#Ok I love you thanks for reading!
chloeverto · 3 months
Haha oh hey there didn't realize you were there. Well how long were you there? Oh haha no matter. I got your favorite flavor of popsicle. Blue Raspberry! Removed the wooden stick and everything for you. Oh yep yep, bowl and spoon right here haha. Always one step ahead aren't you. That's cool yeah yeah cool. Oh my? No I had mine earlier haha. Yeah Banana flavored. You wanna watch a dhow or something? Speaking of Netflix didya hear about its stock? Yeah dropping like flies. Oh wow you finished your popsicle already! Do you want another? No? Ok. Yes I remember. Doctor said only one a day. I just thought maybe you wanted another. Hey do you wanna go for a drive? I feel like going 35 down the highway. No yeah my car got out of the shop last Monday. Picked it up right when they opened. Got some potatoes while I was out too. Made some mashed potatoes, turkey gravey, popcorn chicken. Delish!! Well I did have leftovers but I ate it all already. Last Monday remember haha. You silly goose. Anyways, I think Jerma is live right now? Streaming the new Percy Jackson game, apparently it has a lot of bugs. No yeah, the game was adapted from the movie so you know it's gonna be bad. I heard no voice actors would even touch it so they just got game devs to do all the voices. Surprisingly the sound effects are top notch. Ok sick yeah, let me just plug the HDMI into my laptap. Oh sick! We're in the prestream. Think we could do a one guy moment? Haha yeah yeah, I heard they're al scripted. No yeah, Jerma and Ster have a game where Ster will use fake accounts to send messages and Jerma has to guess which messages are Ster's. Yeah I know right, with how fast that chat moves it's hard to read even a single message. I kinda wanna go on a drive right now. But like, not really you know? Sometimes the car just beckons to me. The exhaust? No that's so weird. Hey wanna know what that reminded me of though. When I was a kid I threw a rock at my friend's head and sent him to the hospital. He came back the next day but then I moved houses. Haha yeah I still feel kinda bad about it. Wait what did Jerma just say? Ahha no way! That's gonna be nominated for best one guy moment for sure! What's that? Oh yeah for sure that was Ster haha. I don't actually believe that by the way, just a funny conspiracy theory. Isn't your dad into some weird conspiracy theories? Uh huh, yeah. No yeah how can people fall for that haha. That's crazy, could you even imagine how crazy that would be hahahaha. Hey you know what why don't I get some icecream. I'm thinking Mint Chocolate Chip, you? Yeah ok sounds good. I'll run to the store and be right back.
20 days later
Happy Wednesday Mom! Humpday!! Woooo! Yeah ahaha!
6 Hours later
Hey I'm home, how are you? Oh no! Tell me about it. Ah well fair enough, I had an alright day. Saw my mom earlier. We just chatted, surprisingly pleasant. Well of course not, you know how they are. Different generation and all that junk. Junk inside your trunk. Yeehaw! Those are some horses. Horses run very quickly even though their legs are like a finger, or however that fun fact goes. Did you know that there are different sizes of infinity? Like the whole set of integers, you know n+1 where n is the current number. All the numbers you would reaxh using that expression. Countably Infinite. What is uncountably infinite is all real numbers. So that would include numbers with decimals and stuff. Cause 1.0 is a number and 1.1 is a number and 1.01 is a number and 1.001 is a number and 1.0001 is a number and so forth. You can't even get to 2. It's that big. How crazy is that! While yeah numbers and counting and shit is like, made up by humans it's still cool. Sven if it has no practical real world use. Though maybe that's just me being autistic. If you made it this far tag your friends! No but yeah, I'm just a quirky trans girl just living it up in the big city! Not a care in the world! I sometimes look out the window with my cat when he chirps. Try to see what he sees. He's a little orange fella. Real cute. Mostly birds you know? Sometimes we talk him out for a walk, just around the neighborhood. Put his collar, vest, and leash on.
Ons time in a walk he fisted a hole in a tree and a bird flew out. It was so crazy! I have a final I should be working on, but I like tip typing away at my phone. Like a little movie script. Haha would it be funny if I asked my boyfriend to proofread all of this. Haha that would be so crazy. I want this post to be longer. My goal was to make this like, the length of color of the sky. You know? The type of post that just takes a while to scroll past. I might have to just put it in my drafts and add on later. This is the end of the first time I add to this
Bro it's like 2 years later how crazy is that. Fuck fuck ufkc fuck fuck duck dick fuck fuckd ducm hahhahaba FUCK YOU A grape what even is that. Raisins my ass we kill plants in this ass. Root and all I just go into the woods and start pulling them up. Don't even harvest them I just like this is FALSE I DO NOT go into the nature by myself and I largely leave nature alone. I think I watched The Original Jumanji too young and now plants scare me kinda. Mushrooms too but that's from Ben 10 I think. Fucked up you know. I could be enjoying way more different types of food but I can't. Ok back to the single sided conversation.
Hey man long time no see. Still on the 1 a day popsicle regime? Yeah I hear you man BIG pharma really sucks you in. Not that being on pills forever is bad it just sucks that it's such a strain on the individuals finances. No man I'm not a cuck that was one time. Well sure I like watcjing people kiss but anyone who likes romance movies would be a cuck then. Wait are you a cuck? Yeah ok whatever man. Anyways, wanna watch some Narnia readings on youtube? I know this one guy that just recorded all the words in the books alphabetically and just plays each word as needed. No not really, that'd be way too much work. I... yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to be like this. This wasn't what this was supposed to be like. You, you never were supposed to get diagnosed with popsicle-itus. That's on me. I love you. I'll stay with you
FUCKING SIKE bitch ass get FUCKED bro I melted a popsicle and out it in your drink and now you're gonna DIE. That's what you get for fucking my mom man. Little BITCH! Oh yeah, btw I don't even like Mint Chocolate Chip. Suck on those grapes fucker. Of course I'll hold your hand. You'll wake up tomorrow and I'll find you.
Baited lul
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jackshiccup · 9 months
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affectionate chin tilts my beloved.. (perhaps in the same universe as my college/long distance au)
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phykoha · 2 months
I feel like people should draw Frida however they like for forever. Crazy thought I know.
real and true. also speaking of Frida
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peaceshire · 10 months
Dear Mx Peaceshire, thank you for putting out so much quality content of an OT3 that not only made me go from “I don’t know how this could work in a way that I like” to “Oh so THIS is how this could work in a way that I like” but also for inspiring me to write Buggy just about 25 percent more whiny and pathetic than I already did before. I only post my stuff in a very small circle for me and some of my designated weirdo friends (affectionate), but I still was kind of debating with myself wether or not to push my characterization in that direction, but honestly making him even more of a bastardly sniffling coward just helped me find a characterization of him I really like to write and for that , sincerely, thank you,
…. Also thank you for consistently writing and drawin the hottest fucking smut for this OT3 that has me down so bad that upon seeing the newest episode I actually had some sort of perverted Pavlovian response like “Oh yes and after that they are gonna fuck him up nasty style.” Even though logically I am aware that Toei will not show us Buggy getting fucked up by Mihawk and Crocodile nasty style in any capacity on screen.
keep on rocking, you're awesome
- sincerely, an admiring, if sexually confused, fan of your work
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This ask made me so happy ... !!! I drew this for you !!! Thank you !!!!
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rottiens · 4 months
Stepmom Yuki has severe breeding kink 😔✊️
she fucks you nice and deep, putting her hands on your belly looking adoringly at the way the cock separates your slippery folds and she would love nothing more than to fill you to the last drop. she in fact, debates whether she would love to cum in your folds or so deep inside you. her thumb moves from your belly button to your clit and strokes it sweetly as she takes the leg above her shoulder and kisses your calf, moving her hips in such a way that she manages to get even deeper.
the idea of her seed inside you, your tits swollen from pregnancy and her lips on your sweet sensitive nipples is what makes her cum silently, calling your name as she bites your skin.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
This post was inspired by a comment from an anon in my ask box. They mentioned that if the Queen hadn’t interrupted Polin's wedding, they could have had a beautiful wedding night (if you’re the anon and you’re reading this, hi! And also, I know this isn't everything, but I'll touch on the rest. Small disclaimer: this got long and I’m sorry).
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I agree, that could have happened. But honestly, I'm really glad it didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to see it, but I don’t think it would have been good for them. The intimate scenes we did get tell an overarching story and serve a purpose in the narrative. We’ve been told that these intimate moments are a way for them to communicate, so let’s unpack that.
The first intimate scene is about them discovering each other in a new, intimate way, moving from friendship (which had already started to happen in the carriage) to a lover relationship. This moment is crucial for Penelope's story and character development. From this, she grows in confidence and self-awareness. She expresses this to Colin multiple times, such as when she says, “with the confidence you’ve helped me find this year,” and later, “You’ve taught me to hold my own. You have shown me I’m capable of pleasure beyond imagination.”
From that intimate scene onward, Penelope starts to come into her own power and that includes her sexual power. Colin shows her a level of love and care beyond what she ever thought possible, breaking down the belief system she built around herself. She was ready to sacrifice her dreams of being loved and held for financial stability, a mindset ingrained by Portia. Colin helps her see that this doesn’t have to be the case, chipping away at her long-held beliefs.
Let’s now move to the scene in the alleyway, which links back to anon’s comment. Anon suggests that this is the moment they start repairing their relationship post LW reveal. That following this scene they were in a good enough place to enjoy their wedding night if the Queen hadn’t crashed the party. Yes. And no. 
And oh my god how I’ve longed to discuss this scene but I never quite knew how to approach it. At this point in the show, the narrative is like a tightly wound ball of yarn with so many threads to pull at. So, let’s attempt to pull at them. 
First of all, they’ve entered a whole new playing field. And they’ve entered this playing field while being “the oldest of friends really” so they have ammunition against each other. Pen has hurt Colin by lying (hiding the truth from him time and time again) about her identity. She has let him go on and on about his despise of Lady Whistledown. About his dreams of being an author. These were things he told her in intimacy. Those were things he told his best friend and the person he fell in love with. Not the woman who hides behind her column and has done so much wrong to his family and loved ones. 
There is a separation between the two. For Colin, in that alleyway, there is still just Pen his best friend, Penelope the woman he loves and on the other side of that there is Lady Whistledown, the woman he vowed to destroy. He expresses that when he says “so then you do not need Lady Whistledown anymore”. What he fails to realise at this point, and he cannot be blamed for that, is that Lady Whistledown is an integral part of who Penelope Featherington is as a person. That her alter ego is not just a mask she wears but a crucial aspect of her identity, giving her a sense of power and agency in a world that often limits her as a woman. Something that Pen has slowly come to terms with when she says that she no longer needs to hide behind this alter ego but that does not mean there is no value in it, something that she also explains to him after the Queen has crashed their wedding breakfast. 
Now I say that he cannot be blamed for his refusal of recognizing that they are one and the same because he is still holding onto his misbelief, which is that to be loved and to have a value he must protect what he loves and be useful. Part of that is saving and avenging the people he loves from Whistledown. He has given his word to Eloise, to Marina indirectly, to himself and I’m thinking to Pen silently after what she’s written about herself. He finds himself, due to his misbelief, between a rock and a hard place: “the person he vowed to destroy is, in fact, the person he vowed to protect, and there is no separation between the two” (not me directly quoting myself lol). To this you add all the shame over his writing and his envy of her success and you have a recipe for disaster. 
So essentially, in that alleyway you have Pen who is already well along her character arc and Colin who is still gripping onto his original, unchanged self. This represents a power imbalance. What I love throughout this season, and I might write something about this one day, is that Pen and Colin are never quite on the same level both literally and figuratively. There is always one ahead of the other. This, in the long run, is another recipe for disaster because they are never quite equal. That is UNTIL that butterfly ball when they’ve gone through their character arc respectively. That is the moment they fully come together. They become a unit. They are no longer fighting against each other but with each other and for each other. 
But to arrive to this moment they need to do it separately. They need to be able to work on themselves before they can fully be able to work on their marriage. Genevieve says it well “there is no such thing as true love without first embracing your true self”. For Penelope that is becoming Penelope Bridgerton, an amalgam of the best parts of Whistledown and Penelope Featherington. For Colin that is deconstructing his hero complex and fully believing that he is enough just by being exactly who he is. And that has not happened in that alleyway. Truthfully the surface has barely been scraped in that scene because she essentially shuts down his demons for an instant by saying that she loves him. However, the issues remain. 
So yes, we can speculate all we want. If the Queen had not interrupted their wedding, they might have had a wedding night and they might have had a talk about everything afterward. However, the lack of acceptance of their true selves would have driven them up a wall at the next problem, which was how to handle Cressida.
And I think that is why Polin season is actually so beautiful. It is not just about Polin. It is about marriage and how hard it can get, and how you have to work on yourself to fit around the person you love without sacrificing yourself in the process. It is about choosing each other every day, through the ugly as well as the beautiful, through the hard parts as well as the easy ones. It’s choosing to have faith that you’ll work and figure it out without an assurance that it actually will, but if the love is there, then it just might. That is the story they chose to tell through Penelope and Colin.
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First gif made by my bestie @polinsated 💕
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katsu28 · 2 years
to be alone together
pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
summary: steve has to work on valentine’s day, but maybe it’s not as bad as he thought it would be
warnings: none, 1.8k
a/n: u know i had to do a lil something for my steve girlies too <3 went for a more steve centric pov bc he is the definition of pining simp 
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(gif credits to @harringtondaily)
“Kinda sucks that you gotta work tonight.” Robin’s voice through the phone pressed to Steve’s ear was staticky, but still provided a good distraction from the empty video store around him.
It was Valentine’s Day and Steve had been at Family Video since opening, watching couple after couple come in to pretty much clear the romcom shelves, and yeah, he was a little bummed about it, but there was no point moping around about it any longer than he already had been. 
“It’s whatever, honestly. Not like I had any plans to begin with.” He sighed, shifting the receiver so it was wedged between his cheek and shoulder as his fingers drifted down to fiddle with the pen on the counter absentmindedly. 
“Steve, that’s sad.” Robin replied. Steve wrinkled his nose, a slightly offended noise escaping the back of his throat. “No! I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant that you should be out and about, having a good time.” 
“You know what’s actually sad? You talking to me instead of paying attention to your date.” He shot back, only half serious. “Where’s Nance?” 
“Oh she’s right here. Say hi, Nance.” 
Steve heard a faint ‘hi Steve’ in the background and he returned the greeting. “What are you guys doing tonight?” 
“She made this really fancy pasta thing for dinner, we’re just waiting on the chicken to finish in the oven and I thought I’d see what was going on with you.” Robin sounded casual, but he knew this was her way of checking up on him since he was the only one on shift all day and she knew how he felt about today. 
“Rob, I don’t know how many times I gotta tell you, but I’m fine. It’s really not a big deal.” 
“Why don’t you just close up early, come join us for dinner? We have more than enough food.” 
“You’re seriously inviting me to crash your romantic dinner date with your girlfriend?” He snorted, rolling his eyes playfully. “What does Nancy think of that?” 
There was some shuffling on the other end, a bout of silence, then Robin was back on the line. “She’s giving me a weird look, nevermind. Now that I think about it, it wasn’t my best idea.” 
“I love you both, but you know I can’t.” 
The bell above the door jingled softly, drawing Steve’s attention away from his phone call and to whoever just walked in. 
Shit. It was you. 
You were dressed like you were supposed to be on your date, not here, hair and makeup done up all pretty, floaty dress in his favorite color swishing around your knees as you made your way into the store. It made him wonder if you chose that color on purpose, but he knew that you didn’t. You couldn’t have known you’d be seeing him tonight. Wishful thinking on his end though. 
“Rob, I gotta go,” He blurted, straightening up behind the counter. 
“Wait, what—” 
“I gotta go, she’s—someone’s here, I gotta help her.” 
“She? Oh my god, wait! Is it—” 
“Have a nice date, tell Nance I said bye!” With that, Steve hung up, slamming the receiver onto the base with enough force to send it skittering a few inches. “Hey, Y/N.” 
“Steve!” Your previously downturned lips lifted into a smile, one that had Steve’s heart thudding a little faster in his chest. It always did. “I didn’t know you were working tonight.” 
See, you were also part of the reason he decided to take the extra shift today, but through no fault of your own. You’d mentioned earlier in the week while you were hanging out with him and Robin that someone had asked you out for tonight, and Steve didn’t really know how to feel about it. 
You were friends, but had Steve been harboring a crush on you since pretty much the first day you met? Yes. 
Did he feel an itching sense of jealousy that you were going on a date with someone that wasn’t him? Also yes. 
Would he do anything about it? Probably not. 
Okay, so maybe he knew exactly how he felt about it. Hell, he’d picked up an extra shift to distract himself from it. 
“Yeah, I got called in last minute." A lie. "Aren’t you supposed to be on a date right now?” A casual, not at all hoping that it crashed and burned question. That would be mean. (But also a little gratifying for him.)
You chuckled, a tad bitter as you leaned forward, propping your elbows on the counter, the action sending a whiff of your perfume his way. Steve’s knees almost gave out. “Supposed to, yeah. But the guy never showed up.” 
Steve had to fight a noise of surprise. What kind of dumbass would skip out on a date with you? “Really? That’s—that sucks, I’m sorry.” 
“S’okay. Wasn’t really looking forward to it anyways.” 
“I didn’t really know him that well, honestly. He was a friend of a friend, asked me out in front of a bunch of people, and I didn’t really wanna turn him down and make it awkward.” 
“You’re way too nice, Y/N. And he’s an idiot for standing you up.” 
“Thanks, Steve.” You smiled warmly at him, patting his hand. Steve had to pretend his pulse wasn’t racing right now. “What about you? Why’re you here and not out with anyone?” 
“I, uh—I didn’t really feel like going out tonight. Don’t think I’d be a very good date anyways.”
“Oh, you’re just being modest. What girl wouldn’t wanna spend Valentine’s Day with Steve Harrington?” 
The one girl he wanted to spend this day with, he thought. You. 
“You’d be surprised.” He muttered. 
“Well then they’re idiots too.” 
A small smile quirked his lips. “Thanks.” 
“Hey, I just came to pick up some movies and spend the rest of my night shoveling down ice cream, but since we’re both here now and alone, d’you wanna…be alone together? Grab a bite to eat or do something?” 
Steve’s shoulders slumped defeatedly. “I’d love to, but I—I can’t. I gotta stay here til the end of my shift, Keith’s been on my ass about taking off early and as much as I hate the guy, I don’t wanna get fired.” 
“Oh, okay. Don’t worry about it, I’m, uh—it’s cool.” Was he hallucinating, or did you look disappointed? 
“Would you maybe wanna, I dunno, stay here? We can watch whatever you want and I know where Robin keeps her work snack stash. That way we can be alone together and I don’t get chewed out again?” Steve blurted hopefully. He was honestly expecting you to say no. Why would you wanna spend the rest of your already shitty night with him in a dingy video store? But then your face split into the biggest smile and you nodded, rocking forward on the balls of your feet earnestly. “Go pick something out, I’ll grab the snacks.” 
You scurried off to browse the near bare shelves, leaving Steve shaking his head amusedly in your wake as he watched you skim the tapes with a look of utmost concentration. He slipped into the back room to grab Robin’s last unopened bag of chips, making a mental note to buy more before tomorrow’s shift before returning to the video area.
He skimmed the store, spotting you in the romcom section, and when he made his way over, you were contemplating the last two tapes on the shelf. 
You beamed at him upon spotting him. “Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles?” 
“Am I allowed to say neither?” 
“You said whatever I want, Steve.” You said pointedly, propping your hands on your hips. 
“I did, didn’t I?” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. You let out a hum of pleasure, sliding your chosen movie off the shelf and wandering towards the TV in the corner. Steve hurried after you quickly, plucking the tape from between your fingertips and running away, not unlike a child would. 
“Steve!” You huffed, whirling on your heel. He grinned mischievously at you, waving it in the air like a taunt. You caught up with him within seconds, lunging for the tape that he held up above his head and away from your outstretched hand. Your body was pressed against his as you reached for it, as you leaned against him in a fruitless attempt to overpower him. “Steve, gimme the tape!” 
“No!” He laughed, but that laughter very soon trickled off as soon as he realized your proximity. You were so close, he could see the color of your eyes clear as day, looking right back at him. You’d fallen quiet too, as if you’d come to the same realization. 
You were nose to nose, faces a hair’s breadth away from each other, the stolen tape in Steve’s hands long forgotten. Every fiber in his body was telling him to pull away, because the longer he stayed here the weirder it would be when he finally did manage to retreat, but no matter how hard he willed himself to move, he couldn’t. Instead, his eyes flicked down to your lips. Your breath hitched almost imperceptibly. 
“Steve?” You whispered, gaze darting around his own face. 
“Kiss me.” 
You didn’t have to tell him twice.
Steve dropped the tape immediately, closing the gap between you and pressing his lips against yours. His hands came up to cup your face, holding you firm but kissing you soft, like he was preparing himself to pull away if you did. But from the way you were returning his kiss, how your hands clutched at the front of his vest to keep him this close, it didn’t feel like you’d be pulling away anytime soon, and that spurred him on even more. 
One hand slid down to settle at your waist, the other curling around the back of your neck as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss just a little bit. 
Steve’s lips felt tingly when he pulled away, tasted of your cherry lip gloss when his tongue darted out to lick them. He was sure to have a little bit on his mouth now, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Not by a long shot. Cherry might’ve just become his new favorite flavor. 
“I really like you.” He breathed, chest heaving against yours. Your lips curved into a soft smile—the same smile that nearly sent Steve’s brain short circuiting every time it was aimed his way. 
“After that kiss, I’d sure hope so,” You replied, smoothing out his wrinkled shirt as best you could. “I like you too, just so you know. Part of the reason I was so okay with my date ditching me. He wasn’t you.” 
Steve could only beam at you, going in for another kiss. In his excitement, he missed his mark, hitting the corner of your mouth instead, but he didn’t care. The girl he wanted all along actually liked him back, and it only took one failed date and an extra shift to find out. 
Maybe working on Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad after all. 
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acekindaneat · 2 years
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From the work "If At First You Don't Succeed, Find A Loophole" by MalkyTop (@sleepdepravity) on ao3!!!!
(even with my busy schedule .. i had to draw today's update, it drove me insane)
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frosted-woods · 4 days
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hiii @potato-lord-but-not the stickers came just now gjfjjdhsjsj!!! honestly i'm surprised at how fast they arrived at the tiny pit where i live considering we have awfully smelly postal system here. haven't put them anywhere yet but some are definitely going straight on my laptop to help me with college. they're all so precious aggdhhdjssj
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and ofc thanks for the tiny will!!! i will treasure him dearly i promise
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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my arcade/king blackout wedding fic is DONE and since it takes place the morning after, i wanted to treat everyone to this flattering snapshot of what i left out. read the fic here:
"someone dishonoring their marriage vows? NOT IN VEGAS!"
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pokeberry5 · 9 months
your tim is soooooooo beautiful i can’t stop looking at him 😍
do you have any good tim whump fic recs? like the classic comm cuts out when he’s in trouble or really anything
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(thank you!! im glad u like my tim art)
(in reference to this, where i mentioned liking whump fics where tim ends up on the ropes alone and his comm cuts out)
i was digging through my reading history to try to find some recs and it seems??? i may have extrapolated fics based on what i wanted to read rip
i did still put some fic recs together! but these are slightly to the left of your original requests. i'm gonna put them in order of relevancy. broad warning to please read the tags on all of these
Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me In by nierembergia
tim's on the line with damian when suddenly a harmless-seeming interaction at a gala turns sinister (wip)
buy the ticket, take the ride
wherein tim is attempting to deal with things on his own after finding himself alone in vegas, at some point calls jason to "consult" him about blood spatters, and then has to hang up on him because he's getting shot at
the days of theft (no more) by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
gen omegaverse, jason takes tim and in the process snaps the bond between bruce and tim. including this one because the pack bond snapping between bruce and tim has, to me, the same emotional impact of a comm getting caught (wip)
Into the Brighter Night by shoalsea
the set up of this fic is tim manipulating the bats into following a plan he misrepresented and then purposefully going dark, although the majority of the fic deals with the interpersonal fallout of tim's actions (complete)
children of the stars by Scarlet_Ribbons
jason takes tim in because jack drake's a piece of shit and ends up doing his own growing in the process. not sure how to explain why i'm including this without spoiling it, but there is a Big Moment later in the fic that to me is equivalent to tim purposely cutting his comms off to deal with a situation himself (wip)
Call to a Lonely Earth by Drag0nst0rm
in the midst of brucequest, tim ends up on an earth where there are no longer any children and bruce has lost both his sons. i'm mostly including this one because i like it a lot, but—mild spoiler—tim does make a call explaining what he presents as a hopeless situation that he can't be saved from and then hangs up! (first fic is complete but sequel isn't)
also, while it doesn't quite have the same emotional force of what i was looking for, detective comics (1940) #698-99 is where i originally got the idea from and it does feature protective dick and alvin draper!
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mintjeru · 5 months
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it probably wasn't the smartest decision to start an ongoing 1000+ chapter webnovel when i know it'll consume my every waking thought but here we are
open for better quality | no reposts
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luna-lovegreat · 10 months
I am growing increasingly concerned about Wild and Warriors relationship...
With both Age of Calamity and Tears of the Kingdom, when the games were announced Jojo released a statement about how the game might affect Lu
And in both times she mentioned Wild and Wars relationship:
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What does she have planned for them?
Wild has been ignoring Wars for a while now, and Wars has shown anger over the sword breaking, and they were never that close to begin with
This is way back, and I could be wrong and I really hope I'm wrong
It's clear from the game announcement posts that she's had some sort of dynamic between them in mind from the start... and then there's this Q&A from way back:
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aeon-uriel · 3 months
married at first meeting (not that other trope) might be No Way for others but not zolu. they just genuinely go husbands? yea sure, captain. simple. yes im very right. no not taking any other questions
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croakings · 6 months
i apologize for mithrunposting incessantly but honestly if any of you expected better of me you shouldn't have
anyway i get it and some of the failguy jokes are funny. i can tell that nothing i've run into is even malicious. but also it would be really cool and awesome if there were simply less posts calling a disabled person a failure or baby or a dog or whatever for needing accommodation or extra help, especially when like. hey did you know the source material very on purpose did not do anything remotely like that. critical thinking question: could there be some reasons these phrases are not great, potentially
#*#mithrun#dungeon meshi#people are being weird about laois and falin wrt autism also but this is a separate issue#the downside of rep outside of like Average Action Movie Protagonist#which is to say. rep at all. as we would think of it.#is that you get to see not in-group folks talk about those characters. also.#and sometimes. people have. let us say. unexamined. or unacknowledged. biases. perhaps prejudices. at times.#ANYWAY#DISABLED PEOPLE HOWEVER DISABLED ARE NOT INFANTS OR ANIMALS. THANK YOU.#ALSO JUST FOR THE RECORD NOT THAT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO MY POINT#BUT MITHRUN IS SAID IN THE STORY TO BE FAIRLY SELF SUFFICIENT OUTSIDE OF DUNGEON CRAWLING.#his intelligence and strength stats are both extremely high. hey. hey. hey guys. what about him compels you to portray him#as weak or bumbling or unintelligent. quickly.#edit:#like look. if your whole joke is just ''ooooh he's so fucked up. he's so fucked up he's basically a goofy dog''. think about some things.#talking about/including a character's disability: 👍✅#exclusively talking about how fucked up it makes them/how fucked up it is to be disabled: 😕❌#double anyway. fucking. please for the love of god if nothing else. understand that real life disabled people see how you talk about#and portray those with disabilities. and sometimes! it does not feel good. thank you.#this isn't no fun alloweding. just THINK before you say shit PLEASE.#the only character ive seen get called a dog as much as mithrun is fucking laois. which. yk? ykwim here? would u call chilchuck a pursedog.#would that be fucked up‚ maybe. can you tell me why. are you reading me.#ok. i'm done. just. god. negative sims interaction bubble. JUST THINK ABOUT IT THATS ALL.#''its funny to ship mithrun with beautiful people bc he looks so fucked up now haha'' PLEASE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME.#actually i have more to say. rbing this. god. God.
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hoshiina · 4 months
pairing: akatsuki hyoga x gn!reader (no prns)
request: i wanted to request something of hyoga with a s/o that's reserved just like him, and that even though they were always together, everyone assumed that they were just close friends and nothing more. however it turns out they're married! and everyone is surprised by this; especially moz and homura who thought they knew hyoga to an extent at least lol
warnings: hyoga is very sweet, that's truly about it he's just insanely sweet.
wc: 1100
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The two of you were deeply in love. You knew he loved you and he knew you loved him back— and that was enough for both of you. After all these years, there was of course still lots to talk about, but hardly a need to talk about anything. As long as you were together, you couldn’t ask for any more. You had originally met each other at the same dojo, so often people found you training together and naturally as you did things together, you were close to similar people.
The two of you did share a living space and sleep together so while originally you assumed people would catch on that you were a couple rather quickly, considering the lack of affection you display in public the two of you soon realized they probably thought you were just roommates. However, there wasn’t a true need to bring it up all of a sudden, not to mention it would be slightly awkward after all this time— so you figured you’d just wait until someone asked.
Now, behind closed doors he would kiss you first thing in the morning and you would tell him you loved him before you slept each night and there was no doubt that the two of you were terribly in love. And that was perfectly fine.
Yet, if there was one thing that saddened you from time to time, it would be the missing ring on your left hand. 
Hyoga wasn’t one to wear his ring often, all the way back from 3700 years ago, but you were. You had it on all the time— to the point where you could hardly get it off your finger. Although you loved that it showed you were his and he was yours, you truly just loved the way it made you feel safe. It was nothing extravagant, and you asked for it that way. You wanted something that you could keep on while training, that wouldn’t get in the way, so it was just a band with a small diamond engraved in it. To many it truly wasn’t much, but to you, it meant absolutely the world. To you, that little ring made you feel like Hyoga was with you wherever you went and in danger, he would come flying. You absolutely trusted he still would, but your hand did feel empty without the ring.
It was as if he read your mind. It was early in the morning when the two of you were taking a break while training alone. He carefully took off his gloves and took your left hand and the gentle touch made your heart flutter.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
He didn’t reply, but he took out a ring and slipped it right onto your ring finger. It was just a band, no diamond, no gem. Just a band that was exactly the size of your left-hand ring finger.
“Sorry it’s nothing more,” Hyoga said softly, then laughed a little. The look on his face was soft and gentle, one that he would only show you. “Perhaps this is worse than it was without.”
You were in love with him, you had always been and yet you had fallen all over again. He was the one for you and he will always be.
“No, I absolutely adore it!” you said, immediately pulling your hand back just in case he took it away. He chuckled again and you slowly brought your hand back out to look at it on your hand. You loved it so much you couldn’t have the words to express it. The largest diamond in the world couldn’t possibly compare to this simple hoop of metal on your ring finger. “How… did you?”
“I asked Senkuu and Kaseki helped make it,” he said. “It was a slight hassle trying to get your ring size again.”
“When did you get it? While I was asleep?” you asked, absolutely impressed.
“Yes,” he said. “I was afraid to wake you up a couple of times. Also it didn’t help that you sleep on your side a lot.”
“Okay, but aren’t you going to tell?” Senkuu suddenly said.
“Tell what?” you asked, ignoring the fact that you didn’t know he was listening in.
“No.” Hyoga said firmly, purely out of embarrassment.
“He made the ring himself,” Senkuu said. “Late at night, after you were asleep, for multiple nights he was working on it.”
Your head spun back to look at him. “No way,” you said.
In all of your years of being married, you had not seen him look so flustered ever.
“He got it perfect in a few tries though. Considering the tools we have to work with that itself was an insane feat,” Senkuu said, and started walking away. “Okay, sorry to bother, I’ll leave you be.”
“I love you so much,” you said to Hyoga, looking directly into his eyes.
“It’s just a piece of metal really, so I thought it’d make me feel a little more part of it if I made it,” he said, avoiding eye contact.
“Why weren’t you going to tell me?” you asked.
“It’s embarrassing,” he said. “Also, it was just for my self-satisfaction… it doesn’t change the fact that it’s just a band.”
You didn’t even bother to reply because you knew that he knew you didn’t think that for a second. You knew that he knew that made you love the ring a million times more now. Perhaps that was why— perhaps he felt bad if that made you feel like you had to keep it on. How terribly silly— he could have found it on the ground some random day and you would still have it on for the rest of your life if he had given it to you.
“Thank you,” you said, giving him a kiss. “I’ll protect it with my life.”
“Please do not,” he said, returning the kiss. “It’s supposed to protect you.”
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From that moment on, you realized you did want people to know you were married to him after all. You were so insanely proud to have him as your husband, not to mention you didn’t need anyone else falling for him either. He was in love with you, he would spend nights making a ring for you— not anyone else.
So later that day when you were having a meal with Homura and Moz, you made sure to flaunt your brand new ring, surprising them both.
Hyoga stayed silent, but it was obvious he was your partner.
Today, it was absolutely obvious that the two of you were in love.
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