leynaeithnea · 2 months
Trying super hard to come up with a good question and this is the best I got I fear
Four books? ( One of your all time favourites , one you really really want to read, one that fundamentally changed you and one you'll never stop recommending) ( book series are also good)
Morninggg yeah questions can be really hardbut this is a good one
let's see....mh...
1. This one is tough but I'd probably say All For The Game, I've read it about 6 to 7 times in the past 7 years or so years, something about it just hits right home
2. ...does the Odyssey count? I currently have a digital version and a german translation from 1939 that i found in an antiquity store but i wanna get an english hardcover version of both the odyseey and the illiad eventually-
3. Lord of the rings/tolkiens universe changed me and helped me through my first years of teen angst and gave me a home during a time where we just recently moved and all that
4. Mmmhhh... That changes honestly depending on what im currently obssesed with and who it asking me for it, but probably currently Captive Prince series, the worldbuilding is tough (i do recommend reading the TWs before unless you're confident in being fine with close to anything, its mostly book one; the other two in comparison are really tame)
BUT THEY'RE SO GOOD the writing is so good, the character's, their dynamic, the tension between them-
Ill add a 5. Because we already have most of my favorite books that i keep rereading and say "Author you've read the most from" because that would be Sarah J Maas, esp the Throne Of Glass series rly also touches smth in me and her stories themes of "dreamers brining the hope for a better world" rly touches me
Rb that with your favorites? 😄
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The Assassin's Creed Black Flag remake will likely be the best game ever, eclipsing Odyssey. Its main story is unlike any other, in where the main character encounters a literal reincarnated god who realized his true self and is bent on acquiring a mysterious skull.
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15lehna · 9 months
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The universal gm facepalm
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beetletricks · 11 days
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thealmightyemprex · 1 month
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @countesspetofi
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I'm not nearly eloquent enough to write a coherent essay about this but the parallels between HAL and dave are fascinating. So here's so rambling about space odyssey
Like. On the one hand you have HAL who knows exactly how important their mission actually is and he is literally testing dave by asking him if he has doubts about the mission. Dave on the other hand fears HAL might geopardize their mission and their crew's safety so he is making the decision to shut HAL down for their own survival so in return HAL decides to kill the crew to guarantee his own survival and the success of the mission. Sacrificing others to survive again comes into play when dave lets go of frank to enter the airlock. What's also interesting is that both of them convert back to an infantile state in the end with dave repeating the song he was taught in the early stages of his programming and dave literally reverting back to an embryo.
Control and how the characters, especially HAL, try to keep it is also very interesting. HAL uses the extent to how human he is perceived to be as a means to gain control. From the very beginning the audience is made to believe how human HAL really is. He is referred to by an anagram that's like a human name, he is literally called another member of the crew, but he is always watching, having total control over all the ship's functions. However, this also makes him suspicious in the eyes of the humans because the same can be said for frank and dave. When we are shown HAL looking at them through his cameras they are almost always looking back at him, putting an enormous pressure on him to perform well, to always be perfect or they might shut him down. So the moment HAL makes a mistake and he chalks it up to "human error" all parties believe it really was his mistake, even an error like this should be impossible for a machine to make. It was a human mistake by a machine that imitates humans to such a degree that mistakes seem plausible and that's what makes dave and frank so scared of how a creature like this might react to having its functions shut down and when it is eventually time to do so HAL once again appeals to dave's perception of him as a person by getting more and more emotional and trying to appeal to his conscience and it's still left beautifully ambiguous whether HAL's actions were out of pure fear and survival instinct or because he was programmed to execute the mission at all costs and simply could not afford any more "human errors"
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theglassesguyart · 1 month
Happy birbday, Lampert!1!1!1!
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indigoparkconfessions · 4 months
Oceanic Odyseey has potential.
Now, you probably looked at this ask with a raised eyebrow wondering what the fuck I mean by "Oceanic Odyssey has potential" so, allow me to explain.
I feel like Oceanic Odyssey has the potential to take inspiration from many ocean exploration games but I have two in mind that would make the best candidates: Subnautica and ABZU.
ACT 1: Subnautica and its possible influence on the horror in Oceanic Odyssey
Now, what IS Subnautica? Subnautica is an ocean exploration based survival game where the player explores the oceans of a once unknown planet called 4546B located in the Andromeda Galaxy and finds various alien sealife within the planet's oceans. A lot of them are pretty chill but the main thing that Oceanic Odyssey could take inspiration from in terms of horror is Subnautica's leviathans that act as 'bosses' in a way. Here two of the best examples.
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The Reaper Leviathan
This thing could be a pretty big influence in terms of how Finley can possibly jumpscare you as this creature can LITERALLY LUNGE AT YOU. I don't think I need to explain myself any further.
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The Ghost Leviathan
I feel like the anticipation factor of Oceanic Odyssey's horror could easily be influenced by The Ghost Leviathan as you don't see it as often and when it jumpscares you, you almost never see it coming. The Ghost Leviathan more so just creeps around the ocean and amubshes you instead of lunging at you at the first moment it gets which could be a great inspiration for the anticipation parts of Oceanic Odyssey's jumpscares.
ACT 2: ABZU and its influence on Oceanic Odyssey's atmosphere
ABZU is an ocean exploration based adventure game where you take the role of a robot exploring the depths of the ocean and documenting the life within the ocean waters. I feel like in terms of atmosphere (and soundtrack if you really wanna go the distance) could definitely take some inspiration from ABZU as the world and music of this game are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. (Pictures and audio below are from the ABZU game and OST)
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based off of all of this alone, I'm pretty confident to say that ABZU could be a great inspiration for Oceanic Odyssey's atmosphere.
I feel like Oceanic Odyssey has the potential to be scary and absolutely beautiful at the same time. This was just me wanting to get that off my chest so, yea.
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thunderbottle · 9 days
hi I trust your opinion over all others, which translation of the odyssey should I read?
of the three ive read, i can 100% say it is really up to what you like in a book/poem. My first translation was George Palmer's from the 1890s. It's a difficult read in places and relies heavily on pretty flowery language that by most accounts is nottt really reflected in the original? but if you like old literature-style writing it could be for you! Robert Fagles' translation of the illiad was actually really fun to read for me and his odyssey is roughly the same. Good pacing but nothing too memorable. If you want an easy place to start out, not too complex but not leaving much out either, his is a good one! My most recent one is is Emily Wilson's translation, which is as far as i can tell in pretty consistent iambic pentameter? So depending on your nerd level her translation might be perfect for you!! I honestly like her approach to translating the best of the three but i think maybe to someone reading the odyseey for the first time it does leave out a bit of detail here and there. If i read more translations ill add on to this but im all translationed out at the minute (at least for the odyssey. Im reading the caterbury tales now lol)
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segatoys · 5 months
when ur a movie fan but not one of those weird cinema snobs who like 4 hour long russian movies about a man in one room LMAOOO. like those kinds of people are so pretentious. anyways, heres my discussion of what "really happened" in 2001 space odyseey. weird foreign films are just too hard to understand and are complicated on purpose. i dont really keep up with current events because it doesnt effect me. the israel conflict is too complicated! but we have to vote blue no matter who because trump is the only bad politician. i dont agree with biden supporting israel but still hes better than the other guy!!!. why do you keep getting into the semantics? youre just pulling teeth! i dont watch international movies because theyre needlessly complicated !!!!!
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unkn0wnleisures · 6 months
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● Christopher Anderson, Odyseey
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
not to stan a classical fiction man but people who are like odyseeys is a rat bastard. a dick. well lads that’s kind of the point. the odyssey is about what it means to survive a war. that’s the point. it’s asking if you even can without some part of yourself dying. that’s the point. it’s about being a broken survivor 
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sillyweirdkid · 3 days
so we all know how in the odyseey while odessyus fights the suitors. hes naked. (if im wrong pls lemme know) so are we gonna see butt naked odessyus during "king animatic" IM WHEEZING
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pluto-rain-her · 8 days
Me seeing a gif from "2001: a space odyseey": is this from the barbie movie?
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maharajaexpress · 5 months
Exploring India's Landscape by Deccan Odyseey
Exploring India’s natural landscapes through the Deccan Odyssey is an elegant way to experience India’s rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and bustling vibrant cities. Deccan Odyssey offers carefully curated itineraries that allow travelers to embark on a remarkable voyage, exploring India’s most renowned destinations, providing them with unique comfort including onboard amenities and gourmet dining with utmost care and royalty.
One of the most famous luxury trains in India is the Deccan Odyssey, known for its lavish interiors, exceptional service, and carefully curated routes. This train offers various itineraries covering different destinations of India, such as the Golden Triangle (Delhi-Agra-Jaipur), Rajasthan, the Western Ghats, and more. Along the way, passengers can visit magnificent palaces, ancient forts, UNESCO World Heritage sites, and vibrant markets, immersing themselves in the rich cultural heritage of India.
Deccan Odyssey allows travelers to explore the beautiful city of Rajasthan's royal past. This train journey takes travelers through Rajasthan's desert landscapes, visiting famous destinations like Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, and Ranthambore National Park. Passengers can explore magnificent palaces, visit colorful bazaars, witness traditional performances, and enjoy Rajasthani cuisine, all while traveling in style and comfort.
The Deccan Odyssey offers luxury train journeys through the stunning landscapes of western and southern India for people looking for a more intimate experience. From the vibrant streets of Mumbai to the tranquil backwaters of Kerala, this journey showcases the diverse cultures, traditions, and natural beauty of India's western coast and southern regions of India.
Deccan Odyssey promises travelers an unforgettable vacation filled with luxury, adventure, and rich cultural heritage. It's a unique way to experience the vastness and diversity of India while enjoying the comfort and royalty of a bygone era.
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pika2482 · 9 months
AOTD 1/10/2024 - Dear Wormwood (The Oh Hellos)
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[All albums are rated subjectively based off my own enjoyment]
The Oh Hellos are a Modern Folk band that, with their album Dear Wormwood, provided a sound pallet I had no idea would latch onto my brain and become a genre I'd start actively looking for. Honestly I don't know how I'd describe the exact sound of this album, all I can say is this is a Required Listen for anyone that actively enjoys music. The Oh Hellos played to their genre taking little to no compromises for mainstream popularity, and in turn have become that Folk Mainstream.
So you may be wondering how it got a 9.5 when the individual song ratings averaged an 8.7. Here's my rules for grading albums:
Average the individual songs together, then round either up or down depending on how I feel about it. Then, I can choose to add an extra 0.5 points to an albums score for cases like this one;
The track list in this album creates an experience so cohesive and wonderful, it becomes worth more than the sum of it's parts.
This is rare to happen, but for Dear Wormwood, that's what it did for me. It may have not quite been a 10/10, but this is one of the greatest albums I have ever heard.
I was transported during my listen of Dear Wormwood, a feeling to me that's only ever been provided by the Legendary The Fox and The Bird. The atmosphere and vibes here are just fully unmatched compared to anything else I've listened to. In fact that atmosphere is my favorite part of the album, created not by dedicated ambience and atmospheric elements, but by the instrumentation itself. Songs like Ceasar, Pale White Horse, and Dear Wormwood sent me to some otherworldly place where I was just absorbed by the music. At times I felt like I had goosebumps for minutes at a time. That's a high I've been chasing for quite some time.
My favorite song has to go to the 10 out of 10 Title Track, Dear Wormwood. Coming off of the previous few songs, the potential energy is high, and boy does this song deliver on that. Once again I don't know how to describe it's sound, just listen to the fucking album. It had all the vibes of Caesar and Pale White Horse, but the ending finally let all of that potential energy flow straight out the roof, cementing this songs place in the halls of the greats, my Top 50 playlist. This song is an Journey by itself in an already Odyseey worthy album.
No duds in this album. Exeunt didn't quite place as high as the rest of the tracklist, but I found Soldier, Poet, King's place on the album to be strange. It takes place right between Where Is Your Rider and Dear Wormwood, and I feel the transition between those two would be Wonderful, but there's this up beat Stomp and Holler Tavern song right between them. This track would be better placed earlier in the album, but it still scored pretty well as a song.
Overall, this album is going to be a main-stay Recommendation for me, and I'll be coming back to listen through it over the years.
Favorite Songs: Caesar, Pale White Horse, Where Is Your Rider, Dear Wormwood
Least Favorite Songs: Exeunt
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