#Ofg this is happening
hang-on-lil-tomato · 1 year
Omg….this is happening
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If any of my fellow OFMD / Rhys Darby fanatics are going to this show, give me a shout. Love to meet my fellow crew members and Rhysbians.
if I get to meet him I WILL be totally cringe and make a drooling idiot fangirl MORON IDIOT out of myself. It’s my nature. I will no doubt say something really embarrassing that I will regret for the rest of my life.
at least I’m consistent.
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melodianaartist · 8 months
A piece of media can have a group of people who are wayy too hard on it and the same piece of media can also be imperfect. Like, the urge to defend and negate any valid critiques is there but that’s also not good. The same piece of media can bring you so much joy too btw.
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29121996 · 7 months
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wariomolly · 7 months
i block anyone ythat posts anything that is a downer politically, which, is a lot of blocking nowadays
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rockfact · 1 year
fun fact i was watching some old (likje 2 years) cscoop videos yesterday and ted was in them (notably the monopoly video) and i like straight up forgot ted was in smplive and was surprised he was there. ted is the milk guy and the chuckle sam guy to me. i forget he was like in a whole group with them . hello
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dreamydrifts · 6 months
are you okay?: lando norris
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| pairing: lando norris x reader
| genre: established relationship
| warning: no warnings <3
| word count: 0.5k
| stefy's note: i got this in my inbox, so here it goes, enjoy :)
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Dating Lando was one of the best thing that ever happened to you. He always wanted you to come to his races, often saying that you are his lucky charm. But that was not the case in the Las Vegas Grand Prix.
As Lando lost the near end of the car, he ended up spinning ofg track and rammining into the wall. You were watching it all happen from the McLaren garage as you sat next to his race engineer.
"Lando, are you okay?" Will, his engineer, asked over the radio. No response.
"Lando, are you okay?" Will asked him again. A long pause before Lando's radio was heard.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." He replied, groaning and grunting as he said it. He's not okay.
The moment you heard his voice, you were worried, that's when you pressed the button that connected the headphones that you are wearing to his radio. "Lando, this is y/n, are you ok?" You say in a worried voice.
Lando's breath was heavy as he grunted into the response of your question. "Yeah, i'm okay, babe...." His voice trembled a bit from the pain, making it obvious that he isn't alright. He groans as he speaks.
"The ambulance will come soon baby." You talk to him a calm voice hoping to calm him down.
The adrenaline from the accident was starting to wear off and he could feel the pain of the injuries hitting him like a ton of bricks. He tried to keep himself together, but it was difficult. "I'm fine, babe...i'm just in pain, that's all..." Lando replied as the medical team and Marshall came onto the track to tend the accident.
The medical team gets to his car and open cockpit, quickly assisting Lando out of the car and onto the stretcher. They bring him over to the nearest medical center. The team were examining him as he laid down. Lando was still in pain, especially from his right side. He tried to keep himself together, not wanting to worry you.
You are staying by his side, holding his hand as he was laying onto the hospital bed. "Do you need more water? A better pillow?" You say in a caring voice, yet concerned.
Lando tried to smile when he saw you come by his side. Your presence always brought a sense of comfort and safety to him, when he was not feeling well. "I'm fine..." He tried to act tough, but it was getting hard for him to keep his composture as the pain was getting worse as it radiated through his body.
"Baby, you can tell me everything." You squeeze his hand, still being by his side. "I mean as a girlfriend, i'm supposed to help and in this case even more." You say smiling as you caress his cheek.
Lando chuckled softly at your words of comfort and care. It was true, you always had a way of calming things down and making it better. He was lucky to have you by his side. He smiled and squeezed your hand back. "I know...i'll be okay, though..." Lando tried his best to reassure you and keeo his composure. He took a deep breath and sighted as he felt the pain from his injuries.
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© DREAMYDRIFTS — do not translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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pastrnaks-sainz · 1 year
And then bergy just disappears and pasta is like “…what the hell just happened”
I need a resurgence of dad!Bergy asks
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at illuminati base ted cruz was there with the most powerful men in politics “megamangx is back i am tired of losing to him!” ted cruz slam fisting into the tables.
the golden doors open and a stinky fat man in a suit and white ugly boots comed in it was ron desantis “ron why are you here what happened to trump?” ted pointed.
“trump was too woke so i killed him this group has a new leader but it must be purged made pure becuse even illuminati has become woke and i must make it pure like me!” ron said and the politicians looked scare
“are you betray us?” shouted sargon
Ron smile and started to fart real hard as the room was filled with fart gas and air was green with farts “silent but deadly my friends” ron laughed as the illuminati members choked to death “smell my freedom farts you woke fucks its time to build a new empire a strong mepire filled with strong white strong people who think like me no parish you cucks!!!” he farted real bad and the room was farts and he even grebbed turd cruz face and sat on it and forced him to smell the farts and he die of fart “eat my farts of freedom EAT THEM YOU FUCK!” Ron laughed with villainy as everyone in the room die of poson
shadiversty and some medevil knights on horses comed into the room with steampuink gas marsks “peasants remove these dead bodys i would be speking with the great leader” said sadiversty with an english old voice
“i pledge my sowrd to you kind desanta becuse i fear woke will turn my daugter into a woke and i can not live in that world we must purge weakness and go back to tradation and middle ages where life was better” hje said.
ron laughed and started eating some meatballs “dont worry in exchange for helping my side you will be rewarded i know like me you hate democrcy and want an empire of the powerful”
shadiversty nodee “yes america was on the wrong side of the revoluiton engerland should have won but the mistake will be corrected and everyone shall know the glory of king charles our ruler and the true emperoer of america and knights and castles will come back like the olden days”
a chamber opened and a bald cyborg had come in “lord putin i had not expected you so soon” ron kneeled to his master
“i was near death after that megafool gx killed me but russia sciance has made me powercul again and i will build my empire and have ravengence” said putin.
shardiversty kneed “what about gensokyo this realm they are after why not let me take it and i will make these girls into wifes who know there place as it is in the naturol order”
Putin opened a window and below was 1000s of robot “we will turn them against themselfs these bots can bend in and spread my ideals and turn everyone against each other i shall infest gensokyo with them and spread russia desires to everyone”
Robbie rotten woke up “why did i get here where is that pesky megaman gx” he danced out ofg bed
outside was megamangx in a cool mage trenchcoat over his armor studying the arcene boots “robbe you comed back good you must listan to me illuminati are bad guys and can not trust them woodman knowed this its why they tryed to kill him ten years ago” megamankgx explined
robbie was sad “i just am a villain but these people want to destory the world and make it a not fun place for everyubody in it and no matter how many times you beat them up or getting new super forms they just keep cominmg back and being worse” he signed
megamangx equiped his magibuster “we needing to find yukari she will have answers to what is going wrong and help me unlike my mage forms”
but then the two of them got blastered by glowing numbers as they hit a tree “what was that attack!” robbie gasrped!
a man in a suit was there “MATHS!” he laughed and blasted them with a beam of numbers.
“IS THAT RICHIE SUNAK!!” megamangx shouted.
sunak throwed a body with white hair on the ground and a blue jacket and wound on back with smoke “ITS CAT BOY SANS WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU SON OF A BITHCH!!” screamed megamangx
richie sunak laughed evil “the uk has decided the catboy fandom needs to be banned for public order so i decise to do the banning myself with death” he laughed mad and kicked catboy sans body and got megamangx real mad
two more was there in powered armor with laser sword it was kemi banderdock and sueila beaverman “youll pay for killing boris” kemi banderdock spit at megaman gx and beaverman point her laser sword at robbie rottens back “
megamangx glowed with the elemental runes as he flaoted in the air with books “i am not letting you hurt more friends you will pay for catboy sans death!!!”
sunak blurst inwto laughter “you think its just us 3 ever since brexit we needed more power to keep order in england it was dark time but now we privatized the army with our new friends THE PSYKO SYNDINCATE!”
bald men in purpel jackets and guns comed “YOUR WORKING WITH THE PSYKOS YOU IDOTS YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THEM THEY WUILL DESTORY YOU!” robbie rotten glasped.
a green portal appeared a beam of green light and bullats blasted into 100s of psykos and sunak was shocked “WHO DARES!” he said and fired maths at the portal but the man with blonde hair blocked it “I DID! THE X SLAYER!” SAID ZANE ROCKS!
to be continued
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princessdreamie · 3 months
DBH part 58
The next day
Na woke up in her bed around 7 in the morning.
Cl dropped the girl ofg by the door and told the doorman what was going on. The guy thanked him for the information and brough his employers kid to bed.
Na asked when her parent will be home. One of her caretajers told her that her mom still needed to stay until lunch the next day but her dad will ve coming back around midnight.
So she wont need to worry being alone at home.
Flashback ends
Na got out off bed, took her drops and finally freshened up to get through the day.
As expected, K was Launching on the sofa watching something on his tablet. He greeted his little daughter, asking how her day yesterday was.
She told him everything what she did, but purposely left out the details of the chase last night. The actor listened until he got a vid call from his agent.
He was ordered to come back to the set. Apparently someone meesed up the recordings and now they had to do half of their last recordings all over again. K groaned at their incompetence. But he didn't want to leave his kid alone again. He just came home 7 hours ago and barely got anything to eat.
So he took Na with him to work, with the permission from the manager and director. Na didn't mind. She had no plans for the day so she can tag along for the day.
Back at the ferguson place
E was furious. More specifically at his first son. E was hoping for him and his partner's girl to get along perfectly but no. C was actively trying to get away from her as the evening processed. As it turned out, she was tuting out to be a stalker the more they hung around.
The boy couldn't understand how this could happen. Sure, he complimented her every now and then but not more than he usually did in other events. S card her husband down, telling him that he shouldn't have expected more than that. C is still going, not to mention he was preoccupied with school. So dating is not in the picture for a while.
E still was upset but let his son go. C silently thanked his mom as he was going up to his room.
Soon after Cl came in to inform the parents on what happened the previous night. S got very Worried of what he had told them. E not so much. He knew that someone was tailing his family and employees. He just didn't want for Se to freak out over it until he knew more.
Cl's friend got home safely after the goose chase. But he couldn't figure out much either when he was followed.
E thanked the old man for teling the news and let him go.
S was still acting frantic. E got mad after watching her worrying the 10 to 20 minutes. He asked her what was going on until she spilled the beans.
Se asked her last time if he could go to a friends house. Knowing how strict his dad could get she wasn't sure if she would let him. But in the end their youngest won the argument.
It was planned that one of their own drivers gets him there but to their surprise the mom of the other kid picked him up after she was finished with her work. Do We didn't need to wait till sundown to get to his friend.
She suspects that they were after their son and not the Stanton girl. E asked why she would think that they believed that Cl would drive their son and not an outsider. She has suspicion that there was a mole in their staff. Some things started to be strange after a while in their home. They recently hired some new workers (replacements for retirees or for ppl they had to fire). And since then things took a turn.
E stsrted to remember and assured her to look into them more carefully.
In C's room
While C was Oblivious on what was going on downstairs, he kept doing some research for a school project. Until he got a friends request from an unknown number. He didn't accept nor deny the request. He left it unresponed for a long time until he eventually forgot about it entirely.
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computerpeople · 2 years
what r ur favorite horror tropes >:)
anything that is a sort of hallucination scene (only if its real crazy though i dont really like it when believable real seeming scenes are looked back on like ahhnh that was a hallucination, but if we're seeing the character have a hallucination and we know but THEY DONT? UGHH) or mind break scene. drug use. nightmares. but i also love any sort of horror that drives the person mad in a need to appease it. thats a good trope. anything allegorical, i tend to really enjoy. i like a lot of really fast paced horror, i love slow creeping horror but all ofg my favorite horror medias are sort of EVERYTHING HAPPENING ALL AT ONCE until it spirals into almost incomprehensible madness.
im also a fan of possession, loss of autonomy, sympathetic villains, and body horror. i am NOT a fan of jumpscares, mindless horror that isn't attached to any sort of psyche or character building, or a ton of shock gore. i used to be a live leak kid but now im just hyper sensitive to a lot of gore since i feel like i can imagine it happening to me and that makes me feel sick (one time i threw up in hs because they kept playing a video of a beating heart and it made me feel like i could feel my own)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
What else is that they're slow to react about Trump soon as they don't know what he was doing they find out they're going to start fighting him it's a gross pig and it's murdering a lot of you it's just as bad as Tommy f says that all sorts of stuff and I destroyed everywhere I don't like him took over all those businesses to crap them out and say he's foling of us physicist tonight to lay them ofg. And we're going to tell him off and hold him and ask him what is doing cuz it's actually acting insane all the time. And he's having a seizure for real and it's because of a drug that's in the system from Massachusetts that he fired on killed everybody in New England they're keeping him alive this is actually last night. His body is also red from the poison. He keeps dying of a heart attack and people keep reviving him. And they keep saying we can't be responsible for him dying if they have my son or son screaming that he's dead all the time. Tell me if you know was involved in the missile strike they both were and they're called anybody combatants by a bunch good night everyone and they really are terrorists and they're not from here anymore or the United Kingdom and they're not from most areas only Australia and they can't stay there. In a sun can't go there because the clothes more or less have the upper hand in a big way especially with the matrix people topside or not to be trusted at all so they say she go there and you can't figure out who to trust so it turns into a big war with a big separation line and the clones always win and they have the ships and they have the matrix and the tunnels so what kind of sitting around waiting for something to happen and son says that Trump if we in bja and stuff if they want to go there they need to go to the light cycle facilities and get Intel armament and more there's a ton of information there and everybody's supposed to know it but they don't they're trying to go there but not real hard.
Right now about 70% of the Morlawk are out and they're working on the rest of themselves. And he says it again Intel and ships you can't fight ships without ships then there's going to be a bunch up in space it'll stay there and it just like planets or planetoids with lasers some of the so huge and you need to have a fleet and the only one making ships now out of the clones. And the only way to know where they are is life cycle facilities he says it again.
As of right now the status is in caches are being fought over very hard cuz they can make a laser in the earth and use it and also the comet empire reflectors. And also the harvester ships because of the power of the blasters and big ones are seen really big 10 miles 20 miles they're going after them very hard. There's also a huge fight beginning at the refineries of the clones and they've been building up and expecting it between those the morlock are expected to lose about 20% more even up to 25% leaving them with 5% of their Force which they intend to try and cram into Florida try and move our son to Australia.. at one point or another mac daddy said that was his plan we did hear him say it and we checked and he said no I think it might be in the max don't mind it that's part of their original empire they hid there for centuries so we are attuned to what's happening and we're fighting it and we are going after them. And we mean the morlock cuz they're trying to kidnap them there a lot more than the max are and boy they make this place nasty. 20% sweet really huge and right now they have ability to do stuff and move around 20% gone they won't have mobility and they'll be forced to do terrorist acts and everybody's getting ready. Mac daddy says my grand nephew is mentioning that the head b**** frontal lobe is that of Queen Elizabeth if you ever want to be whole again and back to yourself you have to somehow retrieve her and she is saying oh no I forgot so it's probably time to try and do that he says smack that in and that's Mack Daddy.
Thor Freya
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appleicecream · 2 years
what happened to gfuel hypesauce?!?
sick ofg this blog. posts aren't gone dw i just privated them ^_^ using a different blog now
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glitternsparkles · 2 years
feeling content and sufficient again. it'll be just me and my little movies for a while and that's enough for me and for once im okay w it.
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mejomonster · 4 years
Episode 12 oh my god the scene about gu Xiang getting married off
Zhou zishu really just says: instead of treatment I’d rather travel with my soulmate
Then: we’re looking for a partner for gu xiang
In any way can that sound like Zhou zishu and wen kexing aren’t together? Man says soulmate then clearly states THEY are looking for a match for gu xiang as in THEIR daughter. Not wen kexings, THEIR gu xiang. Zhou zishu parent number 2 who also is discussing whos a good fit for her and trust worthy.
My god
Cao weining out here, doesn’t even have time to process “I’m dying. I don’t want treatment. I’m gonna travel with my soulmate wen kexing.” Before Zhou zishu hits him with YET ANOTHER EARTH FLIPPING revelation in “we’re looking for a trustworthy partner for gu xiang, you’re trustworthy.” And poor cao weining is short circuiting like “oh it’s Happening it’s HAPPENING her parents just ?!!! Did they just give me their blessing?!! Or at least a chance?!!!”
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amarguerite · 3 years
Once Upon a One More Time
I saw the new Brittney Spears jukebox musical. It was a fever dream. I cannot describe it any better. I will say that I am not convinced that jukebox musicals are good. They are entertaining, but I’ve never seen one where I’ve thought, “wow this had something interesting and original to say!”
This one was... original, I will give you that, but it had the extremely confused messaging of a freshman in Feminist History 101 trying at the last minute to put together a presentation on The Feminine Mystique while still drunk and/or high from the Britney Spears-themed party in the living room her roommates were still at. Our frazzled Freshman pulled up a bunch of Disney movies to drown out the party, and instead of writing her paper, hallucinated this. 
What I think actually happened is that the musical writers were given Britney Spears’s back catalogue, told that she likes fairy tales, and then tried to rewrite Into the Woods using only Britney Spears bangers, and Cliff Notes version of The Feminine Mystique. 
The plot, such as it is, is that all the popular fairy tale characters live in a pocket dimension together, ruled over by the autocratic narrator, who insists that they endlessly perform their stories, while gaslighing them that they had ever been different or could be different (Cinderella’s Stepmother-- whose performance was just SNL’s Kate McKinnon pretending to be in an old movie-- at once point says, “Don’t you remember how dark this used to be? I used to cut off your sister’s toes!” and Cinderella going, “Oh wow, I totally forgot about that!”). Cinderella is our man character. She wants More, in the traditional Disney princess sense of “vague dissatisfaction with my life” and her fairy godmother (the notorious OFG, who was giving real pop culture Ruth Bader Ginsberg vibes) gives her a copy of The Feminine Mystique, which then inspires all the princesses to take a good look at their lives, realize that the prince they always marry in the end is the same prince, throw him down a wishing well, and go on strike. The narrator then banishes all the princesses to some weird glass holding cell “at story’s end,” which Cinderella then has to break by throwing her shoe at it. The princesses then all storm the castle and tie up the narrator, who magically has his mind changed and lets them write their own stories. Cinderella then thanks the fairy godmother, OFG, for the book and asks how OFG knew it would help. Turns out OFG was not merely an escaped princess, but Betty Friedan! THE END. 
This bonkers plot gives the implication that 
a) Betty Friedan was a fairy tale princess who somehow gained magical powers and I guess just decided to matriculate at Smith College in defiance of her lack of education in fairy tale land
b) Betty Friedan is still alive (she died in 2006!)
c) Betty Friedan is now a fairy godmother in possession of magical powers
I would DEARLY love to know what her estate thinks of this. 
-Act I is a real fun romp
-There’s a subplot about one of Prince Charming’s dance entourage, Prince Erudite the Chaste, falling in love with Clumsy the Dwarf and they walk out of Act II with a little girl (the Reader) whom they have presumably adopted. There were like, mostly women in their 30s and gay couples with children at the performance I was at, so I thought, “oh how cute, I bet those dads are sobbing right now.” -The Prince was played by Justin what’s-his-name from season 1 of American Idol and he was really magnificent. Great dancer, great singer, very convincingly played the prince as an idiot fuckboi 
-Some real fun uses of the big hits.  a. “Hit Me Baby One More Time,” becomes the opening number, “Pick My Once Upon a Time,” which was... not good and the lyric changes were very stupid, but my friend and I shrieked with laughter through the whole thing. b. Cinderella’s “I Want More” song is “Lucky,” which all the princesses then join in on in the next few verses c. In the bit where the stepmother and stepsisters make Cinderella work, they sing, “Work, Bitch” at her d. Cinderella’s ball opens with everyone singing “Boys.” e. The Prince enters the ball singing “Circus.” f. When Snow White and Cinderella realize their princes are the same prince, he sings, “Oops I Did It Again,” in an attempt to get out of trouble g. Cinderella rallies the princesses after this, and they all collectively read The Feminine Mystique to “Scream and Shout.” h. Act I ends with the princesses realizing that Prince Charming is married to all of them and throwing him into the well to “Womanizer,” which is changed to “Princessizer.”  i. The Stepmother convinces the Narrator to banish all the princesses to “Story’s End,” i.e. a big glass ball that got projected on the back of the stage by singing “Toxic” at him.  j. Once the princesses are freed, they sing “Stronger” together
-They front-loaded Act I with all the good songs so in Act II there was only “Stronger” and “Toxic.” There weren’t as many songs, and the other ones were like, B-list ones I didn’t recognize. 
-Act II drags. They tried to make the plot serious and it doesn’t work
-The prince gets a half-hearted redemption arc in Act II where he complains he doesn’t have a choice either, he’s just written this way, and he just wants to be with Cinderella. Super unconvincing. Would have preferred him to remain in the wishing well for all of Act II or to just be dead. 
-They should have killed the narrator like in Into the Woods. Instead he gets tied up, gets convinced of their arguments, and hands over the magical quill that controls their stories so that the princesses write their own stories
The whole thing has an issue I see in a lot of contemporary stuff these days where a piece of art/ a movie/ a musical/ whatever, will have a central idea of, “This Thing Is Bad, and We All Agree It Is Bad,” which is this case is misogyny. Sure that’s bad! What do we do to defeat misogynistic narratives and find personal fulfillment? Write our own stories. That’s... you know, fine, but it feels very like, “Twitter hot take” and there’s a lack of nuance in that answer (one that denies the very real difficulties of even telling one’s story at times, i.e. the professional publishing world, the barriers to entry there, attacks from others, disinformation, capitalism, etc) and weasles out of assigning blame to anyone or having anyone experience negative consequences for abuse of power, and lacks even the nuance of The Feminine Mystique, a very dated book. It fits because Friedan was living the life she was told every woman wanted and isn’t happy, but we’re like... maybe 2 waves of feminism past that. Also her critique of capitalism is ~mysteriously~ absent in the musical. 
So, in short: Act I is a really fun hot mess. Act II is really boring. Betty Friedan is apparently magical.
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dojae-huh · 2 years
The way jungwoo is pushing his ships might get him more hate then love from the fans of the boys, I hope he tries to control his need to be always seen...
Btw I've realised why jaehyun got doyoung, he is patient and waits for the other person or dog in this case to come to him in their own speed.
I'm not a fan of dogs but jaehyun was cute with this dog
Link, Link2a
Jaehyun was ready to wait, but he wasn't too patient about it. He pushed Doyoung first with demanding to stay friends, then with reminding Doyoung he is still interested, getting between Doyoung and other neos, breaking the hyung-dongsaeng wall, etc.
He didn't go overboard though, he backed off after an attempt. He was like a wolf hunting a moose, tiring the prey over a few days of relentless pursuit, heh. How many of you would not get the comparison?... but hey, I got lucky with finding a video (0:38) No killing happened in the video.
As for Jungwoo, I don't lurk much on TW, so perhaps I'm simply unaware, but I haven't come across any negativity towards Woo in relation to his shipping fanservice game.
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