#Novembre 5th
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kdram-chjh · 4 months ago
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These images shared on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jiang__cheng/
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These images shared on Instagram Channel: https://www.instagram.com/jiang...cheng/
Happy birthday Jian Cheng! Happy birthday Jiang Wanyin!
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These images shared on Instagram Channel: https://www.instagram.com/jiang.chenq/
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one-green-bean · 1 year ago
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izzysbeans · 11 months ago
Havent been on tumblr since novembre 5th 2020, this april 4th brought me BACK
Actually unbelievable how insane it feels. As a bi european i went to bed thinking "there's no way right? But how crazy would that be?" And like here we are and we won and i'm so stocked about getting in on the fun of watching a show as it airs like i did with teenwolf and Supernatural back in the day, but actually get some actual bisexual rapp in there
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santmarc · 1 year ago
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La Biennale Européenne des Blancs Manteaux 2023, tendrá lugar en la emblemática zona de Le Marais de París, con la participación de 40 artistas, 6 de ellos de Mallorca; Sasai, Joan Vallespir, Leticia Maria, Victoria G. Masdeu, Tomeu Coll y Marcos Vidal implicados en el intercambio originado por Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre, que tuvo lugar en Campos en 2022. Estais todos invitados a esta gran muestra de pinturas, esculturas, obra grafica, instalaciones y performances que permanecera abierta desde el 26 de octubre hasta el 5 de noviembre de 2023. Con el patrocinio del Institut d'Estudis Balearics.
La Biennale Européenne des Blancs Manteaux 2023, c’est près de 40 artistes exposés à l’initiative des 4 Arts – Paris Centre qui œuvre depuis près de 30 ans à la promotion de la diversité culturelle européenne. Cette édition met à l’honneur les artistes de Majorque, avec qui un échange a eu lieu en 2022 dans la ville de Campos. L’exposition aura lieu du 26 octobre au 5 novembre 2023. Inauguration le 26 à 19h. Halle des Blancs Manteaux, 48 rue Vieille du Temple, 75004 Paris. Métro Saint-Paul, Rambuteau, Hôtel de Ville.
The Biennale Européenne des Blancs Manteaux 2023, will take place in the iconic area of Le Marais in Paris, featuring 40 artists of which, the Mallorca based group involved in the exchange originated by Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre, that took place in Campos in 2022. This exhibition is showcasing paintings, sculptures, prints, etchings, installations and performances lasting from October 26th until November 5th 2023.
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La production mondiale de plastique a doublé entre 2000 et 2020 pour atteindre 460 millions de tonnes par an et devrait atteindre le milliard de tonnes à l’horizon 2050 si rien n’est fait. A cette échéance, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre associées à la production, à l’utilisation et à l’élimination des plastiques devraient représenter 15% des émissions mondiales. L'Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement (UNEA) a adopté durant sa 5ème session tenue à Nairobi au Kenya, du 28 février au 02 mars 2022, une résolution sur la pollution plastique. Ce sont ainsi 175 Etats qui se sont engagés à aboutir d'ici 2024 à un "instrument international juridiquement contraignant" qui couvre l'ensemble des pollutions générées par les plastiques. Un comité intergouvernemental de négociations fut créé en vue d'adopter cet accord sur la pollution plastique. Le traité devrait être adopté définitivement fin 2024. Avant cela, des négociations se sont ouvertes le 28 novembre 2022 en Uruguay pour établir cet accord international. Trente-cinq pays, appellent à un traité le plus ambitieux possible, souhaitant s'engager à mettre fin à la pollution plastique d'ici 2040, en intégrant l'impact de l'ensemble du cycle de vie du plastique, de sa production à sa fin de vie. L'urgence est à la hauteur de la menace. En effet, la production mondiale de plastique a doublé en 20 ans, entre 2000 et 2020 et au rythme actuel, la pollution plastique des océans (11 millions de tonnes par an) aura quadruplé d'ici 2050.
Global plastic production doubled between 2000 and 2020 to reach 460 million tonnes per year and is expected to reach one billion tonnes by 2050 if nothing is done. By this deadline, greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production, use and disposal of plastics are expected to represent 15% of global emissions. The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) adopted during its 5th session held in Nairobi, Kenya, from February 28 to March 2, 2022, a resolution on plastic pollution. There are 175 States which have committed to reaching by 2024 a “legally binding international instrument” which covers all pollution generated by plastics. An intergovernmental negotiating committee was created to adopt this agreement on plastic pollution. The treaty should be definitively adopted at the end of 2024. Before that, negotiations opened on November 28, 2022 in Uruguay to establish this international agreement. Thirty-five countries are calling for the most ambitious treaty possible, wishing to commit to putting an end to plastic pollution by 2040, by integrating the impact of the entire life cycle of plastic, from its production to his end of life. The urgency matches the threat. Indeed, global plastic production has doubled in 20 years, between 2000 and 2020 and at the current rate, plastic pollution of the oceans (11 million tonnes per year) will have quadrupled by 2050.
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englishindubellay · 1 month ago
ecg 2
Corrigé thème ELVI janvier 2025
L ‘Etat de Géorgie va encore entre au coeur de l’élection présidentielle des Etats-Unis.
The state of Georgia will again be at the heart of the US presidential election.
La commission électorale de cet Etat du sud-est du pays, où Donald Trump avait contesté sa défaite en 2020 a approuvé, vendredi 20 septembre, un nouveau règlement obligeant les assesseurs à compter à la main les bulletins de vote pour le scrutin du 5 novembre.
On Friday, 20th September, the electoral board of the south-eastern state where Donald Trump had disputed his defeat, approved a new set of rules that makes it mandatory for poll officers to hand count all ballots in the 5th November election.
Ce comptage à la main, selon le règlement adopté, se fera en plus de celui effectué par les machines, ce qui pourrait retarder la publication des résultats dans cet Etat-clé.
This manual count, according to the voted rules, will take place in addition to machine counting, which might delay the publication of the results in this swing state.
L’objectif est, selon le texte adopté avec trois voix contre deux, de « garantir un comptage sûr, transparent et exact », mais il est précisément critiqué pour les risques de confusion que cela pourrait créer.
The aim, according to the measure which received three votes in favour and two opposed , is to guarantee «  a secure, transparent and accurate counting », but for the same reason it is criticised because of the risks of confusion it could cause.
En raison de l’écart minuscule – 12000 voix – qui le séparait, il y a quatre ans, du démocrate Joe Biden, le républicain Donald Trump, de nouveau candidat à la Maison Blanche, avait demandé plusieurs recomptages de voix.
Four years ago, owing to the tiny difference – 12,000 votes – that separated him from Democrat Joe Biden, Republican Donald Trump who is running for president again (who is again in the race for the White House) had required several vote recounts.
Il n’a, depuis, toujours pas reconnu sa défaite.
As of today, he has still not acknowledged his defeat.
Ce sont d’ailleurs les voix républicaines qui ont permis l’adoption de ce texte par la commission électorale de Géorgie, qui avait déjà procédé à plusieurs changements considérés comme favorables à Donald Trump dans les règles électorales ces dernières semaines.
Incidentally, the Republican votes made it possible for the text to be passed by Georgia’s electoral board, which / who, these last few weeks, had already brought several changes to electoral rules regarded as giving Donald Trump an advantage.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year ago
Only together can a better future and common development be achieved
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 La Sesta Edizione della 中国国际进口博览会 - China International Import Expo si è aperta ufficialmente il 5 novembre 🥳
📊 Partecipano alla 中国国际进口博览会 ospiti da 154 Paesi, Regioni e Organizzazioni Multilaterali, e più di 3.400 espositori si sono registrati per partecipare all'evento 🤩
🇨🇳 Il Compagno Li Qiang - Primo Ministro della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, ha tenuto un Discorso:
💬 «Vostre eccellenze, leader dei Paesi partecipanti, e Capi delle Organizzazioni Internazionali, [...] è per me un grande piacere riunirmi con voi oggi, a Shanghai, per l'inaugurazione Sesta Edizione della 中国国际进口博览会 - China International Import Expo. Vorrei estendere, a nome del Governo Cinese, il nostro caloroso benvenuto a tutti i nostri ospiti provenienti da lontano, e un cordiale saluto agli amichi, vecchi e nuovi» 💕
⭐️ Legata ai Principi della 改革开放, la Cina continuerà a promuovere l'Apertura focalizzata sull'Innovazione, sosterrà la Cooperazione con tutti i Paesi approfondendo i Partenariati nell'ambito della 一带一路 - Nuova Via della Seta, per costruire uno Sviluppo di Alta Qualità 📈
🔍 Approfondimento: "Puntare allo Sviluppo di Alta Qualità" - Gruppo Dirigente del Partito Comunista Cinese presso l'Ufficio Nazionale di Statistica 📊
📈 Negli ultimi cinque anni, ha dichiarato il Compagno Li Qiang, la Cina ha aumentato le sue importazioni di beni del 47%, e si è classificata ai primi posti in termini di utilizzo degli investimenti esteri, e si prevede che le Importazioni Cinesi di beni e servizi raggiungeranno i 17 Trilioni USD in termini cumulativi nei prossimi cinque anni. Questa è una grande opportunità per i Paesi che intendono promuovere la 合作共赢 - Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio con la Cina 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 The Sixth Edition of 中国国际进口博览会 - China International Import Expo officially opened on November 5th 🥳
📊 Guests from 154 countries, regions and multilateral organizations are participating in the 中国国际进口博览会, and more than 3,400 exhibitors have registered to participate in the event 🤩
🇨🇳 Comrade Li Qiang - Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, gave a speech:
💬 «Your Excellencies, leaders of the participating countries, and Heads of International Organizations, [...] it is a great pleasure for me to gather with you today, in Shanghai, for the inauguration of the Sixth Edition of the 中国国际进口博览会 - China International Import Expo. I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government, our warm welcome to all our guests from afar, and cordial greetings to friends, old and new" 💕
⭐️ Linked to the Principles of 改革开放, China will continue to promote Opening-up focused on Innovation, support Cooperation with all countries, deepening Partnerships under the 一带一路 - New Silk Road, to build High-Quality Development 📈
🔍 Insight: "Aiming for High-Quality Development" - Leading Group of the Chinese Communist Party at the National Bureau of Statistics 📊
📈 Over the past five years, said Comrade Li Qiang, China has increased its imports of goods by 47%, and has ranked first in terms of the use of foreign investment, and it is expected that China's imports of goods and services will reach USD 17 Trillion in cumulative terms over the next five years. This is a great opportunity for countries that intend to promote 合作共赢 - Mutual Benefit Cooperation with China 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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annespooky · 1 year ago
4th November 2023
Well, once again, I'm late with my tour diary...
Left the hotel in Southampton at 6ish in the morning as my first coach, going to London, was at 6.55am. It was pissing down so I was glad the driver let me in the coach as soon as I reached the coach station. Had paid extra for a seat but as this wasn't a National Express vehicle, there was no reservation...
Slept most of the way, waking up at Basingstoke when a lady sat next to me
Once in London, waited for about an hour before boarding in my reserved seat on the coach to Leeds.
It rained the whole way and was still raining when I reached the Travelodge so just got prepared and went to the venue to get some pizza.
Was on my own down the front for Ciel, despite pleas from Michelle to come closer. Felt like a private gig, I really love them! More people came by the time PBE were on stage. They were awesome as ever and a lady danced with me on Motionless! Couldn't resist taking the lyrics to Heating's On, which Matt wrote on a paper plate!
5th Novembre 2023
Brrr, it's freezing today! My first train was at 11ish so I could sleep a bit today. The journey itself was uneventful, thanks God. Reached the Premier Inn early so waited a bit before checking in.
Got slightly lost on my way to the venue as the shortcut I thought it was actually wasn't, but made it in the end. What a weird and wonderful venue it was! A scrap yard where I had yet another pizza (there was actually a PBE pizza but it wasn't veggie and it was spicy, so definitely not for me!). We could watch both bands soundchecking before the actual gig!
Man, what a gig, what an audience! Matt screwed up some lyrics and was laughing so much that he was actually trying to resist laughing himself!
Got to chat with Michelle, the singer/bassist with Ciel, after the gig, she's lovely.
The venue gave PBE some brownies and cookies so we all ate them together! Also first setlist I've ever got on a pizza box, this is getting better and better!
6th November 2023
Day off tour today, but as I went far too early to bed, was awake at 6!
Managed to sleep a bit more before getting ready to leave.
Both my trains were delayed so reached the Premier Inn 30 minutes later than scheduled but as I wasn't in a hurry, this was fine.
Got some hotel room picnic, did some laundry and went to bed early as I became quite exhausted...
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bigdblues · 1 year ago
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Check out our playlist dated Novembre 5th, 2023.
Jacques Surette - Conséquences -2023; Etta James - Life, Love & The Blues; Bad Company - 10 From 6; Louis Armstronr & All His Stars - Ambassador Satch; Timeless Treasures - Various artists; The Evolution of east Coast Music - Vol 3; J.J. Cale - Naturally -1971; Mike è Vic - Flying Cowboy et autres; Philip et Wendell d'Eon - Coureur de bois -2004.
Listen to #Bigdblues / Écouter #Bigdblues. No need to down load anything just press play. https://bigdblues.radiostream123.com/
Time / Heure: 8H30 am
*** The spot light on #Bigdblues / Le spot light chez #Bigdblues :
#Jacques Surette - Conséquences
Why not share our Facebook page #Bigdblues with your family and friends, always great music for all.
Photo: Jacques Surette
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The day i stayed up fo 35 hours straight pales in comparison to this. I feel fucking manic and i was just a fucking viewer. A goddam spectatorman. Im so alive and i so tired and the sun is gone and the houseis silent and i am nothing. My brain has become fucking jelly man im juwt so fuckign. Riptide 73 was millions more normal than that. Dest8la is fucking nothgin mann forget that shti qsmp on november 4fh to novembr 5th is insane dude. Its insan.e. what the fuck man
I feel so detached from fufkign everything time has stopped this shits mad. Im going to fucking bed goodnight
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upwardpositiveleaders · 1 year ago
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Disegno Specchio
October 24th - November 5th 24 Ottobre - 5 Novembre
curated by Laura Santamaria and Chiara Milani
with a presentation of drawings by:
Paola Alborghetti, Susanna Janina Baumgartner, Gianni Caravaggio, Daniele Carpi, Barbara De Ponti, Daniele Girardi, Paolo Gonzato, Michele Guido, Giulio Lacchini, Chiara Pergola, Laura Santamaria, Marcello Tedesco, Lucia Veronesi.
and with an artist photo by Alessandro Di Giampietro - Untitled #8 - from the series Lightning Portraits, 2015 and other photographs from the Drawings from Lightning archives
in-conversation event
October 27th 5:30 pm 27 Ottobre dalle 17:30
Drawings From Lightning, In-conversation event
with the interventions:
Roberto Borghi, critic; Chiara Milani, bibliologist and iconologist; the artists Laura Santamaria, Paolo Gonzato; Jessica Tanghetti, curator and researcher; Giulio Verago, curator.
Moderated by Laura Santamaria
The Project: Drawings From Lightning is an artistic reflection on lightning, a characteristic event of the Lake Como area due to the high frequency with which storm phenomena develop, it was investigated by scientists such as Alessandro Volta, who represented it through the autograph drawing.
In the past, drawing was a widely used tool in the documentation of natural phenomena or geometric and empirical transcriptions, used by astronomers such as Galileo Galilei or philosophers such as Giordano Bruno, an integral part of the professionalism of researchers.
The lightning was therefore chosen as the emblem of the Drawings From Lightning project, which focuses on contemporary drawing, a line of light and energy, the subject of the interpretations of the invited artists.
With this project Laura Santamaria returns to Como - her place of origin - after being the protagonist of a ten-year tour, which took him to art centers both in Italy and in Europe.
The Disegno Specchio exhibition collects unpublished works generating new paradigms linked to the production of drawing in the most experimental and contemporary declinations, accompanied by the limited edition showing prints from the first collection of drawings from the Drawings from Lightning project, artist book (self-published 2016). The body of works is gathered around the metaphor of lightning, as a symbol of vital and energetic recognition, the light of new reflections, both immediate and urgent, around the role of the artist within contemporaneity.
The language of drawing is favored by artists to express their intuitions, generating new codes, evidence of a process that abandons the academic modality of copying from life to generate suggestions through new tools and open a dialogue that invites us to consider how much drawing be an instrument of inner vision, of perception of abstract thought and a device that generates new graphic formulations.
Capable of weaving relationships, artistic production can be understood as an entity generating a vital contribution in the evolution of languages, attributing new meanings to reference codes, while at the same time generating a virtuous circuit between public institutions, museums, libraries and archives. The drawing in the broad formulations proposed by the project determines a unique episode in contemporary art, and directs the gaze to this practice which presents itself as a haven of authenticity and rigor within the technical and media convulsions of the contemporary panorama.
The conference: Drawings from Lightning - In-conversation event aims in a broad and discursive way to reconnect and deepen the reflections generated during the presentation event of Drawings From Lightning at the Museo del 900 in Milan, on 11 October 2023, opening new reflections in the headquarters of the Municipal Library of Como, which highlight emblematic aspects of the creation of a collection of works now part of the public heritage within the Museum's collection, through the presentation of unpublished drawings and the artist book recently donated to the Library's assets.
Biblioteca P. Borsellino Municipal Library Como, Piazzetta Venosto Lucati, 1
entrata gratuita durante le ore di apertura della Biblioteca - Free entry during Library hours
From Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 7pm; Saturday 2.00pm - 7.00pm
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loveinstreams · 2 years ago
always something insane going on in november on this website
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italianatural · 3 years ago
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zibaldone-di-pensieri · 3 years ago
Ma voi ci pensate che tra un mese è il 5 Novembre? 🥺🥺🥺
Remember remember the 5th of November? 🥺🥺🥺
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“Ci insegnano a ricordare le idee e non l'uomo, perché l'uomo può fallire. L'uomo può essere catturato, può essere ucciso e dimenticato. Ma anni dopo ancora una volta un'idea può cambiare il mondo. Io sono testimone diretto della forza delle idee, ho visto gente uccidere per conto e per nome delle idee, li ho visti morire per difenderle… Ma non si può baciare un'idea, non puoi toccarla né abbracciarla; le idee non sanguinano, non provano dolore… le idee non amano. E non è di un'idea che sento la mancanza ma di un uomo”
-V per vendetta.
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fockinastro · 4 years ago
astro observations pt. 3
a/n: if u believe i took your comment/observation without credit, please reach out and let me know! i have no problem including you in my post (or taking it down if u ask :))
these observations are a lil wordy so sorry about that
i’ve got a nice theory/question/discussion for anyone open to talking about it :)
i’ve noticed that cancer placements tend to rlly like anime and i honestly think it’s because anime girls typically have this soft girl vibe and they may be rlly into that
gemini & scorpio placements together tend to be very curious and good at solving that curiosity
for example: they could wonder (gemini) why someone does something and be able to use their detective skills (scorpio) to find out what they want to know
moon in 4th overlays tend to create a long-lasting crush or that may create feelings of always having a soft spot for that person
similar to my last post, i think cardinal signs in angular houses are very good at achieving or going after what they want in those major life aspects meanwhile fixed signs in angular houses may be a little more fixated and expect certain life stages to go as planned and may not budge or give up when something doesn’t go as planned
these imo are interesting to see play out when different signs fall into different house types (angular, succedent & cadent)
for example: having cardinal signs in succedent houses can manifest as a person always trying to obtain or taking the initiative to go after themes of the houses
example example: capricorn in 2nd can show someone always working to achieve or taking the initiative to obtain monetary, material or inner needs, etc.
water signs in the 2nd house has a tendency to hoard things because it has ‘sentimental value’
having virgo, libra & scorpio influence in your personal planets is so powerful because historically, virgo & scorpio used to be one sign and represented the duality of humanity: feminine & masculine energy meshed together. libra then was placed between the two when they became separated as a bridge to marry to the two energies--if you look at the glyphs of virgo & scorpio, they are very similar but virgo is supposed to represent the feminine genitalia and scorpio represents the masculine genitalia
credits go to novembr-11th on tumblr because i read a post about this and thought it was super interesting! especially since it’s been circulating (not sure if it’s confirmed?) that virgo/scorpio used to be one sign that split into two
lmao bUT anyways, my point is that having these three energies in your personal planets (especially) makes one that’s very ‘whole’ if that makes sense lmao
personally, 7th & 8th house synastry isn’t always all that
i have these placements with someone and we do not mesh well 😐 but 8th house can also represent enemies so idk
sun in the fifth individuals tend to be very creative and have a powerful & sure way of expressing themselves
you tend to be attracted to those that have your moon sign as their sun sign and i honestly think this goes to the perspective of the moon person having this soft spot for the sun person because they express themselves in the way the moon person wishes they do or they’re inspired by the sun person because they admire the way the sun person express themselves (that the moon person may not be able to)
although it’s important to look at very aspect of astrology to understand it, i think beginners have a tendency to look at the signs rather than houses because it’s easier to understand but i implore those learning to study houses first before planets--idk it just seems easier because you’re learning houses & the signs in one go (kinda anyways lmao)--this isn’t even an observation lmao oop
the rising is honestly way more important than people think--i used to be guilty of this and disregard my rising until i rlly looked into it
mars in fire signs tend to be rlly selfish in bed and can be pretty similar to each other
sag mars rlly like to have their pleasure before their partners
leo mars like to have the attention on them
aries mars tend to do things fast--to get themselves off
scorpio & virgo mercuries tend to have this monotone (not rlly--it’s just dry if that makes sense lmao) way of speaking--like there may be a lack of emotions because they can be logical (virgo) and sarcastic (scorpio) that people may not pick up on that if they’re joking or whatnot
tbh capricorn (degrees especially) & aquarius influence can do this too 
interceptions can show what you lack (obviously)/misunderstand or what you may attract imo
pretty sure i literally said this in one of my previous posts but 🤷‍♀️
i remember an astrologer said that a theory of theirs is that your sun sign’s degree can show something important that has happened/will happen to you when you become that age
for example: an ex friend of mine has a taurus sun in 4 degrees and he was involved in a car accident where his father and brother died when he was 4 years old
an astrologer mentioned that the planet with the highest degree is the planet that is considered something you need to learn to do in your life
example: my best friend has trouble with communication and her mercury has the highest degree of all her other planets--she’s been doing really well though and learning to communicate better :)
i see a lot of astrologers frequently cover 0 & 29 degrees but usually not a lot of critical degrees such as 0,13 & 26 for cardinal signs, 8-9 & 21-22 for fixed signs and 4 & 17 for mutable signs
it’s assumed that it has a potent effect on that planet (or whatever i’m not quite sure because i don’t see it being spoken about in detail) but my assumption is that it maybe a focus in your life or more power is added to that
example: i have 4 degrees sag venus so i’m going to assume that there’s something going on there with my love life but tbh idrk 🤷‍♀️ pls educate me--i’d love to hear more about it and how it manifests
tbh major asteroids are so important to understand imo
i know some astrologers don’t gaf about them but i think they can be rlly important & definitely play a major role in someone’s personality & chart like pls don’t underestimate asteroids and their energies
i remember an astrologer stated that having a leo part of fortune is an indicator that it’s fated for you to become famous (or something along those lines)
dominant houses are important to your identity meanwhile stelliums may also be important to your identity but i personally think they carry lessons to be learned but idk this topic is very different per astrologer (this is just my personal take on it)
*just a theory and definitely open to discussion and idk if anyone else has spoken about this but do any astrologers here think that 3rd & 11th house can represent crushes as well--more like fast crushes vs longer crushes? since 3rd & 11th house can equate to your community while 4th is childhood--do you kinda see where i’m getting this from? lmao
i think it won’t manifest like 5th or 7th or 8th romance--it would be more likely to manifest as a person you had a crush on for like two weeks if that makes sense? i’d love to hear your thoughts :)
that’s everything i have for now :)
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