inseasofgreen · 2 months
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Heyo! I've decided to start using this blog again to help keep me on task with my writing as well as meet other writers! I hope to meet more friends and scream about our projects together. Just as a note this is an 18+ blog! I tend to favor dark fantasy and it's mature themes, though I'll obviously tag those posts accordingly I will not shy away from posting them.
My names Mikala (she/her) and I often go by Juno but call me whatever you like tbh! I'm 25 years old, have two dogs, and going to be getting married this october! I'm obsessed with everything fantasy and as such my writing will favor the fantasy genre. I'm currently trucking along on my first draft of my current wip but more on that later.
Interests/favorite tropes/yadya
World building is a big interest of mine. Creating worlds as a wee babe is actually what got me into writing! I love stories with really in depth world building, fantasy or otherwise. My favorite tropes tend to lean towards the generic "epic fantasy" tropes that have been done ten times over to their grave; chosen one, wise old mentor, prophecy, magic, etc etc. Am I lame for that? probably. Do I care? no give me that hidden heir with a scared bloodline plz I will eat that up every day of the week. Another honorable mention is romance! I'm a hopeless romantic and love my fictional significant others.
Current project
I'll make a separate intro for this in a day or so but as a brief overview: Current wip is Xemorro (working title) it's the first book in a high fantasy series following the climax of a long-standing holy war between the Zrato and Zaentriaeal. As a game of cat and mouse unfolds, Zemorri of Pyros learns there is more than meets the eye to the war. With uncovering a secret about his birth and tensions rising in the Nite Region, Zemorri is forced to pick a side. That of his ancestors, The Zrato, or of the foreign and ancient way of life, The Zaentiraeal. It's more prevalent tropes are: Morally grey characters, Fantasy religions/gods and demons, reluctant hero, forbidden romance, dragons and other mythical creatures/races.
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