#a-maize-ing post
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digital-roots · 6 months ago
69k transfem rupert post!!!!!!
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whocaresstillthelouvre · 6 months ago
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Close Encounters Of The Corn Kind
Rating: Teen, for marijuana use where it's legal. Mature, for marijuana use where it's illegal. Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Female Reader Summary: Exploring a corn maze high out of your mind after eating an edible all by yourself, beautiful? Or... you and Dieter are high and end up separated in a corn maze. He must do whatever he can do to save his princess. Warnings: Dieter's POV, stoned paranoia, Dieter calls reader princess, panic but in a corny way, corn, corn, and more corn. Words: 1,400
A/N: Written for @goodwithcheese and @jolapeno's Fall Challange. I know Javier Pena x bonfire won my poll and I promise that will be posted but woooo boy, once I started writing this I couldn't stop. I happen to find it quite a-maze-ing!
Corn, corn, corn. So much corn. It’s everywhere. The stalks move in the evening breeze, secrets whispering out with each sway taunting him as he ventures deeper into the maze. It surrounds him. He jumps overwhelmed by fear with every brush of a dry leaf against his skin. He looks down at his arm, he’s safe, he hasn’t turned to corn yet. You’re still out there somewhere lost in the labyrinth of grain, he must rescue you. 
A couple wrong turns here and there and now he’s lost. Who knows how far away you are. A sea of corn now stretches between you. What if you’re both stuck here forever, wandering through the maize maze for eternity?
He shakes the thought from his head. No! He can’t think like that. He must continue. His princess needs him. 
A rustling sound comes from behind him. He whirls around, sliding on the muddy ground. His Croc slips, betraying him, but he catches his balance, nice try maze phantom. The mud, it’s another obstacle. He cannot fall, he has a mission, he has to save his princess.
Take a left? No, take a right. Left? Left as in left behind? He better go right. Right? Well, right might mean he’s asking for approval. 
He wishes he had a map. He wonders if that children's menu from Olive Garden he filled out last week might just hold the answer for this. He was able to connect the spaghetti to the meatball on his first attempt. Wait, is he the meatball? 
He doesn’t know what shape the maze is. What if it’s all an elaborate trap sent down from the aliens? Everyone knows that aliens love corn fields. Is he currently roaming a crop circle? He could very well be headed for the big red X where they’ll beam him up. Have they already captured you? 
“PRINCESS?!” he shouts, turning down another corn concourse. Corncourse, that’s a funny word, maybe he can talk to someone at Merriam-Webster about adding it to the dictionary. That is–if he escapes out of here. “PRINCESS?!”
No answer, only a murder of cawing crows laughing at his misfortune as the plume of them takes flight. They’re mocking him, laughing at his pathetic desperation. Maybe if he wishes hard enough he can sprout wings, lift off, swoop down and rescue you, then fly out of this place. Crazier things have happened… after all, he did win an Oscar. 
“Dieter?” your voice harkens him back to reality. He can just barely see the brown fuzz of his coat on you. Why didn’t he give you an orange security vest? Ah, but then you’d stick out amongst the corn and that’d make you more of a target for them. 
“Princess?! Is that you?” 
“Yeah…” you reply, your voice muffled by the wall of corn between.
“Baby! Are you okay?” He asks, his spine straightening, his heart skipping a beat.
“I’m like… really high,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear behind the corn barrier.
“I am too, but don’t fret Princess,” his voice drops with a heroic tone. “I will find you, all this corn be damned.” 
“Can’t you just… come through the row?” you ask, confusion tinging your voice.
He eyes the tan and green blades of stalks reaching out towards him like they’re ready to infect him, he refuses to become a corn person. 
“I’m sorry my love, that’s what they’d expect me to do, we must not cheat. Cheating would cause us to lose the maze, and we don’t want to lose the maze.” 
“Okay… so what do we–” 
CLANG! A loud noise reverberates from outside the maze. A sober mind would realize it’s just the ramp for the hayride trailer hitting the ground, but to Dieter it’s a warning shot.
“RUN!” he shouts, speeding away, stalks burring past him as he entangles himself farther into the mass mosaic of maize.
He’s left you, he knows this, but now it’s even more important for him to track you down. 
He turns a corner and freezes. A friendly face appears, wearing  a wide smile and a straw hat. 
“Hey! Sir! Hi, I–I can’t find my princess,” Dieter huffs, catching his breath. “Do you know where she is?” He holds his phone up, showing the kind looking stranger your photo that's set as his wallpaper. “She’s wearing my brown fuzzy jacket, I got it in Sundance.” 
The man doesn’t answer. He doesn’t even look at Dieter’s phone.
“Sundance, you know, the place in Utah? You ever been?”
Still no answer.
“Dude, look,” Dieter pushes the phone closer to the man’s face. “Can you tell me if you’ve seen my princess?”
The man ignores every word he says, his eyes stay staring forward.
“Well, fine, fuck me I guess,” he mutters, backing away. “I’ll just leave you alone then, obviously you don’t want to help.”
He retreats from the straw hat man, shaking his head at how rude people can be.
He continues down another path.
Right turn. Blocked.
Left turn. Blocked again.
He must retrace his steps and attempt another thoroughfare. Crossing paths with the straw hat man again. 
“Ahh! We meet again,” Dieter says, shaking his head.
Silence still. 
“You know buddy!” He steps closer. “You’re really rude!” He jabs his finger into the man’s soft–very soft–chest, straw pokes out from under the man’s collar. 
“Oh, shit, sorry dude. DIdn’t realize you weren’t real,” Dieter says, sheepishly, grabbing his straw filled hand to shake an apology before heading down another path. 
He feels like he’s getting somewhere, this corn doesn’t look familiar. 
He can hear the crowd of the fall carnival get louder as he takes a left instead of right. He hasn’t been taken yet, he’s close! So close to freedom! Feet don’t fail him now, he can see The EXIT sign in all of its rusted and hand painted glory. And yet, a defeated whimper leaves his mouth, the corn barrier stands tall and intimidating, still holding him captive. If he can leave, he can find you help. Call in the reinforcements, find his princess. 
“Okay Dieter, okay, you gotta get outta here,” he says aloud to himself, pacing back and forth, yanking his hair, causing it to stand even more haphazardly. “Think Dieter! Think! Think!” he shouts. 
Your voice on the other side of the corn! You’ve made it out! 
“Baby?! Y-you’re out?!” he asks in shock. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Dee, just really hun–”
Another CLANG echoes, he HAS to get out of here. He can’t leave you behind, not when he has the car keys. He hesitates for a moment, before charging through the corn stalks, if he becomes a corn person, then so be it. He HAS to be with you. He’s sure the poison isn’t instant.
He breaks through the corn wall and tumbles to the ground, snapped stalks litter the ground around him, causing quite a scene. He looks up, breathing a sigh of relief when his eyes meet yours. 
There you are standing right outside of the maze exit happily eating an apple cider donut. 
“Hi,” you smile, through a mouthful of crumbs.
“My princess,” he sighs, a wide, adoring grin spreading across his face. He pushes himself up, wincing slightly. He wishes he had a cape. He bets he’d look real cool right now with a cape billowing behind him as he stands amongst the conquered leaves and bits of broken stalks scattered around him.
“Welcome back, brave traveler,” you smile, offering him the donut.
“I made it,” he breathes, taking a bite of the sweet, cinnamon bread.
“Sir,” a stern voice catches Dieter’s attention. He turns to find a security guard eying him, face set in a firm, annoyed expression. “Looks like someone decided to make their own exit, huh?”
Dieter straightens his posture. “I’m sorry sir–there was a very urgent situation.”
The guard raises an eyebrow. “Urgent?”
“She was trapped,” Dieter says, gesturing towards you, his tone heroic again. “I had to save her!”
A laugh bursts from your mouth. “He got lost,” you explain, shaking your head. 
“Lost or not, you two need to leave,” the guard instructs, stepping aside.
“Right then,” Dieter nods. “Come, my princess, this maze has been conquered,” he bows. 
You roll your eyes and giggle, grabbing his hand as the two of you walk towards the exit. 
Dieter’s back where he belongs–with his princess and an inkling of pride, even if the guard trails closely behind.
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krovscastlerpg · 1 year ago
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It’s a special Valentine’s Day Ask Wednesday! To participate, just reblog this post and remember to send asks to the other players participating!
Romantic Headcanon Meme
Send a number (and, optionally, a ship) and I’ll describe:
How my Muse acts differently around their love interest(s)
What my Muse admires about their love interest(s)
What sort of daydreams / stray thoughts they have about their love interest(s)
Their worries/insecurities regarding their love interest(s)
How they express their interest/affection prior to a relationship
How they go about confessing their attraction
How they respond to a confession of attraction
How they respond to an anonymous love letter
Any physical/emotional/mental/spiritual feature(s) they find attractive
Personality traits they find attractive
How my Muse handles date night preparation
Ways my Muse goes out of their way for their love interest(s)
Ways my Muse seduces (or tries to) their love interest(s)
My Muse’s attitude towards sex and when/how to bring it up with their partner(s)
The differences between lust and love for my Muse
My Muse’s kinks and how they would bring them up to their partners), if at all
My Muse’s sexual fantasies regarding their partner(s)
How my Muse shows their love for their partner(s) non-verbally/through actions
What my Muse says instead of the words ‘I love you’
Any pet names my Muse has or would call their partner(s)
How my Muse would comfort their partner
How my Muse would tease their partner
My Muse’s thoughts on marriage and their position as a spouse
My Muse’s thoughts on starting a family and their position as a parent
My Muse’s thoughts on their experience / skill in bed
My Muse’s favorite part about having sex with their partner(s)
My Muse’s go-to gift or treat for their significant other(s)
My Muse’s favorite way to spoil and/or pleasure their partner(s)
My Muse’s preferred method of being spoiled / pleasured by their partner(s)
Ask any other question you can think of!
Punny Pick-up Lines Sentence Starters
( in the spirit of Valentine’s day, here’s a compilation of various funny & punny pick-up lines !  Feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses and/or add more context. )
🚪  ❝ I a-door you ! ❞
🍵  ❝ You’re a cute tea ! ❞
🧁  ❝ You bake me crazy ! ❞
🫁  ❝ We belung together ! ❞
🐚  ❝ You’re very spe-shell ! ❞
🧈  ❝ You’re my butter half ! ❞
🔥  ❝ We’re a perfect match ! ❞
🍲  ❝ You make miso happy ! ❞
🥕  ❝ I carrot live without you ! ❞
🐻  ❝ I love you bear-y much ! ❞
🍌  ❝ I find you very a-peeling ! ❞
🐳  ❝ I whale always love you ! ❞
🍞  ❝ You’re the loaf of my life ! ❞
🦦  ❝ There’s no otter like you ! ❞
🦐  ❝ You’re shrimply the best ! ❞
🍉  ❝ You’re my one in a melon ! ❞
🍕  ❝ You have a pizza my heart ! ❞
🐰  ❝ Nobunny compares to you ! ❞
🪵  ❝ Wood you be my valentine ? ❞
🍋  ❝ This is my best pick-up lime... ❞
🍅  ❝ I love you from my head to-ma-toes ! ❞
🌮  ❝ Can we taco ‘bout how cute you are ? ❞
🍄  ❝ You take up so mushroom in my heart ! ❞
🍍  ❝ If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple. ❞
🗼  ❝ Are you a tower? Because Eiffel for you ! ❞
🌽  ❝ I know it’s corny, but you’re a-maize-ing ! ❞
🍩  ❝ I donut know what I would do without you ! ❞
☕️  ❝ Words cannot expresso how much you mean to me ! ❞
🧀  ❝ This might sound cheesy, but I think you’re really grate ! ❞
Ask meme credits: x x
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wickedsrest-rp-archive · 2 years ago
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Welcome to our weekly round-up! We do these every week to provide plot drops, highlight starters posted that week, and share other information about the setting. Anyone is welcome to use these bullet points in starters, plots, anons etc. Also let us know if you want us to include one of your setting-related plots in here for next week by sending us a bullet point!
What’s new in town?:
As the moon in the sky waxes toward the second full moon of the month, the crystals around town have taken on a blue-ish glow and are having varying effects on those around. Check out our latest plot of the week for ways to interact!
As coffee shops are rolling out their pumpkin spice lattes, Maized & Confused is taking advantage of the fall excitement and opening up for business a few weeks early this fall season. Enjoy fall treats and a potentially haunted walk through the corn maze while the season lasts!
An already large and still-growing cluster of rats has been scurrying around the streets of downtown. Businesses have been warning customers to avoid the creature as it's wont to deliver a nasty bite. Some, like Starring Role, have been closing early if the rats have been spotted nearby. The chef could be seen angrily pantomiming about not risking a rat getting into his kitchen.
Just because it's Back to School season doesn't mean Bigfeet's Adventureland is ready to slow down on the fun. For the last week of August and month of September, tickets for admission to the theme park will be buy one get one free for Maine residents. Be sure to try the fried cheese on a stick for an extra good time!
Duarte Real Estate will be closed through the remainder of the month and Alan has posted contact information for where to send inquiries in the meantime
Mack was pleasantly surprised by gas station chicken and is taking suggestions for other off-the-wall fun stuff to try
Baking is difficult and Ren is looking for easier ways to bake without disastrous results
Someone's cousin has a big mouth so Alex is giving a PSA that she's alive and looking for your streaming recommendations
If you'd like bones and or other random items reach out to Regan who is currently giving away her belongings
It's a 'once in a blue moon' event so Samir is suggesting everyone checks out the Wildcat versus Razor fight coming up this full moon
If anyone knows any good doctors send your recommendations over to Mack who's asking for a friend
Help Emilio settle a debate and cast your vote for who is more handsome: him or Rhett
Wynne is wondering if anyone has any plans for the upcoming betrayer moon so if you have any good traditions, send those over to them
If you're the owner of the chihuahua who bit her toes, Inge is really not happy with you
There's a special at the boathouse and like a good citizen, Shan is giving recommendations to check it out
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uselectionnews · 1 year ago
"Colony Ridge reflects Texas conservative values. It gets bashed anyway.," by Molly Hennessy-Fiske in The Washington Post.
"Russia’s Slaughter of Indigenous People in Alaska Tells Us Something Important About Ukraine," by Casey Michel in Politico.
"What Financial Engineering Does to Hospitals," by Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean in The Atlantic.
"Not an accidental speaker: How Mike Johnson positioned himself for the gavel," by Daniella Diaz in Politico.
"Biden yawns at primary challenge from Dean Phillip," by Alex Thompson in Axios.
"It ended in Sin City. But Mike Pence’s campaign was DOA for months.," by Adam Wren in Politico.
"UAW reaches tentative deal with Stellantis to end strike," by Sareen Habeshian and Joann Muller in Axios.
"U.S. fighter jets intercept civilian aircraft near Biden’s Delaware residence," by Myah Ward in Politico.
"Mapped: Where Americans are moving," by Erin Davis in Axios.
"The A-maize-ing Life of a Corn Maze Designer," by J. Bryan Lowder in Slate.
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digital-roots · 5 months ago
Miscellaneous Hatchetfield headcanons (mostly family related)
- Richie's deepest darkest secret is that for a few years when he was little, he and his mom lived in Clivesdale.
- Richie and Trevor are twins separated from birth parent trap style. Trevor was raised in Philadelphia before his dad moved backed to Hatchetfield, thinking his wife and Richie were still in Clivesdale. The two brothers have not interacted ever despite their proximity with each other.
- Gary Goldstein is actually a clone of Paul, the first one ever made long before they started to make the others for the moon colonies. He escaped and changed his identity, went to law school in another state, and came back to be a sleazy attorney for very rich clients. Said rich clients include Linda Monroe, who he had an affair with and became the biological father of Jordan. He's a deadbeat but he does treat him nicer than Linda's other sons when they happen to be in the same room with each other.
- Gary also does not like musicals but he doesn't make a big deal about it. His go-to coffee order is a large caramel frappe.
- Nora and Jane were actually really good friends, with Jane actually helping Nora to open Beanie's. Nora only gave Emma the job because she felt pity about Emma losing her sister.
- Sylvia is Karen's estranged older sister who cut off her ties with their family after being fed up with their obsession with purity and conservatism. At 18, She moved in with her then boyfriend at the time (they've broken off since then). Grace still prays for her sinner aunt to change her ways.
- Girl Jeri and Boy Jerry went to Sycamore High along with Mark and Karen. They did Bible study sessions together.
- Pete's parents have always had a rocky relationship and by the time Pete is 18 they're finally in the middle of being officially divorced. Pete would sometimes stay at Ted's shitty apartment when things got really messy.
- a lot of the teens think Pete is the owner of Pizza Pete's which adds to why they think he's rich. Max in particular makes fun of him for this a lot despite Pete trying to tell him on numerous occasions that he doesn't own the place.
- Pete and Alice were childhood friends but drifted away by the time they were in high school. They bonded over their shared love of sweets and dysfunctional living situations.
- Ruth had a HUGE crush on Alice, and both were a part of the tech crew in their school theater group. When she found out Alice was dating local stoner and rebellious cool girl Deb she wailed in the bathroom for a solid hour.
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digital-roots · 4 months ago
Ted Spankoffski fans when he ruins his own life and horrifically dies as a miserable and pathetic man for the 87th time
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digital-roots · 1 year ago
Tumblr has Got to make a 'show results button' for polls fast because the amount of times a poll is like
{Minority Group} do you like doing X?
Yes 24%
No 7%
I'm not from minority group (show results) 69%
Is really infuriating
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digital-roots · 2 months ago
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digital-roots · 6 months ago
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copperright loss
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digital-roots · 1 year ago
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Theyre the same fucking guy and they have the same story about being seen as a weak loser until they defeat their boss and overtake their business!!
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Not only that, but said evil boss loses everything in the process, becomes totally pathetic, and then turns to seek help from another hot evil person...
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...And then those two nicely take back evil guys business and all three are now evil together!
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digital-roots · 5 months ago
Starkid writers always try and squeeze in all the hatchetfield characters in the narrative like their life depends on it like FUCKKK....why hidgens the paulkins wedding officiant all of da sudden🤨...
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digital-roots · 2 years ago
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Im fucking crying they made his place into an exhibit that people can just watch. Come see this sad middle aged immortal man as he does his morning piss
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digital-roots · 5 months ago
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TGWDLM what if scenario in which Pete got infected later on and replaces Alice in Not Your Seed.
So in this universe Paul ends up accompanying Ted when he finds out his brother is alive. But of course, of fucking course they're too late. Ted shouldn't have tried saving him in the first place. At least then he wouldn't have been face-to-face with his brother singing about how much of a fuckup he is.
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digital-roots · 7 months ago
Carisi as a detective: Hey everyone its me, Sonny, I'm doing great working with you guys, so let's investigate the case and catch our guy! Also I know legal jargon
Carisi as an ADA: If You Do Not Give Me Substantial Evidence For This Case They're Going To Have Me Publicly Executed
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digital-roots · 2 months ago
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Teehee X3 silly lil shitpost of these guys from before things went horribly wrong
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