#OF COURSE AS IF I COULD FORGET. the different translations and the times of trouble. of course
t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
#OF COURSE AS IF I COULD FORGET. the different translations and the times of trouble. of course#and esv saying there shall be a time of trouble and nasb saying there will be a time of distress#BUT THEN. ceb saying it will be a time of distress#and this is where i become paranoid about my professor being on destiel gay sex tumblr and seeing this BUT WHO CARE !!#anyways the interesting difference in presentation in terms of establishing the times as difficult#like esv and nasb make it seem like it will come about but ceb makes it sound already established in a sense#ALSO ALSO ALSO something i didn't explore as it wasn't quite as relevant BUT the book mentioned in daniel 12:1#and how i KNOW it's referencing a specific book (the book of life i think) but how it says everyone who is Found written in the book#(or scroll depending on translation)#and to ME the ''found'' is so so interesting#like. everyone who is found written in the book#where else is this book mentioned!!! i don't care about the desolation of the abomination anymore i want to study the various biblical#passages that mention and explore this book#and NO it's tooootally not because i love the paradox of choice versus the omniscience and omnipotence of God ...... totally....#if he already knows who will be saved and shit and set everything into motion then HOW can it be a choice???#and of course the difference of size in infinities#if there is the perfect amount of space for the people who choose to believe then if one more person believed there wouldn't be enough#space except for of course the fact that god would know and there would be space#if you have a motel with infinite rooms but you also have infinite peoplethen all the rooms will be full EXCEPT#they can't all be full because they're infinite except of course you have infinite people so they are all full#but that doesn't matter anyway because the motel doesn't have a pool so we weren't going to stay there anyways#we'll go to the inn and suites across the road#timothy's txts.#WHO KNOWS WHAT I'M SAYING. NOT ME. i just say shit for funsies#tw caps#tw swearing
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pomefioredove · 1 month
Hey Dove~
I was reading through the different headcannons and the mute reader really caught my attention. Could you possibly do the Vice Wardens (including Ruggie cuz he's basically second in command anyway) with Yuu that has a speech impediment? Basically they stutter/stumble on words, get them mixed up, pronounces them wrong, and maybe forgets certain words. And obviously with new arcana and magical words (and the weird ahh names some of these characters have) they can get pretty frusterated or embarressed.
You always have such good headcannons!! Feel free to throw in any other characters that you like to the mix as well!!
OH this hits close to home too. I stutter and mispronounce things when I do speak, so I'm using that for reference
twst x mute reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ reader with a speech impediment
summary: as described type of post: headcanons characters: trey, ruggie, jade, jamil, rook, lilia additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu
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see, I don't think Trey would say anything about it
he's not one to criticize strangeness
that would be rude, first of all
second of all, there's no such thing as "normal" at NRC
(even so, some people may point it out, but he's not one of them)
he doesn't have any trouble understanding you, either
he grew up with younger siblings who pronounced owl as "awa" and kitty as "shishi" until they were six
he's certainly patient
and he knows how to use context
honestly? Ruggie didn't even... notice?
for a while, he just thought you talked fast
he knows how it goes; you get excited or nervous or whatever, and you end up stumbling all over yourself
no biggie
then one day you come up to him all sad and teary, apologizing for a speech impediment he didn't even know you had, and he's like...
...oh! no!
of course he's not annoyed!
Ruggie's an adaptive guy, after all. when he wants something, he'll bend backwards for it
you think a little stuttering is gonna stop him from being friends with you?
much like Trey, Jade doesn't say anything
he just watches you talk
and smiles
like this -> :)
it's not that he's particularly concerned about being rude, he's just...
humans are such fascinating creatures, he thinks
he learns all of your quirks just by listening to you
which words you have trouble with, which ones you mix up and forget, which consonants you stumble over...
he teaches himself your language
and he becomes a sort of translator for you
any time someone is rude to you, he'll come out of nowhere and tell them everything you said in the exact order you said it
weird, but nice
to put it plainly, Jamil has bigger problems
whether or not he can understand you doesn't really matter to him
it's not his job to worry over you
then, you come to him asking for help, and...
...well, he's flattered
he can't deny he likes that you come to him for guidance before anyone else
because of this, (and because he had to learn how to control his own tongue when he was little), he takes pity on you
whether your goal is to work on your speech, or to simply feel less anxiety about it, he's there
is it cliche to say that Rook already knows exactly what you're thinking?
perhaps, but it's true
he's mastered the art of observation
he can read your thoughts in your expression, your body language, even the slightest twitch in your lips gives you away
he just knows
you don't have to be a good speaker, or a speaker at all, to communicate with Rook
(and he can do all the talking for you if you'd like, he'd probably enjoy that)
and, of course, he is of the opinion that there is beauty in everything
you don't need to be perfectly clear and concise for him to like you
now, I can't guarantee that Lilia won't tease a little
only in good fun, of course
and only if you respond in kind
but he does find it rather cute when you mispronounce something, or mix up your words
he won't correct you or interrupt you, either
he'll step in to help if you're really struggling, of course, but he thinks of you as capable
he does remind you to take breathers when you're getting too anxious about it, though
he cares <3
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analyticalstarz · 6 months
In honor of autism awareness month, here's a full comprehensible list as to why I think Rui is autistic, or at the very least, neurodivergent !!!! - 1, For starters, he was ostracized by his classmates for presumably almost a decade (2nd grade - 1st yr of high school), all because he was "different" and nobody around him could properly understand him. This has resulted in him struggling to form and maintain relationships. As stated in his second focus event, Revival My Dream, when he was a kid, Rui had a hard time conversering with his classmates because he felt as if he couldn't connect with them.
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He's interested in more niche things, like robotics,
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and he was also interested in things that people normally regard as "scary", such as moths;
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After he became fond of shows and theater as well and attempted to include his classmates in one he thought of in an attempt to grow closer to them, his idea ultimately backfired since his classmates thought his way of directing was "dangerous", and this is where the ostracization seemed to start.
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(translation by Arvon Oven) Being ostracized and shunned is unfortunately a common thing with people who have autism, and as I mentioned previously, Rui was alone for presumably seven years straight, all because he was regarded as "different". - 2, He has "restricted, obsessive interests" that can be seen as hyperfixations/special interests. Ever since he was a child, Rui's been heavily interested in both robotics/inventing and shows. A hyperfixation is described as, "A complete obsession with or absorption into a particular task. The task can be a hobby, a TV show, a subject of interest, or something else. People who hyperfixate may tune out the world around them and ignore important responsibilities, such as eating or sleeping." Rui's interest in shows specifically can be seen as a hyperfixation, as in the first side story of his Unforeseen Keynotes (or Unexpected Happenings according to the English translation) card, Rui was so engrossed in thinking about the next show they'd be doing, he had completely forgotten that Robo-Nene was due for maintenance, and Nene mentions that this wouldn't be the first time he's forgotten to eat or sleep because of how engrossed he gets in his thoughts while thinking about shows.
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Nene also mentions in Wonderlands x Showtime's main story that Rui becomes so absorbed in his shows that he "loses sight of everything else", (In the original Japanese version, she says "When it comes to shows, he isn't able to look at his surroundings, so things never work out".)
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and also in KAMIKOU FESTIVAL!, where he mentions that his tendency to put shows "at the center of everything" might be a flaw of his;
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(translation by Ren) It's also mentioned in A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium!? that he'll get so absorbed in his thoughts while thinking of shows, he'll completely forget about his surroundings.
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(translation by tsukasa’s #3 fan) - 3, He has texture issues, which is also common with people who have autism. It's been mentioned multiple times throughout the course of the game that he detests vegetables, but more specifically cucumbers and things in the cucurbitaceae family (such as watermelon & pumpkin), because they all share the same texture.
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He mentions in an area conversation with Nene that he usually only eats at restaurants he's familiar with (he sticks to routine; another thing common with people who have autism), so eating out has never been an issue to him, and he even refused to eat vegetables when they were quite literally stranded on a deserted island and in a life-threatening situation.
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- 4, He info-dumps. A lot.
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This one is pretty self-explanatory, I think. - 5, He's overly logical and struggles with his emotions. He's had trouble on multiple occasions understanding his emotions, such as in Full Power! Wonder Halloween! where he unconsciously holds himself back after inadvertently injuring Tsukasa with one of his inventions, but he didn't realize that he was even holding himself back until somebody pointed it out, and he didn't realize that he was holding himself back because he was worried, either. Something similar happens in Heat Up! Kamikou High Cheering Squad! where he unconsciously holds himself back because he feared being shunned again, but once again, he didn't realize the reason for him holding himself back until somebody pointed it out for him. In the first side story of his I Can't Afford to Lose *4 card, Rui comes to the Sekai, hoping to talk to somebody to put his mind at ease. As he runs into Meiko and Luka and they ask him what's wrong because he seemed down, Rui says that "I just wanted to think about production, but my feelings got in the way of thinking". He then says "Feelings really are troublesome. / Sometimes, you have to hold them back with all of your might... It'd be nice if someone other than me could manage these troublesome feelings". (In the English translation, he says "Emotions are so complicated and can be so troublesome at times. / There are even times when one becomes completely overwhelmed by them... If only someone else were able to help put a lid on them.") Lastly, I'd like to mention that in Revival My Dream, after Rui asks his mom if he's different from the people around him, she responds by saying that, yes, he is different, but she also says that she was "just like him" as a child, and seeing how autism is caused mainly by genetics, his mom can very well be autistic too.
Okay, that is all!!! Thank you for listening to me yap :3
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maryfailstowrite · 1 month
Rose's quote in the crossword of the literature insane girl MV will never not fail to amaze me. I absolutely love it and here's why:
"Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum."
First with the basics: "Cogito, ergo sum", the original (not really, because the real original was in french, but whatever) quote by René Descartes, translates into "I think, therefore I am". I don't think the meaning needs much explaining, because it's just... that. It's one of the first principles of Descartes's philosophy, and it states that one's existence is certain because to think, beforehand you need to exist. You can't doubt your own existence because to doubt, you need to exist. It's as simple as that.
But this interpretation of the phrase has little to do with Rose's character. There's a word (or maybe two, but I'll get to that later) that the MV adds, and that changes the whole meaning of the phrase.
“Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum.”
Rose’s quote translates into “I think, therefore I am (troubled).” This is not her doubting her existence or whatever, this is about her memory. “Thinking” here isn’t meant as in literally just thinking, but as in Rose’s thought processing and reasoning. Her photographic memory makes her have an overload of information to process at all times, and after processing it, she’s unable to discard it no matter what. She’s troubled, troubled because no matter what, she can’t forget. Every murder, every drop of blood, every gasp, every word is engraved in her mind, and no matter how hard she tries, she’s doomed to remember it all for the rest of her life.
A lot of people see having a photographic memory as a blessing. Almost like a superpower. They think of detectives solving murder cases because they remembered the exact position of one of the curtains at the victim’s house, or in Rose’s case, they imagine her making perfect replicas of a painting just after seeing it once. And, sure, maybe she can do that. She is the Ultimate Art Forger, after all. But I still think her photographic memory is much more a curse than it is a blessing for her.
Humans aren’t made to remember. We are made to forget a very big part of our lives, in fact. Do you remember exactly every meal you’ve ever had? Every shower you’ve taken? Every outfit you’ve worn? No, of course not. You don’t. Just like you don’t remember every single time someone has given you a strange look, or every time you’ve done something embarrassing.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Forgetting is a coping mechanism. Not only does it prevent our brains from overloading with useless information, it also helps us heal from bad experiences. If we remembered every single detail from all of our bad past experiences we would go insane, we would never heal from those memories and emotions. We could replay the memory over and over and over again to analyze what could’ve been different, what we could’ve done in another way, and what we could’ve ultimately done to avoid the situation. But as humans, we forget. It takes time, but the details start to fade one by one, and by the end, the bad experience is just a foggy distant memory, a mix of lingering feelings and a blurry outline of what happened, an outline that can’t hurt us anymore…
Except for Rose. Rose remembers everything. This is why the world is so overwhelming for her (let alone the killing game). She dozes off half of the day because if she wasn’t sleeping, she’d have to remember everything that happened at that time. I think it’s easier to picture it if you put it like this: Imagine if you were forced to memorize every single thing that happened around you for a day. Not just what you do, but what everyone in your view and hearing range does. It sounds exhausting, right? Well, welcome to Rose’s mind.
Rose is troubled because she can’t forget. Or rather, she remembers, therefore she’s troubled (see the parallelism I did there with the quote we’re analyzing???? see it????). She’s condemned to remember every detail of everything that has ever happened to her, to replay moments like movies and analyze them until she finds out what could’ve been better, what could’ve been worse, what she could’ve done different. The problem is, the past is the past, and no matter how much you replay it, it never comes back. It’s just an illusion, a nightmare that appears in front of you, and yet you can never reach. You can just watch as it unfolds, unable to change it, unable to do anything, unable to look away. She can never look away.
As an ending to this post, I’d like to take a closer look at another detail. The original phrase is “Cogito, ergo sum”, as it’s already been stated before, but the version used in the MV is “Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum.” “Ego” simply means “I”, so it doesn’t add much meaning (in fact, the original French is “Je pense, donc je suis”, so the pronoun was already there from the beginning), but I still think adding it emphasizes the meaning they want to give to the phrase. It refers to Rose’s personal experience, so instead of making it a general quote anyone can say “I think, therefore I am (troubled)”, they emphasize the personal meaning of it by adding the “I”, which can be perfectly omitted in Latin without losing the phrase’s meaning. It’s something more like “I think, therefore I am (troubled)”, and I think it’s a great detail to see how different Rose’s experience of existing is compared to everyone else’s, or at least, how different she considers it to be.
In conclusion, I’m a nerd that loves looking too much into things. Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🫶🏻.
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gofancyninjaworld · 5 months
There was a lot of complaints ant Saitama's breaking speech never making to the manga, but tbh even if the manga has a series of events that requires that to happen, I still don't want it to happen. Mostly bc what Saitama said is pretty hypocritical and doesn't make sense.
While I do give kudos that Saitama even admits he doesn't really have a concrete idea of what a "hero" should be... That doesn't give a vote of confidence considering he's um. Literally the most powerful hero alive. Kinda hard to believe in someone who doesn't even know if they're doing the right thing while wielding immeasurable power. He pretty much, well, dodged the question and never really bothered to shoulder the responsibility to figure out what kind of hero really wants to be.
Another is his "serious" hero hobby and Garou's "compromised" monster hobby, and the reason why he'll always win is bc he never half-assed his hobby. While he's right not to lower the hurdle before the goal... But the reason why opm more or less has a plot to begin with is because Saitama is half-assing his heroism. He barely takes anything seriously. Like, yes he never half-assed his training to be the strongest and while he's one of the more moral heroes out there he wasn't the best for a reason.
And tbh I'm really satisfied to how 166-169 played out. In the end, what the manga shows us is that they both have naive mindsets. Believing Absolute Evil would bring absolute world peace, believing heroes would always be on time and save the day — only to have reality crashing hard that for Garou to achieve Absolute Evil means people he cares about will in fact die and that Saitama's complacency and invulnerability means it's not him facing the consequences, but everyone else fatally paying that price. it just shows the perfect image that Garou and Saitama are not so different — Garou is a poor villain, Saitama is a poor hero, and it's bc of those flaws, despite them wielding incomprehensible, godly power, they both meet in the middle ground as humans. Which further reinforces ONE's intention to create Garou as the anti-Saitama.
An old, old comment that has aged like fine wine.
There's a question Garou asks Saitama in the webcomic that the latter never answers -- and really should. 'You're strong, but so what?' His questioning whether the mere fact of Saitama being stronger than anyone gave him any moral authority is one that desperately needs to be addressed in the webcomic. So far, so bad.
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I really like that the manga has started to look at that question. The Japanese idiom Saitama used when looking at the carnage Cosmic Fear Garou had wrought was his being pierced by realisation (h/t @koumbaya). As if a spear had been thrown through his very soul.
It answered the question he'd been asking himself ever since the Superfight that he'd forgotten something important. In that moment, it came to him just how shallow he'd been for fretting over not learning new moves or finding tough fights. How irresponsible it'd been for him to forget that just because Garou was no threat to him, the same did not hold for others. He had become a hero so that when people were in trouble, he could be there to help them, and instead, little by little, he'd come to prioritise having a good time.
I love how the denouement of the arc has Garou and Saitama understand and enact what it is to be a hero. Garou puts aside his pride to ask for help and heroically sacrifices his life to teach Saitama how to go to the past, Saitama saves everyone who needs his help, *including* Garou.
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I love how this fits into the structure of the bigger story, with King having challenged Saitama over this very notion. It's an important question. A hero may need to be strong, but how does that translate into morality? What gives a hero the right to say 'this is unacceptable and I must stop it?'
Of course, there's the small problem of Saitama having forgotten what happened. Which makes me think: whether he wants to or not, Genos has a responsibility to ensure Saitama learns those hard-won lessons without the rest of the world paying for it first.
Final thing: Garou not being left as a foil to Saitama is the best thing of all. He hasn't received a pat answer and been sent into exile to do no more evil. He's getting to struggle with his ideas, to try to forge them into a coherent and workable way forward, and it's good to see him being his own person.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 26 days
Hakuoki Drama CD Hijikata Biyori Special Edition "Sign Post 2"
Well, I know this is late, but in fairness, I didn't say that I'd have this done yesterday... but that I'd be starting it then. 😅
Also I may have been a bit distracted because I was watching Hakumyu Kazama-hen... and cuz my eyes starting acting up again today.
Hakuoki Drama CD Hijikata Biyori Special Edition "Sign Post 2"
Translation by KumoriYami
Hijikata: Hey, Souji. Is Souji here? Did he sneak out on his own again.
Saito: Is something wrong?
Hijikta: I can't find Souji. That guy hasn't been in Kyoto for long. Without me realizing it, he's gone and wandered off outside.
Saito: Although Edo and Kyoto are both large cities, they are still different. For Souji, who's just come to Kyoto, everything must be very new/different to him.
Hijikata: Do you think that too.
Saito: Ah. No... I apologize.
Hijikata: There's no helping it. I'll go bring Souji back.
Saito: In that csae, I'll go.
Hijikata: No, it's fine. I also need to get familiar with the streets of Kyoto... Well, this is also good opportunity. Come with me.
Saito: Yes.
Hijikata: Oh, so this is where you are. Ah, Souji, let's head back.
Okita: Oh, Hijikata-san, Hajime-kun. What's going on with you two? Are you sightseeing in Kyoto?
Saito: Souji, the Vice-Commander is busy, unlike you. Don't just head outside and cause trouble. Okita: Well, it's fine. There's nothing to do there and it's boring to just stay there.
Hijikata: We're renting rooms in Yagi-san's home so don't complain.
Okita: I know/understand.
Hijikta: Listen, Souji. We didn't come to Kyoto to play around. If you keep acting on your own like this and get lost, it'll cause problems for Kondou-san――
Okita: It'll cause problems for Kondou-san, so don't forget that this isn't Edo. It's fine, I know.
Hijikata: Ugh... seriously. Saito: By the way, Souji. Have you familiarized yourself with the streets of Kyoto somewhat? You weren't just wandering around, were you?
Okita: Yeah, tht's right. I went to the Yasaka Shrine and Kiyomizu Temple, and walked to Gion. I also discovered a delicious dango store, and that Kamogawa is a gathering place for cats.
Saito: I see. It appears you know about this plce than I do/more familiar with this place than me.
Hijikta: But even if you put it that way, those are all sightseeing spots in Kyoto.
Saito: Ah... tht's right. Having said that, I don't there's anything wrong with that. It’s inevitable that you won’t know where to go when you first go to Kyoto. It was only after going around the city that I truly felt that I had arrived in Kyoto.
Hijikata: No, but――
Okita: That’s true. And Hijikata-san, we might not have much time left to do that.
Hijikata: Huh?
Okita: We don’t know how long we'll be able to stay in Kyoto. We aren't here to have fun.
Saito: Souji...
Hijikata: I really don't want to be hearing that from you. Alright, I get it. Souji, Saito, please show me around Kyoto today.
Okita: Okay~ I'll show you around, but I'm hungry right now. Of course, Hijikata-san will pay for the meal.
Hijikta: Ah? I never said anything bout you treating you to dinner! Oi, hey, hey, Souji~! Hold it!
Okita: Well… that was fun.
Hijikata: Ha… Thank to you two showing me around, I've become bit more familiar with the streets of Kyoto.
Saito: Indeed. Ah… I'm a bit tired now.
Okita: How troublesome, that's all Hijikata-san and Hajime-kun could do. Then, shall we head back now?
Hijikata: Yes. We should return before sunset.
Okita: Then, Hijikata-san, which way to go back from here?
Hijikata: Eh? Y...You brought us here didn't you?
Okita: I was just walking around randomly, so I don't really know which way to go.
Hijikata: Huh? Hey, Saito, do you know the way back?
Saito: My sincerest apologies, but I've never been around here before...
Hijikata: But… you guys are… oh, that's right. Sannan-san once said that Kyoto's roads are arranged like a grid on a chessboard/squares on a grid [check audio], so even if you get lost, there won't be any problems.
Okita: Eehhh――
Saito: Eh.
Hijiktaa: Ah, it's probably... probably that way!
Okita: I'm really not sure about this.
Saito: I, I shall follow the Vice-Commnder!
Okita: Ha――Hajime-kun is always like that. But, I'll go with you. Because I have no choice but to follow you, Hijikata-san.
Hijikta: Yes, follow me!
Saito: Yes!
Okita: Yes~
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lutiaslayton · 1 year
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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
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☆ Luke Triton
“Why must I stand alone in one of the many rooms of Gressenheller University, deep in thought, you ask? Well, this is indeed a great mystery.”
I was standing in Professor Layton’s office, and I, Luke Triton, was talking to myself.
The room was overflowing with puzzles that we had solved in the past, and others that we would solve in the future… as it had always been.
“The answer is simple. Soon, the professor will finish his lecture, and return here to enjoy his afternoon tea. “It takes five minutes to boil a pot of water, two minutes and fifteen seconds for the leaves to infuse and the tea to be ready… Of course, I mustn’t forget to add one more serving for myself. “Working backwards from there, the only matter I have enough time to settle now is…”
I looked around the room, letting my last sentence trail off. After all, I am Professor Layton’s apprentice! I’m used to thinking over this sort of situation.
“Alright, I’ve got it!”
I picked up a newspaper that was spread haphazardly on his desk.
“Puzzle solved! Of course, that’s what a gentleman does.”
I even tried to mimic his tone of voice a little.
After making sure that there was nothing important stuck between its pages, I folded the newspaper neatly and then put it aside. Every now and then, a misplaced coin will happen to fall out of places like this.
To me, the famous Professor Layton is as close to a perfect gentleman as it can get.
Though when I say ‘as close as it can get’… Yes, there is a reason why I used this subtle expression. One of these reasons is that the professor is not good at keeping things organised.
Well, in his defence, he is a very busy man with a lot of thoughts and puzzles always running through his head. I know he can’t help it. Between the daily requests to solve other people’s troubles on one side, and the curious letters mingled with his mountain of important documents on another, he is lucky to have someone like me who can help him sort through all his paperwork.
Well, what always happens is that I will be trying to classify everything, but then a little bit of every pile soon gets mislaid somewhere else, so this is quite the issue in and of itself. But nothing will get lost under my watch!
This time, I chose to deal with this newspaper in priority: this is because newspapers are especially dangerous. Sometimes the professor will just roll up the whole thing and throw it in the bin, and not even notice that it was tangled with something else… The Mystery of the Missing Documents is not a puzzle I want to solve often if I can avoid it. This mystery is far from being the interesting kind, since from the very beginning we know who the culprit is…
“Does this reasoning really hold true, Luke?”
This is what the professor would sometimes tell me, in those times when I would be trying to solve yet another of these Missing Documents puzzles.
In those times, he would usually look a lot less like a gentleman, and instead more like a naughty boy playing rock-paper-scissors in a London street corner. He would have the same glint in his eye, so I would sometimes imagine him as if he were a lot shorter than he is in reality, without his suit and top hat… I would just see him as a young street boy named Hershel, who in this moment would be a professor by title alone.
And then, in those times, I would always wish that I could tell that naughty Hershel boy, once and for all:
“These Missing Documents… The person who holds the key to this baffling case…”
Of course, I would get ready to point a dramatic finger. It would only hold weight if I acted just like him.
“…is you!”
Just as I remembered that I was actually speaking aloud, the professor opened the door.
Oh no! Did he hear me just now?
“…i-is you that I’ll tidy up next…”
As a natural continuation to my desperate attempt at covering up my mistake, I rushed to prepare his tea. Let’s… see, it would take five minutes to boil the pot of water, two minutes and fifteen seconds to infuse once the leaves would be added, leaving me to wait until it would be ready to drink… Of course, I needed not forget to add an extra serving for myself…
“Luke, do you remember this song?”
As I heard the professor’s voice and turned around, I saw him place a record on the gramophone.
The music answered his question faster than I could ever have. As soon as the singer’s voice reached my ears, it was as if an electric current had run through my whole body. It was soft and so, so beautiful…
“Professor, isn’t this Janice’s song?” As I tried to say this, my voice had just cracked…
The professor nodded and handed to me the record sleeve.
“It was on display in the show window of a disc shop. They said that it was their latest album.”
Janice’s face was on the cover. Her lips were slightly smiling, looking at someone else out of the frame.
My heart ached a little. That pain… I had already felt it three years ago. The moment I had met her, I was left in awe: she was much older than me, beautiful…
It was then that I noticed on the cover the pendant which was hanging around her neck… She was already wearing it back then. I was glad that she still cherished it to this day.
“Wow, it’s already been three years…”
The professor nodded quietly. Three years… In this moment, it felt like all this time had passed in the blink of an eye; yet also, as if it had been an eternity.
Have I grown up since then? Could I be getting closer to being that ‘future gentleman’? Between the time of that case and today…
“Hm? Luke, what is all this?”
“Oh, that’s…!”
I followed his look, and blood rushed to my face in embarrassment. It was a big pile of documents. I had taken all these letters and paperwork out of the mailbox, and then proceeded to completely forget all about it.
“I’m sorry, Professor, I have yet to clean this up…”
He turned to the pile and picked up a letter from the bundle. For a moment, this gave me a sense of déjà-vu.
No, this was not déjà-vu… Three years ago, this was exactly how things were when the professor and I had received Janice’s letter.
Yes... That curious case had all started with one single letter from her.
And at the time, this case would then become precisely the first puzzle-solving journey in which the professor and I worked together…
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spicykaraage · 1 year
Shuuji Tanegashima SSR - Story Translation
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[How Cool☆ - Part 1]
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Tanegashima: Hah!
Omagari: There!
Tanegashima: Keep ‘em coming.
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Tanegashima: Thanks for practicing with me, Ryuji.
Omagari: You really went all out, didn’t you? Gimme a break, man.
Tanegashima: Oh, did I? Well, it is about time for a break.
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Tanegashima: …Hey, what’re those three doing over there.
Omagari: Mm…?
Hirakoba & Tokugawa: …
Saitou: …
Omagari: They’re all crouching by a tree, what’re they looking at?
Tanegashima: It’s funny how mysterious they look. Let’s call out to them.
Omagari: Seriously.
Tanegashima: Hey, you three. It’s weird seeing you guys together.
Tokugawa: I just happened to be here…
Tanegashima: So, whatcha looking at so seriously?
Saitou: They’re observing.
Omagari: …Observing what?
Hirakoba: We’re looking at all these ants over here.
Tanegashima: Oh, so you are. They’re all lined up in a row.
Saitou: Some of them are carrying stuff. It’s pretty cute.
Tokugawa: This singular, uniform procession is but a glimpse of the devotion they have.
Hirakoba: I think the ants here look different from the ones back home.
Tanegashima: Okay, I’ll observe with you guys.
Tokugawa: You’re interested in ants?
Tanegashima: I think they’re cool, actually.
Omagari: You find anything entertaining, don’t you…
Tanegashima: Maybe so☆
Hirakoba: …
Tanegashima: Why you looking at me instead of the ants?
Hirakoba: I finally get a chance to see a reader model up close.
Tanegashima: Oh yeah, that. That’s my twin brother you’re talking about.
Hirakoba: Huh!?
Tokugawa: Twin brother…
Tanegashima: I’m just joking, of course☆
Tokugawa: …
Omagari: Hey, now… Why do you look disappointed.
Tokugawa: No, I just…
Tanegashima: It’s good that you’re honest☆
Tokugawa: Oh…? The ants are carrying a big piece of something.
Saitou: A crumb from a snack, perhaps?
Hirakoba: Oh.
Tokugawa: Did you realize something?
Hirakoba: When we were doing voluntary training, we ate chinsuko to restore our calories.
Hirakoba: I can’t believe they brought it all the way over here, they’re really patient.
Kai: Rin!
Hirakoba: Yuujirou? What’s up?
Kai: Well… Chinen’s apparently doing some weird experiments.
Tanegashima: Oh… Sounds like another interesting thing is happening. Don’t you think so too, Ryuji?
Omagari: Man… Forget it, I’m not going with you.
Tanegashima: How about letting your senpai tag along with you☆
[How Cool☆ - Part 2]
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Tanegashima: Chai☆ I came to join the fun.
Kite: …? What is he doing here?
Kai: When I went to get Rin he said he wanted to tag along.
Tanishi: Oh boy…
Hirakoba: So, what’s going on?
Tanegashima: I heard there was an experiment happening.
Chinen: Fufu… Fufufu…
Tanishi: Hiroshi… He’s really into it now.
Tanegashima: He’s got the beakers, test tubes and flasks. Looks legit.
Kite: Good grief… What kind of trouble is he getting himself into—
Tanegashima: That’s pretty cool.
Kite: …What?
Tanegashima: Hey there, can I do an experiment too?
Chinen: Sure, go ahead…
Tanegashima: Okay, don’t mind if I do—
Tanegashima: Hm? What’s that sauce you got there?
Chinen: This is koregusu.
Tanegashima: Oh, that stuff’s pretty spicy isn’t it?
Kite: Chinen-kun… What do you intend to do with that.
Chinen: Put it in a test tube and mix it…
Kai & Hirakoba: Wha…
Tanishi: What’re you even trying to make…
Chinen: Something delicious you can put on your food.
Tanegashima: It might be good on some tebichi, actually.
Chinen: How about giving it a taste?
Tanegashima: Nah I’m good, I’ll try some later. Can I use some of that stuff too?
Chinen: Sure… Here you go.
Tanegashima: Thank you☆
Kite: They seem to be getting along well…
Kai: That looks like fun.
Hirakoba: Why don’t you join them, Yuujirou.
Kai: Wha… Mmm…
Tanishi: It could be interesting to try and experiment… Maybe we can make something delicious…
Tanegashima: Since you’re here, why don’t you guys try it too. It’s pretty fun.
Kite: But—
Tanegashima: You should try and have as much fun when you can, it’ll be good for you later on, y’know?
Kite: …
Kai: …I’ll try experimenting too!
Tanishi: Me too.
Hirakoba: Okay, count me in.
Kite: You all…
Chinen: Captain… You wanna try?
Tanegashima: You’ll join in, won’t you?
Kite: …Very well, then. I suppose having a bit of fun now and then won’t hurt.
Kite: But once this is over, we’re going straight to practice.
Tanishi & Chinen: Okay!
Tanegashima: That’s the spirit☆
Chinen: Uhm… Here.
Tanegashima: Whoa, you even got a lab coat?
Chinen: You’ll look great in this.
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Tanegashima: Okay then—
Tanegashima: I’ll take it☆
Tanegashima: Let’s do some more cool experiments.
Why was Tokugawa disappointed he didn’t have a twin brother…
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jelloia · 12 days
why i will always be a seungha defender
so i've been reading odd girl out on webtoon ever since it was translated officially into english and while i will always love s1 more, i have so much to say about the s2 love triangle... especially that...
i truly still like seungha more than chanyang, and seungha is way too criticized, especially by the webtoon comment section
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so the main reason why people are mad at seungha is because he ignored and pushed her away while going through a major family event, and while i too also seriously hated how he dealt with it all, i ultimately feel for him as someone who has an avoidant attachment style.
however, people seem to forget this and view seungha as completely awful in comparison to chanyang, who dealt with his family issues with nari by his side.
i have many issues with this. for one, just because someone has an avoidant attachment style does not mean that they are a bad person. in seungha's case (as in many cases), it stems from how he had no one to trust in his household, from his brother abusing him to his father ignoring his personal troubles to even his mother for not telling him the truth about his birth.
(and again, this is a teenage boy. they are not all going to be mature and secure in life when this is a time when literally everything is changing)
this brings me into the second issue. while both seungha and chanyang have familial events, people often believe that chanyang is ultimately the better choice because of how he dealt with his. however, chanyang's and seungha's hardships were instead vastly different.
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to paraphrase from this naver comment section, although both boys have been mistreated, chanyang has money, a (more) united family, and ultimately, his sisters have his back. in contrast, seungha doesn't even know who his real mom is (uprooting his identity), is afraid of being abandoned by the people he thought loved him the most, was harassed and threatened every day by his own brother, and ultimately decided to move away from home.
in my opinion, their situations are very unbalanced, so you cannot expect them to react the same way.
while seungha is more avoidant, he also didn't want to drag nari into his family mess. keep in mind that his brother literally threatened him to break up with her, and his father was very hard on him about keeping up with his studies.
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also, at the time of the breakup, his family didn't know that yunha was destroying his stuff, and thought that seungha was the one with the mental problem--which must have caused even more unimaginable stress on his part.
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^^ (literally this chapter breaks my heart and makes you realize just how vast his problems were at the time and why he felt like he couldn't accept nari's proposal)
also, his problems were so extremely personal. not only that but in mind that he and nari had barely been dating--i don't even know how i would tell my closest friends that it turns out i'm actually adopted. so many people in the webtoon section think that seungha is too up in nari's face yet simultaneously hate on him for being too detached.
(like whenever in the recent episodes seungha appears and is blushing/is happy while talking to nari, people beg him to move on... he just had his first love amidst the lowest point of his life and only truly realized how nari was trying to help once he was out of that headspace... of course he has lingering feelings and regret, especially since it's been what only a few months since they broke up)
finally, the reason why he wanted to become student president was yes, to measure up to his father, but also because he believed that he could be with nari if he was. it wasn't just bc he wanted to hurt her by teaming up with yurim.
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so to argue against all of the people hating him because of who he is, seungha didn't treat nari the way he did just because he's a bad person; rather, he was stretched to his limits while external pressures (father/brother) were pushing him to break up with nari.
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by the way, all of this isn't to say that i think nari should end up with seungha. i do think that nari was right to break up with him. seungha was going through a lot, but he hurt nari and gave her no explanation. she owes him nothing.
i do, however, think that seungha and nari had an amazing dynamic when they were together, and i truly miss what they had. to be honest, i think that seungha is a more fleshed-out character, and his personality just resonates with me more. (also, when seeing it from seungha's pov, it hurts to see how nari's feelings have completely faded... sob).
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i'm not a chanyang hater by any means, but i do feel like most people gloss over the major flaws of him (though i admit, some of it may be attributed to the writing and not "him" as a character). for instance, i lowkey agree with the popular sentiment that he is kinda pushy and focuses too much on nari. don't wanna cover this in too much detail right now because i think i would need to reread the webtoon so i don't misinterpret anything, but in the end, i also don't really like him and nari together.
best case scenario is that nari ends her high school life stress free of relationship problems and having fun with her girls (which by the way, i hate that they're basically background characters at this point... like surely their lives could somehow be tied relevantly to the main plot a bit more)
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(secret best case scenario is nari meeting seungha again in uni or after and they try again and form a healthy and secure relationship together...)
so tldr ;; seungha's lore and character seems to have flown out of most people's heads LOL but to be expected with such a long series
but yea, i've been wanting to get this out of my head for a while now! again, i've been reading odd girl out for quite a few years now, and i've grown quite attached to nari. also, honestly, my switch-up is crazy.... when nari x seungha were a thing, i was a chanyang girl because i liked his quiet moments of showing how he liked her and supported her, but then we learned about seungha and i found that i lowkey didn't like chanyang's tactics of wining nari's heart nor their dynamic as much.... tis the curse of a forever second-male-lead love T_T
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amnesia-collection · 29 days
AMNESIA Drama CD ~Meido no Kuni no Amnesia~ 5
5th track out of 8
Translation by gardenofmelodies
Track 5 – Cinderella
Kent: Then, this means… Everything happening here is because of our imaginations? Foolish. What a illogic thing.
Shin: I thought so too, but after going to three worlds differents now, I don’t have any reasons to not believe it.
Toma: Though for me, particularly, it would be great to stay the way I was…
Ukyo: If you stayed that way, you would never remember her name. That’s troubling, right?
Toma: Well, that’s true… Even so… What is up with this costume?
Shin: Mine and Toma’s match, with a strange confection.
Ukyo: Mine is a dark robe! Why they chose this kind of image for me?
Orion: You know, Ukyo, this seems to be Cinderella’s world. The cruel sisters are the girls and they are here too.
Ukyo: Cinderella?! Again, another fantastic world…
Orion: Shin, Toma, Kent are wearing what Ikki image has of them, I guess? This is just a wish, though.
Ukyo: Eh?! Then, a world like Cinderella is Ikki’s wish?!
Kent: Oh? So this world is based on Ikki’s imagination. It has a lot of contradictions, though.
Shin: Contradictions?
Kent: Shin-kun, Toma-kun, our clothes are based on the Medieval Europe while mine is based on a priest’s.
Ukyo: Then, I’m a magician, huh?
Kent: When we talk about Cinderella we immediately think of the Europe, but there are theories saying it was originally created by Egipcians or Greeks. And so, the crystal slippers become flower sandals. The version where Cinderella wears crystal slippers is just one of many.
Toma: Eh? Then, the image is completely different.
Shin: But if it was a woman imagining a world like Cinderella I could understand, so why is Ikki? Isn’t this some kind of mistake?
Kent: No, it’s not strange at all. It’s a world based on Ikki’s desires.
Sawa: Prince, the next one is me!
Mine: It’s not fair, Onee-sama! Even though I was waiting the whole time!
Rika: You two, stop! The prince is going to dance with me!
Sawa: Princee~ Come here!
Mine: Prince, hold my hand!
Rika: Prince, please, if you would like to…!
Kent: This scene… is familiar with you too, right?
Shin: Ah, it is.
Toma: That Ikki-san… Even when he is surrounded by girls he has fantasies of them surrounding him again… I really respect him!
Ukyo: Ikki… really wants to build a harem, huh… If it was me, for a lot of reasons, I wouldn’t handle it well…
Ikki: Haha! You don’t need to fight like that… My little cats.
Shin: Uwa, he showed up!
Ikki: It’s okay, I won’t be anyone’s this night, so you all can come to me.
Sawa: Priince! I’m going to pass out with your coolness!
Mine: Eh? Then, while Onee-sama is not conscient, I’ll take her place~
Rika: Prince! It was decided I was the next one so, I’ll count with you.
Mine: Waah, mom, that’s not fair!
Ikki: Haha, you can’t fight, we all need to get along, ok?
Kent: No matter what world you are, you really don’t change, Ikkyu.
Ikki: Hm? You are… Ken? And… Shin and Toma too? Even Ukyo? Why are you all using those rare costumes?
Shin: I don’t want to hear that from someone who’s wearing a costume like that and a mantle.
Ikki: But it fits me, right?
Shin: Aren’t you embarrassed?!
Ikki: Why? I’m not even slightly embarrassed.
Kent: It’s useless to make any commentaries, Shin. After all, this is Ikki’s desire. So he’ll feel satisfied with it. However, you seem to know who we are.
Ikki: Well, of course. I’ve already noticed that I’m playing the role of prince here. It’s just that since I’m really happy with how the situation is right now, so I wasn’t really bothered by it.
Toma: You’re happy, huh.
Ikki: Though I feel like I’m forgetting the most important thing. Even though I had all the trouble to invite all the princesses, I can’t find Cinderella.
Ukyo: So, that means she isn’t in this world either.
Shin: Damn, she’s really giving us a lot of problems!
Kent: Then, Ikkyu, let’s go. Let’s go search the princess who disappeared. Or do you have any attachments with this world?
Ikki: Hm…. I would be lying if I said no, to be honest, but… You’re asking me to choose one world, right? A sage from somewhere said something like that, right? “Even if you have all of your other sheeps, you can’t leave alone not a single one who got lost”. I’ll go. To remember who is Cinderella.
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thefinalecrusader · 2 years
💫Jotaro Headcanons💫
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A/N: Its been such a chaotic month that if i was to try and say what happened this would be an A03 A/N
Anyways! Here we are, I'm probably gonna do all the JoJo's when i get the chance
CW: Mild spoilers for Part 3, Mentions of trauma, A bit of angst, Soft Jotaro, This is overall a very fluffy post
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• Jotaro is hard to explain, to even understand, you've learnt that much in all your time together. He's hard-headed, and in some people's opinion, a bit of a brat: nothing but trouble. But he's not all bad; not when you get to actually know him.
• Jotaro doesn't like it when you call him JoJo; But he doesn't exactly hate it either. If you were to call him 'JoJo', expect his signature ` `Good Grief..` ` as he pulls down his hat.
• No matter how close you two are, he doesn't seem to get rid of his attitude. Don't get the guy wrong, he's just that use to trying to pry others away. But when he does, it gives you the right to hit him over the head every once in a while.
• Jotaro, whenever he gets bored or annoyed with the other crusaders, he'll probably try to drag you off somewhere else; which usually leads to a stand user encounter. It can get annoying, but hey, he's not bored anymore.
• He'll never, and i mean never, admit that he keeps a close eye on you at all times. He doesn't doubt you and your abilities in the slightest, but lord forbid he sees you get hit in a battle. Jotaro, being Jotaro, wouldn't jump in to help unless you truly needed it though.
• He's actually really good at bandages, second to Avdol. But he usually forgets, or simply doesn't care, to patch himself up after his battles. Hope you were paying attention to how Jotaro did it, because if Avdols busy, you're gonna have to do it.
• Jotaro gets distracted by one thing, and that's any form of wildlife; specifically sea-life. He'll help any animal he finds, no matter if its a fish on the shoreline or a bird who fell out of a tree. Most of the other crusaders know this, but never bring it up. Except Polnareff, because of course he would.
• After the fight in Cairo, Jotaro was quiet; much more then usual. It's not like anyone could blame him, the guy was only 17 going on a literal death mission. Joseph, even though the old man came back from the dead, was really the only reason the ambulance wasn't deathly silent. But it did hurt him to see his own grandson look so tired.
• Jotaro suffers alot from insomnia, he doesn't go to sleep much and doesn't exactly want to. It takes alot to get him to even have a break, he's always on high alert; even if the fight with DIO was over, his fight was still going on.
• On top of that, he despises his new ability. He hates that he now possesses the thing that managed to take so many lives; Including that of both friends and family. He refuses to use it unless its absolutely necessary.
• Even if he suffered, he knows you did too. If ever needed, he'd sit down wherever you are, back to back so that you two are facing away from eachother. Jotaro doesn't like it when people see him cry, let alone be upset; hence why he uses this method on you. It was a good method Holly used on him throughout his years.
• After everything, he's calmer in a way. Sometimes he still holds onto that attitude he had, but he's not as brash. He's more gentle with his words and those around him.
• He's not too into PDA, but if you are, the most he'll let happen his hand holding.
• Overall, Jotaro is still hard to explain, but that's alright. He hopes to see you again one day after he finishes his studies.
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Bonus; Star Platinum Headcanons!
• Star Platinum absolutely adores you, being the same size as Jotaro it'll simply pick you up as if you way nothing; and you probably don't.
• Star will try it's best to speak to you, even though its language consists of different variations of 'Ora'. Sometimes Jotaro will translate for you.
• Star Platinum will 100% stand up to Jotaro whenever he lets something slip; and if it isn't the funniest thing to see a man fighting his own stand verbally.
• Star Platinum is the complete opposite of Jotaro, even if they're technically the same being. It gets rather excited seeing any kind of wildlife; so it doesn't take long to figure out Stars just a more out going version of Jotaro, much to the users dismay.
• Jotaros never to far from his stand of course, But he never pulls Star away; there's that plus!
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buckysswinter · 2 years
the way i loved you
18+ minors dni
warnings: angst, carter being an asshole, oral (f receiving), power play, daddy kink, pet name, degradation kink, reader moving on
not edited or beta'd- do not repost or translate!
playboy!carter baizen x f!reader, nate archibald x f!reader
word count: 2,588
part two of cruel summer
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'cause i'm not feeling anything at all; and you were wild and crazy; just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated
she had gotten the invite in her mailbox months ago, in fancy cursive letters to be a plus one for the one and only nate archibald. though she wasn't sure why nate had asked her and she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to go after the incident with carter baizen. she had sworn off high society since then but nate archibald was different, he was respectful and nice- unlike carter. he had come up to y/n when she was in the upper east side,
-"hey y/n i heard from carter that you had moved away what are you doing back here?" she was surprised he had known her name, so smiled at him politely and replied.
-"oh yeah uh, just coming back for the weekend to deal with some stuff then back to london i go." y/n had saved up enough money from working to move to london, there she was promised a job which would certainly keep her occupied- besides there was no one in new york holding her back from moving anyways, now that carter had broken her heart.
-"london. what a beautiful choice, well i hope you enjoy london and i was hoping that you could do me a favor?" she knew him speaking to her meant he needed something, they always do and in return she nodded at him.
-"you see those paparazzi's behind that restaurant?," she nodded "i need you to pretend that you're happy to see me, like you're my girlfriend, please" nate pleaded with kindness and who was she to refuse that, so she put her best smile on and acted her ass off.
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she knew trouble would ensue after that, well because, the articles and tabloids that were associated with those pictures haunted her. she was labeled as nate's new girlfriend or plaything- which she didn't mind because she wasn't in new york anymore, so they couldn't reach her but that meant nate messaging her to let her know that he needed a date to the prestigious cotillion ball for the debutantes. and she knows she should have told him she couldn't go due to work but knowing him, he would pull all the strings so she could go- maybe she was nervous because she didn't want to see the person who hurt her so much, carter. she still wasn't over him, after all it's only been a few months, yet he seemed to forget about her already- photographed with different girls at all times and such. it stung but she knew that if she held onto that heartbreak then it would prevent her from moving on. every now and then y/n has to remind herself the pain carter baizen caused her- tossed her to the side as if she was merely a flesh thing with no feelings and she knew she deserved more than that. so maybe her accepting the invite is also a payback to him, to show him what he lost.
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when she landed at new york she expected people to forget who she was after all it's been months since she left new york, since she was photographed with nate yet there was a brigade of paparazzi waiting for her, with their cameras shoved up her face. the anxiety started bubbling, her breathe getting stuck to her throat, this was never the life she wanted and if she really wanted, y/n could turn around and fly back to london-where life is normal. y/n took a deep breath and started making her way to the car, door opened for her and bodyguards holding the paparazzis far from her.
-"courtesy of mr. archibald miss," one of the bodyguards whispered and of course it was, nate archibald was as charming as they come. she thanked both of the bodyguards for not only driving her to her fancy hotel that nate provided but also for protecting her against the paparazzi.
y/n sighed, it's been a few hectic days since she landed back to new york city- her time mostly being spent photographed and trailed. it felt weird getting this much attention for simply being seen with the nate archibald once, yet he was never ashamed of her unlike carter. she really needed to stop comparing him to carter because nate was nice and caring unlike carter who was ruthless. nate also asked for her help and that might be why he was so nice but he set up all the accommodations for her to be back here, a chance to see her parents after she left all those months ago and also paying for everything she would purchase while she's here. she's never felt more cared for and she felt bad when she found out what nate had done,
-"nate you didn't need to pay for my fare or my accommodations i hope you're aware of that, i have some of my money in hand." nate tsked at her statement,
-"y/n i asked you to come here as my date, i have made your life a whirlwind, it's the least i could do." and the conversation was left at that with no room for arguing.
nate had offered for y/n to go to the same dress boutique as everyone in the cotillion did however, she felt uncomfortable surrounded with people she didn't know and what she was truly afraid of was running into blair waldorf. blair wouldn't notice her, she was not someone who was truly breathtaking and she had nothing against blair yet every time she was reminded of blair, she was reminded of carter and that night where she stupidly confessed her love for him- and all he did was give her a pity scoff. so y/n refused nate's offer and went to look for a dress somewhere else which she needed to worry if it was to the other's standard even though nate assured her she could were whatever she liked.
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arriving to cotillion felt like walking to a red carpet event, a bunch of paparazzis waiting to see the gowns chosen by this year's debutants- y/n felt special, she wasn't a debutant, she was here ot support nate. her sage green gown dragged on the floor as she prepares to walk down the stairs. her eyes kept on nate until she heard shuffling coming from the left side of the room and then he appeared. it seemed as everything stopped as their eyes locked, y/n's throat tightened and she stumbled a bit. she was the one who looked away, to break the intimate eye contact between them.
carter cleared his throat then apologized for his tardiness when he took blair waldorf's opposite- she should've known carter would be blair's date, after all he had humiliated her feelings that one summer night to replace her with blair. as spiteful as she was y/n didn't feel pain anymore but shame, shame that she let herself love a man like carter baizen. she felt shame all over her body that she let carter baizen treat her so horribly justifying that it was all in the name of love- she let carter possess her body in ways she can't describe because she was so enamored with him. she acted insane in the name of love all because of carter baizen.
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as the quartet played the music and the switching of partners came, her breath hitched as soon as she was paired up with carter. he had a sly smile on his face,
-"thought i'd never see you here again kitten," the nickname she once adored felt like venom poisoning her ears then her entire being.
-"you know that's not my name carter. also why wouldn't i be? after all nate archibald invited me," the mention of nate's name seemed to shake him up.
-"nate? you know i could never treat you like i did kitten. i know all the spots, all the actions to make you go stupid and confess your love to me" his mockery felt like fire to her heart, burning the walls she built around it and crushing her heart again, this made her falter a step, crushing carter's foot. then, y/n pushed carter away and ran to the bathroom. looking behind no one had seemed to pay attention to the commotion she created, good.
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the fabric of her gown is suddenly irritating her- the slight sensory detail sending her into a panic attack, then the thoughts of what carter said caught up to her. carter baizen mocked her for loving him- all she wanted to do was show him love, a love so intense that she looked past all the times where he threw her aside, times where it felt like she didn't matter until he wanted someone to fuck. so maybe it wasn't love at all the she was feeling for him and she knew that she shouldn't have fallen in love with him, but his charming smile and witty personality pushed her there. she can't even begin to mention how he reacts when she gets close to someone- she had mistaken that for love, the possessiveness he held for her, it was just that and not love. the doubts started coming in her mind, how could she be so stupid to show up here and not expect carter baizen to push her into a state of mental panic?
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the slamming of the door caught y/n's attention and as she was about to look up, someone's lips were on hers. y/n's eyes widen as she realizes who it was, she immediately shoves carter off of her.
-"what the fuck is wrong with you carter? you can't just barge in here and kiss me" the anger within her is now projecting onto her voice, who did carter think he was to come onto her like that?
-"nothing's wrong with me kitten. what's wrong is that you came here with the wrong man. come back to me kitten," carter sounded sincere for once in his life, his eyes pleading yet y/n didn't feel sorry for him. he chose to leave her, she threw herself at him and he still decided that she wasn't enough- for him anyways. she decided to play carter's little game the only way she knew how,
-"ok carter, i'll give you one more chance if you drop down to your knees and plead" carter took a second to process what she was asking for, she saw it in his eyes- yet he dropped down, hands together and ready to speak
-"ah ah ah, i didn't ask you to speak yet carter, never asked you to plead with words- plead with your mouth, your tongue daddy" she threw in the pet name to rile him up- there was fire in his eyes after she said that. good, he's reeled in, just enough to make it hurt.
carter smirked up at her, kissing up her smooth legs, dragging his teeth at the side of it. the sight made y/n wet her already drenched thong, she lifted up her dress a bit and carter groaned. never had she thought she'd miss him, yet there they were in the bathroom of a party that she came with someone else with.
carter got to her inner thigh and bit her, it made her yelp-
"you like that kitten? huh?" she merely nodded at his question. y/n sat down on the bathroom counter, opening her legs wider for carter.
-"i asked you a question kitten, do you like it? use your words" the authority in his voice made her shiver.
-"yes daddy, i do please keep going," she didn't know when carter had taken control back but after all this y/n knows that she'll come back on top.
carter lifted her dress up, seeing the wet patch on her thong. he took his teeth and dragged her thong down to her ankles, now he faced her glistening folds,
-"such a pretty pussy kitten, i've missed it" saying carter had missed a part of her body ignited something within her, not butterflies but anger- carter only saw her as someone to fuck and she should have seen it earlier, back when she fell hard for him.
-"i've missed you too daddy," y/n gritted her teeth through her lie, she needed to build him up just to tear him down, just like he did to her.
he put her legs on his shoulders, smelling her sweet scent- his warm wet tongue licking her up. the slow teasing pace made her impatient yet she knew that if she did anything too soon she wouldn't be able to get her revenge on him- so she waited.
-"tastes so good kitten, always does, i can eat you forever," all y/n could do was let out a moan, you better enjoy it carter baizen because this will be the last time.
as carter took her clit in his warm mouth, sucking on it, y/n felt her orgasm coming close,
-"daddy please i'm so close, pleasepleaseplease," she pleaded with him and carter shook his head, with her clit on his mouth which made the feeling come faster,
-"not yet kitten, you don't get to come until i say so," now that she was close to getting her reward she didn't care anymore.
as he put his tongue back on her, y/n trapped carter with her legs and grabbed his hair, grinding her hips to his tongue. she thought carter would have retaliated but he continued to move his tongue against her, even taking two of his fingers and thrusting it in her. the white bliss approached her as carter hit the spongy spot within her. y/n let go as he sucked her clit one last time.
-"damn kitten, i don't know whether to be upset or happy- you taking control was so damn hot," carter tried to come up from his knees to kiss her and y/n took her legs off his shoulders just to push him back down with her hands.
-"nuh uh carter, i didn't say you could get up," the teasing manner in her voice evident, she stooped down to kiss him fiercely which he accepted. she pulled back looking at his eyes before she took one hand off his shoulder to rise it up and then slap.
carter was surprised by the action and y/n smirked at him,
-"never fucking come near me again carter baizen. i don't ever wanna see you," she said it with the utmost sincerity.
carter chuckled,
-"you're just sayin' that cause i broke your heart kitten, come back to me, i'll love you," it was almost as if he was taunting her, and another slap.
-"i fucking mean it carter, i can find men that treat me better than you- for example, nate archibald. he does the right things, says the right things and treats me right- not once did you do any of those just to do it, there always had to be something in return. and the way you made me feel was insane, i felt insane when i was with you, when you were playing me but with nate it's almost as if i can feel peace itself." she looked carter in the eyes and stood up,
-"if you were a better man carter baizen i could have loved you for eternity." and with that she fixed her dress and left him kneeling in the bathroom.
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a/n: this was rushed but... carter doesn't get the girl bc he's an asshole!
shameless tags: @extremelyblackandwhite @turbolisedcomet @tharros-auris-black-asimi @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @blackwood-bodecker-housewife
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gamma-squad · 3 years
The Ultimate Gamma Squad Fic Rec List
From Angst to Fluff to Reveals, fanfiction will make you cry :D
Double Blind Date -  Alya knows Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and now that they're finally in the same city at the same time, she is determined to get them to meet.
The Bravery of Adrien Agreste -  adrien ends up living on the streets for a while, it's extremely well written and has also adrien marrying marinette to emancipate from his father.  There's also a sequel, the Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, which the author is currently writing. 
Lovelace -  Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
The Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng -  After the defeat of Hawkmoth, Adrien and Marinette are strangers to each other, but somehow… married? - Sequel to The Bravery of Adrien Agreste
Soulmate Survey -  A brand new dating app hits the scene, giving you a percentage of how well you match with someone else. And it is taking the world, and certain teenagers, by storm.
Cats are Colorblind! - Reverse Crush AU - Ladynoir/Adrinette - Adrien is blind but he can... feel Marinette’s features? Which happen to be the same ones as Ladybugs (Reveal)
have the stars blotted out in a brilliant morse code - Fluffy Adrinette moments and reveal? beautiful
Strength - Crack/Fluff oneshot with a reveal
Marry That Girl -  Adrien finds Marinette’s plans for their wedding and just falls
League of Losers - Slightly Different Superhero AU with crack angst and fluff
You, Me & A Little Bit of the Future - future ladynoir asks adrinette to babysit and everythings cute
Practice Makes Purr-fect - Adrinette/Ladynoir + Reveal and kisses (all you need in life <3)
wish you were here - demon au, adrien is just really confused
The Moving Statue - AKDJSSD - Adrinette + Reveal
Operation Mega-Sleepover - Adrinette Sleepover Shenanigans
Butt Dial - Marinette butt dials Adrien and all his plans for a normal afternoon jumped out the window (Reveal)
The Wedding Plans of Marinette Dupain-Cheng - Adrien finds Marinette’s wedding guest list for their future wedding and he’s like ‘WHERE AM I?’ (boy you’re the groom)
Plagg Meets Marinette
i hope that fate will forgive us (for tempting the sea) - mermaid royalty au and arranged marriages - Felix x Bridgette and Adrinette - also the author is v nice <33
The Player and the Princess - Childhood friends turned enemies turned lovers <3
take me back- By marvelousmsmol
By Design - By marvelousmsmol (Still going!)
Graine de toi - By komorebirei (Still going? I’m not sure)
Smoulder - By midnightstarlightwrites (this is adorable and full of ships! Also, finished 36/36).
Lucky Us - By PrincessKitty1 (Sigh, it’s too cute! Finished 30/30).
Facades -   AU with dark!Adrien. Has even a short sequel (lovesquare but mainly centered around the two main ships)
 Kiss shy - By emsylcatac (This is a great one-shot!)
i don't have a latte but give me a shot - By marvelousmsmol (The one-shot, i wish was a series).
 Under Lock and Key - By EdenDaphne, Maerynn (the antics! Finish 10/10)
The Woman With Blue Eyes - By ghostgirl19 (One-shot!)
 Friends By Day, Enemies By Night - By Dristi5683 (This is 49/49, there’s also marichat and angst ladynoir)
A Bride for the Prince - by ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky) and TheNovelArtist
Penumbra - Adrienette hurt comfort, rated M for serious topics like implied noncon as a minor
keep me in your thoughts - adrienette soulmate au
Passionfruit- Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
a chat in disneyland - pretty self explanatory, chat noir antics and slightly traumatized workers, everythings great
Finding Diamonds in the Rough -  A prince escaping the confines of his castle. A girl who saves a naive visitor. The connection built between these two of different worlds. Welcome to another Arabian night.
Out of Your Hair -  Adrien wants to support Kitty Section during their first large concert in the park, but dad says no. So of course there’s only one way this can go
Infatuation - Adrinette childhood enemies to ‘I hate you but i seriously want to kiss you’
Blindsided - Adrinette/Ladynoir - Ladybug gets hit by an akuma and goes blind but hey! Adrien/Chat Noir is literally the most amazing person ever and that helps (Reveal)
Just a Friendly Game Night -  The four teenagers arrange a game night at Marinette’s house. What could go wrong
Just Best Friends -  The sequel to ‘Just a Friendly Game Night’ where the teenagers deal with what went wrong
We’ve Got It Covered -  Marinette needs to create a concept album cover design for Jagged Stone, but when she can’t get anything, the stress builds…
Le Prix du Silence -   this is in French, by Etoile-lead-Sama, but it's so worth google translating! Especially her inverted umbrella scene where Marinette gives the umbrella back to Adrien because she wants to rid her feelings for him and in that moment he realises that he's in love with her…  *heartbreak* but it's all wonderful and her slow burn is exceptional
Shop, Bake, Eat... - Crack, mature humor and content
Having a Ball - Adrien and Marinette attend a Victorian ball without recognizing each other.
In Which Adrien Agreste Butt Dials Ladybug - Based on NY Special, what if Adrien kept the remote to the cat toy in his back pocket?
The Jacket - Marinette gives a black jacket to Adrien and he thinks she's figured him out. 
Stuck In A Bakery (With You) -  during the pandemic, Adrien gets stuck in the bakery with Marinette and family. 
Chat Got Your Back - Lila I don’t like you and neither does Chat
Burgundy and Blush -  Marinette needs a date for the dance, and Chat Noir is happy to help. But can the two teens in denial make it through the night without catching feelings?
The Trouble With Kissing Boys -  When an akuma handcuffs Chat Noir and Marinette together, true feelings are revealed… but only to get the cuffs off. Really
double jeu -  An injured Chat Noir leads to a frantic Marinette and frequent midnight visits neither of them had expected to get used to.
Lace or Leather - Sequel to Burgundy and Blush
Stand-In Journalist - MariChat being besties
spark - marichat dating app shenanigans
Forget-Me-Not  -  Marinette looses her memories a little bit (unfinished)
Jealousy - Onesided reveal and then it turns into a love confession and a reveal
When Duty and Desire Meet - By EdenDaphne, midnightstarlightwrites. (Still going! Its so romantic, the yellow rose hits me the most)
Selfless - By ghostgirl19 ( I wish this fic was still going but it’s not! It’s discontinued!! T~T)
The Cat, the Bell, and the Wardrobe (Malfunction) - ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky), Eizabet, KryallaOrchid, Maerynn, midnightstarlightwrites. (I know the embracement... It’s also a one-shot!)
The Wingman Visits - By NiuNiu. (This is completed with 16/16 and rated mature!).
I Won’t Hold You Back - THE BEST PROM FIC YOU’LL EVER READ. Adrien invites Mari to prom. In which Adrien Awkward Awkward Awkward Athanase  Agreste makes an appearance. 
A Gamer’s Pride - No miraculous but they’re video game partners and they hate each other but they like each other and HHHHHHHH
Diamonds never leave you... men do! - Marinette the cop and Chat Noir the criminal (they’re dating <3)
Kiss and Dash -  It starts of when Marinette kisses Adrien on a dare and runs off but it really spirals out of control when Chat Noir takes revenge with his own kiss and dash. Do all people kiss the same way? Adrienette/Marichat/Ladynoir/Ladrien. - I THINK I ASCENDED WHILE READING THE FIRST CHAPTER
No Longer Running From -  After an Akuma attack, Marinette runs off in order to avoid Chat Noir, but she didn’t count on him being so willing to come after her.
Chat Blanc - Chat Blanc fights with reveals and Adrien being a good person even when akumatized
Worries - Chat is very concerned for the well-being of Marinette who he has noticed, decides to run into akuma battles in a very much not safe way
Rooftop Tears and Gentle Hugs [Vent] -  Marinette goes mute for a week, and everybody is worried. It seems only a concerned Chat is the one to finally reach her.
Tendencies - (series) lots of good writing starting out as marichat and then a reveal
Just Chatting -  Chat crashes onto Marinette's balcony and continues to visit. Marinette finds herself impulsively getting closer to him, and then everything goes to shit.
Physical Touch - Chat Noir, my amazing child, is touch starved. Marinette is happy to help with some cuddles
It’s Okay to Cry - THE SUMMARY ALONE GOT ME FEELING SOME STUFF LET MARINETTE SHOW EMOTION -  Marinette feels the burden of not letting her negative emotions show, since Ladybug cannot let herself be akumatized, no matter what. A cat is there to let her vent.
heartstrings - HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - they frggin kiss and its dramatic and teenage drama and romace 
Crushed - Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.  (Reveal)
Every Heartbeat: A Marichat May 2021 Story:  -   Reeling from a brutally difficult day, Marinette finds her life becomes amazingly complicated after impulsively inviting Chat Noir to spend the evening with her. But when the suave feline begins to weave his way into her heart, she realizes rather quickly just how conflicted her feelings for her partner truly are.
A Roll of the Dice - AVERT YOUR EYES INNOCENT CHILDREN - mature (obviously) Alya gives Marinette an adult dice set and at night time, Chat Noir dares her to use it. 
tell me something i don’t know - the infamous marichat soulmate au by the beloved carpisuns
Trading (Momentary) Burdens - UM. YOU HAD ON RIGHT?? I AM SAD??- Ladybug gets hurt mid-fight and Chat has to turn into Misterbug to save her
Miraculous Dupont -  Marinette finds herself attacked by Chat Blanc, an akuma at the orders of Hawkmoth. But before the akuma can do any damage, she's saved by Chat Noir, a superhero who is fighting the akumas. Chat Noir senses something in her and takes her to the magical school he attends, Miraculous Dupont, where Master Fu, the head teacher, agrees that she has potential to be a Miraculous holder. So Marinette is thrown into a world of hidden identities, akuma fights and mysteries and ends up by discovering that this whole world wasn't that unknown to her to start with, that the boy behind the mask, of whom she desperately falls in love, wasn't a stranger from her too, and it's all connected to two lucky charms, a seal and a mysterious magical potion she (and her friends) should never have been exposed to...
Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright -  chat noir gives the tiger miraculous to marinette. I love her concept of the tiger miraculous, so cool!
Terror on La Seine - Villains weren't supposed to help when there are others in need. But can Hawk Moth truly stand aside and do nothing? Especially when a young woman he knows personally is in danger? TW: implied trafficking
Madness Within -  If you want slowburn, feral Chat Noir and dark themes this is a great place to start and I’m super excited for what’s to come. Very highly recommend
you came to me with gold and i mended the pieces -  Adrien gets into a really ugly argument with his father, and as a result the poor boy gets a slap right across the face. In a daze, he runs away from home, transforms, and decides to seek comfort in a really close friend of his.
I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man -  When Chat Noir finds Marinette sighing over her failed love life, he decides to help her get the boy of her dreams. Nothing can go wrong here. Absolutely nothing.
The Tendencies Series -  HIGHLY RECOMMEND and will sure to keep you busy for a while
A Summer Treat - LadyNoir Icecream date in Shanghai and lovestruck adrien
TKO - LadyNoir workouts and they KISS
Doctor, Doctor, Give me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) -   Plagg’s sick, Adrien’s in love, Shit Happens™ 
 Of Yellows, Pinks and Blues - New York Special LadyNoir but with ROSES 
Long Live - LadyNoir based on the song <3
Letters of Lovers - LadyNoir writing down all their feelings on letters BUT THEN AT THE END THEY READ IT + Reveal
A Bad Dream - Ladybug tells Chat about a ‘dream’ where he was Chat Blanc (spoiler alert: it wasn’t a dream)
The Bug and Cat Show - ADKLJSASD READ THIS
You’re My Sight - Adrien is blind but with the miraculous, he can see and this is very much a wonderful thing to happen to him. One day he tells Ladybug.
United - OMFG - ladynoir established relationship (+Reveal)
a nine-year-old - i havent met anyone that hasn’t read this fic but still (im still sorry emsy, i believed you were 9 with my entire heart 😭)
Death By Ladybug - Flirty Ladybug and Flustered Chat Noir
Chat Noir’s White French Man Hitlist For Feminist Purposes - (THIS HAS A PODFIC NOW)
Liquid Luck - LadyNoir Banter + Reveal
Symphony - Adrinette/LadyNoir + Reveal (with the best ending ever omg)
 The Miraculous Tweets of @luckylady and @chatnoir - Internet Shenanigans
Problems - ladynoir fluff
Only a beat a cat can hear - Ladybug tells Chat when he finds out about her blindness that she scared about him leaving her. He’s having none of this self deprecating stuff and reassures her that he loves her a lot and nothing changes that. 
It was just a cheek kiss! - Ladybug slowly falling for Chat and them finally getting together (my friends thought I was getting murdered when I readthis. So many screams)
Discordant Sonata - EdenDaphne (Still going!)
like poles of a magnet - By maketea (8/8! It's finished!)
From the Ashes - By MiniMinou (Finish! Btw this is angst and mature rated)
Ladybug and Chat Noir's Guide to the Rooftops of Paris - PipTheMagnificent (One-shot!)
 in the dead of night, your eyes so green - this ones by miraculouslycool so you know its good 
 Day 7: Interview - Chat Noir being cute with kids
Misunderstanding - LadyNoir Identity Shenanigans <3
Not Kitten Around, Badylug - the road to reveal, integrating parts of S4, all in mobile texts. Sweet, funny. The kind of pick-me up you need after an angsty ep.
Two Seconds -  perfect for a light morning read.
i think it’s time i told you (im a fan of your universe) - LadyNoir (AND THEY GET MARRIED)
It’s Not PDA If You’re Just Friends - They’re just friends! Friends can kiss each others shoulders and spin each other around, right?
I Guess That Makes Us Even - Chat Noir dying = REALLY SAD LADYBUG AND COMFORT - its by buggchat so you already know its simply superior
Red Strings and Markers - Soulmate AU my beloved
little kitty on the rood, wearing his lady’s boxers - Adrien in Ladybug boxers, Marinette in the pool with her pjamas, Adrien uses his one braincell and realizes some pretty shocking things (Reveal)
dont let me die alone - okay so you may get a lil sad but you know
Return to Base - LadyNoir laser tag baby, Adrienette laser tag with LadyNoir dynamic, reveal
The Ladyblog Comment Section - they like to annoy alya in the comments. and flirt. but they dont realize the last part yet
Irreplaceable -  Adrien is insecure. Marinette doesn't let anyone talk bad about her partner.
Where are you Chat Noir? -  As the final battle unfolds to their defeat, Hawkmoth and Mayura use plan b and withdraw in a 'Sentiworld', a parallel reality created with an Amok. What's worse, they drag Chat Noir with them. What's even worse, Ladybug can't say goodbye, or I love you. Guilty and desperate, what will she be ready to sacrifice to get her partner back? (Rated R for mature content)
Kitty Chat Kisses -  Give Chat more kisses please, this was so sweet and cute and sad and just...someone give Chat some hugs and kisses and tell him he did a good job
i’ll marry you - Chat Noir talks to his sleepy girlfriend about their future.
Upon the Eiffel Tower, They Reveal it All. -  Chat Noir spots Ladybug heading towards the Eiffel tower without telling him, and when he checks on her, finds out more than he thought he would.
Two Hundred and Fifty Four -  aspik angst :’)
bang bang - KISSES
whose woods these are (I think I know) - FIRST OF ALL, its a cinderella au and its MAGNIFICENT - Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
The Tell-Tale Kiss - Adrien gets discouraged when Ladybug turns down Paris’ favorite cat every time. But what if Paris’ favorite model asks her?
The Cat and His Daffodils -  I adore Hanahaki AU’s and this was one was really good and wonderfully angsty.
Post/One Sided Reveal: 
Serendipitous Fate -  With Hawkmoth growing stronger, Chat Noir and Ladybug need to practice. And get teammates. And grow stronger together. Which means learning each other’s identity, no matter the risks. Unfinished, but worth it. Also, there is some smut near the end, but the author warns the reader on the exact chapter and it is very skippable
switch it up - Adrien uses the Ladybug miraculous and everyone simps even harder
Remember That Time When... - Marinette is ready to enjoy her wedding anniversary with her wondrful husband. Except when she wakes up, she’s not going to be able to celebrate her anniversary. In fact, she’s seventeen again.
Divide By Infinity - Post-Reveal Adrinette being adorable and looking at LadyNoir moments
Bad Day - Adrien finds out Marinette’s Ladybug on the toilet and everything just does downhill from there
Get Agrekt - Post Reveal + Drunk Adrien my beloved
Under The Stars - PROPOSAL
Do You Hear That, Love? - Post-Reveal angst and babies
Side Effects of Paw-esome Merch: Model Chokes on Air - Post Reveal Marinette making my poor boy adrien consciously try not to die by wearing Chat Noir merch
When the Wedding Bells Toll - Post Reveal Adrinette pretend to date to get free food at a wedding (ha ha guess who fell in love againnnn)
All You Had to Do Was Stay - first of all, OOF - Marinette and Adrien reveal their identities and he panics and Marinette, three years later, sees him again for Alya’s wedding with the urge to both kiss him and punch him in the face
Adrinette April Day 23: Sunset - CUTE FLUFFY PEOPLE (its by sketchy-panda)
Forget-Me-Not - written way before oblivio but basically, oblivio
The Wall Between Us -  Lukanette, Adrigami, Alya finding out, lovesquare reveal, Adrien finding out Gabe is Hawkmoth, then theres Adrinette being in love and MarcNath walking in them making out. Its a whole vibe. Two Seconds was written in response to this :D
Trolling Alya -  After Adrien and Marinette reveal their identities to each other, instead of going right into dating, they agree to just be friends and take their time. Alya is not having it.
The Biological Imperative - excellent explicit story with an interesting concept about tikki being able to freeze the power of all miraculouses in her box in case of marinette's pregnancy. Adrienette of course. 
The Closest Thing to Love - god i love a good fake dating story - post reveal Aged Up - adrien decides that the best way to gain independence from his dad was to get married. To who you ask? Of course its his lady, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Nothing could go wrong! They’re just friends after all.
Not A Ship But Hella good Stories
Papa Bear -  In which Tom is the one to figure out Adrien’s home life is putting him in danger and helps Adrien escape.
Nooroo Uses a Swear Word -  He really, really does. But he has a very good reason, so... let's hear him out, shall we? Crackfic, one-shot.
Move to Safety - Sort of a longer take on the ‘ Adrien runs away and seeks shelter with the Dupain-Chengs’. Involves the final battle and Adrien knowing Gabe is Hawkmoth. 
I Know, Kid - Plagg has a very important conversation with his holder when they return home after defeating Guiltrip.
Chat Noir is My Science Teacher - When Mattheu Magan witnesses his chemistry teacher, Adrien Dupain-Cheng, transform into his favorite superhero Chat Noir, he becomes the Monkey Miraculous holder Monkid, going on adventures and learning what it means to be a hero alongside under his new meow-ntor. (OC, Adventure, Aged-up - Yall ive only known Mattheu for like, a month BUT I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART)
Won’t Tell a Soul - Nino finds out that Marinette is Ladybug and keeps the secret. Kind of. 
Motherfucking Superheroes - Directly following the events of the season 3 finale, Alya Cesaire decides to create a groupchat with all the known Miraculous holders, which sets off an investigation into Ladybug’s identity. (Crack, Groupchat/Text fic)
My Boy - Gabriel creates a sentimonster copy of himself to free himself from unimportant matters, but he didn’t expect it to become more human than himself. (Angst, Mentions of torture)
The Malicious Pavilin - Evil gay Emilie is a whole ass mood
Never Sing At Home - Based on that ‘hey, bad news and good news. Bad news, Hawkmoth knows my identity, good news, I know his!’ prompt on tumblr
Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll choke - Lila gets exposed fics my beloved
ouef, ouch, owie - Chat and Rena plan some Aspik-related shenanigans to cover up Chat’s secret identity when Ladybug decides to have all the Miraculous heroes train together. (Crack)
What the Cat Dragged In - MCU Crossover
the last day on earth - Chat Blanc angst is top-tier
Air Miraculous - Miraculous but with Basketball and Shoes
how the strings intertwine - MDC Fic - UNFINISHED BUT AMAZING
Nine Lives - Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Centric
In Good Hands -  in which Ladybug tells Chat Noir about her new confidant and Chat chooses his own.
How Nino Waged War with Gabriel Agreste - By ChocolateXMyMouth (Still going!)
The Inappropriate Touching Talk -  this is another pure crack. Gabriel finds out that Adrien "touches inappropriately" Marinette and decides to have "the talk" (or rather have someone else have the talk with him)
Broken - Cop AU with lots of angst :D
Informant - miracuclass group chat au with identity shenanigans 
Lucky Fox Paradox - Marinette gives succeeds in giving Alya the ladybug miraculous. And regrets it. Enter, the fox miraculous.
“I have plan” - based on the ‘Ladybug joins the fight as multimous and she and rena rouge won’t let adrien leave to transform and its just crack’
Sting -  Chat Noir mysteriously vanished, and as much as Ladybug hates it, she can’t do her job alone. Which is why she decides to give Adrien to bee miraculous until her partner returns!
Accidental Dates - The four friends make a group chat to plan game nights. Some people tend to take it further
Leave for Mendeleiev -  Marinette is in Mendeleiev’s class instead of Bustier’s, meaning new friends and different relationships
Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous - rejected one time too many, Chat Noir ends in tears on someone's balcony. No, not Marinette's. Chloé's. And no, it doesn't end with an adrikloe (or how it's called). Chloé actually ends up being a good friend (*insert ohhhh of surprise*)
I’ll Handle This - Adrien accepts a deal with Plagg for the black kwami to resolve his problems. And Plagg succeeds. 
let’s get covered in flames and play some games with the smoke -  1920s enemies to lovers soulmates au that makes me want to jump off a building in a good way
Ruffled -  Harry Potter AU
Passionfruit -  Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
Repetition -  One day adrien stumbles upon hawkmoth’s lair. In response, Gabe wipes his memory and is done with it. until it happens again, and again, and again…
Bite Me. -  Vampire!Alya one-shot. Really good world-building in this one chapter alone!
“I have a plan.” -  Really funny one-shot where Marinette’s idea of going in as Multimouse doesn’t exactly pan out how she wanted it to.
Back to Us -  After a reveal so shocking it rocks the core of Paris itself, the villain Hawk Moth is finally defeated...at a great personal cost to heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. With the city safe, they go their separate ways, returning to the lives they were forced to put on hold since receiving their Miraculous.
Free Falling - Fantastic story with amazing and well written themes that I really just adored reading. Beautifully written and wonderful plot/story
Other Ships (outside of Love Square):
The Worst and Best Thing - GabeNath, drama and angst with a happy ending
Operation Lovebirds -  DJWifi - Alya and Nino try and get Adrien and Marinette together, and get more than they thought they would
Phase Eight - Sequel to Operaton Lovebirds -  Three years after the failure of Operation Lovebirds, Alya and Nino’s relationship is tested when Alya comes across a startling secret.
Cola Date - DJWifi -  When Alya finds herself on a date with the wrong guy she searches for unconventional help to get her out of this. Luckily, the cute waiter doesn't mind to help her out with a favor.
Soundless - Lukadrien - Luka has the Ladybug Miraculous and can pretty much tell who’s Chat Noir
Hotdogs and Icecream - Lukagami - Luka and Kagami hanging out while Adrinette are being in love during the NY Special
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Hello. This is my first request for the Legend of Zelda, so I do not know how to write it correctly. I don't speak English and I'm writing this in a translator, so there may be mistakes here, sorry. In general, I want to see how the reader will react to the fact that Revali, Link and Sidon cheated on her. (something made me feel sad) Thank you in advance ╹▽╹
I'm so sorry something happened to upset you. If it's along the lines of this request give me a name😤👊 anyways thank you so much for requesting!! This ended up being so much longer than I intended but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope this is what you're looking for!
✨ requests are open✨
Warning: angst, cheating
I think with his prickly nature not a lot of people would stick around long enough to get to know how much he cares
But some bitch saw how much he was training to perfect his powers to help Hyrule and couldn't resist
It started off as bringing him lunches and heat pads after a long day of training and then it escalated
They would wrap his wings up and suddenly he was letting them fix his braids. He never saw it as much more than a fan helping him out but you saw differently
It ended up in a big fight when you finally brought up how Revali was allowing this fan to hang off of him like they were his partner not you. You brought up excellent points like how he took such a long time to even trust you with braiding his hair and that he could at least let them know he's in a relationship.
Revali got upset (probably cuz ur right and he can't admit it) and snapped that at least they appreciated him
Yeah bad move. You walked out and bird brain left to train away the pain
You came across his first and decided to head to the shooting range with some peace snacks but what do you find?
You walk up the slope towards the archery range, a container of Revali's favourite snacks in hand. As you approach you see something sitting inside the hut and assume it's him. Sterling your breath you walk into the hut and what you find takes your breath away- not in the good way either. Revali sat there with his wings wrapped around them, too caught up on their liplock to notice you standing there.
The container hits the ground with a shatter, ruining their little scene.
"Don't even try it." You wish your voice didn't sound as broken. No matter how much your heart squeezed in pain from the betrayal, you wanted to come off so much different- angrier. Because you were angry. "Just because we have an argument does not give you the right to run off with your new friend."
Revali flinches at the word and you feel a sick glimmer of satisfaction. He opens his mouth to protest, ignoring your glare. "I-I'm sorry." Your glare darkens and he immediately flounders for the right words. "You accused me of something I didn't do-"
Yeah, not the right words. You wish you could do something, anything to hurt him like he hurt you. But you had to be the bigger person no matter how much you wanted to snap that precious bow of his in half.
"I accused you, not have you permission."
"We can work through this, together" his wing reached out to you, but you recoiled to fast.
"We're not together." You walked towards the entrance "I hope it was worth it."
Link 🗡️
Link is a closed off person. Sure he has people worship him for his title as the hero of Hyrule, but he would never let that get to his head. You could tell this boy he's amazing and it still wouldn't get through his insecurities
Maybe it's cruel but, that almost reassured you he would never break your heart like that. You felt secure in your relationship
That's why it was so shocking when you found out he had fallen for Zelda.
It wasn't meant to ever be more than knight and princess. And you never should have found out.
You were walking towards the stables of your party was staying at. It was supposed to be a simple trip to complete some research out in the plains. Of course your trip was ambushed by an energetic princess who begged to come along for research purposes. You couldn't complain because the addition of the princess also came with your boyfriend Link.
Now you were looking for him outside the small ranch. You fully expected him to be caring for Epona like he always did after a long trip. His love for his horse was something you had always loved about him. The way he would stay later than everyone else to make sure she was okay. It had made stables kind of your spot. Hanging out at the end of a long day to talk and spend time together while caring for your steeds.
Maybe that was why your heart felt so utterly shattered when you did find him, standing next to the stable, with the princess in his arms. Maybe you could have fooled yourself into believing he was being friendly if he hadn't pressed a long loving kiss to her forehead followed by both her cheeks, chuckling softly as she giggled.
You knew they had always been close. I mean they spent all their time together. You'd just never thought that Link would do something like this to you.
You walked away from the stables fighting backs the tears in your eyes. It was only when you found you had walked into an older area, a spare shack outside, that you finally let the tears fall. Your heart twisted in pain as sobs tore from your throat.
Why hasn't you seen this? Why weren't you enough?
Your research trip was almost over. You had gone back late into the night to find Link on the edge of his bed head in his hands. He had shot up to demand where you had been when you finally walked in and although he looked like he wanted to argue, he accepted that you had been organizing your research supplies and notes in quiet.
That had been 3 days ago. You had spent the research trip sticking close to your colleagues, poring over each plant and testing their uses. The princess was too distracted with her own interests to really notice how you shied away from her presence. Link had though. And he was about done with you brushing him off in favour of your work. You both were busy so not having time was nothing new. But this was different. You couldn't meet his eyes and he had caught you staring at him and Zelda as if you were about to cry before. He was at a loss and now he needed to figure things out for himself.
However he wasn't quite ready for the answer.
"I saw you and Zelda together."
His throat closed up. He wanted to say so many things. How sorry he was. How he wished he could have told you himself. How he wished he could hold you and forget how complicated things were.
"it's okay." Now that, he wasn't expecting. "I thought I could be mad at you. Both of you. But I guess... It just makes sense." You sniffled softly. You really didn't want to do this. You hated that it had to be you who gave up. But we're you really going to fight? No. As much as it tore your heart into pieces, you would stand aside for them. "I wish that things hadn't changed but, clearly you don't feel the same anymore and I don't want to hold you back. I love you. So much. But I don't deserve this, and I won't put either of us through the trouble. I hope you two are happy together Link."
As you walked towards your friends to head home Link felt his heart clench. You deserved so much better.
You were a princess from another kingdom, betrothed to Prince Sidon of the Zora. We all know how these things go, neither of you were all that fond of the idea but you would go through with it. For your kingdoms
You tried to be as understanding as possible of the situations, knowing that the prince was just as trapped as you were. So you played along with your parents wishes.
You two went on dates and spent time together, getting closer and closer until finally you kissed him.
Things were great. You were planning your wedding and enjoying the time you spent with your fiance as you prepared for your future
It wasn't until a few days before the wedding when you were trying on your dress that things fell apart.
Your dressmaker had been in a bad mood, grumbling as they worked and even sticking you with needles a few times. You would have brushed it off as a bad day if not for the facts that they seemed so unapologetic.
You finally brought it up, softly asking if there was something wrong and if you could help. They snapped, going off about how you were ruining the princes life and that he didn't love you and was only marrying you for his kingdom and that he deserved to be happy.
They realized their mistake and left quickly, leaving you alone in your wedding dress with shocked tears slipping down your face.
You later made you way to Sidons office, hoping to clear some things up and maybe seek comfort from the one you loved.
What you didn't expect was to find him already comforting someone. Your dressmaker.
You watched as he whispered sweet nothings and reassurances to them. It was when he said no matter what they were the one that he loved when you broke away.
You stood in your room, packed bags beside you. You knew there were better ways to deal with this. You knew that your kingdom was counting on you and thus marriage. You just couldn't go through with it. Not anymore.
You sound around to find the Zora princess standing in your doorway. Mipha had become a close friend in your time in the Zora domain, even feeling like family as you worked closely planning the wedding. She had once told you that you were everything she could hope for in a sister and wife for her brother. You guessed it didn't matter in the end.
Finally you choked out pained words "I can't... I just... I can't do this anymore."
"If you are feeling nervous, I can assure you my brother would never hurt you."
This made you laugh. It was cold, similar to the ice creeping into your veins. "He would. And he did." You cut off Mipha's confusion, wringing a hand through your hair, "Sidon is in love with someone else. I made every effort to work through this engagement despite our... rocky beginning. But he didn't choose me back. He never wanted me, and I won't ruin his chance to be happy."
The room was silent after your outburst. You only noticed the tears when your friend wiped them from your eyes. She offered you a small smile, sharing the pain you felt. She was losing you and still understood it was best for you. You needed to move on and save yourself from a life of pain. A life of being chosen second.
"I hope one day we can meet again, sister."
You let out a choked mix of a son and laugh. Hugging the princess before you grabbed your bags and walked out the door, out of the kingdom that stole your heart and crushed it in its hands.
"I love you, always."
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
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My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Exhibition Master Thread + Audio Guide Summary Translation!
1) All My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Tweets and Info 2) Horikoshi’s Interview about the Exhibition 3) Pre-Order MHA Exhibition Merchandise
FULL AUDIO GUIDE SUMMARY TRANSLATION: 1) Welcome Message 2) Roaring Sports Festival 3) The Test 4) My Hero Academia School Briefs 5) ULTRA HEROES 6) WANTED VILLAINS 7) ONE FOR ALL 8) ONE’S JUSTICE 9) Ending Credits
All Might introduces and welcomes us to the My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Exhibition. Deku is also there and says that while listening to this audio guide, please don’t stop movnig as you will hold up the line and flow of traffic. He explains that the Exhibition is split into many different areas, and there’s tons of hand-drawn panels by Horikoshi-sensei on display too. There is also a section in the Exhibition that focuses on the anime too! All Might tells Deku that there’s a section dedicated to All Might himself, and Deku gets super excited and turns to Bakugou and says, “Kacchan, did you hear that? Uh Kacchan? Where are you?” Deku tries looking for Bakugou, but Aizawa comes and tells Deku to move along the line.
Ochako waves at Deku and says, “over here, Deku!” Deku goes to where she’s standing and looks at the different manga panels from the Sports Festival. He says thanks to Ochako, Tokoyami, and Hatsume, they were able to win that fight in the Sports Festival. Ochako sees her fight with Bakugou and says he was too strong, but she really wanted to win that fight for her Mom and Dad. Deku tells her it’s okay because she definitely tried her best. Ochako gets a bit flustered at this. Bakugou then passes by and asks, “Who did their best? No matter how many times I fight Deku, I’d obviously always win. But if Deku maybe was a bit more buff, he could PERHAPS put up a fight.” Ochako exclaims, “WOAH! Bakugou praised him! It’s definitely going to snow tomorrow.” Bakugou tells her to shut up.
Deku sees the next panel, which is the fight between himself and Todoroki. Ochako excitedly recites the line Deku said to Todoroki, which was the “It’s your power isn’t it!?” line. Deku gets embarrassed and tells her to stop. Todoroki thanks Deku and says it’s because of him that he remembered why exactly he wanted to be a hero in the first place. Bakugou yells at them for being sappy and gross. They then turn their attention to the panels featuring the fight between Todoroki and Bakugou. Deku said Todoroki performed really well, but Bakugou’s Howitzer Impact move was super strong. Bakugou yells that he doesn’t want to be reminded of his unwarranted victory from that fight. Todoroki apologizes.
Ochako says that Bakugou’s poor performance made his image look really bad since it was broadcasted on national television, but Bakugou says he could care less. Todoroki says he’s sorry he didn’t fight his best as he was troubled during that fight, but his head is clear now. Todoroki says he will be a proper hero. Deku says he wants to be like All Might. Bakugou says he wants to surpass All Might. Aizawa then comes and tells the group to move along as they are holding up the line.
Deku explains that after the Sports Festival, the Hero Class went on internships with Pro Heroes. Todoroki mentions that during this time, the villains started to make moves in society, such as when they encountered Stain. Deku then goes on to say that after the Stain encounter, their class went to do the Forest Training during the Summer. Ochako remarks that Bakugou got kidnapped during this training period, and Bakugou tells her to shut up. Todoroki then explains that he, Iida, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Midoriya went to save him. Bakugou continues to tell everyone to shut up. Deku then says he’s glad they were successful in saving Bakugou, all thanks to Kirishima. Bakugou says, “I told you guys to stop talking about this!”
Deku then talks about the next moment in the timeline, which was the Provisional License Exam. Ochako said she trained so hard using her Zero Gravity quirk that just thinking about it now makes her want to throw up. Deku says that even though it was really difficult to train for the exam, the training did help him master using the Shoot Style with his legs as well. Todoroki mentions that the move Midoriya came up with using his feet was very strong, and Deku said that he also got used to it. Deku thanks Hatsume for making the costume and shoes for him.
Ochako says the Provisional License Exam this year in particular was difficult as the passing rate was abysmally low. She asks Bakugou if the Provisional License Exam was difficult, and Bakugou says “shut up don’t remind me.” Todoroki then says, “Yeah, it must have sucked to fail the Provisional License Exam” and Bakugou says, “What the hell- you failed too!” Deku tells them all to calm down. He says that Bakugou’s team did well in the first exam thanks to Kaminari’s new technique made possible by the point shooter gear he got from Hatsume. Bakugou once again tells everyone to shut up.
Todoroki recalls that their entire class did well in the first round, but he personally messed up in the second round, which caused him to fail the exam. Bakugou mocks him and says “what a loser, failing the exam” and Ochako says “but you failed too.” Bakugou yells “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!”
This entire track is a recap of various events that happened at U.A. Academy on campus. Deku starts off by saying he was so nervous when he first started school at U.A. but was thankful that he was able to make friends with Iida and Ochako so quickly. Bakugou scoffs and says, “isn’t it because you just didn’t have any friends in middle school?” Deku nervously says, “I think I had a few friends…!” Todoroki asks Deku why he didn’t deny it though.
Ochako remembers that Aizawa first asked the class to test their quirks, and Aizawa comes in and says he did that because he wanted to see their potential. Deku gets nervous and wonders if Aizawa came up to them because they were holding up the line, but Aizawa said he didn’t even say anything.
Todoroki said being part of the Hero Class meant that they had tons of different types of classes, and it was sometimes quite confusing. Ochako says even though it was difficult, it was still fun, such as when they had to decide on their hero names. Bakugou scoffs and says, “Stupid Deku actually chose his Hero Name as ‘Deku’ the hell? Did he finally lose it?” Deku rebutts and says, “But I actually like that as my Hero name!” Bakugou asks Deku, “What’s so good about that name?” Deku then asks Bakugou if he had decided on a hero name yet, and Bakugou says, “Nah, I’m not gonna tell you.” Deku replies, “What, why not?”
Aizawa reminisces and says that Deku and Bakugou fought really well against All Might during the Final Exam. Bakugou said he did that so he could win against All Might. If it wasn’t for that why would he team up with Deku? Bakugou then yells, “Stupid Deku! I’m gonna Kill you!” and Deku gets confused as to why he’s saying this. Ochako mentions that saying stuff like that would definitely get them cut from all Hero interviews, and Todoroki mentions that they should be careful about what they say.
Bakugou gets mad and says he’s going to kill all three of them, and Deku asks, “so now you’re targeting 3 people!?”
Aizawa reprimands them and Deku apologizes, promising that he won’t argue anymore. Aizawa keeps a firm stance to Bakugou too. He tells Bakugou that heroes need to use their quirks to save people, not kill them. Bakugou says it wasn’t like he was actually going to do that, he’s not that kind of person.
All Might steps in and says they should put this behind them. He suggests that they should just go and see the other stuff in the Exhibition together in the U.A. area. He sees that there’s a section made just for Mineta. Deku says, “Wow it’s full of Mineta scenes!” Ochako looks at it and says, “Oh, how nice” and Bakugou says, “hmph, it’s just a place to show off an animal.” Todoroki asks Bakugou if he’s jealous that Mineta has the spotlight, and Bakugou says, “Ha! As if!!”
All might sees the Cultural Festival area and says, “Oh! This is the time when U.A. Academy held the Cultural Festival!” Ochako mentions that it was really fun. All might says Class A performed with both a band and a dance team. Deku mentions that during the Cultural Festival, the whole school gets together to create activities and open stands around the campus, and it’s not just the Hero Class but the General and Economics classes also join in too. All Might asks who’s idea was it to do the dance for Class A? Deku says it was Todoroki’s idea. Todoroki said he just thought it would be nice to have something that everyone can participate and have fun, and Deku says it was a great idea.
Ochako says everyone was able to participate in it too. Deku mentions Jirou was the one in charge of leading the band, Ashido was in charge of the dance team. Todoroki said they did well using their quirks to create a great performance. Ochako says she didn’t expect Bakugou to actually participate and play the drums for them, and she recites his line, “Let’s kill ‘em with sound!” Bakugou scoffs at her and Todoroki asks Bakugou, “why do you get angry when people praise you?” Bakugou replies, “What the hell are you even talking about!?”
Todoroki goes on to say that Jirou’s performance during the song was really great. Bakugou yells at hiim to stop changing the subject!
All Might asks if Deku enjoyed the Cultural Festival. He answers that it was really fun, and seeing people outside of their class was awesome, such as Eri as well. Deku mentions that they were able to finally let her smile, and that made him so happy. Aizawa also agrees.
All Might says it’s important for heroes to bring smiles to people’s faces. He tells them to never forget that. Deku says, “Of course, All Might!” Aizawa says to Deku that he’s stopping in line again. Deku apologizes, and All Might asks them to hurry along down the line.
This track plays in the area where you see all the Hero panels. The heroes on display are Mirko, Bakugou, Ochako, Deku, Todoroki, Hawks, Endeavor, Amajiki, Kirishima, Mirio, and Nejire. Ochako says, “woah, there’s so many heroes!” Deku gets excited and sees the first Hero, Mirko. He goes on a ramble saying she’s ranked #5 in the Hero Ranking, her quirk is using her bunny abilities. He says that Mirko has not only a ton of male fans, but female fans as well. Bakugou snickers at Deku and exclaims, “you’re such a Hero nerd!”
Ochako mentions that the next Hero after Mirko is Bakugou. Deku introduces Bakugou, saying “This is Bakugou Katsuki. He’s enrolled in U.A. Academy and sits in Seat #17 in Class A. He has a hero name, but he won’t tell him…”
Bakugou gets angry. Todoroki then continues and says, “His quirk is explosions by using nitroglycerin that he emits from his hands.”
Bakugou tells them to shut up.
Todoroki ignores Bakugou and continues with, “His personality is…”
Bakugou screams, “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!”
And Todoroki finishes with, “…like that.”
Ochako then sees herself and says, “Oh it’s me!!” She explains her quirk and how she can cause anything to float if she touches then, but if she puts her fingers together, she can release the zero gravity as well. Bakugou then mentions that she also throws up if she uses her quirk too much. Ochako gets embarrassed and says that he really did not need to say that!
Deku says they should go on to the next person, which is him. He introduces himself as Midoriya Izuku, and his hero name is Deku. He whispers, “My quirk is…One For All…Please read the manga to find out more about it…” Todoroki asks Deku why he’s whispering, and Deku gets nervous and says, “Oh, it’s nothing at all!”
Deku sees that next up is Todoroki. Ochako introduces Todoroki and says “his full name is Todoroki Shouto, anad his hero name is just like his first name, Shouto!” Todoroki explains his quirk, and Deku says he has a truly impressive quirk since he can combine them together to create awesome attacks. Todoroki says he still needs to polish his quirk, and Ochako mentions he’s a very stoic person.
The next hero is Hawks, and Deku gets excited, saying “Oh it’s the winged hero Hawks!” Deku goes on to ramble details about Hawks, such as him being Rank #2 on the Hero Ranking Billboard, his quirk is using his feathers, but he keeps going on and Ochako says, “Ahh, maybe we should move on to the next one!”
Next up is Endeavor. Todoroki explains that Endeavor’s Quirk is called “Hell Flame.” He can emit fire at extremely high temperatures, but if he overuses his quirk, he gets burned instead. Deku says on that note, Todoroki’s quirk is better than his father’s since he can use the ice part to cool himself down. Todoroki muses that perhaps he does have an advantage over his Father.
The next Hero in line is Amajiki Tamaki. Deku introduces him as part of U.A. Academy’s Big 3. His hero name is Sun Eater. His quirk is transforming parts of his body into animals, and he can do this by eating food of that animal. Ochako explains further that if he eats takoyaki, he can use octopus arms, if he eats fried chicken, he can use the chickens legs. She then goes off saying, “tuna, beef, fish roe, mochi…” Todoroki asks if she just suddenly started rambling on about food because she just wants to eat those food, and Ochako says “I’m hungry…”
Deku sees that the next hero is Kirishima. He asks Bakugou to introduce Kirishima since they’re friends. Bakugou says, “What do you mean friends? He’s just my lackey!” Deku says, “Err…okay, Kirishima Eijirou, Hero name Red Riot. His quirk is Hardening.” Bakugou then scoffs saying, “He’s just an idiot who gets hard, that’s all!” Ochako comments, saying, “Well, you don’t need to be shy about it!” Bakugou then yells, “I’m not being shy!”
Todoroki moves the conversation along and mentions that the next Hero is Mirio-senpai. Deku introduces Mirio’s hero name as Lemillion and mentions his quirk allows him to go through things. Ochako says that according to Aizawa-sensei, Mirio is the closest to being the same rank as the Number 1 Hero. Bakugou grumbles and says, “No, I’M the one who’s going to be Number 1!” Ochako says, “Right…of course you are…” and Bakugou gets furious, saying, “YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF ME!?”
Ochako notices that the next Hero is Nejire Hado. She introduces her and says her Hero name is Nejire-chan. Ochako explains how her quirk works, and Deku remarks that Nejire can also use it to fly. Ochako adds that Nejire also won the U.A. Beauty Contest during the Cultural Festival.
Todoroki says after seeing all the Heroes lined up like this, everyone truly has amazing quirks. Bakugou says they’re all underlings compared to him though. Ochako says, “Right…of course…” and Bakugou explodes once again, asking,  “What the hell, are you making fun of me?” and Ochako repeats, “right…of course” to which Bakugou curses. Deku says to the group, “We really should be moving down the line now…”
Aizawa asks All Might to look at the new data he pulled up on the computer about the League of Villains. The first villain they look at is the various Nomu. The file says that the Nomus are injected with quirks that are stolen or enhanced from either themselves or other people. The next villain is Stain, who Aizawa mentions killed many heroes that he deemed unfit to be a Hero. His quirk is being able to control people by drinking their blood. All Might says the next villain in the file is Gigantomachia. Aizawa mentions that aside from being able to make his body gigantic, not much is known about Gigantomachia’s quirk. What they do know is that he works for All For One.
The villain after that is Twice with a quirk that allows him to multiply hiimself.
All Might mentions that the next villain file is Shigaraki. Aizawa says he’s the current leader for the League of Villains. His quirk is the formidable disintegration quirk that can disintegrate anything that he touches with five fingers. Next up is Dabi. Aizawa mentions that his quirk is unknown but he has been seen using blue fire. Aizawa remembers fighting against Dabi during the Forest Training, and he saw that blue fire.
All Might pulls up Toga’s file afterwards. Aizawa mentions that she can turn into anyone if she has even just a sip of their blood. The villain after her is Mr. Compress, who is able to compress and decompress things or people. He can also use it on multiple objects at the same time.
The villain after Twice is Re Destro, who is the leader of the Meta Liberation Army. Aizawa says that his quirk is stress, which he builds up to release immense power.
All Might then opens All For One’s file. Aizawa says that they really don’t know anything about his quirk. The villain after him is the Doctor, who also has an unknown quirk. They do have information that the Doctor is the one in charge of creating the gruesome Nomu and High End Nomu too.
All Might mentions the League of Villains is probably plotting something even though he fought All For One and sent many of them to Tartarus. Aizawa said they must be scheming something since if the incident with the High End nomu is any indication. All Might says even if the League of Villains is on the move, the Heroes will not lose to them.
Track 7 is a monologue by All Might. It plays in the All Might section of the Exhibition where manga panels of All Might are on display as well as a ton of decoration with All Might on the walls as well.
All might says that in order to create a society where people can freely smile and feel safe, it was necessary to have a Symbol of Peace. He wanted to be a pillar where people can depend on and smile when they see him. All Might says he inherited One For All to do just that. He is the 8th successor of One For All, and all previous One For All holders and he worked together to try to defeat All For One. However, even if they lose their lives in the fight against All For One, their hope still passes onto their successors.
They need to be Symbols of Peace for the people. All Might says he wants to be the person who can bring smiles to people’s faces. No matter what happens, he needs to keep on smiling. Those who are able to keep smiling are the strongest. That’s why he smiles.
He says that Young Midoriya and he were both quirkless. But after meeting Midoriya and seeing the strong willpower that he possessed, he knew that he had to mentor him to be his successor. All Might says to Midoriya, “Everything, from One For All to my own feelings in my heart, I entrust them all to you. Young Midoriya, you’re next.”
Track 8 plays in the room where there’s panels leading up to the Paranormal Liberation War Arc. All Might starts off the audio track by explaining the big war between the Villains and the Pro-Heroes, which the U.A. Academy heroes in training also participated in. Endeavor, Miruko, and Eraserhead were dispatched to the lair of the Villains where Shigaraki unfortunately awoken as well. Once he woke up, he began destroying people and things one after another. However, the Heroes did not waver and fought back to villains while protecting the civilians.
What the villains want is to create a new world without heroes.
What Shigaraki wants is to destroy everything.
What Midoriya wants is to protect everyone with a smile.
What Bakugou wants is to be the best hero and not lose to anyone.
What All Might wishes is if Young Midoriya and Young Bakugou can work together and acknowledge each other, they can both become who they want to be.
To save and win, to win and save.
All Might says if they are able to do this, they can become the Strongest Heroes.
Deku then exclaims, “Go forward, Midoriya Izuku! Use the power All Might entrusted in you to save people. I will save and win!”
Bakugou then says, “I will win and save! That’s Bakugou Katsukis’ way of life on the path to become the Number One Hero!”
All Might ends the track with the line, “To destroy the word or to save it. One For All’s successor Midoriya Izuku fights head on with All For One’s successor, Shigaraki Tomura.”
All Might says he’s come to send us off and thank us for visiting the exhibition! Deku also says thanks for coming. Ochako asks if we had fun? Todoroki says they were able to relive a bunch of different moments at this exhibition. He says he is thankful for it, and Deku agrees. Ochako asks Bakugou how was the exhibition? Bakugou says screw this- they should all go back inside and just focus on everything Bakugou related, forget about the Villains or anyone else. Todoroki says, “Well, if we do that we’ll need to reserve tickets again so…”
Aizawa asks All Might to do the closing message. All Might thanks us again for visiting, but things don’t just end here! The world of My Hero Academia will only keep getting bigger and bigger! Deku hopes that we can always cheer them on.
All Might then leads everyone in saying “GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!!!”
Deku says to us, “Let’s meet again soon, everyone!” He then turns to All Might saying, “That’s good right? Oh, oh crap I still need to get in line to buy the limited edition goods only sold at the Exhibition! Wait let me go line up ahhh!” and scurries off.
All Might then laughs and says “as expected of the headstrong Young Midoriya!”
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zorria · 3 years
I have a pretty strong headcanon that zeldris has learned some swear words from the commandments and sometimes uses it when he gets angry. he probably doesn't even know what some mean, he just use it lol
I hope you don’t mind if I set this during when meliodas was the leader of the 10 commandments as it makes it easier for me to write the part where zeldris doesn’t know what they mean
(if it’s not okay I’m sorry but I still hope you like it anyways 👉👈)
I absolutely love this idea and I think it’s adorable because I could totally see it happening because of the fact he Idolized meliodas so much that Zeldris would follow him around everywhere he went. Which included meetings with the 10 commandments which is where toddler zeldris learned his first swear words curiosity of Meliodas, derieri and mela. who totally forgot he was there until after they stopped talking toddler zel just randomly blurted out from meliodas’s lap “fuck” which caused them all to gasp and look at him realizing too late what they had done lol
They tried to make him forget it and explain to him that it was a bad word and he shouldn’t say it. But their reactions of course to a baby totally meant something different so he just kept saying fuck over and over again. Randomly in the halls you could hear him say it causing all of the staff to look at him horrified. (Meliodas totally hated the girls for teaching his brother that lol) but he could never hate zeldris for it cause he thought it was adorable because Zeldris had no idea what he was saying he was just copying his big brother and his “friends”
Eventually he grew out of it as he aged but even as a small child he still learned new ones thanks to being allowed to accompany meliodas on missions with the commandments lol
His new favorite word (curiosity of monspeet translating for derieri) was shithead. He had no idea what that meant but he thought it was fun to say lol
So one time during one of his lessons with Cusack he was getting frustrated with not being able to do a new sword technique Cusack was teaching him so in the middle of training zeldris dropped his sword on the ground and yelled loudly “FUCK!” Causing Cusack to almost drop his own swords as he was stunned by the fact that Zeldris had just said that lol.
Thankfully no one else was around them or It would’ve been bad and Cusack was not about to tell anyone either lol (he was being a good dad lol) so he quickly walked over to zeldris and kneel down to his height and place his hands on his shoulders explaining to the small child why he shouldn’t say that word or any other words the commandments might have taught him as they were vulgar and could get him in big trouble. Which of course zeldris knew meant to be punishment and he didn’t want that so he swore to Cusack that he would never say it again.
And he didn’t...UNTIL
One day zeldris got really angry with Meliodas for not showing up to their scheduled meeting. Meliodas had promised zeldris that he would teach him how to hunt a dragon because zeldris had been begging him for weeks to take him and meliodas finally relented and agreed. But of course because of how busy meliodas had been he didn’t show up and neglected to tell zeldris this. Which pissed him off so in his anger fueled rage he began to March all over the castle trying to find his big brother until thanks to being able to track his brothers scent found him in a meeting with other upper level demons, Cusack, chandler and their father.
As soon as Zeldris saw him he quickly marched over to where his brother was sitting on his throne not saying a word to anyone and just points at him and goes “YOURE A SHITHEAD!” As soon as everyone heard what he said they all gasp in shock and look at the second prince with disbelief at what they just heard. As they couldnt believe it lol.
Meliodas on the other hand doesnt say anything and simply just walks up to him and goes “what did you say?” And zeldris still angry about the whole thing goes “you’re being a shithead and I don’t like it so stop!” And he just stomps his tiny foot in anger
as soon he does this Meliodas just can’t keep it in anymore and just dies laughing. Shocking everyone around them even more as he picks up zeldris gently in his arms and walks out of the room still laughing at his brothers antics.
As soon as they left the room the whole crowd was stunned not expecting to hear anyone much less the second demon prince call meliodas that and live to get away with it..It was shocking. But of course meliodas wasn’t even mad in fact he found it adorable and amusing that his brother called him that so because of that he couldn’t even be mad at him
And neither could the demon king as he too found it funny that anyone dared to speak to meliodas the most feared demon alive like that much less his own son. It was amusing to say the least so he wasn’t mad..this time
Cusack on the other hand wanted to die because he thought he taught Zeldris better back at the training lesson but apparently it had failed and chandler totally rubbed it in his face for weeks after lol
(@wildest-dreams-at-midnight here’s your tag I hope you like it lol)
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