#Omg isn't it so fun that he doesn't know how to act around family so his white family get to teach him 🥰
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 15 days ago
God not that racist characterization of Damian and his childhood. On my dash.
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yuukei-yikes · 13 days ago
the ayano and hiyori housemates situation of hiyori finding ayano to be the type of person she doesn’t get along with bc ayano is so fucking nosy…. but she secretly grows on her and she’ll defend her or worry abt her when she’s not around. id love to hear if u have more thoughts on that dynamic sometime…. for obvious bias reasons
this kinda ended up being a little long so it's gonna go under read more. Yay hiyori and ayano shenanigans!
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YEAHHHH EXACTLY. i think what irks hiyori so much is the people pleasing attitude, which is a habit ayano really can't shake and even intensifies with hiyori 'cause One, they're family, and that's very important to ayano, and Two, hiyori. is open about her dislike of ayano. which kind of drives ayano Insane.
just. ayano and shintaro's initial dynamic. shintaro wanted NOTHING to do with her but ayano was like whatever brain boy You will be my friend. and he's a softie so he does give in eventually but someone like hiyori? lol. no wayyyy she cannot STAND ayano and she's open about it she's COLD. she's like stop talking to me like i'm STUPID, we don't know each other, we're just related, LEAVE ME ALONE. and that really REALLY clashes with ayano who can only seem to make things worse
and i do agree with u, i still think ayano grows on her and hiyori will defend her if necessary, but she's never ever open about it and even if they have little moments here and there, hiyori's coldness always comes out on top
the fun thing about them as housemates is... ayano isn't as pushy anymore, 'cause she's used to hiyori ignoring her. it's their dynamic by this point. ayano says omg hi how was your day, hiyori answers with a dry Fine. whatever. they still live with kido, kano, seto and mary so it's easy enough to sort of go around each other. but when these 4 move out and they're ALONE... shit gets real. because hiyori's, what, 16 or 17, and ayano's like 22 or 23, and, well.
ayano's The adult in charge of her, technically, and grew up with 3 rowdy younger siblings that She was the one always looking out for, her mom died at a young age and kenjirou was Kenjirou and it is very implied she took over all the household chores, meals, etc. in the sixth novel haruka describes the house as spotless and tidy, the complete opposite of their classroom, so he doubted it was mr tateyama's doing (mekatrio 100% help too btw and i think ayano would welcome it, but never allow them to do more than She does. they kept being robbed of their childhoods, i think this is why the trio are literal menaces when younger while ayano was a naggy older sister at times, despite the basically insignificant age diff. she really wanted to take charge, all things considered)
basically, ayano IS really young, but she's Really used to this dynamic. she wants hiyori to like her, but she will still Make Her Do Stuff... which rich kid hiyori is SO not used to, and also why is this overgrown toddler telling HER what to do? she's what, like 6 years older?? so what!!! my secret sister had a secret kid and now that kid is ordering ME around!?!? she definitely doesn't see ayano as someone in charge of her. and not only that, but she thinks she's a pathetic excuse of an adult and a living doormat. AND NOT ONLY THAT, but if provoked enough, she probably says so. to her face.
so they definitely fall into a dynamic of "you should pick up your room..." "UGHHHH YOU RUIN MY LIFEEEEEEE*DOOR SLAM*" which is very funny but also, begins to really. really. REALLY. GET UNDER AYANO'S SKIN.
surprisingly their biggest bonding moments happen when ayano can't handle it anymore and loses her cool. i think it'd be awesome if ayano like really fucking loses her mind and yells at hiyori and she yells back and they Fight. or hiyori does something really stupid and dangerous and ayano has to get her out of some mess and hiyori's acting all above it like ugh i didnt need you to come get me. and ayano's like YES I DID YOU'RE JUST A KID!!!
but when their dynamic gets to this back and forth, hiyori starts to soften up. because this was the problem. ayano was acting like.... a mom? and hiyori HAD a mom. a really weird one obviously but she does, but she never got to have her sister. so her starting to pointlessly bicker with ayano and sort of... getting Enjoyment out of getting on her nerves is inadvertently what causes hiyori to finally give in.
ayano has no fucking clue what made this change happen, but if hiyori is home then she isn't just shut in her room All the time, she'll sit next to her if she's watching something, maybe entertain her conversations more. they can have ACTUAL, real conversations, where ayano can ask about her grandparents, and hiyori can ask about her sister, and together they're able to put together the puzzle that was ayaka's life.
ayano's nosy attitude still annoys hiyori, and hiyori's dismissive attitude still annoys ayano. sometimes u wanna kill ur sister with hammers but you still love her, and that's how it is. ur honor. i rest my case!
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alfredojesta · 9 months ago
okay self indulgent rant about my circus pasta headcanons (i call them "circus squad" which is funny because nathan vine and pup are far from circusy) (THIS POST IS SO LONG OMG I JUST DON'T SHUT UP)
ever since nathan and ciara got married, candy pop treats nathan like he's his angsty teenage son. even though nathan is a grown ass man. and they've been best friends for years.
he shows up to nathan and ciara's house in the middle of the night with gifts and (store-bought) food. ciara wakes up and punches him out of surprise. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM, POPS?" "OW — I COME WITH GIFTS!"
candy pop and nathan have a lot of trust in each other. nathan acts like an anti social freak but candy pop knows he's a silly little guy. candy pop isn't bitter at all that nathan spends more time with his wife than with the jester. candy pop is actually incredibly supportive of their relationship! he's very proud! he wants to be a good father and a great bestie! he even wanted to match with nathan so he made jason the toymaker marry him (IT ENDED IN A TERRIBLE DIVORCE)!
i think that nathan has supported candy pop the longest. they met when night terrors was still in commission and they worked together to stop night terrors and his cluster of souls from wreaking havoc. candy pop was beneficial to nathan as well. candy pop helped him get out of his shell and become as hopeful as he is today. nowadays, nathan's too busy with his own life to do pranks with candy pop. but candy pop doesn't mind it.
candy pop tries to be a good father to ciara. he does the most he can, but even then it doesn't feel like enough. ciara pushes him away, claiming she's able to protect herself. she isn't good with trusting people, not even candy pop. losing her twin brother made her cold and distant. being around the jarringly energetic candy pop makes her angry in a way. she doesn't know just how much candy pop relates to her life.
VINE??? oh he's like . 40. vine is more of a lowkey serial killer. his victims are normally documented as "missing". he hides his tracks well. he's the richest out of the six, having inherited most of his father's money and then used it to start a successful business.
he's besties with the puppeteer, papa grande and nathan. it was pretty difficult for them to get close to vine. vine is quiet, quite asocial for his age, and has a hard time trusting men. he was lucky enough to find people he could relate to.
when it comes to jason and candy pop... vine is 50/50 with them. sometimes he likes them, sometimes he doesn't. jason isn't fun to talk to; he doesn't listen, he's working 99% of the time, and he'll either sigh with annoyance or tell vine straight up "i do not care. get out." and then candy pop is candy pop idk what more to say about that.
then papa grande... he's a travelling magician who picks certain people from the audience to kill and add to his collection! he, like vine, isn't a famous serial killer.
papa grande rarely admits it but he sees these little guys as family. nathan is like his adopted son... annoying adopted son. they constantly joke about papa grande breaking his back or having a heart attack, and at some point, papa grande thinks they're praying on his downfall.
jason learns all his magic tricks from papa grande — usually against his will. papa grande genuinely thought jason was a magician because of his tophat and cane. but no. jason is just a fancy british guy.
candy pop's an exception when it comes to the familial bond. candy pop is like a dog he found on the street. candy pop is a menace. he keeps waking up papa grande in the middle of the night and asking him to do magic tricks. "PAPA WAKE UP!" "WHAT" "MAGIC TRICKS!" "WHAT."
i have a bunch of headcanons for THE MALE MANIPULATORS. i think the toymaker and the puppeteer would get along great.
FIRST OF ALL, the puppeteer actually respects jason. he was a bit intimidated by jason at first, but after getting to know him, he's come to look up to him. pup admires jason's craftsmanship, finding his work to be beautiful and inspiring.
SECOND OF ALL, as a toymaker himself, jason is intrigued by pup being a living puppet. sometimes he asks to reconfigure the puppeteer's wooden limbs. to that, the puppeteer politely declines.
THIRD OF ALL, they are SENSIBLE PEOPLE... usually. they're both manipulative and selfish freaks who get angry when things don't go their way... i reckon they have conversations over tea about how many people they've fucked up this year. "five women in one month? scandalous." "do not word it like that."
pup is a wanderer. wanderers don't have places to stay. wanderers wander into peoples' apartments ("they are called flats" – jason) and overstay their visits... jason let him stay ONCE. ONCE. and the puppeteer decided to take it as "oh i can come over whenever i want!"
thankfully he isn't a messy guy... he's just odd. he always turns on the tv just to watch it for three minutes and then head to the kitchen to cook dinner. but he never finishes cooking dinner because he gets distracted by the tv he played in the living room an hour ago. jason hears it all happen.
pup also tries to console jason about his anger issues. he keeps seeing holes punched into the wall and it's concerning. (i think punching holes into walls actually makes jason angrier. like what the fuck do you mean you're that weak. dumbass wall.) pup makes sure not to enable his anger... he is the exact opposite of candy pop and nathan.
the puppeteer very much loves his friends and will do anything for them (he does not have many friends). whenever someone takes the toymaker's tophat, the puppeteer is the one to return it. even if it ends up at the side of a cliff in nevada, he'll get it back for the toymaker. although, the toymaker usually doesn't want the tophat back...
jason thinks the puppeteer can be overbearing at times but he isn't as bad as candy pop, so things are okay. plus, jason can always mess with the puppeteer as much as he messes with jason. whether it's scaring him off with a toy or shaking salt in front of him, pup is such an easy target.
OKAY THAT'S ALL (i have more just saving it for other posts xD)
they're rlly interesting characters :') genuinely my favourites. i love them so much... i have a candymaker rant right here too for anyone who wants to read
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princelylove · 1 year ago
Omg sameee, I love delusion yandere too, there are something so charming about them. Do you have any jojo characters list for top most delusion yandere?
Btw this is a little to weird to say out loud but last night I had a dream about Gyro after I read your writing for him. Actually I have never really interested in Gyro, I read your writing because I just love how you analyze character. So in the dream, he act quite like how you describe him, I remember there are me, Johnny and Gyro sitting around the fire at night. I was talking about how I adore Mountain Tim and how gentleman he is and Gyro jealous. He said he can also be like that and start to get closer to me despite my effort to push him away, he even pin me down and start kissing me?! (I don't remember much what happened after, I guess I just wake up). Funny is that Johnny just sitting there, staring, maybe he just don't know how to react or just doesn't care at all.
I think Gyro is also belong to the delusion yandere type, I just feel like he fit in this category. Your opinion?
~ 🏵️ anon ~
They’re very cute. They’re fun to write for- someone who fully believes they’re not doing anything wrong is dangerous. 
So sorry for laughing at Johnny just sitting there- the visual of him just sipping his drink and giving you the equivalent of ‘damn that’s crazy’ is objectively hilarious. I disagree with Gyro being delusional, but he definitely has jealousy issues. Talking to someone else/talking about someone else in front of him is an awful move, how could you, anon. 
As for the characters I think are very delusional… here’s a short list with some elaborations below.
Narciso, Jotaro, Diego, DIO but it’s kind of warranted he literally has a cult, Yukako, F.F., Enrico.
Narciso fully believes you’re already dating, and bound to be married. His mind skipped the entire courting process and went right to “mine.” despite only knowing you for a few seconds- and you weren’t even really talking to him. If you don’t like him, that’s alright! He can change his sex and body type via his stand to your liking, it really doesn’t matter to him, as long as you’re happy. He can’t help but smile and talk to you affectionately- he doesn’t hide the way he scowls and glares at everyone else, though. You’re special, because you’re his. Don’t forget, okayy? He doesn’t mind reminding you when you make little mistakes- please don’t sip from other people’s drinks, he doesn’t want your saliva to mix.. Don’t hug other people, even if it’s family, they don’t deserve your dead skin cells rubbing off on them and he wants only his scent to be on you. But anything above that, like kissing someone else, or claiming to have another lover… isn’t advised. 
Jotaro is under the belief that you need him to protect you and you’ll drop dead the second he looks away. It doesn’t really matter if you’re strong, or if you think you can handle yourself. As long as stands exist, everyone stands a fighting chance of offing you- even if you have your own. Jotaro feels strong protective urges for his darling very early on in the relationship- even if his darling is still under the assumption that he doesn’t like talking to them. Even if his darling isn't physically weak, he doesn't really trust that. It's not reassuring. The only thing that is reassuring for Jotaro is the mental image of his darling safe and sound- locked up somewhere only he knows about.
F.F. is still learning about the world. They don’t really know what the word “dating” or “marriage” means, or why you seem so averse to doing it with them, but they’re down if it means they get to spend more time with you! They're delusional and obsessive, but not quite possessive or protective. F.F. just wants to be around you, and they don’t really know why! They just assume you’re in a bad mood when you try to push them away- “Oh! Oh! We’re playing?? I love this game, shove me again!!! Your hands are so soft, I wanna eat ‘em!” … They mean well, really. Your distress is always taken as something they can’t control- yeah, their darling just breaks down sobbing when they get handsy with them, no reason. 
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lazywrites · 10 months ago
If you're still interested in Kurt Wagner x OCs, I've got one that will (hopefully) soon start getting published as a fanfic on AO3 (just need to find the time to post!) I'd love to see how you imagine her!
Adrian Grey is the younger sister of Jean, with the ability to read emotions and create constructs out of psychic energy. She had a lot of trouble growing up with her abilities because she has no way of turning them off, so it has left her emotionally and mentally unwell for much of her life. She is estranged from her family and has a tense relationship with Jean as a result. However, she remains very sweet and caring, but can get overwhelmed at times.
Her and Kurt are taken with each other immediately because she doesn't care about his appearance (and let's be real, finds him really attractive) and he is able to help her stabilise her emotions and keep her calm. As he is a big fan of swashbuckling/adventure movies and she loves Golden Age musicals, the two bond over lots and lots of movie nights, acting out scenes and dancing to the songs together. Imagine the most cheesy couple you can, these two absolutely adore each other.
Adrian's about 5' 4" with wavy red hair that is lighter than Jean's, usually cut to her shoulders. She has big brown eyes that are very expressive, and dimples on her cheeks when she smiles, especially around Kurt. She tends to wear turtlenecks and overalls, but isn't above stealing one of Kurt's sweaters to wear instead.
If you're interested in her as a character, I'll definitely keep you updated on when the fanfic gets posted!
Omg this one was so much fun to me, i love her backstory so much and i really want to know more about her relationship to all these other characters. She's really cute and @the-girl-who-walks-with-faeries sent me some wonderful sketches of her which i thought were just so cute, so she's also a great artist on top of writing, i'm looking foward to reading when she posts her fic, it'll be so much fun!
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As always you can color the drawing if you like, i don't mind at all and i'd love to see what color her uniform really is.
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shzmluvrs · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm the same anon that requested the "Batson and The Bat's son" imagine. I'm so glad you had fun writing it ❤️ and honestly- I can't stop rereading it 😭 words can't describe how it makes me feel (in the best way ofc!). I'm hoping it isn't too soon to be asking for a (kinda) sequel 💀 or prequel- depends on you!
Basically Billy talks about the reader to his family but he's kinda vague, since he doesn't wanna reveal too much and he knows Freddy would bombard him and her with questions if he says too much. They also haven't met the reader yet so they start joking that she's imaginary. One day the team gets themselves into a situation they can't get out of. So the reader comes in and saves them and in the heat of the moment Billy says smth like "SEE- SHE'S REAL". After he says that he has to inevitably introduce the reader to them. Idk what else I want to happen 😭 tho I trust your creative mind 🛐 pls take your time and have a good day ✨💖
Omg haii😼!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, like, I wasn't sure how well it was going to turn out, but I think I did right by you, which is always the goal for any requester🫶🏽. Anyhow, yes, I am happy to continue your "Wonder-Daughter dates Billy" lore, I'm super into this, and I really hope you like it😙💕.
~ Star✨️
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Themyscirian Girlfriend
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Prompt: The duties of being an "average" teenage boy are proving to be quite difficult for Billy. School, chores, being a superhero, keeping your family safe from supervillains, magic, and monsters... And, oh yeah, making sure you don't get beat up by your superhero girlfriend's best friends. OH, and make sure you don't reveal her secret identity to anyone...
That last bit is extra difficult when you have a nosy, superhero obsessed, younger-by-a-month little brother, though.
Timeline: Post S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Freddy teasing TF outta Billy⚡️Bizzaro cameo😱?!⚡️Swearing, cuz teenagers do that⚡️You (reader) being so awesome-powerful-cool⚡️Billy loving you so, so, so much🥺⚡️So many references, be like Ash and Ketchum all
Reader: Fem! She/Her/Hers Pronouns! Wonder Woman's Daughter!
Requested By: Anon
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The golden light casted above the two of you dowsed your body in gold, creating an aura around your figure that Billy wished was nothing short of permanent. Not that he didn't already believe you to be a gift he had no clue how he earned. He just thought the added halo effect seemed fitting, even if it was just a result of a house/porch light that needed thorough cleaning.
"Thank you for joining me today." You spoke once he disconnected his earbuds from the jack of his phone. "I had a great time with you, as always."
"Of course! I'd never miss a chance to go out with you." He admitted, a lot quieter than his voice had previously been on the walk back to his home. But swiftly, the confidence returned as he clicked his phone off and smiled.
"Next time, I'll introduce you to some Steve Lacy."
You tilted your head while he went on in better clarification.
"He's another musician. You'll like him."
Your lips formed an 'Oh' shape as you nodded in understanding before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and then his forehead.
"I'll see you next week, okay, Billy?"
He nodded, ignoring the heat rising through his body at your simple acts of affection. Maybe he had gotten a little used to giving it, but receiving it back was always such a hassle for his mind. Though you couldn't help but find it endearing when he'd trip and stumble over his words or be genuinely left in surprise whenever you'd reciprocate whatever love he had to offer.
But not this time, because he had focused himself on a heavier subject matter, his words catching you before you could walk away.
"Do you really have to go?"
"Hm?" You hummed in confusion, your head turning to look back at him. It was once you saw the look of forlorn glossed in his eyes that you gave him your full attention again, making your way back in front of him as he explained.
"For the week, I mean. Do you really have to go all the way back to Them... There-is... Themu...uh..."
"Themyscira?" You finished, Billy nodding at the correct pronunciation of your birthplace while you giggled.
"You can just call it Paradise Island. But, thank you for trying."
Billy nodded respectfully, almost laughing while he talked.
"Yeah, I bet it is paradise if there's more girls like you over there..."
"Huh?" You quirked a brow at his statement, Billy immediately sensing his slip-up and grasping at loose straws to fix it.
"I... I just mean, because like, I really like you and since you're from there, there's other women like you, or...your mom."
"What?!" You gasped, Billy letting out a curt sigh at his own, horrible explanation. So, he just gave up instead. It was probably for the best. Or, more accurately, in his best interest.
"I just-! I'd...! I love you, and I'd never breathe in another person's direction because nobody can compare to you...?"
"...Much better." You praised his statement that came out as more of a question waiting for your approval, giving him a playful narrow of the eyes while he gave a breath of relief.
"But, yes, I do have to return to Themyscira. I am due to compete in this year's Amazonian Olympic Games. They will determine whether or not I am worthy of my title and abilities. You, of all people, should understand this given you have a magical wizard looking out for you and your family, yes?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"-Plus, I just..." You sighed, looking off for a moment in melancholy. "I just really want to make my mother proud. She was much younger than me when she first competed, and though she didn't win, I still have a lot to live up to since I haven't returned in nearly eight years."
Billy nodded, showing his understanding for the matter while your gaze remained glued to the porch floor beneath you.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, and almost instantly, you nodded. Hell, just thinking about the whole ordeal made the jitters appear in your stomach and hands.
With a warm smile, Billy gently took both of your hands into his, cupping them so they'd stop shaking while making sure he was able to hold eye contact with you.
"Well, I just want you to remember that you'll do amazing. No matter what happens, you're still worthy to me, and you'll always have a place here. Just, y'know...be careful. And good luck; don't let them get in your head."
"Oh, Billy..." You sighed in fondess but didn't get to express any further gratitude for his kind words as he went on.
"And also, call me if something happens."
You gave him a look, one that was a clear expression of, "Do you really think we have those silly little phone-thingies on the island...?" He caught it, nodding side to side a little before re-wording.
"Send me a bird letter if anything happens. And like, seriously, be careful because I know it's probably a long trip there and back. Which reminds me, please come back soon. And-!"
He hushed.
"...I will, don't worry yourself. I'll be careful, I'll send you bird letters, and most importantly..."
Just as you had before, but directly on his right dimple this time, you placed down a gentle kiss. A reminder and a promise.
"I love you. And I will be back as soon as I can be."
You watched in amusement at the boy in front of you beginning to grow even more bashful than before, unable to look you in the eyes for fear he'd just crumble beneath you. And honestly, neither you nor him would have it any other way. But, just to be on the safe side and make sure he didn't actually do so, you were quick to capture him in a real kiss. Billy eager to return it with a passion that was predictable yet always appreciated and matched.
"You know I have super-hearing, right...??"
The voice went echoed into the air, the same place your skirt and hair went flying at the sudden gust of wind that almost knocked the two of you over.
"The hell...?" Billy commented as he held you to keep the two of you from falling over, looking around in confusion while you merely rolled your eyes.
"Jon..." You all but murmured, and in reference to his super-hearing, he responded with another burst of speed and more echoed words.
"I'm just saying, like, are you two done now? I don't wanna hear you guys swap spit."
"Obnoxious with the use of your powers, I fear you may hardly deserve them...!! Bring yourself here so you don't have to keep listening in!" You shouted in a scolding tone before letting out a breath and shaking your head.
"Sorry. He's my ride." You both explained and apologized to Billy, the boy nodding in understanding with a slight chuckle before the two of you smiled at Jon's very fast appearance. Stopping right in between you with a quickly dispersing cloud of air behind him, he was quick to give you a joking snarl as you shot him a deadpanned glare.
"Can we go, now? I have a cerfew, too, y'know."
"Yeah, well, some of us can't fly, nor have super-speed. Consider yourself lucky."
The raven-haired boy simply shrugged, sticking his hand out towards Billy to initiate a greeting that the brunette returned with a smile.
"'Sup, Jon?"
"Nothin' much, just, y'know... saving the world. No biggie."
Billy nodded in understanding as they dapped each other up, a smug smile gracing both of their lips.
"Same, same."
"Idiots..." You sighed, unable to contain your smile at the friendship that had blossomed between the two. Damian, on the other hand... was still a work in progress, hence is absence.
It wasn't long after their brief moment of catching up that the two of you took your leave, Jon carrying you as you waved down to your boyfriend for the final time this evening, him waving back until Jon was swiftly out of sight. A loud, crashing boom of him breaking the sound barrier to follow up after that caused the front door to swing open.
"I thought I said no Shazaming in the house...?"
Billy whipped around to face Victor, thinking quickly to come up with a viable excuse.
"It wasn't me!"
Nice one, Billy.
"It was my girlfriend, she just left, like... two seconds ago."
Victor raised a brow at his son's explanation, watching as he scratched the back of his neck while continuing to ramble on.
"Well, technically, it wasn't her. She was getting a ride from someone else and he- It- Whatever, nevermind, it doesn't matter."
The man chuckled while his son slipped past him and into the house, letting out a teasing, "Girlfriend, huh? I guess that explains the..." and circling around his own face to imply something. Billy, who didn't even spare a look back, hadn't caught on upon making his way to the dining room.
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All five of his siblings, his parents, and welcomed guest Anthea, watched as Billy shoveled spaghetti into his mouth at an ungodly rate. Which one would think would be impossible for a literal demi-god, but here they were. Alas, it's not like anyone could really blame him. It was his favorite meal, it was Rosa's cooking, and he was sick of the vegetarian meals Darla had been making for the past four days.
Although, it wasn't the main reason he was being gawked at in the moment, Freddy and Eugene the ones to be stifling laughter while the rest wanted nothing more than to tell him. It was clear he didn't realize, it was just a matter of how to approach the subject...
"Um... Billy?" Mary began gently, the teen not even looking up from his plate as he continued to eat, unknowing of his entire family's attention on him.
"You have... a little something, like, all over... your face right now." She made the same circling motion around her face as Victor had prior, not that he saw that one either. Just missing it, actually, finally looking up to notice all of the odd stares towards his seat at the table.
"Oh." Was his only reaction, setting down his fork to wipe his cheek. It gained more unseen giggles for some reason, but his only goal was to get back to eating, so natrually, he brushed then off with a curt, "Thank you, Mary." and continued is stuffing.
"No, you still..." Anne spoke aloud this time, her words trailing off when she realized she hadn't caught him in time once he started eating again.
"You just made it worse, dude." Mary giggled, having to lean her head down on the back of her hand to hide it.
"Oh." Billy spoke again, brows furrowed in the slightest while Rosa had set down her own fork. She motioned for her son to come closer, picking up a napkin and slightly dipping it into her water.
"C'mere honey, let me just wipe them for you..."
"Mom- No, stop it, I got it." He reassured, slightly embarrassed by her offer while going for his own napkin. "I'm not five."
And with one quick motion of his napkin up and down his face, it was clear to everyone but him he had simply made the situation much worse.
It drew in more laughter, this time from everyone, as he stared around the table in confusion that slowly turned into annoyance. It was like being on the outside of an inside joke, and if there was one thing he was tired of feeling in his life, it was being left out.
"What...?" He questioned, Darla the first and very eager to ask simply out of her own and pure curiosity.
"How come you got kissies all over your face?"
. . .
Everyone burst into laughter, Billy's questioning gaze soon shifting into one of realization as he thought back. Back to moments that felt forever ago, where you had placed kisses across his face. Kisses with your lips coated in dark red lipstick...
"Oh... my god, (Y/N), why... just, why...?" He cursed your name lightly, now taking up Rosa on that offer to clean his face. Not that it mattered, his face still as dark red as the kisses that had now been wiped clean out of sheer embarrassment.
"So that's her name?" Victor pointed out, his voice and chest swelling with pride for his son's unadmitted achievement in life. Getting himself a girlfriend. "(Y/N)..."
He moved his hand across in the air as though your name were the title to an upcoming movie or a fresh take. A new and interesting topic, something this family thrived in, especially during dinnertime. And Billy, natrually, was not at all prepared and internally scolded himself for not being careful enough with his words.
It only grew more chaotic from there, Mary, Rosa, Darla, and Anthea letting out squeals loud enough to rival the TV playing in the living room as background noise.
"Billy, you never told me you had a girlfriend! Since, uh, when...?"
"Why would I ever tell you...?" Billy countered Mary's words, Darla already voicing her fantasies on merging her into the already big family.
"Her name is so pretty! Is she pretty, too? I bet she's gorgeous, like a princess! D'you think she'll play mermaid princesses with me?!"
"She must be...!" Rosa agreed swiftly with a laugh, motioning towards Billy fondly with her hand. "You saw all of the little besos she gave him. She probably thinks the same of you, Billy... My sweet boy with his own girlfriend, aww...!"
She just couldn't take it, placing a hand over her heart out of pure happiness for her son who had seemed to have finally found his love. His first one, at that. Which yes, he did, but-
"Mom, stop it, it's not that big of a deal, please..."
Not what he was thinking when you first asked him out, but whatever.
"Oh my gosh," Anne gushed, already jumping in with her own opinion to give. "With a name like that, she's bound to be amazing."
"I-" She kept going, Billy hardly even able to inhale as his siblings gushed on.
"Does she go to Fawcett, too? How come we've never seen her around?"
Freddy's scoff of a laugh caused the attention to leave Billy for a split second and move onto him, the curly-haired boy casually taking a bite from his own plate while he spoke.
"Pro'lly 'cause she ain't real..."
He jumped slightly when Anne quickly landed a slap to his arm, his mouth full and chewing as he laughed and went, "What?" Before it was his mother's turn to scold him verbally.
"Be nice, Freddy, this is probably a big deal for your brother."
Billy rolled his eyes. Not at Freddy (even though he debated kicking him under the table for his implication). But at the sudden attention he was receiving on the topic of his accidentally mentioned girlfriend. He hadn't even known whether or not if he was ready to tell them about you, let alone introducing you to them. Plus, he didn't trust himself enough not to slip up about the fact that you were Valkyrie. Or Wonder Woman's daughter. Or... both facts.
But on the other hand, he wouldn't tolerate any slander of your name, nor would he allow either of you two to become the target of any teasing from the family, so...
"Well, first of all, yes... she is real, Freddy..." Billy glared in his direction, the room going quiet at his words while he continued to clear the case of your existence up.
"And second, Darla, she is... beyond gorgeous. Like, angel levels of pretty, it's unbelievable."
"Wow!!" Darla squealed in excitement as Freddy gave a small tilt of his head to the side.
"Unbelievable, wow, you don't say?"
But nobody heard, too focused on the description of your person and enthralled with just the way he did it. Full of passion and care they hadn't even realized the boy possessed for anyone outside of the family, let alone a girl. A love that couldn't be replicated or replaced, something that'd make you glow red if you had been in the room to hear it.
"She's got this amazing hair that frames her face perfectly, and she wears glasses, but when she takes them off, you can see how, like... just wow her eyes are. They remind me of a type of jewel or something because they literally sparkle when she's happy or are firey with determination when she's- uh... doing something that requires a lot of focus.
Her entire face is just something I can't stop looking at, and gosh, that girl is... her body is-..." He coughed. "She's a little bit taller than me, so... yeah..."
"And you just... never thought to maybe bring her over? Y'know, just 'cause..." Freddy shrugged, holding back his complacent tone as Eugene bobbed his head in agreement.
"And, let me guess, she texts you all the time, and you go on walks around the park together every Saturday."
At their back-to-back quips and hushed laughter, Billy shot them a scowl as Rosa began to nod in oblivious agreement.
"Yeah, sweetie, why don't you invite her over for dinner tomorrow night? It's a Friday, after all. You can tell her we'd love to meet her."
With a chorus of agreements settling consternation into his chest, he blurted out a slew of excuses as he waved his hand up and down as if to brush the idea of you coming over away.
"Nah, no, that's... she- We already have a lot of people here, she might get... overwhelmed! Yeah. And, y'know, it's just not a good idea."
"And whyyy not?" Freddy pushed, leaning against the open palm of his hand while feigning an affable smile and forcing his brows to jump up and down in silent suggestion.
"She's busy." Was his simple statement, Eugene following up on his claim in an instant.
"Busy doinggg...?"
"...Work." He filled in the blank awkwardly, practically squirming in his seat at the expecting silence. He conjured up some of your favorite hobbies in his mind, anything as far away from superhero work as possible, so he could word it as some type of job that you "have".
"She works as a (Favorite/Hobby), and she's probably gonna' be, like, swamped with stuff to do, so... tomorrow wouldn't work."
"Oh, how wonderful!" Rosa praised, impressed by your skills and interests. "We'll certainly have to make time for her over the weekend or next week then!"
"She can't. She'll be busy all week, too."
"Natrually..." Freddy poked with a theatrical eye roll and a closed-mouth grin. "She must be on the 'twenty-four-seven, forever' shift, which I'd expect from a girl with an imaginary sense of work-life balance."
"Harhar, you're hilarious." Billy mocked, now going through with his actions to send his brother a kick to the shin under the table.
"She's actually going to-...on...uh..." He had to stop himself. What would've been a smug brag about you visiting Paradise Island, becoming a realization that would just throw you under the bus. Plus, it's a lot more unbelievable than everything he had said so far. As much joy as it would bring Billy to rub a trip to Themyscria in his face, he'd just have to make Freddy jealous another time. Besides, he didn't necessarily have to lie. He could just not tell them the full story.
It wasn't a lie if he never told them otherwise to begin with.
"She's going on vacation. With her mother. So, she's gonna' be gone for the rest of the week."
"Oh, really?" Mary piped up out of genuine curiosity, having always wanted to travel herself. "Where's she going?"
. . .
"Out of the country."
"How convenient!" Eugene chirped while he slid his phone towards Billy, as if he were telling him to go ahead and prove it. "Why not just FaceTime her, then? You know, just check in like any good boyfriend should? Maybe even shoot her a little text."
"I can't do that!" Billy exclaimed. "I wouldn't wanna bother her or be rude or anything. She's- it's a... mother-daughter bonding thing, it's different. Hard to explain."
In a sense, that could also be construed as truth, considering you'd be competing in an Olympic event, racing and fighting against others and the elements to both claim and prove your status. Something that would ideally make your mother very proud. Billy himself didn't even one-hundred percent understand the whole event, so it was right for one to assume that he probably would have trouble explaining it to his family. Should he ever have to, of course.
Good thing he won't.
A silence loomed over the family as Billy loosely twirled his spaghetti around his fork. He'd almost be grateful for it if it weren't so uncomfortable. He was sick of being pressed about you, not that he wouldn't take any chance to show you off otherwise. And if it wasn't that, he was annoyed at the way Freddy and Eugene didn't seem to even believe you were real, Mary and Anne able to sense this as they gave each other an unsure look.
"Uhm, well..." The goddess coughed, playing with the hem of her (Freddy's) sweater. "How'd you two meet?"
Finally! Something Billy knew the proper answer to!
"Oh, we were-"
Ohp-. Wait, nevermind. No he didn't.
You two were saving the world when you first met, battling a beast that wasn't even real because it turned out to be a test? He didn't know the details of that dilemma very well, either. All he could remember fondly was the way you looked at him when he accidentally revealed himself. Warm and promising, full of care and will-power that he'd been drawn to ever since.
The same look you gave him when you asked him out on that very first date, where he-
Oh, great idea...!
"At an ice cream shop. I was at an ice cream shop, and that's where I met her. She had never had any before, and so I suggested she start off with something simple, like vanilla. I bought some for her and we spent the rest of the afternoon together. We've been going out ever since."
"Awww~!" Rosa and Anne chorused, Freddy already calling nonsense at the story with a few chuckles hidden behind his hand.
"Wait, so... lemme' get this straight..."
"Frederick..." Anne warned with his full name. He ignored (and he'd be apologizing for it later, no doubt).
"You mean to tell me, this girl has never had ice cream before? Like, in her seventeen-to-eighteen years of life, she had never had one singular scoop of frozen milk and sugar?"
"-Nevermind the fact that you just, outta' nowhere, decided to rizz up some random girl you didn't even know inside of an ice cream parlor."
"Yeah, Freddy, I did." Billy snapped, waving his hand around in the air for a moment as if he were magically conjuring up the false memory. "And apparently, it all worked out because we've been dating for months, now. Thank you very much."
Jaws dropped at this, having not expected such a bond. It was one thing for Billy to have started a fresh relationship. Maybe for him to even be a little secretive about it until things had proven to be smooth sailing for a long time. But months? Either he forgot to brag about it, or she most definitely didn't exist.
Freddy and Anne almost immediately turned to give each other a knowing look, as if they were reading each other's minds before speaking in unison.
"Is this like a Canadian girlfriend thing...?"
Billy huffed through his nose, knowing better than to let insults fly at the dinnertable with his parents present. But regardless of that fact, Mary was the first to tell he had grown fed up, nudging Victor on the arm while she murmured.
"Here we go again..."
"She's real, okay? (Y/N) is very much real, and you two are just jealous because it took an entire dragon rising from the depths of hell for you two to get together."
And off he went, storming away, leaving Freddy and Anthea's mouths agape in shock while Pedro and Eugene practically sobbed from their loud chortles.
"Do you think he'll come back this time if I call him?" Victor cheesed, Mary shaking her hide from side to side at his reference from the last time Freddy had pissed Billy off at the table. Speaking of which...
"Alright, yeah, whatever...!" He called as if the older boy was still listening. "At least we can all actually see my girlfriend...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Is it her?"
Though Freddy's index finger was very obviously directed towards a young girl in the hallway, his brown eyes remained glued to Billy's green ones, waiting for them to change in recognition. They didn't, remaining as stoic as they had when Freddy first began this little game of "Point Out The Person That Looks Closest To Billy's Imaginary Girlfriend."
"Okay, then it's her." Freddy suggested next, his arm practically flying across Anthea's person just to point his finger at the girl they waltzed past. Billy swore that if the poor thing wasn't in between them, he'd tackle Freddy to he ground, in the middle of the hallway and all. So, maybe it was a good thing Anthea was there.
Billy's eyes drifted to the next victim, a short girl with scene hair and huge platform demonias that stared them down in confusion. He quickly shook his head.
"No, it's not her. (Y/N) is way taller than her. Genetically, without platforms."
"Fine, what about her?" Freddy waved lazily in the direction of someone ahead. "She looks like your type."
Billy huffed.
"That's literally just a guy with long hair."
Freddy's face twisted in disbelief, shaking his head as though he knew better.
"No it isn-"
"It is." Anthea cut in before her boyfriend could finish, turning him towards the person who had finally spun away from his friend and proving to Freddy that he was, in fact, just some dude with a gorgeous head of hair.
"Oh. Mm-."
"Can you just-?" Billy started a desperate plea that went ignored as Freddy smiled in satisfactory, spotting the next girl. Who, yes, was actually a girl this time.
"What about her? Look, she's even how you described, glasses, tall, (Your/Feature), the whole shaza-...shebang..."
Billy hardly wanted to entertain this any longer, but upon looking her direction, noticed swiftly how oddly her features did line up to yours. And yet...
"No, that's not her. I told you already last night, (Y/N) doesn't go here. She's... homeschooled." He excused, quite proud of how fast he had come up with it. Plus, it was kind of true, Diana the one who had taught you most of your studies. And when not her, a private tutor Bruce had graciously spent his money on for you to have.
Yes, the Bruce Wayne.
"Oh, of course. What an awesome coincidence."
"Freddy, stop it." Anthea nudged him, not allowing the teasing to continue any further upon seeing the scowl from last night returning onto Billy's face.
"I'm sure he's probably telling the truth, I mean, what reason would he have to lie? Besides, she's probably just...shy. Maybe she's shy."
And though the girl was satisfied with her answer, Billy could only laugh giddily to himself while remembering the time you had allowed him to watch a very special training session you had in the past.
"Yeah, if you call accidentally bodyslamming Superman "shy," then sure. Most timid girl I know..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing...!" He brushed his remark away when he had almost been caught, quick to change the subject before he could be questioned any further.
"Guys, look, just drop it, alright? I know you don't believe me, and you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm happy, outside of the fact that you're really working my nerves, and that's all that matters. I'll see you two later..."
"Billy, hang on...!" Anthea called, having not meant to cause a fuss on the matter. She couldn't help it. She was entirely too good-natured. But, there was Freddy, always there to ease her own tensions and make her laugh in the process.
"Agh, don't worry about him. He'll get over it. You know, the imaginary girlfriend thing is a common phase, cited by phenomenons all across the globe of people with the exact same conditions and symptoms. Lois Lane even wrote an article on it way-back-when she was first starting out."
"Oh, yeah?" Anthea entertained smugly, Freddy nodding fastly as he droned on.
"Totally. It was a very interesting article, but it made total sense. I mean, even I went through a phase just like it, and I turned out fine."
And then it clicked, Freddy's face growing a deep shade of red under his freckles.
"Yea- Only when I was like, super tiny-young, I mean. Like, it was- I..."
His rambles stopped when he noticed Anthea's raised brow, almost laughing to himself while they paused in front of her classroom door.
"Just...forget I told you that. I love you my very much, my real and amazing girlfriend. I swear, my pillo- I mean, Jennifer was just a quick fling and nothing compared to the goddess that stands in front of me...?"
Through her giggles, she nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek and taking her leave.
"That's what I like to hear~. Now, don't go off 'saying the word' while I'm gone, 'kay?"
Freddy nodded at her parting heed, knowing it was a reference to the way he'd ditch class to go off and do hero work without warning.
"I won't, I won't...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Alright, what's the plan?!" Freddy shouted as they all gawked up towards the threat, Billy shrugging casually while he shook his head as though he were literally wracking his brain for a proposal.
"Uhh...Ahhh... No idea! I think we should just wing it, to be honest...!"
"That's a terrible plan!!" Mary and Anthea shouted in unison, the shorter girl using magic to cloak over herself and change into her armored attire.
"Superman's weakness is Kryptonite, right?!" Mary swiftly informed the group, Freddy nodding in confirmation. "Good! If Bizzaro is anything like him, it should be the same! If we can distract him long enough for one of us to catch him from behind, we'll have a chance at detaining him! Then, we can send him back to his world...!"
"Yes, awesome, Wisdom of Salamander...!" Billy praised, leaving all of his siblings to groan.
And with that, they put her plan into action, Freddy and Pedro flying up high until they were facing the Kryptonian clone with complacent, challening grins.
"Hey, Bizarro-Man...!!" Freddy called, nudging Pedro. "Since you're a copy of Superman, is it really true you have super strength like him?! Betcha' we could take you in a fight...!"
The villain merely scoweld, sending a sudden breath of flame towards them. Freddy dodged, Pedro just missing his chance to do the same before being his with the blast and being sent flying into the nearest billboard.
"...Fire breathing?! You can breathe fire?!" Freddy yelled in a panic, unable to add on how that was very much unlike Superman's notable ability of freeze breath before realizing Bizarro was barreling straight for him. Freddy took off, both of their super speed rivaling each other as he crated a path for his siblings to follow.
"Where are we gonna' get Kryptonite?" Darla gasped, all of their heads turning as the two flew by. Mary pondered the situation deeply, having never even seen the green emerald herself, let alone come into contact with it. She figured it was a lost artifact, a gem only the most powerful would have. Except for Superman, all things considered. So maybe more like magical powerful people.
People like...
"The Wizard!" She shouted. "He's the most powerful person we know, having kept all of his powerful objects in his lair, right?"
"Yeah," Billy agreed. "But what does he have to do with anything? He's not the-"
"I know, but the lair is ours, now!" She explained further. "Which means so are all of the things in it!"
"Anthea, Darla...! Go help Freddy and make sure to keep Bizarro busy! Eugene, go help Pedro, make sure he's alright!"
"On it!" Anthea gave Mary a nod, Darla having already dashed away as Eugene made his way towards his brother.
"Billy, you come with me, hurry...!" Mary instructed, grabbing his wrist and practically dragging him along as he followed in confusion.
"Mary, where are we going?! This is really not a good time to ditch them, we-!"
"We're not ditching them." She insisted, opening a random shop door with the intention for it to open a portal to the Rock of Eternity. And luckily, it did just that as she went on with a rapid explanation for her actions.
"You know how Eugene has been mapping the place out? Well, I've been helping him. Mainly making sure he doesn't get lost, but also because I've been studying it all. Making sure we know that everything that's in there is actually safe."
They wandered past the main part of the lair, the area where everything had been decorated freely and most obviously lived in, to the more labrynth-like parts that always confused Billy and Darla whenever they tried their own hands at exploring. But this time, Mary was there to lead him, having a clear sense of direction seeking out whatever it was she was searching for.
"We came across this space or...cave or something. Like a mine, y'know? And at first, I wasn't sure what was in it. Neither of us were, I mean, I couldn't find any of them in any books or articles. It's like... all the gems that are in that cave aren't from here or something. From another world."
"Mary, this really is some interesting stuff, but I don't get wh- woah..."
Billy's rambles were cut short, the two siblings having stopped in front of the very cavern Mary described. The entrance was glowing due to all of the luminous crystals buried off inside of it. Hell, the cave itself seemed neverending, branching off into different routes, holes, and other tunnel systems that were surely easy to get lost in.
Luckily, they didn't need to go too far in, Mary stopping Billy from doing so with the tug of his arm back closer to her person. She was slightly bent over, hovering above a large chunk of what he assumed to be an emerald. Practically matching the color of his eyes, they both sparkled at one another while Mary began to confess her opinions.
"I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before, but if my assumption is correct...if these are otherworldly artifacts...then I don't know what else this could be, other than-"
"Kryptonite..." Billy finished, turning towards his sister with an ecstatic grin. "Mary, you genius, you! Here, c'mon, help me get this stuff out of the wall...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Where the hell is Mary with that Kryptonite...?!" Freddy whined in an almost sing-song tone, blasting a continuous bolt of lightning directly at Bizzaro. It had no effect, merely slowing him down by a second until Darla, Pedro, and Eugene all joined in. And though it didn't hurt him, he was stuck in his tracks, trying his hardest to deflect it.
"She said she had an idea...!" Darla grunted. "But I dunno' what! She just took Billy back to the lair and- AAH!!"
Bizzaro had used all of his strength to blast the lightning back, sending the group soaring backward at the impact. As he began to stalk closer towards Darla, Eugene was quick to jump in the way with a protective, "No!" leaving his lips.
A bolt of lighting shot from his hands, Bizzaro quick to blast it with-
The beam of icy blue turned Eugene's lighting into a solid rod of frozen air, the large block dropping to the ground and shattering beneath their feet. Freddy had... never seen a power like that before. It confused him, all of them, long enough to be a stall as Bizzaro quickly let off another beam towards them.
"Watch out...!!" Anthea warned, quickly hopping in the way with her hands out. Her palms glowed, swirling with golden power until the buildings and structures around them began to move and shift rapidly. Power of Axis, always a helpful tool in changing perspective, but not in changing the course of a blow to its intended target. Given the girl had learned this fact the hard way in the past, she was quick to turn to them in haste.
"We have to move, hurry! If we don't, we'll still get hit!"
Almost as if on cue, they watched the blast of ice cold vision barrelled towards them through a park, just barely missing all of the different play structures as the group swiftly managed to fly off in different directions. Freddy was sure to take Anthea in his arms, watching as the beam instead left a jungle gym frozen solid into a dome.
Looking towards the voice, they were happy to spot Mary and Billy flying back towards them with a glowing, green gem in hand.
"No way-No way-No way!!" Freddy gushed as they approached, showing it off with pride. "You two actually found Kryptonite?! Do you know how rare this is?! Like, it's literally thought to be a myth, like, it's more believable than your imaginary girlfriend...!"
"Oh my god..." Billy groaned as the rest giggled. "C'mon, man, it's been like a week!"
"I'm being totally serious!" Freddy held his hands up as though he were giving surrender while Billy shook his head in dismay.
Mary sighed, floating in between the two boys with the gem in hand.
"Not the time, guys. Look, if we can keep Bizzaro distracted for just a little longer, this should definitely do the trick. We got this."
She held out her fist towards Billy, sending him a sure smile.
"You ready?"
"Yeah," he nodded, giving a smirk of his own before scanning the land beneath for their foe. He bumped her fist back. "Let's kick this dude's ass."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Dude, we're getting our asses kicked...!!" Eugene grunted, struggling to pick himself up from the ground as he clutched his side.
"It's like he's more powerful than before!" Anthea alluded, wiping the blood from her lip as she helped Mary from the ground and onto her shoulder.
"I don't... understand..." She coughed, grateful for the support as she looked up to her two brothers, trying their best to subdue Bizzaro hand-to-hand.
"The Kryptonite should be working. It should...be making him weaker."
"Maybe it isn't what you thought it was..." Darla whimpered, sending her sister a look of vanquish.
Billy watched as Bizzaro landed a blow onto Freddy's chest, the man in blue being sent flying back into the earth with a loud yelp and a crash. He wanted to call for him but reminded himself to focus on the battle at hand if there would be any chance of defeat. Even if he was scared, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
You'd be scared, too, if some weird copy of Superman was hurdling towards you, Kryptonite wedged into his bleeding shoulder (blue blood, which was quite jarring when they first stabbed him) with some obtuse goal to destroy the world he deemed "lesser" than his own.
Because of this, he'd frozen up, unsure of how to counter his speed let alone his attack. Instead, he took it like a champ, as he had many punches even before he was a superhero, and went hurdling towards the ground just as Freddy had.
"Oh. Hey, man..." Freddy groaned when his brother appeared next to him.
"Having fun, yet?" Billy haphazardly joked, referring to Freddy's "love" and "enjoyment" for his "superhero duties."
"Oh, yeah, loads." He nodded unconvincingly, wiping the blood from his nose with his arm. "I love the smell of iron in the morning. And, y'know- the sounds of terror and destruction really just...pull it all together."
They helped each other up, checking themselves for any fatal injuries. And, when they found none, regrouped with the rest of their family in doldrums as they watched Bizzaro inflict his reign of dismantling on the city.
"What're we gonna do?" Darla asked, looking to her brother in worry.
"Your realm is not capable of destroying power such as this. How are we to do the same?"
Anthea's words had been directed towards Freddy but left Billy's mind swirling instead. Was she right? She had to be...
If the Champions of Magic and an entire goddess couldn't decide the fate of their opponents on the battlefield, who could?
. . .
Their heads whipped up at the sound of a furious battle cry, a shimmer of gold and the quick blur of your (H/C) locks barreling towards the enemy. Your sword drawn and in position to leave its target slain as you attacked from above, a ferocious look on your face for none other than the mockery of hope and justice below you.
When your weapon made contact, you knew better than to think it'd actually cut through Bizarro. But, it did send him hurdling towards the dirt as he had Freddy and Billy moments earlier. You had cut a large chunk of the green Kryptonite from his shoulder, dimming him back to his normal level of powerful abilities. And yet, you knew this wasn't the end, much more work to be done as you announced your threat.
"My mother and her colleagues have defeated you once, and you dare to return to this world and cause its people pain and anguish once again?!" Your booming scolds might've reminded someone that of a parent, pointing your sword below you at Bizzaro's stunned figure.
"How dare you have such audacity?! Let it be known I will not allow you to do so, and you will now fall by my hand, even if it kills me!"
"Valkyrie?!" - "(Y/N)?!"
Both of your aliases spoken into the air at the same time, yet it was Billy who wanted to slap himself after being the only one to have said your real name rather than your well-known, hero one. He even tried to ignore the looks his siblings (and Anthea) gave him, pure shock just oozing from their figures.
"That's (Y/N)?!" Mary shouted in bafflement.
"She's real?!" Freddy's tone of incredulity made Billy's eyes roll for a split second.
Not alloted any time for anyone to question or answer further, your head whipped back, you're firey (E/C) eyes glaring deeply into Billy's.
"You...!" You bellowed menacingly, and suddenly, he was a lot less excited to see you.
"Wha-?! Are you-? Oh...my gosh, are you mad at me right now?..."
From a bystander's point of view, it definitely looked a little silly, your shorter and younger appearing figure stomping towards this grown adult man, who was fearfully stumbling back away from you as you approached with anger. His face was dowsed in fear, and yours?
Where to begin...
"I leave you on your lonesome to protect your people for a week! A week! And this is what I'm fated to return to?! Do you even know what it is you've done allowing him to remain in such close proximity to green Kryptonite?!"
"I- Uh...Well, technically, it wasn't even really my idea, 'cause-"
You seethed his full name, cutting off his excuses, which consisted of throwing his older sister under the bus. She thanked whatever God above for that one, not even having been in your presence for a mere two minutes, and was terrified of your wrath.
The groan of Bizzaro rising from the dirt stopped the rest of your reprimands, leaving you the sigh in simple vexation before pointing a finger at your incautious lover.
"I will deal with you later."
A silence passed over as you leaped into action, everyone still left a bit shaken at everything you had to offer so far. Including Billy, even though all he could muster up was a quiet, "I told you she was real..."
"That's your girlfriend?!" Freddy nearly exploded. "Valkyrie is your girlfriend?! Dude, I-...! You-! You do know she's Wonder Woman's whole ass daughter, right?! How the fu-?!"
"-Clearly...!" Mary interrupted loudly before he could heavily cuss around Darla. "He's got a type!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever!" Billy exclaimed, already beginning to hover above the ground in hopes to aid his girlfriend. "It doesn't matter right now. We have to help her, c'mon!"
It was once Anthea and the Champions joined the fight, Bizzaro was left with a slim chance of winning. Especially without the enhancement of that same green jewel that always seemed to leave Superman weakened and withered. Mary was still lost on such fact, and Freddy was searching his mind for any possibility of how that could be so.
"I don't get it!" He finally wailed, exhausted from the fight and from using his brain overtime. "He's just like Superman, almost...! If he's such a copy, then how come none of our plans are working?!"
"That is because he is not a copy." You stated plainly, no evidence of normalcy left in your voice. What was left was that of a warrior. A warrior thick in the ways of battle and strategy, knowing your enemy much more than your allies seemed to.
"He is a mirror. Bizzaro, El-Kal, is from a twisted world he created. Everything there, including himself, is some backwards nuisance of what we're so used to here on our planet."
"Hold...Hold'up..." Eugene paused, unable to believe the information being told to him. "This guy's is from another planet just like ours?"
"Yes and no. His world resembles ours, but it is not. It is cubed shaped and docile, with a blue sun that amplifies El-Kal's strength. Much like how this earth's yellow sun aids Superman's. Kal-El."
"Ohh, ha, that's funny, I get it." Freddy chuckled. "It's all backwards over there, so Kal-El is...yeah, that's...that's bad..."
"Well," you smirked, the first and only hint of positivity you had exuded from your person since you had arrived. "Not all bad."
From the latchel which normally held your Lasso of Truth (well, a more miniature one, technically, because your mother wouldn't dare give up her own), was a medium-sized vile of blue liquid clipped in its place. You unhooked it carefully, showing it off to the group as your smirk stretched into a satisfied grin.
"What are the great and powerful without their weaknesses? Blue Kryptonite, liquefied. When I first arrived home this morning, I had seen the news. Trouble here in the heart of Philidelphia, and I immediately recognized that... that..."
"That dumbass question mark on his chest?" Billy spoke up for you. In much more vulgar terms, sure, but you couldn't help but agree with an admitting nod.
"Yes, precisely. I knew what he was capable of, and I knew that you all more than likely didn't have the proper contingencies to stop him. So, I asked Damian for a favor..."
Freddy leaned in towards Billy, putting a hand up as if it'd conceal his bad whispers.
"Who's Damian?"
"Don't worry about it." Billy ignored, slapping him away lightly as you finished.
"...With this, we will surely defeat Bizarro. I can detain him, and I will convince him to leave this world in peace once again."
You opened the vile, neon blue smoke immediately pouring from it like dry-freeze until you began to dump some of the contents onto the blade of your sword.
"All I need for you all to do, is keep him busy. Until then, hold out your hands..."
They all did as told, watching as the rest of the liquid went dumped into their palms while you explained such actions.
"Should any of you come into physical combat with him, your touch will now weaken him, leaving him vulnerable. Easier to take down."
"And what about you?" Billy asked, his tone laced with worry for your well-being. Your gaze softened as you moved closer, hardly used to having to look up at him. But, you could admit, you found it a nice change of pace as you reached up to hold his face in your palm.
"I will do what I have to. Don't worry about me, okay?"
"That's literally impossible, but okay."
You chuckled.
"Fair. Your only job is to make sure all goes well. And... don't make anymore 'dumbass' decisions. You keep that green Kryptonite away from Bizzaro."
Billy nodded, laughing at your use of his improper language before floating upwards to complete his task.
"Alright, guys...!" He called down, his siblings following in suite while you motioned Anthea to remain with you at ground levels.
"Let's kick this guy's ass. For real this time, though."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Who is that?!" Rosa shouted as she stared at her TV in horror, scared for her superhero children tackling the evil Superman imposter with some random girl who had just shown up, as any mother would be.
Almost as soon as Victor moved to grab the keys for his van, the front door opened and in waltzed their children. Like ducks in a row, Mary, Pedro, Eugene, Darla, Freddy, Anthea, Billy, and-... ??
"Hi, mom!"
"Hey, Ma!"
"Hi, Mommy!"
"'Sup, Dad?"
The choruses of their greetings eased their nerves and tensions, but the sight of a new girl with glasses and her hair in a fancy, braided updo took them by surprise. She remained close to Billy, seemingly glued to his arm as he quietly attempted to convince her of the kind nature of his parents.
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose if it's trouble..."
"(Y/N), don't worry. They've been wanting to meet you for forever, you have nothing to worry about. They'll love you."
You looked towards him in surprise, already growing more anxious by the second.
"You told them about me?"
"Only the important stuff." He winked jokingly.
"Ah! My babies...!" Rosa shouted her greeting, more grateful than ever that they had returned safely, running over and planting a kiss on each one of their foreheads and pulling Darla and Anthea into bone crushing hugs.
So...! Uh," Victor started, already interested in your figure remaining quiet by the door. "Who's the new girl?"
Billy smiled this time, neither embarrassed nor annoyed by the inquiry of you while he proudly pulled your body into his by the waist.
"She's the coolest, ever!" Freddy announced, Darla practically jumping up and down as she agreed.
"Uh huh! And she's so pretty, just like I knew she'd be!"
"She literally sent that supervillain back to where he came from...! Like, without even breaking a sweat!" Eugene praised, leaving your cheeks to grow red with bashfulness.
"I have to admit, I think she'd be a good influence on Billy. She's super smart."
"And a good fighter."
Mary and Anthea were happy to admit such facts, Pedro the last to give a reserved shrug and a polite smile.
"I like her. She's dope."
Rosa and Victor were left to stand awkwardly, unsure of what to make of all the high-end words being spewed about like lightning while you struggled to fight back your grin.
"As I was saying...!" Billy exclaimed, giving his siblings the "Shut Up So I Can Talk" look. "This is (Y/N). My girlfriend."
Victor was the first to happily greet you, explaining how he'd heard so much about you, all good things (as you could clearly see), and that he was happy to have finally met you. Rosa, on the other hand, was leaned back with her eyes glued to the news on the TV. They would flicker back to you every now and again, making your heart beat faster in nerves until...
"Crazy question, I know... but...that doesn't happen to be you on the news... yeah?"
Immediately, you looked towards Billy, who could only shrug and scratch the back of his neck.
"The important stuff, huh?"
"Sorry...I tried..."
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before giving a polite nod and announcing your introduction one final time...
"Yes, that... would be me. My name is (Y/N), otherwise known as Valkyrie. Daughter of Wonder Woman, Granddaughter of Zeus, and last born... of Themyscria."
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Don't make me steal this idea and write a full-fledged book, Anon, I'll do it🤨 (I probably won't cuz writer's block likes to eat me alive). But seriously, I really hope you like this because again, I adore this, and I defo want more of your ideas/scenarios🥰🫶🏽.
~ Star✨️
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so basically in this au ralsei isn't the prince of the dark, he's just some kid (part boss monster part shadow monster). i already explained how he ended up in the adoption center here. that's basically the premise 0_0
susie and him are close buddies because they were in the same adoption center and susie became protective over him because the other kids made fun of him. over time they became like siblings so they never managed to get adopted because they didn't want to go if they couldn't go together, and since they were very different species there weren't any parents who were able to take care of both. so eventually they just ran away and are now living in hometown.
they've been in hometown for two years (currently they're both 16) so they aren't that new............ they're not really friends with anyone but That's Subject To Change.
(they live in one of the apartments in the complex, the landlord let them stay because people just Didn't move to hometown anymore. they just help them clean and go grocery shopping for them (i still have to decide who the landlord is lol) in exchange for the house. also as soon as they got old enough they started doing little jobs (susie helps at 'sans, ralsei helps at the flower king) so they're "basically fine" (no they're not))
^ outdated, they got surprise adopted by sans 😈😈
susie really disliked kris at first because they had a happy loving family, but then learned that there's more to them... they're also a huge dweeb
since ralsei isn't in the dark world anymore there's someone else in castle town, his name is earlis and he's made out of a heart shaped locket that kris lost as a kid. he's rude to anyone who isn't part of the prophecy and is hopelessly in love with kris (despite only knowing them for two days...) which kris finds a bit weird but. they still want to be friends. earlis especially hates ralsei because he's not even part of the prophecy, and yet kris treats him with basic respect and even finds his dark world powers cool?!?!? FOR SHAME!!!! susie's part of the prophecy so he doesn't necessarily dislike her, he just hates the people she associates with....
his character arc over the chapters would involve him learning to be less judgemental and overcome his Darkner Struggles. also he will be friends with everyone and become less of an asshole
in chapter two he makes rooms for everyone except ralsei, for whom he places a dog bed inside susie's room. one day he will give him a normal bed
ralsei's still a wizard of sorts, but he's more of an evil shadow man you know. he uses shadow magic which is useful for putting enemies to sleep in one way or another (spooooookyyyyyyy).. kris thinks it's cool. susie also thinks it's cool. everyone thinks it's cool except earlis.
earlis's magic is basic bard abilities, he has a heart shaped string instrument which he can use to heal or hypnotize ET CETERA ET CETERA
susie and kris don't change much lol
sooz and rals go with lancer while earlis goes around with kris, acting like a shoujo protagonist ("omg kris you're giving the ribbon to me????? do you think i would look cuter.." "your defense is shit") and he encourages pacifism (just to make r & s sound like Brutal Evil Killars) despite being the world's biggest violence fan. he is a bit of a hypocrite
everything goes about as well as you can imagine but at some point susie and ralsei have a conversation about the whole sooz being overprotective thing. ralsei says he's not five anymore and can defend himself pretty well and susie apologizes for her behavior 💔😢 they firends. sbiblings
it's!!! normal cyber world stuff!!! but with two goat boys!!!!!!!
ralsei's popup ads are "humans 4 monsters in ur area" and he starts crying about how he thought it was a friend making site, "dragon blazers rom hack working 20XX" and he installs a virus on the popup, and "shadow wizard money gang"
earlis's popup ads are "how to make them fall for you qwikihow", "cool blue knight dating sim" and "learn to curse someone in ten easy steps". self explanatory
in ralsei's room in queen's castle he has pixelated kittens from his search "kittycat pixel gif", "minecrap cat gif", "pixel gif cat" etc... a poster of a goth band from "disintegration album streaming free", and a list of names taped to the wall from "names that start with ral" (hes trying 2 find his parents...)
earlis doesn't have a room. he becomes a butler 👻
for the ferris wheel / acid tunnel they split up like this
susie goes on da ferris with noelle
ralsei goes on da boat with kris (didn't want to ruin the moment for susie)
earlis gets stuck on berdly duty
sus and elle talk about normal girl stuff. ralsei and kris talk about being orphans. earlis rants to berdly about how much he deserves to be kris's babygirl and berdly thinks he's hallucinating. very nice and cool
blah blah the roaring is coming waaaaahhh they go have a sleepover at kris's. new fountain who dis
that's basically it gamers... LIKE AND SUB
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mabepearls · 10 months ago
omg you have star tail oc’s??? I absolutely want to hear about them!!!
yes yes!!!! i do!
so, my star rail ocs are a little group of galaxy rangers because i was sick of there only being 2 playable characters from such a fun faction (one of which not even being a real member). i've been calling them the "red herrings" as shorthand, but i don't know how viable a sub-faction would be, especially for the galaxy rangers.
their leader and the one who brought them together is melanie (imaginary, erudition), who i've talked about a little bit before. she isn't a galaxy ranger herself, rather an associate who supplies them with maps, trackers, and the like. basically, they're a guide. no one fully understands how she has the knowledge she does, and the fact that she's basically the only one in her field has given her quite the ego. it's theorized that her knowledge has something to do with the unexplained blue patches on her skin, and they aren't quite wrong. there's a price to fame, after all.
the team itself was formed by melanie to basically be her dickriders (saying the quiet part out loud here lmao, she did not give an actual shit about these people until recently). one of my friends once referred to them as "melanie's pet galaxy rangers" and. yeah.
going in order of who joined the red herrings first, the next up is vilho (physical, abundance), the team's strategist. he's a former silvermane guard who was picked up by melanie because he really needed Someone to get him out of belobog. since then, he's been using what he learned in his time as a guard to guide the team. they're very shy around new people, but they warm up a bit too fast once you spend enough time with them. overly formal and has a deadly fear of stepping on other people's toes. most likely the youngest of the group.
after vilho joined, next was laverne (wind, harmony), who does the team's dirtier work, especially with machines. they were taken in after lots of begging on vilho's end, and were quickly given the most dispensable role in the group by melanie; back then, she still didn't really see them as whole people. very introverted and prefers to watch everything from afar without getting involved. feels deeply indebted to the rest of the red herrings for how they treat them; they're very self-sacrificial and act as the team's support combat-wise because of it.
finally, the last person to join was zhihao (lightning, the hunt), a xianzhou native who butted themself into melanie's circle because they were bored. they aren't even a fully committed galaxy ranger (if anything, they'd be more fitting in the masked fools), but they like the crew, so she stays. melanie has yet to slot them into a role because of their unknowable nature, and zhihao likes it that way. while you'd never guess it based on their looks, his motives are primarily based in entertaining himself. they like holding their status as the eldest of the group over everyone else's heads.
there's also sparky, one of ruan mei's cat creations that melanie pawned off her. initially, the cat served to be a reminder of ruan mei for melanie (because they're obsessed with her i mean what), but now they're a full member of the family. they love cuddling with zhihao.
sparky got their name from "sparks", the group's nickname for a benefactor (read: situationship) of melanie's. she doesn't like using his actual name, preferring how annoyed the title makes him; it's also a precautionary measure, since she thinks her reputation will instantly tank if people find out about who she's fucking around with. (though, if you've seen my posts about them in the past, you may have an idea of who he is.)
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dez-wade · 1 year ago
Omg okay so, 🤏🤏🤏 headcanons about Bagi's egg :
• She's a girl!! Idk why I just feel like Bagi with a daughter would be very cute
• I don't actually have any name ideas for her tbh, I guess I'll use Ama as a place holder for now <3
• She is suchhhhh an annoying kid and she has fun with it, she loves doing things specifically to annoy her siblings and worry her tios and tias
• Despite this tho she doesn't like making people UPSET, just annoyed. She doesn't notice the difference between just annoyed vs genuinely stressed out, but if she's told she's upsetting someone she'll stop immediately
• She's both least and most behaved with Bagi. Ama loves Bagi the most, so she acts like a bit of a brat with her but she ultimately always respect her ma and what she asks the most so she'll always, eventually, do what Bagi asks her to do
• She mainly speaks Portuguese!! Even w non pt speakers. She interacts most with Richas, Favela 6, and Roier bc she prefers to speak pt. She knows how to speak english but she doesn't typically do it unless none of her family is with her, and she's alone w people who don't understand portuguese. Otherwise people kinda rely on the tts translation for her
• She likes collecting building blocks and pretty things she thinks Bagi will like!! She also likes collecting things for other favelas people but she gives the most to Bagi :(
• Bagi's paranoia affects Ama in the sense that she REALLY doesn't trust anyone outside of the favela 6 and Richas. She likes all of her tios and tias and siblings but she's a shooter for all of her family and she'll defend them even if they're in the wrong ToT
• She knows Richas is a jealous little egg and she specifically likes annoying him. Not because she dislikes him, but BECAUSE she loves him, she annoys him. He's definitely her favourite sibling tbh, and she feels most comforted and safe with him and Bagi
• She is a menace to animals on that server, she has a habit of killing anything she sees that isn't a pet so if whoever is with her wants any specific mob, they have to get it fast bc she WILL kill it
• Ama is a very strong little egg!! I'd say she has around similar pvp ability as Pac or Roier, she's strong so she can defend her cringefail /affectionate parents <3
• She's very restless, if she's stuck in one place for too long she runs around and punches Bagi or whoever she's with so they can go do something fun
• She likes dungeons and exploring a lot, it's probably her favourite thing to do bc I think she'd be kind of bad at building LOL
• Outside of Bagi, she spends the most time with Forever and Tazercraft!! Her online schedule is late morning - late afternoon so she usually logs in a bit before Bagi and hangs out with Pac and the morning crew before Bagi comes online. When Bagi comes on, Ama obviously goes to her. When Bagi is busy and not giving her attention OR not online she'll go hang out with Forever.
• She is such an enabler with Tazercraft and I imagine she gives them batshit insane ideas to do tbh. I think she'd like seeing them cause problems and has fun helping them build machines and get materials but she kind of just lingers in the area while they're building bc she doesn't really like building
• She likes dragging Forever out to bring her to dungeons and explore because he's the most geared up out of the Favela 6 so she trusts him to keep her alive even tho he's bad at pvp ToT she sees him as a protector and, behind Bagi and Richas, he's someone who makes her feel safest :')
• Ama likes following Richas around when they're together and she's like a shadow to him. He's her big brother, and she adores annoying him for it. He's usually the victim of her brat behavior because being annoying is the best way she expresses love LMAO but ultimately she'd fight the codes and feds for him, and he's one of her favourite people
• Ultimately though she's a mama's girl, she loves and feels safest with Bagi. She likes accompanying Bagi in anything she does, even building. She looks up to Bagi a lot and will argue with anyone for her, even Favelas, even if Bagi is in the wrong simply because Bagi is her mom and it's them against the world :')
• I will stop now bc this is already long and I don't remember what I've already said LOL
It's very long but dw, I really like it! I always saw Bagi having a daughter too, so I really like Ama. I can imagine her trying and failing to drag Bagi to a dungeon (I don't think she ever did one lmao) and bother Forever or Etoiles for it.
I also can see her being really spoiled, especially by Tazercraft.
I think it's really ironic that she's bad at building, since most of the time Bagi feels like she wants an egg because she wants help in building and decorating.
And I can see her bonding with Richas into killing animals and villagers XD
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08279 · 2 years ago
Welcome back! Care to share any dadmight thoughts you’ve had since you’ve been gone?
Hi Blade !!! I hope you're well!! You've opened the flood gates so I'll put a little 'read more' cause it's pretty long lol.
Izuku and All Might just hanging out casually while people around them freak out because omg it's ALL MIGHT
All Might, in the midst of retirement after being a hero for like 40 years, following Izuku's hero fights. Mirroring how little Izuku followed All Might *sob*.
Izuku actually spent part of his childhood in the US and speaks English fluently, but he forget to tell All Might. After a while he just decided not to say anything because he felt it would be too awkward. Present Mic starts noticing odd errors in Izuku's English assignments and figures out that not only does Izuku speak English fluently, but he uses American English and has purposefully been making certain errors to act like he doesn't know English.
All Might messes up his medication (or some other plot stuff) on the day of the Sports Festival and insists that it's far too dangerous for Izuku and won't let anyone touch him. The heroes working the Sports Festival as well as UA teachers go through various hijinks to get Izuku who is reluctant about leaving All Might's grasp. All of this is, of course, captured on camera for all of Japan to gawk at and speculate towards.
Izuku spends his summers (or Japanese equivalent) working in the White House. This popped up after watching The West Wing, one of my favorite TV shows ever.
Toshinori and Inko have fun flirting and thus making Izuku angry. He is a momma's boy after all.
[AU where Izuku is Toshinori's biological son] Izuku (~3) goes on his first errand. All of Tokyo watches with baited breath.
All Might sends out a love-filled happy birthday tweet for Izuku's 16th birthday. Except the world doesn't know who Izuku is. And All Might didn't make it clear what their relationship was in the tweet. Japan erupts with the new of All Might's 16 year old son. Izuku blushes a lot.
Inko and Toshinori are married and Izuku is their son. None of that information is public. It isn't until the parent-teacher conferences that the UA teachers start putting together why Inko and Toshinori are so comfortable around each other. Then they realize how Izuku is involved and everything begins to make sense.
This is more of a full-fledged fic idea, but here's the cliffnotes version:
Inko was a superstar in her young teen years when she was in a Korean girl group. She later became a solo artist and maintained her success, but stepped away from the limelight to have a family.
Once she has Izuku, she takes him to her agency and he's raised around performers. Come to find out, Izuku is a gifted musician and choreographer with otherworldly vocal talent. He becomes a choreographer and songwriter, but Inko is hesitant to let him become a performer despite repeated begging from the agency's CEO.
In the meantime, Izuku trains with kids his age so he can make friends. When Izuku turns fourteen, Inko relents after Izuku begs to be allowed to join a group. (She feels guilty that he won't be able to go to UA in the next year, and wants him to do something he's passionate about) So Izuku trains with a boy group who is essentially BTS except I don't really know that much about BTS so I just kinda glaze over the group members lets move on because
BOOM Izuku is fifteen and BTS debuts in less than a year when he meets All Might and suddenly he has the chance to be a hero and to go to UA. But he's also been envisioning a future with his best friends doing something he's good at and enjoys.
Inko is desperate for Izuku to go towards the safe route of being a performer rather than a hero, but she knows it's a losing battle. Izuku pulls out of the debut but remains a choeographer and songwriter while also occasionally providing instrumentals and background vocals.
One of the main reasons I like this so much is because there isn't really a life-or-death aspect. Izuku gets to choose between two things he loves. It's a win-win :).
ALSO there's a slight alternative to this AU where 1A records their summer break (or whatever is the equivalent in Japan) in a vlog style and Izuku's vlog is about working at the agency with the top performers in Asia.
ANOTHER alternative is where Izuku gets the fic version of BTS and TWICE to perform with 1A at the culture festival :D
This so much longer than I thought it would be. Wow.
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enthblaze · 2 years ago
How would Giovanni react if Tiger Claw turned into a small Tiger tot due to messing with magic?
this is so fun omg
Giovanni instantly mother-hens the hell out of the poor child. It's like the Leo-Van twin instinct, as older siblings
He coos over him and picks him up and cradles the kid as if said child wasn't actively trying to bite him. They'll work on that, pffftt totally
He brings the kid home to the Lair, which causes a lot of uproar, but "C'mon guys, what threat is a baby tiger?"
...A lot, apparently
The kid is a hazard and a half and has the Hamatos on their toes all day long. He knocks things over and chews on cables and rips up anything in his line of vision
Splinter is in disapproval of the whole thing. But even he, especially as a Father, isn't immune to the child's puppy eyes
He lets Tiger Claw stay, only until they find out how to turn him back, and also appoints Giovanni as his guardian
No biggie, Van's been a big brother all his life. And besides, "Now I get to be the mentor now!"
Van, while outgoing and reckless as a big brother who wants to break the rules, is impossibly caring and probably as overbearing as Splinter
He asks Donnie to salvage children's books from the junkyard to read to him. He brings out old toys for TC to play with, and lets the tot sleep on his plastron when night comes
He's constantly keeping tabs on the child and tends to him every second of the day, as he's been told (He would've done it anyway. He doesn't trust anyone else)
And since they're stuck in the Lair until further notice, that also means being stuck with his brothers
His brothers, who do not like Tiger Claw
While Van knows his family wouldn't harm a child, he doesn't know if that applies to a child that had once been their enemy
So he becomes protective. If Mikey wants to play with TC, Van has to be there. If Donnie wants to run tests, Van has to be there etc etc
After a while, they warm up to Tiger Claw, but it doesn't stop Van from tensing up each time Leo picks him up so they can watch Space Heroes, or when Raph brings him to his room to show him his action figures
He doesn't like how his family is a risk
But then, a solution is found and TC returns, and he doesn't have to worry anymore. Unfortunately, TC retains vivid memories of the event that took place
Giovanni, as much as he's like Leo in serious aspects, and such behaviour had shone through during his time parenting tiny Tiger Claw, he's also a little shit
He's actually insufferable sometimes, it's a miracle Tiger Claw kept him around in the first place. So when his mentor and guardian was suddenly a tiny cub at his feet, mewling and looking at him with wide, confused eyes...Giovanni couldn't resist
Now that he's back, Van drops the act and teases TC relentlessly, retelling his favourite moments and showing him all the embarrassing photos he managed to capture
TC bans Van from speaking of this
And while Van laughs now, he can't deny that he quite enjoyed being the one in charge for once. And it's then that he realises that he cares for Tiger Claw more than he believed himself to know
And one question stands out among them all: Did Tiger Claw care this much about him too?
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tua-five · 3 years ago
This is a Aidan Gallagher x FEM! Reader fluff. In the pink line is a drinking problem.
You and your family are on vacation. Before you leave to go back home you stop at a small cafe for some breakfast. Your parents go to the bathroom after everyone finishes.
You start looking out the window and around the place. Out of the corner of your eye you see him. The famous singer, actor and one last thing that you can't really remember. Your celebrity crush. Aidan Gallagher. You couldn't believe your eyes. You had to do a double take. Your heart started to beat faster and your breath became faster.
Aidan walks in the small quiet cafe. He orders his coffee and waits for them to call his number. As he waits his eyes immediately fall to you. He looks at you in awe. She is beautiful! Not just because of that gorgeous dress.. (dress /romper don't mind the colorful pants under it XD)
"Whatcha looking at?" Aidan's bodyguard who really doesn't look that tough asked, smirking.
"Huh- what? Sorry I wasn't paying attention.." Aidan replied snapping out of his awe. His bodyguard then replies after following his gaze,
"Ah.. she is pretty cute.."
"What? No that's not-" Aidan tries to object.
"Go talk to her! See what's up!" He cuts off.
"Go!" His bodyguard encourages.
He starts walking your way.
Omg omg omg… he's coming my way! What should I do? Act natural..
"Hey…" Aidan says cautiously.
"Oh uh.. hi.. uhm.." you stutter as your breathing quickens.
"So.. what's up?" He asks hesitantly.
"Oh! Uhmm I mean.. just talking.. heh.." you laugh nervously.
Stupid stupid! Ugh he must think I'm an idiot..
"Yeah.. uhm… so…" he says
"So…." You say back. You pinch yourself just to make sure this isn't a dream. It isn't. Just to make sure you pinch yourself even harder making yourself bleed a little bit but you didn't notice.
"This is just so cool.. you are like, my idol! I just love the Umbrella Academy! You play your character so well! My friends aren't gonna believe it.. can I, can I have a picture?" You ask.
"Sure." He answers as he poses.
"Thanks. Hey, why did you walk up to me again?" You ask confused.
"Oh uhm.. you're just.. uhm.. I just wanted to compliment your dress! Yeah.. uhm.. yeah." He says hiding the truth.
"Thanks! Technically it's a romper but I also call it a dress." You joke.
"Ah." He chuckles. "So.. you from around here?" He asks making conversation.
"No, just here on vacation. Today I'm going back. We just stopped here for breakfast." You tell him.
"Oh ok. Where are you from?" He asks.
"I'm from (state). (City, state)." You say. "How about you?" You ask.
"Well I moved around a lot because of my acting career." He says,
"Right…" you say.
"I'm actually moving to (state) I think actually (city) too!" He replies.
"Cool! Maybe we'll see each other around then."
"Yeah.. maybe.." he says. Hey can I ask you something…?" He says nervously
"Sure!" You say probably slightly too happy
"I know we just met and all… but.. you are just.. perfect.. and your personality is great! You're funny, cute, and sweet.." he says hesitating. "Will you… will you be my girlfriend?" He asks
"Oh.. uhm I.." you stutter while you blush slightly.
"Sorry that's stupid.. I'm sorry.. I'll be going now.." he says, upset.
"No! It's just.. I'm 13 and you're 18 gonna be 19 and I just.. I don't want people making fun or something bad happening to your career.. and my parents will probably disapprove.. they don't even know you.." you say, getting sad.
"No, it's, it's fine. I get it. Sorry I asked." He replies disappointed.
He starts to turn around to walk away.
"Wait!" You shout.
He turns around to see what you have to say. Hurt in his eyes.
"It's just.. we can get to know each other more first.. okay? What's your phone number?" You ask
His face lights up as you say this. You exchange phone numbers and you go your separate ways.
Your parents come back and see you smiling happily.
"What's got you smiling so wide?" Your mom asks
"You know that one famous guy? Look!" You say excitedly as you show them the photo you took with him moments before.
"Who's that?" Your dad asks.
"Ugh I talk about him all the time! He's my favorite character in a show! I met him!" You explain.
"That's great honey! We should probably get going now though. We want to be home before it gets too late." Your mom says.
"Alright." You replied.
After the conversation Aidan walks back over to his bodyguard who already had the coffee.
"Soooo…?" The lame bodyguard asks walking out the door.
"Nothing…" he replies with a slight smile on his face.
They get in the limo and his bodyguard says,
"Come on! Just tell me!"
"Alright alright." He says as he sits down and accidentally butt dials you unknowingly.
You are driving back and are almost asleep when you get a call from Aidan. You quickly answer.
"Hello?" You say
"She's gorgeous.. perfect even. She is super sweet and funny." You hear a muffled voice you assume is Aidan, say.
"And?" You hear another voice say.
"She said no." His voice saddened as he said that.
"Well then why were you smiling?" The other voice asks.
"She wanted to get to know each other more. Become friends. So, I got her number!" He says happily.
"That's great!" You hear the voice say.
Then you hang up, realizing you weren't supposed to hear that. With that you drift into a dreamless sleep.
When Aidan gets home he goes straight to bed. All he can think about is you. He lays down in his bed and drifts off dreaming about you.
When you get home it's around 9pm. Normally you go to bed later but you are so tired you just go straight to bed.
You try going to bed but there are two things stuck on your mind. You just met your favorite person in the whole world. And he likes you? And school tomorrow. Why does there have to be school on a Monday! Why can't it just start on Tuesday. Life would be alot better.
You don't know how but you eventually fall asleep.
When you wake up the next morning you wake up late. You then realized that you forgot to turn your alarm back on after being away.
Dang it!
You quickly get ready and rush out to school. You are 15 minutes late. Your teacher asks you to step out when you walk in.
Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot!!!
"Hey y/n." Your teacher starts.
"Hi…" you say
"Why were you late to class this morning?" She asks.
"I just woke up late and missed my bus.. and my parents had already left for work and the school is a bit of a walk from my house an-"
"Alright, alright, I get it." She cuts you off. "The next time it happens I'm calling your parents."
"It won't happen again." You reassure her.
"Good." She says.
You walk in the classroom with your head down. You can practically feel the eyes burning through your skull. You sit down at your desk and your friend who sits behind you immediately asks,
"Hey, why were you late?"
"I just missed my alarm." You whisper back
"Oh, ok." She says.
The day is long. You are super tired still and can hardly think. All you can think about is him.
School is finally done and you are walking back to your house from the bus stop. On your way back you see that the house a couple houses down from you finally has cars in the driveway.
Huh. New people must have moved in. I still don't get why this house is here… it's a super rich house right next to some lame poor people's houses. It's kinda sad..
You get home and sneak past your parents into your room. You start to take out your homework when your dad opens up the door.
"Thought I heard ya." He says in a gruff voice. "Go and get me and your mom a beer will ya?" He says, his words slightly slurring.
"I'm on it." You say sadly.
You knew this would happen. It always does. You come home and are either lectured for no reason or have to tend to their addiction.
You get them alcohol and then go back upstairs to your room to start your homework when then you mom barges in.
"Honey, give these lovely cookies your mama made to the new neighbors down the street." She says.
"Sure." You say rolling your eyes.
"Don't disrespect me missy." Your mother says in a harsh tone.
"Sorry.." you apologize.
You take the train and start the trek to the new neighbors. You reach the door and knock..
Nobody answers.
You knock again. This time someone opens the door. At the door is…
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zv5x · 3 years ago
Ok not gonna lie as bad/sad as it sounds I'm kinda used to grown ass people throwing tantrums and I. Get so sick of it so fast so the angry yan!Sen post has me imagining a darling who's mostly just tired of the outbursts so they just wait till he needs to catch his breath before going "... right. You done there, big guy? Or are you gonna make my ears ring for another half hour?"
Just. No swearing. No yelling or cursing, either-- just Tired Of This Shit(tm)
[Btw this is the same anon who came up w that yan!pico x goth reader haaaiiii]
Omg hai! So nice to have you back, anon! I actually love this concept, and I honestly had a lot of fun writing this! Thanks for stopping by!
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Sen has absolutely no idea how to handle not getting what he wants, especially if he's throwing a tantrum to get it. Everyone who he's ever interacted with was more than happy granting whatever wish he waved them to make a reality, and he was damn sure he could have the entire school at his beck and call in an instant if he was to show the amount of anger he'll happily show you
He isn't used to not having everything and anything he wants. He's not used to having to fight this hard for a lover's fair hand. And the fact you're making him work this hard is only making him angrier. He just doesn't get it. Why aren't you cracking? Why won't you just obey? It'll be much easier for the both of you that way. In his eyes, at least.
Another thing he isn't able to handle is being or feeling looked down upon by anyone. And to see you not only acting completely indifferent to his outburst, but to mock him right to his face as well? He'll be absolutely floored. Senpai, as "AI-ish" as he may be, is human to an extent. He has operational lungs, and he thus needs to breathe. Screaming for long periods of time, especially with how much emotion goes into his yells, will leave anyone completely out of breath in no time. He'll see you finishing him off with some comment as you looking down on him. Kicking him when he's already on the ground, if you will. As soon as you finish speaking, he'll most likely punch the nearest object just to blow more steam off, even if that nearest object happens to be the wall. Senpai has an incredibly strong inferiority complex, which ironically only fuels his narcissism further. He needs to act above and superior to everyone, or everything in his brain will fall out of place. It shouldn't be this hard to court you, he doesn't understand why he has to go to these lengths
If you were to ever get "used" to Senpai's tantrums, your clear mind would definitely be able to rationalize how truly childish he really is when he's angry. He acts just like a toddler who isn't allowed to get a toy, and that essentially the situation if you look at it from a non-literal point of view. The yelling, the stamping around the room, the breaking and damage of objects, if he wasn't a murderer he would actually be quite laughable. If Senpai were to ever fully put the fact tantrums aren't working through his thick skull, he might force himself to take a different approach, and it would be a far cry from his usual anger. Yelling for just a few words of a sentence, before pausing to take a deep breath and clenching his fists. You weren't fearing him after seeing what he was already doing, so he was forced to make you fear him by alerting you to what he could do
"You know, you should be feeling lucky. Those weasels you called friends are really the only ones I've been picking off." Or "It would be a shame if your family was next up on my list, wouldn't it (Y/N)?"
While Senpai is childish at some of his worst moments, don't underestimate him and how much of a danger he really is. He has his eyes set right on you, he wants you. He needs you, he craves you. And he'll do absolutely everything in his power to make sure he gets to have you.
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Jac & Amelia
Jac: Can you believe this girl? Amelia: No, you're right, she's unbelievable! Jac: I can't believe she thinks so much of herself Jac: who told her she was so great and was it April fools when they lied to her face? Amelia: it'll be sir from now on and she'll be loving it Jac: As if she didn't get it just because she's so loud and he couldn't bother with the tantrum Amelia: he had no idea what to do when Ciara started crying, we all saw that Jac: Exactly, she just made him feel uncomfortable Jac: not cool Amelia: it's really not Jac: Not to mention not cool in the literal sense Jac: so lame Amelia: yeah Amelia: did you see how Connor and his friends looked at her? Amelia: I'm 😳 for her Jac: She has no shame Jac: It's no wonder Keeley doesn't want to be her friend any more Jac: I heard she like, ruined her last birthday party Jac: not surprised Amelia: showing off at the ice rink does sound like something she'd do Jac: Probably 😭 she wasn't the next Michelle Kwan Jac: she thinks she's good at EVERYTHING, which is cringe when you can't back that up Amelia: and when you put that much effort in, to impress sir of all people Amelia: he's not someone she should have a crush on Jac: Talk about daddy issues Amelia: my parents know everyone, they probably know hers Jac: OMG, I wonder what they're like Jac: she has a sister too, right? Jac: but she doesn't seem as nightmareish Amelia: I think she's in the year below but I've never heard anything about her Amelia: she must not be so Savannah-ish Jac: Poor thing is probably suffocated Jac: have to be so extra to get any attention with a sister like that Amelia: thank god I've never been to any family dinners at her house Amelia: who is she friends with now? Jac: You'll have to corner your mum, find out what their deal is Jac: I think she goes 'round with that Molly girl and her friends Jac: but I don't think they're like HER friends, you knoq Amelia: come over tonight, I've already sent her a text and it's totally fine Jac: Cool, I can sleep? Jac: anything to get away from my own annoying sister for the night Amelia: absolutely! Amelia: hopefully she'll have less boring gossip than when I asked her about that new girl last year Jac: Yay 😚 Jac: I'm sure she can be relied upon for the tea Jac: if not we'll look up their tragic old people socials Amelia: being on the board of school governors is such a middle aged in Amelia: that'll be where she knows Savannah's parents from if they are anything like her Jac: Why else would you do it? Jac: There's no funding to allocate 😂 Amelia: 😂 Jac: Though, your mum has to tell us in advanced for the next fundraiser, so we can actually get in there before Savannah just takes it all over Amelia: if people would pay her to 🤫🤐 that'd be a charitable act to us Jac: That's SUCH a good idea though actually Jac: watch her flop a sponsored silence 😂 Amelia: her sister would be 💔 Amelia: thinking it's her moment Jac: Awh 😬🤭 Amelia: oh god, I'm too stupid, I did not click her last name Amelia: her dad is a self proclaimed big deal, it all makes sense now Jac: Gross 😫 Jac: links? Amelia: they're like 🤑 Amelia: [links] Jac: She does have such wannabe richgirl vibes Jac: and she looks like him Amelia: she does 😬🤭 Jac: awkward Jac: also that there's barely any sign of her mum on these socials... Amelia: I wonder if he's flirted with my mum Amelia: she won't tell us Jac: but we'll know from what she DOESN'T say 😏 Amelia: this afternoon is going to drag so hard Jac: What even is social skills Jac: such a non-class, so dull 🙄 Jac: we should go to the shops before going to yours though, get snacks Jac: AND if we get dinner your mum will be thrilled with us 😇 Amelia: 💐! Amelia: you're onto something Amelia: do you think I should tint my lashes? Jac: I know 😋 Jac: Are you serious? but your hair is SO dark Amelia: exactly, they should be naturally thicker than this Jac: Okay but make sure you get a good kit Jac: Poppy Masters in the year above us got a cheap one and they all fell out Jac: her eyebrows too 😱 Amelia: oh no Jac: She's too ginger anyway, it would have looked ridiculous if it went right Amelia: is she the one who usually looks orange? Jac: Yeah...it's unfortunate 😬 Jac: she's not allowed to dye her hair because her mam reckons she'll regret spoiling her 'natural beauty' Amelia: her mum gets botox though Jac: Seriously? Jac: I thought she was a young mum too, like you know, had her TOO young young Jac: what a state Amelia: she thought my mum got it too and was asking her where and everything Amelia: because wherever she went cut her off for wanting to keep going like all the time Jac: The cheek of some people Jac: that's like Savannah levels of no shame Jac: your mum must've been SO embarrassed for her Amelia: I was standing right there and then she gave me a talk about our natural beauty, since I owe it to her, sorry dad Jac: Well you are super beautiful 🤷 Amelia: but yours was a model and you look just like her, neither of you are in people's faces about it Amelia: 😳 stop it please mother Amelia: I don't wanna turn into Savannah Jac: You could NEVER Amelia: have you seen her socials? She really loves herself Jac: I'll go look now Jac: I bet it's all selfies though Amelia: EVERYTHING she wears is designer Amelia: we get it 🤑💸 Jac: 🙄 like way to show you have no friends or real hobbies Amelia: does she do anything but shop and study? Amelia: 🥱 Jac: Clearly not Jac: She can't be that rich or she wouldn't go to our school Jac: or live in the catchment area even Amelia: maybe her invisible mum is trying to make her more humble Amelia: she goes on holiday constantly if this feed is anything to go by Jac: we might have to help her with that goal, honestly Amelia: what are you 🤔? Jac: Well, she needs teaching when to be quiet and when to just stop Jac: so we need to find something that she wouldn't wanna overshare Amelia: but now she's sir's favourite, aren't you worried we'd end up in trouble? Jac: it can't come from us, of course Jac: it won't be hard to just get out there Jac: anyway, how long is he actually going to be able to deal with how much she is Amelia: if you tell Is anything she'll spread it around Jac: and she never remembers where she heard it Jac: maybe we can think of something that will stop her being favourite Jac: hmm Amelia: like she's 😍🥰😘 for him Amelia: if he can't handle tears Jac: I mean, it isn't even a stretch Jac: we all saw her so Amelia: and the daddy issues are real Jac: Exactly Jac: like, it's not Sir's fault your dad is the worst Jac: do you wanna facetime her later? Amelia: should we? Jac: Is, I mean, obvs 😅 Jac: she might be a bit jealous she wasn't invited but she'll still be happy we called her Amelia: what if she wants to come over though? Jac: we'll have to pretend we've got somewhere to be after Jac: so she doesn't go on and on Jac: some club, a reservation with your parents 🤷 Jac: it'll be better to tell her, I'm not messaging it, I only trust you like that Jac: she could turn on us and say we were gossiping or whatever, some pettiness Amelia: I do wanna take you somewhere cool since my dad's working late Jac: That sounds fun Jac: do you have somewhere in mind already? is it a surprise? 😋 Amelia: it doesn't have to be a surprise but yeah, my cousin gave me the idea, so I know you'll like it Amelia: the one you met at my parents anniversary party Jac: I like surprises Jac: it sounds intriguing Jac: Isabelle is definitely not coming Amelia: follow my lead with my mum, okay? Amelia: she'd only say no if she knew where we were actually going Jac: Of course Jac: I know how to play it Amelia: I trust you Jac: ❤❤❤ Amelia: if Is feels left out she can come with us when we go to Savannah's 🏠 Amelia: I've worked out where it is Amelia: she seriously does overshare on socials Jac: As if Jac: you're as smart as she is dumb, seriously Jac: probably wants people to show up, so she can show off some more Amelia: yeah Amelia: Is wouldn't spy as subtly as us, maybe I'll uninvite her Amelia: before she like falls into their recycling bins Jac: 😂😂 Jac: Bless her Jac: she had a bit of salad stuck in her teeth ALL afternoon yesterday lunch Jac: it's like she never looks in a mirror sometimes Amelia: I can't believe Declan asked her out! Amelia: nobody's ever asked me Jac: I just hope for her sake she hasn't got a reputation with the boys already or he'll be expecting something Jac: loads of them fancy you though Jac: like Luke H Amelia: he cares more about French verbs than French kissing and he knows I'll let him copy a few of my answers Amelia: which is fine because unlike Isabelle I don't know how to 💋 Jac: It isn't hard Jac: can't be if she can master it, no offence Jac: and boys LOVE a teaching moment don't they 🙄🙄 Jac: don't want a girl who's clearly done it too many times already Amelia: that isn't a rep I want Amelia: so for now, maybe it's a good thing I freeze up around boys Jac: You're so cute Jac: the boys our age are so immature anyway, there is NO point Amelia: yeah, it's no wonder I can't think of any of them that I'd let 💋 me Jac: What about Leo? Jac: everyone fancies him Amelia: and he knows it Amelia: just like Savannah Jac: Yeah Jac: do you think she's even that pretty? Amelia: she is, but I think you're so much prettier Jac: you're just saying that 'cos you're my best friend Jac: but I appreciate it anyway 😚 Amelia: I could be her best friend instead but I'm not Jac: Imagine Jac: glorified bag holder sounds more legit Amelia: she'd hate where I'm taking you tonight Amelia: not enough mirrors and selfie lighting Jac: 😏 Jac: dark corners and 🚫📸 is way more fun Jac: that's why we're friends Amelia: best friends Jac: forever Amelia: and ever Amelia: do you wanna skip social skills? Jac: didn't you like, JUST get out of detention with Hilary? 🤔😆 Amelia: yeah Amelia: the timing's right Jac: to book yourself back in? Jac: I do HATE that lesson Amelia: we can say you're ill if you're worried about joining me in detention Amelia: Savannah's display was sickening Amelia: and you're 😇 enough to get away with it Jac: I hate that I can't escape her Jac: you know she's in EVERY one of my classes, literally Amelia: whenever you want to, we'll just go Jac: I will need to get an outfit Jac: as you're taking me somewhere Jac: I was going to ask to borrow your new top but this way, we can go shopping somewhere more exciting than just tescos for the dinner Amelia: my new top would look better on you but there'll be other dark corners for you to wear it in Jac: Not even, you looked so good in it on Friday Amelia: 😳 Amelia: I did feel good on Friday, we should do that again Jac: Definitely Jac: Where do you think Declan is gonna take Is out? Amelia: his sister works at the bowling alley, doesn't she? He'll use her discount Jac: the shoes are SUCH a look 🤭 Jac: guess she can't get burger and chips stuck in between her teeth though so that's a plus Jac: romantic ❤ Amelia: annoyingly, because I'm quite good at 🎳 Jac: Who's he friends with, you could make it a double date Jac: if you beat her though she'd be so mad 😠 she's the sporty one !!! Amelia: I'm not going unless you do too, who would you want? Amelia: Ross maybe Jac: He's not too annoying Amelia: did he get with that foreign exchange girl? Jac: He SAYS he did Jac: but I don't know if that's actually confirmed Amelia: still, I don't love that for you Jac: Hayden is part of that group too but he takes Classics and he's like, the male equivalent of Savannah Jac: he does not shut up, even though he's usually wrong 😒 Amelia: 🎤 drop Amelia: even if it makes me a bad friend, I'm not invested in Is' love life Amelia: there's a million things more fun than 🎳 we could be doing Jac: Yeah, it's not remotely worth it just to spy on her Jac: she'll tell us EVERY detail anyway 💁 Amelia: 😬 Amelia: I hate hearing about her boy drama Jac: maybe we'd care if there was more to it Jac: or she didn't always make herself look like a total idiot for some boring boy with nothing going for him Amelia: maybe Jac: or maybe not 😉 Amelia: I love her but I can't help feeling I loved her more when she wasn't so boy obsessed Amelia: but don't tell her I said that Jac: Of course I won't Jac: I know exactly what you mean Jac: it's like nothing else matters to her anymore Jac: she'll get over it though 🤞 Amelia: if she doesn't, I'm not going to have anything to ever talk to her about because it's the only thing she wants to Amelia: but that's probably true of most girls in our class anyway Jac: It's so tragic Jac: do you not have any ambitions of your own Jac: like it isn't the 50s Jac: not to mention boys think that's like, deeply unattractive anyway Amelia: at least you don't think I'm weird Amelia: or the tragic one Amelia: do you think the boys are obsessed with what we're doing? Jac: You're the coolest girl I know Jac: I'd be your friend no matter what Jac: like sometimes, I think I'm only friends with Is because I always have been Jac: like, I love her but Jac: what do we have in common now Jac: and no, boys fascination with girls starts and ends in the one place Amelia: I will be your friend no matter what Amelia: and if Savannah Moore or anyone else gets in your face like that again, I will be back in detention Amelia: would I risk it all for Is in the same way, not right now, no Jac: I'm glad I've got you on my side, Meels Jac: even if she's got Sir Jac: not for long, right Amelia: if she keeps this up she won't have anything Jac: 💪😍 Amelia: ❤❤❤ Jac: Okay, where do you wanna meet? Jac: I'm fake en-route to the sickbay now Amelia: [a location that makes sense] Jac: IOU a coffee Amelia: I should be treating you after everything that's happened today Amelia: you put in loads more work than she did Amelia: sir only recognises her big mouth Jac: But you've been so helpful and lovely, a per Jac: he's always been like that Jac: it's not my fault I don't like to shout out all the answers all the time Amelia: he didn't know you when you were younger and so shy Amelia: but I remember Jac: Clearly it'd be better if I was a loudmouth and said everything that came into my head though Amelia: for that lesson, but you don't have to go any more Amelia: we're only going to the ones we can be bothered to Jac: Sounds like a good idea but my grades would disagree Amelia: when Nessa was being bullied she didn't have to go to like any lessons Jac: Well I'm not being bullied though Jac: and I don't want her thinking I'm like, threatened by her Amelia: sir is close to the line, you don't have to mention her Jac: no, let's deal with it how we said first Jac: just her not being as smug will be enough Amelia: okay Jac: Trust me Jac: and you can still ditch as much as you want Jac: not gonna get in trouble with me Amelia: I'll ditch the lessons you're not in Amelia: I don't trust her and I'm not going to just leave you with her Jac: You're like half-girl half-pitbull Jac: not art though, you love art Amelia: maybe your mum and dad will adopt me and we can share a room instead of you having to deal with Jude Amelia: well then can I 🎨🖌 you? I've pushed this deadline extension as far as it'll go Jac: Ugh, don't even, that'd be the best Jac: she actually drives me insane sometimes Jac: you wanna 🎨🖌 me? Amelia: I'm thrilled my parents didn't make any 🧫🧪 siblings for me Amelia: and IVF is 💸💸 Amelia: yeah? if you'll let me Jac: You're so lucky tbh Jac: alright, but if I have to pose you can't make me laugh Amelia: 😏 Jac: You'll be the one that ends up with a dodgy painting if you do 😅 Amelia: if I asked Is to let me paint her with 🥑🥦🥬🥒 in her teeth then maybe Amelia: you're too good of a subject to mess up Jac: be so avant-garde Jac: the teacher would probably like that more Amelia: I don't care what she likes Amelia: not a teacher's pet like Savannah is Jac: you're only 🐶 part time Jac: and for a worthy cause, got it Amelia: for you, exactly yeah Amelia: 🦺🐶 Jac: what would I do without you? Amelia: you'd have less paint in your hair Amelia: 😂 Jac: Not very natural of me Jac: but I think I suit it Amelia: I think you do too Jac: I'm [different location] that nosy secretary was doing the rounds and I had to change direction Amelia: I'll be right there 🏃 Amelia: but let Is think she's the sporty one Jac: 🤐 Jac: be bit rude of you to take artistic and sporty Amelia: no way, you're good at everything Jac: but you don't think I'm unbearable like Savannah? Amelia: NEVER Jac: Good Amelia: she's pretending to know what she's doing anyway Amelia: all mouth and no talent Jac: You reckon? Jac: Probably Jac: if you're that showy, you're making up for something, anyway Amelia: even if I'm being unfair I guarantee she's not on your level Amelia: nobody is Jac: You're too nice to me Amelia: too nice like 🤫😳 or you don't think it's true? Jac: A bit of both, I suppose Jac: I do work hard but I don't need to shove that in everyone's face Amelia: you're the anti-Savannah Jac: getting into the uni I want is reward enough Jac: besides, not as if it's endearing to be a total know-it-all-show-off Jac: you don't have to dumb yourself down to be chill about it, you know Amelia: yeah, I'm chill about it, but still smart enough to follow everything she was saying Jac: Exactly Jac: all mouth no talent is not the lasting impression I wanna leave Amelia: me either Jac: not that I care what anyone here thinks Amelia: I know you don't think that about me so same Jac: I only think the best things about you, of course Amelia: you love me even though I don't have a uni picked out and I love you even though you do Jac: That's a pretty good summary, yeah Amelia: 🤓❤😎 Jac: I don't think I'd go that far 😏 Amelia: 😂 Jac: if I was such a 🤓 I wouldn't be waiting for you right now Amelia: maybe I'm that 😎 and persuasive Jac: really Jac: 👌 Amelia: you don't look like that in your glasses though, if we're being real Jac: Good to know Jac: don't need to have a makeover Amelia: I look like this 👧🏻 Amelia: I can't come for you or at you with a makeover Jac: Listen to your mother Amelia: NEVER Jac: okay, okay 😎 Amelia: [probably should actually show up gal so we can leave this here]
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kurorealciel · 4 years ago
Undertaker wasn't Vin's butler either. You seem to have forgotten UT is most likely Real!Ciel's grandfather. I didn't hear of a grandfather playing butler to their grandson.
As R!C said, the grim reaper worked for his father, for O!C and now for R!C. As an Undertaker, that's it. He never "served" O!C beyond his "job". So why would he agree to become a butler? Throughout the Manga, Undertaker laughed at the failures of others, making fun of them. Even making fun of O!C in the circus arc, but never once he had found it funny to fail himself (correct me if I am wrong).
He acts as a "caretaker" and "family" to R!C not as a servant. We have never seen him dressing him up, making him breakfast ....etc. Instead, always besides him, holding his hands, caressing his checks since the first time we saw them together. He's always watching him even when he's not around, the way Sebastian does, he's always close enough to be able to catch him before he fall.
While Sebastian loves watching O!C suffer, Undertaker loves watching R!C being happy. We've seen that in many instances. So, no. Comparing him with Sebastian doesn't work as the latter was OBLIGED to learn how to be a butler.
If anything, I would dare say UT prefers R!C better. I don't mean he "loves him more", they are equally important to him. But let's not pretend he didn't cry at the picture of his son, and then said "The Earl still lives" referring to R!C.
He doesn't make fun of him, yet.
He's more affectionate with him than he's with O!C. Probably because he sees him as a miniature version of Vincent. I mean he mentioned O!C is not like his predecessors. By "affectionate" I mean when it comes to R!C's feelings. He definitely connects with R!C more than the other one.
UT has literally no interest in any other doll, no matter how successful they are which means his interest in R!C isn't about just "OMG look how my precious creation is doing this and that hehehe".
R!C on the other hand, well, he has every right to resent UT lol. The dude brought him back as a sick, soulless doll without his permission. We still don't know for sure, but if part of R!C hates UT, he has every right to. Besides, Undertaker is insufferable, not even O!C tolerated him. He always talks about how he revived R!C like it's an every-day thing which R!C was CLEARLY not comfortable with. Also he sounds like a nagging mother XD
Anyways, their relationship so far is underdeveloped so I won't claim I understand them fully. Especially on R!C's part. Who is kind of weird telling servants (specifically Sebastian) to not open their mouths without permission while handling Polaris gracefully. Even though the latter not only failed his mission but also ruined his room and called him "Sirius".
As for Tanaka, RCMT or not. They were never close.
R!C was always seen with his brother, father or Lizzie. Not ONE meaningful interaction with any servant. On the flip side, O!C was either with his brother or Tanaka. It's canon he's way too close to O!C than R!C.
I don't think he's being "cold" but professional. The way R!C like it, apparently.
Undertaker & R!Ciel’s relationship (so far)
Does anyone else feel like Undertaker seems to act more distant towards to R!Ciel, like Tanaka? 
By R!Ciel’s side, and in doing his duty by him as butler, Tanaka appears cold, as if he is just going through the motions, whereas he was a far more animated individual in O!Ciel’s service, often going above and beyond the call of duty and clearly doing what he did for O!Ciel out of care and respect as well as duty.
With R!Ciel, he appears to have checked out, and while he does his duty, there is none of the feeling. 
I think that Undertaker, to an extent, shares this disconnect. In Chapter 151, R!Ciel asks him for assistance with his Earl duties twice, but is flatly rejected both times. 
This struck me as a little odd. Whenever O!Ciel asked Undertaker to do something, though Undertaker was never willing to give his assistance without proper ‘payment’ (laughter), he at least offered O!Ciel the opportunity to get what he wanted (and O!Ciel did). Even when his true identity was revealed!
With R!Ciel, Undertaker completely snuffs the possibility of even trying to help. 
Yes, he really might not have a single clue about how to do what R!Ciel is asking of him, and I might be thinking too much into it. He would probably be a crap butler, but so was Sebastian when he started out. Undertaker knows this. Besides, wouldn’t Undertaker just find it hilarious, especially the reaction of his disgusted master when he shows him how terrible of a job he made of… well, everything!
I’d imagine Undertaker would much rather have that than sit in one place and read a book for two hours.
For Undertaker to make excuses, however true they might be, seems weird. He is speaking to ‘Earl Phantomhive’, whose predecessors he has assisted and cared for for at least two generations.
I wonder if this may tie in to the RCMT - Real Ciel Mastermind Theory, in which R!Ciel had involvement in or outright planned the Phantomhive massacre.
Undertaker would know this (as he rescued the boy and his ‘episodes’ from the fire… at least he claims to have anyway). If true, then Undertaker would have more than enough reason to only assist the boy insofar as it benefited his goal, but nothing more.
R!Ciel appears to respond in kind, by being curt and rude towards him, in spite of the fact that he owes Undertaker his ‘life’. 
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Undertaker is literally the reason he is able to sit at a desk and look at paperwork. Hardly a ‘useless arse’. Then again, with his attitude towards Sebastian, R!Ciel is quite a different master than O!Ciel, so his attitude towards UT could be a product of that.
Alternatively, Undertaker’s response to R!Ciel’s requests may have to do with both his and Tanaka’s (seemingly) shared dislike of R!Ciel’s readiness to get stuck into his role as Earl (and, more importantly, Watchdog).
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Very glum faces, both. I’m very interested to see their dynamic and relationship going forward, how much their shared long history as people close to the Phantomhive family informs their actions and connection.
Anyway, it seems clear that neither man is thrilled to see R!Ciel jump into O!Ciel’s shoes, most likely because they know what the role entails, possibly because of what it means for O!Ciel, or a mix of both. Maybe they fear what R!Ciel will do, what his newfound power could cause, for himself and O!Ciel.
Undertaker, as we know, hates the Queen, the Watchdog duty she places on the young Phantomhive heir, and now R!Ciel has returned, to see him willingly take that burden and that tragic fate on his shoulders must rankle Undertaker as much as it did with O!Ciel.
It’s difficult to know what Tanaka is thinking. Perhaps he is concerned for O!Ciel, or wary of R!Ciel’s intent, or perhaps he shares Undertaker’s desire for the boys to free themselves of their duty and heritage and find happiness.
In any case, Undertaker dragging his heels and rebuffing R!Ciel’s requests come in stark contrast to his attitude towards O!Ciel back when he was still ‘just the undertaker’, and I’d be willing to bet it’s more than just “I just can’t be arsed, kid!”.
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