#Ninjago's world still has so much potential
localguy2 · 1 year
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Jeez this looks fuckin gorgeous, I wish we got this location in the show because wow its pretty
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spinchip · 1 year
Could you please tell us more about your thousands of years into the future next gen kids plus potential world building for what ninjago is like in the future? This is such a cool concept!!
Thanks for asking! it's Under the cut ✌️
So basicalley the idea is that in present day ninjago a big portal opens in the sky over the monastery and spits out Cryptor, right into the middle of the ninjas training grounds. Understandably they are confused and immediately go to attrack, assuming that was his intent but as they surround him 5 more people are thrown through the portal, all of them coming to Crys defense (Except Kenna, who cryptor stands in front of to protect) so the ninja start to fight them and are shocked when 4 of them start using elemental abilities.
the ones the ninja already have.
Someone else comes through the portal but they're all too busy to notice lol UNTIL. the floor of the courtyard is covered in a thick sheet of ice and everyone slips around, unable to fight. Our ninja are like ??? Zane this is not helpful. and Zanes like "it was not me..."
"Yes it was." Says a voice... it's future zane ! oh snap! and hes like "can you all chill please."
The future ninja all realize theyre wasting time and spin around to try and go back through the portal, but its too late. it's already closed and now... they're trapped in the past. They all turn to Old!Zane (who we will call Julien to make it easier) and are like Master Julien what should we do!?
Our ninja are openly confused and they all end up going inside for tea so Julien can explain everything. He tells them he and his team are from 1000ish years in the future and they were sent back by the newest elemental master of time, who had gone mad with grief after losing someone close to her. they have to get back before she destroys the timeline out of pain. he also warns his team not to say ANYTHING about the future, and tells current ninja not to ask. time travel was already fucking with everything, they couldnt go compromising reality by telling them about any key events in the future... even if he really, really wants to.
All he tells them is that, at some unknown point in the future, cryptor came back and changed sides and they're cool now. he fights with zane instead of against him. now to tell you abt these guys v
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Wyatt- Master of lightning, oldest and the leader of the group. Master Juliens yes-man, always agreeing with him and following him around. Hes a great leader in his own right but he still feels like he has so much to learn from Juliens wisdom. Super helpful when he can be, not one to sit around and do nothing.
Flint- Master of Fire. Awkwardest man alive. a poor meow meow. Crazy powerful moves when he fights though, becomes super fluid and confident in the field fighting. In day to day life he trips over his own feet, in training and practice he always messes up his moves, in an actual fight he's like John Wick. Carries around a tamogotchi and will be visibly upset if it dies
Phoebe- Master of earth. Nindroid. Social butterfly. Really chipper and positive to the point where it can be really annoying. always sees the brighter side of things and is a rock the others rely on. shes very sensitive to the emotions of others and always tries to cheer people up or try and fix things. Like a big sister to Kenna
Kenna- Master of Amber. The youngest by several years, around 10-11? shes a sweet girl who always means well. She wants to be seen as a warrior, not a child, but Master Julien wont allow her to fight. Shes really close to Phoebe and Cryptor, no matter how much he denies it lol... Shes extremely intelligent for her age and great at reading people, able to subtly manipulate situations to her advantage
Noelle- Master of water. A recent addition, shes still learning her space in the team. a little quiet and unsure. determined to a fault and willing to lay her life on the line to help others. Listens and notices things others dont. Not confident in herself but always tries her best.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the only DIRECT descendant from our ninja team is jay & Nya -> Wyatt. Jay and nya are his greatX40 grandpa and grandma. The other elements have been passed around in non linear ways (due to their masters passing them to people who arent family or dying before passing their elements on)
I would definitely design them differently now a days i think
let me know if you have any other questions!
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thecatundertheladder · 6 months
More info for my fsm lives au!
In the first few thousand years of Ninjago's existence, the First Spinjitzu Master was relatively involved with humanity's development. Not in a 'so this is how you make a vaccine' sort of way, but they would help out when crops failed and would travel around Ninjago giving out random bits of advice, all while trying not to interfere with humanity's progress.
(He did have a brief stint as the emperor of Central Ninjago as a young adult, but that was an accident)
Fsm did slip up occasionally with the whole 'let humanity progress naturally' things though, so every now and then a random human would be 'blessed' with the knowledge of how photosynthesis works.
After all, they may of been a child when they created humans but he was also from a much more ancient and advanced realm then Ninjago, so he had much more information about how the world then humans, and even Merlopians, did at the time. I'm talking like they knew clouds were made of water, hygiene was important and prevented sickness, and that stars were made of plasma. Essentially, science was a much more developed field back in the first realm so Fsm knew stuff that a fledgling civilization wouldn't.
Sorry for getting a bit off track there. But basically all this means that some 10-20 thousand years ago (I haven't worked out a timeline yet) the average Ninjagon citizen was a bit more involved in the Fsm's life then modern day citizens.
But over the thousands of years of humanity's existence he has slowly pulled away from them and (once he was sure the humans wouldn't die out due to lack of knowledge) left them largely to their own devices. This means that much of Fsm's life has been reduced to myth and legend in the eyes of Ninjago's citizens (there are exceptions, though, like the monks at the library of Domu). However, he was still a public figure.
Granted most of the legends are essentially fact, however, some key information has been forgotten - such as Nyad, and the Very Important Fact of Fsm not being human.
What this means is when the First Spinjitzu Master suddenly drops of the map a number of decades before Lloyd is born, the humans fear the worst: that he's dead (the Serpentine know better but that's another story). Wu and Garmadon only make the rumours of their father's demise worse by telling humanity the truth; that he's most likely in the Departed Realm. Unfortunately, both brothers have inherited their father's habit of forgetting to tell people things. As a result, they accidentally forgot to mention that their father going to the Departed Realm to visit their friends (the OG elemental masters) is a relatively regular thing, and that they can leave at any time.
Soon after this announcement, the rumour that the First Spinjitzu Master is buried in a tomb filled with ancient artifacts and unimaginable treasures makes it's way through the villages and cities of Ninjago. The tomb in question is actually just a storage facility for all the magical and potentially dangerous items Fsm didn't want in the monastery when raising kids.
All in all, the average Ninjagon citizen doesn't know that the Fsm is alive and well (doesn't stop them from praying to him though). So the ninja, including Lloyd, are incredibly surprised when Fsm shows up to congratulate them on their victory some time after the overlord is defeated.
And, just to add to the potential comedy, Misako - who knew quite a bit about the First Spinjitzu Master as a result of her research and from being married to their son - didn't even know Fsm was alive until he showed up a few days after Lloyd was born to meet his grandson. She fainted.
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taddymason · 10 days
I saw the post, I have come.
How does Kaida feel about the Ninjas? If she could change anything, what would she change? If she were put in a room with the people she hates most in the world, who would they be and who would get punched in the face first? Does she have a favorite weapon? What story does Jay tell her that she likes the most? What Ninjago holiday does she like the most?
What did Jay hate most about his time in the Administration? Has he ever blamed another agent for something he did? What did Kaida do that made him think "this kid will be the reason for half of my gray hair"? What was it like when he heard Kaida calling him "dad" for the first time?
1- For now, her feelings towards them are complicated because she's always seen them as a threat.
When they first came to the Administration they were nothing more than a nuisance, but then they became a potential threat to her and Jay, and she definitely knew that they somehow knew about him. That their meeting had been as disastrous as possible didn't help matters at all because the impression she got from each of them was that they had hurt her family and ran away like it was nothing. Even when she finds out that Jay was actually part of that group, it makes things even worse because she goes from thinking of them as a physical threat to people who could take her only family away from her.
So, at this point in the story, she still has some resentment towards them, but it's more because she has no idea what they're capable of if they ever see it again. Also, something about Ras's words to Jay in chapter 18 "if they really cared about you, they would have found you sooner" doesn't help her view of them either (Ras is obviously trying to manipulate them both but from HER perspective, it's still like they didn't care enough about Jay to find him sooner).
2- Ras. No doubt. The room would have a couple of people from the Administration around and Cinder and Jordana, but Ras would be the first to get stabbed.
3- Her height bs, she would have liked to leave the Administration many years earlier and stop obeying orders before things got worse. and she would definitely change anything to avoid the end of chapter 16
4- If we obviously rule out firearms, it would be her dagger. It matches her fighting style quite well, it's the one she has the most experience with and the most confident with. Since her fighting style is more about taking her opponent by surprise to win quickly than being able to fight for a long time. Although she is very fond of the kusagirama that Jay gave her for her birthday even if she has a hard time using it
5- She always likes to hear about any stupid thing Jay did when he was a kid, but the anecdote about his flying invention is probably the one that entertains her the most.
6- Festival Day, mainly because it was her first real holiday and the most memorable one for her.
7- I think that aside from all the other things that were done during this time, it was probably the constant worry of what could happen to both of them if they screwed things up somehow, if he lost his job, if the Administrator came to think that they weren't indispensable. That added to the general attitude of all the agents, where the only priority was to work and nothing else mattered, it must have been terrible in his first months living there until he could finally adapt.
8- Yeah, and more than once,and somehow he got away with it every time.
9- mmm A lot of things. I have this idea for a "Jay and Kaida's five years in the Administration" one-show where Jay gets really sick, and he should be resting, but he can't afford to rest that much either because the Administration being the Administration. Long story short, Kaida burns down the kitchen trying to cook something for him. Or also on one occasion she uses one of the portals without his permission and almost gets lost until she manages to get back on her own. Suffice it to say that Jay lost years of his life on both occasions.
10- It was probably something like Kaida waking up from a really bad nightmare, crying, not really remembering what she dreamed, not knowing if it was a patrol or a memory from boarding school, calling his name until Jay came to comfort her. And just when she calmed down after a few minutes and he was leaving she would try, unsurely, having thought about whether it was her place to say it many times, wondering if he would mind if she addressed him differently, to whisper "good night, dad", and then pretend to sleep because she would be afraid to see his reaction. Jay would be surprised of course, freezing for a few good minutes, speechless, and then he would say goodbye to her with a broken voice, and I think it would be obvious that he would be trying and failing to keep from crying out of emotion.
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writing-hat · 10 months
Was rewatching Hands of Time because I wanna get Nya right for my fic (I know I won't but this is an attempt), and I am suddenly remembered of Karlof.
Why is there a metal master? Isn't Cole supposed to be the earth master?
So! Here's why Cole can't metal bend - at least not now, not in this universe, and/or not in my head
Everyone has their own opinions! And this is just me speculating I guess! You can skip if this bores you lmao
Okay for those that are reading my insane and ridiculous overthinking that makes sense for me but might not for everyone cuz I can't explain shit (also cuz yknow this is a lego show for kids all of this wasn't thought through lmao)
So Metal Bending from ATLA is something that always makes me go insane because it is super well brought up AND built up. Because, yknow, Toph is a fucking badass and she's the best actually no contest here I don't take criticism- BUT BUT it's something that somehow feels expected because of how well she handles her powers and how it works when it comes to earth benders
Now for Cole, and earth masters in general, this wouldn't work in my mind, because I feel like the ninjas powers work more in a- "magical" way?
NOW YOU KNOW ME, this does not mean magic doesn't work with physics of our world, yaddi yadda, yknow how crazy I am when it comes to powers being handled with a price, and actually thinking of physics (to an extend, I didn't major in that for a reason LMAO). But it does occur to me that the connections between powers work differently in Ninjago compared to ATLA
This is also why Nya wouldn't be able to blood bend in my mind (EVEN IF THAT'S FUCKING COOL and I want to see content of it always and forever (are there any content on it actually harrass me if there is I wanna see that)), because she's not that kind of close to water, but she is close to it in an other way?
How would I explain that. Hm.
So like imagine a path, and it bifurcates in two different kinds of fields, but it still started from the same branch. Here, one becomes the bender of the matter, reaching potential as badass as blood bending, while the other masters it, understanding how it works to its fundamental, going as far as fusing with the element itself ; it's what makes it so that fire benders can bend lightning, and why that can't be for the ninjas/masters. Because it was never meant to be that.
This comes with the idea that the "Illusion of Separation" is a thing in ATLA! Which, I think would also be the case in Ninjago IF the FSM hadn't seperated them (the powers)- but I still don't know how to explain my thoughts there, other then to say the FSM had all powers before and there's no way he didn't use them at the same time or make them fuse (yknow aside wind and water of course) but he stopped that when he decided to pass it on future masters? something?
And that's why Karlof is the Master of Metal. It got seperated.
(doesn't that mean it can be brought back together? Lloyd I'm looking at you)
ALSO! I think what's taken into account here is the differences between metal and dirt, rocks and such. The chemical/physical differences, how iron is but a mineral in most cases incrusted too deep into the rock before brought back and used to make pure iron (or something idk the exact names) or used to make steel (with carbon levels being too high but yeah this goes to deep I'll stop now) (also if I'm wrong please tell me I'm not a scientist and idk that much on the subject (I think that shows))
More so, Toph's powers and bending works with WAVES! Cole's doesn't (yet, because if he can actually cause earthquakes then O BOI)
Not only that, but they are all born with those powers, and it's hard to master. But for the ninjas, they're "on their own", in way that the generations before them didn't get to teach them shit before they poofed out, and those that are left behind are people that were as clueless as them- looking at the Smith Parents, or even Wu! Who prbably has to learn everything from his father's scrolls because the FSM is a piece of crap actually (not sure how he's handled in the books but rn in my mind he is a piece of crap with how Wu and Garmadon react to most things (that's another talk a bit more Encanto flavored (generational trauma yknow)))
Also, there's the fact that it took so long for the show to show us Cole control the earth from a distance! Usually, his powers are associated with strength- which is in my opinion a huge waste of talent, BUT AT THE SAME TIME IT'S REALLY COOL! You know what I mean?
BUT COLE, even if he doesn't bend metal, there are other things that come with earth powers, things I CAN'T WAIT TO write about, but won't speak for here since I'm still working on it (also they might actually suck but Idc I'm having fun lol)
I wouldn't be surprised if other people found about these abilities tho. Y'know it's the internet! Lots of people think of the same thing
But uh yeah! I guess that's it?
Thanks for reading, and see ya!
(Also if you think I'm wrong about some things, which I prbbly am, or if you wanna add things, correct some of my stuff and all, you're welcomed to do so! I'm always open to being told I'm wrong LMAO)
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cookii-moon · 1 year
FULL Dragons Rising thoughts and opinions!
PLEASE BE AWARE SPOILERS FOR EPISODES 1-10 OF DRAGONS RISING LIES AHEAD!!! If you have not watched it PLEASE be aware that the following contains both massive and minor spoilers for the entire plot of part 1, if you haven’t seen the full thing and wish to go in without spoilers I HEAVILY recommend you save this for later. I put this message here for those who do not have the spoiler tags filtered.
so… new ninjago show! So far? Absolutely love it. It’s shaping up to be interesting and… …well written??! I really enjoyed It, especially the characterization. Sooo good. No concrete opinions on the overarching plot yet, since.. it isn’t out… BUT I do think it’s shaping up to be pretty great.
Now without further ado-
1: Characters
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1.1: Arin
I’d say I enjoy him! I do like how he’s portrayed as giddy and all ready to learn, his dream basically just came true and it’s great. Man hyper fixated so much that he taught himself an ancient art style and like yeah that tracks.
I like his design - you can tell he’s had a rough life by the dirt on his shirt and the scratch marks on his face, but he tries not to give up hope or let it get to him too much. I also like how he has a haircut commonly associated with black people and they kept the theme by also having that one line about a haircut he tried to get reference Zane’s, since Zane also has a haircut commonly used by black people. Nice lil way of alluding to a potentially POC character while still using the Lego skin tones.
His little moments where he lets his struggles get the best of him and showcases how his life these past few years have also impacted him for not just the better but also worse - they’re great. Nice way of balancing his character and personality with his experiences while not losing the charm. Things like him being all self deprecating sometimes, or how he felt seen when people looked up to him - they’re great. Not as much as I’d like, but i get the feeling that while this part was more focused on Sora and her backstory, the next might be more centered around Arin.
On a more personal note - while I think he’s great and has potential, I dunno if he’s really my thing. I don’t hate him, I actually like him, just not as much as some other characters right now. I think he needs some time to grow on me, or it’s just not my thing. Either way, he’s cool. Also I love how he just slaps his medallion on his face when he gets second place… it’s so dramatic-
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1.2: Sora
aaaa trans kitty cat girl my beloveddd she’s just ugghhhh I love her so much. Probably one of my favorite new characters. I liked her but was scared they’d go too far with the generic big sister trope and she’d never get any deeper than that but boy I’m glad I was wrong.
I love her design. The whites and blues a pinks? Really glad they didn’t just go for a full color again, it makes her more distinct! I also love the prosthetic arm SO MUCH. Rare to see any sort of disability rep in media. Even rarer to see prosthetics. (Also yes ik it’s possible it’s just like armor or smthn but given the way it moves I’m like 99% sure it’s a prosthetic, plus I could be wrong but It looks a lot like she has it off during the scene where Lloyd wakes them up, since you can’t see her gold/prosthetic arm where it would usually be. Only going based off of pictures and memory here tho so.) < — haaaahaaaa yeah so uh future Cookie here, wrote that part before the statement came out..yeah that aged poorly. Look maybe they said it’s armor but I REFUSE to accept it that is a prosthetic to me. My mind has engrained it as a prosthetic meaning I couldn't change my mind even if I tried. Leaving that part in tho for histories sake. - Also, the Japanese cat girl is such a vibe. I love how I was right with the blue scrunchie in my art of her.,The power of character design.
I loved her story so much. She was just a kid with a love for technology and making the world a better place, she got offered what she thought was her dream job only to realize the cruel truth she’d likely been ignoring, in such a traumatizing way by the person she looked up to. She got shunned not only socially but by her own parents, being told she was a horrible person for prioritizing the dragons life over her cities energy and questioning the dictatorship. She grew to hate her home and fled and made a life for herself. I love her lil deadname tease, I love how she feels towards her powers and how she feels like she isn’t all that Lloyd thinks she is, how she clearly has issues and also her personality. Her siblings energy with Arin is so good. I love when Lloyd and Arin doubt who’s side they’re on too. I like how she doesn’t learn to control her powers like some ex machina when it’s needed on her own. She tries her hardest but fails and instead of constantly letting that get her down she still tries to fight without them, even if it doesn’t always go well. Dhdhfjdjs I could rant all day.
So uhh yeah i love her. Kitty cat girl. I really like the duality between her and Arin but also the stuff they have in common like sndhdhsben. I mean it should be obvious I like her. She’s in my title thingymajig and I made art for her. But still. Hdjdjdhdh I LOVB HER.
Also this isn’t part of my analysis but when she gets fake IDs if you translate the ninjagan on her card it reads “Sora Surname” as a placeholder and I think it’d be hilarious if we just started using that as her last name tag since this community is obsessed with them. Sora Surname. It’d be so funny. Please tag your posts Sora Surname.
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1.3: Euphrasia
So like when dragons rising first released I saw quite a few peoples hating on this girl and imo I actually really like her. I feel like the hate is sort of unfounded but I’ll get into that later.
I like her!! I like the idea of her being a cloud kingdom monk, i like the new cloud kingdom designs, I like that FINALLY girls seem to exist there, and her wanting to ignore and hide her powers because she’s happy where she is and she doesn’t want to lose it. Side note, I do prefer this cloud kingdom, I feel like it leaves more room. Like if someone doesn’t like the idea that they write destiny at all they can just.. chose to see them as a sort of religious group who doesn’t actually write fate, and then if you like the idea that they can control some amount of destiny you can say that they do have control over some parts of it, but that they simply can’t control everything and in the end it’s not only up to them but also the people of the world if the prophecies come true or not (personally I like to think that’s how it is/is implied) or that they COULD control destiny but can’t anymore after the merge. Idk you can stretch it more and I like that. So much better than the old cloud kingdom imo.
Back to Euphrasia, I do like her story and the little we see of her. I’m not actually bothered by the fact that she only appears in one episode. I’ve seen people complaining about it but come on guys, we literally only have ten episodes, would you have preferred that she randomly pops into imperium when she has no logical way of getting there and that’s where like every single other episode takes place?? There physically wasn’t anywhere else she would have appeared after episode 5 unless you made her join Sora and Arin, which not only would you need to lengthen the plot to develop her as a character with interactions since they JUST met, but also it’s refreshing to have a new EM who isn’t one of the new MCs.
the OTHER reason I see people hate her is because of Morro. Obviously, she’s the new master of wind, meaning Morro is dead, and his element went back to the cycle and found a new host. So people are upset.
guys. Guys we literally knew this. We’ve known he was dead since like 2015. We’ve known he moved on to the departed realm since 2016. We’ve known that the wind element has gone back to the cycle and found a new host for YEARS. That doesn’t mean Morro suddenly doesn’t exist. He just doesn’t have his element anymore. He could still appear in the new series, and even if he doesn’t I’m honestly ok with that. His arc is done and i get the feeling he’d go out of his way to avoid the ninja after the merge anyway. It isn’t Euphrasia fault, stop hating on her D:
I don’t have much else to say about her yet. I loved her story and moments and design and vibe and everything but there isn’t much else to talk about bc of the smol screen time amount, so yeah.
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1.4: Wyldfyre
Silly wolf-raised-girl-trope-with-a-dragon-twist. I love her so much. Not sure I’d call her one of my favs yet (uuugh they’re all my favs… sobs..) only bc we didn’t see much of her character interactions n stuff.
Her design is so pretty. The colors make her look like a Qilin to me which I love so much.
I do like how she’s knowledgeable enough with humans to be able to interact with the rest of the cast while still keeping her draconic behaviors or knowledge that she gained by being raised around them. I think it’s a nice little limbo and I feel like we’re gonna see at least one identity crisis from her now that she’s in the group.
I’m usually not much of a fan of these types of characters but I actually really like her and I’m excited to see where they go with her. Plus, her powers and the lighting they give off are so pretty.
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1.5: Lobbo
I had to include him. Look at him. I CALLED IT. I TOLD YOU ALL, ALL THE WAY BACK IN THE TRAILER DAYS I POINTED OUT LOBBOS MECH. I SAID I LOVED HIM ALREADY AND I WAS RIGHT. TAKE THAT INTERNET!! I unironically love him he’s so funny nobody understands him he’s just THERE with parental and relationship struggles and it’s just so funny to me. Little silly orb man. Now onto the villains!
1.6: Empress Beatrix
So I like… love her design, it’s so menacing and I think she’s so awesome looking. Super gender too. I find her weird rules funny but also sometimes I want to punch her in the face. Like.. why did she get so mad about Rapton being incompetent, but then.. fire Ras… who didn’t really do anything wrong except for fail that ONE time.. instead of Rapton.. who physically isn’t competent whatsoever?? Like I don’t get it?? It felt so random. Maybe it’s some form of her wanting to feel superior and in control so she got rid of Ras as a statement. But then… why not also fire Rapton, who thinks highly of himself bc of the position you gave him?.. I dunno I don’t get it maybe they’ll tell us in part 2.
1.7: Lord Ras
Ah yes, the guy people seem to really like. I’ll be honest, I don’t get the appeal?? Like his design feels out of place, which I guess is intentional but I just.. don’t really like the look of the awkward head mold. It’s a personal thing ig. His personality is just kind of boring to me and we don’t know anything else about him because he’s that scary bad guy general except oh wait he screwed up once and got thrown in prison!! Like I don’t get it?? Look guys he’s not even that attractive. I might be aroace but even I can tell that much. It’s the voice isn’t it. Y’all are simping for the voice smh /lh
I guess his whole “plan” thing is a bit interesting but even that isn’t something I’m too interested. I kinda just found him pretty boring and I felt disinterested whenever he showed up.
like in the last few episodes it felt like they were trying to make us feel bad for him with the way the empress treated him but like, they don’t give us anything to feel bad for?? I dunno the whole thing felt awkward and clunky.
Maybe my opinions will change in part 2 where we’re probably gonna find out more about him, but until then, meh.
also I want to punch him in the face sometimes. I dunno he’s just being all th e r e and boring and so I want to punch him and get him off of the screen because it’s like an annoying type of boring. Yk like an annoying torturous silence. But boring. Yeah that. No offense I don’t hate him I just want to punch him off of my screen.
1.8: Rapton
Silly goofy guy. I’ll be honest I found his incompetence a bit.. annoying? Like I get he’s supposed to be comic relief but like it doesn’t feel right sometimes?? It’s just a personal thing ig. I feel like having some comic relief villains is ok but imperium just has too much comic relief in their villain roster?? Like Ras and Beatrix are pretty much the only capable ones in a fight. Ras got chucked in prison and barely shows up or does much, and Beatrix still has comic relief elements in her ridiculous laws and such. LaRow could count but shes not really a competent fighter since she cowers and nopes out the second Arin tries to fight her. I feel like it just.doesn’t work with imperiums vibe having rapton as a general, and honestly i didn’t find his jokes funny (but ofc humor is subjective). I don’t dislike him, I just don’t really care about him. I want to punch him in the face whenever he shows up but out of annoyance.
1.9: Dr. LaRow
She shows up and I want to punch her but this time out of malice and hatred. She’s a good villain and I like how they handled her but I physically can not feel anything but spite for this woman and I love that. Great villain. Hate her with every fiber of my being which is how it should be.
1.10: Dorama
I don’t have much to say about him asides from that the magician vibes are fun and that I want to punch him in the face for his attitude towards living beings.
… apparently I really feel like punching all of them. Huh. I swear I’m not like this usually I dunno something about all these villains is just punchable.
2: Interactions
Honestly? I’d say the interactions in this show were great. Sora and Arin are great foils to each other and best buds. My only thing is I hope the show doesn’t try to push a ship (I’ve seen people complain about shipping them and while I see their dynamic in a platonic familial sense I have nothing against people shipping them romantically atm since we don’t know of anything that’d make it problematic, I just don’t think it should be forced in canon) but I choose to be hopeful and say it probably won’t. Lloyds interactions with his new students are amazing and so funny srfvjrtfjer Lloyds really gone from the guy who didn’t know what a VCR was to the guy who probably still doesn’t know what a VCR is (somehow) but has now adopted two strays and needs to pretend to know what a VCR is. It’s so funny. The sibling bicker between Lloyd, Kai and Nya was ok, I guess? Never cared much for the RGB sibling idea… Iknowww shame on me but uh was it just me or did the interactions feel a bit… forced? I dunno, something about it just felt off. Was it just me or did anyone else feel like that?? Also Soras interactions with Dr. LaRow and Rapton… so good… Overall I like the interactions even if the ones between the ninja felt a bit forced.
3: Writing & plot
So I enjoyed the writing.. specifically the characters dialogue and such. I think this season has some really good balance between dialogue and characters. I liked the pacing a lot up until the imperium episodes. I don’t have a problem with them on their own - I liked the conflict it sparked and the stakes and seeing Sora’s backstory, but I also felt like it dragged on too much?? Like Sora kept escaping and then getting captured and then escaping and then going back like it felt really backtracky and it kind of messed with the consistency and the pacing, yk?? Also the battle with the protacs definitely felt like the writers were trying to stall or smthn. Idk.
Also, did Zane popping up feel.. unnecessary and rushed to anybody else?? Like the IDEA was awesome and cool, things were great up until they opened the pod.. then Zane pops up and he doesn't really do anything except for immediately become a generic background exposition tool, he barely even interacts with Kai and Nya. Having him there felt so… unnecessary? He doesn’t DO anything. You could get rid of him and just give them another way of activating the monastery and it’d change nothing. Plus it’s NOT explained and he’s just so… unemotional and “whatever” about it that it just… feels so unnatural?? Idk I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s just me not liking how they seem to be reverting to making Zane more of a robotic exposition tool like after s4. I don’t like it. You could’ve just left him to part 2 though.
I’ve seen ppl complain about the “retcons” with Lloyd saying he trained under Master Wu for years and being shown as a child, but like, they’re not really retcons…? From what I remember they never give us any sort of specifics towards the timeframe in which S1-S2 takes place outside of S2 taking place only a few weeks after the S1 finale, but that doesn’t really apply to the ENTIRE season. It’s not Impossible that the events we see all take place over the course of a few years, since most of the episodes aren’t connected to each other beyond the overarching plot. And nothing ever said that Wu didn’t train Lloyd. What we see isn’t the only training that took place. Maybe I forgot something important that says otherwise, but the idea that S1-2 took place in only a few weeks/months is completely fan made, meaning it wasn’t a retcon. Sure, maybe it seems weird, but it’s never been stated otherwise. Now, if it IS a retcon, I’m not complaining for one. Why, you might ask? Because them using child Lloyd and saying he trained under Master Wu for years might mean we can FINALLY be rid of the Tomorrows tea confusion!! We could have him grow up naturally, or age him up and clarify and elaborate on how it works, we could FIX the entire stupid argument that has been going on for YEARS. I for one am ecstatic at that possibility. Also, it means we might get additional context and stuff for S1-S2, which sounds fun ,so honestly I have no problem with it. There have been worse plot holes/retcons *glares at Nyad from across the room*
I can’t say much about the overarching plot yet, since obviously it isn’t out, but it’s shaping up to be pretty exciting!
4: Worldbuilding
I feel like I can’t judge this TOO much considering the nature of part 1. I absolutely loved the crossroads and the mix of different cultures, real splatsville vibes, but I do feel like we should get to see more of how the other realms are doing. Imperium felt a bit.. strange? Like it’s just a massive city of humans right?? I don’t really get why it had to be an entire separate realm, I think it should’ve been more unique on like a larger scale. I dunno though. Honestly there wasn’t much worldbuilding in this part, so I hope we get more soon.
5: Visual design & animation
Okay so this new series is BEAUTIFUL. The colors and the backgrounds are so much more vibrant, the lighting is so pretty, the environments are amazing, they kept the wild brain clothing textures and just uuuugh I love it so muchychxhazjchcjdiwhthfs the animation felt very expressive and ueuahahehfhdsj I have no words props to wildbrain and the animators/artists. It’s so pretty.
Overall this part was great and I’m really excited to see what comes next!!
also uh on a side note this post took me *checks date* uhh 2… 2 weeks.. y e a h. So uh. Enjoy.
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ravenrambles6229 · 1 year
kai_ninjago appreciation hours
k gamer we need to talk about kai and how he is consistently the family man of the ninja and arguably the most emotionally mature of them all when it comes to family
i love kai so much. hes not the brightest, but he is the most loving out of all the ninja, even if it’s in his own way.
first up, presumably taking care of nya for years on his own. like, im sure the neighbors helped out, but he has gone on record saying that they mostly grew up on their own. this kid got “abandoned” by his parents. but even then, he lit lanterns with nya on day of the departed. even though he didn’t know what happened to them, he chooses to believe that they wouldn’t leave them willingly. that they’re still worth remembering and loving.
when it’s revealed that zane is a robot, kai is the first one there. “you may be a robot, but you’re still our brother.” being a robot doesnt change anything, and kai is the first one to make sure zane knows it, but is also the one to later tell the others “we just have to give him time. i don’t know how i’d feel if somebody told me i was a robot.” Like, he empathizes with zane! he tells zane he still loves him, respects zane’s wish to be given space, and expresses empathy with him. in ninjago decoded, kai even reveals that he often forgets zane isn’t human. zane is, at this point, made of titanium. and yet all kai sees is zane
ok and then there’s his true potential. what even is there to say about that one? how he realizes his purpose is to protect his family. he’s there to protect lloyd. the one that once left lloyd, flaked out on him. he realizes that no, this kid is everything to him.
when lloyd was climbing the tower to fight the overlord, kai was right there, ready to protect him. “there’s only one green ninja.” this is no longer about him, it’s about lloyd’s destiny to save the world. and he would do everything to make sure lloyd makes it through that
now. kai gets a lot of flack for being not that smart. and dude really aint. his mouth is a pistol with which to shoot himself in the foot. but when it comes to family? He’s one of the most eloquent there. In titanium ninja, he’s the one to first coin “this isn’t about numbers, it’s about family.” something that resonated with zane strongly enough that he would fight the overlord despite all odds.
And then the funeral. it wasnt wu to speak. or cole or jay or even lloyd, but kai. his speech is genuinely like... really good?
“Everybody wondered what powered Zane, and I don’t think we’ll ever know, but I’d like to think it was brotherhood. Because he powered me. And he still powers me. Wherever you are Zane, you’ll always be one of us.”
this is coming from a dude that probably can’t do long division or tell you what a prepositional phrase is. what kai lacks in book smarts, and even in typical maturity (he’s still very much so a teenager) he makes up for with this insane emotional intelligence specifically regarding family.
in season 4, he’s the one we see visiting zane’s statue. he’s the one that supports lloyd in spite of his crush on skylor (even cole and jay got distracted by their own squabbling, even if they did the right thing in the end) he’s the one that took NONE of skylor’s bullshit once she revealed having ice powers.
and he was so deeply hurt by her betrayal! he felt genuinely betrayed! he really trusted her, even though he probably shouldnt have, seeing as she tried to turn him against lloyd. but just like lloyd with harumi, kai saw the good in her. and his loyalty changed skylor.
then season 5. lloyd just had to banish his father. so kai does what he did once already: steps up to be there. telling lloyd that he’ll be there for him. and he is. he’s the one to get through to lloyd on multiple occasions when he’s possessed by morro after all.
season 7. kai is so genuinely hurt when he thinks his dad betrayed them. but once he knows they’re on his side, he’s so, so, SO genuinely relieved, and later doesn’t hold it against them that he and nya grew up alone, even though he does have plenty of right to do so, or to at least still feel hurt by it. no. he’s just glad to have them back.
i don’t remember season 8 very clearly, but kai being the one to answer cole’s questions about babies is pretty fun.
season 9 puts them through the wringer. at first, kai is actually the one freaking out the most, he wants to go home so badly, they don’t know what happened to lloyd. but when wu and hope are lamenting being tied to fucking stakes and left to die, kai is the first one to comfort wu. to start joking around to lighten the mood, which the others then piggyback off of. it’s kai that’s there to try and comfort him first.
season 10, cole’s fall. you can tell how badly kai wants to go back for cole, even when all logic dictates that they’d die. personally, i like to imagine that he told zane that “this isn’t about logic, it’s about family” to which zane might say “this is about the innocent lives on our ship” to which kai just. looks down in sorrow.
but when lloyd returns, they’re all silent. none of them want to tell lloyd what happened. it’s kai that breaks the news. it’s kai (and jay of course) that comforts nya when she blames herself. it’s kai that later goes to nya when she’s alone to tell her that it’s not her fault, and to push her towards moving past what happened, at least long enough that they can make it through this to grieve cole later. the one to reinforce to nya that cole wouldnt hold what happened against her (by offering her the scythe)
it’s just... it’s so consistently a part of kai’s character. i don’t know the second series enough off the top of my head to really point to specific examples. which is like, on me of course.
but when he lost nya, he channeled that into becoming a DOJO INSTRUCTOR for YOUNG CHILDREN. He saw his sister disappear, and decided to protect the rest of the children of ninjago, in whatever way he could: by making sure they could defend themselves, even if he’s not able to do it for them. it’s... honestly remarkably touching and poignant.
but like, shit, man. dragons rising NAILED big brother kai. the way he picks up lloyd and spins him around. he’s overflowing with so much love for his family. there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that he’d go through hell and high water for any of them. which is true of all the ninja, of course, but kai... he’s special
he’s the one that knows what to say. how to comfort someone. how to make someone feel loved. how to help someone grieve. even if he doesn’t always know how to handle that grief himself (see his time as the burning shogun)
the fact that he learned these skills from such a young age is tragic in its own right, but that he managed to turn his loss and strife into such a positive character trait is nothing short of amazing, and is such a sorely overlooked aspect to his character.
tl;dr - Kai is not only loyal to a fault, but also capable of comforting people and being there for them. He loves his family so much, and he’s one of the best at expressing that in the little ways and big ones.
(sidebar but shoutout to his VA. he’s the one that really makes kai come to life)
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Little Preview Of A ‘Kai Deserved Better’ Essay
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I have a very interesting history with this character in particular. I watched Ninjago all the time as a kid, I jumped on the train about when Rebooted was premiering. (That's CRAZY to think about, that kids who grew up with the show are now in their high school and college years, me and my sister being examples.) (It's even crazier that now of all times is when Ninjago becomes trending for reaction channels on the Internet. I love it, personally.) And I distinctly remember my opinion on Kai back then.
I hated him. I did not like this guy. I thought he was very egotistical and uncaring and unwilling to see the others perspectives and was a detriment to the team. He was one of my least favorite characters in the show as a kid as a result. 
But my classmates in school (who were boys that I didn't approach or let anyone know I was into this show, because 'this show is for babies' and 'you're a girl why are you watching a boys show') had a debate that I didn't participate in about the show and who their favorite ninja was. They all said Kai. (Except for one guy who was a Zane stan, like me. Maybe I'll do a Zane post too.) I did not understand the Kai appeal at all. Like, what was there to enjoy about a character with very blatant flaws and shortcomings and wasn't a neurodivergent cinnamon roll?
And then I fell out of the show because of the Rebooted finale, and then came back two years later where Tournament of Elements and Possession were already out, and I watched them, and I loved them. And what those seasons did with Kai, where he actually got character development, became less of a jerk to the others, and became oh so relatable all of a sudden to me... I understood the appeal. It REALLY won me over on him.
Looking back at it NOW, I seriously question why I even hated him in the first place, because now everything I hated about him is everything I love about him. 
Iconic 🔥 Fire 👑 King
So you can imagine my stance with his character and what he has become now that the show is over. (The main show, I mean) I still love him. But I do think there's a lot of missed potential with what he could've been. And I know I'm not the only one.
Starting in the Pilots of the show, as a newbie to the realm of Elementals and ninja, Kai was an audience surrogate. We are welcomed into this world of Ninjago along with him, watching as he trained in the monastery to harness his fire, befriending his teammates, and routing for him in his journey to save his sister and later become a hero. Kai was the surrogate character that you would experience the journey of throughout the show, see him grow and change, face hardships and victories, become more competent and capable as the story went on, and embrace the destiny casted upon him as the next Master of Fire.
Except you don’t. 
Turns out the Pilots focus character, the session that started it all, and the ninja that's figure is plastered on so much merch, almost as much as Lloyd, was the one that arguably got the least amount of care and huzzah in the show.
Outside of the Pilots, he’s the only ninja to never be the center character of a season. ALL of his supposed focus seasons are more team season related or tied to someone else. While the other ninja grow and develop and expand their heroism and powers, Kai never grows out of his klutz status. He's the only ninja to never defeat a villain. Every villain he does get, someone else defeats them while Kai is basically useless in these fights. He's the only ninja to never get any sort of alternate form. (If you count Jay becoming a snake that one episode) And... the movie version of this character absolutely rubbed off on him post movie, to the point where it's kind of jarring of the difference. And then, as I said jokingly in another post, he gets sidelined in nearly everything he's ever been involved with. This character is given no moments to shine. Every moment he does get is either overshadowed by someone or something else, or his shining moment becomes useless and undone by the plot. 
I wouldn’t have a problem with this if it wasn’t ONLY Kai getting this treatment. 
But then this post wouldn’t be titled what it is. 
And that's a shame. It's also why many fans of the show, and especially Kai stans, want to see Kai take the spotlight (just like the other ninja did). Because whenever the story IS focused on Kai, he becomes the most interesting and compelling character in the room!
And in case you're wondering, NO, I DON'T blame Lloyd for this. Kai was never supposed to be the long term protagonist, and I think Lloyd getting that role instead was a lot better for the show's story in the long run. Kai does not need to be the protagonist of the show to be an awesome character. But if the other ninja can get their focus seasons that are solely about them, and get W's throughout the show, so can Kai. 
He is not a dumb jock who is a klutz with everything he touches. He is a hardworking loving older brother that you do not want to tick off.
That's the Kai in old fans' hearts, anyway. That's OUR Kai. 
So I wanted to take a deep dive into Kai's character, what made him so compelling in the first place, and how I think the later seasons could've done him justice they did not deliver. 
Cause we got 210 episodes of ranting to utilize. 
(Why I Love Kai)
(Arsenal Klutz Status)
(The Lack Of Backstory)
(That One Soot Filled Twist)
(The Fire Chapter (And Ice to a degree))
(Motivation Out The Window)
(What Now?)
So I said I’d write this, and I will deliver. You guys wanted this from a poll I did. I can revive my character analysis posts! (I did one for Petra MCSM) I call myself AnalyzGolden online because I never shut up. So I can’t promise when the full thing is out, cause I have a LOT I want to say, but other POVs definitely help. The GF who has now finished the show mostly agrees with me.
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legokingfisher · 2 months
How much of your Ninjago oc's have Elemental power?
What is the name of their Elements?
What is some abilities that their power gives them?
What source dragon did their power come from?
Did the Fsm have it?
How powerful are their elements?
And how powerful are them in general?
2 of my ocs have elemental powers :D Alcyo and Two-Worlds (or just Two)
Ranting/question answering under the cut
Element: mist (has also been referred to as vapor, fog, clouds, steam, etc) which i made the fuck up <3
Alcyo has far from reached his true potential with his powers, and honestly he doesn’t intend to. I’ve thought extensively about all the things one could do with this power, but the limited extent of Alcyo’s abilities only include poofing into a mist cloud (like how Cinder can turn into smoke) and moving existing fog or mist around, if he concentrates.
He would go get more training with it but… he’s no warrior or ninja or anything, and has no desire to become one. Plus his training buddy is… presumed dead. So he doesn’t see too much of a point in honing his power anymore. Thus, his skills are pretty weak.
As for what source dragon mist is passed down from… Motion, i suppose. I imagine it came about as a sort of anomalous combo of wind and water. As in, at some point in history, an EM of water and an EM of wind had a child, and instead of their child inheriting one of their powers, they could manipulate mist. Clouds. Airborne water. Whatever you want to call it. By all accounts it wasn’t supposed to happen, but fate and magic are weird like that sometimes. Anyway, since water (and i assume wind as well) fall under Motion, I don’t see why mist wouldn’t.
This also means that the FSM never wielded it, as it came from the only two elements he Didn’t have control over.
Used to its full potential, mist may not be the most ‘powerful’ per se, but there are plenty of very creative ways one could use it…
Element: water. Currently. At the same time as Nya. …i can explain.
Bear with me here, as the loredump below is fully relavent context to that.
Two is.. technically a very old oc. I watched like two episodes of s3 when I was 9, made Two-Worlds on a whim, barely developed her, and then never watched ninjago again (nor did I do anything with Two again) until March of this year. At the time I first thought her up, Nya’s power reveal hadn’t happened yet, and I’d wanted to give Two an element that wasn’t in the show.
She was also a big… dog..leopard..cat..hybrid… thing? That was 2 stories tall for some reason? I dunno. I was 9. But as of now, she’s had a design and lore overhaul. She’s still huge, just more… elephant-big rather than house-big. She’s also not a dog cat thing anymore, she’s now a nonspecific Amphicyonid. Which is, in my opinion, the closest thing you’re gonna get to a dog cat thing irl. Confusingly, they look more like bears to me than they do like canines or felines. But oh well.
But. Again. I’m going somewhere with this, trust me. I wanted a reason to keep some of her size, and a reason to keep her water powers. So a friend of mine offered a solution in the form of their fan-realm Creatura, which is home to (unusually) large, strangely colored, sapient versions of animals from other realms. Because of dimensional shenanigans, lore that hasn’t been updated since MotM, and the fact that we’re just having fun here, there is a Creaturan EM for each element that is currently held by any non-Creaturan (from Any other realm).
Anyway. With all that mess outta the way, Two-Worlds is the Creaturan master of water.
As of her lore overhaul, I have it so she discovered her power shortly post-s6, and trained under Nya and Wu. She can do just about anything Nya can with her powers, and I’d like to think her fighting style is similar to/modeled after Nya’s. …As similar as Two could get it, considering the two have completely different sizes and body plans.
Two can also use her powers to walk on the surface of water because come on. U can’t tell me a master of water has never manipulated the water to hold them up and let them jesus-walk.
As for the other questions: water’s from Motion, FSM didn’t wield it, it’s pretty damn powerful if you ask me, and Two-Worlds is quite powerful herself. She is physically strong, uses her size to her advantage, has a very good handle on her powers.
Or… she did. Mysteriously, she hasn’t been able to use her powers since the merge :).
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pthalomars · 2 years
WHAT IS WAREHOUSE 13 . i am intrigued tell me as little or as much as u want pretty please
I'm writing an essay on this so I'm gonna just slap the intro paragraph into here:
Warehouse 13, a show that first aired on the SyFy network in 2009, tells a story of a secret branch of the US Government that specializes in collecting and storing dangerous and powerful artifacts. These artifacts are items that are imbued with otherworldly properties that allow them, and their users, to inflict change on the world. There have been Warehouses around since the dawn of human civilization, with each foundation taking hold in a different place on Earth. In the present day, Warehouse 13 resides just outside of the fictional city of Univille, SD. Each Warehouse has had a Caretaker, which is a human who is organically bonded to the structure. The Caretaker and the Warehouse form a mutualistic bond in which the Caretaker experiences a prolonged lifespan and a few supernatural abilities, while the Warehouse is able to expand and accommodate for the influx of artifacts that are brought in. From the beginning to the modern day, agents of the Warehouse have been gatherers. They hunt down and retrieve any artifacts that threaten the fate of the world, bring it back to the Warehouse, and keep it safely stored away in the hopes that it may never see the light of day again. This process is referred to as "snag it, bag it, and tag it". However, there are people out there who believe that artifacts should not be locked away when they have the potential to change the world.
The present timeline focuses on Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering, two secret service agents who were transferred from their jobs in Washington DC to the warehouse. There's other characters like their boss Artie Nielsen, the resident girl genius Claudia Donovan, the human lie detector Steve Jinks, and the aura-reading baddest bitch in the world Leena. There's exploration of found family, focus on platonic relationships, and also pete has the biggest fucking naturals ever.
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There's also canon LGBTQ+ characters, and though it's not the best representation, it was still nice for me as a kid to see other characters that I could relate to.
I could go on for days about this show, it's literally my favorite series in the entire world (even more than pjo/hoo, ninjago, etc etc)
It's funny, it's heartfelt, its painful, and it was FUCKING. CANCELLED. so season 5, the last one, isn't the greatest, but s1-s4 will blow your cock and balls clean off.
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nerdyenby · 3 months
Ninjago if the Overlord didn’t exist
My favorite pastime is overthinking random ninjago lore, so here we go to remove one character and watch the entire series fall apart!!
If the Overlord doesn’t exist then neither does the Great Devourer, thus Garmadon isn’t evil
This means Wu has no need to hide the Golden Weapons pre-series or to assemble the og ninja considering no one’s trying to steal them
Also if Garmadon wasn’t evil then he wouldn’t have gone to Chen, intercepted Wu’s love letter, and eventually married Misako, so Lloyd doesn’t exist
Season two as a whole doesn’t happen
Neither does season three
Chen still exists tho. Presumably the serpentine wars would still occur as they did more or less as they did in canon
However, since the ninja have had no reason to be brought together, they meet for the first time during the tournament of elements (assuming they all unlock their true potentials on their own at some point prior to this)
Chen’s plan doesn’t work because Lloyd didn’t exist to free the serpentine, so no Pythor to make the spell permenant
Since Garmadon didn’t go off to study under Chen, either Wu never took Morro in, or Morro was trained by both brothers. Either way, I imagine his story to have a softer end in this au
Regardless, Lloyd doesn’t exist so there’s not a green ninja (and probably not even a ninja team at all at this point), and even if Morro did die vengeful, he wouldn’t be out and about considering Chen’s army failed on their own and Garmadon didn’t have to open the portal to the Cursed Realm
Someone could still have found Nadakhan’s teapot and freed him, but he would’ve just got his crew back and then gone back to Djinnjago, minding his own business and moving on with his life considering s5 didn’t happen and Nya didn’t kill the Preeminent and Djinnjago didn’t fall as a consequence
Season seven still happens tho!! In the sense that the time twins are here and causing problems on purpose, at least. We still don’t have a ninja team tho. I propose that Wu still loses that fight against Acronix and the disturbances in time cause concern across ninjago, leading the elemental alliance (that still formed in s4 (with Nya instead of Lloyd) to come together to figure shit out. The plot still mostly happens but since none of them know Wu, no one finds him and he just kinda dies (or Garmadon comes to rescue him and then joins the elemental master sin order to get the time blade to save his brother). Uhhhhh stuff plays out mostly the same except Garmadon gets lost to the time stream instead of Wu maybe
None of the elemental masters really know or care about Garmadon so they say some nice words about his sacrifice and move on with their lives
Seasons eight and nine don’t happen for an abundance of reason (removal of Harumi’s origin story, Garmadon ever being evil, and the Great Devourer ever existing in the first place)
The Oni still cause problems on purpose tho, but without any active FSM family members, the gang just kinda suffers. Maybe the og4 learned about the tornado of creation at some point, maybe Wu’s around to tell them about it now, whatever, we’re gonna assume they figured something out and the world didn’t end
Ok, so the ninja team consists of Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, and a revolving door of other elemental masters that pull up from time to time (I like to think Skylor and Karlof are permanent members, but that’s just me). The squad is minding their own business
Because they haven’t been a proper team that long, they don’t have the same burn out they do in canon, and thus never release Aspheera out of sheer boredom, thus season eleven doesn’t happen
Prime Empire my beloved, she remains almost entirely intact unless I’m just missing something
Season thirteen also still happens
The Island doesn’t because neither Wu nor Misako are characters that have much presence in this au
Seabound still happens I think
Crystallized does not (refer to title of this post)
DR still happens -ish (since Lloyd never existed, the details are a bit iffy, but all the major conflicts still occur besides that)
And that’s on me still being awake and brainrotting legos at 2am
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howlingday · 3 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #9
2023, Dec 3-6
2024 Mar 25, apr 18, jun 22
P3H vs Neku Sakuraba
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Steve vs Emmet Brickowski (Minecraft vs The LEGO Movie)
Who's imagination will let them survive this crafty battle?
FIGHTER 1: Steve, Minecraft's cubic builder, explorer, and slayer of monsters and dragons
FIGHTER 2: Emmet Brickowsky, LEGO's Special Master Builder from Bricksburg.
Wiz: Imagination is extremely powerful; it allows us to bring our dreams into reality, letting us create or destroy whatever we can dream of.
*insert clips of Bob the Builder, Oppenheimer, LEGO Ninjago’s Tornado of Creation, and RWBY's Relics of Creation and Destruction*
Boomstick: These two literal blockheads can create just about anything they can think of. Or destroy it. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE (What to know): 
1. This MU could become an actual episode as it garnered attention when it was part of 2022's Champion Poll, so I wanted to get this one out before that happens. The consensus, as far as I can tell, is that Steve vs. The Terrarian and Emmet vs Jesse are better MUs, but I really like this MU. It's ok if you don't, but don't be a jerk about it. (If I wanted to be pedantic about it, then I'd say that Omni Man vs. Homelander and Mario vs. Sonic were done because they are legacy MUs rather than for the connections that the combatants have, but I can very well be wrong).
2. To make this fight more fitting and fair, I will place Steve in the LEGO Movie world. It shouldn't be jarring as there is such a thing as LEGO Minecraft, and the block aesthetic of Minecraft melds well with the sharp, blocky look of the LEGO Movie. This will essentially put them in the same world. Crossovers such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and LEGO Dimensions will not be taken into consideration, but I will look to them for inspiration if desired. 
3. Emmet and Steve could build anything that we haven't seen in the movies, novels, etc. as long as it is within character.
4. No infinite strength Steve. When the player drops items in Minecraft, the items have fundamentally different properties to their block forms as compared to dropped items in Skyrim where they retain their physical properties, at least to some degree. They did the cheese calculation as a joke in Chosen Undead vs. Last Dragonborn and they didn't calculate how much weight Link would be carrying due to his iron boots and other heavy equipment in the 2021 rematch, so no inventory strength. (I would still expect a similar gag like the aforementioned cheese calculation).
5. No Creative Mode infinite materials. Steve will have to mine, forge, and enchant his stuff on his own, but he will start off with good materials like diamond and potions as well as some unbrewable potions and arrows.
Connections (What do they have in common):
1. Both are capable of creating almost anything by taking resources from the world around and then craft anything from them. They effectively have no limit to their crafting capabilities.
2. Both are icons of IPs that represent creativity and imagination.
3. Maybe the enemy isn’t the Ender Dragon, President Business, or Rex Dangervest. Maybe the enemy is growing up.
Not many that I can think of, so if you can think of one, let me know. :)
Personal reasons (Why I want this battle/like this MU):
I like how Emmet was able to not just change, but grow in his movies. Steve may be silent, but he still expresses emotion through his body language. I want to see a wholesome battle where they both build because that's what they enjoy doing and then try to one up each other, giving way to animation that has the potential to be some of DB!'s all team greats.
Art and animation: The fight is best in 3D. Hand-drawn would make this fight very difficult to work with and I don't think 2D pixels can express the weird and wonderful wackiness of what these two can build, the speed at which they can build, or the worlds they inhabit. The best way to go is to have Emmet move like he does in the LEGO Movies and Steve to move like he does in Minecraft and Smash Bros., but the animation would be like that of the LEGO Movies; it does not allow for all degrees of movement like human limbs, but it's still fluid and smooth. The world itself is just blocks, needless to say. I think a good guide to what the animation and art style should be like is this video which took its LEGO models from Mecabricks.
If you want to get really interesting, it would be stop motion, but that's just expecting a king’s feast on top of something already demanding in my opinion.
Possible setup: On the outskirts of Bricksburg, near a construction site, Emmet is checking the blueprints for a skyscraper he is about to build. 
"I'm going to need these many pieces of these measurements and color..." Hearing the iconic Minecraft sounds of mining ground and building, he turns to see a house that was just suddenly there.
"Whoa, where did that come from?" Steve exits his house, and Emmet confronts him. 
"Sir, did you build that house?" and Steve nods.
Emmet, the loveable goof that he is, does the Chris Pratt gasp and gushes over Steve's abilities. "Are you a Master Builder?" It would explain how the house was just there after some noise, but Steve scratches his head, and lifts his arms in an “I don’t know” pose. "Could you build it again?" Steve nods and builds another house, more impressive than the last, using wood, stone, and concrete from the construction site (imagine him building it at the speed of one of his Smash Bros. victory poses)
“Wow! I can do that, too!” Emmet then decides to build something of his own, using more materials from the construction site, building a house comparable to Steve’s who then looks at Emmet's creation and decides to build a mansion.
“Not bad, huh?” Steve nods, and takes out his sword. “Whoa! You’re a warrior AND a builder? Then let’s take this up a notch! Let’s fight and build something amazing!” Steve nods and Emmet jumps up and slams down, destroying the buildings and sending pieces around him flying.
1. Emmet then zips around, building himself a weapon like he did here. Steve slashes and is able to guard himself for a little while. Emmet keeps up his offense and knocks Steve away. Steve drinks a Potion of Strength, and is able to fend off Emmet’s strikes. Yet, Emmet is too fast and is able to hit Steve before Steve can hit back. Steve simply drinks a Potion of Swiftness, and it works! Emmet swoops in for a strike, but Steve swiftly dodges, getting behind Emmet, and strikes him using his Forward Smash:
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This sends Emmet flying to the other side of the giant construction site. Steve then breaks out an enchanting table, a crafting table, and a brewing stand, and starts to furiously gather materials from around him and gets to work. Meanwhile, Emmet groans in pain, and then takes a giant leap towards Steve. Steve notices Emmet and aims a giant wall of dispensers at him and activates them, causing the dispensers to fire flaming arrows (a GIANT version of what is seen in this video). Emmet shouts a big “Whoa!” as he dodges the arrows. Emmet then uses his Master Breaker abilities to break Steve’s dispenser wall, similar to what he did here. 
2. Emmet is then hit by something, and is taken aback. Nothing is there. Then, he’s continuously hit by said nothing, it seems! Emmet tries to hit back, but he hits nothing, as expected. Steve suddenly appears at a distance as his Potion of Invisibility wears off. Steve is wearing his Diamond Armor, and he starts to throw Splash Potions. Emmet easily dodges them and grabs one of the following pieces:
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Emmet then proceeds to juggle the Splash Potions and knocks some towards Steve, who gets hit with some Potions of Poison, Harming, and Decay. It appears that using the Potions in the dispenser wall was the better idea. As Steve is suffering, Emmet then starts to build a mech similar to his Construct-o-Mech and Steve uses a Potion of Regeneration and Healing. Steve had placed a myriad of TNT blocks all connected via Redstone, so when Emmet approaches Steve in his mech, he is immobilized and struggles. Steve steps on the button to activate the redstone. The TNT detonates and Emmet, being nearby, falls in his mech, and he lets out his iconic scream. However, right before Steve can move and prepare more weapons and potions, he hears something right behind him that has haunted all Minecraft players. We see that there were several Creepers right behind him, and they detonate.
3. Due to the TNT explosion and the Creepers, there is a giant hole in the ground and they both were falling. Emmet rebuilds his mech into a plane and flies away. Steve uses his fishing rod to tether himself to the plane, swings like the Green stick figure in Alan Becker‘s Minecraft videos to launch himself upwards, and unfurls his Elytra, and attaches a Firework Rocket on it, propelling him upward (Think his Up - B from SSBU.), but there is simply too much debris, so they both get crushed and fall.
4. Now in free fall, Steve uses his bow and fires arrows, both of the tipped and not tipped variety, sniping Emmet well in his arms. In retaliation, Emmet grunts and throws a boulder at Steve, who uses a shield to ward off the attack. Looking down, there’s a rail, so Steve simply takes a minecart out of his inventory and Emmet builds himself a vehicle out of his mech’s remains (whether it’s a hoverboard or a land-roving vehicle is up to you). Both land safely and the vehicles roll. Steve takes out a diamond sword and his shield, and Emmet fashions himself another weapon, so they start to clash again, like in Alan Becker’s Ultimate Minecart Race. Because Emmet is still affected by the Arrow of Slowness, Steve is able to get some solid hits in and block Emmet’s strikes in time. Emmet then uses his Master Breaker powers again to break the shield, and Steve is knocked forward a bit. Steve then fires more tipped arrows, but Emmet is able to dodge them and they clash weapons again, like this part from Alan Becker’s The Chef. Every sword strike is parried or blocked, and they keep at it until the ground suddenly drops beneath them and they fall again through a Nether Portal to… The Real World…?
5. The minifigures fall on the floor of the basement, and the kids that were playing with the plastic toys start arguing with each other about who is cheating and who is the winner. The adults then have to come down the basement and mediate the conflict. “Kids, I know it’s hard to play fair, but yelling and calling each other a cheater is not going to help. I thought you two were doing this because it’s fun. You’re using toys to create these great inventions and then you play with them. Putting others down will not do you any good. Right now, just have fun with each other. You’ll never know when you get to play with your friends and toys like you are now.” As we see the adults trying to resolve the conflict, Emmet picks himself up, and seeing Steve struggling, picks him up as well. The kids then apologize and compliment each other’s skills and imagination, and pick up the toys that were dropped. “Ready for one more showdown?”, asks Emmet. Steve nods and holds up his arm, and Emmet responds by giving a fist bump.
6. The kids put the toys back together and our fighters are back on the LEGO world. Emmet builds another mech, this one similar to his Triple Decker Couch mech, and Steve decks himself out with his best armor, weapon, and potions. “For now, let’s have fun.” They clash again, with Emmet’s mech and Steve’s armor and weapons being worn down, and the potion effects are diminishing. Now, it’s all or nothing.
7. Steve wins by immobilizing Emmet. He dodges and slashes at Emmet’s mech, and protects himself with his shield. He removes the limbs of the mech and destroys it, leaving cobwebs all around. When the mech is destroyed, Emmet is left helpless, and as he tries to exit, he’s immobilized by the cobwebs. “Can't… Move…!” With one final slash, Emmet dies like in the LEGO video games.
8. Emmet wins by using his Master Breaker abilities. Emmet knocks away Steve’s equipment, pins Steve down and then starts to severely damage the armor. Steve tries to detonate some TNT again, but Emmet jumps out of his mech, and comes down with one final, gigantic Master Breaker slam, destroying his mech and leaving Steve in pieces. This results in the iconic death screen.
9. In the real world, the kids simply take the pieces and start to build something new with the pieces until they are called up. “Kids, the food’s ready!” The kids run out of the basement. The last thing we see is the minifigures ready for one more fight, in armor and mech.
10. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Has the more destructive tool in TNT.
+ Greater defense with his armors and longevity with his Potions of Healing and Regeneration.
+ Enchantments and Potions of Strength improve all of his weapons, armor, tools, and stats.
+ Has ranged options in his bow, crossbow, firework rockets and arguably his fishing rod.
+ Can be considered stronger due to his fight against the Ender Dragon and his capacity to break down diamond blocks.
+ If given access to a Riptide Trident, then Steve has greater mobility and offense underwater, and a Potion of Water Breathing, allowing him to survive underwater for longer.
+ Can immobilize Emmet with cobwebs
= Under the rules set in the preface, both are similarly fast.
= Similar Risk of drowning.
- Blocks, potions and materials in inventory can be exhausted, armor and weapons can break.
- Takes time to craft, forge, and enchant whatever he’s making.
- Highly dependent on the environment to obtain good materials and ores.
Emmet Brickowsky:
+ More mobile and acrobatic.
+ Being a Master Breaker means not needing any other tools or materials to simply break stuff, so he can likely break Steve’s creations with little issue.
+ Does not need to use a forge or crafting table, and can build bigger creations with greater speed.
= Under the rules set in the preface, both are similarly fast.
= Similar risk of drowning
- Arguably less durable.
- Is vulnerable underwater without a vehicle
- Like Steve, he’s dependent on the materials provided to him by the environment, and can’t craft the pieces he needs
- Arguably his biggest weakness physically is immobilization, as seen when he was hit with the Kragle. It’s likely that the Cobwebs can be used to immobilize him. Other Master Builders have been immobilized by chewed up gum and even stickers.
Ending puns:
"In the end, Steve could only dig his own grave."
"Sorry, Emmet, but the only thing you can do is LEGO."
Name: Build The Best
The name makes reference to how both the characters and series are known for letting people build whatever they want and let their creations come to life as well as Emmet’s title of “Master Builder”.
Art: At the front of the picture, we see Steve’s crafting table with some LEGO gears leaning against it and potions and the iconic red LEGO blocks around them. To the right of the crafting table is the enchanting table with Steve’s sword and Emmet’s wrench crossing each other. To the right of the crafting table is Steve’s armor holding the Piece of Resistance.
Sound: The song starts mellow, like Subwoofer Lullaby or Living Mice to give off a feeling of nostalgia and intimacy, and then slowly picks up in volume as the two blockheads show off their abilities before the fight. Then, there’s a record scratch and the music becomes upbeat and happy, like Everything is Awesome. The music changes to Pigstep but played with LEGO movie instruments during the minecart chase. When in the Real World and listening to the talk between the adult and kids, the music is more somber, again similar to Minecraft’s more mellow music or the music from the “You are The Special” scene from the first LEGO Movie. During the buildup to and during final confrontation, it switches to I Am A Master Builder. Our heroes are near the end, so now it’s the time to push further still. As the battle ends and we linger on the result, the instrumentation starts to play Subwoofer Lullaby or Living Mice again, and then the instrumentation from the beginning returns and the music fades out.
I want it to reflect how we start with LEGOs and Minecraft: with small bits and pieces, but then, the creations become bigger and more complex. More energy and thought is required into planning and building the structures desired. It’s like life: we start with childhood, simple and uncomplicated in the grand scheme of things, but as we get older, we take on more responsibilities, and we have to do more and more, leading us to reminisce on the “good old days” when we could build for ourselves, for fun. Maybe in the end, the real enemy, the true challenge, is growing up.
I am sorry for releasing this so late. This semester was a total pain, and I rarely had time to create this. I had an extremely rough six months, and I don’t want to use it as a crutch, but it’s school, and it’s demanding.
There were also so many ideas I wanted to implement into this battle, like how a kid just wants to create the biggest setpieces because they’re just the coolest things in the world.
1. A getaway chase on redstone minecart and planes
2. Weapons, armor, potions and enchantments to match Emmet’s mechs.
3. Master Destroyer vs Steve’s creations, armor, and potions.
4. Falling into nether portal and fighting monsters in the Nether
5. Dive into the ocean, risk of drowning.
6. Creepers and TNT
7. Confrontation in the real world, conflict with the kids that are controlling Steve and Emmet.
8. Heartfelt message as is tradition with all The LEGO Movies.
9. Have some Easter Eggs that reference Tetris. Both Tetris and Minecraft are among the most sold video games of all time, and LEGO is the most influential toy in the world. These three form a sort of blocky trinity, and it feels incomplete to leave Tetris out of this.
In a conference in an inner city, we see a gigantic sign for a superhero conference, and under it it says “Brought to you by Vought Corporation”.
In a raceway we see two heroes, getting ready for a race. There is a crowd around them and in the stands, cheering on for both of them.
“May the better speedster win!” The younger of the two outstretches his right arm, with his helmet in his left underarm.
“Oh, I plan to.” The older of the two simply walks by his fellow speedster and gets into running position. The younger speedster is taken aback by the rudeness of his fellow hero. However, there is a race that is about to go underway. He puts on his helmet, and he gets into a racing position as well.
“Gentlemen! Start your engines!”
There is a gunshot, and the two heroes are off at sonic speeds.
Tenya Iida vs. A-Train (My Hero Academia vs. The Boys)
Very good! I like how the battle ends on a wholesome route, like Goku V. Superman III. Granted, the NEXT fight won't be so friendly.
I'll be honest, I don't know much on Minecraft (the last update I remember being a part of was the mooshroom) or the Lego Movie franchise (I only saw the first movie and Lego Batman), so I didn't know who was more powerful from the start. That said, I do like the idea of two creators duking it out with their craft. Call this one...
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cheeeerie · 1 year
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OOOOOH BOY STRAP IN @coffeeisfortheresponsible
The first thing I have to address is hor horribly Ninjago butchers the subject of adoption trauma. It's not handled well in the tow other places it's talked about, Skybound or Quest for the Lost Powers, but this post is already gonna be way too fucking long so we're not gonna talk about that.
According to Tommy Anderson, the original concept for Prime Empire had Jay's mother involved. She was going to be trapped in the game, and Jay's lightning power would be imperative to her survival, but it was ultimately scrapped. We don't see Jay reference the fact that he's adopted for this entire season--in fact, the last time he mentioned it was in Skybound (well, he also brought it up in Decoded while explaining the plot of Skybound) despite the fact that there has been ample opportunity to. He could have done it in Hands of Time when the previous generations of elemental masters was being discussed, or he could have brought it up when Harumi killed her adoptive parents in Sons of Garmadon, or literally any other time in the five seasons between Skybound and Prime Empire, but he doesn't. That's fine I guess, this is a show that rarely gets that deep. But then WHY bring it up at the end of Prime Empire, out of nowhere, especially in a way that makes it seem like we've witnessed Jay reflecting about his biological family at all?
To me, it kind of seems like it's because that was intended to be the emotional through-line of the season. Just like Master of the Mountain was about Cole coming to know his mother, Prime Empire seemed like it was meant to be about Jay coming to know his mother. Jay's "My parents abandoned me too but that's okay" line at the end felt like it was the ending to a different season, instead of the series of episodic side quests that was Prime Empire.
And on that note, the pacing is horrendous in this arc. Instead of going back and forth between the two groups, the one inside the game and the ones outside the game, it does this weird thing where it chunks it, spending several season with the 5 ninja and then cutting out to follow the Zane/Pixal/Wu story line for two full episodes.
(ON THAT NOTE, there is so much wasted potential for this season to have genuine themes. If not about Jay coming to terms with his adoption, then about the genuinely fascinating implications of a world where AI this advanced exists, but no, we just got Pixal being told that her feelings weren't real and she couldn't make connections like a human could and then it was resolved in ten minutes.)
I am Okino, as much as I love it, was an unnecessary episode. It would have been fantastic if we had time for it but these episodes are only 10 minutes long and there's only 16 and we DON'T HAVE TIME FOR IT. The league of Jay was really thrown in for half an episode and then was never elevant again. Lloyd, Cole, Nya, and Kai are all useless when they first enter the game and yet in the shorts Jay still gets to keep all his ninja skills. There's so many just random little things in this arc and it just. What.
Dance Episode! Noir Episode! A gazillion side characters! Random Harumi fight!! It's SO GOOD!
It introduces way to many chaaracters, but it gets you to care about them in a way that Ninjago usually doesn't with it's side characters. I care about Okino! I care about Racer Seven! I care about Milton Dyre! Ninjago is a show with too many characters but in Prime Empire that doesn't take bother me as much because I LIKE them all.
With the way it's so episodic it honestly feels like watching Legacy of the Green Ninja. Dance episode! Race episode! Noir episode (will die mad that Ninjago Confidential wasn't called Nindroid Noir)! Side quest side quest side quest! After the heaviness of the Oni Trilogy and the second half of The Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu, it was just so refreshing to watch a season that was so fun.
And Prime Empire is GORGEOUS. The aesthetic of it was a little different than Ninjago's usual and it really worked, the animation was fantastic, the color palet was great, the lighting was just. Chef's kiss.
And the score of Prime Empire is genuinely the best score of any season of Ninjago and I will not be taking arguments. You are simply wrong. The music of Prime Empire is so FUN.
I guess that's kind of the thesis of this whole rant. Prime Empire may not have the strongest plot but it's the most fun to watch of all the recent Ninjago seasons-- of all the Ninjago seasons, in my opinion, and that's why it's my favorite one.
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the sixth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So... LEGO released some drawing tutorials with Mateo and I just... they're so pure I wanna hug him 😭😭😭 They're super adorable, I love especially Z-Blob's since he spends the entire time talking about how great his slime buddy is and MOOD MAT MOOD 💚💚💚
We're beyond halfway, I'm kinda sad but I'll wait until the end, maybe we got luck for a season 2?
Here we go!
Pff, what was the chicken story? 🤣
Zoey is still a bit distant, I can't tell if she wants to join in or she likes these people enough to just hang around. I mean, she wasn't there last episode...
Did Logan drop the "Mattie" nick? It felt very derogatory so him switching to Teo feels like a step forward
I knew it, he is stressed! Poor boy got stuff to do and can't even have breakfast, Coop please take care of yourself and have some proteins first thing in the morning 😢
You'll have all the time you want to have breakdowns once you reach high school
It seems like Cooper is the reliable one, Mateo and Logan are constantly over him asking for stuff. I wonder if they also affected his stress as well...
Okay Logan is still mean 😅 He's better, but still mean, and he changed teams permanently? I don't know if this is a "we're not an actual team, only in the Dream World" or a "we'll always be a dream, even if we're not in the real world"... mm
Finally we see the Night Bureau! We saw it only once before... while Teo was almost turning into a night terror... ah such good untraumatic memories 🙂
Ah, so Z is an anomaly? Come to think of it, did he come across because of Lunia's hourglass? Was there another reason?
These objects are histerical 😂😂
Okay, I'm liking this consistent trend of having Zoey being the most useful character despite being on her own, she just waltzed in solving that riddle lol
Agent... Strick? Oh-oh
Oooohhhh, so this is confirmed to be Brooklyn? Cool, I didn't know it was an actual place! Again I'm too used to imaginary places like Ninjago or Chima 😂
This gal is intense, dude you locked Oz in a room, isn't that a bit much? Should we call the policr?
Zoey is just there for the drama, girl are you with us or not? 😂😂
Did... did that detect thing turn red when it was on Mateo? Was it only because Z-Blob was behind? Huh... huh
Z-Blob floating has to be the cutest thing even, like, look at that little guy go! To infinity and beyond 💚
I see how it's going 😅😅
I'm so sorry I understimated Cooper, look at him! He's just a kid and he really wants to be up to expectations, and now we got a brother that sets the example? Dude I'm eating this, I'm a sucker for angst, LOOK AT THIS BOY HE NEEDS A BREAK 😭😭😭
You did not make a hotdog out of slime
Is he afraid of being captured? I've never seen him going this awol before, he's always besides Mateo no matter what! Is he only scared or is there a reason?
Dude Cooper was so stressed he forgot breakfast!!! EAT BABY EAT!!!
Okay baby Strick is kinda hilarious... and Oz is on the ceiling... and there is still junk everywhere... and where is Albert? WHAT IS HAPPENING PEOPLE?!
Cooper you left for half a day, and now everything is on fire 😅
Cooper skyrocketed on my appreciation list in this episode, his backstory got so much potential for analysis! He's such a good friend, he's just very stressed out but he's super capable!!! ❤️
Was that the superman line? 🤣
Aaaand, we're back! Are we fixing everything now that Coop is here?
Oh wow we actually are! I adore mechanics, I was all over them in Ninjago (Jay and Nya and Zane and Pixal and Ronin and Cyrus... there are so many in Ninjago 🥰), so this is so cool to see!
Agent Strick approves Cooper! YAS!
Oohh, so Zoey was maybe interested in joining, but never could before? Is this why she was a bit snarky in this episode, maybe she wanted to join but could never physically? That's kinda adorable 😂😂
Alright this was another really REALLY good episode, but... now I'm stuck with the crazy theory that Mateo is the anomaly 🤣
I'm sure I'm wrong and I'm just blowing this out of proportion, but what if Strict examined that plant and found traces of Z AND Mateo? What if Lunia's hourglass was found by him for a reason?
She said that the anomaly appeared "the other night" so it was clearly Z Blob... but technically the other night was when the show started for me, so I might see this as Mateo appearing in this world for the first time. Could it be he fit in in one night, everyone's memories were changed to accept that, and no one questions this?
... I know this just me headcanoning left and right and it's clearly not gonna happen
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ninjakitten1699 · 1 year
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I said it before and I'll continue saying it until otherwise. This OC actually isn't even of my own creation. Sam here belongs to my longtime online friend @samzart.
She’ll still go into my OC tags because well she’s been here for so long I can’t part with her and I don’t want her lost. I might as well post her now since she’s introduced in my latest Ninjago fic set in my AU.
Name: Samantha Rose Snyder Nicknames: Sammie, Sam Age: 17 Gender: Female (She/Her) Race: Human Appearance: She is a human woman who has tan skin and long wild hair. Her left eye is a turquoise blue and her right is (Nope). She is littered in scars along her body from her time in the (can't pry these from me) She is first seen wearing a tight fitting kimono she grew into and torn up pants that turned into shorts with a pair of ruined sandals due to the negligence of the (Spoilers).
Height: 5’5” (165.1 cm) Weight: 114 lbs. (at the very least) Hair style: Long wild dark hair (season one to seven)/Braid (season eight and onwards) Hair Color: Brown Pod (on here, otherwise its called Treehouse here. Either way the hex code is still 35211E) Eye Color: Left- Turquoise Blue (Hex Code: 69CFD1), Right - (Soon to be revealed. Unless you knew her from my friend on DeviantArt then it's not much of a secret.) Skin Tone: Sepia (Hex code: A96A4F)
Weapon of choice: Light and fast weapons. Bow and arrows, daggers, and her father’s sword the Blade of Winds. Element: Wind/Air Manipulation Abilities:
Air Augmentation via The Blade of Winds aka The “Golden Weapon” of Wind. The blade can cut through anything (Ghosts are an exception of course since they are air. Whenever Djinn are in their floating form, the blade in ineffective.). It’s made completely out of gold yet weighs no more than a feather. Sam’s father used to take it with him into battle. (Sam’s mother was the elemental master of wind) Basically think Razor Wind
Aerokinetic Combat- Exactly what it says on the tin.
Wind Generation - The ability to generate wind. It can be a gentle breeze or a powerful, highest category hurricane. (In the beginning, it varies depending on her emotions. Later on, she gains more control on this after her true potential.)
Weather Manipulation - By controlling both hot and cold air (As seen on the main Air Manipulation page)
Air Defense - Able to use wind to defend oneself.
Personality: Before her trauma, she was cheerful, "tomboy-ish", competitive, and generous. After years of her trauma however, she turned out shy, quiet, isolated but still she was kind. Unfortunately she is also not so confident. She will do anything to protect those she loves, so much so it puts her in harm's way. She doesn't like to "speak out of turn" because of the discipline she had received and doesn't question things or talk back. She'll eventually gain some backbone after living on her own and wit the Ninja. Occupation: Kunoichi Affiliations: The Ninja (currently), Elemental Masters, Serpentine Rebellion (formerly) Hometown: (Unknown) Village
Status: Alive
Bio: (Spoilers)
Relationships: Viktor and Daya: her parents. Deceased due to Serpentine War. Synthia: Younger sister. Lost to the War as well. Cole: He is.. was a close friend. Unfortunately due to circumstances, he has little memory of her and only recently began finding pieces after his true potential (presumably since his mind was more open, it allowed other things to open up too.) He eventually becomes her significant other long after their meeting.
Fun Facts:
As stated above, this OC, Sam, is not one of my creations. If you don't know her as one of @samzart's OCs then perhaps you know her from here. Why does Sam look different? Because I still have contact with the creator and the design of the OC had changed and I only wish to emulate that change. Unfortunately the creator is not that active on some parts of the online world as far as I know.
Yes you read the Blade of Winds right. It's not a true golden weapon like the main four Ninja's weapons. It only looks that way with its metal, much like many other gold weapons that were made in universe and on sets.
While her father did wield the Blade of Winds, it is actually her mother that has the Elemental Power of Wind. How was it acquired if Morro exists? It's more than likely possible that Sam could be younger cousins with Morro. Sam wouldn't know this until season five when Morro appears.
Her village was never given a name since it would only be relevant due to backstory. If it does appear, it'll more than likely remain nameless due to it being in ruins.
The fic she's introduced in did have another name but it didn't fit, so now it's called "Hidden Among the Wind" I know the chapters that are out currently (like the prologue to maybe chapter three if I looked at everything I planned right) feel a little slow right now, but I promise you it'll snowball from there.
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have you seen the new ninjago series?? its so... odd to say the least. i'd just love to hear your thoughts on it? (also hello i asked about tang haha)
AA hello again!!! Okay so at first I honestly wasn’t sure if the series would be good and tbh I was. A bit critical lmao, but after watching it I actually ended up liking it quite a bit?? Like yeah it’s definitely different and I can tell we’re dealing with new writers who are still figuring out how to write the world so there’s clearly a few little issues here and there but overall??? I actually love it. They’ve done a great job with the characters in my opinion, both new and old, and I’m genuinely very happy with the way they’ve been writing Kai especially. I feel kinda like his character had been suffering a little in the late seasons of ninjago sadly but now it feels like they’ve unshelved him and are utilizing a lot of the potential he’s had for a while. And watching Lloyd be a stressed out single parent of two is hysterical and feels genuinely in character. 
I have a lot of questions about a few things of course, but those are about stuff that I feel like they’ve set up to answer in coming seasons so I don’t mind. Yeah okay I do think they did Cloud Kingdom a little dirty but you know what? It could have been so so much worse. Overall as like, the third soft reboot ninjago has had, I’m just impressed it’s enjoyable at all  
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