd
After three failed attempts, the main flights were finally booked. The trip to England had to be cut out, because for some weird reason, (at least) one airline kept on being the reason to continuously cancel my bookings before they could even process the payments.
Instead, the trip officially starts on Feb 7th, going from Bremen Central Station by train down to Düsseldorf International Airport. From there, the first flight stops in Dubai for a brief layover (and airplane switch) to then head over to Melbourne, and after one last layover arrive in Wellington on the 9th.
My hostel is only half an hour away by bus, and fairly cheap too for the eleven nights I’ll be staying there. What my friend and I will be up to is still not fully set. I believe we’ll be spontaneous or figure out our plans the day before instead of creating a whole schedule.
Return flight will be on Feb 20th, directly from Wellington to Dubai and back to Düsseldorf on the 21st. The entire trip back will be about 35 hours, making this the longest day of my life.
Many preparations have been made, several others are still waiting to be done. The luggage and backpack near the door are a constant reminder that February is now only about two weeks away, and somehow I feel as if everything and yet nothing is done.
A bunch of things already are packed away to make sure they’re not forgotten. Others still sit in their usual spots because they’re still in use, and I have to hope I won’t forget about packing them. Yet other items are not even in my possession still, such as film for my Polaroid or a decent powerbank.
But since the most scary part had been overcome already, my nerves have calmed down significantly already. The anxiety shoots up my spine on occasion when I remember that this is actually going to happen soon. However, it also excites me that I’ll finally get to fulfil this dream of a younger, 13 year old me who dreamt of seeing the world and meeting the people they chatted with online in English every day.
And equally exciting is having my friends and family getting to see all the stupid stuff I’ll definitely be getting myself into from home, thanks to this blog. It gives me a funny feeling to see my dad made a tumblr account just to cheer me on in the comments. Not complaining at all though, I find it really sweet.
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tellywoodtrash · 1 year
// trigger warning for abuse and panic attacks //
hello TT. I'm so sorry for oversharing but i literally don't know what to do right know.
I'm 18 and my parents are abusive in an physical, mental, emotional, and every other sense.
I'm going to college this year and for years i thought that if i could just move away for college, i would be able to heal away from them. i would finally be free.
but they didn't let me apply to any out-of-state colleges. so now I'm stuck with them till idek how long. i wish i could just rent a tiny appartment or something but i don't have the money. and i can't live in any in state hostels either because they don't accept students who live in the same state.
as a result, my depression and anxiety has gotten so much worse. im having multiple panic attacks a day and i don't know what to do.
i don't know how i will survive anymore torture from them. i don't see a way out for myself. what should I do?
Dearest baby friend,
First offf, sending you biggest and tightest hugs. You are being very brave reaching out to me through your pain.
Crappy parents are just a shitty lottery result, and the worst bit is, you cannot change them. What you can change however, is how you react to them. It will take a lot of work, but train yourself to not hear the shitty things they say to you. It's extreeeemely difficult to grow out of wanting your parents' approval (esp. for us desis) but that's what you've got to do. By now you must have realised that no matter what you do, there's no pleasing them. So fuck it. Do what you think is right (PRUDENTLY, within reason; try not to rock the boat too much) and fuck their opinion. It's just white noise. Stop allowing them to affect your mood. Free yourself from them emotionally, and you'll see a lot of their power over you is diminished.
Is there anyone in the extended family you could reach out to? An aunt/uncle/grandparent etc? Maybe just work on forming a bond with someone like that, an adult whom you can trust to have your wellbeing at heart. Worst situation, you can move out to their place. But that's just in case of emergencies.
Now that you're starting college, I assume you'll have a little more freedom than you did in school, time wise. Try and use that to spend as much time away from your parents, whether it be in the college library, or with friends, etc. Come back home at reasonable times, and then just say you're exhausted and go be in your own space. Try and build a life outside of home and treat this just as a place to come rest your head at night.
Most importantly, you need to start creating an action plan to become financially independent as soon as feasibly possible. The sooner you have your own money, the quicker you can break your parents' control over you. You can move out to PGs or working women's hostels, or whatever. There are a buncha places that will pay you for small online tasks, like fiverr and upwork and stuff. All you need is your computer and an internet connection. If you have skills like graphic design and video editing etc, even better. Do some research into those. Depending on your college major, your professors might be able to help you get some small stuff within the college as well, as a research assistant or something of the sort. If/when you find a professor you form a good bond with, tell them you're interested in participating in projects or whatever, and that they should keep you in mind. These professors will also be able to give you good recommendation letters and connections when you graduate and are looking to move into the job market.
Since you don't have much disposable income rn, I realise it might not be feasible to suggest therapy to you; but please know there are online options that take like, a 1000 - 2000 bucks per session (look up The Mind Clan.) If that's not possible, I'd like you to try doing some self therapeutic reading that might be helpful. Research books written by professionals in the field (for eg Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Dr. Susan Forward; and Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal by Donna Jackson Nakazawa) and absorb their messages and do the exercises if any, to help yourself understand how this relationship has affected both your mental and physical health, identify patterns that you may have built up as defense mechanisms to cope, and how to move forward with healing.
Please know, that you WILL eventually make it out of this situation. Maybe not now, maybe not in the current foreseeable future; but eventually you WILL become financially and emotionally independent from your parents and will be able to do as you wish. It's just about hanging in there a little longer. Use this time to prepare yourself to be self sufficient in the real world, and freedom shall come sooner than later.
Please take care of yourself in the meantime. I love you lots and am rooting for you.
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slowroadtosantiago · 1 year
Day 12 - Najera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada
The Guide Book says today was 13.2 miles, but we made a small diversion for lunch and my phone says 14.5 miles.
We had our bags transferred today so travelled light. As we walk more days the pads of our feet are getting a bit sore and the rucksack feels heavier and heavier! It’s really easy to have it transferred, most albergue’s have envelopes belonging to the carriers which you attach to your rucksack. You need to have somewhere reserved to send it to, and I have been doing all the booking online.
Anyway, back to today…We set off as usual at 7:30 in overcast weather with the odd spot of rain. Within half an hour we had our ponchos on but it never got more than a bit drizzly.
We climbed out of the town through some forestry passing an odd statue of Jesus up on the hill. The hillside, path, rocks and land in general is very red in this part.
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There were plenty of vineyards to admire, some being very well kept with guys at the side of the path strimming the weeds away. The above ground irrigation system was interesting to see.
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We were making for Azofra for breakfast, about 4 miles away. Breakfast was the usual coffee, orange juice and pain au chocolat. But to be honest the novelty is now wearing off and we’re thinking of other things that we could have instead.
The lunch stop was about another 6 miles away so we plodded on. Our lives are defined by how far away the villages are for breakfast, lunch and final destination!
The landscape initially wasn’t particularly pretty, the path passing by the side of a motorway, but it soon turned inland and we were once again rewarded by huge open fields, reverting back to the chalk path, deep green barley fields, yellow rape fields and poppies by the pathway. The weather cleared up, the sun came out, and we had some amazing views either side to the hills and mountains.
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As we approached Ciruena, our lunch stop, we initially went through what looked like a golf resort, with modern seemingly empty houses, a golf course and swimming pool. It all looked a bit out of place and odd.
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We diverted off the waymarked path into Ciruena village to the local bar for a welcome drink (Jane had freshly squeezed orange juice and I the local lemonade that I have become very attached to) and a warm tuna, cheese and egg roll.
After lunch we carried on through the open landscape finally reaching Santo Domingo shortly after 2.
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We’re in an ancient very large albergue right in the middle of the old town. Our room is in the old part of the hostel up in the eaves. All bar one of the beds are single beds, it’s like an old school dorm!
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I chilled until 5 while Jane went for a wander, then we both went to see the cathedral. It’s huge and they have done a good job inside of making sure everything is explained very well.
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We had a Pilgrim’s menu in the square then went to find the supermarket for a few bits. On the way we passed groups of youngsters practicing for a dance competition and it was great to watch them.
Now we’re back and chilling, and hoping we’ll get some sleep. Tomorrow is a very short day so hopefully we can snooze in the afternoon.
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elegantlaundry · 10 months
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Elevate Your Laundry Experience with Elegant Laundry’s Convenient Pickup Services in Karama
Are you exhausted from the quest for top-notch laundry services that offer hassle-free pickup in Karama? Look no further! Elegant Laundry, your distinguished laundry shop in Karama, has an exclusive offer tailored just for you. Booking our premium Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Services in Karama online will get you an amazing 15% discount along with complimentary Pickup and Delivery. Hurry, as this incredible offer is limited to the first 100 customers.
We pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of services that cater to all your laundry needs. From impeccable dry cleaning to detailed steam ironing, wash and fold, wash and press, and even carpet cleaning - we have it all covered. Don't miss out on this fantastic discount, exclusively available for online bookings.
Our commitment at we involve prioritizing the delivery of the finest Laundry Services in Karama. We invest in cutting-edge technology and adhere to industry-leading practices to ensure exceptional value in every service. With state-of-the-art equipment and a highly-trained team, we guarantee consistently superior laundry service. Enjoy the convenience of Prompt Pickup and Delivery services across Karama, all while staying within your budget.
Tailored to suit your unique needs, our Specialized Laundry Packages at Laundry are crafted meticulously. Whether it's the meticulous care for kids' school uniforms, maintaining your daily office attire, or tending to curtains and carpets, our tailored packages have been designed with your specific needs in mind.
Experience the epitome of Commercial Laundry Services not just in Karama but throughout the UAE with us. Our services cater to various businesses, including hospitals, hotels, restaurants, schools, hostels, malls, spa & massage centres, and more.
Following our rigorous laundry process at Elegant Laundry, your garments are promptly delivered in sanitized bags, impeccably pressed, and expertly folded. Rediscover the unmatched freshness of your clothes, reigniting your love for them with every wear.
Our goal is to create a seamless experience ensuring your utmost satisfaction. Rediscover confidence in your attire - experience the pinnacle of excellence, convenience, and reliability with the Finest Laundry Pick Up Services in Karama. Book our services online today and elevate your laundry experience to a whole new level!
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hindisoup · 2 years
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Travel Plan Vocabulary
यात्रा - travel, journey, voyage (feminine), also सफ़र (masculine) पर्यटक, यात्री - tourist, traveler (masculine) पर्यटन - sightseeing, tourism (masculine) * tourism can be घरेलू (domestic) or अंतर्राष्ट्रीय (international) घूमने जाना, दौरा करना - to visit, tour (transitive) गंतव्य - destination (masculine) * यात्रा गंतव्य चुनना - to choose a travel destination (transitive) पासपोर्ट - passport (masculine) * वैध पासपोर्ट - valid passport (masculine) * पासपोर्ट नवीनीकृत करना - to renew a passport (transitive) वीसा प्राप्त करना - to get a visa (transitive) छुट्टी - holiday, vacation (feminine), also अवकाश (masculine) * छोटी सी छुट्टी - mini-vacation, break (feminine) * गर्मी / सर्दियों की छुट्टी - summer/winter holiday (feminine) * a holiday can be for example पैकेज (package), सामूहिक (group) or परिवारी (family) holiday. छुट्टी के लिए अनुरोध करना - to request vacation time (transitive) फ़ुर्सत - leisure, time off (feminine) सप्ताहांत पलायन - weekend getaway (masculine) अवधि - duration (feminine) * छोटी / लंबी अवधि - short/long term पैक करना - to pack (transitive) सूटकेस - suitcase (masculine) सामान - luggage (masculine) पथप्रदर्शक - guidebook (masculine) जानकारी - information (feminine) * जानकारी खोजना - to search, find information (transitive) * जानकारी के लिए पूछना- to ask for more information (transitive) दिशा-निर्देश मांगना - to ask for directions (transitive) नक्शा, मानचित्र - map (masculine) * नक्शा पर ढूंढना - to search, find on the map (transitive) * नक्शा पर दिखाना - to show on the map (transitive) कीमतों की तुलना करना - to compare prices (transitive) यात्रा संस्था - travel agency (feminine) बुक करना - to book (transitive) * ऑनलाइन टिकट बुक करना - to book a ticket online (transitive) रद्द करना - to cancel [a ticket, plan, holiday] (transitive) रद्दीकरण शुल्क - cancellation fee (masculine) कार्ड से भुगतान करना - to pay by card (transitive) पैसे / मुद्रा का आदान-प्रदान करना - to exchange money, currency (transitive) पैसा बचाना - to save money (transitive) यात्रा की योजना बनाना - to make travel plans (transitive) योजना बदलना - to change the plan (transitive) समुद्री यात्रा, क्रूज - cruise, sea voyage, sea travel (feminine) क्रूज पर जाना, क्रूज पर सफर करना - to go on a cruise (transitive) दौरा tour, visit (masculine) स्व-निर्देशित यात्रा - self-guided tour (feminine), also स्व-निर्देशित दौरा (masculine)
On the Way
टैक्सी लेना - to take a taxi (transitive) विमान पत्तन, हवाई अड्डा - airport (masculine) प्रतीक्षालय - waiting room (masculine) सूचना डेस्क - information desk (masculine) विमान, हवाई जहाज़ - airplane (masculine) हवाई जहाज से यात्रा करना - to travel by plane (transitive) उड़ान - flight (feminine) खिड़की की सीट, खिड़की वाली सीट - window seat (feminine) गलियारे की सीट - aisle seat (feminine) प्रस्थान - departure (masculine) आगमन - arrival (masculine) कार किराए पर लेना - to rent a car (transitive)
आवास - accommodation, housing (masculine) निवास स्थान - place of residence, accommodation (masculine) आतिथ्य सेवा - hospitality service (feminine) होटल - hotel (masculine) छात्रावास - hostel (masculine) ठहरना, रहना - to stay, live [in a city, hotel, room] (intransitive) कमरा, कक्ष - room (masculine) * कमरे का किराया - room rent, fare (masculine) * कमरा किराये पर लेना - to rent a room (transitive) आरक्षण करना, बुक करना - to book, to make a reservation (transitive) शामिल - included (adjective) नाश्ता - breakfast (masculine) होटल की सुविधाएँ - hotel amenities, facilities (feminine) भोजन की व्यवस्था - dining facilities (feminine) कसरत की व्यवस्था - workout facilities (feminine) तैराकी की व्यवस्था - swimming facilities (feminine) कार्मिक, कर्मचारी - personnel, staff (masculine)
In the Destination
समुद्र तट - seashore, beach (masculine) द्वीप - island (masculine) सैरगाह - resort (feminine), also रेसॉर्ट (masculine) * पर्वतीय रेसॉर्ट - mountain resort * तटीय रेसॉर्ट - seaside resort * स्की रेसॉर्ट - ski resort पर्यटक आकर्षण - tourist attraction (masculine) प्राचीन स्मारक - ancient monument (masculine) ऐतिहासिक जगह - historical place (feminine) मनोरंजन स्थल - entertainment venue (masculine) यादगार - souvenir (feminine) मार्गदर्शक - guide (masuline) * टूर मार्गदर्शक - tour guide * निजी मार्गदर्शक - private guide संस्कृति का अनुभव करना - to experience a culture (transitive) नए स्वाद के व्यंजनों को चखना - to taste new flavors (transitive) पोस्टकार्ड भेजना - to send a postcard (transitive)
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thesrilankatravel · 1 year
The 10 Essential Things to Know for a Wonderful Trip to Sri Lanka
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Nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” is a destination that will transport you to an era of serenity, color, and diversity. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island nation with a rich tapestry of culture, stunning landscapes, welcoming locals, and delicious cuisine that you must experience. This article offers a distilled compilation of essential tips and insights that will help make your Sri Lankan adventure a memory to cherish.
Visa and Health Requirements: The entrance to the island’s rich heritage begins with a visa. Sri Lanka encourages tourism by making the visa process efficient and accessible, with online Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) granting you entry for 30 days. For longer stays, a 180-day visa is available, and the price usually hovers around 35 Euros. These can be conveniently extended in Colombo’s immigration office.
Regarding health requirements, ensure you’re up-to-date on routine vaccines, including measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, varicella (chickenpox), polio, and flu shots. Also, consider travel insurance for emergency situations.
Weather and Season: Given its proximity to the Equator, Sri Lanka experiences a tropical monsoon climate. The southwest monsoon (May – September) brings rain to the western, southern, and central regions, while the northeast monsoon (October – January) primarily affects the north and east. Consequently, understanding these weather patterns helps you strategically plan your trip.
Data Packages: In the digital age, staying connected is crucial. Upon arrival, consider obtaining a local SIM card from providers like Mobitel or Dialog. With data packages as low as 1,299 LKR (roughly 6 Euros) for 30GB, these providers ensure reliable and affordable connectivity throughout your journey.
Currency: The Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR) is the nation’s currency, with cash transactions being the norm. While credit cards are accepted in major hotels and restaurants, many local shops, guest houses, and smaller restaurants prefer cash. Therefore, it’s recommended to keep a mixture of both.
Transportation: Sri Lanka’s transport is a colorful tapestry of experiences. The ubiquitous tuk-tuks, the bustling local buses, and the picturesque train journeys create the country’s unique transportation panorama. While tuk-tuks are perfect for short distances, trains offer unparalleled views, especially the scenic Kandy to Ella train journey.
Scooter Rental: For those seeking the freedom of exploring at their own pace, scooter rentals offer the perfect solution. With rental costs averaging around 2,000 LKR per day, you get an economical and flexible mode of transportation.
Pace of Life: The ethos of Sri Lanka rests in its leisurely pace. The laid-back rhythm is most noticeable in eateries, where meals are meticulously crafted from scratch. As you wait for your dish, take in the ambiance, converse with locals, and savour the anticipation of an authentic Sri Lankan meal.
Accommodation: The spectrum of accommodation in Sri Lanka ranges from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts. Local guest houses offer an authentic experience, with a chance to enjoy home-cooked meals and local stories. Remember to book in advance during peak season (December to March) to avoid last-minute hassles.
Food: Sri Lankan cuisine is an amalgamation of flavors, with aromatic spices and fresh ingredients at its heart. Indulge in a traditional Sri Lankan breakfast with “hoppers” and “kottu,” or feast on a variety of local curries for dinner. For the dessert lovers, “watalapp an,” a steamed coconut custard, is a must-try.
Clothing: Given the tropical climate, lightweight, breathable clothing is recommended. Pack a raincoat for sudden showers and warm clothes if you plan to visit the cooler hill regions. For temple visits, respectful attire covering shoulders and knees is necessary.
Conclusion: Traveling is more than ticking off tourist spots; it’s about immersing yourself in the ethos of a new land. As you embark on your Sri Lankan expedition, you’re not just stepping into a country; you’re stepping into a treasure trove of culture, nature, and history. This guide, interwoven with practical information and cultural insights, is your stepping stone into the heart of Sri Lanka. Here’s wishing you a journey filled with awe-inspiring moments and enriching experiences!
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Sri Lanka Travel(https://srilanka.gg/2023/08/01/the-10-essential-things-to-know-for-a-wonderful-trip-to-sri-lanka/)
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beyondtheborderz · 1 year
Choose Affordable Accommodations
When it comes to accommodations, there are numerous budget-friendly options available that don’t compromise comfort or safety. Consider the following options:
Hostels: Hostels are popular among budget travelers, offering dormitory-style rooms or private rooms at a fraction of the cost of hotels. They provide a social atmosphere, communal kitchens, and often organize group activities, making them ideal for solo travelers or those seeking to connect with fellow adventurers.
Guesthouses: Guesthouses are small, independently-run establishments offering affordable rooms with basic amenities. They are often family-owned, providing a more personal and welcoming experience. Guesthouses are prevalent in many countries and can be found through online booking platforms or local recommendations.
Vacation Rentals: Platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo offer vacation rentals where individuals rent out their homes or spare rooms. These can be more cost-effective than hotels, especially if you’re traveling with a group or planning an extended stay. Vacation rentals often provide access to kitchen facilities, allowing you to save money on dining out.
When booking accommodations online, read reviews from previous guests to ensure the place meets your expectations in terms of cleanliness, safety, and location. Take note of the host/guesthouse ratings and pay attention to any specific requirements or restrictions mentioned. Thorough research and careful consideration will help you find reliable and affordable accommodations that align with your budget and preferences.
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mindfulcuppa · 1 year
Passed Impressions; Threads Sewn with Word and Image
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2 >Tokyo >Helsinki >Lisbon >Waking Life
Japan air flew me like a special guest to Tokyo, a delightful transportation in the air. When I arrived, I had no real idea of how to get around, nor had I any Japanese in the lexicon (if only) - so anything like beer and soba noodles would grasp towards comfort.
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Call me cringe, but there was something magical about eating Japanese food in Japan. Though I did only had a brief gesture, a taste or morsel if you will, it encouraged a more detailed dive into food there. Hiromi had told me about a miniature car racetrack that they had inside of the airport, but unfortunately it wasn’t open late, so instead I sat on the Haneda observation deck in the rain and watched the planes takeoff. In the gate there were a deluge of people waiting to board to Singapore too, I sat with a family while their kids made up games to play with their temporary terminal friends. “I like to learn but I don’t like school, I like to read but I don’t like books,” one of them riddled. I sipped on a Japanese electrolyte drink and smiled at them as they laughed. 
Helsinki is a strange aura, in the airport at least… people at customs are very nice and all have healthy silver blonde hair. I am looking around a while, finally settling at a bar on the observation deck; I talk with the man at the bar, estimating an expensive cocktail about to be billed. Aspiring for a Finnish Vodka martini, and settling for a gin & tonic with Juniper berries, the bartender and I exchange some broken English pleasantries before I sit down and draw.
After about one and a half days of transit, the eventual arrival to destino Lisboa was a relief. I would walk to the bustling metro station conveniently placed 100 metres or so from the airport and try to find myself a ticket. There was a palpable stickiness to the air underground, and feeling the atmosphere inside the train grew a distant unknown. Embarrassingly I had forgotten the PIN number on the debit card I have had for half a decade, which only left me with about €50 until further notice. I would buy anything I could online, guessing items from the images with the websites all in Portuguese… Before I reached the hostel, four men on the street offered to sell me weed and cocaine (sure it was…). Oversharing, I explained that even if I wanted to, I only had €20 in cash to last me for some days and I had no access to other money. Also a heavy bag on my shoulders and way finding eyes. 
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Having passed metrics of time and space now, eaten a yummy tomato and cheese baguette and 2 pastel de nata, and snapped images of old fountains - I was tired. I think I stepped over 20,000 this day and finally made it to the ‘Good Night’ hostel (phew). I listened to the sounds of the accordion on the cobblestone street from the balcony, it felt like a shift in time. 
Waking Life
In the morning, I would arrange to meet two people from the meta verse to share a car out to a 6 day festival in the Portuguese countryside (Crato). Miguel from Porto, Harry from Glasgow, and myself found each other at the aeroporto before getting picked up in an Uber, and taken for a loooong drive in context. I think it was about 200km, with 20km of that being unsealed and dust-cloud birthing abaft our bumper. 
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The festival was lush (to put it lightly), and impressed with the natural mounded structures, bamboo assemblage, stage designs, and the lake (c/o mother nature, not WL of course…). There were bridges built, pontoon ferries across the lake (and if you’re lucky, with little chaperone children helpers), nests, treehouses, safe spaces, shade structures, a cinema, and regenerative forests. If one was to dream, i’m sure they would find some common ground with this festival. 
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Personally, I spent lots of time reading, swimming, dancing, and listening. Some musical highlights were Donna Leake, ADAB, Cosmo Sofi, Greg Foat, Baba Sissoko & Jean-Philippe Rykiel, Daphni, ALABASTER DEPLUME, Mark Ernestus Ndagga Rhythm Force, Zozo, Palms Trax, Aleksi Perälä, and Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra. The music didn’t stop the whole time, so there was lots that missed too.
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Flying a kite really high next to the music at the Praia stage provided a moment of bliss, watching others get lost in the hypnotic floating in the sky, the wavering dance, it made others smile which made me happy. There was a lot of gentle motion throughout the week; beauty in stillness, and comparative liberation through movement. Learning from each other was another noticeable effort, space being allocated to apuoro - where generous a exchange of lessons culminated around topics of dream and sensation. Specifically I enjoyed learning about reversing and remembering dreams, which has sent me on a path since. 
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Another special moment was in approach of the Má Estrela set (contemporary Portuguese experimental jazz{?}). The curiosity was well and truly high in the soundcheck, in fact, only few could distinguish what was going on. I sat next to this man as he rolled some sort of smoke, he was British and we had polite conversation. On my other shoulder was a mademoiselle whom seemed to know about the band upcoming. “I’m not sure if you’ll like it…” she said throwing caution, I said “We’ll see” and we sat alone but together in observation and listening. Experiencing waves of synthesis, saxophone, drone, and erratic drums in very different ways I predict, we tilted our heads with different signatures. The British man could not handle the jazz, and left before the first song would conclude. Following the set, it seemed like there was the world to talk about with my neighbour, so we stayed in each others space together for some moments to unfold our introspections.
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Enjoy the images, and a couple field recordings I snapped along the way of some of the music. I appreciate you reading these memories. 
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horror ask number ten billion: what is a horror movie that you had heard a lot of good things about online/in horror fan spaces, but watched and didn’t like it as much as u expected too? and on the opposite end what’s a horror movie you liked more than expected?
Oh my god, I feel like there are so many and I'm sorry if this ends up being a whole essay.
Movies I heard good things about but didn't like:
Hostel. Genuinely one of my least favourite movies ever. I hate it, and I had heard so much about it for years.
House of 1000 Corpses/The Devil's Rejects. I actually don't dislike these movies, I think they're okay. But I think they're a bit overhyped. Haven't seen the third one in the trilogy though.
The Strangers. It was okay, but I think home invasion movies are hard to make all that interesting. Had a similar feeling with Hush.
Prom Night (1980). I love slasher movies, so I heard about this one a lot, but it's just so boring. The 2nd one is way more interesting.
PG Psycho Goreman. I saw so much praise for this movie, and the effects are great, but I hated the characters and most of the writing just wasn't that good. The effects being good was not enough for me to enjoy this tbh.
The Purge movies. I've seen the first 3 and they are all really boring to me :/
Creep (2014), again I thought it was alright, but I've seen people really praise this movie and the sequel and I didn't think it was as good as others seem to. (Also I sometimes see people say that Creep 2004 is better. It's a completely different film, just with the same title, and honestly, Creep 2004 is also just fine. I love the setting and atmosphere a lot, but the story ends up a bit meh)
All the boys love Mandy Lane. Saw this mentioned from time to time in slasher movie circles, and generally given good reviews. It's such a nothing movie. The last like 10 minutes are decent, and everything before that is not.
Shutter (2004). Thai horror film, which so many people seem to love. It's got some great scares, but I didn't like the rest of it very much.
For ones I liked more than expected:
Laid to Rest. Specially the first one. It seemed like a regular slasher movie and, it is, but I thought it was so enjoyable and fun! The 2nd one isn't as good though.
Jennifer's Body. I saw so many mixed reviews initially, but this movie is probably one of my favourites now. I think now most people like it and give it good reviews, but it didn't have that a few years ago.
The Chucky sequels. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first one, but I ended up really liking the sequels. Even though others seem to hate Seed, I didn't think it was that bad. I appreciated it for trying something weird, and I had fun watching it. And Curse and Cult are great!
Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows. This one has really bad reviews, but it's actually so interesting imo. I love the 2000s vibes and the movie is a fun watch. It's not in the documentary style as the first Blair Witch, but I think Blair Witch 2 gets overhated.
Spiral (the 9th Saw movie). Again, I've seen so many negative reviews, but I think it's pretty good. Not the best Saw movie, but better than Jigsaw and Saw's 5 and 7 imo. The twist was predictable as hell, but I loved the traps in Spiral. Especially the opening one and the finger trap! I just think people need to lower their expectations for the 9th entry in a horror movie franchise
The Pool. A slasher movie set in an empty water park. It's the most generic, cheesy slasher movie ever made. And as someone who loves generic slashers, this is like the best thing ever. I had so much fun watching it, even though no one ever talks about it and it's reviews are on the lower end.
There might be some more that surprised me, but usually not because of bad reviews, but because the descriptions made me think the movie was gonna be different. Tbh I am very easily impressed when it comes to horror lmao
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