The End
The Lich meets back up with her wife. Avis slaps the Lich hard when she wakes up and tears her a new one about pretending to be dead. Naervea growls at her.
Lich: Don’t growl at your mother. I deserved that.
Naervea half crouches behind the Lich while she introduces Avis to her new child. The party is horrified at the thought of the Lich as a parent but Avis says that she can be a decent parent most of the time. Friends of mine are friends of hers and they’re welcome on her pirate ship any time. The Lich says that she’ll look into acquiring a seaside lair, perhaps a castle for Naervea to roost in and as a base. 
The Cleric says that if it’s within 500 miles of Goldreach, she’s moving further away. The Cleric is keeping the Lich’s phylactery and is not giving it back. It will be fine if the Lich doesn’t conquer the world in her lifetime (~8 years) after that it is the Artificer’s problem. The Artificer says that its safety will depend on the Lich’s behavior. Rude.
Avis remarks that the children are nearby. The Lich goes to meet them and encounters an army of her children who are very excited to see their parents. The Lich says that she’s not dead, Avis is fine and they have a new sibling. the Lich tells Naervea that these are her children and their siblings. Naervea chirps and proclaims them as his humans. The Lich ties a mangrove necklace to one of his horns and tell him that marks him as one of their children.
The Lich waves goodbye from her army of children and wife who will definitely be yelling at her some more. Acis says that she will forgive her eventually which is all she can ask for. The Cleric is keeping the teleporting sigil and is going back to her job in Goldreach at the cleric order of Linux. She takes the Artificer to drop off in Ironforge so she can go back to her family business. The Fighter wanders off.
The End
(or is it?)
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Black Phoenix: And to think that this is the group that saved the world.
Lich: Ew. Don’t say that.
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DM: Just casually dismantling a god.
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Facing the BBEG, an ancient dragon:
Lich: (to Naervea) If it feels like too much, just run away.
Dragon: *both heads snarling* DESTROY! DESTROY!
Lich: *super psyched up* Yes! Destroy!
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Lich: Would you like to do some murder?
Both dragon heads purr.
Lich: (to recently hatched Naervea) We’ll do some murder, of your deadbeat father, then we’ll meet my wife if she’s in her right mind, then wreck some havoc. Would you like that? *coos*
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(About their recently hatched two headed dragon clone of the BBEG)
Lich: They’re very cute, they like murder, so like – child of my heart.
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Naervea hatches with black head snarling that it wants to pillage and destroy, white head fighting that they should not just do that.
Lich: Stop it. Whatever you want to do, you can’t kill each other. You’ll die from infection.
Naervea’s heads both nuzzle the lich, black calling her keeper (like all other dragons of the Celestial Dragons), white calling her mama.
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Cleric: Baby dragon thinks of nothing but murder all day.
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As the Lich begins to hatch the dragon egg, a clone of the BBEG Syntherix.
Artificer: This is going to be Syntherix 2: Electric Bugaloo, isn’t it.
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Cleric: (about Nyx the Vampire Queen’s attack) She’s like: “What if – hear me out here – Die.”
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Lich: I’m going to take the opportunity to tie my wife up.
Cleric: You should have some closed doors between you when you do that.
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Dragon: *eats someone with a screech of torn metal*
Lich: A dragon after my own heart.
Cleric: I’m down with it.
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Lich: I aim to inspire terror, and I think I am succeeding.
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DM: How’s everyone looking for health.
Artificer: the fighter is the only on who’s been hit.
Cleric: The Lich and I are like ‘wounds are for petty mortal creatures, not us. We’re busy.’
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Lich pouts at being restrained.
Cleric: *offers a cookie*
Lich: *looks down at skeletal ribcage*
Cleric: *puts cookie in the Lich’s ribcage*
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Artificer: Should I try to kill the genasi or target the dragon?
Lich: The Genasi.
Fighter: less enemies to hit
Cleric: But then we’ll have a rampaging dragon.
Lich: But I hate her.
Artificer: Genasi it is.
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Lich: I’m just saying that, if a fight broke out I wouldn’t be mad.
Artificer: Same.
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