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rennebright · 4 months ago
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水着ネルトゥス by さといも [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year ago
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that-guy-in-the-chiton · 5 months ago
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Freyr & Freyja’s parents. :)
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norsemythologie · 9 months ago
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A collection of some of my favorite 19th & 20th-century art of mythological scenes:
Emil Doepler | Loki's Brood (1905)
James Doyle Penrose | Freya and Her Necklace (1890)
Emil Doepler | Nerthus on Her Cart (1905)
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piratespacex · 5 months ago
Destrinktober 2024 day 22
Oh for the Norns sake STOP FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY FREYJA (probably Njörd)
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sigyn-foxyposts · 7 months ago
"The children of Njord 🌊"
Thank you @piratespacex for coming up with the filler names for the recently discovered 9 daughters!! 🥺
All of these are just my headcannons, filling in the blanks of the possible daughters of Njord that we never got to know. None of the kids are cannon but Freyja, Freyr, Ráðveig and Kreppvör!
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Info on them below ⬇️
Those who are orange belong to Nerthus and blue to Skadi!
Freyr (Lord) & Freyja (Lady)
We know the Vanir twins already lmao!
Ráðveig (Advice)
Ráðveig meaning "advice" is the daughter of Njord and Nerthus. Like her name suggests she is great at giving advice and her burning passion is to aid her people. After Njord left Vanaheim together with her oldest siblings, Ráðveig was suddenly in charge of things until they heard from them again. She tried her best to provide for the Vanir gods, especially after the newly held war but it proved to be a struggle but her efforts were not in vein. Ironically enough she developed a platonic relationship with Hoenir, the Aesir god who couldn't give advice.
Állisvilum (Eel)
Állisvilum meaning "Eel" is the daughter of Njord and Nerthus. Like her name she is as sly and threatening as an Eel and lanky in appearance. Like her sister Freyja she is a total badass on the battlefield and thrives there better than anywhere else in Vanaheim. She fought in the Aesir Vanir war bravely and hates the Aesir gods with burning passion for not only separating her family, but slaughtering her people.
Veigrippa (Alcohol grip)
Veigrippa meaning "Alcohol grip" is the daughter of Njord and Nerthus. She is the Vanir goddess of mead and is the biggest party girl to ever be known. Often she spotted serving the gods of vanaheim, brewing and dancing around. Veigrippa is incredibly jealous of the Aesir gods for possibly having better mead then her! To the point she might have tried to steal their goat Heidrun from them a few times..
Ljóssa (Light)
Ljóssa meaning "Light" is the daughter of Njord and Nerthus. She is very bright and outgoing, almost the personification of light itself according to the Vanir people. She wants nothing more than for her people to thrive especially after the consequences of the war and is very active in their community, often found near Ráðveig. Surprisingly, she doesn't blame the Aesir gods for the war but rather Gullveig for sharing so much knowledge, especially to Odin.
Nernhardt (Bear strong)
Nernhardt meaning "Bear strong" is the daughter of Njord and Skadi. She's the eldest of the couples children and strives to be the strongest to prove that her jotun legacy isn't one to mess with. She idolizes her mother and grandfather heavily and is very competitive, even against her own sisters and mother. She also gets very easily offended, because she can't really understand when someone is being genuine or intentionally mocking her.
Sýrult (Acidic)
Sýrult meaning "Acidic" is the daughter of Njord and Skadi. She is a total menace and is cruel because she can. Like acid she spreads nothing but pain and will try her best to burn right through you with a grin. She got most of her nature from Skadi's bad side and hates the Aesir for what they did to her grandfather, even though she wasn't born back then. It was also her idea to hang a poisonous snake above Loki during his punishment, she's proud of it too!
Feigarbet (Coward's bet)
Feigarbet meaning "Coward's bet" is the daughter of Njord and Skadi. She loves making bets with people, cheat and steal through her scandals. Boasting about her fake achievements and instantly regretting it when people prove to be better than her or want their things back. She will flee and hide behind her family, constantly in a state where she can't trust anyone because she knows people are out to get her. Which is where her cowardly nature comes in, even worse for her.. She is unable to control herself. 
Snjórelsi (Snowfall)
Snjórelsi meaning "Snowfall" is the daughter of Njord and Skadi. Surprisingly, unlike most of her family members she takes her nature from Njord and is a total sweetheart to everyone she meets, causing people to become confused on how she is related to such cruel people but Njord! She's soft, calm and collected, also very white in appearance hence her being named after snow.
Kreppvör (Crisis Aid)
Kreppvör meaning "Crisis Aid" is the daughter of Njord and Skadi. While it's a good trait to be careful and ready to aid someone in the need of help, Kreppvör often over does it. She's overprotective in her own way and very skittish, jumping at the slightest touch or sound. While her mother and oldest sisters moved back to Jotunheim after the divorce, she stayed behind with her father Njord. Which is why her name, despite being the youngest and less honorable survived through the legends.
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nocnitsa · 7 months ago
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Emil Doepler
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ryebread-x · 7 months ago
Some dead Vanir moms(kinda)
First, a full body design for Gullveig nothing has really changed from her first design
She becomes a mother figure/mentor to Freyja and Freyr(mostly Freyja) after Nerthus's death(then she too died)
She also, in a weird sort of messed up way, had a kid with Loki (but mostly everyone knows this if you’ve read the myths before)
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I finally got around to designing both Nerthus and Sigyn’s mom too
This is going off the headcanon that Sigyn is possibly half Vanir-half dwarf. However, when it came to designing her mom, I based her after no specific goddess. Since I wanted to design off of what Sigyn’s pov of her mom would be like. So, in my little fill in the blank retelling, Sigyn was abandoned by her mother at 3 years old. From there, Sigyn lived with her father ,Ivaldi, till she joined the Aesir.
This means that the only things Sigyn's mom left for her were her coat and a tone of mommy issues🥲. Sigyn now only sees her mother as mostly a silhouette/ non-existent in her memories.
Nerthus, on the other hand, was a better mom to both Freyja and Freyr. She was a causality of the Aesir, but the twins don’t know she died. Njord lied, saying she had just disappeared and refused to tell them the real truth.
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astralanomalies · 2 years ago
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this is all i have the courage to post for now
*Jazz hands* from Thesis back when i was in college
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thetoxiccupcakes · 1 year ago
Sorry about the lack of content lately, life's been crazy lately I plan on doing an official update tomorrow on whats happening hopefully.
There WILL be more art and comics!! Just not as soon as I'd like 😭
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the-nerthus-chronicles · 2 years ago
Log one: POV: Simon Godfrey
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I am Simon Godfrey of House Goldfang. It has been 5 days since I last saw a village. I have been on the run ever since the Elven House of Silvalacoth burned down my family's manor. The memory of the warmth and comfort of that lost home fills me with melancholy; the cold mountainous landscape does not help with this. My only hope at this moment is that I do not get ambushed by Dverger, Dwarves, or Goblins.
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thewisemankey · 2 years ago
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In the immortal words of Elvis Presley:
Let me be your teddy bear.
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sarenth · 3 months ago
Thoughts on Considering Kinship Vol 1: Planet
November 23rd of 2024 I wrote a post stating that I would be exploring the central question in each book as I finished them. Since I have finished Considering Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations, Vol 1: Planet, as a Heathen polytheist and animist I wanted to explore the question that the volume explored: “Volume 1: Planet -With every breath, every sip of water, every meal, we are reminded…
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norsemythologie · 2 months ago
Currently reworking my digital altar for Lady Hel on my Animal Crossing New Horizons island, and creating new altar spaces for Nerþus, Morana, and Beira 🥹
I'll update when they're all completed! ♡
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piratespacex · 7 months ago
Vanir doodles!! Cause honestly… they’re the best tribe >:)
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thewisemankey · 6 months ago
For all time.
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Join my free Discord server for a complete art gallery and exclusive art raffles!
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