#Nectar of the God
twinstxrs · 6 months
so much happened in this whole episode but i’m still on fig infiltrating ruben’s dream, making it look like the place where his friend was murdered, and then disguising herself as kipperlilly & repeatedly saying different variants of “somebody needs to take the fall for this, and it’s not going to be me. it’s going to be you.” while adaine as the elven oracle shows up next to her. can you imagine waking up from that, the idea of a horrible truth being pinned on you by your friend to save her own skin while the personification of fate and destiny stands there, almost as a promise that this is GOING to happen to you. we don’t even know if this kid is guilty. my god.
#fantasy high#dimension 20#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fantasy high junior year#fig faeth#ruben hopclap#lucy frostblade#the rat grinders#adaine abernant#kipperlilly copperkettle#watching fig terrorize him like girl!!! we don’t even know if he’s guilty!!!!#this might just be for me but i do not think 5 teenagers willingly brutally killed their friend idk#like there just has to be some other element to it and i am very scared to find out what that was#what if they were put in a position where they felt there was/there was no other choice… like oh my god#my comedy brain is having fun but my ‘this is a teenager’ brain is in such deep distress all the time this season#the rat grinders i trust brennan to not make u cartoonishly evil so i am holding u as gently as i can in my confused shaky hands#also with the devil’s nectar i’ve been wondering why they all seem so well-adjusted & now i’m curious if they’ve been intentionally-#changing their memories in a way so that either the trauma is lesser or they think they aren’t guilty. idk#but it seems like from how gertie was talking she was making it more recently so the well adjustedness from early jy doesn’t quite add up#they could have another source maybe??? idk i’m just low stakes 4 a.m. spitballing here#there’s also the strong possibility that they’re aware of what happened but they weren’t the ones who killed lucy. idk who knows#the way you could probably devil’s nectar yourself into believing it wasn’t your fault someone died… CRAZY IMPLICATIONS!!! CRAZY IDEA!!!#anyways the bad kids & the rat grinders don’t ever have to like each other but i do wonder if at least some of those kids deserve a chance
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bigcatbulges · 3 months
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Source - IG1119
(Artist Patreon and Fanbox)
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hamable · 6 months
I keep wracking my brain as to what benefit would be gained by spiking a large group of people with the devil’s nectar. Its effect doesn’t make a person more persuadable, it makes them more persuasive. If it were a player character’s consumable, it’d provide an advantage to deception/persuasion or something.
What’s unique about this substance is that, if consumed excessively, the user can become so good at deception that they believe their own lies.
What sort of strategy would benefit from a large group of people believing their own lies? Campaigners with free samples.
Hey, we’re offering food truck food outside the school! Just say you’ll vote for KLCK and eat as much as you want!
Hey! Welcome to our Moonar Yulenear camp/festival! We’ve got all sort of amenities, please enjoy the winter blessed to us by Galachaea herself! Technically we’re here as a church thing, but we’re not stuffy about it and we take all kinds. Just go with it, praise Galachaea and all that, and enjoy the hot chocolate in our religious echo chamber!
It’s a honey pot. It’s a trap. They’re turning free samples against us.
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faeriedustdiary · 20 days
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i get wild on you, baby -`♡´-
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sirartwork · 10 months
i am expecting eggnogmaxxed gains this december. do NOT disappoint me
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angelforever · 6 months
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU - Breakfast
Okay! So. I know this isn't the one you guys were probably expecting.
and because this whole drabble serie is loosely hanging together with just my pure power of will I am adding it! :D
First Drabble here (with special thanks to @spotaus for the original prompt which sparked this all) Prev drabble here Next Drabble
As always we have no beta and zero editing, just me and my fast typing and dyslectic ass trying her best.
Also... Enjoy Crop's thoughts :D
Crop hangs up the phone as he sighs next to the chicken coop. The chickens are still mostly asleep as the sun hasn't risen but with his new guests Crop figured it was best to get his chores out of the way early.
And collect a few fresh eggs.
He slowly moves through the coop to carefully grab the eggs from his very sweet chickens. They always work with him and he is very lucky with all these ladies.
As he goes over his mental list as he collects the eggs. He made sure to call his brother to both warn him and to ask him to get extra supplies. He is going to call the local doctor after breakfast.
Either way, his brother knows they have quests and the most basic of explanations. He is bringing more food and general things for them to use and will tell people in town today as he does their shopping.
Crop just... needs to make sure they are comfortable.
Crop chuckles as he holds the basket with eggs in one arm as he pulls out his phone and finds the picture he took this morning.
So he may have sneaked a look at his guests before he went to do his work. He just wanted to be sure they were comfortable and not bothered by anything. He remembered how souldeep tired all of them had looked and how tense most of them had been. He just wanted to be sure that they were actually comfortable resting.
What he foudn as one pile of skeletons all locked together and sound asleep. Little Nightmare in the middle being held close and protectively by Killer. Dust pretty much plastered to the two of them on Nightmare's other side. Cross had layed on Killer's side, squeezed right between Killer and the wall. Horror had been laying by Dust's side. All of them completely out as the open window let in the fresh summer air.
Crop had silently snapped a picture before leaving again. Oh! That is what he should do! He quickly texts Papyrus to also buy a picture frame and to print the picture for it. After which Crop send the picture and Papyrus replied with a message that he will get it done.
Crop figures they will want to make the attic a bit more theirs.
Crop knows they won't stay forever. He knew that when Horror first visited and he knew that when he and Dust visited together. It is just... the farm gets lonely and it is nice to have friendly faces around!
He walks down the dirt path back towards his farmhouse. It looks peaceful and Crop prays this really is what they needed. Even if it is just for a little while. He makes sure to try and be quiet as he enters the house again but the door still creeks.
Crop waits for a moment but hears nothing from upstairs and closes the door again. He goes to the kitchen and thinks it over as he prepares coffee for himself. As it brews he looks around the kitchen.
What to make. What to make.
Maybe omelettes? those are usually a good go. Eggs themselves are an amazing source of protein and together with some fresh vegatables...
Crop nods and starts taking out the right ingredients. He takes out a few extra eggs as he has quite a few mouths to feed today and he gets to work on cutting up vegatables. Crop is just considering turning on the radio just to get the silence to be less pressing when he sees a shadow out of the corner of his socket.
He turns and freezes. Because that is a very tiny six year old staring at him. Crop manages to keep in the coo as he takes in the sight of Nightmare in an oversized t-shirt.
Crop smiles "Sorry if i woke you."
Nightmare tilts his skull a tiny bit before answering, his voice is soft spoken but it is clear as a bell, "You didn't wake me." his mouth and teeth pitch a little bit up "I am what Killer calls 'one of those cursed morning people'. Usually I get up with Cross and Horror but both were tired."
Crop nods as he turns back to continue his chopping "I see. Well. YOu will be happy to note I am also a monring person." he finishes chopping up a few onions before moving over to the peppers "I am sitll working on breakfast. Do you have any preferences for your breakfast."
A light hum that sounds a bit closer before he answers "Not really. Is it okay if I sit here?"
Crop wants to just lay his face on his counter because he is so wellmannered it is so cute! Crop remains strong however and shoots him a grin, silently noting that Ngihtmare had somehow moved himself into a chair without making a single sound.
Crop nods "of course. Happy to have you keep me company." he takes a sip of his coffee before turning back to Nightmare with a frown "Do you want anything to drink? I have some orange juice."
Nightmare tilts his skull and nods "orange juice is fine..." he does eye the coffee wishfully.
Crop looks at his own mug before grinning "Are you allowed coffee or will that get your four friends all mad at me?"
Ngihtmare blinks before looking a bit happier "It should be fine. It never harmed me before."
Crop nods and grabs another mug, one with little goats on it, and fills it with some coffee. He turns to Nightmare "How do you take it?"
Ngihtmare smiles a bit more sheepish "Lots of milk and sugar..."
Crop chuckles and nods as he prepares it "Much like my brother than. Says if he doesn't add those things it just tastes like regret." he finishes the mug and puts it by Nightmare's arm. Nightmare watches him for a moment longer before taking it and taking a sip.
Crop grins and goes back to preparing the omelettes and just knowing that someone is nearby makes the silence much more bareable.
"Don't I bother you?"
Crop pauses for a moment before snorting "If you being in the kitchen with me while i cooked bothered me i would have requested you go to the living room. It is fine Ngihtmare."
a small sigh before he speaks again "No. I mean me in general."
Crop blinks and looks over "Why would it?"
Nightmare frowns at him before shrugging as he looks back to his coffee.
The silence returns but Nightmare doesn't ask anymore questions. aparently the ltitle thing that Crop said was enough. Crop hopes that he didn't leave a bad first impression.
Crop starts with cooking the first egg and vegetable mixture.
He watches it before he can't help it anymore "Nightmare... I was wondering something... and it is fine to not answer..."
Nightmare hums and waits.
Crop frowns but speaks "Doesn't it bother you to be here?"
Nightmare is silent for a bit longer before humming questioningly.
Crop keeps looking at the eggs "It is just... you don't know me... or any of this place... doesn't it bother you to be here?"
Nightmare is silent for a while before answering "I don't have to be worried. I am not alone."
Crop stops and turns to Nightmare "Huh?"
Ngihtmare looks at him and continues to speak "They won't let anything happen to me. I don't have to worry." he speaks with such a certainty.
and Crop can't help but be curious "really?" he leans on the table "I don't mean this in anyway negatively or to make you doubt yourself... it is just... they left right? Horror said as much, and immediantly said he regretted it!" it feels important to reinforce that! "and well... he showed me... the book of dreamtale...."
Nightmare doesn't blink at the comment of being left alone but he does look bothered with the dreamtale comment. he looks at the coffee with a frown "oh...."
Crop frowns "It is just... how... how are you still able to trust people after that?" he chuckles and rubs his neck "I know that i would have a hard time being willling to trust others if all those things happened to me..."
Horror frowns as he looks at his mug before shrugging.
Crop nods and chuckles "right... sorry... that is a very personal and loaded questions..." he quickly turns back to the safe area which is preparing breakfast.
The silence continues before Nightmare speaks just barely above a whisper "they came back..." more silence before even softer "no one ever did that... that is how i knew they were different...."
Crop feels his soul just break at that... how terrified this poor babybones would ahve been. had still been.
crop froces his voice to speak. He needs to make sure that the young child knows he was heard and understood "I see. that would make them much more trustworthy."
a soft hum of acknowledgement.
Crop can't help but wonder why Nightmare would tell him. Is it just that... Ngihtmare now as a six year old just doesn't have the same mental view on things? That he doesn't see the same boundries for topics as he saw before? Or... is it because there is someone acutlaly listening to him? Crop doesn't know and he doesn't dare to ask. He doesn't want to question his motives and make him question them.
Crop nods and thinks for a moment before speaking again "So... other subject... do you still have to do the whole god of negativity job still? Because that just seems rude and illegal... Do gods have a rule against child labor?" Crop desperately tries to find another subject and figures this would work.
A light giggle and Crop can't help but stare because nightmare giggling to hismelf is adorable. Ngihtmare shakes his skull lightly "No... I don't think I sitll got that job..." he looks thoughtful "Maybe this is part of being fired? I am not sure..." he then shoots him a look, a small eye brow raised and he looks very sassy and smug "Also, I am not a god of negativity, or well I never was."
Crop blinks and tilts his skull "you weren't?"
Ngihtmare shakes his skull "I was a god of balance. I just decided to also be the guardian of negativity. It fit with the powers i had gained and it was needed."
Crop finishes another omelette as he asks "Why negativity? If you had the choice why not pick positivity?"
Nightmare blinks at him with wide sockets before he speaks "Because positivity doesn't need a guardian but negativity does." he rolls his sockets nad mutters softly "don't get why dream did what he did...."
Crop frowns "What do you mean? Why does negativity need a guardian but positivity not?"
Ngihtmare tilts hsi skull and looks amused "Because everyone wants to be happy. Everyone chases the positive things in life... wlel not everyone but most people." he traces the mug "negativity gets pushed aside for positivity... but negativity is needed... i mean... you can't exactly just be happy about the death of someone you care about. you need negativity, that is how you can grieve and move forwards. Anger is needed when you are hurt or see injustice..." he looks down "people will try to chase positivity. but if you just feel positivity.... well... you can't appreciate the good without being aware of the bad."
Crop blinks and speaks "You can't have light without shadows... you cna't have day without night..."
Ngihtmare looks up and nods "So i decided to guard the negativity, helps a lot with mental health and progressing trauma." and he shrugs before snorting "not that it matters anymore. I am not that anymore."
Crop chuckles "how are you so sure about that?" Ngihtmare shrugs again and crop figures that is a question he won't answer for him.
Crop tilts his skull "Was there a favourite feeling for you? Like as god of emotions and stuff? Something you enjoyed to feel form others?" it sounded weird to ask but Nightmare acutally looks thoughtful.
Nightmare nods to himself "I think amazement... it is just... nice... i like how those work and felt for others."
Crop nods and thinks for a moment "I think my favorite is contentment." is that an emotions? Maybe.
Nightmare tilts hsi skull but ends up nodding "Because it is a bit more humble but still what you need?"
Crop blinks but nods "kinda."
Nightmar elooks smug to have figured it out before turning back to his mug "eggs are burning."
Crop blinks before cursing and turning back to safe the food. He manges to do it and pants as it lays a bit darker than it should be on the plate.
Crop freezes and looks over his shoulder "don't tlel them i cursed in front of you please."
Nightmare hums "I won't. Not that it matters as they do it too sometimes. would make them hypocrits."
Crop laughs as he nods-
A smash from upstairs and a panicked voice calls out for nightmare. Nightmare looks unsurprised as he continues to drink his coffee.
Crop raises his voice slightly "he is in the kitchen! We are making breakfast."
Silence before rushed steps and crop laughs as he turns back to the stoof.
It is amazing to have more people in the house again.
First Drabble here Prev drabble here Next Drabble
hihihihihi i like crop. he is so curious and down to earth :3 He is just a sweet guy! :D
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izharmilgram · 1 year
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u versus the victorian vampire that emerged from ur cupboard (harrymort au)
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sleepy-bear-tm · 6 months
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futurebird · 1 year
Dubious superpowers. Pick one.
A. Sleep like a cuckoo bee. Simply bite on to a branch or parapet of a building & get a solid seven hours in all weather & conditions.
B. Live on nectar. Feel fully energized & get excellent nutrition on a diet of nothing but sugared drinks.
C. Diapause your life. Slow down aging, & metabolism at will during the winter months. You could sleep for days & eat very little with no ill effects.
D. Powerful sting. Sting people you don't like. Boy will it hurt 'em!
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ayeforscotland · 8 months
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Not a full sponsorship (yet👀) but the Irn Bru team were handing these out in Edinburgh today, gonna do a taste test on stream later💙
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colaloverforever · 10 days
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pancake-breakfast · 2 years
Me, playing Hades for the first time.
Thanatos: "You left, without so much as telling me good-bye."
Me: "Well, I'm gonna make Zagreus go back right now and he's not allowed to leave until the two of you make out."
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dooptown · 2 years
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i thought of this meme when i was half asleep and i thought it was such a good idea i even wrote it down but i think it got lost in translation after waking up a bit
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Nectar of the Gods AU would be so wild. You have poor Reader, an explorer/accident-prone insect alien, who used to be part of a group that was like them, with odd powers and instincts and urges, with all sorts of secrets and mysteries... Then Reader leaves one day, and their friends, their old group, end up on a planet or space station, with others of their kind, and somehow start a cult, claiming themselves to be deities of their kind, with themselves and Reader as their leaders, their monarchs, and set out to grow their hive...
Reader comes back after a few years, with one of the adults in tow, and they discovered that their old friends weren't who they thought they were...
Reader and their guardian try to escape, only for their plan to fail, and both are dragged back, with their old friends ready to add them to the hivemind, amd put them in their rightful place, right alongside them...
I can see Reader being a green-gold bee, or a black-blue or black-violet bee.
Wolverine and Sabretooth would likely be some kind of wasp aliens, with sharp stingers and a wasp-ish nature, or possibly scorpion aliens.
Jean and Professor Xavier could be some kind mantis or spider aliens, with sharp claws and hands and the ability to control others.
Magneto is probably a scorpion alien, and so would Pietro and Wanda.
Scott I can see as perhaps a large moth alien, with some form of light power.
Storm and Evan would likely be butterfly or moth aliens, able to fly and go from place to place. If they weren't either of those, I could see them being spider aliens.
Kitty is definitely a type of moth alien. So is Kurt. Rogue is a type of bee or wasp alien, and Mystique would be a large butterfly or moth alien.
Lance is a scorpion alien. Todd is a spider alien, and so is Fred.
Gambit is a moth alien.
Colossus and Pyro are some type of wasp or hornet.
Hank is a large, fluffy blue bee or moth alien.
I'm not sure which platonic yans are Reader's old swarm, who started the Cult and their Hive, but I'm leaning towards possibly Jean, Xavier, and maybe Sabretooth? And Wolverine is Reader's guardian while they were away, helping them save other alien insects in need and exploring planets and new life. Especially fruits and flowers. Anything sweet, really.
(@crowwithguns What do you think?)
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sleepngirl · 10 days
going to get new gel pens i rly hope they have pretty colors
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