#lemon blogs
citrusluvr · 29 days
wow. its been a while huh.
well ive started my a level exams. im also almost done with them i guess? i have three papers left across two days so thats something at least. i think ive done really well in psychology to be honest!! sociology has been going okay, im a bit worried about paper three though. it felt like we simultaneously rushed through and took too long on the crime and deviance topic. i have to be isolated during the day next week since two of my exams clash and i have to take one early. at least ill be done with sociology then! i have two maths papers left - i already know statistics and mechanics isnt going to go great so hopefully paper two goes well! i think paper one went okayish.
ive started collecting ceramics from charity shops which i love! ill try and put some photos up at some point. i want to get a cd player soon. i love cds! when i get a job after i go travelling i want to get a pc as well hopefully. ive never had a pc! i want to burn some cds but my laptop doesnt have a cd port.
speaking of travelling, i go really soon!! its only two and a half weeks away!!! im so excited!!!! i still need to pay some mandatory fees, but ive booked all my hostels and eurostar tickets, and got my interrail pass as well. i need to practice packing my backpack this weekend! hopefully everything fits.. i need to fix my camera as well! time to go find a tiny screwdriver.
i havent really been doing much else. ive gone out a few times with my friends which is nice! i have a nice small group of friends from college, and we all go to spoons every now and then which is fun :) im going to miss when they go off to uni :(
everything is a bit hectic at the moment with the upcoming genny lec (general election for non brits). everyone keeps talking about taccy vs (tactical voting) but i feel like people should just vote for who they want right? i like one of the minor parties more, and even though they are unlikely to win i still want to show that i support them and their policies. i get why people are saying to vote tactically but there is no doubt in my opinion that there will be a change in government. im tired of all the minor parties being ignored though. there was a tv debate the other day that literally only included the leaders of the two major parties.. which then led to the integrity of politics being questioned altogether. the first past the post system just doesnt work in this country anymore (not sure that it ever worked anyway).
i should do this more often. ive been writing and deleting for a while, since some of the stuff felt a bit too personal to post online publicly. it still felt good to get it out though! helps me reflect a bit. i like speaking out into the void. its not like anyone reads this anyway :)
by the time i make another blog post it will probably be after the election. see u on the other side!
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eat-love-eat · 5 months
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Chinese Lemon Chicken
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Hairpin | Popped
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Mori didn’t like salons or barbershops. He didn’t like it when people touched his hair or any part of his body for that matter. Despite his harsh looks and demeanor he had quite the fragile personal bubble. As such, his hair was kept a bit long throughout his life, only getting minor trims when his father doubled down and forced him to man up and take it.
He was used to snapping at people if they ever went too close, beating up those who thought they’d survive a brush with him.
And then came you, nonchalantly putting a hairpin on his head. As if he hadn’t singlehandedly sent a dozen students to the hospital just this morning. You, who suddenly stepped into his personal space like it was nothing, making a speech about him having to thank you for helping with his awful, smelly hair.
He didn’t like you. Maybe even hated you. Who were you to touch him like that? Hold his head so gently despite your cutting words.
And why couldn’t he stop thinking about you? Thoughts of rebellion and sticking it to the authorities were soon replaced by your scowl. Your soft hands. The mix of your bitter personality and sweet countenance.
Ah, and your hairpin.
Right. You must have worn this before. Used it on your own hair as you’ve done his. Held it, run it along your locks, cover it with your bodily oils.
He couldn’t help it. His tongue just started roaming the metal accessory. Desperate for a taste of you, a semblance of the feeling he got through your encounter. His hands subconsciously moved over his crotch, palming over his boxers.
He could think of another thing of his you could pop.
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Want another fic with Mori/ to know what he looks like ? Check this post out !
If you want to check out his character profile , go to this link !
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mangotalkies · 1 year
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early morning reading on 16th century maratha empire
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respect-the-locals · 8 months
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Found on Pinterest 😍😍 had to share!!
🎨: The Art of Ama @nekoama
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dollcatalog · 1 year
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agere-pngs · 3 months
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Yellow Jellycat Plushies
╰┈─➤ for anon !
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lilsisdolly · 13 days
„Big brother…“ She whispers in that sickly sweet way she knows he’s so into hearing. He looks at her as she closes the door behind herself. He turns around to look at her, sitting on his desk. That angelic voice, that tone like she wants something from him, like she needs him, like she admires him - he years for that. But as he looks into her face her realizes something is terribly off. She wears this grin, her lips are curved and her eyes are almost gleaming in an unnerving way. Is that sadism? But he has no time to ask himself anything about it as she continues to speak „You’re so into that aren’t you? Oh please big brother, please big brother, please help me!“ She says mockingly. He has never seen her act that way before. „You’re a fucking pervert, do you know that? I know you’ve been jacking off to pictures of me. I know you masturbate thinking of me, your cute innocent little sister. God, big brother. You really thought I’d never catch on to you didn’t you? Whilst I’m over here putting my trust in my amazing big brother he’s actually just sitting there - thinking of defiling me!“ There’s this condescending tone to her voice, as if she’s finally figured out how lowly he really is. He looks at her with big eyes, almost helpless. Overwhelmed. He didn’t know she knew and he wonders how long she’s known it for..
„I will show mom and dad, I’ve taken pictures of you with my pictures in your hand as you.. you know? I will ruin you. Unless…“
Theres a feeling of terror and anguish in his chest as she threatens him. This is so much worse than he could’ve imagined what it would be like should she ever find out. So she thought that little of his feelings? Unless.. So his own little sister would actually blackmail him?
„Unless you pleasure me exactly how I tell you to.“
He looks at her with suprise „Why on earth if you think I’m so horrible for this would you even want me to touch you?“
She looks at him with an angry expression. „Because I don’t mind that you want to fuck me, what I mind is always having to be this cute innocent little creature for you just so I can secure your love. You think you know me? You don’t! You could never actually want me or love me the way I really am.“ Then she halts for a moment „..But now you have to accept me the way I am anyways, big brother. Cause if you don’t your life will be practically over.“
She takes a step towards him and looks at him with that domineering expression, there’s something dark and sinister to that look in her eyes that usually looked so innocent to him.
Did he really know her that little? And what’s worse.. he wondered if he was a little pathetic for being glad that in some way she must be desiring him too. Even like that.
„Big brother, get naked for me and then lie down on the bed.“ Her voice sounded cold and unmerciful. He had never seen her like this, never in his wildest fantasies could he have imagined that sweet sister of his to boss him around like that.
Yet not really having a choice, and being pathetically happy she wanted him at all he obeyed her and stripped down. He noticed her creeping gaze on him every second as he took of his clothes.
„Good, now go lie down on the bed, big brother.“
He felt vulnerable and exposed like he was in completely foreign territory. His little sister wasn’t like that, right? He would’ve known. He had always watched over her. Been there for her. Had been obsessed with her. How could he not have known?
But he obeyed, he laid down on his soft bed and without any delay she climbed on the bed right next to him. He could feel her soft, warm body close to his naked skin and if he had had it his way he would’ve held her close, kissed her, muttered loving words before fucking her. Now he was confused what was so wrong about these thoughts if even if it was her way, they’d end up in bed anyways.
„Big brother tell me, what did you love the most about me?“ She asked whilst looking down at his face from above, her voice sounding cruel and distanced still. Yet she had all the same features he had always adored so much about her and he could feel her breath on his face.
„I.. I love how.. kind you’ve always been.“
She grins in an sour way „That’s not very honest of you. Try again.“
He feels a little irritated at being told his answer was wrong „But I didn’t lie..“
She puts two fingers to his chin and slowly lifts it up „Yes you did. But because you’d never be honest - I’ll tell you. You loved my dependence on you. You loved knowing I need you. It made you feel in control, it made you feel safe, it made you feel loveable.“
Then she leans in to kiss him on the lips, very gently at first and then with more passion. He doesn’t dare to kiss her back. Her words upset him. They stung.
„The truth is youd never allow me to become someone that doesn’t need you anymore. Sure, you rescued me, you stepped up where mom and dad failed us. You didn’t have real parents but I had you. You were always there for me. So dependable. I am so grateful to you big brother, truly. For everything you’ve done. But you’d rather break my wings off than let me learn how to fly, right?“
She was massaging his scalp now. She was so close to him. He wanted to grab her, shut up her filthy little words. Take her the way he’s been desiring to. He wanted to own her. He wanted to claim her and never let go of her. Her words felt like something he simply could not imagine that sweet little sisters of him thinking, she simply was not capable of it. She was far too sweet. To naive. She made him sound so… bad even as she was professing how grateful she felt.
He almost flinched in suprise as she climbed on top of him and started to slide his dick against her surprisingly wet pussy. Was she moaning? Oh god. Her voice sounded better than he had imagined it. And she was sooo fucking wet!
How could she say something that made him sound so bad yet be so obviously attracted to him?
„Big brother… I know that you’d never let me leave you. I know you’d try to keep me in this box… I know you don’t really love me but I know you’re obsessed with me. And I know I don’t want that kind of life for myself. But I doubt I’d be happy without you either. I doubt I’d ever want someone that isn’t my wonderful big brother….“
She made a little noise as his dick slipped inside her and she stopped speaking for a moment as if she had to digest the pleasure from his cock filling her up so well.
„.. But big brother. I won’t be that innocent naive thing you’d like me to be. I’ll force you to accept me as I am. And just like you’d never let me leave I’m not giving you a choice in the matter either..“
Then it looked like she couldn’t continue to speak from the pleasure building up inside her. She started to move on his cock and her gentle moaning enveloped him. Messing with his senses. Because no matter how little he wanted to understand her words and their meaning, all he could focus on was how good she felt, her soft body riding his cock - all by herself.
The way her breasts moved as she rode him. Her hair against her skin. Pearls of sweat on her forehead. He wanted to wrap his arm’s around him, enjoy this moment truly but fear wouldn’t let him. He was aware of an aspect in her now that was dangerous to him. Judgemental. Condescending. Cold. Heartless. Impure?
He wanted to thrust into her to stop thinking. Wanted to fuck every miserable word she had just spoken out of her. Wanted her to smile at him like she always did. Take it all back.
But instead he had to content with the pleasure of their sweaty bodies mixing, her looking beautiful. But him feeling out of control of the situation. A little helpless.
She started to move faster on top of him and she seemed to enjoy using his body throughly.
„Touch my breasts..“ She ordered between breaths.
So he obeyed. God they felt as soft as he had imagined them.
„Yes exactly like that..“ She gently whispered. „God big brother… you feel soo good..“ She said in that cute voice he loved so much.
„You really wanted me to hear me say stuff like that to you, didn’t you?“ She started to laugh a little bit and he felt gut punched.
„But your hands actually do do a decent job, don’t worry.“ She said grinning.
„I feel like cumming big brother. Why don’t you touch my clit as I keep riding you? I cum pretty fast from that.“
He obeyed once more. And soon he could feel her body tense up real strongly, heard a loud beautiful moan and then she collapsed on top of him breathing exhausted.
He had to stop himself from gently petting her head. There was something so trusting about the way she collapsed on him right after climax. In his fantasy they of course always both came but it became obvious to him she wasn’t going to bring him to climax too. That stung a little.
After a brief minute she got up from him and stood there „You will never ask me for sex, I will be the one to initiate. You jump the second I demand to sleep with you. You obey or you get outed as the creep.“ had she looked so gentle whilst she was moaning on top of him, did she return to that cold expression again now. She was establishing rules.
„I will leave you be now big brother.“ With that she left the room.
He was left lying there with all these thoughts in his head. He was overwhelmed. She had felt so good, he had craved this so badly. But no matter how angry he was as well he knew he couldn’t make her take these judgements of him back. He didn’t love her? He only liked feeling needed? No matter how revolting it felt he couldn’t talk back to her about it. Yet he couldn’t help but feel excited about the fact that she said there’d be a next time as well.
There was this anger he felt inside his body. Like she had robbed him of something that had meant a lot to him just as she had also given him something he had wanted more than anything.
He didn’t want to listen to her words. If he drowned the voice out, the judgement, then it was almost like had dreamt of. And she was all his. All his again. Never changing and never leaving.
But he couldn’t get that cold gaze out of his head that she had never shown him before.
Yet he thought, if loving someone to much was wrong he was guilty of that. But could she honestly see that as a bad thing?
But he realised just in that moment that she would never allow him to argue back on this. And he felt trapped. But as long as he got to be close to her, even feel her lovely body from the inside he wouldn’t complain.
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iamhereinthebg · 1 year
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I love them all very much
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angelsbless · 4 months
Rayne ames character and trauma.
Well, i saw a post on tiktok talking about how rayne ames is a trash brother so i wanted to talk about rayne's trauma and how it affected his character, since his parents died really early, and his family treating him and finn like trash he had to take responsibility to look after him, but still he kinda felt that he's not a good brother because he didn't give finn comfort in early years and he saw him crying wondering why is their situation this way without having answers for his questions. So he didn't want to be closer to him or involved in any pain or danger, he didn't want finn to see him suffering, because he does a lot and why he never tells anyone, because he felt that he was a bother, like he shouldn't be weak or ask for help so his brother could feel safe knowing that he's there. Because if rayne showed his weakness he's afraid that he would see the same little finn. Which caused finn to think that rayne is ashamed of him, rayne is bad so bad at showing affection? No he's not he's scared, he's scared that he'll get attached and end up losing his people, his scared that he won't be good enough, strong enough to protect them, so he pushes himself to his limits and pushes people away so they don't get hurt, especially finn. But when finn confronted him about his feelings he actually realized that finn got it the wrong way and he's trying to show affection and be a better brother for finn. ( He loves him so much ).So i never get how people can hate on him, i hope they understand more of his character and my boy is precious and should get the love he deserves!
I love him sm please 🥺🤍
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woppsvt · 2 months
Smut texts with hyung line
title : needy S/O VS frustrating svt part. 1
genre : smut, funny, fake texts
tw : mention of sex, part of bodies, illness
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citrusluvr · 6 months
first day back at college today. i only had two classes today which was nice, although i have a four hour gap between them.
managed to finish sorting out the train timetable for my interrailing trip in june/july !! im so happy its done :) now i can focus on finding hostels and activities.
i think i dont really have much to say today. i mostly just spent time with a friend. ive been thinking a lot about finding joy in the little things in life, maybe from posts ive been seeing on here. i think i want to become better at finding joy in the ordinary. noticing the little things and feeling content and light. i guess my positive little thing for today was seeing my friends after the winter break :) it was lovely to see everyone and get back into the routine of college.
i think this weekend i might take a walk on a public footpath nearby and enjoy the outside, although its still fairly cold here. nature is so beautiful though, regardless of the time of year. the plants are all sleepy and getting ready to awaken in spring ! or maybe i should try learning to rollerskate again instead ? i bought rollerskates a few years ago but my balance isnt very good, and i struggled to make the time to learn. im not sure what ill do. ill let you know at the weekend i guess !
song for today is english way by syd matters !
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eat-love-eat · 3 months
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Mini Lemon Meringue Tarts
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eggmojis · 4 months
Well. *cutely sits this on the table*
lemon demon
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brattylikestoeat · 1 month
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scary-lasagna · 3 months
breeding kink offender 🥺?
holy moly guys
Offender [NSFW]
Oh, how he adores the way your body trembles beneath him.
His muscular frame, this wall of solid muscle, has you pinned down in the loveliest way possible against his satin sheets.
Each tendril has a task of heightening your pleasure, whether it be keeping your legs from trembling closed, or a delicate hold around your chest.
One has even slithered between your thighs to work their magic through the flurry of Offender's pistoning hips.
You've never seen him like this. He was incredibly frenzied, crazed with the spirit of whatever Sex-God had possessed him.
How many times has he pumped his seed into you now? Six? Seven? Maybe even eight?
He's lost count, but he knows from the look in your eyes there will be many more to come.
A harsh growl snapped past his lips, and he couldn't help but to dip own and bury his face into the crook of your neck.
The tendril flailing against your sex paired with feeling the throbbing of his cock push against that perfect spot drew you to your third orgasm of the night.
The sheets below you were far from the point of repair, his claws had torn them to shreds in the desperation of pleasure.
Offender panted, this once piece of solid muscle above you trembled and shook, barely managing to keep himself from collapsing on you.
“Just one more, hm?”
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