#Not a fan of gender reveal parties
changingplumbob · 3 months
Name the next Chopra(s)? - Girl version
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If you've been following along you'll know Cassandra is pregnant for the third time but doesn't yet know the gender or number of babies. For their next kid/s Rahul and Cassandra have been wanting name/s that align with their heritage more than naming after a specific person. So I searched up some names of Indian, Greek, Cypriot and Moroccan origin. Non binding poll but voice your choice below!
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gothicashworld · 1 year
I love how the movie hasn’t even begun shooting yet and we the fandom have collectively decided to throw Vee and Eddie a baby shower 
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sunderwight · 3 months
Headcanon that Shen Yuan was hotter than Shen Qingqiu, actually.
Like yeah SQQ being a cultivator gave him a boost to enough attributes + being in a stallion novel where everyone is either unrealistic hot or dog's butt ugly got the Shen Qingqiu body extra points, and he wasn't bad looking to begin with. Plus not being ill is vastly more important to the new Shen Qingqiu than those extra hotness points (Without a Cure notwithstanding). But part of the reason why he's kind of like, meh, at least I'm not hideous or anything, is because Shen Yuan's original body was a knock out.
I also like him as chronically ill, and, as many people know, beauty standards and sustained suffering are not as incompatible as they should be. Shen Yuan was conventionally attractive in part because conventional beauty standards seem to want everyone slowly dying all the time. But even setting that aside, the man had flawless bone structure, an appealing figure, captivating eyes, and the kind of voice that stopped people in their tracks.
All of which was a contributing factor to his antisocial lifestyle, actually. Despite the fact that Shen Yuan does enjoy company and requires a certain baseline of social enrichment for his enclosure, his internalized homophobia and closeting did not play well with overtures from interested parties (regardless of gender). The only way to minimize the odds of him being asked out on dates was to essentially become a shut-in, especially since even Shen Yuan can only make so many excuses before he himself starts to notice that he's going to a lot of effort to avoid specifically that avenue of socialization. Far better to just remove himself from any risk of it, and then vocally lament that oh no he's just too much of a nerd to get anywhere with women!
Anyway this largely doesn't matter much outside of sheer comedy potential for any situation where SY gets his old body/life back. Like imagine a reveal scenario where the System is going to transport them back to their old lives.
Shang Qinghua: well bro I guess this is gonna be the ultimate test of love, right?
Shen Yuan: what do you mean?
Shang Qinghua: our husbands are gonna see what we looked like back before we were glorious cultivators! they're going to have to track us down in our mundane, kinda shitty pre-transmigration lives! it's gonna be at least a little embarrassing, right?
Shen Yuan: *gets his old body back*
Shang Qinghua, normal human with average looks: ...
Shen Yuan, exemplary 11/10: ?
Shang Qinghua: what. the fuck?? bro what the fuck why are you hot???
Shen Yuan: don't make it weird
Shang Qinghua: make it weird??? why were you sitting at home reading my shitty novel when you could have been out there building your own harem???
Shen Yuan: stop exaggerating
Shang Qinghua: oh my god you've always been like this. this is it, isn't it? it wasn't even brain damage from the transmigration or something--
Shen Yuan: hey
Shang Qinghua: --you've just always been completely unaware, haven't you? every time I wrote a beautiful woman who didn't know her own appeal you'd be jumping down my throat--
Shen Yuan: because that's a stupid trope--!
Shang Qinghua: --JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT EXACTLY LIKE THAT but this whole time THIS WHOLE TIME it wasn't even a glow-up issue, you've just been that, personified, yourself--
Shen Yuan: look I know I'm not ugly but I'm not I'm hardly that good-looking
Shang Qinghua: YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE THAT TROPE AGAIN! oh my god. how many broken hearts did you leave behind when you died?!
Shen Yuan: none, I wasn't even seeing anyone--
Shang Qinghua: yeah full offense but I am nottt taking your word for that. I bet you had a harem you didn't know about in this lifetime too. I bet you had a fan club, like an anime prince
Shen Yuan: *mumbling*
Shang Qinghua: what was that?
Shen Yuan: I said... only in high school...
Shang Qinghua: oh my god
Shen Yuan: it wasn't a big deal!
Shang Qinghua: *frantically trying to see if he can find any trace of it on the internet now*
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momochanners · 3 months
After a good night's sleep, I think I can better solidify my thoughts in regards to the Dragon Age trailer.
First, let's start with the positives:
- Companion diversity: This has always been part of the series' DNA that has been clearly depicted with every iteration, so those who cry foul over "Asian & Black elves", prosthethics, etc etc...I really don't get that, because values and sensibilities evolve over time. Even the series itself has course corrected when needed, eg. Player character creation influencing the family ethnicity of the Couslands in DA:O vs the Hawkes in DA2.
- Unlocked romances: Letting players choose whoever they want to romance regardless of their sexuality and race has always been a positive for me. Allowing everyone to enjoy the experience equally is great (and I'm sure the nuances of player race & gender will be addressed through dialogue and banter). Moreover, CRPGs are long and time-consuming, so to be locked out of character romances mid-way through is never going to be a good time (from personal experience and observing fandom in the past).
Now the negatives:
- Maybe it's me being on the older side of the Bioware fandom (15 years in Dragon Age, 20 years if you count older games like KotOR and Jade Empire), but I cringed very hard watching the trailer. If you followed the development of this game in the past decade, the cancelled live service element that was to be DA4 in one of its iterations was so all over the way the companions were introduced that it brought out a visceral reaction in me. The tonal whiplash from how foreboding Dreadwolf was presented in the past to the patronising happy quippy MEET OUR LITTLE GUYS YOU'RE SURE TO LOVE also did not help as a first concrete look of what to expect after all this time (also poor anachronistic choice of soundtrack when you already have Trevor Morris' compositions right there). I was so dismayed when they went with a looter-shooter-esque lighthearted vibe when they could've leaned hard on the foreboding established mood and momentum they've already got going with Dreadwolf. 
- The branding switch this late in the game that comes with it, especially one as drastic as this will always come with questions and ambivalence. I feel that mitigating uncertainty from announced changes (party number, combat mechanics, setting and environment, etc) should've have been prioritised to reassure existing and lapsed fans before appealing to new ones in such a jarring way.
-  I'm simply baffled at the marketing suit who signed off on whatever this is to be their "best foot forward" at reintroducing the final form of this game? If only there were confident with the world they've already built instead of relying on trendy gimmicks, the amount of damage control I'm seeing prior to the gameplay reveal tonight was so avoidable. Controlling the narrative from the get go is so very important especially now as opinions can easily snowball overnight into behemoth-like proportions especially from bad faith actors. You would think that lessons were learned from DA:O's "THIS IS THE NEW SHIT" and DA2's "Press a button, something AWESOME happens" debacles.
(The thing is, despite it being my least favourite DA out of the three, imho Inquisition has the best marketing campaign in the franchise despite the developmental troubles going on in the background. So it has been pulled off successfully before!)
- I think the Bioware layoffs, especially the recent extensive gutting of senior staff in September 2023, significantly depleted my goodwill as a fan. To see Varric being paraded as a mascot in the trailer, game promotion and supplementary media while having his creator unceremoniously let go after years of building the franchise we love left me so very cold. And it's a me problem, but seeing many other fans barely acknowledging that save for few hollow words before getting back into the fun frustrated me so much. I get being excited to finally get something solid after years of false starts, but with what was lost along the way...I personally don't feel right to approach this installment without cynicism.
Idk, I'm just a bundle of conflicted feelings over this series I guess? When it's so good, it's really good and stays with you as memorable gaming experiences that stays with you for life, but when it stumbles and fumbles the bag...it hurts to see.
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felassan · 3 months
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All companions are pansexual!!!
Game is rated M, will contain nudity. [source]
Full article:
"In a new interview with The Veilguard game director Corinne Busche, we've confirmed that yes, you will be able to romance any companion you want, regardless of your character's gender or race. It's a bit of a surprise for fans, considering that in previous Dragon Age games, the romanceable characters had different sexual orientations. Some were pansexual, sure, but others were heterosexual, others were only attracted to the same sex, and some could only be romanced if you were a certain race (Dragon Age: Inquisition's Solas, for example, could only be romanced by female elves). But Busche pushes back on the idea that The Veilguard's companions are "playersexual," a term used to describe games where NPCs are specifically only attracted to the player character. She says she's seen playersexual "done in a number of games," and "it can be really off-putting where these characters are adapting to who you, the player, are." Rather, Busche insists that they're all specifically pansexual, and that might come through in what you learn about their backstories. "Their past experiences or partners, they'll reference them and indeed who they'll become romantic with," Busche tells IGN. "For instance, we saw Harding. I might be playing a straight male character flirting with her, but I choose not to pursue a romance. She might get together with Taash. So my perception, my identity has no bearing on their identities and that comes through really strongly." When asked if that means it won't take long for romance to become an option in The Veilguard, Busche confirms that you'll be able to start flirting with everyone pretty early, as you recruit all seven companions throughout the first act. But, she clarifies, "it's not until the later parts of the game where you really commit to romance and it gets pretty spicy.""
"Speaking of spicy... Of course, Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a BioWare game, and games from the studio — specifically those in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series — are known to have some fairly explicit sex scenes. Busche confirms that The Veilguard will be no different, particularly towards the end of the game: "Of course, we are an M-rated game," she says. "We do have nudity." There's also some obvious parallels to be made between The Veilguard and last year's critical darling Baldur's Gate 3. The latter became known not only for its deep romances (like The Veilguard, Baldur's Gate 3 player characters can romance any companion regardless of gender or race), but also for its sex scenes, including one involving a Wild-Shaping Druid that went pretty viral. Busche isn't afraid to admit that she has played Baldur's Gate 3, and loved it, as she's an "an RPG fan through and through": "The more character-driven party-based RPGs with deep emotional connection, the better." "What I love about the two games is I think they live side by side in a really interesting way," she continues. "They're very different games, but those emotional connections and how the narratives hook you, I think there's space for both." Specifically in regards to the sex scenes and how The Veilguard will handle theirs differently, Busche says some of Baldur's Gate 3's scenes were "shocking and comical in some ways, and I would say I loved that." "Our companions, we want them to be relatable and fully realized. So they can get spicy, but in a way that I think people will actually relate to," she says. Basically: no bear sex. Busche goes on to say that how sexually explicit the scenes are, too, will vary between characters. "Some of them are more spicy than others," she reveals. "Just like real life, our companions have such diverse personalities. Some of them are more physical, more aggressive, and some of them are more... we have a gentleman necromancer, for instance, that is more intimate and sensual." Our interview with Busche comes as BioWare continues to roll out information about the highly anticipated Dragon Age sequel, with a cinematic trailer having dropped at the Xbox Showcase over the weekend. Dragon Age: The Veilguard will debut sometime this fall."
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hiitsm · 4 months
A Family Celebration
Your four year old daughter is so excited for the gender reveal party of her new tiny baby sibling.
Pure Fluff.
Request here
As you held your squirming four-year-old brunette daughter on your hip, you felt a mix of pride and love bubbling inside you. Both of you were eagerly awaiting your wife Alexia to come see you. She was playing in an el clásico match against Real Madrid and currently had a 3-0 lead. She even scored a beautiful goal. Your daughter had been excited ever since you told her this morning that the two of you were going to watch her mami’s game together.
Before the match, you and your daughter were in the FC Barcelona store to buy a small Barcelona onesie that your daughter insisted on getting for the new tiny baby sibling, whose gender you were revealing tomorrow. "Mamá, we have to get that for the tiny baby sibling," Aubrey had told you. Because you went to the store first before the match, Aubrey wanted to show the small onesie to her mami and couldn't sit still the entire match. That's why you went down the stairs early, waiting for your wife when the final whistle would blow.
"Mami, Mami, ¡nosotras estamos aquí!" Aubrey's little voice rang out eagerly, her tiny hand waving in the direction her mami was walking. Alexia hadn't noticed right away; she always took her time with the fans. You had promised to meet her in the players' tunnel after the match, but now your position was temporarily occupied by your excited daughter.
It was Mapi León who reached you first, teasingly exclaiming, "Are you seriously asking for your mami first? What about me? Your favorite tía?" She scooped Aubrey up into her arms, eliciting delighted giggles from the four-year-old.
"Tía Mapi, tía Mapi, I have to show you something! Put me down!" Aubrey giggled, her excitement palpable, and it brought a smile to your face. Anticipating the moment, you retrieved the onesie from the bag.
"No, Mamá, I want to show her!" Aubrey grabbed the bag from your hand, her enthusiasm bubbling over. "I know, mi amor, go show her," you encouraged her, knowing how proud your daughter was to become a big sister.
"Look what we got for the tiny baby sibling!" Aubrey proudly held up the tiny baby FC Barcelona onesie. "Wow, this is so cool! Let me see the back," Mapi exclaimed, settling down on the field as Aubrey climbed into her lap. It was a heartwarming sight.
"No Léon name on the back?" Mapi teased, raising an eyebrow.
"No, Mapi, no number. Baby sibling loves all the friendly and kind teammates!" your daughter explained, her voice filled with conviction. You couldn't help but chuckle softly at their exchange.
"But when we get tiny a jersey, it will be Mami's name on the back," Aubrey declared, hopping off Mapi's lap and darting away as Mapi playfully chased after her, shouting, "No, mi nombre, ¡mi nombre!"
Alexia moved closer to you, smiling as she heard the commotion and watched the chaos unfold with your daughter and Mapi. Mapi had caught Aubrey in her arms and was swinging her around upside down, eliciting delighted giggles from the little girl. Alexia couldn't help but laugh at the playful scene.
"Mami, help por favor, esta loca," Aubrey called out between giggles, prompting Alexia to step in and rescue her from Mapi's playful antics. She scooped up Aubrey and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Hola, mi vida," Alexia greeted her daughter warmly.
"Hola, mami! I want to show you something. We have to go to mamá!" Aubrey pointed excitedly in your direction, and you waved back at them.
Your daughter's excitement was palpable, and it filled Alexia with warmth and anticipation. As Aubrey settled into Alexia's arms, she felt the familiar sense of comfort and security that always seemed to envelop their daughter whenever she was held by her. It was a beautiful bond that they shared, one that made Alexia's heart swell with love.
"Hola, mi amor," Alexia greeted you with a soft kiss, her eyes filled with affection. "Did you enjoy the match?"
"Of course, it was amazing. You played so well, mi esposa," you replied with adoration.
"I saw your goal, mami, it was amazing!" Aubrey cheered, wrapping her little arms around both of your necks in a tight hug.
"Now go show your mami what you wanted to show her this whole match," you encouraged Aubrey, nodding towards the onesie lying on the grass. "Mami, look what we got for tiny baby sibling!" Aubrey held the tiny onesie up in the air, her excitement contagious.
"Wow, pequeña, that's beautiful. Your baby sibling will love it just as much as we love it!" Alexia showered Aubrey's face with kisses, eliciting giggles from their daughter.
"I heard a small, tiny pequeña is here," you noticed Ingrid's voice right away, just as Aubrey did. "Ingrid! Te he echado de menos!" Aubrey almost jumped out of Alexia's grip and hugged Ingrid fiercely. They went off to play some football together, giving you and Alexia some precious time alone.
"How are you feeling, amor? And how is our little one in your belly doing?" Alexia's soft voice returned.
"We are doing fine, amor. We had a blast today," you said with a smile.
"The girls want to celebrate this win, I won't be away for too long," Alexia said apologetically, something you didn't like.
"You should enjoy and celebrate, amor. You deserve to celebrate this win. I got the little girls. The three of us will be fine," you assured her with a soft smile.
"I know you will, but we also have to decorate our living room for the gender reveal tomorrow," Alexia said, lost in thought.
"I think your mami and sister already did that today. They wanted to be very discreet, but,.. and I promise you I don't know how, but Alba's dog touched our bell and I got this notification," you both laughed loudly.
"That dog is tiny but thinks that he's big," you laughed again.
"Mamá, are we going home? I'm tired," your daughter yawned.
"Yes, mi amor, we are going," Alexia helped Aubrey get over the bars. "I will see you all tonight, okay? Be nice to your mamá." Alexia kissed Aubrey's head softly, and after giving you a soft kiss, she said, "Te amo mucho."
As you and Aubrey step into the house, you're immediately greeted by the sight of the decorated room. Streamers in pink and blue hang from the ceiling, balloons scattered across the floor, and a banner reading "Gender Reveal Party" is hung up on the wall. Aubrey's eyes light up with excitement, and she squeals in delight, running around the room to explore every corner.
"Wow, look at this, Mamá!" Aubrey exclaims, pointing at the balloons and streamers. "It's so pretty!"
You can't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. "It's beautiful, isn't it, mi amor?" you reply, kneeling down to Aubrey's level. "They did such a great job decorating."
Aubrey nods enthusiastically, still taking in every detail of the room. "Can we have the party now, Mamá?" she asks eagerly.
You chuckle softly, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Not yet, mi vida. We have to wait until tomorrow for the big surprise."
Aubrey pouts for a moment but then brightens up again. "Okay, Mamá. But I'm so excited!"
You make a mental note to send a text to Alexia's mother and sister to thank them for their efforts in decorating the room. It's gestures like these that make you feel grateful for the support and love you have from Alexia's family.
As the evening wears on, you find yourself settling into bed with Aubrey, who's already fast asleep, cuddled up beside you. She's wearing an old jersey of Alexia's, her tiny form snuggled comfortably against your side. Your hand rests protectively on your small baby bump, feeling the gentle movements within.
Later, Alexia arrives home, a little later than expected, and quietly slips into the room. She smiles tenderly at the sight before her—her two loves peacefully sleeping. Aubrey in her old jersey, and you in one of her oversized shirts that you've claimed as your own.
With a soft sigh, Alexia climbs into bed beside you, careful not to disturb either of you. She gazes at the scene before her, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and contentment. Quietly, she reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face before settling down, allowing sleep to claim her as well.
In the dim light of the room, the three of you sleep soundly, wrapped in each other's warmth and love, eagerly awaiting the joyous celebration that awaits you tomorrow.
The next morning arrives with a gentle light filtering through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day and an exciting event ahead. As the sun begins to rise, Aubrey stirs awake, her eyes fluttering open as she feels the anticipation bubbling within her.
With a yawn, Aubrey sits up in bed, her small hand reaching out to gently shake Alexia awake. "Mami, mami," she whispers excitedly, "today is the day we will find out if it's a baby sister or baby brother."
Alexia's eyes slowly flutter open, greeted by Aubrey's eager face. A smile tugs at her lips as she takes in her daughter's excitement. "That's right, mi pequeña," she murmurs, pulling Aubrey into a warm embrace. "Today is the big day."
You stirred from your deep slumber, feeling the gentle nudges from Alexia urging you to wake up. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you apologized groggily, realizing you had slept longer than intended.
Alexia, ever understanding, brushed off your apology with a soft smile while a hand came to caress your small baby bump. "No need to apologize, mi vida. But Aubrey is really excited to show you her outfit and have her hair braided."
With a quick breakfast, the morning began to unfold, and the sound of excited little footsteps drew your attention. Aubrey bounded into the room, a bundle of energy, proudly displaying her chosen outfit. "Is this good, mamá?" she asked eagerly.
A smile tugged at your lips as you admired Aubrey's selection, actually Alexia's pick. "Yes, mi amor, that's perfect," you replied warmly.
As you began to braid Aubrey's hair, she promised to sit still, her enthusiasm evident in every movement. However, her excitement proved too much, and soon she was squirming in her seat, unable to contain her energy for long.
You couldn't help but chuckle at Aubrey's antics, her infectious joy filling the room and lifting your spirits. Despite the chaos of getting ready, you couldn't imagine a more perfect start to such an important day.
The anticipation in the room was palpable as everyone gathered for the gender reveal. Friends, family, and teammates of Alexia filled the space, their excitement adding to the atmosphere.
Standing by your side, Alexia held you close, her hand tenderly resting on your baby bump. You couldn't help but beam with joy, feeling the warmth of her touch and the love radiating between you.
In front of the cake, Aubrey waited eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Can I go now, mami?" she asked, her enthusiasm contagious.
Alexia, ever the responsible parent, reminded Aubrey of the importance of cleanliness. "Did you wash your hands, as we practiced?" she inquired, a playful twinkle in her eye.
With a nod and a quick dash to the bathroom, Aubrey returned, her hands squeaky clean and ready for the big moment. Alexia couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's eagerness, her heart swelling with love.
"Okay, mi amor, go ahead," Alexia encouraged, giving Aubrey the go-ahead. With a swift motion, Aubrey's hands plunged into the cake, pulling out pieces of pink frosting. "A tiny baby sister!" she exclaimed excitedly, her face lighting up with joy as she tasted the cake.
The room erupted into cheers and laughter, the air filled with happiness and celebration. As everyone celebrated the news, Alexia leaned in close, whispering against your lips, "Another baby girl." You leaned in to kiss her, your hearts overflowing with love and gratitude.
Afterward, you turned to your daughter, pressing a gentle kiss to her head, feeling blessed to share this moment with your growing family.
''Now mamá, you should eat this cake for tiny baby sister, she needs a taste!''
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iamthedukeofurl · 9 months
One interesting thing that can happen in long running media is that the general cultural background can shift under the work, recontextualizing it as it is being written. I'm specifically thinking of the Order of the Stick, a Dungeons and Dragons themed webcomic that started in 2003 with the titular party of adventurers going through a dungeon.
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From left to right, we have Belkar Bitterleaf the halfling ranger, Vaarsuvius the Elf Wizard, Elan the Human Bard, Haley Starshine the Human Rogue, Durkon Thundershield the Dwarf Cleric, and Roy Greenhilt the Human Fighter. The comic takes place in a fantasy setting that knowingly runs off the rules of Dungeons and Dragons third edition. Characters talk about rolls and bonuses and intentionally take levels in various classes. At the start, the comic was a pretty basic gag comic about the D&D rules, basic fantasy/adventure tropes, ect.
In the 20 years the comic has been running, it has updated about 1300 times, not counting bonus strips exclusively made for the printed version, and several print (or PDF) only side and prequel stories. It has also dramatically grown from it's roots, the art has improved while keeping the same general aesthetic, and the gag-a-day comic has become a sweeping fantasy epic. The characters have grown beyond their initial bits (Belkar is a Murderhobo, Elan is stupid, Haley is greedy, ect), and it's genuinely up there as one of my favorite stories. But anyway, let's talk about Vaarsuvius. If you look at the above art, You'll notice that the characters tend to have three types of body shapes: Rectangles for Roy, Belkar, and Elan, feminine curves for Haley, and Robes for Vaarsuvius. This presentation is a pretty consistent signifier of gender and/or somebody wearing robes. Early on, part of Vaarsuvius's running gag became their ambiguous gender. At the time, it was a fairly common joke in fantasy to talk about how Elven men had androgynous or "Girly" appearances, so V was part of that. Instead of a singular pronoun, characters would generally just abbreviate Vaarsuvius's name as "V", and whenever the narrative would have naturally provided some indication of gender one way or another, V would resolve the situation without providing any such indication. For example, an early gag has the characters seeking out a set of modern style bathrooms in the dungeon. When they find them, V says that their "More Efficient elven biology" means they don't have to go yet, so they wait outside while the boys go into the Men's room and Haley waits in the inevitable long line at the women's. When Vaarsuvius reveals that they are married, they use the term "Spouse" to refer to their partner, when we see their children, the children are clearly adopted (V and their partner both have pale skin, their children have darker skin) and refer to Vaarsuvius as "Parent". Vaarsuvius themselves seems to have trouble identifying other people by gender. Characters outside the central cast might refer to Vaarsuvius as "He" or "She", but doing so was always shedding light on that character's perspective, rather than saying anything about Vaarsuvius. The assumption behind the gag is that Vaarsuvius must be either male or female, and the joke is that the narrative/Vaarsuvius themselves keeps finding ways to avoid "Revealing" their gender. Fan wikis and official books list Vaarsuvius's gender as "Ambigious" and on the forum there used to be a regular, multi-part thread dedicated to debatings Vaarsuvius's gender, even after the author declared that it would "never be revealed".
Anyway, going back to the start, it's 2023, and something shifted at some point, both in the comic and in the general cultural background. The jokes about V's gender kind of fell off, not just because the gag got played out, but because the basic assumption behind it simply doesn't work anymore. Everybody knows that Nonbinary people exist. There's no point in the comic where Vaarsuvius switches from being "Ambigiously Gendered" to Nonbinary, in fact, the entire comic reads just fine if you read Vaarsuvius as male or female and just not caring enough to clarify their gender to anybody and at some point other characters just stop thinking about it. But it's interesting to see how a character trait that was once included in even the most basic character descriptions (Varsuvius: Elven Wizard. Arrogant, Intelligent. Ambigiously gendered) just kind of got washed away by a rising tide of cultural nuance towards gender. Also go read OOTS, it's pretty great.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Moon Dominance & Manipulation pt 2
TW: murder, rape, genocide, violence, assault, death etc etc
Here's part 1
In part 1, I spoke about the manipulative nature of Moon dominant people, in this post I will be exploring it further and providing more examples.
I think its interesting that the Moon dominant nakshatras, namely, Rohini, Hasta & Shravana are Manushya gana (Rohini) and Deva gana (Hasta & Shravana). It is very telling because even though these natives say and do terrible things, they enjoy squeaky-clean reputations and people usually perceive them as angels. If they were Rakshasa gana people would see through their bs more quickly.
Ariana Grande- Hasta Moon conjunct Jupiter
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Ariana has said and done numerous problematic things over the years, from cheating scandals, blackfishing, donutgate, being extremely rude and arrogant, changing races every few years, to cringe ass over-sexualised lyrics, to being a homewrecker, Ariana is super duper messy YET she enjoys public and media support and is seen as America's sweetheart. Other people have lost their careers for less but Ari gets away with absolutely everything. She publicly admitted that Pete was her rebound guy (she was engaged to him) which is such a shitty thing to do to someone?? Like imagine if the genders were reversed lol
Ariana is a solid example of always seeming like the innocent person even though she's the messy one. Even with her latest album, its pretty obvious who cheated on who but she's been subtle enough with her music to make it seem like her ex cheated on her (she made him sign an NDA upon divorce which in itself is SOOO sketchy like what is she afraid of him revealing????) to imply things like that when you've put the other person in a position where they literally cannot speak for themselves is peak Moon dominant manipulation. She then posted a half assed story on IG asking fans to stop attacking "people in her life",,, its so apparent that she incited the whole thing in a super calculated manner and once she got what she wanted, she tries to pretend to be the good guy whose fans did all the terrible stuff🙄
Selena Gomez, Pushya Stellium, Mercury in Ashlesha atmakaraka (they both lie in Cancer which is Moon ruled)
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I wouldn't have included rashi rulership but Selena is an exception. She's the queen of playing the victim and is second only to Meghan Markle. Selena sets her fans on different hate trains every other week. She's very wary of showing support to social causes. She worked with Woody Allen. She treated her best friend & kidney donor like shit, was a terrible gf to Justin Bieber, treated Demi like shit during a really tough period of Demi's life, can't sing at all yet, produced a whole TV show (13RW) that is extremely triggering for people with mental health issues and was advised by MANY to change things but she just didn't??? honestly, if you watch her documentary you can see how she's the most self-absorbed narcissistic person, every single thing has to be about her all the time.
Despite all this, Selena is almost universally loved.
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Amy Dunne from Gone Girl is THE best example of a Moon-dominant person and the extent to which they'll go to ruin your life. Amy Dunne was played by Rosamund Pike who has Shravana Sun conjunct Mars
Amy had such a squeaky clean image that it was impossible to convince anybody that she was the sociopath who tried to fake her own death.
Leonardo DiCaprio- Hasta Moon
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Leo is a creepy middle aged man who only dates women under 25, lives for the yacht life and spends his free time partying and doing drugs, all of which is fine but these are things that other Hollywood men come under fire for ALL the time, yet Leo is pretty much everyone's favourite, he's the environmentalist humanitarian even tho he's private jetting to his private island to party with models, even tho he's received flak in the last couple of years for dating women much younger than him, its still more of a running gag than anything serious. He hasn't suffered because of it in any way. His reputation is still intact.
John Lennon- Hasta Sun, Shravana Moon
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John was a wife beating, child beating, abusive to multiple women, made fun of people with disabilities, pretended to be an anti establishment hippie even though he accepted an MBE from the Queen of England (he returned it years later in protest) and yet he is remembered as a counterculture icon and one of the most talented musicians ever. He was a violent abusive man who preached peace. Although he was a philanderer himself, he was obsessively jealous and possessive towards the women he became involved with. Lennon was an extremely wealthy man who lived a rich lifestyle, but he said that we should "imagine" a world with no possessions or greed. In short, he was a hypocrite. Yet he is still remembered fondly unlike sooo many other figures in history.
Amal Clooney, Shravana Sun conjunct Venus
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speaking of hypocrisy, here's Mrs Clooney, the human rights lawyer who wears $34,000 worth of clothes while championing the poor. She attends gala and balls wearing clothes worth thousands of dollars to "raise money for charity" whilst being married to a man who has a net worth of $500 million. Like I'm sure he could just write a cheque?? The Clooneys throw a lot of charity balls/dinners/parties etc as well and its so funny to me because its obvious they're doing it to keep a certain image before the media, whilst also getting all glammed up and having fun, without doing anything tangible to actually help anybody. imagine your job is to represent refugees, unfairly imprisoned heads of state and advise the UN and you also split time between 5 different mansions all over USA and Europe in private jets lol yet Amal enjoys a good reputation for being a girlboss
Gwyneth Paltrow- Rohini Moon
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Lady Goop is a nepo baby and has a net worth of $200 million yet she feels the need to make money off of people by selling bullshit wellness products like $55 sex oils, $400 meditation mats, mouth tape, vibrators, theraguns, vitamins, health supplements and god knows what else?? She's one of the many westerners who sell commercial spiritual nonsense to the masses but coming from someone as rich as she is?? like maa'm?? she promotes so much alternate medicine bullshit on her podcast as well, there is obviously real actually helpful alternate herbal treatments/medicine etc etc BUT that's not her focus she talks about getting rectal ozone therapy (not kidding) and shoving garlic in her ears to clear her chakras and spreads misinformation. there are plenty of people in america who can't access health care, imagine how you're endangering them by suggesting that rose quartz and mouth tapes and candles will cure you. She promotes a eating disordered diet as a "healthy one". all in all, she's sketchy but people just make fun of her and don't see her as someone manipulating innocent people into buying super expensive "alternate medicine" from Goop.
Helena Blavatsky- Hasta Moon & Venus
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Helena is the co-founder of the Theosophical Society and was an international leader figure in the Theosophical community. She basically helped promote eastern spirituality and philosophy in the West except that she's lied about pretty much her whole life, so its hard to confirm literally anything about her. She died in 1891 so at the time when she was alive there was no way for others to prove whether or not she was lying, they just had to take her word for it. She lied about training with sages in Tibet and lied about her mystical experiences, plagiarised ancient eastern texts to write about her "spiritual discoveries" etc There's plenty of proof that she was nothing but a charlatan yet I find it interesting how she still has a devoted following and even in her lifetime enjoyed a good reputation as a mystic medium lmao
Ranbir Kapoor, Hasta Sun & Mercury, Shravana Moon & Rohini Rising
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Ranbir gets a lot of hate as of late but for the most part he has enjoyed a really good reputation despite being a shitty person.
Jeane Dixon- Rohini rising
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She was a psychic and astrologer who predicted the JFK assassination.
John Allen Paulos, a mathematician at Temple University, explored the tendency of Dixon and her fans to promote her few correct predictions while ignoring the larger number of incorrect predictions, naming this habit "the Jeane Dixon effect."
Many of Dixon's predictions proved erroneous, such as her claims that a dispute over the islands of Quemoy and Matsu would trigger the start of World War III in 1958, that American labor leader Walter Reuther would run for president of the United States in the 1964 presidential election, that the second child of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his young wife Margaret would be a girl (it was a boy), and that the Soviets would be the first to put men on the Moon. (excerpt from her wiki)
basically she had no real powers but managed to convince others she did, her clients included Ronald and Nancy Reagan lol
Jordan Peterson, Hasta Moon , Rohini Mercury & Shravana Ketu
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He is a good example of the worst type of Moon dominant man. He has said among other things:
That class conflict is a natural and eternal struggle for existence that no political or economic revolution could ameliorate. The individual must develop an aggressive, alpha-male attitude in order to climb the social ladder. Peterson is kind of obsessed with power (all Moon dominants are lol) acc to him only a strong will, exercising itself against a contingent and meaningless world — and against the weak — can one ever hope to flourish.
Jordan Peterson endorses the idea that some men are purposely denied sex by women and that conventionally attractive men are 'taking all the sex' from other 'deserving' men. As a result, he suggests that by assigning women to men and pressuring them to 'settle' and have sex with isolated men, they wouldn't be so "angry at God" and commit acts of mass violence and murder. This, as well as criticizing birth control and saying that women would be happier if they just "allow themselves to be transformed by nature into mothers," is dangerous rhetoric that reinforces patriarchal violence against women.
He's a manipulative asshole who propagates his sexist harmful chauvinistic views as pseudoscience or psychology ew
Freud- Rohini Moon, Hasta Mars
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i couldn't make a post about Moon dominance and manipulation without mentioning the godfather of promoting his fucked up worldviews as science, Mr Sigmund Freud aka the most successful Moon manipulator who has caused permanent lasting damage to society
Sigmund believed that homosexuality in men is neurotic but not particularly problematic. Lesbianism, however, he considered a gateway to mental illness.
This (according to Sigmund) is because only men have moral sense. We all evolve from apes, so no human is born with it. But boys acquire morality through the castration complex—the fear that their fathers will emasculate them for their misbehavior.
Having nothing obvious to neuter, girls and women are essentially amoral, lying and conniving to get what they want. Girls must be guided through civilized life by a father, and a woman by a husband. And because they choose not to marry, lesbians remain loose cannons, fundamentally untrustworthy and unstable.
His daughter Anna was his closest intellectual and emotional companion. Yet she was a lesbian.
Freud taught that lesbianism is always the fault of the father and is curable by psychoanalysis.
Freud cautioned followers that analysis is an erotic relationship. Analyst and patient together must scrutinize the amorous feelings that flow between them. This being the case, by rules he asked his followers to honor, Freud could not attempt to cure his own daughter’s lesbianism.
 he also overgeneralized a lot of his “findings” such as the oedipus complex to apply to all people, which was harmful in the early stages of the formation of psychology. today most of his theories are disproven and widely considered problematic. Freud was obsessed with sex and made everything about sex (Moon men are sex addicts and every Moon man I've mentioned so far has a weird relationship with women)
he is credited with being the first psychologist to actually listen to women's problems but when he did listen to them, and many of them told them of their SA experiences, he changed the narrative to "women want to screw their daddies so they have these dreams/fantasies of sexual encounters in childhood" (the Electra/Oedipus Complex) to sell his books. He LIED basically, he manipulated the truth into something disgusting.
Freud is credited with making psychology a legitimate field and for it gaining attention worldwide but he literally manipulated, lie, overgeneralised and in general spewed a lot of toxic nonsense in order to get attention, like Gwyneth with Goop or Helena with Theosophy.
Sobhita Dhulipala- Rohini stellium
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Sobhita like most others bought a brand new face for herself yet masquerades under the "im not like other girls, i read" nonsense, she talks about acting, art and self love like she's some committed thespian when girlie cannot act to save her life. she says she does not work out just cleans her house and does chores to stay fit :) bc she's not like other shallow actresses, she does her own chores :) compared to most other people on this list she's harmless but I find her super pick me and pretentious
Moon dominant people are very good at picking up on lies, and understanding human behaviour because they're liars themselves lol, it takes one to know one.
Azealia Banks- Rohini Sun
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she's truly unhinged af and a very vile person but some of the people she's called out are also terrible people and tbh her insults are so poetic lmfao
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dont get me wrong i think she's a terrible person but there is some truth to some of the things she says which is what i meant by how Moon dominant people understand human behaviour. also Moon dominant people are HATERS dont expect them to say anything nice about anyone lol
I had a friend who would deliberately compliment every other girl we were friends with (Rita is sooo pretty, Lily is so stunning etc etc) but would never say ANYTHING nice about me EVER and when others complimented me she'd act like she didn't hear it or something lmao (it was wild) and one day I straight up asked how come you never say anything nice to me and she said "oh I didn't know you needed compliments from me, I thought you got enough validation from others, I didn't know you were desperate for more" 😭😭😭😭LIKE GIRL WHATTT, honestly making these posts and exposing the dark nasty side of Moon dominant people is helping me heal from all the toxic abuse I endured at the hands of this shitty girl and some others ughhhh that's the reason why these posts have more personal anecdotes than any other post i've made lol
Oprah Winfrey, Shravana Sun & Venus
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Her show was pure exploitation of peoples problems and also gave a platform to the equally exploitative Dr. Oz, the king of fake science, and Dr, Phil, the king of fake psychology.
It's a well known fact that she's friends with Harvey Weinstein & Jeffery Epstein despite being a "supporter" of the Me Too movement. Not to mention, she gave a platform to the phony Michael Jackson accusers from Leaving Neverland (do the research, they're liars) while turning a blind eye to the actual sexual predators of Hollywood, like Weinstein.
Her style of journalism seems to favour the shock value of a breaking news scandal rather than actually seeking the truth.
Several celebrities have come forward to talk about how poorly they were treated on the show. Oprah loves to relish in the misery of other ppl and ALWAYS makes others deeply uncomfortable with the straightup rude and hurtful questions she asks them.
Ellen DeGeneres, Shravana Sun & Venus
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the fact that two of the most sociopathic TV hosts to ever grace television has identical placements is so telling. Ellen has been exposed in the last couple of years for being a terrible person to work with and treating her guests like shit. What I find even more interesting is the fact that the person who sort of initially exposed Ellen for being a manipulative liar is Dakota Johnson who has Hasta Sun & Mars, when I tell you that Moon dominant people deeply understand human behaviour and the psychology behind people acting the way they do, this is what I mean, it takes a Moon dominant to understand the manipulation of another one.
Kristen Bell, Hasta Moon
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she probably has one of the most toxic marriages ever and yet speaks of it so glowingly and always talks about "how much work" it is to stay married like girl💀💀maybe exit the marriage then?? she has such a sweetheart image but she has admitted that she gives her children non-alcoholic beer, locks them in their room at night, makes them shower with her to "save water", talks to them about their father's addiction and their sex life??
"We make funny videos but we also go to couple's therapy because we disagree on 99.9 percent of issues," she said at the time. "There are days when I'm completely sick of him, and there are days when he is completely sick of me. But we've chosen to love one another and to be a team. We've learned how to communicate and argue in a really healthy, respectful way."- Kristen said this about her marriage like girlie nothing about it sounds healthy, if its this much work then it probably isn't love lol
Kate Winslet, Hasta Sun, Moon & Rising
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Winslet has worked with predators like Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein & Roman Polanski and after Me Too, she shifted her narrative as public opinion regarding these men, whose crimes and accusations have been well documented for decades, has thoroughly shifted to the point where associating with them is no longer good for her and would like to join the right side of history. She & Leo have partied on Jeffrey Epstein's private island as well and she's one the many signatories who signed a petition to free Roman Polanski ewww
This is one example of how image conscious Moon dominant people are, she has no moral compass and had no issue working with all these predators for decades but once it became apparent that she wouldn't benefit from associating with them anymore she's suddenly all "omg terrible men i wish id known better" lol what a liar
She also played a sociopathic Nazi in the movie The Reader
Josephine Baker, Rohini Sun
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Josephine Baker was a dancer known for her banana skirt dancing. Later in life, she adopted 12 children from different ethnicities and spent the rest of her life raising them. She is remembered as an icon and for her activism but her children have come out to describe how abusive she was to them.
During her participation in the civil rights movement, Baker began to adopt children, forming a family which she often referred to as "The Rainbow Tribe". Baker wanted to prove that "children of different ethnicities and religions could still be brothers." She often took the children with her cross-country, and when they were at Château des Milandes, she arranged tours so visitors could walk the grounds and see how natural and happy the children were in "The Rainbow Tribe". Her estate featured hotels, a farm, rides, and the children singing and dancing for the audience. She charged an admission fee to visitors who entered and partook in the activities, which included watching the children play.
She created dramatic backstories for them, picking them with clear intent in mind: at one point, she wanted and planned to adopt a Jewish baby, but she settled for a French one. She also raised them in different religions in order to further her model for the world, taking two children from Algeria and raising one child as a Muslim and raising the other child as a Catholic. One member of the Tribe, Jean-Claude Baker, said: "She wanted a doll".
Baker forced Jarry to leave the château and live with his adoptive father, Jo Bouillon, in Argentina, at the age of 15, after discovering that he was gay. Moïse died of cancer in 1999, and Noël was diagnosed with schizophrenia and is in a psychiatric hospital as of 2009. Jean-Claude Baker, the unofficial addition to the Rainbow Tribe, committed suicide in 2015, aged 71.
Angelina Jolie, Rohini Sun
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Jolie was clearly inspired by Josephine Baker. she adopted children from different ethnicities and even bought a Chateau in France to raise them in (just like Baker did). For many years Jolie received a lot of flak for her unconventional parenting, like frequently travelling, homeschooling all her kids and not giving them a bedtime or any kind of stable daily routine. I can't comment on it too much because there's not that much about their personal life on the internet but what I do find very interesting is how Jolie has always used the paparazzi to push a certain image and stay relevant. We know that paps only come when you call them, even Beyonce never gets papped, so its very much possible to live a lowkey life. Angelina gets papped absolutely all the time for the last 20yrs, it was especially bizarre because it was obvious that she was trying to shed the "homewrecker image" by always being photographed with her kids doing mom things and its a bit problematic to think that she's using her children as pap fodder to push an agenda. Again, I think Brad is an abusive person but he often spoke back in the day about his desire to keep the children out of the public eye but Angie had to shed her weird punk goth who kissed her brother and was addicted to bad men and drugs image so she tried to present herself as the kind humanitarian and loving mother, I'm not saying that she isn't those things, except that girlie will make sure the paps are around to photograph her doing these things like she called the paps to her daughter's first day of college bro likeeee
Here's a very old article about how smart she is at crafting her image. Again this is not in and of itself a bad thing but it's kind of bizarre to realise how image conscious people can be and how something that seems so "real" and "natural" is actually a well calculated move on their part.
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Angelina also played the sociopath Lisa Rowe in the movie Girl, Interrupted. people often associate this character with her Revati Moon but i assure you this is all on her Rohini Sun
Russell Peters - Hasta Sun
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Russell is really good at studying people, accents, mannerisms etc which is what makes him a really good comedian but he's also fckn rude and disgusting from time to time.
Honestly Moon dominant men always spew the most vile shit, they talk about people especially women in THE most disgusting way. actual psychopaths ew especially the cocky self assured way in which they say all this bullshit???
Errol Morris- Shravana Sun
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he is a documentary filmmaker whose work focuses on the epistemology of the subject, he's obsessed with human nature and trying to understand why people do what they do, all of his docus focus on vvv unusual people, death row prisoners, defence secretary instrumental in the vietnam war, insurance frauds, a man who designs death machines, pet cemeteries etc Morris focuses on people who are questionable to say the least, he tries to humanize people perceived as evil or bad (Moon dominant af lol bc who else would be interested in the motives of bad ppl??)
This preoccupation with human nature is deeply tied to the nature of Lunar people. They have a need to understand "motivations" and what drives people to do what they do. There is an innate tendency to pathologize or pick apart behaviour. This isn't inherently a bad thing but it is something I have noticed among Lunar people.
James Randi- Rohini rising
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He was a magician and skeptic who spent his life exposing other people and their paranormal and pseudoscientific claims.
Moon dominant people are skeptical of everything and the least likely to believe in anything, they're always looking for the truth because they deeply understand human ugliness and believe everybody else is like that (they see themselves reflected in others, which is to say that if they're capable of it, then so must others).
Roman Polanski- Hasta Rising
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pedophile and child rapist Polanski has directed movies like Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, The Palace, The Pianist etc,, all of his movies have heavy elements of deceit, lies, manipulation etc all of his characters are looking for the truth.
Claire had mentioned in her video about wealth as to how Rohini (Venus is domiciled in Taurus) (Moon exalts in Rohini) creates contentment and this leads to stagnation because dissatisfaction is what creates growth. If someone is content where they are they decay. I think this can be broadly applied to all 3 Moon naks because they have no other motives, nothing to dry them so they start rotting on the inside and doing terrible, horrible, evil things. Venus and Moon embodies the ugliness of humanity.
Josef Mengele- Hasta Moon
He was a Nazi doctor who conducted abhorrent and deadly medical experiments on the prisoners at Auschwitz and administered the gas to gas chambers. He was nicknamed "Angel of Death"
Lenin- Shravana Moon
if you're familiar with the history of the soviet union you will know that Lenin wasnt exactly a sweetheart
Heinrich Himmler-Hasta Sun, Shravana Rising and Ketu in Rohini
he was a prominent Nazi leader who is "credited" with "designing the Holocaust"
Edward Teller- Rohini Moon
This is the guy who betrayed Oppenheimer and is called "the father of the hydrogen bomb". he later expressed guilt over his involvement in the dropping of atom bombs over hiroshima and nagasaki
Henry Kissinger - Rohini Sun & mercury
he was a warmongering asshole who i hope is rotting in hell. he's one of the worst human beings to have ever existed due to the sheer scale and capacity of crimes he enabled and the millions of people who died as a result. i have extensively talked about how Moon dominant people lack empathy, they literally do not care about others, they are selfish to the point where its actually disgusting and pathetic and this guy is one of the worst examples
During the 1968 presidential election he was in the Johnson administration but wanted to get in good with Nixon. So he leaked information about peace talks with North Vietnam to Nixon. They then went on to use this information to sabotage the peace talks and in turn the election.
He committed treason to extend the Vietnam War, ultimately by seven years. That alone makes him a rare breed of terrible. But it’s also damning because it shows how he ultimately believe in anything other than that he deserves to be close to power. He was willing to play games with millions of human lives over a job. And he would have been in the Humphrey administration if Nixon lost, so it was just a job he wanted more. He didn’t care about fighting communism, the rule of law, patriotism, anything. His death toll alone puts him on a short list of the worst people to ever live, but most of the people on there did what they did for an ideology.
He’s also been described as “the Forrest Gump of war crimes.” He just shows up for no good reason in the history of so many atrocities. Often he ordered them, but he also installed dictators who would carry out genocides. There’s worse people in history, but none who have been involved in so many separate crimes.
just read anything about this vile shitty man and you will understand the kind of cruelty and apathy Moon dominant people are capable of.
moon dominant people are "good" with political & military strategy because they dont care about anybody's well being except their own lol
one time i spoke to a Moon dominant guy and he said that there's no such thing as altruism or selflessness and that everybody behaves in their self interest, i found that very cynical and disturbing and he said even people who do charity or appear to be kind are only doing it because they want others to see them that way and that really says more about the nature of Moon dominant people than anything else. he also said he loved attention of any kind and would do anything to trigger people just so they'd react and give him attention lol basically he admitted to having sociopathic tendencies. He was Rohini Moon. imagine being so morally bankrupt and soulless that you cant believe there's goodness in this world or that people are good with no agenda lol I feel bad for people who have to live life being that bitter, imagine rotting on the inside like that
Herman Kahn- Hasta Moon
He was a military strategist and developed the nuclear strategy of USA during the cold war. which is to say his entire job revolved around manipulation. He is quoted as saying:
"At the minimum, an adequate deterrent for the United States must provide an objective basis for a Soviet calculation that would persuade them that, no matter how skillful or ingenious they were, an attack on the United States would lead to a very high risk if not certainty of large-scale destruction to Soviet civil society and military forces." 💀💀💀(avg moon dominant man be like)
In Kahn’s book, the Doomsday Machine is an example of the sort of deterrent that appeals to the military mind but that is dangerously destabilizing. Since nations are not suicidal, its only use is to threaten.
ok thats it for now besties whewww
i am not claiming that all moon dominant people are terrible people so if you have these placements dont take it to heart. i do however think that the dark side of the moon dominant native is truly terrifying. all i wanted to do was shed light on that.
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therapycat21 · 11 months
Oh Baby
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Requested: Yes/No
Hi, can you please do one about the Travis and Taylor rumors going around. Maybe like your Taylor’s sister dating Travis secretly for awhile now and your pregnant. And like the Taylor concert he went to he was like there with you and the football that Taylor went to she was like there with you. And it all comes out that he’s with you and not Taylor and they find out your pregnant and all and are so shocked and didn’t see it coming. Like if that makes sense 🙂
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Me and Travis have been together for a five years now and have been in a private relationship due to the past of both of our relationships. Since we decided to be private it has been nothing but amazing .We had met from mutual friends of my younger sister Taylor.
   One of her backup dancers had known Travis from meeting him at the Super Bowl where he danced for Rihanna. 
  Travis and I officially met at the Superbowl party after they won and we’ve been together. Since then we had gotten a house together, married, and had a few fur babies but now as we stare at the screen in the dim room and the nurse moving the doppler around, we finally see our baby, we’ve been coming here for six months now and looking at our baby never gets old. We still have our gender reveal to do in the next few weeks but for now, we have to wait. 
After wiping the gel off my stomach, I see Travis’s phone lighting up on the counter “Hey babe? Your phone’s going off” I tell him, the tight grasp he has on my hand is gone as he opens the phone screen, I continue to wipe the gel off and get myself together so we can leave when Travis lets a giant frustrated sigh resonate throughout the room. I look at him to see frustration masking his face “Baby what’s wrong?” I ask. He looks up from his screen before turning the phone towards me, I take the phone and start reading the news article. There have been many news articles about Travis potentially dating someone new every week at this point I'm used to it.
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I look back up at him seeing the serious look on his face. “What do you wanna do about it?” I ask him, not knowing how to go about this, he rubs his forehead “I wanna be done hiding you and the baby. I know It’s a lot to ask of you but I just want the world to know I’m with you and I’m happy” he tells me. 
I give him a once over before nodding “How about this, we don’t say anything yet, but we go out together and just do what we usually do at home, outside, and once it starts being noticed, then we’ll find a way to confirm it, is that okay?” I ask him, making up a plan so it’s easier. He smiles nodding his head at the plan “Alright, let’s do that” he gives me a chaste kiss before we leave the private room and start to head home, since this is a private doctor's office, no one knows we’re here, we get in the car and start driving home  “how about tonight? We can start by going to Taylor's concert” I suggest as we pull up to the house. I look over and see him nod his head in response “Yeah let's do that, Let's get in cause we don’t have that much time before the concert.” He tells me.
We both got ready, and we both decided to wear white. We arrive at the stadium and are escorted to where Taylor is in the back, As I see her she quickly walks over to me, pulling me into a hug being cautious of my stomach, she lets go before softly rubbing my belly “Oh my god, I feel like you were 2 months like last week and now you're almost done” she tells me before pulling me into another hug before turning to acknowledge Travis “oh my god, how are you? How’s everything?” she asks him. He hugged her back briefly before talking a bit about what was going on. 
We were interrupted as one of the managers came over to tell us it was time to head to our seats and for Taylor to get in position for the concert. We all hug one last time before Travis and I head to our family balcony seats.
     3 Hours Later
 After a few hours of enjoying Taylor’s set, I noticed some fans pointing their phones to wear Travis and I were sitting, I nudged him a bit to let him know, and I saw him look down, acknowledging them and giving some a few waves as they capture pictures of him, if only we knew what everyone would be thinking by noon tomorrow. 
After hanging with Taylor for a bit at her after party we decided to head home so I could rest after being on my feet for a long time. Me and Travis are freshly showered and lounging on the couch watching Marvel before we head to bed for the night.
     The Next Morning
The pressure on my bladder is what wakes me up from my comfortable sleep, I try to roll out of bed not even bothering to check my phone, and head to the bathroom to get ready for the morning, I can still hear Travis snoring as I hear my phone chime with a notification, I walk over to my nightstand grabbing my phone, opening it to see a crap ton of messages from Taylor and a few of mine and Travis friends. Opening the first message I see from Taylor
        “Did you see this? I don’t wanna say anything unless you want me to cause I don’t want to add any more stress on you, no one knows me and Henry are together yet but I  still need to talk to him about that, I love you please let me know, ”
   I clicked on the link she sent, seeing it's an article from ENews.
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 I kind of expected this to happen considering I don’t really like to be in the spotlight, even as Taylor’s older sister I never really strived for that, Now don’t get me wrong, almost all of Taylor’s fans know of me from over the years. 
  I went to Travis's side of the bed and gently shook him awake  “What? What's going on?” He asks groggily, I turn the phone screen and watch him as he reads the article title, he shakes his head before turning to sit up “What the hell?” is all he responds with while reading the article. He hands the phone back to me before picking up and checking his phone. I continue going through the messages from friends when I get sent another article, It is dated back to when when me, Taylor and our mom went to one of Travis’s games last week, and of course it is titled almost the same, with the public thinking they’re dating. Broken out of my thoughts, Travis slams his phone down on the nightstand, I put my phone down while walking over to him, I cradle his head into my chest, rubbing his head “I wanna be done with this” Is all he says to me.
   I continue rubbing his head before he kisses me, getting up to use the bathroom. While he is in the bathroom, I contemplate, I already know what he wants to do but I know he isn't doing it because of my hesitation with it becoming more public. I decide I’m done being scared and hiding myself. 
I pick up my phone before opening Instagram and uploading a picture we had taken recently at our maternity shoot and without a second thought I posted it. I quickly shut my phone, a little nervous to even look at it. I waddle into the bathroom where Travis is standing at the sink brushing his teeth. He looks at me in question, seeing the nervous look on my face. He quickly finishes his teeth “Are you alright?” he asks I open my phone screen and quickly turn it towards him. As he checks the post, I am filled with nerves but they quickly diminish as a giant smile breaks out on his face.
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Putting the phone down he pulls me into a tight hug as best as he can, he lets go running out of the room, I peek out, waddling over to see him opening his phone and making his own post.
After he posted the picture, he pulled me towards him with his head leveled with mine as he was sitting on the bed, He pulled me into a soft kiss “Thank you, I know how hard it was to do that” he tells me smiling softly. I chuckle rubbing the side of his beard “It was nerve-wracking no doubt but other than that, it wasn’t that hard” I reassure him. We’re both broken out of our silent bubble, simultaneously getting a notification chime, we both open our phone screens to see we were tagged in a Twitter post by Taylor Letting everyone know that she is indeed dating someone named Henry and how Travis is only and will only ever be her brother-in-law.
Travis still holding me by my waist pulls my face to him, kissing me softly, nudging his nose against mine, and softly rubbing the bump "I love you so much" he tells me softly, I smile "I love you too baby" I tell him pulling him in for another kiss.
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For some reason, I feel like this sucks but It's whatever, I may rewrite it but for now, here it is,,,enjoy!!
Much Love
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Name the next Chopra(s)? - Boy version
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If you've been following along you'll know Cassandra is pregnant for the third time but doesn't yet know the gender or number of babies. For their next kid/s Rahul and Cassandra have been wanting name/s that align with their heritage more than naming after a specific person. So I searched up some names of Indian, Greek, Cypriot and Moroccan origin. Non binding poll but voice your choice below!
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paisleypens · 4 months
tee hee
spencer having his partner on a smosh live stream! and it ends with them announcing they are getting married
you are officially tee hee best anon the og love of my life. also i took some creative liberties with this one so i hope you still enjoy!!
“clay”-full of surprises | spencer agnew x reader
gender neutral btw!!
The Smosh studio was alive with chatter and laughter as the crew prepared for their clay sculpting live stream. Bright lights illuminated the table covered with an array of clay colors, sculpting tools, and creative reference materials. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the chat filled with excited fans.
"Are we live? Oh damn! Hey, hey, hey! Welcome, everyone, to another Thursday games stream!" Spencer Agnew's energetic voice greeted the camera. "We've got a special treat today because my partner, the incredible Y/N, is joining us!"
Everyone’s favorite crew member, Y/N, waved at the camera with a grin, their eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hey, everyone! I'm so pumped to be here and get crafty with all of you!"
Angela couldn't contain her excitement. "This is gonna be a riot! I can't wait to see what kind of mess we make!"
Shayne, always ready to poke fun at Angela, chuckled. "Hopefully not too much of a mess. Let's keep it somewhat together, Ange.”
Chanse responded extra quickly, “Says you, personally I'm actually trying to make something good.”
“Okay sureee” responded Shayne, sparking the competition for the stream.
“Also, make sure to stay until the end to vote for your favorite creation!” Spencer concluded, letting the chaos begin.
The group dove into their clay projects, each with their unique style. Shayne decided to sculpt a caricature of Ian with exaggerated features, while Angela molded a cat that somehow resembled a bizarre hybrid of horse and dog. Chanse, true to form, meticulously crafted a stunning clay sculpture of a phoenix.
Meanwhile, Spencer worked on something special, exchanging knowing glances with Y/N throughout the stream.
"Spencer, what are you up to over there?" Angela's curious voice broke through the focused concentration of the others.
Spencer grinned mischievously. "You'll have to wait and see, Angela. It's a surprise."
As the stream progressed, the chat buzzed with speculation about Spencer's mysterious creation. Y/N, while focused on their own clay masterpiece, couldn't help stealing glances at Spencer's work, a sense of excitement building.
Finally, it was time to reveal their creations. Shayne proudly displayed his exaggerated Ian sculpture, earning laughs and playful jabs from the others. Angela's chaotic animal mix garnered both confusion and amusement, while Chanse's phoenix drew genuine admiration for its beauty.
"Okay, Spencer, show us what you've been hiding!" Angela exclaimed eagerly.
Spencer carefully unveiled a small clay box, intricately detailed. With a flourish, he opened it to reveal a delicate clay ring nestled inside.
The room fell silent for a moment before Angela burst into laughter. "No way, Spencer! Are you pulling a fake proposal on us?"
Spencer chuckled. "Well, sort of. Y/N, will you pretend marry me with this clay ring?" He winked playfully.
Y/N played along, a grin spreading across their face. "Of course, Spencer. I'll always pretend to marry you."
The rest of the crew erupted into laughter and applause, catching on to the inside joke. Shayne teased, "Looks like Spencer's already whipped!"
Chanse, between fits of laughter, managed to say, "Congratulations, you two. I better be in the bridal party."
Spencer stood up, still holding Y/N's hand. "Actually, this fake proposal is a nod to something real. Y/N and I are getting married!"
The studio went silent in shock until it suddenly filled with cheers, hugs, and congratulations from Angela, Shayne, and Chanse. The chat exploded with excitement and well-wishes from fans.
"We wanted to share this special moment with all of you," Y/N said, smiling at Spencer. "Thank you for being part of our journey."
As the live stream came to an end, the crew continued to celebrate, the playful atmosphere and shared laughter making it a day they would always remember.
“Wait… should we still vote on the best?” Angela asked, willing to fight for her ‘cat’.
Shayne laughed before waving goodbye to the camera, “Yeah I really don’t think we need to.”
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w2soneshots · 5 months
Brother’s best mate -W2S
words: 0.8k+
warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol consumption.
summary: you and harry meet through your brother ethan. After a night spent with the side girls you crawl into bed with your favourite guernsey boy.
notes: I haven’t written anything like this in ages!🤭 hope you enjoy🔥🫶🏼
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 301,583 others
y/username: spending time with my favourite people💞 (even if it's on a golf course😒😂)
Tagged: @faithloisak @behzingagram @wroetoshaw
faithloisak: aw I love you
-> y/username: ❤️🫶
y/nfanpage21: she's so 🌼🧺☕️🧘‍♀️🥐 coded
user19470245: omg they went to golf together😭
user83271430: the pic of ethan and faith is adorable
Last year I moved to London to be closer to Ethan when Faith fell pregnant, to help her and to spend more time with the both of them. I also bought an apartment so I'm just a 20 minute drive from them. I finally met the sidemen at the gender reveal. I'd never actually been introduced to them before, which was weird because they are basically the reason Ethan has a career and they helped him so much a few years ago when he was in a really dark place. Me and Harry didn't immediately hit it off, don't get me wrong I thought he was attractive but he's also very awkward and was wary that I'm his best mates sister.
After almost five months of being friends with the group, going to little parties or just hanging out with them me and Harry kissed. I knew it was bound to happen since we had both quickly developed a large crush on each other but after it had happened we'd decided not to tell anyone (especially Ethan) before we knew we were actually good together. It took just one month before we were officially dating and decided it was the time to tell everyone. Of course we told Ethan first, he was shocked but (to our surprise) happy that his best mate and sister were dating. Everyone else was so excited.
We've now been together for 6 months and only told the fans recently. Today I'm going to dinner with: Talia, Faith and Freya for Talia's birthday. Harry had a more sidemen shoot today so wouldn't get home until six. I had a shower, dried and styled my hair, applied some makeup then chose an outfit. I was on my way out just as Harry arrived back. "Wow," He glanced down at my outfit before returning his attention to my face "you look beautiful." I smiled "thank you Haz, I'll be home by ten." "You better be, I can't wait to rip those clothes off."
I arrived outside of the restaurant, thanked the uber driver then spotted Talia getting out of another car. I quickly walked towards her "happy birthday!" We excitedly hugged each other. "Thank you! Freya's already inside." She beamed. "Ok. I think Faith's running a little bit late, let's just go inside." I replied. We headed into the fancy restaurant and were taken to our table where Freya already sat. When she spotted us she immediately leapt from her seat. She said happy birthday to Talia then we all sat down. Faith arrived a few minutes later and we ordered our drinks.
After eating our starters, mains and desserts me Freya and Faith split the bill (not before trying to convince Talia to let us treat her for her birthday). Thankfully I had only had two drinks so I was just a little tipsy. We left then ordered a taxi. Freya was dropped off first then Talia and I was third. I said goodbye to Faith then hopped out.
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Liked by miniminter and 480,231 others
y/username: my girl @taliamar 's birthday dinner with @freyanightingale and @faithloisak 🤍💫
taliamar: I had the best night ily😘
-> y/username: ily
freyanightingale: 💓💓
y/nfanpage21: omg you look stunning!!
user91037494: I love that the side girls are actually friends irl it's so cute
When I got up to mine and Harry's apartment I unlocked the door, opened it, kicked my shoes off and dropped my bag. "Haz?!" I shouted through the apartment. I walked through into the bedroom, Harry sat waiting patiently for me "Hey." My mouth curved into a smile "hi." I jumped onto the bed next to him. "Have fun?" He asked. "Mhm" I hummed.
I turned to him and pecked his lips. The kiss deepened, he grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled me onto his lap. I reached my hands down to the belt wrapped around my waist, I pulled it off and threw it to the floor. I moved Harry's hands from the back of my thighs to my ass. He groaned into the kiss then rushed to pull the zipper down on my dress, then he pulled it off and over my head, leaving me in just my matching black lace bra and underwear set. Harry broke the kiss to look down at me "you're so fucking beautiful." He rasped. I pulled his shirt over his head, followed by his pyjama pants. While Harry unclipped my bra, allowing the straps to fall from my shoulders.
Within just a few minutes we were both completely naked. Harry flipped me onto my back. I whimpered as I rubbed my thighs together, desperate for any sort of friction. "Harry, please." I cried out. "What do you want baby? Use your words." "I need you to fuck me."
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mixelation · 26 days
How about... Akatsuki partner ships ranked? 👀
yeah okay. worst to best
6. Pein/Konan - Look, they have the devotion thing down. You want angst? They have angst, and also a vaguely punk rock aesthetic that seems like it shouldn't exist in universe, which is at least visually interesting. However, Kishimoto forgot to give either of them personalities. They both appear to be the same flavor of Mildly Morose. You would think being leaders of a terrorist organization aiming to end the world's magical military forces via snatching up all the weapons of mass destruction for themselves would make for an interesting power couple, but it just..... doesn't? This ship is bereft of content because even the most versatile shippers don't know what to do with it.
5. Kisame/Itachi - Listen, I know this one will be controversial. I know this one has some very dedicated fans. And I am here to inform those fans that this ship is boring. Look. You just have to accept it. It's okay. Do you know how much MinaKushi I write? I'm not judging you. Sometimes you just want something boring and unchallenging. Their canon dynamic is largely Kisame just doing whatever Itachi wants, and fans are usually too cowardly to let Itachi act insane enough for the dynamic to be interesting. This ship is for people who think black pepper is spicy.
4. Orochimaru/Sasori - I wanted to rank this one higher. Do you know how potentially insane this ship is? Do you understand? Do you know how many nonconsensual surgeries of third parties this ship involves? The stolen bones? The crimes against humanity? The fall out and betrayal and obsession? This should be the greatest, most insane ship of all time. But I've read how it's written. This ship will only disappoint you. Only pain lies here.
3. Tobi/Deidara - This one also seems like it should make for a deeply insane ship, and yet is rarely delivered on. Their canon dynamic is fun, and also its implications turn completely mind-blowingly bonkers post identity reveal. Like what is Obito even doing here? I can only assume his crush on Deidara was just strong enough he got distracted from taking over the world for like six months in order to harass him. Cannot rank higher because fanon Obito is too annoying to read for more than a couple thousand words, and people who ship Deidara with men keep turning him into a sad little uwu bean. You will find some fun things, but also you will find the most annoying OOC content on the planet.
2. Kakuzu/Hidan - They! Are! Married! Bizarrely, the pair that have the most cooperative and supportive on-screen dynamic, which gets them to second place. Unfortunately fans think Kakuzu's entire personality is scamming people for money, and not even in a fun Ed Edd n Eddy way. Also Hidan is usually just like. Protestant with extra steps. How did this happen? We don't know. Fortunately there's a least a small amount of good content out there for them and their married life. They're happy. Hundreds are dead, but they are having a good time.
1.Sasori/Deidara - Genuinely confused about how this one won first. Like I like this ship, okay. It just seems like it shouldn't be number one, and yet here it is. They have a well-established canon dynamic that's a little bit spicy but also leaves room for cooperation. They're both small pretty boys so fans are less determined to sort them into the gender binary of "dark chuckling sex god" and "sad precious uwu bean." There's a wealth of content that doesn't suck and even maybe sometimes gets a little interesting. You will have to read the most cardboard, unnuanced dialogue about art, but it's not like canon was churning out high quality dialogue there either.
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Hazbin Hotel Headcanons pt 2
(With a sprinkle of 'Helluva Boss')
the Vices and the Goetias are some sort of uncles and aunts for Charlie, so this means...
... Stolas used to babysit Charlie when she was little and from that experience, he realized he could be a better father than his own...
... Bee totally organized the best birthday parties for Charlie (especially after Lilith left)
... Charlie was one of the first person Asmodeus told her about his relationship with Fizzarolli and she was really happy when they came out as a couple
Charlie managed to convince the elevator guys to let Vaggie visit the rest of Hell in occasion for her first birthday as her girlfriend: in that occasion, they had dinner at Ozzie's, Charlie improvised a duet with Fizz that made Vaggie laugh out loud and then they moved to the party Bee organized for her (Vaggie wasn't immune to Bee's charm and when she realized Charlie had noticed it, she felt ashamed by that, but her girlfriend shrugged because 'Aunt Bee always does this effect to introvert people' and everything turned out okay)
Vaggie had a crush on Lute when she first joined the Exorcist Army, but it didn't last for long... that being sad, it hurt knowing Lute was the responsible for her fall
after it was revealed the Extermination would have been in six months, Vaggie got drunk and started commiserating herself for not being a good girlfriend for Charlie. Husk tried to comfort her, saying that she was the princess's anchor because he heard Charlie saying that (and he has a pair eyes) when Vaggie dropped his secret... the morning after she talked with Husk (in spanish to not be understood by others) and he assured her he would have not revealed the secret because he was none of his business...
... unfortunately spanish is similar to italian and Val occasionally speaks spanish, so Angel asked him what was this big secret Vaggie was trying to hide and Husk told him it was something stupid, nothing important... of course he revealed the truth after the couple came back from Heaven
Lucifer actually cooked pancakes for everyone after the hotel was rebuilt and then spent the next days making personalized ducks for everyone...
... yeah, he even did one for Alastor and agreed to co-parent Charlie in absence of Lilith (Alastor took the duck because 'why not? It's not bad', but then he didn't know how to feel about the other thing because he didn't like to get attached to all the Hotel gang and this was going against his plan)
living in the 40s and 50s means that sometime Vox says some mysoginistic, racist or homophobic stuff, but Valentino and Velvette are always ready to point that out... luckily, Vox is willing to learn and has a long list of the things he can say and he can't say
when they first met, Val started flirting with Vox but Vox was walking eteronormativity due to his upbringing and dismissed his avances...
... but Val had the feeling Vox wasn't straight and after seeing his reaction to the news that Judy Garland had died after he arrived in Hell, he was happy to be right
Then Vox told him that he suppressed his feelings for men all his life and Val offered him to make up for the lost time... and that's how their on and off relationship began
after episode 4, Angel always received flowers and sweets at the studio from the Hotel gang in order to show him support (Val doesn't know that, he thinks those are just presents from Angel's fans)
Lucifer didn't immediately understand Angel's gender, so he tried with female pronouns and when Angel replied, he believed he was a girl until Charlie told him he was male. Actually Angel wasn't really bothered because Lucifer was the only one to use female prounons for him and not in a derogatory way, so sometimes Lucifer still uses them for him
The movie Angel showed to the Hotel gang was the last movie he did before his relationship with Val started to crack... that's why he got so mad when Husk critized it...
... after episode 4, Angel realized Husk did indeed watched some of his movies and Husk admitted he watched a few of his first movies and those are better than the new ones (the new ones as the ones he did with Val) and Angel was happy that someone still remembered those, where plot and quality still mattered
Alastor actually ships Huskerdust! He was the first to notice Husk's attraction to Angel and told the bartender they would have been such a cute couple despite their differences... Husk didn't know how to feel, but at least he was happy Alastor didn't meddle when he and Angel started to get closer
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allwaswell16 · 7 months
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A fic rec of One Direction omegaverse fics where one of the characters is faking their secondary gender as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave the writers kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
🎀 pray for some sweet simplicity by delsicle / @eeveedel
(E, 237k, racing) an AU where motorcycle racing is the biggest sport in a heavily divided world, Louis is trying to take control of his own destiny, and Harry is in for more than he bargained for.
🎀 Take Me As I Am by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10
(E, 117k, friends to lovers) “Suppressant? But… why would I need a suppressant? Alphas don’t take suppressants.” “You’re right, they don’t.”
🎀 Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren
(E, 92k, famous/not famous) Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. He’s getting by just fine raising the twins when Louis walks into his bakery. Too bad him and Louis will never be a thing.
🎀 i want you so much (but i hate your guts) by becauselarry
(M, 83k, football) AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. 
🎀 The Truth of Hearts by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings
(M, 42k, television writing) After rising through the ranks to become one of Hollywood’s most celebrated alpha writers, the world is Harry’s oyster. Louis, another rising star alpha, is Harry’s greatest undoing, in more ways than one.
🎀 Confessions of a Fabricated Alpha by @jaerie
(E, 18k, phone sex operator) famous alpha Harry Styles has a secret and paying an alpha to roleplay a relationship with him over the phone is the only way he can be himself.
🎀 Let's Embrace The Point Of No Return by sweaterpawstyles
(E, 33k, boss/employee) Harry is an omega intern at an all alpha company. Louis is his boss. There's some complications.
🎀 don't know if i could ever go without by ifthat / @lovehl
(E, 14k, pining) “We’ve come up with a solid solution. You’re not going to like it.” “What is it?” Louis narrows his eyes suspiciously, glancing at a visibly enthusiastic Liam. “What if you pretended to be an Alpha?” Zayn suggests.
🎀 Next To You by savannah_blue
(M, 14k, canon) When Harry Styles won the X-Factor he quickly became the latest pop sensation. When Louis runs into him at a party, he quickly realizes that Harry Styles is nothing like his reputation of womanizing alpha. Turns out, Harry Styles is an omega. And Louis' mate.
🎀 I Don't Mean to Frustrate by @lululawrence
(NR, 14k, friends to lovers)  the one where Louis is an omega pretending to be a beta, but what happens when Harry, his (pining) alpha best friend, learns his secret?
🎀 Fakes (Streaming Live) by @allwaswell16
(E, 5k, camboys) Alpha camboy Henry Steel has a rather unfortunate crush on omega camboy Luscious Lucas. He also has a rather unfortunate secret that's about to be revealed.
- Rare Pairs -
🎀 Big White Lie by acrayonsmile
(E, 263k, pack dynamics) Louis has been pretending to be something he's not for as long as he can remember. Will the pack find out before it's too late to fix him?
🎀 How Could We Be So Blind? by WrennAddysen
(NR, 153k, OT5) Zayn, 1/5 of the boy band One Direction, is an omega, pretending to the world that he is a beta. 
🎀 Like A Bullet In The Dark, by TylerM
(T, 27k, OT5) the one where Zayn, Harry and Louis are alphas in a pack with omega Niall, and Liam is a beta. Until he actually isn't and shit hits the fan.
🎀 a dark world aches for a splash of the sun by calums
(T, 18k, OT5) the 'beta!louis who is actually an omega' trope that everyone is craving
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totalswag · 1 year
little starkey being besties with maddie cline and their always together on set
mini best friend — MADELYN CLINE
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authors note thank you anon for this request, i hope you like what i wrote. just the thought of this made me so happy while writing because drew and maddie have such an amazing friendship. this is technically a madelyn cline fic/blurb btw. as for the other requests i have in my inbox, i will get to them as soon as i can. i do have a personal life outside of tumblr, please be patient. feedback is always appreciated.
summary bringing little tatum on set and maddie just can't wait to see her little best friend everytime she comes to visit.
warnings a whole lot of cuteness!!!!!
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Outer Banks is filming their new season, Drew had some scenes to film and brought you and nine month old, Tatum, along to keep company and hang out with the other cast members. 
"Where is my littlest bestie?" Maddie asked as she entered Drew's trailer, her eyes wide with delight.
"She's right here," you said as you placed Tatum on the carpet so she could crawl over to Maddie, who was squatting down with her arms stretched out.
Tatum recently began to crawl, which indicates that she will start walking shortly. That girl is so fascinated about everything she sees, walking on two feet will be interesting for her.
She smiled and spoke in her baby language as she crept closer to Maddie. Tatum places her left hand on Maddie's knee, signaling her want to be carried up.
"She's getting so big," Maddie says, pouting as she picks up Tatum off the carpet, places her on her hip, and kisses the top of her head.
“I know, it’s sad,” you agreed.
“I just remember when you were a tiny itty baby in my arms and now you are growing up so fast, slow down girl” you can’t help but laugh at Maddie’s comment. 
Tatum just giggles. 
Tatum's godmother is Maddie. You and Drew made the decision way before Tatum was born since you three have a great relationship and you trust her with your child. Tatum adores Maddie– whenever she comes into the room, Tatum gets all excited and starts talking in her baby language. Their relationship is precious. Everyone adores their relationship.
Maddie was the first one to find out the gender before Drew and you. She hosted the gender reveal party at her home, which was absolutely breathtaking.  Maddie bawled her eyes out when she first met Tatum, who was wearing a onesie that stated "I love my godmother."
Tatum will want to stay in Maddie's arms as soon as she is in them whenever you go to the set to see Drew and hang out with the other cast members in general. Maddie doesn't mind being with Tatum the whole time; in fact, she enjoys it. They take videos and pictures together, which are eventually posted to Maddie's Instagram, but only with Drew's and your permission.
No matter where Maddie goes on set, Tatum is always with her. Plus, it’s good bonding time for the two. They’ll take naps together on the couch randomly. You swear they’ve met in another lifetime. 
Another time, Maddie had Tatum in her sunglasses while she was strapped in a carrier that wrapped around Maddie as she drove around in a golf cart. This happens quite a lot now as Tatum got older in months.
Fans make edits, post, and talk about how adorable Maddie and Tatum’s relationship is all the time on social media. Whenever fans bring up the two to Drew and you, all you guys can say is they are made for each other and there’s no stopping in separating them. 
Now, the rest of the cast get their time with the little Starkey. They enjoy spending their free time with her every second they get. They are her second family and she will eventually know that as she continues to grow up.
Drew and you always talk about how their own daughter loves her godmother more than her own parents as a joke but you know she loves you both. There’s going to be plenty of more times of Tatum and Maddie being together on set.
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my taglist 🧚🏼‍♀️
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight@brooklynscherry-z @kaydsr3venge @ikisscline
if your username is has a line through, that means your user didn't pop up.
if you would like to be added to my taglist please let me know :)
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