#No Gi Shorts
SAGAU where the Creator is slain once, accused of being an imposter, and reborn as... a Melusine.
there's screaming and pain, the sensation of a thin blade digging into your chest- then nothing. nothing but the soft melody of running water. tentatively you open your eyes are met with dancing colors and shapes, little shell houses and baubles making a small, cozy village. your hands have become mittens, your skin swirling with pretty patterns, a pair of antennae sprouting from your head, and where there were previously cuts dripping with blood have turned to markings that shimmer slightly in the light. another Melusine approaches you and asks if you're lost, and when you merely shrug she introduces herself as Cosanzeana and shows you her slowly growing flower garden.
it's nice here, in Merusea Village. unlike the rest of Teyvat, the Melusine don't know nor care much about any sort of Creator myths- they came from Elynas, after all- so they happily regard you as a sibling who simply got lost on the way. finally you're free from the world above, everyone who chases and tries to harm you, spending your days collecting components to trade and swimming beneath the waves. Mamere in particular becomes a close friend, both of you regarded as a little strange but still beloved by all your siblings. she shows you her artwork and you help her collect paint, and in the coldest nights when you're swarmed by bad dreams, you tell her of your previous life as she swears to keep it a secret.
the only time you venture out into the far caverns alone is when you meet a familiar face- Childe's Foul Legacy form. you always loved the transformation, when Teyvat was just a game on your computer, but now you hastily hop a few steps back. the others treated you as a fraud, tearing at your skin until you gave in and died- he would be exactly the same. but Foul Legacy just blinks, slowly crouching to your height and staring into your eyes, speckled with tiny stars. he trills quietly in awe, then lowers his head into a bow in presence of the true Creator.
the other Melusine cluster around you when you bring him back to Merusea, curiously poking at his armor and glittery wings. you all see him as beautiful, and he is beautiful! Legacy stays with you in the village, accepted with open arms, much like Seymour stayed with Mamere for a time, and it becomes common to see a slightly sparkly Melusine running around with an Abyssal beast at their heels. he swims with you, navigating through the Primordial Sea, and shields you from any outsiders that happen to appear, the ones who dared to harm his Creator so horribly.
you, a Melusine, and Foul Legacy, your protector and best friend.
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valor-fightwear · 2 years
BJJ Grappling & MMA Shorts - Valor Fightwear
NO GI BJJ is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. It is a derivative of traditional Judo and Japanese Jujutsu, and can be trained for self-defense, sport, and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition. We’ve taken into account factors such as price, comfort, durability, and style to come up with a list of the best options on the market.
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mmag-translations · 2 years
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amosprinz · 4 months
slight spoilers for new archon quest??
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Something something """canon""" age difference, modern AU where Rex actually is a decade younger than Anakin
And for Reasons, 34yo Anakin and 39yo Padme have decided to invite this Hot Young 24yo Who Just Exited The Military into their bed for a quick romp that turns into something of a longterm relationship that is sortakinda sugaring
………….just realized this makes Rex only [checks math] twelve or thirteen years older than the twins.
Which is very funny to me. These tweens are so unimpressed by the GI Bill college guy their parents are wooing. Is this supposed to be their new babysitter? A nanny? Wait, he's your boyfriend??? EW.
Such a weird age difference to have with your sorta stepkids
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iid-smile · 28 days
"just when are you going to be done, kaveh?" you complain for the umpteenth time.
the two of you were sat on his bed, the sun outside being at the perfect angle to get some natural lighting. you were surrounded by various cosmetics and paints that were supposedly safe for facial use, as well as paint brushes of oddly specific sizes. quite often does kaveh allocate you as a "moodboard" of sorts, and most times you don't mind, but...
you've been sat here for two hours straight.
"wait!" understandably, he's equally as annoyed as you, since you keep complaining, shifting, and blinking every few seconds. you feel the bristles of the brush lift up from your skin, and the quiet sound of him mixing a different colour. "stuff like this takes great precision. i'm not an architect for no reason, both you and i should be well aware of that."
"what the hell does architecture have to do with makeup?" you mumble, your lips coming into a pout. "and be nicer to me, because i—" he holds your mouth shut. hypocritical, because whenever someone is complaining, nine times out of then, it's him, not you. only hums and mumbles of irritation come from you, and you squirm and writhe, trying to get him to at least give you a break.
his frustration is clear when he pulls his hands off of your face with a groan, and you're finally able to open your eyes. there's a clear scowl overcoming your features, glaring at him and trying to gouge his reaction, but kaveh just looks... stunned. "...perfect."
"what?" you grumble through your teeth.
"it's perfect!" his eyes immediately widen and light up, a much too proud smile for your liking appearing on his lips. he laughs at his own talent, eyes glancing over every single detail. "ahaha! perfect, this is perfect! the colours, the depth, the harmony with your expression, oh!" he jumps up to his feet, scrambling to the door as he picks up a few papers on the way. "archons, i need to take that client right this second!"
you sigh, those loose strands of hair that kaveh's been holding back the entire time fluttering over your eyelashes. for a while, your gaze remains on the ajar door. "i'll never get his way of thinking..."
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legodragon · 27 days
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spell of become real on the ninjago cast 🫵
i've been meaning for a long time to show a height chart/representation of what i think all the ninja look like as non legos :]
i chose not to do robotic zane as i wanted to show what i believe he looks like with the casing/"skin" layer that made him look more human!
perhaps ill do one of their later designs but for now this is pre season 8 looks <3
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softsinnamonart · 4 months
kavetham mermaid au part 20
next part | previous part
20 parts… isn’t that crazy…
sorry for the late upload btw, i’m enjoying my summer vacation (still in summer classes tho… sigh)
read L -> R
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fireheart223 · 3 months
Little thing I was working on for the past few hours. I might actually make a full AMV of this if I can find enough clips to fit
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chromesturn · 3 months
i still can’t believe the triplets are 5’8. well nick is 5’9 but still. Like they should be tall. this isn’t right
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sharkdays · 9 months
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"That despite having experienced inhuman suffering, she has nonetheless been able to gain the strength to face life."
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SAGAU brainrot where after being hunted for being an "imposter" in Fontaine you escape to the sea, desperate for somewhere safe- or somewhere to die peacefully, the blood from your wounds seeping into the water and staining it red, then an odd glittering gold. it's blissfully silent under the waves, sea creatures flocking around and following you through the depths as you sink deeper and deeper, eyes finally having a chance to close after days of staying awake out of terror. there's a small, exhausted smile on your face, weak and dizzy from the blood loss but finally not being pursued, left alone to pass peacefully from this world you used to love so much.
but you don't die- instead you're awoken by a mournful echoing sound, the water around you sparkling and peculiar. you move your hand and the water moves with it, swirling into flowing designs like silk, cushioning your open wounds and soothing the sting. the echoing sound calls again, closer this time, and when you turn you meet the crystalline eye of a familiar face- Foul Legacy, adorned with fins and patches of scales from the influence of the Primordial Sea.
Legacy's eye widens at the site of you, his song changing from saddened to ecstatic, then fading as he takes in your wounds, just barely scabbed over and shining with gold. he whines, quickly swimming a circle around you and wrapping his tail around your legs- who dared to do this to you, the Creator? who dared lay a hand on your skin, tearing it so? he knows it's you, his Abyssal instincts soothed and calm in your divine presence, and Foul Legacy lets out a low growl at the thought of someone hurting you. but it quickly turns to a whimper when you flinch away, his claws hovering over your shoulders as he croons gently- you need rest and time to recover, and he gently wraps his arms around you as your eyes close, nudging his horned head against your cheek with a sweet purr, the first kindness you've experienced in Teyvat.
together you sink further into the Primordial Sea, away from the ignorance and hatred of the surface above, and Teyvat falls silent once more.
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chicago-geniza · 7 days
Just vomited 50 fluid ounces, which I didn't know the human stomach could contain. That's like a liter and a half. Much less pressure in my abdomen at least
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mmag-translations · 6 months
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House Dragonmaid / Dragonmaid Sheou - Character sheet
House was the first of the archetype to be designed, so she looks different from the rest. She was quite a rascal before becoming a maid, so I drew her to have a menacing presence, even in her human form. I like how she looks quite strong yet reserved.
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astralhope · 1 month
@zexalmonth day 8:
F for Friendship
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Yuma and Astral's relationship means everything to me.
I was immediately captured by them from the very start, from their rocky beginning, and watching their reluctantly partnership evolve into a bond that strong and deep is what makes Zexal so special to me.
They complement each other, both in terms of personality and duels, and they grew thanks to their bond, which got stronger after every obstacle and trouble that they overcame together.
Even if they were destined to be connected, being two parts of the same soul, they built their friendship from the ground, they learned to love the strengths and flaws of the other, and, from want to have nothing to do with the other, they become everything to each other.
Their bond has changed their lives, just as it has changed mine.
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recoiloperated · 6 months
If you ever wonder what it's like to be me, I just did a little bit of lighthouse cleaning yesterday, And... Well...
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