#Oc Ask
riisume · 2 days
When and how did Maeve find out Zander was ticklish? (And is it effective in tournament settings?)
Oh I'm glad you asked-
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Maeve usually strikes up conversations with some of her competitors before tournaments. Sometimes to gauge how durable/muscular her opponents are she'll, quite literally, feel them out, whether it be their biceps, abs, etc.
Usually the people she appraises don't give much a reaction outside of boastfully bragging about their gains to her.... But....
Maeve was (pleasantly) surprised when she felt THIS new guy Zander's muscles in his abdomen tense and quiver under the light knead of her fingers...!
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The speed at which he grabbed her hand to stop her was surprising... But she found herself more amused than anything! That, coinciding with the reddening of his cheeks could only mean one thing;
He's ticklish!
Needless to say, Maeve would mentally note that information down.
It'll DEFINITELY come in handy during tournaments. :')
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Congratulation! You got an Baby Lilac!
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(Keep it fed or it eat people or snack on herself)
Adjjdjsjsjs I love this I will definitely take amazing care of them
“Vic!!!! Look at what I have!”
”What!??? Where do you keep getting small children from!??!??!”
and draw some art later most likely once I finish this project I’m working on ÒvÓ
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kitseledka · 2 days
I'm here to remind you that you can ask any questions about my MC or her lore, etc.
At the moment, I am developing her arch, in which, in addition to her, there will be other original characters, about which you can also ask questions! Even the funniest and most absurd ones, I'm only glad to answer ;))
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in fact, I just want to know that someone is interested in what I'm doing and that I'm doing it all for some reason. I'm not shitposting about my Lucy and her lore because I'm afraid no one is interested in her at all. It seems to me that everyone likes only the fact that I draw fanarts, because they are the only ones who gain likes well :(...
{Please reblog and like this post. This is very important in order for more people to notice it. Thank you ✧}
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characterbabble · 7 months
Are any of your characters dead?
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thesilverlock · 2 months
Fandom OC Ask Meme
⟢⋱⟡☾ a collection of asks for OCs belonging to specific fandoms
How does (canon character) feel about your OC?
How does your OC feel about (canon character)?
Has your OC ever made (canon character) laugh? / What about cry?
Do your OC and (canon character) ever cross paths?
Which canon character annoys your OC?
What canon character gets annoyed by your OC?
Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?
Which canon character doesn’t respect your OC whatsoever?
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
Which canon character is pissed off by the general presence of OC? (we all have those people)
Does your OC have a crush on anyone?
Who would probably have a crush on your OC?
Who would your OC most likely to get a puppy-crush on? (but it can’t be the cc they’re actually shipped with!)
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
Who would call your OC their best friend?
Who has brought your OC to tears before?
Who has your OC made cry?
Is there someone your OC didn’t like at first, but then got along with later?
Is there someone your OC liked at first, but then grew to dislike?
Who does your OC hate?
Who does your OC love? (platonic)
Who does your OC love? (familial)
Does your OC love anyone? (romantic)
Has your OC ever had to let a canon character down easy?
Has your OC ever been rejected by a canon character?
Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?
What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
What is your OC’s ‘‘darkness moment’’ in the plot?
What is your OC’s redemption moment?
Is there a canon character that your OC needs to ask forgiveness towards?
Is there a canon character your OC needs to forgive?
Is there anyone who your OC would die for?
Is there a canon character who would die for your OC?
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creation-help · 1 month
Torturing your ocs ask game :)
(Delightful, I know. But we all do it sometimes)
1. Which of your ocs do you most often imagine sick? In what ways?
2. Which of them do you most imagine injured in other ways?
3. Who do you put through the most emotional turmoil?
4. Which oc has been tortured? Through what means?
5. Which of them has the worst luck?
6. Who goes through the most relationship conflicts? (applies to any relationships)
7. Who do you put most into stressful situations or other drama?
8. Who ends up in survival situations the most? How do they fair in them?
9. Has any of them had to be saved from the brink of death? Were there any consequences after?
10. Has any of them had to be revived / brought back to life? How did this affect them?
11. Who is afraid the most? How does this effect them?
12. What kind of health repercussions has your oc experienced through intense stress? How do they manage them?
13. Who cries the most often? What are the usual causes?
14. How does your oc cope?
15. To cap off what kind of hurt/comfort scenarios do you put your oc in?
This can be about canon story events or simply rotating scenarios for fun!
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OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love.
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A little list of OC questions based on the seven types of love identified in Ancient Greek thought. Obviously this is a highly simplified presentation of some quite complex philosophical concepts from Classical History, intended more for the purposes of entertainment than education. I also left out Mania, which is arguably an eighth type of love (Obsessive), because I'm keeping it mostly positive in these tricky times!
Eros – Romantic, Passionate Love.
Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Philia – Affectionate, Platonic Love.
Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Does your OC find it easy to make friends? Or are there barriers to them doing so? If so then are these due to issues of inclination, communication, or something else entirely?
What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
What is their most fervent wish for their best friend(s)? How far would they go to make it happen?
Storge – Unconditional, Familial Love.
Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans?
How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Does your OC have any siblings? If so then did their parents have a favourite growing up? Has their relationship with their sibling changed in adulthood? If they don't have any siblings then do they perhaps feel they have missed out on an important relationship? Do they have any especially close friends who go some way towards filling that role?
Is your OC able to love without necessarily needing or expecting reciprocation or reward? Or are all their relationships to some extent transactional? Have they ever loved another person unconditionally, whether a child or another adult?
Agape – Selfless, Universal Love.
Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Does your OC feel a spiritual connection to the world around them? Do they have a particular love for nature or living things?
To what extent does your OC believe in the value (or even existence) of true altruism? Do they see an unselfish concern for the welfare of others as being naïve or foolish? Or as a moral quality to which people should aspire?
Does your OC have a religious faith which emphasises the importance of a love for all people? If so then do they try to follow these teachings authentically? Or do they just pay lip-service to them? If not then do they follow a more martial or mercantile faith? Or none at all?
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
Ludus – Playful, Flirtatious Love.
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
How does your OC feel about one night stands? Have they ever enjoyed a night of passionate romance with a stranger? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally? Or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances (such as the eve of a battle or after a difficult breakup)?
Who was your OC's first crush? How do they feel about it now?
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
Pragma – Committed, Long-Lasting Love.
Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
Are your OC's parents still together? To what degree do they look to their own parents as a model for their own ideal relationship?
After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship? Shared goals? Similar values? Or contented companionship?
What importance or value does your OC attach to marriage? Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)? Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family? Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
Philautia – Self Love.
Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Does your OC believe that it is important to love themselves in the first instance? Perhaps in order to be able to give and receive love authentically? Or because they believe first and foremost in "looking after number one"?
Does your OC judge themselves by the same standards as they apply to others? Or are they sometimes hypocritical in condemning others for faults they also possess? Or perhaps they find it easier to forgive others for things that they cannot abide in themselves?
Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
Has your OC always had the same opinion of themselves or has this changed over time? Have they learned to love themselves - perhaps with the help of others - as their journey progressed? Or have the consequences of their actions only served to erode their sense of self-worth?
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kahvilahuhut · 3 months
food themed oc asks 🍅
food preferences tell a lot about us and the same can be said about our ocs. And so, here's a funny ask game.
🍎 What's your oc's favorite food(s)?
🍊 Your oc is brought to the fruits and veggies aisle of the grocery store. What do they pick?
🍌 If your oc would pick a yoghurt or something like it, would they rather 1) eat plain yoghurt 2) eat flavored yoghurt or 3) eat yoghurt with the fruit bits in it.
🥭 Does your oc drink juice? What's their favorite kind of juice? Do they mind the fruit pulp that can sometimes be found in these?
🥝 Does your oc have food restrictions? Is the reason related to health, culture, ethics, preferences or something else?
🫐 Would your oc eat something they found outside? (for example: berries, mushrooms, not eaten chocolate bar, stuff like that)
🍇 Does your oc prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Do they prefer them hot or cold? What would their usual order in a cafe be?
🧄 How much spices does your oc use when cooking? Do they prefer bland taste or spicy/rich in flavor meals?
🍤 What's their opinion on seafood?
🧇 Do they enjoy baking? What's their favorite thing to bake? What's their favorite pastry to eat?
🍳 Do they enjoy cooking? What's their favorite thing to cook? Do they cook alone or with someone else?
🥖 What's their favorite kind of bread?
🫕 Do they like cheese?
🍾 Does your oc drink alcohol? What's their favorite drink(s) (can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic)? Would they know how to mix a cocktail?
🍟 What is your oc's opinion on fast food? How often do they buy it?
🥐 Your oc is given a chance to order a breakfast from cafe - what do they order? Would they actually do that?
🥯 What's their usual breakfast like? Do they eat breakfast, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would an ideal breakfast for them be?
🥚 What is your oc's preferred way to eat eggs? If your oc doesn't eat eggs, what do they think about scrambled tofu or the equivalent in their world?
🥓 At what time does your oc eat breakfast?
🥨 Brunch picnic time with friends/partner(s)/companions/[insert your ocs' close people here]! What is your oc bringing?
🥗 Your oc is now at a salad bar (a buffet-like place where you can do your own salad). What do they put in there? Do they add some kind of protein? Some sweet fruits? Some seeds or bread?
🥪 What kind of sandwiches does your oc like/would like to eat? If they could eat it for lunch, would they only eat it or something else, too?
🍣 What's your oc's typical lunch like? Do they usually eat lunch, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal lunch be like?
🥟 What's something your oc would love to eat for lunch almost every time?
🥙 They are having a lunch date. Which place do they pick and what are they ordering? Do they hurry or would they rather be late from whatever happens after lunch?
🧆 Would they rather eat a stuffing lunch and light dinner or vice versa? Why?
🍚 They have been invited for a dinner by someone close to them! Where are they going, what are they ordering, what are they drinking and what do they talk about?
🍛 What's your oc's typical dinner like? Do they usually eat dinner, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal dinner be?
🍜 Do they love cooking dinner or would they rather eat somewhere else or order takeout?
🥘 Does your oc prefer a quick, calm dinner or would they rather have a very long one?
🍩 What is their favorite dessert? Do they get it often? What is their go-to dessert?
🥕 They are packing some snacks because they're going to be away from home for a while. What do they take with them? What's their opinion on trail mix?
🍒 How often do they eat berries and other kinds of veggies?
🥞 Your oc is ordering food from a fast food chain. They can also pick something else than the main meals. What do they buy?
🍦 Your oc wakes up at night, feeling hungry. Do they go eat? If yes, what will they eat?
🫖 Does your oc eat anything between dinner and going to sleep? How often?
☕️ Does your oc eat anything between lunch and dinner? How often?
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laylaylamode · 1 year
OC Ask Meme
I wanted to write my own OC ask questions and here they are! Feel free to use them.
🔴 Red- What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
🟠 Orange- What is a trait your OC hides about themself from others? Do they refuse to acknowledge it or begrudgingly accept it?
🟡 Yellow- What is something your OC wants but knows they can never have? How does it feel to never get this specific desire?
🟢 Green- What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
🔵 Blue- How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
⚫️ Black- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most in control and secure? Was it gained through negative or positive means?
🎱 8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly?
🔮 Crystal Ball- What kind of future does your OC want to have? What would they do to make it real?
🪩 Disco Ball- What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them?
⚽️ Soccer Ball- Who is someone that your OC believes in and roots for? Are they private about their admiration or do they make it well known?
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cbts004 · 2 months
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Yes! That is her primary species, but I also really like giant anteaters. In this picture I wanted to draw her more as a hybrid version of the two animals. In one of her old refs, I described her as being a skunk/anteater. I wanted to go back to exploring that idea a bit more in her design ^^
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(from 2018)
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cityandking · 1 year
oc asks: relationships edition
Self: How is your OC's relationship with themself? Does your OC like who they are? Is there anything about themself that they would change?
Know: How well does your OC know themself—their wants, their goals, their motivations? Do they engage in any sort of self-reflection? Is there anything about themself they willfully ignore?
Care: How does your OC engage in self-care, if at all? If they don't, why not?
For Good: Is there anyone in your OC's life who had an undeniable positive impact on who they are as a person? How did knowing this person improve your OC's life?
For Bad: Is there anyone who had an undeniable negative impact on your OC’s life? How did your OC deal with that change? Have they been able to move on?
Intimacy: Is your OC the type of person to engage in long-term relationships, or are they more casual in their intimacy and affection? How do they feel about intimacy and relationships in general?
Family: What's your OC's family like? Is it a family of blood, choice, or something else? How does your OC feel about their blood relations? If they have a family of choice, how did they come together?
Mentor: Does your OC have a mentor? Have they ever reached out to anyone for guidance or teaching, or been taken under someone's wing? How does your OC get along with their mentor?
Friendship: What's your OC like as a friend? How are they at making new friends? What are the most important friendships in your OC's life?
Partner: Does your OC currently have a partner? Multiple partners? How did they meet, and what is that relationship like?
Companions: Is your OC part of an adventuring group? A band of travelers? A guild, a team, a crew? What's the group dynamic, and how does your OC feel about their companions?
Social Circle: What's your OC's social circle? Are they obligated to spend time with others in their circle, or are they happy to be there? Has their social standing and social circle ever changed, and if so, how did your OC feel about it?
Fate: Does your OC believe in destined meetings? True love, soulmates, hearing the bells? Have they ever experienced this?
Meet Strange: What's the most memorable way your OC has ever met a new person? Was it a good experience? Bad experience? Just plain weird? How's their relationship with that person now?
Past: Does your OC have any past partners? How did the relationship(s) end? Are any of their exes still in their life, and if so, do they get along?
Exit: Has your OC ever had someone important leave their life in a way that was unremarkable, unintentional, or clumsy? How do they feel about it? Is there any chance they'll meet again?
First: Has your OC ever been the one to leave first? Why did they go, and who did they leave behind? Do they regret it?
Loss: Is there anyone important to your OC who has passed away? How did they handle the loss?
Future: Is there anyone your OC is looking forward to meeting or to seeing again? Who? What might that meeting or reunion look like?
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sylibane · 10 months
Pop Culture and Fandom-Themed OC Questions
I came up with some pop culture-y OC questions because I like silly OC games. Some of these are more general, while others are for a specific genre or piece of media. Go ahead and reblog to use for your own OCs!
Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
What genre (not counting the one they’re in) would your OC thrive in?
What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
What media does your character enjoy? (For characters in settings that aren’t modern Earth, could be media from their home setting or what they’d like in a modern Earth AU)
What song(s) do you associate with your OC?
Alternatively, do you have any OCs you associate with the song(s) I just sent you?
If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose?
Has your OC ever had a crush on a fictional (to them) character?
If your OC wrote fanfiction (or if they already do), what type? (fix fic, ship, crossovers, AUs, smut, etc.)
How would your OC do in the last book/movie/tv show/game/etc. you read/watched/played?
If your OC was a superhero, what would they be like? (powers, title, general vibe, etc.)
What animal would your OC have as their His Dark Materials daemon?
What Pokémon would be on your OC’s team and/or what would be their preferred type?
If your OC was a Dungeons and Dragons character, what would their class be? And/or: If they were playing D&D, what kind of character might they play? (these aren’t necessarily the same thing)
How well would your OC do in a standard slasher movie?
What stock character would your OC be stuck as in a sitcom?
Who would your OC main in Super Smash Bros?
Who would your OC play in Mario Kart?
If your OC was in Star Trek’s Starfleet, what would be their role/position? Or, if that doesn’t really fit your OC: why would they get kicked out of Starfleet?
What role would your OC play in a heist story?
What kind of classic horror monster (vampire, werewolf, alien, etc.) would your OC be?
What type of Avatar The Last Airbender-type bender (or non-bender) would your OC be? Any bending specialties?
Your OC gets isekai’d to a bog-standard fantasy world. What does your OC do and how badly does it go for that world?
In the Muppet version of your story, is this particular OC a Muppet or the one human?
What would be your OC’s My Little Pony cutie mark?
Your OC is stuck in a musical episode. What song(s) do they sing? (And how thrilled or annoyed are they about being stuck in a musical?)
In a murder mystery, what role would your OC play? (e.g. detective, sidekick, wacky suspect, rival investigator who gets in thew way, red herring, true culprit)
What is your OC’s Warrior Cats name?
Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
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huntedsmark · 1 year
DND Ask Meme but it's random questions I've asked other players apropos of nothing within the last 6 months
Does your PC believe it’s possible to save someone?
What does saving a person involve?
How would your PC describe themselves?
How do they perceive themselves?
What is your PC’s idle animation?
What weather does your PC prefer? Why?
So if your PC had a car what kind of car would it be
How decisive is your PC?
If your PC rolled through a McDonald’s what would they order 
How does your PC fidget?
How does your PC show affection?
If your PC had to set up a date, what would they plan for it?
What’s your PCs favorite color
How does your PC feel about white lies?
How does your PC feel about marriage? Weddings?
What scents do you associate with your PC? 
What are your PCs favorite fruits (not including gay people) 
Where would your PCs fall on the futch scale? 
What is your PC’s Pokemon Gym Leader type and Signature Pokemon?
What type of chocolate do they prefer? 
What tarot would your PC be? 
What is your PC’s #1 personality strength?
What is your PC’s #1 personality flaw? 
If your PC found a book that detailed their whole life, from birth to whatever death they’ll have, would they read it and why? 
What are your PC’s charm point(s)! 
How would your PC answer the trolley problem? 
When your PCs hit rock bottom, what do they do?  
When your PCs want comfort, what do they seek out? 
Please describe your PC’s romantic type 
How does your PC flirt? 
What’s your favorite part of playing your PC? 
How much does your PC think about their actions before they execute them? 
How considerate is your PC? 
Is your PC an effective communicator? What is their communication style? 
If your PC was a dating option in a farming simulator (a la harvest moon or stardew valley), what kind of items would they like? 
Your PC meets a trickster being whose face changes to the most beautiful face a person has ever seen. Whose face is your PC seeing? 
What flower represents your PC? 
How did you choose your PC’s name? 
What would your PC put on their pizza? 
What are your PC’s eating habits? 
Does your PC have a favorite spell, and if so, which? 
Who is your PC’s favorite NPC(s) and why?
When your PCs make decisions, who or what are they making those decisions on behalf of?
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lsdoiphin · 11 months
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Yes. All sorts of neat stuff! One find sticks out more than the others, though.
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characterbabble · 10 months
Which of your characters is most likely to bite?
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mewguca · 1 month
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strawpage dump, oc-themed
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