#New Zealand Corps
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historyofguns · 25 days ago
The Battle of Monte Cassino, fought between January and May 1944, was a significant WWII engagement in which the Allies attempted to break through German defenses at the Gustav Line in Italy. The line, fortified by artillery, mines, and machine gun emplacements, posed a strategic challenge for Allied forces aiming to reach Rome. The battle saw heavy casualties, with 55,000 Allied and 20,000 German losses. While the Allies eventually succeeded in capturing Monte Cassino, the decision to bomb the historic Abbey of Monte Cassino, where it was wrongly believed German forces were entrenched, remains controversial. Despite Allied victories, the abbey's destruction became propaganda for the Germans, painting the Allies as destroyers of cultural heritage. The final assault involved multiple Allied factions, such as the Polish II Corps, British XIII Corps, and US forces, who coordinated efforts with the Normandy invasion, ultimately leading to the German retreat and the Allied breakthrough in the Italian Campaign.
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fionajames · 9 months ago
anzac day -> lest we forget
I would like you to do me a favor, and try to picture a scene in your head. Attempt to picture a land of mud and heat, blistering your skin as you merely stand. Head to toe in thick uniform, you and your troops stand in preparation for the landing. Imagine the moment you receive the order, sent to run over those muddy hills, bullets flying your way as they seek to kill.
This is what the landing of Gallipoli felt like for the 16,000 ANZACS on the 25th of April, 1915. The conditions of Gallipoli of course grew worse over the time of the campaign, with the heat or cold, disease, unsanitary conditions, terrible food and of course, the daily deaths of fellow soldiers taking its toll.
I figure I ought to explain what ANZAC means before anything else. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and was the title given to the armed forces who fought in the Gallipoli campaign during World War 1.
ANZAC Day is held on the 25th of April, the same day the ANZACS landed in Gallipoli that fateful morning. 2,000 soldiers were killed or wounded upon the first day, and those who weren’t killed were left weak. 
The Gallipoli campaign lasted until the eighth of January, 1916. A total of 8,159 ANZAC troops lost their lives. As sick as it sounds, the death toll isn’t very high. Gallipoli was important for many reasons, including that it was the first major amphibious assault in modern warfare. But it’s also so important because it was seen as a failure, and yet the troops kept going. The soldiers were seen as the bravest of them all.
ANZAC Day is held all over Australia and New Zealand, ceremonies and marching alike to remember the fallen and the serving. We do many things to commemorate the soldiers fallen and alive, some being the Dawn Service and the other numerous marching and ceremonies of course.
Another thing about ANZAC Day are the flowers. Most notable of these are poppies, famous among Australians and New Zealanders for ANZAC Day. Poppies were among the first flowers to grow back on the Gallipoli front, and ever since then they have been a symbol of hope and remembrance for the ANZACs. Another is rosemary, which means fidelity and remembrance. Many people will be wearing poppies and rosemary on ANZAC Day, a sign of their remembrance to the fallen and those who served. 
This is a poem by John McCrae called 'In Flanders Fields'.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.
Something that happens here is we play a song called ‘The Last Post’, which is then followed by a minute of silence. During this minute of silence, we remember the fallen, dead, wounded and survived. 
It would be a great favor to me if you could reblog this, no matter if you're Australian or New Zealand. No matter where you're from. ANZAC Day is about remembering war, the fallen and the survived.
Lest we forget.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 9 months ago
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April 25 is the national day of commemoration of Australia and New Zealand for victims of war and for recognition of the role of their armed forces.
It marks the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
The soldiers in those forces became known as ANZACs.
Anzac Day is a commemoration of the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops on 25 April 1915 at Gallipoli, Turkey.
When Great Britain declared war against Germany for its invasion of Belgium in 1914, Australia and New Zealand, as Dominions within the British Empire, regarded themselves automatically also at war.
At dawn on 25 April 1915, the first of approximately 70,000 soldiers from the Allies landed at Gallipoli.
The objective was to drive through to Istanbul, take Turkey out of the war, and to provide supplies to Russia in its fight against Germany.
Out of these 70,000 soldiers, more than 20,000 were Australian and New Zealand soldiers.
What had been planned as a bold stroke became a stalemate after the invading troops failed to reach their objective on the first day.
For the next eight months, they clung to the land they had captured, before eventually withdrawing at the end of 1915.
After both sides had suffered heavy casualties, the Allied forces were evacuated.
It is estimated that 8,700 Australian and 2,700 New Zealanders were killed.
One year later, in 1916, the first anniversary of the landing was observed in Australia, New Zealand, England, and by troops in Egypt.
That year, April 25 was officially named ‘Anzac Day’ by Acting Australian Prime Minister George Pearce.
Today, we speak of an ‘Anzac tradition,’ meaning the ideals of courage, endurance and mateship that are still relevant to this day.
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the-aspec-country · 8 months ago
I exist now!
hi Tumblr! I am the Aspec Country! I don't know how else to introduce myself so I'll just tag some people
(sorry if I double tag you)
@aro-sp-ace-force @big-fucking-sagittarius-astar @bisexual-navy @canadian-hellbird @france-unofficial
@gimmickverse-weekly @god-of-death-official @gimmick-swag @genderfluid-marine-corp @i-say-bean
@i-am-the-milky-way-galaxy @its-target-official @libra-the-scales-offical @literally-leo @literally-luxembourg
@might-be-capricorn @moongate-keepers-official @non-tyrannical-usa @official-god-of-order @officially-new-zealand
@official-draco-constellation @officially-capricorn @the-missiles-guy @totally-neptune-official @totally-oregon
@totally-ikea @ursa-minor-probably @ursa-major-actually @walmart-the-official
@youraveragemagicalthief@yahooo-official @duothelingo @i-say-bean @corvus-the-constellation
@and-cassiopeia @officially-taurus @the-official-god-of-chaos @the-real-illinois @the-principality-of-sealand
@the-red-planet-mars @its-target-official @guatemala-official @the-gimmick-authority @thestateoflouisiana
@amul-unofficial @official-the-united-states @official-denmark @denmark-forreal @denmark-official
@denmarklandia-official @actually-danish-denmark @official-hongkong @official-ireland @definitelytherepublicofireland
@actually-literally-ireland @forever-scotland @totally-france @france-unofficial @russia-totallyofficial
@germany-official @totally-germany @genuinely-germany @definitely-britain
@definitely-canada @official-new-zealand @india-official @yugoslavia-official @wales-official
@the-offical-roman-empire @the-official-italy @guatemala-official @totally-italy @the-principality-of-sealand
@definitely-brasil @holy-roman-empire-revived @spain-unofficial @very-real-australia @antiquitian-empire
@literally-luxembourg @100-percent-real-official-malta @totally-japan @therealrepublicofkorea @pakistan-official
@i-am-poland @kingdom-of-asgardia-real @very-much-mexico @republic-of-molossia @the-kingdom-of-norway
@sweden-official @non-tyrannical-usa @the-entire-country-of-sweden @greenland-offical @the-state-of-michigan
@state-of-0hio-official @cape-breton-island-itself @state-of-florida-official @state-of-connecticut-official @the-us-navy-offical
@the-us-navy @the-real-illinois @the-state-of-georgia-official @mhm-wisconsin @rejasthanofficial
@stateofuttarpradeshindiaofficial @the-only-ontario @actually-alberta @newjersey-official @new-york-for-real
@definitely-indiana @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real @femboy-state-of-florida-official @the-republic-of-texas
@new-hampshire-real @unofficial-illinois @newhampshireofficial @saskatchewan-real @quebec-official
@texas-real @rhode-island-real @we-are-not-the-feds @totally-texas @telangana-official
@sovereign-state-of-alaska @tamil-nadu-official @west-bengal-official @this-is-goa @totally-oregon
@buffalony-official @maharashtra-official @kolkatabbg @gujarat-official @axom-miss
@karnatakaofficial @canadian-tire-real @tamilnadu-official @bihar-official @mumbai-official
@communist-usa-real @officially-gay-va @definitely-north-america @antarcitica-official @official-the-pacific-ocean
@the-real-atlantic-ocean @bangladesh-official @hyderabad-unofficial @delhi-the-capital @the-lovely-planet-earth
@totally-italy @france-unofficial @totally-france @the-official-italy @the-wonderful-jupiter
@speckled-callisto @deimos-moon-of-terror @moon-of-fear-phobos @decafcatfeen @the-real-eris
@the-real-illinois @the-official-goose-god @india-official @pakistan-official @asteroid-belt-resident-ceres
@genuinely-germany @antiquitian-empire @actually-mtn-dew @spain-unofficial @definitely-brasil
@definitely-britain @definitely-canada @very-real-australia @zoozve-official @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real
@the-problemo @unusuallyy @concrete-the-cat @official-denmark @official-hongkong
@official-planet-pluto @truly-pluto @truly-the-sun @its-target-official @i-am-poland
@ruhrpott-i-guess @non-tyrannical-usa @the-gimmick-authority @realsafari @official-new-zealand
@google-news-official @guatemala-official @forever-scotland @definitely-waste-management
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the-writer · 7 months ago
hi! I'm the writer! I'm a gimmick blog! but I also like to write. So um, I guess I'll tag some blogs now (got this list from a friend, don't know if it'll work or not)
@aro-sp-ace-force @big-fucking-sagittarius-astar @bisexual-navy @canadian-hellbird @france-unofficial
@gimmickverse-weekly @god-of-death-official @gimmick-swag @genderfluid-marine-corp @i-say-bean
@i-am-the-milky-way-galaxy @its-target-official @libra-the-scales-offical @literally-leo @literally-luxembourg
@might-be-capricorn @moongate-keepers-official @non-tyrannical-usa @official-god-of-order @officially-new-zealand
@official-draco-constellation @officially-capricorn @the-missiles-guy @totally-neptune-official @totally-oregon
@totally-ikea @ursa-minor-probably @ursa-major-actually @walmart-the-official @youraveragemagicalthief
@yahooo-official @duothelingo @i-say-bean @corvus-the-constellation @and-cassiopeia
@officially-taurus @the-official-god-of-chaos @the-real-illinois @the-principality-of-sealand @the-red-planet-mars
@its-target-official @guatemala-official @the-gimmick-authority @thestateoflouisiana @amul-unofficial
@official-the-united-states @official-denmark @denmark-forreal @denmark-official @denmarklandia-official
@actually-danish-denmark @official-hongkong @official-ireland @definitelytherepublicofireland @actually-literally-ireland
@forever-scotland @totally-france @france-unofficial @russia-totallyofficial
@totally-germany @genuinely-germany @definitely-britain @definitely-canada
@india-official @yugoslavia-official @wales-official
@the-offical-roman-empire @the-official-italy
@guatemala-official @totally-italy @the-principality-of-sealand
@definitely-brasil @holy-roman-empire-revived
@spain-unofficial @very-real-australia
@antiquitian-empire @literally-luxembourg @100-percent-real-official-malta
@totally-japan @therealrepublicofkorea @pakistan-official @i-am-poland @kingdom-of-asgardia-real
@very-much-mexico @republic-of-molossia @the-kingdom-of-norway @sweden-official @non-tyrannical-usa
@the-entire-country-of-sweden @greenland-offical @the-state-of-michigan
@state-of-0hio-official @cape-breton-island-itself
@state-of-florida-official @state-of-connecticut-official @the-us-navy-offical
@the-us-navy @the-real-illinois
@mhm-wisconsin @rejasthanofficial @stateofuttarpradeshindiaofficial @the-only-ontario
@actually-alberta @newjersey-official @new-york-for-real @definitely-indiana @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real
@femboy-state-of-florida-official @the-republic-of-texas @new-hampshire-real @unofficial-illinois
@saskatchewan-real @quebec-official @texas-real @rhode-island-real
@totally-texas @telangana-official @sovereign-state-of-alaska @tamil-nadu-official
@this-is-goa @totally-oregon @buffalony-official @maharashtra-official
@kolkatabbg @gujarat-official 
@axom-miss @karnatakaofficial @canadian-tire-real
@tamilnadu-official @bihar-official
 @mumbai-official @communist-usa-real @officially-gay-va
@definitely-north-america @antarcitica-official
 @official-the-pacific-ocean @the-real-atlantic-ocean
@bangladesh-official @hyderabad-unofficial @delhi-the-capital 
@the-lovely-planet-earth @totally-italy @france-unofficial @totally-france @the-official-italy
@the-wonderful-jupiter @speckled-callisto @deimos-moon-of-terror @moon-of-fear-phobos @decafcatfeen
@the-real-eris @the-real-illinois @the-official-goose-god @india-official @pakistan-official
@asteroid-belt-resident-ceres @genuinely-germany @antiquitian-empire @actually-mtn-dew @spain-unofficial
@definitely-brasil @definitely-britain @definitely-canada @very-real-australia @zoozve-official
@the-province-of-nova-scotia-real @the-problemo @unusuallyy @concrete-the-cat @official-denmark
@official-hongkong @official-planet-pluto @truly-pluto @truly-the-sun @its-target-official
@i-am-poland @ruhrpott-i-guess @non-tyrannical-usa @the-gimmick-authority @realsafari
@official-new-zealand @google-news-official @guatemala-official @forever-scotland @actual-aspec-military
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scotianostra · 2 months ago
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On 26th November 1917 Elsie Inglis, the Scottish doctor, nursing pioneer and suffragette, died.
Every Scot out there should read this with pride, Elsie Inglis and the other Scottish doctors and nurses faced prejudice and the horrors of war, but they did not flinch in what they saw as their duty.
Born in India in 1864, she was the daughter of John Inglis, a chief commissioner in the Indian civil service. She studied medicine at Dr Sophia Jex-Blake’s newly opened Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women and was one of the first women in Scotland to finish higher education, although she was not allowed to graduate. She went on to complete her training under Sir William Macewen at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
On the outbreak of WWI Elsie approached the War Office with the idea of either women-doctors co-operating with the Royal Army Medical Corps, or women's medical units being allowed to serve on the Western Front. The authorities were less than helpful and it is reported that an official said to her "My good lady, go home and sit still".
Despite attempts to repress her efforts—and those of many other women—to contribute, Elsie did not “sit still”. Instead, she persevered, setting up the Scottish women’s hospitals, which were all-female units that played a vital role with Britain’s allies, including the French, the Belgians and, particularly, the Serbs.
Elsie was 50 when war broke out and she defied British Government advice by setting up field hospitals close to the frontlines. She travelled to France within three months of the outbreak of war, and the all female staffed, Abbaye de Royaumont hospital, containing some 200 beds, was in place by the end of 1914. That was followed by a second hospital, at Villers Cotterets, in 1917. Tens of thousands were helped by the hospitals she set up in France, Serbia, Ukraine and Romania, acting with the support of the French and Serbian Governments.
Prior to that, Elsie was a strong advocate of women’s rights and a leading member of the suffragette movement in Scotland, playing a notable role in the establishment of the Scottish women’s suffrage federation in 1906. She fought energetically against prejudice and for the social and political emancipation of women, and had already made a huge impact in Edinburgh by working in some of the poorest parts of the city with women and babies who were in desperate need of help. Selflessly, she often waived the fees of patients who could not afford to pay.
Politically, Elsie was a staunch campaigner for votes for women, and her involvement in the suffragette movement prompted her to raise money to send out to female doctors, nurses, orderlies and drivers on the frontline. She recorded many great achievements, including setting up 14 hospitals during the war—staffed by 1,500 Scottish women, all volunteers. Most notably, Elsie raised the equivalent of £53 million in today’s money to fund greatly needed medical care for those on the frontline. Her efforts reached across the waters on another level, attracting volunteers from New Zealand, Australia and Canada. As I am sure everyone would agree, that showed fierce independence and capability from women who were well ahead of their time.
By 1917 Inglis knew she had cancer, and by the end of September was unable to work as a surgeon she sent a telegraph home saying, ‘Everything satisfactory and all well except me.’ Inglis and her unit landed in Newcastle and the following day, 26 November 1917, in the presence of her sisters, Inglis died.
In Edinburgh the response was huge and the streets were lined with people as her body was returned to the city. While there was no Victoria Cross for her at home, in Serbia she was the only woman to receive the Order of the White Eagle and is remembered by the nation every year in a ceremony at the memorial fountain built in her honour.
Before her body was interned in Dean Cemetery, Inglis’s body lay in state in St Giles’ Cathedral. The SWH continued its work for the duration of the war, sending out more units and raising money for the work. Remaining funds were used to establish the Elsie Inglis Memorial Maternity Hospital in Edinburgh in July 1925.
Pics are of Elsie, the "Hospice" on the Royal Mile, not a hospice in today's sense of the word, it was a maternity hospital set up in 1904 run exclusively by women, The Elsie Inglis Maternity hospital at Abbey Hill replaced this in 1925, the third pic is an engraving at Walker Street Edinburgh, where she had a surgery.
There has been talk of erecting a statue of Elsie, in my opinion she certainly deserves, there are too few statues honouring strong women like her, you can find details on the link below.
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captain-price-unofficially · 6 months ago
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Chino's Dauntless SBD. This one was built in 1943 and assigned to the Royal New Zealand Air Force. It flew over 30 combat missions with Squadron 25 off of the South Pacific island of Bougainville. In May 1944, it transferred to the U.S. Marine Corps. For the remainder of the war the aircraft served with six different Marine and U.S. Navy squadrons
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the-official-goose-god · 8 months ago
Very Important
The official petition to make both @the-official-goose-god and @definitely-waste-management the official vigilantes of Denver. Reblog today!
( @100percent-shell-oil this is for you)
(we're also dumb teens so you should reblog cause who doesn't want teens protecting their city?)
@aro-sp-ace-force @big-fucking-sagittarius-astar @bisexual-navy @canadian-hellbird @france-unofficial
@gimmickverse-weekly @god-of-death-official @gimmick-swag @genderfluid-marine-corp @i-say-bean
@i-am-the-milky-way-galaxy @its-target-official @libra-the-scales-offical @literally-leo @literally-luxembourg
@might-be-capricorn @moongate-keepers-official @non-tyrannical-usa @official-god-of-order @officially-new-zealand
@official-draco-constellation @officially-capricorn @the-missiles-guy @totally-neptune-official @totally-oregon
@totally-ikea @ursa-minor-probably @ursa-major-actually @walmart-the-official @youraveragemagicalthief
@yahooo-official @duothelingo
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aimeedaisies · 2 years ago
✨ Princess Anne as Barbie dolls ✨
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✨ Princess Anne, Spanish State visit 2017 | Barbie Cinderella, 2004
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✨ Princess Anne at the London premiere of Jesus Christ Superstar, 1973 | Flower Wower Mod Barbie, 1970
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✨ Princess Anne at the Bath and West Agricultural Show, 1969 | Barbie (date unknown, c.60’s)
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✨ Princess Anne & Goodwill in dressage, 1971 | Barbie & Walking Beauty, 1998
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✨ Princess Anne in New Zealand, 1970 | Francie in Fresh as a Daisy, 1966
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✨ Princess Anne at the Munich Olympics, 1972 | Margot Robbie as Barbie, 2023
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✨ Princess Anne at the Hon. Alexandra Knatchbulls wedding, 2016 | Sparkling Pink Barbie, 1964
And Ken…
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Commander Tim Laurence at his wedding, 1992 | Stars and Stripes Marine Corps Ken, 1991
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urfavmafioso · 9 months ago
henry tomasino + fiona apple
i made these henry photo edits for @mafiamemesandedits because henry is her lover ✨ the edits are based off the lyrics from fiona apple’s song “on the bound”.
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i also made a drawing of henry promoting fiona apple’s “when the pawn” album since i feel like this whole album suits him so well
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i collect cds to play on my childhood jukebox and i recently bought 2 of fiona apple’s albums. the beginning of her song “pale september” sounds like something straight out of the mafia 2 soundtrack
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one more thing: as an aussie, recently it was anzac day (australian and new zealand army corps day) so i’d like to add that i give all respect to the fallen. lest we forget 🇦🇺. this post is kind of like a follow up of stuff i didn’t post to tumblr 😅
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writtenbyjos · 4 months ago
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Ford’s hand looks like it went through a ninja blender so pls ignore it 🤩🙂‍↔️🫣
initially I hadn’t included the other sketch cause I was working on Ford’s face but I absolutely love them and I cannot get enough of themmmm!!
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
A little back story for Matilda my OC, she was a really good friend of Fiddleford who came from Pennsylvania so I have her coming from an upper class Pittsburgh family with too much time on their hands, and not enough love for their only daughter, the only girl of three older brothers. She was an engineer major with big plans and an even bigger heart. She and Ford had a meet cute in the hallway one day in the beginning of their freshman year at Backupsmore U, where they collided face first into one another trying to get to class. The rest was history. We later find out that she has a special ability to see and communicate with ghosts, something only Ford ever knew about. She was the one who helped him investigate the paranormal side of Gravity Falls and even illustrated some entity’s for his journals … *wink wink nudge nudge*
They moved to Gravity Falls together after college, until Ford’s ambition and treaty with Bill pushed her away, to where she loved him and knew she always would, but had no room in her heart for darkness. She came to a cross roads when she got offered a big time engineer job that would change the way the world used clean and renewable energy, but it was in New Zealand. Bill was a big part in their eventual split, ending in her trying to get Ford to come with her, but of course, he was very tempted by everything that Bill was promising. She knew Bill was not to be trusted from the beginning, which strained their relationship further till his mental demise. Before he asked Stan for help, they had somewhat of a falling out and Matilda set off for New Zealand, heart broken. Never to hear from him for another 30 years.
Her story is one of my favorites of any OC’s I’ve ever come to meet, and I can’t wait to publish the rest of her narrative :) I can’t tell you guys much else, but I can tell you a few things. Where the story picks up in that I’m writing now, a year after Weirdmageddon, she is finishing up her term in the peace corp and that she and Stanley have kept up with each other via letters since Ford was pushed into the portal. And she’s coming back, baby. In full force!
Thank you for all the support and hype :)
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horrorscoutblog · 6 months ago
hey mod here!!
scouts Ex-husband ( @tf2-nurse-is-dreaming )
thought I updated my scout just a bit due to him being a version of scout (I ain't that cannon so here this)
● medic made him a full guy, dna and all (no one knows how)
● has a fake left eye that moves due to muscles under the fake eye
● dosnt have the sex bomb tattoo but the band slipknot.
● sweet as hell. never flirted with miss Pauling (they are good friends tho)
● has been treated like a kid from 99% of the base (he is 29 and is enjoying the attention)
● the guy has sensory issues and dosnt know. so he cuts his hair the same way and when it hits his neck he gose insane because it itches
● he never drinks due to how he reverses backing a child like state and dosnt want his team to know
lore on why my scout is different than normal scout:
scout always knew something was wrong with him, he eat his scabs, drink his blood as a kid. what you thing was normal, but as a teen, he wanted to eat humans and he knew it was wrong so he hid it, from his mom, from his family. every partner he had, he ended up eating alive and running in hiding. till he got to red base, the blu corpes were easy to find at night do he eat those before miss Pauling burned them. he hid everything from people, till he met nurse, he knew nurse ate people and he felt like he found his soulmate. through out his limbs grew slowly as he was showing bit of his insane side hopeing that nurse will love him the same. but when the fight broke. . .his insane side snapped into place and made scout to how he really is like
since he ran away from the red base and is in new Zealand with Oliver, he has changed his name from Jeremy to jack
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pebblysand · 1 year ago
featuring: the return of angst, new zealand, hawk (who i promise never dies), the press, feminism, george bush, le droit des femmes à disposer de leur corps, and me updating on a random tuesday just to throw you off a little.
this is dedicated to everyone who was in my mentions last time asking what hermione was jealous about.
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soup-mother · 9 months ago
fuck your ANZAC spirit
unlimited catastrophic naval landings on the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
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herprivateswe · 10 months ago
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Defence of the ANZAC. Scene in a trench during the period 28th April - 12th May, when the Marine and 1st Naval Brigades of the Royal Naval Division reinforced the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps in the area about what were later known as Quinn's and Courtney's Posts. The Marines brought a few periscopes with them, and the Australians improvised a supply from looking-glasses sent ashore from transports.
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daiseukiis · 2 years ago
╰ ⋆ 𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ଓ.° ╮
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𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ! ⠀⠀⠀⠀→ MICHAEL KAISER is nicknamed as ‘god’s chosen emperor’ in the football world, being one of the best football players in japan university.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ MIKAGE REO is heir to the mikage corps, studying mba as well as a very popular football player.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ ITOSHI RIN is a biology student as well as one of the top football players in japan university.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ a member of the infamous kiseki no sedai ; SUGIYAMA IZUMI is often mistaken for a guy due to her rather masculine name. she is japanese-australian and heir to the sugiyama enterprise as her family owns multiple onsens around the world. she is studying international business and plays on the women’s basketball team.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ the middle child of the infamous suwa family, SUWA SUMIRE is the captain of the women’s swim team, in university for sports science education. she occasionally does modelling on the side.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ KIRISHIMA HARU is studying for his mba, heir to the kirishima corps. he is part of the volleyball team, and sponsors multiple sports youth leagues.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ FUJIMURA ‘AUTUMN’ YUME is a business major, going for her masters in mba. she is japanese-new zealander, the captain of the cheerleading team. her family owns wisteria corps, as she is the next head and is the rich cousin of bokuto kotaro. her boyfriend is kuroo tetsuro.
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