#Obito lives AU
nobelowz · 1 year
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birthday hugs :')
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green-crocs12 · 6 months
for context, obito lives after kannabi bridge mission au and kakashis left the team to join anbu (it’s been around 2 years since they’ve properly talked to the guy)
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little bonus scene + the sketch :)
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pridoo · 7 months
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obkk brain rot…
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ferymary · 9 months
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change my mind
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maireyart · 5 months
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All it seemed so far away when the world we'd come to know began to fade with the night and we've burned our wings and lost our way in flight and we've burned our wings and lost our way in flight
don't say it's all over, all the longing and the dreams don't say it means nothing, I can feel it when you breathe One of my gifts for @cool-thymus, the flowerplay xD <3
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anannua · 1 year
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cool-thymus · 1 year
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"It was just a bad dream. You're okay now."
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mayhem-neverending · 3 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Word Count: 3,081
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff and mentions of death
Notes: Sorry this took so long. I've been pretty mentally drained recently. I hope you all enjoy, though :)
“Hikaru is not going to learn any more fire style jutsu until he’s older, period,” you argued to Obito the next morning. 
He had been pushing the subject since he woke up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while his mouth ran away from him. You had been consistent with your resounding, ‘no’, but he wasn’t listening very well. 
“Oh c’mon, don’t be like that,”
Your hands found their way to your hips as your face screwed up in a mixture of irritation and disbelief. Obito crossed his arms over his chest. He was disappointed and frustrated because he wanted to teach Hikaru - pass on his wisdom and skill since he didn’t have his own children - and benefit the next generation of shinobi. He had tossed and turned all night thinking about it.
“Obito, he’s going to catch the house on fire. A two year old does not have enough control over their body or their emotions to be playing with fire,” you tried to reason.
“The Uchiha can perform a fireball jutsu at four! He’ll be three in only a couple months, I don’t see why he can’t start learning a little bit now,” he fired at you, a scowl creeping onto his face.
“Because I said, ‘no’, damnit!”
His eyes widened. That was the closest he had ever come to hearing you raise your voice. Immediately after, you sucked in a deep breath and dropped your hands from your hips. You sighed out heavily and then repeated the action. 
“I will consider it after his birthday. But only chakra control at first. If you can teach him basic chakra control, I will allow a small amount of fire style. A SMALL amount, Obito,”
He could have done a victory dance right there in the kitchen. 
“Okay,” he replied, uncrossing his arms. “Deal,”
He took the few remaining steps between you and cupped your face in his large hand. He studied you for a moment, his thumb slowly caressing your cheek. “Y’know, you’re kind of hot when you’re angry,”
You let out a surprised bark of laughter and slapped his hand away. “There’s something wrong with you,”
He shrugged, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Nothing so wrong a kiss couldn’t fix it,”
You shook your head in amusement and let him close the distance between the two of you to press his lips against yours. This man would be the death of you, you were certain of it. 
Kakashi called from his office while you were cooking lunch. You greeted him cheerily and turned the call onto the speaker so Obito could hear, too. 
His voice took on an eerie, toneless quality. “Another clan was massacred in Akujia late last night. No survivors. From what I’ve learned, their weapons are becoming as advanced as our more powerful jutsus,”
You sucked in a breath. “What clan? Why?”
“The Breserya. They took an active role in speaking out against the atrocity Akujia committed against the Zen’in and their stance on chakra control,”
He continued, some strain appearing in his voice. “Somehow, Hina Zen’in and her child have become public knowledge in Konoha, along with new attention on what is happening in Akujia,”
Your mind was reeling with all of the implications of this. Cautiously, you asked, “How does - how does the public feel?”
“Outraged,” he stated. 
Your shoulders sagged a bit. At least they weren’t trying to get rid of Hina. 
“Why are you giving us this information?” Obito asked in a low tone, leaning directly into the receiver.
“A decision has been made to have another Kage Summit. They are demanding the attendance of someone they believe could have crucial insight that could help decide what actions we take… The same Akujian native and Leaf ninja who aided the last surviving Zen’in and brought them to Konoha for safekeeping,”
You and Obito stared at each other in shock. Your mouth was agape as you tried to comprehend Kakashi’s words. Obito shook his head slowly, a sudden and overwhelming fear for your safety flowing through his body in a tidal wave. 
You struggled to swallow with your dry mouth. “You’re joking,”
“I’m sorry,” he sighed out remorsefully. 
You couldn’t see it, but his eyes had closed and brows scrunched together while delivering the last bit of news. 
“What kind of ‘insight’ could I possibly have?” 
“I’m not sure, but I know you’re aware that most of our shinobi countries have such little affiliation with Akujia that we’re essentially in the dark. And with Akujia closing down its borders, it will become incredibly difficult for us to infiltrate for information,”
“I thought you put her here to keep her safe? And now you want to send her who-knows-where?” Obito interjected angrily.
“She’ll be safe with me, Obito,”
“How can you be so sure?” he spat. 
“Did we not fight in the same war?” 
He inhaled sharply through his nose. You put a hand up to prevent him from speaking further. “It’s not your decision,”
You spoke to Kakashi. “I’m assuming that it would not be taken lightly should I refuse to attend,”
“You would be correct in that assessment,” 
“Y/n,” Obito hissed.
“Obito,” you replied warningly, mirroring his narrowed eyes.
“We’ll head out early tomorrow morning for the Land of Iron,” Kakashi cut in. 
“I’ll have a bag packed. It should only take a few days, correct?”
“Should everything go accordingly, yes. Please wear your uniform,”
“Of course. We’ll see you tomorrow,”
The call ended. Obito was somewhere between anxious and fuming, so he stomped away to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. You let him, your own anxiety taking priority over his little fit. He would come back out soon enough to either argue or cling to you or both. You had a bag to pack and food to prepare for your absence, and it would be much harder to get that done while he was being clingy. 
You went to your room, dug out your uniform from the back of the closet and just stared at the dark material. Another mission in such a short amount of time. Once a person became a shinobi, could they ever truly separate from it? You rubbed the black fabric of your shirt between your fingers. You had wanted to give it up. You wanted a slow life with love and a family and without the worry of leaving your son motherless. How many more times would duty call? 
This mission was steeped in uncertainty. You had little to offer the Kages, and less to do with the Akujian atrocities against chakra users. Whatever war you assumed they would begin had no timeframe, and when you add the temperament of a couple of the Kage’s into the mix, it spelled trouble. You mulled over your thoughts while you packed your backpack. You hoped to be of some use, but not enough to keep you away from home any longer than need be. With that in mind, you dropped the heavy bag next to the front door and started for the kitchen.
Obito was in his room another hour before begrudgingly opening his bedroom door. He wanted to be angry with you for deciding to leave, but he couldn’t stay that way for long. He understood that you weren’t really presented with an option, which was really what he was more upset about. That and your safety. He did trust Kakashi and knew how strong he was, but he couldn’t stop the worry. He had just been given a wonderful thing; an opportunity to live a loving life with you and Hikaru. He feared that you wouldn’t make it back to him; it was always a thought in his mind no matter how hard he tried to push it away.
You didn’t speak when he joined you in the kitchen. He stood next to you with his arms crossed, also in silence while you worked. He wanted you to break the ice, but you would not be starting any amends when he was the one who had thrown the fit. He was responsible for himself and he knew it. 
Eventually, he did break the silence with a long sigh. His arms fell to his sides before he moved to snake them around your waist. He tucked his face into your neck and murmured, “I’m sorry,” into your hair.
“For what?”
He huffed and paused, trying to find his words. “For getting upset with you when you didn’t have a real choice,”
You let the words sink in before responding. “Thank you. I’ll accept your apology,”
“Good.” He turned you around so that you were facing him and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
You couldn’t help but smile and reach up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He followed you back down and the two of you shared a slow kiss that left you feeling dizzy, butterflies erupting in your stomach. You let out a small giggle and he pulled you closer, intoxicated by you for what felt like the millionth time. He just couldn’t get enough. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” you whispered against his lips.
“Shhhh, I don’t want to talk about it,” 
You nodded and resumed the languid caress of your lips. He was so good at making you lose track of time when he had you in his arms like this. Everything slowed and your mind ceased its usual race. Your fingers carded through his hair and his thumb traced circles at your hip, slipping just beneath your shirt. You melted into his touch just as he did yours; harmonies found within each other’s embrace. 
A knock on the door as the female Anbu - a fox - let Hikaru in, broke you and Obito apart. You waved to her and she nodded back before closing the door behind her. Hikaru ambled up to the two of you, and your situation was brought back to the forefront of your mind. Guilt began to gnaw at you as you smiled down at your son. 
“Hey sweetheart, how was school?”
The air still smelled of fresh bread and rosemary, mixed with the sweetness of the garden flowers that wafted in through your opened window. It was balmy, but a gentle breeze flowed through the home, carrying on it the singing of cicadas and the twittering of birds that overpowered the low hum of the dishwasher. The sunset cast warm rays onto your clean countertops and over your body as you twirled in your long dress, the skirts swishing gracefully around your ankles. 
Obito pulled you against his chest with a handsome, loving smile that glowed in the light. Your eyes fluttered shut; the feeling of warmth against your skin lulling you in your already serene state. You felt him press a kiss to the top of your head and you gave your intertwined fingers a gentle squeeze. 
Your eyes blinked open to the bedroom, still cold from the waning winter. You groaned aloud and snapped your eyes shut, curling in on yourself under the heavy quilt. Of course it was a dream. The best ones always came before difficult times. You attempted to cling to the peace of the dream, but when it continued to slip from your mind you surrendered and let it go. There was another journey to be had, whether you wanted it or not.
You and Obito had spent the evening cuddling and discussing your departure and what to do with Hikaru while you were away. You were hoping to be back by Sunday, but you could never be sure, so you wrote down all sorts of information for him that he didn’t really need. Obito was incredibly observant and had already picked up on all of the habits, likes and dislikes of your little one, so you weren’t worried. 
Stretching, you eyed the door and wondered if Obito was already up. It was likely that he was awake in bed, waiting for you like a hound waits at the door for its owner every morning. You crept out of bed and quietly opened the door to make your way to the kitchen. Surprisingly, you smelled something suspiciously like breakfast the moment it opened. 
In the kitchen, Obito ladled mix into the waffle maker, chopped fruit and the whipped cream you made the night before spread out on the countertop next to him. You flashed him a giddy smile when he turned to see you approaching and without warning hopped up into his arms and pressed wet kisses on both of his cheeks and mouth.
He just barely caught you and set you down on the opposite counter, taking a place between your legs. He chuckled. “Well, good morning to you, too,”
“You are the absolute best, you know that?” you gushed, smooshing his cheeks in your hands. 
His eyes glittered with joy. “Anything for you,”
You held in a squeal; warmth filling your chest and heart fluttering. You couldn’t help but kiss all over his face again and he let out a delighted laugh before directing you to his lips. One of the waffles burnt while you shared a heated kiss, but neither of you particularly cared at that moment. 
He let you go to toss it and put one of the already made waffles onto a plate for you. He decorated it with fruit and whipped cream and handed it to you with a beaming smile that you swore was brighter than the sun lighting the room. Your eyes roved over him, taking in his bedhead, dark hair spiky in all the wrong places, the lines circling his face, faded hickies, the adorable crinkles in the corner of his eyes as he hovered just in front of you, like he couldn’t stand to stay away. 
“I love you,” you blurted.
His pretty brown eyes widened, and just when you thought his smile would drop, it became impossibly larger. “You… love me?”
You nodded, almost bashfully. Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Your plate was wrenched from your grasp and tossed haphazardly on the counter before you were scooped up into his arms and he was covering you in kisses. Your joyful laughter echoed in the space and sounded like the sweet ringing of bells to his ears. 
When you looked back into his eyes, they glowed with the Sharingan. 
“Say it again,” he said softly.
You could feel the heat all over your face and neck. “I love you,”
He squeezed you so tightly you couldn’t breathe. 
“Obito!” you gasped. 
He loosened his grip just barely and you sucked in a breath. He didn’t sound apologetic at all when he whispered, “Sorry,” into your ear.
He set you back down on the counter and you gazed into each other’s eyes like lovesick fools. The little smack of bare feet against hardwood entered your sphere and you looked around to see Hikaru running out of the hallway. Obito pressed his lips to your cheek while you were turned.
“Oh shit,” he said, looking down beside you.
“Wha- Oh, Obito,” 
The plate he had tossed was broken in two, a mess of sticky fruit on the counter next to you. You decided to ignore it and slipped off the counter to pick Hikaru up. He threw his little arms around your neck and pointed at Obito’s accident.
“Mommy made mess!” 
“You’re right, buddy. Your mommy did make a big mess,” Obito said and you elbowed his side.
“Ouch,” he laughed. 
You set Hikaru up for breakfast, messing up his hair before making yourself a plate. It was a slow process, seeing as Obito couldn’t stop touching you the whole time, but well worth it. You couldn’t help but think that if Hikaru were any older, he would be making fake puking sounds at the two of you. 
You had just sat down and taken a bite when there was a knock on your front door, signaling Kakashi’s arrival. He came in wearing the full Hokage get-up. You realized at that moment you hadn’t had a chance to change. 
“Good morning,” you called, getting up and rushing past him to go get dressed.
You hurriedly pulled on your uniform while Kakashi waited in the kitchen with Obito and Hikaru. 
“I’ve never seen you look so happy,” Kakashi commented. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy,” Obito replied, still high on your words.
Hikaru shoved a bite of waffle into Obito’s mouth. He chewed it up without even blinking, much to Kakashi’s surprise. Obito frowned suddenly, as if a rancid thought had crossed his mind. 
“And now you’ve come to take it away,”
“Only for a few days,” Kakashi replied immediately, trying to reassure his friend. 
“A few days too long,” Obito muttered sullenly. 
“I’ll be back before you know it,” you called out in a sing-song as you came down the hallway. 
You were fully dressed, and Obito once again had to take a moment to appreciate you. He loved how sleek and powerful you looked in your uniform, like you could take on even the worst of the worst with that little attitude you took in it. He glanced at Kakashi who was already looking at him. 
“Obito, did you hear a word I said?” You asked, a hand going to your hip.
“Uh, yeah,”
“What did I say?”
“Uhm…. I don’t know,”
You chuckled. “I asked if you thought you had everything under control,”
“Oh, yeah, for sure,” he replied a little more confidently than he felt.
“Good,” you approached him and gave him a quick peck. “I’ll be back soon,”
You then pulled Hikaru into a big hug and gave his cheeks a few playful smooches. Obito looked at Kakashi’s raised brow and the red tinting the tips of his ears and raised his own brow back. He felt his pride swell to a ridiculous height. He was all ego the second you put Hikaru down, standing up and pulling you in for a deeper kiss. 
You pushed back on his chest. In a scandalized tone you gasped, “Obito!”
He shot you a devilish grin and a wink that would be occupying your mind for the next few nights you were away. You decided he would definitely be paying for that when you returned. 
He didn’t apologize, just told you a quick goodbye and that he would miss you before you were carted off by Kakashi, who was very suddenly in a rush.
Taglist: @mostlyunsure, @humongousdreamlandbear, @ichaichahatake, @mandy-yeager, @detectivestucks, @faces-ofvenus
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ladykissingfish · 11 months
*after a meeting with the other Kages, Kakashi, having had a little too much to drink, laying in Obito’s bed after Obito brought him home*
Obito: I hope you plan to repay me for this, Bakashi. Do you have any idea how heavy you are to carry?! Anyways I’ll just sleep here on the floor until —
Kakashi: Hey, Uchiha … wanna hit?
Obito: … what?
Kakashi, trying to sound sexy: Come on, big boy … come over here and smash me ~
Obito: Kakashi. I can’t believe you! Just because I’m annoyed with you right now doesn’t mean I’d ever put my hands on you and hit you like that! 
Kakashi: Obito —
Obito: Just what kind of man do you think I am?! How insulting! You’re such a poor judge of character, I can’t believe that they picked YOU to be the Hokage!
Obito: *picks up his blanket and pillow and stalks off to the living room*
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
Kakashi/Obito + unintentional kisses?
Kakashi has grown into a lanky son of a bitch; arms and legs too long and spindly for the rest of him, which hasn't caught up yet.
It pisses Obito off to no end that they're the same height, now. The little pain in the ass should've stayed little, which Obito tells him all the time.
"Not my fault your height is as unimpressive as your ninjutsu."
It's the same fight as usual, though it lacks the familiar bite. Something has been off about Kakashi lately. He's not as brusque, not as sarcastic. Rin often catches him staring off into space for long stretches of time between sparring bouts.
Of course, Kakashi changed plenty after he dragged Obito's half-dead body back to Konoha, tears streaming out of his implanted sharingan all the while. Who wouldn't?
Sometimes Obito wonders if it would have been better for Kakashi if he'd left him under that rock. Life had improved for Obito, of course. His clan welcomed him home as a war hero, even if they also chastised him for giving away one of his eyes. That he thought for sure he was going to die never seems a good enough excuse for the Clan Elders, but what are they going to do about it, anyway? It's been seven years since Kannabi. That eye belongs to Kakashi, Obito wouldn't take it back even if he could.
Not that that stops him from pretending he might when he's particularly frustrated by his genius teammate's skill.
"Then take it," Kakashi says petulantly, "what's stopping you?"
Obito frowns, shoots a look at Rin whose face is pinched with concern. She shrugs at Obito, obviously as confused about Kakashi's behavior as he is. They both watch him shove his hands in his pockets and wander off the training field, making some vague, lame excuses about having to run errands before going home.
It doesn't sit right with either of them, but there's not much they can do about it, and so they let him go.
It eats away at Obito the rest of the afternoon, and even Rin can see his heart isn't in it so they shuffle off early to grab dinnner at Ichiraku instead, neither of them quite willing to voice their concern for their third teammate, but unable to discuss anything else, either.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Rin says as they part ways and Obito shoots her a bright smile in return.
"You bet!" he promises as he jogs off in the opposite direction.
"And don't be late again!" she shouts at his back. Obito just chuckles because he knows she understands he will be. It's part of his charm, he tells her all the time, though he thinks she only half-believes him.
Obito doesn't know when he makes the decision to detour, but at some point, his feet carry him away from the Uchiha District toward the outskirts of Konoha. The sun is setting, casting the fields behind the Hatake compound in shades of rich orange and gold. There aren't any lights on in the house and Obito wonders if maybe Kakashi isn't home, after all.
But he's come all this way already, so Obito marches up to the front door and knocks, rocking back on his heels as he waits for it to open.
Nothing happens and Obito sighs loudly. "Come on, Bakashi! I know you're in there! Open up or I'm coming in a window!"
The door slides open with a snap and Obito is met with a ferocious glare. "What do you want?"
Kakashi's voice has always had this sharp element to it, like it could slice you if you weren't careful. But Obito knows how to navigate Kakashi's moods as well as anyone by this point, so he slides past him into the house without saying anything, kicking off his shoes as he meanders toward the ktichen.
"Do you have any leftovers?" he asks, "I'm starving."
He isn't, really, but getting Kakashi to talk about food is easier than most things. "Didn't you get ramen with Rin?"
Obito snaps his head around, eyes narrowing. "And how would you know that? You spying on us?"
Kakashi shrugs. "I told you, I had errands to run."
Obito snorts, disbelieving, as he turns on the kitchen light. "You could have just joined us, you know."
Kakashi doesn't answer. Instead, he walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a storage container. Without a word, he opens it and dumps its contents into a pan on the stove, silently heating up his leftovers and plating them without a word.
"Eat," he says, sliding the plate toward Obito as he settles at the chabudai, "If you don't, I'll probably be taller than you in a few months."
Obito growls, but takes a bite of the food anyway. If there's one thing both he and Rin have learned, it's to never turn down food made by Kakashi Hatake. As much as it annoys Obito to admit, he really is a genius when it comes to cooking.
He curses as he takes his first bite, smothering a grateful sound my slamming his fist over his mouth. "This is good," he says, shoveling more down his throat as soon as he can.
Kakashi chuckles. "I'm glad you like it."
It's not the reponse Obito expects and he stops stuffing his face long enough to fix Kakashi with a glare, pointing his chopsticks at him. "What is up with you lately?" he asks, "You're so..." he doesn't know what Kakashi is exactly, only that it's worng, somehow.
Kakashi shrugs. "Maybe I'm just sick of training with you."
Obito shakes his head irritably. "Well, fine, then treat me like garbage, but don't be a jerk to Rin, too. She's worried about you."
"Is she? She seems fine."
"Shows how well you know her," Obito grumbles.
Kakashi shrugs again and the nonchalance of it is infuriating. He's always like this. Deflecting and obtuse and a complete pain in the ass. Obito doesn't know why he bothered coming here. It was always going to end in an argument, same as usual.
His food now finished, Obito slams a palm on the table to help him rise. "Fine. You wanna be a complete jackass, I'm not gonna stop you," he says, flinging his bowl into the sink, "But you should apologize to Rin for making her worry."
The derisive snort Kakashi emits makes Obito's hands curl into fists.
He doesn't mean to take a swing. He didn't come here to fight or aruge--at least, he doesn't think he did--but Kakashi's dismissiveness makes his blood boil.
"Why is it so hard to let us worry about you?" he shouts as Kakashi deflects a kick with ease. "What is the point of pushing us away all the time?!"
The spar is horridly one-sided. As much as Obito has improved over the years, Kakashi has too, and his spindly fucking limbs give him broader range than he's ever had before. Obito doesn't land a single punch, which only makes him angrier.
But then, he realizes, Kakashi hasn't landed any, either. In fact, he seems almost bored by the onslaught, not even trying to inflict any damage in return.
Obito growls, "It's not going to kill you to care about something again, you know!"
Kakashi's visible eye widens just the slightest bit as Obito activates his sharingan. Kakashi's is still covered by his hitai-ate, and the split second activation gives Obito the edge he needs to finally clock his opponent square in the jaw.
Kakashi stumbles from the impact, grabbing at the injured part of his face, and Obito takes the opportunity to land a sharp front snap kick to his solar plexus, sending him to the floor with a soft grunt.
Kakashi sits there, slumped against the wall with his head tilted back, working his jaw back and forth gingerly.
"I think you broke it," he says.
Obito bristles. "I did fucking not. Let me see."
He crouches down beside Kakashi and grips his jaw roughly between his fingers, reaching out to yank down the stupid mask and inspect the damage himself.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kakashi asks, eye widening as he reaches up to stop Obito as he pinches the fabric.
"Quit fighting me, Bakashi, or I really will break your stupid face--"
Kakashi wrenches Obito's arm away, but the other is still there and it switches from holding Kakashi's chin to fumbling with the edge of his mask. They wrestle a little awkwardly, Obito all but climbing into Kakashi's lap so he can gain the upper hand.
"Just. Let. Me. See. It. Ack--"
Obito falls forward just as he manages to loosen the mask from over Kakashi's nose. Kakashi smacks the back of his head on the wall and Obito pitches forward, nose bruising against Kakashi's as their faces collide.
He's too dazed to realize for a moment what exactly has happened, but when he blinks his eyes open, Kakashi's terrified expression is suddenly thrown into sharp relief.
As is the sensation of something warm and soft against Obito's mouth.
His heart hammers in his chest, thoughts racing faster than he can catch them. He pulls away slowly, feeling the soft tug of Kakashi's lips as they stick to his. Once they detach, he can finally focus on how red Kakashi's face is, how warm his breath feels as it fans over Obito's cheeks.
He isn't sure which one of them leans forward for another kiss, but when it happens, Obito sighs, one hand curling loosely into Kakashi's shirt to hold him in place. He feels Kakashi's hand do much the same, gripping the fabric over Obito's hip with trembling, unsure fingers.
Oh shit, he likes this. A lot. Too much.
Obito springs away, pressing his forearm to his mouth like that will erase the feeling of Kakashi's against it. His face feels like it's on fire, so he's comforted when he looks at Kakashi and finds his face stained a shade of crimson Obito has never seen before.
They're still holding onto each other, like neither of them is ready to release the final tether of this experience. Once they stand up, Obito wonders if Kakashi will pretend it never happened. If he'll make some snide comment about Obito resorting to seduction in order to win a fight to diminish the importance of what's just happened.
But then Kakashi leans forward and kisses Obito's cheek. It's so brief, so tentative, Obito has to really concentrate to make sure it happened.
He watches as Kakashi sinks back against the wall and tugs his mask back up, turning to look anywhere except at Obito. Obito grimaces when he notices the start of a bruise along his jaw just before it disapears beneath the fabric.
Kakashi clears his throat. "So," he says, "I guess you'll want to stay for tea now or something."
Obito, still a little dumbstruck, stutters out a response that sounds enough like, "Only if you want me to," to suffice as an answer.
Kakashi doesn't respond, just disentangles his too-long limbs from Obito's and moves into the kitchen to fill the kettle with water.
"I only have sencha so don't get all snobby about your preferences."
Obito bristles. "As if I'd be the one to be a snob, Bakashi."
The old rhythm helps Obito's hands stop trembling, saying the teasing words as if they mean them helps root them in the moment.
When he stands and turns to look at Kakashi, it's obvious he's smiling, even with the mask in place. Obito smiles, too, scratching awkwardly at the back of his neck as he shuffles into the kitchen.
"Sorry about your jaw," he says.
"It's fine."
"Not sorry about the rest, though," he offers, hoping it isn't a mistake.
Kakashi ducks his head, but his smile widens beneath dark blue fabric and he whispers quietly, "Me neither."
prompt list for those interested. <3
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mayskalih · 1 year
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nobelowz · 8 months
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that one scene in living western where theyre riding the horse together (fic by @galeforcefish on ao3!!)
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kankuroplease · 1 year
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Day 7: KakaObiRin, tickle
Rin being extra ticklish will probably result in Obito getting kicked in the face or crotch, but it’s fun while it last 😆
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ferymary · 4 months
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I did new art with Obito!! But I can't show you the picture in good quality, because this is for the button for money :с
Although I could sell it to you too, but that's only via Boosty... (for $3???)
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maireyart · 1 year
It’d be funny if in any Obito Lives AU of Naruto was the one to go “Hey Kakashi-sensei. Do you…have a crush on Obito?” Because he would be the last person anyone would think to see it, and it would be hilarious.
Art request #13. LOL!!! Naruto has his own ways of embarrassing Sensei xD
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Sakura didn't expect Kakashi to actually react.
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anannua · 1 year
something indulgent, for me
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Who’s gonna tell him
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