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fervi-g · 2 months ago
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Sala della Niobe. Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
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tsartistry · 10 months ago
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Apollo may be a god, but Lester's brain is very human, with some very human security risks.
More doodles from that fic idea where Niobe kidnaps Lester Apollo and brainwashes him into thinking he's her human son, to get some long overdue revenge on Leto.
Niobe's covering her bases. She's not just relying on Circe's magic manipulating Lester's memories, she's stacking those effects with some hypnosis & even some (banned for being dangerous) attachment therapy techniques. Poor Lester's head is gonna be such a mess, it's gonna take more than water from the River Mnemosyne to sort him out.
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bluesakura007 · 1 year ago
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After a whole month of no more posts until now (I did have free time but my latest university assignments have chewed right through it), the full image of this came to me yesterday in what's akin to a divine revelation.
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holybagelsstuff · 1 month ago
Another day another Matrix meme
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dev1rus · 3 months ago
Me when I fucking lie your ass is NOT the alpha
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a-gnosis · 1 month ago
What do you think about the queer reading of the relationship of Leto and Niobe from a fragment of a work by Sappho which went something like "Before they were mothers, Leto and Niobe were the most devoted friends"
I had missed that fragment entirely! But now when I skimmed through my English translation of Sappho by Anne Carson I found it. "Leto and Niobe were beloved friends." Certainly puts an even more tragic twist to the myth, no matter if you see them as former friends or former lovers.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 18 days ago
Guys, I'm concerned right now...
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So I just found out that "Amyclas" was the name of two different men in Greek mythology, but it's also implied here that they could be the same person??? Ex-fucking-cuse me?!!
Do you know what this means?
Amyclas of Sparta is the father of Hyacinthus, who is Apollo's lover. Making Amyclas a son of Niobe would mean Apollo (and Artemis) had murdered Hyacinthus' aunts and uncles and was damn close to ceasing Hyacinthus from existence if he didn't spare his father.
Apollo is wild. He didn't just went after his enemy's children, but her grandchildren as well.
But this could be another case of mythology conflation, just like how Hyacinthus the Spartan prince was conflated with Hyacinthus the father of the Hyacinthides. There has got to be something tricky going on.
The Wikipedia page cited Apollodorus as the source for the Theban Amyclas, so I went to check it out. Here's what The Bibliotheca Book 3 said:
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That was all I can find about the Theban Amyclas, and there was no mention of him fleeing to Sparta and becoming the Spartan Amyclas. I even use Control Find for the name to make sure I didn't miss out on anything.
Not only that, but The Bibliotheca talks about the Spartan Amyclas as if he was a completely different man from his Theban counterpart.
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Maybe there are accounts that confirm Theban Amyclas and Spartan Amyclas' connection? I mean we do know Hyacinthus has a Spartan, Athenian, and Thessalian counterpart, so I wouldn't be surprise if the same thing is true for Amyclas. I just need sources to confirm this.
If anyone has any addition to this, please let me know! I would love to hear you out!
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artverso · 6 months ago
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Caanan White - Niobe
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dese-o · 11 months ago
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A small gardener can really be the difference between life and death for the duck legion…
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magicat1337 · 16 days ago
this is how you learn there’s a scene in Enter the Matrix with Niobe making out with Persephone
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sarafangirlart · 3 months ago
I’ve seen way too many people justify the murder of Niobids by saying Niobe was a bitch
Must have gotten possessed by Artemis and Apollo
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tsartistry · 10 months ago
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I've been rotating this fanfic idea in my head for weeks like a rotisserie chicken
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fuckyeahcostumedramas · 2 years ago
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Indira Varma as Niobe in Rome (TV Series, 2005-2007).
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hovershiplogos · 4 days ago
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Concept art from The Zion Archive - Niobe
I wasn't going to post more tonight, but given that I am Hovership Logos, I figured I should at least post concept art of the crew from that ship (Minus Sparks, which I figured there wouldn't be any concept art of him, but two out of three ain't bad!)
Much like Morpheus, Niobe has a lot of concept art, all of it varied but still with some running ideas like the red crocodile skin, the variations of knot hair styles, and for some reason, shorts. Image 3 I recognize as the post office outfit from Enter the Matrix, which was cool to see! Image 28 is almost like Morpheus' suit, which is kinda fun!
Also, some of the Zion outfit designs are really funky as well!
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a-d-nox · 2 years ago
Random question. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Thank you.
how to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve using asteroid persona charts
i smiled when i read "random question" i was like oh boy... they are gonna ask me what my favorite color or type of potato is... NOPE this question is not random at all for this blog. i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be added after the posted date).
paid reading options: astrology menu & cartomancy menu
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strengths (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
abundantia (151): where you are most abundant in life and receive a bunch of gifts while also rewarding others
achaemenides (5126): he had a strong power of will and was capable of perseverance
atalanta (36): strengths/capabilities as a woman - breaking the norms of gender expectations
constantia (315): consistency often breeds success and strengths
hehe (200002): where you have a lot of harmony/positivity in life
heracles (5143): what tasks you completed / will complete because you are strong and determined
hilaritas (996): resilience despite everything around you going poorly
lysistrata (897): leadership qualities and power over a group
themis (24): power and ability to see right from wrong
weakness (check the saturn placement/aspects and capricorn/aquarius ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
achilles (588): a flaw you have that can break you down if not improved upon
cucula (2731): repetition and routine is often a person's greatest weakness (i say this as someone who studied forensic psychology with a lead investigator who works with serial killers)
icarus (1566): a mindset that could lead to your demise
lacrimosa (208): thoughts/experiences that hold you back because you are still upset over them
midas (1981): where your life is set to change from riches to rags because of greed
narcissus (37117): where your selfishness is your weakness/flaw
niobe (71): where you are too cocky and you experience a downfall because of it
tantalus (2102): where your superior mentality holds you back
how to improve (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
ambrosia (193): the food of the gods - the more you eat the more immortal you become - the more you act in this area (these areas) the better life gets for you
chiron (2060): he was the wounded healer - if anyone knows about improving it is him
dante (2999): dante journeyed from hell to heaven to be good enough for beatrice - it can show you the improvement(s) you make for others / those you love
eureka (5261): a discovery that can change your life
isis (42): how you can heal
karma (3811): the balancing factor in your life
medusa (149): how you can turn your bad actions around to receive remorse from others
odin (3989) / wodan (2155): what you'd do to learn how to improve
pandora (55): the balance of positives and negatives in your life
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have ideas for new content? please use my “suggest a post topic” button!
return to nox's guide to metaphysics
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snarky-art · 6 months ago
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I think Androsi hair is my favorite
Still working on those traditional fits also slowly but surely🥲
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