seancodydotcom · 1 year
Okay so i binged the td reboot and some opinions (spoiler alert)
I expected Caleb to be the new justin, he got booted after the first episode. Not what i expected but can't wait to see him compete in the next season
Axel got booted way to early imo. Like sure she's basically the new Eva incarnate but she at least deserved to get to ep 4. Ripper should've been booted in her place bc his whole schtick got annoying real quick. It's like they wanted another Owen but he really didn't succeed
Chase got done dirty by the producers ngl. I halfway expected a sort of bromance between him and Zee, which we got for a little part, but his whole thing as ex bf who doesn't see what he did wrong to his gf and tries to win her back got old QUICK
While Chase got done dirty, Emma really fit in her characterisation tho. So sad she and Chase got back together
Raj and Bowie. Do i even need to say anything more?
Honestly now that i'm talking about the gay couple, i expected Caleb and Bowie to be the couple, but this was honestly even better and so pure to see Raj realise he's gay
Also supportive Wayne. We fucking stan
Also also Wayne and Raj being a duo. You get 2 for the price of 1
Honestly Zee, best way ever to reveal ur an amputee (idk if that word's offensive or not 😭)
Millie. Oh Millie. I loved seeing ur friendship with Priya, but ur reason for coming was honestly not good and u only got as far as you did bc of Priya
Priya was a 10/10 character. Change my mind
Scary Girl (Lauren) was an 11/10. Also got booted to early, maybe could've lasted 2 more episodes for just comedic relief honestly. Also honestly maybe one of the strongest total drama competitors ever. Basically every "women woment" meme on tumblr
(anyone else notice how gwen, the goths and Scary Girl are just really strong competitors in the TD universe? In this essay i will... )
Julia. I expected her to be booted of as one of the first, but turning her in a new semi-heather but better fleshed out was honestly one of the best decisions they could've made
Nichelle really said "girl failure"
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king-crawler · 25 days
I know you have a Turbo themed playlist with 129 songs in it (well some of them are memes not songs but whatever) but what are your like, MOST Turbo songs? Give us your top 5-10 songs that represents him best.
OH BOY!! IM GLAD YOU ASKED!! ok here are my TOP 10 !!! i totally didnt edit this post like 5 separate times
Full playlist if you’re curious (may contain trash)
Again mostly just vibes but I really really like these if we’re considering Turbo specifically
Mariokart 8 Deluxe - Excitebike Arena
Here’s his silly TurboTime era. He’s so joyous and silly here he would never kill a man
Agent Orange - Bloodstains
This is peak RoadBlasters incident era Turbo. It really fits his “road rage aesthetic” idk LMFAO
Lemon Demon - Cabinet Man
Mandatory cabinet man. This is just his song. Every single lyric applies to him 😭 I like imagining “but there’s this tiny little box in Japan” is him finding out about RoadBlasters and “it’s getting lonely, it’s getting hard to breathe” is after he crashes it. Honorable mention I really like this cover by ANRY L STUDIOS whose videos also inspired the end of my own video :)
TWRP - Phantom Racer
Not only is every line extremely reflective of his murderous and competitive tendencies but it ALSO PERFECTLY PARALLELS HIS UNDEAD SYMBOLISM ?? WITH HIM BEING GHOSTLY/DEVILISH AND ALL…. AND EVEN HIS INFAMY/haunted legacy with the line “there’s something familiar about that car…” dude.
LAPFOX TRAX - The Queenstons - Terrible Ride
ok i was shy to add this one during my original ranking but it really is a top 10 Turbo song to me shhhh.. I love how nasty and dark the synths are and also the lyrics talking about going fast and the Aforementioned Ride (that is Terrible)
GHOST - cut the act (everything ruined in moments)
I Fucking LOVE this song oh my god it’s so glitchy and fucked up and dramatic and the entire title and even the artist being named “GHOST” just screams Turbo dude I can’t. This is his reveal scene song
Pendulum - Granite
I love dark electronic D&B or whatever the fuck this is it sounds so glitchy and evil this is PEAK TURBOCORE IDC
Oh yeah also the spooky ghost sounds at the beginning are a good touch
APAngryPiggy - Let Me Out
Ok hear me out the first 36 seconds of this one are fucking PEAK TURBO and it even parallels with how he gets burned alive at the end of the movie . then it kinda divulges back into Obvious Fnaf song material but I’m adding it because the intro is just that good. I’m gonna do a backflip
My Chemical Romance - The End.
The “YOU CAN’T SAVE ME” is what really gets me. Turbo was too far gone the moment he felt the spotlight and he lost himself entirely. Fucking tragic and raw song, I cannot get enough of how it channels his anger and his fear of dying hated by everyone.
BONUS: MaimyMayo - FNF: ARCADE ARCHIVES vs Turbotastic
this is actually the only Real Turbo song (official) and I LOVE it so much its so goddamn catchy
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hazbincalifornia · 9 months
Hazbin Episode 1 Liveblog
In order to avoid this post getting Way Too Long, I'm going to make one post for episode one, and one for episode two!
I will say, I'm kinda sad we don't have a 'proper' theme song/intro, just the little jingle :( I do get it, but ah well.
Oh my god the commercial is even better in full.
How the fuck did he get Charlie to keep the name if it was still him???
Al's so fucking offended they're making him use a camera he made it one giant middle finger. I love it.
The voices are definitely going to take a bit of adjustment. It's probably because I've rewatched the pilot a zillion times, though.
I like how Alastor didn't even look at Angel. "Never going to happen!"
Awww, Charlie's ringtone for her dad is cute.
I DO really love Keith David as Husk right away, he suits the role perfectly.
"I like being forced!" and I love you, you weird little gremlin. Hoping for some good CNC stuff with her now, tbh. She'd be fun for it.
The flat delivery of 'crack is expensive' made me wheeze out loud.
Aaaa and here we go, full animation for Happy Day!
Why... why is the 'shoving barbed wire in your hole' guy an imp. Is that, like, his job or something. Is he just an asshole?
Ooooo, that was VAGGIE singing the 'bloodthirsty and deranged?' line? More fodder for her being a fallen angel/exterminator.
'Helluva post' for the mail. Ha.
This just made me fully realize how much the cannibal colony probably considers the post-extermination like a feast day.
Awww, the music note background is a fun touch.
Something about the fact that the 'touch my parts!' guy is a completely shapeless slug-creature instead of just keeping the dick offscreen makes it funnier.
Oh, I love Adam. The fun kind of punchable prick.
The animation seems a bit... overacted? I've noticed it all along but with Vaggie in the scene where she talks about making a new commercial especially. It sort of felt like they wanted to match the pilot's very snappy energy but weren't quite sure how, so everybody makes kind of... aimless motioning instead of moving with purpose, if it makes sense? It feels more like 'moving body parts for the sake of moving things' over 'moving with intent'. It's sort of awkward and distracting. The shifting proportions don't really help, but I just know people are going to be Fucking Annoying about that when it's unfortunately part of the package of making a whole season at once by a regular animation studio.
Oh yeah, Blake's perfect for Angel, lmao. It was more of a change than I expected from the few lines we'd gotten since they sounded more like the original, but he's got the energy.
Charlie didn't know Adam ran the angel army? That seems like the kind of thing she should have known. I wonder if she was relatively sheltered growing up.
'Call me dickmaster' why do I get the feeling the Chaz fans will like him, lmfao.
Since I'm on Adam though, another little groan to myself about the lack of fat characters in the hellaverse that aren't either gross stereotypes or background characters. Adam falls into the misogynist type, (like, the 'redditor', you know the one, just sort of mixed with a sleazy rockstar) Mammon's literally Greed and a talentless abuser, the lady at the pound was gross/uncaring and ugly, and I still think the Nurse was the only one that really broke the pattern and I've seen approximately one piece of fanart or mention of her ever (despite her clearly-developed positive relationship with Barbie!) and it was porn. I'm allowed to bitch on this after people were so fucking annoying about how wanting Bee to be fat was wanting her to be a 'gross ugly blob' and then saying other people were being fatphobic for pointing out everybody's skinny. Somehow. Anyway.
Well, at least they got the vagina joke out of the way early.
I love how his deal isn't for anything that would genuinely screw Vaggie over, he's just pissed they want him to deal with TV.
The fact that the pilot's still 'soft canon' makes sense with how Angel just immediately starts admiring his new clothes without any surprise, since it's happened before. Also, Niffty with the Marilyn pose is cute.
Oh, I'm definitely going to like Lute. I still like my idea she used to be close to Vaggie but when Vaggie was cast down, she stuck tighter to the rules.
Adam's song is fun!
So season 1 takes place over the course of six months? Huh. I'm guessing we'll have some time skips if we only have eight episodes.
I wonder what the Heaven Embassy is for? I can't imagine it's only for meetings like that considering there's couches in the lobby and stuff. Can sinners communicate with loved ones in heaven or vice versa, maybe, just using the holograms?
Oh my god the Katie voice IS basically just Brandon's Bryce voice. Amazing.
Ohoooo? VERY curious who managed to pull off killing an exterminator, and 'can't let them catch on'... hmm.
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cdyssey · 1 year
Yellowjackets 2.04 Reactions:
Past!Taivan being divided over how they feel about Lottie. :(
Adult Tai experiencing whatever Shadow Tai is doing like an out-of-body, dissociative experience. So, so harrowing. The quick VHR static edits really help to emphasize the jarring nature of it too.
ALSO, Jessica Roberts, my beloved!!!! I miss her.
Shauna not being able to look Jeff in the eye while she’s lying to him is so funny, lmao. And then Jeff lying to her about overhearing cops at the gym. Fail marriage. <3 They’re falling to their old habits of not communicating with each other.
“You’re right. I should have just run around in a ski mask—also in public. Blackmailing people.” Melanie Lynskey, I love you.
NATALIE LEANING IN THE DOOR JUMPSCARE, HELP. MA’AM. WHY ARE YOU STANDING LIKE THAT. Lmfao, Nat has been in that outfit for, like, three days now. Those leather pants cannot be comfortable. My god.
That lingering shot of Lottie and Nat’s hands as Lottie gave her the keys. 😵‍💫 I’m actually quite delusional about them now. I think they should tenderly kiss and/or hatefuck.
“If Taissa and Shauna have both been kidnapped, I’m going to be very, very annoyed.” ANDNNSSNSJWJSIDS.
“I’m honored that I seem to be your favorite Yellowjacket.” QKOQWKJDKWWJ.
I don’t think Walter is making it out of this season alive, lmfao, but what he and Misty have going on is so good. OH, GOD, Misty and Crystal singing the same song. 😭 For the record, I don’t think she’s making it out of the woods either.
Ben just straight up asking if the girls would have ate him.
Oooogh, more tensions in the cabin over the supernatural vs. rationality split. It’s important to note that Lottie is very uncomfortable at being thrust into the fore by Mari. This is also the first time that Shauna verbally stakes her claim in the skeptics side. God, poor Lottie—she doesn’t want this.
Nat being really gentle with Lisa and trying to help her see through some of the compound’s bullshit. Ugh, it reminds me of that moment last season when she coached Kevyn’s kid during his game. I love her.
Lottie at the therapist/psychiatrist’s(?) office. The way she so nervously plays with her fingers. The slight crack in her voice. The tears in her eyes. God, I’m so fucking unwell.
“Lottie doesn’t need a gun.” Mari, shut up. 😭
Both adult Lottie and teen Lottie being utterly unmoored the way they are in this episode is horribly sad. As of right now, some of the girls are looking to teen Lottie for guidance, while adult Lottie is desperately wanting something to ground her.
LMFAO, the cut from Shauna realizing that Callie’s been lying to her about going to Iliana’s to immediately snooping through her daughter’s closet. So dirty. So unhinged. Ooh, at her finding the burnt Adam ID.
Ugh, that fucking detective is still flirting with her, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS SHE’S UNDERAGED. I hope Shauna roasts him on a spit. He’s probably going to be the reason why Shauna/Jeff get away bc of how stupid he’s being.
Mommy-daughter bonding time!!! This is all I’ve ever wanted!!!!!!!!!
Misty being so disgusted by Walter’s condiment habits. So, so funny.
“Excuse me. Do you know about the cult with the purple people?” AKQKQKSJSNSJWIEDJSJ.
“Yes, they’re awful tippers.” KQOQOQOQIEDUDJDID.
Oh, God. Tai is just straight up walking the roads now. I fear for her. She is SO unwell. And I think about her progression from S1, Ep. 1 to now. She used to be the most outwardly put together of the core four. Had the family. Had the money. Had the lucrative career. And now look at her—you can see it in her lined eyes and the unfocused way that she walks. She has gone past the point of spiraling. She is in the abyss.
Mari continuing to hear things that the others don’t... love her and Akilah’s friendship. 🥺
A little mouse!!! Now Akilah has an animal emblem! Rabbits for Shauna. The moose for Nat. Wolves and Tai. Deers and Lottie. Birds and Misty?
Lottie making a blood sacrifice to the hollow. Hhhgh. That musical sting while she was doing so was brutal.
Shauna taking her daughter out to the middle of nowhere with no cellphone reception. <33 Just mother-daughter things.
Shauna being truthful about killing Adam. God. HER TEMPORARILY FORGETTING THAT HE WASN’T THE BLACKMAILER. It’s kind of funny and kind of harrowing, the way that these events are blurred to her. It speaks so much to the way she processes trauma.
“Shoot, yes. Kind of.” AKQKWOOQOQOWJDJDJENS. Melanie Lynskey, we’re getting you that Emmy.
“They did… we did things out there that… we’re really ashamed of. And sorry, I know—maybe one day I can talk to you about it, but for now, um, can that just be enough?” Oh, God. This line. The way that Shauna distances herself from the Yellowjackets at first because compartmentalizing is historically how she copes, but then she revisits the statement. She includes herself, but it’s too hard to talk about. You can see the utter pain in her face as she looks away. And you can also see in Callie’s microgestures that this is genuinely one of the first—if not the very first—time her mother has every willingly broached what happened in those woods. And she’s so hurt for her mom. She’s one of the few people who has identified that Shauna is hurting. I’m sick.
God, poor Callie Sadecki. Her mom’s a killer and her father is a blackmailer. No one is allowed to hate this very normal teenaged girl with fucked up parents.
The symbol-marked trees aligning to actually form the symbol. Oh, God.
Ben and Paul. 😭 Oh, Paul is Ben’s first boyfriend. I’m so tender. LET COACH LIVE.
Lisa at her mom: “I love you even when you try to control me.” Jesus fucking Christ.
“Is this where the purple people are?” WKWKWOWOOWIEJDWJ.
“Tell her I didn’t want us to fucking starve!” GO, MISTY!!!
Leonard. 😭😭
The direction in this episode is so stunning. Lottie going through that arch of white light and then it become elevator doors closing. So good.
“Lottie, if you don’t get out of here, you’re gonna die.” 😭 Laura Lee still trying to protect her beyond the grave. I actually have tears in my eyes.
Natalie pushing away the shot. 😭 She’s invested in Lisa. Oh, I’m so, so tender.
“We only have one kid, and as parents, it’s part of our job, we have to protect her, we have to shield her from making the same shitty mistakes we made, Shauna. To throw our fucking bodies in front of her if that’s what we have to do, and what, you’re telling me that you’ve… you’ve made her an accomplice?” THIS MAN DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT THE BABY IN THE WOODS. OTHERWISE, HE WOULDN’T BE FUCKING SAYING THAT, RIGHT? IF HE DOES KNOW, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We are lying to everyone, okay, everyone we know. I don’t want to do that to our own daughter.” The vulnerability in Shauna’s voice. So many fascinating layers here. Objectively, Jeff is right—making Callie an accomplice is harrowing. But what’s happening in the subtext is that Callie wants to desperately to connect with her parents, her mom especially, and vice fucking versa!! So it’s fucked up that it’s happening this way, and it’s fucked up that Shauna sounded more like a teenager in that conversation by the car, and it’s fucked up that Callie is so accepting, but that is the literal point here. This family was founded upon deep and unspeakable trauma, and they have to continually grapple with that.
Anyway, Sadecki family bonding moments. <33 I love a family who does crime together and they’re all messed up beyond comprehension.
Shauna tenderly filling Nat’s tub with water. 😭
Oh, my fucking God. The Lottie and Nat tub scene. Sobbing. They’re just kids.
Lottie having a reaction to a Queen card with the eyes scratched out. The girls 100% drew cards to see who the fuck was gonna be hunted.
“Can this just be enough? Please?”
Van exposing Taissa’s preternatural ability. Hhhhgh. Things aren’t looking good for Vantai in the woods.
Tai adjusting her hair, even though she clearly hasn’t seen a bed in a week. Go, girl failure. Get ur woman.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
whyyyy do whiny delusional stans keep trying to argue in my anon box, nobody cares about what you tell yourself to sleep at night, how badly you choose to misunderstand someone, et cetera. nobody cares about your opinion carol. not those of us operating in the real world. I'm very sorry you attached your personal identity to a fictional stan narrative but that is a personal problem.
What you seem angriest about, though, is realizing that whatever has changed has put you so beneath me, this is all you've gotten from me since January. Since 2po loves January so much. And then most distinctly since the start of March to the point I've nearly vanished into the aether.
Sure whatever believe what you want lmfao fuck all nobody cares susan currently horny furries are more important to me than your disassociative arguments so take some time to unpack your realistic place in the world and that it does not orbit around your interests or beliefs. Or anyone particularly caring if you're breathing much less opinioning or what those opinions are, karen.
seriously there's some major perspective based psychotherapy that needs done with you lot. I just got a fuckin anon "U SAY UR NOT AN SPN STAN BUT ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS SPN" [scrolls wall] horny furries, horny furries, fantasy land, GMing, WGA, WGA, WGA, Gotham Knights, video games, kpop, beyonce, all CW tweets, music videos conveniently posted right before those tweets that match them or even in regards to ongoing messaging on almost every social
("Lets Get It", Light It Up/Set the World On Fire/Spell to Burn/Burn It Down/Coming In Hot/3 2 1 BOOM, We're Getting Out, Where Did He Go, We Are The Warriors That Built This Town, Breaking In To Break Out, City Is At War, Revenge, The Hidden Cult, Howdy Business Partner, Keep Your Enemies Closer, This Isn't Walker's Fight Anymore, Nobody Expected This, Never Stop Me Zaddy Dent just turned around and said Don't Stop five minutes later THATS WEIRD, Some People Claim To Be Healers Some Actually Are, Let Go Of The Past, et al and so on ad nauseam),
industry events, paramount, CBS, multiple networks, oh there it is, there's the one SPN post I've been reblogging.
Dude. What you're experiencing is psychosis. By definition. You cannot perceive the world outside of your hyperfixation and determine it is fake and does not exist. You are actually only defining yourself. You can not perceive the underdark roleplay friends talking, you can't perceive other networks, studios, or industry events in discussion. You DEFINITELY won't let yourself fuckin' perceive the song vs CW tweets thing. It is all you understand and talk about, and because you refuse to perceive anything else, you tell yourself your behavior is normal, and scream at others that they must be the same as you.
Get a therapist. You are kings and queens of fictional landscapes in your own head you project onto social media spaces about TV shows. Get out of the way. The real royals are busy GMing for horny furries between shots you don't comprehend. But whether or not you comprehend it, you're the punch lines of the communal joke anyway. It's funny to us, whether or not you get it or how offended or opinionated you get about it.
[Intro: Jaira Burns, Soyeon & Lexie Liu] K/DA Should we show 'em how we do it every day? Yeah, yeah, yeah Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na Let's get 'em
[Verse 1: Soyeon & Lexie Liu] Akali that girl, 'Kali go grr 'Kali don't stop, 'Kali don't skrrt 'Kali got a job, 'Kali go to work 뜨거워 언제나, don't get burnt 넘쳐 흘러 more than a buffet 난 죽여 주잖아 like I'm Buffy 누가 감히 on my Huffy 거- 문열지마 that's a rough day (Woo) I'm givin' you more 'cause I'm greater than 필요없는 시험들, 답은 이미 But all of my numbers are talkin', babe 블루마블 Mrs. 모노폴리 (Ooh) 너는 – 종이 돈이 나는 real money (Hey) 필요 없대 너네들이 많은 돈들 Go get it, go get it, go get it, the mission 눈을못떼 모두 그래 너도 그래 (Oh) 'Cause I got it different
[Pre-Chorus: Madison Beer & Miyeon] All I'll ever know is life up on a throne 시 작 하 면 끝을 보는 거야 You want
[Chorus: All & Miyeon] More Know I got it, so here you go (Let's go) You look like you could use some more (More) Know I got it and never runnin' low (Low) Yeah, I got more than enough, add it up and away (Ayy, ayy) You know I got it like bomb-bomb, blow your mind Never givin' less and that's how it'll stay (Ayy, ayy) You know I got it like all day, all the time
[Verse 2: Jaira Burns] When I go, it's for gold Yeah, they cool, but I'm cold I don't fit in the mold I'm a rebel I don't do what you say Makin' moves, I don't wait While I smile in your face I got different DNA
[Verse 3: Madison Beer, Miyeon & Jaira Burns] What's higher than the top? That's me (That's me) Come take a look before falling at my feet (Oh) 조용히 몸을 숙, 여 봐 (Yeah, yeah, yeah) So take a look, 나를 기억해 a queen (Oh)
[Pre-Chorus: Madison Beer & Miyeon] All I'll ever know is life up on a throne 시 작 하 면 끝을 보는 거야 You want
[Chorus: All & Miyeon] More Know I got it, so here you go (Let's go) You look like you could use some more (More) Know I got it and never runnin' low (Low) Yeah, I got more than enough, add it up and away (Ayy, ayy) You know I got it like bomb-bomb, blow your mind Never givin' less and that's how it'll stay (Ayy, ayy) You know I got it like all day, all the time
[Bridge: Lexie Liu] Way out 感觉犹如海浪, on the wave now 不断往前遨游, never weighed down This is how I do it every day, wow, wow 这一路上的奇迹 都记住了你的每一个瞬间 无比的耀眼 I know, I know, you want some more 准备好就一起走 givin' it all
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I've seen Motionless live many times, and I definitely love their vibe. They really put on a show. You would NOT be disappointed at all. I promise you. Heres some song recs if you're interested.
Motionless song recs:
"</c0de>", "Rats", "Eternally Yours" (watch the mv for this, you will not be disappointed), "Headache" , "Sign of Life" , and "Cause of Death". There's so many more, but those a great place to start. I love Chris Motionless. I have a funny story about one Warped Tour which was my first one with my sister and omfg. If you wanna hear it let me know. It's so funny to me now lmfao.
I love Amity but I know they're not for everyone. I know the lead singer, we talked a few times. 🤭But, listen to their song "I Bring The Weather With Me" and "Drag the Lake" . Those are two of my favorites of all time.
BESTIE I LOVE THOSE SHIRTS!!!!! OH MY GOD! I will never NOT be astounded by the shit people can make. I'm so not creative. My sister is a fucking Martha Stewart ass bitch who can make anything. It's so crazy to me the things people can create 😭😭😭 THE GUCCI ONE! YASSSSS GAGA!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
wait ARE YOU EXTROVERTED TOO?!!?! SHUT UP I am always so afraid that I'm "too much" too soon and i'm like GOD I HAVE DONE IT AGAIN. 😭😭😭😭😭 LIKE NOW, I'M LIKE OMFG THIS IS TOO MUCH SHUT UP BITCH. lmfaoooooooooo
dang you really pr-ed motionless in white to me AHAHA ok anyway have a love letter <3
: i like it lyrically, reminds me of in the end by black veil brides because of the melodic progression in the chorus, i like the feel alone part by 3:17 and the lets get this fire started by 3:27. i like the end part too.
Rats: the beginning synths sounds like something i'd do on my digital audio workstation where i make music lol. i like this more than the first one because there are more musical elements. i also like the ending of this one
Eternally Yours: from the intro i immediately i knew i was gonna like this one. the chorus is so emo HAHHAHHHAH love that for them AHHAAHAH. ok i forgot to watch the mv imm a watch it now. immediate thought their drummer is hot T_T RIP at this point i have no idea if i actually find drummers attractive if theyre attractive or if they're drummers (i have a thing for drummers) T_T 3:05 🧍‍♀️ is that the lead guy in the bun??? that must be why his bob is so thin thought he wa going bald T_T HAHA. so they just boutta get freaky in a casket. //: ok. if he doesnt want me in my casket then i dont want him. random addition: i pressed another vid after, angel eyes by new years day ITS COOL AND HOT TOO LOL
Headache: i like this one too because of the .... chromatic scale (it goes up half a note). wAIT I REALLY LIKE THIS. i like this the most i think
Sign of Life: this one is good. ngl the emo pronunciation T_T had i not seen the lyrics i would have sorely misunderstood
Cause of Death: interesting beginning. WE LOVE HALFTIME. i love all the parts that was got faster. also the cinematic part with the violin slay. i like the lyrics too!! i think i like this album too
I Bring The Weather With Me cHURCH BELLS AND RAIN WE LOVE FOLEY omg the intro is that an organ>??? slay i love the scream with the background vocals. i like THIS SONG TOO!!! i like the final ill sleep with the stars then silence. THEN TH ENDING WITH THE BELLLS SLAAAYY
Drag the Lake: i like this one too but in like a .... its a rock song kind of way AHHAHAHAHAH lsafhl'ashfasf i like the part were its soft with piano and atmosphere then it get heavier.
im glad you like my shirts!!!! im really excited to make the other ones. my mom likes them too, which is a great indication cos my mom has high standards and doesnt like a lot of things that i do because it's neophyte or basic. i was surprised that she really liked the gucci one and said she would pay for it cos she doesnt like adam driver 💀💀💀 the slander this man has gotten from my mother T_T she said she didnt like the font of the daemon one and i was like ok and? HAHAH LOL.
im not sure why you used martha stewart as an example, is it because martha's a cook and your sister cooks too, or that martha is an all around entrepreneur and so is your sis, but either way, slay for your sister.
i dont think im extraverted T_T im more of an extraverted introvert, or a learned/forced extrovert. i used to be really quiet but then i would be alone T_T and i dont like being alone, so i kind of forced myself to be more outgoing. also, idk, i think about my place in the world like... nothing really matters so i just do what i want LOL and i mention this because i talked to someone on the train just cuz. thats more on impulse than extraversion methinks.
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buryymeinblack · 2 years
I see your ask for the music game and I raise you: mcr, FTWWW, and black parade >:]
EEEEEEE THANK U FOR THE ASK EVE im sorry it took me a minute to answer !!! i wanted to think hard about my answer but have been busy cramming for a d&d one-shot im dm-ing lol
Do I know them already?: YES | no
if i didn’t know mcr i would probably be on instagram instead of tumblr. i would probably also still think i’m cisgender. o_o
Favorite Song: oooh lord. Oh that one is so difficult. can i pick two. i’m gonna pick two. boy division, simply because it fucks too good, and helena, for reasons listed below
Least Favorite Song: this is harder than picking a favorite. if you held a gun to my head i’d say tomorrow’s money.
Favorite Album: i love all of them so much and i love all of them for different reasons so it’s super hard to pick a concrete favorite. but also it’s three cheers for sweet revenge. i hold it so close to my heart
Least Favorite Album: this is torture to me but i guess. i GUESS conventional weapons, if that counts
Song that got me into them: when i was about 9 or 10, i was in the car to go to my grandparents’ house, my dad’s playlist shuffled to teenagers. he pointed out the chorus was grammatically incorrect. BUT that was just the first time i’d ever heard mcr, i never thought to look more into it. the song that sparked some kind of emo awakening was helena. when i was 12 years old my mom told me to watch the music video and said i would “appreciate how artistic it is.” and then my gender was transed and my music taste changed forever. helena is still one of my favorite songs of all time it means so much like .. Sentimentally
Seen Live?: YES in cincinnati!!!! i got to go with my parents and two of my best friends in the whole world and it was so awesome and fun. it was genuinely the best day of my life and i’d fight wars just to experience it again
Rate: 10/10 i love them so much it hurts
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | I could get into this | ooo I like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
Opinion on cover design: honestly it didn’t strike me the right way the first time i looked at it because it’s so simple compared to their other designs. but the more i thought about it the more i realized it fucks severely. like it gave us the classic MCR logo, and the iconic pepe. my 12 year old brain didn’t like the simplicity of it at first but that’s what makes it so unique. the album is a concept as plain as “a guy dies” and the cover reflects that. a little skeleton in a marching band. but the album is so complex and gorgeous and perfect and the skeleton means so much more than that and i just love it SO MUCH
Favorite song: i have to go with this is how i disappear. that song had an absolute chokehold on me in middle school and still does. though the sharpest lives is a close second
Least favorite song: aggfdgg. if i absolutely have to then blood. just because the intro is so long LMFAO i know that’s what makes it a secret track but on shuffle it gets annoying 💔
Underrated track: DISENCHANTED GAAAAAAHHHH IT WAS THE ROAR OF THE CROWD THAT GAVE ME HEARTACHE TO SING and this is how i disappear i do not see NEARLY enough love for it
Overrated track: hrnnggggghrggggg(z..))((>€£¥]>}. Teenagers. I Love It but very overplayed by the general public
Rate: 10/10. i’ve made an image to display how i feel
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thecatinthemoony · 1 month
My reactions of the show finale, live.
I tried to not find plotholes. I failed. Also, i watched it at x25, cause dear god the last two were soooooo boring.
8 minutes in. Cringe. Dumb. Why did you just made a big the bad guy was this character all along revelation last episode and now you are making it a joke? 10 minutes in. Wtf. Also ew.
Oh family meeting. Thank goodness.
EW ben noo
(Tried to turn it back to normal speed. Lasted a solid 12 seconds)
Why is it Christmas? Was it always christmas? Ooh right, the town was in christmasy mode. Why is it Christmas?
okay that kid spelling joke was funny. Lol- see klaus agrees with me.
Awkward family meeting is the last bastion of the show we knew and loved.
I cant believe im saying this but Hargreeves please shoot Ben again please.
Ooh wouldnt it be super cool if this Hargrevees is the og one but from the past?
The baby shark skit would be great if the season wouldnt suck. DEAR GOD 40 MORE MINUTES?
Diegos reaction: lol same.
Oh thank god. oh CMON!!!
Is grace gonna explain herself now? Or
Wait. So Hargrevees needs to learn a lesson so THE WORLD ENDS? REALLY?
actually, i dont care. im way to detached to care anymore.
40 lmfao that compilation with sad heartbreak song was so lazy.
Wasnt there consequences when you met dif versions of yourself? Plothole, much?
I miss ray. This is unrelated to the whole suicide pact going on. I just miss his face and personality and existence? Idk.
Wait. There was a shitton of kids born with the marigold. Its in the intro of the show?. So the dying thing doesn't make sense? There are other people, in other timelines, with marigold in them, who died but didn't cease to exist? So how does this fixes the timeline?
Ew. Cgi goo.
Oh Klauss. My baby. Im so sorry this is happening to you my sweet sweet boy. Pls dont cry.
Oh the end scene is nice. I dont hate that. I hate how we got here but i dont hate that.
Ok. Great. Bye.
Ps: lmfaooo they spent the whole season not knowing what to do with their characters and then they killed them all off, like a twelve year old writting their first story. I lack the english to express how funny that is to me. Diana of anne with an e much?
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rqlaji2 · 3 months
Hey I know ive been dead but I went to 2 more they might be giants shows
15th i went to first avenue the first time. I havent even seen purple rain. I went on a walk every other day for the past month but it was surprisingly (sarcasm) not enough to prepare me for standing up for two hours straight. I saw the first first ave show was apollo 18 and while narrow your eyes is the best song ever and the guitar wouldve been astronomically fun i thought about it and if I actually got to choose which two i saw it wouldve been these. Now that I write that though my flood show was about a quarter mink car. But did your flood show have wicked little critta. No.
And so im up on the balcony i am directly outside the owners box, I have to get out of the way a fair amount which maybe helped a little with the pain that comes from standing in one place for two hours. But im wondering which one will be the comfortable show and they come out and i don’t even cry or anything like the first time im just like hey its those guys i know. Im a little far away and i need an eye exam yesterday though so maybe thats why. Anyway they come out and they play subliminal and im like AHHH cause its the best song ever. Actually im with a guy I do like a lot and I havent gone to too many shows, but I am so shy at the beginning a lot of the time..so maybe not AHHH but okayyy!!! And inside im like AHHH yknow? I wish snail shell was later in the set/i was less really fucking shy because I dont remember going crazy for it and I shouldve. SNAIL SHEEELLLLL. I listened to the venue song like two days before, it is so funny and great. More like mid james ensor. Its ok though cause it segues into the famous polka which is the best song ever. HEY! Im legitimately getting chills thinking about the famous polka, its so good. I always love slightly country tmbg and i have all of one single out of jail scrobble i didnt even recognize it 😭 in my fake fan era. Ah this was my first mesopotamians, so classic. More else pleaseee. Oh god spider was so good, so much more cacophonous than the recorded one. First flans doing a silly voice moment i can remember seeing, i love it when they do silly voices. Dirt bike might be my favorite tmbg song ever. You may have already noticed a theme with this post where i call every song the best song ever but I am not joking here, it might just be my favorite ever. I clap for all but I never cheer for the horns, and I wonder if that makes me a bad person, especially when dirt bike without horns would be shit. That intro is sooo perfect . A self called nowhere kicks total ass. Spy literally gets better every time I see it oml, I could not stop laughing at the back in black bit. SPY x16. The end of the tour is the best song ever, just so so lovely.
Man its so loud in here is really another contender for genuine serious most favorite tmbg song, I love it so so so so so much. Theyve played it at all my shows except the bowl, it wouldve been too powerful. I am so grateful for all the actual shows having it though, actual best song ever even if they play it a little different! Please compare my all time top played song man its so loud in here with all time 1 scrobble out of jail. (I really do not dislike out of jail, I dont know why I havent listened to it. I dont remember how it goes. John henry is my second favorite tmbg album. I dont know whats wrong with me.) When will you die just makes me think about how nothing will ever top the hollywood bowl when will you die, what a surprise and also great song. Doing the working undercover for the man sha la las in a crowd is so fucking cool!!! OH IVE HEARD ALL OF FINGERTIPS LIVE TWICE NOW, HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW WHOVE HEARD FINGERTIPS LIVE NOT ONCE BUT TWICE. I have to mention cloisonne, idk what to say about it but I heard cloisonne live, lmfao <3. Where your eyes dont go is so spooky and awesome. Brontosaurus is so great. Doctor worm is the best song ever. Letterbox is the best song ever. Last song of the night was no one knows my plan and they did not even make us conga. You may be thinking, no particle man? No istanbul? Well this ran long so im making a part 2 LOL
Also during the course of this show I sweated fucking tons, I was like legally an ocean. Anyways
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letkanatasayfuck · 2 years
my top 10 paralive songs in no particular order
hello!! i thought i'd rank my faves before the new content drops in the summer!! so let's go!!
#1 - PARADISE // BAE ft. ISSA: oh man, i LOVE this one. it's feel-good, it's summer party vibes, it's catchy and smooth and everyone blends together SO well in it!! i think the english-japanese mash is super well-done in this song, it literally makes me feel like i'm being called out to have fun and get swept off my feet
#2 - GOOD TIME // COZMES ft. SKY-HI: SKY-HI'S PART ABSOLUTELY SLAPS. OH MY GOD. I COULD LISTEN TO THAT ON REPEAT FOREVER. kanata and nayuta kick off really strong too like holy shit??? i know there are people who don't like that monotone style or too much repetition but it's really soothing to me!! AND THEY DESERVE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AFTER ALL THE SHIT THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH!!
#3 - JUMPING INTO MY WORLD // Lollipop*universe: you would not BELIEVE the serotonin rush this song gives me . . . it's catchy, it's easy to sing along to, and you can really get a taste of everyone's personal styles, which i think is super cool! and they all genuinely sound like they're having so much fun singing it!! (plus the mv is absolutely adorable LMAO)
#4 - CALL FOR FAMILIEZ // AKANYATSURA: this . . . this song hurts my heart . . . it's so GOOD but it's so PAINFUL and i love it so much!! i get so hyped up for reo's part, i always sing the "FAMILIA" along with him LMFAO. and i really like how his singing contrasts with the flow of the song!! it makes it much catchier imo. iori's part also really sells it for me bc. well. ajksdljkadaDJK i do not think i need to say anymore than that!!!
#5 - GIRAGIRA CANDY NIGHT // CLUB CANDY: this song fucks!! it fucks hard!! like if it had a physical body it would do unspeakable things!! once again iori's voice comes out on top like UGH the way he sings <333 also that part where everyone comes together one after the other?? i LOVE that it's so cool!!
#6 - Why do you like me? // Beauty & Beast: okay anyone who says they don't like this song HAS to be lying. like. the others are all my personal opinion but the objective truth for "Why do you like me" is that it is perfect!! it's so pretty and soothing and the VULNERABILITY that anne shows in it . . .
#7 - CHILLIN' // HOKUSAI WITH AKANKYATTSURA: this one also brings me serotonin but in like!! a chill way!! reo's part also reminds me of how he is in "CALL FOR FAMILIEZ" in that it goes against how everyone else usually matches the flow, and i love that!! also the little "HAI SANSEI" in the bg are so cute?? this song just makes me feel better about myself and life in general tbh it's a lovely reminder to slow down and relax
#8 - WAVIN' FLAG // BAE: wavin' flag literally sounds like it belongs in a fantasy rebellion overthrow-the-government movie. like. it's THAT powerful. everything about it goes so hard and i have a lot of respect bc of that!! also it's just really catchy and another fun one to sing along with LMAO
#9 - For my Stella // VISTY: another song that i'm pretty sure nobody hates LMFAO. it's so bright and fun and lovely and the mv is very pretty to watch!! also aoi's part is so soothing wtf. i want them and reo just fucking up songs with their contrasts and blowing everyone else out of the water
#10 - EMBLEM // BAE + BURAIKAN IS BACK // BURAIKAN: okay so . . . i kind of cheated with this one bc i really could not decide between the two LMFAO. emblem is so sweet and fun and i love singing along to it, and the confidence boost it gives me helps a lot!! plus the mv is so aesthetically pleasing like wtf. buraikan is back is like. weirdly seductive and haunting and dark and it sucks you in like a black hole. plus the fact that the music is used for the intro videos??? IT'S SUCH A STRONG WAY TO INTRODUCE PPL LIKE WTF
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nako-doodles · 2 years
Shirley what are your thoughts on the new music and what is your fav new track
absolutely emotionally ravaged!!!! no coherency just screaming!!!!!!!
i cannot explain to you how important it is to me that bts released an anthology album like the legends that they are AND they released their demos like showing us their heart and all their thoughts ✨✨
disclaimer: i know nothing and i have not emotionally physically spiritually metaphysically recovered from this album ✨
born singer - fuck the significance this song has to armys and bts and j cole allowing them to release this song fuck. FCUK. namgi's verses still make me cry. this really is the thesis. the central theme for the tannie's careers and their message. i lokey wish they recorded yoongi's verse to reflect the amount of years that has passed but opening the anthology w this song is so smart of them.....creative team fantastic work.
yet to come - 'best is what comes next you and i the best moment is yet to come' 'we are all about it....dreams hopes and moving forward' ....as someone who struggled into adulthood w hyyh, dream hope forward forward was the mantra that kept me going somedays and i absolutely burst into tears in public hearing it. fuck the message is so good the references are so good the mv is so good the hope the vision SO GOOD..........if born singer is the thesis statement to start their collection of title songs, then yet to come is the conclusion to their thesis paper of where they are heading towards in the future. im so incredibly thankful for bts and their impact in my life
run bts- ROCK BTS I CANT BELIEVE WE DID IT BESTIES WE MANIFESTED IT no notes 110/10 song would loop jin's rock vocals until my last breath thanks for coming to my ted talk
jump demo - wow it sounds both incredibly similar and also completely different i was so shocked when i first heard it!!! im glad they made that violin arpeggio clearer but i havent had a chance to look up the lyrics and what they changed
young love - the piano hook is so pretty and the bar chimes and the bg vocals are so atmospheric. while this song is lovely (hehehe) and it absolutely has that classic bts genre twist i think its getting lost in all of the greats in this album. which really speaks more to how bts stuffed this album w the creme de la creme top state of the art quality music than this song in particular tbh.
boy w luv demo - #bring back jin's husky chest voice 2022 tbh lmfao i see why they didn't add yoongis voice from the chorus chant intro his voice is too distinctive. fine min yoongi. you win. i concede my years long offense was unfounded. i wish they didnt take away some of the extra bg sound effects and the back n forth in the bridge 😔 bby jk sounds so smol w his safe standard riff i want to put him in my pocket for safe keeping 🥺🥺🥺 hobi's hakuna matata verse remains iconique™️
quotation mark - easily one of my fave instrumentals its so well mixed a GIANT kiss for the soundmixer wow the balance bt the melody and the counter and bass and the synth/brass and the lil ornamentations mmMMM. rapline bringing back that school trilogy style back thank you kings. will be hunting down an instrumental to vibe to w telepathy.
inu demo - ive been wanting this for YEARS you hear me????? verse 2 has a better backing than the og and the prechorus is SO nice. i still cant stop laughing at joon's puberty voice in these early demos (this will be a reoccurring theme but is esp funny on joons high notes what did joon do to modulate in program his voice up oh my god)
boyz w fun - TAEEEEEE AHHAHHHAHAHA i love him!!!!! the beat on the chorus is a little lopsided i see why they decided to change the chant. this has always been one of my ULT FAVES so hearing the drafts before is a treat!!!! i wish they kept that electric guitar and joon's eenie meanie minie moo riff and how clear and distinct jin's voice is in the tutti and post-chorus parts
tony montana ft jimin - IVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR YEARS FOR THIS its such a sexy song im so happy to replace the concert audio version ive been listening to for this that build up to the last chorus is HYPE AS FUCK. i never realized how sick that drum and bass is fuck i cant wait to see it in the concert setlist again. i wish they amp'd up jimin's vers bc this sounds like a concert backing track??? like they expect jimin to sing on top of it????? sthing is missing idk what it is but it feels sandwiched in. also. i also know its a style in rap music to have processed vocals but jimin doesnt need it you know? you compressed his vibrato and timbre too much. but also conversely too much reverb?????? confusing.
young forever rm demo - i wasnt expecting how much this demo would ruin me. i cried immediately the first time i heard it. this is joon's first bby and you can tell from his distinct style of that atmospheric synth thing and hard rap paired w piano. i want to transcribe the piano line SO badly you dont understand
spring day v demo - ANOTHER SONG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR YEARS you can hear tae's melancholic/nostalgic/melody-driven style here clearly god i love his version so much the outro on the chorus w the humming and harder.....vuvuzela??? works surprisingly well. kth1 when?
dna hobi demo - another demo that took me by surprise how much i love it. in fact i love this so much more than the og even tho i know it sounds more jhope than bts. i want him to play this at the music fest. please. IM BEGGING. god its so good. how does hobi keep putting out so much good music i dont get it.
epiphany jin demo - im sure all of you are aware how hard and how long ive wanted this in my hands and jin just never disappoints. idk man jin knows his voice and his strengths very well and i see why this was in the running until the last minute revision. fuck its so good. im sad the leak was real bc i can't experience for the first time again but at the same time hearing the prechorus in context is so magical. his voice is what 1000 thread silk bedsheets feel like to someone who has slept in a pile of hay all their lives feel like.
seesaw flower demo - i love this instrumental i love min yoongi i love his big sexy brain i wish he kept this bassline and the rain and cricket and pipa sounds and the drumline but i do understand that its a little too strong for the vibes and the piano. the bridge is so nice i want a 129048935 hour loop of it thank you. min yoongi will you ever love me enough to give me autumn leaves demo??
still w you acapella - talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before- i love how they just took the file and deleted all of the instrumental lmfao. couldnt they have filled in the empty spaces i thought i broke my laptop 🤣🤣 anyways the harmonies are so sexy mozart has been real silent since this dropped!!!! choral 5 part harmonies could NEVER
for youth - they really ended this album w this absolute GEM!!! they really pulled a whole sea w this huh. the instrumentals the vocals the lyrics the mixing the composition the piano and the strings and the bass line starting the song w army singing young forever in wembly FUCK anyways im emotionally fragile this love song to their armys huh!!! 'youre my best friend for the rest of my life' huh!!!!!! where do i fucking sue for emotional damages huh!!!!!!! jin's syncopated verse is where i live now.
i love that you can really hear how far into development these songs were before putting them into this album. some, re: heungtan sonyeondan and inu, were put together earlier in development and thus are more rough sketches and minimal 'meat', only there to provide the general idea of what they want. sthing to show bang pd or sthing to wake up the next morning to polish. esp when you compare them to epiphany and spring day, practically full songs w professional sounding instrumentals already. while they are much more polished, you can hear all of the thought sope put into seesaw and dna even you can hear some are clearly midi w their standard settings before recorded w better software/more tinkering or a live band. i think it also speaks to the type of writers they are. joon seems like the type to want things down asap before he goes back to fix things, while yoongi is the type to tinker w sthing making sure its basically perfect before showing it off to the world, and hobi has the minutiae detail work to add things while he goes.
i love this album w all my heart and i love the tannies for showing us their souls their hearts their talents w us 💖
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elysianslove · 4 years
hiyaa i was wondering if you could write a hcs for how the Haikyu captains would react to finding out their s/o can rap. you don't have to do it if you don't want to and thank you in advance btw i loved your best friends to lovers hcs :)) <333
hey my love!! of course i can hehe, and you are most welcome mwah. i hope this is good enough!! also thank you so, so much that means the most ahhh <333
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daichi sawamura; when a song comes on with like any rap verse and you start fucking destroying it, he kinda goes into momentary shock at first. his eyes kinda widen and he gapes, but then when he sees you get so into it he just leans back with an amazed smile as he watches you. very impressed, and so amused at the fact that you’re so good at it.
oikawa tōru; you can’t tell me oikawa doesn’t know the super bass rap intro by HEART lmfao. when it comes on and he sees you start to rap it with him he gets so into it with you. it makes him fall way deeper in love. genuinely so impressed whenever you’re like in the car w him and a rap comes on and you just annihilate it. he just wants to scream it makes him so giddy lmfao.
kuroo tetsurō; is so teasing about it. like when he first sees you do it he just raises a brow at first like “oh?” with that teasing smirk on his face. makes your face go all red but you don’t stop you just do it louder. he’s so impressed and finds it really attractive that you can do it tbh. always puts a rap song on whenever ur at a part or in the car just to show you off.
bokuto kōtarō; he is in. awe. of you. genuinely so fucking amazed he’s like HOLY SHIT YOU DO THAT SO WELL. it honestly gets you all flustered but he’s not even exaggerating he’s just seriously that amazed by you. hypes you up so much when you do it, especially at parties or when surrounded by other people like yeah !! that’s my s/o!!!
terushima yuuji; god. he finds it so hot. he’s like oh, say less 😏. begs you to do the inappropriate raps just so he can hear it from your lips tbh. yeah he’s pervy like that. but he’s also one to be very impressed, he just won’t show it. he’d be like “you just keep surprising me, angel,” but deep inside he wants to like cartwheel cause damn his s/o is so so so cool ahhhh he’s so lucky.
ushijima wakatoshi; so confused but ? he finds it endearing? like you’re so, so into it you can barely notice his expressions but he has the tiniest smile on his face he’s like trying to hold back a grin. it’s so nice to see you in your element like this and he wonders if that’s how you feel watching him play volleyball. it’s also like. so cute to him. like he just can’t resist the urge to give you the sweetest kiss afterwards.
kita shinsuke; (KITA EPISODE THIS WEEK KITA EPISODE EEEEEEE) when he first hears/sees you rapping, he stiffens up slightly and then a smile eases onto his face, and his eyes are super bright. he’s like oh my god, this is the best thing i have ever seen in my entire life. he’s like. so amused, that he starts to kinda laugh. really enamored by you, but holds it in and only reveals a sly smile. “i didn’t know you could do that,” he would say after, a flustered but steady smile on his face.
futakuchi kenji; definitely records you. outwardly he’s like yeah imma show this to them to like embarrass them later but. you’re actually so good there’s nothing embarrassing about it hvsjsjs. he won’t show that he’s impressed, and will be so fucking teasing about it. but you know better than that, being able to read past his sly smile. you just know that he finds it insanely attractive.
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somebodycallixii · 3 years
tagged by @choitaeyang for the little P1ece questions thing :)
(ps im sorry i didnt answer all of the questions but i just didnt want the post to get too long!!)
1. Since when have you been a P1ece? I listened to Siren for the first time like early last fall, and found That's It a little later, and i remember thinking ok this is probably some well established group like their rapping and sound overall just really impressed me. (cut to surprised pika face when i found out OH THEY'RE LITERALLY ONLY A YEAR OLD)
2. What made you decide to stan P1H? i knew i liked their music but i decided to officially stan when i found out they were at FNC because n.flying is my ult, so i was like this must be a sign??? lmfao
3. Who is/are your bias(es)? jiung!
4. Your favourite era so far? in terms of music, Siren/Stand Out is my fav but in terms of looks/concept, Do It Like This/Find Out by a long shot.
5. Your favourite title track/MV? I like the MV for scared the best because the concept for it is really artistic, plus the falling rocks genuinely made me nervous so A+ for the immersive experience alkdflsdkjs
6. Your fav P1H choreo? the intro to Reset is so amazing, they are literally so in sync its mesmerizing to watch
7. Your fav b-sides? That's it is one of my favorite kpop songs ever, and idk if this counts as a title or a b side but i also love breakthrough a LOT
8. Your fav cover of theirs? MANIAC MANIAC MANIAC oh my god if you havent listened to it yet you have to. i love it even more because they were in charge of the creative direction for the video and they talked about how they had to put moodboards together and stuff. it makes me glad that they have some creative control for their content!!
10. Have you watched their little STAGE + performances? What’s your favourite? i havent seen all of them but this one with seob and intak is my favorite that ive seen. im usually not a fan of lyrical dancing like this but the beginning part is so good and i can just watch it over and over
12. Most iconic P1H tiktok in your opinion? soul glitching to the "listen to me now" audio fucking kills me. its literally so dumb but it cracks me up dlkfjsdlfs
13. A P1H moment you love? when they did the portrait drawing contest on Jongseobs birthday live, and keeho gave this big speech about how some artists arent appreciated in their time just bc he lost sldkfjlsk😭
16. A collab you’re hoping for? in their daebak show interview keeho and jiung said that they want to try more bandy music, so i think them working with n.flying would be so cool!! it would make my n.fia heart so happy
18. Fav lyric if you have one? "going my own way with two great danes, gotta stay humble like bill murray" certified iconic
19. Fav vocal, rapper and dancer? vocal has to be keeho, rapper jongseob, dancer soul!! why my own bias isnt on this list the world may never know.
23. Something you love about being a P1ece? I always love being a part of smaller fandoms because theres such a strong sense of community and dedication that sometimes gets lost in groups with huge fanbases. (in terms of like, when fanbases get bigger there can be lots of weird drama about voting or who should have won what or which fandoms are "fighting" one another but with smaller groups its like "woo!! we got a comeback!!" lmfao)It's a difficult balance, because while you want them to become successful and reach a larger audience, theres something special about stanning a newer/less well known group and feeling that camaraderie in fandom spaces.
Bonus: Anything P1Harmony-related that you want to recommend to your (non-P1ece) followers or to new P1eces?
Keeho covering "All of Me" by john legend genuinely surpasses the original, i could listen to this for days!! pls listen and be amazed!!!
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jademight · 2 years
Alright Nerdy’s Shotgun Style Stream of Consciousness Thoughts(tm) on MoM under the cut
Firstly, shoutout to the girl I sat next to in the cinema. I never got to see her face bc of the lights but our elbows touched and we both laughed at the Bruce Campbell post credits scene. We connected. (for this Friends to Lovers arc I need her to be present at the second showing I booked at a different cinema I need that cosmic connection)
Genuinely shocked at how HARD they committed to Evil Milf Wanda. They made her a full on slasher villain and I fucking RESPECT it. (I have no idea how the fuck they’ll walk it back in the future movies but we’ll see. That Children’s Crusade movie rumor seems more likely now)
That moment where she crawled out of the gong like fucking Sadako??? GOOD SHIT. 
Wanda Stans(tm) are going to be fucking INSUFFERABLE though. ‘omg she just wanted to see her kids uwu’ SHE MASS MURDERED INNOCENTS HELEN. SHE SNAPPED AN ELDERLY MAN’S NECK LIKE IT WAS A PRETZEL.
Speaking of, YO HOLY FUCK THEM USING THE X MEN: TAS THEME SONG?!?!?! DOING THE ‘To me, my X-Men!’ MIND WAVES???? Love the touch of putting Charles in his classic black turtleneck and walking when he’s in the Mind Place. 
I SHOCKIGNLY enjoyed Anson Mount’s Black Bolt. Incredible costume adaption, would NOT mind if they retconned him into the MCU post Secret Wars. Dude’s a good actor and brings a certain weight to proceedings. Icb they got me praising Inhumans (not the show) in the year of our lord 2022. 
Oh yeah they are 1000 percent doing 2015 Secret Wars. Get ready to be SICK of hearing the word ‘Incursion’ in the next few years. It’s gonna be the new ‘variant’.
Absolutely convinced they’re gonna use Secret Wars to retcon inhumans and mutants into the history of the MCU once its all said and done. They might fix Kamala yet lmfao. 
Also Krasinski!Reed. Listen, I NEVER liked the fan-casting, they legit just fancast him bc he’s a white dude with hair and a blonde wife. ALL THAT BEING SAID.....I didn’t hate him??? He had a certain Stillness to him that I really dug. Nowhere near enough of a screentime to make any hard calls but seeing a dude in a blue jumpsuit with the number 4 on it does give me an emotion. If he ends up being the Main!Reed....I??? wouldn’t mind it???? Also LOVE the oblique Valeria and Franklin reference uwu. His suit is disgustingly overdesigned though, remove the black parts and its a good suit. 
LOVE the depiction of magic and sorcery. It really enriched the language of magic, I loved how Strange could conjure up arms and weapons and stuff. Love his updated costume with the sleeker lines and outline. 
America was fine. Its her intro movie. I know people are upset that she’s not the Strong Willed Badass but MCU LOVES a ‘Hero finds their inner strength and will’ arc so I’m sure she’ll get there. Loved that moment of her doing The Pose.  
Score was pretty good. Everyone is praising the Musical Note Fight and as they should honestly that was a GORGEOUS moment, ADORE the creativity of fights in this. Bummed that they don’t use the Giacchino theme enough but I’m glad it wasn’t entirety discarded. Also bummed about the lack of ‘mystical’ instrumentation, its just classic Elfman orchestra. Do love the main leitmotif that recurs through the movie though.
OK BUT THE RAIMI-ISMS??? They really Raimi get weird with it. The crossfades, the ‘monster cams’, the keyhole fade (is that the word idk). Bruce Campbell full on breaking the 4th wall. Nobody films New York like he does. It’s so warm, so lovely, so full of life. (also special shoutout to that shot of Amerca and Strange going through the portal from the roof to the street in one camera move).
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
I’m very curious about your opinion here: pick a song (may be more than one ofc) for each member that you associate with them - be it because of their singing/rapping part in it or maybe characteristic choreography or just general vibe? I’m just curious if other people link some songs with particular members like I do (like Tear is totally Hobi’s song for me 🤷‍♀️) IF you want I would love to know your reasons too
oh wow <3 this is such an amazing question omg.... thank u for sending it anon
jin: moon. it's kinda obvious but it's literally HIS song... it's so good and it reflects him pretty well. idk the whole theme of being a moon spinning around his fans which are the earth.... the whole you might think you love me but i love u more...... it screams jin especially bc he's someone who clearly doesn't think of himself as worthy of praise, no matter what the whole "worldwide handsome" schtick means he's clearly really humble and dare i say, sometimes insecure of his own talents? so to turn that and give all that love back to the people who think so highly of him... it's very sweet. also moon is top 5 songs on mots7
yoongi: there are two, intro: the most beautiful moment in life. i would also go with intro: never mind. (those two songs are so him tbh so it was hard to only choose one) this is literally his story...... the shooting guard that looks at the sun setting from his concrete court..... life is as fleeting as that ball dribbling and slipping from his hands... What am i doin’ with my life / This moment will never ever come back / I ask myself once again, “are you happy now?” / The answer is already set, “I’m happy” god.
and people. i have nothing to say about this one. i kinda hate yoongi sometimes for doing shit as beautiful as this and then selling out. lmfao
hobi: i would also choose tear because that is his song alone but honestly..... i gotta go with blue side. as expected. i wish some day he has the freedom to make his own music the way he likes it and share the different sides to him. people that are as bright as him, it's cause they also have a lot of sadness in them.... his lyricism is impeccable in this song too. With everything between us changed, I shout out alone, blue / I get colored by you, my eyes get welled up with blue tears / Spring, summer, fall, and winter, always in that same feeling, blue / I want to go back to those days when I didn’t know anything blue
also just dance, obviously.
namjoon: i don't really know.... besides his solo work. like i could say seoul cause yeah that song is definitely 100% namjoon in music form. but for bts releases.... maybe epilogue: young forever. it was the first song he produced for bts.
jimin: blood sweat and tears, duh. that's an obvious choice but i would actually also choose home!! that song is so good and fun and jimin adds such a good flare to it. i can see songs and home to me is a really deep, warm tone of pink..... kinda like the one you see behind your eyelids when you close your eyes under the sun. it's an exciting song that makes you feel a thrill shoot down your spine, which is what jimin represents to me when he's on stage.
taehyung: singularity and autumn leaves. singularity because duh. he owned that fucking song like no one's business, and it has a really unique quality that the rest of bts' releases don't have. like this is literally soloist taehyung material. it's amazing, his charisma and magnetism completely draws you in. autumn leaves looks like a gust of silver wind traveling through the sky and that's what taehyung represents to me
jungkook: uhh it’s kinda hard to think of one.... maybe on or magic shop <3 i know he participated in the writing process for magic shop and it's just a really nice song that definitely shows jungkook's love for their fans!!
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
i gotta say, as much as i like a bunch of songs from lcdp overall, and they have had some good music moments, for me none of the songs in this last part worked. i think by the last episode they overdid it with slowmo and emotional songs (the beginning of fix me by coldplay was just like, this is what you chose?) idek what exactly didn't work for me, i think some of the individual songs i just disliked, and some I just think the timing wasn't good, like the climax of the song didn't match the climax of the scene, especially with slowmo. or the emotions of the scene didn't quite mesh with the song. of all the things, the music choices in the show overall were the least effective imo. otoh I really love the theme song, I think their music potential and creativity was all spent on the theme song which SLAPS skshdhsjsj
Oh, I haven't focused that much on the music to be honest. The theme song is definitely one of the top in the whole show, the entire intro is something they do so fucking well honestly, but I didn't particularly dislike the music choices that season, I agree though that they wasn't one so memorable or remarkable. Fix me was a strange choice, but I didn't dislike it, I thought it worked nicely. But when you compare with earlier seasons though, granada villa morena was incredible, Fucking guantanamera, I'm not kidding when I say it's the single most emotional one to me, I hear the first tune and go into emotional breakdown, Days Like This, centro di gravità permanente, etc, nothing in the new volume is as effective as any of those music moments, I can agree with that.
Also if we're being honest, they overdid it with everything emotional a little bit towardss the end lmfao, and that includes the choice of music, I can understand why they did that though.
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