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keqing-addict · 10 months ago
Talking rings and talking cradles
I wish I could un-recall
How we almost had it all
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- loml, Taylor swift, the tortured poets department
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snicketbae · 2 years ago
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my contribution to @asouefanworkevent! some Olivia/Jacques for @accidentallylita 🥰 I imagined this to be a brief moment of downtime shortly after they met... and shortly before things went sideways.
hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun!
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acacia-may · 2 years ago
(Spoilers for ASOUE Netflix ahead and some book spoilers as well)
So I am absolutely loving these asks about [Netflix] Jacques and Olivia (Thank you so much, friends! 💖), but I feel bad for my anon-friends because I am sensing a sort of hesitant, nervous, making-sure-we-all-know-this-is-for-NETFLIX-Jacques x Olivia-so-this-ask-is-justified kind of energy which I can completely understand given the circumstances, however, I am the absolute last person who would ever, ever, a whole page of 'ever's judge anybody about this ship in particular. 😅 (Or maybe I'm off base here, and my anon-friends just really, really don't like the idea of Book Jacques x Book Olivia and want to be sure to differentiate? Which is a fair point too!)
Regardless, I feel it is time to come to come clean with you all about me, Jacques Snicket, and Olivia Caliban...
Jacques x Olivia was my ASOUE crackship before the Netflix series was released!
Maybe it was the drama™️ of it all? (A/N: Gotta love that sweet, sweet angst) Or this feeling I got while reading The Carnivorous Carnival that they had history maybe as good friends, maybe as something more, who knows? (A/N: It's the vibes) Maybe I took one (1) specific line from Olivia's whole 'confession' sequence in TCC, ran with it to the hinterlands of my mind and created an angsty betrayal subplot that had no business existing in the first place? (A/N: I did. I did do this. Pretty sure it was L.S.'s intention, right? Just kidding…) Whatever the reason (A/N: those are all the reasons, literally in the preceding sentences), I crack-shipped this for years prior to Netflix, and I will present the following texts from an exchange with my sister "Jackalope" (A/N: her nickname is a meme-y reference to ASOUE actually) as evidence that I was on board for this ship all the way back in the dark ages of February of 2018 when the trailer for Season 2 dropped...
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(A/N: My sisters and I took these screenshots at the time & saved them as proof of this phenomenon so I was able to find them more easily that you might think 😅)
And well, my friends, (as I'm sure we all know), I am happy to say he did so much more than just sit in that car with her...
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(Image from Shipping Wiki which I didn't know was a thing until just now! Glad that Jacques x Olivia is included there 💕 Image brightened up/edited by me)
After both of my sisters teased me mercilessly about even entertaining the possibility of Jacques and Olivia as a crackship, I cannot express to you my utter joy and delight in watching their Netflix counterparts fall deeply in love and be given this incredible romance storyline! I was so blessed and so vindicated, and I literally screamed when the kiss happened. Meanwhile, my sisters were watching in total shock like "I can't believe you actually predicted this!" 😂 We literally had to pause the episode after the kiss because everyone in the room just needed a moment to collect themselves (myself included).
All of this said, I promise I really do see Netflix Jacques x Netflix Olivia as a completely separate relationship (which I do actually ship to the highest, OTP levels). I am happy to report, however, that though Book Jacques and Book Olivia will always be a total crackship, my sisters did eventually concede it to me and never teased me about it again. And that is just how the story goes, folks. 😁
[A/N: Other fun facts about me, my ASOUE Book Series OTP is Dewey/Kit so as you can imagine, the Netflix series was a very, very good time for me overall, but that is, perhaps, a story for another time...]
TL;DR: I am the real Madame Lulu, and my inbox is always open to discuss any and all iterations of the Jacques Snicket x Olivia Caliban ship no explanation or specifications needed. (A/N: Of course, if you'd like to specify, that is welcomed and up to you. Just letting you all know this ship will never need to be defended or justified to me. We're all friends here 💖). Cheers, associates! 😁
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keqing-addict · 10 months ago
They are soulmates
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Jacques Snicket & Olivia Caliban in season 2 of A Series of Unfortunate Events.
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deadthehype · 7 months ago
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100m Finals Paris Olympics 2024
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mothemoiselle · 1 year ago
not to be feral on main but i want to bite dr ratio in his slutty little side cutouts
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synoname-wordsmith · 1 year ago
Sleepless Nights and Broken Jars
Sanji x reader
Summary: cooking for a crew of your size was a handful, and you were determined to take some of that stress out of Sanji's hands. But what happens when sleep deprivation and close proximity to the man you love start to mix?
Warning: some angst, slight description of panic attack, mention of blood, no smutt just kissing, smoking, as always if I miss any lmk
your hammock swayed back and forth, begging you to lull back to sleep. you checked your watch and sighed at 4 AM. you had been staring at the ceiling for 45 minutes now, and it was becoming clear that you were not going to get any more sleep tonight.
you moved into a sitting position and then threw your feet over the edge of the hammock. once up, you tossed on a sweater and tip toed out of your shared room in an effort to not wake those lucky enough to get a full night's rest.
you made your way to the kitchen of the Going Merry, figuring a cup of tea might sweeten your soured mood. you were surprised to see the light already pooling through the small kitchen window. assuming it was Sanji was a safe bet, but being up this early was early, even for a cook.
you gently knocked on the door and let yourself in. Sanji was indeed there, facing away from the door over a pot of something on the stove. he turned to face you as you entered and smiled at the sight of you.
"Hey love, what's got you up at this hour?"
"i could ask you the same thing," you respond while making your way over the herb closet. Sanji watched you as you pulled out your desired ingredients and a tea steeper. "Be a dear and put the kettle on for me?" you asked with a light smile.
"Of course," and with that, you sat down with a mug and waited for the water to boil. "You never answered my question," Sanji spoke after a moment. you shrugged.
"Couldn't sleep, you?"
"i'm always up this early, dear. Food doesn't prep itself." You looked up at him quickly.
"You get up at 4 AM to prep every day?!" You couldn't hide the surprise in your voice. "breakfast isnt til 9. That's 5 hours. It takes that much time to prep breakfast?"
he smiled at your exasperation, "Actually, im usually in here by 3ish, and no, i prep for all meals and snacks this early."
"damn, that is dedication if i've seen it," you chuckled, then got up to grab the now steaming kettle.
"No, stay. i got it. " Sanji moved to the kettle and back to you, pouring the water into your mug. you thanked him with a smile. "it really doesn't bother me. I like doing it. Plus, this way, there is less to do between meals."
"Are all chefs this crazy?" you joked, reaching out for the mug as Sanji slid it towards you. your hand briefly met his, and your breath hitched. he pulled his hand away quickly after.
you don't know exactly when your feeling for Sanji crossed into genuine feelings from friends who flirted a little too much, but they did, and it was getting harder to pretend everything was still casual. the pet names, the little touches, the way his blue eyes seemed to see you, the real you; they caused you to lose your breath and the butterflies to come alive. you tried pulling away, hoping the distance would calm your ever beating heart, but you found yourself pulled back in almost instinctively. like two magnets. It was hard to fight.
he cleared his throat. "Only the really good ones," you laughed.
"and we all know you are the best." his face lit up at that. You found yourself staring as his smile reached his eyes. you pulled your gaze away and stood up a little too quickly. you walked over the aprons hanging on the wall, pulled one on, then tied your hair off your face.
"Hun, what are you doing?" You glanced at him as you washed and dried your hands. then pulled out an extra cutting board and a few knives.
"what does it look like, im helping" you pulled the bag of carrots over to you and read the scratchy handwriting from his notebook; '2 cup finely cut carrots, 2lb carrot peeled and cut olique'. "Unless you think the cafe my family ran is inferior training and that i can't keep up with you and your pretentious recipes." you said lightly, half joking and half asking for permission. he let out a breathy laugh.
"Of course i dont think that love, but you really should get some more sleep"
you picked up a chefs knife, "sleep eluded me long before i wandered in her Sanji. At least this way, i could pass the time." he playfully sighed again and turned back to the stove. there was no sound for a few moments save for the tack tack tack of your knife on the wooded board.
"Wait, did you call me pretentious? " he broke the silence, and you let out a genuine laugh.
"No, i called your recipes pretentious," he playfully swatted at your arm as you fell back into a comfortable silence.
you and Sanji finished most of the prep by 8:00, and you left him to assemble breakfast on his own. you had worked in comfortable silence for the most part other than the few questions from you or critiques from him. you would never admit that your skills were a little rusty, especially compared to Sanji, who moved through the kitchen like it was a choreographed dance. his motions were fluid and almost artful as he bounced from pot to cutting board to fridge to table. it was hard not to stare, and you felt your cheeks heat up a few times as your eyes wandered from his hands to the muscles in his exposed forearms. you felt like a child with a crush.
after cleaning your workspace, you wandered back to your room with the goal of changing and starting your research on the nearing islands for Nami. however, against your better judgment, you had fallen asleep. That's how you found yourself in the map room long after everyone else had retired to bed.
with a stiff back and a neck begging you to change positions you stood up. deeming your work satisfactory for the day you made your way out of the room and to the deck. the cool summer air hit you as you inhaled the smell of the ocean. slipping your eyes closed, you leaned forward on the railing, enjoying the moment. you heard foot falls approaching but didn't open your eyes until the smell of tobacco tickled your nose.
you expected Sanji to be beside you, but you weren't prepared for him to be leaning against the railing looking at you. his blue eyes scanned you and moved to meet your own eyes. the look in them was something you couldn't describe, something you've never seen from him.
"What?" you asked almost sheepish. it felt like he was seeing through you again. like you had no place to hide.
"Just admiring the beauty before me, love." You scoffed and rolled your eyes
"Doesn't your teeth hurt from all that sweet-talking?" You both laughed and fell into silence again. "What are you up to right now?" you asked, turning back to the waves.
"Quick break before heading back to work." he turned to face the water as well. you turned to look at him
"Sanji, it's 11:30" he hummed in response. "When do you sleep?"
he exhaled a light laugh. "Don't worry about me, love i sleep plenty."
"When?" You shot back a little harsher than you meant to. He took a long inhale. it felt like he was taking his time on purpose, holding smoke in his lungs so he doesn't have to answer. "Up at 2, still working at midnight, making snacks all day. Sanji, that isn't sustainable. you're going to make yourself sick."
"Will you nurse me back to health?" he smirked.
"Sanji, i'm not kidding!" he stilled at that. his face falling blank. you took a breath and tried to control your tone "Sanji if you need help, you're allowed to ask." his hand hovered by his face, cigarette almost at his lips. he didn't say anything, maybe he didn't know what to. "You can still be the creative genius, but an extra set of hands to make the prep go faster, isn't you failing." he ashed his cigarette as his eyes watched you intently. "especially when Luffy's appetite is that of 10 men." he chuckled
"i'm sure you're right, love, you usually are"
"how 'bout this, i will be your junior chef for one week, if it works: great, if not: i will leave you to your insanity and even take care of you when you inevitable make yourself ill" he took one last drag and flicked his cigarette into the ocean.
"darling, if you wanted to spend more time with me, you could have just asked." You ignored the quickening of your heart and hoped it was too dark for him to see the blush on your face.
"That doesn't sound like a no," you breathed. you hadn't noticed, but during your lecture, you had drifted closer to each other. both leaning against the railing facing each other, your hands could almost touch. he was looking at you again. seeing through you. your heart quickened. you could smell the tobacco on his breath and see the shades of blue in his eye. he held your gaze as if trying to communicate something to you, something he was afraid to say out loud.
"it wasn't," he whispered. he reached his fingers out and brushed them against your own. you felt like you couldn't breathe. the silence was suffocating and electric as his eyes darted to your lips and back to your eyes. you looked away from him and cleared your throat.
"we should probably get to the kitchen then." You glanced back at him, but he wasn't facing you anymore. he had turned away and faced the ocean again. "or neither of us will be sleeping tonight," he pulled out another cigarette.
"Go ahead hun', i'll catch up. " You watched him flick his lighter. you turned towards the kitchen and hurried through the door.
'So stupid,' you thought as you grabbed an apron and washed your hands.' You couldn't just let him kiss you. You had to pull away and make everything awkward.' You felt like you were going to pass out. face flush and hands shook as you held your knife. you tried to even breathe as your mind ran a mile a minute. it's not as if you haven't thought about kissing Sanji before, you had; allot. and you wondered what he would be like as a significant other, but you were scared. You knew you were. you were terrified that you were just the flavor of the month. that Sanji was more interested in the chase, and as soon as he got you, he would grow bored.
you didn't think you had low self-esteem, but a guy like that could have anyone he wanted, and you had seen him get them. Man or women, once he set his sights on someone. Docking in little towns and picking up beautiful people in bars, boarding the ship in the early hours of the morning with hair a mess and shirt unbuttoned. you couldn't convince yourself that he wasn't just interested in you because of close proximity. and you couldn't open your heart to that. You couldn't handle when he inveterately left for something better, newer, more interesting. you tossed cut vegetables into a bowl with oil and seasoning.
the kitchen door opened, and Sanji walked to the sink and started washing his hands. you tried to get your racing heart and running thoughts under control as he stood beside you silently.
"What are you doing?" You turned and smiled at him, an attempt to seem unrattled.
"i was going to roast the vegetables for the soup puree." he nodded and disappeared into the walk-in cooler. you released a breath you didn't know you were holding and turned back to the notebook, then moved to opened a cabinet. not finding what you were looking for, you moved to close the door and turn towards the pantry closet. unbeknownst to you, Sanji had come behind you juggling more than a few ingredients. you didn't have time to react before you collided and felt yourself connect with the ground.
pain shot through your head as jars and produce tumbled to the ground. your hands flew up to the side of your head as you heard Sanji crouch down beside you. he swore under his breath as your eyes stayed tightly shut, focusing on breathing through the sharp pain.
"Hun, i'm so sorry. Let me see." he took your hands in both of his and gently moved them out of the way. "Just a scratch," he breathed out, the relief prominent in his voice. the initial pain was starting to subside, but you kept your eyes closed in an attempt to keep hot tears at bay.
"i'm sorry," you whispered, pulling your hands from his and covering your eyes this time. everything felt like too much all at once, sleep deprivation, the charged moment outside, the racing thoughts you had moments ago, the pain now. it all came to a catalyst, and what little control you had on your emotions was unraveling.
"Darling, what for?" You leaned back and felt the cupboard support your weight, tears finally escaping." Hey, hey, hey, look at me. What's going on? " he reached for your hands again, but you turned away from him.
"i can't keep doing this." You were trying to level your breathing, but you felt more and more of your emotions spilling out. months of bottling it up finally caught up to you.
"Doing what, dear? i know i should have said behind and im so sorry you are in pain right now, but thats no reason to give up in the kitchen completely" he reached out again and this time you let him rest his hands on your shoulders, what did it matter you were already a mess.
"No! i can't keep pretending around you. the things you say, the way you brush up against me when you pass by. the flirting, god the flirting" you were all but hyperventilating now. "it's killing me, and i feel so stupid for catching feelings like i didn't know who you were, that this wasn't a game you played to pass the time-" you couldn't get anymore words out and you just sat there defeated and sobbing.
you felt Sanji's arms wrap around you, and he pulled you against his chest. he didn't say anything, but he held you while you shook in his arms and attempted to regain control of yourself. eventually, your breathing leveled out, and you lay still against him, face pressed to his chest as he moved his hand up and down your back.
you didn't want to move. If you pulled away, you would have to face him, and facing him meant everything you had created together over the last few months was gone. you did, though. You moved away from his embrace and wiped your eyes. you could feel him looking at you, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes.
"im going to go." You stood up, but before you could turn away, he grabbed your wrist. "Sanji, please, I dont want to talk about this right now." You tried to pull away, but his grip tightened. "Sanji-"
"you're bleeding" you stood and watched as he stood up too "let me at least clean up your face" you didn't have the energy to argue and let him guide you to the table. you sat in silence as he kneeled on the floor in front of you and dabbed an alcohol swab on your cut. you winced on contact, and his free hand came up to the side of your face to gently hold you still. "im sorry." You broke the silence, the suffocating silence that made you want to scream.
"You've said that." He didn't take his eyes off his task. in a different circumstance, you would have watched his concentration in admiration and tried to memorize the curve of his jaw or the way his hand felt on your cheek. but now you couldn't bear to look at him.
"i never meant to melt down like that, i just didn't know how to tell you without ruining the friendship we built" he put the bandage on you and sighed, leaning back on his legs. neither of you made any move to get up, and silence fell over you again. you were too dejected to fill it this time. You resolved to just drown in it.
"Do you really think so little of me?" You looked up from the cuticles you were picking at to find Sanji also looking at his hands. His hair had fallen in his face as he talked. "That im some careless philanderer with no regard for your feelings?"
"No, of course not," you defended, "but the way you flirt in bars, i just... i dont see how im special, " his head snapped up.
"Of course you are special. You are the most interesting and beautiful person i have ever met. nothing i have ever said to you was a lie. i meant it all"
"But all those one-night stands? if i'm so special, why are you chasing strangers?" You felt yourself choking up again and knew if he kept pressing the matter, you would fall apart again.
"Honestly?" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Feeble attempts to forget about you. i thought i could move on, that i could get past the way i felt. " he looked up at you finally. your lip started to tremble at his words and you tried to take a deep breath "hey, hey" he leaned forward and placed both his hands on either side of your face "none of that love"
"i can't - how am i supposed to trust that you won't get bored?"
"Nothing i did could make me change the way i feel about you, the way i need you. i thought i knew what love was, but from the moment i first met you, i knew that was it. it is so scary to be so affected by you" maybe it was the lack of sleep or the throbbing in your head, but your body moved before you could think and you connected your lips to his.
for a moment, he didn't move, startled by your action. but in an instant, he was kissing you back. he pulled you closer against him, and your hands grasped at the fabric of his shirt. you pulled away for air, but just as quickly, he pulled you back in. hands moving to your waist, he pulled you impossibly closer as your hands found their way to his hair. he deepened the kiss, and you felt like you were on fire. nothing you had imagined was as good as this and none of the little touches you had shared before compared to the electricity flowing through you now.
when you both finally stopped, he leaned his forehead against yours, and you could feel his smile.
"i am sorry i ever made you doubt how i feel about you. Please let me spend a lifetime making it up to you." You kissed him again and pulled away breathless.
"There is nothing i want more"
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444names · 1 year ago
Aaeaeaea Aaeeastia Aarte Abapine Abasia Abija Abinar Abine Abnon Abnovick Abriang Abrulie Absone Acque Actrin Adalo Adame Aeaaeia Aeeaiseds Aeiaaeae Aeieaeeae Aeierich Agafoklia Agafoniea Agafonted Agafor Agalette Agaps Agark Agattra Agaétine Aieaeaine Aieaeea Aieai Aienow Aille Ainaulde Albely Alber Alberene Alerhail Alilethie Aloïc Alémine Ambov Amonera Anadicka Aname Anatanyan Ancene Andreck Andriyand Anerecard Anewor Anifey Anluboya Ançoin Ariciaae Athilik Athéo Auded Aurey Avakiy Avale Avdan Avdia Avdie Avdimir Avdoine Avelly Avely Averry Aveslavto Avgalin Avguel Avgues Avgustja Avguy Avicia Avida Avieu Avirène Avitte Avivakt Avivy Aviya Avreean Avreia Avren Avrobie Avsevip Avsip Avtop Avvals Avvann...
Bagafone Benton Berickay Bette Blomiely Blouist Boarn Boral Borko Bormarko Bouilde Branmir Bratim Briana Brielie Briotr Bropline Camvre Castim Caulah Caura Caure Chapit Charoline Chaël Chole Christ Chrit Chèley Claeaeai Comich Comikl Conotr Conoémick Couistine Culick Cyrikatim Cyring Cécie Célistame Dandel Danie Danne Danya Danyant Darink Dastosé Denisea Derry Dikay Dikire Dimurine Dmikir Dress Dylva Eaaeaae Eaarai Eaariei Eaeaean Eaearna Eaeed Eaeiae Eaette Eanamel Eantis Eançois Eeainique Eiafand Eiames Eiane Eiang Eieaaeang Eieeaaea Ekaty Eline Ellen Emadd Emant Emargist Embeck Emmarant Emyrie Entiaa Eximone Fabate Fabuts Fançoinna Foradan Foriya Françoine Frarieu Frate Fratong Frégorkov Futurosen Gafon Gapiotr Garchrit Genadd Gencil Genien Genée Geone Georea Gerin Gestja Geting Gilaury Gilydim Gitefa Glaude Gnikarine Gnique Gorieai Grier Grélènere Gusta Géloman Gérèseed Haieaei Hathine Heliquele Helle Hempter Herna Hichery Hieiae Hilasimon Homarko Hosing Ifert Ilbenty Illie Irgainia Irgenid Isabas Isanote Itelyne Ivatel Jeaae Jeaea Jeaeaa Jeaean Jeaee Jeaie Jeana Josenne Jostim Julay Julericha Karts Katore Lacculieu Laccullo Laien Lance Larted Lavieae Laymorky Leande Libiniera Lieande Likiya Lingen Lislavda Litanatte Lowse Luboya Lucanna Lucing Ludie Ludinicka Ludiya Léançoink Lémir Magafora Magap Mance Manicka Manique Mapita Mapittas Maramirie Marche Marchriat Marierre Mascupie Masimue Matone Matram Matted Mauded Megorgy Metiv Milen Minera Minis Miradiy Mirorgy Molaude Monotr Muely Muethie Mélina Nasily Nathely Natosinka Natya Nichali Nichric Nikha Nique Nomides Noémill Nuelf Océlie Okatra Oklin Oksia Oliquer Onine Orançoin Osené Owillay Pagalods Pariste Pasic Patine Pauldbure Pauldn Paurc Paure Pavdarice Pavdoinas Pavks Phinput Pitoine Pitya Plarikh Poprey Posildn Quenie Raletter Ralexis Raltuts Ralémeone Ramikate Randrily Ranifanne Rastépha Rated Rathiew Renidanir Retine Riaeette Rieeae Riestja Rofey Rogette Rolgalte Roliong Rombily Rosevimir Roslay Rudonica Rulexista Runde Rundrémy Runds Rélis Sabovie Samenk Sames Sante Sarisland Sarts Seeaeiany Seepte Serina Sevonia Sildn Somic Somir Sophic Soppie Souil Souilante Soulette Souncie Soute Splud Sposit Spright Sterted Stiee Stimes Stinsts Svene Sylaient Thilinie Thistine Thophan Those Tureand Upiya Upiyan Usibily Ustana Usted Vadmice Vadrigise Vaindia Vakiran Viathugo Vippiya Vivel Vièle Vlanu Vlaur Vlavina Vliaaee Volic Wertivaks Whaël Whistja Wilavks Worane Woris Xavenne Yannask Yefill Yelladd Yeste Yestine Yomly Yourier Yubatate Yuboaror Yubox Yvell Yvenne Yverinia Yvonièle Éliatand Élien Éliya Érômen Évelles Évericha
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marytagus · 8 years ago
Here Reporting for ... Who Cares?! There are a number of criticisms that Arrow fans can hurl at Susan. Her name is ranks right under Jane Doe in the most generic female names of all time. Even though she is in a relationship with Oliver, there is a shocking lack of any chemistry between the actors. (This critique has nothing to do with her keeping Oliver and Felicity apart and everything to do with the fact that Susan is just as interesting as watching paint dry when she is with Ollie.) These are the big problems. It's not even that Arrow keeps teasing that there is something shady going on with Susan but refusing to give more than scant details. The reason Susan doesn't work is that Arrow has given us no reason for her existence. This problem is somewhat tied into the big hints Arrow has dropped about Susan, with no concrete answers, but there is an important distinction. It would be fine if Arrow was playing things coy with Susan's intentions if it felt like the story was going somewhere. The story doesn't feel like it is moving forward. Or at least it doesn't feel like it is moving somewhere that Arrow hasn't been many, many times before. Oliver's Secret(ly Meaningless) Identity The big reveal of Susan's most recent spotlight episode, "Bratva," had her discover that Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow are the same person. This would be a shocking and concerning twist ... if Arrow was still in season 2 or 3. At this point in Arrow's history it really isn't that damaging for anyone to find out that Oliver and the Green Arrow are the same person. The Green Arrow used to be a dangerous vigilante that wasn't very popular with the public. Oliver used to be a playboy that no one took seriously. Now neither of those things are true. Oliver is a pretty well liked figure in Star City as the Green Arrow and as the mayor. This is not season 3 when Arrow had a public witch hunt for the Green Arrow lead by Quentin Lance. After Oliver and the Green Arrow saved the city from Damien Darhk, exposing them as the same person is probably going to only make Oliver's popularity soar with the people. There might be some legal issues but when the District Attorney is very likely Vigilante and the people of Star City are honoring the former ADA Laurel for her life as the Black Canary, none of this is going to matter. Arrow has teased Oliver being exposed as Green Arrow so much that it would probably be a relief for the audience and Ollie if the secret finally came out. Let's assume, though, that Oliver's secret coming out does end his career as mayor. If that happens Arrow really isn't losing anything. So far Oliver being mayor only feeds his real career of being the Green Arrow. Mayor Queen is serving the same dramatic function as Felicity hacking into databases or Diggle's connection to ARGUS. It is an easy way to get missions and nothing more. Oliver has engaged in a few political matters as mayor but it's pretty boring and simplistic. Fans want to see Oliver shoot arrows at criminals so that's exactly what Arrow focuses on the most. No one loves Oliver Queen because he is the mayor of Star City. Susan is really only threatening that life for Oliver. You can't have an antagonist where no one cares if she succeeds. Susan's other big uncovering, that Oliver has ties to the Bratva, may damage his public opinion. This is probably something the people of Star City deserve to know about their mayor. Susan has sat on this knowledge for so long though that if she does eventually reveal this to the public it will lose a lot of its bite. In fact, the way that Susan is keeping all this information and not reporting on it makes it more likely that she is working with Prometheus or might actually be Prometheus herself. Susan's behavior does not totally match up to a reporter or she would report this news. Susan being the real villain does not make things any better. Arrow loves its twists of having someone close to Oliver each season turn out to be secretly evil. Susan suddenly having ties to Prometheus won't be impactful, it will be expected. There is a chance that an overtly evil Susan might be more fun to watch but that won't make up for the bland version we've been getting for the past 12 episodes.
Don’t know this writer, I’m guessing his just a fan, like me, but much of what he writes here makes sense.
Why is EWR even on the show? She’s not doing anything interesting or new. Sleeping with Ollie (I use Ollie for a reason) isn’t big news. 
Outing Oliver as Bratva is big news and any reporter would run the juicy story as soon as she got it. And she has been sitting on that since she got on the show.
@vaelisamaza @nalla-madness @hope-for-olicity@tdgal1@bindy417@supersillyanddorky06@emmaamelia95 @coal000@miriam1779@felicityollies@eilowyn1 @taurusclh @jules85 @scu11y22@quant-um-fizzx@memcjo @dmichellewrites@bringbackianto@mogirl97@laurabelle2930 @oli-feli @oliverfel4 @mel-loves-all @spaztronautwriter@cruzrogue @bekaoperetta@cndyprfumegirl@somewhatinvisible@charlinert 
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whileiamdying · 5 years ago
L'insoutenable Marina Abramovic
Par Geneviève Breerette Publié le 04 juillet 2005 à 12h41 Mis à jour le 04 juillet 2005 à 12h41
Une femme incroyablement forte" , a dit d'elle Ulay, son compagnon de route, d'oeuvre et de vie pendant douze ans. On veut bien le croire à chaque performance que réalise Marina Abramovic, artiste incontournable de l'art corporel, fidèle encore et toujours à ses premiers engagements, plus que jamais spartiate et dérangeante.
Ainsi de la dernière de ces performances réalisée en juin à la Foire de Bâle. L'artiste est restée plusieurs heures allongée sur une couche à trois mètres du sol, nue, couverte par un squelette, dans la lumière forte d'un écran qui faisait croire d'abord à une projection vidéo.
Présence insoutenable. Pour l'implication physique de l'artiste. Immobile, le bras et la tête finissaient par glisser, le nez par couler et les yeux ouverts sous les projecteurs par rougir. Présence, pour l'image produite dont la portée universelle s'imposait d'emblée : la mort, notre lot commun, en une image d'un absolu classicisme. De celles qui depuis toujours hantent les histoires de l'art funéraire, religieux, profane.
Ce n'était pas la première fois que l'artiste tournait autour du thème de la mort en employant des squelettes, ou des crânes. Mais aujourd'hui la signification du travail n'est plus exactement la même. La rencontre d'un corps jeune et de la mort ne produit évidemment pas le même sens. Ce qui était figure de la mélancolie ou de la vanité est devenu, avec le temps, figure de la destinée, sans circonvolutions. Sans possible récupération érotique.
L'oeuvre d'Abramovic suit le cours de sa vie. Elle commence dans l'effervescence post-soixante-huitarde et les développements européens du body art, sur son versant féminin, sinon féministe, qui est pas mal fréquenté : elle est de la génération de Rebecca Horn, Valie Export, Gina Pane et bien d'autres.
Elle est née en 1946 à Belgrade, de parents partisans yougoslaves, y a fait des études d'art avant de commencer à utiliser son corps comme "médium à travers lequel exprimer des choses symb oliques" , pour reprendre ses propres termes. Des choses relevant de questions politiques, sociales, artistiques. Pour exemple de son engagement, on peut avoir en mémoire cette pièce de dérision de l'art avec un grand A : une vidéo de 1975 intitulée Art must be beautiful/Artist must be beautiful, où Abramovic se démêle les cheveux avec un peigne de fer.
Puis de 1976 à 1988 il y a eu le tandem Ulay/Abramovic ancré à Amsterdam, la ville d'Ulay. Ensemble ils ont développé cet art de la performance qu'il ne fallait pas prendre au sens anglo-saxon de spectacle vivant, mais comme épreuve d'endurance se déroulant sans que les protagonistes en connaissent l'issue, pouvant aller jusqu'à les mettre en danger de mort. Dans une performance de quatre minutes filmée en 1980, ils sont debout, l'un en face de l'autre, Abramovic tenant le bois d'un arc, Ulay la corde tendue et la flèche empoisonnée.
Nus, habillés, ils sont restés des heures debout ou assis, immobiles, se fixant du regard, chacun à un bout d'une table, hurlant face à face, ou encore se giflant ou se tournant le dos, les cheveux de l'un attachés aux cheveux de l'autre (pendant dix-sept heures !). Pour la caméra, ou pour le public des grandes rencontres d'art contemporain. Et le spectateur-voyeur qu'ils avaient inscrit à leur programme complexe d'échanges et de transformation d'énergie, de rester à la porte de cette relation secrète entre les deux artistes, amants dans la vie, noués dans leur oeuvre, s'aimant passionnément. Ils l'ont dit.
Depuis 1988, après l'ultime action cosignée Ulay/Abramovic : la défaite du couple lors de leur rencontre sur la Grande Muraille après des mois de marche chacun d'un côté, Abramovic a continué à creuser son art de la performance, sans faiblir, seule de sa génération à alimenter un mode d'expression qui a pu et peut paraître dépassé.
Une vidéo la montre immobile, divine ou royale, le cou et la tête entourés de serpents, en héroïne de péplum ou de cirque, mais travaillant sans filet : elle risquait l'étranglement à la moindre faiblesse. On a pu la voir encore se couper du souffle de la vie en se couvrant de quartz dont le poids l'empêchait de respirer. Elle a aussi, plus simplement, épousé les gestes de la ménagère, pour éplucher et manger un oignon en se plaignant de la vie. Ou lessiver consciencieusement un crâne. Ou encore, dans l'odeur pestilentielle d'un charnier, gratter un os de boucherie. Cette dernière performance qui était réalisée à la Biennale de Venise de 1997 et a valu à l'artiste d'être retenue au palmarès avait pour titre "Balkan Baroque". Marina Abramovic nous balançait en pleine figure non plus la mort individuelle mais collective. Elle n'était plus, cette fois, face à elle-même mais face à l'histoire de son pays natal.
Aujourd'hui, l'artiste continue d'explorer ses propres limites physiques et psychiques, persiste dans l'engagement d'elle-même jusqu'au suprême détachement, se nourrissant de pensées et de disciplines orientales. Après avoir arpenté des territoires désertiques, et voulu plus de minimalisme et d'équilibre entre le corps et l'esprit, elle a fait de l'art corporel le support d'une quête spirituelle.
Abramovic enseigne l'art de la performance à des étudiants qu'elle met, par exemple, à l'épreuve de l'eau glacée, comme exercice de purification. Elle forme et réfléchit au moyen de transmettre son oeuvre comme un répertoire, ou une partition. C'est dans ce sens qu'elle cautionne Biography Remix, la mise en scène de son oeuvre par un regard extérieur ­ celui de Michael Laub ­ qui sera créée à Avignon.
The Biography Remix , du 11 au 14, salle Benoît-XII. Installations vidéo, du 9 au 27, chapelle Saint-Charles. Conférence de Marina Abramovic, le 15, université d'Avignon. Brutal Edu cation , le 16, Ecole d'art.
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todopr · 3 years ago
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Accidente en Cidra deja un muerto y dos heridos. Un accidente fatal se reportó este domingo a eso de las 6:20 de la mañana en la carretera PR-172, kilómetro 18.1, en el Barrio Certenejas en Cidra. Según el informe preliminar, el conductor de un Nissan perdió el control del volante e impactó a un vehículo Tacoma. El pasajero del Nissan Altima, identificado como José Hiram Olique Díaz, de 21 años y vecino de Cidra, murió y el conductor resultó gravemente herido. El conductor de la guagua Toyota Tacoma resultó herido, fue llevado al Menonita de Cayey en condición estable. https://www.instagram.com/p/CboLUiFLn3A/?utm_medium=tumblr
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noticiassomosponce · 3 years ago
Identifican joven que falleció en accidente fatal en Cidra
Identifican joven que falleció en accidente fatal en Cidra
Un accidente fatal se reportó este domingo a eso de las 6:20 de la mañana en la carretera PR-172, kilómetro 18.1, en el Barrio Certenejas en Cidra. Según el informe preliminar, el conductor de un Nissan perdió el control del volante e impactó a un vehículo Tacoma. El pasajero del Nissan Altima, identificado como José Hiram Olique Díaz, de 21 años y vecino de Cidra, murió y el conductor resultó…
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minasemdia · 3 years ago
Vídeo; Tiroteio em Porto Rico durante festa de aniversário deixa quatro mortos e dois feridos
Vídeo; Tiroteio em Porto Rico durante festa de aniversário deixa quatro mortos e dois feridos
Circulando nas redes sociais, um intenso tiroteio ocorrido na última terça-feira (7/12), na frente de uma empresa onde supostamente era comemorado um aniversário, terminou na morte de quatro amigos, na rua Los Oliques, bairro Certenejas, no município de Cidra, em Porto Rico. Segundo a mídia internacional, Telemundo Puerto Rico, três vítimas foram identificadas como: Andrés Manuel Bonilla Rivera,…
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hshqgossip · 6 years ago
Mimi and Olivier relapse?
you, ANON, really are ONTO SOMETHING HERE ! how ‘bout it, OLIQUE ?
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goonass87 · 6 years ago
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Tomorrow's schedule for FitXCamp: 3p-345p - Zumba with @instructorbritt 💃🏾 355p-430p - Abs Core and Oliques 🔥 AbGod: @make0xcuses 435p-515p - Yoga 🙏🏾 Jae: @gustavo_fit /@gfe_tribe 525p-6p - Dance By The Best 💃🏾 Fifa: @savageangel_fitness 6:05p-6:35p - How Do You Function (functional training) 💪🏾 Cu: @coach_cu @a.m.p.mentalities_llc Vendor: Massages By Kori @ukneadme 👏🏾 Thank you @kaimali and the @blackmarketdudley for invitng us coaches @make0xcuses ; @ladyjaythewarrior ; @instructorbritt ; @savageangel_fitness , @nitchfit21 ; @gustavo_fit and @coach_cu to host a FitXCamp segment from 3p-7p at their Afro Indigenous Art & Healing Festival. PULL UP. Enjoy some great vibes and fitness with us. WE WANT TO SEE TO THERE. ————————————————————— Join us for most unique festival experience in the City of Boston. Healing our minds, bodies, souls and land through Art, Music, Talk, Spirit, Food and Fashion. ——————————————————— #FitXCamp #fitfamsquad #fitness #blackfitnessnow #blackmarketdudley #blackownedbusiness #AbGod #savageangelfitness #ladyjaythewarrior #nitchfit21 #instructorbritt #gustavothegreat #zumba #HIIT #dance #dancebythebeat #yoga #healingfestival #healing #art #afro #pullup #savethedate #comeout #barevibez #pvo #only (at Black Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1OTIXOn-A0/?igshid=nj97bswafldy
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illdepths · 8 years ago
RULES.   repost, don’t  reblog !  tag 10 ! good  luck ! TAGGED.     @thscharmngman​ TAGGING.  @Anyone
BASICS.  FULL  NAME :   Moana Konane Eleneki  NICKNAME :   None  AGE :  35  BIRTHDAY :   February 10th  ETHNIC  GROUP :  Hawaiian  NATIONALITY :   American  LANGUAGE(S) :  English, Hawaiian, fluid spoken Japanese, minor Spanish  SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Bisexual  ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :   Aromantic  RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  Single [verse dependent]  CLASS :   Middle  HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Kailua, Oahu, Hawaai  CURRENT  HOME :  Varies, located througout United States  PROFESSION :  Health inspector / hitman / bodyguard
PHYSICAL.  HAIR :  Black, short, straight but curls as it grows  EYES :   Green  NOSE :  Short hero based on this  FACE :   Soft oval  LIPS :   Thin, but full   COMPLEXION :   Light olive  BLEMISHES :   Three moles arced beneath his left eye, one mole behind his right nostril  SCARS :  Welt on his olique from a knife stab  TATTOOS :   Shark teeth tattoo on his forearm  HEIGHT :  6′5  WEIGHT :  240 lbs.  BUILD :   Muscular  FEATURES :   Goatee   ALLERGIES :  None  USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :   Slick back, neat, trimmed right below his ears  USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Pensive or apathetic; Resting Bitch Face  USUAL  CLOTHING :  T-shirt, jeans, boots, and jacket
PSYCHOLOGY.  FEAR(S) :   Becoming a horrible person, emotional attachments, family deaths  ASPIRATION(S) :  Take care of his daughter  POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Intelligent, quiet, protective, patient, responsible  NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Duplicitous, enabler, stubborn, aloof, bossy  MBTI :  ISTJ-A Logistician [90% Introverted,  81% Observant, 93% Thinking, 100% Judging, 90% Assertive]  ZODIAC :   Aquarius   TEMPEREMENT :   Choleric  SOUL  TYPE(S) :   Hunter & Thinker equally, with Leader close behind  ANIMALS :   —  VICE  HABIT(S) :   Murder, sex, bullying  FAITH : Agonostic  GHOSTS ? :   Yes  AFTERLIFE ? :   Unsure  REINCARNATION ? :   Maybe  ALIENS ? :  No  POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :   Social Liberism  ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Mixed economy  SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Social Liberalist  EDUCATION  LEVEL :   Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Health and Environmental Science; Associate’s Degree in Marine Studies
FAMILY.  FATHER :  Hokulea Eleneki [37], deceased  MOTHER :  Nalani Eleneki [53]  SIBLINGS :   None  EXTENDED  FAMILY :   Oliana Napua [72], grandma; Ikaika Napua [69], grandpa; Mauna Napua [47], uncle;  Anuhea Eleneki [44], Maluhia Eleneki [39], Niele Napua [23], aunts; many cousins; Kimiko “Kahiwa” Eleneki [11], daughter  NAME  MEANING(S) :  Moana – “deep sea, ocean”; Konane – “lunar glow, bright moonlight”; Eleneki – “Ernest/earnest”  HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  Unknown
FAVOURITES.  BOOK :   Island Of The Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell  MOVIE :  Gladiator [2000], directed by Ridley Scott  5  SONGS :   “Devil In Disguise” by Elvis Presley, “Come A Little Closer” by Etta James, “What’d I Say” by Ray Charles, “L-O-V-E” by Nat King Cole, “I Get A Kick Out Of You” by Frank Sinatra  DEITY :   —  HOLIDAY :   —  MONTH :   June  SEASON :   Summer  PLACE :   Beach  WEATHER :   Clear, sunny sky with mild wind  SOUND :  Waves hitting the shore  SCENT(S) :  Tropical  TASTE(S) :   Mango  FEEL(S) :  Fur  ANIMAL(S) :   Shark   NUMBER :   1  COLOUR :   Turquoise
EXTRA.  TALENTS :  Sewing, cooking, swimming, self-defense, picklocking, stealth  BAD  AT :  Opening up emotionally, seeing different perspectives, socialization  TURN  ONS :   Elegance, glamour fashion, asses, asphyxiation [giving], assertiveness, humiliation [giving], dub-con  TURN  OFFS :   Daddy kink, butch women, macho men, flamboyant behavior, underage, bad hygiene  HOBBIES :  Watching TV, sailing, drinking alcohol, exercise  TROPES :   Tsundere  AESTHETIC  TAGS :   Ocean, knives, guns, beer bottles, fists, shirtless man, sharks, crime scene, bloody splatter or stains   GPOY  QUOTES :   "If socrates can make a career out of telling people that they’re stupid then why can’t I”; “Let’s play a game called watch how distant I get”; “You’re scared? How cute”; “I’d rather bleed out than sit here and talk about my feelings for 10 hours”; “He’s beauty, he’s grace, he’s got a resting bitch face”
FC INFO.  MAIN  FC(S) :   Jason Momoa circa The Red Road  ALT  FC(S) :  —  OLDER  FC(S) :  —  YOUNGER  FC(S) :  —  VOICE  CLAIM(S) :  Jason Momoa  GENDERBENT  FC(S) :   —
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