mossdoesartshit · 1 year
yall might remember a different pinned post, but im changing things a bit JINGFIDJN
Hi hey hello! I’m Moss, i go by a few other names too but for the purposes of this blog im either Moss, Jester, or Arcade! i draw a lot! i am in a lot of fandoms! it is only smart to put both to good use and post about them!
so far ive mostly posted hazbin stuff, it is the current fixation going strong, but ill drop some other fandom art here and there!
once i have enough things for a masterposts worth, ill make one, and ill put it here! so far only sinner adam/adam, but believe you me, other stuff will happen too! i do like to write and yap a lot, so. ehe. etto. bleh JINOGFDIOJN -MASTERPOSTS- Sinner Adam
ill be putting my linktree as well! im not as active on other sites as i am here (And. i kinda fell off that train too. oops)(but im getting back into it!) Linktree main tags! my art - just a generic art tag tbh, did not think to do anything more and i am not editing who knows how many posts for a tag FGBUHGUDHFB.. moss asks - asks that have been sent to me and that ive answered!
hoping to do a lot more stuff and things, and to post more frequently and with more variety, but for now, thank you for checking my stuff out!
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Prompt: Evan tells Tommy to “Get ready for a rigorous night” or “get ready to burn lots of calories and sweat” or something suggestive so Tommy thinks he’s getting lucky and it’s nice to see Buck take charge; but then when Evan comes over, whatever he was referring to/bringing was NOT Sex
Nonny, I had so much fun with this, thank you :) This is fluff and crack, I suppose. And I'm not sorry. Once more Tommy's POV. Have fun! Here's all 4 prompt fills on AO3 in case anybody wants to leave a keysmash :)
You're Mine
— I’m burning inside and we both know why —
"Get ready for a rigorous night!"
Tommy chokes on the coffee that Buck has shoved into his hand just a minute ago (he’s eager to buy coffee for Tommy since he’s finally learned his preferred method of preparation). And then, with that cheeky wide grin, the guy bursts out something like that, in the middle of the sidewalk, still within earshot of the fire station.
Buck pats him on the shoulders, around which he puts his arm a moment later and asks, "You all right?"
"This coffee is just hot. It’s a very hot coffee. Wh… what did you say?"
It’s not like Tommy to stutter, but Buck still has that sassy look on his pretty face.
"I've got plans for us tonight," Buck exclaims, gesticulating fiercely –is he just excited or is he already aroused? You never know with this man.
Tommy tries very hard to make a deadpan face, but how could anybody, talking to Buck?
"Oh yeah," Buck returns as he opens the driver's door of Tommy's car, "but my lips are sealed, prepare for a surprise."
Tommy is definitely surprised. And confused. He puts his coffee on the roof of the car to check his pockets for the keys, still wondering why Buck gets behind the wheel of his vehicle (and why he’s willing to give him the keys, should he finally find them).
He finds them, and yes, Buck drives Tommy’s car, that's as self-evident as how he slipped into Tommy's life in the first place or that they’re headed for the loft. During the ride, they talk about all sorts of things, which you have to give Buck credit for because usually, the man has a hard time keeping a secret. Tommy is only half listening, still processing the announcement of a „rigorous night“.
But they’re still in the middle of Buck's discovery process. Buck is no doubt eager when it comes to that topic, and his sexual experiences are, well, a subject of conversation in other fire stations, too. The rumors are hardly exaggerated, because Tommy also has already learned a lot about Buck so far. For example, that his bedroom voice is a whole octave lower, and that he’s exceptionally keen on (and good at) dirty talking in this voice. Or that he writes such unrestrained text messages that Tommy turns off his phone if there’s a risk that someone might accidentally glance at his display. He’s a good, no, a perfect kisser, he loves to touch and makes the cutest little noises when he’s touched.
And that’s about it.
Tommy wonders if this is his fault. Of course, their shifts often don't match, they don't see each other as often as they both would like, but maybe it's because he's holding back too much. If growing up in a toxic household has taught him one thing, it’s not to push somebody you like. And it happens he likes that man a lot. 
So far, he’s approached the whole matter kind of like a project you divide into steps and milestones, a project called „Introduce Evan Buckley Into Sex With a Man.“ He’s just taken baby steps so far, trying to give Buck his room, letting him decide when he’s ready. Maybe Buck has just decided that this time is now. And that’s actually pretty hot.
Tommy is quite distracted during their ride through a heavy evening rush hour. First of all, Buck drives like a maniac as soon as there is even the vaguest gap in the traffic, and Tommy is pretty attached to his car, his life and to Buck. And second, Tommy, who has made the first move in pretty much all of his past relationships – and has sometimes regretted it – imagines in somewhat too vivid colors what Buck might be up to.
"Oh, wait, I forgot something," Buck says, pulling across the lane at breakneck speed; Tommy clings to the door handle. No one should jump out of a moving car, but the impulse is definitely there. Tommy laments his squealing tires as the car stops, parked halfway straight.
"Be right back," Buck calls, and he's gone.
He virtually runs – you can't call it anything else, he doesn't walk normally – into a 7/11. Tommy looks at himself in the vanity mirror, runs his fingers through his hair and sniffs his shirt, and Buck’s back. He throws a brown paper bag onto the back seat.
"Can't miss this," he says.
That crooked grin and the slightly flushed cheeks are a bit of a giveaway. It's downright cute, he must have bought condoms. Tommy slides a little uneasily back and forth in his seat as Buck starts the engine again. This has maybe as much to do with the fact that the guy is already exceeding the speed limit when he starts off as with the condoms Tommy has been carrying in his pockets for weeks.
He wonders what he actually expected. Dating Buck has been a ride so far, for sure. It's not every day that you get invited to a wedding shortly after meeting someone. It's also not every day that you rescue people from a sinking ship together. In that sense, this is harmless. Buck is just enthusiastic, and since Tommy has discovered that he enjoys being attached to those sensual lips, that's fine. However, the tension is almost killing him.
"Must be some hot stuff you've got planned for tonight," he remarks casually. 
"Absolutely," Buck exclaims with a broad grin, and Tommy regrets asking, because he starts gesticulating again, and he would prefer Buck to keep both hands on the wheel. "You won't regret it. It's about time someone showed you the ropes."
It's a remark that is as cheeky as it is quirky, but Tommy realizes that he finds it very stimulating. Perhaps he shouldn't take it too literally, after all, they've never talked about such preferences before, but the idea is certainly... inspiring. Buck is clearly in the right mood, and Tommy decides he can play along.
"I'm already looking forward to my snack," he returns.
Buck gives him a look – oh dear, watch the road, Evan – and laughs, asking, "Were you watching me in the store? Ah, wait, if you can already guess what I'm up to, don't say anything. I've been thinking about how to do it for days, so don't spoil it for me."
"Don't worry, if you like it mysterious, I'm your man," Tommy quips.
For the rest of the ride they exchange more jokey and, in Tommy’s view, slightly lewd remarks, and if Buck's intention was to tease him into being restless like a teenager before his first time, he's succeeded.
While in the elevator to the loft, they make out a bit, which definitely heightens the tension. It looks like a romantic evening in Buck's apartment. He definitely planned this, Tommy thinks, because Buck had a shift and must have set this up beforehand. The blinds on the windows in the corner with his sofa are already down. Buck, who like most firemen thinks candles in the apartment are the devil's work, switches on a couple of fake LED-candles with a remote control.
Then he gets two beers, drops onto the couch and says, "Well, I think it's time."
"O… kay?"
Tommy blinks, thinking that's a strange approach even for Buck, but who is he to complain?
"Sit down, I'm about to start," says Buck and tosses Tommy the bag he brought from the store.
"Oh," Tommy manages to utter, "that's ... I mean, if you say so…"
Surprised, he realizes that he is nervous. He knows Buck is a go-getter, even in bed, but this seems a bit too much like they both have planned a project. If he pulls out a clipboard, we need to talk, Tommy thinks. 
"So," Buck begins solemnly, "I set this out since Christopher told me... You're crushing the potato chips, Tommy."
Tommy is still trying to understand how Christopher suddenly slipped into this conversation, pressing the bag to his chest a little too tightly out of sheer tension. Now he looks inside, and sure enough, he finds two bags of potato chips.
"I didn't know which one you liked. It took me almost a month to find your favorite coffee, so I thought I'd go with the two most popular varieties."
Buck starts babbling, which means he's nervous, but Tommy doesn't quite understand why. He rummages in the bag… there really aren't any condoms in it.
Oh. Oh, damn.
"Christopher," he says, and Buck looks at him with a frown that rumples his beautiful forehead, "Huh?"
"You said something about Eddie’s kid."
"Oh, right," Buck replies with a grin, and he starts gesticulating again, "He told me that you agreed with him on Revenge of the Sith. It being the best movie of the trilogies? Come on, I love him, but that kid has no idea. He never understood Return of the Jedi. I agree that you need to have seen both, but I figured you're a grown man, you need to form an informed opinion."
Buck takes a deep breath, and Tommy thinks that even now, in this fit of nerdiness, he's incredibly cute. This hits him a little unexpectedly, because actually, it should be a slightly embarrassing cold shower.
"This is about Star Wars?" he asks, and he can't stop himself from laughing.
"Yeah, sure... so you didn't guess it after all! Wait, what did you think it was about?"
Buck cocks his head, but right now, he so much resembles a puppy that Tommy couldn’t bear to pull the treat right out from under his nose.
"It's not that important," Tommy waves it off, sits down next to Buck and fleetingly kisses his flushed cheeks. "Revenge of the Sith is the cornerstone of order 66. You need to watch it to understand the clone’s motivation in The Bad Batch."
Then he looks at Buck, who launches into a long-winded explanation of why Return of the Jedi is the better movie in every case, but he doesn’t really listen, he’s already lost in those blue eyes again.
"Turn on the movie and we'll see," he says, but he thinks he won’t be able to focus at all. There’s a thought rising inside him, and it won’t let him go.
Good heavens. I love this idiot.
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
helluva boss s2e3-5 reaction
wow the episodes are actually maintaining the 20ish minute length unlike season 1
episode 3
oh my god WHAT
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ah I see he's moxxie's dad
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LMAOOO him being both their exes is hilarious
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OH MY GOD and that's what led him to meeting blitzo LMAO
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oh geez
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also verbal "I'm bisexual" that's neat!!!
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OH MY GOD was that his mum???? oh man....
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oh my god
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millie's very cool
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"now we aaaall fucked the same guy" oh my fucking god blitzo
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episode 4
okay cool! I get to hear her have some semblance of calmness LMAO
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"what does he look like your highness?" "sexy?" "that's STRIKER sir" I'M CRYING????
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and got to a scene I've seen a clip of already, can't say I'm a fan of the ableism here but I'm sure it's been criticised to death by others already, I'll move on
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well. I'm glad I get to see stella with another character that she's not shouting at
yeah I'm glad we're getting something more than a pompous laugh and anger from her
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"harder" oh my god
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oh yeah um the "he can get hurt?" scene is something I've already seen
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saw it on a clip on twitter before, figured it had to do with injury via angelic weapons, cool to see the context now though (even though I was somewhat able to guess the more I learnt about the show)
it's cool that you can see stolas is giving blitzo some space and suggesting not doing sex stuff
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really nice to see blitzo showing concern for him
episode 5
this one is seeming a lot more lighthearted but I wanna put 6 and 7 together so I'm just gonna put this here
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woah what's that
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something that's not the grimoire opening a portal???
is "the voice of an angel" really a compliment when you live in hell?
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okay I thought the "barbie" person might've been blitzo's sister
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well then! I've been fighting with the 30 image limit probably was a mistake to put 5 together with 3 and 4 after all but whatever!! anyways
first two in the set, pretty good character moments, last one although was more lighthearted but definitely had its serious moments with moxxie and millie
I see fizzarolli in the thumbnail for the next 2 episodes, I have been WAITING for this, gonna be very very promising
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susartwork · 8 months
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Little sona redesign, plus meet the artist! Can you tell I really like blue?
Extra info: - My account names are either susartwork or itsubear. - To draw I use Krita, these brushes, and a XP-pen tablet with screen. - Undertale hyperfixation 24/7 (but I also have many other interests) - Alphys simp ♡ - Don't feel threatened by my frequent use of exclamation marks, kaomojies, and keysmashes. I don't bite! afjdkwd <3 - I suck at keeping in touch with lots of people at once. Please give me time :''D - I'm dang slow at drawing due to my poor concentration span. - I also have the memory of a goldfish. Bear with me. - Oh yeah, I also make puns every now and then. - I like bears.
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enderwoah · 1 year
ello ello ello! happy belated homestuck 4/13 AND hermitcraft birthday! it's been a very long time since i have touched this au, but it occasionally starts rotating around in my brain so i decided, "hey! it's not like the homestuck presence in this fandom can get any more dead! why don't i make some headway on that?"
this will be a comprehensive list of all fourteen double life members' chumhandles and typing quirks (where applicable; otherwise, i might just put down their general typing style). it'll go in rainbow order for the trolls, but there are only seven of them so some may be skipped! c'est la vie.
for people that don't know homestuck, a chumhandle is essentially an internet username used on the messaging system "pesterchum" (or, for the trolls, the messaging system "trollian"), consisting of two words that are usually unnecessarily rare and big. a typing quirk is something trolls all have to differentiate themselves from one another, both for expression purposes and also because they all have to use their blood colour as their online colour and it could get confusing. hope that helps, let's go!
grian (rust):
sign: true aires, sign of the excavator
no noticable typing quirk, but does use an overabundance of bird puns whenever he gets the chance. not because he thinks they're funny, but because they get on other people's nerves and gets their feathers in a twist.
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procrastinatingBellbird [PB]
procrastinating: to delay or postpone action; put off doing something. is this not grian's entire existence? have you watched his hermitcraft videos? can the man go half an hour without getting distracted by something and putting what he should be working on off for later? like..oh, i don't know. the back of his base?
bellbird: the loudest bird in the world! you little attention-seeker, you.
ren (bronze):
sign: taurga, sign of the guardian
unnecessarily and often incorrectly uses the olde version of words, adds a lot of 'e's and 'th's and 'st's where therest shouldn'th be for ye olde effecte. is a hemoanon (someone that does not reveal their blood colour by typing in gray).
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cynoidCacology [CC]
cynoid: dog-like; canine. speaks for itself.
cacology: bad choice of words or poor pronunciation. this is partially a jab at his 'incorrectly uses old words' bit and partially a slight reference to his constant innuendos being played off as simply a bad choice of words. someone probably lied to him and told him that this word meant royalty and was really old and cool.
tango (gold):
sign: gemiborn, sign of the uproarious
the first actual typing quirk, tango types in ALL CAPS, EXCEPtt FOR HIS tt'S ttO MAttCH THE PAttttERN OF HIS HORNS!
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reinedAzidoazide [RA]
rein[ed]: keep under control; restrain. it'll make more sense with the second part.
azidoazide [azide]: the most explosive chemical compound ever created. so together, his entire chumhandle is just a big sign that yells 'i have thinly-controlled anger issues!,' lmao.
bdubs (olive):
sign: lenius, sign of the restless
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nyctophobicBryophyte [NB]
nyctophob[ia]: extreme or irrational fear of the night or of darkness. he definitely has it! lol!
byrophyte: the informal group name for mosses, liverworts and hornworts. oh yeah, baby. moss time, baby. eats moss, prolly. and has a cool cloak!
scott (cerulean):
sign: scorza, sign of the strategist
he's both too cool for an elaborate typing quirk and too lazy to go out of his way to type in perfect capitalisation like he wants to. Middle ground, he capitalises all his 'M's and he types as forMally as possible without having to try. uses eMoticons as punctuation lot (:K and keysMashes rather often. (his sign, scorza, looks like a weird M, so he just ran with it. if the people he's talking to can't deduce that it's him, that's their problem, not his. his horns look like antlers and he felt like a K was the only letter that really encompassed the antlers vibe (((:K)
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kenodoxicHart [KH]
kenodox[y]: an obsolete, rare word meaning the love, study, or desire of vain-glory. only someone truly vainglorious would flaunt their vainglory. and you know what? good for him.
hart: a male deer; a stag. sure, he could have just gone with stag, but 'hart' sounds like 'heart,' so it's just unequivocally better in every way. his lusus is a horrible combination of a hart and a spider.
cleo (purple):
sign: capripia, sign of the brusque
she really doesn't have a patterned quirk like some others might...she simply prefersssss to elongate her 's'es whenever it feelsssss...sssatisfying. never uses caps. alwaysss usesss precisssse punctuation. makes use of ellipsesss to enunsssiate her pointsss. will often change the 'c's to 's'es in sssertain wordsss because typing out a bunch of 'c's doesn't have the ssame effect. (her horns are painted to look like snakes, and thus!)
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vafrousPhantomime [VP]
vafrous: cunning; sly. sounds about right, yeah.
phantomime is not an actual word! it is a combination of phantom (a ghost) and pantomime (a dramatic entertainment, originating in Roman mime, in which performers express meaning through gestures accompanied by music OR a theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, that involves music, topical jokes, and slapstick comedy and is based on a fairy tale or nursery story.) to explain this would be to explain a lot of cleo's backstory, which is not what this post is for; the simplest way to explain the phantom bit is "blame joe hills." the pantomime bit is just a very mild reference to The homestuck song, and also...she's a clown. not, like, super seriously, but she is a clown.
etho (fuchsia):
sign: pius, sign of the free
/? you won't catch him dead making fish puns. that's all he wrote. /? (they're like little fishing poles :D y'all really think etho is out here with the patience to constantly change the way he types? absolutely not.)
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xericQuerist [XQ]
xeric: containing little moisture; very dry. again, this is not the place to delve deep into backstory shenanigans, but it's safe to say that despite being a fuchsiablood, etho does not feel very free underwater. also, he's a dry texter <3 good for him
querist: inquirer; someone who asks questions. he's questioning the SYSTEM and the PLANET he'll have to take over when he gets over and the CHANGES to the FLAWED HIERARCHY it holds so dear <- deranged. half of the reason he picked his name when he was like 12 was that having two super rare letters as his handle looked sicknasty.
(note to all my non-homestucks: humans have no use or care for the funny signs i've been putting for all of the trolls, but i'm going to put them here in case anyone wants to see what they Would be :)
scar (orange):
sign: aquasci, sign of the charitable (snrk)
all lowercase, little punctuation aside from EMPHASIS!!! sometimes the emphasis comes in the form of an *appropriate* amount of asterisks.
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affluentAllay [AA] / affluentVex [AV]
affluent: having a great deal of money; wealthy. how else can you put it? the man is loaded!
allay: diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry). an in-universe reference to actual minecraft allays.
vex: make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried; cause distress to. affluentVex was his original handle before allays came out and he shelved this to being an evil alter ego that frequently appears. as this is homestuck and i do need to clarify, this evil alter ego is not real.
bigb (dark blue):
sign: sagittanius, sign of the nascent (wait i love that actually that's so good)
Average mobile user, doesn't turn off autocorrect, all of his sentences start off capital and everything looks fine until you notice the lack of punctuation or commas or anything the phone wouldn't be able to automatically pick up on
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nitidNyctomania [NN]
nitid: bright with a steady but subdued shining. it's typically used to describe the moon.
nyctomania: the condition of being very happy and comfortable in the dark. half of the group was convinced that bigb was a troll because it always seems to be night whenever he talks to his friends. he literally just lives in a place where the sun doesn't rise. and you know what? he's happy.
impulse (yellow):
sign: gemcer, sign of the intimate (0_0)
uses lowercase letters, but proper punctuation! uses fullstops at the ends of statements, proper commas, question marks, and exclamation points! maybe even two for the extra emphasis!! often uses FULL CAPS to denote shouting (not that he does it often)!
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sanguineVenule [SV]
sanguine: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation OR blood-red. he's just an optimistic and happy guy! also a blood player!
venule: a very small vein, especially one collecting blood from the capillaries. he's trained in first aid for some reason? also a blood player!
pearl (gray):
sign: licen, sign of the worshipper ((santa pearla voice) more like sign of the worshipped amirite)
nothing tooooo special, she types like a normal person and elongates certain words for the emphasis!
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pearlescentMoon [PM]
pearlescent: having a luster resembling that of mother-of-pearl.
for the record, she has been adequately clowned on for having what is basically her full name as her online handle, but she simply couldn't be bothered to put in all the effort of finding those stupid big words. maybe there was a point in her life when she was, like, eleven, where her handle was iridescentLuna [IL] or something, but those times are far, far behind her now.
martyn (lime):
sign: cano, sign of the translucent (wth is that even meant to mean)
types like its a conversation or real dialogue, so expect either very long messages or for him to send about seven messages just to form one complete thought. when speaking to ren, he will mirror the old-speak as well as possible (unless its a serious moment).
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hearkeningCavalier [HC]
hearkening: listening. i think we can all guess.
cavalier: a knight. i also think we can all guess. also, it's a breed of dog! cheeky reference to his king, that is.
joel (forest green):
sign: leiborn, sign of the paradox (oh i love this)
when normal, he types like a normal person. makes more typos than your average man, but thats alright whereas WHEN HE GETS HYPE ABOUT SOMETHING HES PRFONE TO LONG BOUTS OF TPYING IN CAPS AND HE TYPES FAST AN FRURTYOUIS SO TEHTEERE AE TYPOS ABOUnD
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dionysianFleer [DF]
dionysian: relating to the sensual, spontaneous, and emotional aspects of human nature. joel just gives vibes, really. i think he heard that dionysus was the god of madness and thought it was cool because he really does go crazy at the block game AYEEE
fleer: an impudent or jeering look or speech. he's a prick. moving on,
jimmy (light blue):
sign: taurmino, sign of the lonely (my man...)
uses caps for shouting *very* often because he is a shouty boy, and uses asterisks for emphasis. is very prone to using an overabundance of question marks because...funny?
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juxtaPredestination [JP]
juxta-: a prefix meaning near; alongside.
predestination: the divine foreordaining or foreknowledge of all that will happen. jimmy is basically the resident jade harley. not in the sense that he knows what's actually going on, more in the sense of him getting thrown into Situations and then he goes "oh, i saw this in a dream once!" and then gets clorted by whatever it was that he saw. but he believes in fate and luck very heavily and sort of thinks of it as an endearing rival.
so yeah, those are all the handles! i will do the extras (mumbo, lizzie, and skizz) eventually and put it in the post, so stay tuned for that (ill reblog this when its done <3)! hope you enjoyed the result of my days-long bout of insanity! reblogs appreciated, have a nice day/night!! <3
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happi-tree · 10 months
well. obligatory normscary ask. but as a back up if youve already gotten one of those - figayda beloveds
Hihihihi Travvy hope you're having a wonderful day!!! 🧡🧡🧡Now. OBLIGATORY NORMSCARY ANSWER. And also a Figayda answer bc I love them also!
Normscary: Ship It (💙💜) / Don't Ship It
What made you ship it?
Um. Blinks at you. Points at you. Ssdbghsbfkbsbhbs at first I didn't ship it at all bc I was so very into Oakworthy and whatever Scary/Erica/Margarita have going on in my brain, respectively, but your insistence paid off and also multishipping is beautiful forever <333 And then this all happened to coincide with certain events in canon and I was like. Okay yeah. Yeah I get it now.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Speaking of canon events! I really, really, really like how these two have grown to foil and parallel each other in SO many interesting ways. Which personally adds more fuel to the shipping fire for me! Very two-sides-of-the-same-coin meets opposites-attract imo. Like I said with Cheerkicks, they both have a lot more in common than I think they're really aware of, if that makes sense!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think so! I just think they should kiss. I also really enjoy them as being part of a polywagon situation or as Marloakworthy <333
Figayda: Ship It (❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥) / Don't Ship It
What made you ship it?
This feels like too easy of an answer, but Sophomore Year! I remember scrolling through Fantasy High fics on ao3 after finishing Freshman Year and being like ??? Oh there's someone related to Aguefort??? And they're popularly shipped with Fig, of all people??? Huh. Guess it must be a SY thing. Smash cut to me giggling and kicking my feet upon getting introduced to Ayda and being absolutely overjoyed bc the only thing I could think about was "oh this ship is going to be so cute isn't it I'm going to be feeling like this abt them constantly???" And I was right!!!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Truly just the. Unlikeliness of it all. Cloistered wizard pirate harpy lady falling hard for the rock n roll wild child tiefling bard with a heart of gold,,, and then said bard being such a bisexual mess about her own feelings in response. The panicked "I kiss her and then I skateboard away!!!" lives Rent Fucking Free in my brain at all times. Also Emily and Brennan portray their relationship so beautifully??? Like truly they had me tearing up at multiple points. I think Fig and Ayda both work very hard to understand each other and communicate properly and that earnest aspect of it combined with all the giddy fluffy high school romance stuff is like kryptonite to me. Congrats you two that's almost the best anyone has ever done it!!!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly??? I don't think I've poked around in the d20/Fantasy High fandoms enough to know what is and isn't a popular opinion about them. So I'm gonna echo what I said for Normscary: I just want them to kiss!!! And cuddle. And be cute. Forever <333
Bonus: some live reaction screenshots of me reacting to figayda. That you have already seen. Bc I was talking to you afvashvfhksvfs. But I felt that they should also be immortalized here bc I have not been Visibly Insane abt them much online (yet) (if something bad happens to them in Junior Year I will never recover) <3
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Text descriptions under the cut!
[Image 1: A Discord message from "happi-v". It reads "Travis. Travis HELP I’m watching ep 12 of sophomore year and I’m barely containing the urge to yell with excitement" "I can’t believe AYDA was the one to shoot her shot first you go you funky little autistic phoenix girl!!!"]
[Image 2: A Discord message from "happi-v". It reads "YEAH (keysmash)" "I just pressed play again just to pause almost immediately and bang my hand on the table. They’re so fucking CUTE travvy"]
[Image 2: A Discord message from "happi-v". It reads "It was so funny bc I was scrolling through ao3 after finishing freshman year and was just like ??? Oh??? This Ayda person sounds interesting but I don’t know if I’m gonna fall in love with her or anything. And with Fig,,, huh. Okay. I was a FOOL Travvy. A fucking fool. I love Ayda so much"]
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nutzworth · 3 months
its 6/12! i HAVE to read homestuck! i didnt read ANY last month. oops
DAY 9: JUNE 12, 2024
STATS: read for 2 hours and 30 minutes pages read: 1903-2068. 165 pages. act 5!!!!!! page 2000! slur count: 13 + 0 = 13 silly count: 13 + 0 = 13 piss count: 2/3
THOUGHTS: ohhh my god. ok not much original thought here but by god did a lot happen
ok LOTS OF TROLLS. this time. but we will get into that later
johnkat is so funny. karkat just kind of sucks. i guess were getting into it now HES SO FUNNY! hes so mean. esp to his troll friends in act 5. he has no whimsy and no fun. he loves to lie. hes oppressed hes a MUTANT yet he wants to join the military. even though the military would KILL HIM for being who he is. ohhh my god. his clean ass room. his romcoms. he loves romcoms. he sucks at programming. he keysmashes in here WHATEVER. back to the kids
soooo much guardian lore... so much LORE. i love nanna and i love pa harley. and their upbringing THEYRE SO WEIRD.
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(about pa harley) ADVENTURE!!!! oh my god. "She can handle it, he tells her. He believes in her." AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! HOPE PLAYER! i love the hope aspect im gonna go crazy in act 6 when jake is there. but right now? this is FOOD. im EATING IT UP!
michael guy bowman is so john egbert voice. its canon that dave strider is a whiteboy and that michael guy bowman is literally john egbert and thats IT.
dave is being so rude and mean to terezi. for the girl that said to john "WOW. MAKING FUN OF A BLIND GIRL? FUCKED UP!!!!!" she sure does turn a blind eye (LOOOL) to dave being like "yeah me and this guy? all up best friends. you know why? we can both see. and were going to this see party and theres so much shit and paintings and its great. to look at. and FUCK YOU. for being BLIND." and terezis cackling about her wonderful D4V3 1S TH1S YOU? drawings. theyre funny
[S] DESCEND!!!!!!!!! oh my god. what a flash. this would make me crazy if i was an upd8 reader. JACK NOIR IS INSANE. HE JUST KILLS EVERYONE! the music is sooo good too. it matches so well. its SCARY.
speaking of jack noirs destruction: ok here's more about wv. this is probably so surface level but it drives me crazy i need to restate it ok wv is a regular ass farmer. hes normal. the WAR comes. hes like GOD THIS SUCKS! he starts a revolution. he unites both sides. hes radical hes powerful and by god is he AWESOME. he faces jack noir. him and his big ass army. jack noir KILLS ALL OF THEM. ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEYRE ALL DEAD! except wv. which hussie puts it in the recap "Jack then killed the entire rebellion army, sparing only WV?. Perhaps to leave a survivor to tell the story, or perhaps out of respect for a fellow mutineer. Only he knows." WHAT????? WHAT!???? OKAY and so wv is surrounded by his brethren. his friends. his army. ALL DEAD. and at the same time prospit falls to skaia. and out from it is johns dream self. and a PLUSHIE. OF JACK NOIR.
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this is insane. its like humiliating. its awful. its like jack is laughing at wv's face. oh my god. anyway wv rips it apart and hes real for that. I LOVE YOU WV!!!!!!!!!!!
not to mention PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me just put some badass images in here. so you know
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SHES SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes pissed off shes SO pissed off. she kills hb and uses his walkie talkie to call over jack noir. shes standing on that hill with the blood of jack's coworker flowing in the adjacent creek holding both the crowns covered in blood. she gets the promised package and SHOVES it in johns arms and storms off. shes PISSED OFF!!!! RIGHTFULLY SO! OH MY GOD!
and then the PACKAGE.... obviously you KNOW im crazy about the jake english cameo. but also....
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this made me crazy. i like almost cried. oh my god. shes JUST DEAD. ON THE FLOOR. JOHNS SITTING THERE READING THESE LETTERS AND JADE IS DEAD!!!! IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sob. oh my god. and he sheds One tear. and then jack comes to kill him
i loooove how homestuck goes panel-heavy sometimes... along with the short "a [...] is [...]. [...], [...]." which makes no sense in writing. let me give you some examples
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i love it. it makes the reading more poetic and slow. its like, make your own opinions on the subject matter. its matter-of-fact. its simple. its SAD. its like this event is so disconnected from everything were going in third person to describe it. its curt and its AWESOME. I LOVE IT!!!! i think if skaia had dialogue or narration or anything this is what it would sound like. it would give you pictures and a short description, and it would say "go fetch".
ok recap. not much but hussie says "Back in the meteor lab, John began the ectobiology session which appeared to have been prepared for him in advance by the guardians who had just been there." which i think is so cute. the guardians prepared it FOR him.... homestuck is truly a story about kids and the things that control/lead them. guardians/skaia/fate/each other/first guardians(bec, doc scratch). even the story itself. so awesome
THEN ACT 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the silly name for alternia translates to "turd odor fuckball" which is funny. and karkats silly name translates to "nookstain bulgereek" which makes sense
whats REALLY interesting to me is karkats parallels with dave. even in these first few pages karkat is SO SIMILAR to him. both slice their teasing names in half and say that they dont have time. theyre "Kind of a big deal, ok?". they have a need to seem "cool". karkat narration has the line "This was not the coolest thing you could have done just now." which threw me for a loop: i never thought of karkat needing to seem Cool. but he does he wants to. hes a leader. he pretends to be a leader. he doesnt want to show to sollux that he thinks highly of him cus he needs to seem COOL. i love karkat
alternia is a planet full of tragedy. they need to sleep in sopor slime to assuage the nightmares of "blood and carnage". theyre surrounded by so much evil and destruction that they need DRUGS EVERY NIGHT to be normal. auuugh.
honestly i pity gamzee waaaay more than i pity karkat. karkat has it good for all i care in the beginning. hes just not sharing his blood color. GAMZEE THOUGH? everyone thinks hes annoying. you can tell hussie writes him as if he's a joke; its clear hussie hates gamzees character and wants you to hate him too. but i cant. hes a hippie and an addict and a black boy. and i feel SO BAD that hes written like that. he could have been great if he wasnt in this situation :-( im sorry gamzee
rip sollux you would have loved reddit
karkat at the end of the karkat/sollux convo kills me. "hey i know we just bantered about how much we hate each other and stuff, but are we still friends?" hes so cute. are we still friends. yeah... yeah. and sollux is like "you say this EVERY TIME. are you joking" and karkats like "Yeah. Yeah im joking haha. Sure am" the poor guy. just wants friends THEYRE JUST KIDS!!!!!! SOB!!
i love terezi. shes so ANNOYING. and i love her for it. shes just fooling around all the time. she wants to piss people off. "Ohhhh karkat youre sooooo handsome and heroic!" hahahahahaha. she does NOT care. "But all of your scalemates are alive to you. ... At least you pretend to believe that to annoy people." SHES SO FUNNY! she gives NO fucks. i love how shes drawn too
then karkat comes in all like HEY TEREZI. IM THE LEADER!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU! what an asshole. but terezi dont care. you know what she does? "lol ok." and then "yeah the leader goes on this badass and seriously cool heroic adventure and hes awesome. and me (the second in command) gets to sit down and do nothing and be bored and its no fun" and karkats like "YEAHHH!!!! IM THE HERO! WOOOO!" and then it cuts to the actual game and terezis been fooling around with her gamey god powers. hahahahahahaha so awesome
okay thats it. i love aradia i saw like 2 of her. maaaybe ill read more this summer :-) bye bye thanks!
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rambheemficrecs · 9 months
Title: manushyan mathangale srishtichu URL: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49485769 Author: childofthenight2035 Rating: T Warnings: violence, homophobia Summary:
perhaps it wouldn't have worked anyway. even if they weren't two men, life might have still found a way to keep them apart. their gods would have, their devotees would have. the governments of the different nations they were supposed to be a part of, would have.
they were doomed from the start, but that doesn't mean they're not going to try.
this is a sort of rrr x kalank au that was inspired by this post on tumblr, and a sort of continuation or modification or expansion (whatever) of my pride post also on tumblr.
My comments: i avoided reading this fic for ages because i was worried about how depressing it might be. man oh man was that a mistake. it is depressing, yes, but it's also incredibly hopeful and uplifting and romantic. ugh it just hits so goddamn hard. this thing feels like a movie and reads like a novel. there is an entire novel's worth of story in this. my heart was in my throat like the whole time. if this were a novel there'd be words like 'sweeping' and 'epic' and 'immersive' in all the cover quotes. it's very similar to rrr in a lot of ways (and not just all the callbacks in the plot, which were amazing and delightful), and one of those ways is that yeah the story is about a lot of bad things and a lot of heavy themes, but the actual center of it is just these two guys and how deeply in love with each other they are. and that is as light and bright as air. [If you read the fic, please comment! Comments don’t have to be essays; a keysmash or string of emojis is better than silence!] [Please remember to REBLOG this post!]
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
I feel you linger in the air หอมกลิ่นความรัก Ep 6
Lots and lots of keysmashes, 2-3 romanisation and translation notes, and a whole lot of squee.
Khun Yai pulling out Jom's chair for him???? that's some chivalry courtship bs, WOW
ปัตยุบัน appears to be an obsolete form of ปัจจุบัน, so this is the "modern day bar", huh
adfasdfasdf this is cute but AWKWARD I love it
asdfasdfsd that's James, isn't it? he sounds so villainous but I'm very amused
asdfasdf James, borderline rude but funny
I sense history?
oooof corruption at a high level
that's NOT what they're playing, sorry. that cello is NOT playing what we're hearing
aaah กะเทย /kàʔ tʰɤːj/ / gà təəi dancer!
Niao/Niaw, huh. As in sticky? I wonder how they translated กะเทย here-- OH I like that! feels like queen is appropriate, considering the setting. NICE. (side note iirc "กะเทย" has the connotation of seedless fruit, so green seedless fruit might be more insulting than that? gotta look it up)
but also wtf "Neuy" that's-- that's not what เหนียว sounds like, wtf, where are you taking these romanisations from?? But then again they also romanise เมย Meuy as Maey and จอม as Jom, not Jorm, but พ่อ as Por even though the vowels are identical, so what do I know
AAAH oh I love this? UNEXPECTEDLY! I prepared for tension and scary things! not unexpected companionship!
asdfasdfasdf Yai's FACE, someone's jealous
oh my goodness the way they're having a polite pissing match over Jom 😂😂😂
Noooo please I'm not up for horror in my BL
OH we're addressing the weird behaviour?
adsfasdfasdf oh Khun Yai, please
asdfasdfsdf god this episode is FUNNY
Khun Yai is so disappointed 😂
Oh man, Ming really has his work cut out for him with Jom
don'tttt that's dangerous
Khun Yai got it baddd
Okay now I'm back to being suspicious of James, but maybe he really dido mes s with Khun Yai's head?
what is Fongkaew's thing?
OH WAIT is this the fire they were talking about at the club?
oh shiiiit
oh no Fongkaew, you'll get caughttttt 😭
She's so good. She deserves everything, oh my goodness.
Bad thought -- please let it not have been Ueangphueng and Moey who (had someone) set the fire?
Khun Yai's such a kid, oh my goodness, he's SULKING
OH so we're TALKING about this now??
I love that he didn't kiss him when he had him cornered!! look at this 1920s man have better understanding of consent and situations in which it may be compromised than many present-day BL show protagonists
I'm glad Prig's on their side now
Oh Khun Yai did you not change out of your tennis clothes after exercise??? Ew.
WOW James really gets straight to the point, huh
I'm now wondering whether I was just predisposed to dislike James because it's Kim who plays him and his character in BBS shot Pat? but goddamnit I'm cheering him on atm
this snitty behaviour super doesn't suit Yai
but I guess Jom doesn't get what Yai's issue is
okay wow Khun Yai, that's sorta. nope. I retract my statement re: boundaries and consent.
awww look at you big boy putting words to your feeling!
Jom, wtf
that's gonna be the picture of Khun Yai, asleep
called it
okay but Jom. Jom. What's your conflict? the difference in status? (which: FAIR, he has a LOT to lose)
don't give the dude hope if you're not going to go through with ittttt
OH. Oh, okay, Jom, you're just being the bigger person here, gotcha
oh god he is twenty. this child.
hug! hug is good too.
oh no, these two are so cheesy. I love them.
AHAHA yeah that was a set-up for that if ever I've heard one-- kiss!
oh, this is a nice one
love that shot of the gifts!
… that's not what you discussed, Khun Yai, but it is sweet.
oh, oh, shit's going to start hitting the fan for real next week, huh
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manchesterau · 4 months
I'm sorry people are giving you hate over the dangender thing, you're right and you should say it 🧡
honestly im fine, yesterday i was just so overwhelmed bc so much was happening and i didnt realize that there was a twt spaces thing going on and ppl were live blogging and i was so ????? bc i was at work and ppl were saying he called himself a slut and then ppl were saying phil called him sweetie and then ppl were talking about dnptour and that he constantly talked about phil and i was just very much all over the place trying to piece together wtf was going on
so when i saw the slut thing i went to twitter to see if anyone had anything else and i found the whole quote and was like UMM HELLO???
so when i saw more ppl say 'oh another dangender thing happened + sister daniel mention' i was like WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON IN CHURCH esrfdghfgdfdgh and then i found the other video (changed my gender) and i saw the caption (dan in 2019) and was like 'tf is going on hello context what does this mean' and someone who was there reblogged it and provided more context and the person whose video that is also reached out to me and i reached out to them and THEY said what i was saying wasnt out of context also i literally never said anything anyway rfghgfh i kept saying 'HELLO ????? *keysmash* and just yeah dsfgderfdg
i know i dont have to explain myself but anons are being very rude and it's so....like all i did was cheer him on, idc if dan called himself a good girl in relation to fucking brushing his teeth im still going to cheer him on
and here is the full video!!!
"*dan talking about his hair on the US book cover* it looked good for about a week there and then it looked terrible and that was that moment when all of us we had that chrysalis (?) moment, no one saw us and we could have come back like im back bitch, changed my hair, changed my gender, meet the new me. it was like a good moment for lots of people, i wasted that i could have come out of this thing looking like harry styles, i could have grown it out but instead i got to the awkward stage and then i bailed it was terrible"
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ecto-hazard · 2 years
with tesla being autistic, what are their favorite ways to stim? i like to think that after being affected with the singing curse for the starbucks challenge, they realized they like to sing as a stim! but that is just a thought i had and i wanted to know more about what their favorite stims would be
Oh yeah, vocal stimming and music are real big for them. They haven’t discovered a lot of modern songs, so they’re mostly into dramatic classical stuff. They also just vocalize a lot. Lot of verbal keysmashing, weird noises, and general yelling cause they just enjoy it and it helps them get their feelings out. They do the echolalia thing as well, but usually not around people cause they’re a bit more self conscious about it.
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Other stimming that they particularly enjoy is hand/arm flapping and pacing. They do those a lot more when they’re infodumping about something or feeling excited in general.
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Tesla also finds their electric power thing visually and tactilely stimmy, but since that’s basically their nerves it can get overwhelming pretty quickly.
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bettimbellis · 1 year
A Collage (of Yelling)
I saw someone do something like this to advertise their fic- they linked the fic, and then put in a little collage of various comment snippets. I can’t find the post to show off- someone please do let me know if you’ve seen that, I want to credit them. 
Either way, my Hollow Knight post-Black-Egg-Temple fic (linked here) has 209 comment threads on it. I’ve gone through and found some bits. These bits were mostly chosen for entertainment/intrigue value out of context- a lot of my favorite comments didn’t get in. 
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Got some good reviews there, I think. Anyone wanna see the collection I have of Discord screenshots from folks yelling at me about this fic?  (Seriously though, thank all of y’all who comment, yell in the tags, whatever- I love it. Really helps keep the writing muse going, too.)
Image descriptions below the cut. 
[Image ID: a collection of bits of text placed on a light green background, in several groups. Text is as follows. 
Excuse me who gave you the right to hit me with this line at seven in the morning”, with an arrow pointing to the left. also it feels like there are many things to be concerned about lmao  God, Hollow is such a poor baby. A lanky wet cat left in the rain. Hollow, that feeling is love, dear, no need to feel so confused about it. Hornet, my sad dumb little spider baby, go to bed. in summary holy shit this is fucked sounds like stressTM can these characters stop being so relatable good Lird *smacks my face* Hornet. Hornet. the fuck HOLY FUCKING SHIT [all caps] It was so soft!!!! And then it became *so goddamn angsty-* *squints harder*  Wet rag is my new favorite character. *thunks my head on a wall* Gosh darn it Oro course you had to have integrity But also OW MY HEART?! SHATTERED?1 POOR BABY HOLLOW IM GONNA CRY Gosh dang. The last chapter was a little lighter, but apparently you were just holding back for this one.  (Chp. 3) I stg this whole chapter made my emotions whip back and forth between “awww :)” and “awwh :(” and “oh. Oh no baby do not think like that”.  Augh. just, augh. / ...except that bit at the end. ...except that last sentence, ‘cause, yeah. / *hides face in hands* this has been exhausting for everyone, apparently. Hollow knight or: when you are so touch starved that your standards for touch that you want are somewhere in the abyss that has spawned you.  Whatever the FUCK happened in the last section is Oh Lord Oh God What The Heeeeeellll Ohhhh My Goood No Waaayyyy... Will be waiting for the next chapter STARING at ao3...
i was so relieved to read this that i accidentally put my phone in airplane mode trying to respond “it is startled out of its pleasant memory-” pLEASANT???? PLEASANT!?! Hollow no. HOLLOW NO- / why does this for some reason almost feel like fluff.  My urge to keysmash at you is strong Just. God. Everything about this is so fucked in so many ways.
Something about this line just makes me want to. Maybe stab the king in the chest. Repeatedly. And then throw them off a bridge. Idk Actually many things about this chapter make me want to stab the king in the chest repeatedly and then throw them off a bridge. Because *holy shit* Hollow, honey, you have so much trauma. OMG ghost, what have you done [stressed emoji] Okay then. Well. Um. That’s a lot to happen.  God it’s such a mess Ah yes, the eldritch nonsense trying to approximate a living creature, my beloved PK you ass. PK you absolute ASS get over here I wanna hit you with something heavy-  oh / im immediately punched in the face okay thank you for that Right off the bat I am mildly excited about this chapter solely because you played with text formatting and that makes my serotonin levels rise. I don’t know why but thank you for that.  CONFUSION SOUP I’M FHDHDJFKFKGH I wanna join the cuddle pile :<<< let me in [holding Hollow gently in both hands] / I will get you all the fresh-dirt-scented soap Fucking superb you funky little vessels. Oh boy! Spiraling!
Oh this chapter hurts ‘specially bad. Because it wasn’t enough to be possessed and neglected and quite literally tortured and driven insane, now we gotta have more medical issues and amnesia-  I fuckign cried at this one, oh my god. Pain is always a tearjerker, but it’s nothing compared to someone who’s been in pain so long finally getting that first big moment of *realizing they’re wanted* and *heard* and *healing*  And I gotta say, (this is gonna sound bad) I really do love Hollow’s victim blaming. Or how it’s written. I love how you write characters in pain <333 “Oh, just a quick chapter to read before bed,” I thought to myself. “I will enjoy it and feel a normal and manageable level of emotions about it.” / ...Thanks for making me all teary in the wee hours, now I’ll never get to sleep! (...I mean this as praise.) Oh. Oh Hollow. So wrapped up in the need to be useful. So incapable still of seeing that their own gut-wrenching familial love might be returned in kind, whether they have some designated purpose for their existence or not.  Yeah. Relieved. / Oh, Hollow... You have already left kudos here :) [three times] / Have I ever been told the definition of insanity?  honestly the body horror was the /least/ disturbing thing in this chapter. not to say! that it was not disturbing - even then, less the horror and more the. context. i want to punch TPK. into a lake. that is on fire.
First comment of my first reread, and MAN. This opening hits just as hard the second time.  Keep in mind Hollow Knight was made by Australian people Hollow 100% deserves a nice date at the palace if they so wish. anyway, I feel very emo about Hollow, all the time.  HOLLOW IS LETTING THEMSELVES HAVE WILL, LET’S GOOOOOO Ghost is doing Fine:tm:, Hornet is doing Fine:tm:, Hollow is *actually* doing pretty well Good news! Hollow is an emotional wreck!  Hornet is doing sooo normal right now (lying).
TLDR; amazing story, glorious update, poor Grimm, I Am Desperate For Shield Lore, someone please tell Ghost it isn’t their fault, the entire gaggle of siblings needs a group hug, I Am Going To Put The Pale King’s Corpse Through A Shredder, and Hornet needs another good cry. 
anyways fuck you for writing this keep it up
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lotus-mirage · 1 year
Trigun Stampede Episode 10 Liveblog
I guess we're kind of getting close to the end now. Huh. It feels like we should be still at least 4-5 episodes away from any climax, so I wonder how this is gonna go down.
Okay. Okay yeah looking at JuLai, 150 years seems more reasonable. I'd kind of assume they'd still be mostly living out of any surviving wreckage, bonus if still functional. But I think this might be the same ship as the one we last saw Knives on in the flashback, but didn't they kill all their plants? How did they support this kind of growth, long-term?
I was not expecting the cyberpunk elements. Particularly the common trope of having it paired with either kanji or hanzi. That's just been entirely absent so far, so it appearing now, this far in, is kinda funny. The music in particular keeps making me crack up.
"Put a sock in it, asshole!" "Okay!" lmao
Why is this doctor/priest guy giving them information, anyway. His attitude keeps flipping between 'mad scientist' and 'decently amiable' and I don't know what to think.
Why are there red lanterns hanging in the ceiling of a room that's otherwise sheer steel and strips of light. (And pipes, I guess.). Who designed this. Like, in universe, was someone just like "yeah this needs to be livened up a bit, but we can't disrupt the fact that this hallway only has two colors. I know just the thing."
Is that what he was trying to do?? It seemed like he was focusing a whole lot more on their combat capabilities. And single-mindedness.
Okay yeah that's some really interesting patchwork on Vash's back. Huh.
Wait actually. Do they not clean up the bloodstains between trials? That seems counterproductive and unsanitary.
"They were all doomed to die of illness or poverty." Sure, bud.
"My surgeries helped make them tougher. But that was all. They still hungered and thirsted" If they all have the same results, I don't think that trying the same thing is gonna be the answer here. Even setting ethics aside I think you might be the problem.
Ah. The bubble-wrap hoodie.
Oh alright what's this now. Tree of life? Yggdrasil? What's happening here.
Oh nevermind he is trying different approaches. I don't know. This might be worse.
I have been instructed to add that I have been interrupted. "Keysmash seven"
"supply gate" okay there are different types of gates now!
Nails????? Okay, but. Why??
Sidenote, JuLai is spelled as "July" on the map. Huh.
Oh oof I saw Roberto clutching his side but I did not think it was that bad. Yikes.
Oh shit he might actually die here.
Not confirmed yet, but yeah I think decent chance he's actually dead?? I did not see this coming at all. Man.
aaand back to Knives at the piano. again.
So. question. is that an actual dead plant mounted on the piano, or just a really morbid statue.
Oh she's going back up! :0
I mean this is kind of logical story progression tbf, but at this point I'm kind of just along for the ride.
Yeah closer look at the statues/bodies(?). That is incredibly grotesque. Bleh.
Oh! Confirmed! Bodies! Wonderful!
.... okay technically I don't think "discriminated against" is quite the right term to describe what's happening to plants, even trying to put things lightly.
why does one of those bodies not have a head.
"You don't want to save the humans because you love them. You just want to make up for causing the crash 150 years ago." Okay that's an interesting... I guess it's not confirmed, so it's more of a proposal than an insight. It could be true on a wider scale, and there's definitely some elements of truth in there, but I think Vash genuinely gets attached to people (and even kind of the concept of people) too easily for that to be the case.
Man, this guy is also doing the contract-fulfilling paperwork?
"Nicholas, were you able to lay down your cross?" I think that is a direct allusion to something specific, but I don't know what.
(...Is there cross-laying down in the bible? Like the whole thing was that prisoners had to lug theirs around themselves. Maybe when they got taken down? But that wouldn't be them laying down their cross, that'd be someone else doing it. yeah okay idk)
"How about you?" wait metaphorical is an option here too. Okay I think there's a saying/idiom about that but I still don't know what it is. joy.
Doctor/Priest has kid. Blonde kid. Hairstyle looks non plant-like, from what we've seen, and eyelashes aren't weird like the nails kid. ...did he experiment on his own kid? Is that the implication?
Okay I'm confused.
Okay that's the kid's eyes. Knives has them somehow? And the doctor/priest guy is responsible, but didn't know about it until that point?
wait. wait. lmao. was that trapdoor linked specifically to a piano chord???? That's so over the top omg
huh?????? remake him?????
yeah I think we're just lacking in context here I don't have anything to say.
okay. crack theory time. switched to eng audio to compare, and the last line "all shall be even again" just made my brain go 'even??? huh??? even? even? :0 eden!!' Doesn't make much sense, but I thought I'd record it lol.
End notes:
okay we're escalated enough that having two more episodes in the season makes sense now. what I know about those two episodes: there's a gun fight (in space? with a cube?) that someone mocked up to look like a final fantasy game(?), JuLai might explode, and Vash gets separated from the group (and may or may not get amnesia? I don't know how much I trust this one lmao).
Man. Okay. Roberto seems to be dead. I sure didn't know about that one going in! I don't know how I feel about it other than the in-the-moment constant escalation of 'ooooh. oooooh no. ooooooh no.' (he is definitely a mentor figure, I don't know why I didn't expect this at some point)
Meryl seems to be reentering the scenario! At high cost, but with newfound determination and firearms. Wolfwood, meanwhile, may or may not be leaving for the moment. I know he rejoins eventually, but for now I could honestly see it go either way.
I'm just not gonna touch on Vash's situation. I think I've accepted that I don't know what's happening and that the information is just not available right now.
Fun cliffhanger, but I guess that's what happens two episodes from a climax lol.
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
Hello yes I recently read your Lim Life selfie fic and absolutely adored it. I’ve followed you for a while but haven’t had time to sit down and read through your works. I also binge read the kid Xornoth AU.
First of all, your writing style is amazing. I love how descriptive you are, especially with emotions and how they effect the body and mind. This is specifically seen with panic attacks, as both fics I’ve read are very much filled to the brim with them. Anyway yeah. I have a hard time communicating emotion over text, and if I try to copy what others do, like keysmashes and lots of emojis and whatnot, it just doesn’t feel genuine, so I stick with boring sounding sentences. But just know that I love your writing so much. Your way with characters is amazing. If you could hear my voice, you’d hear how happy reading your stuff makes me.
The selkie fic is so beautiful and heart-wrenching. Jimmy was just being himself, trying to help, and did something absolutely horrendous by mistake. I’ve re-read the part where he realizes many times now.
And the kid Xornoth au. Where do I even begin? I loved Scott in the latest chapter, how earnestly he believes that Xornoth is good and would never dream of hurting anyone. And to be fair, moving forward he doesn’t want to hurt people. Oh, but if only they knew his past. I simultaneously can’t wait for that reveal but also am very much dreading it.
Anyway yeah. you’re amazing, your writing is amazing, and I hope you have a wonderful day
- 🧁 (idk if that’s taken. If so, I could be 🎭 or 🎲)
Are you kidding me this is the sweetest thing EVER
What an absolute delight to wake up to <3
Thank you so much, cupcake anon (it is not taken so it is now yours!) that is so so so sweet <3
I've always prided myself on being able to accurately portray emotions and have worked really hard to be able to convey the strength and intensity of the characters' feelings, so it makes me so happy to hear that it paid off.
Yeah misunderstandings are my jam. Well- only a certain type of misunderstanding, you have to be careful or they can just get annoying. But when they're done right then MM.
Aaaaah I know! I live for good brother Scott. But oh yeah, there's a lot coming up for the both of them haha.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Specialty as a fanfic writer, let's go!
(Here I am taking that post very literally, so I'm gonna choose a specialty that is relevant specifically to it being fanfic, because I think it's an interesting way to think about it instead of just general writing, and I hope to explain myself well kfdjhgskñjgh)
I am assigning you "never forgets the fun! "
(And here I'll say, I really need to learn from your example on this one fjkhgkjsh)
Because Luce, literally following what you come up with is so much fun!
And that's what fanfic is! Fun! A hobby! Something that can be frustrating at times, but also is supposed to make us happy! And I just love that about what you make, because it's so clear how much you enjoy it. And just for the sake of clarity, you are an awesome writer! These are not mutually exclusive, of course, and in fact I think these aspects work so well together for what you do! You have so much fun creating your story, you know your characters so well, that placing them in a dozen variations of the same premise is absolutely no problem and I would (and have) read each and every one of them! You care so much about the connections between characters and the themes you explore and you have a blast while doing it too! And I have a blast witnessing it!
When someone makes an offhand comment and you suddenly go "Oh?", I just can perceive the little lightbulb turning on above your head and I just know we are in for a treat! Because what you make is just so genuine and heartfelt that the enthusiasm is just contagious! All the things you explore, be it by drabbles, or multi-chapter arcs, or your comics (comics are literature too and no one can change my mind on that XD), and the way you just opened a gate for other people to have fun with your AU too, it's just all so wonderful! The possibilities are endless and they're all there waiting for you to choose which ones inspire you the most!
What you make just represents the spirit of fanfic so terrifically and I am all for it, all day every day!
(and... if I'm being a little sappy for a moment here, I've always been just a bit too selfconscious about truly indulging and having fun so freely and trying stuff like this at all and I have some trouble coming out of my shell sometimes, so following along with AU and all the discord shenanigans has just made me feel the tiniest bit better about joining in on the fun, so you get a very heartfelt thank you from me for that <3)
I was gonna say the post said "on anon" but yknow, if you had sent this in on anon that would not have been anonymous anyway GFHDJS <3 That being said...
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I'm blaming the fact that it's early but I really am just a little weepy and it took me like three times of reading to finally formulate some thoughts but most of them are just blubbering and or happy keysmash
Wanted to say that I just can't not explore things - but I realize I could. But where would be the fun in that? Fun has me in a chokehold and I'm never even considering not to indulge!
It makes things hard to follow and I'm self-conscious about that at times, which may make the weepiness partly out of relief/ reassurance. Always happy to hear that it's fun to follow along wherever my adhd brain takes me, and it is fun to explore - I love doing it!
I write fanfic for my fanfic, and apart from those bouts of "oh god no one's gonna be able to follow this mess of an AU" I'm so so happy to do it! There are so many different ways things could have gone, and I'm a huge sucker for the "soulmates in the 'in every universe, I'd choose you' way" trope - they choose each other, again and again and no matter how they meet, it turns out okay! Even the (discord exclusive (so far) because I wasn't confident enough to post Glamrock stuff before) version of AU where Robin works for Abra Fez with the Glamrocks - they still get to have fun with their boys! There's a happy ending! (and lots of shenanigans on the way gfhdsj)
The dynamics change and that's a lot of fun, and yeah I really just. Have to agree with your judgement - except I think fun would never let me dare forget it gfhdjsk
I love seeing what other people come up with - fanart and fanfic and the agentsona shenanigans, I always intended for this AU to be a sandbox to play in! I do it at any given moment, and it's so much more fun with other people enjoying themselves too! It can be silly, it can rely on so much suspension of disbelief, as long as it is fun! That is the most important part, and I'm glad to deliver!
(Also very glad to coax you out of your shell - it can be scary to be self indulgent when you feel so observed! Cringe culture is dead but its effect lingers! But I'm always gonna be very vocal about my support for self-indulgence because it is so much fun, that's even more dynamics to explore! It's nice, it's fun, and hurts no one - so I wish you heaps of self-indulgence in your future <3)
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simptasia · 2 years
just dropping in to say you were the first blog i saw with lost content (and fantastic content at that) and it sucks to hear you're getting hate messages:/ i hope you know you're very appreciated<3 (so much so i also follow you on my personal account to like your posts twice LMAO) hope you had a great weekend, and wishing you a great week this week.
oh my gosh, thank you!
the messages are clearly from people who don't know me because they've made a lot of weird assumptions about me and hated me for it. some people have invented a sapphire in their head to hate jhfsjh
and yeah, i'm rather proud of my lost memes and such. been doing 'em since august 2014 and i love making them. i consistently make myself laugh and just crossing that bar is good enough for me, but it's so great to hear and see people enjoy them. i often browse the tags of my meme sets to lookit ppl laughing and keysmashing
i've been a lost fan for almost 10 years and i've adored this show and being a part of this fandom. this show lives in my head rent free, bro
thank you for appreciating me, that's so nice <3
also yes, i did have a great weekend. and i hope you have a great week too
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