#Now one of them thinks I’m the devil or smth
There’s this kid I’ve known since pre-k. We have the same birthday and we’ve always been friends, one year we were really close. Anyways today he found out I was omni and he went on a whole rant about religion and stuff and how it’s wrong to love the same gender and now he hates me :( that’s honestly one of the longest friendships I’ve ever had
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cambion-companion · 11 months
hi!! binge read all your raphael stuff and i think it added more worms in my brain!! :D thank you!!!
raphael idea: artist!reader (or tav/durge) that raph commissions to paint a portrait of him. maybe how the sitting would go- would he be monologuing? would he be looking over contracts? would he be sneaking fond (in his own way) glances at the lovely little artist sitting in his foyer putting so much passion and concentration into capturing his devilish visage?
or maybe smth like he can't make it to a sitting one day so he sends haarlep to do it expecting that the artist won't be able to tell the difference. instead, his artist refuses to start working since that's CLEARLY not her patron!! his facial structure is off!! that piece of hair doesn't flow down like that!! and his gaze- clearly not!!! so raph comes back hours (or even days) later to find the little artist still in his house, waiting for his return so that they can resume work <3
I LOVE this!
Thank you for reading my work and for sending this lovely message in! This idea kinda ran away with me but I hope you enjoy this drabble!
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“Where is Raphael?”  You squinted at the devil lounging on the gold embroidered cushions.
On first glance, it appeared to be the cambion you’d met yestereve. He had commissioned you to paint a self-portrait for him, showed you the many that already hung from his marble walls. You’d begun your work, sketching the lines and filling them out with practiced dexterity.
Due to time constraints, the devil was a busy man it seemed, you had to cut your painting short, determining to begin again the following day.
Now you sat again, upon the small stool, staring in consternation at the creature who would have you believe it was Raphael.
The fiend stretched, feigning a languid uncaring composure.  In all but those burning eyes, focused so sharply upon your frowning face.
“Whatever do you mean, little succulent?”  It was Raphael’s voice as well, though something was off about the cadence. “You have everything you need right here.”
You shook your head, frustrated, lowering your paintbrush from where it had been poised over the canvas. “No, this isn’t going to work. You aren’t him.”
“My, quite the perceptive thing.”  The devil straightened, looking displeased. “How very annoying.”
“What…who are you?”  You asked, a slight tingle of fear running down your spine.
“I am Haarlep.”  The devil’s long tail swished to curl around his feet.
“That’s an odd name.”
“Isn’t it just.”
Your frown deepened, an annoyed breath hissed through your clenched teeth. “Well, I cannot continue until the real Raphael returns.  When will he be back?”
“The master will not return for quite a while.”  Haarlep rolled his shoulders, looking equally put off. “I do my job quite well. What exactly is the issue?”
You set down your tools and folded your arms, still wary of whatever this creature was. “The way your hair falls, the cadence of your voice…”
“All aspects I am sure you can rectify without too much issue.”  Haarlep interrupted with a petulant gesticulation, but you spoke over him.
“And your eyes.”  Your own eyes narrowed in concentration, focusing on the burning embers within those inky black orbs. “Your eyes are wrong.”
“I’m offended.”  Haarlep deadpanned, then tilted his head with a curious smile. “Explain.”
“I cannot.” You shrugged.
“Then work on painting everything except the face.” Haarlep repositioned himself upon the sofa, his eyes rolling slightly in bemusement.
“For professional reasons, I cannot.”  You didn’t budge. “The master of the house didn’t notify me of this change.”
“The master of the house apologizes.”  Now that voice you recognized, Raphael’s.  Deeper and with more presence than the voice Haarlep used.
Raphael, still in human form, strode into view and offered you a wry smile.  He bowed slightly at the waist, his brown eyes never leaving yours. “I admit to not foreseeing your powers of insight. What a delightful discovery, my dear.”  
He turned and observed Haarlep with mild amusement for a moment. “You’re slipping.”
“Nonsense.”  Haarlep stood from the chaise and flexed his batlike wings. “You know as well as I, some things cannot be replicated.”
“Such as?”  Raphael directed the question to you.
You shifted, your behind slowly numbing from the uncomfortable stool. “Well, the way Haarlep carries himself for one.”  You said carefully speaking the other’s name. “The eyes are also completely different, not in shape or color but the nature they hold within them.”
“Fascinating.” Raphael put his hand to his chin, a slight quirk to his lips. “The eyes.  Windows to the soul.”  He laughed, short and rough.
You didn’t quite understand the joke but smiled politely. “Have you time now?  I can come back later.”
“No.”  Raphael shook his head and placed a firm hand on your shoulder, taking a moment to inspect your canvas. “This is important work. I am at your disposal.”  Raphael’s human form melted away. His hand on your shoulder grew in size and sharp claws bit through your shirt to your skin. Hellfire eyes looked down upon you, familiar, calculating. “For as long as you need me.”
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musicalmoritz · 11 days
any Tsukasa headcanons? I feel like everyone sees him as this demon monster who has no personality aside from murder :/
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Tsukasa is an interesting character for me because he’s actually my favorite Yugi twin but I hate when ppl try to justify his actions…however some people go the opposite way and treat him like he’s a heartless villain with no depth so I end up defending him. Ppl get weirdly ableist abt it too it’s crazy. Tsukasa Yugi they could never make me hate you.
Now onto the headcanons
• I’m a firm believer that Tsukasa is adhd coded (I have adhd and I recognize my own kind)
• Specifically bcuz of the scene where child Amane said smth to Nene abt how Tsukasa would lose it if they didn’t play his favorite game at the festival, and due to the way he acts in movie theaters
• There’s room for debate over whether or not it can be called “coding” but you’ll never convince me that boy was intended to be neurotypical (autistic Tsukasa truthers are also valid)
• Since Sakura compares him to a cat I like to imagine he gets really clingy and cuddly with ppl for like 30 mins and then flips a switch and tries to bite them like cats do
• From “somebody hug me rn” to “touch me and I’ll kill you” within the span of a few minutes
• He takes a very “when I’m bored but then I remember I have a sibling” approach to bonding with Hanako. If the Broadcasting Crew and Mitsuba aren’t interesting him, he’ll pop over to Hanako’s bathroom and annoy him
• Not the kind of torment we see in the series though, he’ll just make annoying noises or keep asking Hanako to play games with him
• He likes animals but he’s terrible with them. Too aggressive, think of those poor fish
• I’m an aroace Tsukasa intellectual. I cannot see him caring abt romance beyond mild curiosity and his perverted behavior in the series seems to just be to mess with people/get reactions out of them as he’s known to enjoy doing (as opposed to Hanako’s pervert behavior which is pretty genuine, albeit comedic)
• His favorite subject in school was geography
• He doesn’t genuinely like many people besides Amane. He has a soft spot for Sakura and Natsuhiko though
• This is so far from canon but I think it’s funny to imagine that the entity inside of him is the TBHK equivalent of Venom. There’s still some debate over whether the current Tsukasa is entirely the entity or whether they share one being and I lean towards the later but I have this crack au/concept where the entity is like a little devil on his shoulder
• Sakura: What would you like to eat?
The Entity: The souls of the innocent👹
Tsukasa: A bagel
The Entity: Nooooooooo👹
Tsukasa: Two bagels
• Again, definitely not how it works in canon but it makes me giggle
• He really likes pumpkins and pumpkin flavored things
• FNAF kid
• He’s a massive extrovert in the sense that he gets his energy from being around other people, and he much prefers to be in a group than alone
• If he’s alone for too long he gets bored and agitated so he can usually be found in the presence of Sakura, Natsuhiko, Mitsuba, Amane, Mei, etc.
• Sometimes he’ll even hang out with Yako (I feel like they’d get along seeing as they both have rather sharp personalities, and I don’t think she’d judge him for his violent tendencies the way others do)
• When he was alive he had a lot of friends, pretty much the polar opposite of his brother
• He doesn’t feel guilty often but when he wants someone to forgive them, he’ll bring them a gift like a cat bringing someone a dead mouse
• Sometimes the gifts are morbid, sometimes they’re normal
• He was closer with his dad than his mom, because while both of them were creeped out by him his dad tried to assume the best
• He’s very creative and likes to invent things. In another life he’d kill it on Shark Tank
• Because of this he really enjoys cooking! He’s surprisingly good at it when he’s not just making the most appalling thing he can think of
• He enjoys soccer (in a human au I like to imagine him, Amane, Kou, and Yokoo would all be on the soccer team together)
• Supernaturals don’t need to sleep but Tsukasa is the only one who doesn’t bother sleeping at all. Most of the others enjoy having some time to rest but he likes to remain alert 24/7
• He likes to play red light/green light but he says red light crazy fast to scare ppl
• If you were ever on a long drive with him he would 100% start singing “One Hundred Bottles Of Milk On The Wall” and not stop until you reached your destination
That’s all I’ve got for now, thank you for the ask!! I love Tsukasa sm
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda„
Honestly he’d never outright call you his friend💀 ! Gn Demon Reader
Origins | DMC3
Let’s be FR he wouldn’t care abt your gender or lack there of he still sees you as lesser than
You’d have to be a Devil or half Devil to even linger around him
Im seeing you just come from Hell to be friends with him🦀
Naturally like any of the devils in DMC3 u were originally gonna attack Vergil bc NPC does what NPC is supposed to do
But you have common sense a pretty mf with a sword is bad news so let’s be friends dear beautiful one
Bear with me right—all ur demon gang gets slaughtered by this mf and you’re just standing there watching fascinated absolutely entranced by this mf
Seeing as you’re the last obstacle he points that big ass katana at you
“Sorry I just can’t fight someone so beautiful man.”
Gives you the MEANEST side eye
Still tries to HARM you and succeeds—but like you regenerate 💀
Mf would let out the BIGGEST sigh and just walk away🪦
You follow ofc bc who wouldn’t (a mf who wants to live 💀)
Me when might controls everything 🫦
Despite being a demon yourself you def would try to convince him to NOT open the portal
Bc lets be FR them other devils ain’t shit for nothin‼️
He constantly looks annoyed and has a mean case of resting bitch face
He’s very stand-offish and depending on how long/well you know each other he’ll listen to what you’re sayin
Especially if ur a person that likes to go on rants
DMC3 he’d be more open to a mf who has no attachments as seen during the scene where he stabbed Arkham
New to friendship and sees everything as a transaction
You give me this and I give you that typa thing
Would take FOREVER to tell you abt his childhood and by the time he does u pretty much already know bc of Dante
Would get along better if ur also half demon rather than full demon as he has a complex where he continuously tries to rid himself of his humanity
Bros on a MISSION so u gotta be able to keep up
Obviously being demon/half demon you got some power but if you’re weak he’s gonna drop you I’m sorry 💀(no I’m not)
Doesn’t celebrate his birthday
Just in general regardless of his childhood I just don’t think he’d like to
So no surprise parties please🫶
Now don’t get me wrong he IS smart but like also a dumbass💀
Constantly makes you think bc he’ll say smth so stupid but make it sound so smart
A very dramatic mf
Always makes dramatic entrances no matter where he goes
Walks into McDonalds with his blue coat flowing, snowlike hair, glistening eyes, arched eyebrows, and a judgmental look
Baby let ur hair down🫦
Bro is effortlessly breathtaking and if u ask for tips or question what he does for his routine he looks you up and down, scoffs, and leaves💀
Spars with you bc luckily you can regenerate
Infinite punching bag
Love a reader with no shame(me acting like I didn’t write this)
Idk why but I feel like he can play the piano as just like a pastime thing
When trapped in Hell u just roam around y’know bc you’ve lived there for as long as you can remember 😭
Vergil is in a constant search for more power and ur just chillin watching him
Like those mfs who still calmly sip on their drinks when there is a bar fight
“Woohoo! Go Vergil you’re doin’ great!”
“Shut up!”
He loves you, I promise.
Talks shit abt Dante, lovingly ofc
After the events of DMC5 if he were to come back with Dante(ambiguous ending)
Y’all would prob live together
And they were roommates 😨
FR tho it’s like weird especially with Nero being recognized as his son
“Nero is my son?”
“You have a son?”
“I didn’t know..”
“How did you not know?”
Becomes more vocal during the friendship during/after the events of DMC5
He doesn’t see the need for an abundance of clothes so if ur into fashion your ideas fill 98% of his wardrobe
Honestly I think he can cook
More of a baker methinks
He probably wouldn’t like sweets but he’ll certainly make them himself
No I’m not going to make a berries delight joke.
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ideas-4-stories · 7 months
Inspired by the "buggy gets stabbed with a seastone knife but defeats the assassin" anon and subsequent post.
Buggy really would have had SO MANY SCARS. He's immune to cuts and chops and slices. Not blunt force trauma, burns, bullets, whips, etc. Also he was a pirate apprentice on GOL D. ROGER'S SHIP!! He ate that devil fruit young, sure, but he was still a pirate before then and I highly doubt that that, nor whatever his early life was, would lead to pristine, unblemished skin.
Also - freckles. Give Buggy Freckles 2024.
Anyway, yeah, Buggy would have a MOSAIC of scars and tattoos - many of which have meanings the likes of which are lost to most. Also projection, but Buggy has a medusa tattoo somewhere on his person. Yes the one who did the tattoo for him was on the crew, and still is. Yes they are also the defacto therapist on the island. It's good pay and they get to add Names to the I'll Kill Them One Day list ((it's a whole book. With five volumes. It's on going.))
I have... an angry idea. For Buggy shrugging off seastone wounds and using his own injury as an opening. Roger would have wanted the boys STRONG but happy and safe. He saw so much of himself in Shanks that the attention was perceived as preferential treatment. Shanks was the heavy hitter with potential and skill and charisma -
Buggy was the supporting cast.
Rayleigh, unable to help Roger through the illness, through so many things, projected that onto Buggy ((Very Pearl + Connie, if you know Steven Universe, before Steven stepped in to set that record straight)). Ray would make sure Buggy was strong enough for Shanks. He put that kid through the WRINGER, and it was arguably hell. Buggy came out stronger but also far more terrified - so much so that he struggled to even utilize that strength in any true way. Rayleigh declared it a failure. Apologized to Buggy for 'failing to make him good enough'.
This did a number on him.
One thing that lasted was his frankly unsettling tolerance to water and seastone. He still works on it, and he never quite dropped it. He always has at least one seastone earring in because it's both smth he HAS to do and also it slows down his brain a little, dulling the edge of his normal panic. Like a crystal girlie but far more literal.
This isn't his first rodeo with seastone weapons either - he may have been in the East, but he was still a decently renowned criminal with a hefty bounty. He's an old hand at this!
Still hurts like a bitch though.
He'd absolutely make the dumbest puns too. "Don't worry, I'm in STABle condition! :oD"
"You need stitches, you utter buffoon."
"That wasn't very- hnn- knife of you."
"Please pass out from bloodloss."
"You cut me so deep, Hawkyyy- OW?!"
"Seas save me"
Crocodile is fighting between yelling louder, committing three felonies, laughing, and shutting the clown up. Be it by choking him or kissing him is up for debate. The doctor, used to Buggy's antics, just hands him a fidget toy. "Don't touch the wound, my supplies or try to move yet. Solve the rubix cube before you even consider getting up."
"I'll tell the kitchen to make hotdogs if you do."
Buggy is now very focused on the pretty color cube.
Oh, referring to this post gotcha!
Yeah, Buggy totally would because he’s a chemist, working with all those bombs and the guy looks like he would trip sometimes while working. Buggy has to have burn scars (I’m pretty sure somewhere, someone said that Buggy has star-shaped, firework burns on his hands. Part of the reason he hides his hands away, I like that idea even that means Buggy got hurt) Now it an idea that I got when I was half-asleep, that I read in the morning with confusion… a cannonball… I don’t why my sleepy brain decided that, but now thinking about it would have to be a ricochet cannonball that he survived from (to be honest Buggy seems like a person who would survive a cannonball to the head, like some Monkey family we know) Then with probably the logical route of bullets, whips, etc… are from being hunted by marines and enemies of the Roger Pirates before he somehow blends into the background and people forgot about him.
I would say Buggy would have eaten his devil fruit around nine years old, for the AU I’m trying to writ… Also freckles… HELL FUCK YEAH!!! I love that idea; it would be so cute on him!!! Scattered all around his body, totally seen him connecting them into shapes and patterns when he’s bored and has nothing else to do.
Definably, he’s a pirate, of course he has many scars, and Buggy having at least 10 tattoos ranging from large too small. I don’t think Buggy ever has sat someone down to explain them, or maybe he has and stopped because people not understanding. Ooooooo, I look up what the Medusa tattoo means, I like to think it’s for survival and strength. With my idea for two long tattoos, I think they would be a mixture of different flowers with hidden things between them - like hidden treasure to find, those tattoos have meanings as well as some funny ones around his body as well. Because it’s Buggy, of course, he will at least have one fucking funny one.
I love an idea their defacto therapist, I think I’ve already have a OC for the job and yes, love the book called I'll Kill Them One Day list. Love that it has five volumes, you know some of those names are crossed off and it continues to grow.
This is an angry idea indeed, poor Buggy… as we see that Buggy is not supporting cast, with his followers (they are like cult followers in a way) and his crew. Basically pushed to the side for Shanks to be the one in the spotlight as the “leader” of the two (I definitely doubt that Shanks didn’t look up to Buggy during sometimes when they were cabin boys)
Oh fuck, no wonder why Buggy hasn’t talk to Rayleigh and makes my idea of them meeting as cold and awkward. Like Rayleigh would greet with nicknames from long ago, expecting the same as what he remembered last of Buggy, only to have Buggy to greet him coldy. Either, with Dark King Rayeleigh or Slivers Rayleigh instead of nicknames that he use to call Rayleigh.
Why…why projected his problems onto Buggy! Like of course that did a number on Buggy, ecspeaily after Ray apologized to Buggy for ‘failing to make him good enough’... You can’t say that to a fucking child, you know they will think it’s all their fault! I mean look at Buggy, he already has enough problems with his self-esteem, he doesn’t need anymore!!!
Poor Buggy, going thtough hell because Rayleigh wants him strong like him to keep Shanks safe because he’s being as stupid as Roger. It makes sense that Buggy can’t use his strength because of being afraid and worrying so much (Buggy is definitely a worry-wort)
I agree with Buggy has an high tolerance to water and seastone, I mean Buggy seemed to of been a really good swimmer from how angry he is from Shanks scaring him and making him swallow the Bara Bara fruit (if not, then it’s a headcanon for me that he’s a really good swimmer before he swallowed the devil fruit) You think he would just stop going into the water? I mean I can see Buggy finding those small pools of water on a beach… I forgot what they are called, anyway you think he wouldn’t go in them to feel the sea? I think Buggy would.
Oooooo a seastone earring or some other type of seastone jewelry on his body. That’s interesting, I’ve never thought about it. The seastone helps him corrals his chop chop powers from doing all the time as well. Calming his brain, dulling the edge of his normal panic is a clever way, bro probably found how much seastone he needs to do so. From this post, Buggy has to have some edibles mixed into brownies or some other type of pastry (it’s now a headcanon for me) Dude has to have some drugs to calm down with the stress that Crocodile and Mihawk have put him through.
Yeah, it's definitely not Buggy’s first rodeo with seastone weapons, I can see Buggy being hunted by people during the time after Roger was killed and I see that’s the time where most of his seastone wounds came from. I wonder now if Buggy hordes the seastone weapons that people attacked him with?… I’ve decided yes, Buggy would keep them.
I stand for Buggy making the dumbest and baddest puns when he is hurt, especially when he gets attacked by seastone weapons. It takes his mind off of the pain they give him (Also the banter between Buggy and Mihawk you made is chefs’ kiss)
Both Crocodile and Mihawk just being done with Buggy and quite disturbed by how Buggy handles his pain. Mihawk wants him to shut up and sit still, while Crocodile is fighting between screaming, committing felonies (like he hasn’t committed felonies more than enough), laughing his ass off, then wanting to either choke Buggy or kiss him to shut the clown up. That’s so them, and Buggy is getting a little shit like always.
This doctor is just like the doctor OC; Kuo-Lee, I’ve created to be the Buggy Pirates medic. Really, being done with what Buggy does and uses things to keep him still. This is so right, handing him a fidget toy, saying that if he is good than he’ll tell the kitchens to give their captain is favorite food. Yeah, that will make Buggy sit as still as he can, to be honest, Buggy isn’t one to sit still.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Hi hi i hope im not lateee. Since you know chainsaw man and you're caught up in the manga, may i request makima with an F!reader? Im thinking of a scenario like makima controls everything except her s/o idk idk smth to do with that. Thankyouu and have a nice day!
Out of Her Control
Makima x She/Her Reader
A/N: I wasn’t sure where I should have gone with this one so it’s mostly snippets of before they got together and then ending with them as a couple. It’s mostly me trying to figure out how Makima would act if she had feelings for someone. I’m pretty sure everyone should know that something is off about Makima by now, but if you haven’t read the manga yet, probably skip for now just to be safe. Thanks for the request, hope you like it! Word Count: 3,564
Humans were just too easy to manipulate, to bend this way and that. More often than not, Makima could get what she wanted without using the full extent of her power, sometimes she didn’t even have to use it at all. And as much as she loved humans and their amusing little moral nuances and loyalties, it could be rather dull leading them on a leash, there was no challenge.
When Makima was informed of a few prospective team members applying to join her division of the Public Safety Commission, she scanned over their files and résumés as if paging through summaries of animals looking for their forever homes. She let out a disappointed hum, unsure if any of them were worth taking under her wing.
She would give them all a job, of course she would. Devil Hunters came and went as surely as the tides changed each day. They needed all the bodies they could get, but Makima definitely played favorites when it suited her.
Perhaps she’d get a clearer idea once they began their new profession, but she wasn’t holding her breath.
And for the most part, the new recruits were exactly as she imagined them to be, people pleasers, Makima pleasers, to be specific. Always doing as she asked without another thought in their heads. Reasonable people would say it was because of her senior standing among most Devil Hunters, but Makima knew better. If any other senior Devil Hunter sent one of their juniors off on a thinly veiled death march, they would not be half as successful in getting what they asked for.
“And that is how we will take down the devil in position of this sizable piece of the Gun Devil. Any questions? Concerns?” Makima asked with a overtly saccharine smile. She expected no resistance, but she always asked anyway, an illusion of choice. She inhaled to speak again, to dismiss the small group to what would likely be their last job, but an important one nonetheless.
But then a little ways across the table, a woman loosely raised her hand from where it had sat over crossed arms, without waiting to be acknowledged, she spoke,
“Miss Makima, I do have concerns. This plan will undoubtedly lead us all to an early grave.”
The rest of the table cast the woman dirty looks and grumbled under their shared breaths, judging the woman for not only questioning Makima’s plan, but even going as far to say that it would fail them so spectacularly. Makima subtly grinned.
“Ah, Miss…” Makima trailed off, she hadn’t bothered memorizing any of their names in the three weeks since they had arrived. If she had been anyone else, she might have been embarrassed by that now.
“(Y/n).” The woman supplied, her eyes narrowed and her eyebrows angled ever so slightly downward, conveying a mild annoyance that made Makima’s own eyes light up in response. No one ever looked at her with even the smallest hint of disapproval, wariness, sure, but never disapproval. Unless you maybe counted Kishibe, but he had been in the business forever so it was to be expected from him.
“(Y/n),” Makima tested the name on her tongue, “please do share what you mean.”
The other juniors in the room jumped in before (Y/n) could say a word, assuring Makima that her plan was perfectly acceptable and that they could handle everything just fine.
Makima raised her hand, motioning the group to quiet, which they did almost immediately. No different from her dogs at home, really.
“There is no need to become so defensive on my behalf, we are all working towards the same goal and have humanity’s best interests at heart. I would be remiss if I didn’t take the thoughts of others into account before possibly making a grave miscalculation. So that being said,” Makima’s eyes found (Y/n)’s again, “the floor is yours, (Y/n).”
“Thanks, anyway,” (Y/n) pushed her office chair away from the conference table and strode over to the city map projected on the wall near where Makima stood.
Her peers shot her questioning and displeased looks as she went. Makima stepped back to give her room, hands clasped behind her back, waiting, intrigued.
“This route makes no tactical sense,” (Y/n) pointed out, “It would bring too much attention to us if we were all grouped up like this. The devil would see us coming and with its Gun Devil enhanced power, it would wipe us out in a single attack. I strongly suggest…”
(Y/n) went on to mark three separate routes on the map and even went on to share the strengths of each individual in the room and who should be paired off and take which route.
“…Finally, if all goes smoothly, we should all converge near this point, and take care of the devil then,” (Y/n) looked over to Makima who’s face still wore a ghostly smile, “Of course I’m open to more discussion, but if you insist on your initial plan Miss Makima, then you can count me out.”
A few strangled sounds of disbelief littered the room, but Makima simply tilted her head to the side, eyes boring into (Y/n)‘s.
“You would quit?”
“Perhaps. Private Sector makes more money anyway. And despite my clear lack of popularity with my coworkers’ at present, I would rather them not die if it can be helped. What do you say?”
Makima chuckled at that, leaning into (Y/n)’s personal space. (Y/n) didn’t fluster nor back away, but she did raise an expectant eyebrow, a curious expression visible as she waited for Makima’s denial or approval of her idea.
She had Makima’s approval alright, in more ways than one.
“Very well,” Makima nodded, unblinking, “let’s give it a try.”
(Y/n) stared down bitterly at the graves long after the service had concluded. Then she heard a rumble roll across the sky accompanied by the rustling of grass and approaching footsteps. The dark shadow of an umbrella fell over her head and a long, black coat came into her periphery as the first drops of rain began to fall around them.
“Would it really have killed them to listen to me?” (Y/n) murmured without thinking.
“It certainly killed them not to listen.” Makima provided, tone neither one of mirth nor despair, simply apathetic. “For what it’s worth, I thought your plan was better. At least their sacrifices hadn’t been for nothing.”
“I suppose.” (Y/n) sighed wearily.
When the day of the mission had arrived, (Y/n)‘s stubborn peers acted on the original plan detailed by Makima. (Y/n) had linked up with some of the senior hunters from another unit and together they killed the devil and retrieved the fragment of the Gun Devil that it had coveted, but not before a good chunk of the city block had been destroyed. Several civilians as well as her peers littered the street crushed and mangled.
“The rain is getting stronger,” Makima noted, twisting the umbrella that hung over their heads, “I’d like to invite you to my home. I’ll make you something warm to eat and we can drink our sorrows away.” Allow me learn what makes you tick.
(Y/n) surprisingly shook her head, “I appreciate the offer Miss Makima, but I need time to reflect on my own I think.”
Makima’s lips parted, a honeyed insistence already on her tongue, but then she stopped herself, a small smile painting her lips instead.
“I understand. Perhaps another time then.”
“Sure. Well,” (Y/n) paused awkwardly, then flicked up the hood of her coat, “see you Monday.”
“Monday,” Makima confirmed.
She made a move to press her umbrella into (Y/n)’s hands, but she was waved off as soon as their hands touched, (Y/n) thanked her anyway but she had still denied the silent offer, order? Makima watched on as (Y/n) walked briskly out of the cemetery, a taxi already waiting for her to climb into it.
Makima watched the car roll off before starting to walk to her own. She could have easily persuaded (Y/n) to join her, but she found it much more compelling to let the chips fall where they may, for now at least. It was rather exciting.
Makima never used her power on (Y/n). A self-imposed rule. That didn’t mean she didn’t have little eyes and ears on her almost constantly. She enjoyed checking in on the unsuspecting Devil Hunter, watching what she did when she wasn’t working. It seemed silly, but Makima felt like she might have been falling for the young woman.
Perhaps it was an unhealthy amount of self-confidence provided by her constant stream of admirers, but she couldn’t have been more surprised when (Y/n) politely declined her proposition. It wasn’t obvious, the biggest hint of her bafflement being two blinks in rapid succession.
“I’m sorry Miss Makima, I just don’t think it would be appropriate for the workplace. Not to mention how dangerous this job is. It’s not a good idea to get too attached to anyone here. I learned that pretty quickly…”
Makima squeezed her hands behind her back, reminding herself that (Y/n)’s will, free from her own, was what drew her to her in the first place. Besides, who really knew what the future would hold for them.
“No need to apologize, I understand your concerns. However, if you ever change your mind, I’ll be here.”
(Y/n) shook her head, a sympathetic smile on her face, “Don’t wait for me, Miss Makima, you do deserve to be happy with someone, but it probably isn’t going to be me.” Then she left Makima’s office, closing the door quietly behind her.
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Makima leaned back in her chair, smiling to herself.
She was still committed to not using her influence, and she was confident that she wouldn’t need it. She’s seen many questionable human couples, if they could stumble into a courtship, she certainly could. She would just need to be patient and drop subtle reminders of her availability.
One might argue how Makima studied (Y/n) so thoroughly to know exactly what to say and do to get her heart pounding would be just another form of manipulation, but Makima would say that this way took a lot of time and effort and was much more heartfelt. In fact, as the months stretched on and the longer it took to win (Y/n)’s favor, the more Makima felt for her.
It had been a particularly hard day for (Y/n) when she had gone to Makima asking if she wanted to go out for drinks. She had grown out of the rookie position by simply surviving a few months and had been assigned a couple juniors of her own to look after. They had went as quickly as they had came, but it still weighed on her.
Makima made sure not to seem too eager. She would be a shoulder to lean on, but anything (Y/n) wanted, she could have it if she went for it. Truly not knowing where the night would go, excited her.
Makima ushered (Y/n) into her car and took her to a restaurant she had remembered her mentioning in passing as one of her favorites. They got a cozy little booth in the corner. The ordered their meals and drinks and quietly conversed, letting the warmth of the room and the gentle clinks of of cups and chopsticks against ceramic.
It was the most loose Makima had witnessed (Y/n), she had a couple drinks, but she wasn’t drunk by any means. Maybe a little tipsy at most, but her smile looked more genuine than it ever did at work, and she sounded so relaxed, she even laughed! But then she began hiding yawns behind her hand and final calls could be heard from the bar. It was getting late.
Makima hated the thought of having to drive (Y/n) home. She never wanted to let her go for even a moment, but that wasn’t her choice to make. How irksome it was to play by the rules of a game she had created. A game that only she was aware she was playing.
Makima scooped up the check an paid for everything before (Y/n) could even think about reaching into her coat pocket.
“Hey, I’m the one who invited you out. What do I owe you?” (Y/n) asked, cracking open her wallet.
Makima reached over the table and put her hand on (Y/n)’s to stop the motion.
“You owe nothing. It’s been difficult for you these last few weeks.”
Makima noticed a look of gentle longing, but it left as quickly as it came when another yawn passed (Y/n)’s lips.
“Let’s get you home.”
Makima ushered (Y/n) outside and into the passenger seat of her sleek black car before maneuvering around to get in herself. The ride was quiet save for the ac blowing a constant stream of warm air to offset the chill of the night. When Makima parked the car outside of (Y/n)’s apartment complex, she turned to smile at her and waited for her to unbuckle her seatbelt, but instead she just sat there, looking pensive.
“What is on your mind, (Y/n)?” She asked, inching her hand over the center console while she debated if it would be a good idea to touch her or not.
(Y/n) leaded back against the car door, halting the slow journey Makima’s hand had been making. (Y/n) bit her inner cheek and looked out upon the streetlights casting the sidewalk in a yellowish glow.
“I think I’m failing for you.”
Makima’s eyes lit up with an excited gleam, but still she left the decision of what would happen next up to (Y/n).
“What will you do about it?”
(Y/n) leaned over the center console, her hand resting atop Makima’s. She leaned in further still until her lips found Makima’s. It took a lot of control on Makima’s part to not chase her when she pulled away too soon for her liking.
“Was that okay? I’m sorry, I know you said you liked me, but that was awhile ago and I still should have asked first.”
“It was fine,” Makima assured, “No need to apologize.”
“…Just fine?” (Y/n) asked, almost incredulously.
“Could have been longer,” Makima smirked.
“Well, I could rectify that, if it’s okay with you.”
Makima was more than okay with it, she had been waiting for a development like this for what felt like ages. The longer they continued to kiss in her car, the more she began to wonder,
“What made you change your mind about us being together? I recall you not finding workplace relationships favorable.”
“That’s true,” (Y/n) agreed, between trying to catch her breath, “But I decided after attending my third junior’s funeral that I’m done with devil hunting. I’m quitting. I did leave the resignation paperwork on your desk last week, did you not notice it?”
(Y/n), leaving Public Safety? That would make watching her so much more difficult, limit their time together drastically. This both annoyed and exhilarated Makima because she could not have foreseen her making a choice like this. She would not have had her make a decision like this. It was almost enough to make Makima use a bit of persuasion to have (Y/n) sleep on that decision and think it over, but she couldn’t. A (Y/n) under her control was not really her (Y/n) at all, oddly enough.
“I guess I was too busy admiring you, to think about what you were there for.”
“Ever the charmer,” (Y/n) unbuckled her seatbelt, “Well… you have my number, let me know when you get home safe and then maybe we could exchange schedules for next week?”
“You already have a new job?”
“Family Burger,” (Y/n) groaned, “Just until I finish the degree I left hanging. I hope.”
“I guess I know where I will be getting lunch for the foreseeable future then.”
“You cannot eat Family Burger everyday, It’ll kill you!” (Y/n) laughed.
“It would take a lot more than a a little grease to kill me.” Makima grinned, maybe (Y/n) would learn that someday.
“Trust me, it would be more than a little grease. But I wouldn’t be opposed if you came by every once in awhile.”
“It’s a date.”
“No way! I’m gonna take you on a real nice date the next time our schedules sync. Mark my words!” (Y/n) promised. She pressed a quick kiss against Makima’s cheek, then opened the car door to let herself out.
“Good night, Makima.”
“Good night.”
Makima watched (Y/n) wave to her from the door and when she walked inside and shut the door behind her, Makima drove home. She was sure to text (Y/n) of her safe arrival as soon as the dogs stopped jumping all over her.
They texted back and forth for a bit, sharing possible times to meet up, and then Makima decided to take a shower before getting into bed. She stared up at the dark ceiling, going over the night’s events in her mind.
It all felt so very peculiar. Makima wasn’t quite sure she had ever felt so many emotions in such a short time. (Y/n) appeared to return her affections, she kissed her. Multiple times. She only wished (Y/n) would stay with Public Safety. It was something that she could easily remedy, but she had restrained herself yet again. Though Makima wondered if she would be able to continue that trend if she had reason to believe that (Y/n) could be in danger. It was easier to look out for her when they worked together. She may have the birds and rats to keep an eye on her, but the proximity was stretched much too thin for her liking.
Hopefully the next steps in their relationship would follow quickly now that the ball was finally rolling. She wanted to come home to see (Y/n) curled up with her dogs in the worst way.
“Soon,” she promised herself, “soon.”
The day did come when (Y/n) suggested moving in somewhere together. It took longer than Makima would have liked to get to that point, but at least it was finally happening. She would have liked to have a talk with whomever gave her the impression that it was customary that women moved in together on the second date. It would have humiliated even Makima if (Y/n) had known she came to pick her up with her trunk full of collapsed boxes to help her move, only to learn they were going to the aquarium.
“Awww, this is the sea lion plush I got you when we went to the aquarium, isn’t it? We should go again sometime soon.” (Y/n) smiled, placing the stuffed animal back on the bed.
Makima nodded in agreement. Despite her initial disappointment, she did have a good time and she did like the sea lion (Y/n) had gifted her. They’re like the dogs of the ocean. Makima never really understood the novelty of such toys, but she had to admit there was something desirable about this one at the very least.
After hanging the rest of (Y/n)’s clothes in the closet, they heard a few whines and a pawing at the door. The dogs had been shut out to keep them out of the way as they unpacked (Y/n)’s belongings.
“The sweet babies,” (Y/n) chuckled, “so lonely.”
“They are simply excited about your indefinite stay, as am I.”
(Y/n) walked around the bed to hug Makima, melting when the embrace was returned.
“Me too. Should we let them in now?”
“Only if you are ready to be buried in seven heavy, wiggly, fluffy dogs.”
“Oh, I think all the other times I came over to visit prepared me for this moment.”
“Fair enough.” Makima smirked at (Y/n) over her shoulder before releasing the dogs upon her.
“Nooo!” (Y/n) laughed.
She was immediately overwhelmed and shoved to the ground. Wagging tails and slobbery tongues hitting her from all sides.
“Makima,” she wheezed, “Help!”
“I thought you said you were prepared?”
“I was wrong!”
“Sit.” Makima ordered. Her voice was soft, but the dogs listened without delay, each looking up at her expectantly. Makima made a quick motion with her hand and the dogs stampeded out of the bedroom.
“Thank you, my hero.” (Y/n) reached her hand up towards Makima, while still laying flat on the floor.
“You’re very welcome,” Makima reached further than (Y/n)’s hand, instead grasping her above her elbow to pull her up so they stood chest to chest. “Is this better?”
“Much.” (Y/n) clung to Makima again, smiling contently.
“So affectionate today,” Makima teased, though she was being just as touchy.
“I would argue I’m always affectionate with you, but I am especially happy right now,” she nuzzled Makima’s jaw, planting a quick kiss against her skin, “I love you.”
It wasn’t the first time (Y/n) had told her so, but the effect was always the same. A warm feeling in Makima’s chest like a warm summer afternoon always bubbled up. It felt so strange, but she enjoyed it.
“And I you.” Makima cupped (Y/n)’s face in her hands. Her stare was as intense as it was tender. She wasn’t sure she had ever been quite as close to happiness as she was right in that moment.
That something out of her control could love her, would choose to love her, it was euphoric.
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veryinnovative · 16 days
hi my beloved <3 sliding into ur inbox with flowers and puckered lips.. giving u a lil kiss..
can i have number 67 for the drabble thing?? pretty please?? i don't care much about the ship, so it's ur choice !! i just know im gonna eat it up <3
(and them doing the devils tango is . also up to u . if it happens then it happens i definitely won't complain MWAH)
<3333 kissy you. also @static-radio-ao3 also sent me 67 but for jeggy so ur both getting it. i wasn't feeling devils tango for this one. also Oh my god I am so bad. I lost muse towards the end I’m so sorry so it just. Stops Abruptly. Anyone who is reading this…Forgive me…It was supposed 2 be short. Anyways Regulus was moody bc James didn’t kiss him during breakfast which is Very routine and then James forgot smth important, I cant come up with what he couldv forgotten to make reg mad, and bc I couldnt figure it out I immediately lost the will to write but I was alrdy at 500 words and didnt wanna start over
“Of all the people I could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with,” Regulus starts, sounding almost petulant when his attempt to come across vicious falls flat—feebly—in the space between them, “and it just had to be you.”
“Calm down there, don’t sound too excited about it,” the voice just an arm’s length away from him snorts, belonging to none other but his boyfriend of three years.
Regulus shoots him a scathing glare, one which is received with a lazy, taunting, almost self-complacent ‘you-will-get-over-this-fairly-soon’ brand of James Potter smiles. The very one that never fails to drive to the brink of madness. Interpret that however you’d like.
He doesn’t dignify the remark with a response. Instead, he keeps pressing the button, persistent even after the kind, soft-spoken Anette assured them that the issue would be resolved soon no longer than five minutes ago. Despite this, Regulus continues to repeatedly jam his thumb into the first level button, as if perseverance alone could rescue him from his predicament.
“That’s not going to do anything,” James huffs.
Regulus ignores him. Keeps pressing.
“Maybe if you press it a hundred more times?”
Regulus. Keeps. Pressing.
“Fine, a thousand?”
Regulus. Keeps. Fucking. Pressing.
“Oh, are we playing the ignore game?”
“I’d rather play the ‘who can be quiet the longest’ game. You should try it sometime,” Regulus grits out, now keeping his thumb pressed to the button.
That is, until a sudden weight leans against him, pressing him against the wall, face smothered by a broad chest (very unsexily) and the faint smell of their shared fabric softener. 
“James—” Regulus garbles.
“You’re grumpy and won’t tell me why. So now, I’ve gotta guess.”
It’s a futile attempt, but Regulus still tries to free himself. He should’ve seen this coming, truly. Their current position is not any different from when James sprawls himself over Regulus, effectively caging him in when he’s hellbent on delivering the silent treatment.
“Let’s see,” James murmurs. “Is this because I hogged the blankets at night?”
You always hog them, Regulus thinks.
“So that’s a no,” James confirms. “Is this because I didn’t squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom?”
Again, a common occurrence.
“Is it because I didn’t manage a Sunny-Side Up and—” the words stagger off into a sudden silence, disrupted by none other than Regulus’ stifled grumble.
“Hm?” James hums. “What was that, baby?”
“Before,” Regulus begrudgingly admits, face still swallowed by James’ sweater. “It was before that.”
“Before,” James repeats. Regulus can feel the calloused skin of James’ fingertips following the curve of his ear shells, undoubtedly dusted pink from the sheer embarrassment. “Was it also before the bathroom?”
Regulus shakes his head.
“So during breakfast?”
A nod. 
There’s a brief stretch of silence, filled with nothing but the mechanic sounds of their breathing and the distant clamor of what Regulus assumes to be the handymen working away with a control panel located on one of the odd floors.
Finally, “Okay, something I said or did?”
“Both,” comes the immediate reply.
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berryjoong · 2 years
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✩ devil by the window - hwang hyunjin - part two ✩
part one
pairing: demon!hyunjin x angel!afab reader
summary: the words hyunjin left you with keep ringing in your ears, there’s only one way to ensure your fate.
song: devil by the window ~ tomorrow x together
word count: 6.4k (oops)
tags: @midsoulz @sanxoxodra
warning: smut under the cut, minors do not interact!! oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), angel x demon dynamics, unprotected sex (pls don’t do this), creampie, egregious of use of the pet name angel, ummmm idk what else to put this is kinda terrible lmao
small a/n: lol part two is finally here!! sorry that took forever i really tried to keep the same dynamics but also slowly change them over time into smth more romantic. this is so long and still under editing but i wanted to finally get it posted! i hope you all enjoy and drop a request if you’d like!
“you were my mission all along, angel.”
“anytime you wanna give up and come home with me, you’re welcome.”
hyunjin’s words rang in your ears long after he said them. no matter what you did, you couldn’t escape the words running circles in your head. it felt like they followed you wherever you went, haunting the corners of your mind.
it had been a few days since he’d let his true agenda slip, along with an offer for you to “come home” with him. you’d never admit it, but you’d been thinking about it more than you’d ever expected.
you knew what it meant, leaving your own home up in heaven and fully rejecting everything you’d ever known. you couldn’t figure out why you were even thinking of leaving, it wasn’t that you were doing it for love, you didn’t even like hyunjin. and yet, there was something in the deep recesses of your brain that kept telling you to go for it, to just let go and give into what the pesky demon wanted.
all you could chalk it up to was just that you thought it a better fate to leave on your own than be sentenced down to hell if ever anyone discovered what you two did in the shadows.
but then there was the other side of your mind, the more rational side that knew you were crazy. if hyunjin was this insufferable now, what would he be like if you did give in and let him have his way? he’d hold it over your head forever. he’d be able to take the credit for dragging you down and the last thing you wanted to see was his smug smile staring back at you for the rest of eternity.
you knew the smart move was just to wait until your human passed, take their soul back to heaven and just forget everything you’d ever done with the thorn in your side demon.
it was exactly what you planned to do. it was what you had to do and you knew that, too. your human was getting old by this point, you only had to hold out a few years more, no problem.
no problem… right?
hyunjin, on the other hand, was acting like he’d already dragged you down to hell and completed his mission. he sauntered around more than normal, smug little smile plastered on his face as he continued tormenting you as always.
“something on your mind, little angel?” he asked, an eyebrow quirked as he looked at you.
you snapped out of the daze you were in and glared over at him. “whatever i’m thinking is none of your business, demon. if i say another word, you’re liable to just drag me with you.”
hyunjin shrugged nonchalantly as he walked closer to you. “i can’t take you unless you choose to go.”
“and why would i choose to go with you, hmm? i’d never spend an eternity with you if i had a choice.” you held his gaze as he halted his steps in front of you.
“but that’s just it, isn’t it? one little word to your higher ups and your choice goes poof! you know that as well as i.” there was that stupid smile again, as if he knew he had you in his little trap before you’d even said anything.
you shook your head, slowly taking a step back from him. you wouldn’t give him what he wanted, you couldn’t. “i’ll never give into you,” you shot back at him, your eyes burning into his.
hyunjin stepped forward, easily closing the distance between you, small smile growing into something utterly devilish. “we’ll see about that, angel.”
and that was how it continued.
you didn’t know why you’d done it. maybe his words really had scared you that much. either way, there was no going back now. it wasn’t like you had much of a choice anyway, you’d never been good at just denying him and leaving.
your human had finally died. and barely, just barely it seemed, you scraped the soul away from hyunjin and brought it safely up to heaven. in the back of your mind you knew he let you take it, he had his sights set on a mission far above a simple human soul.
and now, here you were, readying yourself to leave heaven, leave your home.
truthfully, you had no obvious reason for leaving, but something inside your brain nagged at you, reminding you of the mischievous gleam in hyunjin’s eyes the last time you saw him. he was up to no good, he never was, and you didn’t want to stay to find out what he’d do with the heavy blackmail he had against you. you hadn’t gone with him and you knew that was a blow to his more than massive ego.
he’d stop at nothing to make sure his mission was completed and so, before he could get you damned for all eternity, you would do it yourself. leaving heaven and turning to the other side was the most damning offense one could commit.
you didn’t feel like you had another choice, it was only a matter of time before your demon counterpart enacted revenge for his failed mission. you’d be damning yourself but anything was better than seeing the smug demon get his way and condemn you himself.
you stopped at the edge of the heavenly threshold, white light still surrounding you, and looked down, down, all the way to the very pits of hell below you. you turned to look back at the gates of your beautiful home once more and felt a single tear roll down your cheek.
taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, and jumped.
“angel? angel, what the fuck are you doing?”
the hushed, hurried words were the first thing you heard as your consciousness started coming back to you. the second thing you noticed was the strong arms that kept you held securely.
that voice though, you’d know it anywhere. it was public nemesis number one and the sole cause of you being here, hyunjin. as soon as you recognized that voice, you tried squirming away, rolling out of the arms that had a hold on you.
“oh no, angel, i have you here, i’m not letting you go now,” the voice said, a sharp chuckle following. you opened your eyes, slowly blinking as the demon’s face focused above you. he seemed focused, perfect eyebrows knitted together as he held you in his arms. you vaguely registered the feeling of walking, a door being shoved open and being set down on a soft surface. a bed?
“wh-what are you doing?” your words were soft and unsure as you kept your eyes trained on the demon that had taken you in. he was walking around the room you were in casually, pulling a blanket out of the small dresser in the corner. hyunjin came back to where you were laid on the bed and spread the blanket across your form.
“i’m just making sure you didn’t get scooped up by any other… lowlifes that stay around here. they’re not all as nice as i am, you know.” he raised an eyebrow, directing a pointed stare your way. “the real question is, what are you doing down here? that was quite a trip and fall you had.”
at his remark you scoffed and looked away from him. “i didn’t fall, i jumped.”
that seemed to pique his interest more, both eyebrows now raised in surprise. “oh, really? and why would you want to do that, hmm?”
“because i didn’t- i don’t trust you,” you sneered back at him. “you didn’t complete your little mission, there’s no way you expect me to believe that you’d play fairly after that. i just figured damning myself was better than you doing it for me.”
hyunjin shrugged, as if contemplating your words. “true, i thought about it, but i figured you’d finish my work for me. and here you are, so it would seem i was right.”
“i did it on my own,” you shot back hotly, “i’m not here because you lured me down here with your smooth words and pretty face.”
“so you think i’m pretty now, do you?” the smug smirk that painted his face had you regretting your words instantly.
you gave him a once over and scoffed once more, rolling your eyes and looking away from him. “you’re a demon, it’s your literal purpose to be pretty and tempt people to follow you down to their infinite demise here.”
“oh, you mean just like you did? it’s okay, angel, it’s not always easy to admit defeat like this.” hyunjin’s sarcastically sympathetic tone mocked you as the smirk on his lips grew ever wider.
you started clambering up from the bed you were in, ready to ring the infuriating demon’s neck. “you little-”
“you’re stuck here now, unless i can find a way to get you sent back. you’d better pray to whomever you have up there that they’ll take you again. if not, i’ll make sure we have lots of fun down here together, angel.” he sent a cheeky wink your way before turning to leave the room, perfect hips swaying slightly as he walked.
“feel free to just make yourself at home, little angel, it’s going to be a long night,” he called over his shoulder as the door swung shut behind him.
taking a breath, you fell back on the bed behind you. you’d collect your thoughts and figure out what to do next. one thing was certain, you couldn’t and wouldn’t stay here any longer than completely necessary.
you were dumbfounded at the thought of the miserable demon actually trying to help you and knew not to trust any seeming kindness that came from him. he was incapable of true kindness and love, a care for others; everything he did came with an angle that was set only to benefit himself. you could only trust yourself in this situation, knowing full well that as soon as hyunjin tired of playing with you and your fate, he’d cast you aside like yesterday’s souls.
you weren’t sure how long you’d been in hell.
it was called hell for a reason, a special place of torture for souls that didn’t get taken to heaven. it wasn’t as people on earth thought, there were no pits of fire and brimstone. instead, the souls were brought to places where their most atrocious sins were committed and made to live those sins unending, forcing them into insanity for all eternity. the demons each had their own roles in tormenting the humans’ souls, whether it be carrying out the torture or luring the souls down to their punishment.
in the time you’d been in hell, you learned more about the place than you’d ever wanted to. as an angel, you’d never made it a point to learn what’s exactly went on deep into enemy territory, but now you were stuck with no option but to learn.
it had been your choice to come here, yes, but you couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if you had stayed in heaven. maybe hyunjin never would’ve come for his revenge, maybe you would’ve been damned either way. but you’d made your decision, you’d never know the answers to the what if’s that plagued you at night.
speaking of the pesky demon, he’d been surprisingly… civil over the time you’d been trapped in that spare room. he’d bring you food, even though you didn’t really need it. you figured it was just so he could come and gloat, enjoying the sight of seeing you stuck with him until further notice. he’d said he was working on a way to get you sent back to heaven, although you doubted any truthfulness in his words as you changed more by the hour to look increasingly like the creatures that inhabited these depths of the universe.
hyunjin had also mentioned that it wasn’t safe for you to leave until either he got you back into heaven or until your body finished changing and adapting to the new climate.
“i don’t particularly care, but i figure if it’s truly my fault you came down here, i should give you a chance before throwing you to the wolves,” he’d said, a gleam making its way into his eyes. “plus, i enjoy being the only one who gets to ruin you like that.”
you hated how you were unable to help the flush that covered your face at his words. “like i’d ever let you defile me like that again after what you’ve done,” you spat back at him.
at your words he just snickered to himself and shook his head. “we’ll see about that, angel.”
despite his taunting words, he continued being civil with you, unnerving you with how well-behaved he acted in your presence. it felt like he was trying to lull you into a false sense of security before ripping the ground out from under you. he’d come into your room and explain more things about the goings on in this hellish realm and watch in interest as the once pure white wings you could summon turned to dusty grey before fading completely to black.
you had figured out after some time that you weren’t going to be able to go home, back to heaven, and you supposed hell was now “home.” there was no way they’d take you again with how you’d changed during your time in hell. you decided that as stupid of a move as it might have been to leave that ultimately it was for the best, a choice you wouldn’t try and fight with yourself over anymore. what’s done was done.
“i don’t know if you’ve even tried getting me out of here, but i’d like you to stop,” you told hyunjin the next time he came into the room he’d loaned you. “given” was too nice of a word for a being like him, a being like yourself, now, too. “it was my decision to come here and i don’t want to be sent back.”
the demon’s eyebrows raised as he stared at you in surprise. “oh really, why the sudden change of heart? i’ve finally won you over into deciding that hell is the place for you?”
you rolled your eyes, gaze incredulous as you shook your head at him. “in your delusional dreams, demon. what, do you really want me that badly?”
to that, he shrugged, his face impassive. “i’ve never made any secret of it, have i?”
you just blinked at him, unsure what to make of his words. you knew you shouldn’t dwell on it, it was only another trick designed to make you stumble and believe demons could feel or be anything other that the heartless, cruel tricksters they were at their cores.
“this is just another one of your lies, isn’t it? you got me down here, you got what you want, can’t you stop torturing me?” you looked at him now, shaking your head again in disbelief.
the demon in front of you scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “why would it be a lie?”
“because all you do is lie!” you spat at him. “all demons do is lie and ruin things and destroy what’s good, just look at what you did to me!”
at that, you could see hyunjin visibly recoil, something akin to hurt making its way onto his face. it was just a flash before it faded, the demon’s face setting itself back to the impassive shield it had been before. he rolled his eyes at you, as if he was dealing with nothing more than a petulant child.
“that’s what you really what you believe then? fine by me.” hyunjin turned on his heel and strode toward the door. but not without first calling back over his shoulder, “but don’t blame your predicament down here on me. you were the one that jumped, remember?”
the door slammed behind him, shutting you in once again. you had about had enough of the stupid demon’s games. taking you in, being nice to you, not trying to get in your pants the whole time, and now telling you he had wanted you the whole time. you knew he had some angle, but you just couldn’t figure out what it was.
you had to believe that you were ultimately just a plaything for the crafty being, the connotations of his words as anything else were too much for you to think about. demons didn’t have hearts, they couldn’t feel, despite their previous existence as angels. you knew that and you had to keep remembering it, as the way he’d been treating you since your fall was almost enough to make you think otherwise.
you couldn’t, you wouldn’t open yourself up to the possibility of hyunjin’s antics being anything else other than a game designed to completely break you and make you just like him.
and yet, just yet, you couldn’t deny the tiny nagging inside of you that nearly wished his words were true. he was beautiful, you wouldn’t argue that, and you had to hand it to him that he had done a good job of making it seem like he really didn’t mind you around. that was what demons were best at, being sweet and inviting and lying through their teeth to get their prey to fall right into their traps.
you couldn’t fathom what more he’d want from you, why he was still playing with you after all this time, but you were determined to find out why, once and for all, the next time you saw him.
it appeared to you some time later that if you wanted answers, you would have to be the one to get them yourself. you had apparently upset hyunjin as he hadn’t come into your room for the past couple days and you were starting to get bored waiting for him. so, you plucked up the remnants of your courage and shoved yourself off the bed you’d been sitting on, making your way to the door keeping you in.
you pushed the door open, pleasantly surprised at the fact that it wasn’t locked this whole time. you found yourself in a hallway, looking to your right found a dead end, but to your left seemed to be another room. you wandered down toward the short hallway to the other room, finding yourself in a more spacious living room. it wasn’t big, but it was a modest size for a demon of hyunjin’s repute.
there weren’t any windows, but instead paintings of the world above scattered the walls of the room. off to one side of the room sat a chair with what looked like an easel, paints in a perfectly organized line, and a half finished painting of a flower vase sitting atop the easel. you had thought him one to appreciate art, much less create it; but once more, the idea of the demon you’d built up in your head was shaken. it made him seem less like the dark creature he was and almost more like the being of light he had been before.
you looked to the other side of the room and saw a small couch, with a figure crumpled up under a blanket. it was hyunjin, no doubt, but… why was he out here? this was his place, surely if he wanted to sleep he could-… and suddenly, it dawned on you. he did have a room to sleep in, but he had given that up when he took you in.
now, you were thoroughly confused. had he really been telling you the truth in saying he wanted you down here, with him?
“if you want to stare at me that much, you could’ve just asked, angel,” the figure under the blanket said, his voice gravelly from sleep. hyunjin peeked his face out from where it had been smushed against his arm and the blanket.
“i- i thought demons didn’t need to sleep,” you said back, purposefully ignoring his earlier comment.
hyunjin blinked a couple times before rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “we don’t, but who am i to deny myself the comfort of a good nap sometimes?”
you couldn’t help the next words that you blurted out. “you gave up your room and bed for me. why?”
“i told you, you were my mission, angel.” his pretty face turned blank as he spoke and lifted himself up onto his elbows to look at you better. “not that you’d believe anything i say, you’ve made that very clear. but it’s the truth, you fascinate me and i wanted you here with me. i was given permission by my superiors to drag you down if you didn’t want to come after our mission was over. but ultimately, i wanted the choice to be yours, what use would it be to have you down here against your will and hating me for the rest of eternity?”
hyunjin slowly removed the blanket that covered him and stood up, beginning to pace the floor in front of the couch. his expression stayed perfectly blank, seeming intent on not giving away any of his true feelings behind the matter.
“true, you may still hate me for the rest of eternity,” he continued, clasping his hands behind his back, “but at least i know that for once my hands are clean in the matter of bringing you here. you came of your own volition and while i may have… helped persuade you, the decision was still yours in the end.”
you stood in your spot, quietly listening as he paced while unraveling his whole plan with you. “but… why not say anything? what do you actually want with me that you’d go through all that to maybe end up with me here?“
hyunjin stopped pacing for a moment and shot you a pointed stare, one eyebrow raised. “although i do have demons down here to consort with if i wish, i have always enjoyed a challenge. and you, angel, were the perfect challenge for me.”
the demon resumed his leisurely strides across the floor, shrugging his shoulders as he continued his explanation. “sometimes risks are worth taking, clearly you know that as well as i since you’re here. and i found you a worthy challenge and risk to take. the way i saw it, either i end up with someone to share with in my mischief or i don’t, and i have a few laughs and good fucks along the way. the choice is still yours, angel.”
the entire time you’d been listening to him, you were mulling over the choices presented to you. obviously, hell was your home now and you were never getting back into heaven; all the thoughts you’d been thinking of hyunjin and demons as a whole now applied to you.
on one hand, you could just leave him and hope to the powers that be that you wouldn’t run into him again in your long eternity down here. or, the decision that was starting to look better by the moment; you could stay, he’d made it apparent that he wanted you to, for whatever reason. being transformed into a demon now as you were meant you wouldn’t have to follow the angelic code you’d held to before, you were free to be and do what you want.
you could stay, you would stay here and you’d have fun with him right back. if he could torment you and make you doubt everything you’d known for years during your mission on earth, it was only fair that you do the same back to him, right?
“fine, you want me so bad? i’ll stay. but i’m on your level now, hyunjin, so don’t expect me to play nice.” you crossed your arms over your chest, staring him down from your spot halfway across the room.
the fiery gleam in his eyes that you’d grown to… appreciate was back the moment the words left your mouth. in less than half a second, he’d crossed the space between you, wrapping you up in his arms.
“how far you’ve fallen, my little angel,” his voice dropped an octave, his hold tightening around you, effectively trapping you against him. his face was right above yours, if either of you moved even an inch, your lips would be on his.
“i already told you, i didn’t fall, i jumped,” you whispered, ever defiant.
hyunjin’s gaze turned downright hungry as he gazed at you, lips curling over his teeth into a perfectly devilish smile. “that’s what i like to hear.”
he leaned down, closing the minute distance between you and pushed your lips together in a searing kiss.
you kissed him back fervently, your eyes falling shut as you pressed closer against his body. you brought your arms up to encircle the back of his neck, giving into the need for him you’ve been trying to bury since the very first time this tussle together happened. there was nothing stopping you from holding back now and as hyunjin had pointed out earlier, who were you to deny yourself what you wanted?
“fuck,” he breathed against your lips, “i missed this, angel.”
you chuckled, pulling back to attach your lips to his jaw, steadily working your way down his neck. “don’t tell me you didn’t have your pick of any other being you wanted.”
hyunjin let his head loll back, giving you more access to suck pretty little marks on his skin. “i never said i didn’t, but none of them were you.”
you huffed out a breath at his words, leaving a particularly harsh nip at his neck, reveling in the short hiss that left the demon’s mouth. “you’re stuck with me now, hope you made the right decision.”
“i know i did.” hyunjin threaded his fingers through the hair at the back of your head and brought your face up to his, slotting your lips together once again. he pulled away just enough for you to see the ever-present smirk on his face. “and now i’m gonna show you just how perfect of a decision it was.”
he easily scooped you up in his strong arms, you immediately wrapping arms and legs around him in response. you set back to work on creating a myriad of hickeys on his neck as he takes you back to his room, the colors blooming beautifully with each kiss and bite you leave on his perfect skin.
as soon as you’re back in hyunjin’s room, he tossed you down on the bed and stood over you for a moment, looking ready to ravish you completely. unsure how long it had been since both of you last fucked, you were ready to do whatever he wanted as long as it ended with him inside you, pounding you into the mattress.
your legs fell open, inviting him to do as he pleased. a smile made its way to the demon’s face as he took in your splayed out form before him.
“my perfect little angel,” he breathed out, leaning over you and caging you in with his arms, “i’m going to absolutely ruin you.”
you just wrapped your arms around his neck, tugging him down to kiss you again. hyunjin kissed you back like it was the last time he’d be able to, pressing his lithe body against yours. you felt his teeth nipping at your bottom lip and you couldn’t help the soft squeak you let out into the kiss. he took the opportunity to slide his tongue between your lips, claiming your mouth with his own.
you moaned into his mouth, pushing your body into his as your hands ran across his shoulders and down his arms. in return, the demon above you ground his hips on yours, pulling away from your lips moments later in favor of mouthing down your neck. he sucked and nibbled his way across your neck and to your collarbone, skin blooming with new marks of your own.
“no one else gets to mark up my pretty angel like this but me, right?” his words were hot on your skin and you could feel his smirk when you nodded quickly.
“only- only you,” your voice came out a stilted whimper as hyunjin nipped at a sensitive spot on your neck. “you’re stuck with me now, ‘m gonna stay around and annoy you all the time.”
hyunjin chuckled lowly, running his tongue over the latest mark he’d made. “that’s right, gonna make you just as wicked as i am, pretty one.”
you shivered slightly, feeling the demon’s fingers dance over your body, moving toward the hem of the shirt you wore. you arched your back as hyunjin made quick work of pulling your shirt over your head, discarding it and your undergarments beside you on the bed.
hyunjin looked down at you, his gaze nearly reverent as he took in the sight of your form in front of him. he slid his hands up your sides to knead at the flesh of your chest, eyes transfixed on how your tits moved, nipples pebbling up under his fingertips.
after a moment, he leaned down, capturing one nipping his mouth and swirling his tongue around the bud. your head rolled back at the feeling, letting out a loud moan at the sensation. your hands found their way to his hair and you tugged on the strands, making hyunjin groan into your skin.
“more, hyunjin, please,” you pleaded, lightly pulling on his hair again.
hyunjin looked at you, pulling his mouth off your tit with an obscene pop. “oh, you want more, do you? i’ll give you more, don’t worry, just wanna get a taste of you first, angel.”
he made short work of removing his own shirt before your skirt and underwear, adding them to the steadily growing pile of clothes next to you. the demon kissed down your body, leaving tiny bite marks as he went, moving closer to where you needed him most. he spread your legs open, holding them still as he mouthed along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
you keened as he finally attached his lips to your core, tongue eagerly flicking over your clit. your hands immediately drifted back to his hair, fingers tangling in the soft strands as you tried to pull him closer to you.
“be patient, angel,” came the soft murmur against you, “i’ll give you what you want soon enough.”
you whined softly but it quickly turned into a high pitched moan as you suddenly felt two fingers push into you along with his tongue that stayed playing with your clit. he smirked at your reaction, sucking lightly at the bud to see what that would get him. another loud moan tore itself from your lips and you tried to close your legs on his head, one of hyunjin’s strong hands preventing you from doing so.
“remember, be patient for me, my angel. good things come to those who wait,” you felt his words more than heard them, his mouth barely leaving you as he spoke. you simply nodded, unable to help yourself from pulling lightly at his hair again.
hyunjin kept lapping at you, his fingers languidly making their way in and out of you, curling this way and that, already bringing you close to your release. he’d let out soft groans every time you tugged on his hair, the vibrations from his voice adding to the pleasure you felt. you neared closer to your climax, your walls starting to pulse as hyunjin worked you with his fingers and tongue.
just when you were about to reach your high, everything was suddenly gone, leaving you wanting. you couldn’t help the pitiful whine that left your lips as you glared at the smirking demon.
“you truly are evil, you know that?” your eyes narrowed at him, displeasure evident on your face.
hyunjin just chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly. “so you’ve said a time or two hundred. and yet, you’re still here, so you obviously enjoy how evil i am.”
you glared at him harder, trying to swat at where he stood between your legs with your foot, narrowly missing his hip when he jumped out of the way. he shook his head at you, tutting softly.
“my naughty angel,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “and here i thought you wanted to be good.”
you rolled your eyes petulantly before fixing him with a challenging stare. “what can i say? i guess you’ve just rubbed off on me.”
at that, the demon let a devilish little smile creep onto his face once more. “and how glad i am for that. now be good for me and maybe i’ll let you cum tonight.”
hyunjin shrugged his pants and underwear off, cock slapping up against his lower stomach, just as pretty and proud as the demon it belonged to. you’d be lying if you said it had no effect on you, your mouth watered and you vowed to yourself to absolutely devour it the next time the opportunity presented itself.
“like something you see?” you heard the smug tone dripping from the demon’s words. you could see the fire igniting in his eyes as he stepped between your legs again, unhurriedly tugging at his length. he lifted one knee on top of the bed, angling his hips toward yours and ensuring that with every tug the head of his cock would tap against your dripping entrance.
“please- please just fuck me already, hyunjin,” your plea came out as mostly a frustrated whimper.
that only stroked his ego more but even so, he crawled on top of you once again. “since you asked so nicely, who am i to deny my favorite angel?“
hyunjin rubbed his cock between your folds for another moment before lining up with you and pushing in slowly. your head rolled back when he finally bottomed out, mouth falling open as you moaned out loud.
“you feel so good, always so tight for me, angel,” he said, his voice mostly a moan at the feeling of your warmth around him. the demon above you held onto your hips, keeping you still as he started thrusting in and out of you at a leisurely pace.
your hands grasped at him, finding purchase on his shoulders as your nails dug into his skin. hyunjin tugged you closer, starting to pick up his pace and pulling your hips to meet his powerful thrusts. he let out a low groan at the slight sting of your fingernails scraping against his shoulders, leaving trails down his toned arms.
hyunjin let go of your hips a moment later to lean over you again, propping himself up on his forearms. burying his face in your neck, he left more tiny pecks and nips on the junction between your neck and shoulder, causing you to moan louder than you had before.
your senses were overwhelmed at the feeling of hyunjin everywhere, all over you, the steady drag of his cock against your walls. as he picked up the pace of his hips, you were slowly reduced to nothing but high pitched moans and whimpers, your body pliant under his hold.
“h-hyunjin, please…” you moaned out, holding onto his shoulders tighter and bucking your hips up slightly to meet his.
“please, what, angel?” he asked, his voice taunting. he continued fucking into you, each thrust deep and more intense than the last. he smiled a little at your fucked out form, how you struggled to form the words to answer him back as your high drew closer.
“want- i need to cum, pl-please!” you cried, your back arching up as hyunjin kept pushing you toward your orgasm.
“come on then, cum for me, my pretty angel,” hyunjin whispered into your ear, his hips rocking against yours. his hand snaked down to rub circles on your clit, giving you the last nudge over the edge over the edge of the cliff that had you plunging into your climax.
with a high whine, your release washed over you and you bucked your hips into hyunjin’s, walls spasming around his cock. your release spurred his, cock pulsing inside you as he filled you up to the brim.
he let out a loud groan, rocking his hips into yours as he rode out both your highs. he stilled after a second, slowly pulling out of you and wincing a little at the slight overstimulation.
hyunjin lightly ran a hand down one of your thighs before turning to around to the dresser across the room and taking out a small towel. the demon brushed his dark hair away from his face and made his way back to you, gently cleaning you up and taking care to wipe down your sensitive thighs.
leaning down, he kissed you once again, pushing your lips together in a short kiss. he pulled away a second later, slumping against you lightly as he tucks his head in your neck.
“i missed this. i- i missed you,” he said, his voice soft. hyunjin wrapped his arms around you, gently pulling you closer to him. you curled into his hold in return, no longer trying to ignore the warm feeling that bubbled up in your chest at his words.
“not that i ever planned on admitting it, but i might’ve missed you too, just a little,” you answered him, placing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“i’m glad you decided to stay, my little angel.” he tightened his arms around you, one hand lightly rubbing up and down your back.
“what can i say? your unending snark and wonderful attitude every morning won me over.” you let yourself giggle softly as the demon shook his head.
“and now you get to deal with me… forever,” hyunjin murmured in your ear, his tone menacing but lighthearted.
“i chose my fate, i’m okay staying here and taking over the realms with you; this is what i want,” you said back, a fond smile taking over your face and matching the one spreading across hyunjin’s lips. “you’re what i want.”
“and you’re just what i want, my angel.”
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allol12 · 1 month
Songs from The Oh Hellos that would work well in Arcane fanfics:
I'm doing The Oh Hellos first just because I've been listening to them more recently. Buckle in, this is a long list.
Dear Wormwood:
Bitter Water: About a toxic relationship!! Great for angsty pairings.
Lyric Spotlight: “Even now you mark my steps, lovely bitter water, all the days of our delights are poison in my veins, I know I shouldn't love you, I know”
Exeunt: About a toxic relationship!! Great for angsty pairings. Especially if one of them leaves the other.
Lyric Spotlight: “So, my little dove, I'm afraid I am leaving” “I will not abide all your raging and reaving, I have set my mind and my will, I am leaving.”
Dear Wormwood: About a toxic relationship except it’s not a romantic one it’s about a human telling a demon to screw off basically. In the wise words of Maggie and Tyler Heath, the singers and songwriters, this is a Screwtape Letters fanfiction. Great for fics where a character is battling with their own metaphorical demons, looking at you Jinx.
Lyric Spotlight: “I know who I am now, and all that you've made of me, I know who you are now, and I name you my enemy”
Through The Deep Dark Valley (If I’m being completely honest here I struggled to not put the entire album because very song in this album fits at least one character.):
The Valley: According to Genius, “’The Valley’ is a song about the struggle and confusion caused by being born into wickedness.”There is one very simple reason why I included this song in this list. It feels like Piltover vs. Zaun from the point of view of Zaunite children. The whole song is about a generation of people having to pay for the decisions and crimes of those who came before them.
Lyric Spotlight: “We were born in the shadow of the crimes of our fathers, blood was our inheritance, no, we did not ask for this”
Like the Dawn: This one is about Adam meeting Eve. It’s pretty interesting though cause it’s sung by a woman (Maggie Heath) from the perspective of Adam. It’s a pretty romantic song so it can be for any ship, especially if it’s one that’s doomed by the narrative.
Lyric Spotlight: “You were the brightest shade of sun I had ever seen” “And you will surely be the death of me, but how could I have known?”
Second Child Restless Child: This one has too much lore so I won’t go too much into it. Think of it as the troubled younger sibling anthem. Looking at you again, Jinx.
Lyric Spotlight: “See, I was born a second child, with a spirit running wild, running free, and they saw trouble in my eyes, they were quick to recognize the devil in me”
The Lament of Eustace Scrubb: This song is once again C.S. Lewis fanfiction. Idk much about Narnia so I can't explain this much but think of this song as another instance of battling inner demons. Looking at you for a third time, Jinx. And honestly? Viktor too.
Lyric Spotlight: “Father, have mercy, I know that I have gone astray, 'cause when I saw my reflection, it was a stranger beneath my face”
In Memoriam: Yet ANOTHER song with too much lore. It can be interpreted as romantic, but I don’t think the original version was romantic by any means. Nevertheless, it’s very good for fanfic especially for smth like caitvi, you’ll see why in the lyric spotlight.
Lyric Spotlight: “But I've never been a wealthy one before, I got holes in my pocket burned by liars' gold, and I think I'm far too poor for you to want me”
Constellations: According to genius, “’Constellations’ explores what it feels like to have your own perception of the universe challenged and ultimately fall apart” If I’m being honest with myself… I put this here for Jayvik, skyvik, or literally any ship regarding the hextech team.
Lyric Spotlight: “Like constellations imploding in the night, everything is turning, everything is turning, and the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light, everything you thought you knew will fall apart, but you'll be all right”
O’ Sleeper: Genius only tells me where the name comes from so if I’m being honest I have no idea what this song is truly about, but it does have a very nice domestic opening scene.
Lyric Spotlight: “While the weary nations weep, awakening me from a dream, I see the moonlight steal across my sheets, my love is lying fast asleep, chasing its beams, she stirs, and then she turns her back to me”
Rose: This song is about the change that needs to happen within Christianity. If you look this song up on genius, do not be fooled by the first commenter explaining what this song is about. They are wrong. ANYWHO, this song has banger lyrics that can work for angsty ships.
Lyric Spotlight: “No, love’ll get you slaughtered, like a ram at the altar, what is safe ain’t the same as what is good”
Soap: In my own personal interpretation, this song is about a couple who although may be different, and although may have their own personal issues, are still trying to make it work. Look me in the eyes and tell me this isn’t caitvi. The song literally has oil and water in the lyrics. I rest my case.
Lyric Spotlight: “I've heard, since I was younger, that oil and water don't mix, they're polar opposites, with a molecular rift you can't fix”
The Oh Hellos Ep:
Hello My Old Heart: According to genius, “The narrator of “Hello My Old Heart” addresses his broken heart.” Great for any angsty ship/character especially those who guard their heart.
Lyric Spotlight: “Hello, my old heart, how have you been? How is it being locked away? Don't you worry, in there, you're safe, and it's true, you'll never beat, but you'll never break”
Lay Me Down: According to genius, “’Lay Me Down’ is a song about leaving the beliefs you grew up with and pursuing the truth.” One specific lyric does intrigue me though, as it makes the narrator sound like an adventurous child who wants more than the cards they were dealt.
Lyric Spotlight: “See, I was born a restless, wayward child, I could hear the whole world calling me outside, of the masses I routinely sat behind, and Lord, I had to see with my own eyes”
These are just some examples! I highly recommend listening to The Oh Hellos, they are amazing!!
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crguang · 15 days
haven’t read kafka’s voice lines in a minute, but I just reread them, and like I need to know more. like her being a devil hunter. why were there devils on her planet in the first place, was it bc of the stellar on or just like smth else. why’d she become one. and it was always interesting to me that it seems like she kind of didn’t like her home planet, obviously she could be lying. ig she wasn’t that close to her family and she probably didn’t have friends bc she’s a loser and isn’t good at connecting w people. And I’m curious abt where and when she started saying "When making friends with someone, keep the right distance, in order to maintain a long-lasting relationship." and firefly thinks she doesn’t believe that? if Kafka didn’t care abt anyone on her home planet ig that would make sense? idk hsjjghsh I’m not coherent enough but I need more Kafka. I do wonder abt how people who can’t feel fear yk survive and all, but idk. Her sea voice like is also interesting like why was that such a personal place?
Also my fighter between the two kafcats os probably the happy one bc she’s just so cute…I want to a symphony a few days ago and I couldn’t stop thinking abt Kafka, like violin=kafka for me. She def would liked it, trust me. On a side note, do u think she’d be concert master? it’s like the best (violin I think) player and everyone tunes to them bc, and they usually get all the violin solos.
and I’m gonna have to clear out some stuff bc I don’t have enough storage for ptn…don’t ask. I know I’ll like it bc women, ugh I should just get more storage.
less than 24 hours til the banners come out im actually terrified, but umm we’ll see. And I have a quiz ig but you def got me covered fr (didn’t know you take comp too)
now that ive read AND listened to her voice lines i find it curious that she seems to have a bit of nostalgia in her tone when talking about the destruction of her planet. like you can tell whenever she has a smile on her face as she says certain lines and she’s always so playful (spent a whole hour just listening to her yesterday im ill) but this line was one of the serious-ish ones. she could be acting all mysterious on purpose but i guess we won’t know until more info comes out…. i really wonder if she had friends or something before because she says she rarely ever saw the same person twice due to her work.
THE SEA VOICE LINE. HELLO. WAS NO ONE GOING TO TELL ME HOW EXCITED SHE GETS?! THE CUTE EMPHASIS ON “fiercest”?!?!?! YOU ALLLLL FAILED ME. she speaks so genuinely as if reminiscing that place then she composes herself after a pause… wow. my baby. she’s so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i also go violin = kafka and omgg going to a symphony sounds so nice i hope u had a great time. straight up unbiased thoughts i think she would get the solos because she seems really rigorous in her practice of the violin despite having a very unstable job. she doesn’t strike me as the type to go for easy to play pieces either, especially when you consider what kind of music she’d like. so she’d work for that solo!!
hope your pulls went well i thought i was gonna be devastated if she came at hard pity but turns out im too happy that shes home at all🥹
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bbyquokka · 2 years
hello! i’ve seen a couple of your writings and i think you’ll become one of my fave blogs!! may i request though? where you lost something kinda expensive that changbin gave you accidentally (like it broke if it’s a bracelet and fell or smth while u’re walking home or it got stolen) it turns into an argument (where he says u’re so dumb n careless u lost it or he shouldn’t have bought u the thing, like that) and not talking for days???? fluff ending pls :))))))))(((((((( thank you so much if u’ll write this!! have a great day and write more beautiful fics!! luv ya!!
*anw, sorry for my eng it’s not my mother tounge and i’m a fem reader using she/her pronouns*
that's so nice to hear, anon! i hope you continue to love my works! thank you for requesting; i hope this is okay and what you wanted! pls lemme know your thoughts and opinions! 💭
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⌢ : ⤹ 💕 im sorry
➥ pairing: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
➥ genre: angst | fluff
➥ synopsis: your promise ring got stolen. you tell Changbin hoping he'd understand for it to turn into an argument
➥ warnings: Changbin is kind of an ass at the beginning | pet names [baby, princess, darling]
➥ words: 1.2k
➥ have a request? send it to me here. read my rules to learn about my guidelines before submitting requests
➥ m.list – ➥ ao3
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"No, no no! This cannot be happening!" You frantically rummaged through your bag, hand diving in and out of your coat pocket. You turn them inside out hoping for it to fall out but only empty candy wrappers and old receipts fell on the floor.
You press your lips together in a thin line, tears falling down your cheeks slowly. You went out to do your daily chores then went to get a massage. You placed all your belongings in your locker. It wasn't until you came back home you realized your ring was missing.
It's not just any ring, it's a promise ring. One that Changbin gifted you for your birthday. It's a very expensive gift with it being decorated in real diamonds. You vowed to protect it with your whole life – until now.
You know you wouldn't have misplaced it so the only logical explanation could be that it's been stolen. Should you tell changbin? You could lie and make up an excuse. However, that wouldn't work – Changbin knows you too well.
Taking a deep breath, you sat on the sofa to calm your nerves and anxiety. You have to tell Changbin, you cannot lie to him. He'll be more upset if you kept it a secret from him so it's best that you're just honest with him.
Speaking of the devil, a happy looking Changbin walks into your shared apartment, a smile plastered on his lips as he walks towards you with a bounce in his step.
"Hello baby." He spoke cheerfully. You gave him a weak smile, standing up and taking a deep breath. Changbin furrowed his brows together, noticing something was wrong.
"Binnie… I have something to tell you."
"What is it, babe?"
"The promise ring." You close your eyes, swallowing thickly before looking at him as tears fall down your cheeks. "I lost it."
The colour drained from Changbin's face, anger slowly rising to the surface. He looks at your hands, noticing your ring finger bare. You bite your bottom lip nervously, watching Changbin look at you, then your finger and back at you again.
"How can you be so careless?!" He snaps. You jump in shock, eyes widening a little.
"Do you know how much that cost me?!" Changbin cuts you off, hands flailing everywhere.
"I didn't lose it on purpose!" 
"How am I supposed to know that?! I know you're misplace a lot of things y/n, but I at least thought you'd be a bit more careful with this!" You glare at him, the air around you both becoming thick with tensions and emotions.
"Do you really think I would lose something that's so precious to me Changbin?" You spat. Changbin shrugs his shoulders
"I dunno. Maybe. You seem to not care about it that much to lose it. I can't believe you can be this stupid!" Changbin ran his fingers through his hair, his words going straight to your heart, breaking it slowly.
"I. Didn't. Lose. It!! It got fucking stolen when I went for my massage!" You scream, face heating up. Changbin looks at you, his anger slowly subsiding.
"Wait, it got stolen?" His voice was much calmer but you, on the other hand, wasn't.
"I can't believe you would think so little of me! You really believed I would be as careless as to lose something that's so precious to me!" Hot tears streaming down your cheeks. Changbin walks towards you, arms extended out for a hug. You take a step back, hastily wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand.
"y/n, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking…" 
"Of course you fucking wasn't. I mean, why would you, huh? Clearly the ring meant that much to you because you wouldn't have said all that shit to me. It hurts Changbin! it hurts to think that the man I love thought that about me." 
"Darling, i-" You hold your hand up, cutting him off as you sniff.
"Save it. I don't want to hear your lame excuse. I'm going to stay at a friend's for a few days, give you a chance to cool off and possibly rethink your opinions about me because clearly you need to, Seo Changbin." You spoke, words laced with venom which made Changbin which a little.
It has been a few days since your bust up with changbin. Your ring never got found even though you reported it to the police and made the massage parlor know that something got stolen. You decided to give up hope on it being returned to you, you wouldn't be surprised if whoever stole it resold it for cheap.
Changbin had been calling and texting you non-stop, which you ignored. You need him to learn his lesson in that he cannot go around saying whatever he pleases about you. He needed to learn that words hurt.
A ring of the doorbell was brought to your attention. Standing from the couch, you walk towards it, peeping through the peephole. You sigh softly, opening the door.
"Hi.." Changbin whispers, a small, sad smile on his face. You look at him, not saying a single word. "Can we talk?" 
You step to the side to allow him in, closing the door behind him. You walked to the living area with Changbin trailing behind you like a child that just got into serious trouble from their parents.
"What do you want?" You ask, words holding no emotions. Changbin held up a single rose, to which you rolled your eyes. Not wanting to give up, he places the rose on the coffee table before approaching you.
"Princess, I'm so deeply sorry.." You hum, keeping your arms folded.
"Sorry for what?" You want to see if he had learnt his lesson and that he wasn't just saying sorry for the sake of it.
"Sorry for assuming. Sorry for judging you. I don't think that about you at all! I just –" A deep sigh left his lips, hands running through his curls. "I saw red and once the words came out, I couldn't stop them. No matter how bad it sounded."
"It hurts me Changbin. I thought you love me." You unfolded your arms allowing Changbin to gently hold your hand.
"I do! I love you so much! You're the most precious and beautiful woman on this planet y/n! I cannot live without you. These past days have been hell for me…" Tears fill up his eyes, making them glossy. You couldn't help but feel for him, your heart breaking as you watched them fall down his cheeks.
"Please forgive me, y/n… I understand now that it's all just material things and I don't care about that. What I care about is you. You're all that matters to me and I cannot live without you in my life. My life is meaningless without you, princess…" 
"Binnie…" You whimper, stroking away his tears. He leans into the palm of your hand, kissing it gently.
"Come home, y/n. I need you so much and I swear! This will never happen again. I promise you I will be more thoughtful in the things I say!" 
You gently peck his lips, heart thumping against your rib cage. You can't deny that you have also missed Changbin. He is your life and soul and you have never been apart for this long before. It's been killing you just as much as it has killed him. You had to be strong though for him to learn.
Good things come to those who wait.
"Promise?" You whisper against his lips.
"Cross my heart."
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tags: @chaneomma | @purple-belle
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ARI *slams palm on table* i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. YOUR JJK CHASE ATLANTIC THOUGHTS PLEASE. (i agree very geto very gojo very megs)
SEL. take a seat we’re gonna be here for a while. here r some snacks for u while u read <33 🍦🥪🥤
but okokokok so these are my general assignments!!!!! pls let me know what u think…
gojo; heaven and back, ozone, obsessive, vibes
geto; swim, triggered, hold your breath, moonlight
megumi; roxanne, august
FIRST OFFFF heaven and back…… obvious gojo pick. sue me but it rly is so Him. so pretty and angelic and high and mighty………. but also kinda melancholic?? the way he flirts w godhood…. yeah. the chorus makes me think of him so bad sel. and the instrumental in general.. hhhh…. T_T
and then!! ozone!!! star and space symbolism aside…. its just so pretty and soft n hypnotic. and the lyrics GOD the lyrics sel…. the angst of it all. the same person that i need is the one i’m running from // i don't know why……….. oh, no, you don't understand // i neglected you again (explodes) 
as for obsessive and vibes….. no pun intended but both of these just have gojo vibes to me. Extreme gojo vibes. they feel so warm and nice 🥺☹️ n make me smile sm!! i can see the edits in my head 
BUT ALSOO the lyrics in vibes……….
oh, she says i’m out of her league // i don't think so // i’m not ready to leave, but i should go
and i’m ready if you're ready to go // just say the word, just say the word // please say the word
let this feeling slide // and girl, i’m yours tonight 
HEAVY on the last one im a big advocate of satoru ”im yours” gojo <33
(also sel…. i just finished reading col 2 and im gonna write a whole bible for it BUT for some reason these lyrics just make me think of col!reader and gojo…… idk why exactly its just such a lovely song and it makes me think of like. gojo being w someone hes comfy with!!!! after hes started letting his guard down more…. can i imply that it’s alright to let me in? // just give me time PSJFJD THEY MAKE ME INSANEEE)
but okok gojo aside. cracks knuckles….. Sugu Time
ive assigned him angsty songs but also some that r very soft bc to me he just has that contrast yknow…. teen sugu is the softest boy in the world to me but obv breakdown sugu is angsty and cult leader geto is just Twisted. and i love them all!!!!
swim…… its just. mesmerizing and pretty but also just a lil twisted to me… i feel like it can work for a lot of different versions of sugu. you picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out……… world is on my shoulders // keep your body open……. i’m exorcising demons, got ’em running ’round the block now???? its HIM.
AND AND….. triggered. this one is mostly just the overall vibe and the way it sounds but like… idk. i can just SEE the edits in my head yknow……. geto during his deterioration…. the moment he just snaps. and then his acceptance afterwards…. patience is a virtue // and i’m all out of time right now…….. tell me u see the vision
angsty songs aside i had to give him smth soft because soft sugu is real to me. so we have hold your breath…. obv emphasis on teen sugu here but i just think he loves so gently…. hold your breath // we’ll be just fine….. the smoke’s building in my lungs // well, goddamn, i’ve gotta have you…….. 😔😔😔
and finally the biggest sugu song of them all imo!!!! (and also my fave :3) is moonlight. i just adore it soo much its so lovely…. and above all else sugu is so unbelievably mooncoded to me. which is weird bc canonically hes suncoded. but hes also such a moon character……. and the ocean!! any kind of mention of drowning/waves/etc just makes my brain go ”suguru” 
the lyrics are just. so so SO sugu like;
we’re diving through the bottom of the ocean // swimming through a bottle of emotions, girl
you’re hanging for a good time // something that'll make you stay
caught up in your own small world // well, i might wanna see it then // call it hesitation, girl
we’re running in the moonlight // could you show me the way again?
and then FINALLY we have gumi ….. to me hes just such a softie. so both these songs are soft and a little sad bc hes also a sad boy.
roxanne is sooo pretty and the lyrics make me think of him!! in particular college!gumi (ur influence)……. i don't ever wanna let you down // no, i just wanna kiss your lips in the rain // you know i’ll pull you closer if you start to drown…… hes cute.
as for august gumi is just SUCH an autumn boy. so ofc i had to give it to him. but its also just a pretty song for a very pretty boy!! the vibes are very Him :’3 and some of the lyrics too… you said you wanted to ride away from everything // keep pedaling, we're on our way out // i never said we should try to be anything…. yeah.
OK IM DONE 😭😭 as u can see jjk x chase atlantic is a concept im extremely normal abt. BUT SEL PLSPLSPLS……. lemme know ur own thoughts 🎤🎤🎤 recs 🎤🎤🎤🎤 anything 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
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gardens-of-may · 1 month
ENTRY TWO - chap. 23 to chap. 50
spoilers ahead
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that was me singing opera
you wish you heard it
also i can’t stop talking in a british accent because guess is on repeat 
good lord jennifer 
this book is getting BORING
caves are amazing 😑
is the child okay????
fuck you child 
ugh him
oop he’s fAcToTuM 
i’m sorry this book is getting more boring by the second 
*an hour later*
the boy’s a liar the boys a liar he doesn’t see ya he’s not think about blahhhh
i’m also currently falling asleep rn so 😗
*days later* (i wasn’t lying when i said this book is boring)
okay good consent!!!
oop he knows
i thought i was smart for knowing the french
i didn’t know bonne chance meant good luck 😑
it’s like avery is nonexistent and i HATE it
because in the main trilogy, his presence was very shown
but i keep forgetting that avery’s even here because of this shitty narration 
oh hi gray
oh my god grayson in shorts would actually scar me
oh my god
that’s evil
and she’s such a saint 
i forgot that we’re dealing with his dad
technically avery didn’t kill him
so what’s so bad about putting the evidence of what he did against avery out?
i love xander i miss him sm
hehehe 🤭 
that’s true tho
sav and gray are very similar 
gray also likes to deny his feelings tho
same bro 😜
nash is the best 
ily him sm 
oh no
was gray told abt the devils mercy thing?
i don’t really know what whom is 
she’s so funny
that’s one way to deal with mental health 
get a lyra!
no not shorts 😭
i love gigi
lemonade? too sweet?
oh shit
i js realized i can only imagine gray with a british accent 
the aaron warner effect
grayson davenport hawthorne
i find it hilarious that it’s in autocorrect 
“I am so sorry that Avery girl took all of your money,” one of the others said seriously.
“And chose your brother,” another one added.
“And broke your heart!”
“But not your spirit.” The bravest of the girls reached out and laid a hand on his arm”
stop it’s like a fanclub
what has gotten into me?
she isn’t a bitch 
her future is probably brighter than your fucking phone screens
oh yeah i forgot
gigi doesn’t know who he is
no he is not your boyfriend or anything like that 
gigi what cleavage?
gray’s reaction tho
i’m in the rural rn
an ode to nash 
cupcake a palooza? 
as a 5’5 girl anything above 6’ is tall
seems ugly 
a flashback? NOW???
how tall was jamie at ten?
that’s so mean
yeah what about nash ?
he’s amazing 
okay gray might be perfect and xander can think outside the box but jamie is good at taking and measuring risks 
is that a skill? i don’t know 
js triggering pain and insecurities atp
wait they’re supposed to lose
okay so the point of the flashback is to show why he’s doing what he’s doing
wait what did he do?
mr. hawthorne js has a aura that is 
you know
i js read smth kinda sad and it lowk ruined the vibe 
i had hoped the proprietor was zella
sorry 🙂
i forgot avery and jameson weren’t married 
i don’t know why i thought they were
oh shut the fuck up
this feels so wrong
not this
where’s nash then?
what does that bitch want? 
a boyfriend? not even once she’s six feet under
“my existence?”
your existence pains everyone 
i love gigi
oh shit
oh my god
i love gigi 🥰
“prone to eyebrow arching, very fond of imperative sentences, blond and broody.”
how cute?
i’m gonna kill you 
“oN tHe cOnTrArY-” shut the fuck up
that’s terrifying 
i hate him
awwww i love avery tho
nash > gray > jamie > xander
i think im used to leo
“privileged, prep school boy”
i didn’t think he would
oh shitttttt
i’m not describing this
good lord jameson
oh yeah
his brothers are gonna kill him 😀
why would you purposefully do this to yourself?
that’s cute rohan, but i don’t think so
heheh 🤭 
what did you do in prague jameson? what?
no you did not 
oh nooooo
gigi no
ajaksjjw he’s your brother you cannot date him 😭
that weirded me out even typing it
your imaginary girlfriend okay
(it’s me guys)
our forever is limes
not like that
huh (i took a break if you couldn’t tell)
acacia is more of a mom to gray than fucking skye will ever be
good lord
anw eight years ago everyone 🙂
this is so traumatic 
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astarionsilverbough · 10 months
Lit Analysis Anon here to trouble u once again (can I start going by Lit Anal Anon? Just feels more fun)
@ Raphael’s brothers @ Mephistopheles @ Haarlep KILL YOUR SELVES NOW
I think this chapter really gives a lot of insight into The Boy. The early line where Raphael thinks “born men” feel entitled to divinity— hm. Doesn’t he, too, feel this way? Ofc with his parentage it’s a little more warranted, but I found that very interesting. Broke: saying ur a man bc gender dysphoria. Woke: saying ur a man bc ur climbing into heaven w ur own gay little hands and they BETTER open the door when u get there.
Question. Um. Maybe I’m misreading or you worded a sentence oddly but… is Haarlep… also… a child of Mephistopheles?
*reads the next bit* Oh. Okay so that’s apparently not a CONCERN for them. I see.
Gale’s simple but very earnest COURTSHIP of Raphael… hm. Kissing his hand, holding his arm to take him somewhere… the way Haarlep initially was a nobleman courting Raphael… grand and empty gestures vs simple but genuine ones.
Really into how open Gale is also, he’s pretty blatant about being into Raphael instead of trying to play coy. It makes sense why Astarion likes him as well, both him and Raphael can take someone that does smth they don’t LIKE, but the mind games of their tormentors would ofc leave them uncomfortable with uncertainty. Which Gale obviously sees, and his openness (imo) is what Raphael is attracted to at least partially.
Personally I think they should kiss just sayin. Also I am even MORE looking forward to astarion and Raphael meeting fr, I feel like they’d wrestle for Gale like two dogs w a squeaky toy 😂
Btw what spell did Gale use for tower time? Teleport? Or is this a modified magnificent mansion..? Or is it “whatever the hell spell this plot needs shut up”???
i was nodding and going 'mhm yes mhm yes exactly yes mhm' as i read this i need u to know
haarlep isn't a child of mephistopheles - there are twelve devils and one (1) incubus, as incubi aren't considered devils and are actually demons, and in d&d devils and demons are quite different
and yes i also think they should kiss and there WILL be moments when raphael and astarion DO bicker over the mage, u are not wrong
it's a pocket dimension/doorway sort of deal i think idk gale uses it in game to like sweep u away when u do his romance so like it's just a gale being amazing and incredible thing i think tbh
also i love u
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constantvariations · 1 year
I cannot believe I’m awake when the episode drops holy shit. I’m also drunk af bc it’s my weekend off so I might not be as sharp as I’m usually am (not) but guess we’ll see lol. Also the devil works hard but pirates work harder. Bless them yardee hars yo ho
Post Ep: uhh I genuintely dunno what to say here :/ MKEK fucked over literally the only aspect of v9 i liked so i guess imma rot or smth idk
Genuinely funny (by which I mean what the absolute fuck) that the warning does not, in fact, warn the viewer of fucking anything. Reminds me of the conversation in Criminal Minds where the unit receives a bomb threat and have to wait for it to explode because sending out a general bomb alert would halt the entirety of the country in a panic. Wasn’t there a tiktok about this exact thing? One that went liek “TRIGGER WARNIGN! TRIGGER WARNING!“ but never told you wh at the warning was? Feels like this shit
Back at it again with this pov shit? With the hentai panting? Why is it always with the hentai panting???
“Why did you shout at everyone like that?” Sometimes it’s hard to remember that Little is supposed to be like... a child? I guess? in the Wonderland spectrum of things, so them not knowing what a mental breakdown looks like is both in character and entirely unhelpful in the narrative, considering how easily Ruby brushes off the inquiry
This is probably the most tolerant Ruby’s voice acting has been in the last many seasons. It’s not high and nasally enough to scrape my skull!
Not gonna lie, having Ruby finally break down against the shittiest of tree textures is so fucking funny I can’t take this seriously. It looks like she’s wailing into a painted wall
“If you’re going to stay with me, you’re going to end up dead, too.” Ruby, the only dead people that you supposedly gave a shit about are Penny and Pyrrha. You don’t know about Clover or Ironwood, you definitely didn’t give a shit about that Forrest guy from V7, and it’s still up in the air if you know about Penny 2.0. You haven’t even mentioned Qrow, your father, or the rest of ORNJ, so what the fuck are you referencing here? Your mother, whom you only started being compromised about 2 seasons ago? Big fuckety whoop, no one cares
Ohhhh noooo not the shithead mouse character being saddddd and left behinddddd whateverr shall we doooooo
Aight what’s with the butterfly thing. If it’s supposed to symbolize Summer Rose in some way, it was never foreshadowed and only the barest of threads (butterflies being pollinators of flowers) would connect this shit. There’s a difference between subtlety and bullshit
Uhhhh did Ruby stumble into a casino house of Neo? Is this Neo backstory we’re getting into? Honestly, that’s way more intriguing than anything our heroes have going on
Why did they have to drag Roman into Maya? Didn’t they do him dirty enough by having him be eaten by a stupid grimm? Is this even the same voice actor? It’s not as... sultry
Holy shit the animation of Roman jumpin on the table is sending me into the fuckign statosphere fucking hlep
Can’t even have a normal transformation animation between scythe to snipe it’s gotta be a spinny bullshit thing ugh. Take me back to episode 1 I miss that shit
Who is voicing Roman there’s no way this is the original VA Imma strnagle this bithc
“But we all remember how that ended.” Is this based on actual events or what Neo has interpreted? This entire scene has been nothing but bullshit so far, and not even the fun kind that Roman used to produce
“You still blame me for what happened to Torchwick?” Bitch what the absolute fuck makes you think that? What clues could you possibly have that Neo blames you specifically when there are so many random people at this table? It’s not like you’ve ever claimed to be responsible for any of these peoples’ deaths, so why is this the fucking conclusion you make? Other than having writer’s clairvoyance of course
Okay, despite not knowing at the moment what it means, I do like the detail of Roman not stepping on the teacup before but once shit gets real he demolishes it. Still don’t like how ugly he is though. Leave my dead gay son alone
I don’t know if I’ve said it before but I fucking HATE the eyeshadow on the character in Maya. Why is Neo’s fucking mint green? She’s NEO-FUCKING-POLITIAN WHY IS THERE FUCKING GREEN IN HER GODDAMN COLOR PALLETE WHEN IT’S FUCKIN WHITE BROWN AND PINK
“I’m going to enjoy watching you break.” Does Neo not have any sort of contact via her clones or whatever? Did she not see how helpless Ruby was last episode to her Jabber? Because it was very heavily implied she knew when that one turned into her before shattering. Neo didn’t have to do shit to make Ruby break, her so called friends were doing that better than Neo ever could Also, the smiles on everyone’s faces as they say this is 100% me when I write my characters going through some fucked up shit. Neo should’ve gone into theater and literally none of this would have happened lmao
It’s uhhhhhh kinda telling that Yang is the first to stop and bitch about Ruby’s behavior. “How could she jsut run off like that?” damn it’s like your sister knew you ddidn’t give hafl a flying fuck about her and dipped Yang OHMYGOD YANG BEING PISSED THAT RUBY DIDN’T TALK TO THEM I’M FUCKING WHEEZING Girl you were so busy being buried in the pussy you didn’t notice your own sister having a full ass breakdown. I do not feel sorry for you “She could’ve just talked to us” like you talked to her after you lost your arm? Oh, wait, YOU DIDN’T FUCKING DO THAT YANG. You literally told her to LEAVE YOU ALONE. Ain’t that a bitch, huh
“We say things like ‘we believe and you’ and ‘we can count on you’” holy shit this is smth I would expect from the yt exercise gurus I watch after work shifts not from my close personal friends this is so fuckign funny
“It’s not like we’re asking her to be perfect” well mf did you ever, idk, COMMUNICATE THAT. Because, lmee tell you as someone who WAS expected to be perfect at all times, that shit be damaging as fuck. I can’t even let typos happen in funny instances without a voice in my head screaming to fix them
Oh great we get the generic meandering vocals during a pvp platform fight. Do they write these lines knowing they’ll be translated into a game soon? There’s no way “I was the best and brightest Beacon had to offer” comes off naturally otherwise
Ruby literally clambered onto the only structure in the room for defense? Girl at this point you are asking to die lmao
“Just like you were too late to save me at the Vytal festival.” Bitch that literally didn’t matter shit since you came back in V7. You’re literally wearing your V7/8 outfit. Shut the absolute fuck up you fucking waste of potential and hair space goddamn
“Can you imagine what it’s like to be failed time and time again by someone who meant the world to you” oh like Oz? The guy you demonized for the last few seasons? The guy who was roasted alive by his wife after she butchered their FOUR FUCKIGN CHILDREN?
Okay I can’t put my finger on it, but the animation of Pyrrha going around her staff to kick Ruby is really fucking weird. Maybe because it seems like her spear is merely resting on the ground instead of impaling it? (My current MC had a similar move so this is important to me lmao)
While I do appreciate the line of “have you stopped to consider if you’re doing more harm than good” coming from Ironwood, it’s not really Ironwood saying it, is it? How the absolute FUCK would Neo know this? Was she witness to what was happening, did she figure it out with context clues, or is this another case of writer clairvoyance?
While I guess it is within canon rights to have Neo know that Oscar is Oz’s new host, I’m very much confused about this particular course of action [turning Ozpin into Oscar] from Neo. When it was her vs Cinder,  Neo just tried to annihilate her, but with Ruby she wants to be Jigsaw??? MKEK learn character consistency I am BEGGING
Listen... I know Ruby is in an emotionally compromised state, and that in any other scenario this would be intensely heart-breaking, but with how contrived this entire scene is, I cannot give half a flying fuck about Ruby’s mental state because it’s too damn funny how easily she falls into Neo’s lap. You walked into this giant ass casino, can’t you just walk out? We ain’t seen you try yet, so either you (and the writers) are too stupid to think of it, or it was shuffled off screen, neither of which are a good look babe. Especially when that damned mouse is in the wings for SOME goddamn reason. Probably the next fucking deus ex mouse
Okay, so Neo offering the tea makes it seem like that’s a path to the Ascension that everyone’s so gung-ho about, which makes me question why the paper pleasers needed to have a whole ass suicide dam-break to ascend if all they needed was some leaf-tea. I also think I’m putting more thought into this than the fucking writers, which, honestly, is par for the course
WAIT WHOA HOLD UP that was some geometric shit hitting Neo into the fucking next generation. Everything in Wonderland is ~whimsy and frolic~ not Square (tm) so wtf is going on
Goddammit again with this pov shit? Whoever suggested it in the group orgy should be drug out to the street and shot
CURIOUS!!! THE ONLY BITCH THAT MATTERS TO ME even if he is ugly as sin
“(Ruby) I don’t want to be me anymore” well aint that just more gasoline to my theory that Ruby’s gonna try to sacrifice herself to the tree No joke, if RT (and for any dumbass who needs clarification, CRWBY is 100% RT property) tries to imply in any goddamn way that sacrifice is the only way to achieve happiness (especially when it comes to other people’s happiness) I will come to each of their houses and shred their shoes, their paintings, and dismantle their ovens
Altho, no joke, I would much rather prefer Curious as our MC instead simply because they are curious and would potentially be able to ask questions about the world that our actual mains would take for granted, like idk wtf is dust and where does it come from? (Mainly stemming from my hc that dust is the remains of human souls that grimm devour but can’t actually process. Like... how else are you gonna reconcile the dust that made Adam ((the original biblical man)) with the dust of Remnant?)
Oh wow so we’re actually going for the take that the cat was evil the whole time? Is that what we’re doing? No nuance about a creature merely curious about a world outside its own? We’re going full fucking body snatcher?
I absolutely HATE this take on the Curious Cat. MKEK. Give me your addresses so I can beat your asses in the nearest Dennys parking lot. I think you sorely need some lessons in humility. Suck my entire asshole
Is Little really fucking hurt by being slung .2 feet from a tail whip? Fucking really?
And now Neo and Curious are fighting over Ruby’s fate. Someone bring back the forced love triangle of Hunger Games (which was forced by the publishers NOT the writer btw) instead of this shit before I throw myself into a lava pit because honesty it this is far shittier than HG
Wtf are Ruby’s fingers bloodied from? Wielding Crescent Rose for .2 seconds? Girl you have been handling this weapon for fucking years, but spinning it around a couple of times makes her bleed? Bitch play Paganini’s 24 Caprices then say how your fingers feel (For clarification purposes, I only know this because I’m writing characters who know how to play the violin, not because I know violin myself despite how much I fucking want to. V from DMC5 has me in a fucking chokehold lemme tell you-*dies*)
“I need to know why my makers left me here.” This makes me think that the Wonderland was structured by the shitheel gods of light and dark. Perhaps the cat was one of their compromises, which is why they’re such a wildcard? But that would make so many questions about the purpose of Wonderland itself and we all know that MKEK can’t be bothered with things like worldbuilding or nuance or anything remotely resembling intelligence (also I read once that black scelera ((the white part of the eye)) is a sign of pure truth/desire so honestly this is incredibly intriguing even though I know it won’t end in anything satisfactory)
The cup sliding into frame after Ruby’s frantic eyes is literally so fucking funny how do they expect to take me seriously when the framing has the subtlety of a drunk elephant?
Ohmygod the way JWBY ran into the room like PS2 characters I’m fucking wheeazing
Ohmygod this is literally the most flaccid way to force a person into your perspective. Like... Ruby got kicked around a little bit after venturing into an OBVIOUSLY NOT GOOD PLACE and then decides to drink the airport jungle juice right as she’s about to be rescued and not ONE FUCKING CHARACTER WITH RANGED ARSENAL SHOOTS THE MUG OUT OF HER HAND
Honestly there are times where it really hits me how RWBY is a show about plot that isn’t plot instead of characters, and it’s moments like these where I’m like “damn, these people are acting to the script instead of their character huh” Like... it would’ve been something profound if the tea drinking had happened moments prior to their arrival instead of “hey watch me drink this fuckin tea while I reflect in your stupid eyeball instead of you doing literally anything about it despite that the supposed fact that you fucking raised me YANG, so watch me drop into this fuckkin hole I guess”
At the very least I guess the writers realized that Neo’s sole purpose was offing Ruby because... Roman was in her vicinity when he died???
Okay, Curious fixating on Neo is one BILLION percent more interesting than anything jrwby has going on. Once again, fuck this main storyline bullshit and give Curious their own damn show
Also, nlg, the facct that Curious is Geometric rather than Organic in terms of design (squares vs spirals for the at home group) is super fucking cool and I desperately need an entire goddamn story abt them pronto. I would absolutely love to see how they interact with Remnant and if they’d be able to have their weird ass powers in the dimension of mortals. That is so much more interesting than literally anything our main crew has proposed in literally years, especially since these dumb mfs aint ever talked about whether or not its okay to kill a whole ass human being for their cause (and faunus are human beings. Fuck off if you think that some shtity tail or ears makes you not a whole ass person)
These mfs cannot let the bee train go for a single second can they? These bitches gotta be hit inot the sam efukcin wall while Weiss gets left all alone. Yknow. Like her family let her be for th emost part. Glad to see that RT’s priority is rainbow capitialism instead of genuine storytelling
Well that is a hentai trope I did not expert to see today. Though the fact that it’s Neo does not surprises me at fuckign all. Mmmm love me some fcking body possession. Great job Rt on making on your female characters be absolutely consumed by a foreign entity that surely isn’t a fucking metaphor for antyhign yknow the fucking facehuggers were’nt a metaphor for shit didnt yha know????
May I say to MKEK, absolutely fuck you for makign the cat an undeniable villain. Can you guys not handle even an iota of moral greyness? Can you not conceive of the idea of a situation that is not merely good vs evil? I ask you to look at the world today, and tell me that evil arises merely because it can rather than as a symptom of a society that refuses to care for all its citizens. Can you not idealize a person who, when pressed to their absolute brink, will take upon violence to ensure that the seeds they sow will bring sustenance to those who come later? For fuck’s sake I’ll take a person who idealizes themselves for morally grey reasons other than what the fuck ever these dipshits are trying to sell to me
Wow aint it so spectaculaar that Curious invaded the one person who wasn’t important to the writers plot adn now our heroes can now kill her without any iota of guilt? Aint that fucking nifty? Aint that fuckign grand? And not even a fucking thought extended to teh idea tha Crurius wanted to see the outside world. THat was their main reason for helping the siblings right? Because Alyx promised them that she would bring him to Remnant? But taht whole plotline is gone because it’s jsut TOO SPICY FOLKS. Can’t have anything interesting in our show about FAIRTYTALES whene we’re in a FAIRTYTALE LAND
Honestly, fuck you MKEK, fuck you RT, fuck you any god that ever alloweed existence to happen. THis is fucking bullshit
It was only through looking up the info on the internet that I learned that Roman Torchwick’s og VA died of colon cancer prior to this volume (2022). Mr Kametz, I hope you rest well and know that your expertise was greatly appreciated. May you know peace in the beyond
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Who Holds The Devil, a fic recommendation:
Hi, Niki here.
Ok so, I know I rarely post anymore bc.. reasons (uni is killing me & I even had to step away from my own long ass fic for a tiny bit) BUT if you are in the market for a delectable, truly masterfully written fic as you scroll through the The Devil Judge content on ao3, lemme introduce you to the (ongoing, mind u) 200k+, post canon of your dreams: Who Holds The Devil
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written by the lovely @amethystinawrites (who’s also a great artist btw, check dem cool creations out @lienwyn), the story follows the classic, superior introspective format that we all love to find at 3am on a weekday with an early wake up call the following morning, which is Unreliable Narrator 101 (clearly).
I wanted to introduce you all to this lovely fic bc I recently caught up with the latest chapter (23) and I wanted to publish the notes I’ve taken for (almost) each update of the plot. I could have easily cut to the chase and posted them in a neatly wrapped comment on ao3 but... you’re talking with the danmei extraordinaire who just reached 350k on their own ongoing gay little fictlet so....... you KNOW my notes would have not been able to fit into the character limit of ao3 comments, right??
so what you will find below is just the product of my live-reaction to some of the stuff I’ve read in the fic. without context, they won’t make much sense to you BUT there will be spoilers for both the ending of the kdrama AND for the aforementioned fic so. BACK AWAY NOW and I would love you all regardless.
this is a spectacular work, it reads fluently, has alternative titles, ~glucose fathers~, helps coming to terms with some truly disturbing shit drama-wise while simultaneously making it easier for the reader to see how much of an unreliable (and gullible? at times? bby u need some railing soon. we got u boo) narrator the protagonist actually is AND it includes a kitten (nothing new for the drama fans, but still, who says no to kittens?).
if you still aren’t sold on this beauty or you haven’t seen the drama, please go do that as soon as you can. personally I think there ARE a few things that made me uncomfortable in the drama (if you know you know, that Texas twist was uncalled for imo), but if you love Villains and Anti-heroes plotting their plotty plots, pretty, older, EVIL ladies (with the occasional younger sinnamon cinnamon roll), BlackMirror-esque scenarios but on steroids, fabulous dramatics and charismatic idiots... then this is the show for you.
which brings me back to the actual reason I decided to write this post! under the cut there are the (short, admittedly) chapter-by-chapter notes I’ve written while reading Who Holds The Devil, so if you don’t know the fic in question and were intrigued enough to check it out thanks to my great pitching abilities (*oneshots an entire bottle of coke as they laught nervously*), then you go do that and then come back to read the notes.
it’s nothing huge, really. my last chapter in my own fic received some great comments from some truly lovely readers and I felt energized by their earnestness, enough to plan to do smth nice myself for an author I admire. I have generally little time to read fiction these days, since I research heavily for my fics and all, so I really wanted to take the time to appreciate this precious thing.
one small thing. if you want to reblog this post of mine, consider visiting @amethystinawrites ‘s tumblr first. I’m not posting this to get attention for myself or my trashcan tumblr blog, I’m doing this to share the love for a great writer so... go there and look around, hit the “follow button” and then share posts from there. like this beauty up here! THANK U DEARS!
last chance: BIG SPOILERS AHEAD!
buckle up and here we go!
(tw grief and some tmi from my part):
(chapters 1-23)
as i’m reading this, i can sense the crushing loneliness and grief and how sometimes your life could orbit around a small cat because it’s the only thing keeping u sane. i have experienced smth similar after my grandparents’ passing last year and i can feel it here as well.
seeing how Ga On cares for Elijah made me tear up. he’s so fond of her. author is very smart about communicating these small things that make life worth living;
i like how the author writes dreams: the way they turn into nightmares when Ga On gets a little too close to realise smth, the way they turn to smth feeble at the edges of his understanding of them;
the remorse Ga On feels for wishing Yo Han to get hurt at Elijah’s expense is so palpable, i hadn’t even considered that while watching. there were so many things happening at once. but author must have thought deeply about it and it shows;
the “feeling guilty for crying” part resonated with me a lot;
Ga On needing friends and human connection? reminds me of when i self-isolated for an entire year with my family and didn’t speak to anyone else, not even texting;
wanting to do everything alone? me and my three-year recovery from burnout would agree if we weren’t little stubborn bitches
loneliness makes u colder, there’s a scientific explanation for it but it fails me now. Ga On looking for warmth seems appropriate;
i like the part where Ga On admits to himself the future he would have had with Soo Hyun was hazy at best. it doesn’t detract from how much she meant to him, but i think honesty is a good way to honour her memory
author smart, every question seems reasonable and well thought out, my understanding is limited but all sounds very compelling;
Yo Han u sneaky bitch treat yo self, have some fun
judge Oh.. i’ve missed her, i was so keen on seeing how she was doing after everything that happened;
the guilt for “forgetting” about thinking of someone is very real: i’m glad to see a character going through the same things i have experienced, it makes me feel less alone in my past struggles and the perception i have of them;
the part of deserving pain and misery felt also very real;
i miss Soo Hyun too;
this fic makes me feel drained after each new chapter but in the same way the movie “The Farewell” does, helping me work through my own grief one sobbing session at a time. gotta love it
i have the biggest crush on judge Oh and the author is making it worse;
distance make the heart grow fonder for real y’all…;
Yo Han lives in survival mode at all times and i can relate to that;
Ga On is such an unreliable narrator i want to call him an idiot sandwich to his face but he’s too compassionate for me to be this cruel to him;
i know the rituals are intricate, i know they are;
(sudden thought: i really really want to see Yo Han tipsy or drunk. i want him to be funny like only old men can be while making a fool of themselves);
competence is a good look on Ga On. i should learn from him and try to make friends;
communication is not their stronger point;
stepping away from trauma and from codependency from your child is hard to work through, but Yo Han is trying;
author is very smart about manipulation tactics (but also, self-doubting idiots). i am impressed
(no notes this time bc this chapter was too gripping i forgot to write my thoughts down, sorry)
“i like hearing you happy” judge Oh please marryME;
“friends” sounding wrong is so funny to me: how do u even relate to someone like Yo Han in a normal context??;
Oh Jin Joo marry ME;
“i grew up in a basement” that’s the level of fact-checking i aspire to on a daily basis;
Yo Han using expressions willingly.. he is reading on how to communicate better, isn’t he?;
Elijah my child ;-; so cute;
i didn’t know judges usually graduate in COURTing as well
i will have to kidnap judge Oh, yes;
“i don’t ever want you to suffer because you think it will make me happy. it won’t”………… author is giving me unreasonable expectations about wife-material individuals;
(*checks fandoms of interest as of recently*) why is it always the murder-husbands trope that gets me…;
that talk about the “imagined grief” ah yes, i play at that game sometimes. it’s horrifying. and this is perhaps the second time i see it explored in the 10 years i’ve been reading fanfictions… well done author;
started reading in loud-whisper now: that’s when u know the plot is good;
that admission was so raw, i love it;
Yo Han is running away ah!;
“are you punishing me?” i am frothing at the mouth. author deserves treats;
(reader is distracted by the dialogue but so far Yo Han is doing his best to explain himself and we are HERE for it);
Yo Han has encyclopaedic knowledge on human emotions but people are not that easily predictable;
oh my god Kang Yo Han, you cannot simply ask people why they can’t get a grip so that you can be with them (eye roll);
Soo Hyun knew Ga On so much they didn’t need words between them… he needs to practice now;
i forgot the brother-doppelgänger trope: i am an imbecile;
the hug ;-; i’m dying
author is really good with nightmares;
look, i’m not saying that Ga On needs therapy but.. Ga On my boi u need therapy;
(reader got distracted by how cool judge Oh is)
new characters yay!;
Ga On not knowing how to interact with people reminds me of my own struggles in uni as i decided to go back after almost 4 years of forced isolation from other people in my age range. depression is a bad bitch and re-learning to talk to others?? not easy;
so cheeky my boi;
aside from the praise kink, the order-me-around one is also strong in this one;
this boi can fit so much possessiveness i swear!
listen, i forgot the bomb was a thing n the drama. author is smart;
lawyer Ko is great. we stan;
lawyer Ko recognises a possessive man and his destructive tendencies alright.. i guess bonding over overthrowing a government does that to a guy like him;
a nice dream~;
“Something within Ga On resonated with the darkness and secrets that hid at Yo Han's core. Like a constant pull, a taut thread of tension, tying them together. Drawing them closer, making them align. Like a steady hum of rightness that left ripples long after they parted, reverberating inside Ga On until his very essence seemed to change frequency.” …….listen, i may as well quit writing. this is poetry to me and it will haunt me for weeks;
this feels like beauty and the beast, reminding Yo Han of his humanity and all;
awkward uncle Yo Han deserves respect;
and i love the fact that Elijah doesn’t make the connection right away. feels normal. organic. i remember how unaware i used to be at her age about adults and their business, i was too busy dealing with my denials and traumas.. so yeah, i like this outcome. it’s also a fresh thing to read, especially since i’m using the match-making trope in my current fic and i’m having fun planning how to overrule it entirely ahah. playing with reader’s expectations is FUN 😈🔥
judge Oh please tug on MY lapels;
praise this good puppy!;
i was wondering about how Ga On had felt that first day after the explosion. he really thought he had lost everything uh?;
“are you planning to murder more people?” should be standard flirting procedure;
Ga On knows how to bargain;
i had to draw the line myself once, with a friend. it was horrible. they tried to reason with me, then tried to change my mind, then it was clear i had to leave for my own good. this is the first time i see this topic examined in fiction so efficiently. it feels real
the part about “holding that line” resonated with me on a visceral level, almost scary;
i am in love with all these boss bitches author has come up with;
chairwoman Moon use me as a floor mat i am begging u;
not me noticing how Ga On trying to make a businesswoman be held accountable for her choices echoes Ga On asking Yo Han the same: again, author SMART;
friendship is great i love these kids;
yes, make Jin Joo feel special Ga On! she always wanted that more than fame anyway. u go kid!;
hug ME judge Oh! i’ll get all the germs no problem
this really hits too close to home sometimes, with the whole second-guessing-despite-being-sure Ga On is going through. i think i needed that. it’s cathartic. it helps;
on one hand i cannot help myself from being fond of Elijah as she is, abrasive and blunt. on the other, i’m glad Ga On calmed down enough to articulate his point properly and teach her about when to step back from other people’s private business. that was very cool to read;
Professor Min >:( this is going to be interesting;
(update) i can feel the shaky-camness in this scene holy fucko;
“you might not want to admit it, but you sold yourself to the devil” yooo that must have been fun to write!;
“so did you” what a PUNCH LINE my guy!;
Oh Jin Joo step on me;
the Kang Yo Han to Proper Mensch pipeline;
dude be screaming his love confession in reply text messages for MONTHS yet only now decides it’s still a good time to nope this out of the way and wait some more before admitting to himself it was love the whole time. effervescent;
so embarrassing! this boi has a crush! ew!!;
ah, anger… the best and easier coverup to process emotions while in denial to rely on in times of confusion. yes. very productive;
if author gets to use the breathy “hyung” card during intimate scenes in the future I’m gonna combust. this is so unfair. author is too good at this game 😔💕;
this puppy needs to channel his anger into some kickboxing or smth;
kang YOUR HAPPINESS MATTERS TO ME yo han ladies and gentlemen;
kang I MISS YOU TOO yo han y’all;
kang IM SORRY yo han. period;
oh this fucking diva i swear to any god willing to listen to me!!
Go Eun hi!! :D so cute;
it’s good to see Ga On trying to be more in tune with his confidence, he would have crumbled in the past under Yo Han’s words just by thinking he deserved the pain they were suppose to inflict. good job kid;
Jin Joo u are making it harder and harder for me to ever be able to find a wife in the future, you know that yes?;
AWARENESS as the kids call it these days yes;
drunk Ga On is adorable;
he is saying I LOVE U you absolute buffoon;
omg it’s happening it’s HAPPENING CALM DOWN
K ;-; ah he really ended up badly poor thing;
someone is nervous 👀;
(too distracted by FEELS to take notes sorry);
the part about small tomatoes being thrown was cute;
i want my own oasis of calm too ;-; Ga On tell me your sugar bby secrets!;
i think this boi deserves a cuddle pile. just… pile everyone on top of him for a collective nap so he can convince himself that he is safe and cared for;
realising to be happy and consequently finding yourself sad bc it’s so sad that it took so long to be happy……. yeah. i know the feeling too well. nice to see it portrayed in fanfic. author smart;
ms Ji ;——; i hope she’s thriving;
(btw i really liked that scene in the drama when Ga On explored the house for the first time. the repetition of Ga Ons really did it for me. idk i’m just very attached to the visuals in that particular context);
(i also liked that scene where Yo Han defends his younger self from his father’s violence. we do that mental exercise in trauma work and to see it portrayed on screen was very hard to watch but also freeing);
someone can feel the Tension uh??;
bby girl is such a spoiled precious princess i love her;
i would love to take notes for Elijah!;
sugary negotiations ensue;
the pining is delicious
give kitty some kiths;
another, grumpy, bigger cat seems to need some too… confused Yo Han is priceless;
listen, soapy hands are underrated as gay awakening material;
NO TRY HARDER omg Ga On u kinky bby;
take the free car u idiot he is courting u;
we are living our best single lives up in here while these two idiots keep flirting, it’s fine, i wish i could drink to wallow in my own misery but i don’t drink, but it’s fine, it’s cool, really;
kang ITS VERY CUTE yo han fuck this guy he’s making me yell at the sun;
they bicker like two old married gays;
yes Ga On order HIM around some more;
author u cannot use the word “starving” and expect me not to go feral feral on this fic
(this is all I have for now but I’m so excited for what comes next! thank you author and please, take time to rest!)
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