#Neji x oc
pfpanimes · 1 year
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puzzleemerald · 9 months
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Because Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru don't have much further art at the moment, I decided to share another couple who are most dear to my heart. YCH by the lovely Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt.
Please don't reblog!
Keep in mind I will be talking about the FanFiction version of Ayumu in this post! The version of Ayumu I roleplay is her own separate deal! When her bio is done and put up on my Master Post, I won't only RP Ayumu interacting with exclusively Neji writers, lol.
Neji Hyūga is already a very recognizable character, being one of my very first crushes when I started really getting into anime as a thirteen to fourteen-year-old. In fact, he's the reason I later bought and read the manga... all hundred-heccin'-something volumes of it. Much like Sesshōmaru, it was his long hair, elegance, intellect, and stoic demeanor that won me over at first. It also amused me to watch him just be cool; he always felt like the definitive head of his team. Even if Lee wasn't to be sneezed at as a fighter, I saw more leadership qualities in Neji that Lee lacked. I also felt that he had the most interesting plight among the Konoha thirteen as someone from a branch in his clan where he was basically expected to serve and protect the head family deemed "above" him on the social-political totem pole the Hyūga were built on. Despite his innate talent rivaling the daughters of the clan's head at the time, he'd always be considered lesser because of his birth. In ways, he felt like more of an underdog to me than Naruto did—though that also has a lot to do with Naruto's characterization as the "optimistic headstrong protagonist" Kishimoto had going. (I kinda wish Kishi had leaned more into Naruto having some resentment towards the Leaf, but that's a post for another day)
So what'd teenage me do? Tailor an OC to be another half for him because GDI this man deserves happiness, not getting skewered like a redshirt on an overgrown splinter. If they had to have someone, ANYONE, sacrifice themself for Hinata... tbh, I wish it'd been someone on her team like Kiba or Shino, so we didn't have to basically do the thing he was "born to do" according to Clan tradition asfdhjrhyud—
Deep breaths. I'm calm. Suppress the fangirl rage.
So, as a result, I created Ayumu! Who was, by every definition, a Mary Sue at first!! (It was bad... oh god, was it bad...) But after I ditched her for a few years when I lost interest in Naruto, I returned to her when I turned seventeen and completely rehauled her. Leading to the designs she has now.
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This is Ayumu's Part 1/Naruto Design. The Settei was done by a friend of mine on IG called Sento.OC, whom I commissioned.
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Then, we have Ayumu's Part 2/Shippuden Design, also by Sento.
When designing an OC for Neji, I wanted to go more complimentary than contrary. It just didn't feel like it'd make sense for Neji to ever be romantically interested in someone with bombastic energy like Naruto or Lee—mans doesn't have the patience to live with that on a daily basis, LOL! So I thought, "Hey, Neji's a pretty traditional guy; why not give him a traditional woman?" and Ayumu ended up as a very grounded, calm, and analytical person. A bit more on the conservative side, similar to Neji. All the while having occasional bursts of warm, thoughtful moments where she lights up but doesn't explode. She's very, for lack of a better term off the top of my head, "normal" compared to Naruto's big personality, Sasuke's broodiness, Shikamaru's laziness, or Temari's ferocity. It's why I imagine her getting along very well with people like Tenten or Kakashi, too, who tend to be the metaphorical straight man to the more comedic characters around them. Characters like Gai and Lee and Naruto can only be funny, after all, if they're offset by some typically.
Ayumu is also a close-range fire-style specialist with a Kekkei Genkai related to it, so her style compliments Neji's pretty well imo. They can be in a shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back situation and cover one another while knowing the other is nearby and safely under their wing. Both characters have some insecurity and neglect issues but for very different reasons. However, this means they relate to one another over their feelings and traumas, and neither really feels a need to "fix" the other. It's what makes them last, in my opinion. They just quietly comfort each other (also slap whoever tries to put the other down, lol), and that's it. ...They did kinda try to scratch each other's eyes out at first, but that'll be its own post! Once they get over their big hurdle and understand each other, they end up just being a pair of supportive friends to lovers 90% of the time. The other 10% is them getting fucked with by the plot around them because Neji barely gets any screen time in Shippudennnnnnn! ;-;
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gerardwayissexah · 6 months
Over a decade after his father chose duty over love, Tenten's son activates the Byakugan in a moment of panic. That was never supposed to happen, but then, neither was he.
Neji's child is a living reminder that his dream of reforming the Hyuga clan came at the cost of another - a life alongside the woman Neji loved, and perhaps still loves. Amid the tangled web of clan interests and intimate politics, neither Neji nor Tenten can deny that realizing their shared dream bears a steep cost. Whatever their hopes, dreams rarely come free or easy.
Rating: Explicit (all smut scenes are skippable, and I've done my best to warn for them)
Words: 50k+ (final count ~100k)
Check it out if you like: Forbidden love, class/clan politics exploration, sibling bonding, tons of self-indulgent angst
**Read below the cut for some author's notes**
I've been really behind on updating Tumblr with my writing projects. But, sometimes writing and updating my fics is plenty for me to manage. Since I last shared this fic to Tumblr, I've updated quite a bit - hitting the 50k-word mark on AO3 was a pretty exciting milestone. Though I began posting with 90k+ words prewritten, I'm starting to rewrite and restructure large parts of my original work. Which is not a bad thing! As I've immersed myself back into the story, I've gotten a clearer idea of what kinds of dynamics I want to portray, and what character arcs make sense.
I also want to redo my original ending because the shipper within wants Neji and Tenten to have a more storybook ending. Well, as much of a storybook ending as one could have when there's blatant cheating and a secret lovechild (or multiple?) involved. Not committing to anything yet, though.
Hope someone finds this and enjoys it!
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welkinsky · 2 years
Helloo!! I have a request, Neji Hyuga and the reader go on a mission together and the reader wears a blindfold just like Gojo but then when she fights her enemy's she takes the blindfold off and she tells him that her eyes would get tired if she doesn't cover them up and all that. Also Neji always trys to think that he doesn't like her and that he's just absorbing her strength (boy lying to himself🥱)
Neji X Reader | Reader Wears A Blind Fold Like Gojo
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Ever since you were in school you used to steal glances at him because you always have been intrigued by his fighting skills and how good he is at it. 
And as you grew up, so did your powers. So you were advised to wear a blindfold as most of your chakra centers were near your eye it took a lot of strain on them.
You both were assigned to a mission that didn't go as you thought it would. You two ended up almost out of chakra during a fight and had to fall back. Your assigned teacher was out of sight as well so you both decided to seek shelter in one of the caves you could find.
It was a little bit smaller than what you'd like, but this is the best you got. As you two were resting, finally the overuse of chakra got to you and you started losing sight. You have been warned about it and since it never happened before you didn't know what to do and started freaking out.
He got a bit scared himself. He was trying his best to not lose his composure but he was scared and tried his best to not show it in his voice.
You ended up being unconscious. Your sensei finally caught up to both of you and you were sent straight to the hospital as soon as you all reach the village.
That is where it all started and he was scared to come anywhere near you because he thought that he absorbed your chakra or something. As you grew up you tried to talk to him but he'd always avoid you so you thought that he was creeped out about what happened and wanted nothing to do with you.
Which was kind of sad for you because you've always admired him. (Well, your teenage brain had some other thoughts but who are we to judge).
As you two grew older he became more and more easygoing but always kept his distance.
Once naruto came back from training with Jaria, everyone decided to hang out and were sparing you two were the only ones left so it was you both that had to spar during the fight you knew he was not giving his all so you tried to push him as much as possible to the point that he confessed that he was scared of hurting you again.
But the thing is this is not the only thing that he confessed he also said, "and I don't want to hurt you, especially you." 
Let me know if you have any other character suggestion for this!
Thanks For Reading and for the ask!
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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sugutoad · 1 year
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Happy birthday to @sugarrfrog ‘s oc Kanna Fukui!
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
26, F, EST/UTC-5
Replies anywhere from twice a day to 4 times a week
Interested in Advanced Literate to Novelas (4 paragraphs and more)
Naruto: (CC x CC or OC x OC) I can roleplay Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, Konan, Juugo
Furry: I have a number of Furry OCs that I'd like to do a Slice of Life with.
Supernatural (The genre): Vampires, Ghosts, Demons, poltergeists, etc.
Topics: Slice of life, Romance, Angst, Light Gore, Villain dynamics,
Nsfw: Open to it but prefer 1) More plot to porn 2) Only do NSFW with female writers.
Willing to provide samples! Want to develop a friendship OOC as well ^^ Like this and I'll message. Thank you.
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rikustarlight · 1 month
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Enjoy from a quick sketching session this morning on procreate
As you can see, Meiten can be a bit stabby-hotheaded-pants like her mother sometimes… Their kids may mostly look like Neji but their personalities are definitely Tenten. They have their work cut out for them for sure!
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Just some quick sketches of the kids. I’m missing ChouChou and Inojin but they would’ve made up the squad.
More sketches
Nejiten Kids head cannons | Nejiten Kids Designs | Nejiten head cannons
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nardo-headcanons · 1 year
Naruto Worldbuilding Headcanon!
Sort of.
Buffing the Byakugan!
The Byakugan was written as an antithesis to the Sharingan but got mostly forgotten. I’m here to change that.
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Well all know that with the Byakugan you can see the chakra points and have x-ray vision + almost 360 degree vision. Additional powers include:
Microscopic vision: Byakugan users can look at blood samples and whole bodies up to a cellular level. Their eyes are basically a substitute for a microscope, x-ray scans, ct-scans and mris. That part where Sasuke could see Deidara‘s cellular bombs with his Sharingan? We’re scrapping that. Only Byakugan users can do that.
Immunity to most visual genjutsus. Byakugan users can see when someone is using or under genjutsu and have a natural immunity against most Sharingan genjutsus, with only things like Tsukuyomi or other powerful Mangekyou genjutsus posing as an actual threat.
Splitting anything chakra made in half. We’ve seen my man Mukai Kohinata doing this to Itachi’s fire ball jutsu and in Neji’s fight against Kidomaru. Using their gentle fist, anything that is made of chakra can be split in half or atleast damaged. This includes Susanoos. Also, Byakugan users can disable the necessary chakra points of an Uchiha to activate the susanoo.
Detecting shifts in mood. There are changes in your chakra when your mood changes, it’s canon. Byakugan users can see when someone is angry, scared, happy, horny, you name it. They can also tell when someone is lying. If someone is trying to suppress their chakra, they can see it too.
Releasing chakra from all their tenketsu. Neji has done it in the fight against kidomaru. Basically it means they can release normal or elemental chakra out of their chakra points, which makes taijutsu pretty useless against them. Ex. when a Byakugan user releases fire chakra while someone is trying to punch them, they’d burn their hands. Medic nin who have a Byakugan can use this tactic to release healing chakra on their whole body, allowing them to heal themselves without using hand signs or the palm technique, if their chakra control allows it. A Byakugan user can also release tiny portions of chakra on their elbows or legs to make their punches stronger or highten their jumps.
There’s no next level Byakugan like the Mangekyou is for the Sharingan, however Byakugan users suffer no permanent damage from overusing their Byakugan. They temporarily have bad eyesight or even blindness, but it passes.
If you have any other ideas, let me know! Feel free to use these in your fics, hcs and scenarios! Tag or dm me so I can read em all <33
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How would Shikamaru,Neji, Sasuke react to Vampire s/o
A/n: i love vampires! Thanks for the request! I’m going to try a new format so bear with me. I also think this is the first time i wrote about Shikamaru. I’ve made shorter bullet points but with more concepts.
Characters: Shikamaru, Neji, Sasuke
Warning/content: mentions of blood, biting, gn reader, blood kink(maybe?),did I miss anything?
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Shikamaru Nara
♥ At first he didn’t know what to think, he always thought vampires were fake. After he found out he didn’t start treating you different, he didn’t care, like at all. It was very surprising for you. ♥
♥ He understands when you don’t want to go outside, contrary to popular belief you don’t burn in the sun, you just get a very uncomfortable rash. And hey if you don’t go outside then he doesn’t have to either.♥
♥ Since Shikamaru sleeps quite a bit and well you don’t, he’ll just wrap his arms around your waist and not let you up. He really loves holding you but will deny it when in company of his teammates; he has a reputation to uphold after all. ♥
♥ Does he let you bite him? Yes, yes he does, he knows you need nourishment and he doesn’t want you near anyone else, you’re his after all. But secretly he finds the feeling of you sinking your teeth into his neck arousing. ♥
♥ You really try to be careful whenever you’re feeding from him because you really don’t want to hurt him. He means too much to you. However there has been times when you went a little overboard and made him dizzy. He wasn’t very happy about that but he couldn’t find it in him to be mad after seeing how remorseful you looked. ♥
♥ If you don’t drink blood for awhile, you get moody and Shikamaru can’t help but tease you, knowing that his attitude might just get him pinned to the wall. ♥
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♥ He’ll be honest, he was kinda freaked out at first when he found out you were a vampire. He didn’t want you to feel bad but he felt uncomfortable. He knew it’d take some time to get used to. ♥
♥ Neji finds you fascinating, despite his original hesitation he couldn’t help but want to learn more about you and your experiences as a vampire. Once he got over his discomfort he’d ask to see your fangs like I said, he was fascinated by you. ♥
♥ Like Shikamaru he’s very understanding when you need sleep and how your sleep schedule is less than orthodox. He likes when you stay with him at night when you’re usually awake and just lay in bed with him while he sleeps. It makes him feel safe. ♥
♥ Does he let you bite him? At first it was a resounding absolutely not, as much as he loved you his fear still ran deep even if he didn’t show it. Before he got comfortable, your fangs made him nervous but after an awhile he opened up more to the idea and finally let you bite him. He enjoyed it much more than he’d confess.♥
♥ He understood your nature and the fact you could get a little too passionate sometimes and accidentally bite too hard. In order to not upset you he tries to suppress the pain he’s feeling but it’s evident all over his face. He was relieved when you apologized and licked the excess blood away. ♥
♥ As a vampire you definitely have mood swings, he’s fairly good at handling them by keeping calm and not turning it into something bigger than it needs to be, he gets that you can’t control it. ♥
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♥ He definitely wasn’t as freaked out as Neji, it intrigued him more than anything. Wasn’t a big fan of the idea of being bitten though, he’s seen horrible things so he didn’t mind you being a vampire. ♥
♥ He learns to appreciate your culture as a vampire and humor in your deep seated hatred of most vampire media for obvious reasons. He didn’t get much sleep at night so it was nice to have someone to stay up with him.♥
♥ As I mentioned, he enjoys your non existent sleep schedule because he doesn’t like to be alone at night. So the fact that you can stay up with him is amazing and relieving to him. It doesn’t matter what you two do together he just wants to be with you, no matter how much he denies it.♥
♥ Now the pressing question; does he let you bite him? Surprisingly yet unsurprisingly yes he does but not without hesitation the first few times, he’s not sure how he feels about the feeling of his blood leaving his body, it’s not like you’re rough with him but it’s still sharp objects piercing the skin. He gets that’s how you eat and is happy to supply.♥
♥ Now, he has a very high pain tolerance so truly you can bite him as hard as you want to an extent. Just *not* his curse mark, that’s a big no no for obvious reasons. But let’s say you bit him a little too hard, he’d flinch but wouldn’t say anything. He loves you and wants to help you as best you can.♥
♥ When you get grumpy, Sasuke can’t help but be amused by this development. Now he wouldn’t purposely try to make your life harder however when he gets the chance to tease you he will. It’s a way of showing affection.♥
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A/n: I hope this was okay! I tried a new format so tell me if you like it better than my other one and I’ll keep doing this one. Thank you Anon for the request I definitely had lots of fun writing this.
Tagging: @ssailormoonn @your-sexual-curiosities
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chrimsonfoxdon · 3 months
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🍚Sharing rice🍚
Happy Neji Hyuga Sunday~
@nejiweek 2024 Day 7 - Any AU | Food/Cooking
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tatsumessy · 1 year
Pretty Flower - {Neji Hyuga}
Part 2 to this (I’m sorry in advance/ major angst)
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Laying down on the grass you stared up at the sky trying to focus on training but your mind kept going back to that night. Your fingers ghosted above your lips, face blushing each time a memory of the way he kissed you flashed through your mind.
“Y/n?” You flinched and sat up seeing the fifth hokage walking closer and smiling once she recognized who you were. “Fifth Hokage. It’s great to see you.” You spoke in a respectful tone quickly standing up and greeting her, she walked closer and to your surprise her arms engulfed you in a hug.
“What’s going on?” You asked patting her back awkwardly. “I just read your file. Prior to living here you’ve been through a lot…you’ve lost so many people. Is it true that you were on a mission when the fourth hokage died? And that you almost died on a recent mission?” You pulled away hearing her questions.
“I’d rather not talk about it Lady Tsunade.” She let out an exhaustive sigh then placed a hand on your cheek, “if you ever feel like talking then come to me, but for now I’m with holding you from missions.” “What?!” You stepped closer to try and protest but she held her hand up to stop you. “You have no one left. You’re being too lax with your life and I won’t have you killing yourself because you have no one to come back too. Use this time to heal and train. That’s all.” With that she walked away and the tears you were holding started to fall.
Out of pure frustration you punched a nearby tree as hard as you could with a chakra filled fist. You ended up taking out more than one tree but you didn’t care, the blood dripping from your hand didn’t force you to care either. Deciding to call it a night you were walking through the village towards your home with the tears kept blurring your eyes and you ended up bumping into someone.
“I’m sorry.” You said in a whisper gently patting their chest before walking away, it took another few minutes for you to get home but when you did it was like all hell broke loose. Continuous tears fell down your face as the impending feeling of loneliness crept onto you. She was right, you truly had no one…you were alone and you couldn’t do anything about it.
The only family you had died while you were laying around on a mission because you didn’t feel like coming home. And all your life you pushed away affection afraid to feel something more that what you’re used too. Pain. For the rest of the night you cried over things you had no control over.
“Has anybody seen Y/n?” Sakura asked walking up to the group, Naruto, Choji, Lee and Ten looked at each other and shook their heads no. “She’s probably sulking at home.” Shikamaru said taking a bite of whatever he was eating leaving the group confused. “What do you mean sulking?” Ten asked.
“Lady Tsunade told her she’s not allowed to go on any missions for a while.” “WHY??” Sakura sat up, “she’s being doing missions since she was ten…why would she stop her?” Choji contemplated. “Exactly. Do you guys know how injured she got during her last mission?” Shikamaru paused looking at the group who shook their head no.
“She almost died, she was in a coma for three months.” He finished his statement then stuffing some more food in his mouth, “No way, she said she liked the scenery that’s why she stayed.” “Lied.” He quickly responded.
“If that is true how come you’re the only one who knows that?” Naruto asked rubbing his chin in confusion, “Because, Tsunade made me go check on her whenever she stopped checking in. I’m the one who reported back to her.” The whole group went silent, after a few moments Neji who was sitting there silent stood up and left the area.
His feet took him straight to your entrance doorsteps. He thought it was weird how you ran into him a couple of days ago and didn’t even recognize that it was him, yes you had tears in your eyes but it was just different for him. It was weird, he was worried about you. More than worried, he was scared that you’d do something to yourself.
He knocked on the door and waited for a moment then knocked again and still no answer. Using his byakugan he found you in a room knees pressed against your chest and your face hidden. He knocked again and when he saw you didn’t even flinch he forcefully opened the door. You still didn’t move, he closed the door behind himself and quickly walked to where you were.
He stood by the doorframe watching you sit there crying. You didn’t even look up to see who the intruder was, you just sat there crying. Neji bent down and pushed his arms under your body to pick you up, he held you flush against his body and brought you to your bedroom.
Laying you down on the bed he was about to feel your forehead to see if you had a fever but you turned your back to him and silently cried. “Y/n-” “just leave Neji.” You harshly spoke voice cracking when you said his name, he stood there contemplating what to do. He’s never seen you this vulnerable, even when you came back from your mission to find the only person you ever really loved was dead. You never broke down, even after years.
“I never listened to you when we were kids so why would I do it now?” He could see you roll yours eyes but that didn’t stop him from pushing you aside and laying in the bed next to you. He pulled your blanket over your body then maneuvered both of your bodies to where you were cuddling up against him. “What are you doing.” You said trying stop your voice from cracking again but failed miserably, uncontrollable tears fell from your eyes once again. You hid your face in his neck and just basked in his embrace.
This was the first time someone ever held you, it was an unfamiliar feeling and your body just broke down. Neji was happy, he was happy that the dam you build was finally collapsing and that he was the one that was here for you. When your sniffles went quiet he glanced down noticing you fell asleep, you looked exhausted. Like you hadn’t slept in days, trying to keep quiet he laid you against your pillow and left you alone in your bedroom.
When you woke up hours later you were met with an empty bed, your face dropped tears prickling in your eyes again but stopped when you heard his voice. “Don’t cry again, I’m right here.” Neji walked into the room with a tray filled with your favorite foods and a couple of freshly picked flowers.
He set the tray down on your lap and then sat down in the chair that was positioned right next to your bed. “Thank you.” You said noticing how dark it was outside, “you’ve been asleep all day, I came in to wake you up.” You thanked him again and started taking a bite out of the food. Your cheeks started to heat up from how good it was, it had been so long since you had home cooked meals that your eyes glasses over.
“Don’t cry. If you want me to cook for you again just ask.”
That statement repeated in your head as you stood there in the rain infront of the tombstone with the small child pressed against your chest. “Neji…” the tears falling down your cheek were being masked by the rain, thankfully so that your daughter wouldn’t see her mother crying.
Your husband alway told you to be strong and to not cry. You weren’t alone anymore, he promised to stay by your side but he lied. If he was supposed to stay by your side then why were you and your two year old daughter standing infront of his grave right now wishing we could be have his home made curry…
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x-emeraldsky-x · 3 months
Neji Bingo: Day 1 - Forgiveness
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// @nejiweek24 @gerardwayissexah
// This based on a previous post featuring my oc Haruki, below is my bingo card!
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sardonicfactory · 8 days
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pining doodles
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gerardwayissexah · 11 months
20 fic author questions nobody asked me
Sorry if this comes off as overly self-indulgent, when I’m not nearly popular enough as a writer for people to ask me stuff like this. But it’s my platform…so yeah. :) The list of questions is not mine. It’s one of several lists of fic author questions that’s made the rounds on Tumblr and I have no idea who created this one. If you made the list and would like credit, just let me know!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I’m at 39, last I checked.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
This one’s a point of pride and embarrassment, in equal amounts. I’ve posted 360,000+ words since late 2022. I have over 100,000 words of fic that’s written, but hasn’t made it to publication yet.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Naruto and others, when I participate in multi fandom fic exchanges.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
“Bird in a Gilded Cage” — Neji x Original Hyuga character romance and family drama. I should say this one skews the statistics because it has so many more chapters than anything else I’ve posted.
2. “Walk You Home” — short, fluffy SasuSaku oneshot set during part 1 of Naruto.
3. “These Hollow Vows” — short multi-chapter Neji x Tenten, smut with plot. Again, I think the chapter count skews the raw statistics.
4. “The Ultimate Defense” — short multi-chapter NejiTen set before, during and after the chunin exams.
5. “Between the Lines” — NejiTen smut oneshot with a heavy helping of angst.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
Always, unless it’s a flamer. I have few enough comments (0-5 per week) that I can afford to answer every one with at least a “thank you!” I know getting responses from authors encourages me to comment, and I want to thank my readers for choosing my stories when there’s so many out there. Especially those who keep coming back.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?.
I don’t do outright unhappy endings. I’d say the ending to the Neji joins the Akatsuki AU I started will be rather angsty. As for stories I’ve already published, the ending to “Wildflowers for Hinata” has a good bit of unresolved familial angst, but things are trending in a good direction for the characters.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
“These Hollow Vows” has a pretty standard storybook ending with Neji and Tenten married in all but name, with a child. There’s no bittersweetness or lingering angst in that ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Outright hate? Nothing recently. I had one anonymous flamer who made me cry when I was 13. Sorry my fic gave you AIDS but stopping was always an option, friend.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but it’s only around 1/3 of what I write and post. I exclusively write M/F, without any hard kinks. Most of what I’ve written is Neji x Tenten (Naruto). I like writing scenes in the context of romantic relationships, or showing the love and trust between characters. I’m not interested in writing smut without feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, and I’ve never written one. I do think Sasuke Uchiha and Arya Stark would make a good crossover crack ship.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully never!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Never, but anyone can feel free. It would be a huge honor if it ever happens!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I’m not sure I’d be a great co-writer. I’m too protective of my own style and I have very set ideas of how some characters would behave.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
The first ship I ever passionately loved was Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. I was a weird kid who had few friends (shocker, I know), so I liked the idea of two losers finding love and acceptance with each other. Unfortunately for me, the ship has never been all that popular — too vanilla, perhaps? I’m not into Harry Potter much anymore, but maybe I’ll write it one day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m not going to count myself out yet. I’m working on them all, slowly in some cases, but I don’t let myself start new fics if I have too many outstanding WIPs. Edit: I totally forgot about the Rock Lee harem fic I wrote 2,000 words of, before the cringe got too bad and I never finished! It was pure crack about Lee receiving a pair of leg weights that imbues him with infinite sexiness to all women.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Obviously “good writing” is highly subjective when it comes to fiction, but I’d probably say romance and family dynamics. I’d hope those are my strengths because I practice writing that kind of story the most, and I get to draw from personal experience when writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not good with fight scenes and political intrigue in stories. High-concept worldbuilding also isn’t my forte. Too little smooching involved.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It’s jarring when I read it, and not something I incorporate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games. It was a 300-ish word oneshot from the perspective of Foxface as she dies. I thought 300 words was such an epic amount — and now I’ve worked up to where I can write that amount in 15 minutes. Did she eat those berries by accident? Or maybe not? :0
20. Favourite fics you’ve written?
“Bird in a Gilded Cage” has a special place in my heart because it’s been my longest and most ambitious fic project to date. It’s also the first longfic I’ve finished.
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ruerock · 2 years
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commission for @feytouched ! 🍵🌿 i absolutely love naruto ocs so working on this was so much fun! thank you again!
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feytouched · 4 months
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sharing tea after training 🍵
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