#Omar Mateen
johnmetalgear · 1 month
happy birthday
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Mira Lazine at LGBTQ Nation:
The Christian group Liberty Counsel, an SPLC-designated hate group, is using the 2016 shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, to promote conversion therapy, calling the shooting the “Great Redemption.” The 2016 shooting in the LGBTQ+ nightclub left 49 people dead. In a blog post published earlier this week, the organization describes the experiences of Pulse survivor Angel Colon, where they claim “our beautiful Savior both rescued and redeemed Angel that night.” “Angel has a ministry helping lead people out of the LGBTQ lifestyle. But that ministry is now at risk, thanks to city and state bans on Christian change counseling, as well as federal legislation that seeks to ban this lifesaving practice and ministries like Angel’s permanently” This refers to the group Fearless Identity, founded alongside fellow survivor Luis Javier Ruiz. It seeks to promote LGBTQ+ individuals embracing conversion therapy and leaving the community behind.
Liberty Counsel does not mention how Colon admitted already being conflicted about his identity before the shooting. The post describes the shooting from Colon’s perspective in great detail, saying shooter Omar Mateen “proceeded [to hunt] down bar patrons like ducks in a pen.” It then quotes an interview with Colon where he says, “I was petrified knowing I was next. I heard the shooter behind me, gauging his next move. That’s when I asked the Lord for forgiveness, to forgive me for failing Him, for turning my back on Him. I wanted to be at peace with God, but at that moment, my prayer changed to prophecy.” He continued, “I promised Him I would worship Him for the rest of my days. The very moment I said, ‘amen,’ I felt the bullet. Heat swelled through my abdomen, and I was certain I was dead. But when I opened my eyes, I knew the Lord spared me.”
[...] While the city was still mourning the victims of the attack, Colon and Ruiz set up a “Freedom March” five minutes away from the nightclub to encourage people to “overcome” being gay and trans. They wanted to “bring hope of deliverance to the LGBTQ community and point them toward Christ,” as Colon said to PinkNews. Ruiz and Colon claim that neither of them support conversion therapy and that they’re simply supporting people in their individual decisions to seek change. “We are not at all advocates for conversion therapy or shock therapy,” Ruiz said to NBC News. “We stand with the gay community, and our main message is about falling in love with Jesus, but if an LGBTQ person wanted to talk to a pastor or counselor, that’s a whole different story.”
Anti-LGBTQ+ extremist hate group Liberty Counsel has called the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting the “Great Redemption” in a blog post detailing Pulse survivor Angel Colon’s turn towards ex-gay advocacy by founding pro-conversion therapy group Fearless Identity with fellow ex-gay Pulse survivor Luis Javier Ruiz.
The post decried the Equality Act and bans on the medically unsound practice of “ex-gay” conversion therapy, and used the homophobic dogwhistle term “homosexual lifestyle” to describe Colon and Ruiz’s experiences.
See Also:
The Advocate: Two Pulse survivors are now 'ex-gays' running a conversion therapy organization
PinkNews: Christian group uses Pulse shooting anniversary to promote conversion therapy
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kiutotakulady · 9 months
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Goin on screenshots spree on the prince cause we all be fangirling at the office while sad 🤣
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ancestralsurvival · 5 months
If you were upset by deaths at the Pulse nightclub shooting but not by deaths at the Nova Music Festival, you’re an antisemitic hypocrite.
Not that it should matter because people are people, but, oh hey, look, Pulse shooter Omar Mateen said the mass shooting was his retaliation for a U.S. airstrike that killed, among others, IS militant Abu Waheeb.
Don’t like it when radicals hate governments and use that hate to hurt your community?
Then stop your own radicalization process. Stop hating. Everyone.
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nothorses · 1 year
About that "a trans man committing a mass shooting proves trans people really are the gender they identify as" post: women have committed mass shootings too? Okay it's a lot less statistically frequent, but it happens (as the song "I Don't Like Mondays" demonstrates). It reminds me of the time TERFs on Reddit assumed the woman who shot up the YouTube HQ in 2018 was trans, and then when she turned out to be cis, someone immediately speculated she was getting justified revenge on an abusive BF who worked there (though that comment got downvoted and may have been a troll)
I took this opportunity to look more into statistics around mass shooter demographics, and interestingly, there are a lot of myths tied up in this issue.
This article looks into a few studies and databases to investigate the "90% of all mass shooters are white men" myth, and finds that in actuality, "It really depends on what type of mass shooting you’re talking about. Several of the highest-profile mass shootings in recent memory [...] were committed by white males, such as the 2017 Las Vegas attack by Stephen Paddock. But much beyond that, the stereotype breaks down; Muslim man Omar Mateen killed forty-nine people at a Florida nightclub in 2016 on behalf of a terrorism group; white male Adam Lanza killed twenty-seven people in 2012 at an elementary school, though Asian student Seung-Hui Cho killed thirty-two people on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007. And so on."
This article fact-checks the gender-specific claims as well, in the context of trans people, and finds that there have been more claims that shooters are trans than can be reasonably substantiated, and that even this number is overshadowed by the number of cis women who have committed mass shootings.
I bring this up because I think the first article in particular brings a lot of much-needed nuance into the issue:
"The whites-are-overrepresented-among-mass-shooters meme does serve a useful purpose in that it helps displace another myth about mass shootings: that they’re most often perpetrated by angry immigrants from travel-banned countries, and that nothing is more dangerous to America that the scourge of Islamic terrorism. … These are worthy ends, but we shouldn’t have to build another myth to reach them.”
What are we saying when we talk about these kinds of incidents this way?
What I find interesting is that in a lot of these conversations around crime, we recognize that crime is often the result of poverty. Indeed, this study finds that the number of mass shootings increases in countries that experience an increase of income inequality.
We can also often recognize that these numbers are skewed because they rely on media coverage, arrests, and criminal charges; all of which are influenced by societal bias. The first article on mass shootings notes that, "mass shootings with white victims tend to get more attention, both from journalists and those on social media, than those with victims who are people of color. This is a well-known pattern and explains why the public is quicker to react to a missing young blonde girl than a missing young black girl."
Are white mass shooters covered more because their targets- being overwhelmingly people and institutions they have ties to- are also usually white?
If "white men are overrepresented as mass shooters" means white men are particularly dangerous and must be feared, what does this imply about other demographics overrepresented in certain crime statistics? What does it mean when we find this isn't true- is there suddenly just is not an issue of white cis male violence? I would certainly disagree.
And I think this gleeful claim that "trans men are proving their gender" by committing acts of violence- again, far more rare than cis women doing the same- only plays into these issues.
Is crime the result of entitlement and privileged anger, or is it the result of a broken system failing its citizens? Are cis men committing acts of extreme violence because they are all- regardless of race- whiny pissbabies who take joy in hurting others, or is this the result of a system that teaches men they can only express emotion through anger and violence? That human connection is not for them, and that needing things makes them unworthy of manhood, love, or even life?
I'm not saying we need to coddle and woobify mass shooters. I'm asking: is this an issue we fix by fearing and hating and wishing death on whole demographics of people based on how represented they are in criminal statistics, or can we make systemic and cultural changes that meaningfully prevent this from happening in the first place?
Do we condemn groups as Bad because some of them have done violence, or do we examine the causes and work toward meaningful solutions?
Obviously, trans men and trans people in general are not in any way "overrepresented" as perpetrators in mass shooting statistics. But I think the people reveling in any new trans male shooter are making it very clear that they don't care about solving problems; they're just interested in looking for reasons to hate, fear, and condemn this specific group of people they already dislike.
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morbidology · 7 months
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Eddie Justice's final messages to his mother serve as a chilling testament to the terror that unfolded within the confines of Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Huddled in the bathroom, Eddie sent frantic texts to his mother as Omar Mateen unleashed a senseless rampage in the early hours of June 12, 2016. Tragically, Eddie's desperate pleas for help were met with unimaginable violence as Mateen stormed into the bathroom and fatally shot him, adding to the staggering toll of 50 lives lost and over 50 others injured in the tragic massacre.
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fruityforsaari · 1 month
Mass Shooter's BMI's at or near the time of their crimes: (update)
This post serves as an update to my last post on the same subject, which had a few errors that needed to be corrected. My earlier post failed to include any sources which contributed to some of these inaccuracies. I have now provided where I have sourced the BMIs from at the bottom of the list.
Adam Lanza (lowest claim): 11.5
Adam Lanza: 15.2
William Atchison: 15.7
Devon Erickson: 15.8
Robert Crimo III: 16.7
Brenda Spencer: 17.0
Randy Stair: 17.1
Dylann Roof: 17.7
Dylan Klebold: 18.4
Elliot Rodger: 18.5
Nikolas Cruz: 18.8
Eric Harris: 20.3
Salvador Ramos: 20.5
Audrey Hale: 21.9
Travis Reinking: 21.9
Patrick Purdy: 22.2
Connor Sturgeon: 22.5
Alec McKinney: 23.0
Payton Gendron: 23.0
Mauricio Garcia: 23.6
Omar Mateen: 24.3
Devin Kelley: 25.1
Micah Johnson: 26.8
Christian Marper-Mercer: 27.2
Stephen Paddock: 27.4
Brenton Tarrant: 31.5
Nathan Gale: 31.8
Connor Betts: 32.1
Jeff Weise: 33.9
Bruce Pardo: 34.0
Adam Lanza: https://www.boston25news.com/news/fbi-docs-shed-disturbing-new-light-on-sandy-hook-killer-adam-lanza/629687169/ (claim)
Adam Lanza: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/22/nyregion/before-newtown-shootings-adam-lanzas-mental-problems-completely-untreated-report-says.html
Devon Erickson: https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/18th_Judicial_District/18th_Courts/2019CR451/Redated%20PC_Redacted.pdf
William Atchison: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/atchison,%20william_report.pdf (Willy was the only claim I couldn't verify, take it as you will)
Robert Crimo III: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/vrjost/wanted_poster_for_robert_e_crimo_iii_the_suspect/
Brenda Spencer: https://medium.com/the-wicked-truth/the-first-female-school-shooter-in-the-u-s-said-she-did-it-because-she-didnt-like-mondays-6a870c45b33a (previous source was multiple claims of height being 5’2” and weight being 85lbs.)
Randy Stair: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/stair_journal_1.0.pdf (self reported) (page 64)
Dylann Roof: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DYLANN-ROOF-JAIL-RECORDS.pdf (page 2)
Dylan Klebold: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/dylan_klebold_autopsy.pdf
Elliot Rodger: https://i.looksmax.org/attachments/2023/01/3260596_Elliot_Rodgers_autopsy_report.pdf (page 1)
Eric Harris: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/eric_harris_autopsy.pdf (page 2) (his weight was an estimation)
Nikolas Cruz: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/w4wttx/nikolas_cruz_police_report/#lightbox (found a better source)
Audrey Hale: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/hale,%20audrey_report.pdf (page 3)
Travis Reinking: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/sibd2x/the_crane_license_and_drivers_license_of/
Patrick Purdy: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/Purdy%20-%20official%20report.pdf
Connor Sturgeon: https://louisville-police.org/DocumentCenter/View/3643/23-103-Old-National-Bank-Shooting-Investigation---Redacted
Alec McKinney: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/1d46t09/the_updated_inmate_profiles_of_alec_mckinney_and/ (Only Alec McKinney though)
Payton Gendron: https://wealthyspy.com/payton-gendron/
Omar Mateen: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/mateen,%20omar_report.pdf (page 4)
Christian Harper-Mercer: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/wtl6ng/harpermercer_driver_license_harpermercer_would/
Brenton Tarrant: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/ox73st/brenton_tarrants_height_and_weight_as_at/
Nathan Gale: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/gale,%20nathan_report.pdf (page 3)
Connor Betts: https://www.scribd.com/document/517385637/Dayton-Shooting-Autopsy-Reports (page 11)
Jeff Weise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Lake_shootings
Bruce Pardo: https://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/pardo,%20bruce_report.pdf (page 4)
Paddock/Ramos/Garcia/Johnson/Kelley: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/17w444i/texas_dmv_records_for_several_shooters/
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“[Omar] Mateen married Ms Yusufiy, an estate agent whose family was originally from Uzbekistan, in April 2009, and it didn't take long for her to realise that her new husband was an abuser. In a classic pattern of controlling behaviour, he confiscated her salary and refused to allow her contact with her family; he was physically violent as well, once trying to choke her because she hadn't finished the laundry. After four months of abuse, Ms Yusufiy's parents realised what was going on, came down from New Jersey and had to physically wrest her from their son-in-law's arms as he tried to stop her leaving him.
Mateen's second wife was not so lucky. Noor Salman, whose Palestinian parents came to the US from the West Bank, was divorced after an arranged marriage that did not work out. She met Mateen on a dating site called Arab Lounge and married him at a mosque in Rodeo, California, in 2011. In another pattern familiar to experts on domestic abuse, he started attacking her when she became pregnant, punching her and threatening to hit her harder if she told anyone. After interviewing Ms Salman, the New York Times described the abuse she suffered in detail:
When [Mateen] became angry, he would start biting his lips and clenching his fists. In public, he also had a code word he used if she was doing something he didn't like. He would call her 'shar'. That was short for sharmuta - slut or whore in Arabic.
He would also pull her hair, something she has since learned he also did to his first wife. He choked her and threatened to kill her. He never said he was sorry. ‘He had no remorse,’ she said.
In this second marriage, unlike the first, Mateen had a hold over his wife: they had a child together and he threatened that he would get custody of their son if she tried to leave. On the night of the attack, she was in bed when he sent her a text message in the early hours, asking whether she knew what had happened. Hours later, the FBI came to the house and revealed that her husband was the perpetrator of the nightclub attack.
From the outset, the FBI suspected that Ms Salman knew about Mateen's plans in advance. Very unusually, in a development which exposes a failure by the American criminal justice system to understand how women are controlled by their abusers, she was charged with being her husband's accomplice and spent four months in jail awaiting trial. The prosecution case rested on a confession she signed following an interview which lasted almost twelve hours, carried out directly after the attack, when she was in a state of shock and wasn't represented by a lawyer. The FBI agents failed to tape the interview and a key prosecution claim, that Ms Salman had gone on a reconnaissance mission to the nightclub a few days before the attack, fell apart when phone records showed neither she nor her husband was anywhere near it on the day in question. She was tried on charges of obstruction of justice and of aiding and abetting her husband, a man she accused of beating, raping and imprisoning her in their home. In March 2018, not quite two years after the massacre, Ms Salman was acquitted on both counts. Like other widows of terrorists, she has been left with the task of bringing up her son on her own - and one day having to tell him why he doesn't have a father. While Mateen is rightly reviled as the perpetrator of the worst homophobic attack in American history, he was also a domestic tyrant who tried to compensate for gnawing feelings of inadequacy by beating up women in his own home.”
-Joan Smith, Home Grown: How Domestic Violence Turns Men Into Terrorists
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mortemhq · 4 months
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OF COURSE, ANON! sorry that this took so long. i just wanted to make sure i had a lot of suggestions for you! buckle up for a big list! i'd love to see: emma d'arcy, quintessa swindell, dua saleh, poppy liu, asia kate dillon, lizeth selene, emma corrin, janelle monae, yaya dacosta, liv hewson, celeste o'connor, zion moreno, aj clementine, jessie mei li, serena motola, mimi keene, nana komatsu, davika hoorne, chase sui wonders, maia reficco, chandler kinney, zaria simone, ayo edebiri, lola tung, anya chalotra, maggie q, benjamin bratt, jaz sinclair, laura harrier, zendaya, courtney eaton, hunter schafer, jessica henwick, medalion rahimi, simone ashley, khadijha red thunder, zion moreno, amita suman, olivia cooke, ella purnell, sophie thatcher, yasmin finney, rachel zegler, bruna marquezine, taylor russell, alisha boe, antonia gentry, ashley moore, naomi scott, natasha liu bordizzo, melis sezen, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, havana rose liu, amy adams, jessica alexander, grace van dien, danielle rose russell, sarah snook, adria arjona, ayo edebiri, bahar sahin, jasmin savoy brown, anne hathaway, michelle yeoh, anya taylor-joy, lucy liu, viola davis, ming na wen, sandra oh, gemma chan, maddie phillips, park sooyoung, jamie chung, tati gabrielle, sydney park, hoyeon jung, brittany o'grady, lily gladstone, savannah lee smith, nicola coughlan, greta onieogou, kylie verzosa, moon gayoung, madeleine madden, ni ni, alba flores, gugu mbatha raw, adeline rudolph, cierra ramirez, kiki layne, ryan destiny, zoey luna, lovie simone, blu hunt, park sooyoung, im jinah, samantha logan, tessa thompson, mint ranchwaree, yara shahidi, zorzo natharuetai, sobhita dhulipala, mookda narinrak, namtan tipnaree, nychaa nuttanicha, pat chayanit, nadine lustre, wawwa nicha, maris racal, ayca aysin turan, may calamawy, megan suri, banita sandhu, priscilla quintana, brianne tju, melis pamuk, camila mendes, demet ozdemir, sophia ali, bree kish, maddison bailey, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, archie renaux, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, freddy carter, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, josh o'connor, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoughan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson-cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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dear Americans
The Ku Klux Klan is estimated to have lynched more than 4,400 people just between the civil war and 1940. They are terrorists, and they are American.
Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL in 2016. he was born in New York. He was a terrorist, and he was American.
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols drove a truck full of explosives to a government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The resulting explosion killed 168 people and injured 680 more. They are terrorists, and they are American. In 1921, the United States fucking government armed white supremacists and basically hired them to massacre Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We still don't have exact numbers of the dead and injured, but we know it's at least 39 dead and more than 800 injured. The perpetrators were terrorists, and they were American.
Wade Michael Page: 6 dead.
Frazier Glenn Miller: 3 dead.
Dylann Roof: 9 dead.
James Alex Fields: 1 dead.
Patrick Crusius: 23 dead.
Payton Gendron: 10 dead.
John Allen Williams: 17 dead.
All terrorists, and all Americans.
If you honestly fucking believe that sharing a country with terrorists makes you and everyone you've ever known deserving of death, and use this logic to justify the genocide of Palestinians...
Feel free to put your money where your mouth is and go first.
Even if you believe every single member of Hamas is on par with the KKK, which just factually is not true, you still have no fucking ground to stand on. Shut up.
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johnmetalgear · 2 months
RIP to the doraemon nightlight that has been serving my room for 4 years
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confessxcrush4tcc · 3 days
i want Omar Mateen to come home blackout drunk and beat the shit out of me.. then when he realizes what he’s doing he starts crying and softly whispers comforting words in my ears while holding me tightly😭😭
confession 631
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liveleeks · 11 months
elaborating on what i mean by supporting a killers nazi/alt right beliefs:
posting about / defending / being a fan of explicit alt right killers like dylann roof, omar mateen, or any other killer where the crime was directly rooted in the hate of minorities.
if killers have "passive" alt right beliefs, or the crime isnt directly linked (ie dylan and eric doing shit to be edgy, richard ramirez hating gay ppl, stuff like that) im fine with it as long as you're not glorifying it / posting actual swastikas.
if its historical killers having beliefs / saying stuff with the popular beliefs at the time (like dylan and eric saying faggot), im fine with it. again as long as you don't think theyre right.
if its debatable if they actually carried those beliefs (like dylan and eric drawing swastikas possibly to be edgy), im also cool (again as long as you're normal and dont post them).
in general im pretty leinent but if you make me see dylan roofs ugly ass face im blocking you bye!
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unhallowedfm · 21 days
mw male fcs
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YES, OF COURSE, ANON! i'd love to see avan jogia, christopher briney, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, aron piper, archie renaux, seo kang joon, cody christian, sean teale, david castaneda, darren barnet, aramis knight, nicholas galitzine, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, jonathan bailey, keith powers, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, lucien laviscount, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, jacob elordi, freddy carter, jacob anderson, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoghan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, alex fitzalan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, edward bluemel, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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brittanishqs · 29 days
mw fcs
get  ready  because  the  list  is  long:  emma  d'arcy,  quintessa  swindell,  dua  saleh,  poppy  liu,  asia  kate  dillon,  lizeth  selene,  emma  corrin,  janelle  monae,  yaya  dacosta,  liv  hewson,  celeste  o'connor,  zion  moreno,  aj  clementine,  jessie  mei  li,  serena  motola,  mimi  keene,  nana  komatsu,  davika  hoorne,  chase  sui  wonders,  maia  reficco,  chandler  kinney,  zaria  simone,  ayo  edebiri,  lola  tung,  anya  chalotra,  maggie  q,  benjamin  bratt,  jaz  sinclair,  laura  harrier,  zendaya,  courtney  eaton,  hunter  schafer,  jessica  henwick,  medalion  rahimi,  simone  ashley,  khadijha  red  thunder,  zion  moreno,  amita  suman,  olivia  cooke,  ella  purnell,  sophie  thatcher,  yasmin  finney,  rachel  zegler,  bruna  marquezine,  taylor  russell,  alisha  boe,  antonia  gentry,  ashley  moore,  naomi  scott,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  melis  sezen,  hande  ercel,  aslihan  malbora,  havana  rose  liu,  amy  adams,  jessica  alexander,  grace  van  dien,  danielle  rose  russell,  sarah  snook,  adria  arjona,  ayo  edebiri,  bahar  sahin,  jasmin  savoy  brown,  anne  hathaway,  michelle  yeoh,  anya  taylor-joy,  lucy  liu,  viola  davis,  ming  na  wen,  sandra  oh,  gemma  chan,  maddie  phillips,  park  sooyoung,  jamie  chung,  tati  gabrielle,  sydney  park,  hoyeon  jung,  brittany  o'grady,  lily  gladstone,  savannah  lee  smith,  nicola  coughlan,  greta  onieogou,  kylie  verzosa,  moon  gayoung,  madeleine  madden,  ni  ni,  alba  flores,  gugu  mbatha  raw,  adeline  rudolph,  cierra  ramirez,  kiki  layne,  ryan  destiny,  zoey  luna,  lovie  simone,  blu  hunt,  park  sooyoung,  im  jinah,  samantha  logan,  tessa  thompson,  mint  ranchwaree,  yara  shahidi,  zorzo  natharuetai,  sobhita  dhulipala,  mookda  narinrak,  namtan  tipnaree,  nychaa  nuttanicha,  pat  chayanit,  nadine  lustre,  wawwa  nicha,  maris  racal,  ayca  aysin  turan,  may  calamawy,  megan  suri,  banita  sandhu,  priscilla  quintana,  brianne  tju,  melis  pamuk,  camila  mendes,  demet  ozdemir,  sophia  ali,  bree  kish,  maddison  bailey,  jeremy  allen  white,  tamino  amir,  mena  massoud,  archie  renaux,  evan  mock,  dev  patel,  taylor  zakhar  perez,  tommy  martinez,  maxence  danet  fauvel,  rege  jean  page,  kiowa  gordon,  d'pharaoh  woon-a-tai,  derek  luh,  apo  nattawin,  tom  blyth,  freddy  carter,  deniz  can  aktas,  emre  bey,  ilhan  sen,  josh  o'connor,  mike  faist,  joseph  quinn,  manny  jacinto,  callum  turner,  alex  landi,  barry  keoughan,  paul  mescal,  rami  malek,  simone  baldasseroni,  woo  do  hwan,  yahya  abdul  mateen  ii,  mason  gooding,  cody  christian,  michael  evans  behling,  jordan  gonzalez,  drew  ray  tanner,  ito  hideaki,  peter  gadiot,  gong  yoo,  michael  b  jordan,  hugh  dancy,  ben  whishaw,  swann  arlaud,  froy  gutierrez,  alex  meraz,  emilio  sakraya,  rahul  kohli,  oscar  isaac,  peter  gadiot,  jonathan  daviss,  danny  ramirez,  kento  yamazaki,  omar  sy,  cillian  murphy,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  brian  michael  smith,  idris  elba,  william  jackson  harper,  lewis  tan.
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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How Do These Celebs SIZE Up?
Do you ever wonder which celebrities have the biggest and smallest penises in Hollywood? Well today you’re in luck! Here at Mr. Man we love penises of all shapes and sizes, and we’re celebrating the delish diversity of dongage with the 20 biggest celebrity growers and showers! Only A-listers actors made the cut (or uncut!) and the results have been verified by our dedicated team of guy-ientists. Those are guy scientists for you non-academics. Hit the list below to check out the sexy celebrities with the biggest and smallest penises in Hollywood!
Watchmen star Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is one of the most well-endowed men in Hollywood, according to a list compiled by Mr. Man, a database for male celebrity nude scenes.  The Emmy-award winning actor who can also be seen in the Netflix historical legal drama The Trial of the Chicago 7, is included in “Hollywood Showers” list. “During this award season, we thought it would be fun to recognize the actors who dare to bare all,” says Phil Henricks, an executive at Mr. Man.  “We didn’t feel the need to hand out trophies as these men have already been gifted with the best prizes of all.”
The experts at Mr. Man were satisfied as well. , they chose him among their 10 “Showers” in Tinseltown.  Viggo Mortensen, Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell, and Ewan McGregor also make the well-hung club.
Michael Fassbender, best known for his starring role in the X-Men films, appears on the list for his full-frontal scene in the 2011 film, Shame.  “The German race car driver turned actor is probably not as well known in America as the other men on our list,” reflects Henricks. “But judging from the impression that he made on our team, he should be.”
Among the Growers list are Tom Cruise who appeared nude in 1983’s All the Right Moves, Jude Law from 1999’s The Talented Mr. Ripley, Leonardo DiCaprio in 1995’s Total Eclipse and Tom Hardy who bared all in 2008’s Bronson.  “We applaud the Growers, too,” says Henricks.  “At Mr. Man, we appreciate all shapes and sizes.”
#1: Ben Affleck
It’s no secret that Ben Affleck is one of the sexiest men in the biz we call show. But did you know that the real-life DILF has the biggest penis in Hollywood? It’s true. He surpasses even the legendary Michael Fassbender (who seemingly fluffed for his Shame role). For a look at what Ben is packing, check out his massive member in Gone Girl. Ben there, hung that!
#2: Michael Fassbender
Michael Fassbender’s legendary cock has received ample time in front of the camera thanks to his brazen full-frontal performances. Michael really put other actors to shame in, well, Shame, when he flaunted his huge swinging penis. Raise your hand if you want more Fassbender dick!
#3: Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
The talented and sexy actor Yahya Abdul-Mateen II em-bawdy-ies Watchmen’s Dr. Manhattan like no other man can. He lends his perfect, thick penis to the role of the famously naked Dr. Manhattan in multiple mouthwatering scenes. Do we like seeing him naked? Um, Ya...hya.
#4: Liam Neeson
We’re Taken… by Liam Neeson’s cock! Now we know where the horse-hung Irish actor gets his swagger from. Liam Neeson’s full frontal scene goes down in Under Suspicion, when he makes a mad dash across a lawn with his thigh-slapper on full display. Just… wow.
#5: Ewan McGregor
Ewan McGregor is one of the nudest actors in Hollywood, with over a half dozen frontal performances under his rarely-there belt. And with his impressive package in Young Adam, this sexpot is an example of quality and quantity! When it comes to Ewan, we all win.
#6: Omar Epps
Omar God! Omar Epps is definitely an actor who we want to see more nudity from. But at least he blessed us with a great frontal nude scene in Conviction. We’re convinced that he’s one of the most well-endowed actors in Hollywood!
#7: Viggo Mortensen
Viggo Mortensen has delivered decades of dudity, first showing off his thick penis in 1991’s The Indian Runner, and most recently in 2016’s Captain Fantastic. That cock? Fantastic!
#8: Antonio Banderas
Many fans might not know that Zorro himself is packing an impressive sword. Antonio was just a twink when he showed off his genuinely thick sausage in 1982’s False Eyelash! And don’t get us started on that sexy au naturel bush. Just don’t okay.
#9: Colin Farrell
A man with a dashingly handsome face, dreamy eyes, perfectly toned bod, and an extra long dong might seem too good to be true. But that’s exactly what you get with Colin Farrell! Porn fans can check out his sizable soapy cock in Triage.
#10: Justin Theroux
My man’s lingerie? Grey sweatpants. Justin Theroux made headlines for his bobbing bulge in The Leftovers, but to see what he’s actually packing, check out Justin’s impressive frontal shot in Eight Inches Under. We mean, Six Feet Under!
#11: Robert De Niro
The legendary actor Robert De Niro was about as studly as they came when he was a young Hollywood hotshot. We think that his sexy cock, as seen in the Bernardo Bertolucci movie 1900, might contribute to his confidence.
#12: Harvey Keitel
This accomplished actor made a name for himself with his brazen nude performances. You can peep Harvey's hog in unforgettable scenes in Bad Lieutenant, The Piano, Ulysses’ Gaze, and more!
#13: Alexander Skarsgård
Arguably the hottest member of the Skarsgård dy-nasty isn’t afraid to serve up his Swedish sausage. Alexander shocked audiences by delivering full frontal nudity in a True Blood scene that’s straight fire.
#14: Daniel Craig
If you look up “daddy" in the dictionary, you won’t find a picture of Daniel Craig. That’s not how dictionaries work. But if you check him out in Love is the Devil, you will see one of the hottest daddy cocks in Hollywood when he lets it all hang out in the tub!
#15: Richard Gere
Richard Gere proves that it’s not the size that matters, it’s how you use it. The retro heartthrob bravely bared his bits in the aptly named movie American Gigolo. Now that’s what we call kicking things into high Gere!
#16: Tom Hardy
This British babe loves showing off his pint-sized package to anyone and everyone. Shia LaBeouf even claimed that he and Tom once wrestled fully naked! Tom Hardy boldly bares it all in some of the most memorable nude titles here at Mr. Man, like Colditz and Bronson. Hardy will leave you hard!
#17: Tom Cruise
Now we know why things didn’t work out with Katie! Throughout his career Tom Cruise tried his best to hide his package from the camera, but in 1983’s All the Right Moves, he briefly slipped audiences his Cruise missile. Tom’s nudity has us jumping (on the couch) for joy!
#18: Jude Law
Jude Law was every gay boy’s crush in the ’90s, but many people don’t know that he showed off his goods on screen. Jude Law’s best penis shot can be found in the homoerotic The Talented Mr. Ripley. With a face like that, does penis size matter… like at all?
#19: Leonardo DiCaprio
Back when he was a mere twink, industry favorite Leonardo DiCaprio delivered a surprising frontal scene in Total Eclipse. He was only twenty-years-old when he showed his fun-size cock and balls while standing on a roof fully naked! See, you can be a ladies man, even without the gland.
#20: Terrence Howard
We’re certain that he’s simply a grower and not a show-er, but that didn’t stop audiences from commenting on the shocking size of Terrence Howard's penis as seen in Get Rich or Die Tryin’. Maybe in Terryology (Howard’s unproven math theory) three inches equals a foot!
Mr. Man is an adult entertainment website and database of male nude and sexually explicit scenes from mainstream movies and TV.  It launched in 2013, 14 years after its parent site, Mr. Skin.  Its collection includes more than 8,000 stars, 90,000 photos and video clips and a vast selection of curated films and TV shows in full HD video.
You can watch every scene now with a FREE Mr. Man account!
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