#Not a want
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not-the-living-ghost · 10 months ago
I will personally run all around town counting 147 cats if that means getting a season two of Dead Boy Detectives
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durudurururu · 2 months ago
I was just existing™ and I got an idea:
Wars, Sky, and Four bonding over finding (some) of their villains hot.
Time would be included with Time/Dark but he is currently married so not today. Maybe Wars/Dark instead? Or I could just make them have an open relationship of sorts Ig.
Outside of Link/Ganondorf (which includes most of the chain outside of Four, Wind, and TECHNICALLY Sky but Demise is basically Ganondorf), Sky/Ghirahim, Wars/Volga or Wars/Ghirahim (Cia/Wars is mostly written in a not ship way so excluding it), and Four/Shadow AKA Vio/Shadow is the most popular villain ships.
...So why not have them be gremlins over it?
Four: I'm married to someone who tried to kill me a lot, and who burned down a village with no remorse.
Time: Why would you date someone so evil?
Sky: I wish I could date the guy who kidnapped my Zelda and managed to revive Demise...
Time: ...Are you two possesed? And aren't you in a relationship with Sun already?
Warriors: I wish I could kiss the man who gave me a permanent burn mark on my hand and that worked with the woman that I still have nightmares of.
Time: ...Never mind.
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mountsmase · 11 days ago
Imagine the first night you stay over at his house 🥹 and the two of you are both so content and yous realise this is it for yous x
okay so I love love love the idea that it wouldn’t be planned? Maybe you were just over at his to watch a movie and have a date night in rather than going out but you end up staying a lot later than anticipated
it’s nearly midnight and you’re snuggled up on his sofa, curled up to his side under a blanket and you’re exhausted as you had a busy day at work before coming to his, you keep drifting off and when he notices be asks if you want to stay the night, it’s late, dark and cold, and he doesn’t want you driving when you’re so tired, plus you both have the next day off so you don’t have anything to rush home for
you of course agree because you’d take any excuse to spend more time with him and the nerves only kick in when you’re getting ready for bed, you’re having a quick shower in his en suite when reality sinks in. Spending the night with him is something you would’ve wanted more time to plane for, you’d of been shaved from head to toe and would have packed your nicest pjs but here you are with only your phone, car keys, and the few random things you have in your purse like lipbalm and a mini hair brush
He lets you use a spare tooth brush (new and fresh out the packet) and offers you some other spare toiletries that he keeps for when his sister or parents stay over, but you end up using his body wash because you want to smell like him 🤭
When you get into bed (dressed in one of his t-shirts and a pair of his old joggers because you don’t have spare clothes with you) it’s a little awkward at first, you don’t really know what to do with your self, does he want to fall asleep cuddling? Would he rather you stick to your side of the bed? Is he a side sleeper? A back sleeper? How many pillows does he sleep with?
So many questions are flooding your brain and he can tell something is on your mind so he quickly switches his bedside light off and shuffles towards you, pulling you close in a position that’s similar to the one you were in on the sofa down stairs
He’d bend down and press a kiss to your forehead, then to your nose and eventually your lips, he’d taste of the same minty toothpaste you used a few minuets ago and the kiss would be firm but soft, he’d be showing no intention of taking it any further which you’d be grateful for because 1) you’re way too tired anyway, and 2) if you were unprepared to stay the night you’re definitely unprepared for anything more
you’d fall asleep pretty quickly and it would be one of the best night sleeps of your life. You would’ve changed positions by the time you wake up the next morning, not laying on his chest anymore but your limbs would still be tangled, your back to his chest with his arm draped over your waist and you can hear him breathing softly next to your ear, which would normally annoy you but with him it settles you instead
you’d have a nice morning, laying in bed way too late before he makes you breakfast and you when you eventually head home you’d feel so full and content, happy
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aveloka-draws · 1 year ago
Did you hear the COTL graphic novels for completely funded!!! It's up on Kickstarter!
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vanillaheartzxx · 2 years ago
i want a video of when ASHER comes home from riding milo down the mountain
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gloomy-eye · 6 months ago
dogboy Daniel Molloy where are you
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copsecore · 2 years ago
Redacted ASMR and @frenchiefitzhere collab when?
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fixfoxnox · 2 years ago
Barry Sloane is doing that poster signing thing and as both a Price slut and a Poster collector (hello my 120+ poster collection) I need to figure out how to get like 40 dollars quick does anyone need history tutoring /j
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dystopyx-blog · 10 months ago
not a want but a need
Top 3 tsum stims I would die to have (bury me with them): Idia, Epel, Floyd. Not a want but a need.
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yakayla-withay · 10 months ago
and honestly, i probably won't be spending as much money as i say that i want to
my money isn't for play. my money isn't just to throw around.
if you aren't willing to do that for or to me now, i just don't see how i can when i get to this money
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chimmy155 · 2 years ago
Anyway I wanna suck dick
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bloodlustngore · 11 months ago
I need more Resident Evil discord servers in my life
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riddlelily · 11 months ago
NEED eli to exorcize me (i heard this chorus)
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i need a live of charlie and owen just doing house renovating/construction stuff on their own
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queenkurokawa · 2 years ago
severe izana brainrot gave me urge to start/finish the newest fic for him last night .. when i see right as i finish the post abt his first legit actual VINYL FIGURE- bahhhh ! im in lovee w fkn tearsss falling over heree - IT IS 😍😍☺️♥️♥️♥️ !!
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