#Nico di Angelo the jar
devils-little-sista · 3 months
Do you guys ever reread PJO or son of Neptune and realize how charismatic and sly and cunning and charming Nico was sometimes before Tartarus.
And then you read after Tartarus (mark of Athena and house of hades) and he’s so serious and mature and morose all the time.
And then in blood of Olympus we get a tiny hint of that coming back when he’s with Reyna but it’s barely there blink and you miss it it could easily be tacked off as Ricks own humor seeping into the character.
And then ToA he has way more of of that charismatic sly cunning funny back but it’s still not as present in him as it used to be before.
He never was the same again. Tartarus and the jar really did change him forever.
(Side note: I really want to skim through the series and find all the parts of Nico being a little shit before Tartarus and after Tartarus and put them all together into a master post and compare them but that’s gonna take me a while).
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I’m sorry guys but this is exactly how Nico looks in my head about 90% of the time
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mioakem · 7 months
Sometimes I remember that nico lost his mother and then was put in a hotel for seventy years and finally get let out and then found out that his dad was a Greek god and he was so excited but then his sister decided to join the hunters of Artemis and he’s happy for her but also scared once he finds out that she’s going on a quest so he makes the cute guy who saved him earlier promise to keep her safe only for him to return after the quest and tell him that his sister had died and then everyone hated him because of who his father was and he realized he was in love with the guy who he blames for his sisters death and hates himself for it and then he goes on a side quest with Percy and brings him to his fathers palace under the impression that hades just wanted to talk with Percy because he said that it he brought Percy to him then he would tell him more about his family but then hades tricks the both of them and imprisons Percy and Nico goes to save him but Percy doesn’t trust him anymore and then he single handedly brought three gods to help with the battle of manhattan only to still not feel welcomed and then he learned that there might be a way to bring back his dead sister only to find out that she had chosen rebirth and then found his other sister and brought her back from the fields of asphodel and then found another camp and started to actually heal and then Percy shows up with no memory and he lies to him and promptly dips and ends up completely alone in Tartarus only to get kidnapped by two giants and get stuffed in a jar with only a limited supply of pomegranates and then when the seven finally come to save him he finds out that most of them didn’t even want to save him and thought it would just be better to leave him in the jar to die and then he had to watch the guy who he’s not rlly in love with anymore fall into Tartarus but not before making him promise to lead a group of people that hate him to the house of hades and he agrees to it and then everyone except for his sister stay away from him because they think he’s creepy and weird until he has to go on a side quest with Jason to retrieve something from Cupid and he is forced to admit that he was gay and in love with Percy to a guy he barely knows let alone trusts and then realizes that no one would hate him because of that and he makes his first actual friend and then he volunteers himself to go on a deadly quest to take a ginormous statue back to camp via shadow travel and he nearly dies from it but he also developed a strong friendship with Reyna along the way and after the war he finally allows himself to be loved by his friends and tells Percy how he used to feel about him and meets Will and is finally happy for the first time in a while and then his boyfriends dad shows up as a mortal but he doesn’t think much of it until one day he feels the same feeling he felt when Bianca died and realized that Jason had died and goes into a deep depression and then Reyna also joined the hunters and everything just sucks again but at least he has Will and people at camp don’t really hate him anymore but then he starts getting plagued with nightmares and it gets so bad to the point where he finally gives in and goes down into Tartarus again but with Will this time and is forced to face his demons but ends up embracing them and freeing his friend and everything is now kind of okay again and he starts kinda developing a friendship with Piper and he’s actually happy but who knows how long that’s gonna last cause he’s been happy before and look where that got him
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Another reason why we should get to have Percy and Nico working their shit out so that they can actually work together to deal with immortals: it would in fact be extremely funny. A god has to deal with these two and ends up in a really awkward situation, because Percy really sucks to deal with but Nico is simply a delight and must be protected. They really want to kill Percy! But they can't, because poor darling Nico would be so upset by that. And Nico would find out, because he's the son of Hades and so could just go and ask Percy (and also I mean someone's gonna see it and no one can resist Nico so he's gonna find out even if he doesn't go chat with Percy's ghost). The desire to smite the shit out of Percy vs the desire to not do anything that would make Nico sad: fight! Some real "unstoppable force meets immovable object" stuff going on here. I'm imagining a similar energy to Ares not fighting Percy in Titan's Curse because Aphrodite's there but he's even more annoyed about it. ...Actually just in general this is quite possibly at its funniest if it is in fact Ares they're dealing with. Can you imagine Ares realizing he can't beat Percy to a pulp because his favourite cousin would be sad about it, it'd be hilarious.
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asolareclipses · 6 months
(Previous part)
The room full of eyes burned into to him, and Nico imagined this is what ants felt like under a magnifying glass. Everyone looked at him expectantly, as if he knew everything about darkness. Something’s dark? Yeah just ask Nico he’ll definitely know. That didn’t really bother him though, because he didn’t blame them. If someone were to mention storms he’d look at Jason, probably. What bothered Nico was the fear that lay behind some of their eyes, a traitor was in camp, one hiding in darkness. It was only human to be suspicious.
“…I’m not sure what it is.” Nico said, it was a half truth. He had a hollow feeling that he knew who was behind this chaos, but it was a feeling he wanted to ignore for as long as he could. But the spirits he spoke to that morning had only confirmed his deepest worries.
“Well someone wanted you dead,” Dana said, “unless..”
“Unless?” If eyes could shoot daggers, Wills eyes would be shooting swords.
“Im not insinuating anything, but my mother’s Athena so I was taught to see the bigger picture.” She seemed hesitant as she spoke, “It would be a genius plan.”
Nico’s heart stopped. He felt like his did all those years ago as he watched, behind a dream, his friends debate whether he was worth saving. As accusation of trust which had destroyed him, despite him never speaking of it. He’d hadn’t even told Will, keeping that memory locked away as it slowly ate away at his sanity.
“You can’t be serious,” Will stood up. His voice was cold and harsh as ice, as his fists clenched in a sense of rage.
“No,” Nico stood up, he put his hand on Wills arm. Will had always fought tooth and nail for him, Nico wished he didn’t have to. Every time Wills gentle demeanor turned to that of anger, it made Nico feel an all consuming sense of shame; if only he could be more simple, more easy to handle. “It’s fine, if that’s what you think.” He tried to keep his voice steady, each breath he took brought him back to that table, that ship, that jar.
The room suddenly felt suffocating, the air felt too stale, he felt trapped again.
Will turned to him, his brows knit in utter concern, “Are you okay?”
His words felt muffled beneath the ringing in Nico’s ears, “Y-yeah..I just need a moment.” He didn’t want to, but his body took over as he rushed out of the front door. A second longer in that room had been unimaginable.
As his shoes hit the grass, it withered. He cursed under his breath as he tried to steady his hands.
“You’re not in that stupid jar, pull yourself together,” He muttered leaning against the wall along the side of the big house. Whatever breathing exercises Mr D. had taught him dissipated with his panic. He knew how stupid it was, running away as soon as someone accused him. That was probably the most suspicious thing that someone could do. ‘Oh are you the murderer’ ‘No, bye!’
Still, his stomach felt like as if it had been tied into several knots, corroding him from the inside out with painful moments from the past. He felt like he was there again, watching the two people he was closest to now, debating his life. Nico had never blamed them, he’d never hated them. It was never them who hurt him, it was himself. He hated himself.
Nico would’ve stayed there, drowning in his thoughts forever, if it weren’t for the sudden sounds of clashing that echoed through the camp. It sounded as if something was skittering across the ground, followed by metal scraping against rock. His hand instinctually went to where his sword would be, but unfortunately he’d left it in his cabin. Despite that he still headed towards the strange sound, attempting to be as silent as possible.
When he peeked around the corner he saw Mae, a new camper who had shown up with her younger brother Sam a week ago. They had been claimed as children of Hecate the night they showed up. The two of them reminded Nico of when he and Bianca first came to camp, he couldn’t decide if that was more painful or comforting. Unfortunately the sound wasn’t just Mae sword practicing, as a large shadowy creature stood infront of her. It was similar to a scorpion, but its form flowed with a wobbly consistency.
Mae stood there, sword in hand as she faced the creature. Her hands shook as she trembled in terror, Sam was hiding behind her. Nico could almost picture himself, that day at Westover, cowering behind Bianca as their Vice Principal turned into a monster.
The scorpion thing moved forward to strike and Nico rushed to intercept, it was incredibly stupid as he didn’t have a weapon, but still he charged ahead. Just as it thrust its claw towards Mae, Nico willed all the shadows it was made from against it. The darkness seemed to fight him, barely remaining under his control.
He bided enough time to grab the sister and brother, pushing them out of the way. “Mae, take Sam and run to the big house.” Nico said as he took the sword from her hand. His words were rushed as he could feel the scorpion regaining its control behind him.
“But I can help!” Mae’s eyes were filled with the same bravery Bianca’s had once shown.
“You don’t have to be a hero just yet okay? Just make sure Sam is safe for now,” He didn’t allow Mae to protest and she agreed, grabbing her brother by the arm and running off towards the big house.
Nico almost breathed a sigh of relief until he turned and was face to face (or what he presumed to be its face) with the creature. Up close, its shadows swirled and shifted like each was breathing on its own. Its claw lifted and swung at him, and Nico lifted his sword in an attempt to block the attack, but the sword passed through the creature like it was made of air. The claw kept going unbothered and Nico barely managed to move in time to not get chopped in half, unfortunately the sharp spikes along the claws managed to slice into his arm.
Nico reminded himself to never leave his cabin without his sword again as his arm began to drip with blood.
“What is that?!” The counselors from the big house had all began rushing out towards Nico, along with them, more campers rushed over too.
The scorpion turned towards the others, its void-like claws snapping. Nico knew there was nothing their swords could do to kill it; so in a last ditch effort he slammed his foot against the ground, a large crack spreading and swallowing the creature whole. A second later the crack sealed up, leaving a barren scar along the grass. The satyrs were going to hate him for that.
“Oh my Gods Nico what was that?” Leo had rushed forwards with Jason and Will.
“I don’t know,” Nico said through heavy breaths, the pain from the creatures claws was overpowering as it seemed to seep throughout his whole body.
“Your arm,” Wills face was pale as he gaped at the wound.
“How did that thing get into camp?” Connor asked as he stared at the large gash along the dirt.
“It shouldn’t have been able to get through the boundaries,” Chiara said.
Suddenly a lot of suspicious eyes were on Nico, again.
Will seemed to notice as he snapped towards the small group of campers gathered around them, “You can’t be serious!”
“Will we’re not saying anything it’s just…” Dana seemed reluctant to continue.
“Who else could conjure up something like that?” An Ares camper called out, Sherman quickly turned glaring towards the person who’d spoken.
“Give me one good reason why Nico would do that!” Jason yelled, and as he did the air seemed to turn electric.
The campers went silent, they all seemed to have a thought on their mind yet no one spoke it aloud.
“I get it..” Nico said cutting through the silence, his voice like a knife. “I’ll figure this out myself.”
He stepped backwards into the shadow behind him, the last thing he saw was Will eyes widening as he called out, “Wait Nico!”
Nico didn’t wait, he disappeared into the shadows, but not before Leo could manage to latch onto his arm, following him into the shadows.
As the world faded to black he heard a sharp sickeningly familiar voice in his head, Strike one little demigod.
Leo wasn’t sure if following Nico was incredibly smart or incredibly stupid, but with his track record it was probably the latter. His body had reacted before he’d thought about his decision though, and he was quickly pulled into the shadows. As he entered the darkness he was hit by a sense of cold from every direction, it was as if he were surrounded by nothing. He’d forgotten what shadow travel felt like, and he’d forgotten how much it sucked.
He was never more glad to see the sun when they stumbled out of the dark. They were in some park, with a vast assortment of trees spread throughout the grass. The air was warm and fresh, providing a comforting breeze as the sun shined above them.
“Valdez i’m going to-“ Nico began to say something in his usual angry tone before he doubled over onto the ground. The grass around him withered and black smoke seemed to trail off of him.
“Nico are you-“
“Shut up.” Nico cut him off, speaking through gritted teeth. Leo felt guilty, just standing there, but after a moment Nico managed to steady himself.
“Dude are you okay?” Leo asked, unable to convey the pure amount of worry he felt.
“It’s fine.” Nico took a shaky breath, struggling to stand.
Leo wanted to reach out and help him, but he had a feeling it would not of been appreciated. “That didn’t look fine.”
Nico eyes snapped towards him, “Why did you follow me?”
“Because I wasn’t going to let you run away all on your own like an idiot?”
“Who said I was running away?” Nico looked at Leo like he was stupid.
Nico sighed, wiping the dirt off his hands, “I was going to try and find what’s been causing all of this. If I can find it and stop it then this whole mess will be over.”
Leo gaped at him for a moment, he felt a rush of sadness and then anger, “You thought you could just go out all on your own? By yourself?”
“I don’t want anyone else getting hurt, this is my mess.”
“First of all,” Leo felt himself heating up, literally as the tips of his hair began to smoke. “You can’t just try and solve everything on your own like that, you could get hurt, or maybe worse..secondly, how is this your mess?”
Nico paused, a hesitant look passed over his face. “Because I think I know who’s doing this.” He paused before speaking again as Leo waited for him to continue, “Nyx.”
“Nyx as in Night? Why would Night be specifically attacking you?”
“I guess I hurt her pride back in tartarus,” Nico said. Leo thought about how casually he’d said that, like that fact he’d been there twice was no big deal. “Or..”
“Or?” Leo couldn’t imagine how it could get worse.
“She’s trying to rise. I mean after Gaea rising and the Giants attacking, there must of been a lot of time for her to gather her power. She’s a goddess after all, she might be trying to rise like Kronos did.”
“Great, that’s amazing.” Leo sighed, there it went, getting worse. Unsurprisingly, they couldn’t go more than a year without something very bad happening. “So she’s coming after you first, for what, a grudge?”
“That..or it’s because i’m the only one who can really stop her, if she gets rid of me first she has a better chance of taking down camp.”
“So you go out to try and face her, on your own?” Leo felt his patience running thin, “Isn’t that exactly what she’d want?”
“I wanted to stop her, before she could hurt anyone else.” Nico looked down, he wouldn’t meet Leo’s eyes anymore, his focus now on the withered grass.
Leo felt a tinge of guilt as his anger dissipated, “You don’t have to do everything by yourself you know that? This Nyx lady, she loves darkness?” Leo’s hands sparked into flames, “Then i’ll show her some real light.”
A hint of a smile creeped onto Nico’s face, “I’m not convincing you to let me do this on my own am I?”
“Nope!” Leo’s flames turned to smoke as he reached into his tool belt, pulling out some bandages. “Now let’s get you all fixed up before we put ourselves in any further danger.”
Nico rolled his eyes, looking at the deep gashes along his arm. Something about the cuts was abnormal, yet Leo couldn’t figure it out. It was yet another moment where he realized that he could fix any machine, but when it came to humans he was seriously lacking. Again, he wished he was a doctor like Will or something, magic healing powers would be great right about now. Even ambrosia would’ve been nice, but of course the most he could give was papery bandages and some screws and bolts.
He did an extremely poor clean up job on the wound before stopping to ask, “Maine is a pretty big state, where to first?”
A dark shadow seemed to pass over Nico’s face as he met Leo’s eyes, “Westover. Me and Bianca’s last school.”
(Part Four)
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tagthescullion · 1 year
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“Twins snuff out the angel's breath”
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
and to think these motherfuckers all saw him as some creepy weirdo they needed to keep a safe distance from and debated to just LEAVE HIM TO DIE. i am trembling with rage i will burn them alive i will fucking stab them open i will feast with their guts i will
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writerofthewinds · 2 years
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@yonemurishiroku A picture from Mark of Athena Graphic novel with Nico in the jar .
Releases 26 September 2023.
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stygianoaths · 2 years
I just think there's so much potential in Nico and Zagreus's brotherhood.
Like imagine Zagreus trying to break out of Tartarus so many fucking times, now with limited help from the Olympians due to the war topside and then this tiny ass demigod who just happens to be his half-brother drops from Gods know where and immediately said demigod wants to get out.
Zagreus is like "damn, you just got here, though?" but then he shrugs it off and offers the kid a chance to come with him on a run. He knows the place like the back of his hand; finding the Doors of Death should be easy enough.
On the way, he tells Nico his story, Nico tells his own, and Zagreus learns that no, Nico can't regenerate like he can.
"Well! That raises the stakes a bit higher," Zagreus comments. Nico snorts.
Imagine their father, who is suffering from his split between his greek and roman personalities, sending the worst of monsters to reel Zagreus back to the House of Nyx (not House of Hades like the game since it clashes with the plot of the Heroes of Olympus series) without realizing Nico is there with him.
Zagreus is genuinely impressed with Nico's swordsmanship with the Stygian blade, and loses his mind when Nico uses a bit of shadow travel to escape from getting hit by a club.
"Can't you just shadow travel your way to the top?" he asks the demigod curiously, but the words go unheard. Nico looks exhausted.
"Woah, woah, are you okay?"
Nico collapses into his arms, face contorted into a pained expression. Zagreus has seen it before. Betrayal.
"He wouldn't kill me," he whispers before looking at his older brother, "Zagreus, he wouldn't kill me right? I heard him. I heard Father."
Zagreus, who awkwardly scratches his neck and answers back with, "Um, well... actually, he would, that is, if I'm any reference to go by."
And then he freaks out when Nico starts crying because apparently the kid has lost his sister and mother, and Hades, as his father, is the only family he's got. Sure, the big guy had a record of almost blasting Nico in the past (during some war Zagreus learns) but Nico had thought they were genuinely on better terms.
"He named me his ambassador!" he cries out. Zagreus has no idea what that means. Hm, must be a mortal world thing.
Towards the end of the journey, Zagreus understands that getting out of Tartarus is a really big deal for Nico. When the demigod catches some sleep (and not of the fitful kind), the god of blood watches him guiltily.
Because here's the thing: Zagreus hasn't exactly, uh, how shall he say, gotten out of Tartarus before.
He wasn't lying when he said he knows the place through and through, he does! But he did omit how many times he died and just how large the swarms of monsters are. Getting this far with the kid has been a miracle, especially now that the Olympians have been less... generous with their boons. He's not sure if he'll make it.
That's not what matters though, does it? What matters is that Nico makes it. What's another run for our dear Zagreus?
Enter scene where a monster gets a bit too close to Nico.
"Watch out!" Zagreus roars, before dashing between the two. Nico hears the sickening crunch of broken bones and he's screaming, because his older brother is on the floor, mangled and crying out. He tries to run back.
"Go," Zagreus hisses out, "GO!"
Nico is nothing short of horrified when he sees Zagreus seep into a rippling pool of red before he disappears.
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Anw Nico who lives not for himself but for those who needs him.
Yes this is about Nico and Hazel.
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callingauguste · 9 months
Scrolling through Ao3 and half of the fandom interpreting the Big Three Kids as cousins and the other as well not…bugs tf out of me. Because technically neither interpretations are wrong.
Like Jercy and Perico and whatever else there is, technically is fine. But like I don’t- it doesn’t - my brain hurts😭
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croiisamt · 3 months
ok so an image came to me in a dream last night
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anyways I think this is why my friends think I'm weird
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quismihiignem · 8 months
Nico and Annabeth both go through the same process of finding someone to stay with them.
Annabeth though out of books is looking for someone to stay with her. There was Luke and he left, then Thalia and she joined the hunters, and even Grover went searching for other demigods and eventually Pan. Everyone is leaving her and her goal in the end is to find someone to stay with her.
Nico has lost a lot of people who were close to him. Bianca joined the hunters and then died, his mother was taken from him, along with his memories from before the casino, he was also somewhat shunned by camp half blood.
They both have gone through great trouble with their loses and deserve more than just a small reward from the gods in turn.
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churrorat-art · 9 months
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Twins snuff out the Angel's breath,
Who holds the key to endless death.
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taehyuns-chompers · 2 years
do you guys ever sit down and imagine nico finding out the sevens were going to let him suffocate in that jar
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85percentwater · 2 years
pickling my blorbos so they last through the winter
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