#Okay this is from like last munday but still
boxylocks · 10 months
Question about the Wisteria that was shown (munday) on the ask blog: Why exactly is she so different from the Wisteria we know, did something happen between then and now?
🎶An ask from the voiiidd OoOoO, Rare! /lh
No, but really, y'all are more than welcome to ask questions or request things here! I don't mind answering at all, or drawing things ofc, gives me something to do!
I'll give ya a treat just a little one 🤏 and use this as OOC ask to older North and Wisteria themselves:
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"I think this was a bit before I had my youngest son, Icarus." She thought for a moment, "Steria probably knows, she remembers everything. But anyway..." North began to speak again.
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"For a small, hopeful moment, It seemed everything was better again. Of course, It didn't last."
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"Nothing I could say would soothe the pain he felt." The mood seemed to suddenly shift to something much sadder in tone. North looked upset, guilty even? Her gaze shifted as her voice lowered. "There was a big fight."
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"When Ghosts Die... They don't always come back the same way they were. A death for a Ghost is not like our deaths, for them, it's like a little reset." "Sometimes the memories are still there and sometimes they aren't. When they are? They're just buried under everything else." She sighed. "Steria wasn't... Steria anymore. Well... at least at first. It took a while but... She's Wisteria again."
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"Oh, don't be so silly, I know you love the attention! You always did, didn't you, hm? Then why else would you let me?" She teased. Wisteria only pulled her hand away to give a pout. "Yeah. Sure..." She huffed.
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astarab1aze · 6 months
rping/rpc petpeeves for munday? 💀
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i can think of a couple.
anon hate, as if we're not all adults here, to name one. the complete and utter lack of respect some people show toward other writers is just ??? it's nuts. another thing is activism within the rpc and the advent of twitter-esque dog-piling when someone doesn't get their way - most i've found either have good intentions and just get it wrong (sokay, we all learn) or are sort of using x cause as an excuse to bully and isolate people as if that's ever been okay or appropriate (bad faith; the 'cause' is a smokescreen that makes the person getting harassed look bad for defending themselves, which i don't and never have vibed with; i spent a lot of time in discourse circles and people who do this don't actually have any convictions, they're just being dicks because they know they can be and get asspats after). people who take things too personally too, because at the end of the day, this is a hobby and we're all human. we can't all talk to each other all day every day, it's just not feasible, and if it takes a week or more for someone to get back to you, it's most likely the exact opposite of intentional. i forget everything all the time, my notifications don't always work on tumblr or discord, there isn't enough time in the day in the first place, and like some i have children and am married, i'm severely time blind (i thought it was still februrary until last week) or otherwise have 800 different things to do at any given time. a lack of communication, at least from me, isn't ever personal, and i'd wager it's about the same for other folks too. sometimes i need to be reminded or nudged and i don't mind that as long as its respectful. yaddayadda.
also it's weird to me that just a couple of days or a couple of weeks of not talking or writing is enough for some people to unfollow, break off/drop roleplays, or whathaveyou. it's just...weird, to me. it shows an unwillingness to understand that someone else's life doesn't revolve around roleplay, and also impatience. i would understand maybe a month or so, but not anything before. my rp besties and i regularly take a few days, sometimes a few weeks to respond to each other's messages and there's no bad blood there. on this front, this is exactly why i'm as laid back as i am - take as long as you need to, i'm not going anywhere.
i have some probably unpopular opinions too, not just pet peeves, but i'll save those for another day. like if someone writes, idk, noncon, i'm probably not going to jump down their throat because a) i don't know them, b) i don't know why they're writing it, c) i probably never will, and d) i'm probably not seeing it on dash anyway since i block and filter tags. when i said this is a judgment free zone, i really meant it. it's not my place and i don't care anyway. write whatever you want? be it to cope or explore something difficult so you can understand it or something else so you can have fun. because i will, even if that's really just complicated romance with a fantasy backdrop. write whatever wish fulfillment and escapist nonsense you wanna write too, while we're here, because genuinely i'm tired of that being seen as a bad thing also. we've all written something someone hates for one reason or another, whether it be unrealistic or 'disgusting', so really all you can do is keep truckin' cos you can't please everyone and it's pointless to even try.
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bxdbunni · 3 months
@pomniegranate ; 1, 8, 11, 20!
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1. What have you learned about people in the recent years of your life?
genuinely good people are hard to find. the thing I've learned is that people will say what you want to hear, do what you want all to get what they want out of you and the moment they get bored, or the moment someone new comes that gives them what they need in that moment they will leave. and this idea comes with experience, but I know its not always the case, and love is taking risks and giving people a chance. which i still do, and its a wonder how I still end up getting hurt. but I take solace in the fact that, nothing I do or say is ever out of selfishness. I mean what I say, when I care, when I worry. When I want to sit and listen to you. I don't do those things for people for nothing believe, if I didn't care? you'd know. but while I am still petty for the people who used me, i am still proud it hasn't completely killed my love I have. the second thing? its always about me. what people do to me is a reflection on them. not having healed from their trauma, not fixing their issues, not having enough love for themselves. and there's nothing you can do for people who don't want to help themselves.
8. What of yourself has surprised you in these recent years?
oh man... i wish I knew how to answer this. lately i just feel kind of like a robot? just going through the motions. the only time I feel joy or feel okay is when I'm talking to certain people but otherwise I feel like im following a script. doing what I have to do like go to work. pay bills. go to sleep. rinse repeat. its so bland. i don't know.
11. Why did you last take a risk and what was it?
talking to my mom about something really complicated. the risk? being honest and open knowing she probably will still not understand. to my surprise she did seem more receptive about my feelings BUT YA KNOW as usual it never lasts long so idk if it counts as a risk.
20. Why are you really RPing? 
its a hobby I love. its been fucking rough, I won't lie about that. But while its the place where I've met some of the WORST people, its also how I've met some of the best people. people come and they go, and while i might not be the fastest roleplayer when I was younger, I may be too tired sometimes, sometimes I just dont' want to be here, I still come back because of the people who do help make it fun. I love writing, and it is one way i get to express myself. it might also be a distraction from my life but hey.
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helldustedstories · 4 months
wow nevermind, i wasnt trying to be weird just trying to compliment you but i take back my compliment
youre not like stolas at all and you should write stella instead since youre identical to her, a rude uppity bitch. learn to take compliments and dont assume its meant in an weird way
its no surprise you only write with the same 4 people bc youre rude and uppity and your writing might be good but its only purple prose
oh and you dont want to make other people feel bad but your always bragging and being uppity
enjoy your day i guess stella lmao
Again, normally I just delete this sort of thing and move on, especially because I don't like feeding into any sort of "drama." But at this point, this is about more than just me. This is about boundaries.
Unfortunately, I am forced to do this publicly because by choosing to continue to contact me anonymously, I have absolutely no way of having any sort of nuanced discussion with you about why the messages you've been sending me have not been okay and have crossed my boundaries several times over.
You don't know my history or what I've experienced. I don't owe you anything. But because we're doing this, I guess it's time to pull out that history and to explain to you exactly why what you did wasn't okay, especially this last message.
I have been stalked on tumblr before. It started out very similar to your first message, which I do still have saved, seeming very positive and encouraging, but it made me uncomfortable. So when I didn't answer, I got another message, this time asking to see a picture of me. I am normally fine with sharing pictures for munday sometimes, or if I feel like I'm rocking a particular look, but having someone I don't know on the internet blatantly asking, even if it is couched in another 'compliment' is wildly uncomfortable.
Again, I understand that neither of those things were malicious and were even likely well-intentioned, but respecting people's privacy online is something that is important. And when I didn't answer either of the first asks, that should have been your cue to let it go. I even turned anon off for a while because the first two made me uncomfortable.
I ended up turning it back on and got another ask, and this one felt even more bait-y than the first two. Protip: if you start a sentence with "no offense," what comes after it is usually going to be offensive. If you also have to add that something can be seen 'in a good way,' then you are acknowledging that it can also be seen in a bad way, and continuing to push that on someone else is probably not the best idea.
And when the majority of the messages go "compliment by putting other people down - actual thesis of the ask, trying to push your own thoughts onto others - other compliment putting other people down," it doesn't actually feel very much like a sincere compliment anyway. It feels like a way to continue to push your own thoughts and feelings on other people by dressing it up as though you're complimenting them.
I also have deep-seated trauma when it comes to random, unsolicited praise from people I don't know, especially when it's worded in the way that you did. Is it something I've been working on? Yes, absolutely. But telling me "learn to take a compliment" is a deeply triggering phrase, so congratulations, you're getting this whole rant instead of me just deleting and moving on.
What you said to me was not a compliment. If you have to put other people down to build someone else up, that's not helping anyone.
You sure seem to know a lot about what I post and who I write with. If you wanted to write with me and didn't get the chance, for that I am sorry. But it would have been much better if you had approached me either by sending me an ask with your actual URL or sending me an IM. I'm always happy to write with more people, but it's a two-way street. I do my best to reach out to people, to send memes, write open starters, etc, but if people don't reach back out to me, I can't exactly force anyone to interact with me.
Also, to all of your other points, part of the reason I write Stolas so well is because I've been where he is. Not exactly, not entirely, but I've been in an abusive relationship was for years. Kept going back to them despite everything because I didn't think anyone else would ever want me. Wrecked havoc on my self-esteem and my ability to form normal relationships with other people.
So sure, you can call me Stella all you want, say I'm an "uppity bitch," but I'd honestly love to see what you're referring to. I have done everything in my power to be as calm and level-headed as possible, and the only reason I am currently addressing this at all is because it has now become harassment.
If you have something you want to say to me, you are still welcome to send me an ask as yourself or IM me, and I'll be more than happy to have an actual discussion. But otherwise, please leave me alone. Please don't do this to someone else, either. You don't know their history and what might send them spiraling. If you want to send someone an anonymous compliment or try to brighten someone's day by telling them they're doing something well, then stop with that part. Make it specific, not just a generalization. If you like someone's headcanons, tell them that; if you like the graphics they edit, mention that. But don't use sending a compliment as an excuse to push your own agenda on other people, and if they don't reply, leave them alone.
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maria-rayro · 2 years
Charlie receives a message from Hector. An interesting message.
Charlie sits on the set and controls the whole process, focusing on his director's work. He corrects Kate, who has strayed again from the script and stubbornly asserts that her version of the line sounds much better than the one he wrote, and Lonnit is about to confront her when he suddenly receives a message. He opens it without hesitation, seeing that it is from Hector, and at the very same moment he almost drops the phone on the floor, catching it at the last moment.
It's... nothing special, just a picture. He's not even completely naked. He just unbuttoned his shirt. The tie is still on, relaxed around his strong neck. And his hand, it's... God, it's right on his groin. Charles swallows, not immediately even moving his gaze to the lines of text that followed the photo.
"Miss you. How soon you'll be home?"
"Charlie, is everything okay?" asks Mark curiously and innocently, and Jamie looks at the director and immediately smirks.
"Damn, Charlie, you're red," she says, guessing what might have made the director so embarrassed.
Lonnit awkwardly reflexively tilts the phone screen so no one can see anything, and with his free hand adjusts his glasses. "It's stuffy in here," he excuses pathetically, then pulls himself together. "Okay, I'm going to go have a smoke and calm down now so I can stop yelling at you. And while I'm doing that, Kate, for God's sake, repeat your fucking text!" he says sternly, along with putting on his jacket, which had cigarettes and a lighter in its pocket, and hurrying outside to get some privacy to answer Hector's message without feeling Jamie's mocking stare on him.
"Second, you're very handsome and I can't stop thinking about how lucky I am to be with you."
"Third, I'll be home in two hours, I hope. I have to finish shooting one scene and then shoot another one."
He bites his lip, pondering before deciding to write another message.
"Will you wait for me?"
As Hector types his reply, Lonnit returns a slightly embarrassed look to the photo. He bites his lip, feeling terribly embarrassed, more like a teenager rather than a grown man. He's often felt that way around Hector.
"Sure. And when you come, be sure I'll do anything to make you beg."
Charlie bites his lip, putting the phone away, and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket, and then finally smoking. He feels like a young boy, capable of getting turned on by the smallest trifle. One picture and one text message. God. His ears burn with shame, and various thoughts keep popping into his head. What Hector might do to him, how exactly he might make him beg... Because Hector, he, oh, he knew how to do it. He could do absolutely crazy things to him, in fact. Bring him to tears of pleasure consistently once a week. Make him whimper and beg for an orgasm or even for just a simple touch.
Charles shakes his head to force himself to get rid of these distracting thoughts. He pulls back his phone.
"I'll try to finish quickly."
The answer comes right away.
"Oh, trust me, I won't let you."
"Or did you mean your work?"
Charles rolls his eyes, feeling the blush on his cheeks and smiling.
He thinks for a while, staring dreamily at the screen, then still opens his camera and takes a simple picture of himself with a cigarette and sends it to Hector.
"Made me blush. Satisfied?"
The answer comes some time later, and Charles realizes that Munday was staring at his picture and couldn't look away.
"Waiting at home."
Charlie smiles softly, turning off his phone and tossing out his cigarette. He feels intoxicated with love and exhilarated by the sweet anticipation of a date night.
He quickly gets back to work, completely ignoring Jamie's looks and jokes, just hoping to get the job done as soon as possible. In the end, he even agrees to Kate's edits to his script - just so he'll be able as soon as he can finish the scene, get free and go home, where Hector is waiting for him.
Hector. His man. His love.
The only person that can make him feel this way.
And nothing else really matters.
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Vonny!
Age group: 30+, at 33 years young.
Pronouns: She/her or they/them.
Favorite color: If I had to pick, I'd say dark red, like burgundy or something.
Favorite food: Chicken alfredo.
Tattoos/piercings?: Only pierced ears right now, but I'm planning to get a tattoo in the semi-near future-ish -- an Amaurotine mask with the Azem crystal leaning against it, and the quote, "Darkness and Light. Despair and Hope. As goeth one, so goeth the other", as a reminder to myself that these contrasting elements go hand-in-hand; you can't have one without the other, and that's okay. It's the balance of life. Something something struggled with depression and stuff for most of my life, something something about Endwalker being a truly profound experience for me when dealing with this, my trauma, and my grief.
Current song stuck in your head?: I have been listening to Aviators' "Blood and Snow" nonstop these past like three days while writing replies and shit lol.
Pets?: Six cats, one pupper!
Favorite book?: The Count of Monte Cristo, hands down, always and forever.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: I have many, but. On my birthday following our mom's passing, my sister got me this teddy bear with a little necklace around its neck, and it has my mom's fingerprint on one side, while the other side says "A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go". I still can't read the saying without tearing up(as I am sniffling right now over it), but it's definitely my prized possession.
Dream job: I used to want so much to be a character designer for Squaresoft/Square Enix, back when I used to draw 24/7. But now? I think I'd love to be a museum tour guide or something like that. Something involving sharing my love of history.
Tea or coffee?: Coffee. Never been much of a tea person.
Hobbies: Drawing, writing(including roleplaying, of course), singing, gaming, uh. That's about it, I think.
How long have you been role-playing?: I started on this really shitty chat site when I was 12, then it was all downhill from there lol. So like 21 years.
Who is your most active muse: Definitely Elwin. I've been neglecting my poor Quintus muse. :( But it's okay, because I'm having an absolute blast.
Significance behind your url?: OKAY, HEAR ME OUT ON THIS -- I actually went with this one specifically because of this blog being centered around the AU idea of Elwin being resurrected by Phoenix's flames. Very impressive, I know.
Tagged by: @heartsurpluss
Tagging: @rosxrian because he's a fucking nerd(affectionate), and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do this!
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soulsxng · 1 year
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
@arcxnumvitae | Munday asks | Accepting!
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
My favorites change pretty often actually, so BEHOLD! My list of games that I tend to recommend to people, and games that I keep going back to here and there:
Po.kemon Yel.low/Cry.stal/Em.erald (Yellow was the very first videogame I ever owned when I was like...5 or maybe 6 tbh yeah I started really young video games were actually a huge part of the reason I learned to read so well at a young age, and then Crystal and Emerald were the first ones that I was actually old enough to understand how to actually progress through and beat.
Pok.emon Stadium 1 & 2 (I still have my N64 and stuff SPECIFICALLY FOR THOSE, OG OCARINA OF TIME, AND DK64 OKAY?)
The World Ends With You & NTWEWY (Actually the og game might be my all time favorite game. It came out when I was but an angsty...god, I can't remember if it was in 8th or 9th grade, but you get the point. Anyway, because of that, the premise really hit home. Even after I got older, there were always new aspects of it that really stick with me for different reasons)
Dra.gon Age series (Listen. LISTEN. I know it gets a lot of heat, and YEAH there's a lot of problems with them. But some of the characters are just very near and dear to my HEART OKAY LET ME HAVE THIS)
Hol.low Kn.ight (*cue sobbing in "I love those goofy little bugs"*)
Bl.oodbo.rne/El.den R.ing (*cue sobbing in "I promise I'm not a masochist"* But also that lore though????? Spoiler-ish, but ER's stuff on madness and "outer gods" is what made me want to start fleshing out what's happening in the blog's current arc. Amyg.dala from BB is what initially gave me the idea for some things I wanted to include in Ezzion's other form when I first made them, too. not me outing how long I've had some of these muses for)
End.er L.ilies (Okay but listen. If you haven't ever heard of this game before? It's a little difficult, so I won't demand that everyone play it, but at least watch a playthrough of it! So good! There's one boss fight in particular that took me forever to beat, but between the moveset and the music, and the stage the fight takes place in, it's soooo satisfying)
C.ode V.ein (Again, shhhhhhhhhhhh. I know it's anime d.ark so.uls, but the story actually has a lot of really interesting aspects to it. Plus, again, and unsurprising to literally everyone, the characters drew me in orz)
FFXIV (I play with Kei a lot, and I'm attached to my little wol siblings, okay?)
Spi.ritfarer (This one is a fairly simple game, but it had me and Kei and two of our friends that recommended the game to us originally legitimately CRYING at a few points. It's pretty wholesome, but definitely has some really powerful messages to it, too.)
Lobo.tomy Corp./Lib.rary of R.uina/Lim.bus Co.mpany (I'm gonna preface this by saying that this series gets really dark, and fucked up really fast, so don't go deep diving into it if you're not good with that. But there's a lot of really interesting stuff lore-wise, and I love so many of the characters. Will also say that for the first two games I definitely love the story more than the gameplay at times)
🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
I don't have a favorite song, so uhhhh, I'll just say that a lot of my playlists are primarily composed of video game music. I have a really wide range of music genres I listen to, from all kinds of different places, so I can, at any time, just whip out whatever songs suit the Vibe of the Day™
I also sing, like...a LOT. Like...A LOT, a lot. So I can also get really into broadway/musical stuff, and other things with really powerful vocals where I can just unleash the kraken regardless of my mood, usually. For example, I just got Kei really into Epic last week or the week before.
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sadistpet · 7 months
1, 2, 9, 11? (feel free to reduce the questions you want to answer lol)
munday questions !
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
okay this is maybe controversial but i do not care. i understand why people do it and it's definitely annoying to be reblogged from a bunch and have nobody send in anything, but like. reblog from me all you want i genuinely do not mind !! i try my best to practice it because it's just basic kindness, or i just reblog from the source like others do, but if someone was to reblog memes from me i really would not care at all
i think nowadays it's even extended to like, generic musings posts and stuff ? people tend to reblog from the source rather than each other, and thats something i cant really wrap my head around kjfhfdkj tldr i'll do it for other people but i truly do not care if people do it for me, pls reblog memes and stuff from me all you want
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
um a bit? maybe? i think if i'm like completely unaware of the fandom then yeah, but if i have a general idea of what a character is like then i'm usually fine :3 i think ? maybe ? it is a little bit difficult just cause i'm not used to stepping out of my comfort zone, but obviously with an rp scene as small as mgs', you kinda have to branch out into other fandoms. like idk shit about final fantasy except like 5 characters max but i still like to interact with blogs from that fandom, even if idk much of um. anything about it. i find the characters themselves interesting :3
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
HMM usually the muse themself, yeah, and the general attitude of the writer. i get shit scared of following people who are like, graphical geniuses or amazing writers because i feel like SO intimidated by them, but i wouldn't like. block someone or something just for being good at that stuff lmao. if you're a pretty chill person and i find your character interesting, that's enough for me !
ultimately i try to follow people who seem nice :3 i'm terrified of people who come off really stern or no nonsense ig, so i tend to gravitate towards people who are more. sociable and kind ? maybe that's naïve of me, but as someone who is very anxious all the time and very shy about interacting with new people, it helps a lot to know that the people i'm writing with won't like. spontaneously block me because i didn't post for a little bit yk
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
this is such a scary question am i fucking dying but i don't really have one ! i'd like to have a lot more rp partners and do a lot more writing in general, maybe get some mains and exclusives, that kinda thing. overall just character development through interactions !
as someone who was introduced to the rp scene through ask blogs and stuff, ig i've always been fond of like. having a narrative ? or connections with other blogs that influence how you write and what happens in your blog's "canon" ig. that's something that's always appealed to me :3 but i don't really have like an outcome or "endgame" ig because that sounds so ... final fjdhfjkhrg
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gnzma · 11 months
29, 30, 31
munday time ; ACCEPTING
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[ okay im gonna leave 29 as the last reply bc im gonna be long one ]
30. what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…) ;; also asked by @murmursdraconic
[ i Love fighting threads!!!!!!!!!!
fights in which two muses are training together? hell yeah. fights where two muses are fighting it out but they're having so much fun making the other bleed? let's go!! maybe they also need to let out some frustration and that's the only way they know?? yipeee!!!! fights where both muses are really fucking angry and aggressive and go from two guys throwing hands to turn into beasts?? YESSSSS fights where one muse wants to kill the other but the other wants to make them See The Light and make them understand but the thing goes from playing defense to being as aggressive??? YAHOOOFDSANMNGMDFH!!!!
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fights fun fights good ]
31. do you regularly play crack?
[ i wouldnt say i play it regularly, but rather. sometimes i wanna be silly, sometimes i wanna be fun. it's mostly quick back-and-forths and sillies and it's Fine uwu ]
29. what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon? // also asked by @rocketborn
[ are you ready for gio to rant about pokèmon writing :3 ]
for SuMo, which is also the canon i follow the most... I'm generally pretty okay with how they dealt with him. Like I always write him thinking mostly about that version, of course adding a little more of "adult content" (as in, him bleeding and dying and being Fucking Depressed in ultraspace mostly), but that's the version i fell in love with. I am and I will always be vocal about how rushed the final part of gen 7 was and how i'm DISGUSTED!!!!!!with the idea that a good ending implies team skull being disbanded (thus making it an ending where he didn't really learn to not run away from responsabilities :^)) but for the most part it's great and i love him.
USUM can choke fr fr ♥ I like the interaction he has with Hau in the Garden, but that's about it that was the beginning of Lusamine being woobified because This Woman Can't Be Evil I Fucking Guess (and while i have 0 idea of how hes handled in Masters i did see their interactions with mutual respect and i want to blow myself up), and by extention their relationship being instead written in a more healthy way that. i genuinely can't fucking see. like fuck off USUM all my homies hate USUM they did great with Necrozma they did okay with Rainbow Rocket i wish Guzma's personality wasn't Lusamine Guard Dog Except Without The Nuance Bc We're Afraid Of Evil Women Haha like cmon man!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have. so many mixed feelings about PokeSpe. i'm going to say it right away i think it's mid the battles are great everything else but mostly how female characters are written is okay at best terrible at worse. from the little i saw they really decided to keep his undying loyalty to Lusamine and i hate it here but i enjoy how they managed to write him slightly more unhinged.
the anime did him justice actually. I still think he wouldn't touch the League, ever, and he wouldn't get mad at Golisopod for an ability he should know he has (miss me with that "he's just pretending he doesn't know :)" the anime makes it very clear), but i like his competitivity and his arrogance and how they handled his finale a lot. with the years i made peace with aniGuzma and i think he's very neat despite my problems with the anime (coughlusaminecough). i'm not particularly annoyed with how they confirmed he decided to start a war on alola bc he couldnt be a trial captain either, with how the anime is written i can see that as a good reason actually idk i like how they managed to make him feel like a proper threat and a good "final antagonist". good shit
so basically the tier list is
SuMo except the ending 2. the anime idk 6. pokespe and at the 99th place usum
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emystic · 11 months
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
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the salty af munday meme / Accepting
@ancicntforged wanted some salt: ❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
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Okay, this was from way back when I was still in high school. This dude was probably my first role play partner and I knew him in real life, because he went to my last high school before I had to transfer to another one. We was part of the same RP group chat eventually. He always tried to dictate my characters actions , even their backstories, especially this one demon girl I had which he wanted to be with his muse so badly. He wouldn't do it to no one else but me. If I never had time for him or gave him any kind of non positive feedback he would have a pity party so I would turn around and apologize. This is not me where I lost my cool.
The year later I started dating my boyfriend which I texted him that I had one now. It started to get weirder after that, he would get more bossy and hard to write with, so when he went trying to guilt trip me again though I apologized I didn't take back what I said. For him lash out on me, it wasn't about our role plays though it was about the fact I was dating and he was upset cause our ship (the one I didn't really care much about anyway) wasn't going work. It made everyone else very uncomfortable so most left the group chat permanently. DUDE DID YOU THINK I WAS DATING YOU? Which made me realized this is why he was so pushy about these two being together, I thought we was writing stories and goofing around. I didn't know we was writing your personal desires.
I put up with all his tomfoolery because he was one of my best and only friends at that stupid school and no matter how much he got on my nerves I wouldn't dismiss him. To the point, I visited my former school after school ended just to speak with him in person in hopes we can just hang out and speak again without a computer screen or a phone. That I did want to still be friends and even rp, but I wanted him to know I unfortunately didn't see ourselves in our characters like he did. However, he said I was a "whore" and that our characters are not together anymore, also that was banned from the group chat. Then I got ballistic cause he kept calling me a slut and how I lead him on, so I started cussing him out and crying. It was a big ass mess lol.
Leave real life and fiction separate.
The saddest thing is, that if he told him before I transferred that he liked me I probably would have dated him. But I am glad I dodged a bullet there.
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archaictunic · 1 year
munday meme — x.
🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc?
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okay i've been. debating on answering this for a bit bc there's really only one answer but it is UPSETTING. so hey! i might delete this one later, but in the meantime! content warnings for: stalking, kidnapping, pedophilia, grooming & general abuse/manipulation! ( i was experiencing these acts, not committing them)
so, my dark secret comes out - before link, and back before i actually dropped out of the RPC entirely, i had a mipha blog! she didn't last very long, but i was super passionate about her. and at the time, i was friends with someone who had a revali blog! i won't give out anything more identifying than that. we'd known each other irl for a while, and he was... 22? 23? and i was 15-16? point is. too young.
but they'd been pressuring me into a relationship since i was... 12?? but the stuff that happened during my stint as mipha was the Last Fucking Straw - because they ended up kidnapping me twice in a short period of time, resulting in having to panic call my parents and beg them to come get me, while the other person was at work. it was honestly horrifying!! and like. part of the reason i fully left the rpc for a handful of years, among other things. this person had convinced me that they were Correct and Right in all things, and like. would follow me around from blog to blog and purposefully make ocs and characters that would 'match' mine so we could ship, but they'd do it all under a fake name so i didn't know it was them! not until i got ahold of one of their old laptops while i was trying to figure out a way out of their house and found ALL the art and graphics and psds and whatnot made by the "other person". it... man. it's still got me traumatized to be completely honest.
the whole situation made me put down botw for a long time, until i eventually picked it up again ( - then had to stop, again, because of joycon drift ) so i'm really happy that totk finally like.. broke through that trauma, and let me be happy and go back to my favorite comfort activity (roleplaying) again ♥
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theroguedragons · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 17!
Munday Styles and preferences from here @moonbcings
1. What types of threads are your most favourite?
Ohhh that depends a bit on the mood. Mostly I love angsty threads but sometimes I have a lot of muse for smutty threads as well. But I guess drama and smut is my most favorite 🤣 yeah I’m messed up ain’t I?
2. What types of threads are your least favourite?
Fluff and casual interactions. It just gets boring for me
3. What kinds of threads do you think you are best at writing?
I guess angst. I mean I do not like anything I write 🤣🤣🤣 so I’m not really good in saying what I’m best in but I think dialogues and story planning are probably my biggest skills so I hope I can use that most in angsty/dramatic situations.
17. Are you confident in sending memes, liking for starters, etc.? Is there anything you’d like your followers to know about your anxiety?
About sending memes, yes. The ones I send memes to know that I’d never expect them to answer everything or super fast so I’m not scared that I overwhelm them. As for liking starter calls, I prefer to plot something with someone and then we discuss a starter. But if anyone is like making a new profile or wants to start fresh and then posts a starter call I always try to like them. I have many anxieties about many things but I always look at it as being my problem and not the responsibility of my partners to deal with it. I stress myself a lot and I criticize myself a lot. My mutuals know that and that’s why I’m sometimes overwhelmed when I pile up too much stuff when I simply don’t find the time or energy to answer all of it. But I would never want my partners to stop sending things just because I didn’t answer something. I learnt over the last years to handle it. I know it’s okay to drop things. I know it’s okay to not answer. I would let my partners know anyways if I don’t wanna continue a thread or deleted some stuff cause I just find no muse for it. It is just my own head who is my biggest enemy telling me that if I don’t answer right away or don’t answer perfectly that my partners will leave me and hate me for it. But I learnt it’s not the truth, it’s just an illusion my self hating brain creates and my fear of abandonment. I sometimes have a bad conscience when I didn’t answer something in a while and still send memes, but I think all of my mutuals are so understanding and never pushy that we all respect each other’s time and have endless patience. Never would I push anyone to answer so I hope they wouldn’t expect it either. And if someone would overwhelm me or I don’t wanna get stuff send atm, then it’s up to me to communicate that and not to post memes (but I’m a meme whore and will always post them even if I have shit piled up 🤣). I think it’s in my hand to control that by simply communicating. So as long as I post memes, you’re all free to send stuff and even if I don’t I’m still always open to receive things even if I can’t make it to answer them cause it’s so nice for me to see all of you think of me and take the time to send stuff I absolutely adore you all for it. And also that everyone is so understanding even if I didn’t answer some things in months I never got a single message asking where my replies are, so I couldn’t be more blessed ❤️ the only thing that sometimes makes me anxious is when I get a lot of messages every day, cause I’m a very introverted person. It can happen I don’t answer and then I feel guilty but there are days where I simply don’t wanna talk but then my inner guilt pushes me to answer cause I don’t wanna seem ignorant or rude but with that I do something against my will and feel bad about it then (like a forced interaction). But again: that’s in my responsibility. If I don’t wanna talk I think it’s okay not to reply and it’s also okay to say I don’t wanna talk today. So no blame on anyone I’m just not a very social person 🙈 I think we should all learn to take more responsibility for our flaws and work on them rather than to blame everyone else for not seeing them right away. We are all no mind readers so we need to communicate. And I’m glad that I know I can with everyone that is here ❤️
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maledictuspueri · 2 years
On what platform did you start to write?; How far do go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse?; What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
@silveratonement | Munday
As far as I can remember, I first started writting in the context of RP on Deviantart about....11 years ago according to my account. But I was into fanfiction and started writting my own a little bit before that just in like word document.
As for diverging from canon....Uh, let's just say I tend to have a mindset of "Canon is but the sand with which I build my castle"
I generally respect most details of canon, and I either stick mostly too them or make them important details, but I'm also very much into taking things my own direction, especially if it's info we don't have a lot of solid canon for or against. For the case of Volo I basically turned around and said "There's nothing to say he *couldn't* have made good on those last words an actually lived centuries to achive his goals"
Though my main verse I'm also more than aware is basically an AU more than anything, but that's okay too. Sometimes people like writting with a main AU verse and I thought it could be something interesting to do.
Trends....I'm not really aware of any? formatting maybe, I'm too lazy to do icons anymore but I think they can be really cute and fun ways to spice up a thread though obviously I still like to have a few graphics on my blog.
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jewlwpet · 2 years
I read most of Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales and ranked all the Robin Hood stories in it. I'd use Tiermaker, but you can't really do that for ballads and plays.
God tier
Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham. Story about how he became an outlaw by killing 15 cops when he was 15 years old.
Great tier
Robin Hood and the Potter. Very fun story about Robin outwitting the sheriff.
Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne. Also a fun story about defeating authority and rescuing a comrade.
Robin Hood and Maid Marian. This would be god-tier except that it uses the "disgraced earl" backstory for Robin Hood. Still great. Marian shines.
Robin Hood Rescues Three Young Men (from being executed)
Good tier
Robyn Hod and the Shryff of Notyngham
Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar
Robin Hood and Little John
The Jolly Pinder of Wakefield
Robin Hood and Allin a Dale
Robin Hood and Will Scarlet
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow
Robin Hood's Golden Prize
The Death of Robin Hood
Okay tier
Robin Hood's Fishing
Robin Hood and the Pedlars
Mixed tier
Robin Hood and the Monk. Exciting, but one of Robin's men kills an innocent page boy here, pretty messed up...
A Gest of Robin Hood. Really fun, until it gets to the part where Robin says he loves the king and works for him for years before getting tired of it and deciding to be an outlaw again.
Robin Hood and the Bishop. Little John was about to shoot an "old woman" (actually Robin Hood in disguise) just for looking "like a witch."
Poor tier
Robin Hood and the Friar and Robin Hood and the Potter. Women are treated like property in this one; besides, better versions of both stories exist.
Little John a Begging. They're thieves so why would Robin send John begging? It's never explained.
Robin Hood's Birth, Breeding, Valour, and Marriage. Contains nothing about being an outlaw or helping the poor, and ends on a royalist note.
Robin Hood and Queen Catherin. This one starts with Robin Hood giving a gift to the queen.
A True Tale of Robin Hood. This is just an inferior and more pro-government version of A Gest of Robin Hood.
Garbage tier
The Munday plays. Robin Hood is for the first (but not last) time depicted as an earl who was made an outlaw by jealous royals who usurped the throne from the true king, to whom Robin Hood is loyal.
Toxic waste tier
Robin Hood and his Crew of Soldiers. Robin Hood repents and becomes a loyal British subject in exchange for a pardon.
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phandompenny · 3 years
Rauch, Jones, Munday Final Lair
I liveblogged the final lair as seen from here, Geronimo Rauch has a more  violent take on the phantom and I found it was really interesting how it affected the show.
I like how he tries to stroke her cheek in "joys of the flesh" and she flinches away.
she looks so terrified. like she legitimately fears being killed here. and his voice is tender and pleading up until "pity comes too late", and then he’s just firm
it feels like he's not even listening to her in "this haunted face..." he's just looking at her and arranging her with the bouquet and admiring her dressed as his bride
His way of speaking is so musical and where he puts his inflections is so interesting. you can see him becoming the showman when raoul comes. and his little laugh at "your lover makes a passionate plea" and he keeps laughing after!
points at face in "the world showed no compassion to me" but he still sounds so amused. he has the upper hand and he knows it.
he laughs after he puts the noose on raoul!!!!
oooh you can see the lightbulb go off in his mind at "except perhaps christine" like oh! bonus blackmail! this is great!
he's so proud of this he has to take a little breather after "point of no return" and goes to look at his music again
he's not even LISTENING to her he looks a little surprised when she sings "HATE" his mind's so caught up in his grand plan
he moves towards raoul and christine yells NO and gets between them oh very good
he grabs her into an almost hug at "do you end your days with me" and it would be a cheek caress if he wasn't physically keeping her from breaking away
we get a "no" after "why make her lie to you to save me" like "that's not what will happen! she won't be lying" but he's beginning to doubt
it's a rather quick realization as he realizes oh shoot it wOULD be a lie and he's not happy with that. his last "past the point of no return" ends in a sob
her “angel of music” is so ANGRY it’s fantastic. it’s like she sees that she’s finally getting through to him now. it's like she's using what she knew he'd listened to before: "angel of music" as an "oh? so you'll only listen to me if i'm singing what you want me to? playing the role you wanted me to be in?"
"you deceived me" also gets another "no" from him
oh gosh he does a gentle chin lift and THEN he chokes her. wraps his hand fully around her throat at “you try my patience”
and he staggers back and stares at his hand in horror
you can see him mouthing "no" at himself before "pitiful creature" like he's trying to deny what he just did. at the "what kind of life have you known" you can see he's shaken and questioning what kind of future they'll know. he's breathing heavily and trying to not panic. he keeps flexing the hand that he'd wrapped around her throat. like he can still feel it there
he was NOT expecting that kiss he flinches downwards from the first kiss. and just stares at her before the second like he's seeing her for the first time
he's taller for the second one. and his hands reach up to cover hers before he pulls away
he examines her hand after the kiss, just staring at her in disbelief. i do feel like it's 50% can't believe she touched him so gently and 50% looking for bruises. checking to make certain that he didn't hurt her more
and then he stares at her face and walks away. and then looks down at his hand (the strangling hand)
she runs for raoul and he stops her with a "NO! no" making her stay back before burning the rope
the "take her" is so firm. said in the same way he'd say "protect her"
hearing the mob gets us a covering ears along with the "leave me alone" and he's starting to break
OH he loosens his collar and undoes it! he's finding it hard to breathe
he’s no longer collected no longer in control because he’s realized the only way he can maintain control is through violence and he’s horrified at himself for that
at "angel in hell" this might just be a coincidence but he moves his hand (the strangling hand) up to his own throat for a moment. mimicking what he'd done to her earlier
christine screams when he runs at them!!! and they are RUNNING they KNOW their lives are in danger
oh this man is Not Okay. he crawls on all fours to that monkey music box
his "hide your face" is whispered to the monkey as his hand barely manages to come up and touch the monkey's face before dropping away. of note is how gently he's touching the monkey. like he's afraid to let his hands touch it
he hears christine and scrambles up to see her. and he nods to her as she walks up to him but he does NOT think she's staying. that nod is more like an "it's okay you can say what you need to" nod. which, as this is a phantom with little to no listening skills, is pretty significant. he's listening now, even though it's already too late.
she holds out the ring and he just stares at it like "i don't care about that" and he doesn't reach out for it! he actually steps back a little before the "christine i love you"!!! i also feel like he emphasizes that "you" like it's HER that he loves. not the ring not the marriage but HER.
he gives her such a sad nod but she doesn't leave. you can see him go "since you insist" before reaching out to her, with both hands, tenderly covering her own
okay. so the angle of this boot made this tricky to see. but for a moment there it looked like he was examining her ring finger and i thought he took the ring and put it back on her. i don't think they actually did that because he's holding the ring when she runs off but for a moment there i got so excited can you IMAGINE
but since he didn't put the ring back on and clearly did move her hand my theory now is that he's looking at her hand again just like he did after the kiss. he's taking this as an invitation to feel her touch one last time. she puts the ring in his hand because he wasn't going to take it. (and if you want additional angst he might be imagining what it would take to keep her, how that hand would look covered in bruises)
he still holds his hand out to her when she leaves, but more like he's trying to ask if she really meant to leave this ring with him. not like he's trying to reach for her to come back. and we get another "no" as he bends over in physical pain realizing she's not ever coming back again before putting the ring on
AAA he reaches out for her when she's singing on the boat, but then shakes his head and pulls back! and then stares at his hands again before going for the veil!!!
you can see him reminding himself that these hands have hurt her, that he doesn't deserve her, that letting her go is the best way to love her. I'm very in pain
In conclusion this is a fantastic final lair, I absolutely love how Jones plays a Christine who’s very aware of the danger and yet trying to just make him listen to her and Rauch plays an Erik who is dangerous and a very real threat. Even when he’s not near or touching Christine or Raoul you can tell this is a man who has killed before and will kill again, and the realization he has that any affection he gets from Christine will stem from hurt and fear is what breaks him. This Erik does not want her to stay because he knows she deserves better and wants her to be safe, and he knows he can’t guarantee that she’ll be safe around him. If you haven’t already I recommend you give it a watch!
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haresgrove · 2 years
8, 10, 16, 18, 24 - munday meme from @the-goddamn-babysitter
Munday Questions | @the-goddamn-babysitter
8. What are some similarities between you and your muse?
Oof, okay, please don’t judge me? 😬 Billy and I both have pretty bad tempers, although I’d say his is far worse. We both tend to bottle things up until we can’t anymore. Neither of us has a lot of patience for dealing with people in person (I like texting/DMing people individually way more than hanging out with a group in public, though.) We both have younger siblings who drive us up the goddamn wall but whom we would absolutely die for with no hesitation. We both like being in the water, especially in summer. We’re both CPR and first aid certified! We also both drive Chevies, although mine is a pos ‘07 impala that has no AC instead of a gorgeous ‘79 Camaro. 😭
10 and 16 I’ve already answered
18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
I’d love to do a werewolf au, actually. It fits Billy better than the vampire AUs that I normally gravitate toward, and I don’t remember the last time I actually wrote a werewolf. I also! Would love! A D&D character AU! This boy has barbarian/bard written all fucking over him, and I’m legit dying to build him a character sheet in D&D Beyond lol. A rockstar AU could also be fun. He’d probably be a vocalist or a drummer.
24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
Oof, this is gonna hurt, but I will always be proud of Billy for standing up to the Mind Flayer. He was traumatized. He was by himself. El couldn’t help him anymore. The others either couldn’t or wouldn’t help him. He was absolutely terrified, tired, and angry, and he still stood up and faced that fucker down. I’m still so mad that he died tbh I fucking hate the “Noble Death” trope with a burning passion!
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