#O.tto O.ctavius
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Here's the self indulgent D.oc O.ck fic, as promised
A/N: I've killed god and no longer have any shame for making this steaming hot pile of melted cheese. Eat up fuckers. I apologize if it doesn't read too well because I pumped this out in only a few hours and it's unedited and not beta read. *shows middle fingers while walking backwards and falls off a cliff*
(this is before his accident in the 2004 movie)
You bang your fists onto your table in frustration, the metal parts splayed out in front of you rattling with the motion, and you bury your face into your hands with a huff of annoyance.
You'd been working on this project for hours; and you'd definitely stayed at the lab much later than usual tonight, just trying to finish this last part of the machinery.
It was a smaller contraption compared to the rest of the fusion reactor, just a small section of wiring you had to do, but for some reason it just wasn't working, and it was driving you up the wall.
You knew everything was in the correct place, you knew for sure; you'd double, triple, and then quadruple-checked the blueprints for good measure, and everything looked fine, so it should work, but it simply wasn't.
You sigh, and decide to step away from it for a bit, and maybe go get a drink from the lounge area of the lab facility while you take a breather, so that way you could come back with a clear mind and see whatever was wrong to fix it.
Glancing at the clock, your eyes widen in surprise. It was 11pm already? You swore you hadn't been there that long, but facts didn't lie.
You knew you should probably clock out, go home, and get some rest… but you were so close to finishing this part of the project, you didn't exactly want to leave yet.
You'd get paid well for overtime; and you'd definitely get that praise from your boss, Doctor Octavius, that you craved… and also a lecture on how you should get more sleep, but future you could deal with that. It would be worth it to make him proud.
Exiting your section of the lab, you head down the dim, empty hallways to the lounge, hands in the pocket of your lab coat.
It was always a little eerie to be here this late, with everyone gone, but in a way it was also peaceful.
The only sounds throughout the place was the clicking of your sneakers against the tile floor, echoing down the hallways.
Turning a corner, you hum quietly to yourself, eyes on the ceiling to count the lights above you as you passed them; despite having done it so many times that you knew the exact amount there was in this specific hallway.
Being zoned out in your own thoughts, you only come back to once you reach the lounge, and you head inside, closing the door behind you with a soft click.
You immediately head for the fridge, grabbing a water bottle from the shelf on the inside of the door, cracking open the cap and chugging the thing. You hadn't really realized how thirsty you were.
You hang around the lounge for a bit longer after that, taking a seat on the cheap couch one of your coworkers had managed to cram into the corner of the lounge, silently thinking over your part of the project while sipping on the rest of your water. Maybe you could rewire the left section…? You didn't want to start over again, that was for sure.
Deciding to try that, you stand up and, after tossing your empty water bottle into the recycle bin- and grabbing some other empty water bottles out of the garbage to move them to the recycle out of annoyance- you wander back to your own lab.
It's the same quiet click, click, click, of your shoes against tile, and instead of counting the lights on the ceiling, you count the doors on your left side.
And, in doing so, you pause.
One of the lights was still on. Had someone forgotten to shut them off?
Huffing slightly, you pull open the door that's slightly ajar, stepping inside to flick the lights off, but--
Ah. So you weren't alone tonight. That explained it.
There was Octavius himself, his back turned to you while he sat hunched over in his chair, clearly focused on… whatever part of his project he was working on. Likely something for the actuators he was currently building.
Stepping a little closer to him, you call out to him softly.
No response. It seemed he was a little too focused.
Coming up behind him, you lightly tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.
You quickly pull away as he whirls around to face you, nearly falling out of his chair in the process, with surprise evident on his face.
He blinks at you for a moment, processing, before he sighs and gives a weak chuckle.
"Christ, _____, don't scare me like that; you'll give me a heart attack one of these days." He says, placing his hand over his chest as he spoke, and you look down at the ground guiltily, feeling bad for startling him like that.
"Don't stress about it, dear. You're here awfully late though, don't you think you should head home?" He asks, and you raise an eyebrow at him.
"C'mon, cut me some slack; you're still here too!"
That earns a laugh from him, and he smiles, shaking his head.
"You get up earlier than I do, there's a difference."
You snort and roll your eyes. "Yeah, sure there is Doc."
Silence falls between the two of you; not an awkward silence, but one of quiet thought.
"So, did you need something?" Otto asks, and you look up at him from where your gaze had been glued to the floor, studying the lines between the tiles.
"Um," You pause, and blink. "I don't think so…?" You trail off awkwardly, before correcting yourself. "Well, actually, I'm having a little trouble with some of that wiring you had me working on…? Everything seems to be connected right, and it looks just like those blueprints you gave me, but for some reason it just won't carry a current, so… maybe you could help me?" You say, giving a small shrug.
Sure, you had a vague idea of what could be done to fix it, but you did want Otto's help… and, in a way, it was sort of just an excuse to hang around him.
You had feelings for him- not like that, of course, you knew he was married- but he just had this aura around him that just made you want to be friends with him. He was one of the few people you worked for that treated you as an equal, and not someone below him.
"Oh, of course! Just give me a moment here…" He says, giving a nod towards you, before turning his chair to face his desk again, moving some parts and tools around to quickly organize them, before standing up next to you.
Now, you weren't particularly short- at least in your opinion- but Otto was tall, as well as a broad figure, so you always felt small in comparison despite that. However, it didn't intimidate you like it did with some people, and you merely smile up at him.
"Alright then, show me." He says, and you turn to head back into the hallway, Otto on your heels as he followed you to your section.
You both had some mindless chatter while you walked down the empty halls, voices echoing as you asked about how his wife was doing and what he'd been up to, while he asked about how your weekend had been in turn.
Reaching your personal lab, you open the door for him and let him go in first, not really bothering to shut it behind you since you knew you were the only two people here.
Gently, you tug on the sleeve of his sweater to pull him over to your table, and he smirks in amusement.
"Leading me like a dog, hm?" He says teasingly, and he chuckles when you give him a half-hearted glare.
"Alright, alright, jokes aside; what's the issue?" He says, leaning over the piece of machinery spread out on the table in front of him, and you shrug in response.
"I dunno, that's what I'm trying to figure out…" You mumble, "…it's some sort of connectivity issue, which doesn't make sense because I know I wired them right."
You only get a considering hum in response as he picks up a few of the parts, studying them, confusion also evident in his expression.
Soon after that, you both end up working to figure it out, disassembling some parts to try and see where there could be any issues.
It's only after another half hour that Otto seems to be frustrated as well, so you lightly tap him on the elbow, and the irritated glare he had while staring at the machinery disappears when he looks at you.
"Maybe there's an issue with the blueprint?" You suggest, and he scoffs in clear annoyance. Not with you, of course, but at the idea that you could be right.
"No, I knew what I was doing when I made them-" He denies, but he's cut off… by the growl of his own stomach.
You both pause.
Otto looks away from you, arms crossing over his middle, his face clearly a little reddened as you smile in amusement.
He continues after a few more moments, his tone now a little quieter out of what you could only assume was embarrassment. "…as I was saying, I made sure the design would work-"
He's once again cut off by another low growl, this one somehow being louder that the first, and you cover your mouth with your hand to suppress a giggle, Otto's head ducking down shyly.
"…I should probably go eat something first." He mumbles, and you wince slightly.
"Yeah, about that… uh, I'm pretty sure we're out of snacks in the lounge, so…"
His head dips down further, this time accompanied with a huff of discomfort as a gurgle sounded from his middle, the sound now muffled from him covering it with his arms.
He glances at you briefly, his face neutral but his eyes betraying how he felt; nervous.
That look confused you. Why would he be nervous--?
Oh. Wait.
You could've smacked yourself in the forehead for your own stupidity as it abruptly made sense.
You knew he was a predator; Otto didn't exactly make an effort to hide it, and your co-workers had made you aware of his eating habits around the lab just a few weeks after you'd started working there.
You'd also been quick to pick up on the fact that he usually stuck to eating the people that had worked there longest, the people he knew fairly well.
And, well, you'd been working for him for a few months now; and you considered yourself friends with him at this point.
Which made the look he was giving you make sense very quick.
He probably didn't want to make you uncomfortable, and in a way you found it sweet. He always seemed so polite and respectful to people, so it wasn't a surprise it extended to that aspect of him as well.
You're taken from your thoughts by the sound of Otto's stomach making it's presence known again, and when you look at him, you find he won't meet your gaze.
"Sorry, I…" He fumbles for his words for a moment. "I haven't eaten in a while, just… just ignore it."
"It's a little hard when 'it' is that loud." You tease, and the shade of red already on his face deepens.
"…Hey, relax, will you? It doesn't bother me, like, at all. Don't worry about it." You add, tone softer, and some of the tension you hadn't noticed building seemed to leave his shoulders.
"Sorry, I just- I don't want to-"
"You don't wanna make me uncomfortable. I get it." He lets you cut him off, and gives a small nod in agreement.
Silence falls between you again, this time feeling awkward, the only noise being from Otto's gut.
You could tell he was physically uncomfortable from his expression alone; as every noise that came from his middle made him wince in discomfort, and you honestly felt bad for him, wishing you could help him somehow.
That thought makes you pause.
Technically… you could help.
You blush a little yourself at that thought, not quite matching Otto's shade of red; but it was certainly visible on your face, so you turn your head away from him for a moment to collect yourself and actually consider that idea.
You supposed you could ask him to eat you, but… you were unsure if he'd even want that. You knew it was something more personal for him, unlike with other predators you knew.
You notice out of the corner of your eye as Otto moves, heading to the door, seemingly to leave- and you quickly make your decision.
"I can help you with that." You blurt put, face feeling warmer now, and he pauses, turning to look at you in confusion.
Well then. No taking it back now.
"I- I, um… only if you want to, I mean. I just thought I would offer, y'know-" You start to ramble awkwardly, and he cuts you off.
"Are you asking me to eat you?" He says, bewildered, and you look down at the floor, pulling on the sleeve of your lab coat nervously as you nod.
"And you'd... be okay with that?" He pries further, and you nod again.
You slowly look back up at him to find him standing a little closer, expression softer now, but still more than a little surprised.
"Can you... can you say it? I want to be sure you're comfortable with that and not just saying it for my sake."
"Yeah, yeah, I... I'm, um, I'm fine with you, y'know... eating me..." You manage to say, a little anxiety bubbling under your skin as you spoke, and the low groan that sounded from Otto's stomach only made it worse.
You wonder if he's going to accept your offer, and for a moment you don't think he will, since he's staring blankly at you.
He moves closer to you, and the reality of the whole situation sets in as he finally uncrosses his arms from over his midsection to rest his hands on your shoulders.
"Can I...? Right now...?" He asks, and you pause, thinking over what all of that would entail... and you nod once more, despite the noises from his stomach making you nervous.
"Yes." You say, with a confidence you don't actually have, and Otto seems to process that before he speaks again.
"Okay... I'm going to- to start now, okay? Let me know if you change your mind and want me to stop."
You nod, murmuring a soft 'okay' and giving him a reassuring smile, which seems to help him relax a bit, as his grip on your shoulders becomes more steady.
However, your eyes widen in sudden realization, and you pull away from him for a moment. He looks almost hurt by the action- likely thinking that you changed your mind or don't trust him- until he realizes you're just taking off your lab coat and shoes; and after, you come back over to him, grabbing his hands to place them back on your shoulders.
"Okay, I'm ready now." You say with certainty, and Otto gives you a nod.
It certainly wasn't the first time you'd been eaten, but it was the first time you'd ever asked for it. All of the other times hadn't been very pleasant, so you braced yourself for the sudden dizziness of being shrunken down and them being swallowed in a flash.
But this was... different. Much different.
You closed your eyes at suddenly feeling lightheaded, but it wasn't as bad as it had been before with the other predators you'd been eaten by, and you lean into Otto's hands, which steadily grew bigger in comparison to you by the second.
As quickly as it had all started, it stopped, and you were expecting to be yanked up from where you stood on the ground, but... nothing was happening.
Slowly cracking an eye open, you look up at Otto, and your heart skips a beat at how big he is now. He already seemed big at normal height, but this? He was huge.
Or, well, technically you were small, but it didn't make much of a difference to you.
"Um. Why'd you stop?" You ask awkwardly, his hands still hovering close to you as he was knelt down onto the floor next to you.
"I was giving you a moment to adjust. Can I continue...?" His voice is soft, seemingly knowing that if he spoke normally it would be loud to you, and you find it... touching, that he was being so kind about it all.
Nodding at him, you give him a slightly nervous smile and a thumbs up. "Y-yeah, go ahead. I'm ready."
You let out a quiet squeak of surprise as his hands close in around you, gently scooping you up and bringing you up with him as he stood up again.
You lock eyes with him, knowing that if you tried to look down at the ground, you'd just be scaring yourself. But you knew you were high up, and you didn't like it at all.
"Okay, there we go... Do you want me to stop?" He asks, and you shake your head 'no'.
"Can I continue?"
You nod, and he lifts you up a little higher, and in a panic you grab onto his hands, making his pause and lower you back down. "You don't have to go through with this if it scares you." He murmurs, and you shake your head again.
"No, no, I'm fine, you can go ahead, but, um... I have a question to ask first?" You say, and Otto inclines his head at you, silently gesturing for you to continue.
"Shouldn't... shouldn't I be smaller? I, um, I'm just not sure if I'll fit...?"
"Oh." He mutters, face flushing again. "No, no, you'll... you'll fit... sorry, I can- I can make you smaller if you're more comfortable that way? Having you bigger is just, ah... more of a personal preference." He explains, albeit awkwardly.
You shake your head in response, "No, I'm fine with whatever you wanna do." And after a small pause of consideration, he speaks again.
"So I can-?"
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead. I'm fine." You say.
You hadn't expected to be the one that had to be reassuring, but you found you didn't mind it. All of his concern was greatly appreciated. Compared to the more careless predators you'd been eaten by previously, it was a nice change.
And, with that permission, his hands move to hold you better; one gently clasping around your waist, while the other came beneath you to support your legs as he lifted you higher above his head.
It was certainly an experience to be the one looking down at him for once, instead of the other way around, but all the other thoughts quickly faded from your mind as you watched his jaws open beneath you.
Oh god. This was really happening.
You manage to suppress a flinch as you hear his stomach gurgle again, and after taking a deep breath, you give Otto one final thumbs up.
And that's all the permission he needs to lower your legs down into his maw.
Like all predators you knew, his canines were a little sharper than the average person's, which was always startling to you; but they barely even graze against the skin of your calves as they slip past.
You let out a small gasp as his lips close around your legs, just above your knees, and you can feel his tongue lapping at you beyond them. His eyes watch you the whole time, seemingly to make sure you're alright- and you flash him a smile that you hoped looked reassuring and not stressed.
You were a little stressed if you were being honest with yourself, but overall, you weren't scared.
You do your best to hold still as he licks at your legs, slowly easing your further into his mouth until you could feel the tip of his tongue move over your thighs; and you stiffen as you hear him let out a pleased hum, his eyes closed in bliss.
It seemed he felt that, as his eyes snap back open again, clearly worried he'd done something wrong, and you relax again.
Of course he was tasting you, you really shouldn't have been surprised by that since it was only in his nature.
Grabbing at the hand around your waist, you adjust so that you can hold onto his index finger.
"Hey, it's- it's okay. You can... you can taste." You say, knowing you were close enough for him to hear you, and you watch his eyes widen in what you could only describe as pure delight.
Sliding further into Otto's mouth, you feel your feet press into the back of his throat; and you watch as his eyes close again, humming contently around you as the licking at your legs increases tenfold.
You hear a low rumble from below you, his stomach getting impatient with him for taking so long, and he huffs in annoyance, clearly wanting to have a chance to taste you more.
He opens his eyes again, blinking at you to silently communicate what he was about to do, and he tilts his head back... and swallows.
You inhale sharply as you slide further into his mouth, your legs being pulled into his throat, his hand finally letting go of you as you were now fully supported by his jaws.
He was quick to start licking you again, faster and more insistent this time, but still gentle with you.
With his lips replacing his hand, you could feel his teeth lightly pressing into your hips; with not enough pressure to hurt you, but enough to hold you firmly in place so you wouldn't slip.
Otto swallows again, pulling you deeper into his esophagus; and you were now left with only your arms and head left out of his mouth.
Another heavy swallow, and you slipped entirely past his lips, teeth shutting behind you with a quiet click.
You expected him to go ahead and finish the job then, since you were still able to hear his stomach groaning insistently somewhere below you, but... he didn't.
Everything was still, other than the occasional twitch of his tongue against your back- the powerful muscle merely curling around you- as well as the pulse of the muscles of his throat that were holding you in place from the waist down.
Reaching a hand up, you give a light pat to the roof of his mouth, hoping that it got the message across to him that you were fine.
And it seemed to work, because not even a moment later, a thick gulp sounded around you as you were pulled completely into his esophagus; powerful muscles kneading you downwards and further into him, and you squeeze your eyes shut as you're hidden away from the outside world.
Otto's heartbeat drums in your ears as you pass through his ribcage, your own slowing to match it's pace as you're pushed further downwards. Your breathing also slows to match the steady inhale and exhale of his lungs, the loud whooshing sounding like wind in a large cavern.
You're able to hear his stomach below you, churning and rumbling loudly in anticipation as you make your way towards it, eager to have you inside of it.
Eventually, your decent slows to a stop, and before you can squirm around to try and figure out why; a ring of muscle opens beneath you, and you're pushed down through it, slipping into Otto's stomach easily.
The organ greets you with a loud gurgle, the walls stretching to accommodate you, and they flutter around you as you shift a bit to get comfortable.
"Mnh, god, that's much better..." You hear Otto speak, his voice vibrating around you, and you instinctually look up towards the sound.
You open your eyes now, but it doesn't make much of a difference, since it's pitch black inside of him. You can only feel the slick walls squeezing around you, and you can only hear the sounds of his breathing, his heartbeat, and the seemingly grateful noises of his stomach.
"Are you alright?" He asks, one of the walls pushing into you with a light pressure, and it takes you a moment to realize it's his hand.
You shift again, moving to lean into the touch. "Mm-hmm, I'm okay!" You reply, having to raise your voice a bit to make sure he could hear you, and you feel him rub at you from the outside in response.
"Thank you, _____, I... I really appreciate this."
"No problem Doc. It's the least I can do." You reassure him.
The chamber around you sways as you feel Otto move, the pressure of his hand on the outside of his belly never leaving you.
"How about you get some rest, hm? You shouldn't be up this late anyway." He suggests, and you lightly push at one of the walls in retaliation.
"Wh-? No! I-"
"Hush. I'll let you back out before I leave for the night, but I'm going to stay here for a while longer, alright? So get some rest, and I'll wake you when I'm done working."
You open your mouth to protest, but before you can speak, you cut off in a yawn.
Clearly, Otto felt you do it, as his chuckle faintly shakes around you.
"Fine," You mumble, leaning into the natural curve of the organ, the soft pillowy flesh molding around you like a hammock. "You win. I'll sleep. Happy?"
"Yes, very." He replies, his tone conveying his amusement, and you lightly push at a wall with your knee, earning a laugh from him.
The noises around you, mixed with the gentle swaying of him walking back through the halls, were quickly making you tired; and you snuggle against his hand from within, not caring about the saliva that clung to you at that point.
And just before you fall asleep, you hear him quietly say, "Sleep well, _____..."
and that's a wrap! I hope y'all like this despite the fact that I mainly just wrote this for myself and that one anon (I love you btw, anon, for enabling me to this bullshit AJXNDNXNDN)
#soft vore#safe vore#extreme cuddling#willing pred#vore writing#similar size vore#willing prey#vore talk#v.ore#v0re#v/ore#foxx writes#D.oc O.ck#O.tto O.ctavius#D//oc O//ck#O//tto O//ctavius
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no thoughts head empty only jo in insomniac’s s.piderman
#;; o.tto and p.eter’s d.yn hits differently honestly#;; I’ve only seen bits and pieces but j.o being apart of o.ctavius i.ndustries 😍😍#;; ooc tag / mobile
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o.tto o.ctavius calling his son in law peter dear boy 🥺🥺
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(possible NWH spoilers?) Hello I am taking you up on your offer to gush, since it's still open. I've gushed a lot about romantic f/os, but this time, I'd like to talk about my dad f/o, Dr. O.tto O.ctavius, from the Raimi verse Sp.idey movies. I still have a few details to iron out with my s/i, but I just want to reflect as much of what I felt when watching the movie at 14 years old. I took his words of wisdom to heart, and looked up to him as a mentor or something. I would have loved to know someone like that irl, and that's what I have for my s/i. Someone who'll teach me about science and about life, and pass on knowledge gained from experience; who fully supports me and believes in my intelligence and ability; who had such a good heart, he could fight corruption and listen to the people he cared about. That movie made me cry every time I see it, because I wanted a happy ending for him, and to an extent, for me.
I haven't seen NWH yet, but... and spoilers ahead: the more I see of it, the happier I get. There's a little girl in me who gets to have that closure, that happy ending she always wanted. He's a great man, and he deserved better than he got, until now. I just wish I could run up to him and hug him, but all I have is my imagination. I'm just so happy rn, so thank you for letting me give you this wall of text lol
HELLO, i absolutely see why he would mean a lot to you. those films all mean a lot to me in general i cry too. i really do, and there's no doubt that he's a reason why. his story is tragic but so, so good (as it goes), and he loves you! always. no matter what.
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Bro I'm dying to know your hcs for post no way home ock I've been infected with doc ock brain rot gjdbfjdbf
Putting it under the cut so ppl who HAVEN'T seen No Way Home can avoid spoilers :)
• okay okay okay so. Listen. I love love love LOVE the idea of like. Peter 1 (he's my fav ahdhdns) getting overwhelmed by his spider sense sometimes??? And maybe asking to get eaten so it'll be quiet??? HdmcmdcmNDHXN SO LIKE. THAT. WITH OTTO.
• god. He'd also be VERY unsure of eating people at that point because now that he has his mind to himself again he remembers all of the people who he'd eaten and probably mentally scarred by eating them against their will....
• he's just very reluctant and hesitant at that point because he's just so GUILTY and AUGH.
• he'd also be very touch-starved at that point too because he spent weeks? Months? On the run and commiting crime sprees. So to have that much physical contact? To be literally surrounding someone again? It's a little overwhelming for him.
• he also refuses to use the actuators to pick up prey even if it's more convenient because even though he's in control of them he's still cautious that he might hurt them accidentally
• for personal reasons I say that he'd figure out how to remove the brace around his middle. I say, free the tummy. Its his best feature.
• another thought of mine is just. Him with all three spideys tucked inside. And him being a flustered mess with how loud his stomach is abt it. Because none of them are holding still and all that wriggling is driving him nuts.
• the next time he gets belly rubs he nearly starts crying because. Again. He's touch starved and. it probably makes it all the more real that his prey is willing, and he's not just keeping them trapped, because ofc he'd be worried about that
• he definitely holds off on tasting his prey for a good while because if he tries to enjoy it he just remembers when he had someone fighting him and trying to push his tongue away.... hh.
• he won't even ask to eat someone anymore, he's just too afraid to. Even if his stomach is being very loud abt it, his prey has gotta bring it up first, otherwise he'll just sit there and be miserable about it
#soft vore#safe vore#asks#anonymous#reluctant pred#willing preu#marvel vore#D.oc O.ck#O.tto O.ctavius
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I love your otto headcanons smm!! Do you have any more villain otto hcs 👁👁
• if he has prey small enough he uses them as a mouth toy for a bit if he's working, before he swallows them. Like, lightly gnawing on them, barely pressing his teeth into their skin. The prey usually never struggles out of fear he'll bite down, but he wouldn't do that anyway
• I have like. This very specific mental image of him grabbing a prey that's trying to scurry away with one of his claws, and just. Lifting them into the air over his mouth, a hand tauntingly already holding his stomach while he smirks at them, before he drops them inside.... hhhhhh.
• if a prey sasses him back he'll make empty threats about not letting them out and digesting them, which is always enough to get them to be quiet and stop squirming so much
• I think I've said it before but I'll say it again: the metal brace around his middle makes his stomach a little tighter and more squished. With larger prey, there's nowhere to stretch, so it's very cramped for them
• again with prey trying to run away; he might pin them down with his shoe or smth (gently, he doesn't want to hurt his prey intentionally) and he just. "Where do you think you're going, exactly? Surely, you're not trying to leave so soon?"
• sometimes he'll press his fingers into his throat to hold his prey in there for a moment after he swallows, just. Letting them hear his stomach gurgle below them, and feel his throat pulled tight around them.... hh.
I. I said I don't really like asshole preds but I'm starting to reconsider that statement.
#soft vore#safe vore#asks#willing pred#anonymous#unwilling prey#vore headcanons#marvel vore#D.oc O.ck#O.tto O.ctavius
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aaaaaa thank you thank you!! Have a few more for you Anon, as a treat~
This is for pre accident O.tto because I love him
• he's not much of a tease, but he will crack jokes on occasion
• normally he won't, but if he's given permission to taste? He's gonna lick his prey all over. He can't help it, he loves it.
• he's perfectly fine with multiple prey, and he actually favors it, but it's not something he does often. Mainly because if he has too much movement inside of him it gets a little overwhelming and he can't focus on anything else. He only does that on days where he's not busy and is just relaxing at home.
• he refuses to eat anything while he has a prey in his stomach, to him it just feels disrespectful to do; and the worst thing his prey is going to have to deal with is the occasional splash of water when he needs a drink. And he's mindful to not drink it cold either, knowing that it could definitely be a bit of a shock for someone who's adjusted to the warmth of his insides.
• he also refuses to eat people he doesn't know very well, and strangers are just off the menu for him. To him it's something a little more intimate, and people need to at least be moderately good friends with him before he'll want to ask to eat them or be willing to eat them if they're the one offering.
• usually his prey is his lab assistants, and only the ones who have worked for him for a while. Anyone who's worked for him that long knows it's a benefit to let him eat them; since they're still getting paid for being on the job but they don't have to do anything
• if a prey falls asleep inside of him he'll freak out a little bit once realizing they're unresponsive, but after it clicks that they're just resting, he makes a conscious effort to move more slowly and not jerk around at all since he doesn't want to wake them
• even when he has prey that are large enough to make a visible bump in his stomach, he wears those thick and warm sweaters too, so those mostly cover the bump. Unless someone is specifically looking for those occasional movements, they're not going to notice if he has a little extra weight to him.
• he usually won't eat his prey headfirst because it results in a lot of extra squirming for them to get upright inside of him, unless he's really hungry and can't help himself
• if he's a little rough at all he's very apologetic about it, and I mean very apologetic.
• his breath always smells faintly of tobacco from his cigars and sweet from some of the tea he drinks
• if he hasn't eaten for a particularly long while when he eats someone, his stomach gets very loud. he gets all blushy and embarrassed about it, but none of his prey ever really care
• if he's been sitting in his chair for a bit while he works he'll get up and stretch once in a while, and he loves the way his stomach squeezes around the person inside him when he does it. That alone encourages him to actually get up and stretch more, which some of his lab assistants are happy about since he sits hunched over in that chair so long
• if a prey gets bored or understimulated (he's very accommodating for anyone with ADHD/autism at his lab thank you very much) he'll talk to them or just hum to give them something to listen to. It's the least he can do for someone who's willing to keep him full for a while.
• I almost completely and utterly forgot about Rosie but holy shit do these two use this for cuddles. A lot.
• sometimes on days where R.osie just wants to sleep in with him close he'll take her to work with him by keeping her tucked inside of him
• anyone who knows O.tto decently well can always tell when he has his wife with him from how he moves and acts alone. He's already pretty handsy with his middle when he has prey inside, always keeping his palm settled over them, but with R.osie it's more extreme. He always opts to do tasks one-handed just so he can keep his hand over her, even if doing so is more inconvenient
• another thing people can very easily notice is how often he pauses what he's doing to stare blankly into space. It's always because he felt her move around or something, and the pauses are especially long when she's rubbing at him from the inside
• when he's at home with R.osie tucked inside his hand is usually under his sweater to rest on his stomach so he can feel her more clearly. and he always smiles when she pushes into his hand.
• if he's not busy working he falls asleep very easily when his stomach is full
• he's definitely fallen asleep at his desk before in the lab and sometimes if it's an assistant that's tucked inside him they might need to push at him quite a bit to get him to wake up since he's a heavy sleeper
• he's also very apologetic to his prey if he falls asleep like that; unless it's R.osie, since he knows she doesn't really mind
• not only does he like larger prey, he likes it when they're big enough that it takes more than a couple swallows to get them down. The main reason is because he likes being able to see their face while he swallows their legs, since it makes it easier to tell if they're uncomfortable and want him to stop
• ...he also especially likes the stretch of his throat, but he won't admit that
• if he's not the one joking about eating someone, he gets flustered very easily when people imply that they'd like to get eaten by him
• his stomach is very soft, but a little more slimy than average
• hence why he always keeps towels on hand before eating someone. the comfort of his prey is always taken into consideration no matter what
#asks#soft vore#safe vore#extreme cuddling#willing pred#willing prey#vore headcanons#D.oc O.ck#D//oc O//ck#O.tto O.ctavius#O//tto O//ctavius#i dont know what im doing with tags so just ignore all this
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Just got an Idea about how doc ock acts about kidnapped pray, they break free, his response? SNACKS.
Yeah yeah, I was thinking about this too!!
He's usually pretty good about tying them up, but sometimes they can untie the ropes and attempt to escape.
Needless to say, he won't hesitate to put them somewhere they can't escape from... 👀
#asks#anonymous#soft vore#safe vore#willing pred#unwilling prey#vore talk#i suppose this could also be potentially fatal but i have a thing against killing off innocent prey#also i doubt he would go that far even if he's not entirely sane#O.tto O.ctavius#D.oc O.ck#im also unsure if this is a writing prompt or not#lol
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God I love your doc ock content, after the new movie my brain has had doc ock brain rot fjdbfjbf
Askdksk yeah same!! I'm a mess for him
He's just? Perfection? I mean look at him. Tell me I'm wrong.
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[[ you ever think about how Otto deserves to both have incredibly gentle and soft sex but also to be banged so hard he can't walk in the morning or is that just me ]]
#* IF I WERE A RICH MAN ; ooc#* mobile post#* FEED HER POETRY ; mature#[[ icb myself.... it's barely even Saturday.............#[[ the duality of o.tto o.ctavius :/
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[[ rip o.tto o.ctavius you would’ve loved m.inecraft ]]
#* IF I WERE A RICH MAN ; ooc#[[ playing it with a friend i havent seen in years 🤧#[[ he would make really cool and complicated r.edstone contraptions#[[ but his base would look SO ugly
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[[ the duality of o.tto o.ctavius in my replies rn ( cc: @arandomnerdsrp578 / @herographed ) ]]
#* IF I WERE A RICH MAN ; ooc#[[ love you both <333#[[ otto slays but also gets slayed and he's a king for that
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o.tto o.ctavius calling his son in law peter dear boy 🥺🥺
#;; I’m emo okay#ι'м ѕo annoyιng jυѕт вlacĸlιѕт тнιѕ тag ► adventures in shitposting ◄#;; mobile#мy wordѕ ѕoυnd вeттer coмιng ғroм мy нand тнan мy мoυтн ► out of blood ◄
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