High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 1 year ago
Pick a Pile: How to end 2023 successfully?
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Pile 1 - Ace of Wands + Judgement + Queen of Cups
Hello, dear pile one 🌈
In your journey to end 2023 successfully, the Ace of Wands urges you to trust your instincts and leap into action. Instead of lingering in the realm of research and excessive planning, take small steps today to breathe life into the projects you've been dreaming of. Embrace the power of immediate action, for it is through these steps that momentum is built, and growth is achieved.
The Judgement card encourages introspection, a moment to evaluate your actions and aspirations. Through self-reflection, gain a clear and objective understanding of your current position, recognizing the necessary changes for personal growth. Whether these adjustments are subtle shifts in your daily life or profound transformations affecting those close to you, embracing change allows for a new chapter to unfold. Release the past to pave the way for a fresh start on your journey towards a fulfilling life.
As you navigate this path, the Queen of Cups appears, guiding you to seek support from others. This feminine presence, whether a tangible person or the trusted inner voice within you, emphasizes the importance of focusing on your emotional well-being before extending aid to others. Prioritize self-love, fostering compassion that will, in turn, enhance your ability to positively impact those around you. In this way, the Queen of Cups encourages a harmonious balance between nurturing yourself and contributing to the well-being of others on your road to success in the end of 2023.
Pile 2 - Death (reversed) + Two of Swords + 8 of Wands
Hi, my sweet pile two 🍰
To navigate the path to success in the end of 2023, the reversed Death card signifies a resistance to change, stemming from apprehensions about letting go of the past or uncertainty about the necessary forward steps. Clinging to familiar ground may create a sense of stagnation, leaving you in a state of limbo. It's time to reflect on your approach to change and acknowledge any fears that might be hindering progress. While the unknown can be intimidating, trust that taking the right steps forward is crucial. Embrace the inevitability of change, for resisting the flow of time may only lead to regrets.
The Two of Swords presents a scenario of stalemate, where opposing forces create a deadlock. Caught in the middle, a decision becomes imperative to break the impasse. Despite the unappealing nature of the choices at hand, progress is contingent on making a decisive move. Without intervention or a commitment to a course of action, the standstill may persist indefinitely. Embrace the discomfort of decision-making, as it is the catalyst for progress and a key to unlocking further possibilities.
The Eight of Wands symbolizes a surge of energy, propelling various aspects of your life forward. Expect rapid movement, swift progress, and quick decisions. So, embrace this dynamic energy to propel yourself beyond stagnation, and seize the opportunities that arise with speed and determination. Success in the end 2023 awaits those who courageously navigate change, make decisive choices, and embrace the unfolding possibilities with enthusiasm.
Pile 3 - King of Cups (reversed) + Six of Cups + Eight of Cups (reversed)
Hello, my amazing pile three ✨
In the quest to end 2023 successfully, the reversed King of Cups reveals a character, perhaps within yourself or someone close, whose emotional equilibrium is disrupted. The usual compassion and wisdom of the King of Cups are overshadowed by volatility, emotional manipulation, and moodiness. This individual, once in control of their emotions, now succumbs to manipulation and emotional control, driven by vengeance and vindication. Recognize the presence of such influences—feelings of being overwhelmed, anxious, cold, and withdrawn. The path to success involves navigating through emotional complexities and avoiding manipulative tendencies.
The Six of Cups, in its upright position, embodies generosity, naive happiness, and a nostalgic connection to the past. It signals a desire to return to a happier time, rooted in childhood or earlier stages of life. While fond memories bring comfort, it's crucial to avoid dwelling solely in the past. Embrace the sentimentality and healing aspects of nostalgia, but don't let it hinder your progress. Success in the end of 2023 requires a balance between cherishing memories and forging ahead into the future.
The reversed Eight of Cups portrays a state of confusion regarding the path forward. Indecision stems from uncertainty about what's best for you, leading to aimlessness and a lack of clear goals. It's a struggle between knowing what needs to change for your well-being and the fear of leaving the familiar—even if it no longer brings joy. The card encourages the courage to break free from stagnation, overcome the fear of change, and pursue a path that aligns with your true desires. Success lies in the willingness to make necessary sacrifices for personal growth, believing that a more joyous journey awaits beyond the comfort zone.
- Ethereal High Priestess 🪻
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: Message from Isis
Pay what you can readings - For you who want a personalized reading focused on your energy.
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 🧡✨🧡✨🧡
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Pile 1 - High Priestess
Hello pile 1, you are guided to trust in the reveal, whether it seems preposterously magnificent and you have no idea how it could possibly all happen, or whether it seems not nearly grand enough as yet. In time, with your patience and willingness to trust in the unfoldment of your life, you will realize the inherent beauty, perfection and sublime loveliness of your life unfolding and that your purpose and destiny are truly exquisite. You will feel even more joy and peace and trust within you, growing into the serenity of the High Priestess who accepts all with a wisdom born of great insight and understanding. Rather than being passive, She is actively surrendered in absolute trust in higher wisdom. The high Priestess Lady Isis and your own Divine Soul are calling you to trust in the unfoldment of a mystery into revelation right now. Pay attention to sacred signs, dreams and intuitions right now as they are accurate and more prophetic than usual.
Pile 2 - Divine Sun Child
Hi pile 2, the blessings of the Sun Falcon, the Divine Sun Child, Horus, Son of Isis and Osiris, flow to you now. It is time to allow your life to flourish, without limits, to let your light burn bright and without veil, just like the mid-summer Sun burning without contest in the Egyptian desert. Blessings of the Sun Falcon herald the time when your Divine Legacy is being born. It is your time to burn bright. Horus, the Divine Sun Child of Isis and Osiris, was born out of impossible circumstances, through the great devotion of his mother, Isis, and Her loving determination to heal Her husband and bring him back to life, to eventually become King of Egypt, defeating dark forces that would seek to destroy him and all that he loved, with great triumph. It is a story of the Divine Hero of Egypt.
It is also a metaphor for our inner world. Our Divine Feminine must stay true to Her values of love, healing and the triumph of creativity over destruction born of fear and hate. She must never give up Her belief in Her ideals.
Pile 3 - Life Restored
Hey pile 3, spiritual resurrection is gifted to you now. Whatever part of you or your life you thought to be dead is being revived and will flourish back into life. Just as the Phoenix rises from the fire, transitioning from death into life, so too will you rise again, healed and renewed.
Life Restored brings messages that a trauma, ending, struggle or apparent defeat is not the end of the story for you now.
What may appear to be an ending can sometimes simply be the forces of Ancient Feminine Power flowing into new pathways, pulling energy away from old forms so that they can transition into new forms. This can take short or long periods of time. It could be over days or years, weeks, months, decades. It doesn't matter how long something appears to have been decaying, it will spring back into life at the right time. Just as the River Nile subtly adjusts its course over time, so too will the River of Light that flows through you, filling you with life force and Divine Energy, move with innate wisdom.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: What They Feel For You?
Pay what you can readings - For you who want a personalized reading focused on your energy.
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition ❤️✨❤️✨❤️
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Pile 1 - The Star + Knight of Pentacles + The Sun
This person has positive feelings for you. They have probably had difficulties and even abandonment in previous relationships, and are therefore looking for something basic. They need to build trust before they feel comfortable, so be careful not to give confusing signals on your part. They're slowly rebuilding their confidence so that they can move on.
You can inspire and motivate this person to pursue their personal brilliance, leaving the past and negativity behind. You bring a sense of renewal.
This relationship is one of mutual affection, kindness, and care, and can turn into a beautiful friendship or romantic relationship.
The Star shows that what they feel for you, hides no secrets: it presents itself as it is. No masks, no subterfuge. What they show that they feel is what you see.
They may be working hard to win you over, or to keep this relationship stable. The Knight of Pentacles signals that there is a sense of determination, and of patiently waiting to get what you want.
If you are getting involved, this person should take it slow, one step at a time, in order to maintain stability, for they are cautious people, who will only go forward in a relationship if they are absolutely sure that the person is the right one for them, and once they are sure, they will want commitment, they will want to bring that person into their territory, to protect and love them.
They certainly like you as you are and even think you are funny and cheerful to be around. The Sun is fullness, warmth, joy of being alive. That is what they feels for you at this moment. The feelings between you is being a Sun to warm the heart of your beloved.
The Sun symbolizes the full joy experienced daily by you, the pure complicity, the innocence of souls that have met. It shows respect and admiration for each other, and especially satisfaction for being together. There is happiness, celebration, and fulfillment in this card. Your relationship can be blossoming under this light, bringing the two of you closer together as you enjoy life’s blessings.
Pile 2 - VIII of Cups + IV of Wands + VII of Swords
The Eight of Cups signals that there are some negative feelings, that there is a need to let go of certain feelings. At the same time, it may indicate that the person has chosen to take a different path regarding their feelings for you. They are letting go of their feelings for you.
There may be incompatibility between your culture, family and friends, who may not accept this relationship and this person may have chosen to prioritize their culture, family and friends, listening to their advice.
This person may be disappointed or feeling deceived or betrayed. They feel that you don't fit together, or lack sincerity with each other.
Pile 3 - King of Cups + V of Swords + IV of Cups
The King of Cups signals that there are good and generous feelings toward you. This person has maturity and is open to relationships. They have mature, intense, and true feelings for you, and use logic and heart to try to keep this relationship harmonious. This card may represent someone who does not show what they truly feel, but believe me they are not empty of feelings, but full of them.
As much as there are positive feelings, there are also negative feelings. These feelings can be old and attached to wounds that are still open, or they can be new, coming from conflicts and extreme situations that happened between you. They are angry, stressed, unhappy with the way the relationship has worn out, and this is reflected in the lack of respect for each other.
This person may be emotionally distant, discouraged, and dissatisfied with the situation between you. They are apathetic and disconnected feeling that there is no solution to the problem between you.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: Message from the Angels
Pay what you can readings
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 🌺✨🌺✨🌺
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Pile 1 - The situation will improve
Your angels want you to know that they are aware that things look difficult right now.
However, the situation is going to improve.
It may take some time, and there will most likely be some hard work ahead of you.
But the effort you put forth will be worth it, and things are going to get better!
Pile 2 - Romance
A very important relationship is about to enter, or has recently entered, your life.
This is the romance you have been waiting for!
Like all partnerships, there may be ups and downs, but don't let that deter you or shake your confidence.
Have faith that love is coming into your life to stay!
Pile 3 - A year from now
The event you are asking about will occur within this year, or soon after.
During this time interval, you're encouraged to stay optimistic, and to continue with self-care activities and other preparations for your desire.
Your angels are presently working behind the scenes on your behalf, even if you can't immediately see the evidence of your answered prayers.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: What is your darkest side?
Pay what you can readings
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 🖤✨🖤✨🖤
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Pile 1 - The High Priestess + Judgement + King of Swords
Hello pile 1, You are not listening to your inner voice of wisdom and you are allowing external circumstances to affect your actions and choices, instead of taking a moment to listen and trust your intuition. There is a lot of confusion around you, and your actions may feel contrary to what you know is right.
You doubt and judge yourself too harshly and this could be causing you to miss opportunities that were awaiting you. You could also be too critical of your past actions, so you are not giving yourself the forgiveness to move forward.
You tend to use your authority to persuade and manipulate the people around you to ensure that your selfish desires are fulfilled. You allows your emotions to run uncontrolled, flipping quickly from being cold and distant, into fits of rage and you may also be suffering from lack of self-discipline; not just losing your cool, but your motivation and energy. 
Pile 2 - King of Wands + X of Pentacles + The Hermit
Hi pile 2, You could be pushy, overbearing, arrogant as well as dominating at times. You can be manipulative as long as others are serving your purpose, you can also have control issues, because of your lack of leadership and direction.
You seek approval from your family in a harmful way instead of focusing on what you really want. Perhaps you let your family make decisions and choose what they think is right for you, handing over leadership of your own life to them.
You prefer and enjoy being alone, but there is a possibility that your seclusion may become harmful to both yourself and others. Isolation can lead to anxiety in social situations, which can affect your relationships and career. You may find it difficult to trust other people, so you prefer to remain isolated and drive away people who try to get close to you, hurting their feelings on purpose before they hurt you. If necessary seek medical help.
Pile 3 - Knight of Wands + IX of Swords + Ace of Pentacles
You tend to be impatient and have lack of self control, letting impatience and anxiety control your life and because of this you can be lacking direction on your life. You change the direction of your life over and over again because of the impatience to follow a single path and see where it leads you.
You may be getting caught in the traps of your mind and letting your coping mechanisms run your life. You have fear and anxiety, because of all the things that worry you and keep you up at night. You are overthinking, your questions are plaguing you, and you find yourself reciting all the possibilities - all the things that can happen to you. You are haunted by what could be.
You have lost your emotional stability and are letting your shadows guide you. Self-sabotage, fear, anxiety, lack of confidence and direction is leading you to the ruin of your own mind and life. Even though opportunities may have been missed, they don't represent your value and ability, so don't overthink about where those opportunities could have taken you. If necessary seek medical help.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: What is your brightest side?
Pay what you can readings
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 🧡✨🧡✨🧡
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Pile 1 - Queen of Cups + Knight of Wands + X of Wands
Hello pile 1, you are seen as compassionate, caring, sensitive, and nurturing. You connect with people on the emotional level, so people enjoy your honesty and fairness. You have an intuition which is very powerful and you may be the emotionally strong rock that serves as an anchor for someone else. You may be here to help teach and support others using your intuition, instead of logic.
You are adventurous and can find fun things to do no matter where you are. You are definitely someone who is full of vitality and fearlessness and you are likely to be very charming, and passionate.
Despite your adventurous and fearless energy, you are also a very responsible person who tends to overcome obstacles easily and achieve success through your efforts. Just be careful not to overload yourself.
Pile 2 - IV of Wands + VII of Wands + Hanged Man
Hi pile 2, You are someone harmonious, stable, and lively, in which people love to keep you close, because you are warm and supportive. If you enjoy attending parties and gatherings with friends and family you are likely to be the soul of the party, as you make the atmosphere familiar and welcoming.
You are persevering, protective and you are not afraid to set boundaries, to stand up for yourself and to fight for what you believe in. You are a lion ready to defend yourself and those you love.
You understand the value of self-sacrifice and know that you have to take a step back in order to move forward. You also understand that taking action is not always the best solution and in certain cases refraining from doing something can bring you just as much, if not more benefits. You know how to analyze and wait when needed.
Pile 3 - The Wheel of Fortune + The Sun + The Hermit
Hey pile 3, You know that life has its ups and downs and in the good moments of life you know how to enjoy them like no one else, and in the bad moments you know that things will eventually become better again. You adjust to life's changes and know that this changes are important to your maturity and evolution.
Like the sun itself, you give strength and vitality to all those that are lucky enough to feel your rays. You are radiant, full of life, and shine like no other. People are drawn to you because they are capable of seeing the warm and beautiful energy which you bring into their lives.
You search for the knowledge that comes from within, through introspection and contemplation that helps you to see your true self. You understand the need to be alone, and know that you don't need to be surrounded by people all the time to feel validated, accepted, and loved.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Readings - Pay what you can
This service is for you, who wants a reading but haven’t really got the money for it.
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What are the readings available?  
No medical questions
No Deity/Spirit identification
Must send your name or initials (if the question involves someone else you must also send their name or initials).
How to get your reading?
Option 1:
Click here (you will be sent to ko-fi).
Select your reading type (tarot, oracle or shufflemancy) via the "Request This" button.
Describe your request.
Pay what you can.
The reading will be sent through email.
Option 2:
Send me a message through tumblr dm describing your request.
Click here (you will be sent to ko-fi).
Click on the button "Donate".
Pay what you can and in the "your message" field send me your tumblr username.
Reading will be sent through tumblr dm.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: Message from the Mermaids
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 💜✨💜✨💜
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Pile 1 - Fertility
Potential, powerful creative energy, initiation energy.
We mermaids are creatures who bring to you now a powerful force: the power to create, begin, initiate and grow - some call it fertility and they consider it to be only to do with the act of conception - you are now a fertile being - a being who is ready and has all the energy, and richness and goodness needed to bring forth a great project. This is the moment of decision for you: will you use this great power, and seek out what it is you need to seed your own fertile waters?
We mermaids say that it may be time - that you have all that is needed, desired to richly provide life to creations, ideas, people, dreams... it is now time for you to decide how this will be worked with, used and explored.
You are a fertile, enriching being - and new life and growth is ready to spring from your mind, your emotions, your body and your soul.
Mermaids' tips:
- If you are having difficulties conceiving a baby you may need to balance your hormone levels, create a healing diet and series of exercises to support and nurture your own physical fertility and of course seek medical help.
- Do not let this fertile time come to nothing. Sew the seed of ideas, of dreams, and action them out into the world, into reality. The mermaids know you are the right one to bring this idea or being or project through.
Pile 2 - Freedom
Independence, self-determination.
Sometimes in life, we identify and define ourselves by the groups or organisations we belong to. Somewhere along the way, our unique energy can be muffled. With this card, we mermaids are asking you to consider who you are, when you are not a member of a family, or a relationship, or an organisation. It is time to be self-determined - rather than considering the needs of the group, which is noble and wonderful and ...oh, it is so good! We are asking you to be independent! To have, at last, your own source of money - just a small account will do, where you place money for your dreams.
To have a sense of who you are whether in or without a loving relationship! To know who you are - and what it is you love and like and wish for and dream of and desire for the world, apart from the desires of the family or group. Because the group mind, has, at this time, dominated, however gently, your own independence and self-determination. So take some time. Detach from the group. Watch. Observe. But go within, and feel. And begin to note what it is you wish for - and begin to contribute those dreams to the group. Too long have you kept silent about your needs and desires, placing others' before your own! When this card comes to you, we mermaids are saying it is your turn - but first you must get to know yourself, your true self, all over again.
Mermaids' tips:
- Ask yourself this very simple question...if you were alone, for a week, and there were no groups around to ask you to vote, or think, or look or be a certain way who would you be? It may be that you have changed your appearance, your beliefs and even your body to please or be more closely aligned with another.
- Don't change your appearance, interests, religion, and manners to fit into someone else's life or preferences.
Pile 3 - Farewell to the moon
Appreciate and enjoy the lunar light and cycles.
We love the Moon...for she is precious, and yet we are bidding her a long farewell, appreciating her energy. Humans are not so long-lived, and their priorities often reflect their lifespan, but we know the beautiful Moon is distancing herself little by little...and the power of the Sun grows stronger. So we connect as much as we can, when she is present. And if you too watch the sky and her crystal ball, you will feel the sea mother's tides and cycles dancing with the sacred moon's waxing and waning. That all in the Universe breathes as one. And that what is above, connects and affects what is below.
You humans too respond to the moon's tides, to the solar tides, to the galactic tides. The great ocean may respond more readily, but the firm earth also breathes in and out, as do the waters of this beautiful planet - all dancing with the Moon, and observed by this beautiful Being of the Sea.
Connect with her - for she moves you, always... come to know her, and you will know the mystery of life, without ever being able to speak it... it will live in your bones, blood and cells, in the water of your blood, and you will be free of the falsehoods of your human time, and come to know the times and cycles that are old, wise and powerful.
Mermaids' tips:
- Observe the moon. Be under her light. Withdraw with her darkening. Know what her phase was at the moment you first drew breath. It need not be complex. The simple connection will change you, so that your true essence can come forth and be known by the world.
- Trust more in your intuition and instincts instead of relying only on your logic.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: Message from the Unicorns
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 💙✨💙✨💙
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Pile 1 - Trust
Leap into the unknown. Have faith and move forward. Believe you will fly.
Hello pile 1, your soul is calling on you to take a courageous leap of faith and launch into the unknown. You know deep down that you cannot stay where you are, doing the same things in the same way any longer. You know it's time to for change. It's time to get out of your comfort zone, to expand and to explore.
Yet, a part of you is hesitating. You may be putting off what you know you need to do. You may be avoiding things that scare you and making excuses to stay in your comfort zone.
The unicorns wants you to know that you have free will and can make this choice. You can give in to fear, stay where you are and never find out what else is out there for you or you can have the courage and faith to take a risk.
It's time to choose your dreams and allow yourself to get excited about leaping into the unknown.
Pile 2 - Freedom
Live wild and free. Choose your freedom. Claim your independence.
Hi pile 2. You are a free spirit with an infinite soul who cannot and should not be caged. It's time to forge your own path through life and create everything you want, regardless of how others think you should live.
You may have held back to please someone or to protect yourself from judgment. You may have put your dreams on hold, believing they are too wild and outrageous or that you don't deserve a life that magical. You may have been waiting for approval from someone who will never give it.
Now, your heart is calling you to freedom. It's time to create the reality that will light you up the most and allow you to be true to your soul. It's time to break the chains of limitations that delay your dreams and remember that anything is possible. It's time to stop caring what others may think of your life choices.
The winged unicorn invites you to ride on their back, high above the judgments and into the magic of possibilities.
You are a free spirit. Soar into your wondrous life and never look back.
Pile 3 - Intuition
Listen to the whispers of your heart. Trust your intuition no matter what.
Hey pile 3, the answers you seek in your current situation can best be found by turning within, asking for guidance from your heart.
Listen for that quiet whisper from within. Practice feeling the energy of your different options and choose the one which feels lightest. The more you tune in and listen, the more you will recognize the ways in which your inner guidance shows itself for you.
The unicorns says that it's important to you to trust that your higher self can see the bigger picture and knows exactly how to guide you and for you to trust your intuition no matter what.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: Message from the Fairies
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition 🧡✨🧡✨🧡
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Pile 1 - The Green Man
Initiative, Fertilisation and Action.
Hello pile 1, this is a time of renewal, a time of new beginnings and connections for you.
Your energy will be extending itself easefully, and you will fall in love with the new world you are creating.
This is a time for you to actively pursue your desires, to create your dream life and to acknowledge how powerful manifestor you are.
The law of assumption can help you.
Your dreams are ready to blossom, but for this to happen you need to take the necessary actions and initiatives.
Go forward and thrive, dear one!
Pile 2 - Duira
Healer, Nourishment and Nurture.
Hi pile 2, it's time for you to focus completely on self-nurture and to support your own healing. This means you must put aside all the excuses you have previously allowed to take precedence over your own wellbeing.
Your own personal healing and self-care must be the top priority of your life.
Be relentless and merciless in culling anything or anyone who will not allow you to support yourself through what must be done. You must become fully devoted to your own healing, and this must take place now.
Pile 3 - Bloodmonth
Sacrifice, Offerings and Decisions.
Hey pile 3, It is time to sacrifice or give up something or someone, so that something better can come your way.
It may be time to cut toxic people or habits out of your life, in order to live in a healthier environment.
Or even sacrifice parts of your personality that are hurting you, such as fear of success, self-sabotage, procrastination, pride, or some other toxic trait. Consider seeking psychological help if necessary.
From the sacrifices you make, the future is born.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
How does your inner child currently feel about the environment you're in?
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This post was inspired by the 2017 film The Florida Project, directed by Sean Baker. I implore you to watch the film to gain greater context for the themes of the pick a pile. (Research the movie before watching, especially younger viewers.)
Hi there! I’m still working on part two and three of my Welcome to the Dollhouse series. But in the meantime, I wanted to create a pick a pile on one of my favorite movies.
I want to ask a pretty meaningful question: “How does your inner child feel in your current environment?”
Pick one of four piles. Let your intuition guide you.
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Your inner child feels like the creator of their own destiny and copes with hard times by relying on friends. Think Kingdom Hearts or any other friendship story. 
I’m seeing a couple of interpretations for this. You may be a maladaptive daydreamer, creating worlds and dreaming of the life you could have or should have. This life involves romance, friendship, and companionship primarily. You might dream of a large friend group that you go on adventures with. It could be a fully fleshed out world or it could be a few scenes that you revisit over and over. It is your ideal. For some of you, you use the inspiration from this world in your everyday life. You may also feel as if those around you don’t understand why you do this or you use this dream world to escape from your problems. It is preferable for you to dive into this world instead of focusing on reality.
For others, you escape through a friendship, partnership or companion in your life. You two have big dreams and interact with your inner children through your communication. I’m hearing dreams of going to school together or living together. Your inner child benefits from this connection and you’re inspired to create together. Yet another interpretation is that you use pick a piles to dream of running away with the perfect person and you search for them in every connection. You could have also connected with fairytales of princes, princesses, and wizards. Life can be full of challenges for you and you use those ideas to tackle them.
The advice is to reconnect with reality and use these childhood dreams of love. If you’re currently alone, work on connecting with your dreams, aspirations and desires. The right people will find and reach out to you soon enough. You’re on the right path, but don’t give up! And if you already know these people, work through your conflict with them and lean on them for strength if the relationship is healthy. Be careful to not over-depend on others. You are the core of your destiny and your inner child wants you to know you are destined for amazing things in this lifetime. You’re not late or too early, you’re right on time.
Concepts that may be important for you: Divine timing, festivals, knights & storybooks.
This one seems very specific, so if you don’t resonate with this one, pick another pile.
Your inner child feels very lonely and isolated. You have a family who seems like they don’t care about you and use you for resources. This could also be friends but I’m hearing mothers, aunts, and brothers. You’ve decided to keep to yourself, as you and your inner child are very sensitive and intuitive. Their energy just doesn’t mesh with yours and it makes you feel very uncomfortable to be in this environment. This reminds me a lot of Harry Potter. (I don’t support JKR but the energy is there.) You have big dreams and very unique ideas that you want to go after but you feel like it’s impossible.
I would like to say, however, that there is a silver lining. This is your sign to pursue whatever it is that you’ve been considering, no matter what others or society has to say. You are extremely gifted, talented and resourceful, you can always make something out of nothing. Even if you have no experience, start doing something related to this. It will work out. I’m specifically hearing that the universe is on your side in this matter. Though the end may not seem like it is near, it is. Please continue to push forward and it may seem tough now, but if you keep going, you will make it. There are several people who would help you, including teachers and other professionals around you at school, your university, or work. Remember you are not alone. 
The universe would like to remind you that if you talk with it, it will listen. Meditate, listen to music, sing or do whatever you feel would get your point across. Expressing yourself is a gift and a talent you naturally have. Use your gifts and your natural intuitive connection to the universe to heal your inner child and leave this situation. I’m also hearing that your inner child feels like they are in the dark. Speak to them and comfort them when you’re feeling down. Keep your dreams to yourself for the most part, the people in your environment will discourage you. Tell people who care about you and that you know you can trust. I’m really rooting for you and I’m sending you love and peace.
If you’ve picked pile three, your inner child really wants to tell you about how happy they are. There's such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude here, it makes me want to cry tears of joy almost. I wasn’t going to mention the cards for any of these piles but you have the 4 of Swords, 10 of Cups, The Star, and the 4 of Wands. They practically flew out excitedly. You’ve cultivated a lifestyle that makes you happy and your dreams are coming to fruition. You’ve probably bought things that you’ve always wanted since childhood. There’s an emphasis on physical and mental beauty. This wasn’t without struggle, however. You’ve been taking better care of yourself lately and your inner child is flourishing. You could even make spontaneous decisions that end up working out because you have a good relationship with your inner child.
Even if your life feels boring currently and like nothing is happening, that’s good for you right now. All your child self has wanted is to be stable and to feel like things are going okay for you. There isn’t much else for me to say, but I would like to remind you to stay peaceful, don’t self sabotage and aim higher. You can do it and you’re definitely in a better place than you were before. Make sure to get adequate rest, don’t push yourself, and take social media breaks often. Your child self thanks you. 
You’re the older person that your inner child needed. You’ve matured a lot. Whether it’s due to circumstances, or just getting older normally, you’ve come a long way. What I find odd is that your environment doesn’t matter that much. It could be stable, chaotic, boring, or fun but you’re unchanging. You stick up for your child self and attempt to make good decisions for you and those around you. You want to be much better than the adults you’ve seen growing up and you’re careful not to make those mistakes. You’re generous and people may rely on you financially or for advice, even if they’re older than you. You’ve probably struggled with anger and with many dark emotions, but you have decided to turn that into a superpower. I really admire your strength and grit in the face of generational trauma and even poverty, for some of you. You might be the first one in the family to graduate college or highschool, or you’re financially stable at a young age. Whatever it is, I’m proud of you. 
But there’s one thing: your inner child is interested in playing and having fun and they’re a bit sad because you don’t make time for them. You might be so focused on being responsible that you don’t pay attention to your need to enjoy yourself and to explore. Take the time off from work to treat yourself. I would also like to remind you that you are not everyone’s caretaker. While it’s good that you’re able to do so, you should disconnect from giving so much of yourself all the time. It’s not your responsibility and it doesn’t help the people in your life learn to handle themselves. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, relax and stop helping those friends and family that ask you for things constantly.
[This is an original post, if you see this under any other username, it has been stolen. Always credit filmbythestars.]
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: What kind of self-care do you need to receive right now?
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition ✨🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨
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Pile 1 - Dream Journal
Hello pile 1, you need to interact with your dreams in a new away and start looking for the wisdom and guidance they hold for you. To do this keep a dream journal to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up and maybe jot down a few questions you can ask before falling sleep, calling in the answers to appear within the dream realm.
Review what you have writing to see what guidance presents itself.
Recall a recent or powerful dream you had, writing it out as if it where a story. What lessons can you learn from this dream?
Pile 2 - Meditate
Hi pile 2, you need to find a comfortable seat in a quiet place and close your eyes. As you sit in stillness listen as you inhale and exhale, and allow your mind to settle so you can take a journey inward and upward.
The main goal is to empty your mind and become an observer of your thoughts, allowing then to enter and leave without attachment, labeling or judgment.
I recommend guided meditations for anxiety, grounding, and for healing the inner child.
Pile 3 - Massage
Hey pile 3, did you know that massages are a vital part of self-care because most people live with some amount of discomfort? Sometimes specifics places in our bodies scream for our attention through pain, stiffness or limited mobility.
Massage your face, scalp, hands, feet, or other parts of your body that you feel you need. Create a peaceful environment and explore your body in order to relax it. Meditation and a good sleep after the massage can have an even better effect on your body.
- Ethereal High Priestess
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etherealhighpriestess · 3 years ago
Pick a Pile: What do you need to heal emotionally?
Disclaimer: This reading is not a substitute for a psychological evaluation, so if necessary seek psychological help.
Take a deep breath and choose one of the options below according to your intuition ✨💚✨💚✨💚✨
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Pile 1 - Alchemy
Hello pile 1, it seems that the path you are on is about to go through a very powerful transformation and you have an opportunity to take a big leap in your level of consciousness. So it's extremely important that you focus on letting go of any negativity and beliefs that no longer server you.
You have the access to the energy of alchemy, wich can transform the most challenging experiences into incredible gifts and miracles.
Meditate and take action on your highest goals and dreams. They are on their way to coming true.
Let go of your expectations. What is about to appear can surpass anything you have dreamed of. The most important part is that you are prepared, and ready to receive.
The energy around you is very potent at the moment so make sure that you are using this time as productively as possible.
You need to heal the cycle of procrastination that is holding you back from action. The alchemy card shows that this is the right time for you to organize your life and create the future of your dreams, so invest in productivity tools and take action. Look online for ways to overcome procrastination and organize your time.
Pile 2 - Selling out
Hey pile 2, it's seems that your integrity and inner strength are being severely tested. You have an opportunity to act with either fear or love.
Where in your live are you selling out or acting out integrity?
Are you in a job you hate? Are you living in a toxic environment and making yourself sick in the pursuit of financial security? Or maybe you are betraying a part of yourself due to the expectations of the people around you?
This card asks you to find courage to stand up for your convictions and take steps towards doing what you love.
If possible cut toxic relationships out of your life and expectations that others may place on you and start walking your own path according to your heart and self-will. Being yourself and following your own path is the first step to healing yourself.
Pile 3 - Phoenix Rising
Hi pile 3, while I was shuffling the cards from this pile, the same card from pile 2 initially came out. So I recommend you read pile 2 as well, and if you don't connect with that reading, just move on knowing that maybe someone else needed to hear that message.
Everything in your life is falling apart in order for you to rise from the ashes with renewed strength.
This is not a time to create but a time to sweep away everything that has not worked in your life. The reason so many things are breaking down and not going your way is because the old cicle of your life is completing.
You may feel that you are walking through the fires of life right now in order to be cleansed and purified for your rebirth. Soon you will not recognize yourself.
If possible, try to isolate yourself from the chaos surrounding you. Now it's time to fell any pain that you have previously suppressed so that you can heal. The universe has plans and opportunities that are better than you can imagine, so let go and trust anticipated what's coming.
Leave behind everything that has hurt you and move forward day by day, that way you will be reborn like the Phoenix and heal yourself.
"What is coming is better than what's gone"
- Ethereal High Priestess
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