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mikec137 · 5 months ago
Mägenwil, Switzerland, October 2024
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our-rewritten-symphony · 7 months ago
Name: Wilbur Soot Minecraftia
Age: 15 when joining the server, and due to weird limbo bullshit, somehow 43 upon its end
Height: 5'11
Origin: Deathling
Born of a mortal man and the goddess of death, his life was always followed closely by his mothers realm. He was never ment to live, never ment to exist, but due to Kristens magic, he was granted many years beyond what the gods originally gave him. Pain started to follow his movements when he turned 14, each step, each breath, becoming difficult. He and Phil tried everything, every medication, every pain releiver. And nothing worked. after a year of nothing working, Phil advised him to leave the hardcore world of his birth, as maybe being far from Kristen's realm would assist him. And for a long time, it did. But as death started appearing at every corner, the pain only grew stronger and stronger. Driving him mad, as he tried for any reason he could find to get the fighting to stop. Lmanburg, Pogtopia, anything and everything. At the final control room, he collapsed into his fathers arms, begging him, at 18, to be killed. That he couldn't bare this pain any longer. But that Tommy would be destroyed if he found the reason for his brothers death.
He pressed the button, and Phil, to end his poor baby's suffering, allowed him the mercy of being held in his dads arms as he let out his final breath.
In limbo, he was trapped within a train station. No one around him, not even his mother. He had tried so hard to get rid of the pain, that he forgot what mattered within the world. His family. 13 years he spent in this limbo. at his revial, his body adjusted to the time he spent in limbo. So the man who was 18 at his death, was now 31, only 9 months later. Offically making him the Big Brother of SBI.
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beespackingheat · 2 years ago
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old school runescape drawings related to vampires and other fun things, 2021
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 2 years ago
I think there’s a very fine line between just sharing experiences and actively talking over ppl and that’s where all the discourse comes from tbh. Like, there are dickheads talking over people with other disabilities and there’s also people who have different disabilities but want to share and relate in a way that’s supportive and kind, but a lot of people lump them in together and either get mad at people for talking about any disability that isn’t theirs or vice versa and they end up saying the wildest ableist shit. and like. neither of those are healthy nor good. lashing out at other disabled people who are genuinely trying to relate isn’t helpful, even if their disabilities are less severe or very different is just cruel and unhelpful and often crosses the line into lateral ableism. defending people who place their needs first and talk over everyone and treat their own disabilities like the only ones that exist is very cruel and crosses the line into lateral ableism too.
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electral1 · 22 days ago
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ORS Powder for weakness offering by Electral - To know more about ORS electrolyte Powder please log on to https://www.electral.co.in/
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sawontheboss4 · 2 months ago
Bangladesh’s ORS Success Story: A Legacy at Risk
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metanoiamindpodcast · 3 months ago
From Shadows to Lights: The Eerie Connection Between Demonic Possession and Modern UFO Encounters
From Shadows to Lights: The Eerie Connection Between Demonic Possession and Modern UFO Encounters Throughout history, humans have shared chilling tales of encounters with otherworldly beings—accounts that defy reason yet captivate the imagination. From ancient texts describing intimate and harrowing interactions with Incubi and Succubi to modern narratives of alien abductions, the parallels are…
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chaossagaproductions · 3 months ago
One Shot #1
Eve’s Fall
I looked at her, she was exquisite, breath taking lay beautiful. "Osf, are you alright?" Eve asks, as I nod, finally able to pull away from her as I look to the meal I was preparing for everyone. "Olpirt, you're gonna burn it!" Ors whined, as I shook my head. "What's going on, you two?" I ask, walking over to their station. "Ors thinks my cooking skills are rather lacking, that I can't even ground up some hamburger." He says as I chuckle. "Ors, I thought you were working on desert?" I ask as she nods. "I was, then this idiot got near the stove top." She says, as Eve chuckles. "Come on you two, this is supposed to be fun. A meal with all of us together." Eve says, as they nod. "You're right, Eve." Ors says, going back to her place in the kitchen, as Eve and I do the same. 
"So, wanna tell me what was up with that staring problem of yours?" Eve asks, as she sips on a glass of wine. "You're beautiful." I say, holding her eyes as she blushes. "Thank you, Osf." She says, as she crawls to my side of the sofa. "You're not too bad yourself." She says, as I lean forward, closing my eyes. She gets in my lap as we start taking off our clothes. "We should take this to your room." She whispers, biting my ear. I snap my fingers and we move to my room. As our activities continue, I realize I'm in love with her.
"What?" Eve asks, as I just stare at her after we're done. "I love you." I whisper, as she rolls towards me. "I love you, too." She whispers, as we scoot closer to each other. "Wanna go again?" She asks, as I nod, quite enthusiastically. 
"What's up with you two?" Olpirt asks, as we eat breakfast. "What do you mean?" Eve asks, as he looks between us. "You two finally fucked, didn't you?" He asks, as I choke on my apple juice. "Olpirt!" Ors shouts as he smirks. "They're not denying it." He says, as I just stare at my cup. "Are you asking if last night, I climbed into Osf's bed and blew his mind with my expertise?" Eve asks, looking remarkably dangerous. "I'd say the look in his eyes proves it." He says, as she looks over to me with a smirk. "Guess our little secret is out, then." She says, draping her arms around me. 
"No! We're done!" I shout, kicking her out of my room. "Is this how you show your love?" She asks, as I stare at her. "You don't love me!" I shout as she rolls her eyes. "What are you on about now?" She asks, as I shake my head. "You only want me for sex! You don't want to go on dates or get married! You just want a good time! Well, guess what? I want a life together, I want a family!" I shout, as she crosses her arms. "That's not fair." She says, coldly. "Isn't it? You flirt with everyone! You make out with anything that'll give you the time of day!" I shout as she looks angry. "Excuse you! You do not get to shame me for what I do! I do not belong exclusively to you!" She shouts as I shake my head. "I never wanted to own you, I just wanted to know we wanted the same thing, but, I guess we don't." I say, shutting my door. 
"They had a fight again." Olpirt says, as Ors nods. "Give it a week and they'll be sucking face in no time." Ors says, reading a book, as Olpirt snorts. The door opens and in walks Eve. "Everything okay?" Ors asks, as Eve tosses her book and climbs on top of her. "Eve?" Ors asks, as Eve kisses her. "You love me, don't you?" She asks, looking at both the twins, who nod. "Good, I need you, both of you." She says, leading them both to Ors' bed. 
I walk out of my room for breakfast as both Ors and Olpirt have a dreamy look in their eyes. "You two okay?" I ask, setting my glass down in front of them. They get startled and look at me. "Osf? What? What happened, last I remember, we were in our room, and then Eve walked in." Olpirt says, as Ors' cheeks heat up. "Eve walked into your room?" I ask, as he nods. "My head hurts." He says, as I put my hand on his head. "That bitch!" I shout, seeing what eve did to Ors and Olpirt. "Osf?" Ors whispers, as I look at her. "It's going to be okay, I promise." I say, as she nods. "How's everyone feeling?" Eve asks, walking in and yawning as I glare at her. "Still pissed at me?" She asks, sitting in my lap. "Get off of me, you slut." I say, pushing her off. "What?" She asks, as she looks at Ors and Olpirt. "What? I can't play with our friends?" She asks, chuckling. "No, you can't use Ors and Olpirt as a replacement for me." I say, as she stands up. "Oh, sweetheart, I wasn't using them to get over you, I was using you." She says, as I get up. "You are here by unwelcome in this house." I say as she scoffs. But soon she remembers what those words mean. "You bastard!" She shouts as I shake my head. 
"Olpirt, please you have to help me." Eve whines, at Olpirt's door. "If I do, Osf can never find out." He says, as she nods. "I won't tell him, if you don't." She says, as he pulls her into his room. Soon she attacks him with her lips, and they fall into bed together. 
"I'm working on something." Olpirt says, as they relax with each other's company. "Oh?" Eve asks, getting curious. "Yeah, it's going to be called the Garden of Eden, where beings called humans will live, with animals. It'll be a place away from all of this." He says, as she looks at him. "Could I live there, with your humans?" She asks, as he holds her close. "Of course." 
The next day Olpirt creates Adam in the Garden of Eden, then, a few days later, Eve enters.
"Olpirt!" Osf shouts. "What is She doing in your project?" Osf asks, as Olpirt gulps. "Well, I, she, I she tricked me." Olpirt says, as Osf eyes' soften. "She told you she loved you." He says, as Olpirt sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He cries, as Olpirt hugs him. "It's not your fault, she's a temptress, it's what she does." He says, as Olpirts tears become silent. "Osf, something's wrong, in the garden, I, I can't see Adam." 
"What did you do?" Osf shouts as the two walk into the garden. "She told me to eat the fruit!" Adam shouts, as Olpirt looks broken. "Why?" He asks, as he walks up to Adam. "I gave you one rule." He whispers, caressing his cheek. "I am so sorry." Adam says, as Osf eyes have been trained on Eve. "Why did you do it?" Osf asks, as Eve crosses her arms. "Isn't it obvious? The snake told me it'd be funny." Eve says,as Olpirts head turns to her. "You and Lucifer thought it'd be a good joke?" He asks, as she smirks. "Yeah, and it was." Eve cackles, as Olpirt punches her, knocking Eve to the ground. 
"Bastard." She says, spitting out blood. "That was the last straw, Eve." I say as she looks at me. "What are we talking about? We all know I am the last person you'd ever want to hurt, you love me, remember?" She asks as I shake my head no. "That's where you're wrong, Eve, I don't love you, it took me this long to notice, but I'm just another one of your many victims, you temptress!" I shout as she flinches. "What are you gonna do Banish me? Lock me away for all eternity?" She asks, as I nod. "That's exactly what I'm gonna do." I say, as her smirk falls. "Wait, you can't!" She shouts, running in front of me. "You can't please." She pleads. "Watch me." I say, as I start the spell. "I'm pregnant!" She shouts, causing me to stop. "I'm pregnant and it's yours."  She says as I look at her. "You're lying." I say, as she shakes her head. "See for yourself." She says, as she puts my hand on her stomach. I jump as I sense a new life in her, a new life, that I'm connected to. "See? I'm not lying." She says, as I look at her. "You will birth a monster, that shall be your punishment." I say, waving my hand. "What did you do?" She asks, holding her stomach, as I shake my head. "I told you, you are a temptress, and I do not love you, I am just a victim of you." I say, as she starts to wail. "Adam, I am so sorry I allowed her to enter the garden, however since you broke the rules of the garden, you cannot stay here anymore." Olpirt says, as Adam nods. "I understand." He says, as he looks into Olpirt's eyes. "It was nice, living here, and being in your kindness." Adam says, as he kisses Olpirt. "I shall never forget you." He says, as Olpirt nods. He's escorted out by an angel, who then guards the gate. "You gonna be okay?" I ask Olpirt, who looks at me, and I can tell he's not. "I got ya." I whisper, hugging him as he sobs. "I loved him." He whispers, as I nod, I know, I know you did." I say, as he looks at Eve. "what's going to happen to her?" He asks, as I take a deep breath. "After she gives birth, I'll lock her away, she can't be trusted anymore." I say as he nods. 
After that, Eve gave birth to the first monsters, twins, Cain and Able, immortal twins who Cain insists on killing his brother over and over again, they left with Morpheus as the world caught fire. As for Eve, I kept my promise to Olpirt and locked her away, in the prison of Babylon, with 69 seals. "This won't hold me forever, Osf! I'll get out! And when I do, I'm going to be the one that kills you!" She shouts, as I walk away. "That'll never happen, Eve, I promise you that, you mother of monsters." I sneer, throwing the key into the Mariana's trench and walk away, watching it burn. 
Enjoy this little blurb of what was happening before our main story takes place while I'm deciding on what to do with the main story. It may get a total re-write making this null and void, but I'm not sure. Please let me know what you think, any thoughts are appreciated.
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jaywinaustin · 6 months ago
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“There’s a bomb in your office.” “Listen, this isn’t funny,” she said. “No fun intended.”
From TAX BREAK the explosive eBook about a man who plants a bomb at the IRS.
So get a TAX BREAK for just 99¢:
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techdriveplay · 6 months ago
How to Get Hydrated Quickly After an Intense Workout
After a challenging workout, rehydration is crucial to restore the body’s balance, replace lost fluids, and ensure proper recovery. Knowing how to get hydrated quickly after an intense workout can make all the difference in reducing fatigue, improving muscle recovery, and maintaining overall performance. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or someone just starting their fitness journey, hydration…
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sleep-safe · 2 years ago
Listen to me. Do Not just chug water.
Glucose (table sugar) is necessary for your body to absorb and use water. Electrolytes are essential for hydration, not just water.
If you do not have enough electrolytes, drinking too much water will make you feel WORSE. What happens is that the water dilutes your body's electrolytes. I could have saved myself a week of misery and an emergency room bill if I'd known this and had a damn gatorade. I'll put advice under the cut since I can do that on mobile now!
It's very easy to lose your appetite or not be able to prepare food when it's hot for many reasons. Here are some of my recommendations as someone with POTS who is commonly low on electrolytes:
Supplements ROCK. here are some brands off the top of my head that make many kinds: Gatorade, Clif, Salt Stik, Liquid IV, Pedialyte, Nuun. Just make sure you're taking it with the right amount of water! I like to buy gatorade powder in bulk (cheap and eco friendly).
You can also diy a rehydration solution ("oral rehydration salts"). At minimum, you need salt and sugar, but baking soda and potassium salt are good if you can get them. (potassium salt, or KCl, is often sold as a sodium-free salt alternative in grocery stores!). I got the recipe from the World Health Organization, but can't find it right now. if you make it right, it tastes like getting iv fluids (lol).
At the very least, tossing some salt and sugar in your mouth or in the water can help you out. Good foods for potassium are avocado, potato, beans, lentils, bananas, etc. Water based foods can also hydrate you (watermelon is the obvious, but stuff like soup and cereal also work! yes, milk is water based, sorry).
Caffeinated beverages are not the opposite of water, btw. Caffeine DOES make you pee more (it's a diuretic, like alcohol), meaning you'll be losing fluids. BUT if the drink is water-based, you're still consuming fluids. Just Keep this in mind. An arnold palmer is better than nothing. Decaf tea and coffee drinks can be a valuable hydration source if you love those but just can't stand water.
PSA: i keep seeing posts about staying cool in extreme heat that include advice like "gatorade is bad actually!" and "don't drink fruit juice it'll just dehydrate you!" and neither of these are true!
regarding fruit juice: there's apparently a misconception that Any Sugar At All will dehydrate you, and that's simply not true. yes, sugar will make you pee more when consumed in large amounts, but 1) the natural sugar in fruits won't do this to you 2) great news! a lot of fruit juices exist without any added sugar in them! 3) honestly even having a glass of the fruit juice with added sugar won't completely dehydrate you as long as you're also drinking water throughout the day. if its hot you deserve a cold treat of a drink!!! can't go wrong with fruit juice!!!
regarding gatorade: maybe this isn't an every day drink, but guess what: if it's 110F/40C or hotter outside, and you don't have AC, or you're moving around a lot outside of the AC, and you're sweating buckets: that's when you drink a gatorade.
gatorade exists to replenish all the electrolytes (salt) and glucose (sugar) that you sweat out. YES it is meant for athletes to drink during intensive work outs and not necessarily for people who aren't doing that kind of exercise. BUT GUESS WHAT! when you're sweating buckets because you had to walk to the bus in extreme heat, that's intensive exercise. please feel free to drink a gatorade after that! that's its intended use case!!!!
no: neither of these drinks should be a total replacement for water. but drinking a lot of water and then treating yourself to a fruit juice with lunch is a good idea!!! drinking a gatorade becuase you just had to walk for 20 minutes in the heat is a good idea!!!
Please Stop Spreading Misinformation About Drinks!!! It's fine if you drink things that aren't water!!!! Yes you should probably always be drinking water but drinking something else As Well isn't going to hurt you!!!! okay!!!! its fine!!!!!!
honestly so long as you are consistently getting Any (non-alcoholic) fluids in you, you're doing great!!!!!! okay!!!! i love you stay safe <3
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politacs7 · 8 months ago
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bhagwanmahavirhospital · 8 months ago
World ORS Day!
Stay hydrated and healthy on World ORS Day! Oral Rehydration Solution is a simple and effective way to combat dehydration. Let's spread awareness and save lives.
☎️ Call: 89843 09777 / 90048 36313 / 02522-227115 / 16
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miraclehospital · 8 months ago
World ORS Day
Celebrate World ORS Day by recognizing the importance of Oral Rehydration Solution in treating dehydration. Keep ORS handy and stay hydrated! 💦🌟
☎️ Call: +91 98335 66782 / 77188 51603
📍 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐒: A101-110, Commercial Premises, First Floor, Nanadanvan complex, Mumbai-Pune Road, Panvel, Maharashtra 410206
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hjhchezakria · 9 months ago
ORS: Replenishing Fluids and Electrolytes for Heat Dehydration
How Effective is Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) in Combating Heat Dehydration? Credit:AiWP Bismillah ,Dehydration is a common health issue that can occur due to various reasons, including exposure to excessive heat. One of the most recommended solutions for dehydration is the consumption of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). This article explores the effectiveness of ORS in addressing heat-induced…
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electral1 · 22 days ago
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