#On my old acc I was used to just liking stuff & moving on with my day
Somehow I JUST discovered it isnt necessary to put tags on your reblogs. Like you can just put nothing? And apparently thats okay??Holy mackerel.. I feel kinda dumb... At the very least, now reblogging is gonna be less of a challenge!
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caelumlin · 2 years
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starluvsx · 5 months
⭑ 𝐁𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬
𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Proofread: sorta....
Word count: 2.5k
WARNINGS: small mention of blood, swearing, just cute fluff besides that!
A/N: ik i said this would be posted a while ago but I've been super busy w school and everything and have just had no time to write but here it is!this is acc something i've had in mind but have been able to actually write so it was nice to finally finish it. ok happy reading guys!
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"I'm hungry," Nick complained from the other side of the couch. Matt, who was too focused on his phone to even acknowledge anything else around us, simply blew Nick off. only telling him to grab something from the kitchen.me and Chris on the other hand weren't very tapped into the movie all four of us were supposed to be watching. It was a little boring, yes but what else was there to do? Summer break is normally fun but there are always a few weeks where you feel like you've done everything you can for this 10 week break.
" there's nothing good in there, can we go to the gas station or something?'' Nick asked as he hung his head off the edge of the couch we all shared. With the small back and forth happening right next time I was now paying less attention to the movie.
Matt, who was still looking at his phone aimlessly, answered Nick's complaint and question combination with "my car is still in the shop so unless you feel like walking 2 miles then go find something in the kitchen." annoyed. not really sure what he was annoyed about since he hasn't even done anything all day besides sit on the couch and sit around the house with us.
"we could just take the bikes.'' Chris said from behind me. Nick silently made his way toward the kitchen while we tried to figure out a plan. Looking around the cabinets and the fridge for something to his liking.
“You know I can’t ride a bike asshole” I sassed as I turned my head a little bit in order to see him.
“No I fucking didn’t, what are you talking about?” He retorted.
“Like everyone knows that?” I replied.laughing at the brunette’s confusion.Matt shut off the movie and put something on cable since at this point nobody was even paying attention to it.
"I'm just hungry and bored so can we please find some way to get to the gas station for the love of God."Nick said, walking toward us from the kitchen dramatically plopping down back next to Matt on the couch.
The four of us sat there and attempted to think of a solution. "I'll just teach you how to ride,"Chris suggested as he got up from the couch, pulling up his gray sweats slightly.the 3 of us looked at Chris so he realized what he just said "how to ride a bike guys, Jesus..." he clarified as he shook his head with a small smile at our immaturity.
The rest of us got off the couch and began to walk toward the front door to leave. As Matt opened the door my eyes were met with a beautiful pink sunset. The winding down of the summer day made the weather very mellow. Warmth and a soft wind hit my bare legs and arms. watercolor sky painting the scenery.
I followed the boys toward their bikes and grabbed the extra one which was Justin's old bike. blue and silver spikes stars were spread over the bike. not exactly something I would ride if I had the choice but i'm not in position to complain.
as I hopped on it I noticed Matt and Nick beginning to ride away "teach her and we can bring you guys stuff" Matt yelled from almost 13 feet away. I turned to Chris who was unlocking his bike for the chain
"Okay!" he yelled to Matt before turning to me."Alright, you know how to get on it so that's good."he joked before getting on his own bike. "ok try to move the bike" he said, turning to me.
"ok..."I mumbled as I placed my feet on the pedals. I lost balance once both my feet left their place on the ground causing me to frantically put my left foot back on the gravel. I turned to the boy in front of me. his pale skin glowing in the dwindling sunlight. He made a concerned face before getting off his bike in order to help me.
"let me try holding the bike as you put your feet on the pedals."he explained. Chris then came around to the back of me and placed his left hand on my waist and the right on one of the handles.my heart began to beat faster. I felt supported by Chris' hold so I put my foot back on the pedal. "So now move the pedals as if you were gonna ride for real." I did as he said and began to pretend to ride the bike.
"Now when I let go, keep pedaling forward."nerves shot through me as I looked out to the long empty street in front of me. the fear of falling over took over
"Chris im gonna fucking fall"I expressed
"I won't let go of you, just the bike. if you fall I'll catch you, promise."He reassured me. His words encouraged me to try so as soon as he let go I kept pedaling. The bike moved quickly under my feet but I wasn't scared because of the support Chris had on my hip.
Once I was about half way down the road nerves set back in and I began to feel like I might fall again. I wasn't steering the bike correctly and was sort of swerving. "Chris, Chris I'm gonna fall!"I yelled. I tried to straighten the bike but it wasn't working.
"No you're not kid, I'm literally holding you,"Chris said, out of breath from running to keep pace with me. The end of the road was nearing so I knew I would have to turn around soon.
"How do I turn?!"I frantically yelled. as the rounded curb got closer and closer.the wheels of the old bike wouldn't slow down as they glided against the pavement.
"What?" Chris yelled from behind me.I hadn't even realized he let go and that I was doing this on my own.
"How do I turn!?"I yelled even louder hoping he would hear and then teleport next to me and turn the bike for me.
"floor it!" he shouted as I was about to hit the curb. I then jerked the handles of the bike and turned sharply. my legs moving faster in order to keep momentum. "Hell yea!!" he exclaimed from the opposite side of the street. His excitement made me smile.
our happiness didn't last much longer though because I didn't realize there was a huge pot hole right in front of me. The front wheel got caught in the crater and sent me flying forward.
"oh shit!'' Chris yelped as he jogged over to me. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins still so I didn't feel much pain coming from my scraped up elbow or my cut knee. "you okay? No broken bones or concussions?"
I giggled at his concern and wiped up some blood that had been dripping down my leg. "dude you fucking did it, you learned how to ride a bike!"he said happily. a huge smile painted on his sun dusted face. eyes fixated on mine which were inspecting the sting from my cut began to set in causing me to let out a wince.
"Ok can we get inside now."I mumbled out of breath. my soft voice broke him out of his trance as he darted his eyes away from mine.
"oh yeah sorry." he said as he stood up and dusted off his knees that had tiny rocks scattered on them. I put my hand out for him to help me up and he did so. helping me limp back to the house.
Once we got inside he told me to wait in the kitchen while he grabbed our bikes that he realized he had left outside. While he was outside I hobbled my way over to the freezer and grabbed some ice, put it in a plastic baggie with a paper towel around it and placed it on my elbow.
When Chris came back into the kitchen he began looking for the first aid kit. "Sorry I took so long, your bike was like lodged in the hole." he explained, laughing a little. I huffed out a small laugh as well. "Okay here we go!"he said as he closed the cabinet, turning around with a red and white box in his hands.
He placed the box on the counter and began to examine what was inside of it, pulling out bandaids, gauze, rubbing alcohol and cotton balls.Chris struggled to keep the things in his arms as he walked over to me. The items catering once placed on the counter. 
"hop up."he instructed. I did as he said, hopping onto the counter and shuffling around so I was comfortable and didn't feel like I was gonna fall off. I turned my head to watch him mess around with the medical stuff. putting everything into place. "this is gonna sting a lot" he said as he stood in front of me. cotton ball that had been soaked in disinfectant In his hand. i bit my lip as the alcohol made contact with my open wound. a stinging sensation being sent through my knee.
The slight pain went away as he stopped cleaning the cut. opening a brown bandaid and placing it on the cut carefully. "See, all better!"he joked, making me smile at his small gesture. our eyes caught each other as he looked up. both of us admiring the other's features.
for the first time in I think forever there was a silence between us. once that had to be broken but not by words. I hopped down from my spot on the counter unexpectedly .My action made Chris back up a little.
Without saying anything I hugged the brunette in front of me.wrapping my arms around his neck as he did the same with my waist. I buried my head in his neck and smiled to myself.
Chris pulled away from the hug before I could. I was confused at why he would do this wrong as he normally is a very big hugger with me. my confusion soon turned to shock as the flushed boy in front of me cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips onto my one passionately.
My eyelids slowly sunk down as my body melted into the long awaited kiss. i have had a crush on him for God knows how long but never came even close to knowing he felt the same way, let alone making a move.the front door opened almost as soon as we pulled away from each other. making us white our heads toward the door almost immediately. 
"hey guys-'' Nick began as he and his brother trotted into the kitchen, bags of snacks in hand. "the fuck happened to you?" he asked me as he set the snack down on the kitchen table.
my heart was still beating faster than I could think but I had to make everything seem normal. i mean my best friend can't know I just kissed my other best friend who also happened to be his brother. "This kid tried to teach me how to ride a bike, '' I said with a small, awkward giggle.
"alright i'm going back to the couch." Matt said groggily as he walked back to the place where he had been for most of the day.
"yea same" Chris followed short behind Matt with his snacks in hand.i didn't take my eyes off him he sat back down on the couch.
"You sure he only touched your how to ride a bike?"Nick asked me from across the counter.leaned over,interested in the truth behind what had happened while they were out.
I took a sip of my red bull before choking on the drink at the question I had been asked. "Yes Nick, I've told you before, I'm not interested in either of your brothers like that."I reassured the brunette.i hated lying to him like that but I didn't really want to tell him just yet.especially If nothing ever came about with Chris.after all me and him are still just friends.
"Okay I'm just saying, you're awfully flushed." Nick said.
"There's nothing there, girl , trust me. I think they're watching La La Land in there," I said as I let go of the topic, making my way back to the living room.upon entering I saw both brothers on each side of the couch so I naturally migrated toward Chris. the boy who had made himself comfortable on the couch moved his legs in order for me to sit there.
Once the four of us were all curled up on the couch together it was almost impossible to ignore the fact that Chris' hand was placed on my waist.I leaned on him a little but not fully so as to not make it obvious that I had lied earlier.
I have had a crush on this boy basically since we met and now he's finally showing that he feels the same way, just without words which I honestly prefer.anyone can say anything but it takes a certain kind for passion driven by truth to actually act on your words.spoken or not.i don't know what we are but I feel like it's spelled out pretty clearly that it's more than what we've been letting on
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(im the anon that said regression is not nsfw)
oh okay i get it kind of :thumbs_up:
do u talk abt potty training stuff on ur main age regression acc too or is it just this one? cuz if u do i might follow idk hehe
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okay, I thiiiink these are the same person? Probably? Unclear. I'll answer both here, for clarity.
1 - No, I don't talk about potty training stuff on my main, not anymore. I moved those posts here a couple of years ago. The only content that's there are maybe some reblogs from other regressors.
2 - Okay, first of all, age regressors did NOT come up with those terms, nor do they have exclusive rights to use them. Those terms have been used by people for, like, ever. Parents calling their kids "little ones", family members calling out "littles, come over here!" to refer to any younger members, the obvious origins of "mom" and "dad" and their variants, and "caregivers" being tied to both people who care for babies, children, the elderly, and those with disabilities.
If anything, age players have more rights to the terms "littles" and "caregiver" in the context that we're using on this site. They're the ones who originated/popularized them. I know this because I was here, on this site, in 2016, when age regressors decided to split off from the sfw age play community, and there was legitimately tons of discourse about who had the "right" to those terms.
(who here remembers the chire and the other handful of communities that attempted to exclude anyone who liked the parental nicknames and the usage of the word "little" in their regression? I do. god, do I remember. this is the main reason that a lot of old regression blogs specify that they're "community free regression")
Second, I... don't? Tag anything here as ageplay? Everything here is just tagged with omo tags, then with assorted organizational tags - there is nothing here tagged with agere or ageplay - just posts that use the very vague term of "little" and the other term of "caregiver" within the post itself.
(which, I just feel the need to repeat, is a word that even normies use!! my own parents, aunts, and uncles call me and my cousins littles!!! Outside of that, "Littles" is a shared community term!! Littles and Caregivers, as we use them, originated from Dominant Daddy/Mommy and Little Boy/Little Girl - it's the gender neutral version!! Cg/L! Regressors are the ones who decided to keep it!! Because it's vague!! That's intentional!!)
But, yeah, you're allowed to feel your feelings, and, honestly, the fact that you're uncomfortable with the "playing grown-up" tag is something that I anticipated when I made that tag - that it might make people uncomfortable! But, I've been working on making my own boundaries and enforcing them, while not immediately catering to make other people comfortable at the detriment of my own comfort/space.
This is my blog. People didn't like when I put non-sexual omo on my agere blog because it helped me regress. That's okay, and even I became uncomfortable with it after a while, so! I made this blog! It's not my agere blog. It's my soft omo blog. It's nsfw and for adults only. And, only just recently, I decided to take advantage of those two facts and put some other nsfw posts here. I do not want to make yet another sideblog for the handful of "icky" posts I'd like to reblog, especially when this blog is already here.
A nice thing about Tumblr is that tags are now blockable, so if, for some reason, you wanted to follow me still, you'd still be able too view all my other posts while excluding that specific tag. Or you can block me, if you wanted to - you curate your own online experience, and I'll hold no ill will towards you for making sure that you're comfortable and safe.
As for saying thats someone can't be both an age regressor and an age player? Literally what are you talking out????? Huh???? Do you think that adults can't age regress and slip into the mindset of a child while also being capable of, while in adult headspace, in a consensual relationship, roleplay as a child for sexual gratification??? Those are two different things!!! Ageplay is roleplay, and as such, one is capable of adult things! Agere is someone slipping into the headspace of a child!! Healthy communication with one's partner makes it clear what's okay in one headspace and what's okay in the other!!!
I'm not even an ageplayer and even I know that it's possible to do both 😭😭😭 and I just read fanfiction and people's actual blogs!!
As for your sign off, um. Okay? I don't even interact with a.geredips posts and blogs.... even if they're very relevant to me and my regression! Not even with my main!! (I'm also very shy and timid and a bit scared to interact) And, on my main, if people who follow me start breaking people's DNI, I literally softblock or block them - if they can't follow people's boundaries, then they can't interact! I'm just one blog, and I doubt that if anyone wanted to demonize age regressors, they need any help from me - people who deliberately mistag are probably more than enough tbh.
Ageplay and age regression, like it or not, was cut from the same cloth - a cloth made out of a gradient from black to white, with shades of grey all in between. Like a baby blanket! Black/ageplay and ABDL on one side, white/agere on the other, with you and me and my friends and mutuals somewhere in the middle, all spread out across!
Plenty of adults don't think anyone should return to the comfort of childhood things, and look at the whole blanket with scorn and disgust. Cutting off more and more of the blanket, because you think that my grey isn't as palatable as your grey, is not going to change these people's minds. Both of us live in the grey zone, and I personally think that by accepting more of the grey, our baby blanket will be strong enough to handle anything - even and especially people who think our blanket should be torn to shreds.
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heartsoji · 2 years
not my fault. yours.
a/n: i have 2 old accs. the stuff on my page is all stuff i've written. i made posts on both old accs saying that im me
“not my fault. yours.”
category: fic
warnings: none
summary: you look too cute when you sleep. it’s not his fault. you just looked like you were begging for cuddles, that all.
kozume kenma x reader
“applepi: alright, i’m just going to log off now. gg”
“ultimategamer23: k. gg”
kenma sighed as he turned off his pc, rubbing his eyes. he looked at the clock. 3 am. looking behind him he saw you, sleeping peacefully. he could only smile softly. you were so cute and sweet, just lightly snoring, holding a pillow close to your chest.
you were just sweetly cuddling with the pillow. holding it close to you, burying your face into it..
wait a minute.
nope, no, nada. not happening. you were not just going to casually cuddle with a pillow instead of him. not on his watch.
kenma quietly got off of his chair, being careful not to wake you up. he gently walked across the floor to the bed, quiet as a cat.
he gently lifted the pillow out of your arms and tucked it under his arms. he placed it on the ground and made his way to where the pillow had previously been.
subconsciously, you moved your arms to the newfound warmth and buried the side of your head into it.
kenma’s face? rip. a tomato. even after all this time, trying to get used to your cute little tendencies, kenma still couldn’t handle it. you were just too cute.
he gazed at your sleeping figure, wrapped around his own body. it was all too cute. the pose. the light snores. the way you just buried your head into him. your face.
ah yes, your face. kenma’s gaze shifted from your whole figure to your face. he had a great view of your features from this angle, and he couldn't help but just admire you.
kenma sighed. he was too tired to be thinking about this. he had school tomorrow. if he stayed up too long, he might just zonk out in class.
so, he settled for sleep instead of staring at your face.
kenma’s eyes drooped as sleep took over his body, knowing that he’d sleep well with you in his arms <3
another round
your eyes fluttered open. you let out a small yawn and gently rubbed your eyes. and then you looked down. 
what you saw kind of took you by surprise. kenma. your antisocial walnut of a boyfriend. the one who is super shy about everything and you can’t even laugh without having his ears turn bright red. you’re usually the one who has to initiate cuddles, hugs, kisses, etc. because he’s shy and won’t ask no matter how desperately he longs for them. he won’t give your hand a squeeze, give you a gentle pat on the head, wrap his arms around your shoulders, nothing. (at least w/o you making the first move) but here he was, cuddling with you. you knew for a fact that you had been cuddling with a pillow last night. not kenma. if you were to cuddle and sleep with kenma, you would have to wait until he got into the bed, and then go and cuddle up to him. and then try to hide your giggles as you could feel him turning red. that was the norm and you were used to it. you had to initiate, not him, so this was quite unusual.
you couldn’t help but smile. looks like he finally reached his limit. he wanted them that bad, huh? you let out a small giggle. oops. kenma’s eyes fluttered open. he let out a yawn and opened his eyes a bit more fully, twisting just a bit in bed. when he saw you, smiling like a cheshire cat above him he instantly knew. 
“so you like my cuddles that much, do you?” you teased, giving his shoulder a little nudge.
kenna’s cheeks flushed, but only slightly. instead, he pulled your head onto his chest and muttered a very quiet “mhm.”
your eyes opened wide. but just for a second. you closed your eyes and snuggled into your boyfriend’s warmth. you could get used to this.
of course you couldn’t stand it anymore and then had to give him another tease. it was rare to see such a cuddly kenma and you just had to tease him about it.
“dang, i guess you were just longing so much for my cuddles, huh kyanma? because you love me sooo much, right kenken?”
you could feel his body heating up slightly.
then realization hit.
kenma placed his hand on the back of your head and sighed.
“your fault. not mine.”
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zombiewhor3 · 8 months
fem reader x eddie munson & steve harrington
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WARNINGS: reader is 18, arm riding, bicep riding, no body type is mentioned except for the OCS, multiple orgasms, three some, polyamory relationship, mention orf affairs? Implications of sex, oral sex (fem receiving) clit play, mutual masturbation, male and female masturbation, praising kink, fluid eating (cum only), overstimulation! MINORS DNI!!
: this is being reposted on this acc from my old one, so i promise you i am not stealing someones work i just want more of my stranger things one-shots uploaded onto this tumblr account
Y/n had been having a two way affair with Steve and Eddie it started a few months ago in Eddie's trailer when y/n couldn't decide which one she wanted so she let both of them have her.
She was best friends with both of them so it was a plus because whenever they hung out it wasn't all about sex.
Steve and Eddie never did anything to each other they only do stuff to her, which she didn't mind what so ever.
She loved the idea of being surprised with new games or new ways to pleasure her.
Some days Eddie would use his hand cuffs or Steve would use his clothes to tie her up instead.
It was like a roller coaster for her, the eagerness of Friday nights always made her jittery with excited because these were the nights they planned as their "meeting nights" even though they practically hung out everyday.
Currently she was sitting in Steve's room working on part of her math homework,
she looked up to see Steve and Eddie lifting weights to each other she could feel her self blush shaking it off so she could focus back on her homework.
Steve and Eddie shared a passion for working out they loved it but not as much as y/n loved watching them work out. They were both shirtless speaking to each other as they stood in front of Steve's mirror,
y/n was biting her lip her pencil was at the edge of her mouth watching both of their toned chests start to drip with sweat both of their arms moving in an upward direction she was practically drooling over the sight of it.
Eddie could see this slightly from the corner of his eye and partially in the mirror, he smirked slightly acting like he didn't notice her gaze on them.
He liked the fact the fact that both boys had control of y/n they liked being able to tease her and surprise her because they knew she loved the feeling of it.
Eddie turned around facing y/n who tried to look away rapidly her eyes glancing down to her paper before trying to get a peak of Eddie,
his v line was exposed where he had a tattoo for his band his abs were visible to they were perfectly formed onto his body making y/n froth at the mouth
now she couldn't really focus on her homework without snagging a glance at him every two seconds.
Steve turned around also catching onto Eddie's idea he smirked at y/n who's face was turning a crimson red she was trying to act like she was writing something down
but her hand was shaking to much knowing both of the boys were staring at her
she looked up at them biting her lip as her eyes wandered their body and up to their biceps she loved their arms something about them was hot really hot to her.
She watched both boys set the weights down looking over at Eddie who sat in the chair at Steve's desk lighting a cigarette puffing out the smoke from in between his lips.
his forehead had sweat dripping from it,
he spread his legs gesturing for y/n to come to him she nodded eagerly tossing her homework aside going to him as he placed her in his lap staring into her eyes.
"You like these?" He asked gesturing to his arms feeling y/n squeeze one causing him to smile watching her nibble at her lip at the sight of his biceps,
"wanna try something new?" He whispered to her watching the girl tilt her head but agreeing, Eddie passed his cigarette to Steve. Eddie was flexing his arm,
"hop on" he told y/n who lifted up her skirt her clothed pussy skimming Eddie's muscle as he flexed keeping in that position for her to ride it.
"Ride it princess you know you want to" Eddie told her feeling her glide her self back and forth on him moaning a the friction she increased her pace with how good it felt,
"Oh god!" She whined loudly clenching her eyes feeling the tension against her clothed clit she wanted more it so she stopped
as Eddie helped her remove her panties tossing them aside his hands pulled down her skirt to her ankles her feet kicked it off before returning to rubbing and forth on his arm.
His muscles was causing a needy friction against her bare clit causing her to moan aloud moving even faster
her her hips rocked back and forth moaning softly each time her clit skimmed part of bicep
Steve watched standing in front of the two he liked the sight of her half bare torso humping as she moaned aloud.
Eddie had his dick in his hands pumping it with his other hand groaning softly feeling his dick twitch knowing he was close already
Steve could feel the bulge in his pants grow he sat on her bed palming himself softly just to tease him self a little before it was her turn to ride him.
Eddie was looking at y/n who's eyes were clenched shut her legs were shaking as she started to slow down
"no no don't stop keep going I want you to cum all over my arm"
Y/n increased her speed feeling the knot in her stomach tighten and then release itself against Eddie's bicep she whimpered in pleasure loudly,
Eddie came at the same exact time shooting ribbons of his cum onto part of her body moaning loudly.
"you liked that didn't you princess" Eddie said helping her down watching her rapidly nodding her head he grabbed the towel on the desk next to him wiping the white ribbons of cum off of him and her.
He set her in his lap pointing at Steve who was rubbing his crotch softly to relive some sort of pressure his bulge had,
"you think you can give one more orgasm for Steve sweetie" Eddie said bouncing his knee with her on it causing her to whine feeling the vibration against her throbbing clit
"Yes sir" she replied feeling eddie stand up swapping spots with Steve, y/n gave him a soft kiss before climbing up on his bicep,
Steve did the same thing as Eddie he started to pump his cock in his hand heading y/n whimper even louder now that she was sensitive from riding Eddie earlier
She screamed loudly feeling her climax come already so close to her she started to go faster and faster feeling the inner part of her legs go numb while her clit was being pleasured,
Steve pumped his hand faster up and down his own eyes shutting along with hers.
"Cum!" Y/n gasped aloud at Steve who was already just seconds away from his orgasm, "
come on his bicep" Eddie said panting from the other side of the room as he was pumping his own cock in his hands.
Y/n came her juices spilling onto Steve's skin as his dick shot with cum covering his chest
Steve cleaned him self up setting the sensitive y/n on the bed her clit was aching already she was still bare laying back on Steve's sheets as the two boys stood infront of her,
"that was such a good girl someone deserves another orgasm" Eddie said reaching his face in between her legs
his tongue was swiping against her clit feeling y/n practically jump up tugging at Eddie's hair she was whining really loud as Steve stood behind them watching,
Eddie's tongue flicked faster and faster until y/n was yelping for her release which Steve granted her as Eddie felt her juices spill out onto his lips but he still didn't stop he continued flicking his tongue up and down hoping for her to cum again,
her thighs clenched around his face harshly feeling his tongue continue flicking its way up and down over and over
until she finally came on his face one more her hips were bucked into the air her legs shaking so much
y/n watched as he licked his lips clean moving out of the way so Steve could get a taste.
Y/n was enjoying it but she was so sensitive right now it would only take a little bit of movement from Steve's tongue to make her cum
Steve's tongue started to lick a stripe up her pussy and when it reached her clit she was whimpering feeling his tongue swirl on her clit sucking and nibbling slighty at the sore area.
Eddie clasped one of y/n's hand feeling her nails dig into his skin while her other hand gripped on tightly to Steve's hair she was about to cry but she was enjoying it.
"I cant! It's to much" she yelped feeling her back arch back and down from the bed feeling Steve's hands holding her in place while he increased his pace.
"Do you want him to stop?" Eddie asked her watching her whine out loudly,
"No!" Y/n replied bucking her hips the air she could feel another orgasm coming
“oh god it's to much! It's to much" she whimpered louder until the overstimulation was to much and she tipped over the edge coming so hard she felt her eyes roll into the back of her head,
as her head tossed itself back into Steve's pillows her body shaking so hard and so fast.
Steve pulled away from her patting her stomach watching her pant rapidly shushing her that it was okay
"you were so good princess" he cooed to her helping her slip on her underwear and one of his shirts.
Eddie was rubbing her hand and kissed it softly "that was such a good slut y/n you tasted so good" he teased at her in her ear watching a smile grow on her face
as they got dressed settling into the bed with her.
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pbamoney · 1 month
"We can't change what's done, we can only move on. There ain't no shame in looking for a better world."
I should definitely introduce myself! Hello there, fellow reader and/or person who's just passing by.
My name is PBAM0NEY. Preferably PBA for short. I'm just a man who's been a little bit bored and decided to pop up on Tumblr either to roleplay with other blogs or just overall chill as I usually do.
Now the rules are very simple!
1. No NSFW asks of any kind! I will reject those asks if you do. However, a little tiny bit of suggestive stuff can fly.
2. No racism, transphobia, anything related to these kinds of things.
3. Don't be harassing anyone for any reason whatsoever.
Now, last but not least!
4. Just have fun! Ask me whatever ya want! Just don't go too far, capiche?
Onto the OC, we have the retired, sad yet hopeful god named "PB, The Retired God" I'm always gonna be talking and walking around like him. You can call him TRG, PB or Sean. Whichever one works for y'all!
(Yes, I will also run this acc as both the mod and the character)
He's a 20 year old man who used to work for a Mafia he was part of before they betrayed him entirely.
Eventually he ended up meeting up with 2 gods and he offered his own life to the ones who were willing to help him become a god... To be a "God Of War" they've said to him.
2 weeks before giving his life to the gods, he was walking to his house while his family was inside celebrating July 4th. The house blew up and he witnessed it happen. He looked behind him and saw the people who killed his family on a hill. It was the mafia, the ones who swore they'd leave them alone if he did a job for them. They had lied to Sean and he dedicated his life to avenge every single one of his family members.
Now back to the present, the gods took the deal... As soon as he got the powers he immediately went looking for the ones that betrayed him, killing every single member of the mafia along with the ones that stood in his way.
Sadly, his own past and everything that has happened to him made him to regret his choices.
He still wanders the world and other dimensions helping those who are innocent and the ones who want to redeem themselves. Seeking to also redeem himself for all that he has suffered for and lost...
New lore unlocked:
Learning more about himself
Regained Love
The events that led to Sean's demise, revival and powers given back
Contact with the man in the TV (Chapter 1: Part 1)
The man in the TV (Part 2)
The man in the TV (End of Chapter 1)
The man in the TV (Chapter 2: Part 1)
The man in the TV (Part 2) [Link will be soon]
Speaking and Speaking (Alt)
[Mod speaking]
People Sean knows about and his status on them! [It changes from time to time]
The Mortals!
@askthe-littlepoet - A brother to me.
Status: I believe in them. I'll do whatever it takes to help them achieve their goals! I may be in a horrible state but I will help them to the very end of my life.
@yarnor-the-timid-raccoon - A llittle raccoon who deserves better.
Status: The little brother I've never had... I'm sorry it has to be like this, kid. You shouldn't see me suffer bit by bit with this god damn illness... I'll make it up to ya.
@bloodthirstyanon - poets ex...
Status: Could've killed the poor lad if the poet wasn't holding me back.. I'll get around to trusting them though.
@ask-sozo-the-ant - An ant who likes mushrooms a little bit too much. Friends with Kali.
Status: I see them as a friend too! Maybe I'll eat some mushrooms with em one day...
@marko-the-yellow-cat - Leshy's lover.
Status: I have a lot of faith in this guy... Pretty cool guy in my opinion. They've helped me learn more about myself along with letting me borrow a book about their own language too! Both Tomb and Marko seem pretty happy to know that I'm willing to learn about their own foreign language!
The Crownbearers!
@kali-lamb - A sister to me.
Status: Haha! Tiny sister. I'll definitely help them with the top shelf and everything that she can't reach! Never had a sister before though. This'll be fairly new to me.
@askacultleader - The lamb, leader of their own cult.
Status: A leader who cares for others and himself, despite being not so good themselves but they're trying to be better. At least I hope they are...
@tomb-the-god - My Lover... The god of insanity.
Status: I am so god damn sorry, my sweet sweet tomb. I have hurt both of us. I have pained us both because I was used once again by some anons who were not telling me more of the truth. I am truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me for what I have done to us.
The Gods...
@ask-theredcrown - He of Death.
Status: My lord. I worship the god despite being a god myself. I am willing to open up to death itself so I may join them one day.
@ask-thebluecrown - He of Pestilence.
Status: I'm afraid I might fight this kind of god. People don't seem to like them but it wouldn't hurt to try and be their friend.
@ask-thegreencrown - He of Chaos.
Status: Someone who likes chaos. I can't blame them at all for what they do. Without any chaos, what kind of fun can we have if it didn't exist?
@ask-thepurplecrown - They of War and Knowledge.
Status: I don't know who they are but I can tell they sound like me... I hope I get to see them.
Other types of beings...
@themysticseller - ???
Status: Another one? Well, this one is more aggressive than the other! That's okay, I can maybe trust them... Hopefully.
[Mod PBA: Sorry for casually pinging any of y'all but y'know how it is! We are getting real good with it though]
[The art of my OC was also made by my irl nephew: @thewindforcesystem. They're on Tumblr too so go support them!!!]
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pawzofchaos · 2 years
Ayo so I moved accounts since my old account (@pawsofchaos) wasn’t really working well and wouldn’t let me post stuff properly and I absolutely hated creating like 600 different blogs for my interests so I just made a whole new account where I can freely post all of the stuff I’m interested in yippeeee. Uhh I’ll tag my old blogs down below so if you liked my art and wanna see more of it, consider following this acc because I draw daily and I use tumblr a lot. Start if a new era I suppose. I had some very good memories with my old account but I’ll have to abandon it now. Hello I suppose.
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hihi salad!!!
can i get some oral fixation chase hcs please? that boy is always putting something in his mouth in canon and i think this is an underutilized genre. bitey chase has my soul (and also is me. do not ask about the medieval times show and restaurant circa 1995 sword covered in bite marks in my grandfather's house). <3 love your fics and hcs keep up the good work also do you have ao3?
Yeppers! I do have an Ao3, but it's been inactive for like two years lol. I'm re-writing all my old stuff because it is two years behind my current skill and it pains me to read a little. I might post all these fics as like one big masterpost at some point, just because I've made so many now (over 35! :000) Might link my Ao3 acc once I update everything.
Onto headcanons:
Broke every single pencil he's ever touched by literally chewing them in half. Forget erasers, those are gone within the first 5 minutes, the whole pencil is shredded within the week.
They replaced the wooden pencils with mechanical ones and pens to fix the wood-chips-everywhere problem, but then there were just a bunch of longer-lasting writing utensils covered in teeth marks.
Regressed Chase must have something to chew on hand at all times. If he doesn't have one, he moves to blankets, clothes, toys, random objects, anything nearby. It's just something he does without thinking.
Sleeve cuffs are covered in holes. He's ruined so many sweaters.
Likes his pacis, but he prefers teething toys instead. Mostly because it's way easier to break a pacifier by biting it (and he chews hard), but those rubber rings or freezable plastic ones are great, 10/10.
It's almost like a game to see how long each chewie will last. It's also how House and/or Wilson pick out chewable toys for the other regressors, because Chase has already stress-tested the brand.
Chronic nail-biter. When he was younger he used to bite them until they bled, but now it's mostly just to the nub. Big-him is working on it, little-him is undoing all the progress.
Generally likes using his paci regardless of age, but if there's other people around, even caregivers, he might refrain because he thinks that a big kid using a paci is weird. On his own tho, uses it all over the place.
*takes his sleeve out of his mouth, no further instruction needed*
Constantly being reminded not to bite things by everybody, little or not. Little because it's not good for him and big because he's actively wrecking office supplies.
Also foods! Very particular about certain textures in his mouth, some are bad enough to make him gag.
Likes candy you suck on or chew for a long time (gum, jolly ranchers, lollipops, etc.)
Don't give him lollipops with the paper sticks, same problem as the pencils.
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tooweirdforyou · 8 months
Will u not come back? :((((
hello, anon! hope you’re doing well and apologies for the late response. I hope you see this! ❤️
so, I guess this will be my answer and also my first post in about a year or so.. Im not gonna make any excuses or whatever, and cut straight to the point.
Bit of a long post but it will explain most things without being too personal just because it’s been a long time and part of me feels as though I lost that respect and privilege of being comfortable and being myself around you guys. Anyone and everyone who stayed or is a newcomer to my account.
It’s the new year. Here’s how I’ll answer you.
Do I wish to come back? Yes.
Have I been actively attempting to come back? Yes and no. I have been attempting to work on chapters for my Quotev books, but lots of writers block and just pure unmotivated to continue with where I am. Knowing it can be better if I were to redo it, continue with force or if I simply make a new book, (( which due to my imagination and inspiration by things I’ve come across, I keep wanting to start new books. ))
Have things drastically changed for me as I’ve been away? Yeah, kinda. I mean, things are getting a little more difficult for me, I won’t go into too much detail but it’s been really difficult for me personally the last several months. I’ve never been consistent in my feelings and almost always ended up more numb, empty and sad. And some days it would be so bad that I couldn’t be alone and had to be in a room with another person I knew. I’m really working on it but it really isn’t something that just goes away, as most of may or may not understand.
Am I still dating? Yes! I’m still very happy with the guy I’ve known and started dating last year and in fact, we’ll be hitting our two years very soon. I know this may be personal but I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk about him, haha.
Now, am I still writing? / interested in writing? Definitely. I just have huge motivation problems but I definitely still love that creative form of expressing your imagination into words and making a story. The problem is that I have all these ideas and it just sucks to have to do all this beginning stuff instead of making the reader or OC in love with the person already!! 😂 but yes. I honestly do love to write still and my boyfriend tries to encourage and supports me but it’s really my own fault.
do I still Roleplay? I remember mentioning this and then making an separate acc for this but never really interacted with it often because at the time I was busy. And now, I don’t anymore because it makes my boyfriend jealous, haha. I do miss it though :)
Do I still go on tumblr? Every once in a while, which is like every two weeks or so? Or just under two weeks or sometimes longer. It depends. But yes, I do check and I do love to read every new comment and message I get, I just don’t respond to it because I’m honestly a little scared.
Will I come back? I want to. I really do. But there’s a few factors that come into play-
- so much time has passed that I worry I no longer have like a mutual bond with you all and that it’s too late for me to come back and just pretend like everything is fine. It’s not. I’m worried it’s too late to just start writing again, I guess I’m nervous? I missed being able to be comfortable and be myself on here but I don’t know. I think my time has passed.
- not only that, I don’t quite know how to use tumblr anymore.
- I can’t stick to one fandom, just like my mood swings, my current obsession changes so often that I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up with certain works or keep everyone happy with my work.
- I don’t know if I should continue mt old works ( ones on Quotev )?
Start new ones?
Go back to scenarios and oneshots like I used to?
Refresh on tumblr and continue here again?
Move to AO3?
It’s the new year and I do want to better myself and change and I really hope that that means I can start over with myself and my writings once again.
I missed all my comments and messages and having mutuals and interacting with everyone. It makes me feel connected and honestly little less lonely when my boyfriend has his long busy hours..
But to finally answer properly. Yes, I want to come back but I honestly don’t know where to start or if I can.
I’ll be checking tumblr so if anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions or whatever you wish to tell me, I will be here. Maybe by next month I’ll have an answer of what I’ll be doing in regards to writing. Whether I take any advice from you guys or make my own decision.
im very deeply sorry for my absence. I hope this answers everyone’s thoughts.
sending lots of love. ❤️ thank you to everyone.
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ninootny · 1 year
talk about gary the gadget guy i am listening very intently
ninoo and gary documentary
"a flabbergasting and beautiful story about a kid who learned nerd exists" 8/10, -igm
"my favorite fanfiction, wait, it's a documentary? even better!!!" 10/10 - club penguin times
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gary is like so special just look at him he's so tiny idk, he's a friend!!! i wish i was able to get gary stuff when i was younger but i never found club penguin stuff in stores (even if it was pretty popular in france) he really did something to my brain when i was playing club penguin everyday back then (at least when i was at my mom's place/work because for some reasons (child of divorce) i became chronically online around 8). i would just do on loop the psa missions because i loved him, and my dad put the club penguin epf ds game on my r4 and yeah, obsessed.
since i'm (breaking my silence) i'm a nerd i think i related to him + he has glasses + he's creative, i just had a huge kin moment i think. I stopped playing club penguin after operation blackout, and then i came back a few years later with a few friends because we were going on every old kid mmo to have fun (we were roleplaying/trolling in a nice way, like we were just like "we're about to hack the epf silly penguins.... and steal all your pokemons" (because pokemon go was popular and we loved it a lot) and i saw him again. and i was remembering how much i love that guy. i would love to find my old drawings of him but i moved a lot sooo a lot of drawing are lost-
i remember when they announced island i didn't understand club penguin would shut down. and I didn't saw the website closed, I learned it maybe a week after the terrible event and I was devastated. my friends from this era didn't care a lot about it because they never played to club penguin when they were kids, i cried about club penguin shut down and not being able to see my silly penguin again (Nella02, a cyan penguin who never got the membership because my parents didn't understand that i needed a yellow puffle so bad), but also, not being able to play the legit version of club penguin and knowing I'll never get new EPF events, no more gary content.
the void
but hey!! we can find some!!! tweets!!! from my new twitter acc because the old one is gone (got banned for lying about my age)
after this event gary just came back in my head sometimes and i would be crazy for like. a week maybe.
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but this time it's getting very long, i really want to focus on other characters like Cadence and Rookie because i loved them too as a kid (I wanted to cut my hair very short but my parents were pretty much against it because they were like "you need to keep girly long hair" 💀 and seeing Cadence as a kid made me happy I think) but gary is too strong idk
in 2020 i thought about rookie and gary at the same time it's crazy
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"clearly the best huh"
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"i really want to play to club penguin but i'm at work" (heartbreaking)
also i think it's because of him that all my favs are blue pathetic nerds who never sleep (tsumugi aoba from ensemble stars my dearest wife)
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"gary from club penguin i think about him evry day of my life amen hes just the type of person i love sorry blue nice pathetic nerd who wants to be useful to others"
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"its the saem character"
sorry i needed to talk about my relation with club penguin and i think in a few years i'll just. i'll just look like my gary gijinka. my hair is blue and i really want a lab coat BECAUSE OF THEM ALL
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have a nice and beautiful day
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sincerelyneo · 6 months
did u have an acc here before? one of my fav accs here deactivated a few months ago and i feel like she was also a british girl named paige but it could just be my delulu ass making shit up😭(if it is u sorry if this question makes u uncomfy☹️)
anyway i love ur writing so much i’ve been gobbling up all ur posts😭❤️
oh no you’re fine this question doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all <3!
i did used to have a blog called @jjsneo but i privated all my posts and moved to this account. at the time i think i was just a little overwhelmed having started university and stuff and i couldn’t really update a lot so i just privated it all idk.
but now i feel like i have a good balance between university and my free time, so i hope to be more active on here. and i do plan to rework some of my old fics on here :)
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fernsreblogs · 7 months
Making a new blog
Yeah, I’m making a new blog, this ones gonna just be completely obliterated in a bit, if you’re someone who still wants to follow me tho HAVE NO FEAR, just dm me and I’ll give you the name of my new blog, or it’ll probably be really easy to find lmao, idk but I’ll obv follow all my cool friends still :3
Why??? I just dont feel confident on this blog man it had all my old stuff and gosh do I hate my old stuff, I wanna move on and post different kinds of stuff, my rambles my really weird art, all of it should hopefully be on my new blog, no promises I dont use tumblr a lot shrhfhshfh
But thank you to anyone who liked my past stuff or interacted with me, that was very cool of you :3
(2024: Update, since I cant delete this considering its my main one, I’m turning this into a reblog acc :) )
(Another update: heres the blog @ for ease @ferntks )
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switchlee-za · 1 year
Introduction Post!
A RP Blog Created By @totallynotbat I am not attempting to impersonate Philza. 
RP!Phil is what my Philza is, an acronym which is my version of him. Which I will post his story soon, and occasionally will post his original lore here and on my main. 
RP!Phil mixes lore between DSMP, Hardcore, QSMP, plus my original lore and headcannons for Phil. 
I also RP Redza, CC!Phil, Or QSMP!Phil.
CC!Philza Blog is @switchzawatson
I am a SFW Tickle blog, but I also do normal RPS as well. If you don’t like that kindly shoo shoo. 
NSFW do not interact as the admin is a minor. 
I check boundaries on intro posts! And if needed I will DM ppl! I don’t want to step out of boundaries and make others uncomfortable. 
@ticklishavian was my old acc, so until I get my email for that acc. This is the current one for now. 
With that out of the way. Let’s move on.
General Headcannons: 
Phil is short (5’4!) so he can easily be picked up depending on who it is. 
Has glasses, with a burn scar from a fire arrow that was shot by Tubbo during Phil’s house arrest on his left eye.
He was previously a regular crow before he was turned into a human baby by Rose, he was left on a doorstep.
Sam and Phil went to the same school where Phil was bullied constantly from being the only hybrid in his family. Phil’s sibling’s and Sam helped with those. 
Phil hasn’t seen his family since he left for Hardcore.
Phil has an human like avian form, or can turn into a little crow. Or if he gets pissed off enough he has this avian curse. 
His regular avian form is him just with bird talons, tail, and feathers everywhere. 
After the explosion from Wilbur’s TNT, Phil’s wings were badly damaged through the first few months. Unfortunately because of his house arrest he couldn’t fix them probably until after he escaped with Techno. 
He was called upon by the Ender King when his Hardcore days started and had to leave Wilbur behind, Wilbur holds that against him.
Phil never told Wilbur about Doomsday after his revival, the only stuff Wilbur remembers his Techno and Dream being in it. Not Phil. 
After Fundy told Phil about Wilbur lying in the letters, Phil and Wilbur had an argument about it Phil revealing everything about Doomsday to his son.
Has a bite mark on his neck from the enderdragon in the Syndicate finale. 
In the QSMP, he’s very protective of Chayanne, anyone touches them the person is dead.
Has nightmares about losing Chayanne and Tallulah, the one where they were killed my a Nightmare Stalker keeps replaying over and over again.
When Chayanne and Tallulah were cracked, he was very suspicious of Quackity and is pissed off at the moment at the new quests that were given.
When his kids were missing, he has suffered through stress and anxiety, the birdhouse not helping him, luckily he has friends to help him.
He still has the Purgatory Gas mask. (Bolas)
Rose managed to help him calm down, he is sometimes there at her little area she made for him and the kids.
He is scared of being taken again by the Ender King.
One day randomly some weird magic happened and Cc!Phil was suddenly in the Hardcore server. That’s how they met.
The majority of the colorzas were created by important moments in Phil’s life, either in hardcore or any of the servers.
Tickle Headcannons: 
Will not afraid to use tickles as punishment. 
Chasing is his thing yes yes
Laughs with his lee 
Uses wings. Any chance he gets. 
When he’s in his crow form he nuzzles like crazy. 
Usually does Tickle Monster persona.
He usually tackles if your cocky.
He squirms. A lot.
He has such a cute laugh, squeaky and cute.
He hides a lot if he’s being chased. Or until he can’t run anymore. 
Cannot handle teasing or anticipation.
He covers his face or tries not to laugh out of fear of being judged.
When he’s in his Avian form he has a tail that wags around when he’s tickled. 
Chirps and snorts whenever he’s tickled long enough. 
Wings flap.
He’s also ticklish in his regular avian form and crow form. 
He gets drained a lot from his curse so he loves comfort tickles, he just giggles to his heart’s content.
Feathers or fluffy objects (wings or tails) will also get him squealing. His bellybutton is extremely ticklish so he screams whenever he’s tickled there. 
QSMP Phil can’t remember where he’s ticklish, luckily Quackity manged to help him out with that. 
CC!Phil and Redza are also Ticklish-
Tickle spots: (RP!Philza/QSMP & DSMP, Plus Redza-): Coming soon
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1358456 · 8 months
Pokemon Yellow "Free to Play" Run Part 2
Time to finish it. I was going to grind some levels, but I lost patience almost immediately. What's the worst that could happen?!
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... Uh oh.
Okay. Cheese time. Operation: Deplete Thunder PP!
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... Or the Jolteon could just use Thunderwave once, and then miss Thunder 3 times in a row and die to Hydro Pump. That works too! I'll take it!
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This is why you NEVER rely on acc 70 moves. Always take Thunderbolt over Thunder (unless in Drizzle team). Expected value = probability * outcome, so Thunderbolt has value of 95 (acc 100 * power 95), 90 nowadays. While Thunder has 84 (acc 70 * power 120), 77 nowadays. So you can expect Thunderbolt to deal more damage on average than Thunder!
Okay. Now that I beat that scrub totally fairly and without relying on luck, I need to start using glitches to take on my next opponents. Give me 400 Rare Candies!
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... This guy isn't necessary, but... for fun. Note, this thing's Pokedex number is 80. And when I slap on a Rare Candy...
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It becomes TM55 or Q, as seen here, with Pokedex number 121.
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Because of that, the game thinks I caught Slowbro, Dex number 80, even though I never did.
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And same for Starmie, number 121.
Now, what can I do with Q? ... Well, if you remember my Exploration Run...
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I can create little abominations like this. Behold, a Pikachu shaped Squirtle!
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See? It's even the same color as Squirtle. But it is indeed Pikachu, so... let's give it its name back.
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The renowned Name Rater has given the Pikachu the name Pikachu. Marvelous.
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Hey, it's happy that it got its name back! Aww.
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Get the f*ck out of here. I don't need this thing. Let this li'l abomination run free in the wild! A Pikachu shaped Squirtle? It won't fit in with Pikachus or Squirtles!
Okay. My Jolteon has reached Special stat 226, so I can use it with a wild Ditto for the Ditto trick. But I also need to lower the Atk stat with Growl, which for glitch-spawned Pokemon would lower their level (default level 7, +/- 1 for each level Atk was raised or lowered, max 13 min 1), but for glitch-spawned trainers, it would change their team sets. So if I did it right, and assuming the Ditto that copied my Jolteon doesn't annihilate my critically-weak-to-Jolteon team...
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Here we go again. Here's my revenge for giving me a damn Pikachu!
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So unlike last time, when this guy had a level 69 Charizard, he has a Venusaur. I believe these are RGB teams, which depend on what starter you picked. Well, assuming the idea wasn't scrapped before the game released.
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See? Told you Jolteon annihilates all three Kanto starters in Generation I.
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That's right, you damn shmuck.
... Now, for the final boss. Need Special 246, and... spam Rare Candies on all my stuff to level 100 after the Ditto trick. And once all the preparations are complete, an old lady is going to crawl out of the ground and...
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... Here we go!
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Level 205! Ha, I can take you-
Okay, Charizard was one-shotted by a Tri Attack. Uh oh.
But Jolteon to the rescue. ... Dodrio outruns Jolteon but fortunately, the AI is dumb and it used Agility before swapping back and forth with a Seel, and they both died to multiple Thunderbolts.
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... The li'l abomination is back for vengeance! It wants blood!
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But it sucks way too much ass! Get the f*ck out of here!
... I am losing Pokemon too. Growlithe's Takedown killed itself and Jolteon, and the opposing Seadra one-shotted Hitmonlee, that worthless f*ck. And one-shotted Aerodactyl, which has proven to be very useless in Generation I. Omastar barely killed Seadra, and got downed by the glitch Pokemon.
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We're both down to our last Pokemon here. I have one Revive that I'm going to use on Jolteon.
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But I didn't need it! Lapras has enough bulk to withstand the glitch moves. GG!
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Indeed. But now the final boss is down. It was uncomfortably close. ... I miss Mew.
... And next time I do a no-glitch Yellow version run, I am absolutely going to throw the first two fights so I don't face Jolteon again.
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chanelgrrrl · 1 year
hii! im tea and im not new but i wanted to move from twt cause its so toxic over there. ive been lurking on here since i was 12, finally wanted to make some friends/moots and post on here as a diary! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
i go be she/her or anything really! im 18 years old and bisexual, i might post about relationship stuff to because im using it as a vent acc!
i love chanel, all things modeling and healthy meals! i will post meals and grocery hauls here <3
i am NOT fatphobic or agree with people being like that, i do not encourage my actions this is just a digital diary to help me cope. if im following anyone under the age of 16 let me know in DMs please!
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