#One up mushroom bar reviews
william-scott77 · 1 year
One Up Mushroom Bars
psychedelic chocolate bars, psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars for sale What to know before you buy One Up Mushroom Bar online? Psychedelic chocolate mushroom bars are one of the oldest and most safe traditional medicines globally and have been for several centuries. Therefore, One Up Shroom Bars are available in all different flavors. Each bar contains 3.5 grams of shrooms and is perfect to microdose if you have little or no tolerance. Is advisable to enjoy the amazing experience with close friends and family.
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melleonis · 1 year
it’s 2015 and i am
sitting on my mattress on the floor in the spare bedroom of the chicago condo my friend’s parents bought for them with oil company money. both of us have undiagnosed and unmedicated adhd. neither of us clean. the wide, shallow bathroom sink grows a yellow-black film of residue and shaved hair.
i am trying to come to terms with being dead. the year prior was a cascade of horror, a chain of a hundred different sudden sickenings in the gut, and as far as the world and most people in it are concerned, i no longer exist - which would have been more than fine with me, except that time continues to pass.
until recently, porpentine had been writing a column for rock paper shotgun called live free play hard, reviewing free indie games. itch.io is in its infancy, but unity is ten years old now and really starting to come into its own, and this is the heyday of the so-called walking simulator - Dear Esther in 2012 to Firewatch in 2016. i never played most of the big names, the ones that attracted all that sneering gamergate hatred (Gone Home excepted) - after all, they cost money, and in 2015, i didn’t have any of that. so every porpentine article was a damp, fertile patch of sometimes-delicious always-free mushrooms. i play a LOT of itch.io games that year, and i’ve been missing them lately, so i wanted to talk about them here.
live free play hard is a decade old, at this point. links are dead. games don’t quite run the same on modern computers. twine games which once had music are now silent. these are some of the survivors.
their angelical understanding by porpentine, herself. ***STROBE WARNING*** and also for a text-based game this is an intense PTSD simulator. i considered linking others of her games here: neon haze (link appears to be broken), CYBERQUEEN (about which i’ve already said a lot) or howling dogs (which is arguably still her best), but i went with t.a.u. because, well, in 2015 a PTSD simulator was what i needed.
CHYRZA by kitty horrorshow kh has probably Made It as an indie artist more than anyone else on this list? my metric for this is that there are two whole jacob geller video essays about her games. CHYRZA is pure tone: jittery unity platforming up desert monuments collecting audiologs. trust me, it’s really effective.
Bernband by Tom van den Boogaart this one still runs, but there’s a bit of slowdown in some areas. this is pure exploration through a very pixelly alien city: nightclubs, power stations, overpasses, late-night noodle bars. an empty chapel. a trumpet recital. the empty corridors and stairwells between everything. it’s stuck with me for all these years.
SABBAT by oh no problems this is the least subtle it is possible for a text game to be. it starts with animal sacrifice and gets really fucking explicit from there. as someone who had at the time cut a picture of baphomet out of the liner notes from a random black metal cd found in a des moine record store and taped it to my bedroom doorpost like a mezuzah, all i really wanted from SABBAT was the ability to have snakes for dicks, and buddy, it delivers. i remember there used to be a sort of sludgey doom metal soundtrack, but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore, and the credits link to a nonexistent soundcloud. so it goes.
HEARTWOOD by Kerry Turner hahaha man i’d completely forgotten about this game until i went back through the archives but fuck, it rules. it’s so simple. it’s pure sensation. i loved it then and i love it now.
Off-Peak by Cosmo D i think Cosmo D is still going strong these days! actually, i’m pretty sure i have unplayed games by them in my steam library, i should fix that. Off-Peak is a jazz exploration of the world’s most colorful train station. people are playing bespoke 2015 eurogames. a vendor is selling a bunch of sheet music that musicians have had to pawn, what with the way the economy is going. you understand. triplets stalk you. a man strokes a cow, menacingly. i would say it’s peak itch.io, but in point of fact it is, of course, off-peak itch.io.
anyway i lived, eventually, and went on to make art of my own, but it’s my belief - it’s my hope - that all my writing carries the spores these games and games like them put in me when i was dead and decaying and fertile ground for such things. i hope you play some of them. i hope you enjoy them. thanks for reading <3
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cordycepsfem · 1 year
Pageboy - Let's Do This Thing
In keeping with my brand of, well, Ellen-posting, since my name is Ellie, I thought I'd continue Ellen-posting by reading a book by someone who used to be named Ellen and doing a review of said book for radblr. I'm going to break it up into chunks so you're not faced with giant posts of me rambling or EP rambling.
I would like to say that I feel like there are very few 30-somethings who should be writing memoirs. I've had a pretty exciting thirty-ish years on the planet and I don't think I'm qualified to write a memoir - not because it wouldn't be full of interesting, beautiful, life-changing, sometimes horrible things but because I'm only thirty-ish. I prefer memoirs by people who've lived a bit longer - but again, this is only my preference. I don't read a lot of memoirs as a whole, I guess.
Ellie's Read and Review of Pageboy (Part One)
Author's Note
EP is "grateful and terrified" because trans people "face increasing physical violence" and "our humanity is regularly 'debated' in the media" (citations not given)
the book would not have been written without the "health care" she received, which seems weird because what she describes in the first paragraph about not being able to write seems like ADHD and instead of taking Adderall and being seen by a therapist she took testosterone and had her breasts surgically removed
quotes Leslie Feinberg who, among other things, was a very serious pronoun enthusiast (as evident by Feinberg's Wikipedia page, no I'm not being sarcastic here, just go read it and tell me I'm not wrong)
I want to be a jackass about the last paragraph of the author's note but even I don't have it in me, because it makes sense and is kind.
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Chapter One
EP meets someone named Paula and falls in love with her and they do mushrooms together
She thinks about Paula on her trip through Europe
They go to a gay bar
This line hit far harder than it had any right to:
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She kisses Paula and it's marvelous
Chapter Two
The Village Voice writes a shitty article about EP calling her a "dyke" after Juno comes out
which is a name she was called many times growing up in Canada
EP played soccer and once went to a tournament in a town I would visit some twenty-odd years later for very different reasons
this is important because she rooms with a girl she has a crush on
she tries to come out to this girl as bisexual
the girl says "no you're not" and then her friends make fun of EP
I learn that Tim Horton's has bagels, which confuses me but is in fact true
EP's grandmother asks her father what they're going to do if it turns out EP is gay
the lines in this chapter that punched me in the chest:
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because fuck yeah I was a fucked up kid who didn't plan to live much beyond age 18, EP, I see you
fame is not what EP thought it might be; she doesn't want to wear a dress to things but somehow they tell her she has to and she isn't allowed to say no (which I get, and is not great, but eventually you need to be able to say no and do what you want)
another magazine in Canada asks if she's gay
Paula from Chapter One is seen with her and it's speculated they're in a relationship; Paula's not out to her family and so things are all very sad and EP feels like she will never be free to be who she is
At this point I am just sad. I came out later in my life (22), and was diagnosed with gender dysphoria much later (33), but at age 12 after a lifetime of wearing dresses and having my hair the way my mother wanted it, I stopped letting that happen. I started to wear what I want. I grew out my hair. I learned about makeup and shaving and for a little bit bought into it and then said "fuck no," which I continue to do to this day because it's bullshit.
Who in EP's life thought it wasn't okay for her to wear pants, and why didn't she or someone else stop them? I've obviously never been a famous actor but as an actor aren't you the person in charge of what happens to your image? Why wasn't her publicist or her agent on her side?
I had a lot of good people in my life who made me believe in a future for myself. Sometimes they had to carry me physically through what was happening to make sure I made it to that future, and I'm here today because those people didn't give up on me. Where were those people in EP's life?
There are things about the EP situation that make me bow in over my ribcage. It's just sad, and seeing paths others take that look like they make sense to everyone but which seem to say something entirely different when looked at upside down... which is a rambling way of saying that it's almost 4 am and someone should have told EP she could have been a happy lesbian who wears pants without having her breasts surgically removed and taking cross-sex hormones.
Anyway, the laundry's done, more later.
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saiakv · 2 months
❛ fine. you were right, and i was wrong. happy now? ❜ / suguru .
dialogue sentence starters : accepting
WARM COLORS COVET TOKYO'S SKYLINE; the local bars are buzzing with life as people flock to them after busy workdays. From the higher tiers of luxurious penthouses in Shinjuku they resemble ants scurrying to the nest at sunset — the commotion a distant white noise. But down here, where life happens, the city's veins pulse with a myriad conversations, strong smells and bright lights. And in a quieter crevice of urban chaos, a corner Hot Pot restaurant advertises its 'all you can eat' refill policy on such Thursday evenings. The red lanterns sway in a cool breeze that carries the remnants of spring; a stray, crinkled up movie ticket dances on it ( ' The Da Vinci Code — 05 / 20 / 2006 ' ) and slaps on the light fixture outside the entrance.
Inside, a corner table accomodates the trio, scalding broth rising in the middle. Another small dish of ingredients is carefully stacked atop the pile of empty ones, painted fingernails carefully parting with the intricate gilding to its blue & white porcelain design. Suguru quirked a brow upon noticing the way it was beginning to get in the way of him looking to Shoko; the reason why they were getting jilted looks from the staff, no doubt. They must have not accounted for the possibility of three hungry, hungry teenagers visiting at this time. Between an early plane ride home, a morning run, classes, dojo training and a sudden quick trip to pick up Utahime from a mission site, they'd barely found a chance to appease their growling stomachs on ramen cups, energy bars & bland cafeteria food.
An argument had been stretching through every part of that day; from drowsy mumbling at the airport, to pants while doing laps, to the communal shower stalls, class & car rides, the burning question of 'was Star Wars copying Star Trek' or vice versa had been chewed up incessantly between the two boys all throughout. After a lengthy debate on what constitues a science fiction movie ( 'One of them is a space exploration, the other is a western set in space!' — yelled over the hiss of pouring water, followed by Satoru's coughing while Suguru's habits of boiling himself alive in the shower were clogging the stalls with steam ) they had decided 'genre' and film content was a subjective criteria for which franchise copied which, so it all came down to 'which one came out first'. Well, for all they knew, both were pretty timey by now.
Shoko had been idly mulling over some gruesome photo evidence of a reported crime scene that was suspected of curse-related activity. The toothpick she'd been rolling barely twitched between her teeth when Satoru's phone screen finally loaded the web-page of a movie review site that mentioned release dates. Her brow quirked, albeit never directly looking at the white-haired teen as he perked up with the realization, instead using her free hand to nonchalantly dip a thin slice of pork into the beaten egg-wash. Still, a light snort escaped her with the admission, earning a side glance from Suguru, who had been casually dropping a couple of mushrooms in the broth beside her.
His lips had pursed with a thinly veiled smirk -- pretending as though he did not feel one bit vindicated. He'd claimed to be 'over it' a few minutes ago, after all, so he had to save face now, didn't he? Besides, there was a strange gratification in being the bigger person. Somehow, Satoru's influence pushed him to indulge the guilty pleasure of boasting — perhaps because, next to his abrasiveness, Suguru always seemed to have the better manners of the two. But gods knew, he was not humble.
And as much as he tried to be, there was still that smirk playing on his mouth as he pompously reached out to stir a piece of pork in the soup, holding the appointed bowl under it before bringing it to his mouth, so as not to stain the lavish tablecloth. He would have prretended to go back to eating like nothing had happened — until that last line had piercing violets snap up to antagonize the blues staring through him from the other end of the table. Are you happy now? Oh, this kid never knows when to shut up, does he. His lips press down on that smile, then, hold onto it as he swallows.
❝ Mm, I don't know, Satoru. I don't get as excited about eating ramen as much anymore, either, when I've had it so many times already. ❞ The implication lingers heavy between them that he's usually the one being right ( subjective — they lost count of the score between them and Shoko refuses to play refferee ) He spends a moment longer challenging him with his eyes alone, before gently pushing the egg mixture bowl in his direction across the table.
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❝ It's your turn on the refill, by the way. ❞
Albeit the cold smile, there's a mean edge to Suguru's tone that earns a sigh from the medic before she quickly excuses herself for a smoke break in the designated area.
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pepperf · 1 year
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Robin Hood at the Regent's Park Open Air Theatre today! And of course it bucketed down solidly for an hour leading up to it. They delayed the start for about 20 mins, and finally the rain petered out, and our (compostable!) ponchos were not needed for the show itself - but the sunscreen was.
If you are in/near London and have the chance to go see it, I highly recommend it. It's on until 22nd July, so there's only a short run. If you do, go prepared for British weather.
Spoilerific review behind cut, in case anyone does go see it.
A good reinvention of the Robin Hood legend, with emphasis on making the story less male and white (in the end, the real Robin was young, black, and female), lots of derring-do and traditional elements (the arrow contest!) mixed with some unsubtle but enjoyable modern politics (the king ends by disenfranchising the wicked Barons, declaring all land to be common land, and abdicating, lol).
About half the cast were POC, and idk whether I'd say this was well-done or under-utilised? It's not really my shout, but it was interesting to note that the story itself did not explicitly point it out, but the heroic, good, and victimised characters were mostly POC, while the villains were mostly white and male.
Also, about half of the characters were female, including Little Joan (former court jester, with a slight look of Harley Quinn), and Mary Tuck (an ex-nun, with a penchant for Earth Mother spiritualism and mushroom tea). Marion was the lead - very similar to the other stage production of Robin Hood that I've seen (The Heart of Robin Hood at the RSC in oh god 2012?!). In that version, she was the true hero of Sherwood; in this (the next step on the ladder?), she was the one firing all the arrows, yes, but she also had a bad case of (Wealthy) White Saviour-ism, which ultimately held her back.
There was a fine selection of villains, too: the Sheriff was enjoyably rakish and selfishly ambitious, Gisburne was gorgeously terrifying and unhinged, and the wicked Council of Barons (all three of them) first appeared in a selection of boy band poses, to much hilarity.
And of course, being the old-skool Robin Hood fan that I am, I could not help loving the old Robin Hood references. First came the Errol Flynn-style Robin, in his hat, tunic, and green tights, a little untidy and possibly drunk, impatiently shooed offstage by the other characters. Then the hyper-masculine Russell Crowe/BBC 2006 type, called out for his accent ("Where are you even FROM?" "I come from the North of England! But I spent some formative years in Ireland...and my mother was French-Canadian..." I LOL'D). And then, oh my heart, the first bars of the Clannad theme rolled out, and the Michael Praed 80s Robin showed up, all athleticism and lucious locks - and there was such a delicious reaction from about 2/3rds of the audience (from which you could tell that this was a formative experience for a generation, many of whom are now parents. Behind me, a small kid asked in bewilderment, "Who's that?"). All three were barred from taking the hero role for being outdated caricatures - but also fondly given a place as forest spirits, part of the realm of the dead and the fictional, giving a cheery, sympathetic greeting to anyone who died.
There was some rather woolly but well-intentioned neo-pagan-esque woodland spirituality, which ultimately won the day and defeated the bad guys. I'm not sure they quite stuck the landing there, but I appreciated the aim all the same.
I loved it, and it was a great play to see outdoors, despite the weather. I'd love to go back and see it at night, I'm sure it's much more atmospheric, which would probably help sell me on the woo-woo parts - but sadly that's not going to be possible in the short time it's on. Still, overall, a great time was had.
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alexiusgoesrogue · 7 months
Status Update: The longest Flight of my Life
I’m so glad to say it’s over. 14 hours of flying finally done. And despite having bought a neck pillow, I still wasn’t able to sleep in my seat the intended way, let alone without interruptions. At most, it can be described as a student napping in class, because that’s how it probably looked from the outside, too.
Not much more can be said about the flight honestly, except the food review and the fact that the air conditioning dried me up so bad, both my hands hurt when I put creme on them. And yes, I have been drinking throughout the whole flight.
I am writing this while waiting at my gate, surrounded only by Germans because obviously. This is a flight to Düsseldorf after all. One last notable thing, my lanyard once again has proven itself a good choice to bring with me. On my way to TSA through the queue line, a security guard saw me and let me skip the line to get to the machines quicker. I’m not gonna say my disability is giving me an advantage, but it sure is great to get off a plane after 14 hours and be treated this way.
Food Review:
Green beans: 2/5, could have been way worse, but were still far from my favourite beans I’ve had so far
Roasted potatoes: 3/5, a bit better than the beans but still had a weird texture to the skin
Lamb Ragout: 5/5, it may have been the lack of sleep and the hunger kicking in at the same time, but this was absolutely delicious and exactly what I needed
Bread Bun: 4/5, totally edible without any butter etc, intentionally this time, is it was something brioche-esque
Mystery Salad: 5/5, I am yet to figure out what this dish was, because it looked as if it was a salad, based on the fact it contained lettuce and peas, but the yellow tear shaped things had the texture and a similar taste to that of noodles. And seriously, what kind of noodles would that be?
Chocolate: 3/5, not special, not absolutely horrendous. Just an average piece of chocolate
Chocolate Cake: 1/5, absolutely horrible texture, no idea what it was supposed to be, but I’m not a fan
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Midflight Snack
Chicken Calzone: 4/5, pretty okay, just not a real banger in my books
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Fruit: 4/5, it’s fruit, nothing spectacular. There was just one piece that really confused me with its flavour, thus I didn’t finish it
Muesli Bar: 3/5, very tough to chew (it was more ripped apart than chewed tbh), but decent taste
Frittata: 2/5, the potatoes pretty good, main course was edible but not my top cuz of the corn, mushrooms are far from my favourite food or ingredient, yet I still think I liked them more than the frittata
Yoghurt: 4/5, a bit more fruit for flavour would’ve been nice. But overall a very welcome dessert surprise (and an interesting way to find out I like blueberries.)
Croissant with margarine spread: 5/5, can’t be improved upon. I was honestly surprised how the (comparatively) sweet croissant tasted so great along with the slightly salted spread. And that’s coming from a person who absolutely distastes sweet-n-salty foods.
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Exploring the Appeal of Mushroom Chocolate Bars in NYC
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Imagine walking through the bustling streets of New York City, where the scent of pretzels meets the aroma of innovation. Here, culinary trends don't just pass through; they make themselves at home. And the latest resident? Mushroom chocolate bars in NYC, a delightful concoction that sounds like something out of a trendy apothecary’s secret recipe book.
Unpacking the Ingredients: What’s Inside a Mushroom Chocolate Bar?
The first bite of a mushroom chocolate bar can be a surprising revelation. It’s not your grandmother's chocolate, nor is it the latest diet fad. It's a sophisticated blend of earth and luxury. Here’s what you might find in one of these trendy bars:
Mushrooms: From the adaptogenic reishi to the cognitive-enhancing lion’s mane, these aren’t your average pizza toppings.
Chocolate: Typically, we’re talking dark, rich, and often sourced from sustainable farms that could give Willy Wonka a run for his money.
This combination isn't just about taste; it's about blending health with pleasure in a way that only NYC could.
The Art of Chocolate Making Meets Mycology
The journey from mushroom to chocolate bar is not a simple one. It requires the finesse of a chocolatier and the knowledge of a mycologist. Here’s what this unique production dance looks like:
Step One: Selecting the Mushrooms – The mycologist’s role is to choose fungi that are not only tasty but have health benefits that turn a treat into a treatment.
Step Two: Perfecting the Blend – The chocolatier takes over, ensuring that the bitterness of the cocoa complements the earthy tones of the mushrooms.
This process is as much an art as it is a science, creating something that’s both innovative and deeply satisfying.
Psychological and Social Factors Driving Popularity
Why are mushroom chocolate bars becoming a staple in the diet of so many New Yorkers? It’s not just about being health-conscious—it’s about being trend-conscious too. Here’s what’s fueling the fire:
Wellness Trends: In a city where even the hot dogs are organic, it’s no surprise that health-forward products thrive.
Digital Buzz: Instagram and food blogs light up with rave reviews and mouth-watering photos of these artisanal treats, turning them from niche novelties into must-have commodities.
Personal Stories: New Yorkers’ Experiences and Testimonials
Everyone loves a good story, especially when it involves chocolate. Here are some anonymous shares:
The Busy Professional: “It’s my five-minute spa treatment on a hectic day.”
The Health Enthusiast: “Finally, a chocolate bar that fits into my lifestyle rather than my cheat day.”
These personal touches not only make the product relatable but also showcase its versatility and appeal across different lifestyles.
Ethical Consumption: A New Trend in NYC’s Food Scene
New Yorkers aren’t just eating with their taste buds; they’re eating with their morals. Mushroom chocolate bars hit all the right notes:
Sustainability: Often made with ingredients sourced from farms that prioritize the environment.
Ethical Production: Transparent practices in production are as clean as the ingredients list.
This isn’t just eating good; it’s feeling good about eating good.
As we wrap up our exploration of mushroom chocolate bars in NYC, it’s clear that these aren’t just a fleeting fancy. They’re a blend of flavor, health, and ethics that speaks to the heart of what it means to be a New Yorker today. So, if you haven’t yet, it’s time to take a bite out of this revolutionary treat.
Stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll dive into the future possibilities of mushroom chocolate bars—because in New York, the only thing we love more than today’s trend is tomorrow’s.
In this exploration, we’ve peeled back the wrapper on why mushroom chocolate bars in NYC are more than just a snack; they’re a phenomenon. Whether it's the health benefits, the ethical sourcing, or simply the divine taste, these treats offer a glimpse into the future of indulgence in the Big Apple. So, indulge a little—it's practically good for you!
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mygainyear2024 · 4 months
Day 46 Walking the hills of Coimbra
Today I eagerly awaited the delivery of the breakfast bread that is mentioned in most of the reviews for my B&B! It arrived at the promised time of 8.15 and did not disappoint. Two different white crusty, fresh bread rolls. I ate both, one with scrambled eggs (with cottage cheese, thank you Rosie, they fluffed up amazingly in the microwave) and the other with goats cheese and mushrooms once I found the manual in English for the Ikea induction cooktop.
Leaving earlier than required for the 2.5 hour walking tour, I meandered through the grounds of the university and down, down, down the hill, taking lots of pictures and ducking into shops.
One of the shops had Anne Taintor images on shopping bags along with other similarly hilarious vintage images and humour and I laughed out loud a few times and had a great conversation with the shop owner who has Anne's permission to print her work.
Anyway back to the tour. José was very informative, a former pharmacist who couldn't stop mentioning he graduated from Coimbra University (and climbed the stairs twice everyday and now goes around them!). José confirmed that the students don't actually wear their capes all the time, only during 'O' week when the fourth years play pranks on the first years and the ones in uniforms on the streets are students selling postcards!
After some delicious freshly made sushi for lunch I head back to Nau Coffee for a large oat milk latte pick me up and an informative conversation with one of the workers about the Bienal. She highly recommended the main venue at The Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Nova and not to miss the “well”beside the lemonade stand at the bar.
The monastery was built to replace the mediaeval Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, located nearby, which at the time was prone to frequent flooding by the waters of the Mondego river.
Decision made, Bienal instead of tickets to the University Library, Museum etc. I decided to walk the streets beside the main area and stumble across José's recommended gelateria DOPPO. So many decisions! I ask for the pear cinnamon & cardamon and ricotta & caramelised fig (they're out of the first one, oh no!). I sought advice, chocolate and orange, done and delicious with the ricotta & caramelised fig.
I head over the river in the misty rain, went to the wrong building (Saint Francis Convent), so keep going up the hill.
The theme of the Bienal is The Phantom of Liberty. The art is spread across this massive space, inside and out. What was of most interest to me was the use of the space. The monastery was built in the 17th & 18th centuries, the structure is solid but shows its age. The art / installations were not the best I'd experienced (but were a cut above the Portaloo installation I attended on my second honeymoon with Andrew and two of his adult children in Hamburg. That one cost €6 each, today it was free!). I'll let the separate post of photos and videos speak for my experience.
I head back over the river, in more misty rain, to attend the free Fado at Café Santa Cruz (a former chapel built in the 1500s). The setting is fabulous with two endearing serious older gentleman serving. I order a beer with currant, not what I expected, it's more like a raspberry beer (think raspberry lemonade), it's passable. I had intended to video some of the performance (in Coimbra it's tradition that only men sing Fado) except I was joined by a couple from Bristol and we got talking about our travels and I missed half of the performance 🥴😂
More misty rain. I'm done for the day. Back up the hill to the B&B via José's recommended chocolate shop. It's expensive, 57 grams (including the paper bag and sticker) of chocolate with pistachio and sea salt cost $6.41! I mindfully ate that with my cup of tea 🍫
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william-scott77 · 1 year
Trippy Treats Magic shrooms chocolate bars
Trippy Treats Magic shrooms chocolate bars the highest quality Psilocybin chocolate bar on the market made by extracting the psilocybin from the mushrooms. Allows for a much pure High eliminating the upset stomach feeling users would get from digesting mushrooms.
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mushroomchoco · 8 months
Elevate Your Experience: Where to Buy Psychedelic Mushroom Chocolate Bars and Psilocybin Gummies Online in the USA
In the ever-expanding world of alternative wellness, psychedelic products have gained popularity for their potential to offer unique and transformative experiences. As more individuals seek alternative ways to explore consciousness, the demand for high-quality psychedelic products has surged. If you're looking to buy psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars or Psilocybin gummies online in the USA, this guide will help you navigate the market and find reputable sources for these innovative products.
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Buy Psychedelic Mushroom Chocolate Bars Online in the USA:
For those seeking a delightful and convenient way to consume psychedelics, psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars are a popular choice. These bars combine the therapeutic properties of psychedelic mushrooms with the deliciousness of chocolate, offering a tasteful and discreet method of consumption.
When looking to buy psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars online in the USA, it's crucial to choose a reliable and reputable source. PsychedelicCacaoDelights.com is a trusted platform known for its high-quality psychedelic products. Their psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars are crafted with precision, ensuring accurate dosing and an enjoyable experience. The website provides detailed product information, allowing customers to make informed decisions about their purchases.
Buy Psilocybin Gummies Online in the USA:
Psilocybin gummies offer a flavorful and approachable way to incorporate psychedelics into your routine. These gummies are infused with carefully measured doses of psilocybin, allowing users to experience the benefits of psychedelics in a convenient and discreet form.
When searching to buy Psilocybin gummies online in the USA, it's essential to prioritize safety and quality. PsychedelicTreatsUSA.com is a reputable online platform offering a diverse range of psychedelic products, including Psilocybin gummies. Their commitment to quality control and transparency ensures that customers receive reliable and accurately dosed products. The website provides clear product descriptions, helping users choose the right Psilocybin gummies for their preferences.
One Up Mushroom Bars Online for Sale:
One Up Mushroom Bars have gained popularity for their unique blend of psychedelic mushrooms and chocolate. These bars are crafted with precision to provide users with a balanced and enjoyable psychedelic experience. If you're looking to purchase One Up Mushroom Bars online for sale, it's crucial to choose a platform that prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction.
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MushroomMastersOnline.com is a trusted online source for psychedelic products, including One Up Mushroom Bars. The website offers a user-friendly interface, allowing customers to explore product details, read reviews, and make secure purchases. With a focus on quality assurance, MushroomMastersOnline.com ensures that each One Up Mushroom Bar meets stringent standards for potency and purity.
Navigating the Online Psychedelic Market:
As the demand for psychedelic products continues to grow, it's essential to approach online purchases with caution and mindfulness. When exploring platforms to buy psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars, Psilocybin gummies, or One Up Mushroom Bars online in the USA, consider the following tips:
Reputation and Reviews: Choose platforms with positive reviews and a solid reputation within the psychedelic community. Customer feedback can provide valuable insights into the reliability and quality of products.
Transparency: Look for platforms that prioritize transparency in their product descriptions, including information about dosing, ingredients, and sourcing.
Secure Transactions: Ensure that the online platform offers secure payment options to protect your personal and financial information.
Legal Compliance: Be aware of the legal status of psychedelic products in your location. Choose platforms that operate within legal boundaries and prioritize compliance.
The online market for psychedelic products offers a variety of options for those seeking alternative wellness experiences. Whether you're looking to buy psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars, Psilocybin gummies, or One Up Mushroom Bars online in the USA, selecting reputable platforms is essential for a safe and enjoyable journey. Explore the possibilities, prioritize safety, and embrace the transformative potential of these innovative products.
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gertlushgaming · 10 months
Below the Stone Preview (Steam Early Access)
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For this Below the Stone Preview, we play a procedurally generated spelunking roguelike(lite) with completely destructible grid-based levels resembling that of many loved titles such as Terraria, Enter The Gungeon, Nuclear Throne, and Dwarf Fortress.
Below the Stone Preview Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 281.46MB download size. - Graphics settings - ui scale slider, auto ui scale button, v-sync, fps limit, and full screen. - Full controller support. - Controller settings - Invert hotbar scrolling. - 3 save slots. - Character creator - random, name, hair, beard, body, and hair color. - Twin stick style controls for weapons amd tools. You get a clear line to show where you are facing. - Top-down view. - Opening tutorial section. - Certain tools can break certain blocks. - Hot bar for quick access. - Choose up to 3 missions to do when in the caves. - Nice soundtrack. - Simple controls. - Very accessible and easy to get into. - The main hub above ground houses shops, blacksmiths, Missions, notes, etc. - Craft new items, Weapons, and armor at the Blacksmith. - The caves have many Breakable objects and blocks to mine that drop resources for crafting. - A Witch in the Hub lets you craft potions of many kinds. - Randomized caves every time. - Mini map. - Complete at least one mission in order to leave the cave. - The map fills in as you play. - Missions are shown on screen at all times and fill in as you complete them. - You have a small circle of light around you and a torch does a huge circle of light. - When mining it's dark so you never really know where you are going. - Blocks will highlight when you are near them and will be blue if you can mine them or red if you cannot. - A brilliant game for people who love to just mine or cave dive. - An excellent sense of adventure. - Cave-ins can happen. - Find rooms and secrets. - Play how you want. - As soon as you finish a mission you can call the escape pod which makes a load of enemies attack as you await the pod's arrival. - If you die you drop everything in you and lose progress of missions. - High difficulty mostly due to the nature of learning the combat. Below the Stone Preview Cons: - No Steam achievements yet. - Only a male character. - Limited graphics settings. - Cannot rebind controls. - No voice work. - The menu system is so clunky and swapping items between your hotbar and backpack is so slow and sluggish. - The hub is so big and it's just not needed. - Way too many puns and yes I'm a killjoy. - Combat is tough with poison enemies being a particular nightmare. - Takes a while to get going. - High difficulty. - Having to eat mushrooms for health one by one is a real drag. - No dodge or roll button makes the game a lot harder and less fun in a way. - Cannot save mid-dungeon. - The mission amd cave randomness can make for lengthy dungeon dives. - No online play. Related Post: Stray Souls Review (PlayStation 5) Below the Stone: Official website. Developer: strollart Publisher: Apogee Entertainment Store Links - Steam Early Access Read the full article
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helpfullarticle · 1 year
A Comprehensive Review of Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Gummies
In the ever-evolving landscape of holistic wellness, we find ourselves continually exploring novel ways to incorporate nature's gifts into our daily lives. Magic mushrooms, renowned for their potential therapeutic properties, have been the subject of fascination and research for generations. Today, we embark on an enlightening journey as we delve into the world of Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies Review , a unique and innovative addition to the realm of mycological wellness.
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The Mushroom Gummies Phenomenon
Mushroom Gummies Review : A Customer's Perspective
Before we venture into the specifics of Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies, let's take a moment to understand the broader context of mushroom-based supplements. In recent years, the market has witnessed a proliferation of options for consuming these natural wonders. From traditional capsules to delectable chocolate bars, manufacturers have been continuously pushing the boundaries of creativity.
One such creative endeavor is the introduction of Amanita mushroom gummies. These gummies have garnered considerable attention for their convenience, palatability, and the potential benefits they offer. But what sets them apart, and do they truly live up to the hype? To answer these questions, we turn to a firsthand account—a customer's review.
A Glimpse into Amanita Muscaria
Amanita Muscaria, often referred to as the fly agaric mushroom, is a species that has intrigued and fascinated cultures around the world for centuries. With its iconic red cap and distinctive white speckles, this mushroom has earned its place in folklore and mythology.
The Amanita Muscaria Experience
Exploring the World of Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Gummies
For those curious about the potential benefits and experience of Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies, let's delve deeper into the unique aspects of this product.
Convenience Meets Wellness
One of the standout features of Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies is their sheer convenience. No need to brew teas or prepare elaborate concoctions. These gummies are a hassle-free way to incorporate the potential benefits of Amanita Muscaria into your daily routine.
Taste and Texture
Unlike traditional mushroom supplements, which can often have an earthy and less-than-pleasant taste, these gummies offer a delightful and approachable flavor profile. The addition of natural flavors and sweeteners makes them a palatable choice for those seeking a pleasant mushroom experience.
Measured Dosage
Each gummy contains a carefully measured dosage of Amanita Muscaria extract, ensuring consistency and precision in your wellness journey. This takes the guesswork out of consumption and allows for easy integration into your daily regimen.
Potential Benefits
While individual experiences may vary, some users have reported positive effects on mood, stress levels, and overall well-being after incorporating Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies into their routines. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your diet.
Quality Matters
Choosing the Right Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Gummies
As with any supplement, the quality of the product is paramount. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, consider the following factors when selecting Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies:
Source and Extraction
Opt for gummies made from high-quality Amanita Muscaria mushrooms that have undergone a rigorous extraction process. Quality sourcing and extraction methods contribute to the efficacy of the product.
Third-Party Testing
Look for products that undergo third-party testing for purity and potency. This ensures that what's on the label matches what's in the gummy, providing peace of mind for consumers.
User Reviews
Customer reviews can be a valuable resource. Hearing about others' experiences can help you gauge the potential benefits and drawbacks of a specific product.
In conclusion, Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies represent a fascinating addition to the world of mycological wellness. With their convenience, palatability, and potential benefits, they offer a unique way to explore the magic of mushrooms.
However, it's crucial to approach any supplement with mindfulness and care. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or are taking medications.
As the holistic wellness landscape continues to evolve, Amanita Muscaria mushroom gummies stand as a testament to the innovation and creativity that drive the pursuit of well-being through natural means. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, these gummies offer an accessible gateway to the world of mycological wonders. Embrace the magic, but do so responsibly, and may your journey be filled with discovery and enlightenment.
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veetravelblog · 1 year
Florence, Italy
As with most of our train departures, we were scheduled to leave Venice at 3:05 PM with a scheduled arrival time in Firenze at 5:20 PM. Departure and arrival times are dependent on personal preference and this was one of the hardest things for me to decide when planning this trip. There is no right or wrong time, but for us, this schedule worked out perfectly because we were able to enjoy 2 full nights in each city without having to cut a night short or wake up too early, choosing later departure times allowed us to really enjoy all the cities had to offer. For this ride I booked two Prima Classe (First Class) seats on the Italo train for €80 (about $40 each). Similar to the FrecciaRossa trains these seats were very comfortable and snacks were also provided. One thing that I read and was told by friends who have traveled by rail throughout Italy is that the trains are clean, comfortable and reliable, which was proving to be true.
After a 2 hour and 15 minute picturesque ride into the center of Italy, we arrived at Firenze Santa Maria Novella train station. We walked a short distance to our hotel B&B Emozioni Fiorentine, the hotel was located in the middle of Piazza della Republica which is a beautiful square with restaurants, live music, vendors and a beautiful carousel that is over 100 years old. Piazza della Republica is one of the main squares in Florence and marks the center of the city since Roman times. After a quick check in, we dropped our bags and headed out to explore Florence! We stayed walking distance from a couple of the most popular sites in Florence, Ponte Vecchio and Il Duomo. On our first day we decided to head over to the Ponte Vecchio, the only bridge in Florence spared from destruction during the World War II, built in 1345. Besides the historical importance, we wanted to visit the bridge because our neighbors told us that we would find shops filled with 18kt Italian gold, since we did not have much room to bring souvenirs home this was the shopping we’d been waiting for.
Santo Spirito
On the east side of the bridge, there is definitely more of a local vibe, with small wine and cocktail bars filled with people. We stopped in to Osteria Pavone, which is a hotel tucked in an alley. This restaurant came by recommendation and although reviews warned that it was hard to get in we luckily arrived and a table outside was available. Here we opted for their special, porcini mushroom and black truffle pasta accompanied by a glass of their house Chianti, delish! Our next stop along the winding streets of Santo Spirito was GOSH, this eclectic and unique bar was just what we didn’t know we needed. Red light filled the small but thoughtfully arranged space, lined with wall to wall tropical flamingo wallpaper, comfortable mid-century dark green velvet and gold arm chairs with a playlist that was reminiscent of 90s R&B mixes. As If that didn’t already, make us feel at home, the Roses N’Rye cocktail was just what the doctor ordered. My Husband and I are both bourbon drinkers and after all of the beer and wine we had been enjoying, upon taking that first sip of that whiskey drink we both had an instant smile and agreed it was the best drink of the trip. One thing we enjoyed at the bars we stopped in at was that they greet you with a few different complimentary snacks for the table, olives, nuts, crackers etc. Floreal just down the street from Gosh, was another very colorful and charming cocktail lounge that had a great menu. The city comes to life in the evening and after a midnight snack it was a wrap for our first night in Florence.
Tuscan Vineyards
I mentioned before that besides the train departure times and hotels I did not plan much for this trip ahead of time, I wanted it to be pretty relaxed and end up where we end up type of vacation. One thing I was advised to pre-book was a Tuscany Wine Tour while in Florence because they tend to sell out if you wait until the day of, so I did. I booked the Small-Group Wine Tasting Experience in the Tuscan Countryside through Viator for $95 each this included tasting at four wineries in addition to olive oil tastings. This tour was excellent, it was a smaller group of 25 people as opposed to most of the tours you saw along the way that were huge groups on the large coach buses, this was a Sprinter. Only thing I would have done differently is book the afternoon tour instead of the morning tour. I originally thought it would be better to end early to have the rest of the day free after the tour, but in hindsight waking up early to be at the meeting point at 845AM after a fun first night out in Florence to drink wine at 10AM was not the best idea...Other than that the tour itself lasted about 5 hours and it was very informative and had plenty of time at each winery to enjoy everything. We arrived back to Florence at about 2PM, we walked around and explored through some churches and plazas and made our way to Il Duomo or Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral had to be one of the most beautiful buildings I had ever seen, it is made entirely of marble and brick and was completed in 1436. We were lucky enough to find a cafe that had seats facing the Duomo and we spent a couple of hours admiring it’s beauty.
Piazza della Republica
We decided to have steak our last night at Fiorino d’Oro, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try an authentic Florentine steak and grab a seat during sunset while a live band played. Alfresco dining in the square is what attracted us to this restaurant and while my husband enjoyed dessert I rode the historic carousel which was only a few steps away. Florence is not on everyone’s list when visiting Italy, and if it is, you may opt to take a tour into Pisa to see the famous Leaning Tower. It wasn’t a priority for us to make that stop but that’s the great thing about Europe, you can choose what is important to you and plan accordingly. The Florentine cathedral was stunning and being self-proclaimed wine connoisseurs the Tuscan Vineyards were a must for us to visit.
Our next stop is SORRENTO be sure to keep an eye out to read all about!
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
84: Yonatan Gat & Gal Lazer // Physical Copy
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Physical Copy Yonatan Gat & Gal Lazer 2015, Joyful Noise (Bandcamp)
I have been pretty thoroughly on something each time I’ve seen Yonatan Gat, the Tel Aviv-born guitar matador who has become a cult figure due to his smoldering small combo stage shows. Gat and his typical trio or quartet like to set up in the middle of the venue, upending the usual artist-on-stage, plebes-on-the-floor dichotomy. Multiple times I’ve seen audience members helping hold up a cymbal stand that won’t stay upright, or gaping at Gat’s fretboard from over the guitarist’s shoulder, privileged to be the second head of a virtuoso. Gat’s music is loud, loose, and incantatory, predominantly instrumental punk/psych/passport rock rave-ups, occasionally interrupted by Gat’s drowsily romantic vocal interludes.
The first few times I saw him I was just starting to experiment with MDMA and acid, and I would spend the sets torn between my desire to lose myself in the music, and to write every liquid thought sloshing in my head. As a result, I “watched” a lot of the show through my phone’s notes app, standing next to the band trying to write as improvisationally as they played. I’ve just opened up one of those documents for the first time in years, from a Toronto gig accompanied by the dream trio of Gal Lazer on drums (AKA Gladys Lazer), Sergio Sayeg on bass (AKA Sessa), and Thor Harris on percussion and vibes. What follows are some excerpts from ten pages of very stoned responses, lightly edited for embarrassment.
The drummer’s so close it feels as though I could ghost through his back, talk to his array of golden plates easily as I tell my own hand to close round the throat of a flower, the handle of a watering can.
Check the bassist too, in his immaculate linen suit. When I saw him a year ago he wore the exact same outfit. It’s hard to imagine him ever taking it off— the white cloth just turns translucent as he soaps himself in the shower, becomes opaque again in the tumble-dry that fluffs his hair. White, on that note, seems to have the fashion diktat for the tour, undoubtedly conceived of by the singer under the influence of whatever sun rises in his brain that incinerates embarrassment, and a modicum of choice hash.
I’m one to talk: I’m so high my right buttock is trembling to the music of its own accord.
(If I were as gorgeous as the balding Shireborn playing vibes, I wouldn’t care about the black leather fanny pack marring my aesthetic either.)
The guitarist holds the neck upright, the way you do when a tough part in Guitar Hero hits, but for him, it’s like when you want to talk to someone with your mouth to their ear, while the foot traffic splits unnoticed around you.
Most times this part of the show is just jerking off— do you remember Richie Sambora? He was in Bon Jovi and played like Joe Perry sealed under a film of cellophane, like mushrooms priced to move. That guy jerks off; this deserves the longer word in Latin. There’s a drum solo too and people clap, and for the first time ever, not merely because it’s over. My carrier informs me my new plan has begun, with a whole new block of data to bore through. The singer does his sexy thing in a language made foreign by layers of mystic reverb. He introduces the players in long bars of well-meant fuzz.
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"Shireborn" Thor Harris: Perhaps more dwarfkin?
And so on! Anyway, at the show I’d sworn up and down not to buy any merch (was broke!), but as the rolling waves of instant nostalgia about the like ephemerality of experience continued to smash me in the face like a toddler trying to wade into the ocean, I became fixed on the title of this little Steve Albini-produced single: Physical Copy. An answered prayer, something designed to last! Jump-cut to 2023 and I can’t find the fucking thing for this review, so I’m streaming it and still remember everything fine without the tactile reminder. It’s good, but don’t shop on drugs and be careful what you write is I guess the message of this post, oi vey.
if my ears are not ringing am I hearing at all? tinnitus is the air thick with angels.
I part their unseen ranks like a curtain of plankton, eardrums resounding to their pitchy carols.
I don’t know if it’s true this tingling is the last time I'll ever hear this sound; if it is, let’s say the tone was burnt up reentering the world from the silence of memory.
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Empty Skies, Hazy Skyboxes, Ch. 5
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Also on AO3
Qi opened the saloon’s front doors, and was greeted with Owen’s smiling face from behind the counter.
“Hey, Director! Glad to see ya.”
Qi gave him a nod. “Good evening. The usual, please.”
“Meat-stuffed mushroom with a summer sand tea, comin’ right up.” As Owen moved to the kitchen, Qi took a seat at the bar, two seats down from Justice, who raised an eyebrow in greeting as he approached.
“Evenin’, Director. Holdin’ up okay?”
“I am indeed ‘holding up’,” Qi said in a way that he hoped seemed casual. “Thank you for the concern.”
Justice nodded thoughtfully as he took a sip of his yakmel milk. “‘Course. Just makin’ sure.” His awkward manner was of no surprise to Qi. Everyone seemed to be acting cautiously around him today. Everyone knew what day it was.
Justice drained the last of his milk and stood up, leaving a couple gols on the counter. “Well, I gotta get back on patrol. You need to talk, you can find me anytime. Unsuur too, but…y’know.” With a stiff nod, he left the saloon.
The kitchen door swung open and Owen came out, carrying his food. Qi fished around in his pockets for the payment.
Owen just held up a hand. “On the house,” he said, a sad glimmer in his eyes.
“Oh… Oh.” Qi had no idea how to respond, so he just picked up the fork and started digging in. Owen silently went back to cleaning up the bar, opting to leave Qi alone. He knew his customers well. Qi never liked conversing with anyone while he was eating on a normal day. And today…
“Oh, there you are, Qi hun.” Qi glanced over his shoulder to see Vivi strolling in. “You didn’t come for dinner tonight! We all sat there for 15 minutes all worried!”
“Ah. Vivi. Apologies. I’d completely forgotten. I’m a bit absentminded today, you see…”
Vivi’s face fell. “Of course, child. Don’t you worry ‘bout it. I’ll wrap it up and drop it off at your research center so you can have it tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” he said blandly, eyes unfocused.
He was brought back down to Earth with Vivi’s gentle hands on his shoulders. “Take a deep breath, hun.” Qi closed his eyes, slowly drawing air in…and out. “That’s it.”
In…and out.
In…and out.
The fog in his head cleared a little bit. He opened his eyes to see Vivi’s sad smile. Tears pooled in her eyes.
“Tell them…that we all miss them…so much,” she whispered.
“...I will.”
Qi left the saloon into the darkened street. Street lights started blinking on around him, but he turned and headed away from the lights, out towards the workshop. The last orange tinges of the sunset disappeared behind the mountains in the distance, stars already peeking out of the newly-dark sky. Qi kept his eyes straight ahead. He wouldn’t look up. Not yet.
He opened the door to the house and went to the bedroom, opening up the closet. Rolled into a neat little bundle and tucked safely in a corner was their stargazing blanket. He picked it up, dusting off some of the sand that was perpetually stuck in its folds. He took one last steadying breath. He was ready.
Qi walked through the barren streets towards the back of town. The cold night air made him shiver, and he clutched the rolled-up blanket to his chest. Finally, he stood before the graveyard gate. He opened it carefully, trying not to make it squeak. He padded silently towards their headstone. “Hello, starlight…” he murmured as he crouched down to brush the sand off the carved stone, his thumb tracing along the epithet.
Sandrock’s shining star.
Sandrock’s spirit lies with them, and their spirit lies with Sandrock.
He spread the blanket out on the sand beside the headstone and laid down. “I’m doing alright. I just submitted another paper to Vega 5’s astronomy journal. Bound to be accepted, of course. A review on all the astronomical relic discoveries we’ve made in Sandrock so far. And of course, I gave you credit where it was due.”
“Mi-an has been helping me build new components for the Mobile Suit. Recently I’ve managed to improve its mobility on soft sand by almost 200% by adding some retractable treaded wheels.”
“Sleepyhead came back a few weeks ago for the Portia road project. You should’ve seen his face when the Mobile Suit was in action! He’s off to Portia now, for their part of the project.”
“Yes, yes, don’t worry, I’m still getting a responsible amount of sleep every night. Regular full meals, too. Vivi would never let me live it down if I didn’t.”
“Elsie says the animals are well. She told me to tell you that, erm, ‘Doodles says hi’. The idea that a yakmel could say anything is ludicrous, but I wasn’t about to waste time arguing about it.”
“Tonight the Perseids are at their peak. Oh!” He pointed to a brilliant shooting star that lit up his vision. “Magnificent, isn’t it? It’s a debris cloud from the Swift-Tuttle comet that Earth happens to pass through every summer.”
“I still miss you. I miss you terribly.”
“Sometimes it still hurts to look up at the night sky like this… Just another reminder of…”
“B-but…I think I am getting better. Hugo and his family have practically taken me in as one of their own. They know what it’s like…”
“They all miss you too. You were practically a part of them as much as I am now.”
“I never realized how nice it feels to have someone care for me.”
“Still…it never feels the same as you.”
His next words caught in his throat. He tensed, trying to force them out. They sat stubbornly on the tip of his tongue.
I love you, he thought. He felt tears prick at his eyes as he struggled to say it aloud.
He’d always found it hard to say it. Like he’d spontaneously combust the instant the words left his mouth. So he’d say it in every way but his voice. An “I love you” pressed into their skin whenever they touched. An “I love you” hidden behind his signature at the bottom of every diagram he gave them. An “I love you” in every drop of oil and every tightened bolt when he repaired their machines. An “I love you” steeped in every cup of tea.
An “I love you” whispered into the open air beside their grave, long after they could ever hear him.
The stars slowly turned over his head. He recognized things that he had told the builder about before on this very blanket: stars, asterisms, planets, satellites. They would always listen with rapt attention as he spilled everything he knew. Sometimes, they knew a story about something he would point out. Old myths, sometimes passed down from even before the Age of Corruption. Normally, he wouldn’t entertain such nonsensical and unscientific accounts of the stars. Stories of people and animals and allsorts getting turned into asterisms? Ridiculous. But the builder’s storytelling always managed to…enchant him somehow. And even without the builder’s narration, he had to admit that it was a beautiful sentiment. Being enshrined forever in the sky, admired for all eternity.
A small part of him, deep within his heart of hearts, imagined his builder up there. Winking at him from thousands of light years away, a quiet, persistent presence in the sky.
Always bright, always beautiful, always there.
His dearest starlight.
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