tanjo-rine · 1 year
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Hey sorry for dropping off the face of the earth hope this makes up for it (throws this to the surviving HLVRAI fanbase like breadcrumbs to pigeons)
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
fic rec friday 58
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
The Value of a Moment by @a-fools-errand
When Lance’s previously obsolete skills in language suddenly become very useful, he finds himself wondering why aliens can’t account for the fact that humans, particularly him, need sleep and would prefer linear timelines. (Or: an Arrival AU because I love that movie)
yall OBSESSED does not begin to cover it. i have never read a fic where lance was so goddamn cool. and in like. the insanest of ways?? like of course lance is a polyglot but THIS....this is a whole new level. i havent even finished it fully yet but like god this thing is so fucking cool. if ur looking for a longfic stop looking
2. Rest Stop by @flaming-potato-arsonarson
Lance wasn't like the rest of the world. And he had never had a loving mother tell him it made him stronger for it. So he told himself, gathering up his courage and grit to face a world of winged humanity, when he, in fact, has no wings and turns into a mermaid instead. A world that wants him to die. So he'd keep this secret like a knife in his boot, a sharp weapon until he died on his own terms. Not because of who he was. Except, Team Voltron isn't so sure why Lance is all rough edges and sharp points about showing off his wings. Or acting like a member of the Flock in general. It's clear he cares for them, but he's never shown an intimate part of him. Until he has to.
oh god this has gotta be one of my CLASSIC fics. read it a few dozen times. i read it right when it came out, six ish years ago (goddamn), i can remember curling up in my old bunk bad and eating this up as the hours ticked by. i was HOOKED. my jaw was dropped my eyes were glued. could not get enough. if youre looking for mermaid lance with a twist....brother this is it
3. Looking for Rain by @thewriter2
Like most things, it starts with the little things: his smile, his confidence, his talent. Eventually, all these little things add up to one big thing that threatens to crash over them like a heavy rain. But, maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe something beautiful would come from it. A 5+1 (really a 10+1) of Lance and Keith falling in love.
oh god guys..... @thewriter2 knows how to fucking haunt you. if a 10+1 (!!) isnt enough for you, i want you to know this line has been echoing in my head since i first read: "He looks at you like you’re a storm and he’s a desert desperate to drown." UM??? EXCUSE ME???? SIMILE OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY???? keith being so so visibly obviously in love with lance is my actual roman empire shit never leaves my mind
4. Astronauts by @thewriter2
When they entered the Blue Lion, Keith was Lance’s rival--the person Lance was working so hard to surpass. But slowly, Lance found himself thinking of Keith less as a rival and more as something close to a friend. So of course, Lance’s traitor of a heart decided that it would be Lance’s kind of friend that it would fall in love with.
tags to sell you: "keith is a dork but lance loves him anyway" (dorky keith my beloved), "hunk is an a+ friend" (yes he is), "lance is a lovesick fool" (yeah), and "allura is older sister goals" yes yes YES you get it. and like....while keith pov is my favourite to write by far, lances pov as he realises he is in love....that will always hold such a special special place in my heart
5. his own worth by frogsterz
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
now usually anything but team as family isnt my deal. im not big on classic langst. but keith as a knight in shining armour.....what can i say i am weak willed. deeply. also " It’s what made it worse. I miss home and I miss being held and the rain, and I loved you. I thought you hated me." got me so bad got me WEAK like i have never recovered from that line and i doubt i ever will
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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confessions-sm · 3 months
im soo bored because my fucking discord account is gone so im dojng a huge analysis on candybatz.
lets start with kevin.
my biggest pet peeve is when people solely make kevin grumpy and always irritated and violent and a kid hater. its so dumb. like , i dont mean to shit on peoples aus or interpretations, but when theres a consistent flow of people thinking that kevin is literally just a grumpy asshole, it gets SUPER frustrating.
literally thinking of the person who said ""characters shouldn't be black and white!!" you guys cant even handle spooky month characters"
its so real man. anyway back to the main topic. we get a good view of who kevin is as a guy in the 5 episodes hes in. i could give a good list of his traits. hes selfless, a quick thinker, protective, and kind. i could give examples. he puts other people first even if they have wronged him or put him in danger (skid n pump in episode 5). he uses his surroundings to protect other people and himself (ep 4 and 5). he gives free candy to skid and pump (who probably havent even paid for years, not to mention the time where he notices theyre visibly upset and he cheers them up with giving them free candy). like he doesnt need to do all of this but he does. hes nice. hes a sweet guy. hes really frustrated and stressed with his job but all he really wants to do is help people. when hes not losing his shit because of the nth disaster, he just really wants to assist people. and thats such a noticeable part in his character. i remember someone saying that the "and why is an old dude hanging around with kids? kinda weird.." can easily be read as him looking out for skid and pump. he just wants them to be safe.
because as much as he dislikes the trouble they bring, he KNOWS tneyre still kids. he doesnt outright scream at them or try to awfully punish them because he KNOWS theyre just little kids who dont know better. they arent adults with logical thinking skills, and kevin understands this. like fuck!!! as soon as he notices a threat, he stops scolding them to PROTECT THEM. kevin doesnt hate kids. he doesnt even hate skid and pump. he just hates how frustrating his job can get with the disasters that skid and pump seem to attract.
hes not an asshole, and people should stop fucking seeing him as that.
oh yeah. kevin also seems to be a very panicky guy. easily freaked out and probably really jumpy. again with the quick thinking. he says whatever to try and slip out of situations. he uses the things around him to fight off threats, even if those things dont work. he still tries, because he has that huge sense of wanting to help and protect. oouuuuh i love kevin i love him i love him i-
moving on because i think i covered most of kevs personality. so streber timeeee woooooo
we dont have a lot of coverage on this guy. we only get 1½ episodes, and a background appearance which doesnt give us, anything besides the fact hes alive. so, lets just work with what we got
in sm5, streber is shown to be an enthusiastic guy. really dedicated to putting on an act, and it gives us the idea that he really enjoys halloween, and most importantly, vampires. now, onto strebers rehearsal. we get more background personality ^_^! he seems to be almost sassy, and again!! dedication!! confi even says "he takes this so seriously". this forms streber even more. hes passionate and creative (and a bit nerdy :3), and from background details, we even get the idea that hes good at engineering and designing, having made the mirror himself. he aswell seems to love acting a lot, using the vampire accent an additional time in the short. another take away is that he loves kids :÷]. hes passionate about putting up a whole haunted house just for kids to experience the joy of halloween, and this is more headcanon based, but perhaps halloween means a lot to streber. perhaps it means a lot to the HH crew aswell. maybe streber is so passionate because he wants kids to feel the same spooky joy he felt when he was a kid, yknow? but thats not exactly confirmed, so thats all up to personal opinion. i imagine streber also has a good friendship with the crew. theres a bit of banter, and it gives me the vibes that theyve known eachother for a while ^_^.. but another thing i wanna mention is that people shouldnt characterize streber as some happy lucky go guy whos oblivious and stupid. hes, honestly pretty sassy. and its like, hes not really.. happy go lucky? hes passionate and creative and thoughtful and smart. yeah, hes sure enthusiastic, but happy go lucky? thats not streber.
idk. im mainly saying that only because of the huge explosion of candybatz being kinda fetishized due to the fact theyre a gay couple, and honestly, i kinda want to say streber got more of the worst of it. but thats not too fair, kev got bad treatment too.
anyway, i think thats all i gotta say about streber i guess. now, when it comes to candybatz? its hard to exactly tell how theyd act with eachother. all you can do is get their personalities and ponder if theyd mesh. really, my view is that theyd be an awesome fuckin couple. i project my personal want of a relationship onto them, so mainly its a lot of "they better eachother" and "they work together to make sure that they stay together". i think they communicate a lot and make eachother feel comfortable to exist and be themselves. theres no need to mask who they are as people, because theyre so in love with each other. they dont want or need to conceal themselves.
also. i have another pet peeve that im gonna say because i can and this post is already really long. i HATE when people call streber and kevin a sun x moon ship, because, 1. this kind of wrecks their personality and leans more into how the 2022 fandom portrayed them, and 2. "sun x moon" ships are SO fucking boring because people dont actually use traditional sun x moon things. when people usually say sun x moon, they mean day x night. @catsockpuppet did a really good analysis himself of the difference on a goldenlavender ask here. go check it out.
i dont know lol. this is really long but i was bored and wanting to delve into their ACTUAL personalities so. hell yeah
have a good day
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spagheddiesquash · 3 months
so today i was in the mw oc server talking abt some stuff i noticed about jawbone (+ some other theory stuff as well!!)
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so first of all. two kind of obvious details:
he is green (“yeah no shit sherlock” i hear u thinking. trust me there is a reason why im pointing it out)
his pupils are triangular. nobody else in the show so far has had triangular pupils. (well. i mean commander tezzoree’s eye has a triangular pupil but she hasnt made an appearance in any episodes yet and i doubt the two characters are connected)
just making this point known for now. we will hold this thought for later in the post.
another thing: so in the ref sheet of him posted to the mw tumblr back in september i believe(?), his name is written as “jawbone (a.k.a. scythelord)”
you know where a character by the name of “scythelord” has shown up already?
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on a wanted poster, thats where!! he has a bounty on his head!!!
which means that tyneen and her crew are probably after him, which probably explains why they’re at the thicc chicc casino. (how do i know jawbone is there? because ricket is there, which i know because he is shown interacting with both shrike and tyneen, who we know are both there)
now. remember that thought from earlier that i told you to hold until later? now is the time to bring it back.
ok so. we already know that colors and shapes each have their own respective significance in this show, and colors and shapes are chosen deliberately.
with that said:
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correlation?? maybe???
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this further cements my belief that ep 4 will have a LOT in it regarding the cataclysm or some other related thing. why?
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(2nd pic comes from the VA application doc. unfortunately i dont have any better quality pics of it)
despite the poor image quality in the second pic, you can still tell that both of these characters have some sort of magenta (or pink i guess?) type of theming going on in their designs.
also if we look at campions, like, the flower
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you can see where im trying to go with this idea.
i did a whole bunch of examining colors today in light of this, actually!!! quick fun fact for those unaware: RGB and CMYK invert into each other.
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and then after i made that image i started sorting things into what colors they are. (white and black have been omitted from the screenshots simply because there doesnt seem to be any significant things tied to them)
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obviously this list is probably incomplete and i will continue to add to it, of course.
(my main inspo for even thinking about CMYK for theories in the first place was @toastedclownery btw!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG IF U HAVENT ALREADY THERES SO MANY COOL THEORY POSTS THERE!!)
one final not-as-relevant theory that’s really more of a prediction: i really think joel vargskelethor is gonna be in this upcoming episode, whether it’s in whole or in part. i mean, he already voiced the duende in ep 3, so it’s not like its impossible or anything. also “scythelord” happens to be the name of joel’s band as well (which you should DEFINITELY check out if ur into metal!!!!! absolutely amazing stuff) OH OH AAAAAAND
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id like to direct your attention to the title of this update, which is “the bone zone,” which i believe to be a skeleton metal reference.
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also jawbone/scythelord has the little sweden viking helmet thing on the wanted poster. AND HES GREEN! LIKE FREN!!
for those who dont know, this is fren (also known as vargfren i think)
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so yeah. these evidence pieces combined with the fact that zeurel has made dozens of “vargskelethor animated” videos (which is how i got into zeurel’s animations in the first place actually!!) are what led me to make this prediction.
anyway, i hope you guys liked this theory post. it’s not an update on the web, but i figured id try doing something new. though, if youd like to see the web, here’s a view of the full thing currently:
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but yea thats all i really had. ill reblog with some additions if i think of anything else. bye for now!!! :^D
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mins-fins · 9 months
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⌗ NOTE 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 you literally do not get how exciting this all is to write for me like i am enjoying this so much 🙁 if you havent already watch superstore i took most of the inspiration for this fic from the whole show 🙏 dream my loves ugh 😖 (especially renjun my wife 💔)
⌗ WORD COUNT 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 1.4k
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now, usually you consider yourself a surprisingly patient person. no matter the situation, you can always somehow find enough calmness left in your system to not snap and simply keep yourself tranquil enough that you don't go completely batshit crazy and proceed to take it out on everyone in the room that made you mad and lose your cool in the first place.
even then, that is a pretty rare occurrence, you've only ever really lost your cool one certain time—
but now it seems like everybody is out to get for some reason.
you had been left in charge by your ever so sweet boss, and it's now that your here you wish you genuinely tried to oversleep. your not sure why instead of asking the, i don't know, SEVEN OTHER PEOPLE that they see around the store in the same uniforms, customers resort to walking up to you, while they see your doing something with another customer, and still decide to ask you for directions.
the amount of times you've sworn in your mind today is immaculate.
and it's not even noon yet.
"excuse me? where do you guys keep the mugs?"
you stare at the shorter woman blankly, not even having to think about it. "aisle five, when you take a right they'll be right there".
"oh thank you!"
you just give her your signature customer service smile, hoping she doesn't notice the clear bags under your eyes. you glance down at your watch and for once, are suddenly full of relief.
 a break! finally a break!
and it may be a measly 30 minute one but it is a break and that's all you've been needing for the past four and a half hours. you feel like your about to fall asleep as you shuffle your way towards the staff room.
"you look like you've been through hell" jaemin comments as soon as you walk in, a look of playfulness crosses his face instead of the concern you hoped he would've shown you.
oh who are you kidding? jaemin would rather die before he showed any kind of seriousness at his workplace..
"i need to sleep" you don't even try to acknowledge the comment he just made, instead letting yourself fall into renjun's arms as you close your eyes.
"you need to eat".
"no, the only break we have in the whole work day is obviously for sleep" you mumble as you make yourself comforting in your roommates hold. renjun doesn't try to argue with you, just pats your back and lets you lay on him.
"can you even get a quality sleep in thirty minutes?"
"anything can happen in thirty minutes" you say as if it's one of those stupid movie quotes people put on pinterest. "now stop talking na jaemin you have a job to do".
"yeah yeah whatever boss".
jaemin doesn't escape the sharp glare you give him through your right eye before closing them once again. you hear the sarcastic laugh he lets out before he exits the room, making sure to slam the door behind him for extra effect.
"okay so how has it been? trying to find other jobs?"
now that it was just the two of you in the room, renjun decided that now was the best time to bring up what's been troubling you pretty much all week. you try your best to pretend that you don't hear him, and that's when renjun decides to pinch you.
"ow! really!?"
"you need to do something eventually! you're really not going to work here for the rest of the year are you?"
the question makes you frown, yeah you've had this job for what seems like forever and it's been a good year now, but working on this random retail place isn't going to work out forever, and obviously, it isn't going to pay all your expenses.
you've worked three jobs at the same time before, but working only one on the weekends is the only shot you have because your weekdays are full of essays (for some particular reason), and your at the college pretty much all day, so what free time do you even have anymore?
"of course i'm not, but you know how things are, people say their hiring when they're not actually hiring and even when you do apply they don't come back to you for like two weeks and when they do it's 'oh sorry this position is no longer available'!"
renjun has gotten used to listening to your frustrated rants, you really don't mean to suddenly just drop them on him, but he's always willing to listen to you, give you advice on stuff that you weren't really thinking about, but had been tucked away into the back of your mind.
he just knew you, he knew you better than anyone else.
"well there must be someone that wants to hire.."
"yeah but i'm not really sure how yoon would feel about me suddenly having to dedicate time to other jobs".
"you could always, quit this one".
the suggestion makes you look at renjun like he just cursed your bloodline. "if i quit then it's 'oh y/n what's wrong you can't be a responsible student?' and all types of ridicule from my family who refuse to help me pay off at least half my tuition even though they can and then continue to complain when i cut them off!"
okay so now your getting mad, you quickly take a deep breath and stop yourself from shouting, because you cannot lose your cool at a time like this. "i'll try, but i also don't wanna risk it, you know?"
renjun knows, unfortunately. compared to everyone else, you have the least amount of luck at finding other jobs if you end up quitting this one, despite the fact that you probably have the fullest resume, that seems to not matter to future employers (it does, but for some reason they enjoy passing the blind eye when it comes to you).
"yes i know" renjun hears that familiar weary sigh escape your lips, and he crosses his legs. "but, at some point, this job is gonna ruin you mentally, you have to know when enough is enough".
you pause, then slowly sit up and cross your arms. you open your mouth to respond to his statement, but then you pause, turning your head towards the door. "do you smell something burning?"
renjun blinks, then his eyes widen as he looks over at you. "yes?"
you immediately, once again, curse in your mind.
your just having the best day aren't you?
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you usually never curse at jisung, you have no idea why you seemed to like him extra compared to everyone else. maybe you love him more since he's the youngest of the team, or maybe he's just good at convincing you into things, your not exactly sure, but right now, you are pissed off, your not sure what's coming over you at this very moment, but your definitely not happy with jisung at the moment, that's for sure.
jisung opens his mouth to answer but closes it, and you narrow your eyes at him.
"fireworks inside? really!?"
"it wasn't on purpose!"
"what— what made you think that was a good idea!?" you don't mean to yell, but you are just so frustrated, because why would anybody think it was a good idea to do that!? it's at times like these that you wonder is this job is even worth all the trouble.
"i'm sorry! okay? i didn't mean for the situation to get out of hand!"
"maybe you should've been paying attention then!"
you look like your about to kill him with the way your glaring, but you take in a deep breath, and close your eyes. you are being just a little too hostile, and you probably look like an absolute crazy person right now.
good god you feel conflicted.
"i'm sorry" you whisper, crossing your arms. "i didn't mean to yell at you".
"i'm just.. i'm looking out for you, really".
jisung nods, he knows you just want the best for him, all the time he does stupid stuff and your always there to take the blame for him, especially when he first joined the job. you both know how yoon is, and you just don't want him to get in trouble and potentially another strike.
"i know" he mutters. "i'm sorry".
you sigh.
you wonder how long it'll take until you lose your sanity in this place.
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hypersonic04 · 1 year
since you are the head of the teacher!ross brigade, ive had an idea in my head for YONKS and i dont think ill ever write it so
you're a teacher too, you went to uni with ross (and maybe had a thing with him on the dl) but havent seen him since then but when you start working at a new school surprise!! its the one he works at!! so you guys rekindle your friendship again and WHOOPS you guys get feelings and its just cuteness
This is just the most dreamy concept. You should 100% write a proper version of this, I would read and reread a million times over.
Oh my goodness, imagine seeing him for the first time in like, five or six years i'm thinking? You're a bit nervous - it's your first day at this new school, and yeah, you've been teaching for a few years now, but starting a new job is still super scary!
You're being shown around by a colleague, and you swear it's like slow motion when you walk into the staff room. He's sat there with a coffee in hand, brow furrowed as he marks an essay, his face concentrated. All of a sudden, you're 19 again, on a night out with all of your uni friends, a little bit too handsy with your flatmate's best friend and giggly from the amount of vodka cranberries you've had. You have to clear your throat and bring yourself back down to Earth when you realise that not only are you staring, but you're also a deep shade of crimson as you recall what else happened later that evening, and most evenings after that.
You probably manage to make a swift exit before he looks up, but he knows that voice anywhere. He immediately asks around to see who the new teacher is, and is pleasantly surprised to know that his memory serves him well. At lunch, he comes knocking on your classroom door.
I reckon he's a bit coy at first, memories of what the two of you used to get up to flashing into his mind as he asks how you've been and how you've ended up at the same school as him. You talk about your uni friends, where everyone's living now, the ones that have got married and had babies. It doesn't take long for you to slip back into that easy going, friendly rhythm of conversation, and it actually turns out to be pretty helpful to know someone at work. Seeing emails from him in your inbox makes you smile, even more so when he comes to sit at the back of your classroom as you teach (for 'training purposes only', apparently). He helps you out a lot, especially at the beginning when you're unfamiliar with the abbreviations they use in meetings and the marking procedures, and you end up being really close. It's just a really lovely friendship, and you find that if you're not teaching, you're sat gossiping together or trying to suppress your childish laughter in serious staff meetings.
As you said in your ask, they 100% end up catching feelings for one another. How could he not? He always thought you were really intelligent and funny when you were seeing each other the first time around, and six years down the line, not much has changed. He drives home with a ridiculously wide grin on his face the day you ask him if he fancies going for a drink after work some time, after weeks and weeks of contemplating asking you himself. He tells himself that if things go wrong, you're still friends and you have a really great working partnership, but really, he hopes he can get it right this time (no Oh Caroline pun intended).
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leekyrainbow · 6 months
i was just thinking about new kid and i wanna talk abt them cause i don't think anyone has yet
spoilers for the stick of truth, the fractured but whole and snowday‼️‼️
they always found a way to become op in all three games (sot, fbw, sd). yeah the new kid is only in games and in games you become op but thats not the point. the other kids are *aware* that the new kid is op, thats why there was rules in place IN snowday to stop them from being op (but then dark matter got involed blah blah blah). The new kid STILL became op, a reason why they get used by other kids. Now the new kid can leave at anytime, nothing really stops them yet they havent left. We dont really know what happens during school or off days so everything there is up to theory.
new kid just kinda goes along with everything, they dont argue or disagree. The only time they did say something was at the end of tsot. the ONLY line we got from them. They choose to talk, they arent canoniclly mute but they are quiet 100% of the time. I dont think anyone other than stan, kyle cartman and kenny know that the new kid can speak since it was only shown they spoke once. either that or they're just quiet from trauma, if you seen their backstory from playing the games you would know what i mean.
(on the topic of the first paragraph) I think they know that they're getting used aswell, not counting the fact that they were literally told that. they have no other people to hang out with from what we've seen, they have taken selfies with countless people around town and have over a hundred friends on facebook. We arent counting that. Im talking about the people he hangs out with; stans gang(w/butters), craig and those guys(w/tweek) and maybe timmy occasionally (not sure abt timmy cause they've only really interact in tfbw).
New kid could probably make friends with kids in their school, I'd say its difficult since they dont talk. Im not an expert on making friends (really, im not) but i would say its difficult to make friends by just staring at someone because the person might get the wrong idea. Like, they're quiet to the point no one knows their name. They get referred to as 'new kid' instead of their name. Thats peak quiet behaviour.
honestly i would say that new kid did speak before they moved to south park cause of how their parents spoke to them at the start of tsot (they full on expected a response from them, but didnt get one) then eventually just accepted that their kid wasnt going to talk in tfbw. oh and it was definitely difficult to pick what parent to kill in the lab.
i think new kid is in desperate need of therapy, no explanation needed.
I love the new kid (platonic), they're one of my favourite characters in south park even though they only appear in tbe games. most people probably forget about them after they finish the games, id say that happens with the characters in the games aswell.
new kid is constantly forgotten about, as much as they hang out with the main 4, they're always forgotten after the games arr finished. the only character(excluding their parents) that ever showed any kind of care to new kid was Mysterion(techically kenny). This isnt word for word, Mysterion said along the lines of 'i have this strange urge to protect you'. Id say that when kenny isnt with stan, kyle, cartman or butters they're just chilling with new kid. that's kinda just a hc of mine though.
i dont have much else to say, if i do ill probably end up reposting another verison of this
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henbased · 2 years
tagged by @florbelles to do an age old OC interview that im sure i had been tagged in so many other countless times. so how about i be the one to spring them back around!
no pressure, i have no idea whose done this but if you have but havent for another character... 👀✨. sending them out to @adelaidedrubman @8bitpizzacoupons @unholymilf @fourlittleseedlings @roofgeese @stacispratt @dirtyimbecile @necro-hamster @shallow-gravy @poetikat @strangefable @deputy-morgan-malone @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @killyourrdarlingss @thespiral @locustandwildhoney @ishwaris and anyone else who wants to do it! for any fandom just tag me i wanna see 😈
shoutout to stella for letting me completely steal her template #slothliving
the heralds are very curious about the deputy hanging around joseph after the botched arrest. john's been tasked with gathering information.
JUDE. jude.
JOHN. full name, if you would?
JUDE. judith.
JOHN. i heard from a certain little mouse that your last name is —
JUDE. nancy, yeah. It’s blanchard.
JUDE. raises an eyebrow.
JOHN. clicks teeth.
JUDE. i wouldn’t use that word.
JOHN. what word would you use then?
JUDE. neutral.
JUDE. depends.
JOHN. on?
JUDE. the hour.
JUDE. snorts. i guess.
JOHN. you don’t know?
JUDE. is a dead widow still married?
JOHN. it depends on how long the deceased has —
JUDE. been deceased? guess they wouldn’t be married after 13 years. it really isn’t death do we part then, huh.
JUDE. philly.
JOHN. hm.
JUDE. something to say?
JOHN. it just explains a lot.
JUDE. like?
JOHN. would you like to continue?
JUDE. blonde.
JOHN. dullish blonde.
JUDE. dishwater blonde.
JUDE. brown.
JUDE. march 13th, 1990.
JOHN. you’re a pisces.
JUDE. isn’t your little creature a scorpion?
JOHN. how do you know my —
JUDE. joseph told me.
JUDE. could be better. could be worse.
JOHN. are you not delighted by my company?
JUDE. laughs.
JUDE. gal.
JUDE. summer for the weather, winter for the ambiance.
JOHN. the ambiance?
JUDE. i like the quiet.
JUDE. morning, but i hate getting up for it.
JUDE. hums.
JOHN. (after a beat) if you don’t want to answer, we can —
JUDE. let’s do that.
JUDE. laughs. I don’t even remember.
JUDE. don’t think so. (a beat) probably.
JUDE. that’s an interesting question.
JOHN. are you avoiding answering it, deputy?
JUDE. well, seeing as i haven’t shown up to be a deputy in awhile, guess you could say i am.
JOHN. why is that?
JUDE. cuz i’m busy answering people’s stupid questions.
JUDE. laughs. yeah.
JUDE. it was more like a stalker situation.
JOHN. that sounds frightening.
JUDE. yeah. the guy even had his siblings in on it, asking them to try and get in my head. was a whole thing.
JOHN. i'm assuming you got away safely.
JUDE. eh. got me to where i am now.
JUDE. you gonna be asking me questions like that you should be treating me to some whiskey.
JOHN. eden’s gate does not endorse drinking alcohol, which you very well should know, and second of all, i do not have anything like that in my —
JUDE. oh fuck off, i won’t tell him. pour us some shots. what’s the next question?
JUDE. coughs. fuck. uh — 
JOHN. actually, let’s —
JUDE. lust.
JUDE. iced tea.
JUDE. either.
JOHN. you strike me as a cat person.
JUDE. that feels like an insult coming from you.
JOHN. it’s just an observation.
JUDE. (silence) i miss — (silence) many regular friends.
JUDE. wanna do this one with me?
JOHN. no.
JUDE. (sound of glass clinking) romantic night in.
JUDE. daytime. the feel of sunlight on you. can’t beat it.
JUDE. we were all teenagers once.
JUDE. (gags) god this taste like shit.
JOHN. can you please answer —
JUDE. it’s not even a good question, calm down. ‘course i have, i was a teenager once.
JUDE. hums. yeah.
JOHN. pause. is it —
JUDE. it’s hard to explain.
JOHN. how so?
JUDE. it’s complicated.
JOHN. care to elabor—
JUDE. no.
JUDE. laughs. yeah.
JUDE. is this almost done with?
JOHN. answer the question.
JUDE. smile.
JUDE. doesn’t really matter much to me.
JOHN. you are quite on the —
JUDE. shorter side, you’re so funny.
JUDE. attraction.
JOHN. quick to answer. are you truly that shallow?
JUDE. yeah.
JUDE. what’s the section after this?
JOHN. family.
JUDE. do one with me and i’ll answer the question.
JOHN. no, i already have to edit this, just —
JUDE. so you’re already editing it! i’m pouring two.
JOHN. don’t — you haven’t answered —
JUDE. relationship.
JUDE. we did.
JOHN. not anymore?
JUDE. nope.
JUDE. (a beat) no.
JUDE. no.
JUDE. no. well, my mom used to tell me to go to the park whenever she got pissed off at me, but i don’t think that’s falls under being kicked out.
JOHN. hmm. did your mother get angry at you a lot?
JUDE. eh, she was just hotheaded and opinionated.
JOHN. and your father, was he around during all this?
JUDE. i’ll answer if you tell me what the duncan’s were like.
JUDE. it’s not really a secret, and they’re not really my friend.
JOHN. i’ve never seen you talk to anyone besides joseph.
JUDE. and you. right now.
JOHN. we are not friends.
JUDE. i wasn’t talking about you anyway, moron.
JOHN. what kind of insult is moron, anyway? what are you, ten?
JUDE. are you upset over being called a moron?
JOHN. i’m not upset —
JUDE. don’t have one. wanna be my best friend, john?
JOHN. no.
JUDE. do one with me, come on. don’t be a buzzkill, i know you drink.
JOHN. you’re — you — groans. will you promise to answer the rest of them with no complaining?
JUDE. yeah, i swear. 
JOHN. (a beat, sound of glass being set on a surface) there. now, if you would please —
JUDE. (coughs) god, i hate whiskey. joseph does.
JOHN. he does not like whiskey.
JUDE. no, he knows the most about me, you moron.
JOHN. i am not a —
JOSEPH. (muffled) what are you two doing?
(recording stops abruptly)
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i-sveikata · 1 year
Hi, Gabby! This isn't an ask because I just wanted to tell you how much I adore your "I'll fill the graveyards, until I have you" fic.
It's sexy and troubled (in the sense that the vegaspete relationship is complex and messy as it should be bc they're complex and messy people!) and thoughtful and I'm in awe of your writing style, the seamless melding of Pete's analytical and sometimes distanced voice with your beautiful imagery and visual, film-like description.
I hope you aren't feeling too overwhelmed by life (been there done that, 0/10 wouldn't recommend 🙃) and that you take as much time as you need/want because you come first.
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day! ❤❤❤
oh hello anon!! ah that's okay it doesn't have to be an ask!! but thank you so much i really appreciate it!!! was very much one of those unexpected labours of love- i really had no idea going into it just what it was going to turn into but here we are and what a journey!
oh for sure without a doubt all of the complex and definitely all of the messy lol but thank you so much!!! thats honestly so nice i dont always feel like im much of a descriptive writer or at least not a very flowery prose kind of one so i really appreciate that. lol i am always picturing the things i write as a movie whilst im typing it out so im glad thats somehow still coming across too hahahah
man work!!! has!! been!! insane!!!! ive been a bit overwhelmed and completely drained trying to train this new guy at my job because he was basically dumped in my lap. while also still carrying out all of my regular work at the same time which let me tell you has not been easy because this new guy is VERY BAD at literally everything i've shown him (bruh very much does not belong in this role) but they've decided (FINALLY) that its not working out and he's likely to be fired in the next week or so so things are hopefully looking like they're about to settle down again.
but yeah so true!!! like i havent even had the mental energy to write this month at all beyond little snippets of things i want to happen in the chap so i left it at that in the meantime which was honestly such a good call considering. like id rather take that break than rush through it and write something shitty that i wouldnt feel satisfied with anyway. good things to those who wait and all that i hope!
so yes things are definitely looking up and i've got a fair bit of time to write this weekend so woohoo we are back in the process babey!!
but thank you so much for checking in and i hope you have a wonderful day!!! (even though it's currently night where i am hahaha we love a good time zone)
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digital-roots · 2 years
Doing the tdi simulator and i want to share some highlights rn (which are mostly abt Cody)
- Owen was the first to get eliminated
- Leshawna has gotten close to getting eliminated FOUR TIMES already
- Cody is the best player in Screaming Gophers and is in two alliances: One just with Izzy and one with literally everyone else EXCEPT Noah (whos the only person that disliked him so far)
- Noah and Trent are close but Cody gets Noah eliminated, making Trent dislike Cody and leaving the alliance
- so Cody (who everyone else in the Screaming Gophers like) gets Trent eliminated right after Noah (Its shown that Cody voted both Noah and Trent out too)
- Im actually really impressed at how Cody is doing what the fuck why is he being so smart
- also i want to point out that he still has his two man alliance with Izzy. (Anyone here watched the Izzy isnt crazy conspiracy video. What if he knows)
- oh god Cody dislikes Beth shes gonna be next
I've been trying to put a readmore here but tumblr wont help im sorry yall
- Geoff and Bridgette hate each other :(
- Cody and Justin just had a MAJOR fight
- this has quickly spiraled into me liveblogging abt Cody boybossing his way into victory
- the entire time most of the Killer Bass fucking despise each other
- Gwen, Izzy and HEATHER all feel an unbreakable bond towards Cody. He gets bitches!!!!!!!!!
- im going insane HOW does he do it. Cody literally Screaming Gophers' saving grace
- whats gonna happen to his reputation??????
- Sadies impressing her team :)
- Tyler just got eliminated and i forgot to mention how he had two alliances in the beginning. And he left both of them
- Cody and co havent seem to change anything (oh and btw heather and beth have an unbreakable bond now)
- Sadie has also been close to elimination three times now bruh
- Cody and Izzy still have their alliance. Maybe he's trying to focus more.
- the screaming gophers have been winning back to back so much damn
- Cody and Beth fought but then they made up after
- Sadie literally competing with Leshawna on who can get the most amount of almost elimimations
- Courtney and Ezekiel of all people have an unbreakable bond
- can the killer bass win one time guys. Can the screaming gophers stop being infinitely better than them
- Beths impressing the rest of the team....
- oh and the alliance is falling apart....ever since cody left gwen and heather left too
- despite being a boyboss cody still sucks at sports
- holy shit katie voted for her what a twist
- its literally so pathetic that the Screaming Gophers has 7 members while the Killer Bass has. 3
- ohhhhhhh shit yeah this is the part where it gets grouped to guys and girls now. Uh oh Cody only has Ezekiel and Justin now
- ok merge time
- Harold and Tyler return!
- wish it was either Trent or Noah tho
- Cody has so many unbreakable relationships its unreal
- of course Heather gets a torture where its literally just listening to her own voice
- izzys final torture is literally just getting pelted by water balloons and She LOSES how embarassing
- Everyone else thinks Izzy was cringe and all vote her off
- and ofc Justin wins cologne
-if cody actually wins i might get mad everything thats happened so far HAS to be because he'll lose
- harold elimimated Cringe
- Cody at the very least is still pretty weak theres been numerous times where hes almost cost his team (and despite it still winning)
- oh and ofc he wins invincibility again. Cody you goddamn rascal
- Literally only Heather and Gwen didnt win the challenge (Gwen got voted off)
- oh cody and justin have an alliance now
- leshawna :(
- oh shit cody only has heather now
- huh ezekiel has actually won a lot of challenges i just realized
- codys noticed ezekiels winnings. He does not like that
- Heather chose a chipmunk for the challenge and she LOST that mustve been a hilariously long time wrangling that chipmunk
- OH. MY. GOD.
- Ezekiel was the enemy he found out about too late
- Im so mad this simulator game has made me feel so much for Cody that i'll miss him so much im never seeing boybossing Cody ever again
- Im actually rooting for Ezekiel now what
- Ezekiel got eliminated.
- everyone hates Katie wow
- the final four are Courtney, Heather, Justin, and Tyler
- Tyler naurrrrr he was so close :(
- fuck this Cody aint in total drama action
- oh my god. This was a lot.
Here all the placements btw
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- Katie and Sadie have the most votes wow
- Screaming Gophers literally won 7 times in a row. Unreal
- I think i need to lie down that took so much out of me
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whatmakesthemgreat · 10 months
What Makes them great 2: The Ice King
Adventure Time when it came out had two major audiences, kids who loved anything and everything cartoon network, and adults who spent too much time analyzing media meant for kids. As someone whos now spent time of both sides of this coin, I think its only right I give credit to a character whos insanely well made, The Ice King. Now I imagine there are two thoughts here, People who havent seen the series in full thinking “This goofy cartoon wizard man is deep?” and people who have seen enough of the show to know “Oh yeah, this makes sense” Well for those of you confused let me explain to you about this character. (obvious spoiler warning for those who want to watch the show)
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This is the Ice King, at the start Ice King was nothing more than a parody of a fantasy cliche, evil magical king kidnapping princesses and bringing them to his evil lair, only to be thwarted by the heroes. Immediately this is twisted on its head by the writers as Ice King is shown to be less of a maniacal king and more a lonely old guy looking for love.  As you can see from his “Lair” below, its closer to a sad bachelor pad than it is the evil kings fortress, to add onto the theme of oddly pathetic loneliness, The Ice kings “pad” is overrun with his penguins, his only friends all with names similar to Gunter with slight variations. I’m sure youre sitting there right now thinking “is this all? Is he that special for being lame?” and the answer is, no and yes. His loneliness gets deeper as we delve into more spoiler territories.
Throughout the series we peel back layers of the Ice King, learning that he is mentally not all there but why? We dont figure out for a while. Eventually we learn that he has a backstory that he doesnt quite remember but is connected to another main character, Marceline the Vampire Queen. In a chilling lyric from a song discussing the twos history we hear the words that Ice King wrote before losing his mind “And I know you're going to need me here with you, but im losing myself and Im afraid youre going to lose me too"
Throughout the series we peel back layers of the Ice King, learning that he is mentally not all there but why? We dont figure out for a while. Eventually we learn that he has a backstory that he doesnt quite remember but is connected to another main character, Marceline the Vampire Queen. In a chilling lyric from a song discussing the twos history we hear the words that Ice King wrote before losing his mind “And I know you're going to need me here with you
But I'm losing myself, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too” Thats when it hits you, Ice King must have had something awful happen to him. We reveal later in the series that Ice King was once a man named Simon Petrikov, shown here.
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Simon was a normal and kind man,  and without going too much into detail he was eventually the caretaker of Marceline in a post apocalyptic setting. Despite all the magic im sure youve picked up on, Simon had none of it except for one object, a crown. This crown gave him magic ice powers but at a cost, he would lose control more and more as he used it. Simon needed this magic to protect Marceline but had to sacrifice himself for her.  What makes this feel so special is the open ended nature of the metaphor. Is the Ice Kings story about losing a loved one to mental illness or dementia that can't be stopped, or could the crown be meant to represent a drug, something used to get through difficult times but causes Simon to lose himself slowly but surely. Which do you think?
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autumnshighlady · 1 year
ok this is so stupid but i really want to see neris and reader interactions,, like the small things, the comfort, the protectiveness,,,, ughh love what you've done w the story man, desperately waiting for the next part fr. (go on your own pace tho) glad to know i've shifted you a little bit on a azriel thing (devious smile) - ithink he's a good character for most people because he barely had a personality in the books and so we can usually make up stuff yk, like he's mostly just broody in the books and we're told stuff abt his personality but not shown it. can't wait to see what happens next! ohh also the dragon interactions!!! i wanna see those too!!! eris has hounds right,,, it wld be cute for them to protect nes and r tooo,,,, ahhh sorry this is literally just me ranting lol, obv feel free to ignore the reqs,,, i really want to let you know that your writing is good bc you seem to get less interactions than you should!! and a weird amt of hate lmao like whats w the people being rude about ialtpwf and wanting guys my age so badly, like i enjoyed it despite not particularly liking the daddy kink partbut like. really,, why so rude??? want to see how reader fares in front of beron too, i assume word of her power will reach him too/. anyway, how long are you planning on pushing the beron overthrowal thing (im being curious not being like ugh when are u plannign on ending it,, in case thats what it sounded like,, idk man im overthinking). oh also! want to see court relations with all of them after berons gone. before berons gone. all of it, i want them to be better leaders/people to the court people yk. oh!! also lucien-reader friendship!!! love that!! we havent seen much of it but hes def the kind of guy to tease r abt eris when they start actually flirting and getting near a relationship yk. eris-lucien brotherhood too tho, obviously. also the lady of the autumn court!! watching them bond w her!!! ahh jfoisfkjmdofikndfvg ium sorry have a great day today1!! hope you rest well after that long ass shift. oh yeah i agree w you on the feyre thing, she's def just mostly like a pawn to rhys yk, i think she was better as a char when she was w tamlin tbh, altho obviously i dont want her to be with someone who kind of abused her without any groveling at least/ cant wait to see more interactions fr!!!! oh when i said in the story, i meant the actual books, well and yourss but the actual books mainly! anyway i think you've managed to be realistic w all of them in a way that is good. bye! oh same anon as last time. should i give myself a name, is that fine,, i'll choose * anon. sure.
i can’t wait for you to see more of the neris x reader interactions! you’ll love it. i feel like i’ve done a decent job of their dynamic so i’m super proud of it so far.
Azriel’s journey is one i have planned out - it’s going to be complicated because yk he’s been loyal to rhys for 500 years and that’s not suddenly going to change, but he will continue to play a role.
you’ll see more of the dragons for sure! and the hounds will be involved too so fear not ;)
yeah idk why people got so weird about guys my age like i’m glad they enjoyed it of course but i kinda did everything i wanted to do with that fic so i don’t feel i have anything else to add to it if that makes sense
beron will play a bigger role soon! as far as them overthrowing him, prob within a couple chapters maybe a bit longer. im still playing around w the details of how exactly it’s going to happen
expect a LOT more lucien and lady of autumn in the later chapters! i love love love writing for lucien so i’ve got special stuff for him planned hehe
tons more interactions to come. more lucien, azriel, gwyn and emerie, cassian, etc. thank you for your message angel and NEVER apologize for rambling - nobody has taken the time to say this much about my fic so far in one go so i LOVE reading these. send as many as you want <3
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haemosexuality · 11 months
im ab to rewatch it at home and ill be writing what i think during it
im not gonna be talking ab stuff i already said in my other post lol
the FIRST SCENE is already fucking visceral dude. like they dont show any gore or anything but damn the fucking. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA ITS GOOD its so good. also the previous security guard does exactly the same thing mike does later own to try to escape the freddy mask but mike succeeds and he doesnt, which is kinda like how in game phone guy (previous security guard) goes through the same process we do but we/mike survives and he doesnt. cool!!
the rainbow!!!!! in the coffee shop scene!!! its the fnaf world rainbow!!
see the movie has the scene where william reads the name michael schmidt and pauses and long time fans will prob be like aha is that william realizing this is his son. but no thats where it tricks you bc hes actually just realizing this is a relative of that kid he kidnapped a while ago. which like obviously cuz why would william realize this guys his son by reading his, fake name?? but confirmation bias or smth
🎶It's getting lonely, it's getting hard to breathe
The arcade's empty, I think it's Christmas Eve
Someone's broken in, now they're painting on my skin
Breaking me and taking my quarters
Bashing in my face with a crowbar
Kicking me and pushing me over
Now they see my blood on their sneakers🎶
i am so jealous of the midnight motorist shirt its not even funny
my complain is that how did none of the animatronics have blood on them after brutally killing several ppl. come on!!!
me hearing the words "follow me" on a fnaf movie: holy shit is this a motherfucking fnaf reference?!?!?
oh my god that totally is the fucking fake dog animatronic
oh my god they dont actually swear in the og. she said "what in the heck" but portuguese translated that to what the fuck. incredible. amazing.
"i know what crazy looks like, mike. this isnt it" OH. OH
vanessas behavior was already pretty understandable without the extra context but knowing shes williams daughter makes it JUICY. ooo yeah baby gimme the trauma gimme the guilt
the scene with the animatronics and abby being besties felt a bit too ooc at first to me and ive heard that other people felt the same but as i think more about it it does kinda make sense. one of the main differences from the game is that in this the ghost kids' minds seem to be pretty intact? or like they can think theyre fully conscious etc so. i can see them wanting to do kid stuff. and i saw someone point out that they were actively trying to get abbys trust too so they could convince her to 'join them' (bc afton was somehow influencing them to be #evil) so, theres that. and either way it doesnt take away from the overall experience so who cares
the tv scenes were such a missed oportunity they couldve shown the immortal and the restless... i kept waiting for it :(
oh my god the airplane. i just realized she had garretts toy airplane bc william gave it to her after he killed him oh my god i feel sick
the ball pit wasnt even time travelling 0/10
i didnt watch the credits long enough in the theater to hear the COME FIND ME but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dude
yeah so good. i fucking loved this
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touyamun · 2 months
First thing that comes to mind is how genshin saw the success that came from letting your fans speculate in things you dont elaborate on which has been made more common over the years and then decides to absolutely never commit to anything and let the fans do all the heavy work.
Oh look this is art of kunikuzushi, so where can i see the scene where he's shown in the past? Uh. Hes never shown. People just used this one representation that can only be seen if you get and make a very specific decoration for your furniture and then use elements on it? And it shows who looks to be scaramouche with a different appearance and because it has the old japan vibes people ran with it.
Oh diluc almost killed kaeya and they used to be brothers and thats how kaeya got his vision so we got that scene right? Nah. Oh and that information was event specific that will never be rerun so you literally have to get this info spoilered to you if you wanna find out at all.
Oh we have the story of how chongyun is an exorcist and how his condition gives him a lot of issues cool! Do we have an example of that? Oh.... Another timed event? And... Nothing really happens? I see....
And you will notice, all of these are things the fans build on again and again and again to the ppint where they have better built character than the game and this is cause the devs get urged into making new shit to keep the players engaged so like. Character development? Wtf is that lmao. They will do it to a point and then. Never again. Sure the game isnt over but how many characters havent been seen since they were introduced? CoffcoffShenhecoffcoff. And main story characters arent safe either. Remember scaramouche? The guy literally made a suicide attempt and afterwards hes??? Fine??????? Oh yeah erasing myself from the world fixed me. Yay💖 what do you mesn what do you MEAN
And this has made me like, not engage with the story 95% of the time. I skip dialogue like a madman just give me the funny games and shut up.
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scover-va · 1 year
I don’t go to Valkyrie Elysium but Valkyrie Hilde for the ask game? She looks cool as hell
Finally deciding to clear out my ask box (bored) so im finally getting to this. Hi Crow. Also ive been meaning to replay VE again so maybe this will help. Anyways. Here's a link to the ask for reference since its been like. 3-4 months. Ish
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian. And also ace! Probably. Not repulsed by it but also not really into it either. Pointing her halberd at someone's throat is a far greater way to express attraction towards someone in her mind
Gender Headcanon: She/Her for pronouns. Probably not cis but i also dont have anything strict on her gender. Once again its the identity issues thing
A ship I have with said character: Her and Valkyrie/Maria/Nora whatever. Thats my only ship with her tbh but also i think she should also be kissed by the other girls. As a treat
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Armand :-) I'd imagine in a universe where everyone is happy and okay, Valkyrie is dating them both. Theyre on good terms w/ each other but also Hilde's gonna tell Armand to shove a marker up his urethra /ref
A NOTP I have with said character: I. Dont have anything. Because the VE fandom is smaller than the one for The Hex so i havent seen any real options shown to me. Odin and Fenrir ig? And also ofc any of the guys in general bc. Yknow. Lesbian hc
A random headcanon: She specifically watches over niflheim after fenrir's defeat in the true ending. Also picks up knitting and kickboxing as hobbies (also just sparring in general tbh) to try and cope with her severe anger issues. OH and i hc that every crow/raven (i cant tell which one it is since you cant get close to em) that sits on top of the save points but fly away as you approach are either all Hilde herself or some sort of minion of hers that shes using to kinda. Watch Valkyrie. Partially to keep the upper hand and partially to kinda like. Observe her, ig. Since Valkyrie is following Odin's bidding and Hilde's been in her shoes before
General Opinion over said character: I love her so much 10/10 antagonist i love whatever homoeroticism is goin on with her and Valkyrie throughout the game and also their parallels. And also very very hot the second she showed up i was on my knees. I say as if im not the same way with the other women but im choosing to ignore that. Also i love her anger towards odin and her sympathy yet hatred for Valkyrie due to Valkyrie following in Hilde's footsteps kinda thanks to Odin's manipulation and i love her faking her alliance with Fenrir and uh. Yeah :-)
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 ‘Oh for fucking hell, havent I suffered enough? Now i gotta see debbie? DEBBIE YOU SAID IT YOURSELF THAT HE IS A HOMOPHOBE?! Make up your mind girl. So when he doesnt do what you want him to, hes a homophobe but now that he went to check out the dead dudes place out, he’s knight in shining armor? You need better standards in men! OHHHH SO BC HES 55 THAT GIVES HIM THE RIGHT TO BE IGNORANT? Girl fuck him and fuck you too in 55 different ways. oh fuck you for bringing up Ben! That man might be boring but that is his only crime unlike the cop!’ And now he’s angry because Deb slapped Mikey but he also still has tears in his eyes over George so id say he’s doing well. ‘Oh no. The party. I forgot about this shit. NO JUSTIN. THIS IS BAD. This is the type of party you avoid. Dont take any drinks! Dont take any cigarettes! Don’t even blink. JUSTIN WHAT DID I JUST SAY? DO YOU EVER FUCKING LISTEN?!?!?! THAT BOY IS CLEARLY DRUNK!!’
‘Oh look its Brian and Ted, i am telling you this has potential but i don’t know how yet. oh my god! Ted mentioned that Brian has Justin, Bri Bri was quiet and then he tells ted why he doesnt have boyfriend! SO YOU AGREE BRIAN? You agree that Justin is your boyfriend? Speaking of your boyfriend, you need to go get him because i think he is in danger! Let’s go!!!’ He is once again loving Ted and Brian and its taking everything in me to not hint at their future friendship. ‘I actually like Mikey right now. He should be like this more often! Why is every show so obsessed with putting cops in it?’ And we are back at saps party and now lets all together pray for this man ‘JUSTIN WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT DRUGS DOES HE EVER LISTEN?!?! WHERES BRIAN?! DAMN IT I HATE THIS! JUSTIN GET BEHIND ME I WILL KEEP YOU SAFE! WHAT DID THEY GIVE HIM?! YOU LITTLE FREAK STAY AWAY! JUSTIN STOP TAKING HIS DRINKS IS THIS YOUR FIRST DAY ON EARTH?! WHAT THE HELL TYPE OF PARTY IS THIS? What are they doing?! GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF OF THEM! YOU DISGUSTING PIG! He said NO! OH NO OH NO! FIGHT BABY FIGHT! YOU GOT THIS! Oh thank fuck he’s safe, please tell me he’s safe?’ Immediately afterwards George is shown ‘pickle guy nooooo’ He fucking paused the tv to go to it and stroke Emmetts face bc he cant hug him since he’s in a tv.. ‘why did Brian avoid that detective like that? You know what? I get it and respect it.. oh you don’t hate, you just dont get it. WHATS THERE TO GET BRO? He likes dick, he sucks dick, he fucks dick. Its not rocket science, its just…a dick up the ass!’…’of for crying out loud, he made your arrest disappear, he didn’t cure cancer. If he was a real one he’d make the speeding ticket disappear too so i say he’s still a prick! NOW WHY IS HE APOLOGIZING TO DEBBIE? She never apologized to Ben, so why is he apologizing to her?! NO MICHAEL! Just when i liked you, you had every right to judge him! Ohh big woman gave ben cereal and now thinks that changes everything? Man fuck them all’ he actually let out a big breath of relief when he saw Justin, the man is scared and stressed! ‘Oh Blondie you’re okay! Youre good! Okay now let’s deal with that little freak, first of youre telling Brian and then maybe that weirdo cop can redeem himself to me by helping you! Oh Brian looks good. Hey Brian, we need to talk, all three of us! TEDIOUS?! LEFT EARLY?! QUIT?! Justin, i know its your own decision BUT FOR FUCKING HELL CAN SOMEONE LISTEN TO ME JUST ONCE!! tell brian! Please tell Brian!!! Oh is he gonna- HES TAKING THE OFFER!!! HELL YEAH!! OH I KNOW FOR A FACT BRIAN IS HAPPY! look at them! All cute and shit!…what’s happening…is Justin gonna.. OH MY GOD I DONT THINK THATS HAPPENED YET?! HAS IT? BRIAN! OKAY!!! Kinda sad that its almost as if Justin had to do that to feel some control. I’m mad again because of the party’ he then proceeded to get up and walk outside for a smoke and then came back in and went ‘okay i have a serious question, but i think youre kind of useless so i will just ask someone else *me trying not to be offended*’ and not even 10 minutes later i hear him go ‘I SWEAR ITS A SERIOUS QUESTIO-hello? Hello? Did you hang up on me?’ And then i received a text from my uncle saying ‘why is ___ asking about how gay sex works? And if it hurts?’ I actually had no reply so i had to ask the source himself to which he them rewinded the tape and paused it at bottom!brian and went ‘NO LUBE! NO NOTHING! So do they just stick it in like all macho and hope for the best? Or? Tell him to answer me because i have a lot of questions and im afraid to ask google!’ So that’s how my day went if anybody is wondering.
Yes the hypocrisy is so real around Ben-Michael Debbie-Carl and Debbie here really has no leg to stand on because Ben is just boring and Carl is a cop. So. Yeah. Team Brother all the way.
DOES HE EVER LISTEN - no, no he doesn’t. We love Justin but the boy is 18… he is a baby.
And also the show will never ever listen to you. If it did, S5 would not have gone down like that.
And then Justin topping (thank you Randy!) Like I said, some of us have been anticipating this and Brother Anon did NOT disappoint. I was betting that he would get hung up on what topping was called but no, our man went right in for wondering why there was no prep! (Does he think you’re kinda useless because you’re not having this type of sex? You don’t need to answer that but that’s what I wondered) and I’m dying that he called your uncle to ask. I cannot imagine asking my uncle anything like this. Or even my auntie because we’re closer. I love that your uncle also hung up on him. And that he (reasonably) is afraid to ask google. You can tell him to not get his sex ed from a 20 year old tv show.
Bless you anon. This is hilarious and you have been such a faithful scribe. Thank you for continuing to bring this joy to us.
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