#Nikon Imaging Cloud
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onedigital · 4 months ago
Nueva Nikon Z 50II: domina el brillo en un toque con el control creativo de color
La nueva cámara compacta sin espejo de Nikon permite expresar fácilmente la auténtica estética creativa  Continue reading Nueva Nikon Z 50II: domina el brillo en un toque con el control creativo de color
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metropolitant · 8 months ago
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 3 months ago
Convection in Blue
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Convection cells like these are all around us -- in the clouds, on the Sun, and in our pans -- but we rarely get to watch them in action.  (Video and image credit: W. Zhu; via Nikon Small World in Motion) Read the full article
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mutant-distraction · 10 months ago
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"Wow! Absolutely biblical skies in Tasmania, Australia at 4am this morning. Huge solar storm and brilliant aurora. Here’s the image. I actually had to de-saturate the colours. Clouds glowing red. Insane. Shot on Nikon." from Sean O'Riordan.
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renderprism · 1 year ago
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Large Magellanic Cloud, 26th Dec 2023
This is my first attempt at a properly tracked and stacked image of a deep space object (and one of the few easily photographed from my sheltered yard).
Shot with a Nikon 50mm f1.8 G lens adapted to mft for my Lumix G85. About 280x 15sec exposures went into this, stacked and processed with Siril (and a little bit of touch up and recomposing in GIMP).
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godtier · 11 months ago
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***please don't repost these images, thank you! reblogs are fine, but don't save and repost!***
some photos i took during the eclipse, using my nikon DSLR! i live in what was the direct pathway of the event, so i thought i'd try to get some decent shots today. the last photo in the set is actually a still/screenshot of a video i took, but the video is huge and i don't want to rerender it rn to post to tumblr sobs
there was also a rly weird thing that happened and idk if anyone can tell me what it was... but in one of those shots there's like a double or triple image? i thought i messed up the shot, but when i looked up through my eclipse glasses, i saw the same weird double image... so i'm guessing it was a reflection off of the clouds nearby.
lastly, since someone may wonder or ask why the photos are pitch-black even before totality: that's because i had a very powerful solar/ND filter on my lens! i'll explain:
it's not something i see talked about often, but when you take pics of the sun, even during an eclipse (EXCEPT during totality), you will want to protect your camera's sensor with a solar lens filter. cameras can "go blind" just like people, where the sensor gets burned by the UV light and subsequent photos might be all distorted in spots where the sunlight was beaming brightest!
anyway, i hope y'all like the pics!
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allthingsfern · 1 year ago
Why I have not been taking many new photos
So, in about a couple of weeks, I will be getting my cataract surgery for my right eye. As it is now, my right eye is kinda clouded over. I can still bike ride and drive, for example, but when I was at the ophthalmologist's office the last two times, the young man who takes images of the inside of my eye could not capture the back of my right eye because the cataract is so thick, so he had to use some kind of ultrasound thing they do? Anyway, it is very difficult for me to take photographs through the viewfinder because the camera, like all cameras, is pretty much set up for right-handed use. I can look through my left eye, but it is uncomfortable for taking pictures, so I stopped a while back, unless I could take my time and take the pictures at home. And yes, I could take pictures using the screen on the back of the camera, but it is not very bright, and for most light conditions it's just not something I'm comfortable with.
I have not, however, stopped working on photography, since I have been going back through my files and reworking some photographs, as well as going through Tumblr and liking and sharing photos on Lux Lit. Plus, I never stop watching YouTube videos and/or reading online articles and I started reading Margaret Bourke-White's autobiography, so yeah, I am doing photography, just not taking pictures.
My second surgery, BTW, will be a few days before Christmas.
I am not very nervous about my upcoming surgeries, because, in great part, I trust my ophthalmologist. He takes the time to explain everything, and he has a sense of humor about the whole thing, which helps me immensely. Also, my sisters, well, my oldest sister (she is the second born, after me) and her best friend are coming to stay with me to help me through my first surgery. They will be here for five days. Then for my surgery on my left eye, a very close friend (coincidentally, the guy who sold me the used Nikon D50 that started me back on photography and a great photographer himself) and his wife volunteered to take me in at their place to make certain everything goes smoothly.
Why am I sharing this? Well, I remember several years ago, when my kit lens for my D50 broke (BTW, the only lens I owned for that camera), that someone who followed me back then mentioned they could not think of themselves not taking pictures often, if not daily. Back then I actually went about 2 months without taking pictures before I wound up buying a used lens that worked beautifully. Since then, I have learned to very calmly accept periods of not making pictures, in great part, because as I mentioned above, I still keep doing photography, which means reworking old images, looking at all y'alls photos on Tumblr and sharing some of them on Lux Lit, and learning about photography via articles and YouTube videos and such. Oh yeah, and every so often talking to photographers I know about our beloved art form. For me, not taking pictures, not making pictures is still a part of the creative process, if one where I don't necessarily "create stuff." I've learned to have a very Zen attitude towards it all.
Kinda like life.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 4 months ago
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Exploring Russia’s Krenitsyna Volcano
An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photo of Onekotan Island while orbiting over the northwest Pacific Ocean. Onekotan is part of the Kuril Islands, an archipelago extending between the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia and Hokkaido in Japan. The photo shows Krenitsyna Volcano, located on the southern side of the island.
The low-oblique angle of the photograph accentuates the terrain, particularly cliffs, coastlines, and mountains. Note that the photo has been rotated (north is down) to minimize an optical illusion known as relief inversion.
The Tsar-Rusyr caldera is the crater-like depression visible in this image. Calderas form when the ground collapses into a partially emptied magma chamber during a large eruption. This caldera is surrounded by steep 300-meter (1000-foot) cliffs that cast shadows along the eastern interior of the volcano.
The caldera holds the blue waters of Kol’tsevoye Lake, which contrasts with the surrounding vegetated summer landscape. Reaching depths of up to 370 meters (1,200 feet), the lake is one of the deepest in Russia. Its surface reflects sunlight back to the camera, producing sunglint, and it also mirrors the clouds drifting above the central peak.
Situated at the center of the caldera is Krenitsyna Peak, which stands approximately 1,300 meters (4,200 feet) above sea level. The slopes of this stratovolcanic peak consist of dark-colored valleys and ridges, caused by volcanic flows and erosive processes, that reach the surface of Kol’tsevoye Lake. The last eruption of this complex occurred in November 1952 and was categorized as “moderate,” with a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 3.
West of the caldera, a mountain system is visible on the right side of the image. This rugged terrain contrasts with the opposite side of the caldera, where the landscape flattens out as it reaches the Pacific Ocean. Small patches of bright snow and ice remain in the valleys between the mountain and the coastline.
Astronaut photograph ISS069-E-71110 was acquired on August 19, 2023, with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a focal length of 1,150 millimeters. It is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by a member of the Expedition 69 crew. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Caption by Chloe Locke, JETS II Contract at NASA-JSC.
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eclipse89 · 2 years ago
jupiter, at 3 different levels of magnification
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firstly, a shot from my phone camera from last year- essentially no magnification. just looks like a bright star here.
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second level: a shot from my nikon camera at 300mm with a telephoto lens. you can just barely see jupiter's moons here, the little dots in a line around it. no detail on jupiter yet, still too small.
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and finally, two shots through my 8 inch dobsonian telescope (using phone camera), at 1200mm. pretty much equivalent to the longest telephoto lens you can get.
at this focal length detail like the larger/more prominent cloud bands and great red spot are visible (can't see the spot here since it was on the other side of jupiter when i took the photo), along with the moons being very easily visible if you expose for them (hence why there's two photos here)
soon i plan on getting a real planetary camera, and will probably get a 2x barlow along with it, letting me get far higher quality images at double the focal length (2400mm or so)
will reblog this and update it when that happens !! stay tuned
(edit: just realized jupiter won't be visible again until june at the earliest. unless i get it very very soon and get a shot before it goes away you may have to stay tuned for a little while)
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candiphotos · 14 days ago
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Orion From 14 Feb 2025. The two on the top are not so good. Left one is stacked 18 photos using Deep Sky Stacker. I cannot get rid of any of the light polution with that software. The one on the right is a single image with the clouds. The bottom one, using a software called Sequator. It allows you to remove some of the light pollution. I was able to keep some of the clouds. Note the red "star" above the belt. That is Jupiter. Nikon D750 - 50MM F2.8 200 ISO 8 Secs per frame.
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Sunsets and Long Exposures
Before the recent storms I was able to head out to a spot along the local coast to do some exploring and set up a few compositions. I was most intetested in featuring the incoming storm clouds and the really cool rock formations that this location has to offer as foreground interest.
These clouds really do a great job of leading the eye into the frame as they function as leading lines due to how they just out into the water. This is important because it adds depth to the photo and tends to give the viewer the feeling they could possibly step right into the image and walk off into the distance.
I shot this on what is almost certainly my favorite camera I have ever owned, the Nikon D750 (I paired it with the Nikkor 16-35 mm f/4 wide angle lens). I've owned more compact and contemporaty set ups, higher resolution set ups, and setups that were far more suited for hybrid (an equal balance between photography and videography) run-and-gun style shooting, and while I do like other cameras more for their video features, the quality of the Nikon image files never fails to bring me joy.
I had briefly toyed with the idea of selling the camera some time back to balance out a little of the cost of a newer rig I was tempted to buy, I'm glad I didn't. I most definitely would have regretted it.
Dear Nikon D750,
You're the best.
Let's go exploring.
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garyquayphotography · 1 year ago
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“Overlooking Wishram, Washington, December 2023.”
©2023 Gary L. Quay
It was an interesting day for clouds. To the west was an "atmospheric river". To the east was sunbreaks flashing across the sky, sometimes illuminating the landscape on full or partial light. It was a good display of the rain shadow effect caused by the Cascade Mountains. It was a much better day to be in the semi arid east side of Oregon and Washington than in the drenched west.
This is a panorama made of two images. The 100mm Zeiss is perfect for this because it has no distortion.
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 100mm Zeiss Makro-Planar ZF2
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lagroupie · 3 months ago
Interview: Dye Crap, "Life Is Unfair"
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Dye Crap au Java, à travers mon Nikon.
Le 26 octobre 2024, le groupe Dye Crap, originaire de Rouen en France, jouait avec DZ Deathrays à Paris. Je me réjouissais de les écouter en live. Leur dernier album, Life Is Unfair, est rempli de bangers et de riffs accrocheurs, entre garage rock et pop punk.
Après leur concert, je retrouve le groupe pour une rapide interview – aucun d’entre nous ne voulait rater les DZ Deathrays – à propos de leur ville d’origine, leur album, un certain Serj et leurs projets futurs. Un grand merci à Dye Crap et Alex pour leur temps et leur gentillesse !
À quoi ressemble votre vie à Rouen lorsque vous n’êtes pas en train de tourner ?
Léo: Je n’habite plus à Rouen depuis peu. Mais la vie Rouennaise, c’est trouver un travail – peu importe ce que c’est – et aller au 3 Pièces après.
Maryan: Il y a un bar où on va tout le temps et on retrouve tous nos potes. Il y a beaucoup de concerts là-bas.
J’en déduis que vous n’avez pas le statut d’intermittents du spectacle?
Léo: Non, personne ne l’a encore.
Maryan: On aimerait bien.
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Pouvez-vous me parler de votre ville?
Maryan: Il y a pas mal de groupes de musique. Encore hier, on était au 106 pour voir We Hate You Please Die. Il y a plein de groupes qui font de la putain de musique. Presque tous les groupes se retrouvent au 3 Pièces, du coup on connaît à peu près tous les musiciens de Rouen. C’est sympa.
Parlons de votre dernier album, Life Is Unfair, ainsi que de la pochette. Y a-t-il une histoire derrière ?
Léo: Il y en a une un peu malgré nous. C’est un gars du 106, Arthur Lombard pour le saluer, qui me l’a fait remarquer. En gros, le gars sur la pochette est le chanteur d’un groupe qui s’appelle Dirty Clouds. C’est des petits jeunes de 15-16 ans et en gros, ils sont la relève. Bizarrement, ils portent le t-shirt de notre ancien groupe. Arthur m’a dit, ‘en fait, il y a tout sur cette pochette. Le passé, le présent, le futur!’ (rires). J’ai répondu ‘mais ouais, c’est ça!’ alors qu’en fait, ce n’était pas voulu du tout.
Mimo: En plus, dans Dye Crap, ‘Dye’ signifie teinture et ‘Crap’ veut dire merde. Il porte un t-shirt plein de couleurs dégueulasses sur lui et en plus il est plein de merde. C’est le nom Dye Crap en image.
Je voulais aussi en savoir plus sur la chanson qui clôt l’album, My 20s. Vous jouez en accoustique et l'enregistrement semble très spontané.
Mimo: On l’a enregistrée en studio. On avait déjà une ébauche qu’on avait un peu travaillée, un texte qu’on avait écrit. On était en résidence, mais on avait jamais eu le temps de la finir. Une fois dans le studio, nous nous sommes demandé comment la jouer. Alors, nous avons juste branché un micro au milieu de la pièce, pris les guitares et commencé à chanter tous ensemble. En une prise, c’était bon et on l’a mise dans l’album telle quelle.
Maryan: À la base, c’était censé être un morceau joué comme les autres, avec batterie et guitares électriques.
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Je me demandais aussi pourquoi est-ce que Serj portait une cagoule.
Maryan: Parce qu’il est recherché par la police en fait! C’est chaud (rires). Du coup, il a sa cagoule pour ne pas se faire reconnaître.
C’est sérieux?
Léo: Oui, d’ailleurs là il est déjà reparti parce qu’il ne pouvait pas rester !
Maryan: C’est un sujet assez compliqué dans le groupe. Mais c’est la légende. Serj n’est pas son vrai nom, c’est son nom public. Sa véritable identité est secrète.
Mimo: Surtout qu’on n’a pas toujours le même Serj. Le vrai Serj se cache.
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Que peut-on espérer de Dye Crap dans le futur?
Mimo: Un troisième album avec que des bangers.
Léo: Et une tournée mondiale.
Maryan: Intergalactique. On vise le premier concert sur la lune en 2025. On a un partenariat avec Elon Musk (rires). On ne cautionne pas du tout ses idées politiques, mais il va quand même nous emmener sur la lune.
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brianrope · 5 months ago
Perisher Cloud
This article first was published (with one extra paragraph not relevant here) in the October 2024 issue of The Printer, the online magazine of the Australian Photographic Society’s Print Group here. Perisher Cloud is a straightforward landscape image. The image was taken on a Nikon D700 with a Tamron AF 28-300mm F3.5-6.3 XR Di VC LD Aspherical IF Macro A20N lens. The focal length was 78mm.��
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jcmarchi · 5 months ago
What Makes the Atomos Ninja & Shogun Ultra, Ultra? - Videoguys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/what-makes-the-atomos-ninja-shogun-ultra-ultra-videoguys/
What Makes the Atomos Ninja & Shogun Ultra, Ultra? - Videoguys
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On this Week’s Videoguys Live, James takes us through what’s new at Atomos and discussing their new products, the Ninja Phone and Shinobi II as well as promotions they are currently running on their ULTRA monitors. Tune in to learn more!
Watch the full webinar below:
Atomos On Board Monitors / Recorders
Why Go Ultra?
High Frame Rate/Resolution Recording Ninja Ultra and Shogun Ultra capture RAW inputs up to 8K at 30fps, 6K at 60fps, and 4K at 120fps and 1080 at 240p.​ Ninja can record up to 6k30p, 4k60p and Full HD120p​
​Included Codecs If you’re not sure what codec you’ll need for a particular job, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. We offer a choice of ProRes RAW, ProRes, DNxHR, DNxHD, and 8-bit or 10-bit HEVC (H.265) right out of the box.​
Dual record​
ProRes RAW Recording: Capture in ProRes RAW even if the camera lacks this capability.​
Camera to Cloud: Enhances collaborative workflows.​
Dual Recording: Record up to 4K 60p in ProRes RAW and HD 60p in H.265 simultaneously.​
Auto-Matched Filenames: Compatible with ARRI, Canon, RED, Sony (via SDI), and Nikon Z9 (via HDMI).​
Matched camera filenames​
Dual Recording: Simultaneously record R3D RAW on RED Komodo and 10-bit, 4:2:2 HEVC (H.265) on Atomos.​
Quick Edits: High-quality, smaller file size clips for easy editing.​
Auto Conforming: File name matching simplifies the process.​
Camera to Cloud​
Proxy Recording: Now up to 4K 60p to match original files.​
Efficient: H.265 files are half the size of H.264.​
Immediate Use: Ideal for social media, sports, and news.​
Fast Publishing: Quickly reach viewers.​
Connectivity for all productions​ For Camera to Cloud, streaming and live production, Shogun Ultra has integrated Wi-Fi 6E and GigE. Adding Atomos Connect to Ninja Ultra gives you Wi-Fi 6 and GigE.​
Now with NDI 6​ NDI video will look more life-like than ever with the addition of fully native HDR support and 10- bit color depth. Ninja Ultra and Shogun Ultra will support NDI 6 in both send and transmit modes.​
New Products from Atomos means there is a perfect solution for every workflow
Ninja Phone
Now your phone can be a Ninja too! ​​Turn your smartphone into a high‑end 10‑bit recorder, monitor and streamer for your pro HDMI video camera. ​​Now available for iPhone 15/16 Pro and 15/16 Pro Max
Work with a larger, brighter, world-class monitor​
The perfect companion for cloud connected workflows straight from the camera​
Perfect the shot on set with less to fix in the edit
​Position the monitor to suit your rig​
Use the intuitive app interface and avoid complex internal camera menus​
Bypass internal compression and record directly from the sensor​
A choice of recording formats​
Shinobi II
Slimmer. Brighter. Camera control.
The slim, lightweight, high brightness, 5-inch 1500nit HDR monitor that’s perfect for vloggers, creatives and photographers
Bright HDR Display: 1500nit peak brightness for outdoor use.​
Extensive Camera Control: Manage various cameras and trigger recording from Shinobi II.​
Power Options: Charge your camera via USB-C PD port.​
User-Friendly Interface: AtomOS 11 touchscreen.​
Long Battery Life: All-day usage.​
Lightweight & Adaptable: Easily position the monitor.​
Secure Connectivity: Unique cable locking system.​
​Shogun Classic
The versatile, 7-inch workhorse that enables you to monitor, record, and switch all in the one device. It’s the perfect tool for live production, multi-camera shoots, and in-the-field event coverage.
3000nit HDR screen: Zone backlight provides exceptional detail, color, and contrast.
Real-time 4K recording: In ProRes, Cinema DNG, and Avid DNx formats
High performance HDR: Preview your images in glorious 10-bit HDR
4 x SDI input: For seamless transitions between live video streams
4 x ISO recording: For individual input control and post-production flexibility
XLR audio: 2-channel XLR Input and output
Sun Dragon
The world’s first sun spectrum, HDR, waterproof, wireless DMX, 2000 lumen 5-color LED, mount-anywhere, lightweight flexible production and cinema rope light
Zato Connect
Zato Connect is packed with all the features you’d expect from Atomos, and streamlined for speed. A brilliant monitor, essential I/O and onboard recording are just the start of it. Connecting to the cloud with Zato gives you superpowers. That’s because you can capture, edit and post your social media content in the fastest possible way.
Shogun Studio 2
The highly flexible Shogun Studio 2 takes state of the art Atomos multi-channel recording technology and combines it with two premium 7-inch HDR 2000nit high bright touchscreen displays, all in a single 3RU unit. Its unique combination of features makes it perfect for live events, outside broadcast vehicles, production galleries and MCRs, post production facilities, video wall playout, on-set DITs and sports officiating. Connect to practically any SDI or HDMI source including camera channels, PTZ cameras and vision mixers.
A bright (1200nit), HDR touchscreen covering the DCI-P3 (P3) Color Gamut, and able to record Apple ProRes RAW up to 6Kp30. With its rugged and versatile design, the Sumo 19SE is the perfect addition to an on-set video village.
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calochortus · 7 months ago
Bending_Light_II by Jessica Fridrich Via Flickr: This is by far my most elaborate and dangerous shot I have ever taken. Walmart had mini black holes on sale, buy 5 get 1 free, so I got 6. Then, I used two vertical mirrors facing each other and two colored flashlights. The black holes were carefully placed to bend the light beams. Three were placed at t he bottom to achieve the beam compression towards the bottom of the picture. Good thing I kept uploading the imagers to the cloud because at the end I got a bit less careful, the black holes coalesced and swallowed my Nikon. I barely escaped to tell the story. The less likely explanation: this is from inside an elevator at Binghamton University :) Shots pop up at unexpected places. I want to think that this makes my portfolio more diverse rather than imbalanced. I should add that this is not an obvious shot when you are in the elevator. It took some finesse to find the right angle and camera settings, and then some corrections in postpro. Also, fun aside, math in, these are hyperbolas created by the cone of light intersecting the walls. Brushed aluminum of the walls gives the beams an interesting texture.
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