#OT3: Undying Love
1980ssunflower · 2 years
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i love my boysss i love my baby boyssss
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vampirewalterskinner · 7 months
hi! the JOY of getting brain worms and discovering that someone had these same brain worms earlier and is dedicated to them. unparalleled
i started x-files recently. was on my guard for mulder-scully because i'm not ready for new blorbos. and then bam! of course. of course it's their sleep deprived balding boss. i should have expected this.
and like the moment he put the rabid kitten into that chokehold ? 😳 AND right after got into a three way stand off with them?? 🫦 damn i don't make the rules the ot3 visions activated immediately
so um. yeah. i see the visions i support the visions
Lmaooo I honestly can’t believe Walter isn’t more of a favorite than he is. He’s Just Some Guy in a world of aliens and cryptids and mythical creatures and he’s always moody and napping like??? So relatable. And dear god his undying love, respect, and support for Mulder and Scully 🫠💖💖💖 I’ve actually made a list of all the episodes that are HEAVY ot3 😂
Ngl you called Mulder a kitten and while hilarious it also reminded me of a meme I made about my friend @wulvercazz new kitten that I think you’ll all appreciate (if you’ve reached season 2 lol)
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meechatuck · 1 year
1. Who is your favorite brotherhood member and why?
2. Who do you think is the oldest?
3. Who do you think is the youngest?
5. If Adira had an animal companion, what animal should it be?
6. What are some post series headcanons you have?
7. What are some pre series headcanons you have?
11. How do you think they met?
12. What have you named Hector’s animals in your mind?
13. What is an unpopular opinion you have about the brotherhood?
14. Do you think the brotherhood should continue with new members?
15. What are somethings you wished we could have learned about the brotherhood in the series?
17. When did you enter your brotherhood phase?
18. What is a cool headcanon that you liked from someone else?
Thanks for the ask!
I gotta say Hector. He's just such a complicated character and I love how he is an antagonist (not a bad guy!). Plus his undying loyalty and unique character design are other great qualities of him as well!
I HC Quirin is the oldest simply because he seems the most mature to me.
I HC that Hector is the youngest, but only by like a year. I don't really have a specific reason why, just my gut feeling.
Ooh, this is a hard one...I would think some kind of bird. I imagine she'd like a companion that could travel easily with her, but can also be independent without her.
Some post series HC's I have are Hector, Adira, & Quirin having a good moment together (having lived through that finale!). Also that Quirin and Varian visit the DK frequently to help them out and visit their family. Also Edmund finally having a good talk with the Brotherhood and expressing his gratitude to them.
Pre series HC's would be Hector having a partner he was dedicated to, but left for his assignment to the Great Tree. It's just something I can see him doing and I like the angst of it haha.
I HC that the Brotherhood met as orphans that got trained. They all had talents as warriors so they got promoted to the Brotherhood.
In my fic I've named Hector's bear cats Nyx and Delia. For reference, Delia is the nicer of the two (and the one that let Shorty on her back on the Great Tree episodes) and Nyx is more defensive and harder to befriend.
I think all three of the Brotherhood have dated each other at some point. Also that them being an OT3 is a big possibility.
I do think they should continue the Brotherhood, but change their purpose. Until the DK is restored, they need an elite force to help out with getting the DK back on its feet. After that it could be more of a ceremonial thing or a way to pass down traditions rather than be an actual fighting force.
Honestly ANYTHING. I'm still upset they hardly interacted with one another. -.-
Soon after I finished the series. When I started looking for fanart I found Pennumbra, Mo, & Xannerz's art and it was all downhill from there.
I really like a lot of Pennumbra's HC's about Hector, especially from his time in the Great Tree. Just the idea of him being out like that and alone for so long and how it would have affected him. It really fascinates me. Specifically, after getting back to civilization how he would struggle to eat sweets or anything with a lot of flavor.
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
Harries on wtwal are gaslighting themselves, trying to absolve Wigrry from any blame. One nut job even said ot3 should be thanking the clown for freeing them. Imagine the mental gymnastics to come up with that one.
I can’t even attribute their undying loyalty to such a sleeze bag as sunk cost fallacy. It’s straight up brainwashing. They’re cult members.
guessing that's the anon WTWAL got. she seems to like sending anons to that blog to give herself some conversation as chatting shit to herself all day is clearly tedious.
i'm just glad the others are largely over it and no longer really even acknowledge him, and now his fans are left with him having to act like he loves them and names them still, just to salvage his own career
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i love shipping anarchy so so much. i understand my past as an otp/ot3 follower and my dedication to a single pairing but now i feel like i can go out into the world with ao3 as my salad buffet this is wonderful. character a x b with cute fluffy sickfic or character a x c with the most horrifying gory romance you’ve ever seen. the world is wonderful. every author who decides to pick one character and go ham with the pairings? you have my undying respect.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
you ever just think about eliot confessing his undying love for parker and hardison and want to set yourself on fire ???
Sophie: Promise me, (looks at parker and hardison) you'll keep them safe.
Eliot: Till my dying day.
Nate: You know, Eliot, I'd say call if you need anything, but you never... never need anything.
Eliot: Yeah, I did. (looks at parker and hardison) And thanks to you, I don't have to search anymore.
like,,, how do you listen to his loving voice and see his soft eyes and not want to internally combust ???
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forsakenmyths · 5 years
HC || Loki’s Forms
This is a headcanon related to @storiesofwildfire and their Loki.  
Lei and Torin both have verses with Loki.  The two of them also have one joint verse with Loki.  They adore Loki.  Neither of them have any qualms about Loki’s forms.  They love Loki be it female, male, or somewhere in between.  Neither of them look at the exterior so much as the interior.  (Both Lei and Torin are demisexual on some level.)  They will also be some of the first to step up to defend Loki’s stance on gender and sexuality, and do not ever insult or speak ill of Loki’s kids.  Torin and Lei won’t stand for it.
Torin has had mostly male partners before Loki, while Lei has had the same.  Loki is one of their first female partners, which gives them both a lot of exploration of their own sexuality.  It’s never something they force, but they explore it when Loki is feeling it as well.
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They would never have to long for another during the holiday season.  Now, Lei was like them -- she was a vampire.  She would be forever at Loki and Torin’s side, and she could make up for the time the three of them had lost together.  They made the most of that time.  Lei missed the sunlight, but she had her loves -- loves that had been her soul’s for centuries before.  That year, Lei had decorated their home for the season with colorful lights and ornaments.  There were gifts under the tree for all of them.  Gifts Torin had to stop Lei from shaking every other moment in an attempt to guess what was inside.  
Some might have called them monsters, but they didn’t see themselves that way.  Yes, they were dangerous creatures, but not to each other.  The three of them were in love -- which was all that mattered to them.
Lei, Torin and Loki - Vampire Christmas
( For @dearlokigodofmischief )
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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We both made an undying promise,
To love and protect her, always—
Isn’t that reason enough for us
To have a bond with one another?
((Exploring all facets of the OT3, so here’s some Cid x Raha for you on Sinday! It’s not that spicy though, but I find it hot so there! XD))
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mfpeace · 3 years
Hello! I wanted to ask your opinion about some MF ships, plus I saw you're taking art request so might as well. Can you do a drawing of Ches? Like, just him looking cool, nothing specific, I just love the guy to bits ❤️
What do you think of Ches/Glam? And also, Vicky/Ches/Glam, as a polyamorous ship? I know it may be weird, but they're just so cute and chaotic together, their potential is endless. Like, the closeness and understanding between Glam/Ches, the undying love and moral vagueness of Glam/Vicky, and the hate/love, old married couple vibe I get from Ches/Vicky (tho it's just mostly me speculating how they'd get along, we just saw them interacting once in episode 4 and Vicky flat out ignored Ches, and Ches told Vicky to shut up 😂 idk, I personally love the animosity, I think both are the type to curse each other out playfully, make each other laugh until tears and even brawl, I just... Idk, the potential of the two...) It's just an intoxicating combination! I love the throuple so much 😩❤️
Sorry for sending u something so long, hope it's not too much trouble! Also, love your post!
Hi! Firstly, thanks and no it wasn't too much trouble, I don't mind longer asks esp the ones with the asking person's own opinion on things, I love reading those!! 💖 Secondly, here's the Ches request AND I should say that I'll likely be making most requests as like sketches or at least something simpler than this because gosh a lot of time has been put into this x))) As you can see, I also like Ches quite a lot lol (what can I say, this bastard is just too charming in his own way)
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Thirdly, hell yeah!! To all of them!! Glam x Ches just works and tbh I can imagine someone only watching the last two episodes of the first season and just going "yeah they're in love" like that's how strong their chemistry is, even without the cut scene, though man this scene's just 🤧 idk I just felt like sharing it it's just really cute in my opinion I don't usually ship OT3s/Throuples/poly ships but man Glam/Ches/Vicky just works so well, I really like the way you described them (especially the old married couple bit lol it makes a lot of sense) and I'd like to add just how chaotic their earlier years must've been! I mean, these three can literally get away with with a crime, they've got all they need for this: The Brain (Glam), The Muscle (Vicky), and last but not least The Person Whose There To Make The Gang At Least A Tiny Less Suspicious To Cops So Let's Hope They Won't Find The Person's Marijuana (Ches). The creators said that there's going to be a lot (I don't remember the exact wording, but it will be there) of Glam's and Vicky's earlier years together in the second season so I really hope we'll get to see the trio interact more! Because even though Glam started dating I don't see him stopping spending time with Ches, so why not hangout together Also Glam/Ches/Vicky works really well both as a ship and as a brOTP...brOT3? Is this a thing? Again, they're just too chaotic maybe for their own good
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joe!! feel better 🌹
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lmao it looks like I've made the situation very clear when it comes to whom my undying love is for
also: 💞💗💖💖💖💌💋💟🤍💓💝 for both of you shining stars
How I feel about this character
well. words fail me. i rp him with my friend and this has helped me getting to know him and honestly he is THE SUN THAT LIGHTS UP MY DAYS. there are so many layers to him and it always baffles me how soft and loving and caring he can be. honestly my mind is always focused on how important his feelings are and how important it is that he's free to express them and how much he believes in love and selflessness even after having lived for this long. "so we just leave her out in the open" no we don't yusuf don't you worry your pretty little heart
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I'm sorry but why would I ship him with anyone other than Nicolò di Genova. really their love leaves me speechless every day and i keep thinking I've reached the limit and then a fanart or a fanfic comes in and I'm on the floor again drowning in my tears. i absolutely CANNOT stand headcanons or fanfic that put him with anyone else than Nicky - especially the ot3 with booker because please i literally feel sick
My non-romantic OTP for this character
this is very hard bc honestly i feel like joe is friends with everyone in the group and also every one else on the planet earth, but i do have a soft spot for the brotp with booker because it makes me feel all the feelings
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't know how unpopular this is tbh, but i hate people who make him the "bottom" (not just physically but everything else this entails for the general public) of the couple only bc he's got big feelings and expresses them. like???? borderline toxic masculinity hello????? i actually feel like him and nicky are PERFECTLY balanced in that they can both be and do whatever. how are you going to give fixed roles to a 950 years old couple???
also. more top!sub joe bottom!dom nicky fanfic please and thank you
One thing I wish it would happen / had happened with this character in canon
i certainly wish they'd given him more bloody lines!!!!!
also, poet yusuf please. I'd Like To See It indeed.
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effervescentdragon · 4 years
5 sentence meme! "Why didn't you save me?"
Since this is for you stormy, I went with my favorite OT3. And sadness, obviously, bcs I am unable to can otherwise. Hope you like it and thank you for the ask! <3
“Why didn't you save me?”
The whisper comes on the wings of the night, exacerbated by the continuous silence and the weak twinkling of the stars - it is as damning as the dawn is inevitable, and it is nothing he had not been asking himself for a little over three millennia.
It is nothing he will not ask himself for all the eternity, and even if they survive the inevitable war, even if he gets to sail to the Undying Lands, even if he gets to see them both again, he knows he will still hear that question in their melodious voices, voices that he never heard merged yet whose harmony he is able to imagine perfectly.
They stand before him, apparitions of his mind - Celebrían, his lovely wife and his fierce love and his gentle silver Queen, magnificent and proud, her face marred with heinous scars he would always vividly remember, her once white dress torn and dirty with mud, and Ereinion Gil-Galad, his friend, his starry - eyed Lord, everyone’s High King but more importantly his only King, the broken crown barely visible in his golden hair that is matted with blood, spears protruding from his bloodied armor in a grotesque picture he could never forget.
“Why didn’t you save us?,” their voices merge in harmony of despair and pain and recrimination, and he clenches his fists and refuses to weep, because he loves them both, he loves them still, he loves them more than he ever thought possible and his fëa bleeds sorrow and pain as he drinks in the sight of them as he last saw them - broken and still, always, his.
Before him, the stars disappear and the dawn rises, and Elrond Peredhel gathers himself and walks to his Council for the last time ever, with footsteps of two ghosts of loves lost echoing behind him through watchful halls of Imladris.
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soemthingsparkly · 4 years
Smh cant believe Julie hasnt been said yet but my amazing girl Julie for the character thing
Honestly I almost got stuck thinking about Julie’s good qualities and now I’m like??? How??? ? 
give me a character and i'll answer 
do I like them: do I like Julie Molina are you -
5 good qualities: 
talented queen
incredible outfits
heart of gold
just like... is trying so hard after everything she’s been through and that’s so admirable
when she realises she’s got ~feelings~ for Luke, she just owns it. Is he a ghost boy? yes. Will that stop her from being in love with him? hell no. She loves him for everything he is, regardless of what he’s not and I just- Can’t touch the boy made of air? That’s fine. They have other ways to be affectionate with each other
okay this is my sixth point but like she literally goes to Luke’s house and speaks to his parents for him and I just - you guys that is so special. That is so kind and caring and she is so supportive of him. They way she beckons him inside, like ‘come on, let’s do this together’ and he’s so scared but she’s just there for him and I love that about her
OH AND when the boys are like ‘join our band!’ and she’s like ‘can you stfu a second, I'm too busy thinking about my best friend go away.’ like, yes girl. You have your priorities right.
3 bad qualities: 
bad liar??? 
favourite episode/etc: this is such a hard question oh no wait flying solo her and Flynn my dude that is sUCH a good moment
otp: okay seriously, I think we are all starting to get the fact that I am a low-key high-key jukebox Stan, I just think they’re so lovely together, okay? 
brotp: okay okay, so like of course it’s gotta be Flynn they are double trouble, you guys, duh. However, Molina siblings Reggie and Julie... 
ot3: julie, luke, and luke’s undying (lol) adoration for her
notp: okay but me and riddhi were talking about this and like... has anyone seen any Julie and reggie ship stuff because I’m curious but also no? like if you ship it, I'm not one to say you can’t, I just don’t understand it, you know? 
best quote: I can’t actually come up with any off the top of my head apart from ‘you got any bandaids? the barb wire’s new.’ 
head canon:
I’m such a jukebox Stan that I can’t really picture Julie with anyone else but I am here to support bisexual Julie Molina
also dyslexic Julie, of course (I love madi for repping us, okay?). 
Julie loves cartoons - she’s a slut for she-ra.
omg can I call Julie a slut it’s like in a fun way, not a gross way
like I'm a slut for chicken nuggets
I mean not personally im veggie, but you know what I mean?
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
there is no strictly heterosexual, monogamous explanation for the handshake hardison and eliot share when watching parker in her element dodging lasers in the rundown job and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT
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forsakenmyths · 5 years
💔- for lei
a  bloody  kiss ( @storiesofwildfire )
Leiella had never thought that she would live to seeforever.  Yes, as a child, she hadimagined that she was a superhero, or some magical creature from anotherworld.  She had always been able to slotherself easily into whatever fantastical world of the books she had beenreading at the time.  Her art had alwaysreflected her imagination – her dreams. It wasn’t until Torin and Loki found her that she came to learn thetruth of those dreams.  They were memories.
Those memories gave further validation to the feelings shealready felt for both men.  They were nourishmentto a love that had seem to always be there from the first day they had comeinto her life in that gallery, looking at her paintings.  
So much changed after that moment, but Leiella would notalter the course of her life. ��Not whenit came to Torin and Loki, which is why she had never doubted the choice tochange.  She would give up her precioussunlight to spend eternity with them, in love.
The change brought about new talents, new senses.  Colors seemed so vibrant, life like, even onher canvases.  She found pleasure in whatshe could still take part in.  Loki tookit upon himself to build her a greenhouse so that she could garden safely.  “Thesun will not stop you from nurturing your flowers.”  The support he and Torin showered her withwas something she would always remember. It was a medicine for wounds long left by her past.
Looking back, she knew she would always remember the firsttime she saw Loki and Torin – the realthem.  Even after her change, she knewshe would remember being human, and watching Torin hold her wrist, pressingkisses to her veins just before his teeth tore open the flesh there.  The pain was blinding, giving way to apleasure that was only amplified by the way Loki had been kissing her neck, hissoft lips trailing lower over the curve of her muscles until he stopped at herpulse.
“Do it,” she prompted, voice breathy and giving way to asoft whimper.  
Torin’s free hand wrapped around her waist, helping tosupport her.  Loki’s hand, smoother thanTorin’s, brushed back Lei’s hair; the other hand undoing the buttons of her blouseuntil it fell open enough to expose her shoulder.  
There was the pain again – beautiful and breathtaking.  It seemed to spread down her spine, over herchest, causing her heart to thunder. Leiella moaned for them, dark brown eyes hurriedly looking over atTorin, wanting to see him.  Her hands reachedout for Loki, fisting the silken fabric that covered the elder vampire’sbody.  In that moment, they became oneunit.  She became the source of theirlife, and that would always be the one thing she missed the most about beinghuman.  They never allowed her to dwellon that, reminding her that it was her love that fueled them, even more thantheir blood.
Love was what was in their light-colored eyes when bothpulled from her.  Torin’s curls werehanging down in his eyes, moving slightly when his hand moved to cup Lei’scheek.  “How are you?”  He questioned, searching her face for anyanswer.
“Good,” she answered, smiling.  Her head turned to find Loki, watching herwith the same awe filled expression. There was a rivulet of blood hanging from his lip.  Lei’s eyes dropped to that dark red stain,head tipping.  How many times had shetasted her own blood?  How many times hadit filled her mouth for all the wrong reasons – Scott’s hand clapping down overher lips to keep her from screaming.  
Too many.
This was different. It was all different now.  Thehand that Torin had fed from moved to slip into Loki’s dark hair, tugging onhim, pulling him closer.  Curiousexcitement filled her eyes.  Her tonguetraced the soft curve of Loki’s lip, cleaning that drop of her blood away.  There was a difference to the tastethen.  A strange since of enjoyment thatcame from knowing what her blood could do for them.  It was with that thought, and the smile itput on her lips, that she leaned in, sealing her lips with Loki’s and pullingTorin as close to them as she possibly could.
They were right. Their love fueled their life.  It was always more than blood.
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sheithmonth · 4 years
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Sheith Month 2020 // JUNE
The 4th Annual Sheith Month is upon us!
On June 1st we will began a month long celebration of our two favorite boys (Shiro and Keith) and their undying love for each other. As always, this event holds the goal of creating/sharing content for sheith and gives you free reign over your artistic contributions, whether it be art, writing, edits, memes, music, or anything else you can think of!
BASIC RULES: You can participate in all the days or just a few (or even just one). There are no minimum requirements or limits to what you want to create, it’s all up to you. However, there are a few rules to help keep the event safe and fun for everyone involved.
☆ NS\FW is absolutely allowed, but it must be tagged with a #ns\fw tag. ☆ NO “broganes” allowed. ☆ NO OT3s, unless it’s additional versions of Keith and Shiro (e.g. Kuro). ☆ Tag your content as #SheithMonth2020 (within the first five tags) and/or tag @sheithmonth somewhere on the post. ☆Anonymous Participation options can be found on Rules/Info page.. ☆If you have ideas that don’t fit the prompts, you can tag them as Free Days ☆This is supposed to be fun, so don’t stress if you can’t get a submission in on time. It will still be accepted.
**More rules may be added if the need arises.
LINKS: *Rules/Info *AO3/Twitter Participation *Prompts *FAQ
*This Year’s Blog and Promo Art by: shabbylines​ (twitter) (IG) ***This original art piece for this ad can be found at: twitter
ADMIN CONTACT: **tumblr - sheithmonth / sheithfromvoltron **twitter - theeShadyLady / sheithmonth **AO3 - theeShadyLady I will do my best to monitor any hate toward Sheith Month so that this blog/event can be a safe/discourse free place.
[[ typed list of prompts below the cut ]]
June 1 - Delivery June 2 - Party June 3 - Zombie June 4 - Tradition June 5 - Cherry June 6 - Blind June 7 - Charity June 8 - Threat June 9 - Pride June 10 - Fraternity June 11 - Siblings June 12 - Trial June 13 - Virus June 14 - Stargazing June 15 - FREE DAY June 16 - Negotiate June 17 - Baking June 18 - Soft June 19 - Reputation June 20 - Illness June 21 - Fantasy June 22 - Hotel June 23 - Race June 24 - Soulmate June 25 - Disney June 26 - Abandoned June 27 - Cheat June 28 - Anxiety June 29 - Impossible June 30 - Reflection
**If you have questions about prompts or anything else, feel free to hit me up.
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