#Nigella Sativa
mothmiso · 11 months
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(1) (2) (3) by Codrina Miculit
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haikuckuck · 3 months
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coolhomeutensils1 · 8 months
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GuruNanda Black Seed Oil | Cold-Pressed Nigella Sativa
GuruNanda Black Seed Oil: Nourishment for Body and Mind
GuruNanda Black Seed Oil is a potent blend of naturally occurring nutrients designed to support your overall well-being. Cold-pressed from Nigella Sativa seeds, it’s rich in thymoquinone, a powerful antioxidant known for its immune-boosting properties. This oil is further enhanced with the addition of vitamins D3, K2, and E, creating a synergistic formula that promotes bone health, digestive well-being, and a healthy complexion.
This non-GMO product comes in a convenient 2 Fl.oz bottle, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you’re seeking to strengthen your immune system, improve your bone health, or simply support healthy aging, GuruNanda Black Seed Oil offers a natural and effective solution. Experience the power of this ancient remedy for yourself and unlock a path to optimal health.
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rajabrachmat · 9 months
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Apa Kata Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah Tentang Habbatussauda?
Dalam buku Metode Pengobatan Nabi ﷺ karya Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, beliau mengungkapkan bahwa Jintan hitam atau Al Habbah As Sauda ini dikenal juga sebagai Syuwainiz dalam bahasa Persia. Disebut juga dengan Kammun hitam atau Kammun India atau biji Al Barakah, dari biji ini bisa dibuat minyak yang berkhasiat mengobati batuk, membantu pencernaan, menghilangkan masuk angin dan sejenisnya. Al Harbi meriwayatkan dari Al-Hasan r.a. bahwa jintan hitam disebut juga Khardal. Sementara Al-Harawi menceritakan bahwa jintan hitam juga disebut, Al-Habbah Al-Khadra (Biji Hijau) serta buah Al-Butm. Namun kedua istilah ini salah besar. Yang benar bahwa jintan hitam disebut juga Syuwainiz.
Jintan hitam memiliki banyak sekali khasiat. Arti sabda Nabi ﷺ ‘obat dari segala jenis penyakit’, seperti firman Allah, “menghancurkan segala sesuatu dengan perintah Rabb-nya.” Yakni segala sesuatu yang bisa hancur. Banyak lagi ungkapan-ungkapan sejenis. Jintan hitam memang berkhasiat mengobati segala jenis penyakit dingin, bisa juga membantu kesembuhan sebagai berbagai penyakit panas karena faktor temporal. Jintan hitam bisa menyalurkan energiobat dingin dan basah ke sumber penyakit dengan amat cepat, bila dikonsumsi sekadarnya.
Penulis Al Qanun dan kalangan medis lain menegaskan bahwa jintan hitam cocok dikombinasikan dengan Za’faran dalam tablet, karena memang eneginya amat mudah menembus sasaran. Masih ada lagi kombinasi sejenis yang didkenal oleh pakar industri farmasi. Tidaklah mustahil obat panas berkhasiat juga mengobati penyakit-penyakit panas secara khusus. Karena dia mendapati banyak jenis obat-obatan seperti Enzoat serta berbagai bahan obat lain yang dicampurkan dengannya untuk mengobati penyakit mata, seperti juga sakkarin dan berbagai bahan panas lain. Penyakit mata bersifat panas menurut kesepakatan ahli medis. Belerang yang panas sekali juga berkhasiat mengobati gatal-gatal.
Syuwainiz sendiri bersifat panas dan kering pada tingkatan ketiga, berkhasiat menghilangkan gas, menghilangkan penyebab penyakit alopecia (botak), beguna juga mengobati kusta, demam yang disertai batuk berdahak dan sejenisnya, bisa juga membuka sumbatan, mengusir angin, mengeringkan lambung yang basah dan lembab. Kalau ditumbuk dan dibuat adonan dengan campuran madu, kemudian diminum setelah dicampur air panas, bisa menghancurkan batu ginjal dan batu di kandung kencing, memperlancar air seni, haid dan ASI, bila diminum secara rutin berhari-hari. Kalau dipanaskan dengan campuran cuka buah, lalu dioleskan di perut, pasti akan membunuh bakteri. Bila diadon dengan air tepung basah atau tepung yang sudah dimasak, mampu mengeluarkan cacing dengan lebih kuat. Ia bersifat membersihkan, memotong dan mengurai. Berkhasiat juga menyembuhkan pilek dingin, bila ditumbuk dan diletakkan di sebuah kain lalu terus dihirup, niscaya pilek itu akan hilang.
Minyak jintan hitam amat berkhasiat mengobati kepala, bahkan juga mampu menghilangkan ketombe. Bila diminum kira-kira sesendok dicampur air, bisa juga menghilangkan sesak napas dan sejenisnya. Bila dibalutkan ke kepala, bisa juga mengatasi penyakit pusing biasa. Bila diadon dengan air, bisa juga berkhasiat menambah ASI. Bisa juga mengatasi influensa bila dijadikan sebagai gurah.
Bila dimasak dengan cuka dan digunakan untuk berkumur-kumur, berguna untuk mengobati sakit gigi karena kedinginan. Bila digunakan sebagai gurah dalam bentuk bubuk, berguna untuk memancing air mata yang diperlukan. Bila digunakan sebagai pembalut dicampur dengan cuka, bisa mengatasi jerawat dan kudis bernanah. Bisa juga mengobati pembengkakan kelenjar kronis, bahkan juga tumor.
Jintan hitam bahkan juga berkhasiat mengobati Facial Paralyisis (kelumpuhan di bagian wajah) bila digunakan sebagai gurah dalam bentuk minyak. Bila diminum kira-kira satu gelas atau setengah gelas, bisa berkhasiat mengobati akibat gigitan tawon berbisa. Bila dibalurkan dalam bentuk dicampur dengan minyak Al Habbah Al Khudra, lalu diteteskan di telinga tiga kali, bisa mengatasi hawa dingin, angin dan penyumbatan.
Bila disangrai (digoreng tanpa minyak), lalu ditumbuk halus baru dicampurkan dengan minyak zaitun dan diteteskan di lubang hidung tiga kali atau empat kali, bisa berkhasiat mengatasi pilek yang disertai banyak bersin-bersin. Kalau dibakar dan dicampurkan dengan lilin yang dicairkan dengan minyak Sausan atau minyak inai, lalu dibalurkan pada luka di betis setelah terlebih dahulu dibersihkan dengan cuka, berkhasiat menyembuhkannya.
Bila ditumbuk dengan cuka lalu dibalurkan pada penyakit kusta dan panus hitam bahkan juga penyakit hazaz berat, bisa berkhasiat menyembuhkannya.
Bila ditumbuk halus, setiap hari dibalurkan ke luka gigitan anjing gila sebagian dua atau tiga kali oles, lalu dibersihkan dengan air, pasti berkhasiat sekali, bisa menyelamatkan dari kematian. Bila digunakan sebagai gurah dalam bentuk minyak, berguna mengatasi influensa dan tetanus, bisa mengusir kuman-kumannya. Bila dibakar, asapnya bisa mengusir serangga.
Bila dicairkan dengan Enzoat dicampur dengan air, lalu dioleskan di bagian bawah lengkaran perut baru di bubuhi dengan Syuwainiz akan menjadi semacam balsem yang berkhasiat sekali mengatasi bawasir atau ambeien. Khasiatnya bahkan jauh lebih banyak dari yang telah kita paparkan di sini. Sebaiknya dikonsumsi secara rutin dua sendok saja. Sebagian kalangan medis menyatakan bahwa terlalu banyak mengonsumsinya bisa mematikan.
Sumber: Al-Jauziyyah, Ibnu Qayyim. 2021. Metode Pengobatan Nabi SAW. Griya Ilmu: Jakarta Timur.
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 4 years
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Natürliche Wirkstoffe gegen Allergien
Allergien beeinträchtigen die Lebensqualität. In weniger schweren Fällen können natürliche Wirkstoffe helfen, die Beschwerden zu lindern.
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What Should You Look for in Dietary Supplements for Immune Support?
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a robust immune system is crucial for overall health and wellness. Dietary supplements for immune support can provide essential nutrients to help strengthen the body's natural defenses, especially when diet alone may not be sufficient. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best supplements? Here's a guide to help you understand what to look for in high-quality immune support supplements, featuring a standout product like CORE Immunity® from Nutrient Revolution.
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1. Key Vitamins and Minerals
When selecting dietary supplements for immune support, it’s essential to check if they contain the fundamental vitamins and minerals that boost immune health. These include:
Vitamin C: A powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage, supports the production of white blood cells, and enhances the skin's defense system.
Vitamin D: Crucial for activating immune defenses and improving the body’s resistance to certain infections.
Zinc: Supports the function of immune cells and promotes proper immune responses.
CORE Immunity® contains all these vital nutrients to ensure your immune system is functioning at its best.
2. Herbal Extracts with Proven Benefits
High-quality immune support supplements often include herbal extracts that have been traditionally used for their immune-boosting properties. Look for ingredients like:
Elderberry Extract: Known for its antiviral properties and ability to reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.
Echinacea: A popular herb that stimulates immune cell activity and fights infections.
Astragalus Root: Helps boost the body’s resistance to stress and illness by promoting immune function.
CORE Immunity® incorporates these potent herbal extracts to give your immune system an extra layer of defense.
3. Probiotics for Gut Health
Your gut plays a vital role in immune health, as it houses a large portion of the body’s immune cells. Probiotics—beneficial bacteria—support a healthy gut environment, which in turn strengthens your immune response.
Look for immune support supplements that contain probiotics, which help maintain a balanced gut microbiome and improve the body's defense mechanisms.
CORE Immunity® includes probiotics to enhance gut health, aiding in better nutrient absorption and immune support.
4. Antioxidants for Cellular Protection
Antioxidants help protect cells from oxidative stress, which can weaken the immune system. Dietary supplements for immune support should include antioxidants like:
Vitamin E: Protects cells from damage and supports immune function.
Selenium: An essential mineral that plays a critical role in protecting the body against infections.
CORE Immunity® is rich in these antioxidants, providing comprehensive cellular protection to maintain a strong immune system.
5. Bioavailability
It's not just about what ingredients are included, but how well your body can absorb them. Supplements that have high bioavailability ensure that your body gets the maximum benefit from the nutrients they provide.
CORE Immunity® is formulated for optimal absorption, meaning you get the full immune-boosting benefits of its ingredients.
6. Free from Harmful Additives
Always choose supplements that are free from unnecessary fillers, artificial colors, or harmful chemicals. Opt for products that are non-GMO, gluten-free, and have undergone rigorous quality control testing to ensure safety.
CORE Immunity® meets these high standards, offering a clean, safe formula designed to support immune health without harmful additives.
7. Third-Party Tested
Lastly, make sure the dietary supplements for immune support you choose have been third-party tested. This ensures they meet quality, safety, and potency standards.
CORE Immunity® is third-party tested, guaranteeing its effectiveness and purity.
Choosing the right dietary supplements for immune support can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy and resilient immune system. Look for products like CORE Immunity® that contain essential vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, probiotics, antioxidants, and are formulated for bioavailability and purity. By selecting a supplement that ticks all these boxes, you can ensure that your immune system gets the support it needs to keep you healthy year-round.
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amateurchefstuff · 2 months
Col-i-flor i patates amb llet de coco
Ingredients: 2 patates mitjanes, 1/2 col-i-flor o bròquil verd/lila (no bròcoli) 1/2 culleradeta de llavors de: mostassa negra, comí, fonoll, nigella, cilantre, fenogrec. 1/2 culleradeta de pebre de caiena, curcuma 3 grans d´all, 1 tros de gingebre, 1 ceba vermella, suc de llimona, cilantre fresc, oli de coco, sal i pebre Preparació: Posem un xic d´oli de coco en una paella i així que sigui…
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Studie: Nigella sativa unterstützt die Heilung bei Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis - BezugFarhangi MA, Dehghan P., Tajmiri S., Abbasi MM. Die Auswirkungen von Nigella sativa auf die Schilddrüsenfunktion, den vaskulären endothelialen Wachstumsfaktor im Serum (VEGF)-1, Nesfatin-1 und anthropometrische Merkmale bei Patienten mit Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis: eine randomisierte kontrolliert... - #HashimotoThyreoiditis #heilung #Nigella #sativa #Studie #unterstützt
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josscur01 · 2 years
Black Cumin Seed (Black Seed) Oil 250 ml. Nigella sativa Cold Press
Nigella sativa is a small flowering shrub with purple or white-tinged flowers that grows in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and western Asia.While it may look unsuspecting, the shrub produces fruits that have tiny black seeds. These black seeds have been used in remedies for thousands of years.Archaeologists even found black seeds in King Tut’s tomb, emphasizing their importance in history for healing and protection. They’re also used in cooking to add flavor to bread, curries, and pickles.
Black Cumin Seed (Black Seed) Oil 250 ml. Nigella sativa Cold Press
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: First image is bowl of collard greens with tomato and sliced jalepeño; second image shows several Ethiopian vegetable dishes on a piece of injera. End ID]
ጎመን / Gomen (Ethiopian collard greens)
This wot, or stew, consists of leafy greens that are cooked until tender with onion, garlic, ginger, tomato, and spices including korerima (Ethiopian false cardamom) and tikur azmud (nigella seeds). The result is a robust, flavorful side dish with an intensely aromatic finish.
Recipe under the cut!
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12oz (340g) collard greens, kale, or other bitter greens, washed
1/4 cup avocado or sunflower oil, or other neutral oil
1 red onion, chopped or grated
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 1/2 tsp minced ginger
1 tomato, minced
1 tsp cumin seeds, toasted and ground
1 tsp coriander seeds, toasted and ground
1/2 tsp Ethiopian false cardamom (korerima / ኮረሪማ; Aframomum melegueta), toasted and ground
1 tsp nigella seeds (tikur azmud / ጥቁር አዝሙድ; Nigella sativa), toasted and ground
1 jalapeño, sliced
Salt to taste (about 3/4 tsp table salt)
Mitmita (ሚጥሚጣ), to taste (see notes at end)
For more information on Ethiopian herbs and spices, including suggested substitutions, see the notes at the end of my berbere recipe.
Some recipes include niter kibbeh (ንጥር ቅቤ) in Ethiopian vegetable dishes such as gomen; this isn't typical, but you may add a teaspoon or so at the end of the cooking time if you have some lying around!
1. If using collard greens, discard any yellow leaves. Bend the end of each stem backwards and peel away the string that emerges. If the stems are stiff, remove them; if they are tender, they may be minced and included in the dish. Dice greens (finer than I did in the picture!).
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2. Heat onion, tomato, about a third of the garlic, and a pinch of salt in a dry pot on medium heat. Continue to cook, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pot often, until tomato is softened and onion is translucent.
Beginning the cooking process without oil is traditional in Ethiopia, but if you’re worried that they may stick, you may heat a little oil in the pot before adding the onion, tomato, and garlic.
3. Add oil and sauté, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes, until mixture is very soft and homogenous. Lower heat it ncessary.
4. Add ginger and another third of the garlic and sauté for about 30 seconds, until no longer raw-smelling.
5. Add ground spices and a couple tablespoons of water. Heat until simmering and add chopped greens.
6. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender (about 20-30 minutes).
7. Add salt to taste, jalepeño, and the remainder of the garlic and cook for another couple minutes.
Serve warm as a side with injera, misir wat, doro wat, etc.
For the mitmita:
Mitmita is a spicy seasoning mix that may be included in Ethiopian dishes, or served at the table as a condiment. Preparations differ, but recipes usually include chili, korerima, and cloves, and may also include cumin, green cardamom, allspice, black pepper, cinnamon, or garlic powder.
20 dried bird's-eye chili peppers (piri piri)
2 Tbsp cumin seeds (optional)
1 Tbsp korerima seeds
1 Tbsp green cardamom pods (optional)
2 tsp whole cloves
1-inch piece Ceylon cinnamon (optional)
Bags of bird's-eye chili peppers can be purchased at a halal grocery store, where they will likely be a product of India or Thailand; they may not be labelled "bird's-eye," but look for the small size and curved shape.
Toast spices one at a time in a small dry skillet on medium heat until fragrant. Allow to cool completely and then grind in a spice mill or using a mortar and pestle. Store in an airtight jar in a cool, dry place.
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Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion
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Reveal an Even-Toned, Brightened and Illuminated Complexion with this VEGAN Nigella Sativa Ayurvedic Skin Specialist, made specially to brighten and even-tone complexion! 
Varanya Pure Black Even-Toning Facial Potion
Ayurveda’s Triple-Black Brightening Specialist for Skin that lacks luster and brilliance 
This Facial Potion made up of the iconic Black Seed-Trio: Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa), Black Cumin Seed and Black Sesame Seed, all three known in Ayurveda for their clarifying and brightening effects on skin!  
Improve your skin’s natural complexion and bid adieu to the look of uneven spots or blemishes to flaunt a more even-toned appearance
Tighten the look of large pores without the appearance of dark, oily spots 
Proffer upon your skin a matte-finish��– neither too dry nor too oily, and the brightness of a million stars!
Best suited for oily or combination skin types – BUT – when mixed with iYURA’s intensely moisturizing oils, dry and aging skin get ALL of Nigella Sativa’s benefits too, and more! 
The Black Seed Trio boosts skin’s ability to fight stressors from both inside and outside
Even works as an excellent cleansing oil due to Nigella Sativa’s deep-cleansing properties. All you need are a few drops to wipe off that excess makeup!
A multi-use, agile face oil for cleansing, purifying, brightening and even-toning!
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haikuckuck · 3 months
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Schwarz Kümmel,Nigella
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nathanielaaron · 10 months
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🖲Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.
🖲NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.
🖲Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.
🖲Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.
🖲Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. 
🖲Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.
🖲Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.
🖲Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.
🖲Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.
🖲Dandelion Root —  blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.
🖲Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.
🖲Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.
🖲Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.
Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.
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rajabrachmat · 9 months
Apa Kata Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah Tentang Habbatussauda?
Dalam buku Metode Pengobatan Nabi ﷺ karya Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, beliau mengungkapkan bahwa Jintan hitam atau Al Habbah As Sauda ini dikenal juga sebagai Syuwainiz dalam bahasa Persia. Disebut juga dengan Kammun hitam atau Kammun India atau biji Al Barakah, dari biji ini bisa dibuat minyak yang berkhasiat mengobati batuk, membantu pencernaan, menghilangkan masuk angin dan sejenisnya. Al Harbi…
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 4 years
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Schwarzkümmelöl - Wirksame Unterstützung für die Gesundheit
Schwarzkümmel hat viele medizinische Eigenschaften. Die heilenden Eigenschaften von Schwarzkümmelöl basieren auf dem enthaltenen Thymochinon.
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Top Reasons to Choose CORE Immunity® Health Vitamins for Immune Support
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a strong and healthy immune system is more important than ever. The CORE Immunity® Health Vitamins from Nutrient Revolution® provide a reliable solution to enhance your body's natural defenses. Designed to offer comprehensive immune support, these vitamins combine a blend of essential nutrients that work together to keep your immune system functioning at its best. Here's why you should consider incorporating CORE Immunity® into your wellness routine.
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1. Powerful Blend of Immune-Boosting Ingredients
CORE Immunity® is formulated with a carefully selected combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants known to support immune health. The product includes:
Vitamin C: A potent antioxidant that helps protect the body from free radicals and boosts white blood cell function.
Zinc: Essential for immune cell development and communication, zinc plays a key role in reducing inflammation and promoting immune response.
Vitamin D3: Known for its role in modulating the immune system, Vitamin D3 enhances the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages.
2. Comprehensive Immune System Support
CORE Immunity® provides a full spectrum of nutrients that target multiple aspects of immune health. It supports the production of immune cells, improves the body’s response to pathogens, and helps reduce oxidative stress. This broad approach ensures your immune system is strong enough to defend against various external threats.
3. Scientifically Backed Formula
The ingredients in CORE Immunity® are supported by extensive scientific research, ensuring that each component has proven immune-boosting properties. The combination of these nutrients works synergistically, giving your body the best possible support for immune health.
4. Convenient and Easy to Use
CORE Immunity® is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Its easy-to-take capsule form makes it convenient for those with busy lifestyles, ensuring you get the immune support you need without the hassle of multiple supplements.
5. High-Quality Standards
Manufactured by Nutrient Revolution, CORE Immunity® adheres to the highest quality standards. The product is made with non-GMO ingredients and is free from artificial preservatives, making it a clean and trustworthy choice for those looking to prioritize their immune health.
6. Supports Overall Wellness
While the primary goal of CORE Immunity® is to bolster the immune system, the vitamins and minerals in this formula also support overall wellness. The nutrients help improve energy levels, reduce inflammation, and contribute to better skin health, making CORE Immunity® a comprehensive health supplement.
7. Affordable and Accessible
At a price of $39.99 per bottle, CORE Immunity® offers excellent value for the quality and range of benefits it provides. Each bottle contains a one-month supply, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term immune support. Additionally, Nutrient Revolution often provides discounts and bundle deals, making it easier to maintain your immune health.
If you're looking for a reliable, scientifically backed solution to enhance your immune system, CORE Immunity® Health Vitamins from Nutrient Revolution® is an excellent choice. With its blend of immune-supporting ingredients, convenience, and affordability, CORE Immunity® helps ensure your body is well-prepared to face everyday health challenges.
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