#Ocean Man is superior.
fourfuckinghorsemen · 2 years
Hänsel und Gretel verliefen sich im Wald. Es war so finster und auch so bitterkalt. Sie kamen an ein Häuschen von Pfefferkuchen fein. Wer mag der Herr wohl von diesem Häuschen sein?
Hu, hu, da schaut eine alte Hexe raus! Sie lockt die Kinder ins Pfefferkuchenhaus. Sie stellte sich gar freundlich, o Hänsel, welche Not! Ihn wollt sie braten im Ofen braun wie Brot.
Doch als die Hexe zum Ofen schaut hinein, ward sie gestoßen von unser'm Gretelein. Die Hexe musste braten, die Kinder geh'n nach Haus, nun ist das Märchen von Hans und Gretel aus.
Getting revenge?
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14106 · 1 year
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not gonna finnish this probably but this one goes to all the ppl like me who's Harry doesn't even know wtf a car is and would probably need to remember how to drive... this one also goes out to all the sexy biches out there who dont know how to drive babeeey (just like me)!!!! <3 keep on keepin on girlies!!! (girlies as in gender neutral)
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crawledoutoftheocean · 7 months
not to be source-of-waterist but if i was a freshwater mermaid i'd kill myself
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I often think about how perfect The Spongebob Squarepants Movie's soundtrack is. Both the original songs made by various bands for the movie and the licensed tracks they got for it. Literally not a single skip on that thing. It's a vibe we'll never get from any movie ever again and that pains me on an emotional level.
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yakkitylylac · 1 year
listening to Don't Wanna Lose You by Derivakat and . heeheehoo lurien
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theemporium · 1 month
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[10k] an investigative study into the mysterious fish that saved his life; by oscar piastri with the assistance of logan sargeant, google searches and a crush that makes a man blind to the obvious signs that his coworker is a mermaid.
happy birthday @scuderiahoney!! for one of my fav people and one of my fav spirals we have had together<3
inspired by this moodboard
warning: mentions and descriptions of drowning!! idk why that wee bit went angsty but it did so be warned!!
Oscar Piastri never considered himself a ‘go with the flow’ kind of guy, but more of a ‘never have a plan’ kind of guy instead. 
He likes to let fate guide his decisions, or at least that’s what he told himself. That the universe was looking down at him and putting him where he needed to be. 
Because it was fate that he read the wrong room number, ending up in an ocean wildlife conservation lecture rather than the mechanical engineering one he was meant to be in. 
Because it was fate that he found a map, with a small seaside town circled, in the glovebox of the secondhand car he managed to save up and buy. 
Because it was fate that that very seaside town had one of Australia’s biggest ocean conservation programmes that was currently accepting applicants. 
Because it was fate that the dodgy, beachside cabin he bought for ridiculously cheap ended up being home to a stray dog who would become his best friend. 
Because fate was the only explanation for so many things in Oscar’s life that he never planned to happen nor did he believe would’ve just happened if he followed along the way he was. He chose to believe that there was some superior being up there that was making sure he was sticking to the path that was meant for him. 
And so far, it hadn’t led him astray. 
In fact, all things considered with his mother’s constant questioning and uncertainty of him moving so far from home for the programme, things had been working out pretty well for Oscar. 
He enjoyed the routine he had settled into in the almost year of being in one of Australia’s most picturesque, scenic seaside towns. 
Every morning he woke up just before sunrise, when the sky was breaking into pinks and oranges and yellows. He would shuffle his way into the kitchen, pouring a bowl of kibble for Buddy and a bowl of cereal for himself before taking a run along the beach (that was essentially his front garden) until the sun was in the sky. Some days he hit the water, most days he tried to stop Buddy from eating the jellyfish that had washed up on the beach. 
He would have a quick shower, put out some more food for Buddy before riding his bike fifteen minutes towards the water park (because unlike the others, he listened to Sebastian’s talks on lessening your carbon footprint). 
He would greet Alex and George by the door, the two already arguing or disagreeing about something or the other. 
“Alex, they have to show you proof of university ID to get a student discount!” 
“They looked trustworthy!” 
He would pass by the gift shop where Lando would be sitting on the cashier counter, swinging his legs back and forth and fiddling with the speakers to play whatever music he was feeling that day. 
“I’m telling you, Aussies love country music, Osc. You’re clearly the odd one out.” 
Some days, he would pass by Charles and Max by the tourist booth, bickering back and forth about the customer shows and tours for the day. 
“I can’t dedicate thirty minutes of my tour to you, Charles.” 
“But the penguins have learnt new tricks!” 
Other days he would pass by the labs where Sebastian would stick his head out, waving at the boy and throwing some weird and wondrous fact at him. 
“Hey, Oscar, did you see that the squid killer parasite was treated successfully last week?” 
And some days Sebastian stayed in the lab, the door closed and locked behind him which told Oscar and the others that Mark, the park’s owner, was visiting. 
And by the time Oscar reached the staff room to drop his stuff off in his locker and prepare for the day, Logan would’ve somehow hunted him down and began yapping his ear off about something or the other before he eventually brought up his favourite topic. 
The crush Oscar had on you. 
“You must be happy this morning,” Logan commented offhandedly as they left the main building, heading down towards the animal habitats. 
“As opposed to every other morning when I’m always angry and upset?” Oscar deadpanned, shooting the American a look. 
“Just thought you would’ve had a small mood booster after seeing the rota,” Logan shrugged, but there was a mischievous and knowing glint in his eyes. “Heard you were on the late shift.” 
Oscar narrowed his eyes. “Uh huh.” 
“On the late shift with a certain someone,” Logan continued. “Someone you happen to—”
“Do you have to do this every time?” Oscar asked, deadpanned.
But Logan was already nodding. “Yes, it brings me great joy when you try to act nonchalant and then lose your mind in front of her.” 
Oscar scoffed. “I do not lose my mind in front of her.” 
“Hey, guys!” 
Oscar felt his mouth run dry when he turned his head to find you already out on the dock by the dolphin enclosure. It was embarrassing the way his brain went blank, the way his eyes were glued to you—your outfit no different to the uniform both he and Logan and everyone else wore—and not a single coherent thought could leave his mouth. 
He felt Logan jab him in the ribs, kickstarting his brain and letting out an awkward garble before he managed to blurt out, “Heyo!” 
He wondered if jumping into the tank with the dolphins would save any of his dignity. 
“What he meant to say was hey back,” Logan called out, far too smiley as he tried to hold back his glee. “You’re out here early.” 
“I was teaching Rufus a new trick,” you explained, something quite fond in your voice as you turned to smile at the dolphin who was currently nudging a ball towards you. “And then Gizmo felt left out so I played with him a bit too.” 
Logan raised his brows. “With one ball?” 
“I’m creative,” you shrugged. “If you were working in the dolphin enclosure, I would’ve taught you my tricks, Sargeant.” 
“Well, you can always teach Oscar!” Logan said, giving his friend a slightly rough slap on the back which caused him to stagger forward. “I’m sure he would love to learn anything you wanna teach him!” 
Oscar shot Logan a glare. 
Logan only grinned wider. 
“I’ll see if I can make him a dolphin whisperer,” you teased, lighthearted and playful and unaware of the lingering tension between the two boys. You turned to Oscar with a kind smile on your face, one that kind of made his brain go fuzzy. “It’s been a while, Piastri. I’ve missed working with you.” 
And Oscar could feel his cheeks burning up but he couldn’t bring himself to care as he mirrored your smile, his heart beating wildly in his chest. 
“I’ve missed it too,” Oscar replied, sincere and genuine. 
He did. He really did. Because despite all of Logan’s taunting and teasing about Oscar’s crush on you—which was very much real—he also appreciated you as a friend. He had since the day you both started, anxious and eager and leaning on each other for support since day one. 
Just somewhere along the line, Oscar managed to catch some feelings he couldn’t quite shake away. But it was fine. He had them under control. He had long ago accepted they wouldn’t be requited and he would let them run their course before the friendship returned to normal—whilst you were none the wiser. 
“The dolphins missed you too,” you added. “That’s just ‘cause you feed them an extra herring.” 
“I gotta bribe them!” Oscar defended. “You have some secret bond with them. It’s not fair.” 
You snorted. “Well, lucky for you, you’re on swimming duty. Get that wet suit on, Piastri.” 
And then, you flashed him a wink and turned around and—
Yeah, Oscar was far from moving on from how he felt about you. 
But it was fine. Because Oscar Piastri was the kind of guy who let fate take the reins for him. 
Because fate led him to this town. Because fate led him to this job. Because fate led him to you and all the others he had bonded with to make a dysfunctional but supportive family. 
Because it was fate that led him to making one of the biggest discoveries in his life. 
It was as normal as a morning could be. 
He had woken up a little earlier than his alarm, a weird and unsettling feeling in his chest that he brushed off as the few hours of sleep he had managed to get. Buddy wasn’t much better, not as eager to get out of the house as he usually was when Oscar stood by the door for their morning walk. 
It was a little chilly, enough to warrant Oscar wearing a jumper as they wandered down the beach until Buddy felt a little more relaxed and playful. 
But by the time they returned to the house, Oscar was still wired with some restless energy itching under his skin and still three hours until his shift started at the park. 
He thought a quick go at the morning waves would help settle the feeling buzzing through his body before he started scratching at his own skin. 
The water was cold and refreshing and definitely washed away any last dregs of sleep that Oscar had been clinging onto. The exhaustion was long gone, now replaced with a different type of adrenaline that made him seek out the waves that made him work for it. 
It was still early, far too early for many people to be on the beach. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon and Buddy was still half asleep on the beach by his towel, no real rush to join Oscar in the water any time soon. 
Everything was fine. 
Everything was normal. 
The morning sun was starting to shine through, but instead of fluffy, white clouds like the forecast had assured, large, dark clouds were taking over the barely blue sky. It was disconcerting, especially when the waves seemed to be getting rougher. 
He took one glance down at his watch, assuring himself he had enough time for one more wave before he headed back to shore to get ready for his shift at the marine park. With a deep breath, he narrowed his eyes at the water and began paddling with his hands. 
The wave didn’t look too big or risky. It should have been an easy attempt, one that Oscar could do with little to no thought on a day with good weather. But the wind was stronger than he realised, the water more temperamental than he assumed and it didn’t take Oscar long to realise that this wave wasn’t going to end well. 
But the panic didn’t start setting in until the wave washed over him, knocking him off his board with little time for him to take a breath before he went under. He could feel the current tugging his body in different directions, pulling his arms one way whilst the leash around his ankle pulled him in the opposite direction with his board. 
And no matter how hard he kicked his legs and propelled his arms, he couldn’t seem to get any closer to the surface. 
It hit him that he was absolutely fucked when he could feel his lungs starting to burn.
Buddy would be left on the beach, whining and crying out for Oscar until someone found him. Or, god forbid, the loyal dog would try to swim out and find him himself. Oscar was all he knew, the only family Buddy had ever known and it was clear that the dog loved him. It made him feel a twisted sort of pain at the idea of leaving the dog behind. 
People at work would be confused when he didn’t turn up for his shift. Logan would probably be the first to notice when he spends far too long waiting for Oscar in the staff room, watching the clock with a frown. The blond would probably offer to drive out to his house to check up on him. Charles would probably offer to join and might even offer to drive if he could see the boy’s hand shaking too much. He wondered if you would join. 
Sebastian would probably have to call his family back home, to tell them. His stomach twisted into something bitter and awful at the thought of leaving his family behind, of never being able to hug his mother again or tease his sisters or surf with his father. 
His body stopped fighting at one point, too tired to even attempt to reach the surface. But his brain kept going, kept haunting him with the life his family and friends would lead whilst he continued to float and float and—
And then he saw it. 
It was blurry, his vision dotted with black and white blobs as the overwhelming urge to close his eyes took over his body. But he saw it. He saw the flashes of orange, the scales glimmering in the little light under the surface. He saw a fin and scales and then—
And hair. 
And arms reaching for him. 
And he swore he saw the features of a human face staring back at him, but before he could even try to force his eyes to focus, everything was going black and Oscar let it happen. 
The first that hit him was how fucking cold he was. 
The second was—
Well, the second hit him when his eyes blinked open, barely giving him a chance to acknowledge the people surrounding him before he coughed, emptying out the saltwater that was still stuck in his lungs. 
He could feel someone’s hand soothing his back, the action almost relieving if it weren’t for the fact Oscar swore he couldn’t stop shivering. 
“Let it all out, honey, atta boy,” a woman’s voice soothed as Oscar laid on his side, panting heavily and trying to wrap his head around everything before he felt a furry head pushing against his own. 
“Hey, Buddy,” Oscar breathed out, his lips twitching as he let the dog practically throw himself on top of Oscar even if it was still a little hard to breathe. 
“Smart dog you got there,” the woman spoke up again and Oscar finally turned his head to find a kind-looking woman smiling down at him. It took a few seconds before he realised she was wearing the paramedic uniform. “He managed to drag a couple out of their car to come help you. They are the ones who called us.”
Oscar blinked. “You swam out?” 
The woman frowned a little. “Of course not, honey. The waves seemed to have washed you in. You were lying out on the beach when we got called out.” 
“I—” Oscar blinked again, his confusion growing as he stared out at the ocean for a few moments. “Right. Of course.” 
“Do you remember what happened?” The kind paramedic asked.
“A little,” Oscar admitted. “I was surfing and the wave took me under. The current started dragging me further out. But then I saw—” Before he paused. Images of orange scales and a human face flashed in his mind but there was a voice in the back of his head that told him to stop, to keep that to himself.
“Saw what?” The paramedic prompted. 
“I don’t know,” Oscar eventually said as he shrugged. “I think I blacked out after that.” 
“I see,” the woman nodded, though he couldn’t read whether she believed him or not. “Think you can stand up? We just wanna do some standard tests, make sure you are alright. Then maybe someone you know can come pick you up.” 
“No need, my house is just there,” Oscar said as he nodded towards the cabin in the distance. “I feel fine, I promise—” 
“Procedure,” the woman said with a sheepish smile. “C’mon, it won’t take long. Promise.” 
And true to her word, it hadn’t taken long. 
Beyond some tests to prove that he knew his name, had basic motor functions and wasn’t concussed, he was allowed to head back home with Buddy by his side and a blanket wrapped around his body to try and maintain what little heat he had left.
His body was running mostly on muscle memory as he shuffled into the house, pulling the blanket off (against better judgement) and starting to unzip his wetsuit so he could peel it off his body like a second skin. 
He was smiling down at Buddy, who had refused to leave his side, when he felt a sharp prick against his finger. He winced, lifting his thumb to his mouth without second thought before glancing down to see what had nicked him. 
His eyes widened comically large when he saw an orange scale stuck to the side of his leg, sparkling and glistening the same way he swore it had under the water. The attempt of removing the wet suit was quickly abandoned as he glanced around the room, swearing under his breath before shuffling towards the kitchen. 
Buddy followed, whining and huffing as Oscar slammed cupboards doors open and shut before finding a small container. He leaned down, grabbing the scale as gently as he could before transferring it to the container. 
“M’telling you, Bud, that thing out there saved my life,” he spoke, his voice still a little raspy and raw. “I don’t know what it is but it wasn’t a normal fish. And I’m gonna figure out what the hell it is.” 
With all due respect, Buddy looked at his owner like he was insane but Oscar didn’t seem to notice. 
“I need you to look at something for me.” 
Logan let out a high-pitched scream, his body reacting quicker than he could keep up with and causing him to fall out of his seat before he noticed Oscar standing there, a frown on his lips. The blond let out a curse, his hand pressed against his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. 
“Fucking hell, dude, don’t sneak up on a guy like that!” Logan grumbled before pausing, scrambling to stand up and really focus on Oscar this time. “What the fuck are you doing here? You should be resting!” 
Oscar blinked. “I’m fine.” 
“You almost drowned,” Logan said slowly, like he was explaining the point to a child.
“Yes, Logan, I’m aware,” Oscar deadpanned. “I was there, believe it or not.”
“I—” Logan let out a deep breath. “You’re insane. Like actually insane. I think you lost too many brain cells because you shouldn’t be out of bed, let alone at work—”
“I’m not here to work,” Oscar corrected before flashing his friend a grin. “I came here because I need your weird fish encyclopaedic knowledge.” 
Logan stared at him. “Be honest with me, did your board hit your head?” 
“Shut up,” Oscar rolled his eyes before gesturing to the jar he slammed on the table before Logan fell off his seat. “Look.” 
Logan frowned a little, picking up the jar and peeking inside. “I know you work with dolphins but I’d at least hope you know that’s a fish scale.”
Oscar shot him a look. “I know it’s a fish scale but I need to know which fish it belongs to.”
Logan blinked. “You think I’d be able to take one look at this random scale and tell you which fish it belonged to?” 
“I mean,” Oscar shrugged. “Yeah. Kinda.” 
“You’ve been hanging around the dolphins far too much,” Logan murmured. 
“Listen, whichever fish that scale belongs to saved my life,” Oscar started. 
Logan stared at him like he had grown a second head. “A fish saved you from drowning?” 
“And you are sure you didn’t hit your head?” 
“Oh my god,” Oscar huffed. “Look, I know what I saw. It had a huge orange tail but it also had…like…skin and hair.” 
“Very commonly found in marine animals,” Logan deadpanned. 
“I’m serious,” Oscar said, his lips turned downwards. “And think, if it is a new kind of fish and you help me discover it—” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Logan muttered, waving him off. “For the record, I still think you’re going insane but I’m your friend so I’ll help you out.” 
Oscar grinned. “I knew you’d help.” 
“You owe me lunch though,” Logan added. “I dropped my burrito when you scared me.” 
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Fine, deal.” 
Despite his concern, Oscar managed to convince Sebastian to let him come back to work the next day (after saying he would be bored out of his mind at home) with the condition that Buddy be allowed to join him at work considering the dog had downright refused to leave his side since the accident. 
George and Alex had been awkward at the front. They had been less than subtle at their surprise that he had come into work so soon, and in turn, had been dreadfully unprepared in the etiquette of how to talk to your coworker friend who had almost drowned and died less than twenty-four hours earlier. 
Lando had been no better, downright asking him if he met God in the few minutes he lacked oxygen under water before being washed back out to shore. He hadn’t understood why Oscar—and even Buddy—had stared at him blankly.
Charles had been a little more sympathetic, though oddly protective of the boy. He had been a little fussy at Oscar coming in so early, insisting that he would make sure the boy had proper breaks and meals, even if he had to talk to Sebastian himself. Max had rolled his eyes at the other boy’s antics but clapped Oscar on the back and said he was happy he was alive. 
Even Logan had been cautious around the boy. Despite his agreement to help search for the fish that saved him, he still constantly looked at Oscar like he had downright lost his mind. And maybe he had. 
The only person who seemed to be acting remotely normal towards him was you, or at least it felt that way. 
“You know, Rufus really missed you yesterday.” 
Oscar raised his brows as he walked down the pier towards where you stood, two buckets of fish in each hand. “I think we must be talking about different Rufuses.” 
You rolled your eyes, though it seemed quite fond as you patted the spot next to you as you sat on the edge of the dock. “He likes you. He just also likes teasing you.” 
“That’s easy for you to say, he is a little prince around you,” Oscar commented, smiling softly when Buddy rushed towards your side, nuzzling you fondly. 
“There’s my favourite dog,” you cooed, taking Buddy’s face in your hands and pressing a smacking kiss on the top of his head. “Such a handsome boy.” 
Oscar chose to ignore the fact he was feeling oddly jealous of his dog of all people. 
“You’re just a dolphin whisperer,” Oscar said eventually, looking out at the two rescue dolphins that were currently chasing each other with a red ball between them. “I don’t get how you do it.” 
You shrugged, but your smile was mischievous. “If I told you, I would have to kill you.” 
Oscar snorted in response. It would have been embarrassing if it didn’t make your smile widen. 
A few moments of comfortable silence passed between the two of you with Oscar watching the dolphins and your attention on the needy dog now half-sprawled across your lap. You waited a few moments before you found the confidence to speak up again.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, your fingers tangled in Buddy’s fur as the dog sighed happily. “I mean, obviously you don’t have to answer that but if you want to talk about it—”
“I’m okay,” he answered with a kind smile. “It was…weird.”
You snorted before you could stop yourself. “Weird is an understatement.” 
But Oscar just shrugged his shoulders. “I was lucky, that’s what I’m choosing to focus on.” 
You nodded but you didn’t say anything in response. You didn’t get the chance as Logan came barrelling down the dock, a huge grin spread across his face and a bunch of scuba equipment in his arms.
“Dude, you won’t believe what Seb let me borrow!” 
Oscar’s eyes widened as he quickly scrambled up, shooting Logan a look that he didn’t seem to understand. 
“Don’t worry,” Logan rolled his eyes. “I didn’t tell him about your mission to find—” 
But Oscar reached over to smack his hand over Logan’s mouth before the boy could continue, laughing awkwardly as he looked over his shoulder at you. “He doesn't know what he’s talking about!”
You glanced between the boys, eyeing the scuba equipment curiously. “Hiding some top secret mission from me?” 
“No, of course not!” Oscar quickly blurted out. “It’s just…something stupid.” 
You raised your brows. “And requires state of the art diving equipment?” 
Oscar just laughed nervously.
Logan finally managed to push Oscar’s hand away, something mischievous and cunning shining in his eyes as he glanced at Oscar before looking at you. “You know, we have spare equipment. You could totally join us tomorrow—”
But before Oscar could intervene, you were already responding. 
“Oh no, I can't swim.” 
Logan blinked. “What?” 
“I, uh, mean,” you laughed, awkward and stilted as you quickly stood up, almost tripping on Buddy as you did so. “I swim. I can swim. Just not well.” 
Logan nodded slowly. “Well, Oscar could always teach you—” 
“No, no, don’t let me hold you back,” you insisted before clearing your throat. “God, would you look at that! I should go get some more fish. Bye, guys!” 
Neither boy got a chance to say much before you were running down the dock, heading towards the main building. Logan watched you for a moment before looking down at the two full buckets of fish by his feet. 
“Well, that wasn’t weird at all,” he deadpanned.
Oscar rolled his eyes. “You’re reading too much into it.” 
Logan gave him a weird look. “Dude, she’s literally lying. It’s a part of the entry requirements to be able to swim and be fully lifeguard trained.” 
“Well, maybe you made her uncomfortable and she felt the need to lie,” Oscar retorted.
Logan rolled his eyes. “A man in love is a blind man.” 
Oscar shook his head. “Pipe down, Shakespeare, and show me what Seb gave you.” 
As it would turn out, aimlessly diving around the area Oscar almost drowned was a useless and fruitless endeavour. 
Who would have thought?
Logan, clearly, considering the boy had been insisting as much since the two of them waddled back into Oscar’s cabin, their wetsuits drying out on the balcony and the heavy weight of exhaustion on their shoulders after the hours of searching was something that was not there. 
“Maybe it needs a purpose to show itself,” Logan suggested as he slumped down on the couch, happily letting Buddy jump up and join him. “Maybe you need to almost die again.” 
Oscar shot him a look.
“Right. Too soon. Sorry.” 
“No, I—” Oscar paused, shaking his head and letting it drop. He was too tired to deal with it anyways. “That is not a theory we are going to test.” 
“Whatever you say, man,” Logan shrugged, settled against the soft throw pillows Oscar’s mother had insisted he needed to buy to make his place seem a bit homier. “What’s your plan anyways?” 
Oscar frowned a little in confusion. “For what?” 
“When you find this fish,” Logan stated. “Like, what are you gonna do? Say thank you and move on with your life?” 
“Well, no, I—” he paused for a moment. “I hadn’t really thought about it. It’s a weird fish.” 
“And diving the depths of the ocean will get us nowhere except having a very boring hobby for the next fifty years,” Logan deadpanned. “Describe the fish again. Maybe we can note down some main features and do some research. There’s probably something on the internet.” 
“I don’t know,” Oscar shrugged, turning his attention back to whatever scraps were left in his fridge that he could somehow make a meal from. “I have never seen a fish like this.” 
“Because you know every fish ever to exist.” 
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Shut up.” 
“C’mon, just try,” Logan whined as he reached for his phone, muttering out a small ‘sorry’ when he had to manoeuvre Buddy on his lap before he pulled up a new tab. “We have orange scales, big, skin and hair-like features—”
“It was skin and hair.” 
“Yeah, sure,” Logan murmured as he continued to add a few more details Oscar had told him before hitting search. He waited a few moments, looking through the top searches before he let out a loud snort. “Okay, maybe you were right. Maybe googling is useless.” 
“Why? What does it say?” Oscar asked, reaching for the jar of pasta sauce that seemed to be shoved towards the back of his cupboard. For the sake of his rumbling stomach, he decided not to linger on how long it had been back there for.
“It says you’re looking for a mermaid,” Logan snorted, his amusement clear in his voice. “I mean, come on! Like any sucker would believe that.” 
However, when he turned his head to see if Oscar was laughing along with him, he found the boy staring back with a contemplative look on his face.
“No,” Logan groaned, leaning his head back against the pillows. “No, Oscar, we are not—” 
“It might be,” Oscar argued back.
“You need to get your head checked,” Logan grumbled.
“Just find as many reliable sources on mermaids as you can whilst I make lunch,” Oscar retorted, waving him off as the American let out a squawk of protest.
“He’s gone insane. My best friend has gone insane.” 
“I can hear you.”
“I can’t believe these words are about to leave my mouth—” 
“You don’t need to say that everytime.” 
“But how do we know we are dealing with a mermaid and not a siren?” Logan questioned as the two of them sat on the dock by the dolphins, sandwiches in hand as they enjoyed their lunch break whilst entertaining Rufus and Gizmo with the new toys Sebastian had ordered.
“Because it would have killed me if it was a siren,” Oscar responded matter-of-factly. “If it was a siren, they probably would have eaten me.” 
“Should we really be saying it? Wouldn’t it be a she?” Logan asked, but before he could even wait for an answer, he was continuing. “And how do we know she speaks English? Like, she could speak some ocean language. Maybe you need to start speaking fish so you can thank her if we find her.”
Oscar blinked. “Speaking fish? Really?” 
“What? I am just making assumptions here,” Logan murmured. “It’s not like there’s a lot of accurate and reliable sources for mermaid logistics and habits.”
“Well, she is also probably a human living in this town,” Oscar pointed out. “So, I think my chances of her speaking English or any other human language is high.”
“So you think,” Logan muttered under his breath.
Oscar glanced down when he felt a nudge against his foot, smiling when he felt Rufus nudge him. “I wonder if she can speak to fish.” 
“Like, imagine how cool it would be to be able to talk to different sea animals,” Oscar commented as he leaned down, his smile widening when the dolphin lifted his head up to meet Oscar’s hand.
“Well, your girlfriend is the dolphin whisperer,” Logan teased, nudging the other boy’s side with his elbow. “She could maybe teach you something, help you practise your fish language before you find your knight in scaly armour.” 
Oscar could feel his cheeks burn. “She’s not my girlfriend.” 
“But you wish she was,” Logan sang. 
“Plus, some people just have a special knack with animals,” Oscar shrugged, watching as Rufus continued to nudge his foot to gain his attention. “She’s one of them.” 
“A shame she can’t swim with them,” Logan muttered.
“Oh my god, get off her back with that,” Oscar groaned. 
“I am just saying—” 
“Stop saying it.” 
“—it’s a little weird that—”
“You’re a little weird.”
“—she was so dodgy about her swimming and then ran off—”
“You are reading far too much into it.” 
“—like she’s hiding something!” Logan exclaimed. 
“Who’s hiding something?” 
Both boys let out a scream, whipping their heads to find you standing a few feet away, looking far too amused at the expressions on their faces. You raised your brows, glancing between them and watching the way they both floundered for a response. 
“Were you talking about little old me?” You asked, a dramatic gasp following as you placed your hand over your heart. 
Oscar’s eyes widened. “No, we just—”
But before he could even come up with a half-assed, lame excuse to try and sell, a large splash of water hit the three of you. The water was cold and a shock to the system and the almost mocking laugh of Rufus as he swam away was the cherry on top. 
Oscar glanced down at the soggy sandwich in his hand before shifting his attention to you, noticing the way your eyes widened in panic. 
“Hey, you look a bit pale,” Oscar started but you were already starting to walk backwards. 
“I have to go!” You blurted out before turning on your heel and sprinting down the pier. 
“Wait!” Oscar frowned, ignoring the odd look Logan was giving him as he began to chase after you, watching you make a beeline towards the main building. 
He could feel his legs burning as he tried to catch up, as he chased you through the windy footpaths of the park, only to find himself at the main building with the door still locked and you nowhere in sight. 
He called out your name, his teeth starting to chatter a little as the water seeped into his clothes and hung heavy on his frame. 
But you were nowhere to be seen. 
“Do you think there is a way to find the human version of the mermaid?” 
Oscar barely lifted his head up from his phone, glancing down at the series of unread messages he had sent to you over the course of the last few days. Sebastian had said you called in sick, saying you needed a few days to recover from your cold without giving it to anyone. 
But Oscar wasn’t buying it.
“Because maybe we just need to look for the very obvious clues.”
Of course, there was the potential option that you really were sick. It was quite chilly the other day and Oscar’s mother always did say that wet clothes and chilly weather were never a good combination. It was why his first message was staged as a simple wish for you to get better, seeing if you would reply to him. 
You didn’t. 
“You know, like people well affiliated with fish. And maybe avoid water. And maybe have a suspicious background we don’t know about.” 
The following messages had been sent by accident. His thumb had been hovering over the second message when Buddy bumped into him and made his thumb hit the screen. And then, with the embarrassment already settled, he found himself sending a few more to follow up. 
But still, he hadn’t heard a single word from you. Nobody had. 
“It does make me wonder if your kids would come out as mermaids or fully human though.” 
Oscar blinked, head snapping up to stare at Logan with a bewildered look. “What?!” 
Logan huffed. “Have you not been listening to a word I’ve been saying?” 
“No, clearly not. Though, if you’re talking about how mermaids reproduce then I’m glad I zoned out,” Oscar deadpanned. 
“You should have a lot more interest considering your girlfriend is a mermaid,” Logan retorted. 
Oscar blinked. “Come again?” 
“Don’t tell me you don’t see the signs?” Logan prompted. 
Oscar shot him a look. “I don’t see the signs.” 
“God, love really is blind,” Logan sighed, shaking his head. “The signs are right in front of you, dude. She’s the one you’re looking for. Maybe. Potentially. It’s mostly a hunch.” 
“You’re ridiculous,” Oscar scoffed. “I know her. I know her better than you. And I know that isn’t her.” 
“In denial your girlfriend is a fish?” Logan teased, nudging his foot against Oscar’s shin only to let out a wince when Oscar kicked him back. 
Oscar rolled his eyes. “I’m not in denial about anything!” 
“Who’s not in denial about anything?” 
Oscar’s head snapped around, his cheeks burning when he found Charles and Max standing at the door of the staff room, looking between the two younger boys with a questioning but amused look in their eyes. 
“Nothing!” Oscar flashed them a strained smile. “Truly nothing. We are talking about absolutely nothing.” 
Max raised his brows. “Doesn’t sound like nothing.” 
“Well—“ Oscar laughed, another half-assed lie ready to leave his lips but Logan bet him to it. 
“Oscar is just in denial about his lady fish!” Logan blinked, realising what he’s been saying. “I mean his friend who’s a fish! I mean, his lady friend who likes fish. She isn’t a fish. No one is a fish but fish!” 
Oscar shot him a look. 
“You know?” Logan laughed awkwardly. 
To his credit, Max looked positively delighted like their misery was great for his amusement. But Charles looked downright concerned, looking at Oscar with a solemn look as he walked around the table. He placed a hand on Oscar’s shoulder and gave him a small squeeze. 
“We will fight your fish fetish together,” he said in a completely serious voice. 
Logan choked. 
Oscar blanched. “I do not have a fish fetish!” 
“It’s fine, accepting it is the first step and we will get there together, yes?” Charles said with a kind smile. “You’re not alone, Oscar.” 
“I’m not there at all,” he retorted. 
“You have a support system here, Oscar,” Charles said. “We are your family too.”
Oscar groaned, his head slumping down to rest on the table. “Logan, I’m not going to kill you.”
“Logan is your friend and he just wants to help,” Charles continued, patting the boy on the back like he was trying to comfort him. 
It was safe to say he wasn’t focused on your lack of response to his messages after that. 
It was actually totally by chance that it happened that morning.  
Just before his shift ended the day before, Sebastian had managed to catch him on his way out, ranting away about storms and stocking up and eventually ending his ramble by asking Oscar to come in early for his shift tomorrow to help deal with the morning feeds in case they have to shut down the park for the storm. 
He had agreed, assuring the older man he would be at the park before the sun had risen before he left. 
The next morning, he had been cursing his past self as he dragged himself out of bed and forwent his usual morning swim for a quick walk with Buddy before cycling towards the park. 
He was barely awake as he sauntered towards the staff room, putting his things away and just barely noticing your locker was already full before he made his way out towards the dolphins where he assumed you would’ve started. 
After all, Sebastian never said you two couldn’t work through the breakfast shift together. 
Oscar still felt a bit half asleep and bleary when he saw you at the bottom of the pier, talking away to Rufus and Gizmo. It made him smile, listening to whatever you were saying without even really processing it. 
In fact, it was because he was so entranced that he almost missed it at first. 
“Okay, one more but then you’ve gotta have your breakfast,” you sighed, shaking your head fondly at the two dolphins before lifting your hand. 
It took a second for Oscar to even realise there was a massive ball of water floating in front of you. It took a few more seconds to realise it turned to ice seconds later. And he was already rubbing his eyes to try and wake himself by the time you threw it into the water, letting the dolphins chase after it. 
He stood at the bottom of the dock, mouth agape and heart thundering in his chest that he missed whatever you said to the squeaking dolphin before you dove head first into the water. 
His body kicked into action by that point as he sprinted down the pier, yelling out your name and already trying to shrug off his coat so he could dive in after you, only to pause when he saw something in the water. 
Not something—you. 
It felt like deja vu as he stared at you under the water’s surface, stuck between confusion and awe. It was still dark but somehow the scales of your tail still glimmered in the water, dancing and shining and downright mesmerising. It was orange and gold and yellow and just breath-taking to see when he wasn’t losing oxygen. He watched your hair flow behind you as you swam effortlessly beside the dolphins like you belonged, like you were meant to be in the water. 
It was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. 
He had barely picked his jaw up off the floor by the time you rose to the surface again, your eyes widening as you saw him kneeling on the pier staring out at you. 
You gulped a little. “Oscar, it’s not what it seems—”
“It’s you,” he interrupted, though his voice was soft and awestruck. “You’re the mermaid. You’re the one that saved me.” 
“Yeah, well, you wouldn’t need saving if you hadn’t been an idiot surfing when it wasn’t safe,” you retorted, almost defensive as you squirmed under his watchful gaze. 
“I can’t believe it,” he murmured, shaking his head in disbelief. “You are so—”
“Scary?” You supplied. 
“Beautiful,” Oscar corrected with a small frown. 
“Oh,” was all you managed to say. 
His eyes drifted down once again, his eyes lingering on your tail and the way it swayed gently to keep you above the surface. It was long, much longer than he realised the last time he saw you. But it was there and it was real and it belonged to you and— 
It was overwhelming. 
And it was also deeply annoying that Logan was right. 
Oscar opened his mouth. “I have so many questions I want—”
“I’m sure you do and I will answer them but,” you flashed him a sheepish smile, though the defensive tone in your voice was still there. “Not now. Later. Promise.”
Oscar nodded, a little dumbly. “Come back to mine after work?” 
You nodded back, your smile a little strained. “Yeah, of course.” 
“Would you like some tea?” 
The wind howling and the rain pattering against the window from the storm managed to break some of the awkward silence as you sat in Oscar’s living room, picking at the skin around your nails and avoiding eye contact with him completely. 
“Uh yeah,” you nodded. “Tea would be nice.” 
Oscar nodded before shuffling towards the kitchen, grabbing two mugs and putting the kettle on before he glanced over his shoulder to peek out at you. 
He smiled a bit as he watched Buddy trot towards you, letting out a whine and knocking your hands away from each other and instead placed his head on your lap until you started scratching behind his ears instead. 
“He’s a bit of a clinger,” Oscar warned as he wandered back into the room, two cups of tea in his hands as he placed both on the coffee table before taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch. “If you give him too much attention, he will never let you leave.”
Your lips twitched upwards. “That doesn’t sound too bad.” 
“You’ll think twice when he starts chewing your shoes because he wants to go out in the morning,” Oscar retorted. 
You let out a soft laugh in response. 
He watched you for a few moments as you cooed at the dog in front of you. You had told him you’d make your way to his house, considering Oscar’s shift ended half an hour earlier than yours and he had only driven a bicycle into work. 
He had tried to be really casual and nonchalant about the whole thing, pretending like his mind wasn’t spinning all day since he saw you in the water. It got a lot worse when he got home, practically pacing the cabin and wearing a hole into the carpet as he kept glancing at the clock—so often that even Buddy started whining about it. 
And then, just minutes before the rain started, you were knocking on his door and walking into his house and—
He felt like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
He wondered if he was meant to be the one to drop it. 
“So, a mermaid, huh?” 
And maybe it was the shitty icebreaker or maybe it was the nerves catching up with you, but you couldn’t help but snort. 
“Really?” You teased, finally looking at him with something that felt oddly close to fondness. “That’s what you start with?” 
“I panicked,” he admitted with a sheepish smile. “And…I don’t know how much you want to share.” 
“Most people would be demanding answers,” you told him, your voice a little defensive like you expected him to be the same. 
“I’m not most people,” he responded before pausing. “Wait, other people know?” 
“Well, no,” you confessed before shrugging. “I just assume people would demand answers. I sure as hell did.” 
Oscar’s brows furrowed together. “You haven’t been a mermaid your whole life?”
“Since I was sixteen,” you told him, shaking your head. “It’s a long story. Full moons, sea caves and a very confusing attempt at a shower the next day.” 
His lips twitched upwards. “And you’ve hidden it this long?” 
You nodded. 
“That must be exhausting,” he murmured, his chest tightening a little at the idea that you had been carrying this secret alone for years. 
“I’m used to it by now,” you answered honestly with a shrug. “Plus, technically speaking, other people don’t know but other creatures do.” 
Oscar blinked. “You can actually speak fish?” 
You shot him an odd look. “Well, it’s not really a universal language amongst all fish but I can communicate with them.” 
“And control water,” Oscar blurted out, remembering what he saw that morning. 
You smiled softly. “Being a mermaid has its perks.” 
“The park is a risky place to work,” Oscar commented with a frown. “Aren’t you scared of constantly being exposed?”
“Like the other day?” You huffed, shaking your head. “I’m usually quite safe and I’m careful. Rufus was just being a dick.” 
“He…knows?” Oscar said slowly, like his brain was still catching up with the fact you could speak to marine animals. 
“He’s very demanding during our morning swims,” you admitted with a soft smile. “He also has very strong opinions and can be quite pushy with them.” 
Oscar raised his brows. “And what was he getting pushy with this time?” 
You fell silent, your attention quickly falling back to Buddy. 
He frowned a little. “I won’t judge, whatever it is. Unless it’s like a mermaid-slash-fish insider thing I wouldn’t understand, then I totally get it but—”
“It’s whatever,” you quickly interrupted, your smile seeming a little more put on and strained. “It’s not true, anyways.” 
Oscar’s frown deepened but he didn’t say anything as he nodded. It was only in the moments of silence that he realised how heavy the rain had gotten, with the drops sounding like harsh patters against his window. 
“Fuck,” you murmured with a frown. “It’s going to be impossible to get home.” 
“Home as in…a house or a sea cave or…?” Oscar started to trail off, having the decency to look a little embarrassed when you shot him a look. 
“I have a place on land,” you confirmed, though he could hear the amusement in your voice. “Although considering the fact I have seconds before I change, I won’t even be able to make it out your front door before I grow a tail.” 
“You can stay here,” he blurted out before he could second guess himself. “If you want to. I don’t mind. Neither does Buddy.” 
As if on cue, Buddy let out a soft bark of agreement as he nuzzled his head against your lap. 
You looked at him. “Are you sure? Because I—”
“I’m sure,” Oscar confirmed with a nod. “You can take the bed, I don’t mind taking the couch. Although, you may have to deal with Buddy trying to cuddle with you.” 
Your eyes widened slightly. “Oscar, I can’t kick you off your own bed.” 
“I don’t mind,” he repeated with a shrug. “Plus, the couch can be tricky to get comfy on if you don’t know the exact way to sleep and I’m used to—”
“I’m not letting you sleep on this couch,” you said, pausing for a moment before sheepishly smiling. “No offence.” 
His lips twitched. “None taken.” 
“We can—” You paused again before straightening up in your seat. “We can share the bed. It’s just one night, no?” 
Oscar blinked. 
“Friends can share beds, right?” You added, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Uh, yeah,” Oscar blurted out. “Yeah, totally. Absolutely. We can so do that. No problem at all.” 
He was fucked. 
All things considered, Oscar thought he was doing pretty well until the two of you actually had to fall asleep. 
He gave you some spare clothes to borrow and took the gentleman’s route of letting you use the bathroom first. He let you choose your side of the bed and borrowed some of the throw pillows from the living room to act as a barrier to make you a little more comfortable. He had even made sure Buddy was squished on his side of the bed so he wouldn’t disturb you. 
But then, the silence settled between you both after he had turned the lights off and climbed into bed and not even the pattering rain could ease the suffocating tension. 
“Logan knows,” Oscar blurted out. 
You blinked, turning your head as though you could see him in the dark. “What?!” There was a pause. “You told him?” 
“What? No!” Oscar quickly corrected. “No, of course not. He guessed it. Kinda. He was, like, forty-seven percent sure you were a mermaid.” 
You frowned. “And the other fifty-three percent?” 
“That,” Oscar snorted a little. “Was him being confident that mermaids didn’t exist at all and I hit my head during the accident.”
“You almost did,” you confessed. 
Oscar swallowed before turning his head to look in the direction of where you were lying. “Thank you,” he whispered in a softer voice. “For saving me. You really did save my life and you didn’t have to.” 
There was a small pause before Oscar felt you reach over the wall of pillows to take his hand. “I would’ve never left you hanging, Osc. You’re my friend.” 
He squeezed your hand a little. “Right, friend. Of course.”
Another moment of silence passed between you two. 
“You know I would never tell anyone your secret, right?” Oscar whispered, something about the moment feeling soft and quiet. “Even with Logan. I’ll throw him off your tail, stop him from bothering you.” 
A laugh slipped out. “Off my tail?” 
His cheeks burned but he smiled. “The pun was unintentional.” 
You hummed before responding. “You’d actually do that?” 
“Of course,” Oscar confirmed, genuine and sincere. “You’re my friend.” 
“Right, friend. Of course,” you repeated when nothing else came to mind. 
And once again, the silence settled between you but it was thick and suffocating and desperate to be cut and—
“Rufus wanted me to be honest with you,” you blurted out, squeezing his hand a little like it was the small sign of comfort you needed. “That’s what he’s been bugging me about. Gizmo too, actually.” 
Oscar frowned a little. “About telling me you’re a mermaid?” 
“No. Yes. Kinda.” You took a deep breath. “They wanted me to be honest with how I feel.” 
“I didn’t realise they were licensed therapists,” Oscar commented.
Your lips twitched. “They are delusional like that.” 
“Whatever you wanna say, m’not gonna judge you,” Oscar murmured, squeezing your hand to solidify his point. 
“I like you,” you whispered. 
“Yeah, I like you too,” Oscar replied casually. “And nothing you say can freak me out. I promise.” 
“No, Oscar, I like you. Like like.” 
“Fuck, sorry,” you swore under your breath as you moved to pull your hand away. “I didn’t mean to put you in an awkward position—”
“No, I just—” Oscar let out a huff. “Wait a second.” 
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you listened to him shuffling around on his side of the bed. It took a few seconds before you realised what he was doing, throwing the pillow wall on the floor and reaching for the lamp on his bedside table before he turned to you. 
“Better,” he murmured before reaching for your hand again. “You mean it? You like me?” 
“Are you really gonna make me say it again?” You winced a little. 
“I mean, it would help me redeem my response beyond a pathetic ‘oh’,” Oscar confessed, his cheeks flushing pink as he bit back a smile. 
You watched his expression closely. “And what would your response be this time?”
He swallowed harshly, gaining what little confidence he had left in himself before he chickened out and second-guessed himself. “I would say I have been pretty much in love with you since the day you accidentally trapped me in that huge fishing net and had to cut me out with a shitty pair of craft scissors.” 
Your brows furrowed together. “But that was our second day working together—oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” Oscar repeated with a grin. His eyes dropped to your lips for a moment before returning to your eyes, squeezing your hand as we spoke. “I like like you too.” 
“Even if I’m half fish?” You asked, watching as Oscar’s expression grew adoring. 
“Even if you told me I had to live on a dinghy for the rest of my life to be with you,” Oscar confessed. 
“That,” you paused as you laughed a little. “That might be one of the weirdest but most romantic things someone has ever said to me.” 
“You should see me flirting after a few drinks,” he deadpanned, not bothering to hide his smile as you rolled your eyes fondly.
“Just kiss me, Piastri,” you murmured.
“Yeah, I can do that,” he nodded before slipping his free hand to cup your face before leaning down to kiss you.
You let out a happy sigh, pulling your hand free so you could wrap both arms around his neck and tug him closer. Oscar rolled closer, keeping his weight off you as he deepened the kiss and smiled a little at the satisfied noise you let out. 
It was soft and sweet and adoring and made your whole body feel like it was on cloud nine by the time he pulled away, strands of hair falling in his eyes and a gentle expression pained across his face.
“We should probably sleep,” Oscar murmured.
“Yeah, we probably should,” you nodded in agreement.
“Glad you agree,” he hummed.
“Totally,” you responded.
Neither one of you could bite back your smiles as you leaned in for another kiss. 
“This is cheating.” 
“How is it cheating?” 
“Okay, maybe it isn’t cheating but it is unfair.” 
You snorted, shaking your head in amusement as you lightly flicked your tail to splash the boy sitting on his surfboard. He let out a small noise of annoyance but he was still smiling, looking down at the seashell in his hand with utter love and adoration. 
“My gift seems lame in comparison now,” Oscar grumbled as his thumb smoothed over the ridges of the shell. 
“That’s a bit dramatic,” you retorted, leaning on your crossed arms as you leaned on the edge of his board. 
“Yeah, well, I bought your gift and you literally dived to the depths of the ocean for mine,” he replied but he still held the shell with a great sense of protectiveness, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “Thank you, babe. I love it.” 
“Thought it would look cute for your collection,” you grinned back, sighing happily at the ease and relaxation written across his face. It had been an intense few weeks at work and this was the first mutual day off the two of you had. You almost forgot how much you loved seeing Oscar so laid back and stress-free. 
“It’ll be the best one in my collection,” he grinned, staring down at the shell for another few seconds before reaching for the small zipped pocket in his wetsuit. “Okay, close your eyes.” 
You rolled your eyes but did as you were told, holding your hands out as you listened to the sound of the zip. You waited a few moments before you felt cold metal hit your palm and tried to bite back your smile.
“I know the mermaid magic has a whole mind of its own but I thought maybe this would be one thing you can wear both on land and in the water,” Oscar confessed, and you could hear the hint of nerves in his voice. “Something from me, so I can be there with you when you are deep in the ocean getting me cool shells.” 
You snorted a little, but the amusement was quickly replaced by awe and surprise once you opened your eyes and spotted the silver locket in your palm. Your thumb traced over the necklace, smiling a little when you noticed the gem was the same shade of blue as his favourite board—the same one he was currently sitting on—and Buddy’s eyes.
“Oscar,” you whispered when no other words seemed to leave your lips. 
“Open it,” he prompted. 
You gently clicked the locket open, your smile widening when you noticed a picture tucked into the frame. Staring back at you was one of your favourite photos of you, Oscar and Buddy on the beach that a passing local had taken for the three of you when you were out one morning for Buddy’s morning walk. It had been one of your and Oscar’s favourite photos, considering it was currently framed and sitting on his bedside table and another print tucked into his locker at work. 
You looked up at him, your chest feeling so warm and tight and full with all the love you had for the boy. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Perfect for you then,” he murmured with a grin before nodding his head. “Turn around, let me put it on for you.” 
You listened easily, moving your hair over your shoulder as the boy reached around to place the necklace on before clasping it together. Your fingertips brushed over the locket as you glanced down at it before turning to look at him. He was already staring back at you, his expression soft and fond and so full of love that it almost made you wonder how it took you so long to confess your feelings when he had been staring at you like that long before you started dating.
“I love you,” you murmured, your heart warming at the sight of his cheeks blushing at the same three words you have said countless times to the boy.
“I love you too,” he replied easily before leaning down to kiss you. “Happy one year anniversary, baby.” 
“Happy one year, Osc.” 
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Cod Threesomes
Requested: No
Warnings/Additional Tags: GN!Reader, Smut, Threesomes, Anal, Oral (M receiving), light choking, Implied polyam relationships, Fingering, Voyeurism, Biting
A/N: I need to be sedated, I spaced out for 2 seconds then suddenly I had a thousand words.
Gaz & Price
“Tha’s it, Love. Taking it so well.” Gaz pants, head buried in the crook of your neck, hands gripping at your hips so tight that it hurt a little bit. “Just….Just a little more.” He tells you, carefully sliding his cock in the slightest inch more, sending your eyes rolling back into your skull.
“Can’t.” You say, digging your nails into his biceps, clinging to him for dear life, teary eyes darting behind him to look into the deep ocean blue of Price’s gaze. “T-Too much.”
“Nonsense.” The older man grunts, and you could feel the way he humped harder into Kyle, your boyfriend choking on a gasp, twitching above you so hard you were almost worried, a string of drool slipping off his lips and splattering onto your chest, making you jump. “You’ve taken it before, you’ll take it again.”
“M-might help if you go just a little slower.” Kyle says, yelping when his words earned him a heavy handed smack to the ass, Price’s big hand squeezing the now tender skin to prolong the initial sting, thumb pulling aside the cheek so his superior could look down and see where his cock was disappearing into Gaz’s hole.
“I know what’s best, for both of you.” Price grunts, his free hand going to wrap loosely around your throat, both you and Gaz’s eyes going glassy when he does, blunt nails scraping against your skin. “We do things my way, or no way.”
A resounding “yes, sir.” was all you both could say in return.
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Ghost & Soap
“So pretty, Love.” Soap cooed in your ear, warm hands rubbing at your hips, his knees spreading your legs open wide, your back to his chest and his dripping cock rubbing against your ass as Ghost’s lubed up fingers work you open, scissoring the thick digits inside your warm opening. “Taking his fingers so well, can’t wait to see you take his cock.”
You whimper at his words, feeling them burn through you like a heat flash, settling thick and sticky in your lower belly. Your pathetic sounds combined with your little squirms seemed to amuse Simon, if the smirk on what little of his face you could see was any indication.
“If they’ll be able to take my cock.” He snorts, a hint of amusement in his voice, curving his fingers inside you to stroke at a particularly sensitive area inside of you. “Having a hard time even taking just these two fingers, and my cock is so much bigger.” He teases, free hand going down to wrap around his cock, stroking it slowly before squeezing it at the base, your eyes glued to the scene with hunger.
“Ach, now you’re just underestimating them.” Johnny says, letting you feel the smile on his face as he presses his lips to your neck, darting his tongue out to lick the sweat dripping down your jugular. “Sweet thing like this, they’ll take it just fine. Just need a little extra work to open em up.” He says, trailing a hand over your belly and down between your legs, slipping in one of his fingers right between Simon’s, gripping your hip tighter when you try to arch them up, your head dropping back to rest on his shoulder. “I know, Love. It’s a lot to take, but you’ll take it. You’ll take all of us and beg for more. I promise.”
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Horangi & König
“Shit, you’re tight.” König huffed above you, teeth bared in a snake that would be terrifying in any other situation, just like the hand he had clasped around your neck, feeling his co-worker’s cock plow into your gullet, a wet “shlick”ing sound echoing from not just between your legs but from your mouth as well, he’d love to see the tears he know are escaping your eyes, but frustratingly was unable to with how far back your head was tilted. You were probably getting light headed, he hoped you wouldn’t pass out again. “How’s their mouth feel?”
“Like Heaven.” Horangi grunted, eyes hazy with lust, leaned forward with his forehead resting against König’s shoulder, sharp teeth nipping at his flesh, narrowly avoiding drawing blood. “Wet, tight, h-heaven.” He stutters, grabbing at König’s hip, digging blunt nails into him to try and avoid cumming just from the way your throat pulsed around him.
“Yeah?” König cooed, rubbing his thumb over the vague outline of Horangi’s cock, searching for the sensitive head while he used his other hand to play with your pebbled nipples, occasionally pinching and pulling at them harshly just to make you squeal, the sounds vibrating up Horangi’s cock and making his eyes roll back, his hips jerking harder and faster, chasing his fast approaching orgasm.
“Fuck, that’s it. That’s it. So good.” Hong-Jin groaned, tilting his head back when König started to mouth at his pale neck in return, sucking and biting til a dark bruise was sure to be left, settling his hands on your sides, drifting them down to your thighs and kneading at your flesh. “Make ‘em cum, prince. Want to feel how tight they’ll squeeze me when they’re overridden with pleasure.”
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Alejandro & Rudy
“Slower.” Alejandro purred beside you, swirling a glass of mezcal before tipping it back to take a gulp, his eyes burning through you the whole time as you struggled to keep an even pace on Rudy’s lap, thighs slick with sweat and shaking from exertion. The new pace somehow even more torturous than before, even with your lover’s hands firmly on your hips and his lips trailing along your jaw.
“Good. Doing so good, Tesoro.” Rudy mumbled against your skin, his breathing heavy before his tongue darts out to lick a thick line across your throat, thumbs digging into your hips lines. “I know it’s hard but you’re doing great, just keep listening to Alejandro.”
You nod more out of instinct than actual understanding, lust inebriating you more than any alcohol, leaving you sticky and pliant between the two of them, a little puppet with your strings wrapped around their fingers.
“Bite them.” Was Alejandro’s next order, less than half a second before Rudy dug his teeth into your shoulder, making you let out a long whine that you tried to muffle by burying your mouth into Rudy’s hair, only to be met by a loud ‘tch’ and Alejandro’s stern voice snapping at you. “No no no, stop that.” He said, clicking his fingers to get your attention. “You don’t get to muffle those pretty noises of yours. I want to hear them loud and clear, Angel. Try to do that again and I’ll have to find another way to preoccupy that mouth of yours.”
462 notes · View notes
calliesmemes · 6 months
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ASSORTED SENTENCE STARTERS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET, including quotes from Tumblr, Pinterest, TikTok, and X (formerly known as Twitter), for when a muse wants to lighten up the situation at hand.
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   It’s sea shanty time once again my fellow bastards of the ocean! ”
“   Partner, I reckon that I ain’t been feeling very yeehaw lately. ”
“   I don’t study; I consult the lore. ”
“   Yeah, I understand women — they all want daggers and swords. It’s all quite simple, really. ”
“   Lord forgive me but I may have to make a nonessential purchase. ”
“   Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range. ”
“   Yes I’m a gatekeeper and a hater. I’m also God’s most favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world. ”
“   My primary motivations are fear, spite, and aesthetic longing. ”
“   Man — if I had a sword, I wouldn’t be worried about shit. ”
“   It’s not blood that runs through these veins but glitter gel pen ink. ”
“   If I was in a Jane Austen novel, I would be the one sent to the seaside for my health. ”
“   Half of me is a hopeless romantic, and the other half of me is … well … an asshole. ”
“   I am the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know. ”
“   I hope I give off the vibe to all animals that I am their ally and their friend. ”
“   I see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. Why is that? ”
“   Normalize letting me talk without making any sense. ”
“   Don’t care, didn’t ask, plus my psychic visions have predicted the outcome of this encounter. ”
“   I could be so much worse. For example, I could start acting like my father. ”
“   Sorry for acting so strange and irregular; It will happen again. ”
“   i love sitting in my room.....alone....a girl in her cave....scheming and plotting and drinking tea. ”
“   These man made horrors are beyond YOUR comprehension. I get it though. ”
“   I’m a goth girl on the inside. On the outside? A father figure. ”
“   I don’t need to face reality; I’m not just that type of girl. ”
“   DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A frickle-frackle? ”
“   I’m about to cha cha real smooth off a fucking cliff. ”
“   Sorry I told you about my trauma. Do you still think I’m hot? ”
“   My priorities aren’t straight and neither am I. ”
“   I have felt permanently guilty for no reason since I was like eight years old. ”
“   Of course I have a lot of pent up rage, you fool! I’ve been the same height since I was twelve years old! ”
“   I was born for shock value. ”
“   Good morning! God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem. ”
“   Oh, I slept miserably because I was tormented by terrible visions all night. I hope none of them were prophetic! ”
“   Be the surreal nonsense that you want to see in the world. ”
“   Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot. ”
“   My hobbies include knowing things and being right. ”
“   This is good advice, but don’t tell me what to do. ”
“   I hate the idea of authority. What the fuck is someone being superior to me? Bitch I’m gonna take your kneecaps. ”
“   Stop forgiving my crimes! I worked so hard on those! ”
“   My hobbies? Uhhhh, symbolism mostly. Metaphors and implications and the like. ”
“   I may not have any braincells, but I make up for it by having many heart cells. ”
“   I can’t mansplain manipulate manwhore my way out of this one guys! ”
“   Not all your life decisions have to be smart. Some can be purely for cinematic value. ”
“   Sometimes I wish I looked more fragile and feminine like a dainty flower, but I do enjoy looking like I hate everyone. ”
“   Any dream can be a prophetic dream if you’re willing to do some really weird shit. ”
“   girl help there is not enough enrichment in my enclosure. ”
“   BRO, you NEED to stop SUMMONING DEMONS in the FRAT HOUSE. ”
“   I just gave your address to some spiders! ”
“   I disappoint my father as a hobby now. ”
“   I think that the dark circles under my eyes add to my aesthetic actually. ”
“   Good news! I’ve successfully replaced all of my emotions with jokes! ”
“   I have half a braincell left and I’m very scared to use it! ”
“   Listen, son — in this world, it’s either yeet or be yeeted. ”
“   I appreciate the advice, but I think that I’m old enough to make my own bad decisions. ”
“   I’m disappointed in me too. Y’all aren’t special. ”
“   Running from your demons is the best exercise! ”
“   Sorry; I can’t commit any crimes with you. My mom says that I have to study. ”
“   Time flies when you don’t know what the fuck is going on. ”
“   If I run out of tacos, I can no longer maintain my human form. ”
“   Bestie, I don’t think that I can girlboss under these conditions. ”
“   Yeah I’ve had combat training; I can do anxiety attacks! ”
“   Swag is earned, not learned. ”
“   Contrary to popular belief, violence solves a lot. ”
“   Please God no … I don’t need any more character development right now! ”
“   If you can’t beat ‘em, yeet ‘em. ”
“   Do not put me in a situation. I’m at my limit and I am very tired. ”
“   I may be depressed, but at least I’m not basic. ”
“   It’s MY LIFE and I’ll sabotage it myself, thank you. ”
“   Think twice? Bold of you to assume that I think once. ”
“   At the next inconvenience, I will start biting people. ”
“   Oops I think that I just experienced an emotion. ”
“   Did you know that rats spelled backwards is star? ”
“   One day, I’ll be reincarnated as a pigeon, and I’ll shit on your head. ”
“   On the outside, I’m a baddie — but on the inside, I’m a saddie. ”
“   My grandma bullies me through the Ouija board. ”
“   I’m a cool person if you can just look past my personality. ”
“   Beetles don’t have to do taxes, and I think that is a beautiful way to live. ”
“   I hope that you get your character development arc soon. ”
“   Those are some nice kneecaps … It’d be a shame if someone stole them … ”
“   I’ve wanted to be a trophy wife ever since I was a little boy. ”
“   I’m done being baby; I want POWER ”
“   Wait, “Just Standing There Ominously” doesn’t count as socializing? ”
“   Yes I am smart, and yes, I am stupid. It’s called being flexible. ”
“   I am NOT delusional!!!!! I am OPTIMISTIC! ”
“   I deserve compensation for not being the menace to society that i could be, like i'm skipping out on a lot of fun here. ”
“   Do not ask me if you should or shouldn't do something !!! Before I am a friend I am an enabler !!! ”
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pigswithwings · 1 year
this'll be the last oceanblr post. promise. is everyone here familiar with niche aquatic events btw
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🐋 simplecetacean Follow
haha might fuck around and let my body become an unidentifiable mass that washes up on several shores and won't decay and will be mysterious to scientists for years upon years
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and bite off a man's leg but leave the rest of him alive, kickstarting a violent and all-consuming battle between us
🐋 simplecetacean Follow
might fuck around and absolutely troll this guy named jonah
18.2K notes 🔁❤
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🦑 strawberry-squidz Follow
Squids that destroy ships and squids that have never seen a ship shouldn't be fighting. They should be kissing. That's why this pride month,
1.5K notes 🔁❤
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🌑 greatbitesharkof87-deactivated Follow
lol im floating by this sandbar and theres sooo many humans gathered near the shore. looked out of the water earlier and theres a big old whale body just sitting on the beach, hope nothing bad happens lmaooo
🎣 marlingardens-deactivated Follow
top ten posts that make you feel like it's the 1970s in Florence, Oregon
🐙 ask-an-argonaut Follow
34.7K notes 🔁❤
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🌿 misc-manatee-mutters Follow
pacific ocean superiority this & indian ocean superiority that. when will you guys focus on the real problem, the blood ocean
267 notes 🔁❤
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🔍ms-magnap1nna Follow
Made a new friend today. Everyone better cheer and clap or I'm dragging you into the hadal zone
🐌 justasnailfish Follow
2.9K notes 🔁❤
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🌙 fishoftheabyss Follow
What do Epipelagic Zoners even do? Like it sounds ridiculous up there. Ooh, there's rain! Wow, a coral reef! I might even hop out of the waves a couple of times for funsies! Tf do you even have over Abyssopelagic Zoners. Go to shell
🌱 kelps-forests43 Follow
cranky because you've never seen the sun huh
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kamisatomay018 · 11 months
Let yourself Love, Dear Iudex.
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Neuvillette x female reader
Angst with comfort, very fluff and lengthy
Hope you enjoy!<3
“Forgive me, but I cannot accept your feelings..”
You were sure that if it was humanly possible, all of teyvat would’ve been able to hear your heart shatter. What were you expecting, that the Chief Justice of Fontaine would reciprocate your feelings? A fool is what you felt like, but you had no option, the feelings were too difficult to conceal, you needed to let it out even if it meant getting your heart broken. You had been the Iudex’s assistant for 4 years. You were excellent at your job, gaining the respect and admiration of all the people of Fontaine. Neuvillette had also been in awe of your work, and over the time you both had become closely acquainted with one another. He was an immaculate gentleman, his words sounding like the purest verses of poetry. His siren eyes held the depth of an ocean, his calm and gentle demeanour made you feel comforted. He was everything you could’ve ever asked for in a man.
After 2 years of loving him silently, you had gathered your courage to confess to him, somewhere hoping that the soft glances he often sent your way, the flowers you would receive from melusines and the hours you both spent chatting in his office about all sorts of topics weren’t just gestures a “friend” would receive. But of course, you were wrong. And now you stood in his office, heart aching and eyes wishing to burst into tears as the only man you had ever loved turned you down. You couldn’t be upset, you couldn’t be angry, you knew you couldn’t force him to love you. You heard the heavy rain pour outside, making you internally sigh in relief. At least outside this office you wouldn’t have to conceal your heartbreak.
You took a deep breath, managing to still smile despite the pain that swam in your green eyes, looking at the man in front of you who looked concerned and apologetic. Pity was the last thing you needed right now. “May I at least know why?” Perhaps this was not the wisest decision, perhaps his words would only pierce your shattered heart even more but you needed to know the truth. You knew that Neuvillette always spoke the truth, no matter how harsh it was. He was the Chief Justice for a reason after all.
Neuvillette’s eyes drifted away from yours, hesitant and clouded with emotions he himself struggled to understand. “I…do not understand love, I do not know if I feel the same way towards you for I can barely even understand myself. I cannot abandon my duties..”
You felt like scoffing or screaming because of this mediocre excuse he had given. It did not make sense to you, it did not make you understand whether you were the problem or that he just did not like you. His words were contradictory and confusing, and they infuriated you for some reason. You took another deep breath, not wishing to disrespect him. Before your friend, he was your superior. You stood up, just wanting to be as far away from him as possible for now. The walls of his office that were once your safe haven now felt suffocating, the walls which once echoed with your laughter were now filled with deafening silence.
“Then I’ll take my leave, my job for today is over. You can stay rest assured Monsieur, this topic will not be brought up, nor will it interfere with my work. Forgive me if I made you uncomfortable. Have a good night.”
“Please wait-“ but it was too late, you had walked out of his office hurriedly, tears falling as soon as you turned your back to him. The rain only grew stronger, as neuvillette felt even more conflicted, varieties of intense emotions creating chaos in his heart and mind. He felt so much pain, yet it wasn’t physical. He felt his heart become so heavy, guilt and remorse filling up his soul. Did he not do the right thing? He remembered the sight of your green eyes, which 10 minutes earlier shone brightly with happiness and warmth; but now because of him they looked pained and teary. Your trembling voice, the expression of pure agony on your face, he could not bear to remember it.
He knew that you were someone he trusted, someone he enjoyed spending his leisure time with. Whenever you were with him, it rarely rained. He felt content and happy, he felt less worried about the burden of his duties and his true identity. You were like sunshine to him, warm and bright, having the capability to shine through even the cloudiest of skies. But now he had dulled that bright shine, now he had hidden your bright light behind his dark grey clouds of rain. He massaged his forehead with his fingers. Archons, these emotions were so difficult to deal with. Now he was sure that he would lose you, and that fact hurt him so much that it made the skies roar with thunder. But he also couldn’t hurt you, he couldn’t lie to you. He truly did not understand love, so what if he was going to trap you in a beautiful lie? No, you deserved someone far better than him, a man who was not cowardly enough to hide in his office and make the people suffer through endless rain because he was in pain.
You stood outside your apartment building, drenched in rain. At least the sky was crying with you, and was helping you conceal your tears. How pitiful you must be looking, you thought, crying because of a rejection. But what bothered you was that Neuvillette’s reason for rejecting you was absolutely barbaric and ridiculous. So what if he didn’t understand love? If only he had given you a chance, you would’ve helped him learn what love is. But you were not going to beg for his love, you were not going to be desperate for anyone. All you could hope for was that he would come to his senses and realise that he just needed to open his heart and let himself love someone.
The next morning started, but there was no sun shining, rather the rain kept pouring down on the city unrelentingly. Worried about the Hydro Dragon, the traveler and Paimon entered his office, hoping to ease his troubles. “Neuvillette what’s wrong? It’s been raining cats and dogs since last evening!” Spoke paimon’s cheerful voice, as her tiny frame floated towards him. He looked up, a small yet tired smile forming on his face. “Ah it’s you two, forgive me for this rain, it must be causing quite and inconvenience for you.” The traveler observed the melancholy in the Chief Justice’s eyes and walked towards him. “We are just worried about you, please tell us, what’s wrong?”
“My thanks to you both for your concern, but I’m afraid that I cannot find the proper words to describe my emotions..” “That’s not a problem, just speak your heart out!!” Paimon said, and her words made Neuvillette think. Speak his heart out? Had he ever done that? “Please keep this matter extremely private then…” “of course we will neuvillette, you can trust us” the traveler said with a reassuring smile on his face.
“What is it like to…love someone?” Spoke they hydro dragon’s deep voice, laced with such heavy emotion. Both the traveler and his floating companion were shocked, never having expected such a question. They silently looked at each other, communicating through their eyes to help the poor man out as much as they could. Taking the lead like always, Paimon spoke in her loud yet cheerful voice. “That’s easy!! Paimon has read about love in soo many books! Some say that you feel butterflies in your tummy, that you feel like time stops and that they’re the one!!”
Neuvillette was perplexed at that. Time stopping? Butterflies in the stomach? What in teyvat was going on? “Oh stop it Paimon, you’re confusing him! Well, I personally have never been in love, but I have observed a lot of people in love and I can tell you about them, if that helps?” The traveler spoke, and neuvillette felt a great sense of gratitude. “Yes, that would be quite helpful.” “Well then, when you’re in love with someone, you feel calm and comfortable, and it’s as if time passes by in a flash when you’re around them. You feel like spending time in their company, you observe every little thing about them, their likes and dislikes, their habits..And when they’re not close, it makes your heart feel heavy, as if something is missing and just not right…What’s important is that if you love a person, you’d want to protect them forever, and seeing them hurt would hurt you physically, mentally and emotionally.”
Neuvillette felt as if his world had turned upside down. Every feeling described by the traveler was what he felt for you. Had he actually fallen in love unknowingly and rejected you? Dear archons, he was such a foolish man. “It..appears that I have made a grave mistake…” Paimon blinked curiously, looking at him. “What mistake?” “I turned down the girl I loved because I thought the emotions I feel for her weren’t love but something entirely different…” Oh boy, the traveler thought. So that’s why it’s been raining so much. “Well that’s not a problem! You can just go back to her and apologise! I’m sure she would understand if she loves you!!” Neuvillette’s eyes looked at Paimon with uncertainty. “Is it really that simple? Will she really forgive me?” The traveler smiled, placing his hands on his hips. “You won’t know until you try Neuvillette.”
After a good moment of silence, Neuvillette gathered his thoughts together, nodding. He had done wrong, and he had to correct it. He realised that he always felt this way around you, but he didn’t know it was love. You were very precious to him, and he couldn’t lose you because of his fault. “My sincere thanks to you both. I will remember your words. I should go now.” Paimon giggled, waving at him. “Good luck!!”
You were sitting in your bed, arms wrapped around yourself while you looked outside the window, hearing the pitter-patter of rain. It was your day off, which you were really thankful for. How could you face Neuvillette after what happened yesterday? You were snapped out of your thoughts as you heard knocks on your main door. Who could it be? You got up, opening the door and gasped softly. “Monsieur? What are you doing here- oh my you’re drenched!” Worry took over your heart as you led him inside your apartment, about to go fetch a towel for him. But you were stopped by his hand gently holding yours. “Please wait..there are things I wish to discuss with you Mon Amour..” wait. What did he just call you?
You turned to face him, now noticing the fresh rainbow roses in his hand, surrounded with sparkling water droplets. Could it be that he had finally realised something? You nodded at his words, a blush making itself visible on your cheeks. Neuvillette’s face lit up, as he sweetly handed you the flowers, then holding your free hand. “Please, forgive me, my reaction yesterday was unacceptable…I was just caught off guard, unable to process my emotions. But in that process I ended up hurting you, and that fact makes my soul ache endlessly…” your eyes turned soft, as you stepped closer to him. “Then have you processed your emotions now?”
His oh so beautiful siren eyes met yours, as he smiled “yes I have. With a little help, I understood that..I do indeed reciprocate your feelings Mon Amour…I do love you…” a tear fell down your cheek at those words. Finally, the words you wanted to hear for two years were spoken. “Are you sure..? You’re not forcing yourself to love me for my sake right?” He chuckled softly, cupping your cheeks softly, placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Mon Amour, I truly do love you. When you are near, my days are filled with joy. Your laughter is my remedy, your eyes are where I feel the most comfort..when you are away from me, my heart feels hollow, my entire being feels cold and empty. You are like sunshine for me, bright and warm, shining through the cloudy skies around my heart..But I cannot lie to you, loving me is not easy..I find it difficult to understand my emotions, and I might not be the best partner you need.”
Without caring about anything else, you hugged him tightly. This was all you needed, he was all you ever wanted. “Neuvillette, you are perfect for me. We have enough time, I will teach you how to love, I will show you what love feels like. I just need you by my side, I need your hand in mine.” Goodness, the warmth he felt in your embrace was so addictive that he never wished to leave. He hugged you closer, inhaling your scent. “I can promise you that I will always be by your side. You are everything for me Mon Amour…you are the only person who has taken the time to love me for who I am..I cannot thank you enough for it.”
The rain slowed down, and the clouds parted to make way for the bright sunlight to shine through the skies. A beautiful rainbow formed between the clouds, as the two lovers embraced one another. “Just let yourself love my dear Iudex, and everything will fall in place.” He smiled even more, heart full of joy. “I will try my best for you Sunshine..”
You looked at him now, with a smile so sweet that it made his heart race and stomach feel weird. Perhaps Paimon was right about the butterflies in the stomach. He watched as his love cupped his cheeks, leaning closer and as both their eyes closed, he felt her soft lips against his. Only he knows how crazy his heart went at that moment. Archons, he wouldn’t be able to survive this love if you kept going on. But did he want to stop? No; not at all. You both smiled as you kissed each other so softly, pure love blossoming in your hearts. You both were finally happy.
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getosbicth · 1 year
got you. this is where you're weak, right?
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gojo x f!reader smut (nsfw) (18+)
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.1ᴋ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɢᴏᴊᴏ sᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ᴡᴀs ᴍᴀɢɴɪғɪᴄᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴛᴇʀʀɪғʏɪɴɢ. ʏʜᴇ ᴇɴᴛɪʀᴇ ʙᴀʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ sʜɪғᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʜɪs ғᴀᴠᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀs ʙᴏʀɴ. ʜᴏᴡ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ sᴏ ᴄʜɪʟᴅɪsʜ ᴀɴᴅ sᴇʟғ-ᴀʙsᴏʀʙᴇᴅ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀғᴜʟ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ? ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴛ ɢᴏᴊᴏ sᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ᴡᴀs ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇᴀʀɴᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇss.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ, ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ʜᴀᴛᴇ sᴇx, ᴅᴜʙɪᴏᴜs ᴄᴏɴsᴇɴᴛ, ʀᴏᴜɢʜ sᴇx, ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ ᴅᴇᴘɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ sᴇx
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Gojo Satoru was magnificently terrifying. The entire balance of the world shifted in his favor the moment he was born. How can a man so childish and self-absorbed be the most powerful being in the universe? The day you met Gojo Satoru was the day you learned the true meaning of the word weakness.
You received intel from allied curse users that Gojo Satoru will be on a mission to exorcise a special grade curse that occupied an abandoned building on the outskirts of Tokyo. You had an inkling it might be pointless trying to fight the most powerful man in the world, but your hatred toward him was enough to cause you to make irresponsible choices.
You have seen him before, while you were a student at jujutsu tech. You'd seen him around the halls, talking to his friends, joking around like he didn't have a care in the world. It was always sickening how someone so powerful couldn't see that sorcerers were superior to those without the ability to manipulate cursed energy.
He was tall, way taller than you and way more at ease. His demeanor was disturbingly calm, he had no reason to fear you- he knew he was stronger. You knew, however, that you weren't going to go down without giving Gojo Satoru a run for his money. There was no way in hell you were going to cower in front of someone who already saw you as pathetically incompetent. You hated his confidence. You envied his power.
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" he said, standing in front of you with a sadistic smile spread across his face and his eyes sparkling with excitement. His eyes were like Arctic icebergs crashing into the infinite blue ocean, cold and merciless. He was going to kill you for your crimes and he wasn't going to think about it twice.
You grit your teeth and balled your hands up in fists, opting to attack first. It was pointless, though, because he only dodged your punches and moved behind you at a superhuman speed, suddenly pushing you to fall to the ground while you were still off balance. He stood over you as you turned onto your back and looked at him with revulsion in your eyes.
He smiled again, "You know you can't beat me, so why are you here?"
You got back to your feet, refusing to dignify him with a response.
Gojo Satoru could go to hell.
You summoned all the cursed energy you possessed and used your cursed technique to clone yourself until the room you were in was filled with replicas of you surrounding Gojo Satoru. You've never attempted to clone yourself on this scale, but the adrenaline coursing though your veins was doing wonders to aid you in using every last ounce of power you had.
"This is going to be fun," Gojo's eyes were almost glowing with glee as he stood in the center of all of your clones, attempting to decipher which one was the real you.
The clones began their attack, but to no avail, because he managed to crush each and every one by only using his hands. A flurry of punches were directed at Gojo and he managed to deflect all of them. One by one, your clones fell, until there was only a dozen left and Gojo grew tired of pretending you were making any type of progress. He focused on your real body, and suddenly he was in front of you as he smiled, wrapping his hand around your throat and pinning you against the wall.
"Got you, Y/N," he muttered in a low voice, watching you truggle as he held you pinned against the wall.
"Kill me already," you choked out, struggling to breathe with his hand wrapped around your neck. He stared at you with a strange darkness in his vibrant eyes. What was he waiting for, he could snap your neck in a blink of an a eye, why was he suddenly wasting time?
He hummed to himself, "No, I'm not going to kill you." His hand wasn't letting go of your neck no matter how hard you tugged at his wrist to let you go. "I would much rather do something else."
He pulled the hem of your shirt up to reveal your bra and breasts. You were too tired to protest as he started to fondle your breaststroke with his free hand. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You squirmed as his hand reached under your bra to squeeze your breast. What was he doing, why was he doing this? You were a curse user, someone he should kill without mercy. And here he was- touching you. Touching you as he held you pressed against the wall, unable to escape.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I don't have to hurt you when you can do nothing to hurt me," he whispered into your ear, making your head spin from the feeling of his warm breath grazing your neck. You were already feeling heat between your legs, hating yourself for succumbing to the simple pleasure of a man's touch when the man in question was Gojo Satoru. He was so good with his hands, though, way too good to resist.
"Stop," you growled at him, knowing full well you didn't want him to, but there was no chance you'd give him the satisfaction of having put you into submission.
He just hummed and grabbed your chin to turn your head to the side, gaining access to your neck. Your legs nearly gave out as he placed soft kisses on your neck, leaving small lovebites on your skin and breathing right next to your ear. The sound of his heavy breaths was enough to drive you insane. It was so warm but it gave you goosebumps all over your body.
While he was kissing your neck, his fingers moved from your breast down the side of your chest and under the waistband of your pants. He didn't waste any time touching you where you were burning with need. As his fingers made contact with the small bundle of nerves between your legs, you felt like electricity was buzzing through your veins. A jolt of pleasure wracked through your body like thunder, your hand immediatelly reaching for his wrist to pull him away. You couldn't say anything, you couldn't tell him to stop, you didn't want to. He was touching you so perfectly it made you want to scream- but this was Gojo Satoru. You couldn't let him know you enjoyed this.
So you put all your power into staying silent, even though he could feel you dripping onto his fingers, see your legs buck under the weight of your body. His touch was like magic and all you could do was grab and pull at his clothes, unable to move him the tiniest bit. He was growing tired of your unresponsiveness, even though you were so close to cumming that you couldn't breathe anymore. As you were about to reach your peak, he withdrew his hand, cruelly leaving you to pant and struggle with the ruined orgasm. Even in your helpless state you tried breaking away from his grip, but he shook his head in disappointment.
"Why are you still trying to fight me? You know you're enjoying this, sweetheart" he whispered into your ear, as arrogant and egotistical as ever, "I'm not going to stop until you're screaming my name." The promise made you both terrified and unbelievably aroused at the thought. Gojo Satoru had incredible stamina, you knew he wasn't bluffing.
He took you by your forearm and spun you around so that his chest was pressed to your back, holding you in place against the cold wall. You could feel his erection against your ass, hard and thick, pressing into your soft flesh and making you drool at the thought of it being inside of you. His hands roamed freely along your skin, exploring every bit of it under your shirt, until they found the waistband of your pants again and pulled it down along with your underwear.
You felt exposed, the cold air nipping at your bare skin, but then he pressed himself against you once again and you were fighting the urge to tell him to hurry up and fuck you. He was taking it slow on purpose, though, chipping away at your sanity with every touch and kiss he placed to the back of your neck.
"I'll go slow, I promise," he whispered as he pulled his pants down and pressed the tip of his cock to your pussy. His hands held your hips in place as he pushed himself in, agonizingly slowly, stretching your insides out as he went deeper.
You clawed at the wall, feeling yourself squeeze his thick cock buried deep inside of you. His breathing was strained, he was doing his best not to fuck you senseless right then, still letting you adjust to the feeling of having him inside you. You still refused to say anything and patiently waited for him to make his next move. But then he suddenly pulled out and swiftly thrust into you, his cock reaching further than before. You yelped out in surprise, feeling both pain and pleasure as your legs threatened to give out under you once again.
"So this is where you're weak, right?" His voice was like honey, his words causing a chill to run up your spine.
He started moving his hips at a steady pace, burying himself over and over again into your dripping cunt. He was whimpering into your ear, finding comfort in squeezing your breasts as he pounded into you mercilessly, feeling you wrapped tightly around him.
"You're still silent, huh?" he muttered, "Then I guess I'll just have to fuck you harder."
And fuck you harder he did.
Each time he thrust into you he brought your hips toward him, assuring that every bit of his length was buried inside of you. He was picking up his pace and you couldn't keep silent any longer. Small mewels and yelps would escape you with each thrust, your juices coating his cock and running down your thighs.
"Say my name," he commanded, "Say my name or I'm going to stop."
You were so desperate for his cock that you didn't care anymore. Your pride and dignity was already gone, you hated him and it didn't matter anymore. Gojo Satoru was fucking you senseless against a wall of a run-down building, ravaging your body like it was his for the taking. You hated him. However, you loved the way he was making your core burn with need whenever he buried his cock deep into you to let your hatred get in the way.
"Satoru," you said, completely out of breath, fucked out of your mind. "Don't you dare stop."
A smirk appeared on his face and he continued fucking you, his cock twitching happily at the sound of his own name. Your vision had become blurry, you felt like you were about to pass out from the amount of times he's made you cum on his dick, but he wasn't stopping.
"You're such a little slut, letting Gojo Satoru fuck you like this," he said, hearing you only cry out in response, unable to form proper words, "I know you hate me, but I love hearing you so desperate like this. You can't even stand properly. How does it feel being so weak? So weak you can't even say no to getting fucked by Gojo Satoru?"
You were weak. You were weak from his merciless attempts to make you climax over and over again, each one being more successful than the next. You were too weak to make him stop. You were too weak to want him to stop.
"Hold up just a little bit more, I'm almost there," he told you, speeding up his final few thrusts, making you curse at him through screams as he made you cum on his cock one final time before he stopped deep inside of you, filling you with his cum as he groaned, his forehead resting on your shoulder.
You stayed like that for a minute, both trying to catch your breath, his cock still twitching inside of you as you squeezed the last drop of cum out of him.
As soon as he let you go you felt just how weak your legs had become. You pulled your pants up, turning around and sliding down the wall until you were sitting on the ground in front of him.
He had a smug grin on his face, seeing the hate seep back into your gaze. This didn't change anything. You still hated him. The egocentric existence of Gojo Satoru was something you despised the most.
"I'll see you around, Y/N," he said, turning around and walking away, "We can repeat this some time soon. Don't worry, I'll find you."
And with those final words he disappeared in a blink of an eye.
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shakespeareanwannabe · 7 months
As You Wish, Chapter 6
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Potential Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst, sadness, reference to divorce, kids doing sneaky things, references to babies, swearing, references to the hospital
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Sharp Memorial Hospital, almost 12 years ago
The skies were painted shades of lilac and rose, golden hues dancing just above the horizon as the sun played peekaboo with the clouds, not quite willing to give up the daylight just yet. Jake watched through the small window in the private hospital room, two small, warm weights resting against his bare chest. His wife of less than a year slept soundly in the uncomfortable hospital bed next to him.
Bob and Natasha had left a few hours before to get dinner, the WSO arriving the second he was invited to meet his new nieces, his partner following close behind. The two were never far from each other, and Jake knew that they preferred it that way.
“Knock, knock…”
Jake looked up and immediately rolled his eyes. Under his arms, Javy had two massive teddy bears, one pink and one purple. Behind him, Rooster stood with a bundle of balloons, looking like he’d rather be holding anything else.
“Hey fellas,” Jake whispered.
“Jesus, Hangman, don’t you ever put on a shirt?” Rooster scoffed playfully.
“It’s called skin to skin contact, dipshit. It’s supposed to be good for them,” he retorted, shifting Abby (or was it Charlie?) in his arms as she cooed softly.
“Easy with the language there, papa bear,” Javy laughed, depositing the two bears beside the side table and moving to stand behind Jake’s chair. “You’re gonna have to watch the swearing with these two little angels around.”
Jake chuckled softly. “Yeah, I know. Buttercup’s already given me sh—lip for it.”
“That’s why I love that girl,” Rooster nodded. “She knows how to keep Bagman in line.”
“Just for that, Javy gets to hold them first,” Jake cocked an eyebrow at his friend and rival.
“But there’s two of ‘em,” Rooster complained. “Why should I have to wait?”
“Because I’m his best friend? Because you can’t keep your mouth shut? Because I’m superior in every way?” Javy laughed, tugging the other chair in the room over and plopping down. “Alright, little ladies, come to Uncle Javy!”
“Better pick just one, or the Prodigal Son over there is gonna start pouting,” Jake smirked in Rooster’s direction, cradling his daughters closer when he flipped him off. “I can give you neither of them,” he reminded.
Rooster huffed. “Fine. Just gimme.”
Jake handed Charlie (it was definitely Charlie, he remembered now: Charlie was on his left side because her name has an L in it) over to Javy, who immediately started cooing at the infant as he cradled her head in his big hand.
“Hey there, girlie,” he whispered to the sleeping infant. “I’m your Uncle Javy, and we are gonna drive your old man nuts together. You just wait until you’re a little older and I’ll teach you all the different ways to make the vein in his forehead pop.”
“I regret everything,” Jake muttered, handing Abby over to Rooster. “Watch her head, man. Hold her like a football.”
“I know how to hold a baby, Bagman,” Rooster gripped, looking slightly awkward as he cradled the newborn.
“Coulda fooled me,” Jake returned, standing with a groan and pulling his shirt on. “Don’t hold her like you’re afraid of her, dumbass.”
“Dude, she’s like…fresh,” Rooster grumbled, tucking Abby a little closer to his body. “I’ve never held anything this new before.”
“You get used to it,” a quiet voice yawned behind them.
“Hey mama,” Jake grinned, swooping down to kiss his wife’s forehead. “How you feeling?”
Buttercup groaned and stretched, her joints popping. “Like I just went through 27 hours of labor and pushed two of your giant kids out of a 10-centimeter hole in my body?”
Javy shuddered. “A little graphic, Buttercup.”
“A little accurate, Coyote,” she shot back, leaning down to fiddle with the controls of her bed, raising herself higher. “Anyhow, its time for me to try feeding them again. And, before you ask, no. You’re not allowed to watch,” she glared playfully at Javy and Rooster.
“We have to go?” Javy pouted but handed Charlie back to Jake to deposit in his wife’s arms.
“Sorry, man,” Jake grinned. “But whatever she says, goes. I won’t be arguing with her for a long time after what she just went through.”
Buttercup smiled at him, exhaustion shining in her eyes as she accepted her daughter into her arms. “Thanks, baby,” she whispered. “Rooster? Can we get Abby back please?”
Jake turned to see Rooster standing stock still as he stared down at the sleeping baby. “Do…do I have to?” he whispered.
Jake chuckled. “Who woulda thought that it would only take my daughter to shut down Bradshaw’s attitude?”
Rooster shot him a glare as he handed Abby over to her father. “I’m with Javy…I’m gonna enjoy working with these two to turn that blond hair grey.”
“Sure, Rooster,” Jake laughed, cradling Abby to his chest as he waved them off. “Whatever you say.”
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Clifton, Texas, Now
Bright sunlight streamed in through the small gap in the purple curtains, slicing across Abby’s face as she yawned and stretched before sitting up.
It took her a moment to remember where she was. The furniture in her bedroom was supposed to be walnut, not grey. Her window was certainly not east facing, and she did not have that many plaid shirts hanging in her closet. It was only when she heard Rooster’s heavy footsteps above her that she remembered. She was home, technically. Home in Texas, with her father and her uncles, as she had been for the past few days.
Abby’s cheeks ached as a wide smile tugged at her lips. The last few days had been so wonderful. Her dad was everything she ever could have dreamed and more. She’d spent the previous day just hanging out with him in the ranch office, eating sandwiches that Rooster had made for lunch and making each other laugh. The day before that, she’d tagged along with her dad to one of Javy’s football practices. She may not completely understand football yet, but she’d had a great time watching her dad and Javy coach the team of high school players. Every night, she hung out in the kitchen with Rooster, helping him make dinner and prep lunches for the ranch staff and the guests staying in the cabins. Each day had been better than the last, and she couldn’t wait to see how the rest of the week played out.
That day, she knew, would be the best day of all. Her dad had promised to take her out on a trail ride through the forest that bordered one side of the property. He had said that he had something important to talk to her about, and that phrase had sent her heart racing. She didn’t think that he knew about the swap (mostly because Charlie had reassured her in a late-night call that nothing about her dad’s behaviour seemed out of place), but she wondered if maybe he would tell her about her mom and sister. Maybe he was going to share the news that she and Charlie had been waiting to hear from their parents.
Anxious to hear whatever it was that her dad needed to talk to her about, Abby raced to get ready and made her way downstairs, only pausing when she heard an unfamiliar voice in the kitchen.
“But sugar…”
“I know, baby, I’m sorry. But I promised that I’d take Charlie out on a ride today, and I swear, I’m going to tell her today.”
“That’s what you said yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that,” a high pitched, southern drawl responded, and Abby poked her head around the corner to sneak a peek at whoever was speaking. All she could see was her father, his hands cradling the hips of a tiny woman with bleach blond hair and painted on blue jeans.
“I know, baby,” Jake sighed. “I planned on telling her last night, but she passed out early. And I was definitely going to tell her about you the day before that, but Javy waylaid me and invited us to football practice. Rooster’s been keeping her busy in the kitchen after work too, so it’s been hard to get a moment alone with her.”
“Hard to get a moment alone with your own daughter? In your own house? On your own property?” The pout was clear in the woman’s voice.
“Savannah, don’t start,” Jake sighed again, removing his hands from her hips and turning. Abby pulled her head back around the corner before he could spot her. “You know that Rooster, Javy, and I own the place together. And she’s known them since she was born, so they’re as entitled to spend time with her as I am, especially when she wants to spend time with them.”
“I’m sorry, sugar. I’m just so excited for her to know.”
“I know, baby. Me too. I’ll tell her today, I promise.”
Abby poked her head back around the corner in time to see Jake kiss Savannah, and she felt her heart sink.
Turning on her heel, her feet pounded up the stairs and she launched herself onto her bed, scrambling for her cell phone.
A: Does dad have a girlfriend?
The answer came almost immediately.
C: LOL no he’s got no game
C: Why??? 👀
A: Because there’s a random blond lady hanging out in the kitchen and he’s calling her baby
C: You sure it’s him and not Rooster?
C: Uncle Roo has lots of hookups 🤢
A: Pretty sure I know what he looks like, thanks 🙄
C: You didn’t until a couple of weeks ago, smartypants
A: Thanks for the reminder
A: Are you sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend?
A: He wants to talk to me about something
A: What if it’s her?
A: Charlie?
C: Sorry, gotta go! Mom’s taking me to one of her book signings, and then we’re going to dinner and a show! Good luck!
Abby threw her phone onto the mattress and groaned, watching it bounce.
“Super helpful, sis…” she muttered, burying her head in her hands.
Her dad wanted to talk to her about something, and that something seemed to be a pretty, tiny woman with a grating voice. And, for all of Charlie’s reassurance, they had seemed pretty friendly and familiar with each other in the kitchen. The memory made her stomach churn.
What if he wanted to tell her that he was dating this Savannah lady? What would that do to their plan to make their parents see each other again? They had always known that their parents getting back together was a long shot, but they had hoped. And what if Savannah didn’t want her dad to change the current custody arrangement? What would they do then?
Abby felt her heart crack a little in her chest. She couldn’t imagine going back to the way things had been before, not now that she’d gotten a chance to love her dad and be loved by him in return. Not now that she’d gotten to cook with Rooster and coach with Javy and watch the three men barbecue while she swam in the pool. It was both fresh and familiar, terrifyingly new and heartwarmingly recognizable. She couldn’t go back to live in London, no matter how much she loved it, not when she knew that Seresin Ranch was waiting for her in Texas.
But what if her dad decided that he wanted Savannah more than he wanted her? It would be too much for her to bear.
Abby shook her head. No. That wouldn’t happen. No matter what happened, or why their mom decided to take her, and their dad decided to take Charlie, her dad loved her. She knew that as surely as she knew her own name. Once her dad found out that it was her, not Charlie, he’d want to make sure he saw them both an equal amount of time. He just had to.
A playful knock sounded against her door and her dad stuck his head inside.
“Hey, punk,” he grinned, the lines around his eyes and mouth deepening into crevices that spoke of a lifetime of joy. “You ready to go?”
She grinned back at him, the burden on her heart lifting instantly. Her dad loved her. If she was sure of anything at all, it was of that.
“Yeah, dad. I’m ready.”
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Her backpack weighed down with sandwiches, apples, carrots, and enough water to feed a small army, Abby trekked into the stable, where Charlie’s paint mare, Lovebug, was standing, already tacked up. Her dad’s horse, a large grey gelding named Firewall, stood behind her as Jake finished cinching up his saddle.
“Hey, Charlie-girl, you all ready?” he called out, patting Firewall’s flank.
“Yeah, dad. Just give me a second!”
“More than a second, you two,” Rooster called, strolling in behind her. “Dude, there’s an issue with the AC unit in cabin 5. You want me to handle it like normal?”
“Cabin 5? You mean the same cabin that’s been giving us holy hell since they got here?”
Rooster nodded, a large hand reaching out to ruffle her braided hair as he passed her. “That’s the one.”
Jake sighed and rubbed at his forehead under the brim of his white cowboy hat. “Nah, shoot Toni a text and let her know to head in there and double check it. If there’s no issue, she can read them the riot act about wasting our time.”
Rooster grinned. “I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that conversation.”
Abby tuned out their conversation as she slowly approached Lovebug. According to Charlie, the mare was an easy ride, but loyal as all get out to Charlie, never allowing anyone else to mount her. Charlie had gotten her as a gift for her fifth birthday and the mare hadn’t allowed another rider since. Hopefully she looked and smelled enough like Charlie to be able to fool the mare.
“Hey Lovey…” Abby murmured; her eyes lowered as she held one hand out for the mare to sniff. “Easy girl…please let this work…”
The mare’s eyes widened, and her nostrils flared as she anxiously pawed at the soft stable floors and whinnied, tossing her head back and retreating as far as she could, almost bumping Firewall.
“What the hell?”
Jake grabbed Firewall’s reins as he surged backwards to grab Firewall’s reins before he could retreat too far. Rooster leapt forward to grab Lovebug’s reins, easing her head down and petting her muzzle gently.
“Charlie, are you okay?” Jake called, clipping Firewall onto a long lead attached to the wall so he wouldn’t wander.
“Y-yeah…I’m okay,” Abby replied softly as her heart sank. She’d known that tricking Charlie’s horse was going to be one of the more difficult parts of their plan, but she’d never thought that the horse would react like that to her. If she couldn’t get Lovebug on her side, their plan was as good as done.
Rooster clipped Lovebug onto the wall and stared between horse and would-be rider curiously. “I’ve never seen her react to you that way before, kid. Anyone else, sure. But not you.”
“M-maybe she smells Champ on me,” she offered weakly, remembering how Charlie had taken a shine to the palomino at camp. “I…I don’t think I’ve washed this shirt since coming back from camp.”
Jake approached, cautiously patting Lovebug on her withers as he passed her. “Could be. Six weeks is also a long time for her not to see you. Maybe she’s trying to readjust. She’s always been a sensitive horse. Here…let’s try again.”
Calmly, Jake took Abby’s hand in his and slowly approached the mare, extending their hands for her to smell. Cramming her other hand in her pocket, Abby anxiously crossed her fingers and held her breath.
With a twitch and a nervous tapping on the floor, Lovebug extended her graceful neck and sniffed the tips of Abby’s fingers. After a tense minute, Lovebug released a long, almost weary sigh and nibbled on Abby’s fingertips with her velvety lips.
“There,” Jake said happily, releasing Abby after gently squeezing her shoulder. “She just needed a minute to forgive you for leaving her for six weeks.”
“Yeah…” Rooster murmured, staring at Abby and Lovebug with a piercing gaze. “I guess that’s it.”
“Thanks for the assist, Rooster,” Jake called over his shoulder, unclipping Firewall and leading him out into the bright sunlight. “We’ll see you around noon, alright?”
“Bye Uncle Roo,” Abby waved timidly, all too aware of the way his heavy gaze rested on her.
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The green grass swayed in the cool summer breeze as the horses strolled among the trees, birds singing a sweet song as they flitted from branch to branch.
Everything was perfect…or it would have been if not for the burden on Abby’s mind. The image of her dad kissing that blond lady was running through her mind on a loop, burning itself behind her retinas, churning the scarce remains of her breakfast in her stomach.
“You okay over there, Charlie girl?”
Abby glanced quickly at her dad before turning her eyes back down to the pommel of her saddle. She’d been grateful that the trail was wide enough to ride side by side when they’d set out, but now she was wishing that it was narrower.
“Yeah,” she sighed quietly. “Why?”
“You’re never this quiet on a trail ride. Usually, you’re talking my ear off about something or another. That’s kinda why I wanted to go on this ride with you. Rooster and Javy have kind of been monopolizing your time since you got back from camp. I wanted some daddy-daughter time before you go back to school and realize how uncool your old man is.”
“I thought you said you were always cool,” she sniffed.
“Oh, I am,” Jake grinned at her. “I’m very cool. But 12-year-old girls don’t always recognize that.”
“I’m not 12 yet,” she mumbled.
“Trust me, I know and I’m very grateful for that. You turning 12…” Jake sighed. “I can feel the grey hair popping up.”
When she didn’t laugh at his joke, they lapsed into silence. All that had happened that morning had left a sour taste in her mouth and, try as she might, she couldn’t seem to shake it.
It’s not that she didn’t want her dad to be happy. She did, just like she’d always wanted her mom to be happy. But she couldn’t help feeling like she’d just gotten her dad back, that her dad owed it to her and Charlie to give their mom a chance. They deserved to be a family, especially after the almost 12 years of not even knowing about the very existence of the other half of their family.
“Do you remember the day I was born?” she asked suddenly, looking over at him.
“Of course I do, darlin’. Hard to forget the best day of my life.”
“Then you remember my mom?”
Jake reined Firewall in sharply, urging his horse to a stop as he stared at her. “Charlie, of course I do. Where is this coming from?”
“You never talk about her,” she replied simply. “I’m almost 12, dad. I think I deserve to know about the woman who gave birth to me.” She watched as his Adam’s apple worked in his throat, his eyes skimming over the terrain, the sky, anywhere but over in her direction. “What, was she not a good person? A one-night stand? What?” she pushed, knowing none of it was true but the image of Savannah dancing in her mind was turning her anxiousness into anger.
“Charlie, your mom…” Jake sighed, his free hand rubbing at his eyes under the brim of his Stetson as he lapsed back into silence. Abby clenched the reins in her hand tightly as the silence dragged on, but she refused to push. Even though it had only been a few days, she knew Jake well enough to know that he would fight back when he felt cornered. It was the military man inside him, the pilot who knew how to stay on objective, and if his objective was to keep his daughter in the dark, Abby knew that not even God himself would be able to convince Jake to change directive.
After what felt like hours, she peeked over at her father to find him staring down at the reins in his hand as he chewed on the inside of his cheek. He looked…old. Now, Jake Seresin rarely looked his age; the deepening lines near his mouth and eyes, and the sparse sparkle of grey that decorated his thick hair and trim beard like tinsel being the only things that really gave the impression that Jake Seresin was anything other than eternally young. Charlie had shown her photos of her father in his flight suit, in his dress whites, in his khaki uniform, and the man in front of her looked like a shadow of that man. He wore no confident smile, no cocky raised eyebrow, no green eyes sparkling with a challenge. He just looked…sad, and Abby felt the last smoldering ashes of her anger sizzle out.
Reaching out carefully, she grabbed her dad’s wrist, and he looked up in surprise, like he’d forgotten she was there.
“Never mind,” she whispered. “I…I’m sorry.”
Before her eyes, her father transformed, building a cocky smile and heaving it into place. “Don’t be sorry, punk. You’re allowed to be interested in your mom. But right now, all you need to know is that she loved you something fierce and that things between me and her just…didn’t work out. Boring adult stuff that you don’t need to worry about, alright?”
Abby sighed. “Alright. Thanks, dad.”
And suddenly, he looked like he was on the right side of ageless again, flipping his grip to squeeze her hand. “Hey…I know I should tell you about her, and I promise I will eventually because you deserve to know. But for now, don’t worry about it, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you.”
He squeezed her hand once more before releasing it and urging Firewall forward, Lovebug following suit easily.
“There is something we do need to talk about though,” Jake added in a quiet voice as they crested the ridge they were climbing and came to a beautiful lookout, the ranch and all its grounds laid out below them.
Abby’s blood froze in her veins even as the sun shone down upon them, and the memory of the conversation in the kitchen hit her full force. Savannah had been pushing her dad to talk to her about something, something important, something that left a dark feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it since you got home, but you’re a pretty popular kid around here.” Jake sighed. “Listen, Charlie girl, you know you’ll always be my girl, but…I mean, it happened pretty quickly, so it’s not like I meant to keep it from you…I just…”
Blinking against the harsh sunlight, Abby zeroed in on a truck just pulling into the ranch and the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them.
“Uncle Javy’s back from practice! Race you to him!”
Before Jake could react, Abby kicked Lovebug into action and the mare surged forward, following the steadily declining path down the ridge back to the ranch.
She could hear the rapid hoofbeats of Firewall as he galloped after them, but she didn’t slow or turn to look where her father was. Ducking low on Lovebug’s neck, she urged the mare even faster, half wishing she could run her all the way back to London and her mother’s loving arms. She had been so deliriously happy the past few days, getting to know Seresin Ranch and the men who ran it, the men who were her family by birth. But now, with this Savannah person encroaching on her newfound happiness, she found that she missed her home more than ever. She wanted both worlds, Texas and London, her mom and her dad, and she didn’t want to share it with anyone but Charlie.
So, they ran, each hoofbeat bringing her closer and closer to the sanctuary she had come to call home.
After years of ranch living, Lovebug seemed to know the unwritten rules of the land and slowed to a canter, then a trot, and finally to a walk as they passed by the paddocks and came to a stop beside a red truck branded with the Seresin Ranch logo, Javy pulling a gym bag from the bed as they finally came to a stop.
“Whoa, girlie! Where’s the fire?” Javy exclaimed as she dismounted and bounced towards him, all too aware of the cantering hoofbeats following her.
“Nothing, Javy! How was practice? Do you need a hand with your bag? Do—”
“Charlotte Delta Seresin, what the hell was that?” Jake huffed as he hopped down from Firewall.
Abby felt herself flush. “I…I saw Javy, and—”
“I know, but I was trying to talk to you!” Jake sighed, handing Firewall’s reins to a ranch hand who had scurried out of the stable. “I’ve been trying to talk to you since you got home, but we keep getting interrupted. Baby, this is important.”
Javy groaned. “Jake, man, I told you that—”
“Coyote, all due respect, I’ve heard your opinion on the matter, but this is between me and my daughter,” Jake shot a look at his wingman, a look that clearly told Javy to stay out of it, but Javy refused.
“I know, man, but—”
“What on earth is goin’ on out here?” a sugary sweet voice called from the back door of the ranch house, and Abby watched as both her father and Javy bit back a groan.
“Can’t a man have five minutes of privacy around here?” she heard Jake mutter to himself before turning and pasting a wide smile onto his face. “Nothing, Savannah. I was just trying to talk to Charlie when she spotted Javy.”
“You mean you still haven’t talked to her?” Savannah pouted as she crossed the yard to stand a few feet away from them. “Sugar, you promised…”
Abby bit back a giggle as Javy rolled his eyes behind her back.
“Savannah, I know I promised, but this is a delicate situation and I want to ease my daughter into it.”
“Why is my kitchen a mess?” Rooster hollered, stomping across the yard to join the mini congregation that had now formed.
Jake rolled his head and groaned. “Five minutes…I swear, all I need is five minutes.”
“Oh, sorry, Brad,” Savannah smiled saccharinely at him. “I was just bakin’ a cake to celebrate my welcome into the family.”
“It’s Bradley. Brad-ley.”
“Savannah…” Jake hissed in warning, his eyes flashing.
“I’m sorry, Jakey, but I’m just so excited to be marrying you!”
In an instant, everything seemed to freeze. Abby could see her Javy moving, could see her father’s lips moving as he spoke to Savannah, but it all seemed to be in slow motion.
She had expected to learn about a relationship, to have her father come to her about the new girl he was seeing and discussing it with her. But marriage? Her stomach churned and her vision tunneled, red seeping in on the edges of the landscape. Sound returned with a roar, and she found her lips moving.
“Marrying you?” she was finally able to choke out. “You’re getting married?”
Jake sighed and turned his back on Savannah, who was still smiling despite the dressing down she had surely received from Jake.
“This isn’t how I wanted you to find out, but…yes. Savannah and I are getting married.” He reached a hand towards her with a bittersweet smile.
Every muscle in her body trembling, she stepped back from her father. “How could you?” she whispered.
Jake’s eyes slid closed, and he crouched down to her level. “Charlie, I know this will be an adjustment, but—”
“An adjustment?” she barked out a laugh. “You think that this is an adjustment? Springing some random woman on me and saying she’s going to be your wife?”
“And your stepmother, honey,” Savannah added, smiling brightly at her from over Jake’s shoulder.
“Like hell you will be!” she snapped, the slight British lilt to her natural voice almost slipping through the cracks. “You won’t even tell me about my real mom, but you think that you can just shove whatever woman looks your way into her spot in my life? That’s crap!” Abby dashed her eyes before stepping back again. “Is she even old enough to be my stepmom? Because she looks like she would’ve been a kid herself when I was born!”
Javy and Rooster both ducked their heads, their shoulders shaking slightly, but Abby could take no joy in their amusement, not with the betrayal stinging in her heart and the look on her father’s face.
“Charlotte Delta Seresin, I taught you better than to speak to me like that,” her father snapped, raising himself up to his full height and staring her down, shaking off Savannah’s hand as she tried to grab his arm.
“You didn’t—” Abby cut herself off before the rest of her sentence could escape. “You didn’t raise me at all.” That’s what she had wanted to say. This man, the man she had wanted to meet for her entire life, hadn’t raised her at all, either by accident or by design. He had left her and her mom behind, taken Charlie, and never looked back. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. “You didn’t think about me at all, dad,” she whispered, tears choking back any other words she may have wanted to share before she turned and fled, racing towards the stables.
Jake stepped forward, ready to chase after her, his heart sinking in his chest, but a firm hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Just leave her be, man,” Rooster sighed, his eyes following his niece over the landscape. “She’ll come around.”
“Will she?” Javy scoffed. “Way to break the news, man.”
“I…I should talk to her,” Jake murmured, all too aware of Savannah retreating back into the house. “I should explain.”
“Let me talk to her first,” Rooster offered. “Let me test the waters before you boil yourself alive.”
Running a hand over the back of his neck, Jake finally nodded. “Alright. Thanks, man.”
“Don’t thank me, man. Not yet.”
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Abby huddled in the office in the stable, the door locked tight against her and the outside world. A wave of shame washed over her as she remembered how she had spoken to her father. She never spoke to any adult that way, her mum had taught her better. Her mum…
Abby’s heart clenched with homesickness. She ached for her mother’s arms to wrap around her, for the sound of her Uncle Bob’s laugh or Auntie Nat’s teasing.
She fumbled for her cell phone, tugging it clumsily out of her pocket before opening the little green app and dialing the now familiar long-distance number.
“Dad’s getting married!” she nearly shouted down the receiver, despair coating every sound she uttered. “He got engaged to some blond woman who looks like she’s half his age!”
“Abby?” Charlie yawned. “What are you talking about?”
“I told you! The blond woman from this morning is wearing a rock the size of my head and hanging off of dad! She said that they’re getting married, and he confirmed it!”
“Wh…what? No! It…it’s not possible!”
“Except that it is! He told me it was happening whether I liked it or not!” Silence greeted her claim, and she felt that red hot rage start to creep in again. “Would you say something, please?”
“What do you want me to say, Abby?” Charlie whispered, and Abby could hear the tears in her voice. “Dad’s getting married, and he didn’t bother to even introduce her to me.”
Abby sighed, the anger dissipating as quickly as it came on. “I know…”
“But he loves mom!” Charlie groaned. “I know he does! You don’t shut down that often about a person if you don’t care about them!”
“He shut down on me today too,” Abby agreed. “But it’s not like I can just tell him that he loves her. He would never go for that.”
“Can you find something to prove it?” Charlie’s desperation was clear. “Something to remind him?”
“Like what?”
“I dunno…a photo? Their marriage license? Anything that might remind him of her?”
“Where would I even find something like that?”
“In the office in the stable.”
Abby looked around. “I’m there right now, I don’t see anything.”
“In the safe under his desk. Or in the filing cabinet. I don’t know the code to the safe or where he keeps the key to the cabinet though.”
Abby sighed. “I’ll figure it out. I’ll let you know what I find.”
“Thanks…I’m sorry you have to deal with that while I’m having fun with mum.”
“It’s okay. Do…do you think mum still loves dad?”
“Abby, all her adult books are about a military guy falling in love with the woman of his dreams and the obstacles that keep them apart.” Abby could practically hear the eye roll in her sister’s voice. “She either loves him or she doesn’t know what else to write about.”
“What if you’re wrong?”
“I…I don’t want to think about that. Find proof. I’ll find proof too. Then we’ll tell them about the switch.”
“Okay. Good luck.”
“You too,” Abby hung up the phone with a sigh before turning to face the little black safe that was tucked under her father’s desk.
“Alright, you…what could your combination be?”
She cycled through the obvious choices first: Jake’s birthday, her and Charlie’s birthday, her father’s military employee number, her great-grandfather’s number. With a wish in her heart, she even tried her mother’s birthday, but no such luck. So, she tried less obvious combinations. Javy’s birthday was a no-go, as was Rooster’s. Her grandmother and grandfather were also a bust. And it turned out that Jake Seresin was not the type of guy to use 1-2-3-4-5-6 as his combination.
“C’mon…c’mon, what are you?” Abby grumbled.
“Try 02-14-19.”
The sudden voice made her shriek and lurch away from the safe, turning to see her uncle chuckling from the doorway.
“Uncle Roo…you frightened me!”
“I frightened you, huh?” He sauntered forward, kicking the door shut behind him. “See, two months ago you would have said ‘You scared the crap out of me’ or ‘I’m gonna get you back for that, Chicken!’ Not, you frightened me.” He perched himself on the edge of the desk. “My girl Charlie doesn’t talk like that. She knows the words, smart as a whip that kid is, but being around a bunch of air jockeys on a ranch didn’t exactly lend itself to 20-point words like frighten.”
She felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “W-what do you mean? I’m Charlie. Did you hit your head or something?”
“See, now that is something Charlie would say. You almost had me. But Lovebug doesn’t shy away from Charlie. Never has, never will. And Javy could almost make Charlie an assistant coach with how much she helps him out with his playbook…but not you. You don’t seem to know the first thing about football.” He fixed her with a stern look. “You’re not Charlie…are you, Abby?”
The dam inside her—the one that had been holding back all her fears and anger about her father’s surprise engagement, and the ache of her homesickness—broke and the tears burst forth. Quickly, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed.
She heard a heavy sigh before she was wrapped in a hug, strong arms pulling her against a lean body.
“S’alright, kid. I’m not gonna tell anyone.”
She pulled back slightly, trying to meet Rooster’s eyes but he kept them firmly on the ceiling. “R-really?”
He shrugged. “I figure you and Charlie have your reasons for this insane switch. Where the hell did you two meet, anyway?”
“Camp…” she hiccupped. “P-Penny invited both of us at the same time.”
Rooster sighed, but there was the slight twang of a chuckle hidden inside it. “Yeah, that sounds like Penny. She was pretty pushy about me mentioning the camp to your dad. Shoulda known she was pulling a Maverick level stunt.”
“Y-you’re not mad?”
“Nah…” he shrugged, releasing her and sitting back on the edge of the desk again while Abby straightened in the desk chair. “Just, tell me one thing. Is Charlie okay?”
Abby nodded. “She’s in London with my mum, Uncle Bob and Auntie Nat. She’s having a grand time.”
Rooster nodded thoughtfully. “So, what is the plan?”
Abby bit her lip. “Get to know our other parent, tell them about the switch at the end of the week, force them to meet to switch us back, and have them fall in love with each other again so that we don’t have to live with an ocean in between us again?”
Rooster sighed; his eyes drifting shut as his head rolled back. “Jesus…”
“Are…are you going to tell dad?”
She held her breath as his eyes opened again, this time turning to her with a fixed determination that sent a shiver down her spine.
“No…I’m not.”
“Really? But…why?”
Rooster shrugged. “One, because making your dad’s life a living hell is still one of the greatest pleasures of my life. Two, I always thought that the way your parents handled the divorce was wrong. Hell, I think they never should have gotten divorced at all. And three, Savannah pisses me off and I don’t think I’ll be able to keep living here if your dad actually goes through with it.”
“So…what does that mean for me?”
“It means, I’m gonna help you. And so will Javy.”
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Tags List: @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @waltermis @buckysteveloki-me @allepaula @yuckosworld @seresinsbrat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @kim-stark @cierra715 @high-speed-r @helpmepleasethanks @starsrfun @tomanyfandomstrash @averyhotchner @the-blueatlas @princessliz86 @dashes-dizzydisaster @a-girl-who-loves-disney @boiolay @djs8891 @torimcc @tgmreader @kmc1989 @landpiranha-blog @sydthekid1518 @lynnevanss @hello7442 @mackenzieblair @minejungwoo @starset21 @ssa-sadboi @tgmavericklover @dempy @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @lovemarvelousfics @starkleila @magical-spit @whatislovevavy @simplyreading96 @vivalas-vega @itsdesiree86 @inky-sun @books-are-escapes @abaker74 @devil-angel-winchester @mrs-perfectly-fine
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justcressida · 9 months
How does it feel to fall in love with Poseidon?
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To be a God. A ruler, supreme of all, dominating time, owning the entire universe. To be even more superior than one's own kind.
It's no secret that Poseidon was arrogant. Although his eyes that contain the ocean refuse to look at species inferior to him, he has a strange taste for things that interest him.
For the gods, marriage is a simple event. To be immortal is a life that does not end without being within the limits of life. The difference between a God and a human being is experience.
Poseidon has always despised love. He is not a man of love, but of desire. No matter how much he despises his desires, he cares more about himself. Does he want a woman? Receivable. He doesn't care about consent.
In the current situation, he definitely does not like to fall in love. The first stage is denial. He will definitely not admit that he is in love with a disgusting person inferior to himself, and he will deny her existence with every ounce of her existence.
Afterwards, their wishes become more dominant. It will be easier than expected for him to give in to his desires, as he never sees the need to suppress himself.
Possessiveness in the truest sense of the word. It would be quite strange if you didn't feel like a pet in his arms. Because this man has no qualms about anyone.
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starsluver · 2 months
The Slytherin Boys fav artists
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Notes: realistic but kinda delusional (not tiktok kinda delusion tho🎀) ALSO NONE OF THESE GIFS ARE MINE!!
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Before we start, we all know FOR A FACT. They all listen to UK drill rap cause they're all British. Kinda Except Theo,Mattheo and Blaise AND DEFINITELY TOM. Theo's Italian and he'd probably listen to Italian hip-hop which is a thing 😭. Mattheo's LATINO which a lot of people forget, Benjamin Wadsworth is Mexican but ngl I feel like Mattheo would either be Colombian, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan or Mexican or like a mix of either two. I feel like Blaise would like 90's and early 2000's hip hop like 2pac,Eazy-E, etc. Tom wouldn't listen to music at all because he thinks it's a waste of time🎀
Mattheo Riddle
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He def listens to the smiths, We know thissss. But he'd definitely listen to Arctic monkeys but he'd be the type of person that's like "well you don't like the song LIKE I LIKE THE SONG" (our sassy king) and would gatekeep every unreleased song. He'd probably also listen to Peso Pluma but either people wouldn't believe him or he wouldn't tell anyone. I already know he listens to Kali Uchis and Melanie Martinez, they're literally his celeb crushes like he'd have literally all of their merch NO MATTER THE PRICE and when someone says they like Melanie or Kali he'd be like "oh well do you have the crybaby coloring book/ red moon Venus tote bag? I didn't think so 🙄" low-key feel like he's a theater kid but wouldn't tell ANYONE (Tom would threaten to tell people tho) He'd definitely listen to Ivan Cornejo and Dannylux and Junior H (blud is MAD depressed) I also feel like he'd listen to Chicano oldies or modern Chicano oldies like parachute, la vida es fria, nobody's clown, etc. ( I NEED CHICANO!MATTHEO RIDDLE!!!) he also listens to Mon Laferte and Selena Quintanilla<3
Theodore Nott
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We already know he'd listen to Deftones but he'd DEFINITELY listen to Pierce The Veil. I feel like he'd listen to Lana Del Rey because People kept telling him to, he listens to Lana with Mattheo but Theo's not like the "I need this song injected into my veins" fan. He'd listen to Cigarettes after Sex to be mysterious. HE'D LISTEN TO MANESKIN!!!! I can't even lie he'd listen to Daniel Caesar and Frank Ocean because Blaise made him (Frank PLEASEEEEEE DROP ANOTHER ALBUM) secretly listens to beach Bunny and Laufey but wouldn't tell anyone. I feel like him and Mattheo would listen to Mac Miller and/or Mac DeMarco but that's probably out of delusion
Lorenzo Berkshire
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To be fr, Enzo would listen to Brent Faiyaz and the neighborhood. But out of delusion he'd listen to Laufey, Sabrina Carpenter, and Olivia Rodrigo. He'd definitely listen to the weekend, Arctic monkeys, Chase Atlantic, and Montell Fish. BUT OUT OF DELUSION AGAIN he'd listen to Ariana Grande. Honestly all the Slytherin boys would listen to Frank Ocean and the weekend.
Draco Malfoy
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My fav ferret. I already know this MF listens to Chappell Roan, he won't admit it but it's not like everyone can tell (he listens to Good luck, babe! Thinking about Harry) he'd definitely listen to Chase Atlantic and the neighborhood, it's like common sense. But this MF listens to Sabrina Carpenter, Megan Thee stallion, Lady Gaga, and Ariana Grande when everyone thinks he's listening to The weekend/ Brent Faiyaz. Ngl I feel like he's team Drake and would try to convince himself that Drake won as Blaise and Mattheo play not like us for the 7th time.
Blaise Zabini
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My underrated king. My man has TASTE. he listens to Bob Marley, 2pac, Eazy-E, 50 cent, Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blidge, Destiny's Child, TLC, Megan Thee stallion, Sade, Flo Milli, Kendrick Lamar, Micheal Jackson, The Weekend, Tyler the Creator, Bruno Mars, Frank Ocean, H.E.R. and Childish Gambino. Superior music taste but HE DOES NOT PLAY ABOUT HIS MUSIC, if you change one of his favorite songs while he's listening to it. You're done, you're cooked.
Tom Riddle
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Funny than you think he'd listen to music but anyways he only has Spotify to listen to true crime podcasts. He'd secretly listen to Arctic monkeys and Queen and possibly the smiths if you're really delusional. And I mean REALLY REALLY DELUSIONAL. Mattheo would tell everyone that Tom listens to Karma by JoJo siwa and no one would believe him (he actually does)
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This is the only thing I’m gonna say about this, but yes, this post is about the Neil Gaiman allegations. Before I write my actual post, I’d like to say that my heart is with the victims and the victims only. I hope they receive both the support and justice they deserve.
Ok. Can we please stop attacking each other? People who are discrediting the stories of the women involved should stop, because surely they can see how the narratives they’re pushing are not only unhelpful but actively harmful. There really shouldn’t be “sides” here, because none us are involved in this situation, but it’s insane to me that some people have been so quick to completely dismiss the stories of each woman. People you like can be shitty.
However, everyone saying I told you so? That is equally NOT helpful. You’re not morally superior for disliking Neil Gaiman first, and again, the narrative that people “should’ve known better” is actively harmful for victims of SA.
In continuation, people are allowed to be upset that a work they’ve found solace in turns out to be created by someone accused of SA. I agree that this shouldn’t overshadow the emotional impact on the woman actually involved in the situation, but people expressing their own feelings about personal links to his work is not harming anyone, and shutting people down for doing that is once again NOT helpful.
I doubt I can seperate the art from the artist in this case, but those are my individual feelings. If someone doesn’t want to read his work anymore, that’s fine. If someone does, that’s also fine. Stop attacking each other, because like I said, the victims need to be put first, and forcing people to cut ties or not with Gaiman’s WORK isn’t doing anything constructive.
Now, in light of what I’ve just said I want to share two things (these are potentially triggering so please feel free to skip):
1. I was sexually assaulted in November last year by someone who I trusted, looked up to, loved, and I am still dealing with the consequences.
2. Do you know what novel helped me through this experience? Neil Gaiman’s “The Ocean at the End of the Lane.”
That book became very impactful in my life, very recently. So yes, as I said, I doubt I’ll be able to have the same relationship with it, or with Gaiman’s work, but I’m sure it’s pretty obvious that this whole thing has brought stuff up for me.
There are people like me all across various fandoms conected to Neil Gaiman. Stop assuming that you’re helping victims of SA by telling us we can’t feel upset because the work we found safety in was created by a man accused of the very thing that hurt us. You’re not helping.
I apologise of this post came across as irritated, or superior, because that’s really not my intention. I’m just saying there’s nuance here, and we should all think before we post. I’m just feeling pretty tired of all this “discourse” I keep seeing, and it’s distracting us from actual issues that we as a society need to be addressing.
To summarise, stop attacking one another. We should be supporting each other and the women involved.
(Edited a couple of words for clarity.)
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eksvaized · 7 months
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Part One [ Previous 〡 Next ]
“Stop. Moving.” Ghost commanded, his voice low, gruff, and demanding. Each syllable dripped with an authority that was hard to ignore.
“But I can’t get comfortable,” you protested, your voice softer, almost meek in comparison. You shifted again, trying to find a suitable position in his lap.
“I don’t care. Just stop,” Ghost continued, his voice maintaining that low, stern tone that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. His warm breath brushed against your sensitive skin, sending a cascade of shivers tumbling down your spine each time he exhaled. Despite his simple orders, you couldn’t stop sliding down his legs. Your dress kept creeping up your thighs, revealing the delicate flesh beneath with each involuntary move.
If you’d been facing Ghost, you’d have glimpsed the shadows of desire darkening his gaze, a silent thunderstorm brewing as his eyes traced the contours of your legs. You would have caught him in a stolen moment, picturing what it would be like to bury his face in between your thighs, to taste you, to feel you writhing beneath him. His fingers twitched, longing to touch you, to feel your skin beneath his. He wished he could make you squirm and hear your moans—he wished he could tease and torment you the way you teased him.
However, the only problem was that you were not doing it intentionally. At least, that’s what he assumed. After all, you were his friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yet, you were his guilty pleasure, a forbidden fruit he couldn’t taste. You were the last thought that crossed his mind before he surrendered to sleep and the first one that greeted him when he woke up. Of course, he would never admit these feelings aloud, as if their utterance would shatter the fragile facade he had constructed. And he would certainly never confess any of this to you. Chasing girls and being in a relationship were not his top priorities; he had other more important things to focus on. He didn’t want to be tied down by commitments. But it didn’t stop him from fantasising about what it would be like to have you for just one night. To see you with your hands bound above your head, laying in his bed, begging him to touch you.
After all, he was only a man. A man with primal desires and urges that demanded to be satisfied. But he was also your lieutenant, your superior. Plus, there was the fact that you were significantly younger than him. So, despite the magnetic pull that you unknowingly exerted, an unseen force that drew him towards you like a moth to a flame, he had made a solemn vow to himself. He would never lose control, he would never give in...
As the vehicle jolted around another sharp turn, a grunt of dissatisfaction escaped your lips. This was the umpteenth time you had to readjust your position: an inconvenience you honestly could do without. Especially since you were growing increasingly aware of the prickling tension. Carefully, you hoisted yourself up, tugging your dress back down, which had rebelliously hitched up, revealing more than intended.
Ghost, on the other hand, was locked in a silent battle of his own. His eyes clenched shut like a fortress under siege. He took in a deep, measured breath as if diving into an ocean of calm, striving to divert his attention from the growing heat in his body. The dangerously close proximity to you was playing a tantalizing game with his self-control.
“Stop moving, Y/N,” Ghost found himself repeating the same phrase he had been uttering for the past quarter of an hour. He had initially attempted to keep his hands to himself, but your constant movement and readjustments made that task increasingly difficult. Now, you could feel his palms subtly creeping up your sides until they found a resting spot at your waist. His fingers dug into your flesh, providing a sense of stability amid the chaotic drive.
“I can’t. I keep slipping,” you sighed in response, the frustration apparent in your tone. His hands, however, remained steadfast on your waist, anchoring you in his lap.
The day had started off on a rather laid back note. With a day free from duty, your team had decided to make the most of it by heading out for some drinks. It was a welcome change, a chance to let loose before the seriousness of the next mission took over. The journey to the pub was divided between two cars. Soap and Gaz were entrusted to stay sober and ensure everyone made it back safely. But Gaz had broken that promise, leaving everyone to squeeze into one car on the way back to the base.
The lack of sufficient seating meant that you, being the smallest (though you vehemently argued that it was unjust criteria), ended up in Ghost’s lap. You hadn’t anticipated it to be a significant issue. But with his continuous complaints ringing in your ear, you couldn’t help but wish you had opted to walk back instead.
As the drive wore on, Ghost’s fingers, like a sculptor’s chisel on marble, etched deeper into your waist, creating a discomfort that was becoming difficult to ignore. To ease it, you placed your hands on his wrists and attempted to gently tug at them, hoping to soften his grip. Despite your attempts, though, he resisted, maintaining his firm hold on you.
With little option left, you slumped back, surrendering to the pull of gravity. Your body to nestled comfortably into Ghost’s chest. Your head rested on his broad shoulders, providing a sense of comfort as the vehicle continued to traverse the gravel roads. Approximately fifteen minutes remained before you would reach the base.
Ghost, seemingly perplexed by your actions, turned to face you. “What are you doing?” He asked, his voice echoing through the confined space. In response, you tilted your head slightly as well, allowing your eyes to meet his. However, your gaze soon drifted downwards, towards his mask, as you found yourself unable to maintain the eye contact.
“Getting comfortable,” you replied, your voice just a whisper. The tendrils of fatigue began to curl around you. Your eyelids fluttered closed, each blink growing heavier and heavier.
The car fell silent.
As you sat there, embraced by Ghost’s arms, you could feel his breath on your neck. The steady, rhythmic rise, and fall of his chest acted as a soothing lullaby, luring you towards the edge of sleep. You knew you should have fought to stay awake, but his body radiated warmth, providing a stark contrast to the exhaustion that had washed over you from the evening’s festivities of dancing and drinking. Before you knew it, you had drifted off, your nose nuzzled into the crook of Ghost’s neck.
Caught up in his own thoughts, he didn’t immediately realise that you had succumbed to sleep. It wasn’t until the car came to a gentle halt that he felt something moist against the side of his mask. You had drooled all over him. A groan of disbelief rumbled in his chest as he shook his head in disbelief.
“Y/N... Y/N.. wake up.” His voice was quiet, a softness that was uncharacteristic of him. He contemplated grabbing your shoulders and shaking you awake, but decided against it, knowing that you were not one to take kindly to abrupt awakenings. Instead, he allowed you to continue sleeping for a bit longer, listening as you muttered incoherently to yourself, your eyes tightly shut.
Emerging from the clutches of sleep was like wading through a sea of molasses, slow and laborious. But eventually, both of you managed to exit the car. By this time, the rest of the team had already scattered, leaving just the two of you.
You rubbed your face, coaxing the tiredness out of your muscles like wringing out a wet cloth, and yawned. Your weary eyes swept over the barren expanse of the parking lot.
“You drooled on me,” Ghost said, his gaze steady on you. Caught off guard, you raised your brows but chose to remain silent in a futile attempt to maintain your cool demeanor. However, your face betrayed you as it started to radiate heat and your cheeks blossomed with a rosy blush, turning a bright shade of pink. This unexpected display of embarrassment stood in stark contrast to your usual composed self.
In the midst of the awkward silence, Ghost reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. With a swift motion, he lifted his balaclava, unveiling his lips, which soon held the cigarette with an ease born of habit. Despite being a non-smoker, you found yourself captivated by the sight of him lighting up his cigarette and drawing a deep inhale. Something about it sparked a desire within you, a curiosity you hadn’t felt before.
Feeling audacious, you stepped forward and asked, “Can I have one?” Your head tilted to the side. A hint of anticipation twinkled in your eyes. Ghost, however, shook his head in denial, causing a childish pout to adorn your face.
“You can’t. You don’t smoke.” Ghost’s words were matter-of-fact. A dash of amusement was evident in his tone. You responded with an exaggerated roll of your eyes, scoffing at his statement that merely reiterated the obvious.
You took a single, decisive step closer to him, deliberately narrowing the gap that had been lingering between you two. A flutter of hesitation clouded your actions for a moment, but the alluring, intoxicating scent of smoke wafting in the air coaxed you into action. You reached out, your fingers outstretched to snatch the still-burning cigarette from his grasp after he exhaled a stream of smoke into the night air. Ghost, for his part, didn’t utter a word. He simply stood there, his gaze on you. You mimicked his earlier actions, took a few measured drags from the cigarette before placing it back between his lips, all the while not moving an inch away and keeping your eyes fixed on him.
Ghost’s eyebrows arched in surprise, an obvious attempt to hide the smile that was slowly beginning to creep onto his face. He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head in a casual, almost dismissive manner. “First, you blatantly ignore me when I tell you to stop moving. Then you have the audacity to fall asleep and drool on me. And now, you dare to steal my cigarette,” he stated, the tone of his voice teetering between amusement and disbelief.
You shrugged, the corners of your mouth twitching upwards in a subtle hint of a sly smile. “Don’t act like you mind.”
And the truth was, he didn’t mind. In fact, he loved it, the way a parched wanderer would love a drop of water in the desert. Your unapologetic authenticity intrigued him. It challenged him, made him question the vows he had made to himself daily. Perhaps you were worth the risk, a gamble he was willing to play, a game he was willing to lose.
Buried deep within him, like a secret locked away in a forgotten chest, he knew without a shred of doubt that if you ever decided to see more than just a friend in him, he would have willingly surrendered to you. But now, despite the longing that gnawed at him, like a wolf tearing at its prey, he held back, resolved to protect you from himself, not daring to taint your innocence with his touch.
Ohhh... If only he had known that you harbored the same feelings deep within your heart - that you yearned for his touch, his eyes on you, that his presence was an unyielding constant in your thoughts, driving you to the brink of insanity - perhaps the night would have unfolded differently.
But neither of you had the courage to confess. Neither of you took that daunting first step, instead choosing to pretend that you were indifferent - each of you acting as if you desired nothing more in life than to remain friends... Friends that flirted, stole sneaky looks, and couldn’t get each other out of their minds.
Nothing more, nothing less. Just friends, like two stars in the night sky, forever close yet galaxies apart.
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