#Official Candidates
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thecrownaura · 2 months ago
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darkkbluee · 5 months ago
L for Minister AU
Light Yagami is desperate to know L's name and face. To know everything about his nemesis ("So I can kill him! Ryuk, stop laughing!"). And so, he turns on the TV, sees the promo video for the upcoming elections and thinks...
L would have to show up in person, unmasked and with his real name, if he was an elected Minister.
A few hours of paperwork filed anonymously and through a shady lawyer, a few hours of hacking and anonymous donations, and The Great Detective L is the latest minister candidate, running as an independent.
L does not know how or why he is suddenly running in the elections. Was this even legal? He wasn't even a citizen! Surely no one would vote for a candidate with no public appearances, a profile page with no photo, obviously overblown promises in propaganda -
Apparently, they would.
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gabbyp09 · 5 months ago
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jackdoe · 1 year ago
What's something that most of fandom forgets about Gar that you'd like to take a moment and remind them of?
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I want to take moment to remind people of Gar's crush on Jericho
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year ago
📓 :3
@mortimerlatrice got me thinking about a KimChay Chrestomanci AU, so more of that.
the Chrestomanci series, sidenote, is an absolutely delightful fantasy series by Diana Wynne Jones. it's composed of mostly independent stories set in a universe of 12 parallel universes (called Series), each with their own string of worlds (except Series 11). generally speaking, every person has eight identical copies borne into other series than their own, but very occasionally all nine lives will be borne into one person. this nine-life enchanter has all the power of nine magical people in them and is therefore the only person powerful enough to fill the role of Chrestomanci to regulate magical use and prevent any abuse of it across the 12 series.
which cool, very fun story premise actually, but not what I care about here. I'm setting kp in one of the series that doesn't deal much with magic because I don't care about magic meet mafia, I care about Chay having nine lives and all the ways that could make things worse.
(cw: non-permanent but slightly graphic character death under the cut. ft a dash of actual character death, but that only applies to Tawan.)
Chay doesn't have all his lives when canon starts. he lost his first one the same day he and Porsche lost their parents when he fell out of his crib trying to investigate the noise. he lost his second to food poisoning, before Porsche started working for extra food money and they had to make every scrap stretch. he lost another when a debt collector hit him too hard and snapped his neck. (Porsche wasn't home for that day. Chay told him he wasn't either.)
Chay loses his fourth life in the warehouse. it actually wasn't intentional on anyone's part -- Tawan's hired meat weren't careful enough bringing him in, and Chay's luck has his head hit a curb or scrap metal at just the right (or wrong, as it were) angle to kill him instead of concuss him, and head injuries take so long to come back from. Tawan drags out the charade because he wants Porsche desperate, not angry, and Porsche is in too deep of denial to accept the possibility of Chay actually being dead not to fall for it.
Kim arrives before Chay comes back to life. it's...bad. Porsche is screaming for him to get Chay out. Kim first checks Chay's breathing. failing to find that, he frantically (but carefully!) hauls Chay upright. that's when Chay's head flops limply to the side and reveals the dried blood down the back of his neck, which Kim had already felt grabbing but refused to process.
Kim sees red.
Tawan knifes Big. Porsche's shouts break through the fog threatening to overwhelm Kim. then Tawan gets one very distraught, very angry, very murderous Kim materializing in front of him and going right for his eyes. it doesn't matter that Tawan's the one with a weapon, he could've had an armory and that couldn't have helped him. Kim is very, very, very good at fighting, and he's on a mission to hurt. but he's also missing his control, and kicks Tawan in the kidney so hard Tawan stumbles back into a pile of scrap and, in true irony, jostles it hard enough the end of steel beam falls on his head. as discovered earlier, metal and concrete are not kind to heads, and bullet proof vests certainly can't protect from that.
it's too quick and too kind, and Kim stares at him disbelievingly, half a mind to drag Tawan out and beat out the little life he's surely still clinging to, when Chay groans. Kim first thinks he hallucinated it, but then he sees Chay move and he's so relieved he was wrong that he shoves everything else out of his mind and just gets Chay out. then everything and one trailing shouty Porsche slams back into him the minute Chay's out of his arms and with the paramedics that Kim bolts to go hide in a dark corner in his apartment and fail to process any of it.
Chay misses all of this btws. He was dead, then he was back with a headache, and he loves Porsche but he needs Porsche to please shut the fuck up and get him some tylenol.
then apartment confrontation, where Kim says I'm sorry and shoves off even quicker because all he can remember are those moments when he'd been so sure Chay was properly dead. club scene goes down even worse when Kim yells at Chay for making stupid reckless choices that could get him killed, and Chay demands to know why Kim even cares, and Kim goes pale with anger that Chay doesn't care that he (only nearly, surely) died, and it's all very terrible and ends in them storming away from each other.
then comes Yok's bar.
Chay dies. Kim had taunted them into a direct fight inside instead of picking them off outside, and it should have been fine, would have been fine, had Chay not had a bit more awareness and looked over to see Kim pinned between two guys and rushed to help only to get shot by one of the goons on the other end of the bar. he bleeds out while Kim kills off the rest.
Chay comes back to a bar full of bodies and Kim (clutching) cradling him. Kim isn't crying. he isn't really doing much of anything other than clinging and staring off into nothing with a thoroughly haunted expression.
Chay blinks and tentatively lays his fingers against Kim's cheek. "Kim?"
Kim's eyes snap to him, but still don't quite see him. he stays looking blank for a few seconds that feel like hours before saying matter-of-factly, "I've snapped."
"Kim!" Chay protests, distressed.
"It's okay," Kim says, still matter-of-fact but smiling tenderly, "better to be mad with you than without."
it takes a while to convince Kim he's not insane and that Chay's really back. Chay's not certain he fully manages it. but his death also shook loose a lot of confessions Kim normally couldn't say out loud. ("why--" Chay starts, voice cracking, "why did you say 'I'm sorry' that day?" / "You were supposed to be safe," Kim replies hoarsely, mad smile slipping for tears.) there's more clutching and clinging, this time by Chay too. both of them manage to forget they're in a bar of dead bodies until Porsche and Kinn come crashing through the door.
"Chay!" Porsche yells when he first sees him.
"Chay," Porsche pleads brokenly when he sees Chay's blood soaked shirt.
"Not mine!" Chay says quickly, and would've been given away by how fast Kim's head snaps around in any other circumstance. "See?" he says, raising his shirt to show unblemished skin, "No injury."
this does a lot to reassure Porsche, but Chay can tell Kim still thinks he's a little bit insane. Chay decides that's fine for now, because dying takes a lot out of you and apparently everyone around you too and it's unfair to expect Kim to just bounce back from him bleeding out on him, he'll work on it after a shower and dinner.
I'm not writing this AU because I only really have these two vague scenes in my head, but Chay having multiple lives making his existence in the mafia hurt more than canon's calls to me, it really does.
oh, also: in the AU source material, one of the nine-lifers has one of his lives removed and stored into a ring for safekeeping. he later gives this ring to his to-be-wife as her wedding ring. I'm not sure yet how to work that into this AU because Chay's contact with magic and other magicals would be slim to none in this, but please picture how this would absolutely wreck Kim, because there's nothing Kim wants more than to safeguard Chay but as far as he's concerned, he's already failed Chay in that regard twice. 😈
[[ ask me about fics im not writing ]]
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solace-seekers · 11 months ago
just remembered if you’re completely unclaimed at camp you pretty much just. Cannot Date Anyone There because they might turn out to be your sibling <3
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thecrownaura · 2 months ago
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boredfaneliza · 1 year ago
this is one of my greatest fears in tumblr dot com and it sucks sometimes
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unofficial-illinois · 7 months ago
Will you be running in the gimmick presidential election? (respond with yes or no I'm a busy man who's making the Google form)
i will not, but have fun with that lmao
let's hope it goes better than our real election is bound to
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wildflowercryptid · 2 years ago
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the official chibis of the awl marriage candidates are so cute, but i haven't been able to find higher quality versions of them yet... so i ended up making one of gustafa's myself. 😏 the 2nd chibi is using colors picked from his other official art, since i wanted to see what that'd look like.
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gelatomesomeironqrow · 1 year ago
Songs that remind me of some of my favorite characters/songs that would be in their playlists, in the danmei I love. Part Two.
Tian Guan Ci Fu: Heaven Official's Blessing
Of course I have to start with the Flower Crown Martial God - Xie Lian.
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The Crane Wives - The Moon will Sing
Next up:
Black Water: He Xuan
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The Rose - Back to Me
Of course we have to do his bestie:
Crimson Rain Sought Flower - Hua Cheng/San Lang
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Maneskin - If not for you
My baby boy - Yin Yu
(I need official art of him but I love this gif sooo enjoy)
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Lorde - Fallen Fruit
The one and only: Shi Qingxuan
Pronouns: They/him
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Avril Lavigne - Head above Water
Of course we gotta do his brother: Shi Wudu
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Ghost Hounds - Fire Under Water
Our Martial God whose only red flag is his womanizing ways: Pei Ming
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Ghost Hounds - Last Train to Nowhere
Our forever child God: Quan Yizhen
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Unlikely Candidates - Novocaine
Our husbands: Feng Xin and Mu Qing
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Lawrence - It's not all about you
Please enjoy and let me know if you want more TGCF.
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months ago
K*ngana joining politics as a BJP candidate in time for elections in India this year............ why am i not surprised
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wormsdyke · 7 months ago
emotionally preparing myself to vote tomorrow without dramatically gagging and retching every time i see the incumbent republican candidate's name
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thecrownaura · 2 months ago
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drakonovisny · 2 years ago
aaaaaa i received an email from an organisation that works with interpreters offering me a job for a few days and i don't remember the last time i felt so anxious
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[Nickname: HENG]
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