racetrackmybeloved · 3 months
i need to chill tf out about this damn musical, i had an idea for a post that could be achieved in like. two screenshots and four sentences. three hours later i have a 1707 word draft, including not one, not two, but TWENTY FIVE SCREENSHOTS (not all of them being of the musical lmao). i dont even know how that happened
is that something youd even wanna see HAHA or should i break it up into chunks so that people actually read it? idk about breaking it up tho bc theyre all kinda related to the central point?? and id have to reorganise everything and idk if i have the energy for that
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stinkrascal · 2 years
i literally cannot stop watching hoarders
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1roentgen · 1 year
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thewandererh · 5 months
🩺✨TW // medical concepts (tubes, ivs, veins), noose mention (cj storm and a spring lyrics)
(personally icky and squeamish on the medical concepts myself due to my health history, but im trying to conquer my fear by drawing them!! baby’s first IV drawing <33)
@calamarispiderart @calamarispider
I drew some fanart of calamarispiderart’s very cool hms guys in my sketchbook 👀. ive been dubbing them the ‘crazy concept calamari crew’ or something of the like. been having a hyperfixation ever since i found their tumblr last week :]. so earhm,, hope you enjoy!!!
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‘’ spoiler image!! this is what stuff will be centered around ,,
ok art time
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slowly listening to the full cccc album my myself :]. im very much in the fandom, just might not get all the references. mind is my favorite guy (everyone else is awesome too) so that might reflect here haha. calamari’s mind neck was so interesting to draw, i had the idea it can retract-ish and hide away in his weird fluffy coat. they all look so cool 😭😭
oH and a little extra whiteboardfox doodle wouldn’t hurt anyone. i wondered why the tubes on his neck were there, and came to the conclusion maybe theyre to substitute bloodflow because his neck is broken and blocked :0!
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kind of funny because i first discovered calamari’s art amidst the aftermath of some twilight sedation i had (related to my ✨gut issues✨). discovered both calamari’s (i think) and spook on twitter’s (definitely) art after that whole procedure when i was home and watching turning red, love that movie,,, makes me cry. kinda funny i’m returning to calamari and spook’s arties at the same time after discovering them both at also the same time a while ago. was it october? wow.
anyways uhm…sending virtual hugs calamari!! i know this crew might be a bit old-ish (i had to scroll to find them) but i hope you enjoy it. time to do laundry ok bye
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Home Is Where The Boss Lives (Mob Boss!Jake x Reader)
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Summary: After a long time coming, you and Jake are finally able to move into your dream home
Tagging: @bradleybeachbabe Rachel you asked and ye shall receive (lol)
"Ok.......ok are you sure?" Jake asked. "Are you absolutely sure....? No, listen, I appreciate you being careful, especially with something like this.......alright......I'll catch you later......yep.....bye."
Jake hung up the phone on his desk, stacking the last few papers into the wooden box before gathering his brown leather sport jacket and heading out for the day. As he made his way out to the main floor of the casino, he pulled his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and immediately dialed your number.
"Hello?" you enquired.
"(Y/n) my dearest, darling wifey," Jake chortled. "I have a little surprise for you."
"Is it a good surprise or a surprise that's gonna scare your overdue spawn out of my belly?"
"A little of both," Jake chuckled.
"Good because he's been sitting on my bladder all morning and I sent Val to the laundry room to get me a new pair of pants."
Jake laughed. "Nah sweetheart you're gonna love it," he promised. "I'll be home in a half hour and we can send the girls either to Mickey's or my sister's place for the weekend."
"Pleas do," you groaned. "I love you."
"Love you too baby."
Jake hung up just before entering the parking garage where his truck was waiting, right next to Rooster's. As soon as he pulled out and got on the road, he headed for home with the radio blasting Dr. John's "Right Place, Wrong Time" from the speakers.
The drive back to his mother's home wasn't too bad, only a few detours and one road closure for an accident. The officer that had waved him through had been an old friend from college and one that Jake had frequently checked in on after an encounter with Slimy Nick, the very bane of the Seresin family's existence. Jake thanked him and promised to keep in touch with the family since Val and the officer's oldest daughter would be in kindergarten soon.
Finally, he pulled into the driveway of his mother's house where you and the kids had been living while Jake had been trying to get the house. Neither his mother nor the girls were home, but you were, holed up in bed and preparing the home for the birth of your third child, a little boy who you knew would be the spitting image of Jake.
"Sweet pea, you good?" he asked, poking his head in the door.
"No," you chuckled flatly.
Jake slid into bed with you, his hand sliding all over your bump in an attempt to calm your son. "Be nice or I'm coming in there," he ordered, pretending to be stern.
"Jake, you're literally picking a fight with your unborn son," you laughed.
"I came to bring you good news but the little demon decided to start a fight," Jake told you.
"What's the good news?"
"You promise you won't go into early labor?"
"Jake I'm three weeks overdue!!!!"
"Ok ok," Jake said, throwing his hands up. "We've got the house."
You were dumbstruck with shock. "The Vegas house?"
"The very one baby!"
You screamed with joy, pulling Jake into a tight hug and kissing his stubble lined jaw. "You're the best!"
"Ain't I?" he chuckled.
It's not long before you're finally able to fully move out of your mother-in-law's house and into your new one, finishing off the rooms to your liking and making them your own. Not three days after you move in, John Michael Seresin, named for Jake's father, is born in your shared bedroom. As you lay resting with Jake and your new little boy, your new home feels more complete than ever.
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queenmea604 · 1 year
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➪➪➪ Title : Ours Love
➪➪➪ Pairing : Werewolf!Skz x human!F!reader
➪➪➪ Genre : Romance, fluff, angst, smut & poly relationship, fantasy
➪➪➪ Word Count : 3.9k
➪➪➪ Warning : MDI!!
➪➪➪ Synopsis
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Let me know if taglist not working, I will try fix it
Part 1
Y/n pov
You thanked the people who moved your stuff to your new house in the middle of a forest because you like nature, and the way to town is also very easy for you, so you don't have to worry about that. Now you have to organize your stuff that has been put in your living room, but your phone rang while you opened the box, so you decided to answer and put on a loud speaker to make the job easy for you.
" Babe, are you at your new house now? " Your older brother's voice echoed around the house, and you grimaced at the loud sound.
" Bro, don't shout on the phone if you don't want Y/n to go deaf because of you " San Oppa said, scolding your brother.
" Hello Oppa and Sannie, I'm already at my new house, and now I want to organize my stuff " You chuckle at both of them.
" I would help my baby clean her new house, but unfortunately, I have my stupid practice right now " Wooyoung Oppa grumbled on the other side, and you know that he was already pouting right now.
" Oppa, it's ok. I understand you're busy with the new comeback, and I can manage it myself. I have to start being an independent girl if I want to live alone " You tell him this while opening the box full of decorations for your living room.
A sniffle can be heard from the other line.
" One day you don't need me anymore " Wooyoung Oppa whined at you.
San Oppa slapped his forehead at Wooyoung Oppa's words for you, and you only giggled at Wooyoung Oppa for being a dramatic brother.
" Guys, let's practice now " Hongjoong Oppa's voice can be heard in the background.
Both of the males let out a groan at Hongjoong Oppa's command for them about their practice.
" Baby, I need to hang up now, and I will call you back later " Wooyoung Oppa says.
" Okay, bye, Oppa " Both of you are saying goodbye to each other.
You continue to organize the house like you want for the whole day without taking a rest, and if Wooyoung Oppa knew about this, he would scold you non-stop like an old lady for a few hours.
{Time Skip}
Early in the morning, you wash all the laundry you have in a basket and hang the laundry outside of your courtyard. The sunlight shines on your face and makes your face glow at the same time. Without your notice, one pair of red eyes is staring directly at your figure from behind the bush and intensely staring at you. You clap your hands when the task is done before you get inside your house to prepare yourself a breakfast, and you also decide to do a mini concert in your kitchen.
You dance to wave by ATEEZ until the song finishes, and you still continue dancing while singing until you forget about the food at the countertop. The same eyes still stare at you, who is dancing like a crazy woman in the kitchen with an excited look, but you finally stop dancing to eat your food that has already cooled down. The eyes also decide to stop staring at you before retreating to somewhere else. You peacefully eat your food while looking outside when suddenly you notice a house not far away from your new house.
' Good, I have a new neighbour now '
You thought, and you carefully observed the house that looked empty without a single soul in it.
" Maybe they go out, I better go greet them after they come back " You mumble to yourself.
You clean the plate you use to eat and continue to clean the house that you didn't get to do yesterday due to your tiredness and laziness.
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Author pov
Y/n was resting on her couch while watching K-dramas when the bell rang, indicating someone at Y/n's door, so Y/n decided to check who came to visit her this late afternoon. Y/n opened the door of her house only to meet a very attractive male with a sharp jawline and a pair of fox-like eyes who gave her a big smile.
" Erm... What can I help you with, Mr? " Y/n ask the question to that male.
" Ooh, I just came to say hi because you are now our neighbour. I live at that house with my brothers " He explained to Y/n while showing up at the house that it was not far from her house.
" By the way, my name is Yang Jeongin " Jeongin extended his hand at Y/n to shake.
Y/n shake hands with Jeongin.
" Jung Y/n " Y/n says her name to Jeongin.
" Welcome to this neighbourhood " Jeongin utters while smiling at the girl in front of him.
" Thank you, Jeongin - ssi " Y/n bows her body at him with a full expression of respect.
After that, Jeongin excuses himself, and Y/n goes back inside the house to continue her dramas. Jeongin enters the house while happily humming a song on his way inside, and someone peeks through the wall when Jeongin gets inside the house.
" Where did you go, Innie? " Bang Chan questions Jeongin with furrow brows.
" I greet the new neighbour " Jeongin enters the living room, where everyone is.
" The neighbour?? That house?? " Changbin showed at Y/n's house towards Jeongin, and the male nodded at Changbin's question.
" Male or female? " Felix asked.
" A very beautiful female " Jeongin answered with a grin on his face.
Everyone's ears perked up at Jeongin's information.
" That's why you look happy " Minho said while raising one of his eyebrows at the younger male.
" She looks so unreal, if you don't believe me, and her smell is also very nice " Jeongin tells the others about their new neighbor.
" When you see her, you will have feelings to not scare her out " Jeongin said to the others while eyeing them.
The others made calm faces when Jeongin eyed them all.
On the next day,
Y/n left her house to go buy something in town, so she drove her car to town, and in 25 minutes she arrived at her destination with a long list in her hand to find or buy her stuff. After almost two hours, Y/n bought the things she needed, and now she wants to return to her house, but suddenly the rain started pouring, so Y/n didn't have another choice but to run somewhere that could protect her from the rain, and Y/n found a place to stay for a while until the rain stopped.
Someone came out from the shop that Y/n took as shelter, and that person let out a soft gasp, not because of the rain but from the visual in front of him, and Y/n turned around to look around her and meet with that person's eyes. Both of them made eye contact before Y/n bowed her head at him, and Y/n's wet hair got in her way, so that person offered the handkerchief to Y/n.
" Use this, you will get sick soon " He told her.
Y/n shyly accept a handkerchief from that person.
" I'm Hwang Hyunjin " Hyunjin finally introduces himself at Y/n.
" I'm Jung Y/n, and thanks for this " Y/n told him while showing the handkerchief in her hand.
Both of them start having a conversation, and both of them look shocked when they learn that they are neighbours, and Hyunjin looks so happy to know that Y/n is the beautiful girl Jeongin talked about.
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Hyunjin pov
I saw my beautiful angel already waking up from her sleep, and she got ready to start her day while I got my sketchbook to draw her gorgeous features from my room. I kept taking a look at her while I drew her, and I felt so close to her when I sketched for her without her knowing that. At first, when Jeongin told us about her, no one believed what he told us, but after I saw her myself on that rainy day, I immediately regretted not listening to the information Jeongin gave us, and Jeongin's words were true about Y/n smells when I carefully sniffed her smells.
She has a refreshing and calm smell of lavender and strawberry in her body that naturally comes out of herself. I also admit that I like her present from that house after I meet with her because I can always see her from far away or sketch her figure if I feel bored and don't know what to draw. Someone knocked at my door, and Jeongin's head peeked inside my room.
" Hyung " Jeongin approaches me.
" Hmm " I only humming as I responded to him.
" What did you draw? " When Jeongin saw my drawing, he let out an audible gasp.
" How did you know her? " Jeongin asked me.
" I met her in front of the art shop after she tried to find a shelter to avoid the rain " I simply replied to him.
" You're right about her, Innie " I look up at Jeongin's face with a gentle smile on my lips.
Jeongin sits down in front of me in another chair with an excited expression plastered on his face.
" I know, she's the most amazing girl that I've ever met " Jeongin said, closing his eyes for a moment.
" How do you think she will react when she knows about our true selves? " Jeongin made eye contact with me.
" Honestly, I don't know, maybe she will be scared of us or don't believe in us " I shrugged my shoulders with a nonchalant face.
Jeongin went quiet for a while and lost himself in his own thoughts while I continued my drawing that had been disturbed by him.
The next day,
We all quietly eat our breakfast when someone knocks twice at our house door, and we all already knew who was at the door. Seungmin opens the door before a group of males enters our house.
" Hey guys, any news?? " Chan Hyung shakes hands with them.
" Chan, some wolves have already entered your territory without your knowledge " Namjoon Hyung tells us.
" Now we knew about this because some of our people saw an unknowing wolf hide behind the bush of that house " Jungkook Hyung showed us at Y/n house.
Jeongin and my breath hitched with the new information they told us. The others looked at us with a curious face.
" Why would the wolf hide in there? " Felix questions them.
" We still tried to get the info about that, I know that house has a girl living there alone. We need to stay alert because the wolf might attack that house without our knowledge " Yoongi Hyung warns us.
" Alright, we need to always watch her house in case something happens to her " Chan Hyung said, gaining our attention.
" Yes, pack alpha " We said together at Chan Hyung full of respect for him.
" You all also need to be careful " Seokjin Hyung tells us.
We all nodded at him with a serious face.
{Time Skip}
I left my sketchbook on the sofa and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, and when I got back, I saw Jisung flip through my drawing book, which was full of Y/n sketches with an unreadable face, so I tapped his shoulder to let him know that I'm here with him.
"  Are you alright? " I ask him.
" You look like you just saw a ghost " I continue.
Jisung showed me the portrait of Y/n with wide eyes.
" Is this woman a ghost? " Jisung's eyes go wide with his words.
" Nope " I reply while taking back my sketchbook from him.
" Then?? Who's she? " Jisung sat on the sofa opposite me.
" She is the neighbour that Jeongin told us about, I saw her outside of the art shop " I nonchalantly answered him.
Jisung froze in his seat before he got up suddenly.
" No way " He mumbled.
I look at him with a raised eyebrow.
" She's looking so unreal " Jisung said with a smile.
" What're you thinking about? Don't do crazy things, Han " I narrow my eyes at him.
Sometimes Jisung can do something out of his mind if he wants to.
" I wanted to meet her " Jisung said, jumping from his seat.
I gave him a serious stare and made him shriek in his place.
" W- what?? " Jisung is shuttering while avoiding looking at my face.
" Are you insane or what? Right now is the middle of the night, and you want to meet her at this hour? " I deadpan look at the dumb guy.
Jisung thought for a moment before sheepishly smiling at himself.
" Dumbest " I mumbled, but Jisung heard what I said.
Jisung attacked me with his tickles, and both of us laughed until Minho hyung scolded us for being loud.
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No One pov
Y/n got out from her house to take some fresh air outside until she heard a noise from a bush not far from her house.
" What's that? " Y/n whispers to herself with a scared face.
Y/n braved herself to check what was in the bush when that thing suddenly came out and made her scream so loud until Hyunjin and Jisung heard her scream. Both of the males went to her house and saw Kkami licking Y/n face while the girl was on the floor with a laugh, and both of them only blink their eyes at what they saw now. Hyunjin goes to take Kkami from Y/n face while Jisung helps Y/n get up.
" I'm sorry, Y/n, for my dog's action " Hyunjin sent Y/n an apologetic face.
Y/n gave the male a reassured smile before Y/n noticed the other male beside her. Jisung kind of froze in his place after making eye contact with Y/n.
" This is my brother, Han Jisung " Hyunjin nudges Jisung to make him snap back to reality.
" Nice to meet you, beautiful lady " Jisung flirted with Y/n.
Hyunjin mentally palmed his face at Jisung's flirty behaviour and made sure Y/n didn't expect that.
" Aah, I'm Jung Y/n and nice to meet you too " Y/n gives Jisung a bow.
" Are you living at this house alone? " Jisung question Y/n.
" Yup, I'm living here alone " Y/n shyly replies.
" If you need help, just go to our house " Jisung winked at her.
Y/n only let out an awkward laugh as she responded, and Hyunjin dragged Jisung back to their house after saying goodbye to Y/n.
" Aish… You like that with her, she will think that you're a weirdo guy " After arriving at their house, Hyunjin scolded Jisung.
" What I said is true " Jisung defends himself while both of them argue.
Chan looked at them while putting his hand at his waist with a scary face, so Chan cleared his throat to make both of them stop, and both of the males stopped arguing after noticing Chan in front of them.
" Where have both of you gone? " Chan asks with a serious tone.
" We both go to Y/n house after Kkami makes her startled " Hyunjin explains to Chan.
" Y/n?? " Chan tilted his head with a curious expression.
" Ooo, Y/n is our new neighbour that Jeongin talked about, and trust me, Hyung, when I say that she's really beautiful and almost looks unreal " Jisung literally bounced at his feet after speaking about the girl he just met today.
Chan gave Jisung an interested expression while crossing his arms at his chest.
" You sound so happy talking about her " Chan said.
" Of course, when I look at her, I feel like I want to bite her and mate with her " Jisung said until he didn't remember who was in front of him now.
Jisung's eyes widen after realization hits him, and Hyunjin bites his lips after what Jisung says.
" Hyung, I'm- I'm sorry. It just slipped out from my mouth " Jisung is shuttering while panic consumes him, but Chan only laughs at the younger male.
" That's sound very interesting and makes me want to meet her soon " Chan said with an amused tone.
Jisung and Hyunjin exhaled relief breath.
" You both go wash up, Minho will be mad at both of you " Chan tells both of the males.
Hyunjin and Jisung are quick to get inside the house with a scared face at Minho's name after Chan tells them, and Chan shakes his head.
{Time Skip}
Stray Kids gather around the living room with a very serious face, and Chan rubs his temple while pacing around the living room.
" I saw the wolf Namjoon Hyung talked about, and that wolf looked like they were looking at that house " Chan said, talking and showing at Y/n house.
" But I don't know why they want it or what they planned for her " Chan said, staring at his member.
" That's crossed the line, this is our place, and those wolves dare to cross it " Changbin says with a loud voice.
" Hyung, you knew the reasons? " Jeongin questions Chan.
" I don't exactly know the reasons, maybe the wolf wants her because she is human " Chan answered.
" So, what's the plan now? " Minho asked while crossing his legs on the sofa.
" We need to watch over every night and make a schedule to see who will do the watch over until the wolf is gone from our territory " Chan made a plan for everyone to have a turn-in watch over.
Stray Kids carefully made the plan to avoid making the unknowing wolf aware of their plans, and after making a plan, Changbin called his close friends.
" Hello " His friend answered.
" Yaah, Wooyoung - ah " Changbin greets Wooyoung and makes the male grimace at his loud voice.
" Geez, no need to yell at the phone. You will make me deaf," Wooyoung said.
" Do you talk to yourself? " Seonghwa in the other line mocked Wooyoung.
" What do you mean by that? " Wooyoung let out an offended gasp.
" You always yelled when you talked with her " Seonghwa dissing him.
" My baby is different, I was always excited when I talked with her " Wooyoung argued back.
Changbin, who heard everything, frowned.
" Who's this 'baby' that you really worked up when you mentioned this person? You got yourself some chicks to have fun? " Changbin curiously asked Wooyoung.
" Don't you dare say she is some slut, she's my girl and the most precious thing to me " Wooyoung yelled at Changbin.
" Changbin - ah, don't insult his girl if you still want to be his friend " Seonghwa warned Changbin.
" I'm sorry, Wooyoung " Changbin apologized to him. Wooyoung huffed in the other line but still accepted Changbin's apology.
" You won't introduce me to her? " Changbin teased the male.
" Hmp... I will consider it, just make sure not to fall in love with her " Wooyoung says sassily towards Changbin.
" Heh, I already have my mates " Changbin dismisses what his friend tells him.
" Don't talk like that, bro, you will regret it soon " Wooyoung evilly warned Changbin.
" Why do you say that? She's your girl, so you should protect her from other guys " Changbin frowns.
" Nevermind " Wooyoung utters and changes the topic.
Both of the males talked until late at midnight after a long time of not meeting each other.
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Author pov
Today, like usual, Y/n will meet her older brother with his bandmates. So right now, Y/n is choosing her clothes from the wardrobe, but she doesn't know what to wear. After half an hour, Y/n decides to wear black jeans with a baby pink crop top, and Y/n wears light makeup to make her face look less pale.
" Done " Y/n cheered to herself before she left her house.
Y/n drives to KQ Entertainment, which is kind of far from her house, and Y/n opens her playlist while driving to meet with Wooyoung.
A few moments later,
Y/n arrives at her brother's company, and she goes inside only to see Wooyoung already waiting for her in the lobby.
" Babe " Wooyoung shouted at her.
" Oppa " Y/n engulfs her older brother in her hugs.
Y/n and Wooyoung tightly hug each other.
" Oh my god! I miss you so much " Wooyoung whispered at her.
" Let's go meet with others " Wooyoung pulls Y/n body somewhere.
Both of them go to ATEEZ studio that has the other members.
" Guys, Y/n is here " Wooyoung announced to let them know about Y/n.
" Hai, Y/nnie " ATEEZ greeted Y/n with warm hugs.
" Your brother has been whiny since yesterday " Jongho complains at Y/n.
" Yaa, how dare you betray me " Wooyoung glared at Jongho, but the male only stuck out his tongue at Wooyoung.
" Y/nnie " Seonghwa taps Y/n's shoulder.
" Yes, Hwa Oppa " Y/n turn to Seonghwa and look shocked when he and others give her a present.
" Ige mwongayo? ( what is this? ) Onuel - eun nae saeng - il - i anida ( today is not my birthday )" Y/n giggles at them.
" Ulin al- a ( we know ) " Seonghwa also giggled.
" We want to give you a present because you already achieved your own dream at a young age " Hongjoong said with a grin.
" You have your own house now with good work " Yeosang said, patting Y/n's head.
" And most important, you don't have to deal with your obsessed brother at home anymore " San said with a sarcastic tone towards Wooyoung.
" You're just jealous that me and Y/n are like a couple outside, you can't beat me " Wooyoung mocks San until San starts to chase him around the company.
" Oppa never changes " Y/n sighs at Wooyoung's childish behaviour.
ATEEZ told Y/n about what her brother had been doing after her last visit, and ATEEZ told her how Wooyoung lost his focus after Y/n moved out from their house because he told them he was worried about the girl's safety.
" But Wooyoung really is dramatic, he cried like you were going to die or getting married. I don't know how you tolerate with him " Yunho cursed Wooyoung without a care if he heard it.
" She only moves out, what if one day she gets married to someone " Mingi is also doing the same thing.
ATEEZ shakes their heads with an annoyed expression, and Y/n only lets them complain about her brother without saying another word. Y/n knew all of them only wanted to tease Wooyoung for being dramatic, but all of them are actually close to each other, like siblings and a big family, because Y/n can't always stay by his side, and the same is for Wooyoung, so Y/n feels grateful to ATEEZ for always being with her brother, even though sometimes he is painful in the ass to handle.
Wooyoung always supports her dream since they are both still kids, and now Y/n wants to show her full support for Wooyoung as a return for what he did for her, and now that both of the siblings have already gotten what they wanted, Y/n goes to Wooyoung and hugs him tightly until he is kind of shocked by the sudden hugs.
" Thank you for being the best brother to me. I will support you no matter what happens to us " Y/n mumbled at Wooyoung's neck.
Wooyoung gave Y/n a pat on the head while a soft smile was plastered on his face.
" Thanks, Y/nnie, you are also the best sister that God gave me in this world and life " Wooyoung takes Y/n scent, which makes him calm down.
Y/n and Wooyoung spend time together doing many things they want.
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To Be Continue
Masterlist Next
Taglist ( open ) : @jinniespuppy @obeythemasters @iadorethemskz @jisunglyricist @literallyags @katsukis1wife @biibiycandy @dreamingsmile @boi-bi-ahaha @berryberrytan @imasimplol
@kiaralynn3838 @nobody3210
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
The Bear S3 Capri Live React
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WARNING! Spoilers for each episode below the cut!
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EP 1 - “Tomorrow”
Oh your poor hand I wanna kiss it, my sweet baby :((
Omg it’s filmed so differenttttt AAAAAA!!!!
Zaddy walked in meaning business lets gOOO
Like I said in TB&HH and many of my one shots this is a STUNNING restaurant - like FUCK!!! Carmy is BRILLIANT !!
Carmen RELAX!! Jesus! With punting the chair!
Omg his notebook from The French Laundry!!! Cute
New Yorks got everything :( OH this seeaaason is gonna rip my heart to shreeeeeds New York destroyed him.
Oh I think we are getting loads of baby chef Carmy FUCK 
Oh god oh god 'subtract'??? Fuuuuck
I would hate how perfect he always is HAHAHAHA I would haaaate working with him!!!!
Cousin Steve took care of him, I'm glad someone did 🥺
Oh fucking for Carmy to kiss me like that 
The kiss on the nose is everything I want to do in life 
“It’s never gonna happen again” he will die before it happens 
Good apologize to Richie you FUCKING IDIOT and good for saying I’m sorry good for saying I love you. Good boy. Good boy. 
He is about to make everyone miserable.  
“I know you are, honey” that is his real mother figure. 
While Mikey was dying Richie was destroying his marriage trying to save him and Carmy was getting verbally abused in New York. I am…gutted! 
I have thought about Carmy finding out about Mike. I never. Fucking. Thought. They. Would. Show it.
Like a mother Nat snuck the money in his pocket. I’m fuckin CRYYYING BRO THIS SEASON IS GONNA GUT ME 
The best meal Syd has ever had 🥹
The fennel makes him think of Syd because she has an allergy I’m gonna stroke out. 
EP1 ; Final Thoughts - SydCarmy is SO happening if it doesn’t what the fuck are they doing. Baby Carmy is gutting me. I hope Luca doesn’t go away after this episode. Mikey. Oh, Mikey :(((. Natalie? The cinematography - oh I’m about to EAT w these fics. Oh my god.I am fucking GUUTTTEEDDD THIS SEASON IS GOING TO DESTROY ME
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EP2 - “Next”
the AirPod falling out is so real
Lmaoooo her dad !! She is absolutely moving out as soon as she can 
Awww the ‘love you chef’ <3
See this music like shut up SydCarmy or bust!!! lmaooooo
Why is the fourth wall being broken???
His anxiety is so insane he is acting cracked out LMAO
CICERO OH NO - this is gonna be INSANE
Carmy needs to step off Syds dick and give her some control lmfaooo - like ? you don’t even own this place little man.
“Technique is spelt wrong but OK” BYE THIS IDIOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 
“You know buddy, I tried to call in and get you an order but they says you was back in the fridge yelling at yourself” LMFOAAOAOAO VJKFDNVLAKNLKVN I AM CRYING HE IS I LOVE UNC SO MUCH
everyone is asking him why the fuck he’s doing this and he cant say “because i cant stick my dick in syd” so he doesn’t know what to say.
He’s quitting smoking not for his health but to save … time. Alright then.
“The computer drafted the agreement so make sure you have a lawyer look at it” CAAAACKLING 
Carmen shut the fuck up you are in no position for fuck yous.
“I commend your bravery from inside a locked vault” IM DRFNDJSNENN HAHAHAHA GET HIM RICH
“Oh my god am I finally having a stroke?” “Am I having a stroke?” These POOR WOMEN SOMEONE PUT CARMEN ON A FUCKING LEASH
“I insist that you get fucked my good man” BYEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA RICHIE IS TOO FUNNY 
They are bickering like BITCHES 
his ego needs to be stroked lmaoooo he’s asking Syd to stroke his ego 
“I know sweetheart, don’t be scared” NATALIEEEE HAHAHAH It's ok Fak I'M scared of Carmy rn lmao.
holy fucking shit Carmen you are driving me CRRAAAAZYY SHUT UP 
“Every day Jeffery-Ballet?” TINA HAHAHAHA I LOVE THAT 
This IS banana town sweetheart Fak
“He was gonna tell us what he said to Claire”- Richie: “classic behavior dysregulation” PLLLEEASE
“Then I actually take it back, fuck you” i love Richie down
The gum chewing is sexy 
“Is that what you did” “no i’m just here if you need anything” oh, Carmy :(
Oh, Marcus :((((((. “Take us there bear” “yes chef” oh my god I’m crying again 
EP2 ; Final Thoughts - Carmen needs to fucking relax and I’m gonna say this probably a lot. Omg the fighting with Richie in this episode was pissing me off they are fighting like catty brothers!!! The moment with Marcus at the end really got to me. This was overall though a hilarious episode
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EP3 - “Doors”
Marcus mom funeral!! Awww I’m glad they all are there for him. Thiiis is the moms funeral, ok, so they did it all in one day the shooting for both funerals so we wouldn’t know!!!
I wonder how Carm feels he’s there for Marcus’ mom but wasn’t for his brother 
Wow this speech must be so impactful for Carmy to get a glimpse into someone else’s life like this 
Look alive lizards we are OPENN
Richie is so goooodddd at his job 🥹🫶
For the bear and his honey fans princess cake is 100% going in there hahahah
Hmm things are going a bit too well 
Carmy throwing so much good decent edible food away makes me twitch. 
Carmy and his little edible flowers hahaha I love it
“The rare Transylvanian 5 titted goat?!” CICEROOO HAHAHAH
“Joy” “this is a waste of time, give it to sugar” HAHAHAHA
Fak not putting it ON THE TABLE and Richie being like “keep my mans name out of your mouth “ PLLLELEEEASEE
Something abt Carmy cleaning is so hot
They’re being so too hard on tina :((
Richie is bringing patrons to the kitchen and Carmy is just violently bitching Syd out I am dead also, someone get the belt i’m gonna beat him.
This goes out to everyone who said there’s no chance the bear could fail and that it was a stupid idea it could? (cough- ex moots, cough) ; please tell me why they don’t even have a star and they’re already doing poorly with funds
I can’t- Carmen and Richie are fully going at each others throats and physically fighting.
Please Fak just grilling customers for info.
Carmy is SO little brother and I wanna choke him “we’ll figure it out” “ME?” “I’m trying to use less shiiittt >:(“ like a winey bitch - YOU ARE AN ADULT SHE IS THERE TO HELP YOU YOU LITTLE COCKSUCKER DO YOUR GOD DAMN JOB EFFICIENTLY
Carmy is losing it he needs to be medicated ASAP
Thank GOD Syd is putting her foot down and telling him to shut up
Syd looks fed the fuck up, rightfully
EP3 ; Final Thoughts - Holy shit Carmen is going nuts. Sydcarmy is going so hard rn he needs to finish shit with Claire so he can admit his feelings to himself about Syd. He needs to stop being so mean to her, he is going to cause her to panic. Whats so funny is I drafted Carmy bitching Syd out in my OC fic in the most recent chapter before this even came out (but in my world (in girl world) winnie is behind him chewing his ass out and literally told him he’s acting like his old boss) But it’s funny because hes literally telling her abusive ass shit his boss told him.
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EP4 - “Violet”
Ohhhhh to kiss Carmy that way. A dream
The nose kiss oh my god oh my god 
He’s such a good listener 
He is so fucking - oh my god this man. This man. I need him astronomically 
Marcus :(((
I love Syd’s scarf but also lmao the stress of that docu - I get you girl hahah
Yaaaay she’s moving! 
This apartment is stunning!!!
Him laying with her is so cute. 
“He’s not my uncle like Carmy” 🥹PLS SO CUTE
This is so good such kid convo omgggg kids are just like thissss!! He’s such a good dad omfg playing her handdddd fuckFUCKCJCKCJC expect more Richie content soon
“Maybe you’ve reached as far as your talent can go” makes MY stomach hurt, dawg 
“I feel like Bear is starting to respect me” please the way they look up to him I cantttt lmao
TAYLOR SWIFT!!!!!!!!!!
This Frank guy is weird- they made a great job at making this feel awkward as fuck.
that’s my girl! 
Oh is she about to get poached
Oooo like not Carmy??? Oooooo hes trying to poach her
Marcus has such nicely manicured hands
The way they just stuff snacks in faks mouth to make him go away hahaha love it
Mmhmm this season will make me fall more in love with Richie then ever before
Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Oh my god. My heart is being ripped out 
Wait they’re being reviewed for a star?! Already? They JUST opened! 
EP4 ; Final Thoughts - This was SUCH a Richie episode! I loved it alot :))) <3!!! So many Dad!Richie moments that made me smile. He also almost made me cry with his whole being alone thing. I will remedy my sadness with writing Richie fics literally probably tomorrow because holy holy holy this man I need to give him kissesssssss
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EP5 - “Children”
So do the Bears all have the same alarm clocks?
Marcus speech really touched Natalie :((
Carmen doing the boxes by himself HAHAHA its what he deserves!! BAD BOY! 
Syd the ultimate good friend helping Marcus with his moms stuff 
Syd looks so cute her outfit is adorable 
Lmaooo Syd with her dead mom club jokes she’s too funny I see why Carmy is so whipped 
The Bear and His Honey is going to fucking SLAP with this new Carmy content WOW
Him throwing away more food that is perfect literally perfect. *sarcasm*
I wanna leave hickeys on Richie’s neck so bad - it’s so pretty 
Omg Carmys mentor closing the restaurant- he’s spiraling and looking at the every second counts she instilled in him- oh god.. Oh god-
Richie has grown so much im so so proud of him! 
He is crushing on this girl from Ever so hard
Carmy is gonna get his legs broken if he doesn’t cut it out hahahaha
Fak drinking a Capri-sun LOL
Omgggg him saying to fire Marcus you are CRAZY 
Lmaooo Jimmy venting to syd and saying that carmy has a tree up his ass
Carmy finding baby pics I’m SICK
EP5 ; Final Thoughts - WOWOWOWOW This is the last ep. I am watching tonight I need to digest. This was such a cute Richie ep. I am so in love with Dad!Richie. He is such a good, good dad. I also am dead- John Cena as a Fak? And having a mikey esc. Haircut???? And smoking in the restaurant- and then them saying it smells like smoke I am dead as fuck. Richie really really wants this review to go well, I hope it does:((
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EP6 - “Napkins”
Good morning! time for e6 It is Directed by Ayo so i fear it is gonna kill me :) !
Well at least Tina has a normal clock 
Oooo get down on it!!!! Let’s go Tina!!! Get in that groove mama! 
Tina is so Puerto Rican mom I love it so so much 
Tina’s married?! I love it!! how sweet 
If Mikey’s in here- I’m gonna fucking die 
Baker tina!! Oh- customer service Tina? No! Books Tina!!! Smart girl!! that’s my lady :))
Oh Tina I’ve been there mama you’ll land on your feet :((( That’s right baby everything will be ok 
One thing about this show is all of the characters need routine 
The degree thing pisses me off to no end because of how real it is. Like shes been doing this 15 years and knows it better then someone right out of school with a stupid degree.
Awww Tina and hubs been together so long!! So sweet I love it her husband is good to her. 
I sooo love Tina is getting her moment the actress is so kind and amazing 
Woah I thought the big interview would be at the beef LOLLLL like not that it’s big but that they really need her lolll 
Oh my god. They hired someone ??? What the fuck and didnt tell her?!! RUDEEEE 
This little fucking prick oh my god yes Tina fuck him
Aw baby I wanna hug her it’ll be fine mama I know it doesn’t feel like it
“Maam you can’t smoke in here anymore” I can’t hahaha
Everyone calling him handsome I can’t hahah he is! But still hahaha
Omggg richieeee I love him he’s always been so sociallll!! Get ready to eat with the beef Richie oh. Wow. This whole scene is so chef kiss i cant wait to write more the beef!richie
“She can’t be crying in here” I am done LMAO
I fear I’m seeing the Mikey crush AAA “sandwich really that bad??” Stop being funny !! I also see how he got Carmy out of his panic attacks what a brother stop Mikey!! Why would you do that Mikey everyone loved you so muchhh 🥺💔
Gosh Mikey IS so handsome
oh my god Carmy takes after him SO SO SO MUCH oh my god Carmy takes after him so much 
Oh my gosh I didn’t realize she was older then Richie!! 46 means something in this show- did Mikey…at 46? If he did I will fucking sue 
OMG SHOWING HER THE PIC OH ANS TELLING ABOUT CARMY SHUT UP HE “hes the shit” he wasn’t allowed to work at the beef because mikey knew that he’s better then the beef. He sees so much in him I knew that was the case!!! I’m sick 
My god !! Carmy!! Takes!!! After Mikey so fucking MUCH!!! 
Oh Mikey- oh. Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Michael Berzatto. Hit me while I’m down PAL kick me why don’t you?! “I knew I was gonna get skipped because I had people to take care of” I knew this episode would make me sick. 
oh my god when Tina said she loved Mikey she loved Mikey like a good friend and I am so gutted when Carmy says everyone loved Mikey and he just lit a room up and could make anyone comfortable oh my god I’m so gutted!!!!!!!!!!! 
EP6 ; Final Thoughts - This episode let us truly meet Michael & oh my god it’s almost painful to watch these back to back like- this is a lot to digest holy fuck. When Carmen talked about a temp in a room and how Mikey could feel it then lean into it and manipulate it however he wanted. He did such a good job portraying that. I’d give anything for him to have just called Carmy when he was on that bridge and for him to have answered and for Carmy to change his mind. Oh my god I’m so- like oh my god? This show. I can’t.
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EP7 - “Legacy”
Carmy so pretty :)
Oh Richie. Thinking about :((( everything. 
Syd thinking of Carmy 
good Carmy is back at AI-ANON 
so much fucking family hahahah god I love Italians hey uncle Gary! 
*sighs* good morning, Syd. 
Oh. Ok he’s opening his own place ok…and he’s asking her I KNEW IT POACHER!! POACHER!!!!!
oh my god he’s offering her a real CDC job - with a real good salary,  it would be healthier for her sadly!!!!!!
How’d I headcanon Carmy knew French PUUUURRIODD 😌
“You look nice” ha. Ha. Ha.  Shoot me in the FUCKING FACE
“That sounds legendary pal” I WANT TO KISS HIM ON HIS STUPID MOUTH 
“Matter of fak supply” LOL
Richie is taking this so seriously which makes me more mad how Carmy treats him like he really is so good at the job and loves it.
Aw he really misses Tiff. :( he’s so different now and wishes he could go back so bad but he’s gonna find someone that I’ll be very jealous of bc I need this man SO BAD
Oh him crying abt Mikey- no stop I can’t 
“Hey grandpa” “hey grandma” I love Ebra and Tina sm lol and her mimicking his accent they’re adorable 
“Maybe you can go fuck, Ted” hahahaha I love telling people to go fuck now 
Eva’s drawing in Richie’s host book 🥹🫶
Carmen I wanna choke you out so bad!  Can you take a single suggestion ???
EP7 ; Final Thoughts - Another good episode!! Very balanced which I like, the character centered episodes feel very heavy but I still love them. I'm just happy that we got a little bit of a second to breathe!! I think it’s cool how they’re doing the beef on the side, like so cool! I never thought of that as an option. Because it’s true the neighborhood would probably miss their local sandwich spot! I liked this episode a lot :) Carmy can go fuck this episode, though he’s in the dog house and I hope Syd leaves to teach him a lesson! (& it makes him realize he loves her!!!)
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EP8 - “Ice Chips”
I’m guessing before we start Nat is gonna find comfort not in her brother, but in Syd! 
oh my god Donna SUGAR oh my god sugar snapping on Donna I can’t 
someone get someone here other then Donna 
My Scorpio sissy Natalie !!! 11/10/88 (this confirms to me carmy is still in his 20s theres no way hes 33 when nat is 34)
Donna needs to leave this is the worst she’s the worst birth partner ever 
At least Donna is being nice 
She never told her mom she was pregnant??? Wow!
Donna’s labor with Carmy being so incredibly hard is honestly canon! That is so funny actually. Yeah that kid makes everything hard for himself! 
lol you get that epidural queen!!!
I’m glad Donna is hearing that she scared them as children. 
Donna is an alcoholic because her mother had problems
Ok I’m feeling Donna sympathy 
EP8 ; Final Thoughts - wow. Wowowowowowowowow 0 Carmy and 0 Richie basically but this was nats episode and Donna’s! I am happy we were able to see the sweet side of Donna, I think (and hope !!) she is on the right path to sobriety!!! This episode was very tender , I loved hearing about their childhoods more <3 Nat is gonna be a good mommy!!!
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EP9 - “Apologies”
Magic? Ok sick, ok Marcus!! That’s who was watching this ok then wonder what thats about?
“Claire is peace” please- the thought of her gives you a panic attack. 
He’s gonna apologize this episode Jesus we wasted a whole season still no sydcarmykiss. It’s ok guys stay strong we’ll be there next season 
Yes Syd leave him 
Carmen you are nuts!!! 
Richie and Carmy staring at eachother through the window like bears about to kill eachother is freaking me out.
Syd say it -
Oh wait it’s the funeral for ever lol! I forgot that’s the funeral. Ok not worried 
He goes to the walk in to try to make it in his mind like he hasn’t waited all this time to apologize hahahaha 
“Missing one, that wouldn’t the the thing happened to be wedged up your ass the last few weeks is it?” JIMMYYYYY HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jesus this man’s eyes literally glow blue 
He owes him sooo much money wow 
Tina and Marcus are so cute
Carmy and his drawings are adorable 
Ten minutes left and Carmy hasn’t said sorry lol 
His little smile at the farm AAAA
Syd ls bringing them food before Carmy 
No she’s right Carmy I’m sorry why wouldn’t it be immediate insurance what is … wrong with you?
Oh my god fak going to see Claire Fak leave now no no no no no no no no oh my god this is so bad 
Mommy Nat 🥹💖
Aw Carmy looking at mikes funeral card 😭💔
EP9 ; Final Thoughts - Why does this season not feel done?! Well prob because they’re gonna do a season 4. But still there’s no way they can finish all of this in one episode. Holy moly the Faks need to stop interfering this is so bad!!!! Too many Faks!! Ok I can’t last episode time AAA
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E10 - “Forever” !!!!!!
This mentor I like very much 
He took the popes nose thing from this mentor hahaha
This man who mentored Carmy it’s understandable why he was so driven or like, inspired to keep going
Richie is crushing on Jess hard 
Luca oh baby I wanna kiss himmm oh him 
oh my fid oh my god oh my god oh my god his boss his his oh my god 
Oh my god oh m y god “working for a bad boss is the worst because the culture you’re a part of is the culture you create” Carmen is spiraling rn (the next chapter of my oc fic is gonna go crazy)
Syd being more sociable then Carmy bc Carmy is panicking 
This smug bastard loves that he makes Carmen squirm I wanna punch him
“This is why you’re alone you can’t handle this” I’m going to fucking stab something
Carmy finds 0 joy in cooking anymore. 
Richie is so lovable the boss loves him and knew him for less then a week hahahahah
Carmy OH CARMY CARMY CARMY OH CARMY  “generally being you” my jaw is my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw on THE FLOOOOORRRRRRRRRR. Oh my god. He’s such this asshole boss I hope he dies holy fuck HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE. I WANT TO PEEL OFF HIS SKIN
Luca and Syd??? Ok- I say go for it queen
My mind is blown so far this is so amazing but also how the fuck hasn’t he sorted with Claire and S3 is closing???
Omg after party at SYDS?! Where is Carmy??? literally Marcus and Tina are there and the Faks?? He has to be seeing Claire there’s no way why would he miss out on this!!!!
If only Carmy got to be apart of something fun. Of course he’d deprive himself. OF COURSE
He is… giving Syd ptsd like his boss did to him. She is having done to her what was done to him.
Oh Syd. Oh Syd. Oh you need to get out of there baby it’s killing you. I hate seeing her upset its hurting me.
Their review was bad…. :((((((((((((
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EP10/S3 ; Overall Final Thoughts -
IM CRYING omggggg omg omg omg omg omg omg the whole thing with the boss had me in actual tears. TB&HH is about to eat so hard so so hard oh I have so many ideas AAAA and I’m so in love w Richie even more then last season he is totally crushing on Jess. Oh my god syd needs to get out of the bear Carmy is actually killing her. He is doing to her what his boss did to him and that’s evil!!! Evil evil. Oh my god so many thoughts I have but wow just wow. I can’t most of all wait to read the rest of the fandoms thoughts WOW my fics are about to eat I’m so inspired ALSO SydCarmy fics are about to be so angsty and eeeeeaaaatttttt!! He is slowly killing his girl, also - him being able to say sorry to syd but not claire??? I’m mad that the Faks had so much screentime like they were funny sometimes sure, but waywaaay too much faks. Not enough Nat, not enough MARCUS!! The most powerful touching scene or at least most inspiring of the season for me was the one with carmy & his old boss the sack of shit, that scene is gonna propel tb&hh so farrrr also this whole season is going to! Im so excited to keep writing that. I see people are not liking this season in my peeks on my home page (i didnt want to taint my thoughts) but im kinda surprised - like yes we didn’t wrap everything up & there were too many faks and not enough syd BUT the cinematography was stunning, and we got to see in carmys head which is what i predicted - this season was to get in his head to see 2 main things 1) how he does what he does 2) why he is how he is - and we got both of those answers, I think everyone was expecting this to be the last season and it was never going to be! In order to wrap this up we had to fully understand why carmen is how he is, are you all catching my drift here? I cant wait for S4!!! I feel it that SydCarmy will happen, I know that chefkids will put it in to words because their brain is much bigger then mine - but wow wow and wow. I’m gonna have to watch each episode 10 more times to digest it but wow. Loved it! MOST OF ALL I CANT WAIT FOR S4!!!!!! AAAAA
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19 notes · View notes
But boyfriend or roomate!spencer who accidentally got into the habit of stealing your panties🫣
akj;dsg fkj;as this got a lil out of hand OOPS PLS ENJOY
perv!roomate!spencer x fem!reader, smut 18+, 1.7k words CW: masturbation, degrading, annoyed!spencer, oral (m-recieving), unprotected piv (don’t forget to wrap it up pls), he's kinda a dick at the end tbh
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This is the third week in a row that you’ve had to go out and buy more panties. You have no idea where they’re disappearing to, maybe the washer is eating them? Or the dryer? At least that’s what your roommate, Spencer, said.
It makes a little sense, especially since your washer and dryer are old as shit.
But it’s really annoying.
“Spence! I’m back!” you say as you open the door to your shared apartment. “I grabbed us some snacks for movie night tonight.”
You don’t hear him acknowledge you coming home but you don’t think anything of it. Until you walk towards your room and notice it’s propped open slightly when you remember closed it before you left.
You step in and notice some dirty laundry that was definitely in your hamper is now on the floor.
“Hey Spence? You’re here right? Did you go through my laundry?” you ask at his door.
You hear a grunt or two from Spencer’s room before he responds, “one sec, I’m cleaning my room real quick.”
You wait patiently until his door opens and he pops his head out, “what’s up?”
“Did you go through my laundry? My door was closed when I left and it looks like my hamper was gone through?”
“Oh yeah, sorry you borrowed a shirt from me last week remember? I need it for work tomorrow so I grabbed it from your hamper so I could put it in my laundry load earlier.”
“Oh right right, makes sense,” you laugh. “Is your stuff out of the wash? I gotta put one in too.”
“Yup it’s out, I finished that all an hour ago.”
“Ok great! Thanks, I’m gonna start that, when do you wanna do dinner and our movie?”
“How about an hour or two? Maybe once you’re done with your load, that way there’s no background noice for us.”
“Sounds good to me,” you smile.
Spencer smiles back at you and you turn to get your laundry started, his door closing again echos behind you as you walk back to your room down the hall. You put your headphones in and start on your laundry and chores, so you don’t notice the moaning and grunting happening in the other room.
What you do notice though, is your favorite pair of black lace panties not being in your basket like they should be. And the only person who had been in your room, and your hamper, since this morning was Spencer.
Before thinking about any kind of repercussions, you stop the washer and barge into Spencer’s room, taking off your headphones as you enter.
“Did you take my panties?” you accuse, but your voice falls when you see and hear him.
“Fuck, ah, yeah y/n, yeah,” Spencer moans as he fucks his hand. You’re silent, mouth agape as you take in his long, thick cock and his hand with a familiar piece of fabric wrapped around it. His eyes are closed when he addresses you, his hand never stopping it’s movements. “Don’t you know how to knock?” he spits out.
His eyes meet your own, “are you going to stand there and watch or-?”
You spin around. “I-I’m sorry. I-“
A deep moan interrupts your thought.
“Are you not going to stop? Do you have no shame?”
“You’re—fuck—you’re the one who barged in on me,” he says, a groan punctuating his statement.
“You stole my panties!” you huff, crossing your arms angrily.
The slick sound of his lubed up hand on his cock is making you wet, you clench your thighs together as you think about how big he was.
“Are you going to leave?”
“No I-I want my panties back.”
“Suit yourself,” he replies, you can feel the words laced with a grin. Behind you, he pumps his cock a few more times before moaning out your name and cumming in his hand, all over your panties. His bed creaks as he gets up, and you hear his footsteps move towards you.
Spencer’s arm stretches out beside you and holds out your cum covered black panties.
You turn around and are met with a smirking, and pants-less, Spencer. “Well?“ he questions, still holding your soiled panties out to you. “You wanted to wash them right?”
“You’ve been stealing my panties?”
You wait for a minute, patient for an apology that doesn’t look like it’ll come. “Are you not gonna apologize? Really?”
“Nah, I’m not sorry about it, I am annoyed that I got caught. I really thought you’d be out for longer,” he laughs to himself.
“Seriously, Spence?! You’re such a perv!”
“You’re the one who came in to my room without knocking, y/n,” he spits. “Where are your manners huh?”
You look down but Spencer grabs your chin harshly with his free hand. “Do I need to teach you some manners?”
His cock rests between the two of you, semi-hard. You clench your thighs, mouth watering.
You want this. God you want this. You wanted this shortly after Spencer agreed to lease your second bedroom when your last roommate left.
So you nod, and Spencer smiles. The smile turning into a chuckle when he drops your chin and tosses your panties into his own hamper.
“Manners, manners, manners, where to begin,” he teases. “How about, doing what you’re told? On your knees.”
You slink down onto your knees in front of him, his cock at eye level to you now.
“Good girl,” he smiles down at you.
Your palms rest on the tops of your thighs as you look up at him from your position.
“You’re a fast learner, huh?” He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear before grabbing a handful of hair and yanking your head down so your mouth drops open in a groan. “Say ah.”
You stick your tongue out and say ah as he grasps his cock with his free hand and taps it on your awaiting tongue.
And you do. Your lips wrap around his tip, tongue circling the sensitive head and you moan at the salty, perfect taste of him. You take him deeper into your warm, wet mouth and his head falls back in a groan, the hand in your hair gripping tighter as you bob on his cock.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that y/n,” he moans looking down to watch as his cock disappears in and out of your mouth. Your eyes are watering and there’s drool dripping out of the corners of your mouth as you look up at him with fucked out eyes.
You keep sucking, your tongue tracing the vein on the underside of his dick as you pull back to breathe. Your mouth comes off his cock with a pop and a trail of spit connecting you to him.
“Good girl,” he smiles as he combs a hand through your hair. “Up.”
You move to stand in front of him.
“Pants and panties off.”
You unbutton and unzip your pants, and shimmy them and your panties down your legs. He holds a hand out and you pick up and place your panties in his palm.
What you don’t expect is for him to bring them up to your own lips.
“Open,” he smirks.
And of course, you do, and he stuffs your panties in your own mouth before grabbing your wrists and bringing you towards his bed. He moves behind you, bends you over the side of his bed, pushing you down by the back of your neck. He smacks your ass, before slipping a hand between your thighs. His fingers slip through your pussy, “so wet for me.” He chuckles. “How long have you wanted this?”
So long,you try to say through your stuffed mouth. A moan starts deep in your throat when his deft fingers meet your clit. He flicks the bud back and forth, your legs quivering at his ministrations. His unoccupied hand squeezes your ass while the other shifts from your clit to your entrance and he pushes two fingers in. Another muffled groan leaves your throat as he pumps his fingers in and out and in and out.
You try and close your legs when he removes his hand but he keeps them open with his free hand. The one coated in your arousal grips his cock and strokes a few times before his tip meets your hole and he pushes in, roughly. He trusts in to the hilt, his balls slapping against your clit when he bottoms out with a groan of your name.
One hand goes back to the back of your neck and keeps you pinned in pace while he frantically pistons into you at a rough pace. “Fuckin, taking me like such a good girl huh?”
Your yes is muffled again, but you clench around him as he continues to thrust into you, the coil in your stomach tightens with every tap of his mushroom tip against that perfect spot inside of you.
He pauses, his dick pulsing in your warm sheath as he grabs a pillow and pulls your waist up slightly to place it under your hips. The new angle is too much for you. You snap, trying to cave in on yourself as Spencer continues to fuck you through your orgasm.
“You’re squeezing me so tight, y/n. So-tight,” he huffs. He reaches up to you and pulls your panties from your mouth. “Wanna hear you this time.”
Your moans and fucks are audible now and grow louder when his hand finds your clit and starts to rub tight circles into it. The sound of your wetness, skin slapping skin and your quick, hot whines are the only thing the two of you can hear.
Your second orgasm hits like a train, your legs trembling, your mouth hung open in a silent scream of his name. Spencer pulls out of you and you whine at the loss. He picks up the wet panties that were previously in your mouth and wraps them around his dick. He fucks his hand while watching your release trail down your legs. A few strokes and he’s coming undone over you, his warm cum painting your back.
“God, that was good,” he laughs walking to drop another pair of abused panties into his hamper. “‘You gonna make sure to knock next time?”
“Mhm,” you whine into his bedspread. 
You hear his footsteps leave his room and you hear the bathroom door close and the shower start, all while you still lay, bent over his bed, ass in the air, cum dripping out of your cunt.
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heartsoji · 2 years
KUNIMI AKIRA: the start
the start of your relationship with kunimi was very hesitant.
you had seen all those cute couple things online and had complained about wanting to do them, but kunimi wasn't one to take the initiative and take you out for picnic dates or ask you to do the laundry with him, and asking him was actually a lot more nerve-wracking than expected.
one thing in particular that you had always wanted to do but couldn't because you didn't have a boyfriend (rip i don't either) was to steal his hoodies, wear them with pride, and not giving a f*ck about his demands to give it back. and in your pre-relationship mind, kunimi had lots and they looked really comfy so it would be cute. however, it was actually kind of scary. like this was the start of your relationship with him. you didn't want to cause any conflict. what if he got mad that you took one? what if it caused a fight between the two of you and your relationship would become rocky? there was just too much at risk.
however, you still desperately wanted to wear one, so you not-so-subtly tried to get kunimi to give you one instead.
"aki, i'm kinda cold."
"yeah?" *gives you a hug*
and while yes, this was very cute, he was not taking the hint.
he was denser than you thought.
eventually, you couldn't take it anymore and just took one. you decided to take one that you rarely ever saw him wear and just hope that he didn't notice.
you came to kunimi's prepared. you had already memorized where kunimi kept that specific hoodie and where he put his spare hangers. you brought a large tote bag to store the hoodie with a plushie inside to avoid suspicion. you put an alarm on your phone as a fake reminder that would strike after you had stolen the hoodie. then, while he was in the bathroom, you sprinted to his closet, opened it quietly, pulled the hoodie off the hanger, put it with his other spares, quietly shut his closet, pulled out the plushie, and replaced it with his hoodie. you then tossed your bag by the door underneath your coat and ran back to your former spot on his couch, plushie in your arms. when he came back, you presented him with the plushie.
"ta-da! i saw it at the arcade and it reminded me of you, so i got it."
this wasn't a lie, so you were able to say it smoothly.
he smiled softly and accepted the gift, giving you a small "thanks" and a shy peck on your forehead, which made you fall for him a little more.
then, your "reminder" on your phone went off.
"AH! sorry aki gotta go no time to explain no need to see me off love you bye!" and with that, you rushed off. you didn't want him to see your stuffed tote.
when you returned home, you pulled the hoodie out of your tote. it was a simple dark grey hoodie with a small logo on the top right corner. you pulled it over your head and inhaled its scent.
because he didn't wear it often, it didn't smell like him very much. however, it did just a little bit, which left a little grin on your face. you hoped that he wouldn't notice it was gone.
but of course, kunimi's an observant guy and noticed.
"hey, y/n?" kunimi waved you over the next day at lunch.
"what, aki?" you asked innocently.
"have you seen my hoodie? the grey one."
"y-you have a lot of grey ones, aki." you stuttered.
"i guess. sorry, just wanted to know if you had seen it since you came over yesterday." he said.
"oh. ok. thanks anyways. i love you."
you felt your heart flutter at the last part and couldn't take it anymore.
"a-aki.. i took your hoodie. 'm sorry." you admitted, looking down shyly at your feet.
he looked a little surprised. just a little.
"but why though?" he asked. "i'm not mad by the way, just curious."
you could feel your cheeks heating up. "it.. kinda smells like you."
anyone who didn't know better would think that kunimi was unfazed by this. but if you just looked at his ears, you could see a red tint.
"oh." he said slowly, before pulling his favorite hoodie out of his bag.
"here." he held it out to you, eyes to the side.
"huh..?" you were confused. what was going on?
"i don't wear that one often. take this one instead." he mumbled.
you felt your heart swell and you accepted the hoodie.
"thanks, aki!" you said happily.
you nuzzled your face into the soft material. this one had a much stronger scent than the other one and you loved it. you pulled it on over your uniform and smiled brightly, burying your face into it like he did with his.
he looked away, his ears a bright red. "yeah, yeah." he muttered before giving you a quick peck on the forehead.
"and by the way.. you can take them whenever you want. it's a good way to brand you as mine." he added before walking back to his table, leaving you standing there, frozen. you could feel your cheeks burning like crazy.
bonus - 3 months later
*tackles you on the couch and tickles you until ur wheezing before pulling it off of your figure and holding it in the air triumphantly*
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delphictrip · 9 months
Captain's log. Stardate JAN 10 2024. ADHD and time management.
trying some of the non medication adhd management techniques along with my medication for the superpowers of... hopefully clean kitchen and laundry done and to bed on time?
i watched this video while I was folding towels on Monday and I almost cried. Yeah. I'm Judy. I don't know how long it takes to do the goddamn laundry, so I always overbook myself and never finish it and that's how i end up with clothes all over the floor constantly that may or may not need to be re-washed. and being surrounded by mess all the time is depressing and stresses me out and makes EVERYTHING worse (things i have known about myself for years and not really figured out how to solve).
starting to TIME my tasks.
shower: 30 minutes. 15 minutes for brushing hair before, hopping in, getting clean, getting into a towel. 15 more minutes for drying off enough to feel comfortable putting clothes on again.
getting ready for bed: 15 minutes for grooming (brushing and braiding hair, brushing teeth, extras if needed) and however long a wind down yoga video is. 10-30 minutes. start at 8:30 to be in bed by 9 or 9:15
getting ready for work: 15 minutes to get dressed and groom, maybe a yoga routine if time allows, 15 minutes to eat breakfast and pack my bag and put on my badges and get out the door. still working on breaking that down. I wasn't late for work today though!!! I was a whole minute early. Although I was shooting for 5 minutes early. Oops.
I just got a LOT of kitchen clean up done in 50 minutes. Like, it's good enough I'm not gonna hate cooking in it tonight.
Taking a breather. Time's up 5 minutes ago, going to see how long it takes to make dinner in a TIDY kitchen with CLEAN KNIVES and a CLEAN COUNTER. Maybe I need to give myself a 15 minute break after 45 minutes like I planned instead of a 10 minute break after 50 that ended up stretching into an 17.5 minute break OK POSTING NOW BYE
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massivesimpfordilfs · 2 years
Konig x gn!reader
This was an implied request from a good friend. Enjoy :)
Konig was shy. He was tall, intimidating, and shy. (y/n) loved him for that. It was fun to tease him about being shy. The first time (y/n) saw him become the ruthless soldier that he truly was had them all hot and bothered. Blood smeared on his mask, breath heavy, gun smoking.
“Holy shit.” (y/n) panicked, eyes wide and turning to look at the side.
Konig didn’t notice and they proceeded on. 
“Everything good on your end?” Soap’s voice came through the comm device.
“Yep.” (y/n)’s voice cracked slightly.
They wrapped up the mission quickly and returned to base. (y/n) cleaned up in the shower, hearing everyone else in the room laughing and picking on one another. They walked out after getting dressed and bumped into someone massive. 
“Konig! Hey! Doing laundry?” They nodded towards the clump of clothes sitting in the crook of Konig’s beefy arm. 
“Mhm. Blood got all over my stuff.” He blushed. (y/n) still hadn’t registered where their face was pressed for a whole few seconds. 
“Do you need a new shirt for your next mask?” (y/n) offered. Konig blushed more, his long scruffy hair matted against his face from his own shower. 
“That’s ok. Go eat with the others, I’ll catch up.” Konig smiled. (y/n) nodded, saying bye and going to the kitchen area with the rest of the team.
“So, how was your first mission with Konig?” Soap asked (y/n).
“It was good.” (y/n) blushed, remembering seeing Konig in action. “He’s pretty skilled.”
“He’s also reckless. Our next mission isn’t just a search mission, it’s a recon. Becareful if you make contact.” Ghost warned. His food disappeared under his mask.
“Ghost, please wash that thing.” Soap sighed. The mask itself hadn’t been washed in who knows how long. It was stained and torn.
“...No.” Ghost stared at Soap for a good few minutes.
“Get a room.” (y/n) laughed. They ran off before Ghost murdered them.
Their next mission was in some desolate city. (y/n) and Konig searched the area cautiously, maintaining status with Soap. They were almost completely cleared when they were ambushed.
“Guns down, now.” (y/n) followed the order, putting his hands up but Konig didn’t.
“Konig.” (y/n) muttered to him when they noticed the guys all had their guns trained on the tall brute of a man. Konig sighed and followed along. 
“Cut the comms.” The guy who seemed in charge spoke in Russian. A guy with a knife approached Konig and slit the clear cord of his comms device, doing the same with (y/n).
“What’s your business?” The guy asked in English after the guy with the knife moved back.
“Just here for a mission, sir.” (y/n) spoke in Russian.
“Russian?” The guy asked. (y/n) could feel Konig’s eyes.
“First language.” (y/n) nodded. It actually wasn’t. They were American and the whole team knew. But they were also fluent in Russian, Polish, German and Finnish.
“Did you used to fight in the war? Division 12?” The man asked, his gun lowering.
“Yep.” (y/n) lied through their teeth.
“I knew I recognized you. Who’s the guy next to you?” He asked, signaling for everyone else to lower their guns.
“He was assigned to be my bodyguard. I sustained a severe injury my last year serving and they transferred me to a recon division. Easier work on the body, ya’know?” (y/n) cracked a smile. Konig whispered in hushed German to ask what they were doing and (y/n) just told him to play along. Konig nodded at whatever (y/n) had said.
“Ah, my bad. Thought you were the enemy.” The guy laughed. (y/n) let a nervous laugh slip. Gunfire was heard not far off and suddenly everyone was on alert again. The noise stopped quickly and footsteps were heard rushing toward the group. Soap and Ghost quickly rounded the corner, following a small soldier who was running towards the group. Ghost pulled up his gun and shot the soldier in the back, shouting at Konig to take (y/n) and run. Konig did, quickly picking up their stolen guns and rushing away. He didn’t look back but (y/n) aimed a shot at the Russian guy’s head. They grimaced but landed the hit and kept running. They eventually hid behind some buildings and waited for their commanders to catch up. 
“Are you ok?” Konig asked. (y/n) seemed to gasp for air only slightly.
“Perfect. First time hearing me speak Russian?” (y/n) smiled at Konig who nodded. It was obvious he was blushing.
After about ten minutes, Ghost found them and helped them back.
(y/n) was showering, completely spaced out. Their eyes were wide as they watched the bloody water travel down the drain.
“(y/n), you good? You’ve been in there a while.” Ghost asked, worried. When they didn’t reply, he announced his entrance into the shower stalls. (y/n) turned to face him slowly. Ghost gasped and called for Soap just as the young soldier passed out in his arms.
When (y/n) woke up, Konig was sitting over their bed with his head in his hands.
“Ugh, I feel like shit.” They sat up, holding their head.
“(y/n)!” Konig sat up quickly. “Are you alright?” He slowed down.
“Well, I got shot so not really. But I’ll be fine.” (y/n) laughed.
“How did you get shot?” Konig asked.
“I took aim at their leader and someone else aimed at me. Just lucky the guy didn’t have my aim or I’d be dead.” They laughed again.
“Stop laughing.” Konig wasn’t looking up.
“Stop laughing. A fatal injury isn’t a joke.”
“Geez, lighten up. It’s my own pain and I cope how I want.”
Konig looked up, eyes welled with tears. “You could have died!”
(y/n) was taken aback. He looked at Konig with wide eyes as he cried. “Come here.” They opened their arms to the beefy soldier. He collapsed into them. “I’m fine. I’m not dead.”
“I know.” Konig whimpered, clutching the thin fabric of (y/n)’s shirt. “I love you too much for you to be dead.”
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
So we cant have an opinion? Ok..if you think calling us names just because we have an opinion is okay, then its weird. We say what we think about the drama and about the things they do. Also its very sad that youre protecting m and still throwing shade at shea even tho m isnt any fucking better. I dont understand you why you hate on stas and shea and not on m, she isnt ANY BETTER. Some of you should know that every person can have a different opinion. Okay bye
the inconsistencies in yalls arguments are FASCINATING to me lmao
if i'm weird for calling you guys names, what exactly are you for constantly shitting on colby and calling him a manwhore, trash, fuck boi ect???? what about all the terrible things you say about m??
also… what drama is there to be had? m posted a picture. how is that drama? it's only drama bc you guys have such vitriol for her that you need to find any and all reasons to hate her. same thing goes for k.
and if we are really gonna bring up shea and stas - let's get one thing straight. for all the reasons i don't like either of those girls, NONE of those reasons are bc of how they look. but that seems to be the SOUL reason yall don't like m.
or maybe the only reason yall comment on her looks so much is bc you know NOTHING about her and don't really have anything else to add to the conversation besides "m has fake boobs".
as for shea and stas, first off, i don't even care about stas anymore. she's off doing whatever she wants. i spent months on here defending her until i couldn't anymore. and then there was a period of time i didn't care for her and what she did, which was basically try to make every fan think her and colby had a thing going on while he was literally taking another girl on dates. but at this point i don't give a fuck about her. she's gone and is the least of my concerns.
but shea…. i have literally given LISTS as to all of the reasons i don't like her. bc she has actually done questionable things for years. and especially now - with all of her livestreams consistently bringing up colby, she can't even keep her own story straight as to what went on between the two of them. she lies bc she wants to look like the victim. that's not to say that colby probably didn't do her wrong at some point. i ain't saying he's a saint. but there does come a point where if you're gonna air out all of his dirty laundry, shit that we as fans shouldn't know about at all, that he came to you IN CONFIDENCE with, but claim you're the victim in all of this….. you've lost the plot entirely.
and you know why i can say m is better than both of them? she isn't in group chats with fans telling every little bit of info she can about colby. shea and stas can't say that.
see yall mistake me being nice towards m and k as me liking them. i don't like them. i don't CARE about them. and i also understand that i know nothing about them, which is something yall can't say. you think bc you hate watch everything they post that somehow you know everything about them when reality is you know nothing. at all.
but sure, m is exactly like shea and stas. if you honestly feel that way, i want you and your little friends to confidently say that shea and stas are also clout chaser that just used colby to get ahead in their careers and are also plastic bags bc they too have had work done. i will gladly cosign that if yall do it. but i'm not gonna hold my breath bc i know yall ain't gonna do it lmao
and i'm not stopping you from having your opinion. you guys loudly go on twitter day in and day out and complain about m and colby and call them every name under the sun. no one is stopping you. but you know, you're right. we are allowed to have different opinions. and wouldn't you believe it, this is me having a different opinion than you.
you think m is gross for having fake boobs and an onlyfans and colby is a manwhore. i think you guys are terrible, insecure fans who need to grow up and stop acting like children all the time throwing a hissyfit over their crush not liking them back and dating the popular girl instead. your insults are low and also not creative in the slightest. you spend every waking moment being miserable in a fandom you claim to enjoy being in, yet literally hate 1/2 of the content creators in it. you hate watch two girls you don't like whatsoever, essentially wasting your time so you can raise your blood pressure, just to run to twitter and get in your little gcs and bitch about the girls that wouldn't and don't give you the time of day. you're basically a fan of them bc of how much time you spend thinking about them, talking about them, theorizing about them, ect bc genuinely when do you guys even log off or think about something else? i don't even think most of you have a job, a, bc you're mostly really young (which already explains so much) and b, bc you clearly have a lot of free time on your hands. i genuinely hope you and your friends find a better avenue to put your anger to use rather than just complaining about snc and their gfs all day. you live a miserable life, and i hope that changes for you. and if not, kick rocks with open toe shoes.
okay, bye :) and genuinely don't come back lol
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whatwouldmickeydo · 2 years
I’m betting Helen in 4d spreads rumours but it all it does it make people curious? So Mickey is getting asked about safe, consensual choking in the laundry room and by the pool and he’s tired of all the questions so he writes a very concise and helpful list of things and forwards it to the group chat for the building. And gets equal parts: shock/horror messages and thanks/compliment messages but it ultimately it descends into an honest and open chat about sexuality and so many people are being honest and open. Ian was hesitant about Mickey sending the message but now Mickey is like ‘guess I’m the sex therapist for the building’ 🤷🏻 and Ian is like ‘I don’t think so but also please don’t share anything else about our sex life’ ‘thought you wanted me to be friends with people?’ ‘not by telling them I choke you during sex’ ‘that’s on you and your giant paws’ ‘I don’t have- oh my god, ok, we need to delete ourselves from this chat I don’t need to know that the old lady in 3f is looking for younger men to experiment with’.
Sorry, I went off on a tangent 🙈 you can delete this 😅
Lmaoooo Calli i am straight up dying at this 🤣🤣🤣
“Guess I’m the sex therapist now.”
“You are literally not.”
Ian’s giant paws STOPpp also where’s the lie
Does he come home from the grocery store to find Mickey by the mailroom telling members of the local mahjong group about how to get better at deep throating?
“See you gotta open up your throat a bit, I had to learn real quick cuz my husband’s got a MONSTER-“
“-Anddd that’s the end of this conversation, bye ladies! Mick, stop telling random people about my dick how many times do we have to talk about this?”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
LMAOO im also chronically online this is a safe space for the chronically online dw (i also respond at chronically online speeds sooo) but FR THE UNHOLY TRINITY LMAOO if we add Raichi it’s the four horsemen of the apocalypse (bro has never played anything other than defense though and we like. NEVER see him touch the ball basically so uh sorry bro no sexy soccer time yet)
Honestly I don’t know why more people can’t just let people exist?? Like fr just leave them alone and live your life why make it so miserable for everyone sheesh…also please those twelve year olds on tiktok can’t even tie their shoe laces nor should they be on tiktok learning “potty mouth phrases” LMAO I think they need a reality check DESPERATELY
Never apologize for writing too much Karasu.
But LMAOO OK IM GLAD HAHA so real for that I can’t do what Reo or Barou do for him like I will not be the Anri to your Ego!!! Please put your socks in the laundry!!!! But this isn’t irl so he’ll still be a squishy bear to me
LMAO REALLL side character supremacy >>> Honestly I didn’t hate the animation either although I did notice some funky scenes it wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone made it seem…I’m glad to hear that they’re putting their eightbitussy into it though
He’s so captain it’s literally insane (quick we gotta talk more about this and manifest Karasu captain for u20 World Cup) Aiku honestly a good option too (I wanna see my man in action though) if it’s Isagi I’ll lowk riot
BESIDES AN EROTIC LEFT LEG GOODBYE that made me snort as I read this
Ok yeah I also kinda ballparked that amount in my mind LMAO I forgot to mention this more in my last response but the ON SALE THING >>>> I laughed it was so goofy too like she caught him red handed THE NEXT DAY like bro those were NOT on sale…$50 for advice boy you’re not slick
Chefs kiss mc written wonderfully WITHOUT the typical overly used cliches as much as I love a stupid mc sometimes it’s quite an overused trope I feel where it’s the teehee dummy reader so again, this was refreshing LOL (I always love how you give your y/ns substance as characters and like humans..?? Like they all feel like actual people and aren’t your just your average w*ttp*d UwU MCs…I mean writers have to start somewhere so maybe I should stop bashing them like this but uh)
Honestly it’s such an interesting language which is why it takes me a bit to translate/transcribe sometimes because I can’t capture the underlying meanings or emotions as well in English LMAOO (the first time I tried was the hiori light novel and finding the correct phrasing was definitely a learning curve LOL) but omg slay you’re outperforming people living in the motherland!! That’s honestly really impressive, do you get to speak it frequently?
Snuffy’s backstory is actually so sad I can’t :(( also the SONG CHOICE??? Bye. But this is why I can’t even say “no one dies in soccer anymore” man
NO FR you know it’s bad when I’m impressed by a healthy family in bllk shdshhs HAHA FAIR TRADE INDEED o7 I have chapter 2 ready it was longer than I expected but I sped up the process using dictation as I read it LMAOAO so again if you catch any typos or weird punctuation lmk LOL (when I tell you I almost died dictating this I LAUGHED and reacted like omfg and it caught me saying that and wrote it down but ANGWAYS I’m not sure anything is beating this chapter) I know I said summary earlier but I don’t think I’m capable of doing that LMAOA so this is basically just the entire chapter I just reformatted it in a kinda summary like format because I don’t wanna keep pausing to type so many quotation marks HAHAHA anyways enjoy! I’ll come back to discuss after you read it so I don’t spoil anything yet hehe
Signing off early so it doesn’t weirdly attach to the end of the LN section LOL
-Karasu anon
2-Honor Student:
In elementary school, Kenyu was an honor student. Although he was a little cowardly, he was first and foremost, a kind, hard-working kid. he always did his homework and happily greeted everyone. Got along well with his peers and never fought. He was someone that both his classmates and teachers could rely on. When it was time to choose class president, Tomoda nominated him, and everyone joined in agreeing to nominating Kenyu. But after half a year, something shocking had occurred.
Little by little Kenyu had become better friends with his seatmate Tomoda, frequently going to his house after school. Tomoda had a kind sister three years their senior. She would often give them candy and play games with them. One day, Kenyu had gone over to play with Tomoda, to be told by his older sister that he hadn’t gotten home yet and was possibly taking a detour. She told Kenyu to go ahead and wait upstairs for him, but he wondered if maybe he was meeting with other friends in the park. He wondered if he too should go to the park, but it’d be troublesome if he had assumed incorrectly. While he was lost in his thoughts, Tomoda’s sister suddenly came up to him and brushed away his bangs. His hair had always been soft, and his mom had always helped him style it, so the Tomoda’s sister had always complemented him, saying his hair made him look so handsome like a model. It wasn’t unusual for her to touch his hair, but that wasn’t all that happened that day. In addition, she kissed his forehead. His eyes widened as his brain was left short-circuiting. “Huh?”
“My beloved Kenyu, let’s play together” she had said with sparkling eyes. Kenyu could feel his heart racing. “…I’ve gotta go to the park..!” His face turned bright red and he ran out. He didn’t end up, going to the park, but instead of ran back home to his room, waiting for his racing heart to still.
“My beloved Kenyu” He had repeated her words in his mind. he didn’t really understand it all, but he was happy that she said she liked him. He was a bit embarrassed, though that she had kissed him. He thought himself, “I’m never telling anyone about this.”
The handsome class president and honor student. By the time he became a second year, he had grown taller, adding to his versatility in giving him athletic potential. as he continued growing, he came to be one of the tallest in his grade. He was fast at running, and he was always the last one left in dodgeball. Then, of course, came Sports Day. After comparing all the times in their PE Class, Kenyu’s high ranking had gotten him chosen for the relay race. Everyone was in agreement. He was tall, fast and the perfect fit for the job. He was to be the anchor for the relay race. Was it really all right for him to play such an important role? he felt a bit uneasy, but he would give his best once again for the people relying on him. Until the day of the sports festival, Kenyu would run every day. He’d wake up early to run and practice dashes on the field after school. Every Sunday, he’d have his father time him. Finally, it was time for the class relay. Under the clear sky, the fastest runners would compete while the cheer squads cheered them on. Kenyu’s class, 2-1, however, would compete in vain. After each grouping, members of his team would slip down the ranks. By the time Kenyu got the baton he was in last place. There is a huge gap between him and the top, all the people running in front of him are the fastest in their class after all. But Kenyu had to try his best. Everyone had chosen him as anchor after all. He steadily started accelerating, passing by another player in just a quick moment. With his large physique moving vigorously and his feet firmly stomping against the ground, he gradually closed the gap between the other runners. His classmates all cheered for him, and as they continued supporting him, he continued gaining speed. Even the announcer from the broadcasting club got caught up in the excitement. With the loud cheers under the blue sky, Kenyu passed the final goal, bursting past the four other racers and finishing first. It’s the first time he’d ever run so fiercely. His chest heaved as he caught his breath. Kenyu had finished first for the sixth graders. His classmates had showered him with praise, wearing a big smiles on their faces as they crowded around him. Kenyu thanked them for their support, feeling that their cheers had powered him on. Kenyu was honest and sincere. He didn’t know he could run that fast. It’s because everyone had believed in him that he was able to discover a new part of him. To Kenyu, it was an incredibly joyous moment. A few days after that, when he got home, a shiny soccer ball was waiting for him in the doorway. Kenyu was surprised and had wondered what it was for. His parents had thought it would be good for him to give soccer a try, seeing how he was so fast. It would make him more popular too. After seeing that their child had such amazing speed they suggested that he try out a sport and bought him a soccer ball. Of course his mother also wanted to see him popular. Immediately, Kenyu went outside and tried kicking the ball. As he ran with the ball, he found that he couldn’t stop. He’d kick it forward and chase after it continuing on. “This is fun!”, he thought to himself. In all honesty, being able to dribble without losing speed is a technique that’s difficult for beginners, but Kenyu, blessed with incredible athletic ability, was able to do it from the start. That’s how Kenyu “met” soccer, his parents had blessed him with the opportunity. As if it was fate, Kenyu found himself absorbed in soccer.
i wonder what sexy soccer even is 😭 like what does it entail yk…HAHA chronically only gang rise 🤩 tumblr truly is the site for people of our kind i love it
the craziest to me is when they freak out about non-teenagers watching shows and writing fics meanwhile they are openly thirsting for old ass characters?? why are you at fourteen writing paragraphs abt every position you want to fuck toji and nanami in 😭😭😭 look i’m not going to judge too harshly because wtvr i get it but also like some of them need to realize that those in glass houses should not be throwing stones
the karasu tabito tag is basically mine atp DJSKDK i think every karasu fan has probably seen at LEAST one or two of my posts (whether it’s a fic or just one of my karasu shitposts)
EXACTLYYYY YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME BEING AN ANRI there’s only room for one high maintenance person per relationship and that role is fulfilled by me 👆🏻 that’s why my other favs are karasu barou and reo…you know those kings are NOT letting their partners suffer 😫 however in fiction nagi is my squishy cuddly fluffy dog bf so he is still number one in my heart 😩
if it’s isagi i’ll be mad because he doesn’t even feel like he has any interest in being captain 😓 i think aiku could work but agreed we def have to see more of him plus i don’t think he’d be made captain as he’s not an og blue locker yk?? OMG but if the trend continues we should be able to manifest karasu as captain…holding a prayer circle now 🕯️🕯️🕯️ (lowkey it would be funny if ego made like kurona or niko captain just because they’re the only ones that aren’t batshit insane and typically keep their speeches and vocab relatively normal 😭)
the way eita didn’t think she’d check if they were actually on sale too is so funny like she’s been dying to go there did you think she wouldn’t go and ask if the sale was still going on?! SO not slick omg i love him though…but $50 FJKSKS idek where he got that type of money from
i do enjoy writing a good old dumb/oblivious reader every now and again but i do think they have to be done right to feel believable!! personally all of my y/ns and mcs are based off of aspects of my own personality — some closer to my actual self than others ofc — which i think makes it easier to flesh them out because it’s just like “okay what would i do in that situation” LMAOO most of my side character ocs are based off of people i know too which again makes it easier to make them feel complex because it’s like “right so how would ___ react to that happening to them”…sometimes they end up not even being that similar (tullia in pomegranate ink is NOTHING like my irl best friend that she’s “based off of”) but just thinking of them as real people helps me treat them as such in the narrative!!
haha yes everyone does start somewhere so i never try to hate to their faces but i think it’s okay to acknowledge a general trend/pattern!! like there’s a difference between saying “your specific fic sucks i hate how you wrote your main character” versus being like “i think a lot of fics in x fandom have this problem with characterization”!! to me it’s not hate because people can decide whether that applies to them or not yk?? and yeah the wattpad uwu mcs are truly smth…or the ones that are meant to be “badass” but are really just loud/rude/make overly sexual jokes and swear a lot 😭 a lot of the times at first it’s easy to make characters as stereotypes/caricatures of themselves or have them composed of cliches but i do think most people grow out of it i quickly!! just a phase we must all go through i suppose…i will be the first to say i was cringe when i started writing that’s why half of my old works are private now 😩
HAHA OUTPERFORMING INDEED it’s so funny whenever i visit india my relatives tell me it looks like my voice is being dubbed over because i speak such good hindi but i’m very pale by indian standards so i look like a foreigner 😭 which omg ik that’s such a stereotypical thing to be saying like “no i don’t look like my race” when you very obviously do but just this last january i visited india for the first time in six years and people IN INDIA (including literally people i’m related to) thought i was either irani, afghani, or from spain 😓 they’d get jumpscared when i’d speak to them in hindi KSDJKSAN their lives would flash before their eyes as they tried to remember if they had talked shit abt me 😩 i speak it a bit at home and with all of my extended family that’s kind of the only language they know so when i call them i speak it!! i also just have a really really good memory (hence the lack of studying) so i don’t forget things which helps me pick up languages rlly quickly
SNUFFY’S BACKSTORY KILLS ME it’s so sad yet also realistic??? like it really feels like smth that could’ve happened irl yk (idk if it’s based off of smth or not) but on the other hand yuki’s is so normal i love it 😍 the fact that he got into soccer in such an average and chill way too LMAOAOAO my unproblematic goat!! although the sister thing is so funny…i’m assuming this is a different friend’s older sister than the one he fell in love with at age 10 because according to egoist bible she was 16 😭 and this girl is only three years older than him so they must be diff?? lowkey crazy as hell omg even in elementary school yuki was pulling 😰 i always interpreted those two facts (his first love was his friend’s 16 year old sister and his first confession was when his friend’s sister kissed him on the forehead) as being abt the same person and it being like the 16 year old sister was just kissing him because he was a cute little kid and he misinterpreted it/got embarrassed because he had a crush on her if that makes sense?? but ig they’re different people entirely!!
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transfemlogan · 11 months
Texting Headcanons
Patton: using emojis 24/7. Literally every text will have some sort of emoji, even if it doesn't fit the original message. Texts like a dad & a mom combined. Uses grammar occassionally. Usually types in all caps, because he doesn't know how to turn them off. Sends the laughing emoji when he laughs at something. Prefers talking in person if he can.
Roman: uses emojis occassionally. Types in caps when he's excited. Uses capital letters when necessary and never any time else. Shorten words and uses popular acronyms. Says "ROLF" and "LMAO" when he laughs at texts. Uses the sparkle emoji constantly. Loves to facetime. Double texts like CRAZY
"Helloooo~ ✨️✨️ romans here!! A REMINDER for all of u 2 tell me what u thought of the script ASAP bcus thomas NEEEDDS it by tmrw!!!!"
Virgil: shorten every word ever even if its not readable. Types in all lower case with 0 grammar. Sends 💀 or "lol" when he inhales through his nose at something. Keysmashes when he finds something really funny. Prefers to text above all else & will cry if you try to call him. Spelling mistakes all over the place. Hard 2 tell if something is supoosed to be an acronym or if its a mistake?
"im not rding ur stpjd script roman also twll thomas not 2g2 that dumb party on sat or i swear 2 god ill bloqk all of u ok bye also hi pat"
Logan: proper grammar all of the time. Probably ends his messages with "sincerely, logan" (he knows theyre not letters or emails, but he can't help himself.) Says "that was funny" when he finds something funny (very rare). Prefers in person communication or calling, as he is usually busy working and can't text if he's using his hands. Doesn't use emojis ever & finds them so so stupid but will SOMETIMES use the heart emoji if he's comforting virgil or trying to be nice. Learns about tone indicators after virgil tells him & now he uses them all the time. Will start to let loose if he's comfortable around you. Looking at his msgs with virgil is almost like an entirely different person.
"Hello, all. I have read your script, Roman, and will be sending you my edits soon. I find it to be very long and wordy and full of mistakes. /neg You are lucky you have me to help you. Also, Virge, I'll try to get Thomas to not go to that party /srs, as he has many responsibilities that day, such as: cleaning his room, recording, and doing his laundry. Here is a link to my plan for next week. Please let me know if there's any complaints. Sincerely, Logan."
(Virgil: thnk u L . m not reading ur plsn ethr
Logan: Hi Virgil. That is alright. I'll just let you know next time we "hang out". Sincerely Logan.)
Janus: also texts all lower case & never uses commas but does use periods. Loves to use ":)" and "<3" (<- in a mean sarcastic way most of the time). Doesn't express laughter anytime anywhere. Prefers facetime or in person communication. Doesn't text often. Also doesn't respond often. Will leave you on read, he has other things to do. Uses tone indicators only if he is personally texting logan and no one else. Will sometimes not even respond to what you said in the first place.
"oh of course logan let's have thomas work all the time and never ever get any rest. sounds very healthy :). roman i read your script. hi patton".
(Roman: aand jan? What did u think??
Janus: Read 2:43 pm)
Remus: sends nudes in chat. And the most random gore vids he can find. Types in all caps willingly. Sends very strange emojis that dont match up with anything. Responds lightning quick but also ignores everything you say in order 2 send what he wants 2 talk abt so it doesnt even matter. Homestuck speak. Has never read homestuck.
"H3Y0 🦿🍒🛝😝 CHECK OUT TH12 PHOTO I JUST T00K RN. (Sends a dick pic)"
- Virgil has left the group chat -
Logan: Hello, Remus. That does not look very healthy. We should send you to a physician to get that checked out. Sincerely, Logan.
Janus: read 2:48 pm)
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onsunnyside · 2 years
you have no idea how much i am CRAVING bratty stepsis!reader x stepbro!ari 🤤 i know youre still unsure about replacing another fic with this but ok listen its my birthday on friday and all i want for my birthday is for you to bless us with that beautifully nasty written porn as soon as you get the chance to😭 my 🐱 is desperately crying for this stepcest with ari is my fav ok have a great day ily ok bye
I am this 👌 close to replacing dbf!ari with annoying asshole stepbro!ari... pls he always throws his laundry in with yours, getting everything mixed up, and when he sorts through it all.... me thinks he steals some of your itty bitty panties like a damn perv. He gets irritated when his friends are over and they practically beg you to hang around (bc best friend's hot stepsister ??), they try to include you in all their guy stuff like drinking by the bonfire, going to bars and parties. "Do you mind?"
"What?" You turn around, "I'm just getting drinks for my friends."
Ari kisses his teeth, "My friends. Not yours." You were such a fucking leech.
"You know, you sound really upset... maybe you need some alone time, hm?" You cock your head, grabbing two beer bottles in each hand. "Go on, I'll keep the boys entertained."
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