sashabarkovonly · 1 month
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xielianlover2 · 5 months
The first Hualian's kiss was one of the funniest things I've ever read. Every page was funny sjksks.
First, Xie Lian reverting straight (ahem not so straight but anyways) to Crown Prince of Xianle and going who DARES??? Who could!?! NEVER in his LIFE have I been treated this way. If this were anyone else, he would have stabbed them way before they could ever lay their hands on him.
But it's Hua Cheng!! His San Lang. And can ghosts transfer air to me!? Don't ghosts drown?? (Yes, I memorized the kiss scene. My memory is terrible, but I remember this vividly. I need help.)
And he's feeling overwhelmed that he lost his sense of self. He literally felt so overwhelmed he felt like crying. That part just made me sjskksks, feeling many things.
And then they break apart and stare deeply into one another's eyes and there's like twenty paragraphs of Xie Lian's monologue of how everytime Hua Cheng appears he just looks more older, more handsomer, more better, and omg is that a widow's peak??? Look at his eyepatch that exceeds a beautiful murderous aura, which should technically mute his elegance, but it actually balances his good looks perfectly.
Like. Okay, Xie Lian.
Poor Xie Lian. He's in such a rattled state. That kiss was way too amazing, Hua Cheng.
Usually he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. That's normal. Now he doesn't know if he's hungry or sleepy.
And oh, look. He lost his bamboo hat. The hat he had for the last 800 years (shit, don't cry again this is supposed to be funny dammit), gone because of how mind-boggling that kiss was.
"I... I can't find it. I'm leaving now. I'm going home to eat... I need to go collect some scraps..."
Dying. He's so shaken. He's full-on panicking. He's like this is it. Hundred years of locked up and nailed to a coffin is nothing. I finally lost my marbles.
And then Hua Cheng's like "...I'm sorry."
The scream that tore out of my throat lmao. Anyways. I 1000% believe Hua Cheng.exe also stopped working at that point.
Then he was rebooted back online once he realized that Xie Lian was just casually hobbling on his injured foot, which you know had a nail embedded deep into it.
And Xie Lian is just absolutely losing it, especially when he realizes they're in Ghost City.
Not all the ghosts exitingly shouting if Hua Cheng needs help raping Xie Lian 😭😭😭
Oh my gods. That part. And Xie Lian at this point just feeling grateful he lost his 'fake baby' and didn't appear pregnant anymore 😆 (MXTX is really pushing the mpreg agenda, huh?)
And then finally when Xie Lian calms down a bit, his next thoughts are like... the state preceptor only warned me about the wiles of women :((
Nobody prepared me for this!!! So, yeah, Xie Lian, how does it feel to be a demisexual gay.
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Omg hi I love your blog too, iminyourwalls—
I've been dying to share my thoughts with someone:
• I think I already put this in a hashtag somewhere, but when Artemis said "yes my brave one, they're beautiful tonight" she was looking at Zoë not the actual stars
• Also the 'timestamps' series + 'uniform upgrade' and 'cypress' fanfics are exactly how I envisioned not only Artemis/Zoë but also their relationship in general with the hunters and their respective roles
• They definitely love to play with the Goddess-Liutenant dynamic
• I also feel like they wouldn't put a label in their relationship, like they know they love eachother and that's enough (ofc they talked boundaries like exclusively and all), their love is free, wild and unrestrained
• And they wouldn't really try to keep it a secret but wouldn't actively tell everyone about it, but they don't need to, everyone knows
• I'm torn between the idea that a) Artemis (and the hunters) saved Zoë while she was running from the monsters Atlas had sent after her and b) young Artemis exploring the mortal world and meeting Zoë by chance and creating the hunters together
• I do firmly believe that Zoë was Artemis' first lieutenant, whether because she was her first huntress or she created that position a while after and Zoë was chosen for it
• If I recall correctly one of the things Thalia didn't like about Zoë is the way she -literally- worshipped Artemis and I think that was a bit of jealousy actually—
• Also there had definitely been hunters crushing on Zoë and her having no idea. Artemis thinks is funny but also has suddenly more -openly- affection strikes, just to remind everyone
• As far as I know Artemis was born after the titan war and Zoë being atlas' daughter was born before, making her older than Artemis and she likes reminding everyone about it every once in a while
• I feel like Zoë would have had a competitive relationship with Callisto
• Zoë is always worrying about the hunters and while Artemis loves her for that, she takes her on hunting trips together (just the two of them) and plays around with her, she loves seeing her free like this
• I actually don't think there was a confession per se but they were sharing an intimate moment together (non sexual) and they just kissed, they don't know who started it, but they didn't care
• No matter how much centuries pass, Artemis knows that there will never be anyone like Zoë, and no matter what happens, even when she's fading and the millennia are blurred together she can never forget her
• When the whole Roman thing happened and she was confused, desoriented and in unbelievable pain, her Roman and greek forms trying to take control she called for Zoë, she always helped her when the civil wars happened, when the roman empire rose, Zoë was there for her, to calm her, ground her and take care of her, loving and devoting herself to both Artemis and Diana
• Zoë sometimes sings the song of the Hespérides only for Artemis and no one else
• Zoë is supposed to have her own tent, but she always stays at Artemis'
• When there alone in their tent, Artemis sometimes turns into a wolf and starts to randomly (and gently) chew on Zoë, who at this point barely even notices
• Artemis took Zoë to hunt with her and her mother Leto once (she approves of her, Zoë is very nervous tho and overly formal with her)
• After Orion was stung by the scorpion, he went mad and tried to attack Artemis, but she defeated him with Zoë, which is why it was Zoë who was always sent to hunt him every time he returned
• Artemis brings Zoë to Olympus as her representative in meetings and companion to parties
• When she died Artemis was trying her best not to lose it in front of her, so she didn't have to worry, so she would go in peace
• Artemis is always staring at the twilight, as if she could see her, as if she could reach her. It's the time of the day she feels the loss all over again, only worsened by the stars of course, the stars
• Zoë went for reincarnation and reached the isle of the blessed and Artemis asked she be turned to a minor goddess for her achievements (kinda like Hercules)
• She does and comes back to Artemis' side, but this time it's forever (delusional)
This got a bit too long but I think that's all, if I think of anything else I'll make another post
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freesia-writes · 1 year
OMG congratulations on hitting 500!!!!
i love these prompts and its so hard to choose lol.
definitely Kix and i'm thinking i like #16.
"I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…"
thank you darling, and here's to 100 more! 💜🧡
Thank youuuu! I appreciated your suggestions on this one! :D Hope it's a fun read. <3
Kix x GN!Jedi!Reader Word Count: 3k Content Warnings: PG-13 battle stuff, medical treatment, and kissin. Dividers courtesy of @djarrex
GORGEOUS KIX FACE by @rosemarynightmares-art (though this story takes place when he still had his short buzz cut, I had to share it cause his eyes and lips are just... *MWAH*)
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Your lightsaber was a blur in front of you, deflecting blaster bolts and sending them flying back toward the rows of droids. The sound was deafening, lights flashing everywhere, shuddering blasts rocking the ground, but you were honed into the Force, silencing all but your own path through it all. The Separatists were retreating, scattering and falling back to the canyon beyond, and you and the 501st were pressing forward. 
A pained yell to your left caught your attention, as you heard and felt the trooper get shot in the thigh. He collapsed, still trying to level his DC-17 at the droids ahead, and you leapt in front of him, providing cover as the rest of the squad continued to force the retreat. As the air slowly cleared, the battle dying down for the time being, you turned to place your hand on the fallen trooper, heart aching at the pain you felt radiating from him. You channeled all the energy you could into a peaceful, soothing presence that you directed toward him, feeling his breathing slow just a little bit. It wasn’t much, but it was all you could do. 
You saw Clone Medic Kix running from body to body, working at the speed of light. You marveled at his nimble fingers and singular focus, triaging the injured clones, treating some on the spot, and organizing the transports back to a medical bay. You heard Captain Rex giving orders for the squad to reorganize and report to the staging area, and you gingerly lifted the injured trooper to your shoulder, draping his arm across to support his one-legged hobble back toward safety. 
You’d been with the 501st for a number of months; shifting needs of the war had stolen you from your previous post. But you’d been grateful for the camaraderie and truly unique brotherhood that existed within the boys in blue. You’d grown incredibly fond of them, feeling each one’s unique presence in the Force and enjoying the way they all meshed together while being so incredibly different individually. One in particular was nestled close to your heart… 
Lowering the injured trooper onto a gurney, you met Kix’s eyes as he arrived to scan the clone, making notes on his datapad and instructing the transport. 
“Thanks for your help,” he said, too focused to smile but emanating gratitude and affection nonetheless. You could feel his spirit -- kind and fearless, determined and intentional -- and your heart fluttered, sending some alarm bells ringing through your head. 
“No problem,” you answered, jerking your eyes away at the sensations that his soulful gaze was causing within you. You gave him a formal nod, then left to attend to your own matters. 
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“Come on,” Jesse poked, both literally and figuratively as he jabbed his elbow into your side. “We hardly ever get to come to Alderaan’s surface. It’s not only fun, but easy on the eyes too, and you’re way too uptight.” 
“I appreciate the beauty, but the Quint sector isn’t really my scene, Jesse,” you deflected, feeling Kix’s eyes on you from across the transport, along with a prickling sense of anticipation from him. You were all strapped in, shooting toward the planet’s surface as you watched the star cruiser fade into the distance behind you. There had been a special exception made (most likely due to the Organas' extreme kindness and generosity) for the clone squads to enjoy a couple days of rest and relaxation while their cruiser picked up some supplies and waited for the next destination. The gently curving buildings flying past the window were clean and light, sparkling in the sun, and it felt as though the war didn’t even exist here. 
“Have you ever been?” Jesse prodded, leaning forward with a knowingly arched eyebrow. You knew he had you there, and pressed your lips together firmly, sending him a look. “Ha! I knew it. Well, it’s just irresponsible to not explore a new place. Maybe it’s extra strong in the Force or something. It’ll make your magic even more powerful. Or supercharge your lightsaber…” 
A wave of mirth rippled throughout the troopers in their seats, and you grinned, unable to be mad at Jesse’s indomitable spirit. You were warmed to the core at the energy among the 501st -- they had accepted you easily upon your arrival, they trusted you fully, and they had warmly welcomed you into not only their battles but their free time. You’d learned some details about heavy artillery from Hardcase, enjoyed a lecture about the discrepancies between certain manuals from Echo, and had even been taught by Fives how to never leave the bar alone at night. Not that you’d asked for any of these, but you couldn’t resist the earnest delight of each clone as they shared their various interests and insights. 
You’d worked alongside Kix only briefly, feeling deeply unsettled by the inexplicably different vibe you got from being in the same room as him. He’d started off with a few cheesy pick-up lines, which immediately fell flat, and then stuck to strictly business. There was something about his soul that called out to you, though, and you tried to walk the thin line between enjoying his company, working shoulder to shoulder, and keeping things professional. You were grateful he wasn’t Force-sensitive, able to pick up on your feelings and thoughts, and were constantly torn between removing yourself from his presence altogether or refusing to miss out on an opportunity for connection. 
You shook your head, bringing yourself back to the present, where the clones had moved on to other topics of conversation. Apparently, it was decided that you’d be joining them to the Quint district on Alderaan, which was nothing like 79s but was as close as you could get in this sector. 
Hours later, after some time to clean up, you met the clones at the address they’d sent you, surprised to see them in their civvies. You couldn’t help but rake your eyes over Kix, who was engrossed in conversation with Echo and looked more diminutive without his armor, more inviting somehow. You pushed the thought from your mind, waving to the group and taking a seat next to Dogma, who sat silently at the end of a large table. 
“Ha! I knew the Jedi would come!” Jesse announced triumphantly, smacking Fives on the chest. “You owe me!”
“Well you basically bullied your way into that one,” Fives grumbled, elbowing Jesse right back. “You clean up nice,” he commented, giving you his infamous eyebrow waggle, which broke a bit of the tension you were feeling at not knowing quite what to do with yourself. You grinned, giving a playful shrug, and allowed yourself to soak up a bit of the joviality of the room. It was so different from 79s, even though the general purpose was the same, but it was absolutely beautiful. All of the furniture and walls were gently curved and boasted cool, tranquil colors of white, gray, blue, and green. The volume wasn’t too loud, but the place was filled with comfortable tables and chairs at different levels, each organized into little conversation areas that were cozy and welcoming. 
“I’m going to grab a snack. Anyone want anything?” you offered, met with a cacophony of eager responses. You made your way to the counter to place an order, barely opening the menu before feeling a warmth beside you. 
“Figured you’d need a hand carrying it all back,” Kix explained, a small smile curving his sharp features. You felt a rush in your chest, smiling and nodding in return. The feelings were growing, and you’d managed to keep them strictly under wraps, but every interaction with him was fanning the flame. It felt precarious… and enticing. You made a mental note to spend more time in meditation, to release any attachments and stay true to your singular commitment to the Jedi code. 
Once the order was placed, there was nothing to do but wait, and you found yourself lost in conversation with Kix within minutes. You had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and he was more than happy to share some of the most baffling, unique, and tragically disgusting cases he’d come across in his medical career so far. You laughed and questioned, fascinated by his adventures so far, and found yourself thoroughly elated as he finished a story that you were fairly certain was heavily embellished. 
The discussion took a turn after a little while, moving to more serious and heavy things. How he managed to keep cynicism and disillusionment at bay, you didn’t know, as he recounted brother after brother who had been lost in the war efforts. Your heart ached for him, feeling the complex emotions washing over him in wave after wave. He fell silent for a moment, running a hand over his intricately shaved and tattooed head, and you found yourself wanting to do the same. Tenderly, intimately… 
A sharp inhale brought you back to your senses, and you turned promptly to return to the table, “Just come get me when the food is ready?” you called over your shoulder, desperately needing to flee his presence. You plopped into your seat next to Dogma, who cast an inquisitive glance your way.
“Empty-handed?” he asked, expression softening the intimidatingly sharp tattoo across his face. 
“Kix is waiting for the food,” you explained dismissively. “So… I have yet to hear your tattoo story…” Anything to take your mind off of the slightly confused medic, still standing by the counter, watching you with a furrowed brow. 
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This battle was not going well. Plasma cannons echoed all around as blast after blast rained down where you and the 501st were hunkered in some of the flimsiest cover you’d ever seen. Rex and Jesse were quickly discussing an alternate plan, as shot after shot whistled through the trees around you. You made a few suggestions, revised the final strategy, then Rex announced it to the squad. On his signal, you charged in two groups, left and right, sprinting for the identified landmarks that might allow you to curb the frontal assault that was far more than intelligence had suggested it would be. 
Suddenly, a huge cannon explosion landed nearby, causing one of the massive trees to crackle and waver. You looked up in horror as it teetered, roots ripping up from the earth, and began to crash through the forest canopy above as it fell… right toward a group of clones who were running toward their designated target. They were almost clear of its path… but one fell, shot in the stomach, and Kix was right beside him in an instant, scrambling to drag him clear. Horror clenched your chest, and without thinking, you ran toward them, using every tattered bit of energy you had to Force-throw them out of the way. As they landed on a nearby bush, the injured clone yelling in pain, you leapt over the tree as it smashed onto the ground where they had just been.
As you jumped down, focused entirely on the clones below, you missed the sizzling blaster bolt that was headed straight for you, tearing through your upper arm. A yelp escaped your lips as you landed, grimacing at both the searing pain and your own lack of awareness that could have prevented it. 
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The steady beeps of the equipment in the room were soothing as you dozed, comfortably bandaged and bacta-d up. You’d made it through the rest of the battle, reaching the drop zone and being lifted back to the ship with the squad. Fortunately, you’d been shot on an external limb, so the outlook wasn’t so dire as it would be from a direct torso hit. As you slowly woke up, feeling rummy and warm, you suddenly became aware of a presence beside you. 
Kix was laying out a few items on a tray, not even looking at what he was doing in favor of watching you regain consciousness. His amber eyes were deep with concern and care, and you were flushed with sheepishness all of a sudden. Why did it have to be him… 
“Sorry to wake you,” he said softly, his smooth voice a caress to your ears. “It’s time to change the bandage and place another injection before the last one wears off.” He was strictly business, but you could feel the internal conflict within him, realizing how much it matched your own. None of it was allowed. It couldn’t end well. There was no possibility… 
“It’s ok,” you answered, trying to sit up as best you could with only one arm. He was beside you quickly, lifting you up, and the faint whiff of his unique scent reached your nose. Sterile, musky, clean, and… manly. You were quickly spiraling down a path that you knew was not a wise one. “I’m just going to… uh… meditate… while you do that…” you muttered, needing an escape from his intoxicating closeness. He smirked, nodding without a word, and slowly began to unwrap the gauze around your bicep. You closed your eyes, reaching for that place within, trying to sink deeply into it and release all the thoughts and feelings that were buzzing around your head. But you couldn’t. No matter how hard you tried, your senses were holding you firmly to the present. Kix’s gentle hands. The quiet sound of his breathing. The smell of him as he leaned over to unwrap the last bit.
You suddenly felt a weight on the side of the bed, next to your legs, and opened your eyes in surprise to see that he had taken a seat next to you. So incredibly close. And was leaning forward with a furrowed brow and intense squint as he examined the wound. Your heart flipped in your chest. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It all felt so intimate, even without any overt affection… 
“I’d warn you that this will hurt, but I know you’re a tough one,” he said playfully as he readied the bacta injection to ensure there was no long-term bone, muscle, or ligament damage. You flinched as he placed it, but he was right -- you’d been through much worse. And the internal torment was completely distracting. As he moved to apply a light layer of gel across the stitched-up shot, he leaned closer and spoke quietly, feather-light fingers tracing over the gnarled flesh. “Tough… and kind… and brave… and intriguing… and beautiful…” he murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on your arm as though he’d explode if he looked anywhere else. 
“Kix,” you breathed, studying his intensely focused face, “What are you doing?” His words reverberated within your very soul, shocking you with their unveiled honesty and affection. He fell silent for a moment, placing a patch over the wound and smoothing the adhesive around its edges, then finally lifted his eyes to yours. It sent a jolt of electricity through your body that continued to be amplified as he scooted slightly closer, picking up your hand in both of his. 
“I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…" he said, voice barely above a whisper. Your mouth fell open slightly, completely stunned. You’d thought you’d kept it under wraps, keeping everything on a formal, friendly, professional level, and had also assumed that you were the only one privy to the thoughts and feelings of others. Clearly you hadn’t been as subtle as you thought. You searched for words but had none, eyes darting back and forth between his, tingles radiating up the arm from the hand he was gently holding. 
“I can’t… I don’t…” you began, and he smiled faintly, looking down at your hand, nodding silently to himself. 
“I know,” he whispered, taking a deep inhale before lifting his head to yours again. “But…” his voice grew stronger as his eyes took on a roguish gleam, “We may all be dead tomorrow, so…”
His sudden levity burst through the tension, and you surrendered to the ecstatic flurry within as he leaned in, careful to avoid your injured arm, reaching one hand up to gently cup the side of your face. He drew closer, confident yet unsure, eyes intently searching yours for a response. He leaned his forehead against yours for a moment, and your ragged breathing seemed disproportionately loud. You could feel yourself opening up to him in a way, releasing the strict control of mind over body, leaning into the warmth and connection that was radiating between the two of you. Your eyes fluttered shut, lips parting slightly, and you tipped your chin upward to bring your lips together. 
A sharp inhale through his nose signaled his surprise, but within a split second, he was melting into your kiss, hand roving down your neck to cup the back of your head. Your good hand pressed into his back, tilting your head to bury yourself as deeply in his face as you could. He pulled away, keeping his eyes closed for an extra second, smiling serenely, before meeting your gaze again. You lifted your good hand to his face, brushing the backs of your fingers along his pronounced cheekbone before tracing careful fingers along the side of his head. He basked in your touch, eyebrows arching up in the center, simultaneously blissful and pained at the reality of the situation, but that could be dealt with later. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” you whispered, gently raking your fingernails down the back of his neck, earning a shudder from him that made your heart sing. 
“I know,” he answered, with a smug grin in your direction. “You don’t need the Force when you’re that obvious.” 
“I thought I was being subtle,” you laughed, drowning in bliss as he leaned in again. 
“You thought wrong,” he murmured against your lips, and you lost yourselves in each other once again.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 2 years
~how would they propose to you~
featuring- Childe, Ayato warnings- use of the name 'dearest', fluff , a kiss in Ayato's (giving yall a break before i write the TRUE angst ;P) a/n- yes yes I am writing the zhongli angst but gimme some time for that, ill be posting that uh in march end sometime.
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-the type to book an entire high-end restaurant -he spares no expense on the atmosphere of the date where he's gonna propose -the dim yellow lighting, tablecloths, candelabras, every possible type of dish you'd love, all your favorite desserts, everything (u can tell i love those kinda dates) -by the time you arrive at the restaurant, Childe is already waiting there for you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. To say he looks gorgeous in his expensive suit is a freaking understatement. -he'd charmingly give you the bouquet, before proposing old style, the way royals did it and all- he'd go down on one knee, take out a small box from his front pocket which contains the most beautiful and elegent ring you could ever hope to receive from anyone -he want to make sure he isnt outshone by anyone else in your life -he wouldn't go into a long speech or smth, but he would clearly express the utter love and adoration he held for you before asking you to marry him, hope and uncertainty evident in his gaze. This man has a way with words I tell you -how the hell could you not accept -after that he's the happiest man alive as you two share your first dinner as an engaged couple
-you know how pretty Chinju forest is at night, right? with all the glowing plants and stuff -well his would be a night date. firstly Ayato would make sure that every monster camp that could possibly disturb their date was sent into oblivion -then with Thoma's help, he'd find this cozy little grove of trees covered in those luminescent plants -he'd set it up like a small picnic/resting spot, with blankets and LOTS of cushions and pillows and delish food and whatnot -it would be the perfect spot to just bask in each other's presence -he'd obviously dress up to his best that night, and he'd escort you all the way to his special place to ensure your safety - as the night goes on, the plants around lighting up a light blue and the stars filling the sky and the glowbugs all around, as you both simply relish each other's warmth and presence, he suddenly turns to you -taking each of your hands in his, he stares into your eyes for a few moments before quietly speaking up, expressing how much he loves you, how you're the brightest light in his life and other romantic mushy stuff -it's not too long tho, and in the end he says, "So, my dearest, would you do me the honors of marrying me?" -as he says that, his hands leave yours to open a small ring box that was resting in his pocket till now. There is doubt in his eyes, that perhaps you'll refuse, but also hope that you'll accept -after you get over your shock, you give him a bright smile and ask him how could you possibly not accept his proposal. -with a smile that matches yours' brightness, he slips the ring onto your ring finger before cupping each of your cheeks with his hands and pressing a soft kiss onto your lips.
whew i just keep disappearing dont I? likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated! (not me writing this literally at midnight) Anyways I'm planning to write a Childe x reader enemies to lovers skater smau, what are your opinions? also omg help me im dying bc of my final exams i swear-
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goofyjelly · 9 months
Oh. My.. GOD
I'm watching The Search For Spock, spoilers under the cut (but, and let's be real, mostly me screaming)
"if my grandmother had wheels she'd have been a wagon" IS THAT WHERE THE BIKE MEME COMES FROM ????? IS THIS WHAT THAT ONE CHEF WAS REFERRING TO????
They keep replaying Spock's death for Jim 😭😭😭
Like stop torturing my boy!!! He's going through It rn
"HE COULDN'T TOUCH ME" 😔😭💀 screaming crying throwing up
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I'm going to ignore the implications of Saavik helping Spock through Pon Farr. Why? Because I can, and I don't wanna think too hard about it or I might Come To Conclusions.
Also can I just say the obvious: CHRISTOPHER LLOYD IS KILLING IT AS A KLINGON- FUCK YEA! he's doing great oml
I didn't care much about him , but he didn't deserve that 😔😭 he died for Our Vulcans™ tho so, o7
HOW are Jim and the others going to avoid life incarceration after this- like literally HOW?!?!
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We have our boy!!!! 💞🎉💞🎉
REAL QUICK can we talk about LIEUTENANT SAAVIK????
I'm pulling up a picture hold on
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She is EVERYTHING to me.
Sir Saavik is EVERYTHING!
Bring him "up the steps" or whatever Sarek said to do!!!
Oh my lord. Holy shit holy mother of holy holy moly.
I'm fine. I'm so normal rn. I'm so normal about this so normal piece of film. I am the correct amount excited by this movie. Mhmm. Yup. Yes. Correcto.
I'm such a fun person to talk to about media.. This truly is the best franchise of all time like look at this shit omg.
I'm so biased but that movie was the BEST! 1701 out of 10. Beauty. Iconic.
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bella-rose29 · 7 months
episode 2 commentary - Let Go of Me
major spoilers for show and books, swearing, me obsessing over lockwood's hands probably (edit: definitely, and George's)
why did I immediately think jellyfish
omg the flowers
Luce you really shouldn't have taken that
just like @demigoddess-of-ghosts said, why tf are deprac asking if there's anyone else there when Lucy is quite literally screaming 'lockwood'
"miss lockwood" and "lockwood's my partner" 🤭
"we called your mother" ok well her mother is a Bitch so that wasn't a good idea
"rest up until he's given you the all-clear" like fuck she's gonna do that
omg the flowers!!!
ooo spooky green lighting
omg the ghost lock victims ward 🥲
I would love to know what they were planning on doing with this scene actually bc I feel like it sets up some sort of ghost lock victim storyline for the future - maybe using them for science? idk I'd just love to know
oof lockwood's hands
just this whole scene of lockwood
barnes is not fucking around lol
the way he sits back in the chair has me WEAK
can you tell I'm going feral
George's lil run omg
George is so neurospicy I love it
George your posture needs sorting out my love 😭
"You're meant to say no, Lucy" well it's difficult to say no to lockwood when he looks at you with his beautiful eyes and smile and-
"I'd say like a house on fire" 😭
my poor baby looks so tired :( and he definitely needs a shower oh dear
I didn't think I would hear lockwood with his queen's English call someone 'mate'
I love that George just says straight up facts
"posh one who thinks he's god's gift" sounds about right
"his weird mate with zero social skills" also sounds about right
I love that they included the tapes for norrie bc actually it's a great way of adding to the narrative (bc we don't have any voice overs) and we get lucy's view on stuff
and we see her survivor's guilt too - "like how I should have helped you" omg 🥲 (excuse me while I go cry in a corner)
ruby stokes the woman you are
"no it doesn't, it looks like I cooked it in an active volcano" pfffft George I love you
"Andrew lockwood"
"girls are funny about baths" he's trying goddammit
"she's not unhinged" "you're hardly the best judge of these things" "you need normal people around you" "you really think you're normal?" your honour I love their friendship
"the world's mad, and normal never fixed anything" gonna make it my motto
"let me... sleep on it" BOY YOU DON'T EVER SLEEP
oh Luce
okay but these special effects are so fucking cool
hang on why the hell did Lucy go to sleep holding the ring
Jesus Christ that scared the shit out of me
ooo green lighting!!!
pfft goes to hold his hand to wake him up
I love the disgruntlement of george
"trousers are for wimps" ICONIC
omg I love that we get to see George's Touch!!! also his hand??? brb gonna go melt
omg Georgie it's not a wasp I'm sorry
I am dying how the hell did Ali manage to make his voice say "oh shit" like that
"I can't believe you stole a Source" GEORGE YOU ARE ONE TO TALK
yeah Luce call him out
"we need to destroy her source and move on. let her go" I have so much to say about this omgggg bc on the one hand the episode is called Let Go of Me and rn I'm 1/3 of the way through this episode and they've repeated those words in different ways so many times it's unreal. and then on the other hand (spoilers for the books) there's the way that Lockwood isn't doing this himself, because he hasn't destroyed the source in his house and let his own ghosts go 😭
omg George loves an experiment you can hear the joy in his voice
NOT THE WAY HE PHYSICALLY MOVES TO PROVE HE'S ON LUCY'S SIDE omg they're becoming friends even if they don't know it yet
OH LORD THE HOODIE??? I wanna steal it
his smile omg
ruby stokes the woman you are omg
lockwood's face omg he's so conflicted bc on the one hand he's worried but on the other he's trying to not say yes when she goes 'you love me don't you?'
lockwood immediately pushing her aside
lockwood you need to stop taking sole responsibility for things
the sadness in his voice when he says 'this place is all that's left of my parents' omg
"Jesus, lockwood, we're screwed!" yep (also the way George says it is so funny help)
barnes isn't taking any shit omg
such an ominous phone call
George's prison outfit (I can't remember who called it that)
omg I want lucy's playsuit
also lockwood get your shoes off the table you heathen
no bc I actually want her playsuit
"not a braying gallery for bellends" George I love you
Lucy going straight in with the hard facts I love her
omg the scoff
kipps is such an arse
the way he says "yes you do" has me in a chokehold
the sMIRK
"irrelevant prick" love it
when the mutual friend leaves and you're left with the one you don't get on with
George you might be a weirdo but I love you for it
Lucy getting the juicy gossip and immediately becoming besties with george
ok well your mum is a bitch
oh lockwood wtf are you doing
"he's a little shit sir"
lockwood why
he looks so proud of himself I can't help it
"you're our biggest asset" oh boy
the regret on his face oops
"my judgement's been a little off recently" yeah bc you just met the love of your life
ok but women with swords 👀 bonus points if they're angry
pink socks again
barnes once again not taking shit
she is a child sir you can't just spring that on her
omg Lucy :((((((
"let me go" - is that another reference to the episode title I see?
"lockwood's a charlatan" pfft
"they always make the most boring, unimaginative moves possible, don't they" - it's giving Cameron saying that everything is basic
lockwood read the room (cab)
"You were brilliant" boy's in love
"can we talk about this in the car" *taxi drives away*
"you might be able to turn your feelings on and off like a tap, but I am drowning here, lockwood" 😭
"You know sometimes I just... I just think I'd be better off dead" oh Luce 😢
also lockwood's reaction to that omg he pauses for a while and is all glassy eyed and then: "I understand that"
never mind them I am drowning here (in my tears)
"We need you, and it's not because you're an asset" "why then?" "because... because you're..." *looks away and clenches jaw* "Lucy Carlyle" *smiles really widely (I feel like he was considering telling her his feelings)
"We're lockwood and co. you, me, and George" FUCK YEAH YOU ARE
"please stay" 🥺 (anything for you my love)
"so you'd look cool" lol
"you're more of a liability than an asset, Lucy" HE SAYS WHILE LOOKING AT HER WITH HEART EYES
oh Georgie
green lighting!!!
"I'll take him" says boy with immense confidence
"can I offer you a cup of tea while you ransack my house? one lump or two" *throws torch and misses*
oh my god the still I paused it on to write the above comment is gonna make me pee myself with laughter 😭😂 I wish I could screenshot to show everyone
ooo I might be completely delusional but Lucy smashes the mirror with her elbow in this scene (and the camera pauses on it for a good couple of seconds) and then plays a part in smashing the bone glass later on??? am I delusional or am I making connections???
Georgie omg
LUCY PICKING UP HIS GLASSES!!! I love this omg I would be lost without mine
fuck me that neck crack was hot (also could lockwood fuck me please?)
green lighting!!!
also how did I never notice the stairs were spirally?
George you are so funny and I love you
George hauling those chains around like it's nothing 👀
green lighting!!!
yeah you better run bitch
"we should have people round more often" lolllllll
lockwood can kick me-
"why are you making that face?"
"that's not your normal face, that's your 'I know something you don't' face"
sweaty lockwood
George's face when she pulls the ring out is so funny to me 😂
"you lunatic" *lockwood grinning widely* I love their reactions
aww let Georgie swear :(
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skynapple · 27 days
In Which Madi Zaynes On Main
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MC being covered in blood in an angsty situation to start the card off is not what I expected.
Overall this card is a really beautiful display of patience, recklessness, and communication! The characters are put in a scenario where we really get to see how well they understand each other without necessarily having to say anything outright all the time.
We ALSO see that the opposite is true! It's not a miscommunication issue, just that there's some consequences to not saying anything.
There's also somewhat of a character flaw in MC that's really cool to see fleshed out because it's a common trait across all her interactions with any LI - and that is her blatant disregard for her own well-being. We know that she does it, but are not entirely sure about her motivations for it. Is it insecurity? Selflessness? Self-righteousness? Does she really just not care? Has growing up so lonely given her a strong sense of dying dutifully and honorably is better than living without purpose, alone? They definitely address it and I appreciate that they hint that the issue isn't going anywhere and won't be fixed overnight, but it's at least brought up.
More Thoughts™️ about the card under cut!
I'm live blogging this so bear with me
MC is so cool! She bravely rescued people but to no one's surprise she didn't think, just leapt forth rashly and got hurt
Zayne is immediately attentive but he must be so worried
Their world really is getting worse :( these disaster wanderer attacks are getting more frequent across all the LI's cards
Zayne's sarcasm will never not send
She's worried that HE'S worried, and they're both trying to comfort each other, but he's immediately SO good at reading her and quelling her fears in such a way only he can (rants about medical reasons he should be the one attending to her adfhjlgd)
He- he keeps making excuses to see her I cannot 😭😭
Even on his break time omg he just wants to take care of herrrrrr
Already inviting her over to his place my god he wants the excuse and of course she catches on
"Uncle Doctor" i'm cryinggggg there's really no such thing in English, it's sending me that they LITERALLY translated the Chinese phrase this way
Omg him softly scolding her finally for scaring him, it's part ways him opening up when he's been holding that in for weeks, but he's so so patient, he'll wait for the right moment, the right tone, but he's gotta say it! And part just like, no she really does keep doing this 💀
Omg I forgot this is the Greyson reveal card, now we have a model AND a voice, it's so cute
Not Greyson ratting Zayne out as usual 😭 absolute rat
No but literally the way they understand each other without words!!!!! She knows he's burying himself in his work for whatever reason and NEEDS this... and he's gonna let her cause he knows she needs this too 🥺
/Madi died for a bit/
O-OH MY GOD? he's not jealous of Greyson I don't think but he's- he's curious???
No but they're communicating 🥲😭 he's always been so clear in his communication with her ahhhh
"I don't want others to tell me that you might be in danger. It would make me feel like an outsider." THROWING MY MISERABLE SELF OFF A FREAKING CLIFF. But lets assume it's happened before!! I'm sure it has!!!! I'm so glad he's speaking up about it but my god 😭 the angst
She's figured out how to answer so it's exactly what he needs to hear, no more quips or dodging, she's not being coy, I mean she's still being roundabout a LITTLE but it's in a way that gets to the same point and I do think it reassures him
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floydsmuse · 9 months
Meggy I've gotta stop, I know you just answered but I'm absolutely dying over Rhett Abbott!!!!! (lol).
Maybe a few very random thoughts, but I hope these will make you smile a little bit (lol).
Rhett's always had a few comfort books or movies growing up which are still his absolute favorites. Alot of it stems from when he was a kid and Perry would be an absolute asshole to him which pissed Royal off to every degree.
Rhett remembers being very, very little, like preschool/kindergarten age and crawling into Royal's lap at night. Royal would be dead-ass tired from being out with the hands all day and dealing with Perry's behavior issues but he'd always make time for Rhett. Rhett's favorite story that Royal would read to him was "The Indian In The Cupboard" and it was also one of his favorite movies. Rhett still has the whole book series and both he and Royal will read to the babies when nobody else can.
His comfort movies have always been stuff like Indiana Jones, The Goonies (especially The Goonies, he swears that the babies are gonna be the gang from that, lol), Legend (the 1985 Tom Cruise film) and 101 Dalmatians. Usually around Christmas it's "The Muppet Christmas Carol" and The Polar Express that are his go-tos.
You both adopted Amy when she was a baby. Literally from the moment she was born, you and Rhett took her to protect her from her birth parents and ever since then she called you and Rhett "momma and dada". When it came to movies, Amy is a Disney girlie through and through! She loves Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella and all the old school Disney movies just as much as she loves Lilo and Stitch as well as Frozen.
When Amy started school, you and Rhett sent her to one of those outdoorsy hippie schools because Rhett, Royal and Cecelia not only knew like half the teachers there, but they knew it would be awesome for Amy. Usually at those schools (I'm doing my teaching program for one) they have kids in the Early Childhood pick a symbol for their cubbies instead of having their name and Amy chose a bull-rider for hers because of Rhett.
Meggy I didn't wanna make this too long or too short and I don't like spamming the inbox immediately after somebody's answered, but I just can't help it (lol).
Mary my darling! thank you for sending in these Rhett thoughts :) i’ve had a rough day & these definitely made me smile.
my face instantly lit up at you mentioning the “Indian in the cupboard!” I remember reading the book in elementary school & watching the movie too! 🥰 also really liking the fact that some of Rhett’s comfort movies include Indiana Jones & the Goonies! & omg funny enough, i watched both the muppets christmas carol & the polar express the other night! haha :))
love the idea of reader and Rhett adopting Amy and bringing her under their wing. her calling you mama & Rhett dada is just :,) so precious! Amy being a disney girlie seems so fitting & i can relate! i dressed up as the princesses for halloween when i was little hehe☺️ the symbol on Amy’s cubby !!! Mary please!!! Amy choosing a bull-rider for Rhett couldn’t be more perfect 🥹 i love it so much. you have me smiling ear to ear thinking about this & boy did i need it today.
Mary, seriously thank you again for sending in these little thoughts. i always get a kick out of them & get so excited when i see you’ve left me something new in my box💕 you’re the best !
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lusthurts · 10 months
29, 12, and 6?
omg yay
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
here's something I cut from "How Bright We Burn" - in the first draft, Kurt and Blaine broke up after Kurt didn't show up to the Warblers sectionals, and Blaine and Sebastian's first kiss happened that night during the truth or dare game when Thad dares them to make out. Anyway, this scene follows that:
He reaches for the back of Sebastian’s neck and pulls him towards him. Cheers from the Warblers erupt immediately when their lips connect, and Blaine can’t help but smile. That day in the hallway when Sebastian said they could run the school together pops into Blaine’s head as Sebastian kisses him back, and it’s the last coherent thought he has as his eyes close and their lips fit like pieces of a puzzle that have been dying to touch for years. 
Blaine must black out for a second because it’s almost like it’s just them, even though this might be the loudest he’s ever heard the Warblers cheer during a dare. He’s too focused on Sebastian’s tongue as it slips between his lips and his hand as it lands on his thigh, then his waist, all of it sending shock waves through his entire body. 
It takes a distinctly Nick-sounding cheer to snap Blaine out of the hazy mess of a kiss and pull away. It’s frustrating because he doesn’t want to stop, which is a shitty thing to think when you’ve been single for less than a day. Maybe it’s the liquor, but he’s terrified it isn’t. 
come to think of it, maybe I actually will include this in a different fic in the future lol
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
yes! I make playlists for almost all my WIPs, even the shorter ones. The "How Bright We Burn" playlist has 123 songs on it (many of which are songs that led to the lyrics at the top of each chapter) so I won't share them all for now, but instead, I'll share some highlights from the playlist for the sequel ;)
"Beautiful Trauma" by P!nk
"Crazy In Love" by Beyoncé
"Renegade" by Big Red Machine & Taylor Swift
"Holy Ghost" by BØRNS
"Style" by Taylor Swift
"History" by One Direction
"Easy" by Troye Sivan
"Paprika" by Japanese Breakfast
"The Louvre" by Lorde
"Till Forever Falls Apart" by Ashe & FINNEAS
hopefully that doesn't include any spoilers ope
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
omg yes of course, the Seblaine fic that I literally always reread is the "I'll Be There For You" series by Imogen_LeFay, specifically "Stuck In Second Gear" because that fic is seriously canon to me and the only way I can ever bring myself to rewatch the last season of Glee because I know that this fic is how it really ends. For other Seblaine fics, I love to reread "Seasons Change" by civillove and "This or That" by TiburonWriter.
also, I'm a huge marauders fan (though you wouldn't guess it from my Tumblr where I almost exclusively talk about seblaine and Taylor Swift) and I have to admit I've reread the famous "All the Young Dudes" by MsKingBean89 multiple times as well.
sorry this got so long lol clearly idk how to be concise
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prettyboysinmyheart · 6 months
omg ella and mav, my babies!!
since we're talking about hair - i feel like mav would learn ella's pre/post shower routine. like whatever hair masks she does, face masks, serums, all of that. and then he'd ask if he could put her face mask on, or do this part of her routine, and he's so so gentle with it.
Your babies 🥹🫶
Maveric is comfortably scrolling through Instagram on his phone when suddenly, Maveric's attention is drawn to Ella, who is wearing a robe and heading towards the bathroom. He knows that she is about to begin her post-shower routine. Curiosity getting the better of him, Maveric decides to follow her into the bathroom. Once inside, he sees Ella lining up her skincare and beauty products on the counter. As she turns to face him, Maveric's face turns red. Despite his nerves, he musters up the courage to ask if he can help her.
He would approach her timidly, his fingers lightly grazing his neck as he asked, "could I help you, my love?"
Ella would have the biggest smile on her face. She sit on top of the counter so that Maveric could reach her face perfectly.
He is very considerate and careful while touching her skin. El feels overwhelmed with love and affection when he takes care of everything perfectly without asking for any help.
I'm literally dying rn
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
I have been questioning my sexuality for a long time, and having some feedback from queer people would be so helpful. So thank u
Well, I had known I like girls since I was like 14-15, I mean, it was really obvious and before figuring out I was educated in the topic an a total ally obsessed with the lgbt+ community, but yeah, I feel in love with a girl and started using bisexual as my label, because I had been also attracted to boys before,
I was like comfortable with that for a while, but, big point here I haven’t had anything with a girl at all, I knew I liked them but I had never had an experience, so years when by, and, at that time (18-19)I thought I was asexual because, I didn’t feel sexual atracción for anyone, and I was genially scared of it, but like this fellings where always more towards men.
Let’s keep in mind that I still had a crush for this girl, but like nothing ever happened so I tried to move on, and hang out with a guy I meet at school, but I remember like never felling comfortable with him, I felt really weird, I couldn’t explain it, but I ended ending up things with him because of how weird it felt.
Some time later, at a party I met a beautiful girl, and well long story shot we felt in love, and I literally made everything with her like in a week, it was, amazing, like just by kissing her, I was dying, I had never felt as good as I felt when I was with her
But well life happened so we broke up, and some time later I started hanging out with another girl, nothing serious happened, but like Omg, I can’t even describe how attracted I was to her, so that’s when I realized I might no be asexual or even Demi, cause the tension and attraction were there before having feelings for her.
As u might expect things didn’t worked out, so we stopped hanging out. To this point I was still kind of comfortable with calling me bi, but I had started questioning if I really liked men, cause I have never felt what I felt with the girls I meet, with guys.
Time passed , and I didn’t have anything serious, but at party’s sometimes I kissed boys, and I really didn’t wanted, it felt really weird, like so uncomfortable for me, and most of the time I would only kiss one if I was kind of drunk, and I felt so wrong afterwards, so I tried with girls and I liked so much, even when sometimes there where people I didn’t knew
But yeah, I kind of came to the conclusion that I’m really attracted to women, in a sexual and emotional way, and I really don’t know if I could ever had that with a boy, I had never felt genuine connection with one, in those ways, I do find some attractive, I could see one and say like he’s good looking, i could kiss him, but that’s all, nothing else would happened,
Sooo, I don’t really know if I’m a lesbian, and I’m scared of using the label, even when I feel more comfortable with it, because of the, what if, even when I’m not interested and don’t genuinely think it could happened, or see myself with a boy
And the thing that everyone thinks , that because I like masculine women, I’m looking for a “men”, when the reality is that I just really like women expressing their masculinity and the looks of it, me myself are kind of masculine too so yeah
Long story for something that might be obvious but I would really like to hear some thoughts
ahhh sorry for the delay on this! i had right away talked about it with the wife and planned out what i was gonna say and then never actually went and wrote it out.
you don't need it, but if it makes you feel better, you have our permission to call yourself a lesbian. to be a lesbian. if i'm reading everything right, you are super into girls and feel very uninterested in boys, yes? that certainly sounds to me like you're a lesbian!
you say you're scared of using the label but don't say what it is you're afraid of. ask yourself what you're afraid of, and is it real, is the danger real? how significant is it, like is it even a big deal? and do you want to push past and ignore your fear and call yourself a lesbian? why not try it out and see how it feels
and in regards to being into masc women - me too! mascs and butches and studs and tomboys are not men.
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thecelestialsyzygy · 2 years
I feel like this has been said plenty of times before, but I'm going to say it again...
The whole conversation about whether or not Mike deserves Will because "Mike treats him like crap. Also, what about El?" or whether or not the Duffers will bury their gays, is so exhausting.
First off, they are all complex characters who are (may I remind you) 15 YEARS OLD. Who doesn't say and do stupid things at 15?! We haven't even really seen the full extent of things Mike has been going through personally and there are so many good analyses out there that provide possible explanations as to why Mike in specific may have done/said the things he has. Not excusing them, but OMG character development is a thing. S4 was not the last season. Did we forget? I know not everybody keeps up with ST news, but if you did even a little bit of research you would see the Duffers say things like "We don't want to be like GOT" and "Mike (a main character) dying would be too depressing". Not only that but you would see David talk about how the ending is beautiful and Noah comment on how amazingly well Wills arc is handled.
And let's bffr for a moment; Do you really think any of them dying (in this case, Will) would be considered a beautiful ending? NO. Not only would it be sad af for the other characters, but for the audience as well. They all deserve happiness. And deaths in cases like this solve NOTHING. Idc how bittersweet and purposeful they're written to be. Idc if Byler becomes canon, Vecna is defeated, and Will dies 'happily' after an injury or something while he's surrounded by love and holds the knowledge that he protected those he cares for; it's still too depressing. Think about the party (Will's best friends) and family who has seen the horrors he has gone through. There's El (his sister who has been through a lot herself), Jonathan (his brother who has helped raise him), Joyce (his mom who has fought tooth and nail for her kids), Hopper (his stepdad who's been there through it all), and let's not forget Mike (his bestest friend AND true love). What are they gonna do? Would the Duffers just play it off like "Everything happens for a reason so everybody's gonna move on because it was for the greater good". Like STFU. Even when Noah and Millie were joking about killing off characters, the Duffers basically told them "no". And let's bffr for another moment; Do you really think Noah would allow them to let Will die? Yes, Noah is just an actor so he doesn't have a huge say, but my point stands. Noah has expressed how much Will means to him numerous times and I know Noah is dramatic at heart (we love him for that) and would nail a scene like that but I'm pretty sure he would not enjoy that ending and say good things about it. Not only this, but Noah has said he wants to see Will ACTUALLY be happy as well, not just have a glimpse of it.
Stranger Things is NOT all these other shows and if they pulled the same things these other shows did it would go against the whole meaning of Stranger Things. The Duffers would literally ruin their careers.
I understand being skeptical because unfortunately things like this do happen, but this conversation is old and tired. Ppl on this app have provided reasonings and evidence over and over as to why this still shouldn't be a huge concern. If you choose to not trust the Duffers or listen to anyone's points and be negative, then fine, but do us all a favor and keep it to yourself because I am tired of seeing it.
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cilly-murphy · 2 years
bestie hi omg i just this set of yours https://at.tumblr.com/arthurpendragonns/arthurpendragonns-we-did-very-genuinely/svgqddh3e6ci and i had to come here and tell u that this is the most perfect thing i've ever seen in my life. i havent watched merlin but im so reblogging that set because WOW. at first i was speechless bc WOW. it straight up looks like a painting or smth i- it's too good. and the coloring and blending the CROWN ON ARTHURS SILHOUETTE (thats his name right? 😭) ANYWAY. and the transition with the blur!! im so using that. you're so damn creative!! you're a pioneer!! i have so much left to say im sorry if this is too long akjshdkd but like. your typography is so good too. i think u just became my fave gifmaker aksjdh also the tv!! OMGGG. im gonna be thinking abt that set forever. congrats cause i dont think that can ever be topped!! 🥰
IVES MY BELOVED! i've literally been staring at this ask since yesterday, giggling, dying, screaming, losing my mind, giggling again and having so many feels. you have no idea what this means to me, i can't stop reading this message. you are seriously such an incredible creator, every set i see of your I GASP. you bring so many new things to the table EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. YOUR HUMOR AND CREATIVITY ARE UNMATCHED. you're so fucking funny and creative and it shines on each and every one of your sets. i'm in awe. i'm rereading your message again while replying HELP. it made me so so so happy, you inspire me so much to keep going. being a content creator on this site is the hardest job and amazing people like you make it easier. YES HIS NAME IS ARTHUR YOU'RE RIGHT 😭 he's for me what jake is for you, you get me! i have so many things to say, so so many, this will end up an essay dasjdhkadja THANK YOU SO MUCH. i'm literally 😭 ily ives, every time i see you on my dash you make it better. i hope you decide to watch merlin one day, this show has altered my brain chemistry forever. hence the insane sets dskahjdakd i feel so honoured to get such a message from someone so top tier like you, a legend i would say. thank you, again, i'm giving you ALL MY LOVE! and happy holidays if you celebrate, otherwise have the most beautiful days ever 💚
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papiliotao · 1 year
just kazuha and you taking a walk along the lines of sea and sand around sunset as the skies starts to bleed with pink and gold, with the silence, a pair of crabs scuttling past you startles you. as you miss a step, your hand stretches out to kazuha’s sleeve and drag him into the shallow shore. congrats, the two of you are now soaking wet.
everything clings to him like a lifeline - fringes of his hair, his clothing to his skin, your hand still on his sleeve, catching wrinkles. there’s nothing less than surprise and soft amusement in those irises of his as he takes you in, a huff of laughter all he can muster for the moment as you follow, the sound that was first drowned out by the waves now overwhelming it in feeling.
just imagining the feeling of being relaxed and walking along the beach hand-in-hand with kazuha is making me ajfoidsjfaifj (rei.exe has stopped responding). the scent of the sea and also a light zephyr blowing by certainly seems peaceful!! and as you mentioned, the sun painting a vivid display of colours across the sky <3 bUT ALSO THE SERENE NATURE OF THE SITUATION IS BALANCED OUT BY THE PLAYFULNESS OF ACCIDENTALLY TRIPPING INTO THE WATER WITH KAZU!
you're so right though. kazuha would be the type of guy to laugh it off, but also, he'd also ask you if you're okay first!! (caring bfs >>>>>>>) then he'd allow himself to softly chuckle (a sound more beautiful than waves lapping on the shore fr!!). i can also see him helping you up and ajfasdfj this man is just so sweet help me i can't do this anymore omg
teehee and if you get pouty because you accidentally embarrassed yourself, he'll kiss you to make you feel better <3 he'd assure you that he didn't mind getting wet, and he'd tell you that he's just glad you're alright!! then you'd continue on your walk, making your way down the shoreline until night falls and you settle down somewhere in order to admire the stars and chat.
i. love. him.
i'm dying. YUI YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!! also, would you believe me if i told you that i thought of an idea similar to this yesterday!!?!?!
okay, it's kind of freaky how you sent this scenario specifically because hehe now it's time to get into a very specific story from a few years ago!! a few years back, my family decided to go on vacation for a couple of days, and we went to a (somewhat) nearby city with a beach. we had some fun during the day, and it was nice and all, but the real highlight of the trip was when we went on a walk at sunset (and we stayed out until night). it was so relaxing, and the scenery was incredible!! all the lights created a nice ambience, and something about the sound of waves at night hits different <3 i also preferred the temperature at night + the calm breezes ahfsf anyway, while i was there, i just had a random thought: if i ever start dating someone, i'd like to bring them here someday.
i just can't get over the fact that you sent this today because i recalled this memory literally the day before (and i was planning to write something based on it too lmao)
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
My HONEY MY CASS!! Okay first off your Insta pls I always wanna see your beautiful face 🥹
And two this amount of Pedro content we’ve gotten from SNL? I am LIVING!!! The teacher skit I literally felt my soul leave my body because he just looked so?? good??? and all I could think about was either professor morales who is tried and barely has his slides together but does an amazing lecture series and everyone LOVES HIM or a grumpy professor Peña who is a hard ass grader and known for his intimidating tired scowl but all his students know he would go up to BAT for them and helps with extra credit shit all the time and I just 😵‍💫
What was your favorite look or skit!!?? Also omg I’ve already started replaying the last of the us and I forgot how bad I am especially when it comes to crawling and sneaking up on enemies so I just keep saying “Joel Miller give me strength” under my breathe and my sister dies laughing every time whoops 🧟‍♀️
But wow happy the last of us Sunday and happy February! I hope this month brings you warmth and kindness and so much love 💕 💝 💌
Hey girl!! Please stop it!! I am not beautiful 👎🏾
The teacher skit had me dying! I think it was my favorite one because of the videos. Some of them were so random. The one of him blowing his nose had me crying laughing.
I'm just happy he was able to experience that! He looked like he had so much fun. I'm so proud of him!
Right now, I'm practicing for an interview because I have to actually give a presentation/teach a lesson and I'm freaking out. Wish me luck!
Anyways, I love you and thank you for always dropping in to chat 💙
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