#Nurgle Beastmen
rogue-hammer · 8 months
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The Nurgle Warband grows with a new unit of Pestigors added in.
I've had some friends show me the rules for Ravening Hordes for Old World, and I think I'm at least mildly pleased with the overall setup.
The mish mash of 8th ed army rosters with 6th ed gear and ability to combine Beasts and Warriors together for Chaos is enough to get me to try it so, I will try and build up the last bit of this army in the coming weeks and give it a go. It would be nice to have a "Current" ed system to play.
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shootertron-stuff · 9 months
A traitor guard soldier finds her dedication to a virtual pet website paid off after all.
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thetygre · 4 months
Working on a theory about the origins of the Chaos Gods specifically in Warhammer 40k.
Slaanesh was born from the old aeldari empire; that’s a given. So you can think of Slaanesh as being uniquely aeldari, even if Slaanesh is everyone’s problem now.
Now old, old lore states that the other three Chaos Gods are born from humanity, but this has widely been disregarded and abandoned because it’s clearly a cop-out. The only specific piece of data from this bit of lore is that Nurgle was born from humans during the Black Plague.
I’m actually not 100% opposed to this. I like the idea that Nurgle is uniquely related to humans the same way Slaanesh is related to eldar. Humans, being a naturally short lived race, would produce a Chaos God of death and decay reflecting their existential fears about entropy and the nature of time.
This establishes a pattern in 40k; every species with a major warp signature produces a Chaos God, who will carry on inherent traits of their creator species long after that species has been driven to extinction. Ergo, Tzeentch and Khorne were produced by two other, far more ancient alien cultures.
The only hints we can get about these extinct species come from their Chaos Gods’ Greater Daemons. As the Chaos Gods have no real physical form, their Greater Daemons are the most direct manifestations of their power we can experience, and therefore the only way to see any of their creator species traits. In the same way we can extrapolate an eldar from a Keeper of Secrets and a human from a Great Unclean One, we should be able to extrapolate… something from a Changer of Ways and a Bloodthirster.
This actually leads me to the tzaangor.
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(These things. The bird people the Thousand Sons use when they don’t feel like getting their Rubric Marines dirty.)
The tzaangor’s presence in 40k is a leftover; they’re here because they’re in Warhammer Fantasy, and we need to flesh out Tzeentch’s armies, so in they go. Their explanation makes sense in Fantasy - they’re just another type of beastman. But beastmen aren’t really a thing in 40k, or at least they haven’t been for a few editions.
So that gets me thinking about the tzaangor, their similarities to Changers of Ways, and Tzeentch. I don’t think tzaangor in 40k are just some random mutants; I think they’re primitive leftovers of whatever species made Tzeentch. The similarities between the tzaangor and Changer of Ways are too obvious. (Like yes, duh; the tzaangor are derived from the Changers, but bear with me here.)
My theory is that whatever this species was, they were pioneers of the Warp itself. They harnessed it in a way not even the Old Ones had during the War in Heaven. They may even have been the creators of Warp travel, or something like it. They achieved a transcendental, almost godlike amount of power from harnessing the energy of the empyrean.
And then you know how the story goes; more power than mortal beings are meant to know blah blah blah, absolute knowledge is absolute power and absolute power corrupts absolutely yadda yadda yadda, and then the next thing you know Tzeentch has been born. And Tzeentch keeps the leftovers of his creator race around for one of a hundred different reasons; anything can be justified with Tzeentch by it being part of one of his master plans or split personalities.
What’s left now of the tzaangor are Chaos-ridden mutants hustled around by the new power in the universe; humans. They’re still surprisingly intelligent, but comparatively primitive next to their species in its prime. I like to imagine that since the species was so psychically gifted, Tzeentch’s birth wiped their intellects in an instant, like Slaanesh and the Fall of the Eldar. Just a lethal psychic shockwave that decimated billions, Watchmen squid style. It’s taken millennia for the tzaangor to redevelop their current level of intellect, and they live in fear with the constant knowledge that Tzeentch can take it away again at any time.
Now as for Khorne! …I got nothing. I think, by his nature as the god of bloodshed and murder, Khorne completely wiped out his progenitor species. He did not quit halfway through like the other Chaos Gods. The only thing I can assume about them is that, as Khorne is the oldest Chaos God, they were ancient. Maybe even older than the Old Ones and Necrons. If the War in Heaven wasn’t enough to create Khorne, then I’d like to know what was. Like, this was the Cain species; the first species to really get into warfare and unrestrained violence. They might not even have known the Warp existed until Khorne came screaming out of it. And that species is remembered now as the ground floor of the Skull Throne.
Anyway, that’s that screed scooped out of my brain.
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zmasters · 3 months
The current statues of the Beastmen in AOS 4th Edition:
The army will be going into Legends in a year, but their models will still be collectable when their Old World army comes out
At the end of the the Age of Beasts (3rd edition story), the Beast of Chaos herds broke out into a massive civil war as beastlords and shamans battled for dominance
The forces of order used the conflict to expand their territory, wiping out any beastmen in the way
Chaos warbands used the conflict to recruit high numbers of tzaangors, slaangors, and pestigors into their ranks
The fact that pestigors were specifically mentioned despite not having models indicates that Nurgle beastmen will be added to Blightlords (and maybe Death Guard if they go the same route as tzaangors) sometime this edition
It is unlikely Khorne beastmen will be added due to the fact that bloodgors weren’t referenced while the other three god-gors were
The remaining beastmen have hidden away to the farthest, most inhabitable corners of the Mortal Realms. Beast of Chaos as a faction is dead, but beastmen as a species is still around
The one named beastman character, Ghorraghan Khai, is still alive. His plans to summon the psuedu-god Morghur into reality was stopped by a coalition of Sylvaneth and Lumineth forces. He has gone into hiding with a shard of the deity
GW has left the story open ended so it could be continued later down the line, potentially creating a new, AOS exclusive Morghite tabletop army
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kharrneth · 1 month
A dimension I've been thinking about adding to my depiction of Khorne (and by extension his daemons) after today's session:
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The line "we are not animals" stands out to me because of the gods, Khorne is EASILY the most animalistic and animal coded. He is LITERALLY a dog-headed creature and my personal depiction of him has him existing in a beast-like state until intelligent beings came alone. This is opposite the other gods, who were sentient and intelligent from their births (and even before it, in Slaanesh's case).
While it IS true that the Gods are paradoxical in their being ( Khorne is a savage, but also honorable, Nurgle's portfolio is despair and decay but he's the happiest of the bunch, Tzeentch's porfolio is lies and insanity but also hope and intelligence, Slaanesh is artistic and perfection, but also a degenerate who also pushes for excess), the fact of the matter is that intelligent beings are valued over those who are not. Beasts have a VERY clear place in the hierarchy of the worlds of order and chaos: on the bottom. Being ordered around, made into beasts of burden, butchered and eaten, ect.
Khorne's not a beast anymore, but you already know the other gods look down on him being having been one and still acting like one much of the time. The skaven are similarly looked down upon as jumped up rats, the beastmen too (hell, the beastmen are treated like shit by the writers of WHFB lmaooo).
Makes ya wonder if Khorne isn't just a teensy weensy bit insecure about his past as an animal and the reason he hates his brothers is because he knows they think little of him for this past and the reason he hates Slaanesh because Slaanesh is the more sophisticated and person-like of the Four Gods, explicitly born from intelligent beings (meanwhile despair, decay, madness, and deception are things even beasts can do)...
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skxrbrand · 1 month
Finally put together the first draft outline of a thing I may or may not finish but will be working on on and off over the years or whatever idk. It's kinda cringe so I'm putting it under a cut orz Everyone keeps saying khorne is stupid and simple and my brain is going "i beg your pardon??"
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Brutal Beginnings ( Khorne Origins )
The Hound of War ( Characteristics [physical + personality ] )
Embrace of the Murder Lord ( Favored of Khorne)
The Eightfold Brood ( Khorne vs. His Siblings)
The Tusk of Death (Khorne loses a Tusk / Skarbrand Origins )
Blood Wolves of Woe ( Garmr and Gormr )
The Edict ( Rule Against Magic / Civil War )
Blade of the Beast ( Khorne's invasion of Tzeentch / Getting the Sword )
Skull of Yyörgandr ( Barbadax + Blood Hunt )
Rings of Wroth (Blood God's Rings + Missing Finger + gifted Valkia's Ring)
The Houndsleep (Odinsleep + The Origin of Khorne's Warhorn)
Unsung Stories ( Lesser Tales of Khorne [ Chalice of War / Notable Defeats / Being Locked Out of Own Castle / ect. ] )
RUINOUS RIVALS (Relations w/ Other Powers)
Fraternity of Ruin ( Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh***)
Lesser Relations ( The Horned Rat, Hashut***)
FACETS OF FURY (Aspects of Khorne)
Brass Belladona ( Brass Sisters / Femme Lens Khorne)
Khorgar The Virile ( Khornate Beastmen )
Arkhar The Usurper ( Khorne's Birthname + Earliest Daemons of Khorne )
The Brass Mouth ( Khornate Ogres )
Khrear The Gnasher ( Skaven + Ruinous Vermin mini treatise)
Khrork The Brutal 'n Cunnin' ( Greenskins )
Flesh Hounds
Chaos Furies of Khorne (Murderflocks)
Bloodthirsters of Khorne
Blood beasts of Khorne (Fauna of the Brass Realm)
The Blessed ( Daemon Princes + Mortals of Khorne )
The Brass Citadal ( Skull Throne, Den of Khorne, Kennels, Dungeons, ect. )
Mount Ashenfel ( Gorehall )
Gates of the Vanquished
The Blood Sea
The Under-Caverns
The Bloodvine Jungle-Woods
The Fields and Meadows of Khorne
The Bastion Stair
The Hunting Fields
The Skull of the First
Traditions and Beliefs
Arts and Artefacts
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chaosprinceundivided · 3 months
The Other Spectrum of Champion
These two are really wierd, the dice was wierd...
Mark of Tzeentch - Extremely thin, Multiplication,  Plague Bearer of the Quivering Follower - Beastmen
9 - Attribute - Tentacles
Follower - Orcs
100 - Eye of Tzeentch - Lore of Gold, Twin Screaming Swords
16 - Attribute - Bestial Face
36 - Attribute - Crystalline Body
Follower - Goblins
42 - Frenzy
Twice roll - Zombies and Chaos Cult with Chaos Sorcerer (initiate)
54 - Disc of Tzeentch
74 - Gift of Tzeentch - Face of Lord of Change
85 - Gift of Tzeentch - Magic of Tzeentch: Globe of Change
Twice Roll - Chaos Cult with Chaos Sorcerer (Maledictor) and Beastmen
36 - Attribute-Teleport
Mark of Nurgle - Headless - Pestigors
90 - Beast of Nurgle
39 - Attribute - Acid Excretion
56 - Palaquin of Nurgle
19 - Attribute - Bestial Face (Deer)
Follower - Dragon Ogre
29 - Attribute - Cloud of Flies
Follower - Pestigors
40 - Attribute - Featureless Face
Follower - Beastmen
84 - Gift of Nurgle - Nurgling Infestation
25 - Attribute - Nurgle's Rot
60 - Four Chaos Spawn
Twice Roll - 
Mercenary Band and Captain
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lavi1avi · 27 days
Warhammer Fantasy OC Stuff
Lel been writing alot of thoughts on my own fan interpretation of Warhammer Fantasy (OG, not AoS, that's shit's boring as sin to me), so figured I'd post em here. Very long post.
Also I don't know all the lore, I don't feel like I need to know all the lore to make fan stuff like this. Also I can choose to just ignore lore and make up my own stuff lel.
Law, Chaos, & Mutants Firstly going to start with personal interpretations of law and chaos. Law is the idea of the one true path, that there is one way of life (or order or law) so strong and powerful it can conquer all. Chaos is the endless possibilities that your life can take, all happening at once and not at all.
Cause of that they naturally oppose each other. Law stopping chaos from making everything into a primordial soup of possibilities. Chaos stopping law from stomping out all novelty in the world until it’s an optimized gruel.
Law & Chaos were born at the exact same moment and have always existed in each other's presence. Thus there are no true chaotic or lawful force or being. Everything is a ratio of both.
Now, Mutants. Mutants, at least in the empire, are beings that should be killed and burned whenever you can. No exceptions, from the baby that was born with mutations to the teenage who was a normal until puberty hit. Determined by the empire as inherent agents of chaos.
However law’s idea of one to conquer does not inherently imply that the conqueror will be humans, elves, dwarfs, a mix and match of the previous, etc. It’s simply the order that wins at the end. Law is a Gu. So these mutants could be an extension of that. Brand new possible paths created by introducing a bit of chaos. 
Now mutants are typically depicted as a random mishmash of body horror or silly shit. There's no order in that besides them being human or another species once. However I would argue that this only the case with mutants who follow chaos. They want to be every possibility they could be at once. So of course they would be nonsensical. 
The lawful mutant on the other hands follows a stable and replicable mutation. A set of genes that will be past down to offspring. The birth of a brand new species that will either flourish or will be crushed by an existing order. In the eyes of law either outcome is expected if they wish to create the gold path.
You were born to see if you could win. If you don't you don't deserve to exist in the eyes of Law.
Beastmen. Given how consistent they are in appearance (big ungulate humanoid), and following the previous line of logic with the lawful mutants, I’ll say that they’re also a result of law producing a new order. But for some reason or another most have fallen into worshiping chaos. 
My guess is that they came from a world that was eventually taken over by chaos. Maybe they had a better understanding of the metaphysics of the world, and understood the general guidelines of law and chaos. Could've been some event that would lead to realization that their path has been rejected by law. So in reaction there was an upturn of chaos worship, the worship of a power that would let them exist.
Now that they're in the WHF world, a world where there's still a strong concept of law, it could be possible that some beastmen factions turn away from chaos back to law. Them seeing it as a second chance to win and become the golden path.
Chaos Gods. Thinking on my interpretation on chaos and law. And I wonder if the big chaos gods (Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, etc.) are as strong as they are due to lacking possibilities. Most chaotic beings aren't that strong due to being torn apart in so many directions. While these gods could be described as specific and incredibly dense living concepts. Giving them power over those concepts. 
Interestingly chaos with a bit of constraint from law has seemingly gotten the closest to law's goal of making a supreme order with the chaos gods. The same goes for Law. With it needing to propagate chaos in order to create new paths.
Law Gods I've completely forgotten to talk about law gods. Personally I see them as law zoomed onto an individual level rather than a group level. Eventually there will be a mortals born that will fulfill the possibility of them becoming gods. 
No one is sure how they do become gods tho. Were they born gods? Could there be late bloomer gods? Can a human through circumstance and fate become a god? Do new gods need to devour older gods to take their power? Do they have an innate understanding of the world that allows them to become gods? Point is, eventually old gods die and new gods replace them.
Given the nature of chaos gods, there will be similarities between them and certain law gods. As these law gods can be one of the possibilities of the chaos gods. 
Also these gods could be seen as living emblems of a specific path. Given how people will change their way of life to worship a god for all the perks that come with worshiping a god.
Chaos Demons & Demon Princes Also realized I need to think about how chaos demons & princes fit into all this. And simply put I think chaos demons are specific possibilities of the chaos god they come from made flesh.
While princes are still mortals made demonic servants of the chaos gods, the god bringing the possibility of their existence of an all-powerful servant to forefront.
Slaanesh Chasity Cult A small set of thoughts on an OC sigmar cult turned slaanesh cult.
A local sect of the sigmar cult that has a focus on sex negativity to prevent chaos. Actively harassing sex workers and establishments, enforcing gender norms, and even rewriting Sigmar's past to fit this view (One of the highlight is his birth from a pure virgin and a focus on him having small genitals).
This type of excess ends up attracting the eyes of Slaanesh, who of course slowly initiates the sect into worshiping them. A long con of paranoia, gaslighting, edging, pushing the boundaries of their faith, and Slaanesh coming to the rescue once their faith has been shattered.
Some specific scenes I've thought of possibly happening in this story. The head priest has a lapse of belief, wondering if his genitals (protected by a Sigmar blessed chastity belt) has been corrupted by chaos. He thinks "Surely it's fine if I only look at it for a bit, Sigmar would understand", only to reveal he has long been mutated by Slaanesh. Causing him to mentally breakdown. If he didn't look the mutation would get worse and painful until it finally breaks open revealing it has grown into a chaos spawn. Going on a rampage through the town.
The sect is visited by a famous Sigmar pilgrim. Who has cut off his genitals and nipples, gouged out his eyes, cut off his nose, pierced his eardrums and locked himself into a suit of armor (filled with a substance that numbs the skin, like it has fallen asleep) that acts a shield from pleasures of flesh. All in the name of Sigmar who guides him (he is also guided and doted on by his manservant, but he’s not as important as Sigmar).
He comes to the church to pray and inspire the Sigmar cultists to go even harder with their beliefs. Promising to combat in a years time to check up on them. Further priming them to be corrupted in future attempts.
When he does come back to a far more ruinous Sigmar sect, he reveals himself as a Slaanesh cultist. Oozing out of his steel shell to bask naked in the euphoria of sensory. The sight breaking the hardiest priests.
A paranoia episode in the sect, when one of the priest finds a collection of lewd materials in the church. They in reality belong to no one
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mister-killjoy · 1 year
Beastmen, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Vampires, Norsca, Elector Counts being useless...
Karl Franz:
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project-everchosen · 1 year
Link Collection Archive
This is just an archive of the link collections I had on the @lord-kallig blog page. As part of Retiring Kallig and Co Inc Ltd Plc, keeping these saved together as a back up for later reference. Either for myself or if some weirdo (affectionate, we are on Tumblr afterall) wants to look at the old stuff
Roleplay Characters
For Details, click the linked names for direct page
Lord Kallig - Everchosen of Chaos and Ruler of the Unbound Empire
The Dream Heralds
Khaalzhak - Herald of Khorne, The Brass Beast and Devourer of I'mnx Shassanki -  Herald of Slaanesh, Mistress of Ruin, and Tempress of Xarex  Robigo Deos - Herald of Nurgle, Hymn Father and Apostle of the Everchosen Truzkuuth - Herald of Tzeentch, Wrym of Change and Oracle of the Everchosen [Redacted] - Herald of Malice
Kritski Twinhorn - Envoy of the Horned One and outsider of the Imperium
Quillion Zephan - Sith Trooper thrown into the 41st Millenium
Worlds of Note
Original Worlds of the Unbound Empire
Deus Gemmas (Capital of the Empire) Mechancia Petram (Moon of Gemmas and home to mechanical dissidents) Praesidium (Fortress of the Empire, Home of the Elites of War) Opera Agri (Agri world of the Home System) Vorago (Dead World turned Mining World)
Terminus Princepts
Commonwealth of Halo States The Ordo Luciferian The Karanthan Military Conclave (Imperial Rally World) Placeholder B Placeholder C
Extragalactic Lore
Expansion of the Beasts
Sv'vaden Solar
Sv'vaden 4 The Makabians The Kikreth
Malagast Other Beastmen of Malagast Intergration of the World
Reg'Tritum Technology from another Age
The Sle'keth Greater Domain
Domain Overview The Sle'keth Worlds of the Sle'keth
The Primordial Pantheon - The Faith of the Masses
The Anfa'big Pantheon Pantheonic Myths Overview of the Main Cults
Organisations in the Empire
The Great Towers - State managed schools for Psykers Justicar Orders - The Empire’s Variant of the Inquisition The Primas Artificers - Mechanicus Deviants  The Astral Adepts - Civilian Organisation, Sponsored by the Artificers
Politics of the Worlds
Notable Aspects of Law
Abhumans and Mutants in the Empire
The Praesidium Steel Bloods - Elite Guards of the Empire
Overview Norable Regiments of Praesidium Armoured Development Programme - Outline of Future Armour Developments  Dormarth Light Hunters - Light Armour Produced by the Empire
Navy Placeholder
Overview Notable Fleet Elements Experimentation in Alternative Models
Unconventional Warfare
The Jackalian Anarchs - Excelsior Company #11 Knights of the Void - Warmongers of Chaos, Lost to their own ambition Wrath Hosts - Warriors of the Aether, manifest in flesh and steel Damnatorus and the Noctis Riders - Legions of Old, reborn as if from a myth
Minor Lore
Leman Russ Praetor - Jurryrigging to Official Pattern The Betrayal at Niaxis - The Last Stand of the Loyalist Praesidium Guard 103rd Praesidium Raiders 
Smaller Lore Stuffs
Lord Kallig
Kallig’s Political Retinue Visage of the Everchosen Inquisitorial Record The New Blade The Everchosen’s Philosophy
Blessings of the Minor Deities
Soul Manipulation Psychic Discipline 
Psionic Mutations within the Unbound Empire
Wider Galaxy Homebrews
Imperium of Man
Visivexi Dragoons
Nifthman Fusiliers
The Fae Paladins
The Thunder of As'Khaa'k
Daemonkin Hierarchy
Main Drabbles
The Duel of Heretics - Kallig and Akhen in the Arena
Dream Drabbles
Whispers of Dread Daemonic Disputes Warnings of Wraiths Malign Presences A Champion for Deos
Kallig’s Mask Shassanki’s Equipment Patriarch Devrex’s Equipment
Kallig’s Psychic Power
Kinda NSFW Drabbles
Ruler’s Respite - Kallig and Devrex enjoy each other after a display
Definitely NSFW Drabbles
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rogue-hammer · 2 years
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Pt. 2 of the Nurgle Realm of Chaos project Random rolled a; Chaos Dwarf Hero. 5 Beastmen
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scijust · 2 years
Blood bowl 2 race guide
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They use human linemen, for which you could use either the Chaos Warriors or linemen from the human team. Next is the most mixed up team of them all, the Chaos Renegades. You can play this team without them, but their absence will be felt on the field. Unfortunately, there is no current Blood Bowl model for the Bull Centaur (please, Forgeworld!). You can also pick up one of the Forgeworld Minotaurs for this team. Take up to six of the linemen from the Dwarf team and paint them appropriately. The core of this team is the Chaos Dwarf Blockers, of course. As models, I’d use the Beastmen from the Chaos Chosen team. They are Chaotic and they like beer, who doesn’t love these short and hairy guys? This team is made up of mostly Hobgoblin Runners. I wish I could paint my orks this well… Josh “Blasto” Harris’ Amazing Orks (Best Painted) (Super-heavy expensive in most cases, not a 40,000 point Ork-army expensive). I’ll be using a few resources, namely the Teams of Legend published on and the Blood Bowl Almanac (alternatively, you can also look at the Death Zone Season One and Season Two books that are collected in the Almanac).Ī bit of a word of warning here… since these teams are assembled from a variety of boxes, they tend to be expensive to assemble. In this article, I’ll be looking at the mixed teams that you can make from the above teams without conversions or modifications (Throw a unified paint scheme on them and go). So if you are looking for coverage over contents of the starters as well as the available add-ons for Orks, Humen, Scaven, Dwarfs, Elven Union, Dark Elfs, Goblins, Chaos Chosen, and Nurgle teams then look here. In my last article, I gave you a bit of an introduction to the positional players and the lowdown on the teams that are available directly through Games Workshop. Dolch here with your scoop on all things Blood Bowl.
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Pestigor Doodle {Warhammer}
Don't mind me, just posting an interpretation of a Chaos-born Pestigor Beastman that I drew last night. BEST VIEWED ON A DARK BACKGROUND.
You don't really get any descriptions of Nurgle-aligned Beastmen outside of just being "Beastmen, but diseased", let alone directly Chaos-born Nurgle Beastmen. I'm taking into account both 40k (which tends to push Beastmen to the wayside unless they're Tzaangors lmao) and Fantasy/AoS (which is where the bulk of Beastmen lore comes from), so I decided to have some extra free-rein with this design with what design notes are commonly found with Nurgle.
With what I know: Khorne-born Beastmen, i.e. "Bloodgors" (or as I call them, "Sangors" because "Bloodgor" is a clumsy mouthful and Khorne originally wanted Sanguinius and his boys first lmao), have the faces of dogs and either have red, black-and-red, or brassy pelts; Tzeentch-born Tzaangors have the faces of birds (and occasionally bird-like feet as opposed to hooves) and a wide variance in colors and feathers; and Slaanesh-born Slaangors have the faces of cows, goats, and deer and tend to have green eyes. Then there's Nurgle-born Beastmen, which... we know nothing about outside of them commonly having only a single horn. With Nurgle's tendency towards antlers, we can assume deer or moose, but those are not Beastmen variants we have ever seen, nor are they something associated with Nurgle.
Nurgle forces are shambling, diseased things inured to pain, though whether it manifests as a full-body blubbery bloat or twiggy gauntness varies. They tend towards wearing green colors or just being colored some form of green, though it is often hidden under layers of disgusting grime and/or boils and rashes, or ripped open in the form of various exposed wounds, and they adore bone-like colors, slime, and parasites. Misshapen horns and antlers are common on both the head and as cancerous growths on other parts of the body, and being either cyclopean or have three eyes in the shape of their god's symbol. Tentacles are common, most often replacing a limb like an arm. Arthropod parasites are a common motif: The steed-beast of Nurgle is the four-winged Rot Fly, and his champion Typhus the Traveller is a walking host to the swarming Destroyer Hive.
Put that together and I ended up with this: Gaunt with a rot-bloated belly, a green pelt stained with blood, right arm replaced with a parasite-worm as a tentacle arm (that also has its own hyperparasites~), a gnarled antler on a three-eyed bug-head. We have bird heads with Tzaangors, so why not bug heads? More than just mammals.
I hope you like it!
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catheero · 3 years
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9 photos! Cathy's WHOLE Blood Bowl team, the infamous Nurgle's Oozing Pustules! Starting with Sassy, the team captain, scroll through the first photos I've taken of my old Blood Bowl team. I converted EVERY model (except two, one of which is a Reaper model, only because GW didn't make a "Beast of Nurgle" at the time). *See if you can figure out which GW model I DIDN'T convert. #cathypaints #paintingwarhammer #bloodbowl #warhammer #oldhammer #warhammerfantasy #ageofsigmar #theoldworld #gw #gamesworkshop #bloodbowlteam #nurgle #chaos #pestigors #beastmen #beastsofchaos #miniaturepainting #paintingminiatures #acrylicpaint #artistsoninstagram #twitchstreamer https://www.instagram.com/p/CZcfciwudE5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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reavercide · 4 years
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This is the tale of Goresqualor Inscribed upon his monolith Chiselled upon the Sulpherous Stone With the eye-tooth of the dragon Gorgand whom I slew. They abandoned me in the forest I was a child marked by Nurgle, A beast they said, and beast I was. My own kind found me and protected me, I learned the ways of Nurgle. I set forth to do the Plague Lord's work, I was home for Nurgle's mites My little friends went with me everywhere I slew many and bestowed the rot on many more Then I found Nurgle's gift beneath a stone A Demon blade of unsurpassed rust, Its tarnish was wonderful to behold And it slew well for Nurgle. Many orks were my companions and many Hobgoblins too I was their Lord upon the borderlands. We were the wasters of villages The pestilence followed in our wake My horns grew long in the service of Nurgle Then the plague lord blessed me and my body burned, Like living sulphur I fumed, and all feared me My strength waxed great. To the wastes I went, I slew many weakling creatures there. Nurgle sent a mighty Mollusc to follow, And seven Hounds of chaos to bark before me The wastes were littered with corpses on our Great Nurgle rewarded me with aspect of maggot And wizards flocked to do my bidding. We spread decay and raised the stench high I fell for Nurgle's honour. The foe slew me, but failed to end me, Because now I lie in this black pit beneath I dwell in Nurgle's grave realm And sweet decay is my rest.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
Gluttony's stopping by Khazaan with a... well, a comedically large skull full of brew ovr his head. Comedically large for his size, anyway.
It's not perfect, but he's made an attempt at following in the Bloodthirster's foot steps. Some Slaaneshi blood there (and parts), some nurgle ...berries??? here. MUCH fermented fruit. And juice. Does he know how to cook or brew a drink? Absolutely not. But Khazaan DID ask for something to knock him out, so-
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"Ey Khaz! Got somethin' for ya.~"
The conquest of the Monolith is a letdown because it is no such thing at all. Aside from a few squatting furies and skirmishing beastmen tribes, there is nothing for the daemons to kill. No sport to be had, even when running down the stragglers. They do not fight, nor do they flee particularly fast, and so eyes are intense and hungry when Gluttony makes himself known.
If Khazaan hadn't been present...
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Khazaan takes the skull, hefting it with no issue. His nose flexes, taking in the mixture of scents, picking out each one. He had been somewhat joking before, but now that the brew was in-hand (and with a prize skull to go with it).
" I will value this tribute, Gluttony." the Bloodthirster replies. He drinks deeply of it, " Do mind your back. My horde are itching for blood, any blood."
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