phoenixyfriend · 9 months
In order for modern AU Perona to have both Moria and Mihawk as her dads, without killing one off when she's a kid, I think one of them should be trans, and was the pregnant one/carrier.
They had a messy divorce so now it's time for a shared custody agreement... or they just hooked up one time at a goth club and it was shared custody from the start.
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bidisastersanji · 10 months
Was feeling nostalgic about early manga I read as a tween and did anyone else grow up with Karin: Chibi vampire?
If you haven’t, the story centers on a family of vampires and the protagonist is basically a reverse vampire: she produces too much blood and needs to bite people to get rid of it, or suffer horrible nosebleeds.
Her blood “multiplies” and gushes out even more when she’s around her “type” of person to bite as a vampire. (In her case: unhappy people, while her brother likes stressed people, her mom likes liars etc, and their biting can be beneficial to those people e.g. removing their stress, forcing them to find a new target)
Now where am I going with this?
Consider: this man
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This man as a “failure” vampire of the pure blood Vinsmoke family because he can go out in sunlight, can’t erase memories on his own (relies on his big sister Reiju) and has to get rid of excess blood instead of drinking it.
(In the human world people assume that Sanji gets these nosebleeds because he’s a pervert)
Enter: Zoro, who happens to be Sanji’s « vampiric type » - and circumstances make it so that Sanji keeps having to be around him and have his blood multiply more and faster from the proximity and he still hasn’t figured out what it is exactly that defines his type yet.
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golden-dart · 10 days
Zosan College Professors AU (or teacher I’m not picky) with the one oversharing and the other being closed off about his personal life trope (I think there’s a name for it I just can’t remember it rn)
Sanji teaches culinary arts (obviously) and Zoro teaches maths (maybe? He’s good at it dunno if he would actually teach it tho. Better ideas are more than welcome) and is also responsible for the kendo team there.
Most students think they hate each other cause they always have fights that most of the time get physical that one of the other profs (read: Nami) have to pull them apart.
Students in Sanjis class think his husband is classy in a weird way and probably works with nature? Specifically moss? Why else would the cook call him mosshead?
While Zoros class knows next to nothing about his husband except that he’s a cook and that in zoros opinion his eyebrows are weird, cause he only calls sanji “cook” and “curly brows” in front of them.
His team has seen Sanji at competitions (to support his husband but shh🤫) but they think he’s there to keep them fed and make fun of Zoro cause “what do you feed them? They need nutrients if they want to win!” (No one has the courage/heart to tell the prof off despite everyone being adults who don’t need to be “fed”)
On the rare occasions that a student has both classes, is part of the team and figures it out, no one believes them cause let’s be honest. Them?! They’d kill each other if left alone in a room for too long!
Anyway this is as far as I’ve gotten with this idea, I’m also not entirely sure what the others would do. Like okay Franky, Robin, Chopper and Brook are easy. (Franky: mechanical engineering, Robin: Archeology, Chopper: Medicine, Brook: Music) but Luffy, Usopp, Jimbei and Nami? No idea. Nami maybe geography tho?
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an-au-blog · 9 months
Sharing kid Sanji and Zoro thoughts?
Because Sanji was such a fun loving and emotionally free kid that just wanted to play with baby birds and cook tasty little meals for his mice. And Zoro was this hardworking stubborn kid who could stand his ground...
And now think about it, Sanji was bullied by his entire family and surely, Zoro would eventually see it happen. Maybe even try to stop it, only to get beat up as well. But Sanji feels for the first time that someone is backing him up, so obviously, he wants to get to know his new friend. So he trails him and tries to talk to him, even though the other kid claims that they aren't friends.
Zoro would go to kendo practice and Sanji would trail behind him like a lost puppy. He never had any long lasting friends, so he was so happy to follow Zoro around, even though the other told him not to. He met Kuina and she drilled that same "what does it matter if I'm a girl" mentality that she drilled into Zoro.
Every time zoro scraped his knee, Sanji would get his colorful bandaids and help him out. He would have some of those animal/food/cartoon print ones and Zoro would love them so much. Zoro was a lonely child, before Sanji, he only had Kuina and now he's so grateful for this new friendship. Sanji would make food for him and Zoro would eat every last bit of it, saying it was delicious (even though most of it was rarely salvageable.)
When Sora got better, she got a divorce from Judge and could win custody of Sanji and Reiju, and ONLY because Sanji insisted on staying with his mother and cried in the courtroom when they asked him how life was with his dad while his mother was in the hospital. All is good but both Judge and Sora move to different cities and young Zoro is left without knowing what happened to his dear friend. At least he still had Kuina, right?
... right?
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sporesgalaxy · 9 months
Whats is your ideal high school au zosan?
if youre gonna put the Straw Hats in a modern setting they still HAVE to be miscreants and freaks with insane trauma who regularly commit crimes.
I NEED Zoro and Sanji to be on the verge of flunking out and/or being expelled for fighting.
Zeff is making Sanji go to school so he can have a bright future or whatever the fuck but ALL Sanji cares about is helping run Baratie. Why the hell would he "do math homework" when he can COOK? That's the only future he wants anyway. So what if he also happens to love marine biology it's not like that matters and it doesn't help with his general education course grades. Also obviously he still gets into tons of fights because of his short temper and strongly held principles. He's probably got a reputation that, along with his workalohic tendencies at the restraunt, make it hard for him to keep friends.
Zoro made a promise to his late friend Kuina to become the greatest swordsman...in the sport of kendo. Zoro also struggles to care much about his classes. However, similar to Zeff, Kyoshiro won't let him completely give up on his education in favor of living and breathing kendo 24/7.
While NOT getting into fights and nearly flunking out of school would certainly make it EASIER for Zoro to continue competing in kendo, from what I've been able to look up about the rules of the FIK it's actually not impossible for him to get into kendo competitions even if he's a bit of a hooligan lol. Especially since his primary caretaker runs a dojo. So long as he can get some adults to vouch for him, like maybe the current greatest kendoka in the world...
I also don't think they'd go to the same school. If Zoro and Sanji are nearly dropouts, Luffy is definitely already a high school dropout, let's be real. I can't decide what sort of rougish illegal profession he'd be pureheartedly aspiring to on dry land right now (street gang leader?????), but he'd definitely have no interest in getting a regular education. So, it's no problem for this weird delinquent to befriend two other weird delinquents from different schools and rope them into whatever weird shit he gets up to between dine-and-dashes.
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oksurethisismyname · 11 months
What online content would the strawhats make?
Luffy: obviously Mukbangs on live and also random gaming content (open world only, he absolutely cannot focus on a plot line) also live
Sanji: he cooks the food for the Luffy Mukbangs, also he makes binging with babish style videos. As a perfectionist it does take him at least 3 weeks to edit and post a video.
Zoro: He doesn’t make videos outright, but he is famous on tiktok because the strawhats post videos where he is always asleep in the background. Occasionally tagged in Kendo competition videos.
Nami: she is posting ranting, gossiping, and celebrity news videos and making fun of finance bros. She’s an icon. She has merch and it is high quality and expensive.
Ussop and Franky: DIY youtube kings, showing people how to fix things that would normally cost too much to fix
Robin: deep dive videos on history, including true crime from at least 100 years ago
Chopper: baby boy is posting fun videos on tiktok with his friends, does not realize his profile is public
Brook: music review videos and covers of the latest hits. Very popular because everyone loves this weird old man. He only posts on Facebook and a fan channel is the one who uploads it to a youtube account
Bonus Law: Law posts rants about the inaccuracies of medical shows like Greys Anatomy, reality television and Dr. Oz. He’s been served a cease and desist by Dr. Oz and it’s framed in the background of his videos now.
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metamelonisle · 10 months
if the straw hats were in college together: part 1
zoro: student athlete. not the captain of a club or anything but he's in kendo. he's not particularly good at most of his classes, except for philosophy, which he actually more or less excels at. he often gets help from his friends to pass his other necessary classes and has a tendency to oversleep. his room is surprisingly neat for what one would think of him, because he owns the absolute bare minimum in furnishings and sleeps on a futon. he has a single chair, monitor, and desk. he eats a single burnt unseasoned egg every morning for breakfast without so much as choking it down. asocial by nature, he did not expect to make friends, and the thought of solitude did not really bother him originally, but now he can't deny to himself that he feels happier and more secure now that he has friends. There's a brochure for corrective vision exams on the floor. Hopefully he doesn't sleep through this one too.
sanji: culinary student obviously. takes martial arts outside of school and maybe hosts his own fighting club that zoro and the others frequent. he's very good at keeping on most of his classes for the most part, but is still all-too-willing to drop everything to help any girl in his presence with whatever they need for however long they want, which eats into his study time quite a bit. He doesn't mind, though. He thoroughly enjoys helping others and cooking for his friends because of his own past on the streets. his room is very nice and neat, and he makes sure to keep everything in its place and organized. In his single deliberate junk drawer he keeps as an "organize later" pile, there is a single tube of lipstick, opened and used only once.
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sanjism · 1 year
so sanji is my favorite character obviously but objectively zoro has literally changed the course of my life. he is the reason i started kendo and now have this important community, and met people whom i consider family. i love him, i think he’s the best written character in one piece, i think he’s so much more than just hard-boiled but is a crazy-big dreamer and just as much as an idiot as his captain and fiercely protective and although his dream sounds just as childish as more swords = better it also captures perfectly his devotion to his best friend. i love him, there will never be another character like him
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spriingdaisies · 2 years
i'm glad ur still accepting requests! would it be alright to request a modern au! illustrations of the one piece characters and their jobs who are currenly in their 20s? I'm about to be in my mid-20s and am super confused! (lol) ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ or maybe just yamato! i love him! ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ thank you!
Ahhh this is a mad fun request!! Took me a while to formulate some HCs
Especially bc I am also in my twenties feeling p lost 😭 gonna put the notes for each character in a read more bc I doubt this will be legible lmao.
Also note I’m Aussie, uni = tertiary education like college
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- still in med school
- exclusively works in ICU/operating room (unconscious patients = no complaints about his DEATH tattoos)
- dead inside, buried in school and work
- (is blasting heavy metal through AirPods)
- doing a PDH in archaeology and having a considerably better time in school than Law
- on a big scholarship so not stressed abt money but also does some tutoring for kids on the side
- graduated high school but saw no point in uni bc he obviously has to be the VERY BEST in
- kendo. Or maybe boxing bc it’s sexier
- EITHER an Olympic athlete or underground champion. OR Olympian who falls from grace oooOOooooO
- (he’s sulking after smashing his competition and getting all the gold medals bc he didn’t get a 100% score)
-( has seperate draws of Hawaiian shirts for work, casual, and date nights)
-didn’t finish high school
- TAFE King! ( TAFE is like hands on certifications)
- toms mechanic apprentice
- geography major, late to uni, now saving to join research teams on the field
- has like 10 side hustles at once; helping bellemere pay off debt, saving for dreams and addicted to online shopping
- weather girl, model, waitress
- chef
- what did you expect
-childrens book author & illustrator
- also helps out at an antique store and tells mad stories about the previous owners of the antiques he’s selling
- ok actually I forgot this was a mid 20 year old prompt
- ummmmmm welll Jinbe is the loving community grandpa we all need
- maybe even so in his 20s
- fisherman following family tradition and volunteers teaching kids karate
- he is not built for the modern world
- zoro and nami (and the others ig) made sure he graduated high school at least
- but why do smth boring like uni
- twitch streamer and helps at Dadans store
- not quite a freeloader but still ace and sabo support him a lot
(Ran out of drawing steam for these last two)
- leader of his university’s communism club
- works for dragon but never gives a straight answer on what his job is
- half asses his uni degree (Ps get degrees ayyyy)
-but doesn’t use his degree
-youth worker of some sort, maybe a camp leader
- also in a shitty little band
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Tbh idc what the pairing is (it could be Mihawk x Law or anything else) as long as you’re writing it, bc I will 100% be reading it. I’m glad to hear from you 😅 and also glad you didn’t die! Hopefully the situation of avoiding death continues for a good long time yet!
Oh my God thank you so much. Haha, about the not dying part, of course, but also I'm so happy when people really enjoy my writing.
I'll tell you what, recovery is going slower than I expected (I would have hoped that once I was back home and not puking up blood that I would have magically gotten better; turns out that, just as all my past experience has suggested but I refuse to accept, it doesn't work that way.)
I'm not sure about posting the Mihawk/Law piece, just because it has a lot of gaps in it which makes it hard to read. This is hard to read, too, but only because the writing sucks in parts. That is down to me not sleeping. If you can forgive some really poor writing, though, I can offer you this Mihawk x Law (with some obvious future Law x Zoro) that I wrote for @jhaernyl who was having a real tough night, and I wanted to make it better and refused to let the fact I obviously shouldn't have been writing at the time stop me.
Swordsmen Are Flexible
Law as a yoga instructor who teaches at Hawk Eyes, a dojo/gym/training complex.
The dojo is perhaps the biggest piece in all this. They have a full sized, League approved, competition stage that often plays host to Grand Line Division matches.
So, of course, the two most popular instructors at the center are not only well known Kenshi with high international rankings, but also are both fully certified as 9th Dan Hanshi by the IKL: Sensei Kyoshiro Denjiro and Sensei Dracule Mihawk. Considering the level of such instructors, it's only natural that following the announcement of a new sensei joining the team at Hawk Eyes, everyone developed theory, had heard a rumor, or just "had a hunch" about who the new trainer would be ranging from romantic ("Imagine if Sensei Hawkeyes brought his old rival to teach us!") to reasonable (He's visited often enough, and has the relaxed air of a retired Kenshi who would be glad to teach rather than compete. Rayleigh just makes sense....) to ruthless (Mihawk may not be the kindest Sensei, but no way he's throwing his students to King!) to truly ridiculous (Cavendish is more movie star than Kenshi, and and student who believes Mihawk would bring in that overhyped fop should probably see the on sight medic; they clearly need their head checked).
In spite of himself, Law can't help but be just as curious as the rest of the club. Unlike the students who excitedly chatter and spread each and every new overheard suggestion as if it's a confirmed fact, the club members who aren't part of the kendo circle but keep finding themselves in or around those areas of the complex trying to catch a peak, or the staff who are happy to gossip among themselves but are sure to shake their heads and tut when students do so loudly when the boss is nearby, Law doesn't bother with all the baseless conjecturing and wasteful speculating and instead takes the bold move of simply asking.
Of course, that IS easier when you have some pull behind the scenes. Which Law definitely had. Despite being just shy of 22 and whose activity fell well out of the realm of kendo (by enlarge, sword styles depend on either strength/power or speed, and so some sports or exercise classes that might otherwise have nothing to do with blades find themselves under the general kendo umbrella simply by offering the students a way to bolster their skills in other ways; no real style depends so heavily on flexibility) which is where nearly 1/4th of the entire Club's is based, Trafalagar Law happened to be - by number of students and private lesson cost - the third most popular instructor currently employees by Hawk Eyes. An accomplishment for which he is overly competitive and a smug little brat to have earned so quickly mildly proud. But which also meant there was nothing stopping him from simply entering the boss's office and asking, "So, who is this superstar kendoist everyone has spent the last week gossiping about?"
Mihawk doesn't even look up from the paperwork he's finishing up. "Roronoa Zoro." With his eyes still down on his desk, he somehow seems to know the expression that crosses Law's face. "You wouldn't have heard of him."
Sure enough, digging around in his memory of an International Kendo League competitor under this name, left him coming up completely empty on matches, information, even passing references. Huh. Well, that is.... Unexpected. "Hmm," Law wanders in deeper to the office, sliding down into the chair across from Mihawk. He manages to throw himself into the most awkward position possible, half draped over the side, legs bent and yet hanging off the opposite arm of the chair while rolling his shoulders back, staring up at the ceiling as he considered this unsuspected and yet wholly underwhelming news. "What classes is he being given, then?" That would help Law figure out if this is Mihawk being pragmatic, bringing in some one who was competent yet mostly unknown purely as a result of the volume of business growing too large for the current instructors to handle or if instead this is one of his delusive strikes - entirely unseen and unbroadcast until suddenly he is right there and making deft work of his opponent - that he's hiding the true intent behind.
For such a serious-faced man, his boss has quite the sense of dramatic flair at times.
"He will take over the four Junior League Final Year classes from Shigure," Mihawk draws, only briefly glancing up to see what position Trafalagar had managed to twist himself into.
Law nods, agreeing that handing off the four most difficult of Tashigi's courses makes sense, although it's not as if he's being consulted on the matter. All the same, Law has at least some stakes in how business is going, and more than that he's a smart young man who keeps himself abridged of the general state of matters around him. Tashigi is the Club's youth kendo instructor, and while she may only be a 6th Dan Renshi, and hasn't yet progressed beyond tier 3 of the International Division (with a rank of 127, out of the 1000+ rankings. Apparently, before she left the Easterner Division she'd held a top 5 ranking which Law has to admit is damn impressive; he'd only ever held a rank of 8 in the Northern Division) she has proven to be quite popular with both parents and students, especially the younger swordsmen. She is easily the areas most popular Junior League instructor, somehow managing to hold down a total of 23 different classes ranging from the large general Club training sessions where it could be up to 20 students of various ages to the smaller "semi-private" affairs with just three to five kids. How she hasn't ended up slicing one of those over-involved, opinionated, (stupidly wealthy) is beyond Law. He knows Tashigi to be very focused, highly principled, and the kind of stubborn that is like nails down a chalkboard to Law. She is precisely the type that would take on far too many students and refuse to turn a single one of them away even after her schedule has been consumed by her job.
The four top classes are students who are entering one of the two final groupings for Junior League. The International Kendo League is divided into Divisions - Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, Grand Line, and International or "All Blue" - which are then further divided into tiers with each of the local division having ten in all while the International has a total of eleven tiers starting at 10 and working down to 1 before jumping to Tier A, the All Stars tier, containing only the top 20 ranking actively competing members of the League. On the other hand, the Junior League uses a grouping system, placing junior competitors within a group dependent on age and skill level. For ages 14 to 18 you are placed in either the T Grouping or the L Grouping, with the L group containing those who will move onto the League once they turn 18 and pass Rank 45 of their local Division (this tends to be tied to age, though younger competitors can qualify if they hit Rank 14 or less early on. The ages differ by region; you must be at least 17 years old to enter the IKL in East and West Blue, whereas the South and Grand Line Divisions only require competitors to be 16. North Blue sought a special cultural exception from the League Committee to allow 15 year olds to qualify. While the League allowed this despite it allowing what the League considered "exceptionally young competitors to enter matches against fully trained adults", they required to Northern Division to raise the ranking requirement to 9 or less. And while in other Divisions, Junior competitors only need to hold this rank through 4 challenges (or matches), those in the Northern Junior Division have to keep their rank through 7 challenges, at least 4 of which must be wins.
So, it's clear why these last two groupings are so important to Junior competitors and why those classes, specifically, are going to be demanding of any instructor's time and attention. Law doesn't doubt Tashigi's dedication, but with the number of classes on her schedule, the students entering the T and L groupings probably aren't getting as much attention as they would like. It doesn't surprise him at all that these are being hoisted onto the newcomer.
"He will also start assisting Kyoshiro in his three First Year classes," Mihawk continued, now focused back on his paper (after the smallest hint of a smile having confirmed that, yes, indeed Trafalagar HAD managed not only to curl himself into quite the arrangement but did so in that oh so casually posed way the boy had about him). So he misses the momentary surprise that flashes over Law's features before he pulls it back.
It's just that first year Kendoist who come to a place like Hawk Eyes, this tends to be their *life*. There are waiting lists and drawings for the positions in Kyoshiro's First Year classes, which teach not just stance and techniques but also strategy, League Tradition, and Style development. Basically, everything a young competitor needs to ensure some level of success in the years ahead.
Which, Law assumes, is why this unknown swordsman will start out only as an assistant to Denjiro. Those students are between 17 and 19, and he can only imagine that they, along with their parents, might riot if they found out they had been tossed aside to some newcomer lacking Kyoshiro's reputation and knowledge. It could be that the new hire is simply meant to help Denjiro in organizing and setting up these classes which go well beyond the definition of mere training sessions. They are, as Law understands it, far closer to a university level lecture but one that is still half swordsmanship and practical exercises. An assistant could certainly help to lighten the load.
However, the club itself is less of a university and more like high school, at least in terms of the way that rumor and gossip ripple through them like waves after a seaking crashes through a ship. So without even having to ask, Law knows that Denjiro has been looking to free some of his time from the club. His husband has started a Dojo of his own, although it isn't sponsored by the Kendo League or IKL approved which is likely the only reason Denjiro has stayed in this job as they aren't directly in competition (how anyone found all this out is beyond Law; Denjiro isn't the type to discuss such personal topics, though he'd gladly spend the next 40 minutes telling you how bold and clever and wise his "Kin-san" is, as well as how hot the man is without his shirt on. Law has learned to avoid conversations with Denjiro). Fire Fox Dojo specializes in the Wano Form, teaching all sorts of exotic practice methods and ancient Wano secret techniques. Or so Law has heard some of the other staff say…. And apparently, with their wife splitting half of her time between here and Wano these days, Denjiro's husband could use the added support. Which leads Law to believe whoever this Roronoa is, Mihawk must see a Blues worth of potential in him. He wouldn't give Denjiro's First Year classes to anyone he didn't have respect for, and that he didn't believe could maintain the reputation Denjiro has built the club. Every single Kenshi who sits for the entirety of the class has moved up to at least 8th Tier by the end of their first year as full members of the IKL Grand Line Division. Handing those three classes off would also free up the largest portion of Denjiro's time, while still allowing him to teach the highest number of classes. It is a shrewd move on Mihawk's part.
Provided, of course, this guy can live up to his expectations.
"I will also be handing my three lowest level courses onto him," Mihawk informs Trafalagar of this one just as he finishes the last of the forms he'd needed to finalize in order to secure Roronoa a place directly in the All Blue Division with no need to waste his time working up through the Grand Line first. Such a task would only slow Roronoa's progress. He makes sure the forms are nearly stacked before him, arms resting serenely on the desk and focus squarely on Trafalgar as he makes this next proclamation.
Law jolts slightly, almost as if he's about to start and choke. Only there is nothing to choke on, just his tongue and the huge amount of shock he'd needed to suddenly swallow past.
Mihawk's three "lowest level" classes would be the upper limit to what most dojos or gyms could even offer. He is, after all, the current Tier A champion, holding the coveted Rank 1 title: Greatest Living Swordsman. The classes he teaches are both highly specialized and incredibly select. Each one is restricted to no more than ten students, and those who apply must first pass a multilayered audition.
"YOUR classes?" Law can't quite hold back the disbelief that leaps out of his voice. "Where is he from?" It must be some island like Wano or Pasofica, some place with their own form and a system that stands apart from the official League. That would explain why Law hasn't-
"East Blue. To be honest, I can't remember the name of the island itself. It was some small, provincial little town-island. A perfectly idyllic place to grow up, I'm certain, but not one worth anything of note." Mihawk cocks his head ever so slightly as he draws out his explanation, carefully watching Trafalagar and his reaction.
The EAST!? He's just some unknown guy from the East!? Law can feel the incredulity rising up in his chest yet again, and it causes him to twist and turn until he's sitting in his seat properly, which in itself strange enough. But behind all the restlessness, Law's mind is trying to fit the piece together. He's thinking about that faster than sound way Mihawk has of cutting down an opponent; no warning, no time to react, he just goes from nothing to winner in a lightening's bolt lifetime. Just because the attack happens in no time at all doesn't mean it isn't planned well in advance. Law has a feeling that Mihawk is lining up just such a strike, an aggressive move to keep the club at its winning rank.
Why on the mats Law always loves watching him take out opponents with such a burst of unexpected power, finding the whole performance, well, erotic as hell, honestly, it's a different matter when Mihawk is using it as a business tactic.
It makes Law want to do the impossible; he wants to read the move, to see it before it hits. Not to block it, he is sure Mihawk took all options into consideration and found this one the most appealing for a reason, but for the simple reason that he can. He is sure of it. There is more power behind this than is clear at the surface, there is a plan there. Law wants in, but he wants to find his own way there.
"Was there more, Trafalagar?" Mihawk asks with a raised eyebrow, clearly expecting a litany of righteous, indignant incredulity to come his way, as has been the case with nearly all others with whom he's shared this decision.
Law is just caught staring off into the distance for a heart beat longer until he catches himself and shakes out of it. "Mm? Yes." Law has all sorts of questions, but most of them will have to wait. So instead he leans forward, giving Mihawk a curious look. "Are you going to allow him to take over our private lessons as well."
Mihawk leans back in his chair, the smallest of smiles playing at his lips. Law knows him well enough to see it for the playful grin it is. "Bored of me already, are you, Trafalagar?"
"Bored? Of you old man? No, never." Law gives a cheeky roll of his eyes before rising up to his feet. He pauses before extending his arms up over his head to get a good stretch, a move that turns into something of a full body roll, but only after he's drawn himself taunt, unfurling upwards and then leaning back until he can actually start to feel some strain pulling at his muscles. Once he's content he'll feel this one at least a little, and also sure he's laid himself out as much as possible for a causal stretch, Law rolls his shoulders forward and comes off his toes back to his feet and lands with a soft bounce. "I've got class in 40 minutes." And plenty of poking around he would like to get done before that.
Apparently, something in Law's expression must give away as much, because he's only made it two steps towards the door before a heavy hand lands on his shoulder, putting just enough force to ensure Law comes to a complete stop.
He tilts his head all the way back, throat completely bared as he stares up at Mihawk's near upside side expression, the slight glint in his golden eyes. "Behave yourself, Trafalagar," his boss warns, voice a low, surprisingly soft rumble.
Law just shots him a cocky smile. "Now why would I do something boring like that?"
Law is very nearly late to class. He could have been perfectly on time, only it's harder than you'd think finding a yoga appropriate top that also covers most of your neck.
The atmosphere in the room is, much like the rest of the club, one of high excitement with the students too busy whispering about the famous, legendary Swordsman whom Dracule will surely have brought on to be the new kendo instructor. Law can only snort, trying not to smile knowing just how disappointed they will all be when they discover the guy is just some nobody Eastern. It's all part of that trick attack, hiding the actual strike behind a seeming stillness and nothing.
Law is so lost in his own thoughts regarding what role this mysterious stranger plays exactly in Mihawk's plan he almost doesn't notice him. Which is surprising, since you hardly see such bright, naturally green hair everyday. The boy is stretching out towards the back of the room, wearing a pair of loose black pants and a white tank top that makes up for any bagginess by being about three times too small. He's quite the cutie, actually. Lean frame, strong shoulders, that hair. But, oh, what a baby! He probably isn't even out of highschool!
(There are, of course, plenty of folks who would say that LAW was barely out of high school himself, though it had been 4 years now since he graduated, which in Law's mind was a world of time. More than enough to make him a fully grown adult, while green haired cutie was clearly but a child.)
Poor thing must have gotten lost, Law chuckles to himself, crossing the back of the class as quietly as possible. He actually isn't trying to embarrass the boy. "Hey there. Excuse me?" Law says softly with a tap on the boy's shoulder.
"I think your in the wrong class." Cutie turns around, and for more than a passing moment he just stares at Law. Like Law is acting strange or…. - fuck, those stupid bite marks don't show, do they? He tugs at the neck of this high collared shirt he found but, no, he's good - what is this kid's problem, honestly? Law decides to just ignore the weirdness and push through. "This is-"
"Intermediate Yoga, Level 2," the boy chokes out, fast enough that Law worries for a second he's swallowed his own tongue. He certainly goes red enough in the face that something has to be wrong. "With Trafalagar Law."
"Yes," Law says with a smile that might be *just* a tad condescending. "That's me."
"Oh, good," the boy breaths, as if he thought for a moment he really did just have the wrong room. "I mean, I knew that."
Only you clearly didn't, Law wants to say, but keeps the snide thought to himself. Instead he explains, "We have a Beginners class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and early afternoons Friday." Which is just about the polite way he can think to shoo this baby away.
"Hmm?" The boy looks honestly confused as to why Law would be sharing such useless information with him. It seems to take a moment to click. "Oh, no. I'm good."
Law raises an eyebrow. "If you're sure, Midori-ya."
"It's actually Zo-"
"Alright class." Law is already walking away, raising his voice to get the rest of the class to settle down and pay attention. Look, if the boy wants to wake up tomorrow sore all over and cursing Law's name, let him go for it. Law isn't going to waste his time trying to explain to the kid that while he's sure that whatever yoga his girlfriend showed him was super easy, and she probably called him a natural and oh, he's so good at this he should do yoga with her! That isn't anything like what they're going to do here. He isn't in the practice of teaching people sloppy, easy poses that make them feel better about themselves without any of the actual physical work out. "Today I want to get you all started on some more advanced poses. They're going to be a bit trickier than what we've done so far, but we'll start with a solid warm up, and if you've been keeping up with your stretches these should be a rewarding experience."
It turns out, Law's first impressions of the boy were off on multiple points. For starters, he had greatly misjudged just how flexible the boy is, which turns out to be "damn more than expected". Especially given that, while he's pretty lean in general with narrow hips and a compact build, he's also incredibly solid looking. The wider shoulders say that he could put on a good mass of muscle yet, and Law had been expecting plenty of core strength with little stretch, but, depths, the boy can bend.
Enough to draw those baggy pants right over his ass. Nowhere near as tight as his shirt, which is a shame, based on the few peaks Law did get. He may have walked by the boy once or twice or six times more than he had with other students.
"That's really good, Midori-ya, you just need to straighten out this hip area a bit more. You should feel the pull coming from your back, here, down to here, and into your hamstring, like this." No this isn't just an excuse to touch you, that would be horribly perverted and - wow, that ass really is as tight as it looks, isn't it Midori-ya? "Doesn't that feel better?"
"Y-yes, much better, Trafalagar-sensei."
Law has to take back the part about the boy only showing up because of some psedu-yoga with his girlfriend. He won't dismiss the entire theory out of hand, it just requires one minor correction.
He isn't the only one who noticed the cute new student. Several times during the lesson he looks up to see the girls on either side of the green haired boy having a go trying to get his attention, whisper-flirting when they can get away with it, one goes as far as to very nearly shove her breasts in his face. The boy only apologizes before moving back to give her more space. After that, the two don't make any serious attempts.
The class empties out slowly, with most students straggling behind to see if they can't ask the Sensei a question or two (or however many it takes to keep him there until the others have finally all given up and gone home and they have him to themselves). Still, Law is surprised when he looks up - after having finally dismissed a whole flock who all wanted to know if they were doing this pose absolutely right, Sensei? Plus the blond hottie that, well, Law had to give him points for the brazenness of coming right up and asking for his number, though his reason for why ("in case I have any questions about yoga") could use some workshopping - and sees the green haired boy is still standing around, examining at a map of the complex. He appears to actually be fairly engrossed in his study, too, as Law manages to approach without him giving so much as a sideways glance up from the unfolded pamphlet.
"You looked really good today."
The poor boy jolts back, clearly startled, but when he meets Law's eyes he looks less like the scared little lamb that Law expects and more like he is ready to fight to the death.
The mettle quickly fades, though, replaced just as speedily with a different kind of blood. This one leaves him with pink cheeks, so hot Law swears he can feel them from all one and a half feet away.
He feels this all but confirms it. He's definitely doing yoga at his boyfriend's suggestion.
"Oh, um, thanks?" The kid doesn't seem to know if this is a real compliment or not, and Law can definitely see the doubt in his eyes. It only makes Law's smile a little more genuine. He appreciates suspicion.
"I guess I'm just surprised," he goes on, as if he can explain away the compliment which, again, makes Law feel that much more comfortable with the kid. Direct compliments never seem truthful, anyway. "You're quite good, but I don't remember seeing you around before. Do you and your partner usually practice together?"
Hmm, well, that wasn't exactly subtle. The weird thing is, Law hadn't MEANT to be so blunt, asking after such personal details in such an open manner. He's never so straightforward, especially with students. Depths, when is the last time he even bothered to ASK about an individual's partner!? That's not even information he needs to know.
"What? No, no. No. I'm new. I mean, I just moved here, that's all."
Ah, yes, that could explain a lot. Maybe about that cute blush, too, and his lost look studying the map. He must be from one of the smaller nearby islands, or maybe his home is back in Paradise, this could be his first time in the Big Cities of the New World. "In which case, welcome to Punk Hazard, Midori-ya. Don't worry, you get used to it after the first few weeks," Law explains, nodding towards the unfurled map.
The boy makes a face, looking down at the map as though it has personally cursed his entire family tree. "Yeah, I'm sure I will."
"Oh," he adds, blinking as the grumpiness fades and he looks back up at Law. "You called me that again… Actually, my name is Ro-"
The two girls who had been making sure to arrive early enough that they always get to sit in front seem to have finally lost their patience waiting for the room to completely clear out. Whatever plan they've been hatching over the last few weeks is apparently ready to go NOW and not a moment later, and before Law knows it he's got both swarming up to them, eyes alight with whatever scheme they've got hidden up their sleeves.
Well, it's only right to let them have their chance with him now, isn't he?
"Zoa, Kere," he greets the two, who break down in giggles at the fact that he knows their name. Speaking of which, their blush and spontaneous joyous outburst gives him enough time to look back up, only to find that despite him having taken almost fifteen minutes to get out and check his map of the club's complex, the boy is all packed up and halfway out the door in less than a minute.
"Bye, Midori-ya!" Law calls out, waving a quick farewell to the boy, who trips over himself, apparently not having expected Law to wave him off.
He half turns around, giving him a small bow in return. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He shouts back, face bur jmg red again before he quickly hurries off.
Tomorrow? Law wonders, his attention returning to his two admirers. He will have to pick that boy up a proper class schedule.
The next day, the whole club is abuzz, and the crowd and chatter only increase the closer to the kendo hall you get.
Still, Mihawk looks surprised to see Law walking through the doors, or at least, surprised for Mihawk. He steps out from the doorway he'd been looming in - see? so dramatic. - and right into Law's path. As if there had been any change of Law walking right by him.
"Trafalagar," he greets, earning a polite but shallow bow and a return greeting. "I'm surprised to see you've lowered yourself to such an affair."
Law gives him a crooked grin before stepping around Mihawk, as if content to go along without him. "I'm only here to see their great disappointment you haven't brought them Shadow Lord Rayleigh."
"Hmm," Mihawk remarks, catching up to Law in mere seconds. "Of course, they could have simply asked and spared themselves."
It's true, Law supposes, but only technically. He can't imagine Mihawk would do that much to keep Roronoa's name a secret, but of course how many would dare to ask when he hadn't openly announced it in the first place? "It's almost as if they're intimidated by you."
"Really? How dull."
Law chuckles, using his next step to move in closer to Mihawk. Their arms brush, and Mihawk slides his gaze over to Law. It is…. Surprisingly intense, and full of…. Not heat, but warmth.
Law shifts his eyes directly ahead, tries to ignore it. "Let's go see this mysterious swordsmen of yours, shall we?"
Law decides it's best to take his cues from the excitable crowd, his own stride speeding up ever so slightly from his and Mihawk's slower pace.
There isn't any great height difference between them , and Law has the longer legs comparatively, Mihawk seems to swoop in, immediately falling in step right beside Law again. Which is fine.
Until his arm falls around Law's waist.
Law tenses, nearly freezing in place, only barely able to keep himself falling forward, forcing himself to keep walking. It's impossible to hide the way his whole body tightens at the sudden, public contact between the two of them, though. Mihawk gives his hip a gentle squeeze, a sign of comfort, Law supposes, only it does very little to comfort him. It really only serves to put Law FURTHER on edge.
"You are worried," Mihawk points out, voice low and soft and dark. Just the right timber to usually leave Law lying against his chest, eyes closed and near purring, utterly content to curl up next to him. "That people will see."
Now, Law is just left feeling.... Itchy. The need to move away, to get himself some room, is so strong he ends up shoving his hands into his back pockets. Just to keep them still.
This isn't like Mihawk at all, to be so... Public. Law can't help but feel something is wrong. Or, if not wrong, he still doesn't like it. This sudden overreach of established boundaries. They were never like this, not where anyone could see. "You're not on the clock, are you?" Mihawk asks, and then - this is fucking madness - the he KISSESS the top of Law's head! As if that is something they do! As if this is something they are.
What is he thinking!?
"Dracule-sensei...." Law very purposefully pulls out his title, eyes slowly scanning the room as if he expects people to have their e-mushi's out, snapping photos of this natural disaster in progress. "Do you really think this is the right."
"Law." And this time, Law really does freeze up, though luckily they're close enough to the kendo theater that most of the crowd has stopped trouting forward and has instead started loitering about, waiting.
Mihawk NEVER uses his first name, not even in bed. Why-What is he doing, exactly? And why wouldn't he warn Law about this part of the plan? When he turns to glare up at Mihawk, pissed that he's being used in all this, the man stares back with nothing but tenderness. No plotting, no analyzing, just soft emotions, and all of them for Law.
What is going on? Why is he doing this? Law doesn't understand what is happening. Why is he trying to ruin this amazing thing between them?
"We're in public," Law whispers, as if maybe Mihawk simply hadn't recognized the large crowd around them. "People are going to see, they're going to know..."
"Good," Mihawk whispers back, voice dropping that octave lower, into that range that usually makes Law want to melt, but now he just wants to run. The arm around his waist makes that difficult, though, even more so when Mihawk brings Law in closer, until he's almost pressed up against him.
He's SURE from the whispering that a good number of people have more than noticed now. And yet Mihawk just reaches down, taking Law's chin in hand. He knows that look, that darkness in his eyes, that gentleness that overtakes his expression - fuck, he's going to try and kiss him. Law needs to shove him away, he needs to run, scream and cause a scene. Just get out of there. Now.
The murmuring picks up across the crowd, and like a miracle, Mihawk's more serious, work appropriate face reappears. He lets go of Law, though holds his chin long enough to kiss him on the nose before entirely letting go. "I best go show Roronoa to the door, or he will never find his way."
Law slouches down, body relaxing as pure relief floods his system. Clearly, whatever madness had momentarily overtaken him, Mihawk has returned to his senses. The proof is in how bad that excuse is, and yet he takes it to give them both some much needed room from one another.
"Yes, please. I'm as curious as everyone to meet the boy," Law says, encouraging Mihawk to go, give them both some room. He isn't sure what almost happened there, but the relief he feels that it DIDN'T is strong enough he feels nearly giddy with it's effects.
19 notes · View notes
sanjisock · 5 years
ao3. aoharu/hungry days-verse. warning for referenced child abuse
Zoro doesn’t see it, until he does.
Sometimes it’s just as simple as that. Like flipping on a light switch — one moment you didn’t see it, and then you do, all happening in the blink of an eye.
One moment everything seems normal — Sanji meeting him at the back of the gym building, passing Zoro his bento before the Kendo club starts like usual — and then Zoro sees it, the way Sanji stands with a weird slouch on his shoulder, his back leaning to the side, like he’s favoring his left. Zoro always thought the slouching was just an act, a way for the stupid Love Cook to look “cool” and impress the girls in their school, but a different thought crosses his mind for a second.
A different, terrible thought.
“Wait,” Zoro blurts out as Sanji is about to turn and make his way out of the school grounds. “Did you get into a fight?”
Sanji scowls. “Yeah. With you , two days ago.”
Well. They did get into a fight over some mundane shit Zoro can’t even remember anymore, but they both know their fights are more playful than anything. Neither of them intended to hurt . Sanji is still wearing their standard uniform, the long sleeves of their school blazer covering his arms, but Zoro would swear Sanji is —
“You know what I meant, Shit Cook.”
“Actually, I don’t ,” Sanji dismisses, clearly refusing to meet Zoro’s eyes, and the gesture makes something in Zoro’s chest feel heavy and uneasy. “So if you don’t have anymore bullshit to spout, my shift at the Baratie is starting in an hour —“
“I said wait ,” Zoro grabs Sanji by the arm, and Sanji winces. There’s a flash of pain in his eyes, and Zoro’s stomach churns at the sight.
“Let me go,” Sanji says, trying to tug his arm away from Zoro’s grasp, but it’s weak, weaker than Zoro would expect from the Cook.
“Your arm,” Zoro says, slowly putting two and two together. “I know you got hurt — I know you . You’ve barely moved your right here this whole day. What I don’t get is how, because you wouldn’t — you don’t fight with your hands —“
“I said let me go ,” Sanji hisses, clearly desperate, “Marimo —“
“And I didn’t have club yesterday,” Zoro ignores him, his heart pounding in his ears, this can’t be how he thinks it is, it can’t be — “We walked home together, and we didn’t walk past anyone, didn’t get into a fight with anyone. I saw you got into your front door —“
“ Zoro —“
“Then who could’ve done this to you —“
“I SAID LET ME FUCKING GO,” Sanji yells, snapping Zoro out of his train of thoughts.
That finally gets Zoro to release his grip, and Sanji quickly pulls his hand away, shrinking into himself like a wounded animal. Everything about it is so unlike the Sanji Zoro knows — foul-mouthed, confident Sanji, who could stare Zoro down without a hint of fear in his eyes.
The person standing in front of him is an entirely different person — Sanji is breathing erratically, his other hand absentmindedly rubbing his injured arm, and his voice shakes as he says, “I didn’t get into a fight, okay? This isn’t one of your Kendo matches.” He grits his teeth. “This isn’t something I can just fight .”
Like a flip of a light switch. In that moment, Zoro understands.
The Vinsmokes .
Zoro could feel his heart sink into anger, so visceral that he suddenly can’t see straight. He looks down to see his hands trembling with inarticulate rage, a thousand questions running through his mind — how could he have not seen this before? The way Sanji rarely, if ever, talked about his family; the way Sanji works in the Baratie even on the weekends, like he would rather be anywhere than back at his house. How did Zoro not notice that something was wrong?
How could he let this go on for so long?
Zoro fucking walked him home almost everyday. Like leading a lamb to slaughter.
All those trainings and after-school practices, all that talk about becoming the strongest, and yet he cannot protect those important to him still. He thinks of Kuina — remembers the feeling of hopelessness that gripped him like a vice the day she died — and feels like he has not taken a single step forward ever since. Nothing more than a mere child throwing a temper tantrum.
Zoro looks away in shame. “Have you told anyone?” He asks. Even if it wasn’t me, please, let there be someone who has reached out, who has helped —
Sanji shakes his head. “They’re the richest family in the whole city — hell , probably the whole prefecture,” Sanji points out, and Zoro doesn’t miss the word they , in third person; Sanji has never considered himself to be part of the Vinsmokes, how did Zoro not notice this before, how could he be so blind — “even if I had spoken up, they would’ve easily swept it under the rug. Can’t risk having the black sheep of the family ruin their reputation.”
There’s something in Sanji’s voice that reminds Zoro too much of desperation that he can’t help reaching out again towards him; softer, this time, mindful of Sanji’s wound under the sleeves, a light touch against Sanji’s upper arm. Sanji can pull away if he wants to. He doesn’t.
Zoro takes a step closer. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Sanji makes a face he usually does when Zoro says something particularly stupid. “Because you would think I’m weak , obviously,” he scoffs at that, bitter, and the sound rattles against Zoro’s ribcage unpleasantly. “I bet you’re thinking that now, right? Finally realizes that I’m just a weakling who can’t even stand up against my own brothers —”
Before he can stop himself, Zoro steps into Sanji’s personal space and wraps his arms around the Cook.
Sanji’s sentence dies in his lips.
“Cook,” he says, pressing his lips against the side of Sanji’s temple, willing the words to sink in, “ Sanji . Listen to me. You’re one of the strongest and bravest men I’ve ever known, and the fact that you’re still standing tall in front of me right now is proof of that.” He tightens his embrace, his hand instinctively burying itself in Sanji’s golden locks. “These wounds do not define you.”
He can hear Sanji’s breath hitch at that.”I know this isn’t my fight,” he continues, mostly because Sanji needs to hear this, but also because it’s true: “but you’ll always have me, in any way you want to have me. This is your fight, but I will always have your back.”
He can feel Sanji finally — let go. Sanji slumps against his body, the taut muscles of his shoulders visibly relaxing. They stay like that for a while, Sanji’s face nestled in the crook of Zoro’s shoulder, Zoro’s hand buried in Sanji’s hair, and Zoro can’t help thinking how it feels so right , being with Sanji like this. They’ve never been tactile with each other — open displays of affection like hugging are more of Luffy and Usopp’s department — but this is… not bad. Not entirely terrible. Zoro could even say he likes it.
Zoro pretends he doesn’t see Sanji wiping his eyes as they break apart, and it’s another moment before Sanji says, “I — I haven’t told anyone this, but I’m planning to move out.”
Oh. Finally, a piece of good news. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Sanji nods. “I mean, we’re not adults yet, so I can’t do that immediately, but as soon as I turn eighteen…” he frowns, suddenly embarrassed. “I haven’t worked out the details yet, like where to live and all that. I’ll probably ask Zeff for a raise? I will have to pay for rent, and —”
“Live with me.”
“ — that is on top of daily needs, and,” Sanji pauses. Blinks. “Wait. What?”
It takes a few seconds for Zoro to realize the words that have come out of his mouth, and when the gravity of his request finally sinks in, he can feel his face heat up. “I mean — I was —” he clears his throat. Fuck it. Roronoa Zoro does not back down from a challenge, especially one he started himself. “It means what it means, Shit Cook. Live with me. That way you don’t have to worry about rent.”
He watches Sanji’s face turn deep red in record time, and he would burst out laughing if he wasn’t sure that his own face was equally as red. “Are you — what the hell —” Sanji sputters, “are you proposing , Marimo?”
Zoro suddenly feels like swallowing his kendo sword. “No, shut up!” Shit, how did it come out so wrong? “I was just thinking — there’s a spare room in my apartment, and Koshiro’s the one paying, I just — I thought you wouldn’t have to pay for rent, and we can make a home for you.” Holy fuck, that sounds even worse , and Sanji looks like he just washed his face with a tomato sauce now —  “We as in — I’m talking about everyone, shut up. Me, Luffy, Nami, Chopper, everyone. They can come over and do stuff.” He looks up and meets Sanji’s eyes. “We can make a home for you.”
Zoro thought Sanji would kick him in the head for spouting all these nonsense, but Sanji laughs instead, the kind that’s bubbling all the way from his chest. “You just — do you even hear yourself?” Sanji teases. “You should at least take me for a date first, Mosshead.”
“Shut up!” He yells, and absolutely does not pout.
Sanji smiles at that, a small and quiet thing, and it is his first smile of the day. It is as heart-stopping as it’s always been, Zoro thinks, and feels something bloom in his chest at the sight.
Zoro doesn’t know what this feeling means yet, but —
He huffs and turns to walk towards the gym building. He has a club to go to. “Whatever. We’ll figure it out,” he says, unsure if he’s talking to Sanji or himself. “Together.”
Sanji catches up to walk beside him. “Yeah,” he agrees. “Together.”
The smile stays on Sanji's face for a long time. Zoro counts it as a win.
149 notes · View notes
kenbunshokus · 6 years
zoro/sanji, nami/vivi | 3.5k words | 1 of 7 chapters
“Who are they even… 'shipping' me with? They know Usopp is with Kaya, and didn’t you just make your whole thing with Vivi public a few weeks ago—“ Zoro trails off as realization hits him, all at once, and he feels his stomach drop in the same way it would whenever he faces a particularly strong opponent in a kendo match.
“No,” he breathes.
“Obviously,” Nami says, shoves her phone into his face and points at a comment that says, OMG PLZ blonde and green are sitting side by side again. OTP! as Zoro sees his life flash before his eyes. “They’re shipping you with Sanji.”
(Or, the one where the Strawhats are Youtube personalities and people, naturally, start shipping Zoro and Sanji.)
catburglar 572 posts | 2.1M followers | 47 following Nami Bellemere stealing your hearts, one picture at a time http://youtube.com/user/thestrawhatshub
❤ 8,277 Likes catburglar lunch with the fam @sogeking @pirateking @strawhats #food #nofilter #cafe
View all 5,405 comments
bananapigeon ok seriously, who are those two untagged guys in these pics. esp the blond one with the eyebrow. i keep seeing them in the vlogs too.
mikphail @catburglar Can you tell us the name of the green-haired guy sitting on the right? Beside the blonde? Asking for a friend.
“People are asking for you,” is the first thing Nami says as Zoro walks into the apartment she shares with Usopp and heads straight towards the fridge.
“Which people?” Zoro asks, suspicious. The comment seems innocent out of context, but Zoro narrows his eyes at her anyways because it’s Nami. “Actual people? Or,” he pauses, sifting through his mental vocabulary before giving up and settling with, “your people.”
He can hear her laugh from the living room. “Zoro, people from the internet are still real people.”
“They aren’t just people,” Usopp pokes his head out of his room to join in the conversation, “they are the subscribers, nay, followers— nay — fans of the Great Usopp—“
“They’re strangers,” Zoro points out, matter-of-factly. He doesn’t really get this whole…internet thing Usopp and Nami seem to have made a decent amount of money from no matter how many Technology 101 Lectures from Franky he’s sat through. They work for Luffy’s YouTube Channel—the Strawhats Hub—and post a bunch of videos online about how they have burger for lunch or some other mundane shit, and somehow people pay for that. Well, the sponsors pay for that, technically, but they get money all the same. Zoro doesn’t really get it.
He does understand one thing for sure, though. “I don’t give out my details to strangers.”
“Zoro, you’re like, a decade too old for Stranger Danger,” Nami says, disapproving, “and you know you can’t avoid being famous if you want to be the strongest swordsman in the world.”
Zoro sighs at the familiar argument between them, and makes sure he groans loud enough for her to hear. He’s usually up for any kind of sparring, verbal or otherwise, but not today—not after four back-to-back, two-hour lectures at the university and kendo club training afterwards with no breaks in between. He snatches the nearest canned beer with a little too much force, and it hits the fridge door with a loud bang.
Nami seems to catch on the sour mood and switches the subject. “You know, I think they’re shipping you.”
Zoro blinks. He waits for a second, two, three...yeah, the words still don't make sense. He gives her a confused stare. “What does that even mean?”
“it means they want you to be together with someone,” Usopp, their designated Technology-to-Zoro translator, explains. “Like, together together.”
Zoro scoffs. “What is this, high school?” He waves a dismissive hand at Nami, deciding to focus more on the free beer in his hand instead, eyeing it appreciatively. Nami’s an unpredictable storm with a flexible moral compass reminiscent of a witch, but she provides an endless supply of booze and is the only person who can hold her own against him, so Zoro figures it all balances out in the end.
The cold liquid hits the back of his throat with a familiar biting sensation, and it calms him down enough to finally process Usopp’s words. “Who are they even… shipping me with?” The foreign word stumbles clumsily out of his mouth, and he pauses, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. “They know Usopp is with Kaya, and didn’t you just make your whole thing with Vivi public a few weeks ago—“
Zoro trails off as realization hits him, all at once, and he feels his stomach drop in the same way it would whenever he faces a particularly strong opponent in a kendo match.
“No,” he breathes.
“Obviously,” Nami says, shoves her phone into his face and points at a YouTube comment that says, OMG PLZ blonde and green are sitting side by side again. OTP! as Zoro sees his life flash before his eyes. “They’re shipping you with Sanji.”
nami @catburglar
We’re kind of bored, so @sogeking and I are answering everyone’s questions in the next hour! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #AskUsoNa <3
 nami @catburglar
so a million dollar AND a free trip around the world? I’d take it! 
\m/ @queenmelissa
Would you get a million dollar but every time you sneeze you’re being teleported to a random place in the world #Askusona
 nami @catburglar
I’ve known Usopp since high school. I’ve known Luffy the longest, though. We’ve been friends since we were cute little ten-year-olds.
Jenna Rowen @jrowen
#AskUsoNa How did you get to know each other? Love your vids!
 nami @catburglar
Zoro and Sanji are roommates, not dating. Or are they? ;)
bad luck kate @gingerchic
are the two guys in some of your vids dating (U KNOW WHICH TWO) #askusona @sogeking @catburglar
 bad luck kate @gingerchic replying to @catburglar
 bad luck kate @gingerchic replying to @gingerchic @catburglar
The smell of well-cooked seafood, mixed with a tinge of booze, touches every nook and cranny of his apartment as people eat, drink, or laugh with each other (or, in Luffy’s case, all three of them at once). Zoro sprawls comfortably across his favorite sofa in the middle of the cacophony, and he closes his eyes, soaking in the familiar atmosphere, a half-empty can of beer dangling by his right hand.
Today isn’t their usual weekly Friday Night Hang Out; today, Ace is on leave from the military for the first time in ages. Luffy promised his big brother a huge, awesome feast, and their ragtag group of broke college students deliver the way they know how—His and Sanji’s apartment, Brook’s music, Sanji’s food.
Zoro doesn’t care much about parties, but he does like Ace and his stories about Whitebeard's platoon. Free booze is also a plus.
“Tired already?” A voice asks over his head, and Zoro has spent enough time with Luffy’s family ever since he was ten to know it’s Ace without having to look up.
“As if,” he says, skipping the greeting. “Just making sure I don’t appear in Usopp’s videos.” He thinks of the photo Nami showed him a few days ago, the one on the… instant… gram… thing… and adds, “or photos.”
“Oh, I’ve heard about that!” Ace plops onto the other sofa across the table, entering Zoro’s field of vision. “I heard somebody’s famous now.”
“Tch,” Zoro grunts, but refuses to elaborate. He doesn’t like where the conversation is going.
“And I heard,” Ace continues anyways, his grin all-too-innocent and therefore completely terrifying, “someone’s famous with someone else.”
Zoro jolts upright from his position, for once ignoring the beer he spilled on the carpet—Sanji will kill him for that later, but whatever—and turns to search for Usopp among the crowd. He glares at Usopp in a way that says, I’m going to deliver you a drawn-out, painful death, and Usopp pointedly looks anywhere but back at him.
Ace chuckles, impervious to Zoro’s death glares. “Actually, Luffy was the one who told me.”
“The shipping thing sounds so cool,” Luffy, that traitor, chimes in around a mouthful of meatballs. “I wonder who they’d ship me with.”
“Meat, probably,” Sanji says before Zoro could, and bodily pushes Luffy aside with his leg to place a plateful of fried prawns on the table. Both brothers’ eyes widen comically at the sight and the two of them dive into the plate as Sanji narrows his eyes at Zoro, “that is, if people can even be trusted these days. I still can’t believe they, what’s the word— ship me with marimo head over here when Nami is also in the picture.”
Stings a little.
Zoro mentally maneuvers around the flare of jealousy and opts for anger, because it’s easier. Familiar. “Not like I’m enjoying the idea of being a boyfriend of someone with those eyebrows,” he fires back.
Sanji’s left eye twitches at that. “Didn’t know you have enough intelligence to even form an idea, seaweed brain.”
“Pervert cook.”
“Brainless moss.”
“Please keep the lover’s spat within the privacy of your bedroom,” Nami teases as she somehow manages to gracefully pluck a prawn out of the mess Ace and Luffy are making on the table.
“Right, Mellorine!” Sanji sing-songs in record speed.
Zoro sighs and puts his face in his hand. “Do you even listen to yourself, idiot,” he says, and narrowly dodges a kick to the head.
“Says the person who got lost so often the train station officers from the neighboring city start recognizing him!” Sanji yells back, and avoids the pillow thrown at him with practiced ease clearly born through repeated fights.
“How are you two even friends,” Ace observes in between chews, amused.
Zoro and Sanji instantly whip their heads towards Ace in unison, and say, in eerie synchronicity, “we’re not friends.”
Nami shakes her head, but it’s fond. “That’s how.”
❤ 2,103 Likes catburglar exclusive photo of Zoro enjoying Sanji’s food #nofilter #candid
View all 7,151 comments
martiknee I assume Sanji is a chef, then?
thefantasyren I still can’t believe we’ve been blessed with their names. Strawhat Fandom, rejoice!
ostenmah @martiknee ur an idiot, he could just be someone whos really good at cooking
martiknee Wow, thanks for the unprompted hostility, I was just asking. Either way, do you fucking have eyes, look at those prawns. Look me in the eyes and tell me he cooks THOSE and doesn’t cook for a living. @ostenmah
  brie @strawhatnami
so I heard Zoro is in his college’s kendo club
 a gay @bisexualusopp replying to @strahwatnami
he’s the CAPTAIN
 brie @strawhatnami replying to @bisexualusopp
source pls?
 Kal @THEKALZONE replying to @strawhatnami @bisexualusopp
can confirm, my brother goes to the same college as him, wasn’t exactly difficult to find a dude w green hair named zoro
 a gay @bisexualusopp replying to @THEKALZONE @strawhatnami
apparently he used to appear on a bunch of tv shows about modern swordsmen or sth with his sister back then?
 brie @strawhatnami replying to @bisexualusopp @THEKALZONE
HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER WATCHING IT WHEN I WAS LIKE. FIVE. kuina was my fave. I wonder if she goes to the same college too?
The thing is—the crux of the problem of this whole mess of a situation is that—Zoro has code. Some sort of personal, unsaid rules he has dedicated his life to following. And now this whole fiasco is slowly breaking these codes—two, particularly:
Zoro, as a general rule, dislikes attention. He used to be some sort of a child star way back when, before Usopp and Nami and even Luffy, before—the thing with Kuina. It was hardly bearable when Kuina was with him, holding his hand whenever it started to tremble during tapings, and now with her gone he’s not touching that industry with a ten-feet pole. That means no stupid interviews with awkward pauses and one-word answers, no troublesome photo shoots that leave him with cramps at places he didn’t know could get cramps, and most importantly, no getting recognized on the street by random strangers. He looks like shit on photos. He doesn’t even have an autograph.
Zoro has the largest, most pathetic crush on Sanji, and nobody can find out.
The second rule is more important than the first, of course. So far the breaking of the first code only results in minor inconveniences, but the fact that there’s a whole group of people dedicated to telling the world that Zoro wants to get into Sanji’s pants is not something he can live with. Not something Sanji can live with, that’s for sure. Sanji has been brushing them off as a joke, thankfully, but Zoro figures there’s only so much the Straightest Man on Earth could take before he would start avoiding Zoro in disgust and pretty much stomping on Zoro’s heart in the process.
Which is why, as soon as he spots Usopp coming out of the college’s workshop, Zoro stops him in his track and growls, “this is all your fault.”
Usopp covers his head out of instinct and stammers, “whatever it is, I didn’t do it and I’m sorry.”
Zoro crosses his arms in front of his chest and huffs. “Stop it—I’d never hit you just because I feel like it.”
“This bump on the right side of my head disagrees,” Usopp says as he peeks through his fingers, “I think it’s developing into a tumor .”
“You can’t get a tumor from getting knocked in the head,” Zoro says.
“I don’t think you’re qualified to make that judgment,” Usopp insists, but visibly relaxes anyways when he doesn’t see Zoro’s hands anywhere near his head. “What is it?”
“It’s just,” Zoro says, almost ominously. “People.”
“You’re not a fan of them. Yeah, I got that, like, five years ago when I first met you.”
“Shut up, I’m not done. People, they—“ Zoro drops his voice as low as possible to adequately convey the severity of his predicament, “—they started recognizing me. From your pictures.”
Usopp visibly perks up at that. “I know , right? People say, Usopp, being famous on the internet is nothing, no one’s going to know who you are in real life, but hater’s gonna hate, you know? One time a princess from a European country asked for my autograph—“
“It’s not a good thing,” Zoro cuts in, ignoring Usopp’s make-believe story. “Three different people asked for my photograph on the way here. A girl tried taking a picture while I was eating and I accidentally spat in her face.”
Usopp at least has the audacity to grimace at that. “I guess—I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but come on, Zoro, live a little!” He emphasizes with a  friendly pat on Zoro’s shoulder. “There are, literally, thousands of people lining up to be in your shoes.”
Zoro can’t help bristling at the touch. “I didn’t sign up for this. Not like you and Nami did, with Luffy and the whole YouTube thing,” he says and adds, more urgently, “especially not for the whole thing with the Cook.”
Usopp should know. Usopp does know, because Zoro told him once under the influence of one too many drinks. They never really talked about it afterwards because Zoro has the emotional constipation of a sixteen-year-old emo teen who still listens to My Chemical Romance, and Usopp has enough self-preservation instinct not to bring it up, but there’s always this silent agreement that Usopp knows.
Usopp raises his hands in the universal sign of defeat. “Look, I admit things did go out of hands a little bit, but it’s nothing big. It’s the internet. People will ship any two people who so much breathe the same air.”
Zoro narrows his eyes critically at Usopp, and while Usopp gulps under the scrutiny, he also looks—honest. Trustworthy. Damn it, Zoro does have a soft spot for his tattletale of a friend, and one day it’s going to be his downfall.
“All right, fine, I’ll take your word for it,” he says, and Usopp releases a relieved sigh, which immediately gets sucked back in as soon as Zoro growls, “but if Nami even says something remotely different—“
“If I say something what?”
Zoro is a skillful and trained martial art practitioner. Rumor has it that he has no openings; opponents who go into a fight expecting one would get a reality check in the form of a kendo sword to the head. He’s like a wild predator, they all say, and you are his natural prey.
They are all wrong. Sitting comfortably on the apex of the food pyramid is Nami, and she knows all of Zoro’s weaknesses like the back of her hand.
Zoro jumps and thinks his heart stops for a moment as Nami appears out of nowhere and joins in the conversation, and she laughs when she notices his surprise.
“Shut up,” he growls, and she just grins even wider.
“I was just telling him about the shippers,” Usopp fills her in, oblivious to Zoro’s mini-heart attack, “that they’re. You know. Harmless?”
Zoro doesn’t like the unspoken question mark tacked at the end of Usopp’s sentence, and he likes it even less when Nami says, “well, I wouldn’t exactly call them harmless.”
Zoro glowers at that. “Explain.”
“I mean, you’ve been way too closed up about yourself, you’re practically an urban legend,” Nami says, “and people love knowing things, Zoro. It makes them feel like they’re part of something special. When the internet wants something, there’s no stopping the internet.”
“Like legalizing weed,” Usopp adds, “give them information and you can control what’s coming out. Give them nothing and you’re unleashing a hungry beast.”
“I’m not going to start using The Instant Gram for them,” Zoro says, frustrated, and bits his lips in a way that almost resembles a pout. Not that he pouts, of course.
“I told you it’s not called the Instant—you know what, I tried,” Usopp says under his breath, and Zoro ignores him.
“We’ve been at this before, you know,” Nami continues, shaking her head, “they want to know things about you, and they’re going to find out. Age. Height. Blood type. The brand of shampoo you use. Which side of the bed you’re sleeping in. The fact that you have a crush on Sanji—“
Zoro stops in his track. He blinks. “No one—no one knows that,” he says, and curses himself for stuttering. He catches Usopp’s eyes, and reluctantly adds, “unless I told them.”
“You never told me,” Nami points out.
“You don’t count,” Zoro insists, “you can read me like a book.”
“I want to be flattered,” Nami pats him on the head, like humoring a small child, “but it frankly doesn’t feel like much of an accomplishment when your book only says I HAVE A CRUSH ON SANJI in eighty point bold font.”
He definitely doesn’t blush at that. Desperate, he turns to Usopp. “This isn’t what you told me.”
Nami looks at him, and is that—damn it. Is that pity in her eyes? “Zoro, I don’t know what lies Usopp has been telling you this time, but everyone knows you have a Big Gay Crush on Sanji.”
“One, it’s not a—a Big Gay Crush,” he sputters, “and two, both of you hardly counts as ‘everyone.’”
“No, really,” Nami says as she pulls up safari on her iPhone to open the fuckyeahzosan tumblr page, “I mean everyone.”
The very first Zosan Blog. Zoro and Sanji flirt with each other and ignore everyone else in group pictures because they’re assholes in love.
mods: zorosanjis and queerbellemere
our edits
fanart | fanfics | fanmixes
Nami just posted a new picture and it’s everything we’ve ever hoped for.
#sanji is cooking for zoro #what is air #zosan #official
452 notes
 fuckyeahzosan reblogged zoro-sanji-for-the-win 
I can’t believe we only got their names a month ago and today we’ve got two dozens new pictures where they surreptitiously look into each other’s eyes, found out they’ve been roommates for years, gone on yearly road trips with just the two of them, and are practically canon.
I feel like this has all been a collective fever dream we just haven’t woken up from.
It’s all real and you better believe it.
#reblogged #text
2,252 notes
 anonymous asked
Ugh, people like you are the reason why I hate the Strawhat Fandom so much. Zoro and Sanji aren’t even SIGNED to the Strawhats Agency. They’re just FRIENDS of Nami and Usopp. And now they’re the most popular pairing in this fandom? Bullshit.
Sorry, we can’t hear you over how often Zoro and Sanji appear in the Strawhats' videos they may as well be Strawhats, and how even Shanks treat them like they’re part of the fandom.
#asks and answers #mod a
564 notes
 fuckyeahzosan reblogged queennami
zoro + looking at sanji with a love-struck look on his face when he thinks no one’s looking
#THE THING THAT REALLY GOT ME ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP #or friendship or whatever #is that it’s so loud and flashy you can’t help but notice #but with glimpses of quiet moments like this #like you KNOW they have the typical alpha male friendship #roughhousing and name calling; the whole package #from the way nami and usopp talk about them in interviews and stuff #and how they glare at each other in pictures with insults teetering on the tips of their tongues #but sometimes we get glimpses of this when they think no one’s looking #zoro staring at sanji – startsruck – like there are constellations clinging on sanji’s back #and there’s always that small smile zoro probably reserves just for sanji #and I Die #stab me in the chest and it would’ve hurt less #zoro #sanji #zosan #strawhatedit #rpf for ts (via queennami)
#reblogged #photoset #tags #lord have mercy on me
4,425 notes
Usopp is so going home with a new bump on his head.
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lady-tea-tea · 5 years
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! This is an old updated lawXperona Mother's Day fanfic I’ve decided to post here! I hope people like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or it characters.
It was Mother's Day and their three-year-old daughter, Lami, was still sleeping. (It was 6 in the morning.)
Law watched his wife fuss over applications for the new kids joining her father’s Dojo, as he ate his bacon and eggs. She had gotten calls about a few rich kids wanting to join last minute, so now she had to find a place for these kids and hope her father, Mihawk, and brother, Zoro, wouldn't tell them to leave if they weren't 'worthy' of the way of the sword. Law’s eyes slowly started to close as his body begged for sleep, for his daughter had kept him up all night, excited that her mother would be able to open her present the next day.
Perona, noticing this, decided to observe the sleepy man, who was threatening to fall into his breakfast. Her husband was incredibly cute, she thought so when he was excited about an interesting surgery or even when he was irritated, but Perona thought he was the cutest when he was half asleep. With his droopy eyes closed, his hair a mess and his head nodding as he dozed off.
Law had decided to forgo a shirt, wearing a simple pair of yellow flannel pajama bottoms that lovely morning. Perona blushed as she let her eyes trailed down his broad shoulders, chiseled chest, defined abs to his happy trail. She traced the many tattoos that littered his body as she felt her body warm, fantasizing about the many times she had raked her nails across his back and down his chest, when she had ran her hands through his untamed hair and all the times he’d given her an amazing release.
Perona sighed loudly snapping Law out of his almost nap. He openly stared at her as she stretched, trying to rid the hot images from her mind, making her silky nightgown that barely passed mid-thigh and her fluffy pink robe rose, showing off more of her pale skin. Law watched her large dark eyes close, her plump lips purse and her long, curly pink hair fall down her back.  He imagined kissing and nipping at her neck, messaging her milky breasts, caressing her lovely legs and groping her shapely buttocks. 
They hadn't had sex in a while, the last time was when Zoro had taken Lami to a kendo match for about four hours. They had sex for maybe 20 minutes, the rest of the time was spent sleeping. Law was busy at the hospital while Perona kept herself busy with their daughter and her job at her father's dojo, so they didn’t really get a lot of time to themselves.
Realizing that he was now horny, he sighed as well. They made eye contact as silence surrounded them.
“So, how long do ya think we have till she wakes up?” Law asked a little hastily, obviously talking about their daughter. Perona’s eyes darkened with lust as she understood why he had asked.
And that was what broke the camel’s back. Law’s chair scraped across the linoleum as he stalked towards his wife, pushing her up against wall, and kissing her as if his life depended on it. Their tongues battled for dominance, sliding against each other as Perona moaned into his mouth and hummed in satisfaction as he shoved his leg between her own.
Law's hands stroked her thighs, his left sliding up her nighty, going for her ass. He would have continued if they hadn't heard the click of a door opening in the hallway and a squeal of a three year old! Perona shoved Law away as fast as she could and fixed her clothes, tying her robe closed as Law almost panicked, looking down at his erection, he all but threw himself into a chair and crossed his legs. They were ready just in time for Lami to run into the dining room and jump towards her mama!
"Happy Muver's day Mama!!"
“Awe! Thank you my cute little bear cub!” Perona responded, squeezing her little girl. Lami then wiggled her way out of her mother’s arms to tell Perona to wait right where she was while she went to get her present.
Law smiled warmly as he watched his beautiful baby girl interact with his beautiful wife. The tiny little girl was in her little polar bear onesie, her bright blue eyes shone with excitement and her plum colored, curly hair flew behind her as she ran towards the living room to find Perona's gift. She stopped short of her journey though, and turned to her father. "Good mornin Daddy!"
Law waved and she continued her way into the other room.
"And ya said we had enough time. . ." Law released a loud sigh as he pouted towards his pretty little wife, making Perona glare at her adorable husband as she whispered harshly. "It's not my fault she woke up early!"
Law let out yet another sigh and placed his chin on his palm, closing his eyes. "Ah well. Guess we'll have to try to convince Zoro to watch her later." Law said smirking, thinking of what excuse to use for Zoro to watch the three-year-old. Perona smiled wrapping her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind and kissing his stubbly jaw.
"I love you!" She squealed, she was too excited to get some alone time with her love, making Law wince at the high pitch but he smiled none the less. "Love ya too."
"LAMI LOVES BOPH OF YOU!!" Their daughter screamed, shocking the parents into looking at her! Lami stood in the archway of the kitchen, with a large smile and a terribly wrapped present in her tiny hands. Law chuckled as Perona laughed her odd laugh and Lami giggled.
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tsvalingprompts · 7 years
Soothing Touch
An anon requested the prompt “Back scratches” for Zoro x Nami. Short and sweet, but hopefully you guys enjoy it.
Title: Soothing Touch Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Nami Genre: Romance/ AU Rating: K+ Word Count: 992 Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or the characters, they belong to Eiichiro Oda.
He was in the middle of a nap when he heard the front door slam shut. He paid it no mind, burrowed into his pillow, and dozed on.
He could hear Nami’s exasperated sigh from their bedroom upstairs as she tossed her things around. He recognized the clatter of her chunky heels as she kicked them off in the foyer. A charm on her purse clanged against the metal frame of the table in the hall. He keys jangled and rang when she tossed them into the ceramic bowl filled with spare change and his own keys. There was another sigh, a disgruntled “ugh,” and then she began to trudge upstairs toward the bedroom.
Zoro ignored his girlfriend’s obviously poor mood. He could sleep through any one of her tirades if he wanted to. Unless he was in trouble and she hit him to keep him awake. She could stomp around, throw things, scream at the top of her lungs about whatever was bothering her, and he would just keep snoring. She’d eventually settle down and he would wake to a demolished house if her temper tantrum was bad enough, but it wouldn’t bother him one bit.
He had drifted back into a dream about a kendo competition at a dojo while Nami was in their bathroom. The smack of her hairbrush on the sink mixed with a clack of shinai striking each other as he earned another point. The sound of water splashing coupled with the image of his head stuck under a running spout to cool himself off after his win. The overwhelming scent of citrus that flood his nose as she collapsed in bed beside him brought Nami’s beautiful smile and warm kiss into the dream as she congratulated him for the win, showing off a large stack of cash she won through side bets, and complained about the stench of sweat on his clothes.
He smiled in his sleep as he felt her nestle closer. He roused when she nudged his arm, trying to slip beneath it without waking him.
“Bad day?” he asked as he draped his arm over her and dragged her against his chest.
“Don’t want to talk about it,” she muttered, burrowing into him and nuzzling beneath his chin. “Just want a nap.”
“I must be rubbing off on you,” he teased with a quiet chuckle as he buried his nose in her hair. He took a deep breath and sank into her with a sigh. He loved his naps. Doubly so when they were with her. Falling asleep with her wrapped up in his arms, safe and happy, was the best feeling in the world.
“Scratch my back,” she demanded just as he was beginning to doze off again.
He groaned as she squirmed against him. “Just go to sleep, Nami.”
“I will... After you scratch my back,” she huffed.
Zoro couldn’t help but snort at her bossiness. It was his own fault, at least in this case. Before they were dating, he scratched her back in some mindless attempt to comfort her because she was upset about something he can’t remember, and the moment he realized it worked, he always used it to calm her down. No matter how upset, how scared, how angry she was, the moment his fingertips dragged over her shoulders, all the tension would leak out of her. She would melt under his touch, something he took full advantage of whenever he held her. A peaceful, happy Nami made the world a brighter place, and also gave him fewer headaches.
It was amusing to see her reactions to such a simple gesture, too. She would arch into him if he scratched just the right spot. Sometimes she would let out a moan that sounded suspiciously like she was purring. She nuzzled him and clung to him, just like a happy cat. He teased her for it once and she snapped back at him that he wasn’t in any position to talk. A few scratches to a sensitive spot behind his ear had her proved correct as he leaned into her touch, squirmed with restless energy, and nearly purred, too.
That spot drove him insane and he hated how easily she found it.
“Zoro,” Nami whined, squeezing herself even closer, something he didn’t think was possible. “My back.”
He gave in to her demand with a grudging sigh and gently scratched between her shoulder blades. Her pleased sigh washed over his chest and heated his skin. His hand grazed down her spine and she sank into him with sweet hum. As soon as his hand drifted beneath her shirt to scratch over her bare skin, Nami let out her purring moan and wrapped herself around him.
He chuckled as he played over the smooth skin of her lower back, traced the ridges of her spine, and felt her shiver in his arms. “Good?” he asked.
“Mhm,” she hummed, nuzzling his throat. “Thank you.”
He continued to run his fingers over her back as she relaxed. He wound his other arm beneath her head so he could play with her hair, tangling it in a loose grasp while he drifted back to sleep. His chest warmed with the content atmosphere of their bedroom. There was no anger, no tension, only quiet and peace. This was why he loved napping with Nami. It was just the two of them, undisturbed by the world around them. No drama. Only pleasure.
Even as he fell back to sleep, his hand kept wandering over her back, drawing sleepy moans from her. Nami’s breathing evened out, matched his, as the soothing darkness of sleep pulled them in.
He dreamed of citrus groves and sunny seas and the radiant smiles of the woman he loved.
He woke some time later to soft fingertips teasing behind his ear and invitingly pink lips caressing his throat.
Nothing beat napping with Nami. Except maybe waking up with her.
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pingo1387 · 7 years
ZoSan?? :3 ?
yeah so it turns out that ship ask wasn’t “send me one pairing and one match-up” it was “send me one pairing and i’ll match them to all of these” whoops 
Werewolf and hunter: Zoro’s the werewolf. Sanji is a hunter and Zoro was supposed to be his first kill, but seeing how he acts when he’s human (plus the fact that he takes pains to keep himself from escaping his house during the full moon) makes him hesitate. 
Mermaid and fisherman: Sanji’s the merperson. Zoro, looking for dinner, tried to tie him to the boat when he tried to escape after Zoro caught him in a net, and Sanji promised he’d grant him three (physically possible) wishes if he let him go. Zoro wished for dinner, and Sanji caught some fish for him. His next two wishes he’s saving for later, so now they have to see each other every day until Zoro can think of something. 
Witch and familiar: Sanji’s the witch, Zoro is the familiar. He used to be a cat until a stray spell of Sanji’s turned him human. Sanji doesn’t want to risk trying to turn him back in case he hurts him, so now he’s stuck with a catlike person with green hair (another accidental spell result). Zoro mostly stays out of his way napping in the corner, but Sanji sometimes has to stop him from knocking over his things when he’s in a bad mood. 
Barista and coffee addict: Sanji’s the coffee addict. Zoro’s concerned about his health, but being a barista and loving alcohol himself, he can’t really speak up about it. They get to know each other when Zoro starts letting him in on Sundays (when they’re technically closed) because Sanji loves the coffee at that place. 
Professor and TA: Zoro’s the TA. Sanji’s always sending him to do menial tasks, to his annoyance, but he needs his graduate degree so he doesn’t complain. The students are always talking about how they’re obviously in love, leading Sanji to threaten to dock points. 
Knight and prince(ss): Sanji’s the disgruntled royalty who’s always escaping the palace to explore outdoors, forcing Zoro to have to go fetch him yet again. Sanji starts trying to go to more and more spots he deems romantic, but Zoro doesn’t notice. 
Teacher and single parent: Zoro’s the teacher, a kendo instructor. Sanji’s would-be partner left him with their child after not speaking to him for nine months and never warning him she was pregnant. He signs his kid up for kendo in hopes of getting out extra energy and causes a scene when he (sleep-deprived) and Zoro get into a scuffle during pick-up time. 
Writer and editor: Sanji’s the writer. Zoro often berates him for using too-flowery language and purple prose, and they’ve nearly come to blows over manuscripts. Despite this, Sanji’s successfully published three books, and his latest one features a stoic man and a blonde cook falling in love. Zoro didn’t notice, to Sanji’s annoyance. 
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gildedmuse · 4 years
So, at some point this blog might as well have earned the subtitle, "The ZoLaw Headcanon AU Nobody Asked For". In fact, I have a sort of back log of them that I've been meaning to get around to posting, but couldn't be bothered to. Why? Well, because no one actually asked for them.
And I mean, I get why. Are they fanfiction? Are they prompts? Are they summaries of fanfiction that will.never exist? What exactly are you writing here, Mina?
Well, guess what? No one knows. I certainly don't. Hell, in most cases I'm at least going off an idea I've discussed with strangers on the internet. For most of these, I'm just spitballing. We're taking this journey together. We're both equally informed as to where it's going and how I'll get there.
Setting Note: This AU comes with certain truths that you are going to have to accept. Like the idea that in this universe Kendo is a sport with the same popularity of, say, Hockey or Basketball. It can be played single or doubles, and the world championship is a Big Fucking Deal with the public following lead in months before the actual tournament. accept these truths and things will be easier for both of us.
Kendo Rivals/Teammates Law & Zoro :
Law and Zoro are competing in a Kendo tournament - not yet the world championship, but in order to secure a spot in said competition. In this particular fight there is something extra on the line: both kenshi are being scouted, with the winner potentially earning the privilege of studying under games international champion Silvers Rayleigh. Due to the fame of many in the sport, and because Rayleigh hates the way egos and popularity interfer with the matches, the seeds have been kept anonymous. All competitors have been instructed to keep their full gear - including face coverings - on for the duration the the entire of the tournament, until the last match has concluded.
Rayleigh is not necessarily surprised that the press reacts to this by going into full gossip mode, ànd already had plans in place to shut them out of the matches with the acception of a few lone camera crews should they behave in such a predictable but childish fashion. What he hadn't predicted is just how all out certain competitors would go when the press isn't there to actively analysis their every move.
The final two kenshi in particular strike at each other hard and fast, driven on more by some invisible force of will more than even skill or tactics, though both have shown plenty of both throughout their other matches. There is talk from the referees of calling a draw when one of the kenshi makes the smallest error; only Rayleigh mad his opponent seem to even notice the misstep, but that's all the second competitor needs to score the winning hit.
It's only at the end of the match when the masks are removed that Law - still breathless and berating himself for such a stupid error - comes face to face with the realizion that he just lost to that obnoxious, ill-mannered, tactless KID. The one with the offensively green hair. The one apparently Dracule Mihawk came out of retirement to train. He fights like a beast, but obviously immature which makes sense seeing as he's practically still a fucking child. Law has seen him at interviews: He's rude and dismissive and definitely doesn't want to be there.
Meanwhile, Zoro has to accept he just had one of the hardest challenges of his life against pretty boy Trafalgar Law. The older kenshi entered the professional circuit about three years ahead of Zoro, and so he's seen years of press coverage on his opponent - mostly by accident, commentators who confuse idiotic gossip for actual match analysis or simply when he forgets to turn off the TV after watching a match. He knows Trafalgar Law has a reputation in the sport for being a heart stealer, that the press have labeled him one of the Supernovas of the sport, that he earned a reputation as a bad boy for - as far as Zoro can tell - refusing to take humility and openly smirking down camera lens after a particularly showy victory. Which Zoro wouldn't mind, honestly, if the guy didn't seem to enjoy being in front of cameras so much. Now that Zoro simply cannot understand. To be honest, Zoro always assumed he just got this far on his looks fame and family connection. God, imagining losing to such a sexy stuck up jerk.
Just knowing this is the person eho they struggled so hard against leaves both fighters ready to overlook their exhaustion and go another round. And that's before Rayleigh announces they've secured a spot at the world championship...
As a team.
The two make eye contact and immediately agree on one thing and one thing only: this is not going to work.
First of all, Zoro is annoying and rude and has way too many pre-teen girls that follow him around like a damn boy band member. He might as well be since he's always with his best friend, the youngest captain to have won a world cup, Strawhat Football Club's very own Money D. Luffy and his older brother, the actor Portgas D. Ace. It doesn't matter how private the practice is meant to be Mugiwara-ya and Hinken-ya always seem to be there, and wherever those two go there always seems to be a scene.
Then again, at least Zoro doesn't toy with reporters that way Law does. He acts all polite, but his answers are always double sided. He makes more than a few about Zoro before they even begin training together, clearly under the assumption that Zoro is too stupid to get his meaning (just because Zoro says what he means, simple and straight forward instead.of wasting everyone's time trying to figure out what he's talking about). Plus, Law is constantly appearing in the tabloids, usually with some new guy or girl at his side. It's distracting. Not to Zoro - he doesn't care about that kind of stuff - but to some people, and then it becomes a distraction at their practices. He already gets enough of the press and the cameras and intolerable, stupid questions at the matches themselves. Now he has to deal with them every day leaving practice.
Law doesn't understand why Zoro - apathetic, uncultured, idiot kid - is so beloved by so many teenage girls. Law has fans, sure, but at least they seem to know something about kendo and aren't, like, tweleve. There always seem to a gaggle of young girls around the other swordsman (not that he doesn't put on like he doesn't want them there like... Sure, whatever. They follow him like that for a reason and it sure isn't his conversation skills or kind aura), and since this insane partnership now Law has to put up with them as well. Asking questions about Zoro's life like Law has any idea what the boy gets up to outside of practice.
Zoro doesn't understand why Law has to act so superior to him. The way he smirks every time he gets an easy hit on him, or rolls his eyes whenever Rayleigh chooses to asks Zoro a question instead of him. Technically, Zoro beat him at their last real tournament, so why does Law have to go and act like Zoro's some useless kid who doesn't know how to hold a sword let alone use one?
And Law doesn't see how Zoro can possibly be so naive about so much, even if he puts on that mean scowl and tough air. It's clear he had no idea what being one of the Supernovas of this sport entailed, despite the press insisting on labelling him that.
And Zoro doesn't understand why the second the lesson is over Law is just gone. It's not that he wants to spend actual time with Law, but the other boy could stand to act like they're a proper team and a not just some temporary alliance of convenience he is eager to escape from. Zoro always stays around to get in extra training, it'd be nice if he could do it with his partner there as well seeing as he's never played in any matches but singles, and while Zoro is sure he'll be amazing in the doubles, until he's actually earned the title of world's top swordsman he has to keep training.
And Law doesn't see why after every practice Mugiwara-ya has to jump from the stands to grab hold of Zoro no matter how they do. It's annoying, and Law doesn't want to stick around for their little lovefest just so he can congratulate the boy who is too confident as it is (except around girls were he's just embarrassing). Besides, it's so much easier to slip out when he isn't flanked by a fellow supernova, the captain of the current world cup holders, and a goddamn movie star.
And Zoro doesn't get why Law cares about how he looks or the way Zoro acts around the press of a any of that. Zoro certainly doesn't. He's just there for kendo, the rest is just a necessary annoyance he has to pass through.
It isn't until Silvers Rayleigh threatens to drop them out of the tournament himself that either boy is willing to give an inch to the other. They're both use to being in singles, on not relying on anyone else. It's hard to back down from an opponent, even harder to remember that opponent is now your partner.
Being the older of the two, Law decides it's important that he make an offer of peace first. He couldn't stand for Zoro to be the more mature one.
Law: Let me take you on date.
Zoro: *Freezes, half inside his locker, which is good since at least Law can't see him there. He can make any face he needs.* What?
Law: I've seen you with girls. It's horrifying. If we can make it through a double date we can make it through a doubles match. It will seem easy in comparison.
Zoro: *Closing his locker slowly, still lost* Why would I want to come and watch you get all cozy with your girlfriend, Trafalgar?
Law: *Sighs, trying to hold back from rolling his eyes at Zoro's stupidity. This kid is so hopeless* You will bring along your own date, obviously. *Mistaking Zoro's look* The whole point is I'll be there to help.
Zoro: Right. Cause your Dr. Heartstealer. Who better to get relationship tips from.
Law: *Shrugs, neither claiming or disavowing the nickname from the press* Saturday, alright? I'll come pick you up at your dorm so you don't get lost.
Zoro: I don't get lost!
Law: Sure. Just wear something nice, assuming you own anything that isn't work out clothes.
Law: And bring a girl.
Zoro considers not bringing a girl, just to piss Law off. He even think about asking Luffy, but even though Luffy is his best friend in the world, he's not sure he could explain it to him without feeling like an idiot. So he does the next best thing. He calls Ace.
This turns out to be a much better answer than trying to ask Luffy out on a fake date, since Ace helpfully reminds him what Silvers Rayleigh said about getting along or not going to the championship. Ace is right. Zoro would rather swallow his pride and pretend to enjoy the company of Trafalgar Law than lose his chance at that title.
"It's one date, how bad can it be?"
Zoro can imagine it going pretty bad.
For starters, Law shows up at his dorm looking... better than usual, which is saying something (just because Zoro doesn't like the whole act he puts on for the cameras doesn't mean it's all gone entirely unnoticed, especially not how while they both end practice in sports gear and covered in sweat, Law always emeges in some stupidly cool outfit, looking as though he hasn't worked out a day in his life). Immediately, Zoro knows his white tshirt and black pants aren't going to be up to snuff.
Law: Is that a haramaki?
Zoro: It's my best outfit. *It isn't. He just like this haramaki and wanted to wear it, so he did.*
Law: *Already ushering Zoro back into his dorm* If this is a joke, Zoro-ya, if is not a very good one. Did you even listen to what I'm told you?
Zoro: *Crosses arms over his chest and refused to move, forcing Law to practically push him into the small living quarters* No.
"As I expected. Where's your room?"
Zoro doesn't like the idea of having Law in his room at all. Not because it's a mess or because all the posters that might be embarrassing (Mihawk and Rayleigh had both trained him by now, he should probably take those down. At least he's ripped the one of Law off the day he found out they'd be partners.) And not even that one wall is full of messages scribbled by Luffy whenever Zoro was asleep or wasn't there and he had something he wanted to say. They range from "Buy more meat!", to a circled date (talk like a pirate day), to '"I miss you, come home soon", to random names and numbers, to some a little more personal that should probably embarrass Zoro but don't. He loves that stupid wall, regardless of what Law might have to say about it.
No, Zoro just doesn't like the feeling of having a rival turned partner in his personal space, that's probably all there is behind the feeling.
Law enters the room.and immediately heads towards the closet. If anything, he avoids looking around any more than he has too. It's possible the other kenshi has some form of a heart that does understand the idea of empathy, at least, and how awkward it is to.let a rival enter your personal space. Not that Zoro cares what Law might think of whatever he sees there (though with the other boy's back turned and his attention focused on trying to sort through the piles of clothes that passes as a closet, Zoro inches over to his bed, subtly grabbing his stuffed reindeer and hiding it under the pillows. Sorry, Chopper, buddy, it's just why they mean old man is here.)
Two minutes later he gets a shirt (dark green, short sleeved but nice), a button up (long sleeve, white, uncomfortable) and pair of jeans (not his) thrown at him. "These will have to suffice. Hurry and get changed. Being late is rude, and an inability to dress yourself is not an excuse."
Zoro starts to pull off his off his shirt when Law practically snaps, "What are you doing!?"
"... Changing?" Obviously. And Law make him out to be the slow one.
Law face palms, shaking his head. "Not in here! Go to the bathroom!" Zoro doesn't see what the big deal is. They share a locker room. They change in front of one another all the time. Still, holding back his grumbling (trying to remind himself of Ace's advice), he goes to the bathroom to get changed.
When he's done, Zoro's reflection looks miserable and nothing like him. So he messes his hair up some, he rolls up the sleeves. His reflection is still miserable, but now he looks more like miserable version of himself. He supposes that will do. Honestly, he doesn't expect the evening to go better than this anyway.
Law is waiting, leaning against the opposite wall with his eye closed and face set with the expression of someone preparing themselves to be annoyed. When Zoro emerges, Law only bothers cracking open one eye, checking him out from under the brim of that ridiculous hat. They both stand there like that for a while: Zoro getting ready to start a fight if Law tries being sarcastic with him, Law just staring.
Finally, with a sigh, Law pushes himself off the wall, straighten his own outfit. "That'll do." Zoro double checks in his head to find the hidden insult, but since he can't find it, there doesn't seem to be a reason to start a row.
Okay, fine. But he's still uncomfortable.
Law's girlfriend is tall and refined, with shoulder length dark hair and olive skin and a smile that Zoro finds immediately suspicious. Zoro's is... Look, he brought Perona, okay? He already knows her (she's the spoiled, obnoxiously cloying daughter of his last instructor) and he doesn't have to worry about her taking it the wrong way. All he has to do is make it through the evening without trying to strangling her.
It's less than five minutes in that Law wants to strangle her.
She's the exact opposite type of girl Law would have thought Zoro would be into. If anything, he suspects she could be one of those very same girls who follows him around, the ones who would rather ignore Law except to ask him if Zoro has a secret girlfriend and what desserts Zoro likes and does Zoro ever just go to sit and think in a cafe somewhere and where would it be and other stupid, private things Law wouldn't even begin to know or care about. Only, if she really were one of his groupies Law feels like she would have stood out, and not in a good way.
She's demanding and rude and pouty with Zoro from the get go, although the second her attention is on Law she becomes much sweeter, just like that. It's almost painful how she's so obviously much more into him than her actual date. She goes as far as to proclaim Law "cute" six different times throughout the meal.
The worst part is Zoro doesn't seem to mind. At all. It bothers Law more than it should. You know, for Zoro's sake.
"Really? I would say Zoro-ya here is much cuter than I am," Law finally reproaches at some point during dessert. Everyone stops eating to check and see if Law hears what he's saying, but in fairness the girl left him with little choice. He'd come here to help Zoro get through a date when, from what he's witnessed, the boy couldn't even get through a conversation with one of his fans without it being a disaster. This pink haired nightmare is making that very difficult for him to pull off. But seeing as she appears interested in Law, maybe she listen to him. He could still save this night if he could turn her attention back towards the boy she is supposedly here to spend time with. "I'm too old to be called cute anymore."
What Law means to do is politely point out how much older he is than her, while also hopefully getting her to take a second look at the boy next to her (who could be, despite all his other flaws, considered cute by some. He still has rounder cheeks and when he does smile, it's bright and young). Judging by the nasty look Zoro gives him while Perona immediately starts to apologize, calling him handsome instead, Law failed miserably.
Luckily, the woman next to him is amazing at taking mistakes and turning them around. "I believe Law meant for that to be a joke about his age. I apologize, he's not always the best at those. Surely, you were simply trying to say they make a cute couple, isn't that right, Law-kun?"
Law looks between the pink hair terror to the apathetic green haired boy at her side. They barely look like a couple, but even if they were, Law isn't sure he'd say they were cute. "Yes, thank you, Robin-chan."
"For what it's worth, kenshi-san, I think you're a very attractive young man. In fact, I'm sure you'd make a cute couple with anyone of us at tis table."
Law quirks an eyebrow at the wording, but before he can return the seemingly sweet remark with his own dry observation - as is their custom - Perona makes a loud objection. "Are you trying to hit on Zoro?"
So that had been Robin's plan! Make the girl jealous so she might reveal her feelings for Zoro. Well done, Nico-san.
"Oh, I apologise. That must have-"
"Ehh, how gross." Perona groans, wrinkling her nose as if about to gag.
Could you have chosen a worse girl to bring, Zoro-ya? Had he even told her it was intended to be a date or did he simply march up to her and demand she show up for dinner, because as of right now she hadn't shown any reason she might have said yes to the first, or even the second for that matter.
Robin is wonderful, of course, even when Zoro is surly and mistrustful and obviously set against liking her. Little by little she prods him out of his shell, asks him about Kendo, about his usual style. He starts to open up to her, stops glaring every time she speaks.
This also annoys Law, but he isn't sure why.
Eventually, Perona throws her arms up in the air. "Well, if you're all going to ignore me, I'm leaving. I only came as a favor to dad, anyway," she declares, sticking her tongue out at Zoro who bites back about no one else being able to stand her long enough to go out with her.
If should be really awkward to watch a couple fight, bit it honestly feels like a sibling squabble more than a break up. Robin actually giggles at some point, like the whole thing is adorable.
"Aren't you going to go after her?" Law asks with a pointed look that silently explains what Zoro SHOULD do.
Zoro shrugs it off, unbothered by Law's judgement. "No."
They sit there in a few beats of awkward silence.
That's about when the whole idea really blows up in Law's face.
It's not Zoro's obvious apathy, Perona throwing a fit, or even Law's strange protectiveness of his kendo partner that does it. It's that stupid Portgas boy.
"Hey, there, baby." Everyone including Zoro looks surprised when Ace slides into the booth beside the green haired kenshi (well not Robin, Robin never looks surprised). "How's the date going?"
"Disastrous," Law answers, elaborating on Zoro's shrug. Ace laughs, slings an arm around Zoro and shots Law a grin he seen a hundred times on magazine covers and television and yet never realized how annoying he found it until it's directed right at him.
"I kinda figured it would," Ace says, pulling Zoro close and leaning in enough that the boy's earrings chime with each word. He doesn't even bother whispering, so Law isn't sure what the point in this whole charade is. Ll he's managed to do is half drag poor Zoro into his lap and get close enough that his lips are practically dragging over Zoro's skin with each wo-
"Came by in case you needed saving." Then he bites at Zoro's ear.
Zoro gasps - a shocked, pleased sound - before his jaw snaps shut and he turns to stare at Ace. Ace leans back in the booth with his arms stretched out and a cocky grin as he watches Law. Law glares back, not about to back down from some pretty boy whose only famous for playing one good role. All three are completely silent.
Robin giggles into her hand.
"I'm starting to see why the date didn't work out," she chips in happily, clearly amused by this whole little show Portgas was putting on. Law really had thought she was smarter than that.
"Trafalgar here is the one who told him to "bring a girl". Kinda presumptuous of you, wasn't it?" Ace finally moves his arm from around Zoro, only to lean into the table, giving Law a accusing look.
How dare he suggest-! Law had only been-! As if he would have cared if Zoro had come with a boy! It wouldn't have bothered him in the least! It's just with all those girls that follow him around, Law had assumed... Not in a bad way, damnit! If Zoro had expressed any interest in boys surely there would have been plenty of them after him as well, though. It's not as though he isn't -
Law doesn't like Portgas D. Ace at all.
"It's hardly my business who Zoro-ya chooses to be with," Law says, calm as he can considering his current heated frustration with the boy across from him. "Though as his partner, I have to say, I find the choice of this particular technique to be inadvisable."
"You don't understand why he likes-"
"I don't understand why he likes you, Portgas-ya."
Despite the sharpness of Law's comment, Ace looks damn smug about the exchange. Next to him, Zoro is clearly wondering just what the hell Law is thinking and what he's even trying to achieve. He refuses to take his eyes off Portgas long enough to pay Zoro much attention, but out of the corner of his eye he can pretty much tell Zoro's mouthing something along the lines of, "What the hell?" right at him.
Law doesn't really know, he just knows he can't stand this man who seems so comfortable touching and holding and just being there with Zoro.
"That's sweet," Ace chuckles, turning his attention back to Zoro, who is still giving Law mean, pointed looks. "You didn't tell me he was such a big brother."
Law all but snarls at the comment. He doesn't like how it sounds, what Portgas is trying to imply.
Zoro is still eying up Law, though, so he does he best to hold back his anger. "He isn't."
"He sure acts like it." Zoro doesn't take his eyes off Law until Ace all but forces him to turn away (which pleases some feral ache deep in Law's chest he has no plans to ever think about), cupping his chin and facing the boy towards him. "Look how worried he is over who you're dating."
Then, as if to make his point, Ace kisses his partner. Right there in the middle of the restaurant.
It doesn't come as a surprise, Ace broadcasted it well enough, and still it makes Law furious to watch the older boy lean in and lead Zoro through the kiss. He parts Zoro's lips, he pulls Zoro closer, angling him just so. Law could turn away from the whole shameless display but instead he finds himself watching as Zoro leans in to Ace, as his hand curls into his shirt, as his cheeks go faintly pink.
Ace makes Zoro moan, and if Law had his sword he would have sliced the space between them just to get Portgas away from the other boy.
Law isn't sure when he started digging his nails into his knees. It's only when Ace pulls away leaving Zoro looking so dazed that the pain really sinks in.
"Hmm..." Ace looks down at Zoro, eyes going lower than was at all appropriate. "You wore my jeans. Cute."
That's the last Law can take. "Those aren't your jeans," he growled through a clenched jaw, stopping himself just short of openly accusing the other boy of being a liar.
Though, of course, that is still what he's doing. Ace throws him a look that says he understands this perfectly well. He gives Law another chance. "What do you mean to say, Trafalgar?"
Instead of swallowing his own stupid words, Law doubles down. "I got those out of Zoro-ya's closet. They aren't your jeans." Because if they are that would imply...
Well, Ace's smile is enough to let Law know that's precisely what he means to imply.
No, there's no way. Zoro was supposed to show up with some equally young, shy kendo girl. He was suppose to be awkward and stupid with her, and Law was supposed to be sarcastic but understanding. They'd get through the night and the girl would give Zoro a chaste, shy kiss at the end of the night and then next day Zoro would show up to practice smiling and excited and they would stay on the same team and the girl would never come up again. This... This is unacceptable. Zoro isn't supposed to actually be seeing anyone. Especially not someone like Portgas D. Ace. Someone who had stayed over at his place, who casually left clothes in his room and who already came to a his games, would likely keep coming and reminding Law that-
He hates Portgas D. Ace. He really does.
"A protective older brother, too," Ace mocks. "What's wrong Trafalgar? You seem upset."
Before Law can say something even stupider that he had, a soft hands curls around his shoulder. "Law-kun, I do believe it's time I got back home, don't you?" Robin asks with a perfect smile, clearly trying to usher him out because he starts more trouble.
He wants to point out Ace is the one who came here uninvited and ruined the evening Law had planned, but even thinking it forces him to realize she's right. He needs to not be here right now.
He storms off without a word, leaving Robin to say goodnight and what a pleasure meeting them had been. Law's too busy trying not to think, to rid himself of the things he had already thought. If he could just pretend this night never happened, the tomorrow everything could go back to how it was and he'd be fine.
About three seconds after they're out of sight, Zoro has his breakdown. "What the hell was that?" He punches Ace, who clearly hadn't been expecting it because he gets the older boy to flinch. "What about all that crap about getting along and staying a team? Arg, you made me ask out Perona, you jerk! Why do that if you were just going to come over and antagonize him!?"
Zoro's head hits the table with a solid thud. He's got no idea what's happening. Why did Ace show up in the first place unless he knew brining Perona would fail? Why had he mocked Law like that when he knows how important these matches are to Zoro? What did Law have to be so upset about anyway? Why had he gotten so mad at Ace and how did Ace know he would, because he's clearly been messing with Law. Fuck. Why is this happening to him?
"It'll be okay, little brother," Ace says, ruffling up Zoro's hair. "Tommorow, I'll bet you anything he tells old Rayleigh you two worked everything out. You just wait."
"Don't say that," Zoro mutters into the table, not liking either Ace's disrespect of his teacher or the nickname. Not right after Ace had kissed him like that. It's probably his first really real kiss, and Ace hadn't even meant it. Great.
Turning his head, he glares up at Ace, still laying half across the table. "How can you be sure? He seemed pretty pissed." Zoro didn't know what about, but it's obvious Law had not been happy. He looked like he had been about to lean over and punch the both of them of he'd had Kikoku with him, sure as anything there would be blood on the floor and they would owe the restaurant for their freshly cleaved table. He's gotten use to the other boy looking at him like he's vaguely annoyed by Zoro's very presence; he's never had Law actually get out right furious with him like that.
Sometimes, Zoro enjoys getting under Law's skin just to see the older boy get worked up. He makes these faces that Zoro likes a little too much, and it's nice to know he's done something that's annoyed Law rather than just him being there annoying Law. But he hadn't enjoyed THAT at all.
Ace just snickers, flashing Zoro his biggest grin, the one that -even though they're not blood related - let's you know Luffy really is his little brother. "Just trust me, that guy wants to keep your little team together as much as you do." Ace seems to consider this for a moment before a knowing smirk comes over his features and he chuckles again. "No, pretty certain he wants it more right now. But you'll get there."
Zoro makes sure Ace understands just what he thinks about that the the meanest face he can manage. Ace remains unaffected. "It's my dream to win the world title," Zoro reminds him, voice absolute resolved. "More than anything in the world. Way more than Trafalgar Law wants it. He's more interest in the press and the fame and the girls."
Ace ruffles his hair again, ignoring the way Zoro growls at him. "You seemed to enjoy that kiss, huh?" He teases, winking at Zoro and forcing him to bury his head back against the table. Better than letting Ace see him turn bright red.
"Maybe I was going along with your stupid plan," Zoro grumbles, not willing to admit out right that he hadn't even been aware Ace had a plan (still isn't one hundred percent convinced he did, certainly not one Zoro has figured out). "Did you consider that?'
"Mmm...." Zoro freezes up, feeling Ace's hot breath against his neck. "Then you're a better actor than I thought."
Zoro can feel Ace scoot closer and tenses up just as the other boy's tongue traces the shell of his ear. It's... Oh, it probably shouldn't feel so good. Fuck, how did Ace...? Zoro's eyes flutter close and he hears this soft little mewling sound, only realizing that's him when Ace chuckles against his ear.
Without looking up from the table, Zoro takes a swat at him. Fucking pervert!
"This will be a lot more fun if you get use to it now," Ace promises, fingers sliding up along Zoro's neck. "Then again, you're pretty cute when you go all speechless and needy. That could work for us."
Zoro has no idea what Ace is talking about (also his fingers feel really good travelling the length of his spine) but something a lot like his Luffy warning starts ringing in his head. And that always means trouble for Zoro.
"Actually, sir, we got together on our day off. We managed to come to an agreement."
Law is looking at his sensei as he answers the question about if their team has a future in this tournament, but he can feel the confusion rolling off Zoro.
What did the other boy expect him to say? "Actually, Rayleigh, I took Zoro on what I had assumed would be a mock date, but it turns out he has very real boyfriend. He implied the two have slept together and I got so jealous my girlfriend had to escort me out of the restaurant so I didn't attack him."
It would have been more honest, but Law has not worked this hard for this long just to drop out of the games because of some silly, unconsciously harboured crush for his teammate. No, he planned to stay in this for a little longer, regardless of whatever sudden realizations he may have been forced to face over the last two days.
It doesn't hurt that by staying in the championship, he'll be staying close to Zoro, either.
Fuck, he's so fucked.
It's pathetic how obvious the whole thing is to him in hindsight. Complaining about the way Zoro would walk around in that tight blue tank top. Staring at him through every interview. He'd been jealous of a bunch of school girls!
Law had even convinced himself that Zoro didn't talk to them out if awkwardness - it's easy to imagine the boy who couldn't even strike up a flirty conversation with one of a dozen girls swooning over him of course wouldn't notice subtle signs of interest here and there - rather than the more obvious answer that he simply isn't interested. Why would he be when he has a goddamn movie star back at home to keep his bed warm?
That's possibly the worst part in all this. Law had himself so blinded he didn't even notice Portgas mocking him until it was way too late to take hide the truth. And after looking back on the night, Law has no doubt the other boy had been playing with him..when subtle jabs hadn't worked, he'd straight up kissed Zoro while Law watched on, and when that had failed all it took was the implication that they'd shared a bed and Law had all but jumped up to try and force Ace to take it back. Just imagine those headlines:
If keeping their spot in the championship didn't hinge on Rayleigh thinking they could work together, Law wouldn't have come in today. He still isn't sure how Zoro's going to react. Did Ace have to tell him or had Law been that obvious by the end? Either way, they had to have talked about it, right? If the situation where reversed, if Law were some famous film star with a cute kenshi boyfriend whose kendo partner obviously had a thing for him, he'd definitely have some questions. He'd come to every practice just to make sure that bastard kept his hands to himself. Law chuckles to himself at the image. No doubt, that would drive Zoro fucking insane.
Except Ace walked into that restaurant ready to get under Law's skin, knowing Zoro had brought the girl first in order to appease Law. That doesn't make sense unless.... God... What if that whole awkward persona is just an act? What if sweet, little Zoro likes when his boyfriend get all jealous?
(And now Law's imagination is in overdrive. He can imagine it all to easily, and in vivid color)
I mean, why go on a double date and take a fake girlfriend and a guy your boyfriend clearly doesn't trust? Zoro seems a bit naive on such matters, but no one can be THAT blind. It doesn't make sense.
Unless he gets all hot and bothered seeing his actor boyfriend being so possessive.
If that were the case, Law would happily indulge such needs.
Maybe when they get home, Zoro teases him all the way to the bedroom, tells him all the suggestive things his teammate said to him, how he kept finding all these reasons to lean against him or run his hands over him, how poor Zoro can just feel his eyes lingered in the locker room until Law just can't take it. He needs to remind Zoro-ya who he belongs to is with. Zoro teases Law to the breaking point. The green haired boy all but forces Law to throw him into bed, down on all fours. That Is until Zoro keeps trying to get to him. So Law has to pin him, face down, to the matress just to shut him up. Pulls his hair back just to hear the way he'd cry out so desperately for him when-
Fuck. He is so, so fucked.
Maybe just out of thanks for getting Rayeigh off their back, Zoro doesn't say anything in the locker room, and Law's decent enough he keeps his back turned until well after Zoro's done changing. There's a short pause (is he waiting for Law?) And he hears the door clonk closed, then Law rushes to put on his protective gear before all but running to the practice floor.
"Good to see you've decided to join us," Rayleigh says, voice booming and way to cheerful for the morning. Law bows before apologizing. Up in there stand someone gives a shout and tells Zoro to kick his ass.
He says someone like the stands are packed full. It's just a practice. There may be a few cameras, some visitors, maybe one or two recruiters or specialists, and then, of course-
"Come on, babe! Cut him up!"
Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy seem to be able to sneak or charm their way into every practice no matter how closed Rayleigh tried to make it, and since today is one of those days with a handful of people scattered through the arena, Law is guessing the two brothers didn't have to try too hard to get in. Still, don't they have lives? Movies to film, their own practices to attend? Just anywhere to be that isn't here?
Law grinds his teeth together as Zoro beams up at the two, just like he does every damn day. It use to just be a slight annoyance, though really Law had no reason to get annoyed by the gesture other than it meant Mugiwara-ya was in the crowd and sure to be a loud, bouncing ball of distraction.
[Now though, he supposes it makes more sense. He remembers the dazed look in Zoro's eyes after being kissed. Did he always look so helpless after every kiss? He certainly always seemed equally excited to see his boyfriend had shown up, even though it hardly qualified as a surprise when Ace and Luffy made a point at being there for every match, practice or official. What had Ace done to deserve that kind of admiration? Interviews and gossip reports gave the impression there's just something about Ace, some unique spark that you can't explain, something that has to be expierenced.]
Rayleigh has them go through several kata as he has done every day since Zoro - upset with Law over some stupid reason or another and eager to get started - had snapped that they weren't beginners who need to hold hands.
[Law isn't an idiot, that's just what reporters say when a person is attractive and charming and something of a flirt. Law had seen that in Ace already and it was nothing special. Maybe if you aren't use to having such a charismatic force aimed directly at you, but being personable and good looking isn't the same as having personality or being good.]
They bow to one another. The formality of the silent tradition is somewhat undercut by Luffy's loud cheering. Law is experienced enough to know better than to take his eyes off his opponent, especially for that crucial first strike. Still, when he doesn't hear Ace's voice alongside his brother's, he can't help but glance up at the stands.
The fucker has the audacity to wink at him, leaning back in his seat, feet propped up on the chair in front of him. He looks almost too casual, like he's posing for a magazine cover. Law scowls, his grip tightening on kikoku's hilt as he braces for Zoro's incoming hit, subconsciously knowing all his partners patterns and movements. He only breaks eye contact with Ace out of respect for his opponent and the sport.
[If you did a search through Law's public history, it may not always be so gentle with him, but it showed someone who is skilled at what he does and won't fake humility just so the press would praise him. Otherwise, what is the difference between the two? You could read plenty of articles trying to explain the appeal behind Dr. Heartstealer, the supernova of kendo who comes off as a little wicked, a little dangerous, plus some other indescribable quality that no one ever seemed able to put into words (it would seem that Ace's spark isn't so unique after all). Then it's a catalog of girls and guys who they've been seen with, rumourmongering regarding who broke whose heart, a few of the worst case scenarios end up crying to some tabloid, a handful of gossip columns from when they were younger and messed up the way you do. The biggest difference seems to be that Law never drove a car into the Upper West River.]
Zoro's strikes are practiced, controlled, the kind of hits that Law has gotten use to. He's honestly surprised there is no anger behind them, none of that fierceness Zoro brings to real matches, or when he's feeling attacked. So he isn't the least bit effected by Law's feelings? It's preferable to him being angry, at least. Law knows as much, rationally speaking.
So why is he so disappointed when he expects Zoro's attacks to bite and instead they are designed to barely graze?
[And didn't finish twenty seventh in a list of the fifties Most Desirable Bachelors.]
"You should pick up your game, Roronoa-ya. You're boyfriend looks rather bored. Perhaps he's losing interest?" Now why the hell would he say that?
[And has an actual skill, something he's worked hard to perfect, something he does that relies on more than a pretty smile and photographic face. So there's that.]
If Law is puzzled by his own stupidity, Zoro is completely confounded by it. With their locked blades between them, Law can still see the flash of utter bewilderment on Zoro's face, as though he's hot no idea what Law could possibly be talking about.
It's just as easy to see the moment realization dawns, since Zoro loses concentration to glance back towards the stands.
[Maybe Zoro doesn't mind that he looks like a lovesick puppy enamoured with someone just because they're attractive and glamorous and charming and not much else. Maybe he doesn't want someone who challenges him, who pushes him to be stronger.]
Law doesn't hesitate.
[Law doesn't believe that.]
He strikes low, where Zoro's left himself entirely exposed. The gear takes most of the hit, but Law swings with such ferocity that a bruise is all but guaranteed to bloom across the spot, marking Law's victory across Zoro's skin. The hit is sharp and fast, and with enough force that it knocks Zoro off his feet, sending the boy skidding across the mat a good foot and a half before collapsing completely.
"Zoro!" He hears Zoro's friend shout out over a few shocked sounds from the rest of the crowd. He doesn't have to look over to know the two brothers are more than likely racing towards the floor.
In most smaller arenas, that kind of strike would have earned Law a penalty. Rayleigh just considers the two of them for a moment before giving Law the point.
Law winces as the scoreboard number goes up, taking two long strides over to where Zoro is just now pushing himself up onto his hands. Law collects the two lost katana on the way, offering them up to the still seated boy.
He shouldn't have been given that point. That hadn't been a hit he'd ever want to win on. It had been out of pettiness, not planning, and he'd not only gone for Zoro's weakest defense, he'd lashed out with as much strength as he could manage.
He'd wanted to use Ace against him. He'd wanted to to leave a mark. He'd wanted to show he is more than strong enough to take Zoro. He'd wanted to hurt him, just a little. He wanted to get Zoro angry.
He expected he would be after a cheap hit like that.
So when Zoro starts climbing back to his feet, it's Law that ends up staggering backwards a few steps, left feeling unsteady and reeling. With his hands still on his knees, drawing in what has to be painful breaths, Zoro shots Law a crooked smile.
It's a toothy, dangerous grin that says he might just be waiting for you to get close enough to rip you apart with his teeth. It's more dangerous, still, because Law wants to smile back. "I hope you've got something better than that planned for the actual tournament, Trafalgar," Zoro says, reaching out for his swords. "Or you're going to have to go on a lot of double dates."
All in all, Zoro thinks this practice had to be one of their better ones. Maybe it's because, despite Ace telling him not to worry, Zoro had spent the rest of Saturday night and all of Sunday wondering what he would do if Law flat out told Rayleigh they couldn't work together. Could Zoro convince the old man to take him on as a singles player? Would there even be a spot open? Maybe he could recruit another teammate. But Rayleigh would have to approve, and he seemed pretty adamant that Zoro and Law work around their issues if they wanted to continue onto the championship.
He could try again in three years, but the very thought of simply giving up like that hurt. He couldn't come so close to his dream just to let the opportunity slip away before he even got the chance to compete.
By the time he'd come in Monday morning, he still hasn't come up with a better plan than, "convince Law to give me second chance" and failing that, "plead with Rayleigh to let you stay and train". Unfortunately, he couldn't quite manage to speak with Law before Rayleigh came marching into the locker room.
Zoro appreciated how RAYLEIGH didn't mess around with their heads (the way he is sure Law... And maybe now Ace.... Would have). Their sensei simply looks between the two of them, then simply asks if they had determined how they would be able to work together or not. No trying to slowly force the answer out of them with a series of annoying questions of using some funny metaphor. Just direct and to the point.
But it was harder to appreciate when he was sure this was the end of his chance for the title, at least this time around.
No matter what Ace promised him, he's still been shocked at how quick Law was to reassured their teacher that, yes, they had worked things out and we're sure they could continue on as a team.
Zoro just about wanted to hug him for putting the promise of the championship above their stupid personal issues. Except he didn't want Law to change his mind
Everything else seemed easy in comparison to this morning, when his challenge had been simply being allowed to stay in the tournament. Even the hit Law got on him.
He had utilized a rather sneaky technique to get Zoro to drop his guard, but Zoro is the one who had been so easily distracted (does Law really think Ace is his boyfriend? Zoro had been sure he would have worked out Ace's little prank by now. Maybe he had Nd this is some sort of weird payback?) and otherwise the strike - while stronger than Zoro would have expected - had been completely fair. Zoro could hardly blame him for seeing an opportunity and the taking it. That's what they train to do.
It'd been harder to convince Ace of that when him and Luffy had jumped over the wall and run over to his side. Luffy had been afraid Zoro had been cut up again, but Ace... Ace just seemed to be there for a fight.
Rayleigh had stepped in once Law hadn't refused and the cameras started clicking. He'd done what Zoro had been pretty sure was impossible; he'd kicked Luffy and Ace out of the arena.
Still, without his friends there to get all overprotective, Zoro had been allowed to push himself through the rest of practice, which had been one of their smoothest together. Particularly when they practiced their team footwork. So Zoro hadn't been bothered by the pain that came with breathing.
Now that it's over, though, and they're back in the locker room, Zoro is getting a good look at just how bruised he's gotten. His entire side is an ugly mix of black, blue and purple, centered right under his ribcage. He can barely pull his shirt down without wincing, And going off the deep colors of the bruise it's going to keep hurting for a while longer.
Wow, Law really has some force behind him when he goes for it.
"I should have been more careful." Zoro jumps, yanking down his shirt when he realizes that at some point, Law had snuck up on him. The older boy is leaning next to his locker, staring at Zoro's side like he can still see the giant bruise he left there.
Zoro tries to cover the pain caused by his own awkwardness with a snort of what he hope sounded like disbelief and not a fresh wave of hurt. "I don't know, your aim seemed pretty careful to me." It's not as if Law had managed to strike him that hard on accident. Anyway, Zoro honestly didn't care. It'll just remind him to do a better job keeping his focus on his opponent at all times.
He honestly doesn't understand why Law looks so guilt about a strike he had every right to take. "Perhaps Silver-ya should have let us two fight it out." Law chuckles, the sort of dark, perverse laugh with no real humour to it, but still makes Zoro's skin feel all warm even if he can see the other swordsman is still upset. "I think it would be better if we took it out on each other rather than you."
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