#New AU
betinh3 · 3 months
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Okay here is the new au
Dont have a name for it yet because tumblr doesnt like the E word from the titel so ill have to think of something else...
Sun and Moon had to move from their luxury apartment to a smaller flat to get away from paparazzi after being involved in a scandal
Y/N just wants to live their life and avoids Sun and Moon in the beginning because they really dont want management to find out and fire them (overly cautious of y/n but understandable. Management is super secretive bc of super importent people frequenting the business). Luckily for them they are super inconspicious at work so neither Sun nor Moon notice at all that their new neighbour is also the person that has to clean up their messes at work and sometimes even is in the room to bring something like new clothing when they are currently entertaining a guest
Sun just wants to befriend his new neighbour and is super sad that Y/N is not interestd. He gets a crush almost immidiatly. After he gets kinda friendly with Y/N he gets super afraid that Y/N might find out what his job is and judge him because of it.
Moon is a little more distant but after some shenenigans with Y/N (who wants to stay away from them but still helps when Sun and Moon need it) he develops a little crush and tries to get closer, though all his usual flirts dont work on Y/N and he is super confused about it (Y/N is just used to this shit from work)
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tagzpite · 15 days
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Temporary butt censor cloth
I wanted to thank everyone who donated to me. I should be okay for a little bit but any continuous support is awesome. I have some fishysseus stuff in my shop too !!! Stickers and prints and all that! :D
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westwindy1 · 5 months
imagine manny didn’t know Jack had amnesia and all his years of silence was punishment for him not going back to his family
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dovewingkinnie · 1 year
what are you doing in there bonnie
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23fallencomets · 3 months
okay so i have a bit of time!!
So, logan growing up in Florida but moving to switzerland bc family stuff so he picks up learning an instrument and it starts with like a guitar and then a bass, drums, anything he can get his hands on.
his family keeps jumping around all of europe until they end up in like denmark and that’s where he meets Fred and fred is like “yeah i’ll join your silly band” and they’re like fifteen at this point.
except the band isn’t so silly when they get to italy when they’re like seventeen and they meet arthur at a random gig -charles is still an f1 driver, this becomes relevant later on- and he’s like “i know how to play the drums”
so the three take off around europe and start building up a following. the three are just sort of vibing together as they continue to make music until arthur has to go home for a race. Logan and fred join them and manage to get a gig at some club in Monaco.
their name becomes more well known and theyre living their life until the next year when they're invited to play at a club in Miami before a special dj set is supposed to play
this is where the f1 drivers come into play.
Moving on, their music would be a mix of arctic monkeys, glass animals, cage the elephant.
thats all i have rn
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miss-conner3 · 5 months
This is a bit of a silly what if question,
But what it be like if ando and the lamb swapped roles (whether it be as an au (where like ando became a cult leader and the lamb died) or if they just randomly decided to swap each other clothing for a day as a joke).
I'm surprised and happy to receive this question (OwO)
Lucky for you, I'm two steps ahead of you (>v<)/
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By February of this year, I had already started thinking about what would happen if my two sheep swapped places. I even gave it the name “The Hard Way,” where Ando is forced to wear the red crown after refusing to be the lamb of the prophecy, imposed by The One Who Waits, upon understanding that everything he suffered was due to a family dispute.
This begins a hate relationship between Ando and The One Who Waits, with the obvious ending that he would betray him for denying him the eternal rest that his soul longed for. There was no subtlety here, and Narinder knew that.
Therefore, he was ready.
And still, he lost.
This AU is a bit sad, as Ando got so lost in his anger that when he gained control, he found himself at a dead end, unable to die as it was now death itself, and with the awareness that to give up the crown, he would have to choose another candidate and he... was not willing to impose this responsibility on anyone.
So he eventually went crazy and ended up destroying his world, giving in to the delirium that only then he could rest.
That ending was based almost entirely on my playthrough, where I decided to play as Ando in hard mode and encountered a new type of difficulty that changed the way I play and manage the cult. ¿The result?
I got a morally dubious and emotionally stunted Ando, whose interpersonal relationships ranged from his first husband, whom he cheated on twice (not intentionally), his beloved little brother (who hooked up with half a bishop XD), and a punching bag (Narinder), who dared to tell him that he loved him in front of his first husband. Obviously, on purpose.
I may have thought a little about “¿What if…?”, with my lamb and Ando swapping roles XP
As for exchanging clothes <(ouo)>
I feel like the lamb could get away with that joke if Ando was willing to swap his clothes because, as you can imagine, he's too embarrassed to wear just the fleece XD
Although I think I could draw that, ¡thanks for the idea!
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larz-barz · 2 months
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this is the ghost au:3
due to never receiving proper training (and bad luck), miki was killed during the final selection
miki wanders on mount fujikasane, helping struggling trainees survive
if she thinks someone won’t survive as a slayer, then she’ll advise them to quit the corps so they’ll at least have a chance at living :3
tagging: @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @kimetsu-chan @shycroissanti @slayfics @night-mince10000000000000000001 @zenitsustherapist @frostburn-shoto @aceofstars0 @pulim-v @muichirolover14 @muichirosboba
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oswy31 · 6 months
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CAREFUL with the crooked translation??? ¿??
Let's talk about universes.
I actually have a lot of them, all of them were created in the Undertale rolls, and all of them I want to talk about someday.
One of my favorites is
"The Ages."
The roleplayer and I were thinking, what if Drim and Knightmare were 700 years old, but in our reality. A historical one.
In a reality where there was no war between humans and monsters, and yet magic was still intact, all AU lived in the same world, and the brothers were still the keepers of emotions.
We counted, and it turns out they were born somewhere in the 14th century, or rather, they were created artificially. Times were hard, and Nim wanted the next heirs to be those who could really protect the apples through the ages.
"Two princes were born (after unfortunately many failed attempts), but unfortunately they had to be hidden, so they would not take the throne in the future.
So began their adventure, which continues to this day. The brothers were very close, as they were taught that they were the only ones who would be with each other forever. Other monsters and humans, unfortunately, do not live that long.
The brothers traveled to different countries and developed a tactic to move every 15-20 years under new names, so that people would not suspect that they do not age at all.
We also have the headcanon that Dream and Knightmere have no gender, because well...they acquired the souls of apples, and apples...have no gender, physically. Though they were brought up as boys, it was probably due to the stereotypes of the Middle Ages, since they are future defenders.However, when the brothers' status rose, due to the accumulated capital, and in fashion were lush dresses, Drim liked them, so that the next couple of moves they could experiment not only with the change of names, but also the gender column in the passport. But Knightmare didn't like the idea as much as Drimu did, because he liked all sorts of elegant dresses, jewelry, and balls, of course.
So they actually lived until the 21st century, escaping from wars, avoiding photos and references in newspapers, saying goodbye to old friends, and gaining experience.
Now Dream and Knightmere live a quiet life in St. Petersburg, Knightmere works as a history professor in a higher education institution, and Dream has opened a simple flower shop. All they have to do is indulge in memories of the golden age.
I like them a lot, so maybe I'll ask them out sometime.
Давайте поговорим о вселенных.
У меня на самом деле их очень много, все они были созданы в андертейл ролках, и о всех я хочу когда нибудь рассказать.
Одна из моих любимых, это
Мы с ролевиком подумали, а что если бы Дриму и Найтмеру было бы 700 лет, но в нашей реальности. Исторической.
В реальности, где не было войны ме��ду людьми и монстрами, и при этом сохранилась бы магия, все AU жили бы в одном мире, и братья еще остались бы хранителями эмоций.
Мы посчитали, и получилось они родились где то в 14веке, точнее, их создали искуствеенно. Ведь времена были тяжелые, а Ним хотела чтобы следующими наследниками стали те, кто действительно сможет защитить яблоки сквозь века.
"Родились " на свет(после к сожалению много неудачных попыток) два принца, однако к сожалению их пришлось скрывать, так что трон в будущем они бы не переняли.
Так и началось их приключение, которое продолжается до сих пор. Братья были очень близки, ведь их учили что они единственные кто будет с друг другом всегда. Другие монстры и люди к сожалению, столько просто не живут.
Братья путешествовали по странам, выробатали тактику, переезжать каждые 15-20 лет под новыми именами, чтобы люди не заподозрили что те впринципе и не стареют вовсе.
Также у нас есть хэдканон, что у Дрима и Найтмера нет пола, ведь ну...они приобрели души яблок, а у яблок...нет пола, физически. Хотя воспитывали их как парней, вероятно это было связано со стереотипами средневековья, раз они будущие защитники.Однако, когда у братьев поднялся статус, засчет накопленого капитала, и в моде были пышные платья, Дриму они мягко сказать полюбились, так что следующие пару переездов они могли экспериментировать не только со сменой имён, но и графой пола в паспорте. Однако Найтмеру эта идея прижилась не так хорошо как Дриму, очень он любит всякие изящные платья украшения, о, и балы конечно.
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Так они собственно и прожили до 21 века, сбегая от войн,избегая фотографий и упоминаний в газетах, прощаясь со старыми друзьями, и набираясь опыта
Сейчас Дрим и Найтмер живут спокойной жизнью в Санкт-Петербурге, Найтмер работает профессором по истории в высшем учебном заведении, а Дрим открыл простой цветочный. Им остаётся лишь придаваться воспоминаниям о золотом веке.
Мне они очень нравятся, как нибудь может я устрою с ними Аск
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beerok23 · 2 months
Runaway Groom
Time for some self-promotion for my new AU 😍
[With the essential help of my beta angel @somewhere-in-wales 🥹]
A little excerpt under the cut
“This kind of groom isn’t an illusion, faithful readers. I wish he were! This man is very real. He lives in Tadfield, where he runs the family workshop. He is named after an angel, but it shouldn’t surprise you to know that his namesake is an obscure occult entity only ever mentioned in the Buggre Alle This Bible published in 1651. It’s a rare manuscript containing three additional verses for Genesis 3 where God herself addresses the angel ‘Aziraphale’, the guardian of the Eastern Gate, who seems to have lost his flaming sword. Our very own angel is named Aziraphale Fell (it figures), AKA…'The Runaway Groom’.”
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honkygay · 1 year
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anyways me when i watch nightmare on elm street 2 again and i get The Feeling that jesse is a jeremy variant, little closet queer <3 so i decided to make a new jeremike design for my new fic im cookin up ALSO MICHAEL AFTON FINAL GIRL TRUTHER!!!!
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betinh3 · 3 months
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cobrakaisb · 8 months
Can you do something with Hughes brothers finding out that their sister is dating JJ McCarthy? And they give him the over protective big brother speech
“when is your boyfriend coming anyway?” jack asks as he overheard you telling trevor and cole about jj. “yeah! we met him for like ten minutes, it’s time we actually meet him,” quinn chimes in. “and him being late is a bad first impression,” luke adds. suddenly all three of your brothers are standing in front of you.
you roll your eyes at their words. “he’ll be here guys. besides, luke, you already know him,” you snap. “okay. but he’s dating my sister, i want to talk to him,” luke says. your eyebrows furrowed at his words. “talk to him?” you question. “yeah. let him know what my expectations are,” he continues. “our expectations actually,” quinn jumps in. “and don’t worry, they’re very specific,” jack assures, patting your shoulder. “oh great,” you mumble, just as jj walks through the back door.
“you don’t sound excited to see me,” he teases, pulling you into a quick hug. “i’m always excited to see you, just feel bad for what’s to come,” you explain, kissing his cheek. “okay here we go, rule one is no pda. i don’t want to see it,” jack says, with his arms crossed. “jj, you remember my brothers, jack and quinn.” “of course. it’s nice to see you guys,” he greets, holding his hand out for a shake. “now that formalities are out of the way, let’s go have a chat. just us guys,” jack suggests, but the way he’s gripping jj’s hand shows that it’s more of a demand. you’re even more horrified when trevor and cole follow them.
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[???!Victim is available for questions]
this is a new au!
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juanasfanart · 11 months
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i'm starting a TADC swap au featuring jack (swap!jax) and bumpi (swap!pomni) . for this au, i put some 3 changes on the au:
1. all characters have they're ages swapped (for example, jack is 25 and bumpi is 22)
2. this is the MOST important change i have on the au: in this au, caine DOESNT exist (sorry caine fans :<)
3. i will probably do other characters getting swapped if i try
thats all in this au, ur free to make fanart of this au if u want !!byebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebye !!! :3
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banditblvd · 2 months
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onemotion.com’s sketch pad thing was so unbearably laggy
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