#Nick x Maddie
skylandart · 2 years
First off, I love your drawings so much, you’re incredibly talented!
if you get to this request, can you draw Nick x Madison? :’) idk why but I always pictured them swimming together, splashing each other, and eventually hugging, foreheads touching :’) (a hopeless romantic, am I right?)
Thank you 🥺
Hey anon!!! Thank youuu!! 🥰
For your request… I’m an absolute hopeless romantic too— I feel you I absolutely feel you!!
Sooooo here you go!!
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But listen— what if we throw in a splash of nick’s fire powers in too?? Maddie’s water to cool down her fire boy~ hope you like it!!
I have a normal (no fire) version too— if anyone wants, lemme know~
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Good Evening.
If you're not busy, may I request a Nick/Maddie Halloween fic.
I hope I'm not being a bother...
Hi anon!! I’m on a different time zone and I got the ask a little late at night, BUT i got some time, and I wanna keep the Halloween spirit so here it is!! Sorry it’s a little short~ ^^
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go to the Rock Emporium Party? For Halloween??” Madison asked, moving to the side, letting him enter the apartment she shared with Vida.
The red ranger wasn’t wearing a halloween costume, only a red and grey hoodie, black pants, and looked like he had been mauled by Halloween party goers, with confetti, plastic spiders, what looked like Halloween candy and god knows what all else, in his hair, and stuck to his clothes.
“Vida said you were staying home.” He said, running a hand through his hair, and trying to weed out the junk, “could I crash, maybe?”
“You look like you need a place to crash or you’ll start chewing on metal rods” Maddie laughed, while he settled down on the couch, and started pulling his shoes off.
“Why didn’t you go to the party?” He saw her leaning against the doorframe of her living room after closing the door behind her, and she shrugged.
“I’m not a… party-goer type of person. I have a bit of social anxiety. Vida knows it— she wouldn’t let anyone force me into it either” Maddie grinned, “besides, she has enough company with Chip and Xander”
“I can see that” he snorted, “who do you think did this to me”
“Chip and Xander?” She almost choked, coming to sit beside him, and help him weed out the candy wrappers, among other things, from his hair and hoodie.
“They set a gang of pre-schoolers on my trail, saying uncle Nick was MADE OF CANDY! And then did some sort of spell on me so I would smell of candy!” He groaned loudly, while Maddie burst into a mess of giggles, “you’re still smelling like candy!”
He rolled his eyes, and watched her plop back on the couch, looking slightly relieved, especially at the fact that she was smiling, “what do you do for Halloween?” He asked her, suddenly.
“Me? I watch some halloween flicks? Scary movies?? Chill a bit? Give out candy to the trick-or-treaters” she explained, with the most genuine smile he had ever seen on anyone. Maddie was shy, but she had opened up to him, and their friends. He could understand where she was coming from, not wanting to go to parties; he’d been somewhat of an anti-social kid himself. But he didn’t want Maddie to be alone on halloween, so when he found out she was chilling alone, in her apartment, he had sneakily put that charm on himself— as an excuse to get away from the party (Xander and Chip had had no idea what was happening)— and unleashed the band of pre-schoolers, who had mauled him for candy.
“I’m down for watching a flick with you, but… can we ignore the trick-or-treaters?” He asked, a little hesitantly, shuddering at the memory of the wild children on q sugar rush.
Maddie chuckled, understanding, “yeah, yeah sure. Wanna pick out the movie with me?”
They ended up watching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Maddie was surprised to see Nick flinching in places, and screaming like a scared toddler at every single appearance of Leatherface, that Maddie made it her mission to make fun of the classic villain every single time he appeared, so that nick’s terrified squeals ended up in wheezes, and he clutched her shoulder, to steady himself while she continued her charade.
They didn’t realise when how quickly the night passed— and when they fell asleep, instead, Vida found them cuddling together on the couch, while the end credits played, oblivious to everything in the world, but each other. Picking up Maddie’s video camera, she quickly recorded the small scene, making a mental note to tease her sister to the end of time, about said events— but at the moment, she couldn’t help but smile at the little moment they were sharing.
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pourts · 9 days
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nostalgicninjas · 4 months
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Emma and Jax Hugs | Every Witch Way (2014-2015)
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sarahwritesfics · 4 months
New girl x 911 parallel
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neverscreens · 1 year
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My So-Called Death, 412 Screencaps.
The Fault in Our Scars, 406 Screencaps.
Dead and Confused, 369 Screencaps.
Ghoul Intentions, 426 Screencaps.
The Twilight End Zone, 379 Screencaps.
Grave the Last Dance, 487 Screencaps.
Séance Anything, 496 Screencaps.
Madison's Body, 491 Screencaps.
Find in GALLERIES. Like or reblog the post it was useful. Your interaction shows me that I should keep making screencaps. And if you want me to post some in separate posts, tell me! ♡
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Inspiration came from this post by @stars-obsession-pit !
Word count: 1479
Masterpost of Archive Down Fics here.
(I wrote three dp x dc fics based off of prompts I've seen in the last day for reading while the site is getting maintenance. )
There was a high, shrill scream in the Fenton lab.
Maddie bolted for the stairs, abandoning her coffee without a thought. She flung herself down to see Jack bent over a body in front of the portal.
“Is this person a threat?” Maddie prepared to defend her husband, but the body didn't move.
Jack looked up at her. “No, I was just surprised! I think he's hurt, Mads.”
Her bleeding heart husband. She crossed the room and rolled their intruder over to see it was a kid, maybe Danny's age. In his sleep, he had a sweet, soft face. His face and throat were covered in faint scars.
Well. That was one of hers, now. No getting around it. That was a teenage boy on her floor who has obviously been the victim of violence.
“Well, shit,” Maddie said companionably. She blew out air between her teeth. “Dear, would you put clean sheets on in Jazz's room?”
They were running out of space, between the clones and the past evil alternate future children.
Jack saluted her, shouted an affirmation , and bounded away.
Maddie took a moment to wonder if her children would be an infinitely expanding collection and if so, if it would be better to move into Vlad's castle than to build the home addition they had planned for.
She gathered the teenager up in her arms despite him being her size, and laid him out on an exam table. She started checking his vitals.
A hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Maddie said. She redirected her hand to smooth hair behind his ear. He blearily followed the movement, just as obviously intelligent as he was obviously compromised. She didn't know if it was a concussion or drugs or what, but this boy was not well. “It's Friday June 29th, and you're in Amity Park, Illinois. I'm Madeleine Fenton and you're at my house because you fell through a portal. Is there someone I should call for you?”
He stared at her. She could see the moment he decided not to speak to her.
That situation didn't change much all day. The kid walked himself up to bed and peered around at Jazz's old posters. He seemed to want to be alone, but Maddie caught him watching Dani and Dan playing catch in the yard. She made eye contact with him over her book and then looked back at her shrieking kids. Dan was doing flips on the trampoline and launching his sister in the air, catching and tossing her back up in the nick of time between flips.
Their new boy closed his curtains.
“I was thinking about Dante,” Jack said, bringing out a pitcher of iced tea. “Or, how about Jasper! Eh? Eh? You know, like Jazz-per?” Jack belly laughed.
“He probably has his own name,” Maddie said calmly. She'd estimated him at 16 or so, anyway. But whatever. If he wasn't going to give them a name, they did eventually need something to call him. And they needed to sort out accommodation fast, before Jazz got back from her college tour trip.
“Let's go with Jasper until he gives us his real name.” There were enough Ds in her home, honestly.
She lured Jasper out of his room for lunch. He sat at the kitchen table and watched them all warily. He only ate what they ate.
Danny arrived mid-meal. “Mom! Dad!” There was a whumpf as he probably threw himself onto the sofa. “We wanna go to Elmerton, that ok?”
“You should take your brother with you,” Maddie called back. “He needs clothes.”
“What?” Danny clearly pried himself up and came into the kitchen. Maddie silently offered to make him a plate. “No, I ate at Tuck's. Dan, what'd you do to your clothes?”
“Nothing, you pathetic worm,” said Dan, who really was a sensitive boy. “I am not the topic of discussion, you blithering fool.” He jerked a finger at Jasper. “New one.”
Danny stared.
Jasper looked uncomfortable. He gave a sort of hello nod.
“He's, uh, he's not-”
“Not a clone or alternate future version of you, nope,” Maddie agreed. “Though he did come out of the portal. We wondered if he might be a ghost, but it didn't seem necessary to ask.”
Jasper full body flinched at the word “ghost”, but he looked confused.
Danny squinted at his new bother who, it must be said, did look a bit like a Fenton already. “Not a ghost,” he said after a long pause. “But a little undead. Not sure what kind. But yeah, you're walking dead, buddy.” He clapped Jasper on the shoulder.
“You'll fit right in!” Jack cheered. “Dan is half dead! So is Danno! And so is Dani here! And-”
“Thank you, Jack,” Maddie cut him off. “It might be a sensitive subject, don't you think?”
“Nah,” said Danny, stealing food out of the pan despite saying he wasn't hungry. “We aren't that sensitive. Like-” he looked at Jasper and explained: “I got electrocuted to death in the lab two years ago. Dan is from an alternate future where everyone he loved died, so then he killed everyone else on earth. And Dani is a science experiment baby.”
“It's true,” Dani said solemnly. “I'm a work of science.”
“You make me sound so uncool,” Dan complained, stabbing at his spaghetti.
Jasper laughed for the first time. He himself seemed surprised by the sound. It was hoarse but there was promise there.
When the boys were off at the mall in Elmerton with Sam and Tucker, Maddie called up Vlad.
“You want to come here?”
“I’ve got more kids than I have rooms in my house,” she said wryly. “So if the offer is still open…”
“Yes, of course it is,” he assured her. “But- most of the little ones are still in the Ghost Zone, correct?”
“They're not big enough to leave yet,” Maddie agreed. “Which is why I need to be near a portal.” The ghostlings were staying with the LunchLady and Box Ghost, but they needed to be able to be in touch. “But no, I've got another one.”
Glass shattered in the background. “Another- what happened to Daniel this time?”
Maddie laughed at how flustered her old college friend got. “Nothing to do with Danny, actually, this one fell out of the portal. He's some level of partly dead, but we don't think he's a ghost at all.”
Left unsaid was that they needed to do a lot of research to figure out what other possibilities there were. If they could get into contact with Danny's GP, he might be able to get them on the right track.
“Well.” Vlad took a moment to rally. “When will the family be arriving?”
Two months later, all the kids were pretty settled in.
Jasper had never shared a name, but he was happy to let them call him Jay. He was a phenomenal big brother to Dani. He wrestled with Dan. He bullied Danny into doing his homework. It had been something of an administrative nightmare to get Jaspen enrolled in school, but Vlad had pulled off whatever magic trick he'd done for Dani (applied a lot of money to the problem, Maddie supposed) and Jay had settled in very well.
“Your debut in society,” Maddie hummed, making a point of straightening Jay’s tie. He was growing already, she was sure of it! He was going to wind up as tall as Jack.
“I've been to parties before, Mom,” Jay drawled, and then flushed a dark red that meant he didn't want to be asked questions. Maddie tweaked his nose instead of answering.
“But this is the first one where Vlad's introducing you to his business friends!” She said, already dressed up for a fun night. Vlad had flown them all in on his private jet for the day.
“Queen is a family man as well,” Vlad had said the night before, aiming for calculating and coming off soft. “It will put him off his guard or perhaps make him sick with envy that I have brought a higher quality child than he could ever manage to produce.”
They arrived together, Maddie on Jack's arm, keeping her flock of kids within eyesight as Vlad led the pack. She had a perfect view of Oliver Queen seeing them arrive, the smile dropping off his face, and him choking on his drink. He did look very silly, Maddie had to admit.
“Inept,” Vlad hissed, very pleased. “The fool can't even drink. His company will be mine-” he looked at Danny for some reason. Vlad faltered at whatever be saw. “....Through legitimate business practices, such as buying a majority of stocks,” Vlad weakly finished.
Maddie slapped him on the back. “Go get him, tiger.”
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space-matt · 6 months
Could I request a Matt x reader.They have been dating for a while but the reader has never left that honey moon stage.One day Matt is not having a good day and the readers presence make him on edge.He ends up blowing up on her calling her overbearing and clingy.Things shift and she becomes more distant,for a while he feels ok but he starts to miss the relationship they way it was before.when he tries to talk to the reader she cries to him about the whole situation.He is really sorry and does his best to make it up to her.
I’ll make it up to you 
matt.sturniolo x fem.reader
summary: It's really true that you understand the value of things when you lose them.. Matt figured it out too late, but will he be able to make up for it?
request: yes 
author’s note: thank u so much for the request!! I hope you’ll enjoy it ♡ I added the song that helped me to write it. For everything I’m here!
English is not my first language, if you see grammar and typing mistakes, I apologize in advance! I just ask you not to be rude to me ♡
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Still lying in bed you feel the heat coming from the window left half open in Matt’s room, with your eyes closed you stretch by turning to the other side meeting a boulder of a blanket, you reach out your hand in search of your favorite person but to your surprise, your hand leans on the mattress, so you open your eyes trying to focus and notice that half of the bed is empty.
You've been together for seven months and thirteen days now, and you have to say that they are the best months of your life; Having never had previous relationships, it can be said that Matt is your first true and actual relationship in your 20 years of life. 
Everything had started as a pure joke between you two to make fun of Chris and his girlfriend Maddy, but the more time passed, the more you began to feel real feelings towards the boy who unlike you had liked you for a long time, but for fear of being considered only and solely a friend, he wanted to avoid putting his heart in the foreground and listening to the rational part of his brain. 
But fate wanted that one evening while you were saying goodbye to go to your own house, the moment you were about to press a kiss against his cheek, Matt turned earlier than expected causing your lips to collide, making you immediately move away but when you stopped to look into his eyes you saw in both of them a spark to burst a breathless kiss.
It must be said, from that moment you have been together, indeed perhaps precisely because it is your first relationship that you try to always make everything go for the best unlike Matt who still had his first relationships during his adolescence that, however, according to him, ''they can't compete with you''. Of course, it scares you that sooner or later it may get bored or otherwise lose interest in you, but you still try to eliminate this thought and be the best girlfriend in the world. 
So you get out of bed by completely opening the window so that the room can change air, leaving the bed undone; Take your change in the drawer that Matt has free so that you can put some of your things when you stay at his house to sleep, and you head to the next bathroom without noticing who is in the open space connected by a small corridor to his room.
Meanwhile Matt was lying on the sofa, the TV turned on in the background, with the phone in his hand looking at the various social networks but his mind was elsewhere, indeed the day had started in the wrong direction.
All night you did nothing but stay attached to him not making him move, which didn't make him sleep a wink and that's why he was quite nervous.
His brothers were still in their respective rooms changing, as they would then be out all day under your precise instructions, as you wanted to spend a day entirely with Matt before leaving for spring break in two weeks. 
When Nick and Chris find themselves in the living room ready to go out, Matt pulls up his head ''Do we have any meetings today?'' He asks confused getting up and putting the phone in his pocket ''The two of us yes, you have the day off today.. enjoy it'' Chris replies with a grin on his face which vanishes when he hears a puff from him ''Wow I didn't expect all this enthusiasm '' exclaims ironic Nick going to the door of the house ''Please let me come with you, I need to disconnect, I need air'' Matt responds whispering so as not to be heard by you ''Sorry MattyB but no'' says Chris taking a can of Pepsi from the fridge and then he goes out too.
Another puff comes out of his lips knowing he has to stay with you all day, and resignedly throws himself back on the couch closing his eyes.
When he feels your steps approaching a sense of annoyance and nervousness pervades his body, he can't even understand the reason for all this but it's already been a couple of days that he just wants to have a moment for him, but with you in the middle it's almost completely impossible.
On the other hand, you do not notice anything different, perhaps because taken by too much love even the most obvious things go unnoticed by your eyes in the shape of a little heart. 
All happy you go to the kitchen take water pouring it into a glass, you notice Matt on the sofa, you leave the glass on the counter and go in his direction lowering yourself to his height ''Babe, let's go out for breakfast?'' you ask trying to caress his hair but at your touch, he moves by sitting down looking at you ''I can't, I have to go out'' he responds annoyed without even looking at you, leaving you a little surprised but doesn't give up trying with a ''Then when you come back we can go for a ride at Lake Hollywood Park, right?'' hopeful in one of his answers but the only thing he pronounces is a ''See you later'' without greeting you and leaving the house, leaving you standing in the middle of the living room. 
The hours go by and so does your enthusiasm, you start thinking about the worst situations in your mind, which do nothing but increase your paranoia;
Okay maybe you recognize that in the last period, you have always been with them but although it has been almost a year since you moved to Los Angeles, you have not been able to make many friends due to your armor that you tend to raise when it comes to new people. But with Nick, Chris, and Matt it's different, you've known them since you were little, and with them, there was never a need to create a wall to protect you, because they are your guardian angels.
You've always gotten along, except for a few quarrels which is normal, but you've never noticed before behaviors so distant from Matt, as if your presence wasn't welcome.
When you hear the door open you hope that your boyfriend's figure will come out of the stairs but you recognize the voices of Chris and Nick, you resign yourself completely on the couch with your pajamas and the tray of ice cream on your legs.
''Ookay... why are you at home? Didn't you have to go out?'' Nick asks looking at you confused ''By the way where is Matt?'' Keep looking around ''I have no idea'' you answer him in a subtle voice while you eat a spoonful of vanilla ice cream, you feel the tears stop at the corners of your eyes, so you don't see you turn your head on the other side putting the teaspoon in the tray ''He came out this morning and never came back, I tried to text him and call him a couple of times but I didn't receive an answer'' you keep whispering closing your eyes making the tears fall.
You feel the package of ice cream being removed from your legs and two arms that surround you, from the essence that envelops you, you recognize that is Chris and with your eyes still closed you abandon yourself in a liberating cry after holding it all day ''Shh, it's okay'' he whispers massaging your back ''You know that now and then he has its relapses and behaves like this'' he keeps trying to reassure you.
You pull up with your nose and detach yourself from his arms ''But with me, he had never behaved this way.. at all he always came to me'' you explain looking in his direction receiving almost an expression of pity on his face ''What do you say if we order something and watch a movie here all together? We will make you choose'' announces trying to cheer you up But on your part, he only receives a nod with your head.
Even though he had spent the whole day outside walking around the crowded streets of Santa Monica, his mind did nothing but think about the time to get home, the only thought of having you always stuck made him take his breath away, of course he cared you but this so much physical contact, at that time, was leading him to detach himself from everything, but especially from you.
That's why he had waited for a late time to come back, so as not to have to face you trying to postpone everything to the day of your departure. But you know how his thought works more than yourself, in this way after finishing watching your comfort movie together with the two boys, you decide not to go to sleep right away but to stay on the couch not being able to stay alone in bed without Matt by your side, with the knowledge of having done something wrong. 
The fact that there was no communication between the two of you was new, you have always been the anchor of each other, and not being it in a short time has completely upset you, especially not understanding how to act, and consequently how to find a solution. 
The silence that reigns in the house is broken by the noise of the keys that are inserted into the door patch, your heart begins to beat quickly but you remain motionless sitting with your gaze turned in his direction, while he tries to slowly climb the entrance stairs but when it reaches the last one, he stops seeing you pulling his eyes up ''you shouldn’t have waited up for me, there was no need'' he says changing towards the fridge taking a bottle of water but no longer being able to hold back your thoughts for you ''What have I done? It's all day that you avoid me indeed it's days that you behave strangely'' you blurt out getting up to get closer to him, and given your height difference you are forced to pull up your head to look him better in the eyes.
As you stand in front of Matt, you can feel the bitterness in his words cutting deep into your heart. "What did you do to me?" he asks, his voice laced with anger and frustration. "There's that you've become overbearing and clingy. I can't take it anymore. You're always sticky, I never have a free moment, and if I have it, you're always there" he exclaims with clenched teeth and a hard look.
His words strike you like a bolt of lightning, and you take a step back, not believing what you're hearing. "We weren't like that before, and now I understand why no one has ever wanted you" he adds with wickedness, making you feel small and insignificant.
You try to speak, but your voice catches in your throat. You know what you've been through, and you've always hoped that Matt would understand. But instead, he holds it against you, making you feel like an outcast.
"You're an asshole" you finally manage to say, raising your voice as tears slide down your face. It's not like you to use such harsh words, but you're hurt and angry, and you can't help it.
At that moment, Matt opens his eyes, and you can see the surprise and shock on his face. He had never heard you say such a thing to him. Among all people, it was always you who used a calm tone, even in the most difficult situations.
Seeing you rush into his room, he follows you around, but when he sees that you start to take your bags, he realizes that he has exaggerated. "What do you do?" he asks, trying to take your arm. But with all the anger that you had in your body, in very little, you wriggle from his grip. "Let go of me" you say in a dry tone.
"I'm not going to stay in the room with you anymore. I'll go to Nick's, and I'll bring all my stuff" you finish, closing the zip and dragging the bag on the ground. As you come out of his room, you find yourself facing the two guys who, from the screams, immediately catapulted to see what had happened.
As you ask Nick for help, you feel exhausted and drained from the situation at home. Without even turning to see him, his hand takes the bag from yours and you head up to the room with the older brother. In the distance, you hear Chris saying, "Dude you have already done too much damage, let her be."
Days pass by, but the situation at home remains the same.
After receiving some harsh words, you decide to build a wall between you and Matt and try to avoid being alone with him.
You attempt to behave like a mature person, spending more time with the two brothers and going out on your own when they can't accompany you.
Matt, on the other hand, feels good when you're not around. However, as time passes, guilt starts to creep in, and he realizes that he doesn't want to push away the one person who means the world to him.
He understands this even more when you don't even look at him at the airport and leave without a single glance. "Why did I do wrong to her?" he says to himself as he watches you go through security checks. "Because you're a jerk, that's why" answers Nick, watching him with a serious expression.
Although he regrets his actions, Matt is determined to make things right between you two. Without telling anyone, he packs his backpack with only the bare minimum and heads off to the other side of the country.
Spring break is coming to an end, and leaving your family and friends in Boston again feels like a stab in the heart. This time, it hurts even more because you know that once you get back, you'll have to fend for yourself completely, starting with finding an apartment.
You and your family were having a pleasant evening playing board games when you heard the doorbell ring. "Were you expecting someone?" you asked, moving your pawns on the board. "No, we weren't. Why don't you go and answer it?" your mother replied, gazing at you with a gentle expression. You got up from your spot, a little confused.
As you reached the door, you saw Matt standing outside with a bouquet of your favorite tulips and a puppet with the words <I'm stupid> written on it. The sight of the flowers made you smile, but you didn't let your guard down completely.
''Please, I have to talk to you''
"You have five minutes" you told him as you closed the door behind you and sat on the porch, keeping a distance. He handed you the flowers and the puppet, and you accepted them, putting the flowers next to you and holding the puppet in your hands.
"I'm sorry" he began, fiddling with your fingers. "I know I'm not good with words, but I realize now that I was wrong to say what I said.
I shouldn't have blamed you like that. I just wanted to talk to you and explain my side of things."
He paused, looking down, and when he looked up again, his eyes were watery. You felt your own eyes fill up with tears, too.
"I don't want to lose you" he said, touching your cheek. You closed your eyes and put your hand on his. "I was an asshole, but I understand that now that you're gone."
You spoke up, your voice barely above a whisper. "It was a low blow. You've never made me feel so small and helpless before. But I have to admit, I've been clingier than usual lately. That's just my way of showing you love, and if you don't like it, we can end it here."
"No way" he said, taking a step closer. "I flew over 2,500 miles to see you and tell you I love you more than anything. We just need to communicate better and make sure we're both happy. I'm here because I want to be and make it up to you." concludes by looking into your eyes '' I love you too... but please let's not hurt ourself anymore'' you leaned your forehead against his and felt his lips on yours in a gentle kiss.
When you pulled away, you grinned and grabbed the puppet. "Would you be him?" you asked, laughing together.
Taglist:  @sturniolosreads @mayhem-72 @dracoflaco @lyzsaphrodite @ifilwtmfc @xoxo4chrisss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @inlovewithmattstur @sturniolobendystrawsposts @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07
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geotjwrs · 4 months
boyfriend (18+)
Pairings ; Madison Beer x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; smut
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The summer night was warm, and the city skyline glittered like a thousand tiny stars against the deep blue sky. The rooftop party was in full swing, with music pulsing through the air and people dancing under the twinkling fairy lights. Y/N stood near the edge of the roof, chatting with Madelyn Cline, a friend he had just met at the party. She was charming and engaging, and he found himself laughing at her witty comments.
Across the rooftop, Madison Beer was engaged in a conversation with Nick Austin. They were laughing and sharing stories, their chemistry palpable to anyone who observed them. Madison's eyes, however, kept darting towards Y/N, who was too engrossed in his conversation with Madelyn to notice.
Y/N's heart wasn't entirely in the conversation. As much as he enjoyed Madelyn's company, his mind kept wandering back to Madison. They had always had a special connection, a bond that went beyond mere friendship. Their playful banter and mutual teasing were a constant source of amusement for their friends, who often joked about the "will-they-won't-they" tension between them.
Tonight, the tension was different. Seeing Madison laugh with Nick, Y/N felt a pang of jealousy, a feeling that intensified each time Madison glanced over at him. He noticed the way Nick leaned in closer to her, how Madison playfully swatted his arm, and it made his chest tighten.
Madison felt the same way. She watched Y/N and Madelyn with a growing sense of unease. Every time Y/N laughed at something Madelyn said, Madison felt a twinge of jealousy. She hated the idea of someone else capturing his attention, even if it was just for a conversation.
As the night progressed, the intensity of the party escalated. The music grew louder, the lights brighter, and the atmosphere more electric. Y/N's jealousy reached a boiling point when he saw Nick whisper something into Madison's ear, making her giggle and blush. Without thinking, he turned to Madelyn and, in a moment of impulsive jealousy, kissed her.
Madelyn, taken by surprise, kissed him back, but the moment was fleeting. Y/N immediately regretted it, his eyes darting back to Madison. He saw the hurt and anger flash across her face, even from a distance. She excused herself from Nick and made her way through the crowd, heading towards the exit.
Y/N's heart pounded as he pushed through the throngs of people, desperate to catch up with her. He finally found her near the stairwell, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Maddie, wait!" he called out, his voice breaking with emotion.
Madison turned to face him, her eyes blazing. "What the hell, Y/N? You kissed her. Right in front of me."
Y/N ran a hand through his hair, frustration and regret etched on his face. "I know, and I'm sorry. I was jealous. Seeing you with Nick drove me crazy. I couldn't stand the thought of losing you to someone else."
Madison crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering. "Do you have any idea how it felt to see that? To watch you kiss someone else?"
Y/N took a step closer, his voice softening. "It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest seeing you with Nick. I've been feeling this way for so long, but I was too scared to tell you."
Madison's expression softened slightly, but she still held her ground. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because I was afraid," Y/N admitted. "Afraid of ruining what we have. But I can't keep these feelings bottled up anymore. I don't want to be just friends, Maddie. I want you. Only you."
Tears welled up in Madison's eyes as she took a deep breath. "I hate seeing you with other people, too. It kills me. I've been in love with you for so long, but I didn't want to risk losing you."
Y/N closed the distance between them, his hands gently cupping her face. "We've both been so stupid," he whispered, his thumb brushing away a tear. "But we don't have to be anymore."
Madison looked into his eyes, her heart pounding. "Promise me you'll never do something like that again."
"I promise," Y/N said fervently. "You're the only one I want. The only one I've ever wanted."
Without another word, Madison closed the gap between them, pressing her lips to his in a passionate, desperate kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the unspoken words and hidden feelings they had kept buried for so long. The world seemed to melt away as they finally embraced their love, the intensity of their emotions making the moment electric.
The kiss deepened, their hands exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that had been suppressed for too long. Madison's fingers tangled in Y/N's hair, pulling him closer as their tongues danced together. Y/N's hands roamed down her back, pulling her hips against his as he pressed her against the wall.
The thrill of finally being able to touch her, to feel her warmth against him, was intoxicating. Madison moaned softly into his mouth, her body arching into his touch. Y/N's lips trailed down her neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses that made her shiver with desire.
"Y/N," she whispered breathlessly, her hands gripping his shoulders. "We can't do this here."
He pulled back slightly, his eyes dark with longing. "I don't care. I need you, Maddie. Right now."
Madison glanced around the empty stairwell, her heart racing. The thrill of being caught added to the excitement, and she nodded, pulling him into a nearby storage room. As soon as the door closed behind them, their lips crashed together again, their hands feverishly removing each other's clothes.
Y/N's hands slid under Madison's dress, his fingers tracing the soft skin of her thighs before hooking into her panties and sliding them down. Madison gasped as his fingers brushed against her, her hips bucking into his touch. She reached for his belt, unbuckling it with trembling hands, eager to feel him against her.
They moved together with a desperate urgency, their bodies pressing together in a frenzied dance of passion. Y/N lifted Madison onto a nearby table, her legs wrapping around his waist as he positioned himself at her entrance. He paused for a moment, their eyes locking as they shared a moment of pure, unfiltered desire.
"I love you, Maddie," he whispered, his voice filled with raw emotion.
"I love you too, Y/N," she replied, her voice trembling with need.
With that, he pushed into her, both of them gasping at the sensation. They moved together in a rhythm that was both frantic and tender, their bodies perfectly in sync. The intensity of their connection, the raw emotion and physical pleasure, was overwhelming.
Madison clung to him, her nails digging into his back as he thrust into her with increasing urgency. She felt herself nearing the edge, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Y/N's lips found hers again, their kiss deepening as they both reached their climax, their cries of pleasure muffled against each other's mouths.
As they came down from their high, they held each other close, their breaths mingling as they tried to steady themselves. Y/N gently brushed a strand of hair from Madison's face, his eyes filled with love and tenderness.
"I guess we're not just friends anymore," Madison said with a small, satisfied smile.
"Nope," Y/N agreed, his eyes shining with happiness. "We're definitely not."
They dressed quickly, sharing tender kisses and whispered words of love. As they rejoined the party, hand in hand, they couldn't help but reflect on how their journey had led them to this moment.
Throughout the rest of the night, their friends noticed the change, smiling and congratulating them on finally figuring it out. Y/N and Madison danced under the stars, their hearts full of love and joy. They knew that their friendship had laid the foundation for something truly special, and they were excited to see where their newfound romance would take them.
As the party wound down and the guests started to leave, Y/N and Madison remained on the rooftop, wrapped in each other's arms. The city lights glowed softly in the background, and the night air was filled with the promise of new beginnings.
Madison looked up at Y/N, her heart swelling with affection. "I'm so glad we finally did this," she whispered.
"Me too," Y/N replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "It feels like everything has fallen into place."
Madison smiled, her fingers tracing the outline of Y/N's jaw. "I want more of you," she said softly, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and love.
Y/N's eyes darkened with desire, his breath hitching at her words. "Let's get out of here," he suggested, his voice low and husky.
They quickly made their way down the stairs and out of the building, the night air cool against their flushed skin. Y/N hailed a cab, and they climbed in, unable to keep their hands off each other. Madison's fingers traced the lines of his face, her lips finding his in a series of slow, deep kisses.
The ride to Y/N's apartment felt like an eternity, the tension between them crackling with electricity. As soon as they reached Y/N's apartment, they practically stumbled through the door, their lips locked in a heated kiss. Y/N wasted no time in pushing Madison against the wall, his hands roaming over her body with a hunger that consumed him.
Madison moaned into his mouth, her hands fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against hers. Y/N's lips left hers, trailing kisses along her jawline and down her neck, igniting a fire within her that she couldn't contain.
They stumbled into the bedroom, their movements fueled by raw desire and longing. Y/N gently laid Madison down on the bed, his eyes dark with desire as he hovered over her, his lips capturing hers in a searing kiss.
Their clothes were discarded in a frenzy of urgency, forgotten in their need to be closer, to feel every inch of each other's skin. Y/N's hands explored every curve of Madison's body, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her veins.
Madison arched into his touch, her nails digging into his back as he kissed his way down her body, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. Every touch, every kiss, was like an electric shock, sending waves of pleasure crashing over her again and again.
As Y/N entered her, they both gasped at the overwhelming sensation of being joined together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. It was as if they were two halves of a whole, finally coming together to create something beautiful and pure.
Their lovemaking was slow and sensual, a symphony of sighs and whispers, of skin against skin and hearts beating as one. They lost themselves in each other, in the heat of their passion and the depth of their connection.
Their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace, Y/N and Madison moved together in a dance of desire, their connection deepening with each moment. As they lost themselves in the intensity of their lovemaking, their whispers of love and longing filled the air.
"I've wanted this for so long," Y/N breathed against Madison's skin, his voice thick with desire.
Madison's fingers trailed along his back, sending shivers down his spine. "Me too," she confessed, her voice a soft, breathless sigh. "I've dreamed about this moment with you."
Their words mingled with the soft sounds of their kisses, each touch igniting a spark of passion that consumed them both. With every caress, every whispered declaration of love, they felt their connection grow stronger, their desire reaching new heights.
"I love you, Madison," Y/N murmured, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss.
Madison's response was a low moan of pleasure, her hands pulling him closer, urging him to deepen their embrace. "I love you too, Y/N," she gasped, her voice filled with longing. "Only you."
"I need you," Y/N whispered, his voice raw with emotion as he pressed his forehead against Madison's, their breaths mingling in the heat of the moment.
"You have me," Madison replied, her voice filled with love and devotion. "Completely."
Their bodies moved in a frenzy of passion, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through them. Y/N's lips found Madison's in a hungry kiss, their tongues dancing in a desperate tangle as they clung to each other, lost in the heat of the moment.
"Fuck, Madison," Y/N moaned against her lips, his voice thick with desire.
"Harder, baby," Madison gasped in response, her nails digging into his skin as she arched into his touch.
Their whispers of love and longing were drowned out by the sound of their moans, the room filled with the symphony of their desire. With each breath, each caress, they felt the tension building, the need for release becoming almost unbearable.
"I can't take it anymore," Y/N groaned, his voice strained with need as he buried his face in the crook of Madison's neck.
Madison's response was a low, guttural moan, her body trembling with anticipation. "Me neither," she gasped, her hands gripping his shoulders as she rode the wave of pleasure that threatened to consume them both.
Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each thrust pushing them closer to the edge. With each moan, each whispered declaration of love, they felt their passion reaching new heights, their connection deepening with every heartbeat.
"I'm about to cum," Y/N groaned, his voice thick with urgency as he struggled to hold on to the last shreds of control.
Madison's breath hitched at his words, her own release imminent. "Yes," she gasped, her voice a breathless plea. "Please, Y/N."
And with one final thrust, they tumbled over the edge together, their cries of ecstasy mingling in the air as they surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of pleasure.
As they lay tangled in each other's arms, their bodies still humming with the aftershocks of their lovemaking, Y/N pressed a gentle kiss to Madison's forehead, his heart overflowing with love for the woman in his arms.
"I love you, Madison," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
"I love you too, Y/N," she replied, her eyes shining with tears of joy. "Forever and always."
Their breaths slowed, synchronized in the intimate rhythm of lovers who had finally found solace in each other's arms. Y/N brushed his fingers through Madison's hair, the strands silky soft against his skin. Each touch, each caress, felt like a symphony of their souls intertwining.
As they lay there, Madison traced patterns on Y/N's chest, her touch feather-light against his skin. She traced the outline of his tattoo, her fingers lingering over each curve and line as if committing it to memory. Y/N closed his eyes, savoring the sensation of her touch, the warmth of her body pressed against his.
The night wore on, their whispers grew softer, their bodies growing heavy with the weight of sleep. They held each other close, unwilling to let go of the moment, unwilling to let go of each other.
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dirtylittleheart333 · 4 months
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Chris is hunting and you're his prey.
Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X reader (first section) Chris Sturniolo X OC (second section) Content: 18+ Smut. Sexual games. Intercourse. Masturbation. Light choking. Raw. Consensual. Oral sex.
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(S)aint Chris stepped out of the cabin after Matt, closing the door behind himself. He drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs with the cool, crisp morning air. The wilderness air really was different to the air quality in the concrete jungles. Though it was early fall, and not too cold yet, it was a little mild, and Chris zipped up his favourite grey hoodie. He then adjusted his fitted hat and draped an arm over Matt’s shoulders when he reached him.
‘’You doing good?’’ Chris asked
Matt smiled, ‘’yeah, thanks. You?’’ Matt asked and Chris pulled his arm from Matt’s shoulders and jumped the last few steps down, his converse covered feet landing on the soft, wet grass.
‘’Yeah, I’m good, as long as you and Nick are okay,’’ Chris said, and wanting desperately to make his brother laugh because he knew he was going through a hard time with anxiety, he pulled a face, sticking is tongue out.
His goal was achieved when Matt burst out laughing, then he asked, ‘’Was Nick and Maddie still sleeping?’’
‘’Yup,’’ Chris said with a smile and nod. ‘’See you later,’’ Chris said and started walking off as he pushed his hands into his pockets. Chris planned on taking a long walk to contemplate on ideas for their videos, along with just enjoying nature and the scenic walk. The smell of rich soil and damp earth filled his nostrils, while the sounds of nature around him made him feel somewhat primal. Raw in nature.
Half an hour later, Chris walked into a little café that catered to the people who hired the cabins - it was a larger log cabin that they transformed into a café where people could buy the bare essentials. They also had a few tables and chairs so people could sit and sip on steaming hot cup of coffee while having a serving of fresh cream cake.
Chris was on his way to the fridge to grab a Pepsi, as he hadn't realized his morning walk would leave him parched, when he saw you. You, the stunningly beautiful woman who had Chris’ heart aflutter as you danced your way to the fridge from the chips rack, holding your phone in one hand, also gripping a packet of chips between your fingers. Chris took a logical guess that you were wearing earbuds and listening to music as his eyes followed you, a smile playing on your lips. You were wearing a pair of ripped jeans that rode low on your hips, black Converse, and a black fitted t-shirt showing off enough flesh to tease but leaving him wanting more.
You twirled just before you got to the fridge, your head bopping up and down to the beat of the music. You opened the fridge door and grabbed a bottle of water, and then closed the door again with a swing of your hip. Chris smiled widely as you danced all the way to the counter to pay. He hurried to the back of the café and went to grab a Pepsi hoping you would hang around for a few minutes so he could catch you. He glanced over his shoulder at the cash registrar and sighed silently with relief – two people had been working there since they arrived at the cabin and one was a chatter, while the other was a head nodder and silent the rest of the time. The latter was working today and he thanked his lucky stars for once again giving him a helping hand. It meant he could get out of the café that much quicker.
Chris smiled at the older man behind the cash registrar. Everything there was very dated, but it was clearly intended – from the age old cash registrar to the man who had a large beard and a pipe hanging from his mouth. Chris put his change down and the elderly man removed his pipe from his mouth and spoke for the first time to Chris, ‘’She arrived last night with her brother. Her name is (y/n). (Age) years old. A little dancer she is, and I saw her doing backflips and whatnot early this morning before we even opened the café. She was out there on the lawn,’’ he said in a deep, gruff voice.
Chris flashed him a smile but raised his brows in question. The man let out a guttural, deep laugh.
‘’I saw you watching her. A young guy like you and a fiery little thing like her? I think you two suit each other. I may not talk much, but I listen and observe. You’re a good guy, along with your brothers, and she’s a sweet, kind girl,’’ he said and shrugged his broad shoulders.
‘’Thanks,’’ Chris said and scratched his day old stubble, ‘’I appreciate you.’’
‘’Go. Go find her,’’ the old man said and popped his pipe back into his mouth and shooed Chris out, motioning with his hands, making Chris laugh as he hurried out of the café.
As he stepped out the doors, his eyes darted around in every direction looking for the beautiful dancer. For a second he thought he was shit out of luck and was going to claim his thanks back from his lucky stars but they were working overtime in his favor. You were standing on the wrap-around porch, to his left looking over the fantastic view of the trees with a small babbling brook running past the café. You let out a giggle as a squirrel sat on the wooden railing, not far from you, cleaning it’s self.
Chris smiled to himself; he adored the way you giggled and he certainly wanted to hear more. You looked innocent…like a little saint, but he also knew that it was the innocent looking ones that sometimes held the wildest sides and they often played their cards close to their chests. That was the fun part about them. Little freaks in the sheets but innocent in everyday life.
You looked over your shoulder when you felt a pair of eyes focused on your back. While you would normally get an unsettled feeling when that happened, this time, you just felt the eyes but thought nothing of it, only curious to see who it was.
‘’Hi,’’ you said with a big, brilliant, bright smile that had Chris aroused already. You turned from your spot after grabbing your bottled water and packet of chips off the railing where you had set them down then walked over to Chris. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you and though he knew he was staring, he couldn’t help it. You were a breath of fresh air, while simultaneously and contradictory, you also took his breath away. You were an absolutely stunning woman.
You stopped at the end of the railing, opposite him, where the stairs were. But you surprised him by turning your back to him and then leaned against the balustrade, looking over the view before you.
‘’Hey,’’ Chris said and stepped up to you in a few short steps, and leaned against the railing, propping his elbows onto it, his hands clasped around his Pepsi. ‘’It’s a nice day.’’ ‘’Mmm,’’ you said and started giggling
‘’What?’’ Chris asked with a chuckle, swinging his head to look at you
‘’Funny how we as humans have to make small talk before we actually get to where we want to be. We talk about everything from the weather to how boring it is to watch paint dry before we actually say what we want to say. Do you think animals do that? I think animals skip all the small talk just to get to the bottom line,’’ you said and nodded in the direction of the squirrel.
Chris laughed and lifted his hand to his mouth and lightly played with his lips for a few seconds, while deep in thought of your… somewhat… profound philosophy.
You watched the man next to you and shifted from one foot to the other, loving what you saw. His sparking blue eyes had you lost for a few seconds when you had seen them and the way he was playing with his lips…you were dangerously close to letting out a moan, and that alone would have been enough for you to fall to your knees for him. His lips were lush and reminded you of pillows – soft but firm and his fingers made you quiver inside, knowing exactly what you wanted him to do with them.
‘’You’re right,’’ Chris said, pulling you from your thoughts as he dropped his hand to the railing and turned to face you, now leaning sideways against the railing.
‘’I know I am,’’ you said softly and turned as he did, to face him. ‘’I’m (Y/n).’’
Chris laughed at your confidence, loving it. ‘’I’m Chris. You got a cabin here?’’ Chris asked
You smiled, adoring how he squeezed his eyes closed briefly when he laughed. ‘’Yeah… I came with my brother and his girlfriend but they want to rough it out, so they are going camping later today on the other side of the river. I’ll probably practice some dancing…since I’ll be all alone.’’
‘’You dance?’’ Chris asked trying hard to sound surprised
‘’Uh-huh. Ballet, modern, street…anything really,’’ you said and smiled as a sexy but devilish smiled formed on his lips
‘’Do you like camping?’’ Chris asked and you let out a laugh
‘’I’m more a cabin girl. I don’t like camping. I don’t like fishing, and I don’t like hiking. My brother and his girlfriend are the campers,’’ you replied
Chris laughed. FUCK he had a sexy laugh! ‘’What about hunting?’’ he asked
You gave him a stupefied look and dropped your head then leaned slightly forward, looking at yourself, then you stood up straight again and looked back at Chris, ‘’me?’’ you asked in a high-pitched voice.
‘’Yes, you,’’ Chris said as he burst out laughing
‘’I also hate hunting,’’ you said unequivocally. It was a stern, hard no.
‘’That’s too bad,’’ Chris said with a smirk, ‘’I love hunting, but I like to let my prey know that I’m hunting them.’’
You tilted your head to the side a fraction and chewed on your bottom lip for a second. The confusion on your face and the way you furrowed your perfect eyebrows made Chris want to grab and kiss you. Your bottom lip bounced back into place and Chris felt a shudder in his body and his dick grew even bigger and longer along his thigh.
‘’Just like me, you don’t look like a hunter. But wouldn’t that scare them away? To let them know you were hunting them?’’ you asked
‘’Not really,’’ he said and leaned in closer to you, though he made sure to study you closely as he proceeded, ‘’the reason I’m telling you this is because I’ve decided that you’re my prey. As soon I catch you alone I’m going to fuck you.’’
He didn’t know what to expect from you but it sure wasn’t the response he got. He was rolling the dice and hoping it landed in his favor, but you were the one who ultimately put the idea into his thoughts. However, you could very well have told him to fuck off…he would have even expected a smack to the cheek or fist to his mouth.
However, you didn’t even flinch when he had said that. Nor did you gasp, instead you slowly lifted your big eyes until they met his. You blinked, and the tiniest of tiniest smiles played on your lips.
‘’That’s not going to happen,’’ you said leaning even in even closer, your voice low, ‘’how do you know I won’t tell my brother you’re threatening me?’’
Chris laughed, ‘’it’s not a threat. It’s a promise and you’re not going to tell him because you don’t think I’ll catch you, even though you’re hoping I will.’’
‘’You’ve got quite and ego there, Chris’’ you said pulling back. ‘’I have to go. Enjoy the rest of your stay here.’’
As you walked past him, he grabbed your wrist, and leaned in closer again, his lips so close to your ear, they brushed over your soft hair. He inhaled the soft scent of orange blossom before he continued, ‘’I’ve got an F and C and I’ve got a K too and the only that’s missing is a bitch like U,’’ he whispered and you closed her eyes for a second, your breath hitching in your throat. A shiver ran over your spine and you bit your bottom lip so hard, you thought you might draw blood.
The soft chuckle he let out had you opening your eyes again as you pulled your wrist from his grip. ‘’If you mess with me, you don’t know how much of a bitch I can be,’’ you said and carried on walking, then turned and hurried down the stairs.
‘’Run, my little prey, run,’’ he said with a laugh as he looked down at you walking away towards the thick of the trees. He loved the little swing of your hips.
‘’Stay away from me motherfucker,’’ you called out and lifted your hand above your head then gave him the middle finger, ‘’You’ll never catch me. It’ll take you years. 15 years, at least.’’
‘’What?’’ Chris yelled after you, but you only lifted your other hand and flipped him off, now with two hands shaking in the air.
Chris watched you disappear through the trees on a path, then he turned around and bit his bottom lip in thought. ‘’15 years?’’ Chris whispered to himself and it suddenly dawned him. He clicked his fingers and smiled widely. He was at cabin 10 and though the cabins were spaced far apart in secluded spots, he knew exactly were cabin 15 was.
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You yanked the big wooden door open when the incessant knocking would not stop.
''What?'' you asked and then blew some hair off your face. Chris smirked when he saw your face flushed ''Hey'' Chris said with a smile that made your legs go absolutely weak. ''Was I interrupting you? Did you maybe get tired of waiting for me to catch you?'' ''You! What are you doing here?'' you asked ignoring his latter questions. He knew damn well what you were doing.
‘’Catching my prey,’’ he said in a low voice
The voice had you sucking in a breath. You bit your bottom lip but then frowned at him, ‘’you’re really late. I know you were hunting me all day…you sure as shit do make it known to your pray huh? You followed me down to the river, and still, you didn’t catch me. Now you turn up? It’s the middle of the night,’’ you said, and started closing the door but Chris lifted a hand, and placed it on the door then pushed it open again. You were no match for his strength.
‘’You’re a dick,’’ you hissed as you stumbled backward slightly from the force of the door
‘’Oh, I think you love dicks,’’ he said, a sly smile curving on his lips, ‘’I have a feeling you like assholes too.’’
‘’Love. I love assholes, more specifically, my own,’’ you corrected him, crossing your arms over your chest
‘’Hmmm,’’ he said and as he started walking slowly towards you, pushing the door closed with one good push behind him. ‘’I’m sure you do. You’re a nasty little one aren’t you?’’
You glared at him and Chris cocked a brow as his hand shot out, flew past your head, and quickly gathered your hair into a fist and pulled your hair back, forcing you to tilt your head back so you looked up at him. Oh, he was good! You didn’t see that coming and he was so fast you didn’t have time to make a move.
Just then a flash of lightning hit really close and lit the cabin up through all the windows. Thunder boomed and rumbled loudly. Chris looked over his shoulder as rain started pouring down, hitting the windows like little pebbles. With his attention on the rain, he loosened his grip and you turned on your heels and ran before Chris could react.
‘’Fuck,’’ Chris yelled as his head shot around and saw an empty space in front of him and his hand still outstretched and void of hair. He curled his fingers up in a fist and looked to the stairs as you took them two at a time, the thumping of your feet on the hardwood floors echoing around the cabin. He grinned and shook his head.
‘’(Y/n)!’’ Chris called and pulled his socks off, discarding them along the way. He had taken his shoes off at the door before he knocked because he stepped in a puddle of mud as he made his way to you in the dark and he didn’t want to track mud into the cabin.
He ran up the stairs also taking two at a time, pulling his shirt at the hem, up and over his head. He tossed it aside and it flew over the railing and then floated down, then pooled on the floor below. When he reached the landing, it was dark, except for one room where a thin sliver of light escaped from under a closed door.
‘’Gotcha,’’ Chris said with a smirk and walked to the door and pushed it open. It swung open and you stood in the middle of the room, looking like a dear in headlights. You swallowed hard and clasped your hands together under your chin.
‘’You’re so fucking beautiful,’’ Chris said, scanning your body with his eyes, from your little feet, your toenails painted in black, to the top of your head, where his eyes rested. He locked eyes with yours and scrutinized them, trying to find confirmation that you were still game for this. Your eyes flicked up fast above his head and then they quickly dropped down, back to his blue sparking eyes.
Chris grinned, now knowing it was still on, and your eyes flashed with lust as you let your hands drop to your sides. Your eyes once again left his, and you looked him over, just standing in his grey shorts with a C on them. C for Chris, you thought but knew better. You shifted on your spot, spreading your legs just a fraction as your pussy pulsed and soaked your panties. He was one sexy fucker and he knew it.
‘’(Y/n),’’ Chris said and you lifted your eyes to his, ‘’come here.’’
You bit your bottom lip, and lifted one foot and placed it in front of the other and started walking to him like you was hypnotised. When you stopped in front of Chris, a faint smile played on your lips.
‘’Don’t you think,’’ Chris said, and once again, his hand shot out and he grabbed a handful of hair, ‘’you should lock the doors when you’re trying to escape a hunter?’’
‘’Fuck you,’’ you said and Chris pulled your head back, tilting your head up as his head descended, planting his lips on yours. Chris felt a shift in his shorts and knew the monster was wide awake. His other arm wrapped around your waist, pulling your body against his tightly, your tits crushed against his chest as he kissed you. Your tongue drove forward, parting your full lips and slipping into his mouth, he could only reciprocate. Your tongues swirled and danced together in a hot, hungry, needy kiss. His hand roamed from around your waist to your delicious ass. You moaned into his mouth, as he squeezed your perfect, tight ass.
‘’Fuck,’’ Chris said pulling from the kiss. His dick was aching and throbbing, pre-cum soaking into his shorts. He pulled your panties down in one smooth, fast motion and they fell to your feet as he grabbed the t-shirt you were wearing and yanked it over your head.
A moan travelled up his throat slowly and escaped his lips when he looked down at your titties. They were more than perfect and your hard little nipples were pieced with two silver barbells gleaming in the light. He let out a growl entangled with a laugh and he ducked his head, ‘’a saint you ain’t,’’ Chris said just before his mouth latched on a breast.
‘’Oh fuuuuck,’’ you moaned as you threw your head back. Chris turned you around, still sucking on your tittie wondering if he would ever get enough, and pushed you back into the door. You slammed into it, your back making contact with it, causing a loud thud. A laugh of pleasure escaped you and Chris lifted his head, grabbing your wrists. His eyes zoomed around the room but he found nothing convenient until his eyes fell on the door. Above you, was a wooden pole attached to the door so that, he guessed, people could hang coats or jacks on. He took both your wrists in his left hand and reached up with his right, he then curled his hand around the pole and pulled down with all his might. It was securely attached so he pulled his hand away as he lifted yours up.
‘’We have to make do with this,’’ he said, and placed your hands on the bar. You had to stand up straighter as you curled your hands and fingers around it in opposite directions, and every muscle pulled but it felt good. You were used to burning muscles in dancing and it wasn’t too bad when you stood on your tippy toes, but for now, you planted her feet flat on the floor. It only meant your arms stretched to their maximum limit and burned, but this was worth it,.
‘’You okay baby girl?’’ Chris asked softly and let go of your hands. He then ran his fingers over your cheek and along your jaw till they stopped under your chin.
‘’Mhm, I’m good,’’ you replied with a confident smile
‘’Don’t let go,’’ he said sternly and tipped your head up even more with his fingers under your chin
You nodded and Chris pushed your legs further apart with his foot, your smooth pussy shiny with excitement. He reached down and ran his finger through your slit as you moaned and your breathing got heavy…faster… your titties pushing out with every out breath, taunting him. Chris breathed in your scent that reminded him of hot summer days…maybe a beachy coconut scent. It only made him want to eat you out all that much more.
Chris lowered his head and sucked your tits, one by one, taking turns, licking, sucking hard, and nipping at them with his teeth. His dick growing painfully hard as he listened to your little gasps and moans. The warmth and wetness of his mouth had you positively reeling and squirming. When you arched your back, wanting him to take more, needing him to take more, he gave a nipple one last hard suck before pulling away.
Your eyes snapped open and Chris gave you a cocky grin and moved around you, then behind you, letting you rest your weight against him, his hard cock pressing into the small of your back, only arousing you more. His one hand trailed down your taut belly, purposely taking his sweet time knowing you wanted it so bad.
‘’Chris, it’s not going to take me long,’’ you breathed, your hips bucking, reaching, desperate for him to get you off. ‘"Don't you dare fucking cum until I tell you," he whispered the order in your ear and goosebumps ran over your arms as you gave a short nod just before he slid his finger over your clit, making you suck in a sharp intake of air.
‘’Ohhhh fuck!’’ you moaned loudly and closed your legs, trapping Chris’ hand.
‘’UH…fuck no baby girl. Open,’’ he said and let out a laugh. You were so sensitive and he fucking loved it. You bit your bottom lip and opened your legs again, letting Chris resume what he had started. ‘’That’s it baby,’’ he whispered into your ear. He had only lightly circled your clit three times, agonizingly slowly before your breathing labored and a tremble shot through your body, lifting your heels off the ground.
‘’Ooo, you’re so fucking horny,’’ he said and pulled his hand away. "Oh fuck, Chris!" you half screamed, "Pleassee! It’s you! You make me too horny"
‘’Were you playing with your little pussy before I got here?’’ Chris asked
‘’I fucking was! I wanted you all day!’’ you spat out
Chris’ dick once again twitched in his shorts, ‘’Did you feel my crosshairs focus on your neck and chest today while I was hunting you?’’ Chris asked making his way back to stand in front of you.
‘’I did. I felt your eyes on me all day,’’ you said and grin formed on the corners of your lips. ‘’I was waiting for you to catch me. I only got wetter and hornier as the day passed.’’
Chris smirked, ‘’When I pull my trigger finger, my bullet is going to lodge inside your heart…forever.’’
‘’It already has,’’ you breathed with a shaky voice. Everything about this situation was so enthralling, the desire for him was overwhelming
Chris licked his lips, ‘’not quite yet. There is much more to come,’’ he said and you dropped your eyes ‘’I’m about to blow my load so if I can control it for a few minutes, so can you,’’ he said. You lifted your eyes again and stared at him, your eyes locked to his as he glared at you with an intensity that melted your soul. He moved closer to you and slid a finger into you and your eyes closed uncontrollably, dropping your head as the heat rushed through your body. He cupped your chin with his free hand and lifted your face, "Look at me baby, I want to watch you cum." He slid a second finger deep inside, hooking them upward and working them against your sweet spot, while his thumb brushed over your clit. "Oh, yes, yes…FUCCCKKKKK" you screamed as your eyes grew big "Not yet baby, hold on a little while longer!" he said but when he saw your stomach muscles tighten and you stood up on the very edge of your tippy toes he grinned. ‘’Let go of the bar at the last minute if you need to okay…I’m right here, I got you, baby girl.’’ He didn’t ease up, he finger fucked you until you were writhing and you obeyed with guileless pleasure, craving more and more of what was come to come after.
‘’Chris,’’ you breathed not able to hold back any longer as your muscles started to spasm. Every. Single. Muscle.
‘’Fuck yes, cum for me baby,’’ he said and slipped his free arm around your waist. He held you as your orgasm ripped through your body with a ferocity and you came undone, letting go of the bar above your head… and the pent up orgasm. Chris held you to him, your body moulding into his as you shook and twitched, your juices splashing against his hand, and ran down your legs as you got lost in the throes of your orgasm.
You had rode it out in Chris arms, your own arms holding onto him, your fingers sinking into his tight muscles. Finally, catching your breath, you lifted your face to his and kissed him with an intensity you had never felt before.
Your hands slid down his chest, over his stomach, where he sucked in a breath, to his shorts and you eagerly pulled at them. With your orgasm and the excitement, your hands were trembling slightly and you fumbled causing Chris to let out a little laugh as he pulled from the kiss. He hooked his thumbs into the elastic band and pushed them down just as your eyes fell down between you both. His solid, rock-hard dick bounced free and hit you on your stomach. You lifted your eyes to meet his, only to see his pupils dilating.
‘’Ooo, no underwear,’’ you said and Chris smiled as you snaked down his body to your knees. You sucked in a breath as you stared at his perfect dick. It stood up straight, proudly into the air, long, thick, and begging to be touched…to be pleasured…to release the ever-growing pressure. You lifted your hand and curled your small fingers around it, causing Chris to close his eyes and weave his fingers into your hair. You smiled when a drop of pre-cum squeezed out the tip, forming right in front of your eyes. A fleeting thought of whether you had seen anything more erotic came to mind. The answer was no. Your eyes lifted and looked at Chris who had opened his eyes again, and was looking down at you, a seductive smile on his face.
‘’You have a per….no there are no words…it’s better than perfect,’’ you said so earnestly, Chris felt his heart expand for you even more. Your eyes fell back down to the perfection in your hand and just as the pre-cum started to move to run over his head, you flicked your tongue out and caught the bead with the very tip of your tongue.
‘’Ohhh fuck,’’ Chris said as you smiled pulling your tongue back into your mouth. The sight of your tongue darting out to catch the pre-cum and the feeling of just the tip touching him with just the right pressure for mere seconds almost had him shooting his load right then but he pulled his shit together. The pre-cum was warm and salty but with a tiny hint of sweetness. You had never tasted anything better.
You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue once more before you swirled your tongue around his smooth head like it was your favourite lolly pop. Chris moaned, spurring you on so you sucked in a good breath of air before closing your lips around him and slid your hot, wet mouth down his shaft.
‘’Jesus baby girl, your mouth is fucking hot!’’ he said as his fingers curled tighter in your hair, while simultaneously pushing your head further down on his dick. You relaxed your throat muscles and Chris slid down, drawing a lengthy moan out of him.
‘’Fuckk you’re tight,’’ he breathed as his dick filled your throat. He pulled back slightly and then pushed deep again, slowly fucking your throat. You could feel him growing bigger and harder with each and every stroke, though he let you catch your breath when needed but you were a pro at filling your lungs and holding your breath. You knew he wouldn’t be able to, nor want to hold back very long and you also knew that deep-throating brought forth an enormous amount of cum which always excited you.
‘’(Y/n)…oh shit…I’m cumming,’’ he said through clenched teeth and buried himself deep at the back of your throat, his grip in your hair tightening even more as a loud, primal, animalist groan escaped him. He unloaded hot, thick streams, which you eagerly drank down
When Chris saw his knuckles white with his grip, he pulled back, sliding his slick dick coated with saliva out of your throat and mouth, while easing his grip. He ran his hands down your head, over your cheeks and cupped them, then he lifted your face, as you gasped and sucked in air. He smiled down at you and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes but you smiled brightly and let out a giggle.
‘’Fuck that was hot,’’ he said and moved his right hand to brush his thumb over saliva on your chin, a thin string still hanging between you, attached to your chin, and his slick cock coated in your spit.
You then stood up with the help of Chris and he immediately pushed his lips to yours in a passionate, deep kiss. He deepened the kiss even more, pulling you to closer to him, letting you melt into him. A moan escaped you, and Chris placed his hands on your ass and squeezed, wanting so much more of you.
‘’I need to you fuck you,’’ he said pulling back from the kiss and he lifted a hand then smacked your sweet cheek, causing you to yelp and squeal at the same time. He knew that stung like hell. Chris, being Chris, rubbed it gently but gave you a cheeky grin.
‘’On the bed baby,’’ he said
‘’You only just came,’’ you said and walked a few short steps to the bed and jumped onto it.
‘’I have a phenomenal recovery time,’’ Chris said not far behind you
‘’Phenomenal!? That’s… a big word,’’ you said with a giggle
‘’Shhhh,’’ he said with a laugh and reached out, then grabbed the top of your foot, making her squeal. He yanked you to the edge of the bed, close to him.
Smiling at Chris, you opened your legs causing Chris’ eyes to widen. His mouth dropped open and his eyes shifted between looking at your pussy to your face a couple times. He sucked in a breath and ran his hands through his hair. ‘’Holy shit. How are you doing that? You…oh…you can do that because you’re a dancer?’’
You laughed and nodded your head. Chris bit his bottom lip and grabbed his dick then started pumping with great fervent. He ran his eyes over you again, and you cocked a perfect brow.
‘’I want you to rub one out and cum all over me, but I thought you wanted to fuck me?’’ you asked
Chris let out a laugh, ‘’fuck yes…I’m deciding if I want to lick you, fuck you or just stare at the most perfect pussy I have ever seen,’’ he said
‘’Thing is, I can’t keep my legs open like this forever,’’ you said and indicated to your legs. You had learned from an early age that you were double-jointed and with dancing, especially ballet, you could easily do splits and bend your body into ridiculous ways.
Chris smiled at you and bent down. He flattened his tongue against your pussy and pulled it up slowly. You gasped, rolled your eyes back and gripped the blankets either side of you.
‘’Oh that’s fucking good,’’ Chris said, and before you could even open your eyes he slammed into you, driving his dick deep into you.
‘’OOOOH FUUUUCK!’’ you screamed as your eyes snapped open. Chris was relentless with his thrusts, each time going to depths you didn't know existed, but it felt so fucking good, it was mere seconds before you felt the familiar tingles of of an orgasm approaching. So did Chris. The smile he was wearing the whole time widened as your tight pussy fluttered around his cock.
‘’Fuck yes baby, come on my dick,’’ Chris said
You pushed herself up onto your forearms wanting to see his big dick slide in and out of your pussy – that and his moans and groans set you over the edge and an orgasm rocketed through you, knocking you back down to the bed. You wanted to draw your legs up but Chris was holding onto them, keeping them open only fueling the orgasm even more. You exploded all over his dick as you trembled and shook, reveling in your orgasm. Your moans and groans seemed to bounce off the wood paneling for walls, which in turn only spurred Chris more. There was nothing sweeter to his ears than a woman cumming.
‘’Holy fuck,’’ Chris said and just as your pussy eased the vice grip around his dick he felt it starting over.
‘’Again?’’ he asked and you nodded as one orgasm rolled into another. It felt like waves at the shore when the ocean pulled back at night to worship the moon. They always seemed to roll into one another, never having much of a break between the tides.
‘’Good girl,’’ Chris said, and grabbed your throat, closing his hand around it. You loved that he didn’t want to choke the air out of you, but he gripped it just enough to where it was highly erotic and enough to send you over the edge. Your pleasure increased and you orgasmed once again. He watched your eyes roll back, your body shake and tremble as you gripped the blanket so hard your knuckles turned white.
Chris slowed down and then came to a complete stop and leaned over you. He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you, his one hand going behind your head to support you while you rode your electrifying orgasm out. When you stopped twitching, he pushed his lips to your damp temple.
‘’You okay baby?’’ he asked softly, almost a whisper
It took you a second to answer but you answered with, ‘’you’re a beast. I’ve never felt better.’’
Chris laughed and pushed his lips to your temple one more time and loosened his grip on you, ‘’my turn, I’m so fucking close. On your knees, precious girl’’ he said and you laughed with a nod but your laugh was cut short when Chris pulled out slowly, eliciting a low moan from you both.
You both then looked to the windows when more thunder rumbled and the rain came down even harder, if possible, as you turned around and moved further up the bed.
‘’You’re coming back to our cabin, right babe?’’ Chris asked
‘’Yeah, of course,’’ you said and looked over your shoulder and gave him a wink as you wriggled your ass.
Chris let out a laugh and got onto the bed behind you. He stabled himself, digging his knees into the mattress, and smacked your ass, leaving it glowing red.
You let out a yelp and then moaned, falling to your forearms. Chris, both hands on your ass cheeks, spreading you open as you ground back into him. You spread your arms out in front of you now, gripping the sheets in anticipation but Chris surprised you and reached for them, then pulled them back and pinned them to you with one hand.
‘’Oooh,’’ you moaned out, partially muffled by your head pressing into the bed. You were forcing your ass up higher as you arched your back; it was a magnificent site that Chris wished he had more time to admire but he was about to lose his shit if he didn’t cum and he knew he could have that view any time he wanted.
Chris lowered his cock, lined up to your pretty, wet pussy, your juices still running down your thighs, and pushed himself into you. You were tight as fuck, but the wetness helped him slip in relatively easy, drawing groans from both of them.
‘’Holy shit, that’s deep, Chris…,’’ you moaned as Chris bottomed out. He held it for a brief moment, taking the time to appreciate you; your gorgeous face, mouth agape, hair a mess and he watched as a bead of sweat ran down your spine. More than anything, he appreciated you for just being yourself. You worked the saint side so well and also managed to also work the ain’t side with ease.
Chris then pulled back slowly enjoying how your pussy wanted to suck him back in as he pulled along your wet, silky walls, drawing a long moan from you. He almost pulled out but he plunged back in and immediately sped the tempo way up, you were only able to squirm and take it. Your legs started to tremble as the bed rocked, and he knew you were close. Your breath quickened and he saw your cheeks flush.
Chris let go of your arms and grabbed your throat, gently but firmly, and pulled you up to him. As you came, exploding around him, he knew…he knew he wanted this every day for the rest of his life.
"I’m going to marry you baby girl. Sooner than you think," he murmured into your ear, then, ‘’oh fuck I’m gonna cum.’’
‘’Give it to me Chris,’’ you hissed, ‘’fill me up, I want it all! I want your baby.’’
That was it for Chris, lights out. As hard as you had made him cum earlier, it was nothing compared to what you were doing to him in that moment. He emptied his whole soul into you, and you kept rocking against each other as you milked all the cum out of his aching balls to spill over and mix with your juices.
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‘’Baby,’’ Chris said after he had pulled his shorts on, and watched as you pulled on your panties. You looked up and smiled at him as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down onto his lap as he sat on the bed. You put your arms around his neck as he snaked an arm around your waist, ‘’I really loved and enjoyed our game today but I don’t want to ever pretend we’re strangers again. It was fun while it lasted but I love what we have…I love you.’’
You smiled and bit your bottom lip as you ran your hand along his stubbly jawline, ‘’I agree. When we started talking at the café, I guess we both ran with this game, but you were brilliant,’’ you said and thought about how it all happened…
The triplets had arranged to hire a Cabin for a little over a week but you were unable to go with Chris, Matt, Nick, and Maddie because you couldn’t take off from your job on the day the guys had left, but you knew your brother and his girlfriend were also hiring a cabin so, you decided to hitch a ride with them on the following day.
As much as you wanted to, you didn’t to go to Chris’ cabin to let him know you had arrived because it was the middle of the night, and in the morning you didn’t think they were awake yet, so you went to the café. That’s when it all started. Chris had known there was a little game going on because instead of your usual running up to him and jumping into his arms when you saw him, you played cool and then pretend that you didn’t know him. Just two strangers meeting for the first time. He played along and the game went from first gear to fourth in a matter of minutes. It wasn’t what either of you expected but it was fun from the get go.
You drew your attention back to Chris, ‘’Your bullet to my heart is firmly lodged there, Chris. It was from the get-go. I’ve loved you for a year and it’s never wavered...it never will, and we have the best fucking sessions ever. I’ve been living with you for 6 months -’’
‘’I meant what I said,’’ Chris said cutting you off eager to get out what he wanted to say. He cupped your cheek with a hand, ‘’I want to marry you soon. I want children with you. I have my career with my brothers, the best family I could ask for, I have you…and as selfish as it sounds I want more.’’
‘’Then more is what you’ll get,’’ you said excitedly and pushed your lips to his.
‘’I love that I have my little saint right now but I want my little ain’t back tomorrow as usual,’’ he said when you parted from the kiss
‘’Hell yes!’’ you said with a giggle and you both got up to leave for the cabin you and Chris were sharing with his brothers, as originally planned. Thank you for reading, I appreciate you so much. Each and every comment, like and share is amazing. You are loved!
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pourts · 19 days
might i add onto my earlier post; most people are upset when they’re not autistic 😭😭
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nostalgicninjas · 5 months
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Emma and Jax Kisses | Every Witch Way (2014-2015)
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6ix9inewiturmom · 4 months
Hair Dye- Christopher Sturniolo
Summary: chris was about to leave for the Versus tour but wanted to do something dramatic for his fans for the tour! you dye his hair and he dyes yours!
warnings: nothing :)
A/n: i was watching the video where chris dyed nicks hair and i thought it would be cute if i wrote a lil sumth based of this!
Chris and I have been dating for roughly about 3 years. We had met not long after their YouTube became popular and quickly we both had made it official. Considering I was Chris’ first ‘real relationship’ because he had commitment issues and I swore off dating till college, we both moved to LA because we couldn't do long-distance.
“I can't believe we're going on fucking tour” Chris’ excitement squealed out of him as he's getting his bags ready for the Triplets ‘Verus Tour’
“What am I gonna do without you, I got this big ass house and big ass bed with no Chris to share it with,” I say sprawling in a starfish position.
“You could always invite Tara over, you two can do whatever you two do best together” he chuckles shoving some socks into a deep pocket of his suitcase.
“So drinking and partying?” I laugh out sitting up and resting my weight on my elbows.
“Please do not get drunk for over a month straight i would genuinely check you into a Rehabilitation center” Chris chuckled throwing his arms up.
“Don't worry I'll probably just chill here most of the time and eat, sleep, watch Gossip Girl for the 30th time, and occasionally go out with Tara,” I reassure him flicking my hand up and down brushing his comment off.
“I wanna do something crazy before tour,” he says as his lips curl up into a smirk.
“Like what? You guys leave in like 3 days” I adjust my body sitting up crisscross.
“I wanna dye my hair orange, 'cause you know each of us has a color for our team so like half of my outfits for tour consists of orange,” he says walking towards the bed sitting next to me.
“Chris normally I would be supportive of your impulsivity but dying your entire beautiful virgin brown hair orange? I won't support that one” i laugh running my nails through his long wavy brown locs of hair.
“Okay, maybe not my whole hair but maybe like the tips of my hair?” he says grabbing a small piece of hair and pointing at the tip of it.
“Chris it's 8 pm and no hair salon takes last-minute hair appointments and I only trust my hair stylist Hazel” I laugh sitting back and leaning my head against the headboard of the bed.
“Then why don't we do it? Walmart is still open and they have hair dye, right? I mean I've dyed Nick's hair before with the help of Maddie but how hard can it be?” he moves closer to me shooting me a smirk.
“I have dyed my hair before. Fuck it let's do it” I stand up off the bed smiling at Chris whose smirk turned into the happiest smile on his face.
We both chuckled and made our way downstairs to discover Matt and Nick giggling while looking at their phones.
“Where are you guys going?” Matt's head peaked up looking towards us.
“To get hair dye” Chris laughs and spoke before I could
“Oo Y/N what color are you dying your hair this time?” Nick shimmies his shoulders smirking.
“Well Chris wanted to do something crazy before the tour so he wanted me to dye the tips of his hair orange and I'm dying the underneath of my hair orange as well” I nervously spit out gripping Chris’ hands.
“Okay that's actually disgustingly adorable” Nick laughs out
“Well be back in like an hour” Chris and I walked out together, hand in hand, and made our way to my car.
We're currently sitting in the car, cruising down the road on our way to the nearby Walmart laughing at the possible situations that could happen.
“Are you sure you know what you're doing” Chris asks propping his feet up on the dashboard of the car.
“Chris it's gonna be fine” I reassure tapping his thigh laughing softly.
As we arrive at the Walmart parking lot, Chris steps out and stands in front of my car, his hand outstretched, waiting for me to take it as I step out of the car as we enter the store.
“What about this one?” he says “Splat is a cool name” he chuckles
“NO” I exclaim “That is one ingredient away from being fabric dye”
“Oh my god why would they make this stuff” his eyes go wide as he laughs and throws the box back on the shelf.
“Okay here, this is Manic Panic, Nick used it when he dyed his hair, it's pretty good” I say holding two jars of the dye.
“Okay, so how much do we need?” Chris gives his little sassy side eye when he's confused which happens to be a lot of times when I have to over-explain myself.
“Well you don't have a lot of hair to cover and since I'm only dying the back of my hair and maybe my money pieces then maybe two” my voice raises with question.
“Two it is” He nodded and smiled, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he reached for the hair dye. As he took my hand, a rush of warmth spread through me, and we made our way to the register together to check out.
The car ride home was filled with laughter and comfortability within each other. In the 3 years, we've been together, I can't remember a single time where we had ‘small talk’ or ‘chit chat’ we could always talk about something big or small for hours. It was always one of the things I loved about Chris, he was a yapper but we could always bounce back and forth with nonsense.
As we entered the house, we couldn't contain our laughter and giggles, our voices echoing through the halls as we made our way inside.
“Why are you two so disgustingly cute” Nick spits smiling at both of us.
“You acting like we're a new couple” Chris chuckled.
“No, but still so sickening how cute you guys are together even after 3 years of watching you two be together” Nick shrugs popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
With a chuckle, Chris leads me into the bathroom we both share. “Do you want me to use one of my old shirts to cover up with?” he asks leaning against the counter “We can just share the shirt too”
“Do you even own a shirt you don't care about?” I softly laughed.
“You know how many wife beaters I own, why question anything” he throws his hands up in defense laughing as he grabs a black tank top from his room and quickly swaps his shirt out.
“Okay sit between my legs” I smile up at him as he nods and sits Indian style between my legs.
“So how does hair dye work? Like what makes the color stay? Who invented it?” he questions as I start to apply the dye on the tips of his hair blending it out to create an ombre effect.
“Chris I'm not sure about any of those questions i just know that I use it, and I hope this will come out, or else Hazel is gonna be really mad at me” I chuckle out.
“So you don't know how it works? Or who invited it?” he leans his head back facing me as his big blue doe eyes stare at me.
I smile but lightly push his head back down to dye the back and the bottom of his hair. “You know I don't always know the answer to everything, I may always be right about most things but it ain't nothing to just go on Google and type it in,” I say softly laughing
“I know but why use Google when I have a super-smart girlfriend” he shrugs his shoulders smiling.
I carefully completed the styling of his hair, ensuring that I covered all the sections he wanted dyed and coated them with a vibrant orange color.
“Now we wait 45 minutes” I smile helping him up off the floor.
“YOUR TURN” he squeals holding his hands out for me. “Now you can sit between my legs” he smirks moving his shoulders.
“WAIT, let me section my hair because I don't want my whole hair orange,” I stand up go to the mirror and section my hair in a ‘Halo’ hairstyle. “okay here you go just dye the parts that aren’t in the bun up here” I smile sitting back between his legs.
“got it” he smiles back at me beginning to rub his fingers that are coated with orange color through my hair “If I pull your hair too hard let me know” he lightly pulls my head back to look at him before giving me a little peck on my lips.
He made sure his hands were gentle through my hair and made sure it was coated on every strand and maybe even overly coated. “I'm putting a lot of dye on your hair but only to make sure it is coated properly” he smiles moving my head to the side to get the side of my hair.
“This is nice” My lips curl upwards in a smile as my body becomes relaxed. “I enjoy these little bonding moments with you”
“Oh believe me I enjoy this more” he smiles “okay turn around so I can get your shorter pieces of hair”
As I turned around to face him, I noticed his eyes brightening with excitement as he carefully applied the dye to the shorter pieces of my hair.
“Okay now we wait” he smiles sitting next to me.
I pull out my phone and get a picture of Chris and me with the wet dye in our hair so we can remember this moment. “You're so beautiful ma” he smiles at our picture. “God I'm gonna marry that woman one day,” he says pointing at the picture on my phone.
“Chris you're so corny” I softly laugh out softly pushing his shoulder.
“You're gonna miss my corny jokes when I'm gone” he raises his eyebrows smirking.
“Chris you sound like you're dying, you're just going on tour, and we're gonna face time like every night, and I'm gonna come visit you obviously” I playfully roll my eyes.
“I won't let you not visit, you're gonna visit” he softly says placing a kiss on my cheek.
After 45 minutes had passed, Chris and I carefully rinsed out the dye from our hair and then proceeded to blow dry it. Chris wouldn't stop staring at himself in the mirror touching his hair and making goofy faces at himself.
“God we look fuckable” he smirks at me in the mirror.
“Christopher Owen” my jaw goes slack as the words come out of his mouth.
“I'm being honest we look hella good right now” he smiles “WE NEED TO POST THIS ON INSTA” he pulls out his phone taking a couple of pictures of us with our hair.
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Liked by Nicolassturniolo, Matthewsturniolo and others
Christophersturniolo: Tour ready 🧡
Matthewsturniolo: i would give you the menu but yall already ate
> Matthewsturniolo: i don’t know why i said that..
Sturnioloteam: #theverustour
LuvY/N: we fuckable
> christophersturniolo: oh but it’s okay if you say it ✋😧🤚
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sturniololoco · 8 months
little sister fic: she’s wearing inappropriate clothes and a lot of makeup and they tell her to change but she says their being too strict and blah blah and u got the rest
Go Change
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Skin showing, arguing, language, etc.
Note: I'm not 100% sure about all the details of the Maddi controversy, so imaa just pretend it never happened for the sake of this fic.
It was finally Saturday: Girls day! Maddi and I have had plans made to go to the mall forever ago, and the day has finally come!
I curl my hair and throw some makeup on, adding a little more highlighter than normal, then get changed. Feeling myself, I throw on a purple crochet bralette and a pair of short ripped jean shorts.
after spraying some perfume, I grab my phone and wallet, then walk downstairs.
I walk into the kitchen to grab a bagel. after spreading some cream cheese on it, I walk into the living room and sit next to all three of my brothers while I wait for Maddi to come and pick me up.
As I sat down, the conversation my brothers were having immediately stopped, and they all stared at me.
"What?" I asked, holding my bagel up as I talked with my mouth full.
'Where in the hell do you think you're going looking like that?" Chris said.
I looked down at my outfit, checking to see if it matched. It did. I had no stains on anything, my hair was curled, and I made sure my makeup was perfect. What was wrong?
I gave them a questioning look, swallowing my last bite of bagel.
"I mean, for starters, there's more skin showing than actual clothing," Matt says, looking me up and down judgmentally.
I roll my eyes, sitting back on the couch. I pull out my phone and begin scrolling. They're so overprotective.
"SLS/N...we're serious. Go change." Nick says, sternly.
I look up at him, flabbergasted. I can not believe Nick, of all people, is about to make me change. My mouth is hanging open.
"But-" I begin to say.
"Now!" Nick says, not yelling but he raises his voice.
I sigh, standing up and heading back to my room to change again.
Just to mess with them, I put on black cargo pants, a hoodie, and a black puffer vest. In the upper 90-degree weather of California, this fit was not acceptable, but I was feeling like messing with my brothers.
Before I even sit down, Matt says,
"Don't be a dumb ass. Go change." He doesn't even look up from his phone as he's talking to me. I storm back up the stairs, into my room.
After tearing apart my entire closet to find an outfit, I find nothing. Just as I lay down on my bed in frustration, my door opens, revealing Nick.
I give him the side eye, still upset with him. he walks over to my desk, grabs a makeup wipe, and walks back over to me, kneeling in front of me.
He gently takes the makeup wipe across my face, wiping off the excess highlighter on my face. I let him, not wanting to fight with him anymore.
Once finished, he walks back to my closet. He pulls out a pair of summer cargo jeans and a baby tee. he tosses them to me and I get dressed as he goes to my vanity, picking out a pair of sunglasses and gold hoop earrings.
once I'm done getting dressed, Nick walks me back downstairs into the living room. Matt and Chris hoot and holler, clapping their hands.
"That's more like my baby sis." Chris says, giving me a twirl.
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
omg a soon-to-be-dad!harry blurb with @/tashimrod as the face claim, i just found out she’s pregnant 🥹
one thing about this blog is that i’m going to write a dad!harry blurb <3 i really hope you like this
if you like what i post please pleaseee consider sending my a tip, i have college bills to cover and i’d appreciate the support 🤍
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by kaiagerber, harrystyles and 2,098,636 others
yourinstagram hi from us 🥹
view all 58,937 comments
ynfan1 the most gorgeous girl ever
bellahadid Love of my life ❤️
harryfan1 she’s absolutely stunning
harrystyles I’m so, very much, in love with you x
↳ ynfan1 AWEEE
↳ harryfan2 somebody sedate me
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 1,984 others
harrysatellite I met Harry today in NYC !!! he was really sweet and he told us he was picking up some food for him and yn 🥺🥺 we love boyfriendrry
view all 659 comments
ynfan1 aweeee
harryfan2 i might cry
harryupdates Congratulations 🥺🥺🤍
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 4,973 others
theharrytea Deuxmoi via instagram stories. what do you think? 😳
view all 1,009 comments
harryfan1 oh god
harryfan2 we’re honestly better than to believe deuxmoi
ynfan1 it is so harmful to assume that she’s pregnant just based on how her body looks
ynfan2 this is disrespectful
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liked by alexademie, harrystyles and 2,346,836 others
yourinstagram maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two (literally)
view all 59,037 others
ynfan1 prettiest girl
sza lemme kiss your forehead
zendaya ❤️
harrystyles Hash brown, egg yolk. I will always love you two x
↳ ynfan1 the pregnancy rumors and now this suspicious comments 😬
harryfan2 guys i don’t think they’re just quoting his song
ynfan2 is this a soft launch of her pregnancy ??
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liked by yourinstagram, maggierogers and 2,101,736 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Austin I. September, 2022.
view all 86,726 comments
harryfan1 SO CUTE
annetwist ❤️❤️
harryfan2 when your love language is acts of kindness and you want everyone to know
yourinstagram 🧎💖
↳ ynfan1 getting down in one knee
↳ ynfan2 hi bestie
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liked by adele, yourinstagram and 10,836,736 others
harrystyles Living in a daydream (literally) x
view all 187,266 comments
harryfan1 OHMYLAJSJA
billieeilish CONGRATULATIONS 🥺
yourinstagram Surprise 🫶
harryfan2 harry is going to be a husband ??????? harry is going to be a dad ???????????
niallhoran Congratulations, mate ❤️
florencepugh i love the three of you so much 🥺💘
lukehemmings Delightful news. I’m so happy for you buddy 💖
ynfan2 the fact that they used his lyric to announce it i might cry
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liked by bellahadid, harrystyles and 5,093,736 others
yourinstagram happier than ever 🤍 i can’t wait to start a family with you, h
view all 102,827 comments
kaiagerber i can’t wait to meet my little squish 💘
harrystyles You make me so happy. Happiest I’ve ever been. Thank you, thank you, thank you x
↳ harryfan1 HARRYYYYY STOP
↳ harryfan2 still crying
dualipa Congratulations angels 💓
alexademie that’s my best friend
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,098 others
harryupdates “Some pretty interesting signs tonigh, there’s one that says ‘Congratulations on becoming a dilf’. Well, what can I say, I’m honored to become a dilf, I hope I don’t disappoint my very own favorite dilfs, Mitch Rowland and Nick Kroll” -Harry in Austin tonight !
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 STOOOOOP
ynfan1 girlie got herself a funny man
ynfan2 I LOVE THEM
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 1,680,237 others
alexademie real life maddy perez @yourinstagram
view all 38,936 comments
ynfan1 I LOVE THEM
harrystyles Take care of my missus and baby please
↳ harryfan2 CRYING
yourinstagram we love you ❤️
ynfan2 she’s glowing
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liked by lizzobeeating, yourinstagram and 2,114,723 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Austin V. October, 2022.
view all 95,736 comments
harryfan1 BABYY
annetwist ❤️
harryfan2 can you believe he’s going to be a daddd
yourinstagram we miss you 🥺🥺
↳ ynfan1 the way she says we as in her and the baby MY HEART
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,098 others
harryupdates “‘Wanna hang out after this?’ Well, i bet you are a lot of fun to hang out with, but i have to catch a plane to New York to see my fiancée and baby, yeah, did you know i’m going to be a father? I’m going to be a father next year! - Harry tonight 🥺
view all 396 comments
harryfan1 MY HEARTTTT
ynfan1 they’re both so happy about being parents it’s so sweet
harryfan2 FATHER HARRY
ynfan2 yes go home to your pregnant woman
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liked by yourinstagram, lizzobeeating and 2,098,635 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Austin IV. October, 2022.
view all 85,836 comments
kidharpoon Ready to hop on that plane, aren’t you?
↳ harrystyles Eager x
↳ harryfan2 STOOOP 🥺🥺
yourinstagram hurry home ❤️
↳ ynfan1 this couple makes my heart burst
↳ harryfan3 yes harry hurry home to your woman
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liked by selenagomez, harrystyles and 5,037,725 others
yourinstagram reunited 🤍
view all 97,635 comments
adele ❤️❤️
harryfan1 i’m so happy they share this with us
florencepugh um can we hang out?
jefezoff 🥺🥺
harrystyles Loves of my life x
harryfan2 imagine when the baby is born
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry
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withwritersblock · 6 months
Say Love
~Say Love by James TW~
Author's Note: this is inspired by Chimney and Maddie from 9-1-1: such an amazing show. As always italics are flashbacks Summary: Kirby says I love you for the first time Warnings: mention of emotional abuse in relationships Word Count: 1,200 Kirby Dach x fm!reader
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There is something so pretty about the way he eyes her. She was brighter than the sky during a sunset. She was warm and the kindest person he’d ever met. He was in love. He has yet to tell her. He was afraid that she wouldn’t say it back. 
She has been waiting for Kirby to come back for three days. He had scored in a shootout against his former team in Chicago. He called her the second he got back to his hotel room and they talked the entire night. 
She stood against the kitchen counter as his door was pushed open. He smiled widely as he dragged his suitcase inside. “Hey baby,” he mumbled as he rested his suitcase against the wall and walked towards her. She jumped into his arms as she laughed.
“God, I’ve missed you,” she whispered into his ear as she rested her hand on the base of the neck. He loosely wrapped his arms around her waist as he spun her in a circle, “How are you feeling?” she asked as he delicately put her down. His hands were still holding her waist as she rested her hands on his cheek. He smiled.
“Amazing, so glad to be home,” he muttered as he leaned towards her, kissing her urgently. “So glad to see you,” he mumbled against her lips as he guided her backwards towards the couch. He kissed her again as he tightened his grip against her waist. 
“I wish I was there,” she mumbled as she slowly sat down on the couch, keeping his lips close to hers. 
“Me too baby,” he said as he pulled away from her. He looked deeply into her eyes as he lifted his hand and rested it onto her cheek. His thumb slowly ran across her warm cheek. 
The words were on his tongue for the first time in their relationship. He’s spent his entire roadtrip thinking about her and craving her touch. He missed the way she made him feel. He missed when his heart would race just by meeting her eye. 
It was still early, too early to say it but he thought it. He felt the words on his lips and wanted to say them the longer he searched her features. Instead his lips found hers again as he slowly pushed her on her back; climbing on top of her.
She was sitting on their balcony, drinking a cup of coffee as she watched the sunset over Montreal. A place she moved to a year ago because she wanted a new life. A new life that she wasn’t aware of was going to later include a gorgeous man. She had gotten out of a long term relationship that was incredibly toxic. Emotionally hard to be involved in. 
The last thing she ever wanted was to be in a relationship. Until she met a boy who lived in the same apartment building as she did. He was also new to town and also unwilling to be in a relationship. 
All Kirby wanted was a friend that didn’t play hockey. Kirby and Y/N first met while they were getting packages from their mailboxes. After that she invited Kirby up to her apartment. They played Mario Kart and talked about their new lives in Montreal. 
Any time they weren’t busy with other people they would hang out. And after four months, she kissed him and they started dating shortly after. 
She ran her hands over the sweater on her frame as Kirby raised his hand up and knocked it onto Nick’s door. The team was having a get together before the holiday break and Kirby was introducing Y/N for the first time. 
“Come in!” Nick shouted from inside. He met her gaze and raised his eyebrows. She nodded her head as she took a hold of his hand. Leaning towards her, he pressed his lips against her cheek before he pushed open the door. “Kirby man,” Nick shouted as he walked away from Cole.
Nick quickly wrapped his arms around Kirby, “How are you always the last one here?” Nick chuckled as he pulled away, glancing at Y/N.
“Nick, this is my girlfriend, Y/N,” he mumbled as he pulled her closer to his side. Y/N smiled kindly towards him.
“Nice to meet you, welcome to the family,” Nick expressed excitedly as he smiled towards her.
“Thank you,” she mumbled as she leaned closer to Kirby. He ran his hand up and down her side.
“Come on, I wanna show you off,” he mumbled against her hair before he kissed the top of her head. She chuckled nervously as she remained attached at his hip.
She rested her head on his chest, as she felt his hands run slow circles across her skin. It was perfect. Just the two of them in bed together, watching the sun rise over the city of Montreal.
Except Kirby was keeping his eyes on Y/N, admiring the sleepiness in her features. The three words were on his tongue as he wanted nothing more than to say them.
“You’re so quiet,” she mumbled before she pressed her lips against his chest. He hummed as his hand started to slowly glide up her skin.
“Just thinking,” he mumbled as she lifted her head up to meet his gaze, his lips curled upward.
She hummed, “Yeah?” she asked as she pursed her lips forward. He hummed as he bit his bottom lip. She furrowed her eyebrows as she smirked softly. “So are you going to tell me?” she asked as she glided her hand up his chest. 
He looked deeply into her eyes, “I love you,” he blurted out. His eyes widened as well as her own. Her lips parted as her heart started to race. “I’m sorry-”
“No, no, don't apologize,” she mumbled as she kissed him. She pulled away and stared into his eyes, “I just haven’t been able to hear those words without flinching in years,” she mumbled as she ran her thumb across his cheek, the beard scratching her skin. He ran his hand up and down her back soothingly. 
“I feel the same way,” she muttered, his smile faltering slightly. “I just don’t know if I can say those exact words,” he clenched his jaw as he furrowed his eyebrows, “I would use those words as a defense against my ex. I never really felt like they meant what they should’ve meant when I would say them. I don’t know if that makes any sense but Kirby, I truly believe you are my soulmate,” she mumbled.
His smile formed on his lips widely again as he scanned her features, “One day, I can say it back,” she muttered. He leaned towards her, kissing her urgently. “Say it again,” she mumbled against his lips, meeting his gaze.
“I love you,” he let out, her heart fluttering, “I love you so much,” he expressed.
“I’m gonna need you to say it a lot,” she mumbled as she pecked her lips against his.
“Don’t worry, baby girl, I’ll say it enough for the both of us,” he said before he devoured her lips with his.
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