#OC take over of Blog cliche
dolly-royal · 1 year
“Ah! Oops-How does this app work? My apologies! It seems like an welcome Post? Isn’t that what the others call it?
Might take a bit! But while I’m making that! It interesting to see what tumblr is!”
-Rose Thornnare
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rockybloo · 1 year
I am full of takes today but one thing I'm so happy having OCs has changed in me is making me enjoy romantic and mushy things.
I understand there's a lot of reasons many people don't care for it and think a lot of stuff is cliche or forced and how society places a lot of emphasis on partnering up. And people are very valid for those opinions because I certainly agree on some points.
But just enjoying the concept of love as someone who has no desire to experience it myself and just likes depicting it with fictional characters is really nice.
I remember the days where I felt so embarrassed over my OC shipping that I had an entire separate blog for everything relating to it and it's so wild to consider how I tried to keep that aspect of my art away from what I thought was my main focus.
It's just really nice to be able to draw my little ships or think about them together without shame anymore.
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
what’s kotlc and is it better than the great library? i read the latter and it was fun, perhaps not the height of literature but fun
OKAY! Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger is a long, ongoing middle-grade fantasy series following Sophie Foster, a 12-year-old high school senior who can read thoughts following a bump to the head at age 5--or so she thinks, until she's approached by a cute stranger who reveals she's really an elf who's been hidden away.
She's whisked away to a secret, supposedly perfect world of elves, goblins, ogres, and more. Sophie wants nothing more than to be normal, and tries to fit in--go to school, play with friends, etc.--but all her abnormalities have followed her from the human world. She's still weird, and it turns out it might be the result of bigger forces working behind the scenes. Forces she needs to uncover to learn who and what she truly is--but there's no taking it back, and plunging into the underbelly of her supposedly "perfect" new world opens a seemingly never-ending rabbit hole to try and understand and save it from itself. Full of rebellions, corruption, mysterious notes, stuffed animals, a large cast of characters, and so. many. sparkles. there's a lot going on for Sophie to discover
I think tgl and kotlc are hard to directly compare. tgl has a lot of explicit found family, fast-paced action, and is, like you said, just genuinely fun to read. it's quick, speaks to booklovers, and embraces a variety of different moral stances in a way that distinctly characterizes everyone. but it does falter in terms of consistency, and there are several contradicting details throughout it. kotlc is more structurally sound, but it is meant for a younger audience--which is not to say it's bad, but that it does impact reading. There are some cliches, such as experiment children, excessively powerful ocs, a love triangle, etc. It also has a fairly developed and explored world on several fronts, though there are some gaps. It does, however, want for diversity and representation. There are few non-white characters, few disabled characters, and no acknowledgement of queerness so far--though given recent releases it's possible that last part will change.
While kotlc is a special interest of mine and I'm quite attached to it, I don't necessarily recommend it to people outside the middle-grade age range. It's a solid series despite its flaws, but that doesn't mean you'll be head over heels; if you read it, I think it would be similar to how tgl was fun but not the height of literature. It's enjoyable and there are a wealth of characters to get attached to, compelling plotlines/character pasts, but unless you really click it'll just be a solid, time-filling read.
The series has also had a rough few years recently; the author has a lot going on in her personal life--which is totally fine, it just means there are long waiting periods currently. And not everyone thinks its worth it, because the story is going an unexpected direction and there are some creative choices made not everyone likes (too much focus on the love triangle, deposing the main character, butchering character arcs last minute, etc.).
All this to say kotlc has radically altered the course of my life and is an incredibly dear series to me, and I will be keeping up with it and blogging about it until the end of time with anyone who wants to join, but it's also not my favorite series I've ever read, if that distinction makes sense. If you do want some simple, if long, reading--go for it! We're always excited to have new people around and would love to have you. There's actually a pretty consistent, if small, fandom and a lot of art, fic, and other things to explore. But we'd also all understand without any pushing if it's not for you.
That was longer than I meant it to be, but if you have any further questions please do ask :)--and again, this is my view on it! Just my opinions and assessments
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inseasofgreen · 1 month
Writeblr Interview
Thank you both to @leahnardo-da-veggie and @drchenquill for the tag!
Short stories, novels or poems?
Novels! all the way
What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy, both dark and romantasy. even better if they're combined
What genre do you prefer writing?
Fantasy! I tend to struggle writing anything but fantasy.
Are you a planner or a write-as-i-go kind of person?
I like to start with a plan and some ideas, then let the characters take the reins and throw it all out the door
What music do you listen to while writing the story?
I have a playlist with cinematic soundtracks that I tend to listen too. Though I do often listen to the GOT and HOTD soundtracks. Daenerys' aaaHHHH AHHHH's actually are the source of a lot of Zemorri's most badass scenes.
Fav books/movies
I've been trying to get more into reading so lately it's been ASOIAF and the Witcher - two of which inspired the creation of Nyrus and POTO. I have a long TBR but I like to buy books before I read them, which is hard right now with money being a bit tight the next month or so.
Any Current WIPs?
2! Well, more like 3 if you include the second Plight of the Dragon, the sequel to POTO. We have Plight of the Oracle, which I pretty much have dedicated my blog too. Plight of the Dragon, which is more like one shots and random braindumps of what happens after the first book. Then Familia Ante Omnia, trilogy set in modern day NYC and is about the downfall of the crime ring from inside. Which I actually see a lot of it's themes in POTO. But that's on a hiatus for the foreseeable future.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
An oversized orangey flannel, black crop top, and either leggings or shorts depending on the weather. Throw in a black beanie for good measure too
Create a character description of yourself
oof okay here we go
She was a short, adorable little thing. She sat fidgeting with a ring on her left ring finger, too timid to make her presence known. Her dark brown hair, cropped at her shoulders was tucked behind her ears. A few strands that had once been a fringe fell, cascading over her grey eyes. The roseness of her cheeks a striking contrast to the porcelain like skin. She looks up at someone giving a slightly crooked smile before getting up from her seat.
was literally me a few minutes ago rereading was I wrote when my fiance came up and wanted to go up to bed lmao
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
oof no, hard pass. fictional people tend to be more interesting anyway
Are you kill-happy with the characters?
I tend to be? I have a rule with killing off characters, a few actually. It ends their arc nicely, it serves an actual purpose and isn't for shock value, and they under no circumstance can come back alive. I absolutely h a t e when death is cheapened. Don't introduce stakes that high only to make them pointless.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
diet coke or water!
Slow or Fast writer?
both? I don't know what is considered fast I guess. If i'm really feeling it and don't have distractions I can get about 1k an hour and keep that up for a few hours. Then there's days like today I'm surrounded by distractions and not feeling it too much, right now I'm at 1,500 for the 4 hours i've written
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Shows and books! Also games. Funny enough Zemorri came from a skyrim oc and Sciosa came from DnD campaign that never happened. They've both undergone a lot of changes since then though.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
I answered a similar question a few times and I think I'd really be a dragon. I'm a hoarder of my little trinkets and love to stir the pot a bit.
Most fave book cliche?
Chosen one and mentor. WIth a spin. Do not give me another old ratty wizard and some a elijah wood/daniel radcliff look alike. PLEASE. Using this to promo POTO which has chosen one and mentor- mentor: hot scary milf chosen one: anger riddled brat who really isn't keen on playing by the book. boom there. not that hard.
got kinda heated there. apologies
Least fave book cliche?
"Only one bed" I'm sorry!! It's just over done at this point
Fave scenes to write?
Any scene with dragons. They're the most fun to write honestly.
Most productive time of day for writing?
Night! I literally typed that as nite send help I've always been a night owl haha. It's actually almost 4 am as I type this
Reason for writing?
Writing has always been an interest of mine. I would love one day to be able to support my family with it! Whether that's as an indie author or traditional author. Also I fear I would go crazy with how many stories and plot lines I got up in my head. That or my oc's would manifest irl and nuke me right there with their dragons.
Leaving this an open tag!
My brain is clocking out and I can't even think of who to tag at this point. So if you're reading this and want to be tagged congrats!! Consider yourself tagged
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Ok hi, i was looking around my tumblr and came across your blog and thought your aesthetic was really cute and cool, and then i found you match ups and i kinda want one so if you dont mind, can i have a match up from you?
(If you choose too)
the fandoms i would prefer are genshin, tokyo revengers and jujistu kaisen
I’m Ghost, I am Aquarius born, ISTP personality, and I’m panromantic with a male lean, with any pronouns.
im 5’5, shoulder length blonde, pale ivory skin tone, Grunge aesthetic and Green/hazel eyes, I have been told by a few of my friends that I look like a middle age man who either only drinks coffee or whiskey.
I have trust issues, I tend to be stand off-ish to people and prefer to be alone in dark and quite places, though I am open and happy around people I feel like I can trust, I’m a bit chaotic and tend to get out of hand when it comes to things I am passionate about, and I like to have deep meaningful conversations with people.
I like most parts of nature, like flowers, bugs, animals, and the sounds, my favourite foods are anything veggie or fruit and sweets, I listen too Grunge, emo, rock, metal, and punk bands, I do a lot of art, i enjoy drawing plants and my ocs, In my free time I do art, I read, write, and watch anime, some of my favourites are Death parade, demon slayer, and skate the infinity, I play a lot of video games, like Resident evil(I love anything horror and gory), splatoon, and legend of Zelda:Breath of the wild.
I hate jerks, bullies, people that are clingy and/or loud, I dislike red meats, I have Emetophobia and Trypanophobia, and I hate going out to public places like stores and restaurants for long perriods of type.
Bye, and have a wonderful day/night
Hello! Sorry for the delay! Tumblr ate my original post</3
I hope you enjoy!
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WARNINGS: potential spoilers for genshin, tokyo rev and jjk
I match Ghost with…
The two of you definitely met on accident while you were being attacked or smt
Like you were in some flower field somewhere just chilling and suddenly some hilichurls appear from nowhere
Cue Xiao’s entrance
He beats them up and you kinda just look at each other for a bit, both of you too awkward to know what to say or do
“...It’s getting dark, you should stay at the nearby inn until morning.”
And then poof, he’s gone.
But you take his advice and go there anyway
Surprise surprise, you run into each other again
It begins to happen more and more frequently as you stay at Wangshu inn
You kind of just vibe together in silence until the two of you slowly warm up to each other
Over the course of a few months we don’t question why you stayed that long you and Xiao become friends
And then slowly, more than friends
By this point, Xiao has vowed to protect you with his life
Despite how quietly the relationship began, the two of you often go into deep discussions about whatever topic comes up.
More often than not you talk to him about your interests, or he’ll talk to you about his happy memories with the other yakshas
You like to take Xiao with you to the mountains every now and then
Getting there isn’t a problem with his teleportation
You point out the names of flowers, and maybe make him a flower crown
“Ghost, what is the point of these.. Flower crowns..”
“They look nice :)” 
He still doesn’t understand, but he can’t say no to you<3
I match Ghost with…
(Tokyo Revengers)
You go to the same school
The textiles club went to the art students to ask if they could help design a project with them!
And that’s how you and Mitsuya met
The two of you would work on the project together at school most days
One day he asked if you wanted to go to his to do some more work (I know this sounds like a cliche hook up scenario, but I promise it’s not)
His sisters were a little scared of you at first
Especially when they heard Mitsuya joke about you being an old man
He had to assure them that you were in fact a friend from school
After a while his sister grew to adore you
Especially when you drew their favourite characters for them
Cue them asking Mitsuya if he’ll date you
“What? Don’t be silly, Ghost and I are… friends..”
… Yeah it was a little awkward after that
For a few days you two didn’t talk much 
Until eventually Mitsuya pulled you aside after school and admitted he liked you <3 
And that was the start of a very healthy relationship!
Mitsuya often tries to keep you out of anything related to Toman, but he won’t hide it from you
He believes that if this is going to work, he needs to be open about what he does
He’s so relieved when you say you don’t mind
He 100% makes the two of you something matching whilst incorporating your designs somewhere
He ends up making you a bracelet and himself a pendant
The main bead on your bracelet is the same as the charm on his pendant
One time the two of you were in the textiles club room after school alone (doing homework… obviously) and Takemichi walked in
He was shocked to say the least
Mitsuya made him promise not to tell anyone
..spoiler.. He caved and told Draken and Mikey when they threatened him about why he was acting strange
The next day it was Takemichi, Mikey and Draken who burst in
“Mitsuya! You didn’t tell us you have a partner! How come you didn’t tell me and ken?”
“Mitsuya you sly bastard, why’ve you been hiding them?”
Mitsuya sent Takemichi a very scary look..
Their jokes aside, Draken and Mikey understand why Mitsuya didn’t say, and they both promise to look out for you
Mitsuya breaths a little easier knowing they won’t tell
God only knows what he’d do if anything happened to you
I match Ghost with…
(Jujutsu Kaisen)
This is going to incorporate my headcanon that Inumaki knows sign language, therefore anything in italics will symbolise what is being said in sign :) 
You were a grade-2 sorcerer from a different school and happened to be spending time at jujutsu high school as part of a mission you were sent on
Inumaki was assigned as your buddy of sorts for the first few days to help you get around 
.. no-one really knows why Inumaki was chosen considering his limited vocabulary
Regardless, luck happened to be on your side with sign language 
“Sooo.. what grade are you?”
“...What does that mean?”
‘Semi grade-1’
“Got it”
After the first week Inumaki just decided to stick around
The two of got into some really fun conversations in the time he was your buddy
Mostly shit-talking and discussing the mission you’re on
Which speaking of, he insists he helps you
His friends are quick to point out how protective he’s become with you
Which leads to them teasing him
Which leads to him one day pulling you aside after class
“...Tuna.. bonito flakes..”
“We’ve been over this, I don’t know what that means yet”
“Inumaki what-”
“Oh for god's sake- HE LIKES YOU!”
Neither of you noticed Maki and Panda watching you
And thus started your relationship!
You know how he was asking to help on your mission earlier?
Yeah you don’t get a choice anymore, he’s helping
And he is hella protective
He’s also your number one fan in everything you do
You wrote something? He’s trying to convince you to publish it
Drew something? He’s calling up the galleries rn
You beat a game or did something cool? He’s bragging to everyone
You definitely converted his music taste
“Cod roe?”
“What’s up?”
‘Love you’
“Love you too”
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I hope you enjoyed!
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1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs.
3. Who are your longest rp friends?
4. What old character would you love to bring back?
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
I LOVE enemies to lovers. I've never done written it with Lucy because she's just so lovable to start with. (Though maybe in her 'sadness' verse I could pull it off.) But I did get to do it with my Billie (@umbrellasfuture ). Its such a cliche trope, but I love it so much. (Along with two people who are too dumb/scared to admit they have feelings for each other.)
2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs.
The originality, of course. There's so much that goes into making an OC to begin with, you're designing the character from scratch, including the FC. There's no blueprint to follow. Which also ties into the creativity aspect of it. Anyone can throw a name and an FC out there and say "Here's my OC" but it takes a creative person to have an OC with depth and a solid background. I've written with many OCs, and some of them were "oh my gosh, they're so intriguing, this is so amazing, such perfection!" and some of them were "what even is this? none of this makes sense, we're just throwing everything but the kitchen sink into it, huh?" I also love the freedom that comes with OCs. No one can tell you your OC is acting uncharacteristically, because it's literally your creation.
3. Who are your longest rp friends?
My longest RP friend doesn't RP anymore. Her name is Liz, and she used to write Lucy's best friend, Chanel. She helped me with a lot of Lucy's development in the early stages of Lucy's "life." We are Facebook friends though! Since starting Lucy over on this blog, I'd say @ycllowhaired, because even though we don't talk much ooc, we've had many wonderful threads across various blogs, and Fleur stuck by me through my hiatus earlier this year, and was ready to write with me again when I came back. And @lettherebemonsters isn't my "longest" friend, but she's definitely my bestest friend.
4. What old character would you love to bring back?
I'm not sure....I have a Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts that's a side blog attached to my multi muse that I don't use anymore...I've had thoughts recently of revamping him either as his own main blog, or a side blog here. But I haven't decided yet.
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
Drusilla from Buffy. I love her so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. I'm just not sure I can fully capture her essence and the rhythmic cryptic way she speaks.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Kait I’ve followed your blog for a few years actually 😭 even if my hyperfixations have changed over the years, I still always find myself going full circle to mystic messenger. I’ve changed a lot over the years, and that includes the ways I indulge media if that makes sense.
I’m rambling but basically, I’ve started to read your Saeran/OC fic. I just wanna let you know, I love your writing and I’m literally eating this fic up. I’m still in the beginning parts but from what I’m understanding so far (with the concept of Leylines) it’s like an isekai? 🤔 and Special Missionary Claude is someone who discovered it and convinced Rika that there were many unfortunate people in need of “salvation”.
I’m a bit scared for Lila honestly 😭 it’s like I found comfort that (my initial thought) she the only one who knew she was from another world. Because then she has the upper hand in information even if she may not know how to get back. But nah you’re telling me Ray was already very much aware of this and had previous encounters with Lila prior? I’m nervous 😭 what else does this man know?! I thought he was playing checkers but he’s playing chess actually.
Basically, I am very intrigued. Will definitely be reading the rest!
I appreciate that you've started reading the story that started it all! It takes me back to when I really found my groove for writing again and let it take me to where I am today. Though, I'm embarrassed, which is only natural when it comes to looking back on your writing as you get better, simply because I no longer consider that story to be canon to Lila's official journey.
Like, yes, that was my original concept. It was an Isekai adventure I tried my best to formulate in an interesting way, but throughout it, I learned new tricks and skills that helped me be the writer I am today. I love that story a lot because it's a time capsule to where I was at the time of writing of, but God, if I was certain people would be invested, I'd do a major rewrite of Lila's story in Another Story with what I have learned over the years because... haha.
Yeah, I used a lot of cliche concepts in Convallaria Majalis that I don't think I'd use today and you might discover them and laugh at me. I'm okay with that! I love ridiculous concepts as much as the next person but I was really thinking out of the box back then. Poke fun at me for them as you keep reading onward. That's the great thing about being confident and self-reflective, I can poke fun at myself and feel good knowing that story helped me build confidence to post anything that made me happy.
The leylines were my way of trying to bridge together a concept without using the age-old self-insert logic of "I got sucked into my telephone!" I was trying to come up with something that sounded cool but not too wacky.
But, since you're invested in the plot of the original story, I can tell you that there is a lot going on with Claude. Far more than what I would say you're expecting because the further you read, the more you should realize: "Oh my God, I thought we were playing checkers but he's playing 4D chess." I don't know what I was thinking at that time other than, "Yeah, that sounds good. This will totally give the readers a run for their money."
Don't worry about Ray, though. He means well... he's just... being twisted and torn apart by the two people he's been led to believe he can trust.
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emptypassicn-moved · 8 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “   comes in here and is a menace in ur askbox by throwing my url at you ”
From ;; Send me your URL and I’ll tell you // Accepting Only Tonight
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My Opinion on; Star (@/nebula-drcams)
Character in general: Star writes many canon characters but I will choose a few to comment on.
In canon I never cared much for Damien. The fact he's a little gremlin was amusing, sure, but he was never exactly all that interesting to me. I didn't get the fixation on him outside of just "Oh, other people ship him with Pip and that's why he's popular". Mole, on the other hand, I enjoy greatly. Obviously with how he's one of my two top primary muses. He barely existed for most of the movie but he certainly memorable to me for many reasons. He's also a favorite for many reasons.
Then, of course, Star has her OCs. Most notably, Nimue. While I can't really comment on my "opinions on the character in general" as if she was a canon character I can comment on my typical feelings towards OCs. I'm not usually the type to take to OCs. I never liked writng my own OCs, despite having them slowly being added to my blog now, and also never liked writing with other people's OCs. Far too many bad experiences.
How they play them: To put it simply, Star writes both canons and her own OC well.
I disliked most Damiens I've written with for various reasons. I'm always initially hesitant to write with them due to those reasons but Star's has been the exception. Her Damien is great, I like how he's written, even if he's honestly pretty opposite to how I write my own (SP) Damien. I don't really gush about my muse relations openly but I enjoy how my Mole and her Damien are friends. Her Damien is, quite literally, my Mole's closest and most trusted friend even if they are menaces to one another. I also like how she's written Damien when it comes to interacting with my Pip who, notably, does not like Damien very much usually. Her Damien was the only one I've ever written with so far that acknowledged he fucked up, he hurt Pip, and was willing to just avoid Pip to avoid him being uncomfortable. I can't really openly state certain things I've discussed with her about Damien and my own muses but some stuff we've talked about with them is great to me and he is the only Damien I "GRIPS (affectionate)".
I also tend to dislike most Moles I've written with. They're too soft or too much of an asshole, they can't comprehend a decent in between. Also, Mole is just a muse I squint more frequently at due to his status as one of my top two primary muses. But her Mole has been pretty good. I have had some minor squints at the portrayal but those weren't necessarily her fault. I also do adore the verse I have specific to my Gregory for her Mole too. It's a stupid trope more than likely, so that's how you know it was my suggestion, but I do enjoy it.
Nimue I do enjoy immensely as a character, I do enjoy hearing about her from Star and reading posts about her when they come onto my dash. She gets both the prize of the first OC I'd agreed to write against, outside of a public chat rp setting, in years and the first OC for me to willingly ship with in years. She's a well thought out OC with effort put into her even if her basic backstory / background can be a bit cliche or squinty. But, even with that, Star works that specific trope in OCs well. She doesn't make Nimue pull any "woe is me" shit over her struggles in life which many OCs with similar sounding backstories have. Nimue is special sort of OC in my opinion, to say the least.
The Mun: Star is neat.
She's quite nice, to be honest. She's also basically the reason I remained on Tumblr after initially feeling terrible about some shit on one of my "old" blogs I'd say. She's also basically been the one to help me in comprehending certain things about Tumblr based roleplay since previously I solely roleplayed in places that functioned completely differently. She's very understanding about the fact that I'm an awfully slow writer at times, communicates with me, and in general puts up with me. Hell, she's even let me force into watching various things about my interests. From GHS to various versions of GE to different versions of Les Mis to DT17 + DWD and also other shit. The only real "issues" I can ever recall having with Star are through a poor statement on my part and me occasionally not really "getting" certain things when we talk. Also her sending me that fucking dancing toothless gif-- /j
Do I:
RP with them: Yes.
Want to RP with them: Of course.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Very cool. Very epic.
Shout out to the poly. /j
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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deadlycupid · 11 months
As someone who also is obsessed with their ocs, I gotta ask about any recent thoughts on your own ocs? Anything planned?
hey, first thanks for the ask!
And honestly, lately I haven’t been able to think as much about my OCs as I would like too. I blame school and work for that (and not the over 100k word fanfic I’m currently writing).
But in true Halloween fashion I obviously thought about what my characters would dress up as and how’d they celebrate. To put it simple, I think they would all meet at Tommy’s place, eat sweets and watch horror movies. But I put a little spin on it and took an extra step further bc what if they were actually in a horror movie (I did a drawing for that idk if you saw it but it should be on my blog somewhere).
So Nico single handily saves them all bc he’s level headed, smart and has played too many horror games for his own good. You’d think Tommy would know better, bc he listens to fictional horror podcasts, but unfortunately he’s driven by his fear and would literally answer to the horrors with “take everything you want and leave me alone.” (rookie mistake.) Good for him that the B in bisexual for bringing your boyfriend to safety stands bc that’s exactly what Nico does.
In true Noah fashion i think he would be the first to go, I mean he’s goofy and already a ghost in canon. (Tho actually it makes me kinda sad so uhm David saves his ass last minute and from there on out it’s just chaos and broken bones until sunrise).
Oh, and for the costumes, David goes as the grim reaper, Tommy goes as Elias Bouchard from tma, Nico goes as vampire (cliche I know but he has the long black hair and emo vibes so can you actually blame me??) and Noah as a ghost,,, kidding he dresses up as a spooky pirate
For any future plans, since I don’t have a lot of time writing for them, I actually want to draw more of David and Noah. Unfortunately I rarely draw them (bc I’m so obsessed with drawing Nico) and I kinda wanna change that.
Also since I’ve gotten really into crocheting, I’m actually planning on crocheting one of my characters as a doll (most likely Nico,, do you notice that i perhaps have a favourite character design??).
Yeah, I guess that pretty much all. Sorry, that the answer got so long. But thank you again!!
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drlynnerp · 2 years
Welcome to my crazy rp blog!
This is a side blog that I created for my main account, @dr-lynne, because I don't want to swamp my poor followers with rp content 😅
The vast majority of my characters are plague doctors, so if that doesn't suit your fancy....idk tbh, you're welcome to still stick around for the chaos. ^^
Just a heads up, if you're under age and your parents/guardians are uncomfortable with profanity, please do not interact with the characters that swear. I don't want to get you in trouble 👀👍 The ones which use language will have a warning in their description. The language doesn't include racial/gender identity slurs or disturbing terms relating to....certain body parts.
If a question non-rping is asked, the receiving character will respond still in character. I will by default answer with my main character Lynne unless otherwise requested.
I use a series of symbols to rp but will try to understand and follow along with other styles:
*Denotes an action or a narrative*
Regular text is when the character is speaking
*"This is the character thinking"*
(This is an out of character reply from the creator of the blog)
My characters are:
(My main OC for on here): Lynne--an apprentice plague doctor
Dr. Necros--a grouchy necromancer plague doctor & Lynne's mentor. She lives in an apothecary strategically located in the trees above the swamp. Unsurprisingly and kind of cliche, Dr. Necros is a necromancer. A cursed one. She is also slightly insane. She doesn't take kindly to the 'plagueridden' and will cure them with or without permission. She has two pet crocodiles. There is also a constant stream of toxic smoke emitting from her mask breathing holes because of the curse, she uses it to control minds.
Dr. Sanctus (Not an active participant but may be referenced in the rp session)--Lynne's first mentor
Some characters that I also rp as (in a farther away location and a separate lore base):
Dr. Chronicus--plague doctor harpie, guild leader, tall boi. He's complicated and serious most times. He hates profanity with a passion.
Dr. Cogsgear (aka, Cozzy)--ADHD engineer/inventor plague doctor, exciteable/happy lad. Will not use profanity, he's a mostly innocent fella and a lot of things go over his head.
Captain Jumari (Main OC in this location)--werewolf ex-gladiator slave with criminal tendencies and a love of arson, love/hate relationship with this OC, she's a royal pain and a bit of a sadist. WARNING this character does use profanity but I will try to remember to tag these rps.
Dr. Rongeur--noir plague doctor surgeon, private investigator, gruff and has a nicotine addiction, WARNING this character does use profanity but I will try to remember to tag that. He's snarky and one of my favorite characters alongside Dr. Chronicus and Cozzy.
Dr. Martin--plague doctor therapist and a gentle soul.
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eyeballtank · 2 years
Main links post (WIP)
Will edit it later.
NewGrounds: https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/ Itch io: https://eyeballtank.itch.io/ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/77420289 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_X_mTUAr3SPIC3To-lwA_w/videos Tellonym: https://tellonym.me/eyeballtank Retrospring: https://retrospring.net/eyeballtank Codepen: https://codepen.io/EyeBallTank/projects/ Discord: EyeBallTank#5681 GitHub: https://github.com/EyeBallTank Neocities: https://eyeballtank.neocities.org/
Essential: Important stuff https://eyeballtank.tumblr.com/tagged/essential
OC: https://eyeballtank.tumblr.com/tagged/oc
Art: https://eyeballtank.tumblr.com/tagged/art
Gamedev: https://eyeballtank.tumblr.com/tagged/gamedev
Reblogs of other people's works and interesting stuff: https://eyeballtank.tumblr.com/tagged/reblog
Rants, opinions, random talk etc: https://eyeballtank.tumblr.com/tagged/blog and this shit https://rentry.co/4i85w
And also this https://rentry.co/icvzk
Third: https://rentry.co/pbnbk
Nortubel's game files https://mega.nz/folder/6EBBAKZL#Dtn2jjtcuaMRdofv03r7eg
Mega link for OC texts https://mega.nz/folder/6NxzwSQK#sULEUGSV8MIdZBER1ZOSNQ
Art references/inspirations (WIP) https://mega.nz/folder/jARmRT5A#5DGmQnlbnwPVTyUcJWbHcw
Some Doom stuff https://mega.nz/folder/GYZyTD4J#HBRRipn5aukd90kKWyDkxw
Because i used to have a different handle and posted some opinions or “hot takes”, i thought of reposting some stuff on this blog.
But only so i don’t have to say them again and if someone asks, they could just look back into old posts so i don’t have to repeat stuff.
Whether i change my mind on certain topics, if i’m wrong/hypocritical/lacking/etc about them or even if they affect my works may be irrelevant.
Because i’ve been thinking of putting them in a specific corner for anyone that dare to look into stuff, while also not being annoying over it.
Because i want to primarly focus on actually making stuff that some people will like and don’t want to get into stupid fights or cause controversies that don’t need to happen.
(Or at least waste my time on better stuff like practice or having fun).
One thing is seperating art from the artist, another is seperating parts of an artist because humans are supposed to be complex creature.
Besides, even if some opinions of mine aren’t agreeable, they’re not horrible fucked up shit either.
And even if someone likes what i have to say or agrees with it, i still want to put my time on better stuff (Without having to regret opinions that aren't even bad to begin with).
And this sounds cliche but i really hope i don't get "cancelled" over shit i said because none of this is a crime or even horribly offensive.
At worst, it's me revealing that i may have been "too online" at some points but i drew a line at least and want to keep my word.
Also, i'm autistic and ESL, so i may have flaws with how i articulate myself; So take what i say with a grain of salt.
I also spent a good while on some topics because of self reflection or at least trying to see other prespectives and the "logistics/anatomy" of discussion.
I can also see someone go "i see where you're getting at but" and expand on the shit i way, because i know someone will say some stuff better but i also don't trust Youtube commentary guys.
At least i don't mind if an opinion is "stolen" because you know... i have ACTUAL content to make.
AND ALSO: If i do say something from this long post and outside of it (Like in a Tumblr or Newgrounds post), it might be about a topic like certain art styles or media, not drama or politics related shit that's contained in that link to begin with.
0 notes
disclove · 2 years
HEARTSIGH . hrj (ft. lyy)
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WORD COUNT / ~15000
SYNOPSIS / everyone was in love with huang renjun, right? the student council prez with perfect grades that every parent would kill to have as a son-in-law. but not nana, and she had a good reason. but would she change her mind after a drunken dare that she'd stupidly agreed to? or would it end terribly?
WARNINGS / there's a lot... umm ... mentions of self-harm, depression, anxiety, smoking, a lot of toxic behavior, nana and renjun are both assholes (lowkey), violence, manipulation & kind of gaslighting?? not sure if i missed anything
NOTE FROM TAOJUN / hello! this is a repost from my old account NEOWAVES (& nana is an oc). this is part of my HIGH SCHOOL CLICHE series and dedicated @njmverse from the neosecretsanta collab!  like and reblog if you enjoyed, and please send any feedback in my askbox!
TAGS / @ankathi-a​, @nct-writers​, @kflixnet​, @ficscafe​ !
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i. the face of a bitch, who never rests
“I should’ve known better than to trust a bitch that doesn’t even go to this school,” Nana scowls, throwing an empty glass bottle down from the roof. A smirk grows on her face as the ear-splitting sound of the glass shattering on the concrete echoes through the air. 
“Gosh, I fucking hate him. Can’t believe I fell for such a bitch, but I probably never liked him anyway.”
Yangyang grabs her hand before she reaches for another glass bottle. “Stop. You’ll get in trouble.”
“Do I look like I give a single shit?” she snaps, with a cigarette sticking out of her mouth, prying his grip off of her as she hurls the next bottle down the side of the building. 
“I told you he was bad news,” he sighs. “His facade was too perfect to be true—”
“Mhm. What— you’re gonna tell me ‘I told you so’? Thanks for the moral support,” she sneers, taking the cigarette between her fingers and pulling it out of her mouth.
“Yang Nana. You can’t just let all your self-esteem break down over a piece of fucking trash,” Yangyang glares at her. “You always said you’d never let anyone break you, and yet here you are, smashing shit to stop yourself from crying.”
She grips a broken glass bottle, feeling the glass shards dig into her skin and pierce it, yet she barely registers the pain. 
“Everyone in my life is a fucking liar,” she sneers, watching as the glass cuts into her skin and blood flows down her fingers, stomping the fire out of her cigarette under the soles of her boot. “and I hate him.”
“Nana,” Yangyang scolds with a sigh, prying the glass from her palm and grabbing her injured hand, lightly picking a few glass shards out. “We’re going to the nurse. Stop doing this to yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and pick your confidence back up. Don’t let him take a single thing from you by leaving.”
With that, he grabs her non-injured hand and leads her down the stairs, away from the rooftop with a crate of glass beer bottles with the blood-stained glass shards on the ground. 
“Why do you resort to self-harm every time?” Yangyang sighs as he watches the blood drip off of her fingertips and onto the ground, leading her across campus to fix up her hand. 
Nana stays silent, and Yangyang just shakes his head, knowing she was too stubborn to listen. His gaze hardened when he saw Renjun walking out of one of his classes, already heading in their direction. But before he could lead Nana out of the impending argument that was inevitably going to happen, Renjun already saw them from across the hall, and was walking towards the two of them. 
“Hey, Yang Nana, what happened to your hand?” Renjun asks in mock concern, his eyes lingering on the blood dripping down her hand. “Lost your temper again?”
She scowls at the bitchy tone of his otherwise sweet words. “None of your fucking business, kiss-up.”
“That's no way to speak to the student council president,” he tsks, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “Calm down, I was just asking. Sometimes I think you hate me for no reason.”
“Yeah, you’re only student council president to build your resume because your grades are trash,” she snaps. “And because only two people ran for president. Get your head out of your fucking ass, bitch.”
“Last time I checked, I’m number 4 overall in the school for grades. You’re just two places higher because you fucking cheated,” Renjun sneers back. 
“Wow, the perfect boy knows how to curse,” she gasps sarcastically, before addressing his accusations. “And no, I didn’t cheat. Just because I’m smarter than your dumb ass doesn’t mean I cheated. I don’t care about my image and status being perfect as much as you do, you conceited bitch.”
“Oh, really? Why don’t you tutor me then?” he suggests with a smirk on his face, raising an eyebrow.
“Mhm… no, go kiss your chemistry teacher’s ass. Maybe Dr. Ou-Yang will pity you and give you a chance at being valedictorian… that is, if you can beat Huang Xinyi… or me,” she retorts.
Renjun hesitates for a moment, and Nana takes this chance to stick her middle finger in his face and brush past him, Yangyang’s hand still firmly in her grip. 
“God, he’s such an annoying shit,” she scowls. “Pretentious ass.”
Yangyang sighs, unconsciously repeating Renjun’s words. “Sometimes I think you hate him for no reason.”
She stops in her tracks abruptly, turning to look at him sharply. “I have very good reasons to dislike him, in fact. You of all people should know this.”
He holds in yet another sigh, nodding as he walks Nana into the nurse’s office. The student who was taking Dr. Li’s place during his break, Guo Yifeng, glances at Nana and her bleeding hand and frowns— while suppressing a smile at the sight of her hand firmly in Yangyang’s grip. 
“What happened, Nana?” Yifeng asks, cocking her head in the direction of her injured hand. 
“Glass shards,” Nana responds plainly, not caring to elaborate further. 
Yangyang lets go of her hand and pushes her slightly towards the seat next to Yifeng, causing her to fall into it ungracefully. 
Yifeng gently takes Nana’s hand, inspecting the glass puncturing her skin with a sigh. She turns away to grab a bottle of disinfecting alcohol and a few cotton balls, dampening the cotton with the alcohol as she speaks. 
“The glass cut pretty deep into you, so I’m going to need to use tweezers to pick them out,” she explains as she lightly wipes away the blood near the wounds on Nana’s hand. Grabbing a tweezer, Yifeng looked at her closely. “It might hurt, but I don't have enough time to take you to a hospital. We can’t let the glass go in any deeper, or it’ll never come out and keep cutting you internally, causing a lot of internal bleeding.”
Nana nods indifferently, sucking in a breath as she feels Yifeng’s tweezers pulling a glass shard out of her hand. With her other hand, Yifeng immediately grabbed a cotton pad to press against the blood rushing out from the open wound.
After extracting a few more pieces and bandaging her hand carefully, Yifeng breathes out in relief. 
“You’re lucky there weren’t that many small pieces that went underneath your skin, but make sure to let your hand rest for about a week. Change bandages everyday, and if you don’t have enough of them, you can always come back to get more,” she says with a smile. “Try not to get injured so much in the future, okay?”
But her words went ignored as Nana grabs Yangyang’s hand again and exits the nurse’s office. 
“Where do you want to go now?” Nana asks. “God, this means that I can’t work. Fuck it, I’m working anyway. I need the money.”
“You should rest. But before that— let's go beat up your ex.”
“But… ” she starts, a little apprehensive— but brushes off her concerns quickly, slightly scared to ruin her reputation by turning Yangyang down. “Never mind. yeah, let’s go.”
They approach Yangyang’s motorcycle, Nana climbing on directly behind Yangyang. 
Though he looked composed, all of his thoughts masked behind his indifferent facade, Yangyang shakes with rage under his calm expression. Nana has been the only person he’s ever trusted, and he became extremely wary when she started dating Jaemin. 
Yangyang was so suspicious of his perfect facade, and the way they even met— Jaemin lived in Korea, for fuck’s sake. He visited China every few weeks only when he didn’t want to attend school, until he graduated. He moved to a university near their school in China, yet turned down her multiple offers to meet up, despite the significant decrease of difficulty to just walk a few blocks down to meet his girlfriend. 
And a few days ago, his fling had texted Nana and apologized, explaining what had happened. She had hooked up with Jaemin multiple times without knowing that he had a girlfriend. 
Instead of wanting to kill Jaemin like he had expected, she had only sent him a “fuck you” text and blocked him everywhere she could. 
Yangyang knew that Nana was broken, yet she pushed him away— and there was nothing he could do about it. 
Once they got to the back of Jaemin’s university, Yangyang dialed his number, making sure that his number remained unknown to Jaemin. 
“Back of your school,” Yangyang snaps angrily. “Square up, you fucking asshole.”
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“I’m surprised that Jaemin didn’t hit you back,” Nana sighs as she bandages Yangyang’s wounds. “but holy fucking shit, Jeno is strong as fuck.”
She had only gotten a punch in the nose by Jaemin’s friend Haechan, but Jaemin pulled him back, unable to help Yangyang while Jeno had, quite literally, beaten Yangyang up. 
“Don’t remind me,” he groans, as he hissed out in pain when Nana’s alcohol wipes brushed over his open wounds. “God, I had no idea Jaemin’s friends were assholes too. I thought they’d be mad that Jaemin cheated, but they’re sticking up for a motherfucker like him? Wow. I am absolutely fucking speechless.”
“I know, I can’t believe it either,” she sighs, while turning to glance at the clock, gasping as she reads the time. “Shit, it’s already 4. I need to go to work.”
“Not with that,” Yangyang eyes her bandaged hand, with a raised eyebrow and a pointed expression on his face. 
She just rolls her eyes at him. “You can’t stop me.”
“Well, I’ll still be at your house when you get back. We’re going to a party at night,” he sighs out, knowing that he couldn’t change her mind, being the stubborn person she was.
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ii. truth or dare? that’s boring, let’s play dare or humiliation!
True to his word, Yangyang was still sitting on her couch nearly six hours later, scrolling through his Netflix account that he logged into on Nana’s TV.
“Oh, you’re back,” he yawns, blinking his drowsiness away as he sat up. “Just finished binging The Untamed. Gosh, I forgot how much it fucking sucks.”
She makes a sound acknowledging his statement while rubbing her eyes, setting her bag down on a chair. 
“God, just came back from three shifts,” she sighs tiredly. “And I’m barely making enough to cover this month,”
Yangyang frowns at his friend’s tired state. “Nana… I told you that I can help you pay it off, I have too much money anywa—”
“No.” She interrupts sternly. “Ma would’ve hated that. She hated owing people money, and I’ll just feel bad knowing that you paid off Ma’s hospital debt, which should’ve been Ba’s responsibility. But he’s gone too, so it’s my job now. I’m not going to let you offer me your whole allowance to cover this.”
Yangyang sighs. “But you literally work, like, 30 hours a week on the weekdays and an extra 20 hours a week on the weekends! You need a break, I’ll just cover one month for you—”
“Stop it, Yangyang. I said no.”
He just pouts. I can’t ever do anything nice for Nana without her getting upset. 
“Fine. Let’s get ready, the party is in half an hour.”
“What party?” she asks in confusion. “I’m fucking exhausted, I’m not in the mood to party.”
But he just ignores her words as he pulls out an outfit for her from a bag that he had placed inconspicuously on the floor a few hours ago. “Put it on, I’m waiting!”
“When did you even buy this?!” she gapes, her eyes widening as she reads the designer brand name and the price tag of each piece. Her jaw drops upon reading the huge number. “Yangyang, this is literally enough to cover two months of the hospital debt!! What were you thinking?! This is so fucking expensive I-”
“It’s not important… put it on!” he says, cutting her off successfully. 
She exhales a breath steadily, and goes into her room to change, with the outfit in her hands. Yangyang had chosen a pair of high-waisted ripped straight denim jeans, a Gucci belt, and a black ribbed tube top with sheer sleeves, leaving a small section of skin exposed above the waistband.
Nana sighs, feeling bad for accepting all of the extravagant gifts Yangyang buys for her— at this point, he could honestly pass for her sugar daddy. She pairs the outfit with more jewelry that he bought for her; a simple gold chain choker, and a few rings— a twisted silver one on her right index, a simple rose gold one that she placed halfway on her right middle finger, a bronze chain one on her right index, a thick jade ring that she got from her grandmother (the only one that wasn’t from Yangyang), which she placed on her left middle finger, a gold one with a crescent moon on it halfway on her left ring finger (which was from a matching set with Yangyang), and a claw ring that started from the base of her left index to adorning the tip of her finger. 
Grabbing a pair of purple tinted glasses to, hopefully, complete her look, she walks outside of her room. “Yangyang, you really need to stop buying me shit… you’re literally being a sugar daddy at this point,” she jokes. 
“Oh? Do you want me to be your daddy?” he smirks, and Nana’s eyes widen slightly at the innuendo, but she just scoffs, a disgusted expression on her face.
“You wish.”
Yangyang snickers at that, and casually grabs a pair of heeled sandals out of the same bag as before. “Shoes.”
Nana sighs. “Literally 90% of the shit I wear is bought by you, Yangyang, you really need to stop.”
But her words go ignored by Yangyang, who places the shoes into her hands.
“Let’s go,” he smiles as she finishes fastening her new shoes, taking her hand and leading her out of her apartment, back onto his motorcycle again. 
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Nana wrinkles her nose at the already overwhelming scent of alcohol in the air as she enters the party with Yangyang. She mentally freezes in anger as she realizes whose party this is, seeing Renjun — who’s already drunk and complaining about something (probably Nana) to his friend Chenle—from across the room. 
She turns accusingly to Yangyang, but he was already gone; he knew better than to stick around and get yelled at by Nana. 
With a sigh, she walks into the kitchen, grabbing a mixed drink on the table, grimacing at the initial taste. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” a voice says behind her. She smirks as she turns to meet his eyes. 
“Guanheng, what the fuck did you put in this drink?” Nana snorts as she takes another sip.
“Ah… it’s my new special, the one I’d like to call Drunk In My Bed,” he snickers. “How is it?”
“Terrible,” she jokes. “I think I’ll Puke In Your Bed instead.”
He frowns, clutching his chest in mock pain. 
“How rude of you, Nana,” he gasps out playfully. “That’s my favorite creation!”
She smirks while downing the rest of the drink. “When are we playing beer pong?”
“Any time you want, babe,” he flirts, raising an eyebrow with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Are you playing with me?”
“Only if you don’t suck, sweetheart,” she plays along. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go make better drinks. You need an upgraded bartender.”
With that, she grabs the tequila, vodka, Sprite, mango juice and orange juice from his fridge, along with a drink shaker and a few syrups he has stashed in a cupboard. 
She shakes up an array of drinks, making Guanheng hand them out, who promises a round of beer pong after everyone is drunk enough. 
Nana rests her arm on Yangyang’s shoulder as she hands him a drink. He takes it and drinks it, humming in approval. 
“What’s happening now?” she asks. 
“Nothing interesting,” he shrugs. “Just Renjun shit-talking you, but I didn’t expect anything more from that snake.”
She sighs in response. “Let’s beat him up later, we’re playing beer pong first.”
Just as she finishes speaking, Guanheng claps his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Hey everyone, we’re playing beer pong, so join me in the room with a partner if you want to play or watch— there’s a total of three tables to play on.”
“Let’s go,” Nana smiles, taking Yangyang’s hand and leading him to the beer pong tables. “You want to play?”
“No, I’ll just watch you and Guanheng argue,” he smirks.
“I heard my name,” Guanheng winks as he joins Nana at one side of a table. 
“Who wants to play against the godly beer pong duo?!” Yangyang yells out loudly. 
The party goes silent for a moment, before Renjun (who is already nearly bat-shit drunk) yells, “Me and Chenle-ya will do it!”
“You’ve made a bad decision, Renjun-ah,” he mumbles out to Renjun with a smirk on his face. 
“It’s okay, he was a bad decision,” Nana smirks. “Bring it on, losers.”
Before Renjun could open his mouth to retort, Yangyang pushes them to the other side of the table. And suddenly, the two other beer pong tables look empty as everyone huddles around the center table with Nana and Guanheng against Renjun and Chenle. 
“Let’s fucking go, Yang Nana!” Siyuan yells out loudly, already almost batshit drunk. Chenle and Guanheng fill their respective cups with beer as Renjun and Nana stare at each other. 
“Bring it on, Mr. Perfect,” Nana snickers. 
Renjun grabs a ping-pong ball and aims it at their side of cups, but it bounces off the rim of the center cup and onto the table. 
“Darn, your aim sucks,” she taunts as she grabs herself a ball, easily tossing it into the cup closest to Renjun. The crowd of students go wild as she cocks an eyebrow at him. “Drink up, prez.”
He mutters out complaints while tossing the ball back to their side, taking the cup of beer and drinking it all. Chenle grabs another ball, resisting the urge to facepalm at the obvious tension between the two, and easily gets it into the cup closest to the center. 
Guanheng sighs as he grabs the cup, tossing the ball back to Chenle, who hands it to Renjun, and downs the beer— so quickly that it leaves a burn in his throat, which he grimaces at, before grabbing their ping-pong ball. 
He manages to get it into the cup in the corner, and Nana lets out a small breath of relief as Chenle drinks all of the liquid in the cup.
Renjun squints at cups in front of him, his vision already getting a little blurry with the alcohol in his lightweight system. 
Surprisingly, he manages to get it into the left cup in the second row. Nana grabs it with a scoff, taking out the ball and throwing it at Renjun’s head before pouring the whole drink into her mouth, throwing the cup behind her. 
She grabs the ball in Guanheng’s hand, staring closely as she aims it at a random cup, and it lands in with a splash. Renjun lets out an audible groan as he grabs the cup, rolls the ball towards the other side, and drinks it all. 
It’s Chenle’s turn now, but he misses, and Renjun nearly screams in frustration. 
“Chenle, you fucking suck,” he whines, and Nana doesn’t even suppress the laugh bubbling up within her. 
“You also missed one,” she smirks. “Therefore, you also suck.”
Guanheng grabs the ball and lands it into the cup nearest to the center, and Chenle grumbles an insult at Renjun as he drinks it. 
“All your fucking fault for making me play with you,” Chenle tsks. “I should’ve just ignored you.”
Renjun just shrugs as he attempts to throw the ball into another cup. But it fails, bouncing on the rim of two cups before landing on the table— but by now, mostly everyone has dissipated from the crowd, disappointed in Renjun’s and Chenle’s lack of skill. Nana just gives him a mocking pity smile as she tosses the ball into the right cup in the second row.
“Looks like you’re the one who fucking sucks,” she snickers, watching as he downs the cup of beer with a pout on his face.
“Shut up, you’re only good because you have nothing better to do,” he snaps. 
“That’s a bad way of coping, assuming things just because you’re bad at it. You’d be bad at this even if you did it every single day,” she says disapprovingly with a click of her tongue. “You just don’t know how to do anything except be a nerd. Is this your first time tasting alcohol, goody two shoes?”
Chenle interrupts their argument with a cough, getting his ball into the middle cup closest to the other side. Guanheng exhales air through his nose as he drinks, slamming the cup on the table as he consumes the whole cup. He grabs the ping pong ball, focusing on the last cup standing on the other side. 
“You better get this one, or I’m never playing beer pong with you again,” Nana whispers threateningly. 
“Don’t worry about it, honey,” he smirks back as he bounces the ball on the table, and into the last cup. 
Renjun groans as Chenle finishes the last cup on their side, whining about Chenle making them lose. 
“As customary to our version of beer pong, you guys also have to split the last three cups of beer too,” Nana winks as she leaves the room.
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Siyuan drags Nana to the group of people playing their version of Truth or Dare. 
“Siyuan, Truth or Dare is the dumbest game in the history of dumb games,” Nana deadpans. “For the last time, I am not playing.”
“Hey, hey,” Guanheng pipes up from the circle. “We’re not playing Truth or Dare. That’s boring. We’re playing Dare or Humiliation!”
Nana raises her eyebrows. 
“Come on, just one round, please?” Siyuan pouts, and she groans, obliging with a few “fine, okay”’s falling from her lips. 
Siyuan spins the bottle in the middle to choose the first victim player. 
And it lands on Siyuan. Nana smirks as she senses Siyuan’s grimace. 
“Tang Siyuan,” Nana says. “Dare or Humiliation?”
“Hm… um, I’ll pick Dare,” Siyuan sighs.
“Wise choice,” Guanheng winks at her, and spins the wheel of dares on his phone, which everyone in the circle contributed to. 
“Mix Lao Gan Ma, soymilk, mung bean ice cream, sesame paste, orange juice, salted egg crackers, that 5-day old jasmine milk tea with brown sugar boba and coconut jelly in Guanheng’s fridge, and yogurt in a blender and drink it,” he snickers, but it fades and a terrified expression grows on his face as he reads the rest of the dare. “And then… kiss Guanheng. I- wait, what? What if I got this one? Would I kiss myself?” 
The two victims cringe at the sound of the monstrous dare. 
“Now, who came up with this?!” he cries out in terror. 
“Me,” Yangyang says casually. “Great dare, right? I was kind of hoping that Siyuan would get this one.”
Siyuan scowls at him as everyone else in the circle excitedly gets up to make her the gag-guaranteed drink.
Soon, Nana approaches her again with the demonic concoction of a drink— chunky and revolting— with a shit-eating grin on her face as Siyuan reluctantly accepts the cursed cup of disgusting foods. 
“Drink up, darling,” she smirks at the scowl on Siyuan’s face. 
Plugging her nose and quickly pouring the mixture into her mouth, she swallows with a grimace on her face. 
“Oh God, that was nasty. Guanheng, come here,” Siyuan says with a cheeky grin on her face, grabbing him by the neck. She connects her lips with Guanheng’s, making sure that she slides her tongue into his mouth— forcing him to taste the gag-worthy drink, too. 
He pulls away as soon as she lets go, coughing and choking at the taste. 
“I’m getting water to wash that shit down,” he gags, as she follows him to get some for herself as well.
Siyuan sits back down in the circle, spinning the bottle again a little too eagerly. 
It lands on Yangyang, and he groans out “Dare”, as Guanheng spins the wheel again. 
“Kiss the person closest to you,” he reads. “Simple enough. You and Meng Xiyun.”
Xiyun cringes slightly at the dare, but stays in place as Yangyang pecks her on the lips, an indifferent expression on his face as he grabs the bottle to spin. 
About ten rounds go by before the bottle lands on Nana. 
“Dare,” she shrugs.
“Shit, we’re out of dares,” Guanheng sighs as he looks at the zero at the top of the “New Dares” list. “Anyone have a dare for her?”
Siyuan perks up, a little too eagerly as she downs the rest of her Tsingdao beer bottle, slamming it onto the floor as she yells out drunkenly, “MAKE OUT WITH HUANG RENJUN!”
Everyone in the circle goes silent. Nana’s eyes flick to the side of the room, where Renjun is still shit-talking someone (presumably, her) to Chenle, who looks extremely exasperated, but unable to stop his friend from complaining. 
She hesitates for a few moments, but smirks and lets out a scoff as she processes the dare. 
“Sure, I’ll do it,” she said indifferently, grabbing Yangyang’s half-empty beer bottle and chugging the rest of it before slamming it down on the ground again. 
“Nana, what the fuck,” Yangyang deadpanned.
“Bitch, I’m not doing this sober.”
Everyone’s eyes widen in complete shock as she stands up and makes her way towards Renjun. 
He loses his train of thought as he sees Nana walking towards him, and Chenle takes this as a cue to leave. She smirks at his pathetic attempt to back away— completely backing himself into a wall instead. 
She slaps her hand to the wall beside him as she looks him up and down in disgust. She raises an eyebrow, exhaling heavily through her nose.
“Hey, student council president,” she scoffs. “Don’t you know it’s rude to talk shit about other people? Especially if they can hear you?”
He lets out an audible gulp as her hot breath brushes across face, making him look even more flushed on top of his drunken red glow.
“I— uh, yeah— but—” Renjun stammers, but before he could get an excuse out, she leans in even closer and his eyes blow wide as she connects her lips to his.
He doesn’t know how to react. His lips stay completely frozen as hers move against his passionately. Out of all the things he expected to happen, getting his first kiss as a makeout session from the person he hated the most was absolutely not one of them.
Renjun loses it when her tongue glides over his bottom lip, gasping into the kiss as her tongue slides into his mouth. He closes his eyes, kissing back as he moves his hands up to her head, pulling her even closer to him. He nearly moans into the kiss as her fingers find their way onto him, running through the hairs at the nape of his neck as her tongue explores each and every crevice of his mouth. 
But just when Renjun was debating whether to slide his tongue into her mouth as well— something that had never even crossed his mind before, let alone considered— Nana suddenly pulls away, blowing out a breath against his lips before walking away, throwing a wink behind her shoulder at him before joining the circle again.
“I told you it was easy,” she states nonchalantly, like she definitely did not just have a heated makeout session with someone whom she hated more than her father (which was truly an impressive feat). 
The rest of the group was still shocked, staring at her like she just entered the room from the ceiling.
“You— Renjun— that—“ Siyuan sputters out in disbelief, the shock from watching that probably sobering up her mind. “You actually did it?! I was joking, Nana. And I was drunk!”
“Don’t pretend to be innocent,” Nana rolls her eyes. “I know that all of you wanted to see that.”
A wave of embarrassment hits Renjun after he hears the conversation, as tears well up in his eyes. 
Of course she isn’t interested in you, Renjun, he thought bitterly to himself. You were a fucking asshole to her. 
And his eyes widen at the thought of thinking of her that way and he spins back to look at Nana’s expression, which looks uncannily similar to the Cheshire cat’s. 
Don’t I hate her? Why do I even care?
His thoughts were nearly visible on his face. 
Oh, sweetheart… that’s only what you want to believe, Nana thinks to herself, the shit-eating grin plastered on her face only growing.
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iii. step one: try to make him like you— well shit, step one failed.
Nana wakes up in Yangyang’s bed to a massive headache and around fifty text notifications blowing up her phone. 
Rubbing her eyes and yawning, she sits up, blinking her eyes as she regains consciousness, drinking a glass of water on the table beside the bed she was in.
She unlocks her phone, her eyes widening comically as she reads the texts guilty of blowing up her notifications for the past few hours. 
siyuan idiot 🤺 — 01:04babe i know you’re batshit drunk right now but i think it’s a good idea to text you this so you DO know even though i’m right next to your drunk ass right the fuck now don’t kill me pls but i dared you to makeout with huang renjun and your dumbfuck ass DID… i- I’M SORRY FOR THE DARE ??? BUT I I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO DO IT ?@?1)*;&2(#1%$?!/ 😭😭 NANA PLEASE DON’T KILL ME ;A;
guanheng aka devil 👹 — 01:47 YANG NANA YOU DID NOT YOU FUCKING MADE OUT WITH HUANG RENJUN ??? IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AT MY PARTY???? OH MY GOD I NEVER KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME LMFAOO i am ACTUALLY WHEEZING btw i recorded it ;) Attachment: 1 video i’m sending this to everyone LMAOOOO
guanheng aka devil 👹 — 09:31Renjun’s at mine rn and he’s having a breakdown bc i told him what happened BSHKDSMSN help i’m trying not to laugh but it’s nOT WORKING
yangyang fake tsundere 😇 — 10:26you’re at my house rn (in case your hungover ass forgot <3) i just left to go buy you breakfast ok? do not call 119 today bc i’m not there :) i did NOT abandon you
Her face pales. 
She kissed Renjun last night? The Huang Renjun who she claims to hate so much?
Nana’s cheeks flush upon watching the video. 
Oh God. I’m fucked.
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“Siyuan, this is all your fucking fault,” Nana whines, back at her favorite spot (or the rooftop). Her legs dangle off the side, and she kicks her feet around like a child as she frowns in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, Nana,” she apologizes for the umpteenth time, handing Nana a cup of her favorite drink: roasted oolong milk tea with brown sugar boba, light sugar and no ice. 
Nana begrudgingly accepts, taking a sip and smiling at the taste. “I’ll forgive you after you buy me… hm, another twenty of these.”
But her smile soon fades again, remembering all the memories that she associated with the drink. 
“Nana? Earth to Nana,” Siyuan says, snapping her fingers in front of Nana’s face. 
Hearing the loud sound, she snaps back to reality and blinks away the memories, turning to face her friend. 
“What?” Nana asks. 
“I said,” she smirks. “Maybe you can use Renjun to get over Jaemin.”
She subconsciously flinches at the sound of his name. 
“I… well, I mean,” Nana stutters. “It’s not a bad idea?”
“Exactly!” she grins. “You hate him anyway. No strings attached, you know? What’s the worst that can happen— you guys hating each other more?”
Nana forces a grin onto her face. “I’ll… I’ll think about it, yeah.”
Why am I hesitating?
“Why think? You have such a good opportunity. If only you saw his face yesterday after the kiss… oho. He was staring at you like you were some angel,” Siyuan snickers. “Angel, my ass. Devil is more like it.”
Despite the pile of excuses lying on the tip of her tongue, Nana blurts out, “I’ll do it.”
Siyuan’s eyes widen comically, not expecting Nana to accept her poorly thought-out plan so easily, but she brushes it aside. 
“Step one,” she smirks. “Pair up with him in History today, and try to get him to like you. We have group projects starting today.”
“How do you know?”
“Hello? Did all that alcohol yesterday make you dumb?” Siyuan jokes. “I just had History first period.”
Nana gasps. “WAIT… Did you pair up with… with Guanheng?”
Her cheeks dust with pink at Nana’s accusation. “Well… maybe.”
Nana lets out a cackle. “I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it.”
“Shut up, Yang Nana!” Siyuan fumes in embarrassment. 
“Make me, Tang Siyuan!” Nana retorts with a smirk on her face, but it dies as she realizes a very important detail that could make her plan go very wrong. “Wait… but Chenle is in Renjun’s class! Won’t they pair up?”
Siyuan lets out a sharp exhale of mock offense. 
“I already have that sorted out, babygirl,” she rolls her eyes. “Who do you take me for? An idiot?”
“Yeah, sometimes,” Nana teases. 
Siyuan pouts. “Hey! Sometimes?!”
“Nah, I changed my mind,” Nana says, with a shit-eating grin on her face, and pauses for good measure before continuing her thought. “All the time.”
Just as Siyuan opens her mouth to retort, the school bell rings loudly. 
“Gotta go— I have to go implement step one,” she snickers.
Throwing a teasing wink in her direction, Nana opens the door to the stairwell as a teacher yells from down below, “Are you guys on the roof? During school hours?”
Taking that as a cue to leave, Nana kicks the door open. The teacher to the entrance of the building as the two of them race down the stairs and exit through the back door of the building— just in time as they hear loud footsteps rushing up the staircase.
They collectively let out loud exhales of relief, before Siyuan gasps. 
“Nana, our bags are up there!”
“... Shit.”
They collectively groan, but Nana convinces Siyuan to go to their math class first. 
“It’s fine, I’m always in detention,” Nana grimaces. “Just tell the teacher I have, uh… period cramps.”
She opens her mouth to argue, but before she could get a single word out, they hear sounds of footsteps coming back down the staircase, and Nana shoves her away. 
“Go!” she mouths at Siyuan, who frowns but runs to class.
She heads back into the building, only to be confronted by her old biology teacher. 
“Yang Nana,” he sighs. “Why am I not surprised?”
She doesn’t respond, keeping an emotionless expression on her face. 
He let out another sigh. “You just earned yourself a week of detention.”
“Cool,” Nana deadpans, before brushing past Mr. Han and walking up the staircase.
Mr. Han just blinks in confusion at the disrespect he had just witnessed— which, to be fair, was probably one of the only disrespectful actions he had ever seen from a student— but before he instinctively yells at her, he just shakes his head, lets out a sigh of disappointment, and exits the building.
Nana scrambles up the staircase, completely out of breath by the time she reaches the top, panting as she grabs the two backpacks and races back down.
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“Pair up, everyone,” Mr. Yao announces lazily. “Find one person to work with— absolutely no groups of three.”
Renjun glances at Chenle, but he looks back at Renjun apologetically. “Sorry, I’m pairing up with Yifeng.”
He shoots Chenle a death glare, while scanning the classroom to find someone else who didn’t have a partner. 
And his stomach drops when he realizes that the only other person who seemed to be alone was Yang Nana— the devil incarnate.
“You’re such a traitor,” Renjun sighs dramatically to Chenle. “You owe me so much for this.”
With that, he walks over to where Nana is sitting in the back corner of the class. He tries not to blush as memories of the previous night flash before his eyes. 
“Oh wow, you’re voluntarily pairing up with me,” Nana deadpans, raising a singular eyebrow. “Class president got no friends left?”
Renjun resists the urge to fight back. 
“So you’re back to being a bitch after making out with me,” he blurts out. 
She lets out a mix of a scoff and a laugh at that, raising her eyebrows at his comment. 
“Oh darling, did you think I did that because I like you?” Nana snickers. “Too bad it was just a dare, then.”
Ignoring the completely dejected look on Renjun’s face, she pushes herself out of her chair and leaves the table to take the assignment from Mr. Yao.
Step one: failed, she sighs to herself. Nana clenches her jaw in annoyance. Why do I even need him to like me? 
“Can I have your WeChat username, at least?” Renjun sighs as she returns with one packet of instructions, haphazardly tossing it onto his desk. 
“What, you want to take me out?” she smirks. 
“In your dreams,” he manages to retort. “No, you idiot, it’s for the goddamn project.”
“That would be in my nightmares,” she scoffs. “I’m starting to think you purposely made your friend pair up with that girl so you could pair up with me.”
Renjun sputters out indignantly at her sarcastic jab, and Nana just tuts condescendingly as she grabs his open phone and punches her WeChat username into his phone harshly.
As the sound of the school bell pierces through the chattering noises in the classroom, she drops his phone into his lap indifferently, grabs her bag, and is the first to exit the room.
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iv. alexa, play any random song. wait— no, NOT PPAP
huang renjun — 15:28hi it’s renjun when are you free to work on the project together
Nana scoffs at the notification, but as soon as she picks up her phone to respond, her coworker, Dejun, tells her to go take the order of the new customers. 
Stuffing her phone into her apron pocket, she stands behind the cashier table. 
“Hi, welcome to Wei Shen Cafe— oh, it’s you,” her fake smile disappears in an instant as she glowers at Renjun and Chenle standing across from her. “What do you want, nerd? Are you following me?”
“You wish,” Renjun snaps back. “This is one of the most popular cafes around here, you aren’t fucking special.”
“Hurry up and order,” Chenle groans. 
But Renjun just ignores him, and continues pestering Nana. 
“Aren’t you rich, Yang Nana? I wouldn’t think you’d be working at a cafe like this,” he prods, trying to get a reaction out of her. 
But luckily, before she could open her mouth and cause a huge scene in the cafe (and maybe get fired if her boss comes out), Dejun comes to her rescue. 
“What would you like? As you can see, there’s a long line behind you,” he tells Renjun plainly. “Please leave or order now.”
Chenle sighs in embarrassment, pushing Renjun aside as he orders two drinks hurriedly, pulling him to a table to sit down at. 
“Thanks,” she mutters to Dejun, and he gasps mockingly. 
“The Yang Nana? Saying something nice to me??” He gapes teasingly. “No problem. He was being a jerk anyway. Like, who does he think he is?! Commenting about you and what you do with your money like that? What an asshole.”
“You can say that again,” Nana sighs, resisting the urge to spit in the matcha latte she was making for Renjun. 
huang renjun — today at 16:03when do you get off your shift
Nana just rolls her eyes, changing his name in her WeChat.
now watch me na(e)na(e) has changed huang renjun’s nickname to bitchboy extraordinaire
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 16:07none of your goddamn business, bitchface
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 16:07i’ll ignore that nicknamei’m fucking waiting for you right now when do you get off
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 16:12oh, you’re waiting? how sweet. i literally get off at 1am let’s see how long you can wait
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 16:13what…. doesn’t wei shen close at 10 ?? you’re fucking lying
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 16:20what’s it to you? we don’t need to see each other to work on this project anyway fuck off. go do it yourself you don’t have 8 hours of work like me every day
With that, she slips her phone into her back pocket and ignores the notifications buzzing from it.
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Days pass, and the only thing on Renjun’s mind is her. The only thing he can think about is Yang Nana, that fucking stupid kiss, and the way his heart feels like it's about to beat out of his chest when he even catches a glimpse of her anywhere. 
He’s fallen for her, and he hates it. Renjun knows that Nana doesn’t give a shit about him, so why does he still like her? 
And why did she even hate him? 
He feels like he’s going insane. He malfunctions every time she talks to him, and all of their flirty teasing is starting to get to him. His face fires up whenever she calls him darling, whenever she even smirks at him. 
Renjun’s infatuated with her, and there’s nothing he can do but forget about it, and hope it’ll go away. Or confess, and inevitably get his heart broken. 
“Fuck you, Yang Nana,” he mutters to himself.
Shaking his head and sighing at himself, Renjun goes back to studying— only to be interrupted by another notification, and his eyebrows raise, seeing that it’s from Nana. 
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 11:51okay it’s a saturday so i don’t have that much work since you’re so fucking annoying, when do you want to work on the stupid project
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 11:53 have you ever considered that i might be busy
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 11:54 no if you’re “busy” then go do the damn project yourself
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 11:55have i ever mentioned that i hate your guts
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 11:57 yes many times like i said you can kiss my ass. i don’t give a shit.
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 11:58fuck you
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 11:58i know you want that anyways show up at 2pm at my house, or i will commit arson on your ass whenever i see you next
Renjun is left choking on his own spit at her very obvious sexual innuendo.
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 12:01 i don’t even know where you live
But his message goes ignored, and he sighs out a deep breath of annoyance. 
Yang Nana, stop fucking with my head, will you?
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Two hours later, Renjun receives a message with her address, and he looks down at Nana’s message and the apartment building he found himself in front of. 
Floor 12, he reads. Room 7.
“No elevator?!” he cries out, his eyes staring at the dusty blue stairs with paint peeling off of them, the worn-out wood, and the rusty handlebar. 
I guess I’m climbing twelve flights of stairs, he sighs to himself, 
By the time he reaches the top, he feels like he’s done his brother’s leg workout, wiping sweat accumulating on his forehead. He pants out in exhaustion, taking his water bottle out of his bag and gulping down half of it to quench the sandpaper consistency his throat had started to resemble. 
Finding Nana’s apartment was also a challenge, since there were no room number labels on the walls; and he finds himself knocking on her door at 2:20 pm. 
“Sorry I’m late, I couldn’t find your place,” Renjun blurts out, mentally cursing himself for even bothering to apologize. “And why are there no elevators in this big ass apartment building? Are you really so poor that you need to live at such a worn-down—“
He doesn’t finish his thought before Nana grabs him by the collar and pulls him into her apartment harshly. 
“Have you realized that not everyone is as rich as you?!” she snaps angrily. “Why are you even here if you care so much? If you didn’t want to work with me, you wouldn’t have even come here. So what’s your fucking problem, Huang?”
He falls silent. 
“I’m— I,” he stumbles over his words. “I was just surprised, sorry. I didn’t know you were… you were… ” 
“Poor. I know, I’m pretty fucking poor,” she sneers, rolling her eyes as she grabs his wrist and leads her towards her room. 
He tries to stop asking so many questions, but when he notices the empty house, he opens his mouth to speak again. 
“Yes, I live alone,” she snips tiredly. 
His mouth closes. 
“What happened to your parents?” Renjun asks. 
He knows that he shouldn’t, but he can’t help but be curious— realizing that there was a lot he didn’t know about Nana than he had thought.
But she remains silent, and he takes that as a cue to stop talking.
Stupid, they both think, but for different reasons. 
“Alexa, play any random song,” Nana says to her Amazon Echo that Yangyang had gifted her a few years ago. 
“Generating a random song,” Alexa says, shuffling a list of songs. “Playing: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen, long version.”
Nana resists the urge to unplug and throw the device against the wall, as the man sings, “I have a pen, I have an apple… uh. Apple Pen. I have a pen, I have pineapple… uh. Pineapple P—“
“Wait—” she groans out at the sound. “No, NOT PPAP. Alexa, shut the fuck up.”
”If only it were that easy to get an Apple Pen,” she mutters.
Renjun lets out a snicker at that.
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Around three hours of bickering, arguing and yelling later, Nana stands up. 
“I need to go to work— good luck with the rest,” she informs him, closing her laptop and standing up to open her closet to grab her work bag and supplies. “I did way more work than you, since you were arguing with me and staring at me for most of the time, so… it’s not my work anymore. Go research about that stupid guy, and finish the presentation.”
Renjun raises his eyebrows at her clothing collection as she opens the door. 
“If you’re so poor, how do you have Gucci—” he starts, but he’s cut off by Nana. 
“Gifts,” she sighs out in frustration. “So many goddamn questions, you fuckface. Stop being so nosy, will you?”
With that, she grabs his laptop, shoves it into his backpack, and pushes it into his chest. 
“Get out.”
As soon as they exit her apartment, Nana turns around and locks the door behind her. 
“How do you get down to the lobby?” he asks. 
“With the stairs,” she deadpans. 
Renjun groans at the thought of going back down the stairs. “It’s not that bad. I used to live on the 20th floor.”
“What happened, though?” he asks again, as they begin down the stairs. 
“Why do you need to know?” she retorts. 
“Because…” he starts, fumbling over his words. “Because, I… I want to know. I think we didn’t start off too right—”
“No shit, Sherlock,” she snaps. “I don’t think we’re that close to justify me spilling to you my whole life story, though.”
“Maybe another day, when I don’t find you an asshole and a half,” she finishes. 
He mutters something under his breath, but Nana doesn’t hear it— nor is she interested in knowing. 
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“Where were you from 2pm to 5pm, young man?” his mother questions as soon as she walks into the house, locking her Tesla and sitting down to eat dinner— a very late dinner.
Renjun freezes at her angry tone, sitting in front of his now cold food. “I was working on a project with a friend.”
“Chenle?” she asks. “He says that you weren’t at his house.”
“Not Chenle,” he replies. “Another person in my class.”
His mother tsks. “Show me the work you two did.”
He obliges, bending down to unzip his backpack and show her the presentation. 
She scoffs (probably at the lack of criticism she can give).
“Why has your school ranking dropped from number 3 to number 4?” she snaps angrily. “What did I tell you about staying in the top three, huh?”
“Only getting an 89 on your chemistry test,” she seeths angrily. “Why can’t you be more like your brother?!”
Renjun’s eyes prick with tears upon the mention of his perfect brother.
“Your brother was so much better than you,” she yells. “He was so perfect. Everyone loved him, he was both popular and smart, getting everything he ever thought about having.
“What about you?! You just managed to snag the title of ‘Student Body President’, because there were no good candidates to choose from! You don’t get good grades, your teachers don’t love you as much, why are you such a failure?! I pay for your tutoring, your extra classes, and you still can’t do well?” she screams. “Why are you so useless? Wasting my money— I knew it was a mistake to have another child.”
Renjun’s tears drip into the broth of his noodles. 
“Stop crying, you fool!” she barks at him. “Does that solve anything for you?!”
He sniffles, slamming his chopsticks down onto the table as he grabs a tissue to wipe at his tears. 
“Why do you do this to me?!” Renjun sobs. “I try so hard to please you, and yet you’re still not happy.”
His mother swallows, sighing as she realizes she went too far.
“I was missing your brother,” she sighs. “I’m sorry, Renjun— I have been going to therapy, but nothing stops the anger.”
But Renjun was done with her excuses. “That doesn’t mean you can just release it all on me. I’m not your punching bag, Ma.”
He glances at the clock but ignores how close it is to midnight— grabbing his coat and phone.
“Going out for a walk,” he mumbles, running out the door and out into the neighborhood.
He tries to ignore his mother’s stupid words, wiping at the stray tears falling from his face. 
I try so hard to be perfect for you, Ma, since Ba left and Ge stays at university, Renjun sighs to himself. Why don’t you ever see it, though?
He checks his phone, sighing as he realizes that it’s already past midnight. 
Oh well, I can always go to the 24-hour convenience store, right?
He approaches the store, the bells on the dore jingling as he enters. 
“Hello, welcome go 24/7— wait, what the fuck are you doing here?” a familiar voice speaks with annoyance. 
Renjun looks up from the shelves, staring incredulously at Yang Nana, working behind the cashier table. 
“I’m… why are you everywhere?!” he snaps. 
“Why are you stalking me?!” she retorts.
“I’m not fucking stalking you! I just left to get some fresh air, and you’re everywhere I go!” he yells. “Forget it.”
But his red and puffy weary eyes don’t go ignored by Nana. Before he can leave the store, she walks around the cashier table and grabs his wrist, pulling him back in and shutting the door behind them. 
“What’s wrong.” 
It’s not a question, it’s a statement. 
He gulps. “Why should I tell you, when you never tell me anything?”
She exhales harshly through her nose. “That’s besides the point. Why were you crying?”
“My mom,” he manages to utter out, and the tears begin welling up in his eyes again. She tosses him a pack of tissues, while choosing a ramen flavor for him as he speaks. 
“She’s never been the same since my parents divorced,” he manages to explain. 
And once he starts talking, everything spills out of his mouth. 
“My brother is two years older than me,” he explains. “He left the country to the United States for university, and he hasn’t come back to visit since. But because he isn’t here anymore, my mom starts to think so highly of him. He was an average child, but now, in her eyes, he was perfect. He was perfect, because for his whole life before college, my parents were together.”
“Today, she was just spewing lies about how good my brother was, that just weren’t true, and making me feel like shit,” he sniffles, as hot tears run down his cold face. “Like I don’t try hard or something. Like it’s easy to be in the top five student grades.”
By the time he’s done explaining, Nana’s already prepared two bowls of instant ramen and two cups of boba milk tea.
“I’m sorry about that,” Nana says, and that’s the first kind thing that Renjun’s ever heard Yang Nana say to him. 
“You’re… you’re being nice,” he gasps, clearing his throat and sniffling as he presses tissues to his leaking eyes.
Nana rolls her eyes. “No, I’m only capable of being mean,” she deadpans. “Here, eat the ramen. And the boba milk tea.”
He thanks her as he opens his bowl of instant ramen. 
“Salted egg ramen?” Renjun gapes. “How did you know that was my favorite?”
“I didn’t. It’s my favorite.”
They sit across from each other and eat instant ramen together. 
“Why are you working so late?” he asks. 
“I need a lot of money, Renjun,” she smiles wryly. “If school is a third of my day, work is the second third of my day. I study at night, and I get up early for a shift before school. I live off of caffeine.”
He gasps at her hellish schedule. “Why, though? Why do you need so much money?”
“Because I don’t have parents anymore.”
The words take a few moments to sink in. 
“Oh, God. That’s why you hate me,” Renjun sighs. “I’m… Nana, I’m so sorry.”
She manages a pained smile, resisting the urge to punch him as she remembers the bitter memory. “It’s… fine.”
“But it’s not. I had no idea, Nana,” he says apologetically. “When did it happen?”
“Seven years ago.”
He gasps. “You… you were only ten.”
She only lets out a forced laugh. 
“And my dad left when I was twelve. He claimed that I caused him too much pain because I look almost identical to her.”
Renjun lets out a noise of indignation. “How could he?! Just leaving a child like that?!”
“Because my mom died of cancer, there’s a shit ton of hospital bills to pay,” she scoffs. “And because my dad’s gone, I have to pay them now. I watched as the bills were mailed to our house month after month, with a stupid amount of debt printed on each sheet. Given that we already weren’t rich at all, it was nearly impossible to pay it off… I know my dad left because the debt was too much.”
He scoffs at this. “How could your father feel okay with leaving a child by herself?!”
“He thinks it’s fine, because he covers the rent for my apartment,” she seethes. “What about food? What about the debt? He didn’t care. As long as I had a place to stay, he thought it was fine. So I had to leech off of neighbors for three years, until I was legally allowed to work.”
She takes a long sip of her drink afterwards. 
“You’re the second person I’ve ever told,” she admits. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you.”
Renjun smirks suggestively. “Oh my, is the Yang Nana warming up to me?” he gasps mockingly. “Never thought I’d live to see the day.”
Nana raises a single eyebrow, the expression on her face unreadable. “You wish.”
And before he could ask what she meant by that, her coworker comes in for his shift, and Nana tells him that she has to leave. Taking off her uniform and grabbing her bag, she leaves the store, and gets onto her bike to go home.
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v. huang renjun, master of the claw machine (yes, i’m kidding. he fucking sucks)
“You invited Renjun to your apartment yesterday?!” Siyuan and Yangyang collectively gasp scandalously. 
“Oh my God, Nana, why didn’t you tell me? What did you guys do?” Siyuan gapes, nearly quivering with excitement. 
“Nothing interesting,” Nana rolls her eyes. “We just… worked on the History project.”
“You need to take him out on a date,” Siyuan declares, taking a sip of her strawberry slushie that they had gone to buy during the second class of the day. 
Yangyang clicks his tongue apprehensively, mixing his mango slushie. “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to have a rebound after Jaemin and do it to Renjun on purpose.”
“No, it’s a great idea,” Siyuan interjects. “You don’t understand. After getting some dick, Nana will be happy again. “
Nana cringes at her in disgust, as she takes a sip of her lemon slushie. “Well… I do find it kinda rude to just play with Renjun’s feelings like that, but maybe talking to him will get That Dickface off of my mind.”
“It’s up to you, Nana,” Yangyang says. “Don’t feel pressured just because Siyuan changes boys every other day and clearly doesn’t care about any one of them.”
“Hey! I just sleep with different boys,” she defends herself. “They know what they’re getting into. So… erm, yeah— maybe it’s not a great idea to be an asshole to Renjun.”
“But one last dare, Nana,” Siyuan continues, her eyes sparkling. “I dare you to take Huang Renjun out on a date. Last dare, I promise.”
Nana tsks. “That’s easy, the boy’s already infatuated with me.”
And as a teacher yells at the three of them yet again for being on the roof without permission, the trio speeds down the staircase and split up in different directions to their respective classes.
Nana runs into her history class, grimacing as she realizes the only available seat is next to Renjun in the front. 
Gives me the chance to ask him out, though, she smirks to herself, waltzing up to the empty seat and settling in, around 30 minutes late to the period. 
“Yang Nana, do you realize that you’ve missed about half of class?” Mr. Han reprimands. 
She just shrugs, unfazed. “Yeah.”
With that, she stuffs one of her wired earbuds into her right ear, pushing the end of the cord into her phone with too many scratches and cracks on the screen to count. 
Starting a random song from her playlist, she lazily watches Mr. Han’s lecture, not even bothering to take notes— not that she could’ve, given she didn’t even bring anything school-related in her bag, besides her laptop.
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“You’re all dismissed,” Mr. Han smiled amicably as the bell rang. As everyone stands up and begins chattering amongst themselves, Renjun turns to look at Nana, who surprisingly had not bolted out the door yet. 
“You’re here,” he observes.
“No shit,” she deadpans.
He smirks. “Waiting for me?”
“In your fucking dreams,” Nana scoffs, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the class, as the rest of the people in the room gasp at the scene— utterly shocked, considering everyone knew of their hatred of each other. Renjun flushes with embarrassment, a grimace on his face. 
“Don’t do that,” he whines. “Now everyone thinks we’re dating!”
She stops abruptly, turning to face him with a smirk on her face. 
“Then let’s make their thoughts a reality,” Nana raises an eyebrow, sending him a wink. “Huang Renjun, do you want to go on a date with me later?”
Renjun swears that he felt his heart stop, as she notices his cheeks flush every shade of pink. 
“Uh,” he says intelligently. “Um… ”
Nana presses a chaste kiss to his lips. “I’m taking that as a ‘Yes, Nana, I love you— I mean, I’d love to!’”
He freezes as her lips meet his. 
“I’ll text you,” she winks, and with that, Yang Nana walks away from him. 
“Fuck, I am in love,” he groans, as his worst nightmare comes true.
But is it really a nightmare?
“Ooooh, did I just see Yang Nana ask you out on a date?” Chenle gasps, a shit-eating grin widening on his face as he appears out of nowhere, slinging an arm over Renjun’s shoulder. “You like Nana?? I thought it’d be Yiren.”
Renjun wrinkles his nose in embarrassment. “No, I hate her, dumbass. That’s why I said yes.”
“You didn’t say yes, though,” Chenle observes. “But you didn’t say no, either… I was trying not to laugh when I saw you just fucking standing there without responding. Ha, I’d take that as a yes if I were Yang Nana too.”
Renjun cringes. “Whatever, we’re going home.”
“No we’re not,” he smirks. “I’m taking you shopping because you need to look HOT for the date. You have zero fashion sense, my boy… I’m going to need to buy you some better clothes. C’mon, I’ll tell my driver that we’re going shopping!”
That’s all Renjun hears before Chenle drags him away to the parking lot in an attempt to find his chauffeur— he’s nearly shoved into the fancy Tesla car with chicken-wing-looking car doors.
“Mr. Teng, we’re going to the mall,” Chenle informs his driver. 
His chauffeur glances at Chenle from the rearview mirror and nods, before leaving. 
Renjun’s phone vibrates with a notification, and he unlocks his phone to see a new message from Nana. 
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 16:32 meet me in an hour at neo arcade
A lovesick grin spreads across Renjun’s face, and Chenle snatches his phone. 
“An hour?!” Chenle squawks, looking at the time and addressing his driver. “Fuck. Mr. Teng, how far are we from the mall?”
“About twenty minutes,” he responds.
“How far is the arcade from the mall?” Chenle mutters to himself as he opens his Maps app. “Okay, only ten minutes. But we still only have an hour… Renjun, search up the store list, we need to have a good outfit in mind.”
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A little less than sixty minutes later, Renjun enters Neo Arcade in the best outfit out of the choices that Chenle presented him with. 
Taking his phone out of his pocket, he messages Nana. 
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 17:28 i’m here
He half hated the way his heart pounded at the almost instant reply from her.
now watch me na(e)na(e) — today at 17:30be there in 2
When did two minutes, or 120 seconds, feel so long? Renjun fidgets with his jacket, stares expectantly at the door, and scrolls through his Weibo— but nothing successfully distracts him in the time he waits for Nana. 
He forgets to breathe when he sees Nana walk through the door; although casual, she still looked stunning. 
She had a black bucket hat on her head, a thick silver chain around her neck, wearing a leather jacket over a white tank top, red jean shorts and a pair of heeled white lace-up boots that went halfway up her calf. 
When her eyes meet his, his mouth is still open but he closes it, walking towards her. 
He doesn’t notice her eyes raking up and down his body, internally screaming at his new outfit; a green bomber jacket on top of a beige and brown striped tee, and a belt holding his denim jeans up. 
Since when did Huang Renjun have such good taste in fashion?
“Wow, you look decent,” she manages to say. “Someone help you with your outfit?”
Nana doesn’t glance at his expression, looping her arm through his, but his cheeks are stained red with embarrassment. 
Was it that obvious?
Noticing his silence, she erupts into laughter. “I’m just kidding. You look great.”
Renjun tries not to let out a breath of relief. 
“You look good, too.”
Nana snickers. “You just noticed? Do I not always look good?”
Before he can respond, she drags him to the racing game, sitting onto the seat. 
“Let’s race. Loser has to get a stuffed animal from the claw machine,” she smirks. 
“Hey, I’m not good at these!” Renjun protests, and it only makes Nana’s cheshire-like grin grow wider. 
“Even better.”
“Didn’t know that Yang Nana, a certified bad girl, would like stuffed animals, but okay.”
She gives him a pointed look. “Everyone likes stuffed animals,” she responds seriously, turning her car to the right to crash into Renjun’s, and his car falls down the edge of the trail, causing him to restart. 
“Hey, that’s not fair!” he protests, a pout on his face as he drops to 10th place in the game.
“Nothing’s fair,” she snickers as she corners the person in front of her into the cliff, cheering as she ends up in first place. 
“You owe me a stuffed animal, and I get to choose.”
Sliding off of the chair, she extends her hand to Renjun, who begrudgingly takes it and steps off. 
“So you’re bad at racing games and beer pong,” she tuts sarcastically. “Disappointing. What a red flag”
Before he can retort, Nana pushes him lightly towards the claw machines. 
“Okay, fine. What type do you want?” Renjun sighs. 
Renjun grimaces, walking towards the claw machine full of Squirtle plushies. 
Inserting a few coins into the machine, his eyes narrow in on a specific Squirtle, and he moves the claw hand to the right via the controller. He squints at the aim as he presses down on the button, the claw reaching down for the leg of a specific Squirtle. 
Unfortunately, the Squirtle drops from the claw, and Renjun slumps in defeat. 
Nana just lets out a snicker. “Try again, babe.”
The tips of his ears involuntarily turn red at the pet name, but he sighs and inserts another two coins into the machine. 
Nana silently takes out her phone to record this, silently laughing at his effort— and he visibly deflates at the failed attempt. 
Determined to win Nana a Squirtle and not look like an idiot, he wastes more money and moves the controller, focusing on the biggest squirtle— hey, a bigger Squirtle means more area to hold, right?
No luck. The claw grabs the poor Squirtle by the neck, but it ultimately drops, and Renjun’s ears grow redder by the second. 
“This stupid machine,” Renjun frowns, pushing yet another pair of coins, while Nana does her absolute best to not erupt into laughter, her camera still directed in his direction. 
After a few more failures, his face lights up as he thinks of a new strategy.
“Maybe I should go for the tag,” he smiles as he presses down on his controller, causing the claw to reach down onto the back of the Squirtle’s neck, where the stuffed animal’s neck-piercing (... neck-ring?)— in the form of a tag— lay.
Renjun’s face lights up as the next Squirtle victim is dragged across the pile of other Squirtles. 
He’s about to push over the claw machine in frustration when the claw rips the tag off of the plastic loop on the neck cleanly. 
But Renjun lets out a cry of excitement as he realizes the stuffed animal had landed headfirst across the collecting tunnel, ultimately tipping over into the slot down below due to the imbalance. His cheeks dust with embarrassment as other people in the arcade cast judgmental looks towards him.
Nana stifles a laugh, stopping the stop button on her phone as she discreetly stuffs it into her jeans pocket.
“Only wasted 10 yuan too,” Renjun grins as he pulls the Squirtle out of the machine, handing it to Nana with a proud expression on his face.
She looks thoroughly impressed. 
“Wow, so maybe you’re not bad at everything. Kinda bad, though,” she teases, grabbing the Squirtle from Renjun’s hands in one hand, and taking his hand in the other.
“You get to choose the next game.” Nana offers generously.
“Basketball,” he smirks, pulling her towards the basketball hoop game. 
She visibly cringes. 
“Loser has to kiss the other person,” he raises his eyebrows. 
“What about the winner?” Nana scoffs. 
“Well, uh… they get the kiss?”
“Darn, so anti-climatic.”
And Renjun presses the “START GAME” button without warning, causing her to sputter out in disbelief. 
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Nana protests, grabbing a basketball and surprisingly making it into the hoop.
“You cheated earlier too!” Renjun retorts, as Nana manages to get a few more in.
“Did not,” she grumbles, missing a ball, staring at her pathetic score of “8” and at Renjun’s “16”.
She pouts as she misses yet another hoop, and another. The ding of Renjun’s scorekeeper display— signaling that he got another ball in— only lowers her confidence as the game ends, with her at a measly 23 points while Renjun stood at 32.
Nana scoffs at her clear loss. 
“So… looks like you owe me a kiss, sweetheart,” he smirks as he leans towards her, a suggestive grin on his face.
“You can get one any time, loverboy,” she smirks. “You don’t need to impress me…. you just have to ask.”
His eyes widen, and so does her smirk as her hot breath tickles her face. 
She pushes Renjun against the nearest wall, pressing her lips against his.
His mind goes back to their first kiss at that party as her lips move against his, and his eyes flutter shut as he kisses her back. 
But she pulls back before a makeout session starts, and he whines at the absence of her lips on his. 
“Gotta win more games to get another one, hm?” Nana cocks a singular eyebrow, grabbing her Squirtle and moving to another game, leaving Renjun behind in a daze. 
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vi. dumb and dumbass. renjun’s the dumbass.
It had been a whole month since Renjun and Nana had (un)officially started dating, yet Nana had refused to put a label on it.
Even though Nana was saved as “nana gf 🦋” for Renjun, he was still saved as “dumbfuck 🔪” and she had a tendency to dodge every personal question that he’d ever asked— that is, since the time they opened up to each other a little in the 24/7. 
To be honest, he was jealous of her. He admired the way she could mask her pain and become so indifferent— stoic, even— to everything, and wished that he could be that way. 
Renjun wished that instead of being so easy to crack open, like an egg, he could hide away. It didn’t take much for him to open up to others, while he couldn’t even pry another sentence of information from her.
But he hated it. He hated the way Nana seemed not to care. 
Does she even like me?
“Nana, can we hang out again?��� Renjun asks, while Nana walks with him out of History. 
“Hmm,” Nana hms. “Maybe next week.”
She doesn’t miss the way his face falls. “I’m sorry, but I have a lot of work.”
Renjun pouts. “Fine,” he says childishly and leaves her side to enter his own classroom.
She watches as he leaves, and sighs as she continues on her way to the rooftop, a hand reaching for her lighter and cigarette, and her other reaching for her phone with earphones plugged into it. 
Nana climbs the stairs with regret as she lights a cigarette, knowing that her time with Renjun was limited. 
“Gosh, I’m so stupid,” she grumbles. “This is just stupid— literally the plot to a shitty coming-of-age movie.”
She was so closed off to others that no one really knew what was going on in her life. Not Siyuan. Not even Yangyang. And she hated it. Nana despised the way she pushed everyone away from her. 
She was consumed with the consequences of her bad decisions, and she knew that one day, she wouldn’t be able to hide. 
Nana’s so caught up in her thoughts that she doesn’t even notice a familiar motorcycle passing by.
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“Yang Nana, we meet again, at last,” a cold voice utters out, letting out a sinister chuckle. “You won’t be able to run again. We need the money.” 
She freezes at the sound of the voice, and her instinct is to run— but he’s right. She can’t; not with a gun pressed to the back of her head.
“Money, Yang,” he hisses, pressing the cold metal even harsher against her head. 
“I— I don’t have it on me.”
“Then let’s get going, hm? To your house, shall we?” 
“Only if you let the gun go. Someone’s going to call the police if they see this.”
Squinting at her, he reluctantly lowers his hand— falling directly into her trap as she kicks her leg up high and strong, the tip of her boot hitting his jaw. 
He spits out a mouth full of blood, a hand cupping his jaw as he winces. 
“You— Yang Nana!” He screams, lifting the gun again, but she swiftly grabs it by the barrel and turns it onto him. 
“Oh, looks like you’re going to need some help, hm?” she tuts. 
“Yang… you will pay… ” he croaks out, but she only scoffs, grabbing him by the forearm and twisting it backwards, socking him in the gut with the gun. 
“We’ll see about that,” she sneers, watching as he falls to the ground, and kicks him in the ribs for good measure. 
“Say hi to your boss for me,” Nana smirks, dropping his gun down the sewer. 
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“I am about to gag at you two,” Siyuan cringes at the sight of Renjun and Nana holding hands.
“Me too,” Yangyang says in disgust.
“See you later, Renjun,” Nana waves as he turns around to walk home. 
Yangyang raises a brow at the sight. “You’re not walking him home?”
“I don’t need to spend every minute with him,” Nana deadpans. “Also, I have work.”
The smile on his face drops upon hearing her words, but he doesn’t turn around.
Yangyang scoffs. “That’s a little harsh.”
“You and Renjun— literally dumb and dumbass, except Renjun’s the dumbass,” Siyuan sighs. “You’re supposed to spend more time with him, idiot.”
Renjun walks home from school alone, a frown on his face while he ponders about Nana. 
Why is she so confusing? I never understand her, he thinks to himself with a sigh. 
But when he’s a little more than halfway home, he feels the sensation of being followed. Renjun panics, his heart pounding against his chest, as he grabs his sunglasses from his backpack, to see three people unsubtly trailing him, all dressed in different variations of a beanie, leather or denim jackets and ripped jeans. 
Yikes, scary, he gulps to himself, trying to walk faster, but the people behind him notice and run to catch up with him. 
Before he could try to get away, they pass him and stop abruptly, turning back to face him. 
“You?” The one in the center scoffs as the other two corner Renjun against a fence. “Wow, Nana really moved on with a fucking loser.”
“You know Nana?” Renjun asks in confusion. “Wait, who are you guys?”
“What do you think, you idiot?” he hisses. “I’d beat you up so bad, but that’s not really an option… Nana would just come and beat me back.”
“I’m Jaemin, the one with a red beanie is Haechan, and the other one is Jeno,” Jaemin introduces plainly.
He nods and gives a small smile as a welcome, but none of them return it.
“How— how do you know her?” Renjun croaks out, intimidated by Jeno and Haechan’s glares blazing into him. 
“We dated. But she broke up with me,” Jaemin scoffs. “All because my fling decided to text her. What an idiot.”
Renjun’s jaw drops. “How is she an idiot?! She was doing the right thing by telling Nana!”
“Oh, of course you’re sticking around for that girl, loverboy,” Jeno sneers. “You don’t know even a smidge of what she’s hiding underneath, boy. Can’t you tell that she’s bad news? What’s a dork like you doing around her?”
Renjun flinches at the same nickname that Nana had called him at the arcade.
“We— we’re dating,” Renjun stutters out.
“Are you now,” Haechan drawls out with a cocked eyebrow. “Nana does move quickly, hm?”
“Shut up, you idiots,” Jaemin snaps angrily. “Let me fucking talk.”
He pushes past Jeno and Haechan and stares directly into Renjun’s eyes. 
“You don’t know Nana. I’m doing you a favor here— she’s a thief, a liar, a manipulator. She’s not what she seems, and she’s involved with criminals, Huang Renjun. You need to run, or they’ll get you before her.”
Renjun’s eyes widen. “What— how do you know?”
“What do you think?” Jaemin sighs. “We broke up a month ago. And I was once captured by them. I’m saying this for your safety. Renjun, get as far as you can away from Yang Nana, because the people she’s with are dangerous. They can ruin your life, like they did to mine.”
Tears begin to well up in Renjun’s eyes as he’s struck with betrayal. 
“Nana— she wouldn’t,” he says desperately. “Nana can’t be like that, she… ” 
He trails off. As much as he hated to admit it, Jaemin’s claims somewhat lined up with Nana’s behavior— her refusals to spend time with him, her being “busy with work” all the time. 
No, she couldn’t… 
“And I know why she even went after you,” Jaemin adds, to add salt to the wound. “I was at a bar the other day, and hooked up with her friend Siyuan— who’s such a whore— and guess what? Siyuan told me the plan they came up with. Renjun, the truth is that she only dated you to get over me.”
Those words impale Renjun’s heart, and he’s left broken and confused. 
“Nana… no, this can’t be… ”
“I’m only trying to help you, Renjun. Please consider it,” Jaemin says with a fakely apologetic smile, and motions for Jeno and Haechan to follow him as they leave. 
Leaving Renjun in tears.
“That was a little harsh, Jaemin,” Haechan grins as soon as they’re out of earshot from Renjun. 
“Just need him away from Yang Nana,” Jaemin smirks. “She’s not allowed to be happy. Not without me.”
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vii. can i set his dick on fire? please?
Nana flips her phone over near the end of her shift, pressing the pad of her finger to the fingerprint sensor to unlock her phone. 
A smile grows on her face, eager to see the message as she sees that it was from Renjun. 
bitchboy extraordinaire — today at 00:07 you’re such a fucking liar i never want to see you again
Blood drains from her face as she frantically picks through her memories, trying to remember what she had done wrong.
But ultimately, she didn’t remember what she had done. 
Nor did she respond to his accusation, deciding to finish her homework, and passing out on her bed immediately afterwards. 
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Nana had no idea what she had done wrong. 
Why did Renjun get so mad? 
She kept thinking about what could’ve happened, yet she still came back empty-handed, unable to find anything she had lied to him about. 
During their lunch break, Nana waits outside of Renjun’s classroom, making sure she could corner him and ask. 
Sure enough, he comes out a few minutes later, but attempts to run once he sees Nana standing near him expectantly. 
Nana easily corners him into a wall. 
“Renjun, what did I do?”
He gapes at her incredulously. 
“You’re asking me?! You’re trying to ruin my life!” Renjun exclaims angrily. 
Nana only stands there, staring at him in confusion. 
“I don’t know where you got that from, but I promise you that I do not take pleasure in ruining lives. Nor do I have the power to do such a thing,” she says, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t lie to me,” he snaps. “I know everything now.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Please, enlighten me. What knowledge have you acquired to make you hate me this much?”
“I ran into your ex yesterday,” Renjun blurts out, and Nana’s stare turns icy.
“Oh no, he didn’t,” she mutters. “That fucker.”
“Yeah? He told me that you’re using me. He told me that you’re involved with a lot of criminals that will find out about me and ruin my life. And that you got a bet to date me,” he accuses, getting more and more emotional as he reveals all the information. “From Siyuan, to get over Jaemin.”
“That fuckface,” Nana sneers, and Renjun swears that he’s never seen her so angry. “If you really believe the words of a fucking liar, a fucking manipulator and gaslighter, go ahead and believe the words of that fucking asshole.”
She backs away from him, allowing him to scramble away. 
“But I will tell you the truth once,” she says. “I was only involved with criminals when I couldn’t make enough money, and they have never bothered Jaemin before. He only knows because I told him.”
“And, maybe it was a stupid dare to Siyuan, but it’s a shit ton more to me.”
With that, she walks away from Renjun with a heavy heart. 
He just watches her shaking form as she leaves his side, the regret hitting him in a huge wave. 
When Nana reaches Yangyang, he looks at her expression in concern. 
“What happened, Nana?”
She swallows the lump in her throat, hesitantly spilling everything out to him. 
Yangyang’s expression contorts from worry, to confusion, to rage.
“He did WHAT?!” He yells out loudly. “Oh my God. The next time I see his pretty face, I’m going to smash it in so his face is concave—”
“Yangyang, no,” Nana sighs, her head in her hands. “That’s…. ”
But she couldn’t find a good reason to reject his proposal, knowing she’d do the same if someone else had done this to Yangyang. 
“Can I set his dick on fire? Please?” he frowns. “I am not going to stand and watch two assholes ruin your life. No. That’s not going to be okay.”
Nana’s eyes fill with tears for the first time in what seemed to be an eternity. 
“Nana, no—” Yangyang panics, reaching through his bag to look for a tissue, but unable to find a single one. 
Taking off his hoodie, he lets out a breath of relief knowing that he had washed his hoodie the day before, dabbing the sweatshirt sleeves at her eyes. 
“It’ll be okay, Nana,” he says, wrapping his arms around her shaking form. “Don’t cry— that goody-two-shoes ain’t worth your tears.”
“But he is,” she cries, feeling her heart crush with all the pain. “He’s the first time I’ve felt love in a very long time.”
“And he’s a fucking dumbass,” she adds after a moment.
“Hey, Na Jaemin!” Nana yells at him. “I hope you choke on a fucking stick!”
Jaemin turns around with his signature fuckboy smirk. “Oh hi, Nana, long time no see!”
“I’m not interested in formalities,” she spits at him, decking him in the face without a second thought.
They both hear a loud crack coming from Jaemin’s face, and he winces in pain. He clutches his nose as blood trickles out of his nose, staining his hands, and dripping onto the ground. 
“I think you broke my nose,” he grunted out.
“I think so, too. I’m glad. That’s the least I could do after you ruined my life, twice. Go eat shit,” she snaps, kicking him in the stomach without remorse, and Jaemin crumples at the impact. 
“Nana, I just wanted you back,” he croaks out. “Please, give me ano—”
“Another chance?” Nana sneers. “Not after you cheated on me, dickface.”
She squats down in front of him, relishing the sight of Jaemin in such pain. Nana offers him her hand, and he eyes it suspiciously, but takes it despite the hesitation. 
“Oh, you thought I was going to help you up,” she coos. “How cute.”
And she bends his arm backwards, earning a pained howl from the boy.
“I hate you, Jaemin, and I will hate you forever. Stop meddling with my life and go fuck yourself.”
That’s the last thing Jaemin ever hears from her before blacking out.
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viii. oh you’re keeping me hostage ?!
Nana doubles over in laughter at something her friend, Aiyun, said. 
“Please, that’s hilarious,” she shakes with laughter, wiping tears that spring from her eyes.
Just as Aiyun opens her mouth to say something, a boy their age taps on her shoulder. 
“Sorry, could I talk to your friend for a little bit?” He asks.
“Oh, go ahead,” Aiyun smiles, backing a few steps away. 
Nana looks up to see his face— and her spirits drop. Her gaze hardens at the sight of him, and the previously wide smile on her face drops immediately, replaced with a straight line. The sparkle in her eyes fade, and she looks him up and down in disgust.
“What are you doing here?” Nana snaps. 
“I just—” he sighs. 
“Stop it. Just go,” she says.
“Wait!” Renjun exclaims as she turns away, and Nana swivels her head to look back at him. 
“Huang Renjun, what do you fucking want?”
“I’m sorry.”
Nana remains expressionless for a few moments, before she forces out a laugh. 
“You’re about two years late for that.”
“No, wait!” Renjun says, instinctively grabbing onto her arm as she turns away from him again, but this time, he’s met with an icy stare. 
“Let go, Huang Renjun.”
He obliges, wincing at her tone, but before he can get another word out, Nana stops him. 
“I’ve moved on, Renjun. A long time ago. Now there’s someone that loves me without doubt. We would’ve never worked out, Huang Renjun. You’re a fool who believes the words of strangers before even trying to know the whole story.
“I don’t want to see you anymore. And the party is ending, I’m leaving,” she adds.
“Nana! There you are,” Yangyang says, making his way over to her, slinging an arm over her shoulder. 
And he, too, glares coldly at the sight of Renjun. 
“What are you doing here?!” Yangyang scoffs.
“I transferred here,” Renjun responds. “Are you guys… dating now?”
Nana just shoots him an empty stare. 
“I have no obligation to tell you anything.”
The two of them walk away from him without another word. 
“Why didn’t you tell him that you’re doing a lot better than before?” Yangyang murmurs to her. “And that we’re dating?”
“I just hate his guts,” she shrugs. “But I can tell him we’re dating to make you feel better.”
Yangyang scoffs. “Like I care.”
A smirk grows on Nana’s face. “Aw, you’re jealous. That’s cute.”
Yangyang pouts, turning to the side to face her. 
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
A cocky grin spreads onto Yangyang’s lips as he places a chaste kiss on her lips, effectively shutting her up.
“I wish I dated you instead of Jaemin and Renjun.”
“Me too, but you’re mine forever now.”
Nana gasps in mock horror. “Oh no, you’re keeping me hostage?!”
“Shut up.”
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© lovedhyuck 2022. all rights reserved.
101 notes · View notes
guardianofrivendell · 2 years
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Back by popular demand (lol two people but let me have my moment): the Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge!  
A writing challenge?
Yes! To celebrate Tullaina's and my own upcoming birthday on June 11th, I challenge YOU, my dear mutuals, friends and followers, to write! Because what better way to celebrate my birthday than by being creative?
You can write anything from a little drabble to a full-blown 5k+ words fic story, whatever you feel like. But about what?
Well... If you remember last year, the writing challenge was all about the Incorrect Tullaina Quotes. I’m bringing them back because it was a lot of fun, but I’m adding two more options for those who want to try something else this year or simply don’t want to write about my OC (which I totally understand!!)
You can write fluff, angst, even smut, use every cliche trope in the book if you want, but make sure to tag your work accordingly so no one gets surprised!
You can find the three options further down this post. 
How do I participate?
If you decide to join this little writing challenge, I'll be forever in your debt and super super grateful that you helped by not letting this flop!
Send me an ask or dm if you want to join this challenge with the option of your choice. I'll list the participants in this post and depending of if they want to, I’ll add what option they chose so you’ll have a basic idea of what everyone else is doing (because we like that, we’re human after all)
Deadline is Saturday June 11th 2022, this means you’ll have about 6 weeks time to write your work. On June 11th, everyone can post their work on Tumblr using the tag #Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge 2022 so we can find the fic and don't forget to tag me in it!
The day after I’ll link all the works in one big GBWC 2022 Masterlist. 
Can I post the fic on other platforms too?
Sure! Go ahead and post it on AO3, Wattpad or whatever platform you use outside of Tumblr.
What if I can't write, but I want to draw something or make a moodboard?
Uh... Yes please! You don't even have to ask! Same thing, send me an ask or dm that you’ll join the challenge and I’ll add your name to the list. You can still choose between the three options!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or message! I’ll probably reblog this post a lot of times the next 6 weeks, so sorry in advance for that :)
I read this post but I still don’t understand what this challenge is or what I have to do?
Don’t worry, we all get that sometimes! Luckily for you (and me!) I did this challenge last year as well. You can read all the works and watch the beautiful art pieces here so you can see how my wonderful mutuals and friends took on this challenge like a boss! Aren’t I the luckiest one?
Alright, alright, we get it! Now get to the options already!
You can choose out of three options, or combine them if you want, go crazy:
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Pick a quote (or quotes if you’re feeling ambitious) from the tag “Incorrect Tullaina Quotes”. Use it as inspiration, build your story around it or use it as part of a dialogue in the fic. Your choice!
Search the tag “Incorrect Tullaina Quotes” in the Tumblr search bar or on my blog and you’re supposed to get most of them that way. There are over 100 incorrect quotes, so I can’t link them all in this post. It would simply be too much. However, if there are enough people who do want a list with all the quotes lined up, let me know and I’ll see if I can collect them in a doc and link that doc here. It’s a lot of work, so it can take a while before I’m able to do that.
If you need more information about my OC Tullaina, you can find fics, arts and her character sheet in my masterlist. 
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As you all know I’m a pretty slow writer and cursed to be visited by plot bunnies all the time. This can be quite frustrating because I know I won’t be able to write them all, even if I really, really want to.
So why not challenge you to write them for me? 
Under the “read more” cut you can find a selection of Tullaina Plot Bunnies, little moments out of Tullaina’s life that I was planning to write someday. Some are almost summaries of the (non-existing) fic, while others are just “what about so and so”. 
Don’t be afraid to write Tullaina OOC because you can’t! If I learned anything about last year’s challenge it’s that I love every version of Tullaina that was created, not once did I think “She wouldn’t say or do that!” because I was so in the moment!
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Isn’t that a question we all ask ourselves sometimes? What if?
Well, now is the moment you can find out! Under the cut are 10 “What if” questions. Pick one and rewrite a scene from The Hobbit or Lord of The Rings, or write a new one!
For example, what if you pick the question “What if Thranduil was the smallest Elf in history?”, you could imagine how the scene in the throne room between Thranduil and Thorin would go a little differently... Let your imagination run free!
Thought of a What If-question that you would love to write but can’t find in the list? No problem, then you’re choosing number 11! 
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@grunid - art
@medusas-hairband - art plot bunny
@sunnyrosewritesstuff​ - what if 
Tullaina Plot Bunnies
Here you can find little snippets out of Tullaina’s life that I wrote down in a doc (literally, it’s a copy paste out of that doc minus two that I really want to write myself) because I wanted to write a fic about it at some point. But you know me, I can’t write fast so who knows when it’ll get done, if ever. Feel free to give it your own twist! 
Tullaina has a nickname ‘Tulls’, but only Fili and Kili use it. They get very protective if anyone else picks up on the nickname and uses it to address Tullaina. What would happen if at some point (say at a feast or gathering), another Dwarf uses the nickname when he talks/flirts to her? Could be any period of time: Ered Luin, during the quest, in Erebor, ...
There’s a ball in Ered Luin, the first one since forever (mostly to boost morale a bit) and the first one Fíli, Kíli and Tulls are allowed to go to. It’s the first time Fíli sees Tullaina all dressed up (hair done nicely, a proper dress). His mouth runs dry and he knows it will be a long night this way. How does the evening go? 
Tullaina is trained by Thorin and Dwalin, and sometimes even Fíli and Kíli. She has the normal amount of training every Dwarrow gets, but once she decides to join the Quest, her training sessions pick up. What would a training session look like? How is she doing? And why doesn’t she wield an axe? Ered Luin era 
When Kili meets Tauriel (? or another OC?) and falls in love during the quest, he tells Tulls he wants to ask her to marry him. And then Tullaina wonders ‘but who am I supposed to marry now?’ because they promised each other when they were teens that if they didn’t find their One they would stick together, maybe even marry each other. And she jokingly says (but secretly also kind of means it) that she’ll forever be alone now. Fili is standing there, he wants to swoop in and say something smooth like ‘you will always have me’ but can’t seem to find his voice. The moment is broken when Bofur says just that, and it becomes one of their ‘almost’ moments.
“Uncle Thorin” moments with Fíli, Kíli and Tullaina
There was really only one other Dwarf who genuinely wanted to court Tullaina, when they're in Erebor. You can imagine how that affected Fili... How is he dealing with this? And Kíli (aka their biggest shipper?)
Fíli runs into Kíli late at night, he’s looking for Tullaina. “Have you seen her? She’s not in her room and I can’t find her anywhere.” They’ve been working all day for the past few weeks. “Do you think she could have left?” “Maybe she finally got enough of being alone, we’ve neglected her” etc etc They look for her in the library, great hall, the stables but can’t find her anywhere. Slight panic, Fíli freaking out, Kíli trying to reassure him. When they’re on their way to alert Thorin and Dís of her disappearance, they find her sleeping with a book in her lap in a nook in one of her secret reading spots.
Once they’re settled in Erebor, married and all, Fíli surprises Tullaina with a grey puppy called Mouse (kind of like a Great Dane but the ME version of it, so... BIG, Fíli hates the name she gave him), as a guard dog for her when he’s out (worried husband y’all). Turns out it’s one big softie and instead of being weary of new people he’s welcoming to everyone. Until one time he doesn’t and everyone is suspicous. Rightfully so. 
What If?
Pick a number and (re)write a TH/LOTR scene of your choice with this question in mind, or create a new one (a deleted scene if you want)
1. What if Dís went on the Quest, along with her brother and two sons?
2. What if Ori was the one to fall in love with Tauriel (movie verse)? 
3. What if Boromir survived the arrows? 
4. What if Hobbits could talk to animals? Like tiny dr Doolittles?
5. What if Gandalf couldn’t keep a secret/can’t lie?
6. What if Smaug was a different kind of animal?
7. What if Víli, father of Kíli and Fíli, was still alive when they leave for the quest?
8. What if Middle Earth was more modern than Tolkien let on?
9. What if Elves can’t tolerate water (maybe it burns them or harms them in some way) ?
10. What if one of the Hobbits is cursed with saying everything the opposite of what they mean? (fe yes means no, I’m sleepy means I don’t want to go to sleep)
11. (your own What If question)
Tagging a few people who were interested: @midearthwritings​ @beenovel​ @grunid​ 
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mushibashiraas · 2 years
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basically [character] finds your writings (a blog, a notebook, whatever) and aggressively (or not, unless they're from twisted wonderland) hypes you up until you're more confident with your writing.
GOOD MORNING! i am feeling [as cater'd probably say] #insecure about my writing and . require comfort validation. so have random faves from 🌲genshin, 🔮twst, 🔪world trigger, 🥢kny, 🧺hq!!, and ☀️bnha..... maybe. whichever characters come to mind while writing these/this. might be writing these in parts,,,,,,,,, was gonna do headcanons and then they turned into mini drabbles. LMFAO oops! will i post these others?? maybe? hopefully? probably? ahaha.......
gn!yuu/gn!oc. spoilers maybe?? extremely self-indulgent. very cheesy. very cliche. i just need happiness damn it! no talk. me angy.
🔮 grim, ace, and deuce notice yuu is almost always busy jotting something down during lunch, before class starts..... even during their game nights at ramshackle dorm while they "wait for their turn on the xbox" or while waiting for everyone in their different clubs to arrive/start practice start to pass the time. (it totally doesn't take them two whole months to notice though. absolutely doesn't!)
deciding to be mischievous, they decide to steal their notebook one day after trein and lucius leave after history. yuu's been furiously jotting something down in the margins and it certainly wasn't the Great War between the humans and fae. with a sharp cry from yuu and the three stooges' evil cackling as they ran off down the hallways and out into the courtyard with their notebook, the magic-less prefect takes off after them shouting at them to give it back!
the only reason the epic chase scene is cut short, however, is because the two boys and monster accidentally — and literally — run into their housewarden, riddle rosehearts. the small but mighty boy is fuming, waving his magic pen at them screaming about how they've violated a million of the queen's rules and how it's "off with their heads!"
meanwhile, a very grateful, very out of breath yuu catches up to everyone. taking advantage of riddle scolding his students, they take back their notebook and try to slink away back to their classroom when they're stopped by — you guessed it — riddle rosehearts. of course he notices the frantic ramshackle prefect trailing behind ace and deuce as he's thoroughly lecturing them on how dangerous it is to run to and from classes. and of course he is also curious about the notebook clutched in their hand. but he's a good boy raised semi-well by his mother not to pry into business that is not his own. and thus, after giving the two rambunctious first years a thorough tongue-lashing, riddle is on his way to his next class waving off yuu's apologies and questions asking if he's alright.
back to grim (who also got an ear or two pulled by yuu), ace, and deuce, they relentlessly tease and taunt her all the way back to class over what's in their notebook that keeps them so entranced. fed up with their pestering, yuu angrily thrusts their notebook into ace's chest shoving him backwards a step and leaves him coughing and spluttering. ignoring ace's dramatics, deuce leans over and reaches over his shoulder, opening the beat-up school supply. "BUH—! Yuu! You write stories?!"
"What? What's this about my henchman?" grim bats away deuce's arm. "Hey! These are really good; a little messy but still good! As expected of a servant of the Great Lord Grim."
"But," ace cuts in, one eyebrow quirked, "why do these names seem familiar? "Jami Viper." "Jack Howl." "Epel Felmier." Hey! The housewarden's name is even here! You've even got those rotten guys from Savanaclaw here too! Explain, Yuu—!"
"Our names are here too, Ace! Right there! No, you moron! Underneath Crewel's diagram. Yeah! See them now?"
by now, yuu is mortified and any last semblance of pride and dignity as someone in a school full of villains is now gone. all confidence is now gone to the wind probably saying hello to little cheka or cater's sisters. as their boss, though, grim immediately catches on and hops from deuce's left shoulder to yuu's right shoulder. the monster then proceeds to fiercely bat at their face and the top of their head. "Don't listen to these morons, henchman! They're just impressed and honored that such lowly peasants are worthy of catching the eye of Lord Grim's one and only henchman. As they should be too! Besides, didn't you tell me in private that even Professor Trein approves of your writing? Lucius told me that himself, by the way—."
"WAIT! Grim, I thought you said you didn't know Yuu wrote! Why are you suddenly reassuring them as if you already knew?"
"Because I did know, morons! You think I wouldn't know something so trivial about my own henchman? Man, you're dumber than Yuu makes you out to be in their stories." yuu grabs the monster-cat by his throat kermit meme style. through choked gasps, he gets out, "I knew way before you two; they just wouldn't let me see the others. They always showed me the ones about the four of us, though."
"Prefect! These are hella good; I will pulverize anyone who says otherwise! They'll be sorry they insulted you and your talent! Mark my words!"
"There it is.... Juice's delinquent side again." satisfied with finally knowing more blackmail material on his fellow dumbass in-crime (affectionate), ace closes yuu's notebook and hands it back to them. moving away from a seething deuce, he takes their side and roughly throws an arm around their shoulder making them lose balance. ignoring grim's cries as he gets thrown off his perch, ace gets an evil grin and says, "Though he is right, y'know. We're your best friends, after all. Ain't no way anyone else is finding out about this notebook of yours. Right, Yuu?"
shoving ace off of them, they roll their shoulders and sigh. "I don't like how you dragged out my name like. Nor do I like how you have that grin on your face while reassu— Sorry. Telling me all that. ........Fine, fine. For two months I owe you three Premium Tuna cans from Sam's and lunch from the cafeteria."
and yet they're glad that in their own way, ace, deuce, and grim gave yuu the confidence they needed in their writing...... even if it was in their own villainous, nrc way. rip yuu's thaumarks.
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cockslutpadalecki · 3 years
A Decade Under The Influence Writing Challenge
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As I recently hit 10K followers and I’m approaching my 10 year anniversary of running this blog, (okay so it’s in 2022… let’s just skim over that part quickly), I would’ve normally picked a theme surrounding the number ten as per my other challenges, ‘cause who doesn’t love a good theme, but I decided to concentrate this one around my te(e)nage years, and the music that shaped it.
If you’re not familiar with any of the bands/artists below, I strongly suggest checking them out! Disclaimer: I’m purposely trying to include the cliche things we did back in the MySpace days... and the mood board is supposed to be awful so don’t even call me out, I’m calling myself out 😂 
💕 Writers must be 18+ to participate.
💕 One creator per lyric choice. There is plenty to go around, but they will be given on a first come, first serve basis. So get yours in fast!
💕 Please send me an ask for your chosen lyric. My memory is like a sieve, I need to keep track of that shit. 
💕 I have picked certain lyrics, but if you want to base your entry on the entire song, that’s fine. And if only the lyrics calls out to you then that’s all good too. Write where your inspiration takes you!
💕 End date is August 29th. Please get in touch if you need an extension closer to the time.
💕 Word count can be anything up to 4K. If you do need to go over (we’re talking a few hundred words, not by an extra 5K please!), let me know in advance. I only include this as I don’t have a lot of free time, and if something is super long, I can’t always read it all in one go.
💕 Anything over 500 words must be under a keep reading line break. And on that note, please include your “read more” line after a paragraph. Let’s keep everyone’s dashes nice and tidy.
💕 Story can be reader insert, OC, third person, gender neutral etc. This is the inclusion zone, we’re not here to exclude anybody.
💕 Submissions can be part of another challenge or bingo you are participating in, but not as an ongoing series. It will need to be read as a stand-alone.
💕 Characters “accepted” are:
- Jensen Ackles Characters: Dean Winchester or Soldier Boy.
- Jared Padalecki Characters: Sam Winchester or Cordell Walker.
- Chris Evans Characters: Steve Rogers, Ransom Drysdale or Andy Barber.
- Sebastian Stan Characters: Bucky Barnes, Lance Tucker or Lee Bodecker.
💕 No Stucky as a romantic pairing please. And while I do read RPF sometimes, this challenge is reserved for fictional characters only.
💕 A/B/O, every kind of AU and all other tropes are encouraged.
💕 Can be fluff, angst, smut, smangst, non-con, dub-con. Whatever makes your little heart happy, Honestly not a lot is off the table in this house… which leads me nicely onto my next point.
💕 The only things I won’t read are toilet stuff (yeah, I see you “Bucky has a piss kink” people… no thank you), lactation kink or paedophilia.
💕 That being said, please tag all of your warnings appropriately. 
💕 You don’t have to be following me to participate.
💕 Tag me in your submissions! And use the tag #decadeundertheinfluencechallenge within the first FIVE tags. (If I haven’t liked your work within three days of your post date, please send me an ask or DM in case Tumblr has swallowed the notification. Please bear in mind that I like all fics to “bookmark” them so if I have done this, you don’t need to let me know it’s been posted).
💕 I reserve the right to not reblog any post if it goes against any of the rules stipulated.
💕 Please shoot me a message if anything doesn’t quite make sense, or you’d just like some clarification on any rules etc.
💕 Most importantly, have a blast!
-x- lyrics under the cut -x-
Note: I tried to pick the most popular songs by these artists, but some lyrics just didn’t translate in a fanfiction setting (for me anyway) so I picked others.
“I'm just a notch in your bedpost, you're just a line in a song” - Sugar We’re Goin’ Down: Fall Out Boy 
"My hands are at your throat and I think I hate you" - Until The Day I Die: Story Of The Year
“My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating” - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams: Green Day
“I don't love you like I loved you yesterday” - I Don’t Love You: My Chemical Romance
“How does it feel when you kiss when you know that I trust you? And do you think about me when he fucks you?” - Your Love Is A Lie: Simple Plan
“I don't want this moment to ever end, where everything's nothing without you” - With Me: Sum 41
“You want nothing to do with me. I, I don't know what to do with you 'cause you don't know what you do to me” - Beating Heart Baby: Head Automatica
“You were fake, I was great. Nothing personal” - Break Your Little Heart: All Time Low
“In sorrow I speak your name, and my voice mirrors my torment” - The End Of Heartache: Killswitch Engage
“She's a dwelling place for demons. She's a cage for every unclean spirit” - Beast And The Harlot: Avenged Sevenfold 
“Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you still kiss me the same when you taste my victim's blood?” - The Crimson: Atreyu
“I know you touched her with them, you make me fucking sick” - Death Car: Fightstar
“I've never been perfect, but neither have you” - Leave Out All The Rest: Linkin Park 
“And I'm addicted to your punishment, and you're the master, and I am craving this disaster” - Getting Away With Murder: Papa Roach 
“But I'm not sleeping and you're not here. The thought stops my heart. Do you notice I'm gone?” - Letters To You: Finch 
“Would you be my thousand fucks?” - I’m A Fake: The Used
“I still press your letters to my lips, and cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss. I couldn't face a life without your light, but all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fight” - Snuff: Slipknot 
“When you tell me I'm a wreck, you say that I'm a mess. How could you expect anything less?” - Tell Me I’m A Wreck: Every Avenue
“You're so good at stretching the truth into a sugar-coated lie” - A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: This Providence 
“Your lipstick, his collar. Don't bother, angel, I know exactly what goes on” - Cute Without The ‘E’: Taking Back Sunday
“But I was too in love with you to leave. You were too in love with having someone, someone you could form to fit your needs” - Saving Seats: Across Five Aprils
“If I was to have just one more day, I’d make sure that I spent it without you” - Nicotine And Alcohol Saved My Life: Deaf Havana
“Your promises, they look like lies. Your honesty, like a back that hides a knife” - Attack: 30 Seconds To Mars
“I'll be waiting in the dark to drive this blade straight through your heart” - Ride The Wings Of Pestilence: From First To Last 
“You're like an angel but with broken wings. A heart so cold can never show mercy, and you've got me right where you want me” - You Stupid Girl: Framing Hanley 
“Yet I'm nothing more than a line in your book” - Juneau: Funeral For A Friend
“Standing over him, he begged me not to do what I knew I had to do cause I'm so in love with you” - My Bloody Valentine: Good Charlotte
“I watched his wildest dreams come true. Not one of them involving you” - Misery Business: Paramore
“You were everything I wanted, but I just can't finish what I've started” - My Friends Over You: New Found Glory
“I can't find a way out. And the clocks are broken, leaking time. One more second, I may die 'cause my wounds are open bleeding life” - Decorating For Cinco De Mayo: Kenotia 
“I'm not gonna hear your reasons and ‘please-just-take-me-backs.’ We never were right. Don't waste your breath” - How You Love Me Now: Hey Monday
“All this time you were pretending. So much for my happy ending” - My Happy Ending: Avril Lavigne
“Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel you. Always. Kiss you, taste you, all night. Always” - Always: Blink 182
“Stripped down to my naked core, the darkest corners of my mind are yours. That's where you live. That's where you breathe. So go on, infect me. Go on and scare me to death. Dare me to leave you, tell me I'd never forget“ - SOS: Apocalyptica ft. Cristina Scabbia
“Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer” - Thunder: Boys Like Girls 
“I lived through the damage from the heart you took from me” - Line In The Sand: Bleeding Through 
“There's a glossary of dirty words for people just like you” - Taste The Red Heads: Dead Poetic
“You don't know how you've betrayed me. And somehow you've got everybody fooled” - Everybody’s Fool: Evanescence 
“Dressed to kill, you look so right. I am drunk with lust tonight. Your wounds are opening wide, and they might be just my size” - Side Walk When She Walks: Alexisonfire
“And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did. And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did” - A Lonely September: Plain White T’s
“I'll keep you my dirty little secret. Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret” - Dirty Little Secret: The All-American Rejects
“So let me get this straight, say now you love me all along? What made you hesitate to tell me in words what you really feel?” - A Day Late: Anberlin
“I feel you on my fingertips, my tongue dances behind my lips for you” - All Around Me: Flyleaf 
“I'll wait for you, but I can't wait forever” - Ohio Is For Lovers: Hawthorne Heights
“I've found a reason to show a side of me you didn't know. A reason for all that I do, and the reason is you” - The Reason: Hoobastank
“Is it still me that makes you sweat? Am I who you think about in bed? When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress? Then think of what you did, and how I hope to God he was worth it” - Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off: Panic! At The Disco
“And I have reasons to believe that I'm not the only one you spend this time with” - Smile In Your Sleep: Silverstein 
“I always knew you were such a sucker for that” - A Boy Brushed Red... Living In Black And White: Underoath
“I know you're gonna break my heart, and my life without you in it is a life that's not worth living” - Here I Stand: Marina Lake
“I need to hear your voice to talk me back into existence” - The Only One: The Mile After
“Pain without love. Pain, I can't get enough. Pain, I like it rough. 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all” - Pain: Three Days Grace
“My broken heart's the only thing of value I have left” - Crystal Clear: Young Guns
“I hope you choke on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me” - Lovers and Liars: Matchbook Romance
“All the problems make me wanna go like a bad girl straight to video" - Straight To Video: Mindless Self Indulgence
“Remember when I said I love you? Well, forget it, I take it back. I was just a stupid kid back then. I take back every word that I said” - Stupid Kid: Alkaline Trio
“When you say those things in my ear, why do you always tell me what you wanna hear?” - All These Things I Hate: Bullet For My Valentine
“I know your type. Boy, you're dangerous. Yeah, you're that guy I'd be stupid to trust” - Good Girls Go Bad: Cobra Starship ft. Leighton Meester
“What if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat” - Caraphernelia: Pierce The Veil
“Every wound will shape me, every scar will build my throne” - Throne: Bring Me The Horizon
“Please send me anything but signals that are mixed, 'cause I can't read your rolling eyes” - Again I Go Unnoticed: Dashboard Confessional
“She's just a little girl. She knows nothing of this little game we like to play” - Sugar Skulls: Envy On The Coast
“A cloud hangs over and mutes my happiness. A thousand ships couldn't sail me back from distress” - Anna Molly: Incubus
“So just come back, we'll make it better. So just come back, I'll make it better than it ever was” - Maybe: Secondhand Serenade
“Tell me what you thought about when you were gone and so alone. The worst is over. You can have the best of me” - Best Of Me: The Starting Line
“Simply a look can break your heart” - Miss Murder: AFI
“But your love has never kept me warm when you weren't here” - My Darkest Hour: Scary Kids Scaring Kids
“They’ll tear us apart if you give them the chance” - Check Yes Juliet: We The Kings
Tagging a bunch of babes who might be/showed interested in taking part/could signal boost this: @winchest09 @deanwanddamons @sweeterthanthis @princessmisery666​ @threeminutesoflife @letsby @waywardbaby @ozarkthedog @msmarvelwrites @avintagekiss24 @imanuglywombat @caffiend-queen @angrythingstarlight @stargazingfangirl18 @navybrat817 @river-soul @drabblewithfrannybarnes @the-iceni-bitch @myinconnelly1 @thinkinghardhardlythinking @jay-and-dean @fictionalabyss @impala-dreamer @kittenofdoomage @flamencodiva @sapphirescrolls @there-must-be-a-lock @downanddirtydean @katelynw93 @wonder-cole @deangirl93 @becs-bunker @watermelonlipstick @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @percywinchester27 @jensengirl83 @sams-sass @soaringeag1e @superfanficnatural @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @buckyownsmylife @hysteria87 @hoboal87 @phoenixblack89 @viinchester @holylulusworld @honeysucklesteve @manawhaat
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selfsabotaqe · 2 years
♡     ◞        𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐒     ╱    twenty five, she/her.                        selective indie roleplay  &  1x1 blog.
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selective  &  multimuse indie roleplay account, focusing solely on  original characters  and  slice of life  plots. my preferred plots are slow burn but longlasting  &  focus on quality over quantity  —  i'll generally be medium to low pace with replies and am looking for easygoing friendships with other muns, where there is little pressure but tons of good character development through writing and headcanons. on a (semi) hiatus until, honestly, whenever i get my shit back together.
•   DRAFT  &  QUEUE COUNT:  see this post. •   LINKS:  wanted plots, wanted faceclaims, wanted opposites, open starters. •   RULES & MUSES:  see under the cut. •   NOTE:  this is a sideblog, i will be following from my main @younqdrunk​.
♡     ◞        guidelines.  
one.   please only interact if you’re over eighteen and preferably older than twenty years old  —  i won’t be following or interacting with minors. two.   i am not interested in writing triggering or extremely taboo content. mentions of triggering content as part of backstory, as well as mentions during plotting is okay. i am open to nsfw content, but preferably mixed into plots  &  written in private / on discord. three.   i will write any gender  &  write opposite any gender as well. when doing multiple plots, i do ask to write with partners who are equally open to playing various genders or write a variety of pairings. for that reason i may choose not to interact with blogs who only write cis heterosexual white muses. as of right now, i am especially looking for more wlw and mlm plots, but am open to all pairings. four.   i am particularly interested in slice of life plots  &  dabble between modern and historical plots. for particular inspiration, you are welcome to have a look at my wanted plots tag, but some of my favourite types include enemies to lovers dynamics, spins on cliches and tropes and slow burn. genres i will generally not write include crime, supernatural, fantasy, horror  &  fandom. five.   between my job  &  sometimes unpredictable muse levels, i am not generally the fastest writer. replies may come immediately, or may take anywhere between a few days to a few weeks   —   please be okay with this when choosing to write with me. equally, i am always patient with my writing partners  &  prefer to establish longlasting plots, rather than rushing through. quality over quantity, and life over writing, but i am always down to chat  &  headcanon during our spare time. feel free to reach out for my discord. six.   there are a few main original characters stated in this post, but i will often whip up new muses on a whim. this list is therefore an ongoing process of adding  &  deleting muses, and excludes all private muses. if you would prefer to write with a newly created muse, feel free to look my wanted faceclaims tag. you are also always welcome to ask me more about my original characters through messages  &  dms.
♡     ◞        main ocs.  
nadiye güzelcan :    aslihan malbora. late twenties. phd student in astrophysics. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual. max lockhart :    lorenzo zurzolo. early to mid twenties. college student or professional soccer player. he / him pronouns  &  homoromantic demisexual. adela “addie” ortega :    lizeth selene. early to mid twenties. bass player in feminist punk band r.a.d. they / she pronouns  &  bisexual (f leaning). luca calderón :    froy gutierrez. early to mid twenties. pre law major in college. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual (m leaning). aera sun :    im jinah. late twenties to early thirties. pediatric nurse. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual (f leaning). ** lale sayar :    özge yagiz. mid to late twenties. book publicist  &  aspiring romance author. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual. ** devrim yildiz :    emre bey. mid to late twenties. full time twitch streamer. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. leonora “leo” casilao :    kylie verzosa. mid to late twenties. classical violinist. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual. kiran desai :    dev patel. early to mid thirties. high school history teacher. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. emre kilic :    serkan cayoglu. mid to late thirties. pr manager. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. maite queiroz :    priscilla quintana. early thirties. mechanical engineer. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual. ** rowan landry :    evan roderick or nicholas galitzine. mid to late twenties. children’s book illustrator. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. lachlan armstrong :    felix mallard. early to mid twenties. formula one driver for ferrari. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. soren nygaard :    rudy pankow. mid twenties. unemployed  &  often does odd jobs. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. ( test muse )   carlos acosta :    jan luis castellanos. mid to late twenties. to be decided. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. ( test muse )   jude malinowski :    felix mallard. early to mid twenties. record store clerk  &  lead singer in a garage band. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual (m leaning). ( test muse )   julian harlow :    nicholas galitzine. mid to late twenties. professional soccer player or actor (verse dependent). he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. ( test muse )   jonas solheim :    nicholas galitzine. late twenties. author. he / him pronouns  &  homosexual. ( test muse )   dominic farris :    drew starkey. late twenties. to be decided. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. ( test muse )   santiago vidal :    taylor zakhar perez. late twenties. to be decided. he / him pronouns  &  bisexual. ( test muse )   lennon harlow :    jessica alexander. mid twenties. actress. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual. ( test muse )   tatum wilder :    laura harrier. mid twenties. actress. she / her pronouns  &  bisexual. note:  muses with ** have existing alternate verses or faceclaims. if you would prefer another faceclaim, do feel free to ask about them. generally, for most of my muses i am down to consider secondary faceclaims  &  older faceclaims, as well as alternate jobs or different verses. this will probably be on a case by case basis.
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