#Nightwing powers
threemoonwatchers · 2 months
And time to finally put some old (and kinda stupid but also dear to me) WoF headcanons back here from the accounts that got nuked back when tumblr mobile updates reset everything I had
-All of the current Seawing princes named each other. Coral sure wasn’t gonna do it so after about the first five or six they all just decided to start naming each other
-Which power(s) a moonborn dragonet will get depends on which moon(s) is/are full. If Oracle is full, Nightwing dragonet gets prophecy. If Perception is full, Nightwing dragonet gets mind reading. If Imperial is full, it’s a brightest night and hOo BoY BUCKLE UP it’s gonna be intense
-not exactly a headcanon but AU where Whiteout is JUST icewing enough to be killed by the knife Darkstalker enchanted to kill one icewing a month purely for the aNgSt (and the possibility of it going after her or himself is why he added the ability to stop it)
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scrollwyrm · 6 months
Quick sketch of ClearSight :)
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
I've always thought NightWing seers should've had something physically unique too. I just went with silver scales above the eyes rather than below, but that's a good idea!
As for the three moons, I've always thought the names Moon gave us for them in TFoH were only known among NightWings, or at least what the most traditional of NightWings nicknamed them. Otherwise I feel like they would've been namedropped way sooner. Like, in the prologue of TDP... brightest night and all. Or. Perhaps in Darkstalker. And I say the most traditional of them because I feel it'd fit right in line with Morrowseer being her father.
It's always been my assumption that Oracle, Perception, and Imperial were named after the attributes the moons could give them, not that their specific moon would give them that specific power. Oracle represented foresight, Perception represented mindreading, and Imperial represented enhancement (as in the case of being thrice-moonborn).
I really hope the guide gives us some more info on the moon magic system! Apparently there will be some info on a legend about a darkest night, three new moons at once. Gonna take a shot and say it's supposedly a night of severe bad luck :) and oh lord this was long my bad.
ooh. you always have such great ideas, and i love hearing them! i talked about the moons and the powers in this post and this one, but i'll address the rest here.
it is odd that the moons were only named in the flames of hope, as opposed to in, say, the dragonet prophecy or moon rising or even the brightest night, where they were very important. it does seem likely that those are just the nightwing names for them, used more back in darkstalker's time when they knew how the moons worked.
i'm super excited for the guide. this magic system is so interesting, i can't wait to find out more!
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thygremlinboy · 8 months
Planning to make some nightwing ocs but had some ideas (headcannons mostly) on powers :D First some Blood moon kids ofcourse (turns eggs red, same with tear scale) but theres also, supermoons, super blue moons, eclipses, ring of fire eclipses. So what im thinking is supermoons cause powers to be very strong, like horribly so. Often causing something like seizure's when using the powers. and larger tear scales. (dragons from this also grow large) Super blue moons tend to make the dragon very lucky and often give the abilitys to see good paths almost clearly and mindreaders the ablity to adjust other dragons moods. (the eggs turn blueish silver and the dragons themselves can sometimes have a much more blue color, same with tear scale.) eclipses i think would be weird since most ive seen take place durning the day but they have the moon out. The sun is suddently snuffed out by one of the moons and your eggs just starts hatching how spooky. but anyways they always give something odd like the ability to see the past or the memory's of others. (Depending on what it is, sometimes the dragon has no tear scale or sometype of broken one) Ring of fire eclipses let them just light there thoughts on fire and just send them flying your way, mind warefare I guess, Im sure I can come up with something better later. (These eggs get a red ring)
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Okay but ya know what could either be the funniest thing ever or great whump/angst potential??? Or maybe both if done right???
Sunny (but not Starflight) ending up with powers.
Like. Her egg somehow ends up rolling into the one little hole they have that lets moonlight through and she hatches there.
The guardians are frantic looking for her and they find a Sandwing with green eyes, no tail barb, and two black teardrop-shaped scales near her eyes. The fractured pieces of her egg are a sort of metallic light golden color.
Now from her POV, she’s just really confused. These voices just suddenly appear in her head. She hatches.Now she can hear them getting louder until she sees three grown dragons walk into the library, with four other dragonets toddling behind them.
Few weeks later, she’s having nightmares about the punishments/fight training she and the others receive from the guardians. After about five of them come true, she makes up what they’re about.
She’s accustomed to pain in her head, but it grows when anyone in the cave is angrier than usual. (Unless it’s Kestrel, who’s always angry.)
A few days before Morrowseer’s visit, Sunny overhears a conversation between the guardians.
Dune sighs. “Well, if Morrowseer doesn’t like ‘em, the whole of Pyrrhia’s gonna fall.”
Kestrel rolls her eyes. “There’s almost no way he WILL like them. We have a MudWing who won’t fight and yet insists on being the leader of the five, a SeaWing who fights TOO much and is quite honestly just plain annoying, a R A I N W I N G, a NightWing with no powers, and a SandWing with GREEN EYES, NO TAIL BARB, and chronic headaches, and who is FAR too cheerful for her own good. How on earth are these dragonets gonna stop a war???”
“Not sure. We’ll just have to hope for the best, I suppose,” comes Webs’ voice. Sunny runs back to the cave. She’s upset. The guardians had mentioned the most being wrong with HER. Clearly, she and Glory were the odd ones out.
But at least Glory was taken seriously by her fellow dragonets.
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frownyalfred · 3 months
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“Bats all have their respective Supers” false. Bruce Wayne got one (1) Super obsessed with him and it influenced an entire generation of Supers. His aura was so powerful, he managed to get Supers doing crossover events and protecting unrelated Bats. All because Clark Kent was down bad. Imagine.
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fourcorpsmen · 15 days
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He's a casualty of war, not an enemy.
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brucie-baby · 16 days
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dan mora i beg of you to continue drawing nightwing
(absolute power #3)
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itsdabatt · 8 days
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Some classic team-ups
What do you mean they look off. They’re bats that’s their job
Part 1
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sad-littletalker · 2 months
If Bruce is covering as Nightwing right now, who's acting as Batman in Gotham?
Tim: ok so any takers for the cowl?
*everyone looks at Jason as he is the second oldest*
Jason: oh no way. Absolutely not. Tim?
Tim: after evil gun Batman? ha. Nope. Plus DC doesn't pay much attention to me to make a good story about that.
Damian: may I-
Everyone: no.
Cassandra: I want to be Batman if Steph is my Robin
*everyone considers it*
Tim: that... isn't a bad idea actually. I like it.
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ravenlilyrose · 2 months
Okay, Okay, OKAY!!!
Brucie Wayne and his horde of children (and definitely-not-his-children) attend a costume gala in their vigilante costumes. BUT they mix it up some to throw people off. It would be too easy to match up ages, personalities, body types, etc if they just do it the normal way. But this way it’s fun (and to get Bruce, Damian, etc to participate, it also helps keep secret identities secret.)
Bruce can still be Batman for the sole purpose of trolling people because there is no way Brucie Wayne is Batman. (This is equally hilarious to those in the know and those not.)
I love the trope of Cass and Tim being the same size and just sharing everything, so they just straight-out switch.
Dick finds it absolutely hilarious to wear the Robin costume again. (And carrying around a sword is actually really fun.)
Jason wears the Nightwing costume. Definitely not because he kinda still has a little bit of the little brother hero worship going on. Nope, it’s just because he has the physical build that’s most opposite to Dick’s.
Damian and Steph are fighting over Jason’s helmet when Duke just walks by and snatches it away, putting it on his own head. It takes them embarrassingly long to realize that it’s gone.
That leaves Damian with Spoiler and Steph with Signal. Damian complains and calls all of the purple undignified, but then Commits so hard. No one is quite sure whether he’s upset or if he likes it. Steph spends the whole night forcing people to play along when she ‘disappears.’
Bruce honestly didn’t expect to enjoy being flirty, silly Brucie while wearing the bat suit, but it is actually rather fun. (He is less pleased, however, with the fact that his kids are actually getting up to more nonsense than usual. But it’s not his problem right now. Let the rich socialites and the paparazzi deal with them.)
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threemoonwatchers · 2 months
Thinkin about Moonwatcher again
AU where she’s actually terrible at hiding her powers and it’s only through BBC Merlin levels of pure obliviousness that nobody finds out.
She thinks they know. They don’t.
Notable examples of Things That Have Happened Because Moon Is A Terrible Actor include:
- Kinkajou’s mind in music class: “man what’s that song that’s like ‘IF OUR LOOOVE’S INSANITY WHY ARE YOU MY CLARITY’”
Moon: (immediately starts singing Clarity by Zedd because now it’s stuck in HER head too) (realizes) (stops and shuffles awkwardly)
- Moon finally working up the courage to volunteer to read aloud to the class but she suddenly gets The Vision TM and starts reciting the Jade Mountain prophecy, glowy eyes and all, before apologizing awkwardly and continuing right back into the book. She distances herself from everyone as much as she can the rest of the day but nobody notices anything and just assumed she got lost somehow because she DID drop her book when the vision started
- Moon bringing up SPECIFICALLY the moment where Cobra threw Qibli at the wall for stealing her a coconut in conversation about childhoods “yeah my mom was terrible” “yeah didn’t you like steal a coconut for her and she threw you at the wall??? And you were like REALLY young at the time right???” “…I don’t remember telling you that but yEAH she did” (awkward look from Moon)
- Moon slipping up and saying there are “too many thoughts in here” in a crowded room and even as she’s stiffening up and has this SUPER awkward look on her face everyone just assumes she means her brain like anyone else would
-Moon saying “Mood” when the chorus to Noise by Leah Marlene plays and immediately covering her mouth and looking guilty (all jokes aside please check out this song it’s so good)
-Moon winning 20 questions MULTIPLE times in a row. She’s banned from guessing games now. She always asks one or two questions just to be a lil bit normal but it’s like. “I’m thinking of an animal” “is it furry?” “No” “corn snake?” “yEAH ACTUALLY-”
-Moon having designated a lil area that nobody really goes to where she can run off to if she feels a vision coming on and she’s able to run and Peril getting lost and walking in on her a GAZILLION times (bonus points if it’s in Stonemover’s cave purely because that’d be really funny)
And combine that with the canon muttering prophecies in her sleep and knowing immediately what’s wrong with Bandit and it’s just overall a REALLY suspicious picture
So of course she’s VERY confused after the history cave incident when it turns out NOBODY knew.
(Not even Kinkajou, who unironically used the expression “you just read my mind” SO many times around her it COULDN’T have been a coincidence, right???)
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scrollwyrm · 7 months
Little headcanon because I’m confused and I like to fill in plot-holes with random stuff that interests me:
Mind reading NightWings have a teardrop scale under each eye. Seers have a faint silver diamond on their foreheads. Dragons with empathy powers have a small teardrop next to their eyes and more irregular ‘stars’ on their body, like FateSpeaker and her bracelet-like silver freckles. Dragons with unpredictable seer powers like Whiteout and Comet have black diamonds on their faces and foreheads. Dragons born with blood-moon powers have a red tint to their scales and have red irises. They also have a silver streak down their face instead of a teardrop that looks like a stream of tears. (Because I love angst y’know.) Hybrids can be, and often are, born with NightWing powers, especially if the NightWing gene comes from their mother- genes in WoF are canonically matriarchal, and I headcanon the powers as being a dominant gene. Hope you enjoyed!
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
ok ok. i finally figured out imperial. in this post, i talked about the magic system. each moon gives a different power, but i wasn't sure about imperial.
i've decided that it doesn't give a power of its own. instead, this moon is connected to the royal family.
only dragons born under imperial can be queen. these dragons are chosen by the moons, and no dragon can change this. even if the chosen dragon is not royal, they will still end up queen. most dragons don't know about this- it was common knowledge in darkstalker's time, but it was lost to time. (that's also why darkstalker tried to be king- if he wasn't thrice moonborn, and therefore born under imperial, he wouldn't have tried).
on the volcano, the moons weren't able to choose dragons, so it just went according to the royal family.
in the rainforest, they are ruled by queen glory, who is thrice moonborn and therefore fit to rule.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
The Joker was apprehended, sitting on the ground as Batman guarded him, but the kid--"Bruce Wayne's newest ward, how tragic! Hehehe!"--was nowhere to be found. Nightwing and Red Hood desperate searched the warehouse until a shuffling noise grabbed their attention.
A kid, black haired just like the kid in the Joker's broadcast, crawling out of a pile of boxes. "Is it over?" the boy asked quietly.
Nightwing guided him to the only exit, unfortunately walking past the boy's own kidnapper. "Yeah, kid. It's over. Come on-"
Like a shot, the boy rushed the Joker and kicked him right in the balls.
The Joker wheezed like a dying squeaky toy. Red Hood froze. Nightwing immediately snatched the boy up by the armpits, but all that did was give the boy the height to attack again, punting Joker in the jaw. The clown went down and cracked his head on the floor. He did not get back up.
There was a moment of silence before Red Hood roared with laughter, his helmet distorting the sound.
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batmancurated · 3 months
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nightwing by dan mora & alejandro sanchez
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