#i firmly believe that nothing would make her happier than cumming inside you
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rottiens · 11 months ago
Stepmom Yuki has severe breeding kink 😔✊️
she fucks you nice and deep, putting her hands on your belly looking adoringly at the way the cock separates your slippery folds and she would love nothing more than to fill you to the last drop. she in fact, debates whether she would love to cum in your folds or so deep inside you. her thumb moves from your belly button to your clit and strokes it sweetly as she takes the leg above her shoulder and kisses your calf, moving her hips in such a way that she manages to get even deeper.
the idea of her seed inside you, your tits swollen from pregnancy and her lips on your sweet sensitive nipples is what makes her cum silently, calling your name as she bites your skin.
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gameofdrarry · 4 years ago
Wizards Hearts: A Night on the Town!
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Wizards Hearts Game/Fest ran for a full four months, and is now officially over, though we are ever appreciative towards our readers for spreading love to Drarry fics old and new, short and long. 900 comments were left as a result of the game.
Players are sorted and assigned at random to four different teams. All team activities and discussions are completely optional but can yield extra points to help win the game! There are weekly team activities and longer, creative team activities where players can imagine new, fun headcanons in the Harry Potter universe and perhaps a few stories of their own!
Team Activity 5: Celebrity Visitations and Incidents
As was previously reported on, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter made visitations at multiple casinos. Those casinos have been kind enough to share their footage surveillance and first person accounts of what exactly happened during these visits. Some went much better than others, of course.
Teams were asked to 1) Write a fic about the incident at their casino (as written by their rival casinos) and tell it from the perspective of A) Harry or Draco or B) a 3rd Person Narrator for a minimum for 500 words. 2) Create an image to accompany their fics.
View the first Team Activity post here
View the second Team Activity post here
View the third Team Activity post here
View the fourth Team Activity post here
View the final Team Activity post under the cut!
Team 1: Loch Lomond’s Treasure
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Before Draco was inside the casino, he thought the whole thing to be rather silly. A masquerade ball he would have been right at home in. But the way Harry had described it, this was almost closer to a costume party, and he wasn’t entirely a fan of their chosen costumes. He understood why Harry had chosen them, of course, but that didn’t mean he had to like them.
But when he stepped inside the Loch Lomond’s Treasure casino, all of his worries were dashed away, and he was taken aback. He had known about the Gillyweed Ball, but goodness Merlin… It was exquisite. The way the lights danced around the water seemed to make everything sparkle, and everyone was laughing and having a grand old time. Near immediately, the two of them were approached. Even behind the shoddy glamour, Draco was able to recognize Mr. Richens. Elder gentleman, halfblood, and owner of an up-and-coming potions shop down in Diagon. “Ah, Mr. Potter!”
And just like Harry said, it worked. Everyone thought that he was Harry, and that Harry was him! He watched the way Richens seemed to fall all over himself to speak with him, all while snubbing Harry. Unable to help himself, Draco threw a smirk to Harry for what he knew would come at the end of the night when everyone cast off their costumes. Harry chuckled at his side, and it seemed to throw Richens off a bit, but Draco gave the man credit where credit was due. He plowed on as though nothing were amiss.
And that was what went on for the rest of the night as well. Business owners, politicians, and anyone looking to get anything to sell to the papers all came flocking towards him as though he truly were Harry Potter. He supposed that was what they believed to be true, at least. “Mr. Potter, everyone is just dying to know who made your costumes,” one of the women tittered. Draco barely kept from rolling his eyes.
“Blaise Zabini, of course,” he answered, and no one noticed the smoother, more cultured tones of his voice, as opposed to the rough and tumble way Harry spilled out his words. “He’s a new designer, and one to certainly be on the lookout for. He was anxious to make these for us, and I think we can agree that he did a fabulous job on them.”
When he and Harry were separated, Draco saw out of the corner of his eye, multiple people that Harry bumped into or tried to play nice with all give him cold glares, and seem to spit venom at him. Harry, of course, took none of it seriously and answered it all with one of those sunshine smiles of his.
Later in the evening, Harry called him over, “Harry,” he said, and Draco heard that teasing tone in his voice clear as day. “Come on over here, they’re announcing the winners of the costume contest.”
Draco chuckled to himself. “Alright, alright. You won’t let me go until I do.” So Draco walked over to stand beside him.
He wasn’t much surprised when he and Harry were announced as the Kings of the costume contest. Everyone pleaded with them to remove their costumes, and Draco glanced to Harry. When Harry nodded, Draco smirked and waved his wand silently to send their costumes away. The shock, awe, and fear on the faces of many in attendance did so warm Draco’s heart.
At his side, Harry’s fingertips brushed against his arm. “You enjoy some more of the buffet. I’ve got a few… business partners to talk to.”
Draco near purred, “Sounds lovely. Would you like me to save you a few crab canapés? They’re absolutely divine.”
“I think you’d be happier to have them all to yourself,” Harry chuckled, and Draco did so love the sound, as the shivers running through his spine attested to. “Just save me a seat?”
“For you? Always.”
Team 2: Golden Scales
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It was All Hallows Eve, a day that Harry tried to forget. Harry usually spent this day locked up in his room at Grimmauld Place. Ron and Hermione would visit him to make sure he ate and give him company. This year, the duo was busy with their newborn child, Rose, and hence, Harry was going to spend the day alone. 
Draco and Harry had struck up a new friendship after Ginny and Pansy’s wedding. Draco knew from the girls that this day was always hard on Harry, and so he took it upon himself to do something fun this year. 
That’s how they ended up at the entrance of the Golden Scales Casino. The Casino was organising a Masquerade and Bonfire Night to welcome the season. Bring your best mask and your whimsy and prepare for a magical evening, the pamphlet had read. It was just what they needed to take Harry’s mind off of gloom and doom.
Draco had worn a beautiful silver mask with green feathers and rhinestones. Harry looked equally handsome in a red and black mask that accentuated his emerald green eyes. They met in the front lobby of the casino near the dragon statue. Before walking in, Draco rubbed the golden ace card held by the dragon, which was rumoured to bring patrons good luck. Their masks were a blessing, and not many heads turned.
The boys tried their hand at the casino’s patent game ‘Bluffing the Dragon’, and Draco even won a round and graciously treated Harry to a shot of Dragon Bite. They were sitting by the bonfire, enjoying the warmth and spectacular light show performed by the casino’s miniature dragons when a flame from one of the dragons skimmed Harry's face, causing him to panic and jerk away, spilling Draco’s drink in the process.
“Watch it, Potter, this suit is Italian and very expensive,” Draco said irritably.
Harry, however, had started hyperventilating. 
“Calm down, Potter. You’re drawing attention to us,” he said.
“Shut. Up. Malfoy.” Harry bit out, and soon they had reverted to their schoolboy ways of hurling insults at each other. 
The commotion had alerted the authorities, and two burly bouncers approached their table. Seeing this, Draco put an arm on Harry’s shoulder to calm him down, but Harry pushed him away, ripping his mask off and pointing his wand at Draco’s throat. A collective gasp was heard, and then the room went silent.
Draco looked at Harry, eyes wide and full of hurt. Harry, realising his overreaction, dropped his wand. Draco turned on his heel and started leaving when Harry came back to his senses and ran after him, but Draco pushed him and apparated away.
Harry had bumped into another patron who had consumed the Queen of the Night cocktail, causing a coughing cum fire breathing fit. The ensuing commotion was too much, and when the bouncers escorted him to the golden elevator, he went willingly.
The previous night’s debacle was all over the papers the next day. Everyone had a take on what must have transpired. Some called it a lover’s tiff, others a spat between friends, and some even speculated that Harry had been led to the Casino by devious means. Of course, none of it was true, and the only person who deserved to know the truth was Draco. Harry had to set things right—the look on Draco’s face had haunted him all night.
He wasn’t sure if Draco would want to see him, so he wrote him a letter explaining how he’d been lost in his own head. The flames had taken him by surprise, plunging him back to the night in the Room of Requirement when he and Draco had almost perished in the Fiendfyre. He didn't expect Draco to forgive him, but he had to apologise.
An hour later, Harry’s floo chimed and Draco stepped out of it, wrapping Harry in a tight hug.
Team 3: Vanaheim
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It was stiflingly hot inside the infamous Vanaheim Casino, and the glamour Romilda wore didn’t help matters much since it clogged every pore of her face, making her feeling more uncomfortable. But she didn’t dare take off her glamour and risk being detected. Ever since she’d been caught bribing Mundungus Fletcher to steal things from the more noteworthy guests, she’d been banned from the premises under threat of public humiliation. 
Tonight had been dreadfully dull though. She’d had high hopes for this event, with both Harry Potter and his more than questionable choice of boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, as guests. But everything was going smoothly. Too smoothly. Not even a row over winnings or counting cards or anything, just a slow hum of voices and the occasional outcry whenever someone won at that weird dice game they insisted on playing here that she could never understand or remember the rules for.
She sighed, glancing at her wristwatch, when something caught her eye. How on earth could she have missed this? She was sure she had kept her eyes firmly on Potter the entire night, but somehow she hadn’t noticed him walking up to… to none other than the literal god and eligible bachelor Thor Odinsson. Oh, this was good. This was almost too good to be true. But where was Malfoy?
It was difficult trying to scan the room for Malfoy while simultaneously keeping track of what Potter was doing with Odinsson, but when Potter leaned into the other man, placing a hand on his big bicep and whispering in his ear, Romilda felt like she had found the thirteenth use of dragon’s blood. Surely she would get promoted after writing a story about this?
Unbelievably, it got even better when she heard a cry of rage to her right, and saw Malfoy elbow his way through the crowd towards the two men. Romilda was whispering furiously to her Quick Quotes Quill while Malfoy started having a shouting match with Potter, and even went so far as to push Potter away from Odinsson. But in her haste to get everything written down, she had forgotten to keep her glamour, and she felt it slip enough that the bouncer by the door noticed her. He’d always had a keen eye, that one, and wasn’t easily distracted by gossip-worthy fights, not even a big one like this. Luckily for her, Malfoy yanked Potter away towards the loos by grabbing his collar. She took the opportunity to slink away in the general commotion that caused, grieving that she hadn’t become an unregistered Animagus like her predecessor Rita Skeeter so she could follow the two men and see the rest of the row. By the look of Malfoy’s face, it promised to get juicy.
* * * * *
Draco pushed Potter unceremoniously into the loo and slammed the door behind them. After a quick check to make sure they were alone, he cast Colloportus and pushed Potter up against the sink.
“I saw you,” Draco growled.
Potter’s eyes widened but he didn’t move. 
“In front of everyone. They were all watching their Saviour. They think I don’t deserve you.” Draco took a step closer until they were inches apart. “I saw you. Whispering in his ear, touching him, and he looked like he wanted to devour you. Make you his.” 
Potter exhaled, his eyes dark. “How did that make you feel?”
Draco slid his thigh between Potter’s and crowded into his space. “Incredibly turned on. He wanted you, thought he could have you.”
“The look on your face,” Potter murmured in Draco’s ear. “I was watching you the whole time. I love it when your cheeks and neck get flushed. You’re gorgeous when you’re jealous.”
“Fuck, Potter.” Draco leaned in and brushed his lips against Harry’s jaw, kissed down his neck and Harry tilted his head to the side in encouragement. “But you’re mine, aren’t you?”
Harry’s breath hitched as Draco nipped at the sensitive spot by his ear. “All yours. You’re the only one I want.”
Draco sucked a bruise into Harry’s neck to mark what was his, then came up and claimed his lips in a searing kiss. When they broke apart, Draco had only one coherent thought on his mind. “Apparate us home. Right now.”
With a loud crack, the room was once again empty.
Team 4: Arc en Ciel
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 6 years ago
This is pure word vomit... TGIF! (expect I work on Sat..) 
Angel Reyes x Reader 
Warnings: ANGST, language, fluff if you squint (really hard)
The clubhouse brimmed with chatter and exhilaration as the festivities of the evening were in full swing. Very rarely did the Mayans have anything worthy of celebrating but tonight was unique. Tonight, they were all appreciative to be alive and well after their latest run for Miguel Galindo and his fucking cartel.
She could feel the bass seeping through the walls of the auto garage as she sat tucked away within the confines of its small smothering office. Sulking was her new state of mind, sadness strewn into the crease of forehead all the way to her permanent frown.
The world spiraled around her, a cyclone spewing its viscosity alighting like acid just underneath her skin. It was somewhere in these fleeting moments she realized just how important Angel Reyes had become and for that, terror rung through her core. He tasted like every sinfully dark thought she’d ever had; addictive and devastating.
“Harder..yes, right there Angel. Please don’t fucking stop.”
Their moans muffled into one as the only resonating sound was their skin upon each other. Sweat glistened their bodies acting like adhesive between the frenzied pair. Angel Reyes always did know how to make a girl cum.
“Ahh, you are so tight princesa.” He whispered into the shell of her ear as his hot breath tingled down her neck.
“I’m about to—” Before she could finish her sentence, Angel thrusted entirely into her, igniting the awaiting snap in her belly to ultimately release. Black dots appeared behind her closed lids as she let her orgasm take over, giving herself fully to the man inside and on top of her.
Her orgasm seemed never ending as Angel came moments after her, filling her to the brim. Intermingled heat arose in the room as Y/N felt his weight collapse on top of her while he attempted to calm his heart. 
Still deep within her, Angel propped up his elbows by her head and gazed down at the beauty in front of him. He craved these moments of intimacy with Y/N, but in the end, he knew how this would play out; a messy disaster he wasn’t willing to fight for.
Somewhere along their agreement feelings began to shift into unknown territory. Her eyes told a story of affection and admiration that he couldn’t bring himself to verbalize. So, he decided it was easier to play the oblivious fool, undermining the one girl who gave him value in hopes of protecting her.
Finding the strength to disconnect from Y/N, Angel pulled away from her loving touch and sat on the corner of the bed, his head dipped downwards in a defeated stance. 
Y/N made her way towards him, pushing her chest to his back as her hands gently hugged his neck. Her knees placed in between his hips; “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or brood tonight?”
Angel reached for her smooth hands encasing theirs together, his confidence hurriedly dwindling. He wasn’t even brave enough to face her officially adding coward to his long list of qualities.
“I have to tell you something and… I don’t want you to hate me.”
Her heart plummeted as worry increased to a new- fangled extreme. Though they never spoke the words aloud, she was solely his, even if they had stupidly labeled it friends with benefits years ago. Angel Reyes created an art form out of hurting her, and he wasn’t about to disappoint.
“You’re so good at letting me down.”
He abruptly turned to face her, their noses just out of reach of brushing one another as he noticed the defiant tears reflected on the surface of her eyes. Unknowingly, disappointment was becoming a long-acquainted nemesis, she often thought it synonymous to somber solace.
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love you Y/N, but better to face the facts now... because the longer we put it off, the harder it’ll be.”
“Why now?”
“I met someone.” Her ears perked up at his stutter, confusion written on her face as Y/N tried to process Angel’s stammers. Nobody warns you of the difference between having your heart broken and having your soul destroyed, but to Y/N, it felt earth shatteringly real.
“I—I’m so fucking confused. I’m attracted to her, yet I need you. I feel like I’m at some sort of crossroads. Shit, say something Y/N.”
“What’s her name?”
“Adelita.” His voice barely a whisper knowing full well she would connect the clues to piece together their demented reality.
“So, the truth is that you want one thing and have a secret wish for its opposite? Did you sleep with her?”
“No no, but we kissed, and I felt this electricity that I can’t deny. Lo siento mucho.”
“I see, so you wanted to get one last fuck in before breaking it off, hmm? Real classy Reyes. God damnit, I’m in love with a man who will never put me first and the worst part is I LET YOU.”
He reached towards her to see her surprisingly flinch away from his touch, actuality sinking into his bones.
“This isn’t how I pictured us. Just give me some time to clear my fucking head and for this cartel shit to wrap up. Then we can talk.”
“I don’t think I can do this anymore but I’m not ready to say goodbye. We’re constantly in no mans land, but for how much longer Angel? We’ve been doing this dance for five years and I can’t even get you to commit. Why wait?”
Nothing but truth flowed from her lips as Angel contemplated her words.
“I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing and then you walked in my life. Please, just have a little faith in me one last time.”
“I’m terrified she’s going to make you happier than I can.”
For the first time in his life, Angel was speechless, and his doubts were swallowing him whole.
Y/N heaved a sigh, she wanted to say, ‘Don’t leave me’, but all Y/N felt was pain. A lot of pain. For some reason, she tricked herself into imagining how much this wouldn’t hurt. She was inexplicably wrong.
She slid off his bed in search of her clothes scattered around his room unwilling to meet his gaze. Angel observed in pure agony at the hurt radiating off Y/N but stayed soundless. Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free, reluctantly so. Angel had no other choice than to watch her walk away.
Whiskey burned her insides as she reveled in its torture. Her mind blurred into one gigantic hurricane before the dizziness overtook her small frame. Control was slipping from her once tightened grasp as the alcohol simmered through her blood, only making Angel her forefront thought.
Y/N desired to move on, to forget, to start with a clean state once more. She wanted to be able to breath again. So, she brought the bottle closer to her lips before engulfing a substantial gulp wallowing in the burn down her throat to the deep depths of her belly.
Suddenly, the blockaded door violently shook against the wall begging for entrance into her seclusion. Ezekiel’s voice floundered through the small gap; “Y/N, please let me in.”
She sluggishly moved towards the door, unsure of the conversation that lay ahead, but Ez was her best friend. She peeked through the crack before removing the chair held again the doorknob, granting him access.
“Come to see the show and pity me?” Wordlessly, Ez firmly pulled her within his reach and caringly into his chest. Her cheek laid against his muscular chest as her whimpers drowned out the cascading tears dampening his shirt.
 Ez placed his chin atop her icy blonde hair, clutching her as close as humanly possible. He knew his brother was an asshole, but he never saw Y/N this way before, and it frightened him immensely.  
“Of course not. I just didn’t want you to be alone even if you aren’t ready to talk. Sitting with you is peace enough for me.”
“Thank you, E., It’s nice to see a friendly face even if you are his little brother.”
“Can I be honest with you Y/N?”
“Being alone may scare the shit out of you but staying in a bad relationship will irrevocably damage you. You deserve a true equal, just keep that in mind.”
“I’m beginning to believe that for very few times in life, if you are lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws are arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.”
“Deep words young grasshopper. When did you become so wise because I know that’s not my brother’s doing?”
“Finally seeing some much-needed clarity over this whirlwind of a relationship. I’m in so much agony but I’m still standing. I think I forgot what it’s like to be independent, maybe even love myself more than him? I know it sounds ludicrous.”
“Not at all. I’m actually impressed. We’re gonna get through this.”
She tugged at the hem of his shirt, before pulling back to meet his stare lifting the whiskey bottle his direction and offering a drink. Ezekiel gladly accepted as his smile provided a tiny ray of sunshine encircling Y/N’s mindset.
“We all have demons Reyes, I just chose to feed mine. But not anymore.”
-Requests open-
“I’m beginning to believe that for very few times in life, if you are lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws are arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.” -Lisa Kleypas 
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fernwehbookworm · 6 years ago
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 9
September 29th, 2017
The week passed miserably slow. Kara had been looking forward to hopping on a plane and visiting her girlfriend. She was lucky that no one but Cat Grant figured out the mystery woman that Lena Luthor was seeing. It was everywhere though. For the first time, since her first album, Lena Luthor had an ongoing love interest. It was confirmed by Lena's Instagram with the photos from Kara's various trips, none actually showing Kara's face but enough to confirm that each was the same person. Kara, on the other hand, was slowly withdrawing from any form of media. She deleted her hardly used Facebook and Twitter then took down most the photos of herself or friends on Instagram. Searching for Kara Danvers mostly just brought up her MMA career and the charity fight she had recently won against Leslie Willis along with the CatCo article.
Friday night became take out Chinese and Winn coming over to hang out. Alex had a date with Maggie and said they were going to the gun range, which of course caused Kara to laugh but her sister couldn't be happier. The two crimefighters settle into the couch, Winn's high tech laptop running a program he invented to alert them of major crimes. Winn was scanning Netflix for something to watch while Kara searched for cash for the delivery person who should be there any minute.
“I got it,” Kara says when she hears the knock at the door. Winn grunts as he keeps his gaze fixated on the screen. Kara unlocks the door and opens it.
“Lena!” There she was, standing in Kara's doorway, in National City, in America.
“Surprise!” Lena smiles at Kara.
“But… how? I mean I thought… I thought you had a thing.”
“I did. Or I thought I did. Jess is sneaky. I didn't even know we were headed here until we touched down at the airport.”
“You have to give her raise,” Kara said, finally over her shock, and pulls Lena in for a kiss.
“Trust me, she is the most well paid personal assistant in the world,” Lena says after the kiss.
“Kara! Hurry up, I'm starving!” Winn calls from the living room.
“Is that Winn?”
“Yeah, we were going to hang out tonight.”
“Oh well, I shouldn't interrupt. You can just call me when you're done.”
“Are you crazy? I see Winn every day.” Kara firmly pulls Lena inside the apartment.
“Change of plans Winn. You're leaving.”
“Wha… Oh, hey Lena. Yup, I'm leaving.”
“Hey, Winn. Sorry to interrupt. What's that?” Lena indicates the laptop and the complicated program running. Green and black lines of code overlaying the city. Random bleeps of light pinging over the screen.
“Nothing, just a program I'm testing out. Okay, I'll see you later.” Winn hurriedly shuts the laptop and stuffs it in his bag.
“Here Winn, get yourself something to eat on the way home.” Kara hands him the cash she got for the delivery.
Winn leaves and the delivery boy is just on the other side. Before Kara can go hunt down more money, Lena is already pulling some out of her wallet. The couple digs into the food, sitting at the table, legs tangled under it and hands touching as they reach for various containers.
“I just can't believe you are here. I mean in National City.”
“Me either. But this is so much better than whatever interview or promotional thing Jess got me out of.”
After eating they cuddle up on the couch. Wrapped in each other. Innocent touches become far less so in the need for each other after several weeks apart. Kara's fingers were moving in Lena right there on the couch, Lena coming undone after weeks of near celibacy. She had tried to masturbate but nothing was working for her besides when she and Kara had spent some time speaking on the phone. Now, with Kara worshiping her body she knew why. Kara had ruined her because now this is what her body craved. The words of affirmation pouring out of Kara's mouth were exactly what Lena needed most.
“Cum for me, beautiful,” Kara whispers and Lena does, because she would buy the moon for Kara if she asked it. They are even still half-dressed as Kara lays on top of Lena on the surprisingly comfortable couch. Lena had only managed to get Kara's shirt off before Kara removed Lena's pants and went to work.
“Bed?” Lena asks.
“Yes, please. I'm exhausted.” Kara says sleepily.
“Well that wasn't what I was thinking but if you don't want to then we can sleep.”
“It's been a long week Lee. Honestly, I just want to hold you because I'm still not sure if this was real.” Lena laughs softly at the awe in Kara’s voice.
“Trust me, that orgasm was very real,” Lena says and Kara laughs too, then stands and helps Lena to her feet.
“Good to know. But I meant you being here. Well, this whole relationship and everything.” Kara pulls her from the couch and to her bed. Kara wraps herself around Lena like a Koala on a tree.
“Trust me. I think it's more surreal for me. I don't even know why I agreed to that first date. I don't date. Ever. But something in your eyes just begged me to say yes.”
“I think it was the great pick up line,” Kara mumbles, sleepily. Lena begins running her fingers through Kara's hair as she pillows her head on Lena’s breasts. They were just so soft.
“That might have been it. Or for once I knew someone wanted me for me. You wanted the messy hair and baggy sweatshirt. Not the professionally styled singer.”
“I think…” Kara yawns, “I think I prefer the sweatshirt.”
“Shhh… go to sleep. We have two whole days.” Kara squeezes Lena tight before letting her body relax, the comfortable weight of her settling on Lena.
September 30th, 2017
A ringing intrudes Kara ears and she groggily detaches herself from Lena and the warm bed. She stumbles through the dark and out of her bedroom. Her phone was on the kitchen counter, she peers at the caller and then the time, two a.m. It's Winn so it can only mean one thing.
“What is it?” Kara asks softly.
“Kara, they got James. I was on the phone with him while he was working on something. Then I heard a scuffle and the line went dead. I traced the phones last origin to a place I've been suspecting as a Cadmus base.”
“Shit. I told him… never mind this isn't the time. Send me the location. If he isn't dead I am seriously going to kill him.” Kara quickly grabs her keys and scrawls a note to Lena that James’ needed help with something and leaves it on her pillow. Kara changes into the extra suit stashed in her bike right there in the garage, hoping no one would be around this late. Without incident, she hops on her now red, blue and gold bike and speeds to where Winn is showing her on her phone, connected to the high tech, dash.
The place looks like an abandoned apartment building. Boarded up windows and broken steps. Kara can see lights near the top just barely yellowing the windows. It peeks through cracks in the boards, clearly not wanting to be seen. No guards at the front door, or the back when Kara circles around. Still not risking it, Kara pulls the grappling hook and pulls herself up to the roof. There is only five floors but there is still a roof access door. Holes speckle the roof so Kara tests each step as she slowly makes her way to the door and down to the top floor. She hears voices on the floor below her. They are angry. Then a sound of flesh hitting flesh. Kara tries to quicken her pace but the floor squeaks in the hallway and she freezes. Silence falls below.
“What was that?” One man says.
“How the hell should I know? I'm here with you.” Says a second man.
“Well go look, you idiot.” Says the first.
Kara hears footsteps as the man noisily makes his way to her. She takes the opportunity to duck into the next room. Light shines through the cracks in the floor. Kara is just above the room where she assumes they are holding James. The man is thudding up the steps. Kara lays flat on the ground to peer below her. On the opposite side of the room, James is tied to a chair, face bruised and bloodied. The second man is pacing, waiting for his partner that Kara can hear moving around in the next room as he searches. The floor looks weak enough. Kara waits by the door for the man to enter. In a swift move, Kara punches the man in the stomach and the flips him over hard. The man crashes through the already weak floor and into the center of the room. Debris falls on to the pacing man, knocking him out too.  
Kara jumps through her new entrance and pulls out a small knife. Quickly, she cuts the ropes binding James and catches him with one arm before he collapses.
“Whoa, there big guy.” She says, voice distorted by the modulator.
“There's…” he tries.
“Shhhh… I’m getting you out of here.” Kara touches her Comm.
“I got him. He's not good. Bring the van.”
“There’s... three.”
“What?” Kara asks.
“Three…” James tries again. A gun clicks behind Kara. A man came in from the next room where Kara failed to look.
“Three of us.” He says. Kara throws the knife, it hits the man in the chest, sinking deep, but not before the gun goes off. The impact of the bullet hits Kara's shoulder and throws her against the wall. Her head hits hard.
When she comes to, Kara is staring up at bright lights. In a fog she looks around, she is in the base. Winn watches her anxiously from his chair. Kara reaches a hand up to touch the source of the throbbing on the back of her head, it's pretty tender but no blood. That reminds her of the bullet. She looks down. Winn must have taken off the suit, leaving her in a tank top and pants, dark bruising already forming on her chest.
“Ah, what happened?”
“You saved my life.” James’ deep voice says from behind her. Kara starts and turns around.
“James.” Is all she can say.
His face was black and blue, blood dried below his nose. A split lip made his speech a little heavy. But otherwise, he was standing and okay. Then she spins back around and glares at Winn.
“What the hell is he doing here?!”
“I-I couldn't carry you myself. And he figured it out when I showed up so it seemed kind of pointless. And I couldn't drive your bike but he could and…”
“Enough. We will talk about this later. All of us.” Kara pointedly looks at James.
“What time is it?” Kara asks.
“Almost five. Why?” James asks.
“Because I left my girlfriend asleep in my bed because someone had to go and get themselves kidnapped!” Kara quickly throws on a spare shirt she kept in the base and a leather jacket before grabbing her helmet.
“Wait, Kara, you could have a concussion.” Winn tries to stop her.
“I'm fine. I need to get back before she wakes up.” Kara brushes past her friend and starts the bike. She pushes the button for the garage door and zooms out. Traffic is thankfully light this early on a Saturday morning. She makes it back in ten minutes. Kara strips off the pants which were still the armored red and blue from her suit and throws them under the bed and collapses next to the beautiful raven-haired girl.
“Kara?” She asks sleepily.
“Shhh… I'm here.”
“Where did you go?” Lena wraps her arms around Kara's waist before settling her head on Kara's chest.
“James needed extra eyes for a steak out. He didn't want to go alone. I'm sorry. I'm back.”
“You’re safe?” She asks, peering up at the blonde.
“We ran into some trouble, nothing I couldn't handle. James is kind of rough and I got hit in the shoulder.” Kara says, trying to stick as close to the truth as possible.
“It's too early to talk about this. I’ll scold you for doing dangerous things in the morning.” Kara laughs softly.
“It is morning. It's five.”
“No, morning starts at ten at the earliest.”
“Good, I need some sleep.” Kara kisses Lena's forehead and settles into her. Taking comfort in actually being able to hold her girlfriend.
When they both woke up at a time Lena determined as acceptable for ‘morning’, almost lunch for Kara. Kara made eggs, bacon, toast, and poured orange juice. After Kara settled next to her, Lena finally worked up the courage to scold her.
“I can't believe you left in the middle of the night and basically got in a fight, God knows where.” Kara sighs, knowing this was coming.
“I know. Trust me. I wasn't planning it but James was already there and a little freaked out. Then we got jumped, James got hit pretty badly by one. I took out the other two and we got out of there. This Cadmus story is dangerous and I can't get that through his head. I am so sorry.”
“But you are both okay?”
“I think James’ pride is bruised as much as his face.”
“Just please don't do it again. I don't like the thought of you getting killed.”
“I wouldn't have even been there if it wasn't for James. Maybe this was the wake-up call he needed.” Kara was avoiding a promise and she knew it but Lena seemed to accept the answer.
“Okay, what are we doing today?”
“I was planning on going to the park to paint but we can do whatever you want.”
“That sounds wonderful. I haven't just sat and done nothing for a while.”
“Could I… could I paint you? I've been wanting to but I don't have a good picture and plus nothing's better than the real thing.”
“Will I have to do anything?”
“Just sit there and look beautiful like you usually do.” Lena blushes.
After cleaning up and dressing, Kara gathers her supplies, including her lightweight folding easel and takes Lena to the park closest to her apartment. It's small but beautiful. Mostly a meadow in between busy streets. Trees line the outside to provide separation from the bustling world. Lena sat against one of those trees as she wrote in her notebook. Songs had just been pouring out of her lately. Mostly thanks to Kara and a much more positive outlook on life. She had promised Sam a new album by the end of the year and had already recorded over half of it.
Kara stood a few feet away. The easel was obscuring part of her but Lena could still the crinkle between her brow and her tongue poking through her teeth in concentration. Lena laughed and then moved her concentration off to the side. She watched people enjoying their own Saturday. Couples strode hand and hand down the walkways. Children kicked balls or played in the fountain that shot streams of water up from the ground at random. It was peaceful. And no one knew she was in the country so she wasn't even worried about cameras. Bless Jess for this trip. Lena leaned back against the tree, eyes closed and let herself relax.
Soon a chill reached into Lena's bones from the shade and late afternoon. She woke to a light breeze and Kara packing up her paints. Kara must have seen her stir and glances up, a smile playing on her lips.
“Hey, sleepyhead. How was your nap?” Lena stretches like a cat and smiles lazily back.
“Good. My neck is a little stiff from sitting up though.”
“I'll give you a massage later, but right now, I'm starving.” Lena laughs at the almost seductive line.
“When aren't you?”
“Right after I finish eating.” Kara straps her bag on her back and then helps Lena to her feet.
The pair wander hand and hand out of the park. Strolling down the sun-baked street in search of food. A small excited squeal makes Lena cringe. Suddenly remembering she didn't put in her contacts or wear her glasses. In a small movement, Kara pulls down her aviators to hide most of her face. Two high school girls appear in front of them.
“Lena Luthor!” One exclaims, definitely not a question.
“Yes, I am,” Lena answers anyway.
“Can we have an autograph? We love your music.”
“I would love to ladies but I don't have anything to write with. Do you?” The girls look down in disappointment. Kara laughs and pulls off her bag halfway to swing it around and pull out a sharpie. She hands it to Lena who raises an eyebrow.
“Hey, a good artist is always prepared.”
“What would you ladies liked signed?” Both girls grin. One pulls out the CatCo magazine cover with Lena on it from her purse. The other just wants her white shirt signed.
“Could we have a picture too?” One is brave enough to ask. Lena bites her lip, Kara can see she is about to refuse.
“She will, only if you guys promise to wait until Monday to post it. We would like to keep our weekend from being ruined by every guy with a camera.” Both girls nod enthusiastically. Kara takes one of the phones and snaps a picture of the three with Lena in the middle.
“Are you two together?” The brave one asks. Kara hands the phone back.
“Yes, we are.”
“Who are you?”
“No one important. I just got lucky and met this woman by accident.”
“You know I am the lucky one.” Lena chimes in.
“You’re right. I am pretty great.” Kara smiles towards Lena. The two girls look on in awe at witnessing this entirely human interaction with one of their idols. Kara pulls Lena in with one arm and places a kiss on her temple as Lena squeezes her eyes shut with a laugh. Neither sees the brave girl snap a picture.
“All right ladies, my girlfriend promised me food so have a good day. But remember, you promised not to share that until Monday. I don't get any time with her and I would really appreciate if we didn't have to hide away for the weekend.” Kara says and both girls agree enthusiastically again before watching the Rockstar and her girlfriend stroll hand and hand through National City.
And the girls kept their promise. Monday morning Kara and Lena almost broke the internet. It took some searching to find the original post on Instagram. Found @LLuthor on the street in National City. We promised her beautiful girlfriend we wouldn't share this until today though. (Yes, she used the word girlfriend but no, she didn't say who she was.) The first two pictures are of the magazine and shirt, then the girls with Lena. The third is the one Kara didn't see taken. Kara's arm around Lena's shoulders, lips pressed against her temple and Lena's eyes closed tightly with a huge smile. Kara's face is sideways and half-covered by her sunglasses.
Comments underneath are mostly positive as people still try to figure out who the mystery woman is. Some are negative, some are hateful. The last picture has been reposted countless times and edited and shared. Kara is scrolling through the #LovinLenaLuthor hashtag in her bed when a call from Lena pops up.
“Were you aware that we are trending? Hashtag Lovin’ Lena Luthor.” Lena laughs at Kara.
“Yes, Jess made me aware of the fact when I got out of the studio. That's why I called, to make sure you were okay.”
“I'm fine Lee. It actually amazes me that no one figured it out yet. I guess our fan bases don't really cross and I've been out for so long that most of mine have disappeared.”
“At least they kept their promise.”
“At least. But Cat called again. She is persistent.”
“Well, if you want, when I'm done with this tour, we can do an interview with her just to appease the media goddess.”
“Are you sure?”
“Only if you want it. ”
“Okay, I'll call her back and tell her so she might just leave me alone. Besides, someone has to figure it out soon. Cat already knows, not that I've confirmed it, but she knows me pretty well at this point. Anyway, you were in the studio again. Does that mean a new album is coming?”
“Yes, I think we are releasing in January. No definite date though, just after the tour. We might announce it at the last stop.”
“Do I get to hear any of it?” Lena laughs.
“Nope, I want it to be a surprise. Don't do that. I can hear your pout. Good thing it doesn't work through the phone.” Kara sighs, Lena knew her too well.
“We will see how well it works when I can come see you again.”
“Consider me warned. I'll have Jess find some time for that and let you know.” Kara's phone dings with a text form Winn.
“Shit, I-Im late. Sorry Lena, I have to go.”
“How are you always late for everything?” She asks
“Because I stop and talk to you whenever you call.”
“Oh, so it's my fault.”
“Basically. Bye Lee.”
Winn wanted Kara to come into the ‘SuperCave’ as he had been calling it. She had avoided Winn and James all weekend, thankfully she was not needed to stop anything. Now, Kara knew, that Winn knew, that Lena was had left late yesterday and was calling her in so they could talk. Kara resigned herself to the inevitable argument about to happen and hoped in her bike.
In the Cave, James already stood with Winn at the central table that also doubled as a computer. Kara still had no idea how Winn got all this equipment but she didn't ask. New things just kept appearing. James looks serious and Winn looks scared and a little excited. Slowly, Kara takes off her helmet and sets it on the seat before walking up to the two of them. She crosses her arms and legs and half sits, half leans on a table. She decided that she was going to gauge James’ reaction before saying anything.
Silence expands in the room. James glares and Kara meets his eyes. Winn looks between the two, noticeably getting more uncomfortable.
“So…” Winn starts.
“I just can't believe you. This is so dangerous. And stupid. And Illegal. What if you get caught?” James explodes. Kara waits to make sure her voice is steady before speaking.
“I need to do this James. I need to help. I won't have the same argument with you that I did with Alex. Winn and I have been doing this for months now and the police have no real interest in stopping us.”
“Alex knows?” He asks, a little taken aback by that.
“Yes, since August. When that picture you took was in the paper. Thanks for that, by the way.” Kara says sarcastically.
“If I would have known, I wouldn't have published the picture. Why didn't you tell me?”
“The more people that know, the more likely it is that it will get out. Only you, Alex and Winn know now.”
“All that talk about my article being dangerous. That I shouldn't chase down Cadmus alone. That was just hypocritical.”
“Look what happened just two days ago! I had to save your ass because you had to go and get yourself kidnapped and beaten and almost killed. It is dangerous. If Winn hadn't had known, you could be dead. And what if I was out of the country like I had been planning to be? What then James?” Kara exclaimed.
That shuts him up. His jaw works to make words but nothing comes out. He snaps it shut. Then an odd light appears in his eyes.
“Then train me.”
“I do.”
“No. Train me to help you. This is my city too and I am tired of not doing anything. I can't find any evidence substantial enough for my article. I want to help bring Cadmus down.” Kara is about to explode. She feels the anger bubbling up in her chest and is doing her best to contain it.
“James I have been training my whole life. I've been fighting and taking gymnastics lessons. You haven't been. You have been learning basics to keep you from getting mugged again.”
“Then train me. I want this Kara. If you don't I'll continue to try and do something on my own. Is that what you want?”
“Are you threatening me?”
“No. I'm telling you that I am doing this no matter what, whether at CatCo or with you. You can decide.”
Kara stares at the man determined to push her to the edge. Winn watched the whole argument like a tennis match, head whipping from side to side as he stood between the pair.
“Fine. Tomorrow night at eight. I need to get some equipment in here first. There is no way we are doing this at the gym.” Kara walks back to her bike and picks up the helmet.
“You will do everything I tell you to. There is no room for error. Until you prove yourself to me, you will not question what I tell you to do. Understood?” James nods, taken aback by Kara's sudden serious demeanor. Kara puts on her helmet and her bike roars to life. Winn had programmed it to start with her fingerprints on the handle.
Once home, Kara got a glass of water and opened the balcony doors of her apartment to clear her head. When the tension of the argument had subsided she set up her easel and paints to start a new canvas. She had been wanting to paint for a while but whenever she wasn't with Winn she had been teaching self-defense in the schools that had resumed classes or flying to and from Lena. Last week she had told the gym that she was quitting her freelance lessons completely. Winn had begun investing her dwindling savings in the stock market in what he said were safe stocks. Not much gain but would be steady. That was her only form of income now. She needed to sell a piece of art or she would have to find a real job. Alex had called and Kara put her on speakerphone while she continued to paint.
“He wants to do what ?” She asks at the news of James.
“He wants to be a vigilante too. He says it's either with me or by himself.”
“The gentle giant that couldn't even save himself from a mugging in Metropolis or from being kidnapped and endangering you? ” Kara sighs and cleans off her brush to select another color.
“Yes. So now I have to or else he might get himself killed. Or worse, some innocent bystander.”
“ Great, Maggie is going to be in a worse mood if there are two vigilantes for the Chief to ride her about. ”
“How is Maggie? You haven't brought her around much.”
“Because I don't need her figuring out who you are. But good, she likes you, I mean Power Girl, so she is trying to keep the police off your back.”
“I'd say tell her thanks for me but that may ruin the whole secret identity thing.”
“Definitely. I hate lying to her though. About how you and Winn disappear sometimes. She thought you two were a thing for a while, which confused her because of Lena.” Kara snorts in sudden laughter.
“That's funny. But I guess if you didn't know us and we always disappeared together it would make sense.”
“Exactly.” Kara sets down her brush, satisfied after a few hours of work, she peers at the clock as she notices the dying sun. Seven-thirty. Okay, eight hours of work.
A strong knock sounds on the door. Any of her friends should walk in. Curious Kara grabs her phone and walks over.
“Hold on Alex, someone just knocked. Oh, Cat.”
“Hello, Kara.”
“I've got to go Alex. I'll call you later.” Kara hangs up before Alex can respond.
“Hi, Miss Grant. I meant to call you but time kind of got away from me today.”
“May I come in?” She asks but brushes past anyway.
“Sure, make yourself at home,” Kara says, more to herself.
“Oh,” she hears Cat say. She stopped next to the kitchen island, taking in Kara's painting as the setting sun hit it.
A hooded red and blue figure stands crouched looking over the city at night on the edge of a roof. The image is blurred as you look onto the figure from behind its left shoulder but you can see lights from windows. It's almost like looking through a water streaked window. Kara was quite proud of how the effect turned out. It may seem a little narcissistic to paint herself, but Power Girl was taking up a lot of her thoughts recently.
“You can paint.” Cat states.
“I think in one of our interviews you asked what I did for fun and I told you I painted.”
“Yes, but there is painting and then there is painting. ” Cat emphasizes the word while gesturing towards the canvas.
“This is very well done. And it would be perfect for next month's cover. How much?” Cat asks, startling Kara.
“What? You want to buy it? I've never… I mean, wow. I have no idea. I just finished it, can I think about it?” Kara stammers out.
“Yes, yes. Now the reason I am here is because you promised me an exclusive if and when you had a girlfriend and the latest picture proves that much, where is the singer anyway?” Kara sighs, she should have just called Cat this morning after she hung up with Lena.
“Europe. We just talked about it this morning. When Lena is done with her tour you can have your exclusive. We didn't know that girl took the picture of us together so we didn't know that someone actually got a clear picture of me until she posted it but don't worry, we won't talk to anyone else about it until we talk to you. Okay?”
“Very well. Now, call my secretary with a starting offer and we can talk percentage also for the artwork. I am going to go pick up my son from soccer practice.” Cat swooped out of Kara's apartment as quickly as she appeared. Kara dialed Alex again to try and process what just happened.
October 3rd, 2017
By the next morning, people had found Kara Danvers. Even though she had no pictures of Lena and herself on Instagram, her followers skyrocketed. Kara had negotiated an initial purchase of her artwork and a small percentage of sales with Cat. Cat didn't fight too hard, knowing the sales for the cover would be better than projected thanks to Kara's renewed popularity and the fact that National Cities hero would be on it.
Kara called Lena and told her the good news. Lena was impressed and made Kara video call so she could see it. The video call turned into something much less innocent very quickly. Lena whispering horse instructions to Kara, watching her cum before making herself do the same. The first time they did this, it made Kara feel very awkward. She hadn’t even watched porn to be able to know how to put on a little show for Lena, but the more these calls happened, the more comfortable Kara became. Kara lay naked in her bed, talking to Lena before she fell asleep. Then Kara got dress and met Winn at the SuperCave to begin acquiring the equipment she needed. It scared Kara at how Winn was able to get money when needed and also have the equipment delivered in a few hours. The cover story was a gym being built but in a few days the permit would be denied and no one would suspect the building was still housing vigilantes.
By the time James arrived, the place was totally transformed. It wasn't just tech and Kara's small arsenal of gadgets, now there was free weights, a boxing dummy, sparring mats, a small climbing wall, and various sparring weapons. James whistled as he came in through the normal door by the garage door. Since it closed down off the street the Super Cave was actually underground. Kara and Winn couldn't decide what to do with the three floors still above them.
“So, where do we start?” He asks.
“First Winn is going to measure you for a suit. Not that I'm letting you out quite yet, but he needs time to make something for you.” Kara says as she moves about, settling equipment where she wants it in the space.
“Then I'm going to actually teach you how to fight.”
It may have been a little harsh, but Kara barely held back on James. She thought maybe this would scare him off. He was bruised all over with a bloody nose by the time she finished. But he didn't complain. He took the hits and kept trying. By the time Kara called it to an end, he did manage to land a punch.
“Kara, we are getting a call from Detective Sawyer,” Winn says from the command table. Kara motions for him to put her through on the computer.
“Detective,” Kara says through the modulator.
“Power Girl. I have evidence that Cadmus is moving a stash of merchandise tonight. My captain won't look into it but my CI is sure that it is happening.”
“Your captain seems to not be looking into Cadmus more and more often.” Kara states.
“I know. Something's wrong. He used to take my tips seriously but lately, he turns his head. I fear the worst.”
“What's the time and location.” Winn feeds the information that Maggie gives them into his computer before Kara ends the call.
“Was that Maggie?” James asks.
“Yeah, she has an encrypted line. And before you ask, no she doesn't know who I am. Alex has been keeping her away from us for just that reason.”
“And Alex is okay lying to her girlfriend about this?”
“Alex is FBI. Maggie is a Detective. They already have secrets. Alex hasn’t brought up telling her and I don’t think she will because it is illegal and she won’t want to put Maggie in that situation.”
“What about your girlfriend?” James asks.
“I haven't told her. And I am not sure if I will. She was already pissed when I told her I went on a stakeout with you and we were jumped. I don’t need her worrying a world away also. Maybe when this whole Cadmus thing is over or she is back in the same country at least.” Kara begins looking up the schematics for the warehouse Winn has pulled up. It looks simple enough. Winn is sitting at his chair trying to figure out what could be the merchandise.
“Do you not trust her with this?” James asks, annoying Kara.
“That is not it at all. We are not having this conversation. Go shower and go home, we are done for tonight.”
“But what about-”
“Go home, James. You are nowhere near ready for this and I am not having you rush in and get killed.” James looks pissed but makes his way to the bathroom to shower before leaving. Kara and Winn return to work.
October 20th, 2017
Kara was still no closer to finding out who was organizing Cadmus. Now though, they were upping the drug game with a new version of Vertigo. It ran rampied through Starling city two years ago with horrible side effects. Cadmus had taken the time to engineer a new version that led to less death and more addiction. Now Kara felt like she was trying to shovel water from a sinking boat using a net. Nearly every dealer walked out of the police stations hours after being brought in. The frustration was spreading from Kara and Maggie, to Winn, James, and Alex. James was taking much abuse from Kara during training but was improving rapidly.
“If we are going to get anywhere, we need to clean up the police department.” Says James while they examine the screen in front of them. Trying to figure out where the problems lie.
“James, could you do some digging into their personal lives? Find out if their families are being threatened or if they actually are just with Cadmus. Winn, can you do the same with their financials?”
“Yeah of course,” Winn says.
“Wait, you are actually letting me do something?”
“As a reporter and photographer yes. As a vigilante, no.”
“Ah, Kara,”
“What Winn?”
“Weren't you supposed to be taking off right now?
“Shit.” Kara was supposed to be on a plane. Not standing in her secret lair discussing corruption in the city. She checks her watch, the plane took off three minutes ago. Kara walks away from the others to call the pretty girl who was no doubt already getting ready to pick her up from the airport in a few hours.
“Kara? What's wrong? Shouldn't your phone be off?”
“Lena I'm so sorry. I missed my flight. I was… helping James with this story and totally lost track of time.”
“I am so sorry Lee. I really wanted to see you. I screwed up.”
“I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed but I get it. I mean this is hard and you have your own life. You flying to me every other weekend is a lot of travel and takes away from your job and your friends there.”
“Which is all true, but I would much rather be with you right now.” Kara sits on a stack of mats that she and James put down for sparring.
“I would rather you be here too. But you aren’t so just enjoy your weekend with friends. I’ll take the time to record some stuff I’ve been meaning to but keep getting distracted by a beautiful blonde that show up whenever I have free time.” Lena teases with a laugh.
“Okay, I’ll call you later. I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” A beat of silence and then the phone disconnects.
Kara wishes she was spending the weekend relaxing with friends. Instead, she ends up spending it trying to clean up the police force. The FBI even gets involved, aka Alex, to assist in arresting the truly corrupt cops and chief of police. Kara and Winn manage to spare those doing shady things to protect loved ones from the threats of violence thanks to James’ investigating. Cadmus gets desperate after that, actually breaking into National City Jail to rescue their operatives and releasing many others.
The weekend blurred into another week. Kara hardly even returned to her apartment. She was stuck between training James, busting drug dealers, and searching for Cadmus hideouts. One, she and Winn managed to arrive before the gang cleared out, rounding up six members and turning over a small cache of serious weapons to the newly cleaned up police department.
Kara winced and groaned checking her bank account while Winn watched the program he created to monitor police reports and watch to make sure each Cadmus member was actually processed.
“What's wrong Power Girl?” Winn asks with a laugh and teasing smirk.
“This time next week I will have no money. At least until I start receiving a commission from CatCo”
“Not technically true.”
Kara shoves her phone screen in front of Winn to show him the dwindling amount in her checking and savings accounts.
“Winn, yes it is.”
“No, not what I meant. I mean remember that money you gave me to invest? Well, I have been. And well…” Winn quickly flicks through a few screens on the computer and shows Kara her investment portfolio. Kara gasps at the six, nearly seven digits in the tally.
“I...Winn...What… How…”
“Just a few smart investments, some research, maybe a little hacking, some shell corporations so not all of it is traced back to you. Apparently, I am weirdly good at making money in the stock market. So this means you are paying for dinner right?”
“Actually I have a better idea.” Kara laughs at Winn’s pout.
“Yes, I will pay for dinner. I still have a better idea.”
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